2017-04-04 Minutes PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING After determining that a quorum is present,the Public Art Committee of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2017, at 4 p.m. at City Hall Conference room, 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, Texas, at which the following items were considered: Members present: Guy Bruggeman,Millie Giles,Brian Wheeler,Frank Mayhew,Joe Duncan, Susan Vaughan, Ed Steele, and Gerri Veeder Members absent: Erin Clegg Staff present: Janie McLeod Chairman Bruggeman called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. APPROVAL OF March 2, 2017 MINUTES: The minutes were approved with a motion by Wheeler and seconded by Steele. DISCUSSION ITEMS Art Appraisal of Surls Sculpture. McLeod reported that James Surls will accept the offer of $105,000 for the "Seeing Around the Thorn Vine" sculpture. The price includes installation and staff will confirm if transportation is included in the price. Proposed Location of Surls Sculpture. The Public Art Committee (PAC) discussed various locations for the "Seeing Around the Thorn Vine" sculpture. The Patterson-Appleton Arts Center was suggested as a location. The art must be located in a city park since Parks Bond funds are being used. The PAC asked if the city-owned area on the corner of Hickory and Bell could be considered a park without grass. It was asked if the area could be added to the list of city parks. Staff will see if that is a possibility. Art Acceptance Policy. The PAC has been asked to review and make recommendations to the Public Art Acceptance policy. The revised policy was distributed prior to the meeting. Giles commented that her revisions had not been incorporated. McLeod will include Giles comments and resend the policy to the PAC. Possible Art at the Police Station. The Denton Police Department approached staff regarding commissioning a brick sculpture for the outside wall of the station. The spaces were formerly windows at the outside entrance to the station. The Police Department would like to commission Paula Collins to do a brick sculpture that would complement the brick sculpture she had done previously at the inside entranceway to the Police Station. McLeod said the Police Department is discussing options for funding of the artwork. One option would be them to apply for HOT funds; or use any funds left from the bonds sold for art for Public Safety funds from the 9/11 Memorial project; or see if the PAC would be interested increasing the HOT funds requested and include the project with the HOT fund application. Relocation of Art Sculpture at Central Fire Station. The PAC had previously approved the Greater Denton Arts Council (GDAC) request that the sculpture located at Central Fire Station be 1 relocated to the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center. McLeod will confirm with the GDAC if it is still their desire to have the art located at the Center. The PAC requested McLeod bring to the next meeting a public art map showing locations of public art and city-owned properties. Public Art on City Waste Receptacles. Steele said he attended a public forum meeting where citizens were interested in pursuing art displayed on waste receptacles. McLeod said she had spoken with a Solid Waste representative and advised him to consult with the City's Public Information office and the Community Improvement Services to see art might be allowable and what might be considered signage. McLeod will provide the Solid Waste contact information to the PAC. Prairie Street. Steele said at the same meeting there were concerns about the run down appearance of the Prairie Street area. Staff was asked if the City could do any improvements to the area. McLeod said that the property in question is private property but could request that Keep Denton Beautiful might be able to make some suggestions to help beautify their area. ACTION ITEMS Acquisition of Art by James Surls. The PAC is being asked to take action on the purchase of the James Surls sculpture, "Seeing Around the Thorn Vine". Wheeler made a motion to approve the purchase of the James Surls art and it was seconded by Steele. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0. Staff will present the request to City Council for final approval. Art Acceptance Policy. The item was tabled by a motion made by Wheeler and seconded by Steele. STANDING ITEM Update on 9111 Fire Memorial Project. The bids for the general contractor will close on Friday, March 31. On Monday, staff review the proposals and select the contractor. The recommendation will be presented to City Council the end of April, the purchase order will be opened, and work should begin soon afterwards. Giles said that Dr. Robert Bland, with UNT, suggested that former State Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as a speaker for the dedication. The PAC asked if Giles would be willing to speak during the dedication and she agreed too. Giles suggested that another 9/11 fire fighter might be considered. Status of City Hall West Bell. The bell has been picked up and is in the process of being cleaned and refurbished. Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center Art Project. Giles shared her concept of various size cut-out silhouette figures of people be considered for the project. The theme could be "Walk with Us". The larger-than-life size figures could have temporary faces and be changed periodically. The figures would be located around the front and side of the MLK Jr. Rec Center. 2 Actively Seek Local Artists. Bruggeman said that he plans to attend the "Art in the Community" meeting in Dallas and will share new ideas. Strategic Plan/Mission Statement. McLeod will email the PAC a draft of a mission statement and samples from other cities. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. 3