2019-093 Watering MaximumsDate: May 3, 2019 Report No. 2019-093 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Response to watering maximums request in alignment with Water Conservation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Due to limited water resources available within the state, many municipalities including Denton have enacted several efforts to maximize conservation of water resources for future years to come. Watering maximums and water loss management are a few among several best practices in conservation of water. BACKGROUND: On April 2, 2019, Denton City Council was presented the updates for the 2019 Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan. Following the presentation, Council requested a report on best practices from other municipalities who have effectively enhanced weekly watering restrictions and helped promote more sustainable irrigation and xeriscaping throughout their respective communities, including information on how other cities notify customers of potential water leaks and water loss issues. DISCUSSION: The North Texas region has been successful in the effort to conserve water resources in recent years. Many water utilities near Denton have implemented several Best Management Practices (BMPs) provided by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) that have yielded a decrease in their Gallons Per Capita (GPCD). As noted in the presentation, the City of Denton currently has below average usage on a GPCD basis. Staff researched approximately 30 entities online and contacted 4 local municipalities directly to collect information to address the council request. Most commonly, municipalities have strengthened the weekly watering maximums through public outreach. Fact sheets and information included with water bills are most common. Some have attested to a community program where the customers are ‘water advocates’ or ‘neighborhood activists’ for a branded program within the municipality, which has not only spread word about watering maximums but also provides positive impacts to water leaks. Active social media presence and customer portals have also improved awareness of watering maximums and water conservation as a whole. Denton, like many water utilities, utilizes various channels to bring attention to water waste. The utility receives feedback from citizens via the Engage Denton App, and disseminates information to the public using various social media platforms. Depending on local scarcity of water resources, some utilities enforce smaller, private-side water leak repair though fines and violations. Outreach methods discussed above also help some utilities locate water leaks. Date: May 3, 2019 Report No. 2019-093 Currently, Denton offers many classes and partners with several groups that provide information and education to all residents interested in sustainable landscaping practices. The city currently offers classes covering multiple forms of sustainable landscaping practices, including xeriscaping. The latest community feedback shows demand to support one xeriscaping class per year, and as a result additional city resources have been directed to offer additional courses on other sustainable landscaping and irrigation methods. As community interest changes, class offerings will be updated accordingly to ensure our customers have appropriate resources to implement sustainable landscaping practices at their homes and businesses. The diversity in Denton’s landscaping courses are consistent with other utilities and municipalities in the region and around the country. CONCLUSION: Staff research into best practices of municipalities’ conservation efforts demonstrate that Denton remains a leader in water resource conservation. Staff will continue the programs discussed in this report in order to continue to promote and encourage water resource conservation. STAFF CONTACT: Tyler Dawson Water and Wastewater Field Service Technical Manager 940-379-8944 Tyler.Dawson@CityofDenton.com