2018-161 Bonnie Brae and Scripture TractDate: August 17, 2018 Report No. 2018-161 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: At the Sept. 25, 2018, City Council meeting, Council Member Meltzer requested an Informal Staff Report regarding the options to repurpose the structure for public use located on the 0.8-acre tract the City recently purchased for the widening of Bonnie Brae. CM Meltzer also requested the potential of incorporating the remainder of the property into McKenna Park upon completion of the road improvements. BACKGROUND: The City of Denton has been acquiring property along Bonnie Brae for the widening of the entire corridor from I-35 to State Highway 77. One of the properties recently purchased is located at 2300 Scripture Road. The home is 1,552 square feet in size and was built in 1962. The previous owner had become ill and moved in with her son in League City, Texas and passed away in July 2017. Since that time, the house has been unoccupied. The City closed on the property in late October and staff toured the structure to determine its condition. The overall structure is in very poor condition and there were contents of the previous occupant still inside. The structure appears to have deferred maintenance, foundation damage, rodent infestation, and water leaks. Attached to the ISR are pictures taken by staff the day of the closing. Since the closing, the structure has been secured to deter trespassers and squatters. DISCUSSION: The ultimate alignment of the roundabout at Bonnie Brae and Scripture will be located within 15 feet of the structure. There is concern that the proximity of the road to the structure is a safety issue. Staff estimates that it will be costly to fully restore and remediate the structure along with updating it to current building and safety codes for public use. Based on the poor condition of the structure and the proximity of the structure to the ultimate design of Bonnie Brae it is recommended that the structure be demolished. The cost to demolish the structure if conducted by City crews will cost approximately $20,000 in labor, equipment, and disposal fees. Staff will work with Legal, Capital Projects, and Parks with regards to incorporating the remainder of the property into McKenna Park. All of these departments are critical so that all legal requirements are completed, the Bonnie Brae project is designed and constructed appropriately, and that a long-term plan to improve and maintain the property is considered. Date: August 17, 2018 Report No. 2018-161 CONCLUSION: In summary, staff recommends demolishing the structure due to its close proximity to the Bonnie Brae widening and cost to rehabilitate the structure for public use. Staff will also coordinate internally to incorporate the remaining property into McKenna Park once this portion of Bonnie Brae is completed. ATTACHMENT(S): Photos of the house located at 2300 Scripture Road. STAFF CONTACTS: Mario Canizares Assistant City Manager (940) 349-8535 Mario.Canizares@cityofdenton.com 1 of 4 2300 Scripture Street—Photos Utilities are turned off Rear view Formal Living/Dining Pantry Kitchen 2 of 4 2300 Scripture Street—Photos Utilities are turned off Breakfast room Family room/addition Family room/addition Breakfast room Laundry First Bedroom 3 of 4 2300 Scripture Street—Photos Utilities are turned off Second Bedroom Hall Bath Master Bath Rear— possible foundation issues 4 of 4 2300 Scripture Street—Photos Utilities are turned off Deferred maintenance Possible foundation issues Deferred maintenance/possible infestation Deferred maintenance