2019-043 Impact Fee Revenue UseDate: March 8, 2019 Report No. 2019-043       INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Allowable uses of impact fee revenues. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On January 15, 2019, Council member Hudspeth requested information on the implementation process for using impact fees to support community-wide improvement projects by district or other key geographies. Impact fee revenue uses are strictly regulated by chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code (LGC) and use of revenues is specifically tied to a council- adopted capital improvement plan. BACKGROUND: Impact fees are a state-authorized mechanism, among others, to deliver funding for the public infrastructure components necessitated by new development. These fees are a one-time charge meant to recover the incremental cost of the impact of each new unit of development creating new infrastructure needs. While common throughout the United States, the State of Texas allows impact fees to be used for (LGC 395.001): 1. Water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities; 2. Wastewater collection and treatment facilities; 3. Storm water, drainage, and flood control facilities; and 4. Roadway facilities. Cities who enact impact fees must first conduct an impact fee study that analyzes land use to project future growth characteristics within a City’s service area(s) over an ensuing 10-year period. Using these land use assumptions, a 10-year capital improvements plan is developed and adopted by the city. Among other contents, the capital improvement plan describes the infrastructure additions or expansions needed to meet the demands of the projected growth (LGC 395.014) as outlined in the impact fee study. Using the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan, a fee per service unit of development is determined and adopted by the City. The land use assumptions and capital improvements plan must be updated no later than every five years. The City of Denton collects impact fees for water, wastewater, and street (pavement) infrastructure costs (see attached capital plans). The City Council recently adopted updated land use assumptions, a Water and Wastewater capital plan, and service unit fees on January 15, 2019. The roadway impact fee was previously updated and adopted on June 21, 2016. State law specifically states that an impact fee is “a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the Date: March 8, 2019 Report No. 2019-043       costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development.” (LCG 395.001). State law restricts the use of impact fee revenues to pay the costs of constructing capital improvements or facility expansions, including and limited to the: 1. Construction contract price; 2. Surveying and engineering fees; 3. Land acquisition costs, including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees, and expert witness fees; and 4. Fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the capital improvements plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision (LGC 395.012). State law states that impact fees may not be adopted or used to pay for: 1. Construction, acquisition, or expansion of public facilities or assets other than capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan; 2. Repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements or facility expansions; 3. Upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to serve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards; 4. Upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to provide better service to existing development; and 5. Administrative and operating costs of the political subdivision, except the Edwards Underground Water District or a river authority that is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees that function as impact fees may use impact fees to pay its administrative and operating costs; and 6. Principal payments and interest or other finance charges on bonds or other indebtedness, except as otherwise allowed in statute (LGC 395.013) CONCLUSION: Due to the restrictions of state law, impact fee revenues may only be used for projects that fall under the state’s definition of capital improvements or facility expansions and create infrastructure capacity to service future growth (i.e. a project listed within the 10-year impact fee capital improvement plan) As a result of these requirements, the City of Denton does not have the authority to redirect impact fee revenues towards projects that are not part of a capital improvements plan. To legally reallocate impact fee revenues from currently planned projects into a separate set of projects, regardless of location, the city must develop and adopt an updated capital improvement plan(s) to document that the new projects are necessary to serve anticipated growth. Date: March 8, 2019 Report No. 2019-043       ATTACHMENT(S):  Water CIP diagram  Wastewater CIP diagram  Roadway (Pavement) CIP diagram STAFF CONTACT: Ryan Adams Assistant to the City Manager 910-349-8565 Ryan.Adams@cityofdenton.com 2018 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study 2.9 September 2018 City of Denton, Texas Table 2.3. Water Impact Fee Capital Improvements Project Cost and 10-Year Recoverable Cost Proj. #Description 2018 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2028 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2018-2028 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2028 Projected Recoverable Cost Total Project Cost Zone 1A Utilization Zone 1A Recoverable Cost Zone 1B Utilization Zone 1B Recoverable Cost Zone 2 Utilization Zone 2 Recoverable Cost 1 Lake Ray Roberts 90.0%100.0%10%15,330,617$ 153,306,163$ 48%7,358,696$ 47%7,205,390$ 5%766,531$ 2 Lake Ray Roberts Water Treatment Plant 60%100%40%22,578,094$ 56,445,235$ 48%10,837,485$ 47%10,611,704$ 5%1,128,905$ 3 54" Finished Water Transmission Line 35%60%25%2,397,575$ 9,590,299$ 48%1,150,836$ 47%1,126,860$ 5%119,879$ 4 Loop 288 Water Main - Sherman to UNT 35%65%30%1,308,555$ 4,361,849$ 48%628,106$ 47%615,021$ 5%65,428$ 5 Loop 288 Water Main - Sherman to Hwy 380 40%65%25%879,588$ 3,518,352$ 48%422,202$ 47%413,406$ 5%43,979$ 6 Northwest Elevated Storage Tank 55%75%20%467,998$ 2,339,988$ 0%-$ 100%467,998$ 0%-$ 7 Southwest Pump Station 50%75%25%1,478,001$ 5,912,002$ 0%-$ 90%1,330,201$ 10%147,800$ 8 Southwest PS Oversize Discharge Line (30" to 36"15%20%5%14,224$ 284,477$ 0%-$ 90%12,802$ 10%1,422$ 9 Vintage Oversize Line (12" to 20")50%70%20%50,854$ 254,269$ 0%-$ 80%40,683$ 20%10,171$ 10 North-South Water Line Phase I 25%50%25%1,509,651$ 6,038,601$ 48%724,632$ 47%709,536$ 5%75,483$ 11 Roselawn Elevated Storage Tank 60%85%25%1,574,860$ 6,299,440$ 48%755,933$ 47%740,184$ 5%78,743$ 12 Roselawn Water Line 35%55%20%359,473$ 1,797,363$ 48%172,547$ 47%168,952$ 5%17,974$ 13 Masch Branch Road Water Line Extension 15%20%5%32,290$ 645,781$ 0%-$ 100%32,290$ 0%-$ 14 US 380 Urban Utility Relocation 25%30%5%68,105$ 1,362,086$ 0%-$ 100%68,105$ 0%-$ 15 Rayzor Ranch Oversize Line (16" to 20")20%25%5%6,662$ 133,226$ 0%-$ 100%6,662$ 0%-$ 16 Southwest Elevated Storage Tank 55%65%10%541,028$ 5,410,280$ 0%-$ 90%486,925$ 10%54,103$ 17 University Water Line and PRV 25%55%30%247,941$ 826,468$ 0%-$ 100%247,941$ 0%-$ 1 North-South Water Line 0%30%30%3,261,090$ 10,870,300$ 10%326,109$ 70%2,282,763$ 20%652,218$ 2 I-35 Parallel Line Crossing 15%30%15%150,600$ 1,004,000$ 0%-$ 100%150,600$ 0%-$ 3 Riney Road Booster Pump Station 15%25%10%786,600$ 7,866,000$ 0%-$ 100%786,600$ 0%-$ 4 Elm/Loop 288 Water Lines 0%35%35%1,938,055$ 5,537,300$ 0%-$ 100%1,938,055$ 0%-$ 5 Allred Road / John Paine Road Water Lines 0%30%30%1,779,000$ 5,930,000$ 0%-$ 80%1,423,200$ 20%355,800$ 6 Ray Roberts WTP Expansion 0%4%4%3,571,200$ 89,280,000$ 48%1,714,176$ 47%1,678,464$ 5%178,560$ 7 McKinney Water Line 0%35%35%420,210$ 1,200,600$ 0%-$ 100%420,210$ 0%-$ 8 I-35E Frontage Road Water Line Betterment 0%65%65%663,332$ 1,020,510$ 0%-$ 100%663,332$ 0%-$ 9 Locust Water Line Upsize 0%90%90%1,153,598$ 1,281,776$ 100%1,153,598$ 0%-$ 0%-$ 10 I-35W Water Line 0%30%30%1,955,190$ 6,517,300$ 0%-$ 80%1,564,152$ 20%391,038$ 11 I-35W/Corbin Water Line 0%30%30%816,630$ 2,722,100$ 0%-$ 80%653,304$ 20%163,326$ 12 Hickory Water Line Upsize 0%90%90%448,600$ 498,444$ 100%448,600$ 0%-$ 0%-$ 13 Jim Christal Oversize Line (16" to 20")0%15%15%19,164$ 127,758$ 0%-$ 100%19,164$ 0%-$ 14 Jim Christal Water Line / I-35 Crossing 0%15%15%195,375$ 1,302,500$ 0%-$ 100%195,375$ 0%-$ 15 Water Impact Fee Report Preparation 0%100%100%45,700$ 45,700$ 40%18,280$ 54%24,678$ 6%2,742$ 66,049,859$ 393,730,167$ 25,711,201$ 36,084,557$ 4,254,101$ Total EXISTING PROPOSED 2018 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study 3.8 September 2018 City of Denton, Texas Table 3.3. Wastewater Impact Fee Capital Improvements Project Cost and 10-Year Recoverable Cost Proj. #Description 2018 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2028 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2018-2028 Required Capacity (Percent Utilization) 2028 Projected Recoverable Cost Total Project Cost 1 South Wet Weather Lift Station & Detention Pond 48.4%62.4%14.0%217,406$ 1,552,898$ 2 Cooper Creek Interceptor III 47.6%49.5%1.9%24,282$ 1,277,970$ 3 Cooper Creek Outfall (Loop 288)64.7%72.3%7.6%296,310$ 3,898,807$ 4 Eagle Drive Sewer 18.1%19.4%1.3%11,731$ 902,329$ 5 Krum Sewer Line 10.0%51.3%41.3%164,560$ 398,450$ 6 Graveyard Branch Interceptor 6.6%18.1%11.5%575,570$ 5,004,952$ 7 Hickory Creek Outfall 34.4%38.5%4.1%45,572$ 1,111,495$ 8 Leatherwood Interceptor 32.0%33.5%1.5%2,349$ 156,592$ 9 Parvin Sewer Line 59.0%71.9%12.9%42,116$ 326,474$ 10 Pecan Creek Interceptor (Ph 1 & 2)96.0%100.0%4.0%134,528$ 3,363,189$ 11 Pecan Creek Interceptor I 53.4%66.9%13.5%266,716$ 1,975,672$ 12 Pecan Creek Interceptor II 40.6%46.0%5.4%100,558$ 1,862,175$ 13 Pecan Creek Interceptor III 36.1%41.0%4.9%150,879$ 3,079,149$ 14 Pecan Creek Interceptor IV 26.9%32.5%5.6%54,784$ 978,285$ 15 Pecan WRP (15MGD)85.0%100.0%15.0%5,929,227$ 39,528,174$ 16 Pecan WRP Expansion (6MGD)0.0%70.0%70.0%21,003,588$ 30,005,125$ 17 Roark Branch Interceptor 0.0%60.6%60.6%517,994$ 854,774$ 18 State School Interceptor I 82.4%91.6%9.2%152,800$ 1,660,869$ 19 State School Interceptor II 35.3%46.2%10.9%362,579$ 3,326,406$ 20 US 380 Utility Relocations 26.5%30.6%4.1%115,747$ 2,823,082$ 21 Woodhaven Interceptor 41.8%44.5%2.7%26,075$ 965,735$ 1 Audra Interceptor 75.9%82.0%6.1%16,990$ 278,530$ 2 Ave G Interceptor 92.2%99.3%7.1%30,749$ 433,078$ 3 Bonnie Brae Connector 0.0%79.4%79.4%152,247$ 191,746$ 4 Bonnie Brae Relocation 30.9%89.3%58.4%1,101,486$ 1,886,106$ 5 Carroll Ave Interceptor 70.4%73.6%3.2%14,036$ 438,623$ 6 Clear Creek Interceptor 0.0%16.0%16.0%2,400,000$ 15,000,000$ 7 Cooper Creek Interceptor I 74.2%83.0%8.8%231,616$ 2,632,000$ 8 Cooper Creek Interceptor II 54.6%58.3%3.7%41,736$ 1,128,000$ 9 Dry Fork Hickory Creek Tributary 1 Interceptor 80.5%84.1%3.6%41,190$ 1,144,159$ 10 Elm Street Sewer Replacements 48.7%52.5%3.8%25,752$ 677,674$ 11 Hickory Creek Interceptor I 50.2%72.6%22.4%324,240$ 1,447,500$ 12 Hickory Creek Interceptor II 46.7%87.2%40.5%3,281,513$ 8,102,500$ 13 Hickory Creek Interceptor III 29.1%70.3%41.2%1,184,678$ 2,875,433$ 14 Hickory Creek Interceptor IV 29.8%39.1%9.3%117,892$ 1,267,658$ 15 Hickory Creek Lift Station Detention Facility 0.0%96.3%96.3%9,533,700$ 9,900,000$ 16 Mulberry Interceptor 44.4%50.7%6.3%7,927$ 125,820$ 17 Ranch View Interceptor (Oversize)0.0%56.5%56.5%90,219$ 159,680$ 18 West Peak Flow Detention Lift Station and Pond 0.0%23.1%23.1%877,800$ 3,800,000$ 19 Wastewater Impact Fee Report Preparation 0.0%100.0%100.0%45,700$ 45,700$ 49,714,840$ 156,586,808$ EXISTING PROPOSED Total 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 City of Denton, Texas 10 Table 2.A. 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan – Service Area A Proj. #IF Class Roadway Limits Length (mi) % In Service Area A-1 SA Jim Christal (1) 490' E of C. Wolfe to Thomas J. Egan 0.28 50% A-2, C-21 SA Jim Christal (2) 225' E of Future Loop to Masch Branch 0.75 50% A-3, C-22 PA Jim Christal (3) Masch Branch to Scripture 1.23 50% A-4 PA Jim Christal (4) Scripture to I-35 SBFR 0.60 100% A-5 PA Airport Masch Branch to I-35W SBFR 1.75 100% A-6 SA Amyx C. Wolfe to FM 2499 2.60 100% A-7 SA Shelby Westcourt/Underwood to Corbin 0.61 100% A-8 SA Cole Ranch E-W SA #1 Cole Ranch N-S SA to Future Loop 0.87 100% A-9 SA FM 2499 (1) C. Wolfe to 345' E of Cole Ranch-Hunter Ranch Arterial 1.07 100% A-10 SA FM 2499 (2) 345' E of Cole Ranch-Hunter Ranch Arterial to Underwood 1.27 100% A-11 SA Cole Ranch E-W SA #2 Cole Ranch N-S SA to Cole Ranch-Hunter Ranch Arterial 1.06 100% A-12 SA H. Lively (1) 725' E of Seabron to 1,975' W of C. Wolfe 0.74 100% A-13 SA H. Lively (2) 1,975' W of C. Wolfe to C. Wolfe 0.37 50% A-14 SA H. Lively (3) C. Wolfe to John Paine/Underwood (2) 2.40 100% A-15 SA Hunter Ranch Arterial Hunter Ranch N-S Col #1 to Brush Creek 2.22 100% A-16 PA Brush Creek (1) Hunter Ranch N-S Col #2 to I-35W 2.71 100% A-17 SA Ed Robson FM 2449 to H. Lively 0.62 100% A-18 C C. Wolfe Tom Cole to FM 2449 1.58 50% A-19 SA H. Lively (4) FM 2499 to H. Lively 0.63 50% A-20 SA Cole Ranch N-S SA Tom Cole to H. Lively 2.39 100% A-21 PA Cole Ranch-Hunter Ranch Arterial Amyx to Hunter Ranch Arterial 3.43 100% A-22 PA Future Loop (2) Jim Christal to 4,965' S of Jim Christal 0.94 100% A-23 PA Future Loop (3) 260' N of Tom Cole to FM 2449 1.78 100% A-24 PA Future Loop (4) 1,040' W of Amyx to Underwood 0.57 50% A-25 PA Future Loop (5) Underwood to I-35W SBFR 0.73 100% A-26 C Jim Christal-Tom Cole Collector Jim Christal to Tom Cole 0.76 100% A-27 SA (1/2)Westcourt Airport to Springside 0.79 100% A-28 SA Westcourt/Underwood Springside to 1,700' S of Springside 0.32 100% A-29 SA Underwood (1) 1,700' S of Springside to 2,655' N of FM 2449 0.29 50% A-30 SA Underwood (2) 2,655' N of FM 2449 to FM 2449 0.50 100% A-31 SA John Paine/Underwood (1) FM 2449 to 1,265' N of H. Lively 0.72 50% A-32 SA John Paine/Underwood (2) 1,265' N of H. Lively to 970' N of Brush Creek 0.62 100% A-33 SA John Paine/Underwood (3) 970' N of Brush Creek to Brush Creek 0.18 100% A-34 PA (2/3)Western Jim Christal to Airport 1.23 100% A-35 C Precision (1) Jim Christal to 1,775' N of Airport 0.42 100% A-36 C Precision (2) 1,775' N of Airport to Airport 0.34 100% Note: The 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee CIP is not in a prioritized order. 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 City of Denton, Texas 11 Table 2.B. 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan – Service Area B Proj. #IF Class Roadway Limits Length (mi) % In Service Area B-1 C Parvin Highland Park to McCormick 0.51 100% B-2 SA Hobson Country Club to Teasley 1.14 100% B-3 PA Vintage 490' W of Bonnie Brae to Fort Worth (US 377) 0.96 100% B-4 C El Paseo Country Club to Belmont 0.36 100% B-5 SA Ryan Country Club to Teasley 2.06 100% B-6 SA (1/2)Robinson (1) Teasley to 220' E of Wheeler Ridge 0.52 100% B-7 SA (1/2)Robinson (2) 175' E of Berkley to 315' E of State School Rd 0.13 100% B-8 C (1/3)Creekdale (1) Ryan to 660' S. of Ryan 0.13 100% B-9 C Creekdale (2) 660' S. of Ryan to Thistle Way 0.42 100% B-10 C (1/3)Creekdale (3) Thistle Way to Riverpass 0.12 50% B-11 C Creekdale (4) 210' E of Riverchase Trail to 280' W of Pimlico 0.60 100% B-12 PA Brush Creek (2) I-35W NBFR to John Paine (Future) 0.37 100% B-13 PA Brush Creek (3) John Paine (Future) to 2,010' E of John Paine (Future) 0.38 100% B-14 PA Brush Creek (4) 225' W. of Fort Worth to 500' E. of Fort Worth 0.14 100% B-15 PA Brush Creek (5) 500' E. of Fort Worth to 2,180' East of Fort Worth 0.32 50% B-16 PA Hickory Creek (1) Country Club to 1,955' E. of Country Club 0.37 100% B-17 PA Hickory Creek (2) Riverpass to Montecito 0.43 50% B-18 PA Hickory Creek (3) Montecito to Teasley 0.85 100% B-19 PA (1/3)Hickory Creek (4) Teasley to Nautical 0.25 100% B-20 PA (2/3)Hickory Creek (5) Nautical to Erin 0.13 100% B-21 PA Hickory Creek (6) Erin to State School Road (Future) 0.09 100% B-22 C John Paine-Fort Worth Collector John Paine to Fort Worth (US 377) 0.41 100% B-23 C John Paine (1) Vintage to Brush Creek 1.41 100% B-24 C John Paine (2) Brush Creek to Johnson 0.50 50% B-25 C John Paine (3) Johnson to 135' N of Athens 0.39 100% B-26 SA Bonnie Brae (4) I-35E SBFR to Vintage 2.45 100% B-27 SA Bonnie Brae (5) Vintage to Fort Worth (US 377) 1.07 100% B-28 C Highland Park 130' S of Willowcrest to Roselawn 0.78 100% B-29 PA Fort Worth (US 377) I-35E to S City Limits 5.13 100% B-30 SA FM 1830 Fort Worth (US 377) to Brush Creek 2.14 100% B-31 C Ryan-Creekdale Collector Ryan to Creekdale 0.48 100% B-32 PA Teasley Sundown to S City Limits 3.39 100% Note: The 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee CIP is not in a prioritized order. 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 City of Denton, Texas 12 Table 2.C. 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan – Service Area C Proj. #IF Class Roadway Limits Length (mi) % In Service Area C-1 SA Milam (1) I-35 SBFR to 175' E of I-35 NBFR 0.09 100% C-2 SA Milam (2) 175' E of I-35 NBFR to FM 2164 (Locust) 2.28 50% C-3 C Bobcat 1,105' W of Milam Ridge to HOD N-S Secondary Arterial 0.41 100% C-4 PA Ganzer 230' W. of Rector to Future Cindy 0.63 50% C-5 PA Ganzer/Long (1) 625' W of I-35 SBFR to 350' E of I-35 NBFR 0.22 100% C-6 SA Ganzer/Long (2) Ganzer to FM 2164 (Locust) 2.15 100% C-7 C Barthold-Cindy Collector Barthold to 1,135' W of Cindy (Future) 0.21 100% C-8 C Masch Branch-I-35 Collector 1,295' W of I-35 to I-35 0.25 100% C-9 SA HOD E-W Secondary Arterial (1) HOD N-S Secondary Arterial to 840' E of HOD N-S 0.16 100% C-10 SA HOD E-W Secondary Arterial (2) 840' E of HOD N-S Secondary Arterial to 130' E of Bonnie 0.44 50% C-11 SA HOD E-W Secondary Arterial (3) 130' E of Bonnie Brae (Existing) to FM 2164 (Locust) 2.86 100% C-12 PA HWY 1173 (1) 460' E of Masch Branch (Existing) to 375' E of Barthold 0.52 50% C-13 PA HWY 1173 (2) Cindy to I-35 SBFR 0.60 100% C-14 PA (1/3)Elm (US 377) I-35 NBFR to Elm/Locust Couplet 3.01 100% C-15 C Hercules 115' E of Northpointe to Locust 0.41 100% C-16 SA Westgate (E-W) Westgate (N-S) to Bonnie Brae 0.56 100% C-17 C Riney (1) Bonnie Brae to 990' W of Elm 0.34 100% C-18 C Riney (2) 990' W of Elm to Elm 0.19 100% C-19 SA Masch Branch-I-35 Secondary Arterial Masch Branch to I-35 SBFR 1.34 100% C-20 SA Jim Christal (1) 490' E of C. Wolfe to Thomas J. Egan 0.79 50% A-2, C-21 SA Jim Christal (2) 225' E of Future Loop to Masch Branch 0.75 50% A-3, C-22 PA Jim Christal (3) Masch Branch to Scripture 1.23 50% C-23 SA Nail (1) University to 2,240' S of University 0.42 50% C-24 SA Nail (2) 2,240 S of University to Jim Christal 0.47 100% C-25 C Thomas J Egan (1) 555' N. of University to 550' S of University 0.21 100% C-26 C Thomas J Egan (2) 550' S of University to Jim Christal 0.66 50% C-27 PA Future Loop (1) University to 745' N of Jim Christal 0.56 100% C-28 PA Masch Branch (1) 1,290' S of HWY 1173 to Miller 0.79 50% C-29 PA Masch Branch (2) 895' W of Future Loop to 1,255' N of University 0.59 100% C-30 PA Masch Branch (3) 1,255' N of University to Jim Christal 1.02 100% C-31 SA Lover's Lane (1) HWY 1173 to 325' N of Fruth 0.27 50% C-32 SA Lover's Lane (2) 325' N of Fruth to 340' N of Littlebrook 0.17 100% C-33 SA Lover's Lane (3) 340' N of Littlebrook to Hook 0.10 50% C-34 SA Lover's Lane (4) Hook to Masch Branch-I-35 SA 0.71 100% C-35 SA Barthold Ganzer to City Limits 0.58 50% C-36 SA Cindy (1) Ganzer to 1,280' S of Ganzer 0.24 50% C-37 SA Cindy (2) 1,280' S of Ganzer to Masch Branch-I-35 Collector 0.41 100% C-38 SA Cindy (3) FM 1173 (Future) to 150' S of Future Loop 0.42 100% C-39 SA Cindy (4) 1,050' N of Masch Branch-I-35 PA to Tieszen 0.82 100% C-40 SA Cindy (5) Tieszen to University 0.36 100% C-41 PA (2/3)Western (1) University to Jim Christal 0.80 100% C-42 C Milam-Bobcat Col Milam to Bobcat (Future) 0.57 100% C-43 SA HOD N-S Secondary Arterial (1) Milam to 220' S of Bobcat 0.58 100% C-44 SA HOD N-S Secondary Arterial (2) 2830' N of Elm to Elm 0.54 100% C-45 SA Heritage Trail University to Scripture 0.77 100% C-46 PA Bonnie Brae (1) Milam to Loop 288 EBFR 3.17 100% C-47 SA Bonnie Brae (2) Loop 288 EBFR to 860' N of Riney 0.43 100% C-48,E-14 SA Bonnie Brae (3) University to I-35 1.41 50% C-49 C Fallmeadow 140' S of Meadow Edge to Gardenview 0.19 100% C-50,D-45 PA FM 2164 (Locust) (1) City Limits to Loop 288 WBFR 2.70 50% C-51,D-46 PA FM 2164 (Locust) (2) Loop 288 WBFR to Elm 1.41 50% Notes: The 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee CIP is not in a prioritized order; HOD: Hills of Denton. 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 City of Denton, Texas 13 Table 2.D. 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan – Service Area D Proj. #IF Class Roadway Limits Length (mi) % In Service Area D-1 C FM 2164-Brittany Hill Collector (1) 1,605' E of FM 2164 to 745' W of Mesquite Ridge 0.57 100% D-2 C FM 2164-Brittany Hill Collector (2) 745' W of Mesquite Ridge to Mesquite Ridge 0.14 50% D-3 C FM 2164-Brittany Hill Collector (3) Mesquite Ridge to Brittany Hill 0.49 100% D-4 SA FM 2153 (Realigned) City Limits to 620' S of Somerset 2.03 100% D-5 PA FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA FM 2164 (Locust) to Indian Wells (Future) 0.73 100% D-6 PA FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA Mesquite Ridge (Future) to FM 2153 (Realigned) 1.79 100% D-7 SA FM 2164-FM 2153 SA (1) FM 2164 (Locust) to Indian Wells (Future) 0.93 100% D-8 SA FM 2164-FM 2153 SA (2) 540' E of Green Valley (Future) to FM 2153 0.90 100% D-9 SA Shepard 1,490' W of FM 2153 to FM 2153 0.28 100% D-10 C Gribble Springs-Chapman Collector 630' N of FM 2164-Brittany Hill Collector to Gribble Springs 1.69 100% D-11 C Mesquite Ridge (1) FM 2164-Brittany Hill Collector to 400 N' of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA 0.52 100% D-12 C Mesquite Ridge (2) 400' N of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA to 470' S of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA 0.16 50% D-13 C Mesquite Ridge (3) 470' S of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA to 1,005' S of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA 0.10 100% D-14 SA Brittany Hill (1) 355' S of Covey to 795' S of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA 0.78 100% D-15 SA Brittany Hill (2) 795' S of FM 2164-FM 2153 (Realigned) PA to 770' N of FM 2164-FM 2153 SA 0.20 50% D-16 C FM 2153 (1) City Limits to Burger (S) 1.44 100% D-17 C FM 2153 (2) Burger to FM 2153 (Realigned) 0.27 100% D-18 C FM 2153 (Realigned)-FM 2153 Collector FM 2153 (Realigned) to FM 2153 0.79 100% D-19 SA FM 2153 (3) 620' S of Somerset to Sherman 1.14 50% D-20 SA Green Valley (1) Warschun to 860' S of Warschun 0.16 100% D-21 SA Green Valley (2) 860' S of Warschun to Sherman 0.23 100% D-22 SA Milam (3) FM 2164 (Locust) to 605' E of FM 2164 (Locust) 0.11 100% D-23 SA Bobcat (3) FM 2164 (Locust) to 515' E of FM 2164 (Locust) 0.09 100% D-24 SA Cooper Creek (1) 860' W of Hartlee-Cooper Collector #1 to Hartlee Field 2.13 100% D-25 SA Cooper Creek (2) Silver Dome to Fishtrap 0.66 50% D-26 SA Cooper Creek (3) Fishtrap to University 0.50 100% D-27 C Golden Circle Hartlee Field (Future) to Hartlee Field (Existing) 1.78 100% D-28 SA Hartlee Field (1) FM 2164 (Locust) to 500' E of FM 2164 (Locust) 0.09 100% D-29 SA Hartlee Field (2) West City Limits to Woodland Hill 1.10 100% D-30 C Long (1) FM 2164 (Locust) to 525' E of FM 2164 0.10 100% D-31 C Long (2) City Limits to Stuart 0.34 100% D-32 C Hartlee Field (3) Sherman to 515' E. of Sherman 0.43 100% D-33 C Kings-Windsor Collector Kings Row to Windsor 0.09 100% D-34 C Windsor 410' E of Saints to Cooper Creek 1.02 100% D-35 SA Mingo (2) University to 455' E. of Cooper Creek 0.95 100% D-36 PA Post Oak (1) N. City Limits to Cooper Creek (Future) 0.86 100% D-37 PA Post Oak/Cooper Creek Cooper Creek (Future) to Hartlee Field 0.40 100% D-38 PA Post Oak (2) Railroad to Fishtrap 0.33 100% D-39 PA Post Oak (3) Fishtrap to 940' S of Fishtrap 0.18 50% D-40 PA Post Oak (4) 940' S of Fishtrap to University 0.07 100% D-41 C Deerwood 2,855' N of Kings Row to 680' N of Kings Row 0.41 100% D-42 C Hartlee-Cooper Col Hartlee Field to Cooper Creek 0.82 100% D-43 PA Sherman (1) Locust to Loop 288 WBFR 2.30 100% D-44 PA Sherman (2) Loop 288 WBFR to City Limits 4.65 100% C-50,D-45 PA FM 2164 (Locust) (1) City Limits to Loop 288 WBFR 2.70 50% C-51,D-46 PA FM 2164 (Locust) (2) Loop 288 WBFR to Elm 1.41 50% Note: The 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee CIP is not in a prioritized order. 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 City of Denton, Texas 14 Table 2.E. 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan – Service Area E Proj. #IF Class Roadway Limits Length (mi) % In Service Area E-1 SA Mingo (1) 435' NE of Bell to University 2.06 100% E-2 C Lattimore Ruddell to 475' E of Ruddell 0.09 100% E-3 C Audra Bayfield to Loop 288 0.27 100% E-4 C Blagg Mayhill to Lakeview 1.28 100% E-5 SA McKinney (FM 426) Woodrow to East City Limits 3.95 100% E-6 C Duchess (1) Woodrow to 115' W of Trailhead 0.75 100% E-7 C (1/2)Duchess (2) 115' W of Trailhead to 1,000' W of Loop 288 0.38 100% E-8 C Morse (1) Woodrow to Shady Oaks 0.25 100% E-9 SA (1/2)Morse (2) Kimberly to Mayhill 0.51 100% E-10 SA Spencer 485' E of Loop 288 to Mayhill 0.34 100% E-11 C Lakeview (1) Post Oak (Future) to 1025' E of Post Oak (Future) 0.19 100% E-12 C Lakeview (2) 2,745' E of Post Oak (Future) to Bishop Pine 0.36 100% E-13 C Edwards 560' E of Mayhill to Swisher 1.02 100% C-48,E-14 SA Bonnie Brae (3) University to I-35E NBFR 1.41 50% E-15 C Ruddell Mingo to Willis 0.11 100% E-16 C Mockingbird McKinney to 850' S of McKinney 0.16 100% E-17 SA Brinker Shady Oaks to Spencer 0.53 100% E-18 SA Mayhill (1) University to Colorado 3.81 100% E-19 PA (1/3)Mayhill (2) Colorado to I-35E NBFR 0.45 100% E-20 PA Post Oak (5) University to 1,010' N of Blagg 0.33 100% E-21 PA Post Oak (6) 1,010' N of Blagg to 1,650' S of Blagg 0.50 50% E-22 PA Post Oak (7) 1,490' N of Mills to 2,400' N of McKinney 0.79 100% E-23 PA Post Oak (8) 1,230' N of McKinney to Pockrus Page 2.48 100% E-24 PA Post Oak (9) Pockrus Page to Lakeview 0.27 100% E-25 C Lakeview (3) 130' S of Rodeo to 735' S of Mills 0.37 100% E-26 C Trinity-McKinney Connector (1) Trinity to 1290' N of McKinney 1.27 100% E-27 SA Trinity-McKinney Connector (2) 1290' N of McKinney to McKinney 0.24 100% Note: The 10-Year Roadway Impact Fee CIP is not in a prioritized order. !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( A-6 A-9 A-8 A-7 A-6 A-5 A-4A-3A-2A-1 B-1 B-3 B-25 B-15 E-14C-48 B-26 B-28 C-22 C-21C-20 A-32 A-25 A-21 A-21 A-20 A-20 A-15 A-16 A-14 A-10 A-36 A-35A-34 A-33 A-31 A-24 A-30 A-29 A-28 A-27 A-26 A-23 A-22 A-21 A-21 A-20 A-19 A-18 A-17 A-16 A-15 A-14 A-13A-12 A-11 A-10 B-29 B-26 B-23 B-12 B-30 B-29 B-27 B-24 B-22 B-14 B-13 Fort WorthJohn PaineFM 2449 Brush Creek H. Lively FM 1830Willowwood Oak Parvin Vintage Eagle A irp o rtJim Christal C WolfeCrawford H u n te r R a n c hPrecisionRoselawnBonnie BraeAmyx Robson Ranch CorbinHickory Cole E-W SA #2 UnderwoodFlorence-Ed Robson Tom Cole ShelbyDakotaFlorenceCol e Hunt er North TexasHighlandWestern WestcourtFut ure LoopHi ghl and Par kCole N-S SASeabronScripture J Christal-T Cole COLPanhandle Ed Robson Country ClubBernardJohn Paine/UnderwoodCole N-S SAH. Lively Brush CreekFuture LoopFort WorthAirport FM 2449 H. LivelyJohn PaineFM 2449 Jim Christal Future Loop §¨¦I-35W C ole - H u nterNail Maple Springside Heritage TrailEctorMcCormickFultonBrush CreekWillowwood A Legend Railroads Project Limits CIP Projects Other Thoroughfares Streets Streams Flood Plain Non-Annexation Areas ETJ I 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 Exhibit 3.A - Service Area A CIP 0 10.5 Miles See Table 2.A, Page 10 !(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( A-7 A-6 A-5 E-7 E-9 E-8 E-6 E-5 B-9 B-8 B-1 B-3 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-7B-6 B-25 B-15 E-18 B-26 B-28 A-32 A-25 A-21 A-14 A-10 A-36 A-34 A-33 A-31 A-24 A-30 A-29 A-28 A-27A-23 A-21 A-21 A-16 A-15 A-10 E-24 E-23 E-19 E-17 E-13 E-11 E-10 B-29 B-26 B-23 B-12 B-10 B-20 B-21 B-32 B-16 B-31 B-30 B-29 B-27 B-24 B-22 B-19B-18 B-17 B-14 B-11 B-13 Dallas Fort WorthJohn PaineWoodrowMontecito Brush Creek TeasleyHickory Creek LakeviewFM 1830Willowwood Ryan Parvin Vintage Eagle SwisherA ir p o rtPost OakCrawford Hobson H u n te r R a n chBrinkerEl Paseo EdwardsPrecisionLOOP 288Robinson RoselawnBonnie BraeColorado Hickory Hill Windriver Medpark Pockrus PageCorbinSpencerUnderwoodShelbyDakotaMorse Highland WestcourtHi ghl and Pa r kFM 2449Future LoopCountry ClubBernardFort WorthTeasley John PaineBrush Creek FM 1830Airport MontecitoFuture Loop §¨¦I-35E §¨¦I-35W B Legend CIP Projects Other Thoroughfares Project Limits Streets Railroads Streams Flood Plain Non-Annexation Areas ETJ 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 Exhibit 3.B - Service Area B CIP 0 10.5 Miles I See Table 2.B, Page 11 !(C-6 !(C-9 !(C-8 !(C-7 !(C-4 !(C-5 !(C-3 !(C-6 !(C-2!(C-1 !(A-4!(A-3!(A-2!(A-1 !(E-2 !(E-1 !(E-14!(C-48 !(C-11 !(C-51 !(C-50 !(C-49 !(C-47!(C-14 !(C-14 !(C-46 !(C-46 !(C-46 !(C-45 !(C-44 !(C-43 !(C-11 !(C-42 !(C-37!(C-35 !(C-41 !(C-40 !(C-39 !(C-38 !(C-36 !(C-34 !(C-33 !(C-32 !(C-31 !(C-30 !(C-29 !(C-28 !(C-27!(C-26 !(C-25 !(C-24 !(C-23 !(C-22!(C-21!(C-20 !(C-21 !(C-20 !(C-19 !(C-18!(C-17 !(C-16 !(C-15 !(C-13!(C-12 !(C-10 !(D-45 !(D-30 !(D-28 !(D-23 !(D-22 !(D-46 !(D-43 !(D-31 !(D-29 !(D-27 !(A-35!(A-34!(A-26!(A-22 !(E-15 Elm W i n d s o rBarthold CarrollMcKinney Milam University Bobcat WoodrowGanzer/Long NailOakCindy Eagle Ganzer FallmeadowShermanJim Christal Mil am-Bobcat Col Bo n nie B r a e HOD E-W SA LocustLong Heritage TrailHOD N-S SARiney M in g oHinkleBellHerculesRector RuddellHickoryMasch BranchNicosiaEmerson Morse Masch Branch-I-35 Col Lovers LaneHWY 1173 North TexasFultonHighland StuartWesternCoronado Future LoopGlenwoodT h o ma s J E g a n MaloneCrescent Scripture J Christal-T Cole COLEctorWindsor Bonnie BraeWindsor Bobcat BellRuddell§¨¦288 §¨¦I-35 M a s c h B r a n c h -I-3 5 S A PrecisionPaisley Maple Panhandle GreenwoodFM 2164Lattimore Sunset Kings Row WoodrowJim Christal C Legend Railroads Project Limits CIP Projects Other Thoroughfares Streams Flood Plain Non-Annexation Areas ETJ I2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 Exhibit 3.C - Service Area C CIP 0 10.5 Miles See Table 2.C, Page 12 !(D-3!(D-2 !(D-9 !(D-8!(D-7 !(D-6 !(D-5 !(D-4 !(D-1 !(E-7 !(E-4 !(E-5 !(E-9!(E-6 !(E-5 !(E-3 !(E-2 !(E-1 !(D-40!(D-39 !(D-36 !(C-51 !(C-50 !(C-49 !(C-14 !(C-11 !(C-15 !(D-26 !(D-37 !(D-24 !(D-14 !(D-13!(D-12 !(D-45 !(D-30 !(D-28 !(D-23 !(D-22 !(D-46 !(D-44 !(D-43 !(D-42 !(D-41 !(D-38 !(D-35 !(D-34 !(D-33 !(D-32 !(D-31 !(D-29 !(D-27 !(D-25 !(D-24 !(D-21 !(D-20 !(D-19 !(D-18 !(D-17 !(D-16 !(D-15 !(D-11!(D-10 !(E-25 !(E-26 !(E-22 !(E-21 !(E-20 !(E-18 !(E-16 !(E-15 W i n d s o r McKinneyCarroll ShermanFM 2153 LOOP 288MockingbirdWoodrowMilam FM 2164CollinsFallmeadowOld NorthMills Blagg HOD E-W SA M ing oShepard Eagle LocustLong MayhillLaneyPost OakHercules Gribble Springs BellLattimoreRuddellEmerson Cooper Creek MorseG Springs-Chapman ColFultonLakeviewStuartHartlee Field Coronado GlenwoodGolden Circle Kings Row NottinghamWindsor Hartlee Field ShermanBellMcKinney FM 2153Cooper Creek§¨¦288 Brittany HillMesquite RidgeM ing oFM 2164-FM 2153 SA Post OakHinkleBobcat FM 2164-FM 2153 PAFM 2153 (Realigned)Green ValleyPaisley Deerwood FM 2164-Brittany Col S h a d y O a k s Greenwood Hartley-Cooper ColOak Sunset Crescent Hickory Panhandle WoodrowMockingbirdOld NorthRuddellD Legend Project Limits CIP Projects Railroads Other Thoroughfares Streets Flood Plain Streams Non-Annexation Areas ETJ 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 I Exhibit 3.D - Service Area D CIP 0 10.5 Miles1 in = 1 miles See Table 2.D, Page 13 !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( E-7 E-4 E-5 E-9 E-8 E-6 E-5 E-3 E-2 E-1 B-9 B-8 B-1 B-3 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-7B-6 D-40 D-39 E-18 E-14C-48 B-26 B-28 C-45 C-21 D-26D-35 E-27 E-25 E-26 E-24 E-23 E-22 E-21 E-20 E-19 E-18 E-17 E-16 E-15 E-13 E-12E-11 E-10 B-26 B-10 B-21 B-32 B-16 B-31 B-30 B-29 B-27 B-19B-18B-14 B-11 WoodrowDallas McKinneyCarroll LOOP 288University MockingbirdTeasleyLakeviewFM 1830Willowwood Ryan Oak Parvin Vintage Eagle SwisherA irp o rtMills Blagg Post OakM ingo Hobson Fort WorthBrinkerHeritage TrailEl Paseo EdwardsMayhillOld NorthRobinson RoselawnBonnie BraeHinkleColorado Windriver MedparkBell Pockrus Page LattimoreRuddell Spencer Hickory Paisley MontecitoEmerson S h a d y O a k sNorth TexasMorse Highland FultonCoronado Hi ghl and Par kGlenwoodMaloneCrescent Scripture EctorBernardPost OakRuddellFort WorthLakeviewM in g oMcKinney TeasleyBell§¨¦I-35E E Legend CIP Projects Other Thoroughfares Project Limits Streets Railroad Streams Flood Plain Non-Annexation Areas ETJ 2015 Roadway Impact Fee Study March 2016 Exhibit 3.E - Service Area E CIP 0 10.5 Miles I See Table 2.E, Page 14