2019-061 Denco Area 9-1-1 Appointment to District Board of ManagersDate: April 5, 2019 No. 2019-061 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Denco Area 9-1-1 Appointment to District Board of Managers DISCUSSION: The City has received a request (attached) from Mark Payne, Executive Director for Denco Area 9-1-1 District, for nominations of individuals to serve on the Denco Board of Managers. The Denco Area 9-1-1 District was created in 1987, and is governed by a board of managers appointed by the County, participating cities, and the Denton County Fire Chief's Association. Board members serve staggered two-year terms and are eligible for reappointment. A list of the current Board Members is attached to the memorandum. Each year, the term of one of the two members appointed by participating municipalities expires. This year, the term of Ms. Sue Tejml, Mayor of Copper Canyon, expires September 30, 2019. Members are eligible for consecutive terms. Mayor Tejml has expressed her desire to serve another term. Nominations must reach Denco on or before June 15, 2019. If you have a nominee for consideration by City Council, please contact Chief of Staff, Rachel Wood by May 16, 2019, and it will be considered at the June 4, 2019 Council Meeting. On June 16, 2019, Denco will send copies of nominations to each city for consideration, requesting the city to vote for one of the nominees. Requests for votes from Council will occur at an August, 2019 Council meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum from Denco Area 9-1-1 District STAFF CONTACT: Rachel Wood Chief of Staff (940) 349-7718 rachel.wood@cityofdenton.com DENCO Area 9-1-1 Board of Directors  Jack Miller (Denton County Commissioners Court Representative)  Sue Tejml (Participating Cities Representative)  Terry McGrath (Denton County Fire Chiefs Association Representative)  Bill Lawrence (Denton County Commissioners Court Representative)  Jim Carter (Participating Cities Representative)  Rob McGee (Verizon Advisory Representative)