1987-055 173H NO ~'ì-{)~~ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERL~~AL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ~ITY OF DENTON AND DENTO~ COUNTY FOR THE IMPOUNDMENT AND DIS~OSITION Of DO~S AND CATS, AND DECLARING AN EfFECTIVE DATE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS SECTION I That the Clty Councll of the Clty of Denton hereby approves an agreement between the Clty of Dentoll and Denton ~OUIlty for lIllpoundlIlent and dlSP()Slt1on serVlces for dogs and cats, a copy of ~hlCh 1S attached heret() and Incorporated by refer~nce hereln SECTION II That thlS ordlnance shall becom~ effectlV~ llIlIlledlately upon ItS passage and appr()val PASSED AND APPROVED th1S the~~~dar of ~~~, 1987 ATTEST' APPROV~D AS TO LEGAL FORM DEBRA ADAMI DRAYOVIT~H, CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS BY fJ~ ¡J) ~ j()~(l~~-¡-~) t13<11. i~~ ~iAi~ ~f T~l~~ , I~T~~lO~~l C~~P~~AiI~~ ~~R~~~~~i ~OIJIITY ~f )~~'I'~II , ihi!! ~irllelluUlt u 1II~(j1l ~lI(j enterll(j by ~lI(j bet\lll!l!n Dl!nt()n ~()unt)', ~ )01i t i(:d !!\J¡¡(jh'hion of the Su te of tens 1 herl! lll- aftllr rllfllru(j to ~!! IC~IJ¡¡Tï", ~n(j tile ~it}' ()f Dl!nt()n, !I holìll! rule lII\Jnidp~l (:()rp()ruioll ()f )lInt()1I ~()\Jllty 1 TeJl:as, herelnaftl!r referrl!(j t() a!! "~I'I'Y". W~~~~~~I ~~IJ~Tï is ~ (july ori~lIlzl!d P()lltlcal subdlVlS1()n ()f tile ~t~tll of illJl:!I!! eng!lill(j ln the !ldmlnlstr~tlon ()f County G()Verllmllllt !In(j rlll~t~d Sl!rVl(:~S f()r th~ j)l!lIefit ()f the cltlzens ()f D~nt()n ~O\JlIt)', ~lI(j \'I~~~~~~, tIiï h !I lIol1le rule mUnlCl )~t c()r )()ratl()n, duty ()rianlze(j !llId ()p~ratilli ulld~r the taws ()f the St~tl! ()f Tl!xas and 1S engai~(j in tile !lervi(:lI!! of hol!!llli !llId d1SP()!lllli ()f d()gs an!! cats f()r th~ ¡¡~lIlIfit of tile (:itiz~ns of D~nt()lI, and WH¡¡R¡¡~~, tITï i!l tll~ o\llner of certalll velilctes, facll1tll!S al\d ~( U1plllel\t de!lign~!! f()r th~ tranSp()rtlng, Il()ldlng and dlS )()- !l1tl()n ()f (jOi!l ~n!! (:~t!l ~n(j ha!l 1n ltS I!lIIpl()y trall\l!d pers()nnl!l \IIh()se (j\Jt1es ~re rel~t~d t() th~ \Jse of such ~I!hlcles alld e( Ulplll~l\t, and \'I~~R¡¡~~, C~IJ~TY (je!lire!l t() ()bt!lll\ 1m )()Un!!ment !In!! dlSP()Sltlol\ serVlC~S f()r dOi!l ~I\(j (:us r~n(j~r~d by ~ITY 1 !IS m()rl! fully hereafter d~s(:rlbed, for thl! bl!n~flt ()f the rl!Sl!!l!nts ()f Dl!nt()n C()Ullt)', TeJl:~!I, !Ill!! WH¡¡~}:~S, the pr()vision ()f illl J()undm~nt and dlS J()Sl tlon of ( ()gs alld C!lt!l l!l !I i()V~rlll1lel\t!ll functl()11 that !!erVI!S thl! publlC h~!llth ¡HId w~1f!lre !l1I(j h of lIIutu!ll COliC ern t() the contractln¡¡ pIHtle!!, !l1\!! \'IH~R}¡~~. t~UNTï !ll\d ~ITï lII\Jtuall}' desire t() be subJl!ct t() tile proVlsi()II!I of T~JI: R~\'. ~iv ~ut Art 4413 D2c), Thl! Intl!rlo(:!ll ~()oper!ltiol\ ~ct !lnd c()ntract pursual\t therl!to, 1101'1, TlÅ’REF~R~, (:~IJNTY !In!! ~Iiï 1 f()r thl! lJIutual c()nsldl!ratl()J) hl!rl!- Inafter !!t~te(j, !lir~e !I!I fol1()ws A t~~¡¡~~NT~ ~f T~~ tITï. 1 H()l!!illg ()f )Oi!l !In!! ~ats Th~ ~ITY a¡¡rel!s t() accl!pt !lnd hol!! d()l!!! !llId (:us hwf\Jlly im Jounde( by authorIzed rl!pr~- sl!ntativ~s of ~~IJNTY !ll\d to accl! Jt and ~old d()gs !lnd cat!! br()u¡¡ht to an( r~hll,~d to tll~ (;~I\ter frolll r~ud~nU ()f the UnlnC()rp()- rated IIr~II' of (;~U~!~ ~~( ~r tile f()ll()wini terms lI~d C()nd1tl()n, (II) ~oldin~ Perio( for ~ogs a~d (;lIt' The (;ITY air~~s t() ~ s~tll ( Oi' lI~d tilt, f()r II pen()( ()f nlnet)'-'u (!)~) llol1u from tile tlme tile)' IIr~ IICC~pt~( by the ~illlill (;ontrol (;~~ter, u~le's such a~lmal IS r~leased t() tll~ C~nt~r ~)' the lI~lmal's ()~ner, In order t() all()~ the o~~~r, ()f th~ Illlp()und~d anllllal a reasonab1~ IIIIlO~~t of t11ll~ t() r~cll1lm the 1lllp()unded anllllill If th~ animlll i, n()t reclallll~d ~lthln th~ ~ln~t)'-sl~ (!)~) 1l()l1r perio( , tile 0~~~rSh1 ) of the IInlmal sh¡¡ll u\'ert to tile (;IT~ a~d th~ a~llll¡¡l wlll b~ h~ld f()r ¡¡dO )t1O~ or hl1l1lllnely destr())'~d Anlmals ~lll b~ 1l~IIl¡¡n~l)' ( ~'tro)'~d ()r )l¡¡c~( f()r ad()ptl()n at tll~ ( i'tretl()n of tll~ ~~11ll¡¡1 C()~tr()l ~up~r\'lsor (~) Hol( in~ f~~s for Im~()u~( e( D()g, for th~ pur )os~s ()f 11¡'1. ¡ ~ire~IIl~~t, (;ITï will clluge Su D()llars ($6 00) per ( ¡¡)' Iloldini f~~ for ~¡¡ch d¡¡)' that ¡¡n anll1lal IS ll~ld lIt tile (;~~t~r ThlS f~~ will be assess~d ¡¡illl~'t tll~ ()Wll~r ()f th~ ¡¡nllll¡¡l at th~ tll1le the anilll¡¡l l' r~cll1illl~d. ~o IInll1llll w1ll b~ r~lea'e( until 1111 lI )pl1tllbl~ fees are p¡¡ld l~ full (c) ~()l( ln~ ()f ~uar¡¡ntlned Anlm¡¡ls CITY a~rees t() atcept ¡¡n( hold rllbi( sl1s )ects l~ quar¡¡nt1n~ for (;~U~T~ wlle~ tOn( Itl()nS permit, IInd sucl1 ¡¡ctlon IS al1tll()rited b)' II r~pr~s~~tatlve ()f (OU~TY B (~~~N~~!S ~f (~ij~TY 1 Fi~lI~cÍIIl Jt~s~on,i~iht)' In ()rd~r t() r~ll1lburse the (;IT~ for it, toH, 1ntUrr~( I1n( er tillS ~¡¡r~~ment, (()unt)' agre~s t() pll)' for tll~ llold1~¡¡ fe~' lI~d eutll¡¡lIliSla fe~' ()n all d()gs an( tilts r~tei\'~d fr()1I1 tile l1~i~t()rpor¡¡ted ¡¡r~as ()f COUNTY ()r Its lIuth()r1t~( ai~~t 1f tile lI~illllll(s) i, ~()t r~C1¡¡1Il1ed b)' 1tS ()~n~r Th~s~ f~es ~il1 ~e a',e,'~( o~ tll~ f()llo~l~¡¡ basls PAGE l (~) ~~t~~~i~~~ ~~i~~l ~~.~~ ~~r ~~r ~ol~ini fee for f~~r (~) ~~rl for e~~~ a~im~l ~1 00 ~~t~~n~li~ f~~ $H O() ~~ ~3l O() 'I'~td f~~ (~) ~~~~t~d ~ni~~l ~~ ()() ~er ~~r ~oldi~g fee f~r f~ur (~) d~rl f~r ~~~~ animal (~) ~~~~ ~hi~~~~tl ~H 00 $3S00 2 (;()lJl>/'I'ï ~ireel par~~nt Ih~ll be ~ad~ wlthln f()rt)'-flVI! (4~) daYI of r~~ei~t of in~oi~~ ~)' the C()UliTï II CITï air~~1 t~ and atc~~tl f~ll relpons1~lllt)' f()r the actl, l1egli¡¡~~te, ~n~/~r omill1~~1 ~f ~ll of CITY'~ empl~)'el!s, and ~i~nts. (;I'I'ï'~ IU~tOntr~ttors, ~11~/or t~~tratt lab()rers d()lng \\C()r\(. ul1d~r ~ t~Mr~ct or ~ire~~~l1t wlt~ CITï 1/1 )l!rf()rmancl! ()f t~is ~irt~~l!l1t \\Clth s~i~ CI'I'ï (;()lJliTY ~ir~el to al1d accl!pts full relp~nsi~illtr for t~~ ~~tl. ~~ilii~I1~~, ~11~/or O~lSSlO/1S of all ~f (;()UliTï'~ ~mpl~r~~I, ~l1d ~ie~tl, (;()lJliTY'~ lubc()l1tr~ctors, ~ndl or tontr¡¡tt l~~or~rs ~oi~i wor\(, undl!r an agr~~lIll!nt ()r C()/1tuct wlt~ (;()lJtiTï l~ p~rfor~~~ce of tillS agr~~lItent wltl! CITY It IS f~rther ~ir~~~ thu if ~laim or lhbil1t)' sh~ll arise fr~1Il thl! J()lnt ()r ~ont~rri~i l1~ilill~~te ~f b~th pUtll!S h~rl!t(), It shall b~ borl1e br t~~~ tompar~ti~d)' i~ ~ccordan~~ wlth thl! la\\Cs ()f t~e ~t~t~ ~f T~~~I 'I'~il p~r~lIr~p~ s~all ~~t be c()nstrul!d as a ~~l~er ~r ~lt~~r ~~rtr of ~~r ~l!fl!l1ll!l ~v~lla~ll! to It ul1der th~ l~ws of t~~ ~t~t~ of T~~~I. It lS und~rlt~~~ th~t It 11 n()t thl! lnUMio~ of t~~ p~rti~1 her~to t~ creUe llllblllt)' f~r t~1! ~e~l!f1t of t~ird parti~s, b~t t~at t~iI air~eml!nt sl!all \)I! for t~e bl!~efit of th~ )~rti~1 h~r~t() III The fa~t t~~t th~ (;()Uli'I'ï an~ (;ITY a~cl!pt certain rI!S )()nSl- b1litlel r~1atinll t() t~e ~01h~t1OI1 ~11~ Illlp()~ndll\g ()f d()¡¡s and cats ul1d~r t~il ~ir~e~~nt ~I ~ )~rt ~f t~l!lr rl!lpOnSlblllt)' for pr~vidil1i pr~t~~t1~~ f~r the p~bllC health ~l1d welfare ~/1d, th~rl!f~rl!, m~\(,~s It i~ )l!rUi~1! tl!at thl! perfor~ancl! ()f tl!l!SI! ~lt~l sl!rvi~~1 ~~ ret~i~i~~~ ~I ~ i()V~r/1~~l1tal f~nctl()n ~nd th~t P~G¡; ~ !' ;¡~\'<I ¡~~jj~ ~~~ ~~JOj 11nj ~J ~~~ ~J~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ .(111~ u~~q ~J\~t{ .(¡ t.Iot{¡n~ ~J~~ II~J~IHI¡)(II !I~OP11101l1lJ .(J'~UII':lIl~ .(lItI Ut{¡ .1~IP() 1It{¡ ()¡ s~JH UII~ .(! II.1111{ .(U~~ I{';)'U ~IJtI 'O¡II.1111{ ~~t Utl~ III{¡ jO HI1I{II! IJO ¡UIIIllIIII.1!1~ !lJI{¡ II¡I1':1I1)(1I O¡ .(¡lpOI{¡I1~ .(JI1~!I~~~~ ~t{¡ ~JlI1t{ ~IJI1 IIII1Dt}jO ~1U:t.I~1{¡11t1 .(l.1IHloJ~ ~I{¡ ~.111 O¡~JIlt{ ~~t¡.1I1~ III{¡ jO II¡IJ~!l11 JO/~IJ~ J~':It}jO ~~IJ!lJIIJII~lJl1 ~1{1 I II 1\ ~1! tIlIlO~ ¡IJ~¡)(¡ III{¡ O¡ ¡':I¡ j}1I ~~tI ¡ ':I.10} 11"} ~t ~~11 ~ql1J\ U1111l1~.1 lltll{lI IIIJOtUO~ IJ1IJ111Il1~J III{¡ ¡Inp 0¡1I.111\{ IIlItUl1d ~I{¡ j() ¡U~¡U1 ~I{¡ lit H '~~1 O¡ .(.1I1.1¡IJO':l IIq O¡ ~IJl1~} ~! 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O¡,;)~ }O .(~~ ¡1I.1t} III{¡ ;¡.1()j;¡! .10 IJO !lunt.IJ'I lIt 1I;¡.1!1~ ~lIJ ~IJ~ .U~~~J III{¡ n .11111.( I{':I~II }O 1 .1~! ()P~ 110 II~DIJIIIlIIlI~~ 1I1lI.111¡ .1~II.( (1) IIIJO 1~IJOP1~~11 IIJl111 -1I1I~~I1S .10} ~1I~~~~.1 ~! ll~1{1I ¡tJlIlIIlIlI.1!1\, IIJI{¡ '.1I1HIIII.1l1l{l l.!I()l 'Ot .1~! IIl~¡~~~ !I~t~IJ~ ~tJ~ ~!I()I 'I .1~( O¡,;)~}O II~ !ltJt,;)~lIlIIlIIO~ .1~II.( (1) ~~o }O ~Ot.1;¡~ 11 .10} ;¡! 11~1{1I ¡tJIIIl/IIII.1!1\, IItl{¡ }O 1II.111¡ 1I1{1 1\1 IIIJoq';)tJl1} l~¡~~llItJ.1;¡Jlo!l }O ;¡1I1~.1;¡)(1I ;¡I{¡ 1II0.1} !ltJtIl1.1~ 111111111':1 ¡ IItJ 111 !I 11 H O¡ ;¡lqI11t1!JlI1 ;¡! ;¡lIt~.1I1I{¡O ~1t10~ ¡~IP IIIIIJII}II~ .10 .(¡1tJ11l11l11t .(~~ 'IIJlt~~ O¡ .(! II.1111{ ~1I1II1I1I~ II! ttl1l{l1 .10 IIIIJltl1~ ~l~~~J .10IJ ~llJ .1111{¡tll~ ~111 III{¡ .111~~11 IIt! JIIIIO~ ¡tJII!)(1I 1111} III{! O¡ ~1I~~JltJt .(! II.1111{ lit ¡t ~IJ~ 'II! 11~1{1I .(¡ttJ11l11l11t tl1¡IJIIIIIIJ.1I1J10!l }O IItJt.1~':IO~ "I{¡ ~~~~~t~~ in d~~li~~t~ ~riiin~l~ thi~ ~, 1~~7 til~ar ~f CIn ()F IJ~~TO~ ~ï R~~ J.'fTI:~i J.PPR()VI:IJ J.~ i() ~I:~J.~ f()~~. D~BRA J.IJAMI IJ~J.ï()~IT~H CIn J.rT()~~H Bï ~~.t ,~~~ COU~Tï Of ¡¡I:NiON BY A'fTEST v , "",. ~ï~~ \ }>J.G~ S