2017-07-06 Minutes PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES After determining that a quorum is present,the Public Art Committee of the City of Denton,Texas, convened in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, July 6, 2017, at 4 p.m. at Denton Civic Center Conference Room, 321 E. McKinney St., Denton, Texas, at which the following items were be considered: Members present: Guy Bruggeman, Millie Giles, Brian Wheeler, Joe Duncan, Erin Clegg Gerri Veeder, and Ed Steele Members absent: Frank Mayhew Staff present: Janie McLeod and Christine Taylor Chairman Bruggeman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 2017. Duncan made a motion to accept the corrected minutes and it was seconded by Veeder. The motion was approved 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Status of the James Surls Sculpture. McLeod reported that the art has arrived and is in storage. The concrete pad for the sculpture will be installed soon and the art will be installed before the end of the year. The company providing the pad is booked until later in the year. Polished rocks will be ordered to be placed on the pad. Art Acceptance Policy The PAC discussed the proposed Art Acceptance Policy and agreed it was ready for a vote to be taken. Appreciation was expressed to Duncan for his work on the policy. Mission Statement The PAC discussed the proposed Mission Statement and agreed it was ready for a vote to be taken. Relocation of Art Sculpture at Central Fire Station McLeod met with Bays-Booth and both agreed to leave the artwork at the Central Fire Station and revisit the move after the renovations at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center (PAAC) are completed. McLeod had been concerned that the sculpture would interfere with the view of the 9/11 Memorial but has reconsidered since more details are known about the 9/11 project. MLK Jr Rec Center's Public Art Staff requested direction on moving forward for the art proposal for the MLK Rec Center. A subcommittee of Wheeler, Duncan, Bruggeman, and McLeod will meet at the Center and discuss possible locations and guidelines for the art. The PAC discussed hosting informational session with the community on the bid process for the project. ACTION ITEMS Art Acceptance Policy A motion was made by Clegg and seconded by Wheeler to approve the Art Acceptance Policy with a minor change to capitalize "Fine Art". The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Mission Statement A motion was made by Duncan and seconded by Steele to approve the Mission Statement with the following changes: The City of Denton Public Art Committee activates public spaces with art to enhance the vitality of"the community" (added) Mes s(deleted) and support local artists. The Mission Statement was approved by a vote of 4-3. STANDING ITEM Update on 9111 Fire Fighter's Memorial Project The PAC discussed offering a private dedication during the day time for the fire fighters and a later one for the general public. McLeod will check with the Fire Department to see if a 5:30 p.m. dedication is agreeable and if they would like a private dedication for the fire fighters. Giles spoke with Bridgeport Fire Department and they have a fire truck that was purchased from the New York 9/11 event. The Bridgeport Fire Department would like to have their truck at the event too. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Duncan shared a copy of an Art Walk map that he had been associated with the design process. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m.