2018-103 West Loop 288 ProjectDate: August 10, 2018 Report No. 2018-103 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: West Loop 288 Project from I-35W to I-35N EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: TxDOT and Denton County are designing the phased construction of West Loop 288 as a controlled-access freeway from I-35W in the south connecting to the existing Loop 288 at I-35N. The design is approximately 50% complete, and TxDOT is seeking direction from the City of Denton on the preference of project phasing, specifically whether to advance the northbound frontage road or the southbound frontage road first. Staff has targeted the August 21, 2018, Council Meeting for approval of a formal recommendation on project phasing. BACKGROUND: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and Denton County are designing West Loop 288 as a controlled access freeway consisting of two main lanes and two lane frontage roads in each direction. Grade separations are planned at major cross streets and railroad crossings. TxDOT is developing West Loop 288 with frontage roads to limit access to the main lanes while providing development opportunities along the corridor. The total cost of the project is currently estimated at $258 million, while the construction of Phase I (one of the frontage roads) is estimated at $40 million. To-date, Denton County has contributed more than $4.4 million for engineering and design efforts. The project is anticipated to be environmentally cleared by December 2020. At that point, right- of-way acquisition and utility relocations can begin. TxDOT has indicated that the construction will be phased due to funding constraints. TxDOT is seeking direction from the City of Denton on which frontage road should be completed in the first phase. With most of the development in this corridor occurring east of the proposed alignment, construction of the northbound frontage road will permit the City to establish permanent connections of its cross streets and access points to the frontage road. Advancement of the northbound frontage road as part of the first phase will also provide ground access to the west side of the Denton Enterprise Airport to facilitate growth as outlined in the 2015 Denton Enterprise Airport Master Plan. Staff has targeted the August 21, 2018, City Council Consent Agenda for the consideration of a formal recommendation in the form of a resolution to TxDOT indicating preference on whether to facilitate the northbound frontage road or the southbound frontage road first. The Mobility Committee considered this issue at the July 18, 2018, meeting and unanimously voted in favor of constructing the northbound frontage road as part of Phase I. PROJECT STATUS: The engineering firm for the West Loop 288 project submitted the 30% schematic for TxDOT review on April 30, 2018, and has since been working toward the 60% schematic submittal, which Date: August 10, 2018 Report No. 2018-103 is expected to be made on August 20, 2018. Schematic approval for the project is anticipated to occur in the February 2019 timeframe. CONCLUSION: Design is approximately 50% complete. City staff will continue to coordinate with local, regional, state, and federal partners to advance the critical West Loop 288 project. TxDOT is requesting the City of Denton to provide a recommendation on frontage road preference. A resolution will be placed on the August 21, 2018, Council Agenda for formal consideration by Council to recommend the northbound frontage road be completed as part of Phase I. EXHIBITS: 1. West Loop 288 On-System Project Status Report, August 2018 STAFF CONTACT: Mark Nelson Director of Transportation 940.349.7702 Mark.Nelson@cityofdenton.com Current Status:  Environmental: CP&Y developed ICI analysis and report.  Schematic: CP&Y revised Loop 288 corridor to meet clearance at gas well head locations. The revised corridor caused revisions to the Loop 288 and frontage road profiles. These were checked to limit the need for retaining walls. Three bridges and eight ramps were also affected by the revised corridor and re-designed.  Four direct connectors at I-35W/Loop 288: NB-WB, EB-SB, EB-NB, and SB-WB to be included. CP&Y has extended the scope of the project to include the design of eight additional direct connector ramps: four at I-35 interchange and four at I-35W interchange. CP&Y developed a preliminary design that is included in the 30% schematic submittal. Bridge details for all 19 bridges were submitted to TxDOT on July 31, 2018. CP&Y reduced/shifted corridor to avoid damage to existing structures as much as possible. Working with ITS and City of Denton to confirm cross street locations and grade separations. Meeting date to be determined.  The 30% schematic submitted on April 30, 2018. CP&Y has received aerial survey but is awaiting utility information at IH 35W to be provided by TxDOT. Date for receipt to be determined. Design approximately 50% complete. CP&Y received 30% schematic comments on June 20, 2018. TxDOT review meeting to discuss comments held on June 26, 2018. The 60% schematic design submittal due to TxDOT for review on August 20, 2018. Stakeholder meetings and first public meeting to follow. Loop 288 West CSJ: 2250-00-013 (from I-35 to US 380) / 2250-00-014 (from US 380 to I-35W) Schematic Approval: February 2019 Limits: From I-35 to I-35W Environmental Clearance: December 2020 Estimated Construction Cost: Frontage road only: $40M -013 (including frontage roads): $108M; -014 (including frontage roads): $150M ROW Acquisition Complete: July 2020 Description: Construct controlled access freeway Utility Relocations Complete: July 2022 Firm: CP&Y 100% Plans: December 2021 Key Contact: Tom Cochill, Andrea Klocinski Ready to Let Date: March 2022 (-013); September 2022 (-014)