Residential Bill CalculatorRESIDENTIAL BILL CALCULATOR This estimator is for informational purposes only and may not cover all possible factors that could affect your bill, including but not limited to late fees, deposits, payment arrangements, and budget billing. Your rate consists three components: Base + Energy + Transmission The Base Rate is made up of the Facility Charge and Usage Charge. Facility Charge – fixed monthly rate that recovers costs associated with customer service, metering, meter reading, billing, and accounting. Usage Charge – fixed rate based on kWh that recovers costs associated with poles, substations, lines, and equipment needed for delivery. The Energy Rate, labeled as the Energy Cost Adjustment, is a variable rate charged per kWh to recover costs associated with generation and fuel. The Transmission Rate, labeled as the Transmission Cost Recovery Factor, is a variable rate charged per kWh to recover the cost of delivering generated power from its source to the utility. Monthly Usage Check for summer months (All usage is charged the same rate during May, June, July, August, September, and October.) Description Rate kWh Total Facility Charge (Base) First 600 kWh (Base) Additional kWh (Base) Energy Cost Adjustment (Energy) Transmission Cost Recovery (Transmission) Total