2017-06-01 Minutes PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES After determining that a quorum is present,the Public Art Committee of the City of Denton,Texas, convened in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, June 1, 2017, at 4 p.m. at Denton Civic Center Conference Room, 321 E. McKinney St., Denton, Texas, at which the following items were be considered: Members present: Guy Bruggeman, Millie Giles, Brian Wheeler, Joe Duncan, Erin Clegg Gerri Veeder, and Susan Vaughan(4:35) Members absent: Ed Steele and Frank Mayhew Staff present: Janie McLeod Chairman Bruggeman called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 4, 2017. Giles made a motion to accept the corrected minutes and it was seconded by Veeder. The motion was approved 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Location of the James Surls Sculpture. McLeod informed the Public Art Committee (PAC) that a location for the James Surls outdoor sculpture is needed before it can be presented for City Council's approval. The PAC agreed that the location for the Surls sculpture be located between the Civic Center and Bell Avenue and recommended it be on the raised grassy area. The PAC discussed that the art would be highly visibility from traffic on Bell Avenue and McKinney Street and for any visitors attending events in Quakertown Park or the Civic Center. Art Acceptance Policy. Bruggeman was checking with Dallas and Fort Worth's public art liaisons to get their feedback on the art acceptance policy. The topic will be on the next agenda. Mission Statement.The PAC discussed the drafts of the various statements submitted. Bruggeman and Duncan volunteered to review and recommend a mission statement prior to the next meeting. ACTION ITEMS: Art Acceptance Policy. Wheeler made a motion to table and was seconded by Duncan. Mission Statement. Wheeler made a motion to table and was seconded by Duncan. STANDING ITEM: Update on 9111 Fire Memorial Project. Giles and McLeod shared information regarding the site trip to see the fabricator in Alabama. The Woodman staff is eager to begin working on the project. MLK Jr Rec Center Public Art. There were no updates on the project. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.