2017-02-02 Minutes PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES REGULAR MEETING After determining that a quorum is present,the Public Art Committee of the City of Denton, Texas convened in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2017, at 4 p.m. at Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas at which the following items were be considered: Members present: Guy Bruggeman, Millie Giles, Brian Wheeler, Erin Clegg, Joe Duncan, Susan Vaughan, Ed Steele, and Gerri Veeder Members absent: Frank Mayhew Staff present: Janie McLeod and Christine Taylor Chairman Bruggeman called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. APPROVAL OF January 5, 2017 MINUTES: The minutes were approved by a motion made by Wheeler and seconded by Clegg. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Art by James Surls—McLeod reported that the original appraiser was released and Pam Campbell was hired to provide the appraisal for the art by James Surls. Campbell is located in Fort Worth and has previously provided art appraisals to the City. Status of City Hall West Bell—A purchase order was issued to Verdin for the refurbishing the old City Hall West(CHW)bell and the purchase of a bell of the same time period to replace the CHW bell. Staff is working with the Verdin Company to arrange a pick-up date for the bell to be refurbished. Acceptance of Art Policy— The subcommittee meet and developed a draft of the policy and will distribute for review prior to the next meeting. Keep Denton Beautiful Murals—Keep Denton Beautiful (KDB) submitted a"call for artists" for murals on two drainage overpasses. The murals locations being considered are on Broken Arrow Road and on Old North Road. The KDB committee will be handling fundraising efforts for murals. They plan to sell prints of the murals and give a percentage or a dollar amount to artist(s) and the fund balance will be for the KDB mural fund. KDB will bring the submissions selected to the March 2 PAC meeting. Railroad Bridge—The railroad company says it is okay to paint and remove graffiti on the railroad bridge. The City's Community Improvement Services will remove graffiti and go out to bid for an artist to repaint the bridge. The project will be completed by June. Martin Luther King Recreation Center Art Project — Giles suggested that the PAC do some research on the project and see what other cities have done for MLK art projects. The PAC requested that the list of subcommittee members be sent to the PAC with the community survey results. Actively Seek Artists in Denton —The PAC discussed methods/activities to reach out to the artist community to: collect information up-and-coming artists; where they find information to submit for projects; what is the best way to communicate with them; and the best way to connect with them for future projects. The information will increase the data base of local artists. Suggestions were to host a: meet and greet; open house; or a planning workshop to help build a platform to contact artists. McLeod asked if this would come under the Greater Denton Arts Council (GDAC)mission rather than the City's PAC. Duncan and Steele will talk with Bays-Booth, with GDAC, to seek information on upcoming artists. Strategic Plan/Mission Statement — The PAC agreed to research mission statement from other cities to assist with the PAC statement. Citizens Request-Mural on I-35. McLeod shared an email from a resident suggesting that art be on an area owned by private property off of I-35. She informed the citizen that the City PAC addressed art on city property would could not spend dollars for private property artworks. ACTION ITEMS: None STANDING ITEM: Update on Fire Station Project. Giles said she had met with Victor about the lighting for the twin towers. It was recommended that the light not be shown on the pillars but have the bell lit. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bruggeman said new art had been dedicated at the Love Field Airport and he would send the PAC photographs of the art. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.