03172017 - Denton Recognized in Statewide Environmental Awards (Mar. 2017) I"0 � FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENTON LindseyN. Baker • (940) 349-8234 • Lindsey.Baker@cityofdenton.com Denton Places Second in Statewide Environmental Awards Governor's Community Achievement Awards (GCAA) Results Released Friday, March 17 DENTON, TX, March 17, 2017 - The City of Denton has been awarded second place in its population category through the statewide Governor's Community Achievement Awards (GCAA), a program administered by Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Denton is one of just 29 communities in the state recognized through the awards program this year. The City was also recognized for"Sustained Excellence"by achieving a score of 90 or higher through the GCAA program for three consecutive years (2015-17). GCAA-recognized communities demonstrate excellence in seven areas of environmental programming: 1) community leadership and coordination; 2)public awareness; 3) education; 4) beautification and community improvement; 5) litter prevention and cleanup; 6) solid waste management; and 7) litter law and illegal dumping enforcement. Denton has received first place honors through the GCAA program a total of five years (1993, 1995, 1997, 2003, and 2008). For more than two decades, KTB and TxDOT have awarded the prestigious GCAA awards to Texas communities with the best grassroots environmental programs in the state. The competition distributes $2 million in funding from TxDOT across ten first place communities, with the amount based on population size. The funds are used for landscaping projects along local rights-of-way. For 2017, first place for Denton's population category(Category 9: Population of 90,001-180,000)was awarded to the City of McAllen. Keep Texas Beautiful(KTB), a statewide grassroots environmental and community improvement organization and affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, strives to educate and engage Texans to take responsibility for improving their community environment. KTB and its more than 390 affiliates work with government,businesses, civic groups and volunteers to ensure that every Texan has the opportunity to take individual responsibility for making Texas the cleanest, most beautiful state in the nation. Contact: Lauren Barker, (940) 349-8739, Lauren.Barker@cityofdenton.com For more news and to get connected, visit www.cityofdenton.com. ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com JDD 800-735-2989)