2018-015 Economic Development SponsorshipsDate: February 9, 2018 Report No. 2018-015 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Economic Development sponsorship of community events BACKGROUND: Each year, the Department of Economic Development receives requests from local charitable and educational organizations to help support various events and programs. For the past several fiscal years, $7,500 has been set aside in the department’s budget to fund these requests. The events supported by the department are those hosted by workforce development or educational organizations, economic development partners, or community development groups – in other words, organizations with missions that directly tie to the City’s goals for economic and community development. The department’s current policy is to consider sponsorships only for 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or educational organizations and to limit its sponsorships to no more than $1,000 per event. The department does not sponsor other City departments’ events, golf tournaments, or music festivals. Procedurally, the department will purchase a table (or tables) at an event and make the tickets available to City Council members, City management/executive staff, and departmental staff, in that order. In FY 2016-17, the department spent a total of $3,240 on event sponsorships:  Denton Public School Foundation gala -- $1,000  TWU Founders Day Scholarship Banquet -- $750  United Way of Denton County Tribute event -- $650  Denton Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet -- $600  North Central Texas College Foundation Scholarship Banquet -- $240 CONCLUSION: To be consistent with the sponsorship changes related to Denton Municipal Electric and Solid Waste, we will bring forward a resolution on February 20 for Council’s consideration regarding guidelines for Economic Development sponsorships. The guidelines will include the following:  The organization must be a 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or educational entity.  The organization must be nonsectarian, nondiscriminatory, and nonpolitical.  The sponsored organization’s mission must have a tie to the City’s goals for economic or community development.  No funds will be given to internal City departments or organizations. Date: February 9, 2018 Report No. 2018-015  Sponsorships will be limited to no more than $1,500 per event. STAFF CONTACT: Caroline Booth, Director of Economic Development 940-349-7751 Caroline.Booth@cityofdenton.com