2017-02-06 Minutes Approved 3-6-17 MINUTES PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD February 6, 2017 Civic Center Community Conference Room REGULAR MEETING After determining that a quorum of the City of Denton, Texas, Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board is present, the Chair of the Board thereafter convened into an open meeting on Monday, February 6, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in the Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas. Members Present: Russ Stukel, Paul Leslie, Gary Barber, Frances Punch, Johanna McDaniel Members Absent: Kent Boring, Maria Renner Staff present: Emerson Vorel, Julie Leal, D'Lee Williams, Cathy Avery, B.J. Sterling, Chris Escoto, John Schubert, Jim Mays 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Stukel called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTES FOR: A. November 7, 2016—Barber made a motion to accept; Punch seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS: A. Introduce new Park Board Member: Johanna McDaniel. Chair Stukel welcomed Johanna to the Board and asked that the Members and staff introduce themselves. Johanna recently returned to Denton after spending two years in Seattle. She's excited about being involved in local government and happy to join the group. B. Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS)Awards a. Leisure Services: Williams proudly announced that four out of five TRAPS nominations earned the following: Advocate of the Year—Dale Kimble, DATCU Horizons Award—Chris Escoto Excellence in Programming Rec/Aquatics—Aquatic Explorer Camp Recreation Facility Design—Civic Center Pool Renovation Williams also shared that Maria Denison won the TRAPS Media Excellence Award for Eureka 2 Inbound Marketing Strategy. The Board congratulated award recipients that were present and asked staff to relay congrats to those who weren't. b. Park Maintenance Rodeo—Per Schubert, in October the Park Maintenance Team attended the TRAPS Rodeo and competed against 22 cities in seven events. Brian Noles and Jason Wilson earned First Place in the Truck and Trailer Event and will compete at the State level on March V. 4. ACTION ITEMS: Consider making a recommendation to the Denton City Council on the following items: None 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Consider the following items which may be moved to action items at the next meeting: A. AED installation update: Williams says the AEDs are in place at the North Lakes Annex, and one available at Mc Math for summer camps and field trips, and one at the Senior Center, also available for field trips. All staff have been trained on the use of AEDs. B. 2017 Tour of Parks — Establish Date/Time/Itinerary: Members discussed potential dates and scheduled the Tour of Parks for Monday, May 1, at 5 p.m. Board members suggested that the Splash Park and Wave Pool be included on the itinerary, and will continue to provide additional suggestions. Park Foundation and City Manager staff will be invited to join this year's tour. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Leisure Services Report — D'Lee Williams reported that a Job Fair to recruit summer help will be hosted on February 18, 1-5 p.m. at the Civic Center. She asked that Park Board Members help spread the word. The Senior Center's 40-Year Celebration is June 3rd. Park Board Members will receive invites. B. Parks Projects Report (Written)—Incorporated by reference 7. DIRECTOR REPORT: None 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None With no further items on the agenda, Punch made a motion to adjourn; McDaniel seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.