2017-12-13 Minutes APPROVED MINUTES AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 11,2017 After determining that a quorum was present,the Airport Advisory Board of the City of Denton, Texas convened in a Regular Scheduled Meeting Wednesday,October 11,2017.The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Building Meeting Room at 5000 Airport Road, Denton,Texas,during which the following items were considered: AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD IN ATTENDANCE:Martin Mainja, Robert lsmert,Bob Tickner,Micah Hope,and Pete Lane. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandra Chandler,and Ira Weinstein. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Gray,Airport Manager,Chase Patterson,Airport Operations Coordinator,Julie Mullins,Administrative Assistant and acting Recording Secretary, and Trey Lansford,Deputy City Attorney. Election of Acting Chairman Scott Gray,Airport Manager,called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.by asking the Board to elect an Acting Chairman for this meeting only. Ticker nominated Mainja for Acting Chairman for this meeting. lsmert seconded the motion.The motion was approved unanimously with a vote of(5-0). Present Airport Advisory Board Service Awards Jim Stodola and Stu Moorhead Acting Chairman Mainja presented a service plaque to Mr. Stu Moorhead. Moorhead was at the meI ting and thanked the Board and Staff.Mainja on behalf of fellow Board members,thanked Stu Moorhead and Jim Stodola for their service on the Airport Advisory Board. Mr.Jim Stodola was not in attendance to receive his plaque. Airport Manager's Report Scott Gray,Airport Manager gave a report on the building maintenance to the Terminal building, including the lobby floor, new card readers on both doors in the administrative office, administrative window, power washing the outside of the building, new gutters, and painting in some areas. Mainja asked if the cost was out of Airport budget.Gray informed the Board that the majority of funding was from the Faculties Management budget,but the card readers and window came out of Airport Budget. Approval of Minutes Consider approval of the minutes of the October 11,2017 Tickner made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Lane seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously with a vote of(5-0). REGULAR AGENDA Airport Advisory Board Minutes October 11,2017 Page 2 1. Opportunity for Board Members to declare their Interest in being an officer of the Airport Advisory Board. Gray mentioned this item is for the intent of declaring interest in becoming an officer of the Airport Advisory Board(AAB). Tickner,Mainja and Ismert declared their interest. 2. Receive a report,hold a discussion and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding a resolution to accept a grant for the primary runway and taxiway improvements at Denton Enterprise Airport. Gray said,this item is to accept a grant from Texas Department of Transportation Aviation(TxDOT)to fund the runway and taxiway improvements.The proposal is for the Airport to accept this grant on taxiway and runway improvements.Lane ask how much is this grant,Gray said,the grant is$4,053,750.00,the City's portion being $405,375.00,which is a 90/10 State/Local split. The projects include the repair to the primary runway and two taxiway improvements to meet FAA standards.These projects will be TxDOT Aviation projects and KSA Engineers will be the engineering firm.if approved by Council,TxDOT will issue a grant for the design first,then another grant for the construction. Gray said this item needs a motion to approve sending this to take to City Council for consideration. Tickner made a motion to approve the TxDOT grant as presented. Hope seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously with a vote of(5-0). 3. Staff Report—Monthly Operations Report—September 2017. Patterson gave the Monthly Operations Report, indicating operations for calendar year are up from last month,and fuel commissions are up 1.2%from last year.A few incidents were reported, including two fuel spills and a contractor crossing into the movement area. 4. Staff Report—Monthly Construction Report. Patterson gave a Monthly Construction Report, indicating the Quebec drainage project have been completed. Tickner asked about the restroom by the Quebec hangars,Gray said the funding for the restroom was approved by Council in this year's budget,Gray anticipates that the project can be completed less than the budgeted amount. Mainja ask Patterson will this project be in your constructions report,Patterson said yes. Mainja ask if the Quebec hangars are fully occupied.Patterson said yes. Patterson commented on more security fencing and lighting will be in this year's budget. Airport Advisory Board Minutes October 11,2017 Page 3 5. Staff Report—Airport Adopted FY 2017/18 Budget. Gray commented the Airport budget fiscal year 2017-2018 was adopted. The fiscal year budget 2016-2017 is not closed yet,when completed the 41 quarter report will be presented to the Board. Tickner commented on the airport getting revenue from Med Trans,Gray said yes. 6. Staff Report—Council Airport Committee and/or City Council aviation-related items. Gray indicated that two lease assignments,HTA Aviation and James and Nancy Huff assignments to US Trinity Holdings,LLC,the Routine Aviation Maintenance Program (RAMP)grant,and the TxDOT grant are on the City Council meeting agenda for October 17". 7. Discussion and possible action to modify the Airport Advisory Board Meeting Schedule. Gray said November 81h meeting will be election of officers. Gray informed the Airport Board,the Council Airport Committee has a set date on meetings each month,the 41'Tuesday of every month at 10:00am at City Hall. 8. Discussion and possible action to add Board Member requested item on a future agenda. Development concept plans Timeline on the parallel runway,will be under the construction update Roadway improvements around the Airport, including roundabouts The meeting was adjourned at: 6:36 p.m. '- Martin ti inja Acting Chairman Julie Yullins Recording Secretary