2018-143 Cornerstone Software RenewalDate: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 Page 1 of 4 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Cornerstone performance management and learning management software contract renewal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Two items for technology solutions have been included on upcoming Council agendas: October 9 and October 16, 2018, consent agenda. One of the items is to consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the purchase of software maintenance for Human Capital Management (HCM) software through Oracle. This item is scheduled for October 9. The other item, scheduled for October 16, is to consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the renewal of the Performance Management and Learning Management software system through Cornerstone OnDemand (“Cornerstone”). This software is used for the City’s online performance reviews as well as training registration and training records management. It also offers some online training opportunities for City staff. The Oracle HCM software will replace Cornerstone as well as two other Human Resources information systems (HRIS) in Human Resources; however, it will take approximately a year for full implementation. To ensure there is no disruption to the online performance reviews and training registration/records management, staff is requesting to renew the Cornerstone contract for one year. BACKGROUND: In 2014, the City started a Leadership Excellence Enhancement Program (LEEP). LEEP participants were required to attend approximately a year of classroom training as well as complete a project. One of the projects chosen focused on performance management. The LEEP group addressed several concerns with the performance review process the City had at the time in a report and presentation to the City Council on July 9, 2015. Their recommendations included the following goals: 1. Prioritize performance management; 2. Simplify the process, collaboration, and compliance; 3. Identify support and resources; and 4. Invest in systems. They specifically recommended the purchase and implementation of performance management and learning management software in order to accomplish strategic and operational goals. As a result, the City contracted with Cornerstone to provide online performance management and learning management solutions beginning in FY 15/16. This was a three-year contract with an October 20, 2018, expiration date. Cornerstone is one of several software solutions the Human Resources Department utilizes for its core services. Having multiple software solutions is inefficient and creates several challenges for the organization. As a result, Human Resources staff and Technology Services staff worked collaboratively to find a different solution through Oracle, which is included on the October 16, 2018, Council agenda for approval. The software will be implemented in phases and full implementation (including staff training) will take approximately a year. As such, the contract with Cornerstone needs to be renewed for FY 18/19 to avoid a disruption in the performance management and learning management processes. Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION: Oracle HCM will replace NEOGOV, Cornerstone, and Workterra. NEOGOV is the online applicant tracking system that we use to post open positions and accept applications. Cornerstone is our talent management system that we use for performance reviews, online training registration, some online training, and training tracking. Workterra is used for online benefits enrollment. Other processes and procedures will be improved with this new software as well. This new software will offer many benefits to employees/supervisors, Human Resources staff, and the organization as a whole. A complete listing of benefits is included in Exhibit A; however, some of the key benefits include the following:  Improved user experience (not having to learn and access multiple software systems; easier online accessibility);  Centralization of data;  Improved data integrity due to the elimination of duplicate data entry;  Employee “self-service” capabilities; and  Improved efficiencies due to the elimination of paper-driven processes and duplicate data entry. The goal is to consolidate the funds spent on NEOGOV and Cornerstone, as well as the JDE maintenance cost (for the Human Resources module), to fund Oracle HCM beginning in FY 19/20; therefore, there will be no new costs to the City in future years. However, it will take approximately a year to implement Oracle HCM. Therefore, we are requesting a contract renewal with Cornerstone. As a result, there will be an additional cost of $70,772.28 in FY 18/19. CONCLUSION: Implementing Oracle HCM provides needed efficiencies. However, it will take approximately one year to fully implement the software and train staff. To ensure continuity of services to the organization, we need to renew our contract with Cornerstone for online performance and learning management for FY 18/19, which will cost $70,772.28. Cornerstone is included in the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network. STAFF CONTACT: Carla Romine, Director of Human Resources 940-349-8344 Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT A Benefit Organization Human Resources Employee Supervisor Improved Data Integrity due to elimination of duplicate data entry X X Reduced Support Costs and improve HR efficiencies due to system consolidation X X Information security risks reduced due to elimination of forms (Laserfiche and paper) X Vendor management overhead and costs reduction X Native integration to other Oracle Cloud service (Contract management) and JDE X X Elimination of paper driven processes (Status Sheets, Emp Development Plans) X X X X Reporting Capabilities for HR business operation (Turnover, performance reviews, compensation, etc.) X X X Complete Employee Lifecycle Management (recruit, onboard, train, review, offboard) X X X X Simplified navigation of applicant information for candidate recruitment by cross-marketing positions and applicants in the system (e.g., supervisors can refer applications to others) X X X Benefits summary for employees (ability to self-serve and view total compensation) X X Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 Page 4 of 4 Employee self-service change requests to personal information online versus going through their supervisor, timekeeper, or calling/visiting HR X X X X Service accessible from anywhere at anytime X X X Improved user experience (eliminate duplicate data entry, additional user ids, passwords, various look and feel of multiple sites) X Single system for employee information provides simplified access for HR and employee data X X X X Centralization of employee information (personal, training, reviews, disclosures, etc) X X X X