2019-100 Parks and Recreation ScholarshipsDate: May 10, 2019 Report No. 2019-100 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Scholarship Programs BACKGROUND: The scholarship program serves children, youth, adults, and seniors. The scholarships exist to execute the mission of the PARD by assisting low-income families and subsidizing costs associated with PARD programs and events, in accordance of guidelines set forth by the City Council. PARD offers two scholarship programs. The PARD offers a full scholarship program for low to extremely low income families to attend summer camp. Full scholarships cover the entire summer camp fee for the participant. Families are responsible for a one-time $10 administrative fee. The full scholarship program is funded by PARD operation funds and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) federal grant funding. The second scholarship covers half of program fees, up to $150/year and can be applied to any PARD program and is partially funded by the Parks Foundation. Participants in the full scholarship program must meet an income criterion of low, very low, or extremely low based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to comply with federal funding requirements. The income limit is updated on an annual basis and applied to the subsequent funding year. Scholarship awards and income documentation are included in the required reporting for CDBG funding. The free scholarship openings are divided across the eight full day summer camps. Registration for the free camp began April 1, 2019. Free Scholarship Spots Maximum Registration Preschool Camp at MLK Jr. Rec Center 2 12 Preschool Camp at Denia Rec Center 1 6 Camp Discovery at MLK Jr. Rec Center 4 42 Camp Exploration at the Civic Center 18 130 Camp Quest at the North Lakes Annex 4 24 Camp Voyage at Denia Rec Center 4 26 Camp Super Kids at North Lakes Rec Center (usually at McMath Middle School) 19 65 Teen Camp at the Civic Center 4 56 The cost for a child to attend the 11-week free summer camp program is about $1,200. The CDBG Grant for summer 2019 covers approximately 38% of the cost of camp. The remaining cost is subsidized by PARD. Date: May 10, 2019 Report No. 2019-100 Funding for partial scholarships is raised through various activities including donations, fund-raising, and allocation of proceeds from PARD hosted events, programs, and activities. Funds raised by the Foundation are held in a Parks Foundation account. Parks Foundation advises PARD on the amount available for scholarships each year. Funds raised by PARD remain in a City account. Eligibility for a partial scholarship is based on criteria used by the Denton Independent School District (DISD) for free and reduced lunches. Parents and guardians must provide a copy of the free or reduced lunch letter from the school district or submit a copy of the current year completed IRS tax forms indicating low to extremely low income. The time period is August 1 to July 31 to coincide with the DISD calendar. Scholarships are awarded by PARD staff on a first come first serve basis. Requests are processed by PARD staff and recorded in Civic Rec, the Department’s registration software. As an individual registers for a youth program, a partial credit is applied. The registrant is responsible for the remaining balance. PARD requests reimbursement for the partial credit from the Parks Foundation on a quarterly basis. Scholarship information is available on the City’s website, https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/residents/parks-recreation/activities- programs/camps-childcare, and is distributed to DISD Social Work Services. Date: May 10, 2019 Report No. 2019-100 Scholarships will be awarded in accordance with the attached policy and household income levels. The scholarship policy establishes the eligibility requirements, distribution, award level, and guidelines that apply to all PARD programs for which a fee is charged. The policy and application also align with documentation requirements for grant funding. See Scholarship policy for details Since August 1, 2018 PARD has awarded 47 people with partial scholarships and 56 people (maximum registration) with full summer camp scholarships. We currently have 9 people on the waiting list for the free summer camp scholarship. The goal of PARD is to offer 75 free summer camp scholarships. This would meet the historical demand based on scholarships offered and wait list numbers. It would also fall within the available capacity for the number of registrants in each camp keeping a safe counselor to child ratio. For the partial scholarship program, PARD staff is working with the new Executive Director of the Parks Foundation, Brooke Moore, to evaluate the need and establish fundraising goals. Traditionally, the department provides 190 people with partial scholarships at a total amount of $20,000 for program activities and hope to provide expanded opportunities in the future. We are excited to explore new approaches to grow the program and will report information to the Council as it develops. Date: May 10, 2019 Report No. 2019-100 ATTACHMENT(S): PARD Scholarship Policy STAFF CONTACT: Caroline Seward Program Area Manager, Parks and Recreation caroline.seward@cityofdenton.com DENTON PARKS AND REC Scholarship Policy I. PURPOSE The purpose of the policy is to provide guidelines for the application and distribution of scholarships for Denton Parks and Recreation (“PARD”) program and events. II. POLICY The scholarship policy establishes the eligibility requirements, distribution, award level, and guidelines that apply to all PARD programs for which a fee is charged. The Scholarship Program will serve children, youth, adults, and seniors. It is the desire of the Denton City Council that scholarships exist to execute the mission of the PARD by assisting low-income families and subsidizing costs associated with PARD programs and events, in accordance of guidelines set forth by the City Council. III. ELIGIBILITY  Applicants are required to be City of Denton residents and must provide proof of residency (current utility bill or driver’s license).  Applications must be completed by a parent or guardian (must bring legal documents verifying guardianship) if the recipient is under the age of 18.  Must provide a copy of the free or reduced lunch letter from the Denton Independent School District (DISD) or Must submit a copy of the current year completed IRS tax forms indicating low to extremely- low-income qualification for Federally assisted programs.  Free camp must provide General Certificate of Income and Self-Certification Income Form. IV. APPLICATION  Complete the Scholarship Application Form, one form per family listing all eligible family members.  Provide required documentation for proof of eligible services.  Scholarship eligibility doesn’t guarantee admittance or available space for all programs and events as funding is determined by budget allocations each fiscal year.  Recreation staff will review applications.  Applications will be processed within 10 business days after all documentation is received and verified.  Applicants will be notified by email of their status after the application has been processed. V. DISTRIBUTION Partial scholarships are awarded August 1-July 31 or in association with the distribution of the free or reduced lunch letter from DISD. Free camp scholarships are awarded in April. Applications must be submitted annually. Funding is determined by budget allocations each fiscal year. Each partial scholarship covers 50% of the program or event registration fee. The scholarship does not cover late fees, additional supply fees or fees paid directly to contract instructors. Recipients of scholarships have five (5) business day from notice of award to cancel or decline the scholarship. Failure to provide the above-stated notice will result in the recipient losing any remaining scholarship allocations and the participant will be ineligible for any additional scholarships for two (2) full years from the date of the non-compliance. VI. PROGRAM GUIDELINES Free camp scholarship abide by the following policies:  Campers must attend at least eight hours of camp per day.  If a camper attends a day of camp for less than eight hours, this will be considered an absence. In order to receive credit for attending camp, the child must attend at least eight hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.  Any camper missing five consecutive days or 10 total days will be dropped from camp. This includes absences due to behavior, illness, vacations, death in the family, school events, or any other personal or family reason.  If the camper is no longer able to attend due to the absence policy, the participant’s account will be ineligible to apply for any PARD scholarships or other free or subsidized camp program for a full two years from the date of occurrence. All scholarships are non-transferable and they cannot be replaced with additional scholarship funds due to the non-use of the original scholarship. VII. MAXIMUM ELIGIBILITY Each eligible family member is limited to a maximum of $150 in partial scholarships per year. Some scholarships for specific programs may differ depending on awarded grants. Scholarships can be used for any Parks and Rec program or event. Free camp scholarships are limited to two children per family. Scholarship funding is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. VIII. TERMINATION Scholarship recipients who provide false or incomplete eligibility information to the City will immediately forfeit their scholarship. Household accounts that have a past due balance for any PARD program will not be eligible for a scholarship until the balance has been paid in full. City of Denton Parks and Recreation Partial Scholarship Application There is a limited amount of scholarships available to help partially cover the cost of a program or event offered by Parks and Recreation. All information below must be filled out to be considered. Proof of residency and proof of eligibility is required with the application. HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Last Name: _________________________________ First Name: ________________________________ Primary Phone: ____________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Apt#:____________ City: ________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip: ___________ Family members applying for a scholarship: First Name Last Name Date of Birth Number in Household Adults: _____ Children: ______ Length of Residency in the City of Denton: ______ Ethnicity: (please circle) White Black/African American American Indian/Alaskan Native & White Asian & White Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black Black & White Asian Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other Multi-Racial Household Characteristics: (circle all that apply) Handicapped/Disabled Single/Female Head of Household Married/Shared Household Elderly (65 or over) By signing below, I certify that the information provided is correct. I have read the scholarship guidelines. I understand that my request may be denied. I understand that my scholarship will expire July 31 if not used. I understand that I must reapply for a scholarship each year. I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information will be verified by previous year’s tax statement if free or reduced lunch letter is not available. I also understand that if I do not use the scholarship I have been awarded, that I will provide at least a five (5) business day notice to cancel the scholarship. Failure to do so will result in losing remaining scholarships allocation and the participant will not be eligible for any additional scholarships to PARD programs for two (2) full years. __________________________________________________________ ___________________ Participant or Guardian Signature Date STAFF USE ONLY Completed Application __________ Date Notified__________________ Date Entered in CivicRec: ________ Initials________________________ City of Denton Parks and Recreation Free Camp Application All information below must be filled out to be considered. Proof of residency and proof of eligibility is required with the application. HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Last Name: _________________________________ First Name: ________________________________ Primary Phone: ____________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Apt#:____________ City: ________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip: ___________ Children applying for a scholarship (max of 2 per family): First Name Last Name Date of Birth Number in Household Adults: _____ Children: ______ Length of Residency in the City of Denton: ______ Ethnicity: (please circle) White Black/African American American Indian/Alaskan Native & White Asian & White Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black Black & White Asian Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other Multi-Racial Household Characteristics: (circle all that apply) Handicapped/Disabled Single/Female Head of Household Married/Shared Household Elderly (65 or over) I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information will be verified to the extent possible and that the penalty for intentionally providing false information will be the refusal of my child in the City of Denton Free Scholarship. If income falsification is found after camp starts, I will be responsible for retro payment of camp at $125 per week for all weeks attended. I understand that I will need to provide documents proving my income to allow my child’s participation in this program. In addition, I will follow the camp rules and regulations including the attendance policy as outlined in the parent manual. Any camper missing five consecutive days or 10 total days will be dropped from camp. This policy is in effect even if the absences are due to illness, vacations, death in the family, school events, behavior or any other personal or family reason. If the camper is no longer able to attend due to the absence policy, the camper will be unable to apply for any PARD scholarships or other free or subsidized camp program for a full two years from the date of occurrence. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________ Participant or Guardian Signature Date STAFF USE ONLY Completed Application __________ Date Notified__________________ Date Entered in CivicRec: ________ Initials________________________ General Certification of Income Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________ I hereby certify that I receive INCOME from the following sources (check all that apply): □ Yes □ No Wages from employment (including commissions, tips, bonuses, fees, etc.) □ Yes □ No Unemployment or disability payments □ Yes □ No Social Security payments □ Yes □ No Retirement, pensions, annuities, insurance policies □ Yes □ No Public assistance payments (TANF) □ Yes □ No Child support, alimony □ Yes □ No Gifts received from persons not living in my household □ Yes □ No Income from operation of a business □ Yes □ No Sales from self-employed resources (Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, etc.) □ Yes □ No Interest or dividends from assets □ Yes □ No Rental income from real or personal property □ Yes □ No Any other source not named above – List:__________________________________________ Required Documents: _____ Proof of residency (current utility bill or driver’s license) _____ Legal documents verifying guardianship (Birth Certificate or Legal Guardianship) _____ Free or reduced lunch letter from the school district. _____ Current year completed IRS tax forms indicating low to extremely-low-income qualification for Federally assisted programs _____ General Certificate of Income and Self-Certification Income Form Statement of No Income or Assets: □ I currently have no income of any kind and there is no known pending or upcoming change expected to my financial or employment status during the next 12 months. □I will be using the following sources of funds to pay for housing and other necessities (ex. Spouse’s Income):___________________________________________________________________________ Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understand(s) that providing false representations herein constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information may result in the termination of assistance. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Applicant Date Do you receive SNAP? □ Yes □ No Amount $__________ Not included as income