2020-088 Relocation of North Lakes Park Recycling Drop-off SiteDate: October 9, 2020 Report No. 2020-088 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Relocation of the North Lakes Park Recycling Drop-off Site BACKGROUND: In the FY18-19 Solid Waste and Recycling budget, funds were made available to relocate the existing North Lakes Park Recycling Drop-off Site due to planned park improvements (the construction of an expanded North Lakes Park Tennis Center.) The department has been working diligently in the last year to design, permit, and construct a new recycling drop-off site at an alternate location within North Lakes park. Given COVID delays and other issues which have arisen, the bid for construction has been put on hold at this time. On August 4, 2020, Council received a work session presentation regarding the status of the relocation as well as a report on the performance of both recycling drop-off sites: North Lakes Park and the landfill, considering COVID and the recent closure of the Cupboard site. Due to illegal dumping and contamination issues that were manifesting themselves at the North Lakes Park site, staff was recommending that the program transition from a fixed site at the North Lakes Park facility to a scheduled, roving collection event operated by the city every other Saturday at various sites around the City. While Council was supportive of this proposal, questions were asked as to whether alternate location(s), at either surplus city property or greenfield sites, could be identified to support recycling at multi-family/apartment dwellers. DISCUSSION: The City of Denton Recycling Drop-off Sites are operated to 1) provide those in the City without access to recycling service an opportunity to divert programmatic recyclable material and 2) provide residents with curbside access to the City’s recycling program excess capacity to manage their overage material. The existing site is regularly serviced three (3) times weeks to manage the collected recyclables and on an as needed basis, should a container become filled between scheduled empties. The Solid Waste and Recycling Valet Crew inspects and cleans the site daily for litter and illegally dumped materials placed at the site. The North Lakes Park facility is currently unsecured and is accessible by resident and non-resident customers 24 hours a day, seven (7) days per week, which is resulting in significant contamination within the collection bins and illegal dumping outside. The City has spent the last two months evaluating opportunities related to relocating the existing facility focusing on creating the best value for our ratepayers while equitably addressing the needs of the community. On October 13, 2020, the Denton City Council will consider a contract with a consultant to develop the City of Denton’s Solid Waste Management Strategy. Part of the strategy will include consideration as to how the best manage this sector of the solid waste stream. Results of the project should be completed in approximately 12 months at which time the City will work on developing and implementing a plan to affect its findings. Date: October 9, 2020 Report No. 2020-088 Solid Waste and Recycling leadership has discussed the existing location of the North Lakes Park facility coupled with the timeline for development of the new Tennis Center facility. While on track, bidding and court construction is not anticipated to be complete until late 2021. Based on this construction schedule, the impending findings of the Strategy, and site needs outlined by Parks and Recreation staff, Solid Waste and Recycling would propose to keep the existing North Lakes Park Recycling Drop-off site at its present location for the next year with the following improvements/enhancements implemented: • An automatic gate would be installed at the Windsor Street access allowing users into the site during park hours (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.). In addition to limiting access to the recycle drop-off site, this would also help limit access to the City’s remote control (RC) airplane facility and the south side of North Lakes Park Dog Park. • A robust, high definition video monitoring system will be installed, allowing City staff to better monitor the site and collect information/evidence to help curb and enforce illegal dumping violations. o Solid Waste and Recycling staff will initiate discussions with Community Improvement, Police, and Municipal Courts staff to ensure the effective enforcement of solid waste rules. • A screening fence will be installed to separate the proposed tennis center and the recycling facility to further limit access to the area. • Increased and improved signage will be installed to help inform, educate, and direct users on proper disposal etiquette. • Continuing outreach to Denton multi-family units on how to properly recycle STAFF CONTACT: Brian Boerner Director of Solid Waste 940-349-8001 brian.boerner@cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Staff generated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Solid Waste and Recycling, Parks and Recreation STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: One hour