2019-033 CHARM Resiliency WorkshopDate: February 22, 2019 Report No. 2019-033       INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information concerning the upcoming Community Health and Resources Management (CHARM) Resiliency Workshop for Denton County. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Texas A&M Agrilife Extension is hosting a CHARM Resiliency workshop for the Denton County area on Apr. 10, 2019 at the Denton Public Safety Training Center. The workshop is designed as a table-top exercise using an interactive, collaborative interface that allows for planning hypothetical scenarios using different development styles and their potential effects on floods, habitat, critical facilities, etc. The purpose of the educational exercise is to create awareness and encourage development policies that foster community resiliency.  This workshop is supported with resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).   CONCLUSION: This update is being provided for informational purposes. Staff will be glad to provide additional information to the Council upon request. ATTACHMENT(S): Denton County CHARM workshop flyer CHARM RSVP postcard STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Viera Assistant Director of Environmental Services 940-349-7162 Deborah.Viera@cityofdenton.com Click to See Story Map of Previous Workshops Register Here: Communitycharm.org/denton How will growth and development impact your community? What will this mean for public services and safety? Mapping For Future Growth A workshop for resource managers, local officials, planners, developers, community members and others interested in collaborative planning and public participation for community resiliency. CHARM helps decision makers gather input and educate the public about the “what-ifs” of long term growth and planning. Workshop participants collaborate over a live table-top interface and use local mapping data to plan hypothetical growth scenarios for their community. Real time feedback allows participants to see the consequences of their planning decisions. The planning support tool encourages collaborative problem solving and no GIS experience is needed to participate in a CHARM workshop. Hosted By Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service The workshop is free. RSVP today at smikulencak@ tamu.edu Denton Public Safety Training Center Wednesday April 10 9:00-14:00 www.communitycharm.orgThe Community, Health, and Resources Management Resiliency Workshop| DENTON COUNTYCHARM Community Health and Resource Management Model A low cost “what-if“ scenario mapping tool that brings together planners, developers, resource managers, local officials, agency staff, business owners and community members to actively participate in community planning activities. How many homes are vulnerable to flooding? In 20 years? Where? What new demand for city resources will we see in 10 years? 20 years? What if development were higher density here, and lower there? Where should we encourage development? Avoid it? How does this impact the water quality ? CHARM is a Texas A&M University program that seeks to bring the power of scenario planning and mapping to communities around Texas dealing with flood hazards, sustainability and resiliency. www.communitycharm.org TEXAS COMMUNITY W A TERSHED P A R TNERS A Program Of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension DENTON COUNTY AICP & CFM CREDITS AVAILABLE Resiliency Workshopwww.communitycharm.org 2019CHARM Denton Public Safety Training Center 719 E Hickory St, Denton, TX RSVP info on the back 9:00 am Wednesday April 10th WATERSHED PA R TNERSTEXA S COMMUNITY WORKSHOP RSVP NOW CHARM PLANNING GROWTH WHAT iS INTERACTIVE IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES The Community Health and Resource Management (CHARM) platform is an interactive and collaborative mapping tool. It helps communities see how planning decisions made today impact tomorrow’s communities. This is a Texas A&M program that uses a low-cost, interactive table-top interface so people can build their own towns and cities using local data about floods, habitat, critical facilities, and more. It allows over a dozen development styles. CHARM is about ‘Growth in all the right Places’. How many homes are we putting in harms’ way? Are we building resilient communities? For RSVP info contact Steven Mikulencak smikulencak@tamu.edu If you have questions, please contact : Texas Community Watershed Partners a program of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service CommunityCHARM.org | tcwp.tamu.edu Steven Mikulencak, AICP| smikulencak@tamu.edu Denton County CHARM Workshop