2019-135 Park 7 Environmental AssessmentDate: June 28, 2019 Report No. 2019-135 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information about the proposed Park 7 development and concerns raised by residents and neighbors. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff have researched the concerns raised by residents in the Scripture and Normal Street area about the Park 7 development. Council Member Armintor also expressed concerns and requested an update on the environmental and engineering aspects of the project, including an evaluation of the risks of building in an area with groundwater. Site development has commenced with an anticipated completion within the next eighteen to twenty-four months. The concerns are related to the construction of an apartment complex and the presumed impacts from this construction. Concerns shared with staff include the construction of a multi-story below- grade parking garage; confirmation of the existence of aquifers in the area; impacts to the aquifers and existing water wells located near the construction site; potential contamination of groundwater with asbestos; and impacts to old gas lines during the construction of the below-grade parking garage. Staff found that these concerns can be addressed by providing information about the layout and design of the parking garage, the geological characteristics of the aquifers in Denton, the findings of the project’s geotechnical report and measures taken during the removal of building material containing asbestos. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, and a hydrogeologist were consulted in the preparation of this report. BACKGROUND: Aquifers and water wells in Denton In general, an aquifer is a rock layer that contains water and releases it in appreciable amounts. The rock contains water-filled pore spaces, and when the spaces are connected, the water is able to flow through the matrix of the rock. An aquifer may also be called a water-bearing stratum, lens, or zone. Aquifers are further classified as confined or unconfined aquifers. The Trinity Aquifer, a major aquifer, extends across much of central and northeastern parts of Texas. It is composed of several smaller (minor) aquifers contained within the Trinity Group. Although referred to differently across the state, they include the Antlers, Glen Rose, Paluxy, Twin Mountains, Travis Peak, Hensell, and Hosston aquifers. These aquifers consist of limestones, sands, clays, gravels, and conglomerates. Their combined freshwater saturated thickness averages about 600 feet in North Texas and about 1,900 feet in Central Texas (US Geological Survey). Date: June 28, 2019 Report No. 2019-135 The Paluxy, Antlers, Twin Mountains, and Woodbine aquifers run through Denton Country at different elevations (Attachment 1). The Washita Group formation lays on top of the Paluxy aquifer, serving as a cap or barrier along the top of the aquifer, making the two formations hydrologically disconnected from each other (Attachment 2). In other words, any water percolating through the Washita Group formation would not enter into the Paluxy aquifer. Water enters an aquifer in an area known as the recharge zone. The recharge zones for the Antler, Paluxy, and the Twin Mountain aquifers are located in Wise County (Bridgeport –Decatur area) (Attachment 3). Many of the water wells drilled in Denton tap into the Paluxy aquifer. In contrast with surface water, landowners own the groundwater beneath the land, pursuant to Tex. Water Code §36.002(a). The Texas Water Development Board and regional groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) oversee the use and management of groundwater in the state. Denton is part of the North Texas GCD. Parking garage layout and design As proposed, the Park 7 site will be developed with a multi-story structure and parking garage with two levels of subsurface parking in accordance with the Denton Development Code. According to the September 14, 2018 Geotechnical Report (Attachment 4), construction requires excavating from two to 24 feet across the footprint of the main building pad and the parking garage. The site is currently at an elevation of 706 feet above sea level and the lowest point of the excavation would reach approximately elevation 672 feet. The Paluxy Aquifer upper boundary is located at an elevation of 500 feet. Therefore, there is an approximately 172 foot separation between the lowest excavation point and the upper boundary of the Paluxy Aquifer. It is also important to note that the excavation will take place in the Washita Group, a geological formation located above the Paluxy Aquifer that is hydrologically disconnected from the aquifer underneath. Any water percolating through the ground at the site would not enter into the Paluxy Aquifer, nor would the excavation change the flow patterns within the Paluxy Aquifer formation or affect any existing water wells. Groundwater contamination by asbestos Even though the human digestive system can be exposed to asbestos fibers from drinking water and mucous cleared from the lungs, breathing asbestos-containing air into the lungs is the most concerning type of asbestos exposure. In Texas, the Department of State Health Services requires performing a survey to determine the presence of asbestos before conducting a building renovation or demolition. If confirmed, abatement of asbestos must be conducted by a licensed asbestos contractor. As a part of the City building permit process, the City requires certification that these procedures have been followed. Demolition permits for 1401 and 1519 Scripture indicated that asbestos was found in the adhesive of floor tiles and joint compound used on dry walls. The applicant provided a copy of the asbestos abatement report from a licensed asbestos contractor. The report documented the process of removing the construction materials containing asbestos and Date: June 28, 2019 Report No. 2019-135 adherence to the proper protocol. Based on this information, there is no evidence of potential groundwater contamination with asbestos associated with demolition work and subsequent construction of the Park 7 apartments. Impacts to gas lines The replat for the Park 7 apartments was approved in August 2017. The plat shows no existing gas easements on the property (Attachment 5). Staff has notified Atmos about the proposed development and have requested information concerning any gas lines on the site. Atmos has also stated that they will examine their infrastructure in the area. CONCLUSION: Staff finds no evidence that the excavation for the below-grade parking garage would negatively impact the Paluxy Aquifer. The depth information provided in the Geotechnical Report combined with the isolation provided by the Washita Group indicates that the proposed activity does not pose a risk to the underlying aquifer. Denton staff discussed the issue with staff at the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, which is the regulatory entity for groundwater protection in this area, and staff at the District agreed with this finding. Proper procedures were followed during the abatement of asbestos prior to building demolition on the site. Site information did not indicate any gas line easements on the property, and Atmos staff has been informed of the development and will assess infrastructure in the area. ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Geologic Cross Section of the Trinity Aquifer for Wise, Denton, and Collin Counties 2. Geologic Cross Section of the Paluxy Aquifer for Decatur – Denton Corridor 3. Paluxy Recharge and Aquifer Zones Map 4. September 14, 2018 Geotechnical Report 5. Park 7 Final Replat STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Viera Assistant Director of Environmental Services 940.349.7162 Deborah.Viera@cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Council Member Armintor PARTICIPTAING DEPARTMENTS: Environmental Services, Utilities Administration, Development Service, City Attorney’s Office, and City Manager’s Office STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 40 Hours ATTACHMENT 1 Geologic Cross Section of the Trinity Aquifer for Wise, Denton, and Collin Counties ATTACHMENT 2 Geologic Cross Section of the Paluxy Aquifer for Decatur – Denton Corridor Denton Decatur ATTACHMENT 3 Paluxy Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Zone Geotechnical Engineering Report  Park Place  Denton, Texas  September 14, 2018          D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 1  2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..................................................................................................... 2  3.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION .................................................................... 3  3.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 3  3.2 Laboratory Testing ......................................................................................................... 4  3.2.1 Unconfined Compression Tests ............................................................................ 5  3.2.2 Overburden Swell Tests ........................................................................................ 5  3.2.3 Direct Shear .......................................................................................................... 5  4.0 SITE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 5  4.1 Stratigraphy .................................................................................................................... 5  4.2 Groundwater .................................................................................................................. 7  5.0 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 8  5.1 Estimated Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) .............................................................. 8  6.0 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 8  6.1 Straight-sided Drilled Shafts ........................................................................................... 8  6.1.1 Lateral Load Parameters ..................................................................................... 10  6.1.2 Drilled Shaft Construction Considerations ........................................................... 11  6.1.3 Pier-Supported Grade Beams ............................................................................. 12  6.2 Soil-Supported Floor Slab ............................................................................................ 13  6.3 Floor Slab Sub-Drain System ....................................................................................... 13  7.0 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 13  7.1 Soil Preparation for Grade-supported Floor Slabs ....................................................... 14  7.2 Additional Considerations ............................................................................................ 15  8.0 BASEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 15  8.1 Below Grade Walls ....................................................................................................... 15  8.2 Wall Drainage ............................................................................................................... 17  8.3 Wall Backfill .................................................................................................................. 17  9.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 18  9.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 18  9.2 Behavior Characteristics of Expansive Soils Beneath Pavement ................................ 18  9.3 Subgrade Strength Characteristics .............................................................................. 18  9.4 Pavement Subgrade Preparation Recommendations .................................................. 19  9.4.1 Aggregate Base .................................................................................................. 20  9.5 Rigid Pavement ............................................................................................................ 21  D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 9.6 Pavement Joints and Cutting ....................................................................................... 21  9.7 Pavement Reinforcing Steel ......................................................................................... 22   OTHER CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................. 22  10.1 Utility and Service Lines ............................................................................................. 22  10.2 Exterior Flatwork ........................................................................................................ 22  10.3 Surface Drainage ....................................................................................................... 23  10.4 Landscaping ............................................................................................................... 23  10.5 Site Grading ............................................................................................................... 24  10.6 Excavations ................................................................................................................ 24   SEISMIC CONSIDERATION ............................................................................................. 25   LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 25  APPENDIX A – BORING LOGS AND SUPPORTING DATA APPENDIX B – GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES 1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PARK PLACE DENTON DENTON, TEXAS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of the geotechnical investigation for the proposed Park Place Denton, a student housing facility. The new facility will be located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Scripture Street and Normal Street in Denton, Texas. The new development will be a podium style structure with the residential units partially wrapping around a new parking garage. The north portion of the site will be developed with one below grade parking garage level, and 5 stories of apartments above it. A courtyard will be constructed on the ground floor level above the parking garage with the residential units wrapping around it. The south portion of the site will be developed with a six-story parking garage, including two below-grade levels, an outdoor pool area on the upper level, and four stories of apartments on the west side of the parking garage. The overall development will have a footprint of about 77,000 square feet. The site is currently developed with several commercial and residential structures and associated pavements. The structures were not razed prior to the geotechnical investigation. Based on the NCTCOG dfwmaps.com and available structural site and layout plan, Park7 Group, dated March 9, 2018, the overall site slopes from the northeast corner down to the southwest corner, with an overall topographic relief on the order of 10 feet. The overall site requires cuts on the order of 2 to 24 feet to accommodate below grade stories, and fills on the order of 2 to 6 feet to reach final finished floor elevations at other portions of the site. Photographs showing the recent site condition are presented below. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 2 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this investigation was to:  Identify the subsurface stratigraphy present at the site.  Evaluate the physical and engineering properties of the subsurface soil and bedrock strata for use in the geotechnical analyses.  Provide geotechnical recommendations for use in the design of foundations, pavements and below grade walls for the new facility. The scope of this investigation consisted of:  Drilling and sampling a total of nine (9) borings, advanced within the building footprint to depths of 50 to 70 feet.  Laboratory testing of selected soil and bedrock samples obtained during the field investigation.  Preparation of a Geotechnical Report that includes the following: o Evaluation of Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) o Recommendations for the design of foundations o Recommendations for earthwork o Recommendations for pavement design o Recommendations for below grade walls D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 3 3.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 3.1 General The borings were advanced utilizing a truck-mounted drilling equipment outfitted with hollow stem flight augers. Undisturbed samples of cohesive soils and weathered bedrock strata were obtained using 3-inch diameter tube samplers, which were advanced into the soils in 1-foot increments by the continuous thrust of a hydraulic ram located on the drilling equipment. After sample extrusion, a hand penetrometer measurement was performed on each cohesive soil sample to provide an estimate of soil stiffness. Soil and bedrock materials were also intermittently tested in-situ using cone penetration tests in order to determine their resistance to penetration. For this test, a 3-inch diameter steel cone is driven by the energy equivalent of a 170-pound hammer falling freely from a height of 24 inches and striking an anvil located at the top of the drill string. Depending on the resistance of the soil and bedrock materials, either the number of blows of the hammer required to provide 12 inches of penetration is recorded (as two increments of 6 inches each), or the inches of penetration of the cone resulting from 100 blows of the hammer are recorded (as two increments of 50 blows each). Soils and bedrock materials were sampled in general accordance with the Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586). During this test, a disturbed sample of subsurface material is recovered using a nominal 2-inch O.D. split-barrel sampler. The sampler is driven into the soil strata utilizing the energy equivalent of a 140-pound hammer falling freely from a height of 30 inches and striking an anvil located at the top of the drill string. The number of blows required to advance the sampler in three consecutive 6-inch increments is recorded, and the number of blows required for the final 12 inches is noted as the “N”-value. The test is terminated at the first occurrence of either of the following: 1) when sampler has advanced a total of 18 inches; 2) When the sampler has advanced less than one complete 6-inch increment after 50 blows of the hammer; 3) when the total number of blows reaches 100; or 4) if there is no advancement of the sampler in any 10-blow interval. Bedrock strata in four of the structure borings were near-continuously cored using a double-tube core barrel fitted with a tungsten-carbide, saw-tooth bit. The length of core recovered (REC), expressed as a percentage of the coring interval, along with the Rock Quality Designation (RQD), is tabulated at the appropriate depths on the Log of Boring illustrations. The RQD is the sum of all core pieces longer than four inches divided by the total length of the cored interval. Core pieces shorter than four inches which were determined to be broken by drilling or by handling were fitted together and considered as one piece. All samples obtained were extruded in the field, placed in plastic bags to minimize changes in the natural moisture condition, labeled according to the appropriate boring D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 4 number and depth, and placed in protective cardboard boxes for transportation to the laboratory. The approximate locations of the borings performed at the site are shown on the boring location map that is included in Appendix A. Existing ground elevation of boreholes are included in the boring logs using available topographic maps in dfwmaps.com. The specific depths, thicknesses and descriptions of the strata encountered are presented on the individual Boring Log illustrations, which are also included in Appendix A. Strata boundaries shown on the boring logs are approximate. 3.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed to identify the relevant engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered and to provide data for developing engineering design parameters. The subsurface materials recovered during the field exploration were initially logged by the drill crew and were later described by a Geotechnical Engineer in the laboratory. These descriptions were later refined by a Geotechnical Engineer based on results of the laboratory tests performed. All recovered soil samples were classified and described in part using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and other accepted procedures. Bedrock strata were described using standard geologic nomenclature. In order to determine soil characteristics and to aid in classifying the soils, index property and classification testing were performed on selected soil samples as requested by the Geotechnical Engineer. These index property and classification tests were performed in general accordance with the following ASTM testing standards:  Moisture Content ASTM D2216  Atterberg Limits ASTM D4318  Percentage of Particles Finer than No. 200 Sieve ASTM D1140 Additional tests were performed to aid in evaluating strength and volume change which consisted of the following:  Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil ASTM D2166  Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock Cores ASTM D7012  Direct Shear ASTM D3080  Overburden Swell Testing The results of index property, strength, and swell tests are presented at the corresponding sample depths on the appropriate Boring Log illustrations. The index property and classification testing procedures are described in more detail in Appendix B. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 5 3.2.1 Unconfined Compression Tests Unconfined compressive strength testing was performed on selected soil samples and sections of intact bedrock cores. These tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D2166 Method for soil samples and ASTM D7012 Method C for selected bedrock core samples. During each test, a cylindrical specimen is subjected to an axial load that is applied at a constant rate of strain until either failure or a large strain (i.e., greater than 15 percent) occurs. Once the test is completed, the unit weight of the sample is determined based on the moisture content. 3.2.2 Overburden Swell Tests Selected samples of the near-surface soil were subjected to overburden swell testing. For this test, a sample is placed in a consolidometer and subjected to the estimated overburden pressure. The sample is then inundated with water and is allowed to swell. The moisture content of the sample is determined both before and after completion of the test. Test results are recorded, including the percent swell and the initial and final moisture contents. 3.2.3 Direct Shear Direct shear tests were performed on selected soil samples. Those tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D3080. The test consists of placing a sample of relatively undisturbed soil and subjecting it to full saturation and consolidation. A shear force is then applied on the sample at a rate appropriate to maintain drained soil conditions. Test results are recorded and plotted in a shear stress vs. horizontal deformation graph, from where peak stress is calculated. A graph of shear stress vs. normal stress allows computation of cohesion and friction angle values. 4.0 SITE CONDITIONS 4.1 Stratigraphy Based upon a review of the recovered samples, as well as the Geologic Atlas of Texas, Sherman Sheet, this site is characterized by soil and bedrock strata associated with both the Woodbine Formation, and the undivided Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone Formation. At the surface within Borings B1 through B5 and B9, 4 to 8 inches thick asphalt pavements sections were observed. Beneath the asphalt layer within Borings B3 and B5 and at the ground surface within Borings B6 and B7, clay fill soils are present. The fill soils are stiff to very stiff in D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 6 consistency, are various shades of brown and gray in color, and contain variable amounts of aggregate fragments and sand. Below the fill soils within Borings B3, B5, B6, and B7, beneath the asphalt sections within Borings B1, B2, and B4, and at the ground surface within Borings B8 and B9, clay, sand and silt soils mixed at variable composition were encountered. The cohesive clay and silt soils are stiff to very stiff in consistency, are various shades of brown and gray, and red in color, and contain variable amounts of calcareous nodules, iron oxide stains, and iron oxide nodules. The granular (sand) soils are medium dense to very dense in condition, are various shades of brown and gray in color and contain variable amounts of iron oxide stains. The overburden soils extend to depths of about 13 to 20 feet. Below the overburden soils within Borings B1 through B5, sandstone bedrock strata are present, which extend to depths of about 20 to 34 feet. The sandstone bedrock strata are very weakly cemented, are very soft to soft in rock hardness, are various shades of brown and gray in color and contain variable amounts of very thin shale seams. The overburden soils within Borings B6 through B9, and the sandstone bedrock strata within Borings B3 through B5, are underlain by weathered shale bedrock strata. The weathered shale are very soft to medium hard in rock hardness, are various shades of brown and gray in color and possess fissile structure. The weathered shale strata extend to depths of about 23 to 36 feet. Below the sandstone strata within Borings B1 and B2, and beneath the weathered shale strata within Borings B3 through B9, fresh shale bedrock strata are present. The fresh shale are soft to medium hard in rock hardness, are gray and dark gray in color, contain variable amounts of very thin limestone seams and possess fissile structure. The fresh shale extends to depths of about 40 to 60 feet within Borings B2, B3, and B5 through B8 and to the maximum depth explored of about 50 to 60 feet within Borings B1, B4 and B9. The fresh shale strata are underlain by fresh limestone bedrock strata within Borings B2, B3, and B5 through B8 and extend to the maximum depths explored of about 60 to 70 feet. The limestone bedrock strata are moderately hard to hard in rock hardness, are gray and dark gray in color and contain variable amounts of very thin to thin shale seams. Subsurface stratigraphy of the borings is provided in Table 1. Table 2 lists the approximate boring elevations for existing and final grades with estimated cut depths near the adjacent boreholes for below grade stories by borehole location. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 7 Table 1. Subsurface Stratigraphy (Building Borings B1 through B9) Boring No. Approximate Top of Sandstone Elevations (MSL) Approximate Top of Fresh Gray Shale Elevations (MSL) Approximate Top of Fresh Gray Limestone Elevations (MSL) Depth of Boring (ft.) B1 EL 691 EL 672 NE 50 B2 EL 689 EL 679 EL 659 60 B3 EL 687 EL 679 EL 642 70 B4 EL 688 EL 678 EL 669 60 B5 EL 687 EL 679 EL 657 70 B6 NE EL 670 EL 661 60 B7 NE EL 664 EL 645 60 B8 NE EL 661 EL 651 70 B9 NE EL 669 NE 60 * NE = Not Encountered Table 2. Estimated Existing and Final Grade Boring ID Estimated Existing Grade Elevation (MSL) Estimated Final Grade Elevation (MSL) Approx. Cut Depth (ft.) B1 706 704 2 B2 702 690 12 B3 702 690 12 B4 702 690 12 B5 702 690 12 B6 701 690 11 B7 700 690 10 B8 696 672 24 B9 698 675 21 4.2 Groundwater Groundwater seepage was observed during drilling operations within Borings B1, B2, B4, B5, B8 and B9 at depths of about 14 to 26 feet. Upon completion of drilling operations, groundwater was observed within Boring B9 at a depth of about 14 feet. Borings B3 and B6 was observed to be dry prior to the introduction of drilling fluids at 20 feet. However, groundwater is often contained within the joints, fractures and other rock mass defects present in bedrock strata. When intercepted, these defects can produce appreciable amounts of water for a period of time, especially if those defects are extensive and well inter-connected. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 8 5.0 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 5.1 Estimated Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) was evaluated utilizing different methods for predicting movement, as described in Appendix B, and based on our experience and professional opinion. At the time of our field investigation, the overburden soils were generally found to be dry in moisture condition. Based upon the results of our analysis, the surficial soils of the site to depths of about 13 to 20 feet are estimated to possess a PVM on the order of 1-inch at the soil moisture conditions existing at the time of the field investigation. However, where cuts extend to or encroach on weathered shale materials, PVM values can approach 2 inches at the soil moisture conditions existing at the time of the field investigation. Dry, average and wet are relative terms based on moisture content and plasticity. In the areas of anticipated fill, PVM will be limited to 1-inch or less when the earthwork recommendations presented herein are adhered to. Settlements for structural elements supported on subgrade soils prepared as outlined in this report should be less than ½-inch. 6.0 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The near-surface soils present at the site have a low potential for post-construction vertical movement with changes in soil moisture content. Considering the extent of cuts and fills across the site, the types of structures, estimated loading intensities, and the anticipated subsurface soil conditions, we recommend that the building be supported on a drilled shaft foundation system using a soil supported floor slab system. If potential movements noted herein cannot be tolerated, consideration should be given to a structurally supported floor slab. Please note that due to the proximity of bedrock after proposed site grading, portions of certain structural elements will require some measure of rock excavation to install those elements. 6.1 Straight-sided Drilled Shafts We recommend that structural loads for the new building and other movement- sensitive structures be supported on auger-excavated, straight-sided, reinforced concrete drilled shafts. Depending on loading requirements, these shafts should be founded in bedrock strata suitable to the required loading. We recommend that straight-sided drilled piers for structural loads be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter and should be proportioned as outlined in Table 3. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 9 Straight-sided drilled shafts may be designed to transfer imposed loads into the bearing stratum using a combination of end-bearing and skin friction. Drilled shafts should be designed for an allowable end bearing and side friction as outlined in Table 3 below for the new facility. Due to strain incompatibility, for shafts penetrating sandstone materials and terminating into shale strata, the lower skin friction value for shale should be used for both the sandstone and shale. Also due to strain incompatibility, where shafts penetrate and terminate into limestone strata, the allowable skin friction in any overlying sandstone or shale strata should be reduced to 1,500 psf for design purposes. The allowable side frictions noted in Table 3 may be taken from the top of the bedrock or from the bottom of any temporary casing used, whichever is deeper, to resist both axial loading and uplift. Table 3. Drilled Shaft Allowable Bearing Parameters Bearing Material Approx. Elevation Range Allowable Skin Friction (psf) Allowable End Bearing (psf) Sandstone 687 to 691 4,500 40,000 Fresh Shale 661 to 679 3,000 25,000 Fresh Limestone 642 to 661 6,500 60,000 The shafts should be provided with sufficient steel reinforcement throughout their length to resist potential uplift pressures that will be exerted. For the near-surface soils at their current moisture condition, these pressures are estimated to be approximately 750 psf over an average depth of 10 feet where fills are less than 3 feet. Where fills exceed 3 feet and are placed in accordance with the recommendations contained herein, these pressures reduce to 500 psf for the fill. In areas of deep cuts, these pressures reduce to 100 psf when cuts extend to within 2- feet of or into bedrock strata. Typically, one-half (½) of a percent of steel by cross- sectional area is sufficient for this purpose (ACI 318). However, the final amount of reinforcement required should be determined based on the information provided herein and should be the greater of that determination, or ACI 318. Uplift forces acting on individual shafts will be resisted by the dead weight of the structure, plus the bearing stratum-to-concrete adhesion acting on that portion of the shaft that is in contact with the limestone strata. There is no reduction in allowable capacities for shafts in proximity to each other. However, for a two-shaft system, there is an 18 percent reduction in the available perimeter area for side friction capacity for shafts in contact (tangent). The area reduction can be extrapolated linearly to zero at one shaft diameter clear spacing. Please contact this office if other close proximity geometries need to be considered. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 10 We anticipate that a straight-sided drilled pier foundation system designed and constructed in accordance with the information provided in this report will have a factor of safety in excess of 2.5 against shear failure and may experience settlements of small fractions of an inch. 6.1.1 Lateral Load Parameters The subsurface stratigraphy across the site is variable. Because of this topographic variation and the resultant cuts and fills, a single “representative stratigraphy” is not provided. Instead of a range strata thicknesses based on anticipated top of shaft elevations are provided in the tables below, together with appropriate LPILE™ material parameters for each type of material. These parameters were selected to conservatively approximate the subsurface conditions across the site. Table 4. Subsurface Material – LPILE™ Designations Stratum Thickness (ft) Software Material Designation Unit Weight (pcf) CLAY, various shades of brown (native and grade-raise fill) 4 - 20 Stiff Clay w/o Free Water 115 SAND, various shades of brown 3.5 - 15 Sand 110 SANDSTONE, very weakly cemented, gray 20 - 34 Weak Rock 125 SHALE, weathered, various shades of brown and gray 3 – 22 Weak Rock 120 SHALE, fresh, gray, dark gray 9 – 40+ Weak Rock 125 LIMESTONE, fresh, gray 10 – 25+ Strong Rock 135 Table 5. Recommended Geotechnical Lateral Load Parameters Depth Range (ft.) Software Material Designation Friction Angle (degrees) Soil Modulus (pci) 2 - 5 Sand 27 120 5 – 10+ Sand 33 110 D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 11 Table 6. Recommended Geotechnical Lateral Load Parameters Software Material Designation Undrained Cohesion (psf) Unconfined Compressive Strength – Rock (psi) Modulus (psi) RQD Strain Factor ε50 Stiff Clay w/o Free Water 1,000 NA NA NA 0.015 Weak Rock NA 150 10,000 90 0.003 Strong Rock NA 750 NA NA NA 6.1.2 Drilled Shaft Construction Considerations Groundwater seepage was encountered within Borings B1, B2, B4, B5, B8 and B9 during drilling operations or at the completion of drilling. However, groundwater may be encountered when rock mass defects are intercepted during excavations. The amount of water present in rock mass defects may fluctuate over time. Temporary casing will likely be necessary at many shaft locations, and should be locally available on site in the event that excessive groundwater seepage is encountered that cannot be controlled with conventional pumps, sumps, or other means, or in the event that excessive sidewall sloughing occurs. A licensed Engineer should be present on the first day of drilled shaft installations to verify compliance with design assumptions including 1) verticality of the shaft excavation, 2) identification of the bearing stratum, 3) minimum pier diameter and depth, 4) correct amount of reinforcement, 5) proper removal of loose material, and 6) that groundwater seepage, if present, is properly controlled. Subsequent installations of all other drilled shafts should be observed by experienced technical personnel under the direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer to verify compliance of the same. D&S would be pleased to provide these services. During construction of the drilled shafts, care should be taken to avoid creating an oversized cap ("mushroom") near the ground surface that is larger than the shaft diameter. These “mushrooms” provide a resistance surface that near- surface soils can heave against. If near-surface soils are prone to sloughing, (a condition which can result in “mushrooming”), the tops of the shafts should be formed in the sloughing soils using cardboard or other circular forms equal to the diameter of the shaft. Concrete used for the shafts should have a slump of 8 inches ± 1 inch. Individual shafts should be excavated in a continuous operation and concrete should be placed as soon after completion of the drilling as is practical. All pier holes should be filled with concrete within 8 hours after completion of drilling. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 12 In the event of equipment breakdown, any uncompleted open shaft should be backfilled with soil to be redrilled at a later date. This office should be contacted when shafts have reached the target depth but cannot be completed. 6.1.3 Pier-Supported Grade Beams In fill areas, or areas constructed near existing grades, structural cardboard carton forms (void boxes) should be used to provide a minimum 4-inch void beneath the grade beams; however, trapezoidal void boxes should not be used. Where grade beams extend into bedrock, void boxes and side retainers should not be required. Care should be taken to assure that the void boxes are not allowed to become wet or crushed prior to or during concrete placement and finishing operations. We recommend that masonite or other protective material be placed on top of the carton forms per carton form manufacturer recommendations to reduce the risk of crushing the cardboard forms during concrete placement and finishing operations. We recommend using side retainers along grade beams constructed in clay materials to prevent soil from infiltrating the void space after the carton forms deteriorate. The bottoms of all grade beam excavations should be essentially free of any loose or soft material prior to the placement of concrete. Due to the depth of bedrock, the proposed Finished Floor Elevations and site grading planned at the new facility, large segments of grade beams for that structure are likely to require some depth of shale or sandstone bedrock excavation to achieve design grades. Grade beams in these areas, if utilized, may bear directly on the bedrock or on a thin (less than 3-inch thick) bed of leveling material. In either case a bond breaker such as poly sheeting or other suitable material should be placed between the bearing surface and the grade beam. Grade beams in soil materials should be formed. Grade beams in the bedrock may be neat cut and placed without forming. The exterior side of the grade beams around the structure should be carefully backfilled with on-site clayey soils. The backfill soils should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D698 (standard Proctor), and should be placed at a moisture content that is either at or above the optimum moisture, as determined by the same test. This fill should extend the full depth of the grade beam plus void space and should extend a minimum distance of 2 feet away from the exterior grade beam perimeter. All grade beams and floor slabs should be adequately reinforced to minimize cracking as normal movements occur in the foundation soils. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 13 6.2 Soil-Supported Floor Slab A soil-supported floor system that is placed directly on the subgrade will be subjected to potential vertical movement where elements are constructed near existing grades. The majority of such movement is expected to occur in the perimeter 10 feet of the building. We recommend that the subgrade be prepared according to the Earthwork Recommendations section of this report in order to reduce the potential for post- construction movement. The floor slab should be doweled to the beams at the locations of the doors in order to prevent vertical steps from forming at these high- traffic areas. We also recommend placing a moisture barrier, such as plastic sheeting, under the soil supported floor slab to mitigate the infiltration of moisture through the concrete slab. We anticipate for soil supported floor slab, reinforcement and concrete likely cannot be placed the same day final excavation grades are achieved, the base of the excavation may be deepened slightly and covered by a thin seal slab of lean concrete or flowable fill to protect the integrity of the bearing material. The bottom of all excavations should be free of any loose or soft material prior to the placement of concrete. We recommend that an experienced technical personnel under the direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer observe all excavations prior to placing concrete to verify the excavation depth, cleanliness, and integrity of the mat bearing surface. D&S would be pleased to provide these services. 6.3 Floor Slab Sub-Drain System We recommend that below grade lowest level floor slabs may be designed for drainage to resist hydrostatic uplift pressures and with a sub-drain system to release hydrostatic uplift pressures by removing the water below the floor. The need to design the floor to resist hydrostatic pressures depends on the effectiveness of the floor drain. The floor sub-drains should be imbedded in permeable material with a minimum 12-inch thickness. Collector pipes should drain the collected water to a sump from which the water would be pumped to a suitable discharge facility. Consideration should be given to the installation of a backup pump to promote continuity of service in the event the primary pump breaks down. 7.0 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS Based on plans provided by Park7 Group (dated March 9, 2018), fills on the order of 6 feet are expected near the west portion of the main building pad in order to reach a finished pad elevation of about EL 704 feet. The amount of fill required decreases to the east. As shown, the new facility will also require cuts ranging from about 2 to 24 feet across the footprint of the main building pad and the parking garage. Soil and sandstone or limestone bedrock excavated during grading may be used as grade-raise fill within the new building footprint, provided that those bedrock materials are reduced to a maximum particle size of 6-inches (no shale bedrock materials). However, these materials should not be placed D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 14 within 3-feet of final grade elevation where sidewalks or pavements are planned unless they are reduced in size to 1-inch or less. Earthwork recommendations for subgrade preparation for possible parking lots and grade- supported floor slabs are presented below. 7.1 Soil Preparation for Grade-supported Floor Slabs  Strip the site of all vegetation, demolition debris, pavement materials and remove any remaining organic or deleterious material including root balls, and matted roots. Typically, 6 inches is sufficient for this purpose.  After stripping, perform any necessary cuts and fills. Prior to the placement of any grade-raise fill, scarify the exposed soils to a depth of 12-inch and recompact to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698, and to a moisture content that is at or above the optimum moisture content as determined by that same test.  Where the excavations extend into weathered shale materials scarify, rework, and recompact the exposed stripped subgrade to a depth of 12 inches. The scarified and reworked soils should be compacted to between 92 to 96 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D698 (standard Proctor), and placed at a moisture content that is at least three (3) percent above the optimum moisture content, as determined by the same test.  Grade-raise fill may consist of on-site or imported soils having a liquid limit less than 40 and a plasticity index less than 25.  Place grade-raise fill to the bottom of floor slab elevation. Grade-raise fill should be placed in maximum 8-inch thick compacted lifts and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698 (standard Proctor) and be placed at a moisture content that is at least one (1) percent above the optimum moisture content, as determined by that same test.  Water should not be allowed to pond on any prepared subgrade either during fill placement, or after reaching final subgrade elevation. To that end, the subgrade surfaces should be shaped to shed water to the edges of the respective pads.  Place a minimum 15-mil thick vapor barrier beneath all grade-supported floor slabs.  Each lift of fill should be tested for moisture content and degree of compaction by a testing laboratory at a minimum rate of one test per 5,000 square feet per lift for the building. D&S would be pleased to provide these services in support of this project. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 15 7.2 Additional Considerations The following are considered to be best practices to minimize the potential for post- construction vertical movement.  Where possible, trees or shrubbery with a mature height greater than 6 feet and/or that require excessive amounts of water should not be planted near structures or flatwork.  We anticipate that local code may require tree plantings that may encroach on pavements. To the extent possible, trees should not be planted closer than the mature tree’s height from structures or flatwork.  Water should not be allowed to pond next to structure foundations, pavements or other flatwork. Rainfall roof runoff should be collected and conveyed to downspouts. Downspouts should be directed to discharge at least 5 feet away from the foundations.  The moisture content of subgrade soils that are in proximity to the structures should be maintained as close as possible to a consistent level throughout the year. We strongly recommend that excessive watering near foundations be avoided. 8.0 BASEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Below Grade Walls Current plans provide for below grade walls for the basement parking garages. We anticipate that the height of the below-grade walls will range from about 12 to 24 feet. If open excavations are advanced to depths greater than 5 feet below grade, the excavations should conform to applicable OSHA excavation safety requirements using shoring or benching. The temporary support of excavations and basement wall backfill requirements will influence below grade wall design. Below grade walls should be designed as restrained walls. The walls must be designed to resist both lateral earth pressures and any additional lateral loads caused by live load. As the walls are below grade, at- rest pressures will develop under long-term lateral loading. For temporary excavation support, active, braced loading lateral pressure may be used. If practical, temporary excavation support may be incorporated in the final basement wall design. Lateral pressure on the walls must also consider hydrostatic forces, or a drainage system should be provided. Lateral pressure calculations should assume a level backfill. A minimum surcharge area load of 250 psf should be used for traffic loading adjacent to the restrained walls. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 16 The design lateral earth pressures recommended herein assume at-rest conditions, do not include a Factor of Safety, and do not provide for dynamic pressures on the walls. Because of the hydraulic properties of non-free draining materials, the “Drained” pressures provided below should only be used if there is no possibility of water entering into the subgrade soils from whatever means. If that possibility cannot be ruled out, then the “undrained” values should be used, at least for some height of the backfill. Lateral loads due to surcharge should be calculated as shown in Table 7. These loads need to be considered where appropriate. Figure 1: Lateral Earth Pressure Table 7. Earth Pressure Recommendations Earth Pressure Conditions Coefficient for Backfill Type Drained Equivalent Fluid Density (pcf) Undrained Equivalent Fluid Density (pcf) Surcharge Pressure (psf) Earth Pressure (psf) At-Rest (Ko) Free Draining Aggregate - 0.44 55 NA (0.44)S (EFD)H Select Fill Soil – 0.58 72 99 (0.58)S (EFD)H Common Fill/ On-site Soil – 0.69 86 106 (0.69)S (EFD)H Applicable conditions to Table 7 above include:  Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure  EFD is Equivalent Fluid Density (drained or undrained as appropriate) D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 17  Wall height (H) should be taken from the base of any unbalanced soil.  Soil backfill total unit weight with a maximum of 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf)  Horizontal backfill, compacted a minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor maximum dry density, or to a minimum of 70 percent relative density  Positive drainage is provided behind all below-grade walls to preclude development of hydrostatic pressures in free draining backfill.  No loading contribution from compaction equipment 8.2 Wall Drainage Positive drainage should be provided behind below grade walls to preclude development of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls, and to prevent saturation of backfill and foundation materials. We recommend using a vertical wall drainage layer immediately behind the wall to control groundwater when fine-grained soils are used as backfill. If free-draining sand or gravel is utilized as backfill behind the wall, a vertical drainage layer is not required. Free-draining backfill should meet the requirements of ASTM C-33, size numbers 57, 6, 67, 7, 8, 89 or 9. Filter fabric should be placed between free-draining backfill and on-site retained or backfill soils. We recommend that a perimeter drain, such as a perforated pipe drain, be installed along the base of the fill behind the walls to rapidly remove water from behind the wall. The perimeter drain should discharge collected water to a sump. Design of perimeter drainage systems placed in areas where weathered shale materials are present should consider the potential for movement due to expansive nature of these materials. 8.3 Wall Backfill Free-draining backfill materials should be placed in maximum 2-foot thick loose layers and be consolidated by use of vibrating plates or sleds, light hand operated compactors, or other appropriate methods to adequately consolidate the backfill. Heavy compactors and grading equipment should not be allowed to operate within 5 feet of the walls during backfilling to avoid developing excessive temporary or long- term lateral soil pressures. Select fill or on-site soil backfill materials should be placed in six (6) inch thick compacted layers and be compacted to between 92 and 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined from the Standard Proctor test (ASTM D698). For the granular earth pressure values to be valid, the granular backfill must extend out from a point 2 feet from the back of the wall, then up at an angle of at least 0.6H: 1V or flatter. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 18 A qualified geotechnical engineer or geotechnical representative should be present to monitor all foundation excavations and fill placement. D&S would be pleased to provide these services in support of this project. 9.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 General The pavement design recommendations provided herein are derived from the subgrade information that was obtained from our geotechnical investigation, design assumptions based on project information, our experience with similar projects in this area, and on the guidelines and recommendations of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA). It is ultimately the responsibility of the Civil Engineer of Record and/or other design professionals who are responsible for pavement design to provide the final pavement design and associated specifications for this project. 9.2 Behavior Characteristics of Expansive Soils Beneath Pavement Near-surface soils at this site are considered to generally have low potential for volume change with changes in soil moisture content. The moisture content can be stabilized to some degree in these soils by covering them with an impermeable surface, such as pavement. However, if moisture is introduced as a result of surface water percolation or poor drainage, the soils can heave and/or soften, causing distress to pavements in contact with the soil in the form of cracks. The edges of pavement are particularly prone to moisture variations, and so, therefore, these areas often experience the most distress. When cracks appear on the surface of the pavement, these openings can allow moisture to enter the pavement subgrade, which can lead to further weakening of the pavement section as well as the accelerated failure of the pavement surface. In order to minimize the potential impacts of expansive soil on paved areas constructed near current grades and to improve the long-term performance of the pavement, we have the following recommendations:  Subgrade treatments should be extended at least 18 inches beyond the back of curbs or edges of pavements constructed at the surface near current grades.  Avoid long areas of low-sloping roadway and adjust adjacent slopes to provide maximum drainage away from pavement edges. 9.3 Subgrade Strength Characteristics We recommend for the native soils that a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 3 be used in the design with a corresponding resilient modulus of 4,500 psi. For either lime treated subgrade or compacted aggregate base, we recommend using a resilient D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 19 modulus of 30,000 psi. We recommend using a Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k) of 195 pci for the completed subgrade prepared in accordance with the recommendations in this report. 9.4 Pavement Subgrade Preparation Recommendations The anticipated subgrade soils will generally be clay soils in the proposed paving areas which can become weak and pump with appreciable increases in moisture content. A commonly used method for clay soils to reduce the potential for pumping, improve the strength properties of the subgrade soils, and provide a working platform which will provide a uniform subgrade for the aggregate base. Due to the relatively small areas of at grade pavements planned at the site, we recommend using aggregate base beneath the pavements. To that end, we have the following recommendations:  Remove all pavements, surface vegetation, including tree root balls and root mats, construction debris and similar unsuitable materials from within the limits of the project. We anticipate a typical stripping depth of about 6 to 12 inches.  Perform any cut operations as-needed.  We anticipate that excavation of overburden soils can be accomplished with conventional earthwork equipment and methods.  In areas to receive fill, the fill may be derived from on-site or may be imported. The fill should be placed in maximum 8-inch compacted lifts, compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D698 (standard Proctor), and placed at a moisture content that is at or above the optimum moisture content, as determined by the same test. Prior to compaction, each lift of fill should first be processed throughout its thickness to break up and reduce clod sizes and blended to achieve a material of uniform density and moisture content. Once blended, compaction should be performed with a heavy tamping foot roller. Once compacted, if the surface of the embankment is too smooth, it may not bond properly with the succeeding layer. If this occurs, the surface of the compacted lift should be roughened and loosened by dicing before the succeeding layer is placed.  Water required to bring the fill material to the proper moisture content should be applied evenly through each layer. Any layers that become significantly altered by weather conditions should be reprocessed in order to meet the recommended requirements. On hot or windy days, the use of water spraying methods may be required in order to keep each lift moist prior to placement of the subsequent lift. Furthermore, the subsurface soils should D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 20 be kept moist prior to placing the pavement by water sprinkling or spraying methods.  Fill materials should be placed on a properly prepared subgrade as outlined above. The combined excavation, placement, and spreading operation should be performed in such a manner as to obtain blending of the material, and to assure that, once compacted, the materials, will have the most practicable degree of compaction and stability. Materials obtained from on- site should be mixed and not segregated.  Soil imported from off-site sources should be tested for compliance with the recommendations herein and approved by the project geotechnical engineer prior to being used as fill. Imported materials should consist of lean clays (maximum Plasticity Index of 25) that are essentially free of organic materials and particles larger than 4 inches in their maximum dimension.  Field density and moisture content testing should be performed at the rate of one test per 10,000 square feet in pavement areas. 9.4.1 Aggregate Base Based upon current grading plans provided by Park7 Group (dated March 9, 2018), the cut and fill operations for pavement subgrade across the site are variable. We anticipate that cut materials will be used as grade-raise fill at other parts of the project. However, excavated shale bedrock materials should not be used as grade-raise fill. A six (6) inch thick layer of aggregate base should be placed beneath pavements with clay subgrades. If used, aggregate base should be placed in accordance with the following recommendations.  After proof rolling, and prior to the placement of aggregate base, the exposed subgrade beneath pavement areas should be scarified and reworked to a depth of 12 inches, moisture added or removed as required, and the subgrade soils recompacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density of the materials obtained in accordance with ASTM D698 (standard Proctor test) and that is at or above the material’s optimum moisture content, as determined by the same test. The rework and aggregate base should extend to at least 18-inches beyond the outside edges of curbs for pavements placed at the ground surface.  Aggregate base, should be TxDOT Type A or D and meet the gradation, durability and plasticity requirements of TxDOT Item 247 Grade 1-2 or better (2014). Aggregate base material should be uniformly compacted in maximum 6-inch compacted lifts to a minimum of 95% of the maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 21 D698) and be placed at a moisture content that is sufficient to achieve density.  Field density and moisture content testing should be performed at the rate of one test per 10,000 square feet in pavement areas. 9.5 Rigid Pavement We recommend that Portland Cement Concrete Pavement for this site have a minimum thickness of 5 inches for light-duty automobile parking over 6-inches of aggregate base). Concrete thickness should be increased to 6 inches for fire lanes, and to 7-inches for dumpster pads and heavy-duty traffic areas. Actual traffic loading, frequency, and intensity may require an increase in these minimum recommendations.  Recommended minimum design compressive strength: 3,500 psi with nominal aggregate size no greater than 1 inch.  15 to 20 percent fly ash may be used with the approval of the Civil Engineer of record.  Curing compound should be applied within one hour of finishing operations. 9.6 Pavement Joints and Cutting The performance of concrete pavement depends to a large degree on the design, construction, and long-term maintenance of concrete joints. The following recommendations and observations are offered for consideration by the Civil Engineer and/or pavement Designer-of-Record. The concrete pavements should have adequately-spaced contraction joints to control shrinkage cracking. Experience indicates that reinforced concrete pavements with sealed contraction joints on a 12 to 15-foot spacing, cut to a depth of one-quarter to one-third of the pavement thickness, have generally exhibited less uncontrolled post- construction cracking than pavements with wider spacing. The contraction joint pattern should divide the pavement into panels that are approximately square where the panel length should not exceed 25 percent more than the panel width. Saw cut, post placement formed contraction joints should be saw cut as soon as the concrete can support the saw cutting equipment and personnel and before shrinkage cracks appear, on the order of 4 to 6 hours after concrete placement. Isolation joints should be used wherever the pavement will abut a structural element subject to a different magnitude of movement, e.g., light poles, retaining walls, existing pavement, stairways, entryway piers, building walls, or manholes. In order to minimize the potential differential movement across the pavement areas, all joints including contraction, isolation and construction joints should be sealed to D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 22 minimize the potential for infiltration of surface water. Rubberized asphalt, silicone or another suitable flexible sealant may be used to seal the joints. Maintenance should include periodic inspection of these joints and the joints resealed as necessary. 9.7 Pavement Reinforcing Steel We recommend that a minimum of 0.1 percent of steel be used for all concrete pavements. For a 6-inch thick concrete pavement section, this reinforcement ratio is approximately equivalent to No. 3 bars spaced at 18-inches on center each way. Reinforcement requirements may increase depending on specific traffic loading and design life parameters. OTHER CONSTRUCTION 10.1 Utility and Service Lines Backfill for utility lines should consist of on-site material so that they will be stable. If the backfill is too dense or too dry, swelling may form a mound along the ditch line. If the backfill is too loose or too wet, settlement may result along the ditch line. It is not uncommon to realize some settlement along the trench backfill. The on-site fill soil should be placed in maximum 6-inch compacted lifts, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D698 (standard Proctor), and placed at a moisture content that is at least the optimum moisture content, as determined by that same test. It is also recommended that the utility ditches be visually inspected during the excavation process to ensure that undesirable fill that was not detected by the test borings does not exist at the site. This office should be notified immediately if any such fill is detected. Utility lines connected to the structure may experience differential movement in response to changing moisture conditions in expansive soil. These movements may result in damage to the lines, especially at connections to the rigid building structure. Flexible connections or oversized sleeves may be considered are recommended to account for potential differential movement between the building and utilities. Utility excavations should be sloped so that water within excavations will flow to a low point away from the buildings where it can be removed before backfilling. Compaction of bedding material should not be water-jetted. Compacted backfill above the utilities should be on-site clays to limit the percolation of surface water. Utility trenches extending under structures should include fat clay or concrete cut-off collars at the perimeter/edge to prevent the transmission of water along trench lines. 10.2 Exterior Flatwork Concrete flatwork should include high tensile steel reinforcement to reduce the formation and size of cracks. Flatwork should also include frequent and regularly spaced expansion/control joints and dowels to limit vertical offsets between D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 23 neighboring flatwork slabs. Structure entrances should either be part of the structure or designed to tolerate vertical movement without inhibiting access. The moisture content of the subgrade should be maintained up to the time of concrete placement. If subgrade soils are allowed to dry below the levels recommended herein, additional moisture conditioning of the soils may be required. These recommendations are intended to reduce possible distress to exterior flatwork but will not prevent movement and/or vertical offsets between slabs. 10.3 Surface Drainage Proper drainage is critical to the performance and condition of the building foundation, pavements, and flatwork. Positive surface drainage should be provided that directs surface water away from the building, pavements, and flatwork. We recommend that the exterior grades slope away from foundations at the rate of five (5) percent in the first ten (10) feet away in accordance with IBC Chapter 18 requirements. The slopes should direct water away from structures and flatwork, and these grades should be maintained throughout construction and the life of the structure. The location of gutter downspouts and other features should be designed such that these items will not create moisture concentrations at or beneath the structure or flatwork. Downspouts should discharge well away from the structure and should not be allowed to erode surface soil. The potential for moisture-induced distress in structures with grade-supported foundations and/or floor slabs can be positively addressed by constructing continuous exterior flatwork that extends to the building line. Where this occurs, the joints created at the interface of the flatwork and building line should be sealed with a flexible joint sealer to prevent the infiltration of water. Open cracks that may develop in the flatwork should also be sealed. The joint and any cracks that develop should be resealed as they become apparent and should be part of a periodic inspection and maintenance program. However, we understand that sidewalks are not always practical or desired around the full perimeters of some facilities. Where landscaping will be present adjacent to building perimeters, diligent post-construction maintenance should be employed to prevent excessive wetting or drying of those adjacent soils. 10.4 Landscaping Landscaping against and around the exterior of the structure can adversely affect subgrade moisture resulting in localized differential movements if not properly maintained. If used, landscaping should be kept as far away from the foundation as possible, and positive drainage away from the structure should be designed, constructed, and maintained. Landscaping elements (such as edging) should not prohibit or slow the drainage of water that could result in water ponding next to foundations or edges of flatwork. When feasible, irrigation lines and heads should not D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 24 be placed in close proximity to the foundation to prevent the collection of water near the foundation or flatwork, particularly in the event of leaking lines or sprinkler heads. Trees (if planned) should not be placed in proximity to the structure or movement sensitive flatwork, as trees are known to cause in localized soil shrinkage due to desiccation of the soil by the root system, possibly leading to differential movements of the structure. The desiccation zone varies by a tree, but trees should not be planted closer to structures than the mature tree height, and in no case, should the drip-line of the mature tree extend closer than 10-feet of rooflines. To the extent practical, it is recommended that trees scheduled for removal (where required) in the vicinity of the proposed structure and pavements be removed as far in advance of slab construction as possible, ideally by several months or longer. This will tend to restore a more favorable soil moisture equilibrium which will, in turn, tend to minimize the potential for greater than anticipated post-construction ground movements. A moist but not overly wet soil condition should be maintained at all times in all landscaped areas near the building after construction to minimize soil volume changes caused by changing soil moisture conditions. 10.5 Site Grading Expansive clay cut, and fill slopes should be gentle and preferably should not exceed 4 horizontal to 1 vertical (4H: 1V). Excess water ponding on and beside roadways, sidewalks, and ground-supported slabs can cause unacceptable heave of these structures. To reduce this potential heave, good surface drainage should be established. In addition, final grades in the vicinity of structures, pavements, and flatwork should provide for positive drainage away from these elements. 10.6 Excavations Excavations greater than 5 feet in height/depth should be in accordance with OSHA 29CFR 1926, Subpart P. Temporary construction slopes should incorporate excavation protection systems or should be sloped back. Where the excavation does not extend close to building lines, these areas may be laid back. Where space allows, temporary slopes should be sloped at 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.5H: 1V) or flatter. Where excavation slopes greater than five (5) feet in height cannot be laid back, these areas will require the installation of a temporary retention system or shoring to protect the existing construction, restrain the subsurface soils and maintain the integrity of the excavation. We recommend that monitoring points be established around the retention system and that these locations be monitored during and after the excavation activities to confirm the integrity of the retention system. The slopes and temporary retention system should be designed and verified by the contractor's engineer and should not be surcharged by traffic, construction D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 25 equipment, or permanent structures. The slopes and temporary retention system should be adequately maintained and periodically inspected to ensure the safety of the excavation and surrounding property. SEISMIC CONSIDERATION North Central Texas is generally regarded as an area of low seismic activity. The 2012 International Building Code (IBC) requires certain geotechnical seismic design criteria to aid the Structural Engineer in their analysis to develop an appropriate structure design to accommodate earthquake loading. The Spectral Acceleration values were determined using publicly available information from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Seismic Site Class was determined using ASCE 7-10 Table 20.3-1 based on the average blow counts and unconfined compressive strength in the top 100 feet. Based on experience, the boring log data, and general geologic information gathered, we recommend that Soil Site Class “C” be used at this site, even though the shear wave velocity of the near-surface limestone strata is estimated to be in excess of 2,000 feet per second. The criteria pertaining to this classification are shown in Table 8 below. The other information shown was determined using USGS US Seismic Design Maps based on 2012/2015 IBC. Table 8. Seismic Design Parameters Design Parameters Values Site Class C Spectral Acceleration for 0.2 sec Period, Ss (g) 0.111 Spectral Acceleration for 1.0 sec Period, S1 (g) 0.054 Site Coefficient for 0.2 sec Period, Fa 1.2 Site Coefficient for 1.0 sec Period, Fv 1.7 LIMITATIONS The professional geotechnical engineering services performed for this project, the findings obtained, and the recommendations prepared were accomplished in accordance with currently accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. Variations in the subsurface conditions are noted at the specific boring locations for this study. As such, all users of this report should be aware that differences in depths and thicknesses of strata encountered can vary between the boring locations. Statements in the report regarding subsurface conditions across the site are extrapolated from the data obtained at the specific boring locations. The number and spacing of the exploration borings were chosen to obtain geotechnical information for the design and construction of moderately to heavily loaded multi-storied residential structure foundations. If there are any conditions differing significantly from those described herein, D&S should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 26 Recommendations contained herein are not considered applicable for an indefinite period of time. Our office must be contacted to re-evaluate the contents of this report if construction does not begin within a one-year period after completion of this report. The scope of services provided herein does not include an environmental assessment of the site or investigation for the presence or absence of hazardous materials in the soil, surface water, or groundwater. All contractors referring to this geotechnical report should draw their own conclusions regarding excavations, construction, etc. for bidding purposes. D&S is not responsible for conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by others based on these data. The report is intended to guide the preparation of project specifications and should not be used as a substitute for the project specifications. Recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding of the information provided by the Client to us regarding the scope of work for this project. If the Client notes any differences, our office should be contacted immediately since this may materially alter the recommendations. APPENDIX A - BORING LOGS AND SUPPORTING DATA **BORING LOCATIONS ARE INTENDED FOR GRAPHICAL REFERENCE ONLY** N.T.S. DENTON TEXAS SHEET NO. DATE DRILLED G1 August 9 to 15, 2018 PLAN OF BORINGS PARK PLACE B8 B2 B1 B3 B4B6 B7 B5 B9 **BORING LOCATIONS ARE INTENDED FOR GRAPHICAL REFERENCE ONLY** N.T.S. DENTON TEXAS SHEET NO. DATE DRILLED G2 August 9 to 15, 2018 PLAN OF BORINGS PARK PLACE B8 B2 B1 B3 B4B6 B7 B5 B9 KEY TO SYMBOLS AND TERMS CONSISTENCY: FINE GRAINED SOILS CONDITION OF SOILS SECONDARY COMPONENTS WEATHERING OF ROCK MASS TCP (#blows/ft) < 8 8 - 20 20 - 60 60 - 100 > 100 Relative Density (%) 0 - 15 15 - 35 35 - 65 65 - 85 85 - 100 SPT (# blows/ft) 0 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 8 9 - 15 16 - 30 > 30 UCS (tsf) < 0.25 0.25 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.0 > 4.0 CONSISTENCY OF SOILSLITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS CONDITION: COARSE GRAINED SOILS QUANTITY DESCRIPTORS RELATIVE HARDNESS OF ROCK MASS SPT (# blows/ft) 0 - 4 5 - 10 11 - 30 31 - 50 > 50 Description No visible sign of weathering Penetrative weathering on open discontinuity surfaces, but only slight weathering of rock material Weathering extends throughout rock mass, but the rock material is not friable Weathering extends throughout rock mass, and the rock material is partly friable Rock is wholly decomposed and in a friable condition but the rock texture and structure are preserved A soil material with the original texture, structure, and mineralogy of the rock completely destroyed Designation Fresh Slightly weathered Moderately weathered Highly weathered Completely weathered Residual Soil Description Can be carved with a knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces 1" or more in thickness can be broken by finger pressure. Readily scratched with fingernail. Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches in size by moderate blows with the pick point. Small, thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. Can be grooved or gouged 1/4" deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in small chips to pieces about 1" maximum size by hard blows with the point of a pick. Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves 1/4" deep can be excavated by hard blow of the point of a pick. Hand specimens can be detached by a moderate blow. Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach a hand specimen. Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows from a hammer or pick. Trace Few Little Some With Designation Very Soft Soft Medium Hard Moderately Hard Hard Very Hard < 5% of sample 5% to 10% 10% to 25% 25% to 35% > 35% Condition Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff HardARTIFICIALAsphalt Aggregate Base Concrete Fill SOILROCKLimestone Mudstone Shale Sandstone Weathered Limestone Weathered Shale Weathered Sandstone CH: High Plasticity Clay CL: Low Plasticity Clay GP: Poorly-graded Gravel GW: Well-graded Gravel SC: Clayey Sand SP: Poorly-graded Sand SW: Well-graded Sand                                                                         ! "      ! #$%&'()$%*++$,-)   ,-)'.$/'',01/' %2 ,-)'.$/'',01/' %2         3                                              "        !     #$%&'%-%2/(%4)++$,-)  56/-7#$%&'%-%2/(%4)++$,-) 8%2#$%&'()$%*++$,-) ,-)'.$/'',01/' %2  ,-)'.$/'',01/' %2    !      " 9   9       " 9   9                 0.233 21 14 16 19 5 1.0 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 3.0 1.5 28 20 58 705.7 ft 702.0 ft 691.0 ft 672.0 ft 99.217.4 12.7 15.1 19.2 20.2 0.3 ft 4.0 ft 15.0 ft 34.0 ft CONCRETE; 4 inches LEAN CLAY (CL); medium stiff tovery stiff; brown, light brown; trace to few sand-estimated cut depth 2 feet SILTY CLAYEY SAND (SC-SM);medium dense to very dense; brown,yellow brown, gray SANDSTONE; very weakly to weaklycemented; very soft to soft; yellowish brown, gray; trace to few very thinshale seams AU S S T S T S T S S T S T NR T B T B T B 2,6 17,22 50=5.75" 47 25,40 50=6.0",46 50=1.5"50=0.5" 50=3.0"50=0.75" 50=5.5" 50=0.25" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B1 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/14/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/14/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 706 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218569, W97.147888 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 655.7 ft 50.3 ft SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;dark gray End of boring at 50.3' Notes:-seepage at 23 feet during drilling T B T B T B T 50=0.5"50=0.25" 50=2.75" 50=1.75" 50=2.5"50=1.5" 50=2.75" 50=0.5" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B1 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/14/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/14/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 706 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218569, W97.147888 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.3NP NP NP 4.5+ 3.0 30 58 61 701.5 ft 698.0 ft 689.0 ft 679.0 ft 117.55.7 7.1 7.9 14.8 0.5 ft 4.0 ft 13.0 ft 23.0 ft ASPHALT; 6 inches SILTY SAND (SM); medium dense tovery dense; brown, yellowish brown SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); very stiff;brown, reddish brown -estimated cut depth 12 feet SANDSTONE; very weakly cemented; very soft to soft; yellowishbrown, gray; few very thin shaleseams SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;dark gray; few very thin limestone seams AU S S T B T B T B N T N T N T N T N T B 50=3.5" 50=2.0" 34,46 50=4.25"50=4.25" 8,18,18 20,31 18,34,48 22,50=5.25" 18,20,38 50=2.75" 50=1.0" 28,50=4.0" 50=3.75" 50=1.0" 22,50=5.25" 50=4.75"50=0.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B2 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Daniel Earl (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218016, W97.147931 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 659.0 ft 641.7 ft 43.0 ft 60.3 ft SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;dark gray; few very thin limestone seams LIMESTONE; fresh; moderately hard to hard; gray; few thin shale seams End of boring at 60.3' Notes:-seepage at 26 feet during drilling T B T B T B T B T B T 50=3.75"50=0.0" 50=5.0"50=2.25" 50=2.0" 50=0.0" 50=5.0"50=1.0" 50=2.0"50=0.5" 50=1.0"50=1.75" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B2 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Daniel Earl (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218016, W97.147931 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.7 0.0 30 40 22 23 16 17 14 17 14 23 8 6 2.75 3.0 3.5 4.5+ 3.25 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 61 48 701.7 ft 701.0 ft 692.0 ft 687.0 ft 682.0 ft 679.0 ft 120.1 109.2 138.4 26.7 7.7 17.1 10.0 12.9 14.1 13.2 6.7 0.3 ft 1.0 ft 10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 23.0 ft ASPHALT; 4 inches FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff; brown,gray; few aggregate fragments and sand SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff tovery stiff; brown, trace calcareous nodules and iron oxide stains CLAYEY SAND (SC); very dense; brown, gray; trace iron oxide stains -estimated cut depth 12 feet SANDSTONE; very weaklycemented; very soft to soft; yellowish brown, gray; trace very thin shaleseams SHALE; moderately weathered; soft;yellow brown, gray; fissile SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;gray, dark gray; fissile; calcareous 89 89 9595 9292 AU S S T S T S T S S T S T S T C T C T C 5,4 19,20 19,20 50=5.75"50=3.5" 50=3.5" 50=0.5" 50=1.75"50=0.75" 18,20 50=2.5" 50=0.125" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B3 PAGE 1 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218329, W97.148248 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 642.0 ft 120.1 125.2 133.3 127.0 136.6 14.6 27.8 26.1 23.7 52.0 14.0 12.9 9.4 11.6 6.7 60.0 ft SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;gray, dark gray; fissile; calcareous LIMESTONE; fresh; moderately hardto hard; gray; few very thin shaleseams 80 80 100100 8787 100 100 100100 9090 100100 T C T C C C C C C 50=1.0"50=0.0" 50=1.25"50=0.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B3 PAGE 2 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218329, W97.148248 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 631.9 ft 70.1 ftEnd of boring at 70.1' Notes:-dry prior to introduction of water at 20 feet for coring purposes T 50=0.75"50=0.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B3 PAGE 3 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218329, W97.148248 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.8 60 28 25 28 22 16 16 13 38 12 9 15 2.5 2.75 3.75 4.0 2.5 65 57 48 702.7 ft 700.0 ft 693.0 ft 689.0 ft 683.0 ft 680.0 ft 670.0 ft 107.6 27.0 25.7 14.7 12.7 13.9 19.0 17.5 0.3 ft 3.0 ft 10.0 ft 14.0 ft 20.0 ft 23.0 ft 33.0 ft ASPHALT; 4 inches FAT CLAY (CH); stiff; brown, olivebrown, yellow; little iron oxide concretions and ferrous nodules SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff tovery stiff; brown, light brown, gray;little iron oxide nodules CLAYEY SAND (SC); loose to dense; brown, gray; trace iron oxidenodules; fine grained sand -estimated cut depth 12 feet SANDSTONE; very weakly cemented; very soft to soft; gray; tracevery thin shale seams SHALE; highly to completelyweathered; very soft; yellow brown, gray; slightly fissile SHALE; moderately weathered; soft;gray, dark gray SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard; gray, dark gray AU S S T S T S T S N T T N B T B T B T B 8,13 34,24 11,50=5.5" 13,17,24 7,12 50=5.75" 50=1.25" 50=6.0" 28,14 50=1.0"50=0.75" 50=2.25"50=1.25" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B4 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/10/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/10/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 703 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218577, W97.148558 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 647.9 ft 55.1 ft SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;gray, dark gray End of boring at 55.1' Notes:-seepage at 15 feet during drilling T B T B T B T B T 50=2.75"50=3.5" 50=4.0"50=3.25" 50=1.25" 50=0.5" 50=1.0" 50=0.75" 50=0.75"50=0.5" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B4 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/10/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/10/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 703 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218577, W97.148558 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.1 26 32 15 12 11 20 2.0 2.5 4.5 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 1.0 3.0 69 63 701.3 ft 701.0 ft 687.0 ft 682.0 ft 679.0 ft 107.9 121.4 12.1 17.4 15.5 14.7 17.2 13.5 34.9 13.9 0.7 ft 1.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 23.0 ft ASPHALT; 8 inches FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC); loose;yellowish brown, gray SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff tovery stiff; yellowish brown, red, gray; trace calcareous nodules and ironoxide stains -estimated cut depth 12 feet SANDSTONE; very weaklycemented; very soft to soft; yellowish brown, gray; trace very thin shaleseams SHALE; moderately weathered; soft;gray, dark gray SHALE; fresh; medium hard; gray,dark gray; fissile; calcareous 8282 8484 AU S S T S T S T S S T S T S T T C C 3,5 12,16 17,18 15,10 50=6.0"50=6.0" 50=6.0"50=2.0" 50=1.0"50=0.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B5 PAGE 1 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/17/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/17/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217927, W97.148377 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 657.0 ft 133.5 127.0 143.3 18.5 26.5 70.6 10.4 12.0 5.9 45.0 ft SHALE; fresh; medium hard; gray,dark gray; fissile; calcareous LIMESTONE; fresh; moderately hard to hard; gray, dark gray; few to somevery thin shale seams 7878 9696 100100 94 94 100100 100100 100100 C C C C C C C Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B5 PAGE 2 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/17/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/17/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217927, W97.148377 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 631.9 ft 70.1 ftEnd of boring at 70.1' Notes:-seepage at 14 feet during drilling -introduction of water at 25 feet forcoring purposes T 50=0.75"50=0.125" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B5 PAGE 3 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/17/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/17/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217927, W97.148377 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.0 0.0 33 29 44 16 16 16 17 13 28 2.0 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5 4.0 4.5+ 4.5+ 53 60 700.0 ft 681.0 ft 670.0 ft 105.6 118.0 105.1 121.2 115.7 4.8 5.5 14.5 22.5 16.6 15.1 14.2 13.4 13.3 12.8 15.2 1.0 ft 20.0 ft 31.0 ft FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff; brown,gray; few aggregate fragments; trace sand SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); very stiff;brown, trace calcareous nodules andiron oxide stains -estimated cut depth 12 feet SHALE; moderately to highlyweathered; very soft; yellow brown, gray; slightly fissile SHALE; fresh; medium hard; gray, dark gray; fissile; calcereous 9393 5858 8080 S S S T S T S T S S T S T B T C T C T C 6,7 9,9 11,6 12,14 10,11 50=3.0" 50=0.5" 36,40 15,18 Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B6 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/10/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/10/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 701 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218573, W97.148965 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 661.0 ft 641.0 ft 131.3 136.1 54.2 67.1 10.4 8.1 40.0 ft 60.0 ft SHALE; fresh; medium hard; gray,dark gray; fissile; calcereous LIMESTONE; fresh; moderately hardto hard; gray End of boring at 60.0' Notes: -dry prior to introduction of water at 20feet for coring purposes 7878 100 100 8787 9292 100100 T C T C T C T C T C T 50=2.0"50=1.5" 50=0.13"50=0.0" 50=1.0" 50=0.0" 50=0.5" 50=0.0" 50=3.25" 50=0.0" 50=0.0"50=0.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B6 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/10/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/10/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 701 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218573, W97.148965 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0.0 0.9 29 29 44 17 15 20 12 14 24 4.5+ 2.5 2.0 2.5 4.5 2.5 4.5+ 4.5+ 699.7 ft 698.0 ft 680.0 ft 667.0 ft 121.9 116.8 17.4 14.6 18.8 15.5 13.3 11.7 0.3 ft 2.0 ft 20.0 ft 33.0 ft ASPHALT 4 inches FILL: LEAN CLAY WITH SAND (CL);stiff to very stiff; dark brown; trace to little aggegate fragments LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff to very stiff;brown, reddish brown, gray; trace to little ferrous nodules -estimated cut depth 12 feet SHALE; highly to completelyweathered; very soft; yellowish brown, light gray SHALE; slightly to moderately weathered; very soft; olive green,yellowish brown; fissile S S S T S T S T S T S T S T B T T B 4,4 5,5 7,6 7,11 10,6 30,50=2.75" 30,50=3.75" 20,25 Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B7 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/20/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/20/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 700 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218227, W97.148968 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 664.0 ft 645.0 ft 639.8 ft 36.0 ft 55.0 ft 60.2 ft SHALE; fresh; soft to medium hard;dark gray, gray; with frequent very thinlimestone seams LIMESSTONE; fresh; moderatelyhard; gray, dark gray; with frequent very thin shale seams End of boring at 60.2' Notes: -dry during drilling-dry upon completion T B T B T B T B T B T 40,41 50=4.0"50=1.5" 50=4.0" 50=1.5" 50=3.25" 50=0.5" 50=3.0"50=1.0" 50=1.25"50=1.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B7 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Charles Ray Stephens (D&S) START DATE: 8/20/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/20/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 700 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218227, W97.148968 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 1.2 0.3 30 62 62 13 27 28 17 35 34 2.0 3.5 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.0 4.0 4.5+ 52 13 689.0 ft 683.0 ft 676.0 ft 671.0 ft 112.0 109.3 113.0 104.2 6.5 1.1 15.4 13.9 9.3 8.9 13.2 18.9 20.1 19.1 5.3 7.0 ft 13.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL); stiff tovery stiff; brown, yellowish brown, light gray CLAYEY SAND (SC); medium denseto dense; gray, yellowish brown SHALE; highly to completely weathered; very soft; gray, yellowishbrown SHALE; moderately to highlyweathered; very soft to medium hard; gray, yellowish brown; tracecalcareous nodules -estimated cut depth 24 feet SHALE; slightly weathered; very softto soft; gray, dark gray 9696 9898 S S S T S T S T S S T B T S T C C 18,24 22,25 23,30 37,42 17,40 50=4.0"50=3.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B8 PAGE 1 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/20/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/20/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 696 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217783, W97.149044 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 661.0 ft 651.0 ft 117.4 129.2 135.6 18.9 15.4 37.6 18.1 15.8 10.7 10.0 35.0 ft 45.0 ft SHALE; fresh; gray, dark gray;calcareous; fossileferrous; fissile LIMESTONE; fresh; hard; gray, dark gray; few very thin shale seams 9898 100100 100100 100 100 100100 100100 100100 C C C C C C C Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B8 PAGE 2 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/20/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/20/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 696 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217783, W97.149044 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 626.0 ft 70.0 ftEnd of boring at 70.1' Notes:-seepage at 14 feet during drilling -introduction of water at 25 feet forcoring purposes Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B8 PAGE 3 OF 3 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/20/2018 DRILL METHOD: HSA/Core LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/20/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 696 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217783, W97.149044 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 2.0 5.3 31 26 48 13 16 16 18 10 32 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 2.0 4.5+ 4.5+ 47 41 28 72 684.0 ft 678.0 ft 674.0 ft 669.0 ft 118.9 124.0 8.5 5.6 10.5 7.9 7.0 7.3 11.6 12.8 14.0 ft 20.0 ft 24.0 ft 29.0 ft CLAYEY SAND (SC); dense to verydense; yellowish brown, gray; trace iron oxide nodules LEAN CLAY WITH SAND (CL); very stiff; brown, gray, red; trace to fewcalcareous nodules; iron oxide stainsand charcoal fragments SHALE; moderately to highlyweathered; soft; yellow brown, gray; slightly fissile -estimated cut depth 21 feet SHALE; slightly weathered; mediumhard; gray, dark gray; fissile SHALE; fresh; medium hard; dark gray; with frequent very thin limestoneseams S S S T S T S T S S T T N S T B T T B 35,41 49,50=5.0" 50=5.0" 50=4.0" 50=6.0"50=2.5" 34,42 18,17,15 50=4.75"36 50=2.0" 50=0.5" 50=3.5" 50=2.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B9 PAGE 1 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/21/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/21/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 698 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217791, W97.148687 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 637.8 ft 60.2 ft SHALE; fresh; medium hard; darkgray; with frequent very thin limestone seams End of boring at 60.2' Notes: -seepage at 14 feet during drilling-water at 14 feet upon completion T B T B T B T B T B T 50=4.0"50=2.0" 50=3.25"50=2.25" 50=1.25"50=0.5" 50=1.0" 50=0.5" 50=1.0"50=0.25" 50=1.0"50=1.0" Swell(%)LL(%)PL(%)PI TotalSuction(pF) Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP Passing #200Sieve (%) BORING LOG GraphicLog DUW(pcf) Unconf.Compr.Str (ksf) Depth(ft) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Atterberg Limits Clay(%) B9 PAGE 2 OF 2 MC(%) Legend: S-Shelby Tube N-Standard Penetration T-Texas Cone Penetration C-Core B-Bag Sample - Water Encountered REC (%)RQD (%) SampleType Hand Pen. (tsf)orSPT orTCP CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Kevin Kavadas (D&S) START DATE: 8/21/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Mohammad Faysal (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/21/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 698 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.217791, W97.148687 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110 fine SAND SILT OR CLAY ASTM D1140 3 6 14 30 50 602 D30 %Clay LL PI Cc 3 medium GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PL 10 40 coarse fine GRAVEL coarse 8.0 1.4 39.0 59.6 D100 D10BOREHOLE DEPTH B2 %Gravel %Sand %Silt Cu 9.51 1 3/4 Description 3/81.5 1/2 4 8 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES 16 20 100 140 200 U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS D50 CLAYEY SAND (SC); CLIENT: Park7 Group LOCATION: Denton, TexasPROJECT: Park Place DRILLED BY: Daniel Earl (D&S) START DATE: 8/16/2018 DRILL METHOD: Hollow Stem Flight Auger LOGGED BY: Sandip Adhikari (D&S) FINISH DATE: 8/16/2018 GROUND ELEVATION: Approx. 702 feet GPS COORDINATES: N33.218016, W97.147931 PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 B1 1-2 17.4 23.2 132 0.2 B2 2-3 5.7 20.4 261 0.3 B3 13-14 14.1 18.9 263 0.7 B3 19-20 13.2 19.1 263 0.0 B4 6-7 12.7 19.4 652 0.8 B5 14-15 17.2 19.8 395 0.1 B6 2-3 16.6 20.0 132 0.0 B6 9-10 13.4 14.9 1053 0.0 B7 14-15 13.3 14.7 265 0.0 B7 19-20 11.7 17.6 1042 0.9 B8 20-21 18.9 20.7 393 1.2 B8 25-26 20.1 22.3 912 0.3 B9 4-5 7.9 16.0 520 2.0 B9 19-20 12.8 17.2 263 5.3 Boring Number Depth feet Vertical Swell, %Final Moisture Content, % Initial Moisture Content, % Applied Pressure,psf SWELL TEST RESULTS CLIENT: Park7 GroupPROJECT: Park Place PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 LOCATION: Denton, Texas 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 1 2 3 4 117.3 Axial Strain %Shear Stress (psi) 49.5 psi confinement 18.1 UNCONSOLIDATED-UNDRAINED TRIAXIAL TEST ASTM D2850 Borehole Depth MC% Description Major Principal Stress (psi)Minor Principal Stress (psi) 68.3 Deviator Stress (psi) 117.7 SHALE; fresh; gray, dark gray36.0B8 49.5 PROJECT: Park Place LOCATION: Denton, TexasCLIENT: Park7 Group PROJECT NUMBER: G18-2196 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 C u ,deg 34.1 psi 0 Major Principal Stress (psi)Total Normal Stress (psi) Client:D&S Engineering Labs Project Name:Park Place Project Location: Denton, TX GTX #: Test Date: Tested By:md Checked By:njh Boring ID: Sample ID: Depth, ft: Visual Description: Test No.: Initial Diameter, in: Initial Height, in: Initial Mass, grams: Initial Dry Density, pcf: Initial Moisture Content, %: Initial Bulk Density, pcf: Initial Degree of Saturation: Initial Void Ratio: Final Dry Density, pcf: Final Moisture Content, %: Final Bulk Density, pcf: Normal Stress, psf: Maximum Shear Stress, psf: Shear Rate, in/min: Sample Type: Estimated Specific Gravity: Liquid Limit: Plastic Limit: Plasticity Index: % Passing #200 sieve: Soil Classification: Group Symbol: Notes: Moisture content obtained before shear from sample trimmings Moisture Content determined by ASTM D2216 "---" indicates testing required to determine these values was not requested. Extruded from tube, cut, trimmed and placed into apparatus at the as-received density and moisture content 08/28/18 B8 --- 6-7 Sandy Lean Clay (CL); brown, yellowish brown, light gray 1.0 115.4 Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions by ASTM D3080 intact 1.0 0.0004 0.0004 720 1440 308690 --- DS-5 DS-6 2.5 158 165 109.1 12.3 11.2 122.5 2.5 128.3 110.0 118.7 142.5 20.1 65.760.8 0.54 0.46 --- 22.9 Values for cohesion and friction angle determined from best-fit straight line to the data for the specific test conditions. Actual strength parameters may vary and should be determined by an engineer for site-specific conditions. --- --- --- --- 2.70 1070 135.1 663 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Shear Stress, psfNormal Stress, psf 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Shear Stress, psfHorizontal Deformation, in 720 1440 #DIV/0! 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Vertical Deformation, inHorizontal Deformation, in 720 1440 #DIV/0! Cohesion = 526 psf Friction Angle = 29.5o Client:D&S Engineering Labs Project Name:Park Place Project Location: Denton, TX GTX #: Test Date: Tested By:md Checked By:njh Boring ID: Sample ID: Depth, ft: Visual Description: Test No.: Initial Diameter, in: Initial Height, in: Initial Mass, grams: Initial Dry Density, pcf: Initial Moisture Content, %: Initial Bulk Density, pcf: Initial Degree of Saturation: Initial Void Ratio: Final Dry Density, pcf: Final Moisture Content, %: Final Bulk Density, pcf: Normal Stress, psf: Maximum Shear Stress, psf: Shear Rate, in/min: Sample Type: Estimated Specific Gravity: Liquid Limit: Plastic Limit: Plasticity Index: % Passing #200 sieve: Soil Classification: Group Symbol: Notes: Moisture content obtained before shear from sample trimmings Moisture Content determined by ASTM D2216 "---" indicates testing required to determine these values was not requested. --- 34.0 Values for cohesion and friction angle determined from best-fit straight line to the data for the specific test conditions. Actual strength parameters may vary and should be determined by an engineer for site-specific conditions. --- --- --- --- 2.70 1190 2100 121.2 1080 4560 114.2 118.0 90.4 89.2 122.5 100.0 37.4 29.8 90.8 81.891.2 0.87 0.94 0.76 129.8 308690 --- DS-1 DS-2 DS-3 2.5 150 147 152 90.4 96.0 29.2 31.8 116.8 2.5 Extruded from tube, cut, trimmed and placed into apparatus at the as-received density and moisture content 22.9 08/28/18 B8 --- 19-20 Shale; gray, yellowish brown 2.5 1.0 1.0 86.7 Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions by ASTM D3080 intact 1.0 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 1440 2280 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Shear Stress, psfNormal Stress, psf 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Shear Stress, psfHorizontal Deformation, in 1440 2280 4560 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Vertical Deformation, inHorizontal Deformation, in 1440 2280 4560 Cohesion = 513 psf Friction Angle = 18.9o APPENDIX B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 ANALYTICAL METHODS TO PREDICT MOVEMENT INDEX PROPERTY AND CLASSIFICATION TESTS Index property and classification testing is perhaps the most basic, yet fundamental tool available for predicting potential movements of clay soils. Index property testing typically consists of moisture content, Atterberg Limits, and Grain-size distribution determinations. From these results, a general assessment of a soil’s propensity for volume change with changes in soil moisture content can be made. Moisture Content By studying the moisture content of the soils at varying depths and comparing them with the results of Atterberg Limits, one can estimate a rough order of magnitude of potential soil movement at various moisture contents, as well as movements with moisture changes. These tests are typically performed in accordance with ASTM D2216. Atterberg Limits Atterberg limits determine the liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), and plasticity index (PI) of a soil. The liquid limit is the moisture content at which a soil begins to behave as a viscous fluid. The plastic limit is the moisture content at which a soil becomes workable like putty, and at which a clay soil begins to crumble when rolled into a thin thread (1/8” diameter). The PI is the numerical difference between the moisture constants at the liquid limit and the plastic limit. This test is typically performed in accordance with ASTM D4318. Clay mineralogy and the particle size influence the Atterberg Limits values, with certain minerals (e.g., montmorillonite) and smaller particle sizes having higher PI values, and therefore higher movement potential. A soil with a PI below about 15 to 18 is considered to be generally stable and should not experience significant movement with changes in moisture content. Soils with a PI above about 30 to 35 are considered to be highly active and may exhibit considerable movement with changes in moisture content. Fat clays with very high liquid limits weakly cemented sandy clays, or silty clays are examples of soils in which it can be difficult to predict movement from index property testing alone. Grain-size Distribution The simplest grain-size distribution test involves washing a soil specimen over the No. 200 mesh sieve with an opening size of 0.075 mm (ASTM D1140). This particle size has been defined by the engineering community as the demarcation between coarse-grained and fine-grained soils. Particles smaller than this size can be further distinguished between silt-size and clay-size particles by use of a Hydrometer test (ASTM D422). A more complete grain-size distribution test that uses sieves to the relative number of particles according is the Sieve Gradation Analysis of Soils (ASTM D6913). Once the characteristics of the soil are determined through classification testing, a number of movement prediction techniques are available to predict the potential movement of the soils. Some of these are discussed in general below. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 POTENTIAL VERTICAL MOVEMENT A general index for movement is known as the Potential Vertical Rise (PVR). The actual term PVR refers to the TxDOT Method 124-E mentioned above. For the purpose of this report, the term Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) will be used since PVM estimates are derived using multiple analytical techniques, not just TxDOT methods. It should be noted that all slabs and foundations constructed on clay or clayey soils have at least some risk of potential vertical movement due to changes in soil moisture contents. To eliminate that risk, slabs and foundation elements (e.g., grade beams) should be designed as structural elements physically separated by some distance from the subgrade soils (usually 6 to 12 inches). Since the new building will be constructed with drilled shaft supported grade beams and structurally supported floor slabs, the risk of post-construction PVM should be minimal. SPECIAL COMMENTARY ON CONCRETE AND EARTHWORK RESTRAINT TO SHRINKAGE CRACKS One of the characteristics of concrete is that during the curing process shrinkage occurs and if there are any restraints to prevent the concrete from shrinking, cracks can form. In a typical slab on grade or structurally suspended foundation, there will be cracks due to interior beams and piers that restrict shrinkage. Similar restraint can occur when pavements are cast directly against rigid bedrock materials. This restriction is called Restraint to Shrinkage (RTS). These RTS cracks do not normally adversely affect the overall performance of foundations or pavements. It should be noted that for exposed floors, especially those that will be painted, stained or stamped, these cracks may be aesthetically unacceptable. Any tile which is applied directly to concrete or over a mortar bed over concrete has a high probability of minor cracks occurring in the tile due to RTS. It is recommended if the tile is used to install expansion joints in appropriate locations to minimize these cracks. UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION Trench excavation for utilities should be sloped or braced in the interest of safety. Attention is drawn to OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1926/1910), Subpart P, regarding trench excavations greater than 5 feet in depth. FIELD SUPERVISION AND DENSITY TESTING Field density and moisture content determinations should be made on each lift of fill with a minimum of one (1) test performed per lift in the building pad area for every 7,500 square feet, one (1) test per lift per 3,000 square feet in other fill areas, one test per lift in parking areas for every 10,000 square feet, one (1) test lift per 300 linear feet of roadways and drives, and one (1) test lift per 100 linear feet of utility trench backfill. Supervision by the field technician and the project engineer is required. Some adjustments in the test frequencies may be required based upon the general fill types and soil conditions at the time of fill placement. D&S ENGINEERING LABS, LLC Park Place Denton Denton, Texas G18-2196 It is recommended that all site and subgrade preparation, proof rolling, and pavement construction be monitored by a qualified engineering firm. Density tests should be performed to verify proper compaction and moisture content of any earthwork. The inspection should be performed prior to and during concrete placement operations. D&S would be pleased to perform these services in support of this project.                   14805 Trinity Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas 76155  Geotechnical 817.529.8464     Corporate 940.735.3733   www.dsenglabs.com  Texas Engineering Firm Registration # F‐12796  Oklahoma Engineering Firm Certificate of Authorization CA 7181