2021-044 Recycling Contamination and Improvement PlanDate: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Recycling Contamination and Improvement Plan Update FY2021 BACKGROUND: The City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Department (SWR) has noticed a significant increase in recycling contamination throughout most of FY20/21 in the first eight (8) months. Much of this increase can be assigned to a change in the global recycling market (which significantly affects feedstock quality requirements), the increased inclusion of non-programmatic material into our recycle carts and bins, contamination by water, bags, and plastic film, and challenges faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Significantly increased recycling contamination is a nationwide issue, affecting most, if most all, municipal recycling programs. SWR is working to create a strategy to reduce contamination from homes, apartments, and businesses designed to increase the diversion of recycling program material from the landfill. For the eight (8) month period between October 2020 thru May 2021 SWR has collected a total gross recycling tonnage of 8348 from residents, multifamily units, and commercial partners and a net tonnage of 3076 resulting in a 63% overall contamination rate. Figure 1: * FY 21 data is partial year Figure 2: * FY 21 data is partial year 36%36% 43% 63% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21* CONTAMINATION YEAR OVER YEAR Overall 6634 11819 12465 8348 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21* TONNAGE YEAR OVER YEAR Gross Tons Date: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 DISCUSSION: Residential Residential contamination rate for the first eight months in FY21, October 2020 – May 2021, is 65%. The source of this contamination is threefold: 1. The classification of previously accepted programmatic recyclable material by our processor as contamination due to the increased quality standards caused by a closure of foreign end-use markets. 2. Aspirational recycling by well-meaning residents. The City of Denton can only accept programmatic material in its recycling program that is placed in the cart empty, clean, dry, and loose. Bagged material is considered contamination and will be diverted to the landfill. 3. User apathy – many residential recycling carts and most multifamily dumpsters contain regular household garbage that, when placed in the truck, will contaminated complete loads delivered to the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) To address these concerns, SWR has conceptualized and begun implementing an improved and aggressive education, outreach, and enforcement program designed to better focus activities designed to change habits and/or enforce compliance throughout our customer base. With the implementation of the Rubicon a smart routing system in November 2020, SWR is now better able to identify program violators on a micro-level (at the residence, a bin within an apartment complex, or commercial customer.) This information allows us to focus efforts on customers who consistently do not comply with program requirements. The first step of this improved outreach and enforcement program has been to identify which residential and commercial recycling routes contribute most to program contamination levels. The two most contaminated routes are shown in dark red on the heat map. The program’s second step has been to identify the types of contamination/practices on which to focus our education and outreach efforts. Our new smart routing software system, Rubicon, allows us to track the different routes and identify items that the drivers have documented through notes and pictures. For February, we identified 80% of the contamination that our driver could see as being bags and trash. In the pictures below, pulled from the Rubicon system, our drivers were able to catch contamination of bags and wood when the lid was open and not collect the cart. Unfortunately, when the lid is closed our drivers cannot document contamination before it affects the entire load as Date: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 seen in the load on the tipping floor of the MRF. The top 5 contamination items are plastic bags, Styrofoam, yard waste, bulky items, and water/wet items. SWR takes the information of routes and types of items responsible for high contamination and has been creating specific, focused educational opportunities and distribute them via direct mail, Social Media posts, HOA outreach, Recycle Right Q&A, apartment bags/flyers, and commercial posters. We would propose that failure to clean up recycling in a cart, after repeated contact, notice, and education, would result in the removal of that resident's recycling cart from the program. Commercial The Commercial contamination rate for October 2020 – May 2021 was 58%. Like the residential program, we have identified the routes that were frequent offenders of high contamination. The most contaminated routes are shown in dark red on the heat map below. The type of contamination encountered in recycling loads was similar to that in residential loads except for increased wood and furniture originating from multi-family complexes. This information will be used to create focused education and outreach to specific sectors of our commercial customer base. Contamination at the curb Contamination at the curb Contamination at the MRF Date: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 Landfill Recycling Center and Northlakes Contamination levels at our Landfill Recycling center have been consistent from February 2020 and May 2021 with an exception of September 2020. September’s 2% contamination was an anomaly that we haven’t been able to replicate or define. Our Northlakes Recycling Center has historically experienced high levels of contamination. You can see below three defining incidents that are affecting our contamination levels. An increase was seen after the Cupboard Recycling Center was removed from service in March of 2020. To combat the high contamination, we implemented restrictive lids in October which resulted in a 76% reduction in contamination from the previous month of September. The restrictive lids were successful but there was still contamination from illegal dumping which was rectified with the gate and camera additions resulting in a 35% reduction in contamination from December to January. 21% 25% 16% 18% 16% 10%10% 2% 8% 10% 20% 8% 20% 12% 9% 13% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Landfill Recycling Center 41%44%46% 51% 37% 56% 43% 49% 12% 30% 23% 15%16% 11%8%11% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% North Lakes Contamination Levels Restrictive lids implemented Dropsiteremoved Gate and camera added Date: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 CONCLUSION: With the high rate of contamination, Solid Waste and Recycling and Public Outreach have partnered to create an action plan to help reduce the City of Denton’s recycling contamination rate. Our approach is outlined with a 4-step process. 1. Identify the highest contamination routes a. Data collected and analyzed b. A Heat Map is created to narrow the areas of high contamination 2. Identify top contaminating items a. Utilize new Rubicon software to identify offending items and frequent offenders b. Work with MRF operator to identify contamination items/reasons 3. Utilize current education tools to target routes and items causing contamination a. Direct Mail b. Contact HOAs c. Social Media d. Recycling Audits 4. Analyze implemented solutions a. Create a best practice b. Repeat Steps 1-3 each month The condition of the Northlakes Recycling Site before restrictive lids, cameras and gate were implemented. Residents were utilizing the drop site for bulky waste and trash. The condition of the Northlakes Recycling Site following the installation of restrictive lids, cameras and gates, which reduced in incidence of illegal dumping. for bulky waste and trash. Date: July 2, 2021 Report No. 2021-044 STAFF CONTACT: Brian Boerner Director of Solid Waste and Recycling Brian.Boerner@cityofdenton.com Tammy Clausing Businesses Services Manager Solid Waste and Recycling Tammy.Clausing@cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Solid Waste & Recycling and Public Outreach