2018-059 Denton Cty Mental Health Sequential Intercept MappingDate: May 18, 2018 Report No. 2018-059 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Denton County Mental Health Sequential Intercept Mapping EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the direction of the Mayor, the Municipal Judge’s Office would like to make you aware of its recent efforts to identify any mental health resources available in Denton County that may be of benefit to the citizens of the City of Denton. In doing so, it is the Judge’s hope, to not only improve access to any available resources for those in need in our City, but to clarify the processes and resources that may be available on a county-wide basis and to better define the ways in which all stake-holders in Denton County may be able to better utilize any such processes as well. DISCUSSION: In the capacity as a Judge for the City of Denton and as a magistrate for our jail, the Judge’s Office has been frustrated for a number of years by what could be described as a general confusion regarding available services for those struggling with mental health issues and the avenues for access to these services. Most importantly, the Judge’s Office has been interested in finding ways in which Denton County agencies might be able to divert those individuals who are clearly in need of help away from the criminal justice system when appropriate. It appears as if Denton County has assembled many of the resources necessary to address these needs, but the organization and “flow” of services is sporadic and disjointed at times, depending on agency and location. Due to the nature of how the County has expanded over the last ten years, several of the larger cities in the county, such as Denton, Lewisville and Carrollton, have taken on much of the initial contact and care for those suffering from mental health issues. Nevertheless, due to the way in which many of those in need first come in contact with “the system”, services are delayed, or in some cases denied, as appropriate identification and evaluation may not be made until well after incarceration. Luckily the Denton County Behavioral Leadership Team, under the leadership of Denton County United Way, has done much to establish various pathways to better utilize available resources in Denton County. In an effort to better define these processes, the Municipal Judge reached out to personal contacts known to him as a result of his service on the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal Courts Association. Consequently, through the Texas Municipal Court Education Center, the Denton Municipal Judge’s Office has been able to secure the services of a nationally respected organizational and planning group, Policy Research Associates of New York, to perform a sequential intercept mapping session for Denton County. The Texas Municipal Courts Education Center has offered grant funds necessary to host and pay for this full day mapping session at no cost to either Denton County or the City of Denton. Date: May 18, 2018 Report No. 2018-059 In order to secure this opportunity, the Denton Municipal Judge’s Office agreed to help organize a Sequential Intercept Mapping Exercise facilitated by Policy Research Associates of New York. This Mapping event will be held at the new Embassy Suites of Hilton at Denton on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. As an initial organizer of this event, the Judge’s Office has agreed to participate and provide names of organizations and mental health providers and identify those parties or persons necessary to achieve meaningful progress in providing a defined process for mental health services in Denton County. Thus far, participants who have agreed to attend include the Denton and Lewisville Police and detention staffs, Denton County Mental Health and Retardation (MHMR) Executive Staff and Crisis team members, Denton County Sheriff and Administrative and Jail Staffs, Denton County Health Services Administration and several of the area hospital and care providers. As Council is well aware, mental health and criminal justice systems often collide, creating significant barriers to treatment and support services. Sequential Intercept Mapping helps communities develop and implement plans for community change through cross-system collaboration, organizational change, and enhancing practice, utilizing innovative and dynamic tools to map systems, identify gaps in service, and clarify community resources. Goals  Further the delivery of appropriate services to individuals with mental illness, intellectual disability, and/or substance use disorders involved in the criminal justice system  Assist participants in identifying gaps in service  Optimize use of local resources Topics and Activities This program will be customized to the very specific needs and desired outcomes of Denton County.  Sequential Intercept Mapping to Identify Cross-Systems Gaps in Service and Collaboration  Identifying and Setting Community Priorities  Making Recommendations for a Local Action Plan About Policy Research Associates, Inc. Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) is located in Delmar, NY. PRA’s primary focus is on expanding access to community based services for adults diagnosed with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders at all points of contact with the justice system. PRA emphasizes the provision of consultation and technical assistance to help communities achieve integrated systems of mental health and substance abuse services for individuals in contact with the justice system. If Council has any objection to the Municipal Judge co-hosting this event with Denton County United Way and Denton County MHMR, please let the Judge’s Office know immediately and the Judge will be happy to step aside. In such an event, the Judge would still like to attend, but will refrain from “hosting” the event in the name of the City of Denton unless directed to do otherwise. Date: May 18, 2018 Report No. 2018-059 Attached, please find a copy of the Sequential Intercept Mapping Planning kit provided by Policy Resources Associates outlining the process for a sequential intercept mapping exercise. Members of the Denton City Council are welcome and encouraged to attend. ATTACHMENTS: Sequential Intercept Mapping Planning kit provided by Policy Resources Associates STAFF CONTACT: Municipal Court Judge Robin Ramsay 940-349-8139 robin.ramsay@cityofdenton.com Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 1 - Sequential Intercept Mapping Planning Kit A successful Sequential Intercept Mapping program begins with the planning process. For maximum benefit, use this Planning Kit for suggestions, a checklist, and materials to help plan the entire program. The program consists of a pre-workshop consultation conference call, the workshop, and a summary report with recommendations. All aspects of the program are conducted by experts from Policy Research Associates, Inc. Sequential Intercept Mapping ............................................................................................................... - 1 - Program Description: Sequential Intercept Mapping...................................................................... - 2 - Specific Services Provided by PRA ...................................................................................................... - 4 - Agency / Community Services .............................................................................................................. - 4 - Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping .......................................................................................... - 6 - The Planning Group ........................................................................................................................... - 6 - The Consultation Call ......................................................................................................................... - 6 - Participants ......................................................................................................................................... - 7 - The Space ............................................................................................................................................ - 9 - Amenities ...........................................................................................................................................- 11 - Additional Planning Issues ..............................................................................................................- 11 - Planning Checklist ................................................................................................................................- 12 - Who to Invite ..........................................................................................................................................- 13 - Who to Invite – Sample Services and Roles ..................................................................................- 15 - Preparing for the Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop .............................................................- 16 - Sequential Intercept Mapping Pre-Workshop Data Collection ....................................................- 18 - Community Collaboration Questionnaire ......................................................................................- 19 - The Planning Tools ...............................................................................................................................- 22 - Save the Date! ...................................................................................................................................- 23 - You are Cordially Invited ..................................................................................................................- 24 - Reminder! ..........................................................................................................................................- 25 - Press Release....................................................................................................................................- 26 - Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 2 - Sequential Intercept Mapping Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) is known nationally for its work in regard to justice involved people with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders. Sequential Intercept Mapping are unique services tailored to the specific community, to provide an opportunity for communities to visualize how mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice systems intersect in serving this group. It aims to:  Further delivery of appropriate services  Assist in identifying gaps in service  Optimize use of local resources Meaningful cross-system collaboration is required in order to establish effective and efficient services for people with mental illness in the criminal justice system. This workshop is unlike other types of consultations or staff development training programs. PRA staff serve as expert guides, helping the group to develop a plan for their community. This makes the composition of the group extremely important. While some workshops involve advertising to the entire provider community, it is essential that the organizers gather a group that represents key decision makers from the relevant provider systems and varied levels of staff. Program Description: Sequential Intercept Mapping  Creating a Sequential Intercept Map  This 1.5-day strategic planning workshop provides an opportunity for participants to visualize how mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice systems intersect in serving this target population  The workshop brings together key stakeholders to tap into the specific local expertise necessary to develop a local map, based on the Sequential Intercept Model (Munetz & Griffin, 2006)  During the Sequential Intercept Mapping Exercise, opportunities and resources are identified for diverting people with mental illness and co-occurring substance use out of this costly system and connecting them with appropriate treatment and support services  The Sequential Intercept Mapping Exercise also helps to identify gaps in services, duplication of services, or areas where different providers are working at cross purposes  Priorities for Change  PRA staff provide examples of successful efforts at systems integration, promising programs, and emergent collaborations from around the country  This guided exercise enables communities to determine areas where immediate steps will affect a more cohesive, integrated approach to service delivery  The final activity of the workshop is to develop a local set of priorities for change Sequential Intercept Mapping Exercise  Reflects how individuals move through the local criminal justice system  Indicates points for intervention or diversion of people with mental illness  Provides a visual depiction of the ways in which treatment systems interact with the local criminal justice system Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 3 -  Planning for Action  PRA staff provide examples of successful efforts at systems integration, promising programs, and emergent collaborations from around the country  This guided exercise enables communities to determine areas where immediate steps will affect a more cohesive, integrated approach to service delivery  Additional Benefits  This workshop facilitates communication among staff from the diverse systems about problems, expectations, boundaries, and avenues of information sharing and problem solving  The Sequential Intercept Mapping exercise serves as a key step towards increasing collaboration  This collaboration in turn improves the early identification of people with co-occurring disorders coming into contact with the criminal justice system, increases effective service linkage, reduces the likelihood of recycling through the criminal justice system, enhances community safety and improves quality of life  Program Participants  Involving the key stakeholders is essential for a successful Sequential Intercept Mapping workshop  This program should involve community representatives from the following: o Criminal justice system professionals (jail personnel, community corrections, police, probation, judges, court administrators or court personnel, attorneys for prosecution and defense, alternative to incarceration programs, probation departments, etc.) o Mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, supervisors, program managers, administrators, hospital staff, etc.) o Substance abuse professionals (psychologists, social workers, nurses and others working as chemical dependency counselors or substance abuse specialists, program managers, administrators, etc.) o Consumers of mental health services with lived experience in the criminal justice system and/or family members o Appropriate regional representatives of agencies which fund the above services In order to help communities gather the key players, PRA provides a spreadsheet to assist in managing the participant list. Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 4 - Specific Services Provided by PRA  Pre-Workshop  Pre-workshop assistance with planning and an Event Planning Kit  Organization with the site contact person for a consultation conference call including PRA staff and local key stakeholders to discuss the local context, intended goals of the community, and the desired outcome of receiving the Sequential Intercept Mapping program  Data collection regarding the community, with the assistance of the site contact person  Workshop preparation (essential in order to achieve optimum service) including: o Regular communications by phone and email to discuss agenda, participants, and logistics o Sample invitations, save the date and reminder templates, and other necessary materials  Workshop  PRA will tailor the 1.5-day program specifically for the community  Day of Event: Create a Sequential Intercept Map and identify areas for change  Materials: professional slides, handouts, and workshop materials  Supplies: name tags, name tents, and other necessary items  Preparing for Action Planning: o Finalize the Local Sequential Intercept Map  Post Workshop  PRA will develop a set of recommendations for a local action plan and deliver this report within two weeks of the workshop completion Agency / Community Services The community is responsible for the following:  Meeting space (for 25 – 35 people, for 1.5 days)  Information: participant list, data about (city or county), and Community Collaboration Questionnaire  Promotion and registration (gathering the participants)  Room set up  Equipment: projector, screen, table or cart for projector, microphones  Table and staffing for sign-in on each day of the program  Easel Pad (2.5’ x 2.08‘)  Refreshments or lunch for participants (optional) Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 5 - For More Information Contact Us: Policy Research Associates, Inc. 345 Delaware Avenue • Delmar, NY 12054 PH: (518) 439-7415 • FAX: (518) 439-7612 Web: http://www.prainc.com/ Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 6 - Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping The Planning Group  Establishing the Planning Group  Ideally, a small group of key decision makers should convene to create a core group for planning  This group should involve representatives from the mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice systems and include at least one consumer/peer representative  This group may be a subcommittee of a larger or existing planning group or criminal justice/behavioral health task force  If there is an existing group, it should have cross-system representation  If there is no existing group, it is highly recommended that such a group be formed  Key Roles  The Planning Group should designate one or more individuals to fulfill key roles  These roles include: o Key Contact Person to serve as liaison with PRA o Program Organizer o Participant List Manager o Consumer/Peer Coordinator  Various responsibilities may be delegated, as long as the key contact is familiar with all activities and communicates as needed with PRA  Setting the Date and Location  At the earliest opportunity, set dates for the consultation call and the workshop  Consult with the calendars of relevant agencies or agency units, in order not to conflict with other scheduled events  Provide sufficient time to gather the necessary participants for each – consultation call and workshop  Identifying the date and location will go hand in hand The Consultation Call  Who Should Participate in the Call  This conference call is the first component of the Sequential Intercept Mapping consultation  The entire Planning Group should participate in the call  It is essential that there are representatives from mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice systems, as well as consumers/peers on this call  In the event that a group member cannot participate, it is recommended that a substitute designee should participate Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 7 -  Call Set-Up  A PRA Training Coordinator will work with the Key Contact to establish a date and time for the call  The call is approximately 30 minutes in length  A PRA Training Coordinator will provide the logistics of the call  The Key Contact should provide the Training Coordinator with a list of call participants and their contact information  A PRA Training Coordinator will send a Consultation Call Agenda and Participant List to the participants prior to the call  Other Materials  Additional materials will be made available prior to the consultation conference call o Program Description o Who to Invite o Planning Kit  Agenda for the Consultation Call  Description of the Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop  Goals and Expectation of the Locality  Keys to Success: Cross-system Task Force, Consumer Involvement, Representation from Key Decision Makers  Who to Invite to the Workshop  Preparing for the Workshop: Pre-Workshop Data Collection and Community Collaboration Questionnaire  Planning the Workshop: Logistics o What PRA Provides o What PRA Needs from You Participants  Who Should Attend  A representative group is key to a successful Sequential Intercept Mapping workshop  The Planning Group should convene to discuss who to invite to the Sequential Intercept Mapping workshop  Participation in the program will clearly be affected by the support of key leaders in the community  Encourage these leaders to engage administrators, staff, and consumers to participate in this important process  See the document that follows, Who to Invite Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 8 -  Extending the Invitation  The Planning Group should develop a list of candidates for participation in the workshop  Planning Group members can individually take responsibility to extend invitations to the appropriate people  These group members should extend the invitation and communicate with the Participant List Manager regarding confirmed attendees  Workshop Announcement / Invitation  The organizer should send a Save-the-Date notice to invited individuals at the earliest opportunity  The workshop announcement/invitation flier should be sent to identified participants at least five weeks prior to the workshop  Information provided should include: o Date o Time o Location o Contact name, phone, email o Information about the nature of the workshop o Directions and parking information (where to park, whether there are any fees)  Distribute the flier through standard communication lines, such as email or interoffice mail  Use the Word documents in the Planning Kit to assist in your promotion  Personalize these with your own agency or sponsor names and logo  Fill in the appropriate information  Files in the Planning Kit include: o Save-the-Date –as an email or flier as soon as a date is set o Announcement/Invitation - to confirm invitations to those who have received verbal invitations, at least 5 weeks prior to the program o Reminders – an email or flier to be sent out one week in advance of the workshop  Managing the Participant List  Planning Group members should send names and contact information to the Participant List Manager  Information should include: o Name o Job title o Agency o Agency address o Phone number o Email  The Participant List Manager should track this information in the Word document Sequential Intercept Mapping Registration Tracking  The composition of the group should be monitored closely and reviewed with the Planning Group as necessary in order to ensure representation across systems and at varied levels of responsibility  Be sure to confirm each registration by email or fax Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 9 -  Preparing Consumer/Peer Representatives  The Consumer/Peer Coordinator should take the lead on preparing consumer/peer representatives  Consumers/peers should receive all of the background materials  Review a full explanation of the process and the roles of both consumers/peers and other participants  Some consumers/peers may need assistance with transportation or other logistics  Like other participants, consumers/peers should be receiving compensation for this work The Space  Location  The location is dictated by (1) space requirements, and (2) by proximity to typical work stations  It may also be important to consider factors that might affect travel to the site such as access to public transportation, road conditions/time of year, traffic or parking  Selecting the Space – Specific Workshop Needs  The space should accommodate approximately 30 people  It is necessary to have space for a screen that can be viewed by all  It is also necessary to have a workable wall space on which PRA staff can post easel pad paper  Auditoriums are not recommended  General Space Needs  The space should be comfortable for participants: well ventilated, well lit, and removed from outside distractions  In some settings (such as hospitals), loud speaker announcements may disrupt the program; arrange to have these discontinued in the meeting space  Handicap access should be available  Finding the Space  If finding a space is a problem, contact each involved agency or other sister agencies to “borrow” space  If appropriate space is not available within the agency, look to sources of ‘free’ space; for example, a hospital, college or community center might ‘lend’ some space in exchange for some consideration Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 10 -  Room Set Up  Be sure to arrange for a room that will comfortably seat all participants with chairs and writing surfaces; the room arrangement should encourage interaction among participants  “U” shape arrangement of rectangular tables and chairs is preferred  An alternate arrangement would be two rows of tables facing each other, with the screen at one end of the room and the wall space at the other end  Classroom style, with rows of rectangular tables all facing forward, is not recommended  Extra tables – arrange for additional tables for materials, sign-in, and refreshments Option 1: Room Set Up Option 2: Room Set Up Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 11 - Amenities  Refreshments  PRA strongly encourages providing people with refreshments during the sign-in and breaks  This helps to encourage communication and networking among the representatives of different systems, a key aspect of this program  It also helps to keep everyone connected to the meeting, preventing distraction to attend to outside issues  If it is not possible to provide refreshments, be sure that these can be accessed easily from the meeting room  Lunch  Providing lunch is also strongly encouraged for the above reasons  If it is not possible to provide lunch, be sure it can be accessed easily from the meeting room Additional Planning Issues  Times  Typical times for this program are 8:30 – 4:30  Breaks will be taken mid-morning and mid-afternoon  A lunch break of one hour is taken at noon on day one  Consider factors that might affect arrival times (travel, weather, typical work days, etc.)  Equipment  Please make the listed equipment items available for the program o LCD Projector o Screen o Table or cart for projector o Lapel type microphones (if needed) o Two easel pads with stands o One heavy duty extension cord / power strip  Please make sure that these items are in place 30 to 60 minutes before the program begins; this allows PRA staff time to complete the set-up  It can be useful to have a “technology person” available throughout the program to expedite solving any equipment or software problems that might arise  Materials  PRA will provide all participant materials  Please provide the PRA Training Coordinator with the final participant list 10 days in advance of the workshop Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 12 - Planning Checklist WHEN TASK NOTES 8-12 Weeks Before Establish a Planning Group  Key Contact person  Program Organizer  Participant List Manager  Consumer/Peer Coordinator Set the Dates  Set date for workshop  Set date for consultation call Participants  Develop a complete list of relevant participants: criminal justice, mental health, substance abuse and consumers  Send Save-the-Date 6-8 Weeks Before Participants  Planning Group members should extend invitations  Follow-up with e-mail Announcement/Invitation  Participant contact information should be given to the Participant List Manager 2-4 Weeks Before Consultation Call  Send call participant list to PRA two weeks prior  Complete and return Community Collaboration Questionnaire two weeks prior  Send draft workshop participant list to the PRA Center Training Coordinator Participants  Track participant list, monitor closely, review with Planning Group  Two weeks prior to the training, discuss the registration list with the PRA Training Coordinator and send a copy of the Word file to the PRA Training Coordinator Space  Confirm reservation for rooms  Arrange for room set-up  Arrange for equipment: LCD projector, screen, cart, microphones, easels Amenities  Arrange for refreshments and lunch OR Identify where these can be found 1 Week Before Participants  Send Reminder and directions Space & Amenities  Confirm all arrangements 1-2 Days Before Materials & Sign-In  Provide 3-5 large tables for materials and sign-in  Print out a copy of the Word sign-in, provided by the PRA Training Coordinator Day Of Space  Provide staff to work the registration table Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 13 - Who to Invite In order to get the best result, from your Sequential Intercept Mapping program, it is essential to convene a group of key stakeholders. The primary partnership building is between mental health and substance abuse treatment providers with criminal justice services. While some people in the list below may exert more influence than others in the community, PRA’s experience dictates that a diverse group is important for broad and lasting change.  Key Change Agents  It is essential that the key change agents in your community should be present  It is critical that all groups are fully represented and in attendance  Representative group – see chart below  Key Services  Workshop participants should be a mix of representatives from key services  The primary groups are mental health treatment and case management services, substance abuse programs and criminal justice agencies (law enforcement, courts, jail, prison, parole, probation and others)  There should be equal numbers of representatives from these three primary groups: mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice  Levels of Representation  Participants should include representatives from varying levels of administration plus those on the front line  Think of your participant list using a top down approach, with adequate representation of front line staff and peers/consumers  Approximately 75% of the group should be top and middle level administrators  25% should be front line staff and peers/consumers or family with lived experiences  Top level administrators – such as service agency directors, jail administrator, sheriff, judge  Middle level administrators – such as program directors who work with both top level administrators and front line staff  Front line staff – staff who are on the front line and have an understanding of how programs and processes actually operate  Peers/consumers/consumer advocates/family members – people with lived experiences of co-occurring disorders who may or may not have had contact with the criminal justice system (these individuals are essential) Note: A common error is for service providers to send only middle level administrators. Note: Peer/consumer participation is often understood as including one person who is a consumer of services or a family member. A single person can make only a limited contribution; it is very important to include at least 2-3 consumers and consumer advocates. Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop - 14 -  Peers/consumers  Individuals with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders who have lived experiences with the criminal justice system are essential members of the participant group  Family members can also be helpful  Consumer advocates are acceptable, if no consumers can be identified  Additional Representatives to Round-Out the Group  Invite representatives from other services, such as those listed here: o Housing services o Social services/entitlements (e.g., local Medicaid/Social Security) o Faith-based or vocational organizations o Community-based advocacy groups o Community/supported housing o Programs to combat homelessness o Hospital ER and other crisis services  Managing the Participant List  The program accommodates a total of 30-35 people (Contact PRA if this is a problem)  The Planning Kit includes a Word document to help guide the participant list and to track confirmed attendance Planning For Sequential Intercept Mapping Who to Invite – Sample Services and Roles MENTAL HEALTH SUBSTANCE ABUSE CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONSUMERS SUPPORT SERVICES OTHERS Community-based Community outpatient treatment Law enforcement People with mental illness Case management Elected officials Mental health centers Case management Jail and prison People with co- occurring disorders Housing Social services; Medicaid/Medicare Clinics Detoxification programs Probation and parole departments People with lived experiences with the criminal justice system Peers & Peer programs Social Security Administration (entitlements) Behavioral health HMO’s Residential treatment programs Diversion programs Family Members Mutual support programs Cultural organizations Hospital ER / Crisis Centers Community corrections Advocacy programs Faith-based organizations Courts: Judges District Attorney Public Defender Defense Attorneys Mental Health Court Drug Court Other Specialty Courts Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 16 - Preparing for the Sequential Intercept Mapping Workshop Data Collection Data can be extremely helpful in directing intercept-related interventions that will be most useful to the community in providing services to justice-involved people with mental illness and co- occurring substance use disorders. The following pages contain a few recommended areas for data collection. This data can help provide information about the:  Profile of persons with mental illness being booked into jail  Relationship of persons being booked to the delivery of existing mental health services (how many are known to the system and what services are they receiving?)  Level of comfort different stakeholders may have with different diversion opportunities based on the nature of the charges against the individuals (risk to public safety)  Extent to which the folks being booked are being charged with new offenses or violations of probation that are technical in nature  This is of particular interest because people may be receiving services that are insufficient in intensity or type to keep them out of trouble with the criminal justice system! Data can inform the types of changes that should receive the greatest priority. Some communities may have this information readily available, while others will not. PRA recognizes that it may not be feasible to collect and sort the information prior to the Sequential Intercept Mapping activities. Community Collaboration Questionnaire The final item in this packet is a Community Collaboration Questionnaire. It is recommended that this questionnaire be completed in consultation with the key stakeholders. It is not necessary to have separate stakeholders complete it. This questionnaire provides PRA with background information about your community’s experience in collaborating across systems. Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 17 - Pre- Sequential Intercept Mapping Data Collection Prior to the mapping activities, it will be useful to collect as much data as is feasible to inform the discussion and planning process. Recommended data collection includes the populations/data sets identified below. It would be useful to collect this information for a recent 12 or 24-month period. For some of this data, it is recognized that it may not be feasible to collect and sort the information prior to the Sequential Intercept Mapping activities.  Jail Bookings Number of individuals identified as persons with mental health issues at booking:  By jail booking staff  While incarcerated, (e.g., by corrections officers, health staff, etc.)  During mobilization for release  Held for forensic review  Cross-Tabulation of Multi-System Data For the entire population of individuals who were booked into jail during the identified time period, individuals known to:  Publicly funded mental health system, separated by acute/crisis services and long-term services enrollment (including those currently in service as well as cases closed or terminated)  Publicly funded chemical dependency treatment system and types of service(s) received  Developmental Disabilities system  Additional Jail/Offense-Related Information For those who are identified as persons with mental health, substance abuse and/or developmental disability issues by the jail, the mental health system, the substance abuse treatment system and/or the developmental disabilities system:  Charges, Arrests, Bookings  Nature of the charge(s) against the individual, (e.g., misdemeanor, felony, violent, non- violent, violations of probation, etc.)  Frequency of booking (number of arrests and/or bookings into jail)  Length of stay in the jail for each episode of incarceration/cumulative length of jail stay  Financial Information  Nature of the financial benefits or entitlements (if any) available to fund treatment and supportive services in the community, (e.g., Medicaid). Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 18 - JAIL BOOKINGS How many people are identified as having mental health issues? By jail booking staff (insert number) While incarcerated (by corrections officers, health staff or others) Release Planning Activity How many people are held for forensic review? CROSS TABULATION OF MULTI-SYSTEM DATE For the entire population of persons booked into jail during the identified time period (open or closed cases): How many were known to publicly-funded mental health system? Acute crisis services? Long-term service enrollment? How many were known to publicly funded substance abuse treatment system? Community-based Detoxification services Residential ADDITIONAL JAIL/OFFENSE-RELATED INFORMATION For those who are identified as persons with mental health, substance abuse or developmental disabilities (by jail, other criminal justice, or treatment systems) Nature of the charges Misdemeanors Felonies Violent behavior Violations of probation Frequency How many arrests / bookings per person? (average) Length of stay in the jail for each episode of incarceration (average) DISCHARGE / REENTRY How many people left the jail with financial benefits or entitlements in place? How many people left the jail with a shelter as the identified residence? How many people had no known residence? How many people left the jail with an appointment at a mental health or other treatment service? How many people with mental illness had contact with a helping professional from the community to facilitate reentry? Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 19 - Community Collaboration Questionnaire Effective and efficient services for people with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders in the justice system requires meaningful cross-system collaboration. The Community Collaboration Questionnaire provides PRA with background information about your community’s experience in collaborating across systems. It is recommended that one questionnaire be completed in consultation with all of the key stakeholders. This information helps prepare PRA for providing the best direction during the training about the points of intervention most useful in your community. This Word document can be filled in and returned by way of email to akrider@prainc.com Community: Contact Person: Phone Email Please check the appropriate box for each and provide descriptions as necessary. YES NO 1 Has your community begun to collaborate in providing services/working with people with mental illness and co-occurring disorders in the criminal justice system? 2 Does your community have a cross-system collaborative team or task force? If yes, please list the membership by agency and/or title, listing mental health providers, criminal justice services, substance abuse services, consumers, family members, elected officials and others. 3 Does your community provide for cross-training of mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice and other providers? If yes, please list recent programs: 4 Does your community have resources identified to work with this population? Please describe: Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 20 - 5 Do agencies have dedicated staff or staff time to work with this population? Please describe: 6 Does your community gather data about persons with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders involved with the criminal justice system? Please describe: 7 Does your community have an identified boundary spanner? Please describe the position and the person(s): 8 Does your community have interagency agreements (MOU) to facilitate services and enhance safety? Please describe: 9 Does your community have a coordinated crisis management plan or team? Please describe: 10 Does your community have any jail diversion programs at this time? Please describe: 11 Does your community have a mental health, drug or other specialty court? Please describe: Planning for Sequential Intercept Mapping - 21 - 12 Does your community have a mechanism (such as an MOU) to facilitate communication across agencies or systems? 13 Does your community have a mechanism (such as an MOU) to facilitate partnerships with probation, parole or law enforcement? Please describe: 14 Have screening or assessment procedures been instituted in the mental health, substance abuse and criminal justice systems to identify people with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders? Please describe: 15 Have re-entry services been instituted to help people returning to their communities from jail or prison? Please describe: 16 To be successful, what aspects of each agency’s culture do the other agencies need to be sensitive? Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 22 - The Planning Tools Instructions  The fliers are Microsoft Word documents  Please customize these fliers to your community  Cut and paste each section to email or print on fliers  Simply block the text, click on edit, copy, and then paste  Note: highlighted text should be customized Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 23 - Save the Date! Sequential Intercept Mapping This unique workshop focuses on people with mental illness and co-occurring disorders involved with the criminal justice system and it is tailored to the ________. It aims to: Further delivery of appropriate services Assist communities in identifying gaps in service, and to Optimize use of local resources Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in creating a local action plan for ________! Look for the announcement and registration forms soon. Date: Times: Location: Sponsored by: Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 24 - You are Cordially Invited Sequential Intercept Mapping By Policy Research Associates, Inc. Please join us. Your expertise is vital to creating a local Sequential Intercept Map! Mental health and criminal justice systems often collide, creating significant barriers to treatment and support services. Sequential Intercept Mapping helps communities develop and implement plans for community change through cross-system collaboration, organizational change, and enhancing practice, utilizing innovative and dynamic tools to map systems, identify gaps in service, and clarify community resources. Goals  Further the delivery of appropriate services to people with mental illness and/or substance use disorders involved in the criminal justice system  Assist ________ in identifying gaps in service  Optimize use of local resources Topics and Activities This program is customized to the very specific needs and desired outcomes of ________.  Sequential Intercept Mapping to Identify Cross-Systems Gaps in Service and Collaboration  Identifying and Setting Community Priorities  Making Recommendations for a Local Action Plan About Policy Research Associates, Inc. Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) is located in Delmar, NY. PRA’s primary focus is on expanding access to community based services for adults diagnosed with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders at all points of contact with the justice system. PRA emphasizes the provision of consultation and technical assistance to help communities achieve integrated systems of mental health and substance abuse services for individuals in contact with the justice system. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in Sequential Intercept Mapping for ________! Date Time: 8:30 – 4:30 Location: Sponsored By Policy Research Associates, Inc. To Accept this Invitation  Complete the information below and fax to: _______, OR cut and paste to an email to: Sequential Intercept Mapping Name: Title or Position: Agency: Agency Address: Phone: Email: For More Information Contact: Name, Email & Phone Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 25 - Reminder! Sequential Intercept Mapping Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in creating a local action plan for ________! Date: Times: Location: Sponsored by: Be sure to RSVP! Please contact: Driving Directions & Parking Information: Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 26 - Press Release The following document is available for your community to use as a press release immediately following the Sequential Intercept Mapping workshop.  Customize the statement, adding the name of your community and the names of relevant individuals  Add some relevant details that result from the workshop  Provide a digital photograph to accompany text  Obtain the name of a contact person and the fax number of local newspapers, radio, or television stations in advance of the workshop  Fax the statement to each immediately at the end of the program Sequential Intercept Mapping Tools for Planning - 27 - For Immediate Release Contact: ____ (name) ______ Agency: Telephone: Email: Stepping Up for Change: ( ) County Tackles Mental Illness in Community and Jail (Location), _____ County, State, Date -- ________County participated in a 1.5-day workshop for the development of integrated strategies to effectively identify and respond to the needs of justice-involved adults with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. Sequential Intercept Mapping facilitated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) in Delmar, New York is a workshop designed to help communities identify existing community resources, service gaps, and opportunities for improved service coordination and communication between mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice professionals. According to Dr. Henry J. Steadman of PRA, “This workshop is a strategic planning session intended to foster systemic change and provide each participating community with the tools necessary to move forward to enhance services for adults with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders in contact with the justice system.” Key agency administrators, staff, and consumer advocates from the mental health, substance abuse, and criminal justice system in _________ County participated in Sequential Intercept Mapping which focused strategic planning efforts on cross-systems collaboration and the reduction of system and service barriers with an integrated, local action plan. In preparation for the workshop, a County Planning Committee held a conference call with the facilitators on ___________ to discuss current practices and potential barriers to systems change. The _________ Planning Committee comprises ________, __________, _______, ___________, _________ and the Hon. ___________. During the workshop, participants developed a map detailing the flow of criminal justice contact from arrest to incarceration, referral and access to services, and points for diversion from the justice system across _______ County. Strategies for systems change implemented by other US communities were considered. Nationally, individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders are an increasing presence within the criminal justice system. Studies have shown that 6.4% of men and 12.2% of women entering U.S. jails have a severe and persistent mental illness, compared to less than 2% of the general population. Of these individuals, 72% have a co-occurring substance use disorder. This problem is especially pronounced in rural communities, where the availability, accessibility, and acceptability of behavioral health services prevent many from receiving the help that they need. With more than 650,000 individuals returning to communities each year from US prisons and seven million individuals returning from jails, effective linkage and access to community services for people with a mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorder is critical to reduce an often repetitious cycle of justice involvement. For more information on ________ County’s Action Plan contact: ____________________. Information on the workshop is available at www.prainc.com or training@prainc.com Policy Research Associates, Inc. 345 Delaware Avenue • Delmar, NY 12054 PH: (518) 439-7415 • FAX: (518) 439-7612 http://www.prainc.com/