1964-020AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS OF ELECTION HELD APRIL 7, 1964, TO ELECT TWO CITY COUNCILMEN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS 1 That the City Council officially finds and determines that an election was duly ordered to he held mn the City of Denton on the 7th day of April, 1964, for the purpose of electing two (2) members to sa~d Council, that proper notice of said election was duly given, that proper election officers were duly appointed prior to said election, that said election was duly held, that due returns of the result of gald election have been made and delivered and that the City Council has duly canvassed said returns all in accordance w~th law 2 That the City Councll off~cmally finds and determines that only resident, quallfled electors of sa~d City were allowed to vote at said elect~on, and the following votes were cast at sa~d election for each candidate and write-in, therebe~ng no other person recemvlng any votes at th~s electmon Paul S Rogers received 33 Votes Tom Polk Miller received 1 Votes W P (Bll~ Davis received 22 Votes Mrs Paul Sampson recemved 3 Votes H R Pemberton received 513 Votes Charles J Cole, Jr received 2 Votes Fred Reed recemved 1 Votes Amos Dotson received 1 Votes Warren Whltson, Jr received 507 Votes Mrs Amos Dotson received 1 Votes Jerry Whatley, Sr received 190 Votes 3 That the City Council officially f~nds, determines and declares that results of samd electmon to be that H R Pemberton and Warren Whltson, Jr , have each received the proper number of votes to be elected, and that each of them ~s elected to said Cmty Council mn accordance with law