Anderson Application for Place on Ballot - 03/03/2020 2-22 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 141.031,Chapters 143 and 144,Texas Election Code 1/2017 ALL INFORMATION IS RE UIRED TO BE PROVIDED UNLESS INDICATED OPTIONAL APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON THE City of Denton, Texas SPECIAL RECE(VP6O TO:City Secretary/Secretary of Board 1 request that my name be placed on the above-named official ballot as a candidate for the office indicated below. I.'' OFFICE SOUGHT(Include any place number or other distinguishing number,if any.) City Manager's 1 City J O+ r Secretary's Office FULL NAME(First,Middle, siq PRINT NAME AS YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR f\A�� V,0 Ao1,( k A 6-w, PERMANENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS(Do not include a P.O.Box or Rural PUBLIC MAILING ADDRESS(Campaign mailing address,if available.) Route. If you do not have a residence address,describe the address at which you receive personal mail and location of residence.) qUA CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP 0ua v 1 \ ` "-?(4WI) PUBLIC EMAIL ADDRESS(If available) OCCUPATION(Do not leave blank) DATE OF BIRTH VOTER REGISTRATION VUID NUMBER(Optional)' TELEPHONE CONTACT INFORMATION(Optional) LENGTH OF CONTINUOUS RESIDENCE AS OF DATE APPLICATION SWORN Home: IN STATE IN TERRITORY FROM WHICH THE OFFICE SOUGHT IS ELECTED3 Work: 51 year(s) year(s) Cell: month(s) month(s) If using a nickname as part of your name to appear on the ballot,you are also signing and swearing to the following statements: I further swear that my nickname does not constitute a slogan nor does it indicate a political, economic, social,or religious view or affiliation. I have been commonly known by this nickname for at least three years prior to this election. S Before me,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared(name) r_ n.,_L ," who being by me here and now duly sworn,upon oath says: "I, (name) of b _ County, Texas, being a candidate for the office of Gwff Eon A.nCt` T3kS swear that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Texas.I am a citizen of the United States eligible to hold such office under the constitution and laws of this state. I have not been finally convicted of a felony for which I have not been pardoned or had my full rights of citizenship restored by other official action. I have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.I am aware of the nepotism law,Chapter 573,Government Code. I further swear that the foregoing statements included in my application are in all things true and co rect." X 0�ryL__ SIGNATURE ND Sworn to and subscribed before me at this the day of ".� .°e '• otary Public •' " TIME OF TEXAS ID#876078-0 0 911 111P., My Comm.Exp.May 23, i020, Signature of Officer Admin,(sh Title of Officer dministering Oath TO BE COMPLETED BY eS CST Y 0�2•�I?�j RY OF BOARD: V : !� (See Section 1.007) %D SR ceived Signature of Secretary Voter Registration St s Vorm �i � '••.....••' Pam' q,To N I ```�� "'Ifflllll���