2017-038 Zoning Opinion for 3111 Teasley Lane Date: June 2, 2017 Report No. 2017-038 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Zoning opinion for property located at 3111 Teasley Lane. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 24, 2017, a request was received from Hugh Coleman for a zoning opinion regarding the permissibility of a standalone emergency room facility development proposed at 3111 Teasley Lane. Denton Development Code (DDC) and consultation with the Legal Department, the proposed standalone emergency room is a permitted use. BACKGROUND: In 2006, the subject property was rezoned from Neighborhood Residential 2 (NR-2) District to Neighborhood Residential Mixed Use (NRMU) District with an overlay district, which permits the following uses: Administrative or Research Facilities (excluding Animal Research) Professional Services and Offices Medical Centers Since 2006, the property has remained undeveloped. In the fall of 2016, staff received a site plan and a building permit application to construct a Medical Office Building and both applications are approved. Hugh Coleman is stating that the proposed use is a standalone emergency room facility open 24 hours and does not meet the definition of a Medical Center. DISCUSSION: While there is not a specific definition for standalone emergency rooms, historically this use has been permitted in zoning districts that permit professional offices and medical centers. The DDC defines a Medical Center as a walk-in facility for medical, obstetrical, or surgical care limited to day use only and Professional Services and Offices as offices used for the conduct of business-related activities, excluding the sale of merchandise or storing of merchandise on the premises. The standalone emergency room has a significant office component. Based on the definitions of the aforementioned uses, the urgent care facility is a permitted use on the subject property. This determination has been reviewed and endorsed by our Legal Department and been communicated to Hugh Coleman. Date: June 2, 2017 Report No. 2017-038 CONCLUSION: In an effort to limit the ambiguity of land uses and their definitions, the Planning Division will be preparing specific code amendments one of which will be creating a land use definition for an Urgent Care or Standalone Emergency Facility. It should also be taken into consideration that the DDC land uses and associated definitions are currently being reviewed as part of the DDC rewrite. STAFF CONTACT: Munal Mauladad Director of Development Services (940) 349-8313 Munal.Mauladad@cityofdenton.com