2017-01-05 Minutes PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES REGULAR MEETING After determining that a quorum is present, the Public Art Committee of the City of Denton, Texas convened in a Regular Meeting on Thursday,January 5,2017,at 4 p.m. at Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney Street, Denton,Texas at which the following items were be considered: Members present: Guy Bruggeman, Millie Giles, Brian Wheeler, Joe Duncan, Susan Vaughan, Ed Steele, Frank Mayhew, and Gerri Veeder Members absent: Erin Clegg Staff present: Janie McLeod and Christine Taylor Chairman Bruggeman called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 1,2016 MINUTES: The minutes were approved by a motion by Vaughan and seconded by Steele. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Art by James Surls. Tom Maytham has been working on an appraisal and it should be ready by next week.Mr.Maytham visited the Surls Studio in the Carbondale during the Christmas holidays. McLeod said there had been challenges trying to work with him. The appraisal will be sent to the PAC as soon as it arrives. Donation of Art by Millie Giles. In 2009, the City of Denton purchased a painting by Rob Erdle and his wife, Millie Giles, has donated several artworks by him. Giles has offered to donate another piece of art by Mr. Erdle. The artwork is "Turner Falls" and will blend with the other artworks already donated and displayed in the South Branch Library. Giles has requested that all of Erdle's art work to remain together and not separated. Status of City Hall West Bell. McLeod said the contract for the bells for the towers will be completed soon. She added that the structural engineer inspected the tower at City Hall West, has received the insurance, and the contract is being reviewed. ACTION ITEMS: Art by James Surls. A motion, by Wheeler, was approved to table the item until an appraisal has been completed. The motion was seconded by Mayhew. Donated Art by Dr. Rudy Rodriguez. Wheeler made a motion to defer the art donation to the Public Art Committee and be accepted by the Parks and Recreation Department. Steele seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 8-0. Donation of Art by Millie Giles. Wheeler made motion to accept the art donation of"Turner Falls"by Millie Giles and it was seconded by Vaughan. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. STANDING ITEM: Update on Fire Station Project. The Architect is making progress and is working with the City's purchasing agent. Invitation to Bush. On December 5, the Fire Department sent an invitation to George W. Bush to speak at the 911 Memorial dedication. McLeod made an on-line request too and saw that currently nothing on his calendar for that date. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Steele announced that the Thin Line Film Festival is inviting photographers to participate in the event. Bruggeman said the LBJ dedication of where the oath was administrated will be on Jan.2Is. Taylor commented that more black rocks had been added to the Moroles Fountain. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.