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t AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY A T.KA. CORPORATION Sohool, Theilyd 209 C01'TON ><XCktANO6 BUILDING 7elephon� Lamar 1024 d1d •KVSNTH AND THROCKORTON !TRECT l Charohrnllut• FORT WORTH, TEXAS CNICA400TfICt {A KART JACKiON ROULIVANO Dent on, , TeUs 0 ,lu1y 16, 198 '. x0326 Be '. HoTwuie, Mwor, and Oity Oomnissioni)rs, Donto'- , TeYSS. �: ev>uTOZ�rns�TUra Oentlez*zI l We tog to file herewith our bid on seating for the now Oity Hall Auditorium. The prioes quoted are for the ohairs delivered and installed in the building on oonoreto tloorai Proposition "All Obair ¢9163 - 7 ply 3 V thick Food Sack -$ 6,16 Y b M 7X6 N n seat proposition "H'i Ohair #9163 - 7 ply 3/419 thiok Wood Bak 7.16 x Upholstered 9 spring seat ;+ pfopoeition nail chair #9167 - 6 ply 7 161 thiok Wood $6011~,$ 4.6i "Toposf.t,ion "VII 0hair #916: - 6 ply 7/161, thiok Hood Book x.84 upholstered 9 spring Seat It 3&12 betting seat hinges are d9eired add 360 poll ohAir. ,ibovb p>!ioi$s inoludo ha. wire$ and numbar plater. I't hat wir46 and nwnter platgs are not wa32te4 dsdubt 6¢ , her aha!> fold a6 a4" Of e Parixitee a most oorvio a and eatisfaotorp initolla- tiom and sweetly soYioit your favorabla oonsidsraiiono , . Beepeotllaily $nbmitted� "=On 811ATITlO ��, r t4 ; 's I r p s r Y . "•1 ISF r1 � SCHOOL DE.qKS ;.� , SCHOOL SUPPLIES OPERA CHAIRS ti I' '`� r PLAY GROUND FOLDING CHAIRS EQUIPMENT ALAiVIO SEATING COMPANY 5715 SOUTH PRBSA STRRST 1LL.INONR1•Ifu0N 14764 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS IIIIION IIU July I5th, IS276 Honorable Comntitte City Hall, Janton, Texas . 4entlen'an; — �,a submit bids for the seating of your hall , On sampler that I have hers to show you, and on the sxaot speoifioations you want and which includes complete Installation in your building on ronorett floor, If Biwlcony floor is wood the prioe will be 2B.-Cents less , these pricer based on full car load of not less than 500 or more obairs, in 080 o 6, or,�yerPnp,,+ja 5 to t� �ct on . �3 Pe�� ��ved� �4 7-P 3/4 " Thick Upholstered D" 0 ring seat in ether 9 or rwelvo springs, lnotalled W 76 Con give diVferent design• in Backs s,nd etandardo* ,+ No; 39 Deep .ourved wing Baok,6 or 7 ply I/1d to I/2 .6 Baok A Box spring seat Containing 4 springs," Installedc 64 a°i 210, 39 or 41-Deep Curved win Book 7-ply 3/4 " thiok with 'x/18 ''"• °^y 7 Shaped seat . Install.64, K6;6 39-4I usep o*ved 6-ply 7/16 Book with 7/I6 Shaped seat r V61199-1)eep curved Book ,7/16 Pact 7/16 seat Installed Conorfe� 1�iJ1? rh; P, bks ..urnZe:. r and 4 stalls 08 Crnts EaOh, ' ; �pe��e�ketr-�l#a--�as�oetse�-fi400�a--i4�9enbs-�c3rr»ab-4.�-sent e qiw bs- c4Q ono—+ +►i sr e4-be34 —�rr►r►t or•»♦k �r•olurfr. firebso fully Bubmittgdj Q/ 444444 07AoO�. Yours very R4sP60tful1y Alamo coat . g' C0' 00 i � �0 I � a� r,uM •� . i i r Z " l f. () t ` ' S , ✓. � C.-�r� . �r � lo�_ �� X � •.' 111 � ' �,1 �� 1 � �. � r 1 S ♦ t 4 • X f "AMERICAN " ?1e Seellel Ensfneere r' j a 1 i \dj j A toy atvac r rcb chmit ♦i J ply �(•4r bock a wr fr ecb uat, n aNs, twa foee Ae 4 h�wp and eny. An1ihM Vn N'ah�ur , Acquer, Number 9133 ! r, k t " AMERICAN " / f Cbafrr `8rr!!1 to Last 4 Euel'Mnt In brironiel or t ofikolreni protecleJrbY r wild nupte Wl APPOrtJ Into It}ndarJ r. dish rtu,drrdi eliminate po,. IihilitY n(per-nr tanp r mH oar up■ntr .Heir in �ront,Rr�erw<eurvebrch erm Haim tees Number 2017 r fir'' ' oIBSadTia�s 1 BEATING FOR AUDIT481UI" f { t ol�i � t��q�t TEEAB �fl + x, '' a '• � y r. 1 - These specifications cover in a general way the chairs desired for the above auditorium. 2 - Prices are to be quoted per chair, delivered and installed in building on concrete floor, subject to approval of owner and arohlteet. 1 S - Each bidder to submit his own seating plan or layout of seating. 4 - S&Vlo oi: ohairs, on d. ".ah bids are submitted, to be shown. g = The contract must be completed by 1927 6 - All materials and appliances specified under this contract $hall be the best of their class* If any of the work or appliances proposed to be furnished by ,the_oontraotor. is covered by claims or patents of whatsoever nature, the u . contractor' will to required to pay all royuitios thorbOia' 7 - The contractor will protect the ormor against any darna$ti6 or suit for damages brought by anyone on account of olaims for infringement ,dt 1416tts. There hill to tour It ' of chairs oensi'2ered, naaselq� CIA" - ]chin Ploor - deep curved IwU4 book chair, seven ply 2/4++ thick with five ply 1/16" shaped seat) "Bq Main floor - deep ourYrd wing book chair, seven plg' J/4+� thick with uphol stared mi Spring soat oohtaining nine, eprings. ° "b" . Main q'ioor, w Amp, 04701 wing taok 'ohairo five ply, 7/160 thick with uX&Olµ ; .. 'btere4 zoii $piing seat, oontalning ttine'.sprlugY. salo6y deep curved wing back *hair, five ply 7/16 thick with five ply y/16e lies.' 9 9tendaide - L11 standard/, both aisle and centA>~, to be of h60Y oast metal, @tht obntinubue type - both aialee'and o'enteii to be approximately same weight* I}"K lb St andardt to here enamel finish bakid on tlol8i' to `ba e6idoted. U Arm gaits to be attached to standards itti neat and Workwanlike M=029 by; lima at And flanged ins fitting its w egb shaped rot<tings in woad ara�t. dither no eeJers' baI tesiling' or b¢il and o6o4t type. X2 'm woe& baoxo pp�d Nelda t0126 6f 66146t so, altortha'4�ts� Mtob, ekoh pigs 4eing i '' ��l1ciid '♦bit of .111-birohi eeah yi,Y iritnsiiag cross gt!dinid lt�id ¢il' ps to b4 healed bpfoki"gitiitiig i $uri th�r �h"g11i rp` ttAt"ratioh' of th1'-woods '"I tip ,t ' ° ,ther o °prigs to" d>'ysta'iii ton, o yrhigh goads iniril #less to b+ aced to a is, Atli k6t permlttodi w ` " ! 'A gptl e, a f ihs8d to haroure with bnb f ch am rm etR h a o 1e1e o ; r :o �'u•wbirte ll� seats Boit type ni>ie 'pingie spring$ of.� So wire • o6rr<igated ,1 1 deiiels 'rtlgai a �A oojum or 604 egoh`� 1,2,W pr6pdirl tled std aetaoh= . r ' lFP. to; offered rri?Eh' 11p 9 it crier -edge er r t� rb, lei +o tWe 6 di d ewe eyri 6ewa d to �fx t w Ur a ,;eatw t{aphid za4 ritt be to lot aar s f, d btuflirig to 0iM it ox ` , "` Y poWid6 geual:O to;<� l/,'lam ' uitse =I bna 1/$ peii>}d gei�ine' layer ootton�rl' r =.a I ` i 1 ) Y 3 r i �Za \ i :� dl T + Y q �!-• N7 i is .; '�d r r 0 Srr =,�� •_h.�7 + Y � t S. 1 » .I�k . 71 , r !' • ' i '�t ii , 7 ,)t Y t 1 / �r 7 / n' v n * I 1 ,+ `�1 1 t r 1 1 " I•. . ail �f2 1F \ sf � r •! ref / �/{ �. �� � f r �� ,� + ;s 1 r `i y SP�L ,fjoht., r r e � W66 fim oil required on laokeo;,1eate and arra;r�gta ;; � • + „ 4a ' F : 1�':'. . r : ). Y. , �1 t;' Y'. ," � � .�. . r i. •t ', e Pt d '� 17 Bids Will to reoeived at uayorts offioe, Denton, Texas, at on and opened and read and inspeotion of samples will Imme- diately follow. 18 - Approximately 364 oWra will to requirod for main floor wLd 218 for taloony. iQ - The privilege of rojeoting any or all tide is reservede i v , 4 r A t 'V� 'i . •/.. , 4 1 t , 1d I ���h•1'� ° r i C . 1 A ' � + T �/�.� v , ( � � ._h !'� �' ^'Q' y d 3d! r ' �� ,�IY f ` I ' P f � 1°4 J ♦- � + }i. VJ°'" 1 t �.11, v. 1 ll 1 � cnY,l � ..l! 1 � fl ♦ 1 1 �(. If i #y�1� Y N 'A,l ,�/�"���� y •�' x n� Y , �.. !� [ . , I , II I 5 /� i. EI ,'•tt ,;..1 r •4� { + � ail S d ' A AVIV k,LYMY I p tM f '77777" AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY Ge)ie)yrr alf're s It CAST JACKSON SOUILVARO $uIr'q O�ICCB PHONE. HARRISON 7060 .4rhU01,7rilkrfrr l'rlritl�nrl G'ilire CHICAGO Cha�rht�rr7,ilarr September 141 1927 city of D•ntons 'c/o Bono Bf M. UoRenuief City Hall, Denton, Texas. Dear Sires Res Order #370167 City of 14 ntonf Tex"e To are enclosing herewith bill of lading covering rbi;wont of bssrmbly Choirs for the above named, which went forward from our Grand Ra- pids factory under date of September 12th, and oonsicts of 102 crates eastinge , 2;Axes woods 2 boxes wire and r. boxes? hardware . Then you reoeive notice from the freight agent that goods have ar- rived will you or have whoever is authorised to receive the shipeonts kindly take the bill of lading and compare the number or orates* boxes aced othe ' packages listed thereon +►.th the number of s%ols shown on the freight bt2l •whioh will be handed to you by the freight a4jontf the items, should e.gree and you shcald receive all the packages of o, ory description call•M f >r#, If thsro to wW shortage* breakage or damages no matter ho�i ulighis p •saao have the freight agent make a notation of stoh shortages da &So %r, Woiak4o Oil the freight bill before you receipt for Wo, goaid. rhia all tililroad v ;genre are obii�wted to dos This' bill with the proper notation_ therodho',dould tii oia l'ed 'io' usimmediateiy. tith it in our possession we' rill we' in pdei t on do promptly traie ar>,q shortage or 'dake`olaiK 'dgainrt the oarr,ter for the r ehbrtage, or das►"go in case that should be found neosesary and eonsegaently bid so disappOintsobt to yoarself in the completion of the work, due to ' shortage or breakage of parts for which the railroad oompuq is responsible . It you will hand the bill of lading and these instruotion3o which rover the usual eoures of receiving freight shipments to any reliable teametors he will gsioreisnoi tfnat is required and attend to the delivery for you* The goods should be carted to the building in which they are to be instsllo4 immediately upon their arrival and you will kindly advise our Fort ' forth OYfioe *1jo will sonde an installation superintendent' im udiaiely upon receipt of your notification that goods are in the building and it- is oonvtn lent for you to )-Joao them installed* In this.00nneotion we with to impress upon you the great importanos —A t#& floor and also sufficient light 41vishing us with a oleais and unobetruo Y for the eoairsnienoe of the *orkaen while setting up the ruenitures All this i� 0`6vidsd for by isrra of oentraoto The pieh a000rding to which the goods 0 OX AMEI1IOAN SEATING. COMPANY .2- City of Denton are to be installed must be reproduced in its entirety on the floor and it Is impossible to perform an efficient installation and, prevent extra ex- pe not ,if the floor is'obstruoted and the installation mruet 'in oonsequettge `, ` ba, citried on pieoemeale It the floot is to be patatef or othervi1s troI4ted ',Tbt tdri 'the`goods are Anstalleds pit ehoold bs" o"oppietk birlorc ou'r sups uteri■ , dent arrives. Aisle carpets however can be laid after "'is installation. T•ne electrical current with which to operate our drilling machines mus ', be in the building available for our use , foi this is used during the first operations, Your kindness in complying with these inetruotions trill be greatly appreciated by us and will avoid confusion and annoyance which might other- flies 000ar• Yours very truly, a AkERICAN 3 T 000"y J G ' i 9alee 9e 3 e Dept. ,` 1�8o to wtsh to oali your attention to the foot that authorized tarith' pro � ' vidine'tor demurrage charge's ei.0 as f0 liowe1 or esoh of the first tour days beyond 40 hours frog time, ' Z`•b per"e�ly•`i" ` °+ p'or each suobeeding day $6460 per day. td Viii o'f thA aboye, you 4i]i appreciate the importanoe of arrangihS to have ` ®hipaent 'delliverA i0ediately. upon arrival. ' r If I r� V i t s Oil 3 f , r r f I . It 0.I. W IRWIN. 1;41114TARr COMMISSION[RAI MARION {BALL{Y, ATtORNir 1 i t _ 0 a� 1� e I I / 0 1 W. {, 91LL LR, CN\IRMAN M, T. ■R{W ti[R. CN.IN ItR lI'/ Iwo T W 6 MP W. /. WOOD A'\RD, TRtA{UR ll1 O. T. TVRNM P. K. RINCR. NtALTN OIIICtR w, R, LARRY J. A. rruND. w.Rr \ B. W. MCKENZIE MAVrR CLAVDt CA{TU{{RRr DENTON, TEXAS Feb. 22 , 1427 , To Ron. City Corxis©ion, Denton, Texas, Gentlemen. — I herewith submit my montly report for month ending Feb. 21 , 1427. HATER LIGHTS AND SPIERAGEt- Our plant is in good repair and we are giving satisfaction as ne?rly as possible. We have on hand another dozen street lights and are pthtting them up as needed, We have madd all water extensions called on where needed. we are now putting down tan inch eewarage pipes up Oakland and Carrier streets to take the ;dace of six inch pipes that are inadequate to meet the demands. We have given our order for the kunioipal machine as directed and it will be here in four or five months. This department, we are glad to announce, is out of debt and we hope to be able to carry on all improvements, from now on, and set aside the amount of ten per cent gross earnings for future repairs. STREST AND BRIDGHt -- Our streets are in goo! oondV ion now with exception of several rough streets that we 'orant to fret on just as soon as we get through with the rush work cn the pat4k. Our force is working on the park and most of them will work on it until they get through planting shrubs. An you know the contracts for con orate bridges have been let and the work will start right away, We are planning to use the old lumber in building a few needed culverts around over town. SAN:TAM Our saaitary man la giving good eatiefaotion and we have no oomp lints . He keeps our teams in good rvy conditions is looking after deed aihimais, and looks after barn, material at** Coll.eotione in this fepartment as well as in the water and light department are very satiefaotory. HF;ATHI -w Our Healbh officer has worked well and we have had a ocean up since our last report that was a success . Me are insisting on h1tri making an effort to get people who are near sewer lines to .� in sewer oonneotionsp and he is working along that line{ POLIM-- In the absence of a motor cop we have noticed speeding and violations of other traffic ordinanoes being violated and -e recommend that you immediately appoint a speed oop. Our oolleotions are very ggood and our night watohwu and watchman for fires are do.` ing exoellent work and we are well pleased. We have the punch olook or Night watohmans oiook in operation with twelve keys stationed it different parts of the busineea section and we look for results favarO16 along that litre, Glad to report not a fire in over one month. W6 have had several mad dogs but have had that killed and ire believe that,, saare is over. 13bKYARYI-» i'aY coileotiorfe xere dcma batter thsn w eetad and xe r,, beli"i oonditions sirs *6141. good. H600edtlluilY eu imt 1rd+ ni. � ., yw�i++ ♦ c�� �. I r „ I i ' � M r, �iyYq�l nI�A[I` 1 � � !Y �`� /.v .rAYyr ! ^.N a i u�+1�N".4. � 1 1 ..��YY I t,: '' � Ss, � �Y ;`��9i. -y?�. " ;n'°'9 .n ,#:�� �a. '"�":+`r� ill,'' j;.����t E� y , -, ,, , ` �� r �� �� r i , � ��� r ..�. a �!� ` i c i .,i , � i- , r , re t } ,s ,,, '` I �� a i'r�i � ^ - r r it � i.,1 ',�` ,r {.D. � � ' . . i „ � . i e�. Y ,r � � �_ . . �. �{. xp r �'� / � ] � � � �� rr : rl �ro � i Rr i r� �Zd �� r' �,. el 1°v ' r, i � . . '1 -,, . i� r ' pit r �'.. [RwIN: ncen.11 CONJIISIONCA!r MARION ■RALL[r. ATTORR Ir N. t, aR{Wilf[R [M6'MttR /\A}{-, �(�y.`r I"Oil W. r. MIL•iR. CM.IRN.R W. F. Wo00 WA RO. fFu.0 RtR C��P of f /� e 1� . L. RAILCr "r; ■. MN[R; IItALTM O/IRtI (CU�� [. T, TURN[R W. R. LAk{r J. A VOVNO. MARSHAL . S. W. MCKENZIE. MAYOR CLAUO[ CA[n[uRRr DENTON, TEXAS AfiL AOL E r '�'Y4- -' ...-:-�•-+�•' CA--v�-.� u_-t...c. —71- _it,� u.c.Ln...-ti.�.r-. r I It y� Iairra F It .������• ��,. ✓ C + .�' �•.. t { r Y � V ol �Y7R' '�i�aM' b� ;, `+n, n i4t.�"d}±wM`.wn�A•r n.-ty-nr...yw.pw,Nyf�" ay• u '.�f ��.�w,..nrr . �� . .p.....v;.. ..r.,.w -f ..4� '.+ ti• All • i 1 r t f f z r AV � � . _ c _ rya nj �,Y4//f a s a a Fy iy� J x - LkP' ' sr k ° ,�s 1 "Mat,L TM , w.� �at,F': 9r�`t►:lxz 1� 1r � ,' a^� r ..r t[, f t 1 V � x r� , lb I 1 R4 IN STEEL AND SPICIALIZINQ CONCRETE E. ROSS CHAMBLIN Mt"'E" R AMi RICAN SOC![TY C1V1L ENGINEERS DESIGNS FOR ALL KINDS OF CONSULTING CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL MIMIC" BUILDINGS, ERIDGES, 67RUCTURES AND DIFFICULT FOUNDATIONS ENGINEER AMERICAN SOC19TY TESTING MATERIALS 709 W I L S O N B U I L O I N O Mt MaSR TECHNICAL CLUE OF CALLAO LOAN. SA L9 AND Lust ARRAIM LS DALLAS. TEXAS MtMaaR DALLAS CHAMBSR OF COMMSRC[ ORNL11AL PAACTICE tN _... C1VIL ANO STRUCTURAL. ENorma"1Na 927 May 211 1 * COMMANDER May 1144 L.1 F1TZHUGH LEL CAMP No. A OFFICt PHONI XO671 DEPT. OF TEXAS L VITED SPANISH ACOIOSNCC PHONC U IEW WAR VETERANS MosersE go WE Van 91yke ih Oompany, Arohiteots, 402.448 Reynolds Building , Fort Korth, .axes. 0entle"m M1 81; pAN IDA 21",Y HALL Undk. authority in 004d in the spooiftoatione and general von. traot and the speolal authority granted by you Tend the olty offloials of ponton, the folloiinngg extra work has boon ordered and inoorporated in the oonatruotion of this building on a000unt of tits unosrtainty of the supporting value of the ground underneath the foundation and on a000uAt of the old well or oistern that was dlsoorared underneath One of the fouadation wails, *blob had to be filled up and bridged over so, as to farther insure the permanent safety of the entire `: ietrnoturo� 21 Oubio yards esoavatioA a 41604 er and Fo�rq work, 496 sq6 ft6 a 20,� y =99600 6241 LbA6 rsainforoiog steel a 4¢ per The 129666 U Cabxonyards oonorets 0 jl2s00 15 ` 2061, extras autboriood todatTL 440044 f3a pn'onq of the dad a done b�►_ sto , '13n ,�rar opus parts.,.o9.t th1 Oaitd41 8t11lse and hid more reoen l ,'dppq n' :exao Sad mlidocvlv�, i have oheokrt over the *nrioas.; struoSUral parts : of the 'bity U11 and find that We oan iMprov! our osnstrpotion and inaa oroatsy reiistanos to wind, partioalarly Ih the wol of the rl►adit+ to aM *blob sa port the steel-roof tussea +ann abort! fiftyfiri foot, and this pion be donO 4 . ,. , sat. d saa�,sirpese• ; k ht x ivir ; bero ai 4041140 8004 to tbif and seoarins 4 ` the genexel° o ntraotor , �� • do�i 69010 and tjoott"60 OdIso 1 rebdraMSr d that, An, WrM, bo :,I ', ddth4iiod 6, " thaC �i betiastrvoted to ooastraol uist re• W roWoonorete aoria� apA owiohl l� teh n b� a�e4 e te'A�IX i dAs i�Wnarlal r so6 f the e e ,aat.16 bi dot 1e mois 8 + lt194 and bf sari " thn 0 e ` u A� t k ride -- that is, 80" lengthways of the wall and 8" thick to take the place of the hollow Lilo backing so as not to interfere with your architectural details or the appearance either on the inside or the olxtaide of the auditoriumt and that these six concrete columns be re• informed with thirty-six 3/4" diameter vertical rods ap roximately 16, 6" long, six in each aolamn and with t ,. . , Sys diameter at at spaced not aoro than two feet 0. O. A and the concrete be proportioned , mixed and placed as opeoitied for Olass "A" concrete with wire ti0o in the exterior surfaces and both ed ee bond to . la0e brick- and hollow the at a total cc t NJ2l0s00t ranking the total 45 extras authorised tedate 1616. Yours very rsspeothally, w 0 6 yp r 'jr a • 1 e f t r r 1, MAX OIBS! WILL LESLIE R. A. cult O. J. 6, ELl COMMUEIONEe "VOR COMI+I1610NEA J. A. HENDEASON CITT MA N%�GKR O[I1 CIIT CLERK CITY OF SHERM.AN SHERMAN, TEXAS Oct 6 19 0 B.W,21oKenzie Mayor Dentcn Texas ,fit tni Dear air I hav yours of the 4th , Inregard to fire hose , Pie hav been using trey Stone made by Fabricti Fire Hose Co, We hav gotten good service from samea wE hav also used Eureka Fire Hose which gave good service . Any time I o�:an be of any service to you would be glad to hear from you. Y Yours try,ly I !'� e�{iS J{ �F�A PnL4r.i��A}�}M'I�� �4b + '. i2 + d- � + I ( �ir,� Vh���.l � . �/(///J♦/ /�I � a : i I Y Y4� ti .41W M AMY- 1 y `C I' r I ' y' yam10� { of Pmton B. W. MCKENZIE, M46YOR �tnfPO, �tXff r _ Oatobdr 4p •19P,7. llgsr Chiefaf-- if you w9ro in the markot for a thou lknd�toot of Fire w % • w hoija what would you b6VI i will thank you, and give ss? a the etriotoBt seoreny If you will givo -me your ideas so to ,thio subjoot. ._ ,,' Yours truly, y bb f� y ,ff J1 W T •,� ♦/J u , lY. ) 4� pw�.t� 11"". Alt �n 9 ,q ao �i'��J+a ti�.�� ' t a :� ��',�`� +�•, a� . y �'�eb a»r���.; '��M��������''4yy�"��'.,,� 6. mmm=A fjyy,.J 1 � ,ti �"i Y • rl • Y� �� 1 � , y� f ' aV /w�1, :Kx�/, • �4# } r:li . 3C f�,' �a����.i :.t i':�iir *r' � { �� �.r t �S ! t.:'"��j � � r�}. � . :y w �e'� a77,<A1h..� 1 w � •',a' i rr __.._.1 ', ��a', f1..r (fitly -of 'Ptnt an 103 B, W. MCKENZSE, MAYOR Benton, $exsr Ootober 4, 1927, Dear Chiefs -- If you were in the market for a thousand feet off' Fire hose what would you buy? I will thank you, and give same the strictest seoreey if you will give me your ideas as to this subjeot. Yours truly, lcayor. Air i Yoj Kensie in my Deprrtmont I use both the Luroka and the rabrie Fire Hoss and they are both good, in fact I dent think there is enough difference in them to Amount to any thing. Personaly I like the Eureka some the better but think it to due to the fact that I have used more of them than the other tut as I said before they are both good. Yours truly, Ale ,p• CHIEF'i ' WICHITA FALLS TEXAS s' a. jr a nn ) NA +F n l 71' nr r , l it W A �1 eii. S�, arl i 5 k ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. TRADC NARK EUREKA FIRE HOSE MANUFACTURING CO. 913-15 PRAETORIAN BLDG. DALLAS, TEXAS October 5, 1927. Hon. Be Vol, McKenzie, Maya-- , Denton, Tex. Dear Bir1- Our Representative reports that he called upon you recently and st.tes that your Oit,r will be in the market ' for soae Fire Hose in the near futures Whenever you get rea4y to take up this matter for definite disposition, will appreciate a telegram, at our expense , or a few lines by post, in order tbat we might be on hand promptly in further solicitation and exploitation '6f t - Thanking you in advance for your beet considsrAtion ' and trusting to merit your order. f With best wishes , Yours very truly, BURSA ME HOSE Moo 006 i c v ! eitv of 'Dolton a. W. MCKENZIE, MAYOR �tri}Ol1r �tXff t , Debember 27, 19`'7, fio the Mon. pity Oommiesion, Denton, Texas . dentlemens-- At a meeting of the Fireman of the city of Denton, recently held the undersigned committee was requested by said Fire- man to ask your honorable body for a donation suffi'jient to buy for the fireman, ib rubber hate, ib rubber coats and fifteen pair of rub r ber boots . We the oommittee have male an investigation of the needs or sub), equipment and oheerfully recommend the puroahee of samas ' , '4Y' F — corms ttee. t . t r *i.• i 1 r M N Y T r 1 + 1 ^ t l u.i ,A t ey +t t , _ ., '. ,. • •s , 7�` .t 1 "t`y, •� dvlri'S ks f"'.�a�;1!Pt1�` ' ,.'�a71 t • i. £ \ � T 4 + r . • t r I Y� a � + r I A • 1 � P ' . •T a OYTHt IPIR6NTnUAi 0! �!�6'IQO trr TH$ C1 TAI°�UEti 01. TNg �tt 01 volla-C)a i��� r Ya14 �' bum,a V.e Ne ed �1Yoi_�I.gt�WL�iO�1CiNVUOIum eum W dt �yuroM due t d41 on [LdU"ns "' r or 1 1'd0�f/b.1'••► '°`.YS. -. ''I' Q• 1 (3 i.l r; 4hleaonpodl4et ►nab. y � , , V�114V 11+f SPP4 .. xT�p f tkTil A,r 6r Y. $2$.00 S bur.e s oP',T f TYCIsi ;A�.lRj7o ff:Y^ wpm o� s >vatl "y ' Ntl/ilke t , Wn Nh0. 9ob ea all! n aot IdL U g vsae Is e{LNMd ind 4 a pert I P R aE : � ILLM 41,1111 TIDE Q► DLK W�L[A�yo�� �"., r r fW L OAf.ffALl DO111a1 #INow ON vor{{IAle�fofr ImY41r i ►Lw TN O�NT L x df 1 1, DOLtAIIi MIt { ' I�.er at row tl+ f IY. a OR • M,I, eRrx , I �wM,r 1 6 C IVA ` ref wr, f r bel�a141. z i PROPOSALL_•�- �» j J6 Jr1M•ti- po 9�' t r 3bb'OfT, ''to618 and 6VOkything '1i606,60 i?iy tAr .l r ta ;futii eh iii as l ;�Y} s { { .s y ' N :'r �rruS l: + u f¢� 3W.iM�y.;u ro r��"Acn+."s Tk,✓ 1`4a a �al g' �o att&c=4 plans and apeoifioationa , eub� eot to the' apprbval, of- the ' oity engh; ek for, the �dum of--- n A ?. ? dollars. o is ( $ �. i�) pe� ' o fa' yard rt a inf pId'd6 lh a pricer der oubio yard of o bordto 16;'' ( i iit 1Y'e :ythiti�'ne,ce nary to 'oompI te ;.thoi wot�k`ws000rding: " r. r M • J( r: J,(•ri f f 1 i t9 t er'e = Ian e and epQoi`fioatton�. „_.day, of.. � T 192�t! ,�. o tr7; , : Ili . Vf ' i t;fi !f r tir •1 1 ! Y h , ! ✓ 5 . F `�`•+y" .`,S F .?�, y,( �Cy �A�i1•r.�K:••+..4�T'f►I r r�,N�I ,.1'� �+ i r r f v,�� rMt h �')' r e'%;j}r Yt`T f s jy y Y . �'�1 A > K t' °;' f +Q Y� �_,'. � ! '�!t'� r I ', t�4` 1 •ti3'. yt '11, �7 +. 't 4 r ♦ .fy d ,. e,Y yr + r,•�A Kr r y ,�. f Y + f R / n F+ V 3.4 rr ' y'� 1,N/rt^ /r t 9 i p +t'1 ' K �� *� i` ,r ,' d a ,., 3 .� 1 r•.� i 1ft ' v w '.i a..,,� �+ y4 ,krf 1"� a.B �v�Nk }Y f ? i tfair tl VCI'it Yl w r j 1 ! i • .'.G 6 r J „ f [, r { .Y y ! If• :t♦ 1 !'.y, IY r'd J + L �l %i4'a I N fijkt i '.. �� ir 14� "fit � r9 f� �,,,�, ✓ ���Yi �.b .r.,/t � � 1 „� `� n�' l�r ;�r f�1 a'v i. �r y� { it, }vr. 1 .+, It, ,e �.v'I x` j ti�,, , I 'Rti. r ' 9}1ttt�i " I �r ¢ ! fyl '. ,•.r vx "'; ..� f .�,r ,.• ��, J,� t i i n V , rrQ ,l: " A ''�� ', 1 . y �1r `'".f , y{r�{ : . �. qt.•�+ Y ', r,^R`r t h Y, 41A 3 0 , r) r a�+11, f � It' , l �',i t I•� n� J r r } fS 1 t i e r P t l 1�t i , Y N Ka Cp L. r �' , ,,+ I I C, rl � � r .�•.. C ,�'tt y .9Li 1 ",: j�yI f i' � ItC' x, °iY j:t MY r ♦:. t ' Ik� r'k s r 9 Y + • , � ' 11 � 1 ' , rtiid i b(�, 7`L n r : ..1,1 ;f (, i r YJ1+Q} f '".! 4 •,"j, o r + � C R V c t r y'� r v , . . � Y w,�� �J J�. e'v � 1.1 } t:f i � " .N'1 f , �. t • y I �� ! 1 ��YYY r . iv:, .: f�„ t 1.Z =�''S' �Mr-l� oYf�I�,lf 1,,�t z '7F1 a+fir' g"�3f lu'}A�w l'r�l •, r.. �t , ,YI a •+ , ,+ _ iy Ey'f 1' Y 4 t �r"ot' 9i r * ; •�1,� ,{ .,� ! .u�"'• P,}t t�1j '1' �U: wi'1 e ♦ ' '�r'I X4� t A 1 1 r'y, F ! Y� ,fit, r x'4 + a 22r r r� :. 6 �/ t irrk� w ik� ,9•�,,Y P 1 � 1 Y ! 1 yi N: j. ,.iV rt rk y,l�" 11 f' ^Lil'��-(r�P - :rU 1=Nl�r . 9 : :� k�9f'4 �!tl+.• p1�.Y_!,l + { A ?r Y t•r'� Vt' R fSi / iT�11 ,�4'� V� Y` � }f� d �'ir, it },.::1 = '� : � Jl �' �'r. 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Y �1 V•' 161 AM L .. r uQi 4- }. y ♦ r N. r. r C 1 t 11 'y'�r +l a'j�t,.,n 1A by +� J`AL.�.ii\{: 1 La "rl !fit yr ,tf pl i" �irr ,a �� .. ♦jA. � f ' � �. r I� ' d , If OJ, �j':IFI 3 7!#jF lli;f'�'IBVE! 1111 , E �dIT� i 104 f f 'I Z:bl 1S>1 aLsi .d;7 Lil+_G t 43 � �'�r�� y � ',; s',��>��,'j't3'S�'t�toat�n ,b;s� ntF,rs,[a b6iio�� � slroJ 'eft?b♦cpoi?,.r �i's�ity atq�; off+ fqu�v . ( r .�41''R" S rn'irl• V,'k 4 �' w J ,, ^ x � { ♦ v` r J ,%,'r � � e 1�',,,, ! �r, � Yi. en $ t ,,.y ♦ y ,d ..� r ... *'f� J ., la ! ! 4 lrh�r Y <°.1 1 h y �.N^l .n 4 '1 tfa ' xp; PR3; `r Y.e $ t r, t ♦ s t..' i c N y slk a� f at` Y y' , A�G �d�jStl7'fkT1, Ic r y8 � r « R1 f f t'� S� R ardSl 4 . , . . Aix, O "• l9 k,ty t k , b ?'3 ;n S' • t9c co"OOT] : Y01Y Ui{J ` Jy�9LC{fTOb Gt V 40. 3e3 It s�ritli�,1�'teV9 , E I f rk ` " r` ; tft �E+CibtJ85k l06 s bnil • 611AI��{] b t51 to tt� '« 1'1 a ,1:rh� lo ,r, r� ' `#',r o- t+Y� N ♦w♦ ..� � r� lgsr♦ L'�. r l..ar W . . .I ,.ri Yv.rr_ .,r it r••' rN .'...aR .++ar} J0. ". 1 1. # �• , tQ {4 yY5 _ rtfA 1. j 1 :1 r 1 :r p° 1 rtr _ � ' . I r7 ,l� riit it li ;fir ,rid ! t)Yf r r tV tY4 V t FF { h�W'� ry'N � � �� lo � T4�� ' !.. :, r a ♦ ' W ( R , ,r Nt r\ Sv�y�1 6 .y, s �. , �'! r r ` °e ? ' 1 ,r , y ♦ \x ( r I, �f , Y. ! >, '1 I, � . � r J df " rl 1 �l 7 •ru�Y. 4, 4, f (1 to r^i I �I ( � y'��h1fr,i� 1 f � ,tip a?t' t�r 11, '' I 1 s N �1y` Y �,,5 r ✓ r'; rri) >,r of rK t1 .'(r Yrr { !S.(M�'.� I .�`hr , � '.1a,ri 1 r�•4;h1t Jig! tir { y�.� S a rr. j t i r ' i y`y { � aM 'ktiF r y^"h -el /'l. ? it irtrd ' /� f ✓ i a ! x r T , �' 1li,. i / T,� ,1 1 (, � '�l '�° �, f F i Y�Y`'✓r y <1 ,.f 3� ,d :r :i 'y 1 r! + r r rVv 1, . �tr a :U r �. J,� >• !47 1' Fy t, r ° !1S .�- , N j� 1. t '� ,.. 7r 1 �,✓ 15 rt 4 'orpp , yb`y'S ",f , ' fart -°1Y w ',. N" ti r Jt t 1 ��.,II, r• �' Y "R r+ Vt a 'y,'fl .� a :'7^�t 'r 5r;: �3�Y r rTY� r ,al.+i # I la' a 'E , ,' Y r 1n s {1 is , ,. r5 ! Y •� i ! � {I t�y,���'�,r iii Iry r� � \� � 1� ^�� r �(`✓ 5 ��' �� R�{ ♦nl s{ ' � � � wtii ! �l i� " x� c� , err y It ��4 ; `�' �' .t Nov � '' � 1�.. 1#'S4`_q�(1 },, ♦ r F� � � jk `a.F S j b 4F t< { 'tr Y r. t I ti a 5 } R,Ali7� . Ip rrF rTJ� " S M r'� r y +..:, r ry 5 "a• a a 'z Iii ie}'. a ,,t r'vV! A •f ,+ I Y, y V1� r.7 � Q N,tl. tyrr 1 .y ,;,I ! , c r f Ir 1 ( ♦ a I ! 1 i 1 yp � I �1 `1. . r': r�' f)i 5 r 7 Y, 5 r It 5 R" sail Ir TiW ,� r �' Lx } t' 4 f „e t t +r r { # I'?•11 ry '✓ • �a p1 rxT�t r f is t E! rtr r#! !a�'�r rI tI'A i�' t ' ,,,# 7y r 1•ar 1 Pti 5 �'�♦ '� r j ! s` i t'• r 4 l i r � ? � it lAfnq� Taht+' i 11� {j kJN t � It '1[21`'+fIIFi. 44 ^} aT111 f� ^T* YI't'I, Y '1 wil 1� Rt� 1 ✓ 1 A•S 14', l� "^'� $1 ,� R:�} � �,. � , 4 1♦ ,/e � rl,l�� f r iV�al I i l°Ji ' �(L `�F ( / r tl.e�r d't . it '.t lY�a j7, °� 4a a tir° t 11 iYs p ri 1} F � " ! [ I vett y f i+ r R ,1 � '! ) a L r;5 n. .r � ��✓ i a ♦r 5 1 4 1 n 1 cj t 1 J' .rte" �' µql `1 I(- t ',ritt t� s 1 �x {^• i 5 ^�' Q � i q ti it . ��7.1 0� ������ �� ! Y �W �s, .1 t � `n�� ✓. !7 e��� Yr #, I,1 ry ♦ r d1'�III ,<r �r � �l� i 1 i{ X11 a Y�' , v � w � J 4 ! F t � f� �' 7 ` "A +'1 a 1 �� `a• F �� � 1 C'� 1 �'��'�,�f � t'Y� i t �l r r' t � .,�I� r i � I 1 �1 / ! 1 ♦ i N s ! SZ rY � 4 .� Y a T' 1N ay♦ 1 r ' . Si 1 ,1 �n »Y /•„+,� n 5^'"' 1� 1 't. ♦ sr rLy A��r fir' 1,11' litjrA v '�' .f.r!y'#A.r tji W' ) JY �^qf1 ! r ..li i Ih 4 Y4' {.! r( 1Sji Y9 .L, t ` e7�, r >� I A4, 1 7 , r t l �nf Flry 4' < , n , Ii.'k Y t �y 5 IfR � �1.'fi rJ 4" Sr� 6 ' ✓ ',�r" ar, {�{ f-.�{� yti+, ( t i 1 y r I�,N Re y ,� ' l t , '{ 1 r A r •. i N:i 19t �t d �` a +' 1 . p,A rte, y�►btl 1Q hq' G , �'. '!. 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I ♦r j i a 1 ,(A, j�'f I'l i1 Y'fJ7 /11:7 G" ri,.1{d x,1 ' y . 1 l� a. , t N •M''! r f � ' Y Aa r .. 9 tl�� `ttt w Iv jjr: r �>' i ryt{1�0. ."i +a J " e4 1 'i 1 k c''11 k. �a , "' r1 I r- 'r , ` \ .''} I i I [,, 9t Y l t ` r i + ) S' 1 '� . i J�.`. Ai , •J t i r rr ;' ? I I I ' 7 7 �+ 9 I i .,II,I,I. JqA y JIA ,C { r 1 .is ? w , rr° I p 11. a In1. !r !, *.l1A Ir S " a rti :y t i�r tlI4 1` 'x,ti t , I 4 1 ra '�41A1,vk d, r ° 1 , Iwlx �WY r ie ) 1, 6111" 1 {�^ 'Y�� 17a 4� Y � A 1x +Y'} Ar 1r 3kA!'; ar s�1,f,IfS I a1tiff r�`, IF{I II,,Yk k; IA Y+t I?' j t 1L `r' Yi t3) L 1 �J 1j ' I ' .;'. y� }JM1 1i }{ 1 ,. r . y`.} ; 3 '•.j+ ^IA; If 1 rf ` . y�,� I l J f 54L. 611�1 . !y v{ R1 ° 4 �,�r?ryt I, I 1I L1 . I -4 ii ' j 'a :t ' } t: 5 If r♦ I.tfw ♦%"iJ f'( 'II r f,:. 1 4 i r.if 4 +{1, .r5 nn ,k r y �y y� }. ,p�3e AI +1 fA } 7 .i "1' I fR" c �� ; t tl r.Ia, i � I .r',�r;�p',j,^yY�,y,Fr, t41. E . 1'r V`r` '! R It L I, A I . I J W fit A vlt` A A o r" w4m4k)AAlle'M Ot n0fim"ll +y 4, 24 031013PIOATIONS AND PmPoahv poR STOPX 4RWSR 4i =— ,Zlxifmftft Mao -UAYORO kx&.r"wl 11 i�,'r � '`TJe t \d7 ''.�:7 -0 � �' M � "� �1f It v.0 •.;n r r y4+, Raf';1",,.7 {Y ( wyl'a C��Y'�f 'hr141 1._r R.�g:�'1 y4ti r����y`y rl�'{1 `y.g Y+ ((r t�`�',,�'.1 +.d ,a lr1`' + LP • d }�A R Iv f;f�r ` a'�r \M `'♦ �T1'R..+ `f r �, � y',"� �$n. i. .:i ��t.. fy...a � .,l.F,l�tr i'dr' , �,i'�jYk+�T[t��� {r+"'i�� ���y.�4r 7r)��ui 4�� Y 1 1 ! " y� } �, ff� el f�t,f fj 1,((, gv.� 7.a Me r..y� 41 Y ' ' 11dj ( lfa �y�'G(h% (xk�"bi" v.!T q } ir, f` }..•P !' ;mo S41fC,Alo ^K y r ✓ !r. 1 , 1 1' krY l s! ?IIJ t` ' v v . �Y' . Z'��.:✓v(w f y v i '., 1'� !�r It �o", t MI. Y; 1, „l; w • 1 p ."+� r r, .5. .°r .! a`p if f� VR4f.R u '4ti i• J laican-2Scort.ry Road Cori an prOppsa t0 Ai{ �ii�tei�istl�° i�ibo '; `�bo �r"� �''�taj► Cirsed 'eci�y�'' ¢.°�dlo-� plots thi4 work a000rdIng to attaahad Plans and syeoiiioationfo f a �! the oily `engineer, !ox who oistn o!•►r r -k J+`Y ' �rg�Yl'aCl Ali I a T.61 y,''�1�75� t� \ � rJ� ri , •OUi1T.� x:11 0! i�j� off+ ` qr t� '�il�i6e�"7liig' 'yx�i yor 4uUd"YA ''d is to iuolude every j{(" oompXotA it}e w►Irk, a�aor4rg to, theJO Vlarip p�n� ep O• r' 'iti �lR 6t 4 'Y 'd Lrys. a i+ 1'a IRI 1 V tr I. p. ✓ 1. Y°1 sJ Yj'<r. t..,.� 4r. i'. ♦1: (t L k !'.1 S t li"' 1 > S'. °M1 4'i I l�{. �'-! 4� <-7� �e'4r•r. �, . 7i ,�a�t�ion�;tif k ;, ti ?', rte.' r � } � ` , t a .'• R.`' LRG9• +, r 1 'j.�. ° ti �� � � P rrlll7� r 1 �.w.i.rr'4 1• IC'[ n•�r 1�lt C- , .I�Leia 1 i.M. yy'1 ff'y e a�.i;r �T f, }''...!!l•,,,M} � y '� 4rAd Ty�j��y 1n,.,�1 YS'Y � , �' [ �'�} ' irN ' Jf, AW ,� 1. ♦ 4 ! rm'. } ' 1. d f 1r' t �. I ;9 ♦r Y aL.�lf e 1 '. 1.'��F+�i �1 �.•G..a`S �17 S'1fi'o4 ,r 1l�11 3�'xdi� tetie �yabr+l �f# �11,,Q� YY t'iR Ed W9f C°tl ( elaA°,� �A';7M1�i rt 11 'tY � vi S TyTy: yti✓" f3(tl��� r 'r r` 1 f .� ° .' °` • I ; d 1` x 1 iy s, J j 1 '{ rb'tri tl�, Aiat'IFY 7R Y F� g ' t'(`� I r 9. ` S r � o •r { 1 N i rr ✓ .� .:rr M 1: `.�.` �v.t.�" V 4,j�r ari 0.Glr 7j � uk :r, itt,l � d . !k }� rrR� � ♦y.V rr.1 T [ p. ,. � � '� f A i te'� •,.L 51 It. R l� d ! X11.1 {,} °��,� : � �-s + a 1_ �,r,R Yy . ti °'if` u )✓ .l rrl � a. � n �. ,� .^�j !" 1 .L�1 1� �T �' '�ifM ex 0 � t ' ° 1 wj7t' y ,. s r `''�� :tY as`p '� 1 '.srY 1.., e�ll�, r. d`r+i�� + ✓r .:� ! ' w J • e 1 . �' r"� ' .'r. I r 1 � I ' G� i t •+� I n } 1 � 1 IiZ � 1 1 ��• r �� I F 1 r q F 1 F fii k � \ Yf t e r� �e 1 K t'� W�11 WWI to is`are tyo ' b'e in 0 unotibn xi't t? ii l�u"a �'bt " l ►` 8 �', �, 4 brri' aewer or file with n,ty engineor,and approved by the o ty engi�neer ' Of the Qity of .Aenton Toxic@ ement ib to be furnished by ths, tlity of Dentin and the contractor in not o ognsider the oo"ot of oesaorit in his bid. 0lorciag stool is to be furn'i0had. by the. bity of J�on'tdn.aad this' aontiaotor sit not to consider the cost of }he steep in his bid. Z;XOAYA'1'YOH•-- Rough axotmtion is to be done by thb otreet force of tho oityy of Denton , , eo tar as can be donoby toamseend only suuh excavation as atXl be nacre- nary to dress up and finish by hand is to be considered by the contrdokor in his bid. Tho price of said excavation shall be included in the bid in ,•' the priog bid per oubio yard of con.orsto in place. All oodorrto is to be of IiM4 mixsl part of oamentstwo parts of sand and ; fo'0 6,rts or gravel) . All. materia s shall be subJaot to the inspection and appr6al' of , the oity sn ineer.or suoh inspeo tore as he 'shdll. eopoint tq a; gapmisi the construotlopsAll material shall bu sorosriod and ro4xed tit J, :thri roportions stated abore,unlose. 441 table pit run ra►rel oan -be obtained ciao Wing th 4�oka�hatrra�rt000�o`�io�oo!idea�4tb� , ' gogtW40 011 O&I rowan; said nator1X � sr d, shoe be ;�dhpy'p��b!"Ole� a, ,1ii► q Pa rtibiee ,urioaatO& add-Tres' from lumps of s$tt ortZ¢ s ' R.4�b e , ,00 ir�,'.gf O�aan , �+d= 04wrrbl#. w1ooat d r jta *1'i 56kb . ! 'no idtitre trianb ` (e�brarion te6t !�rrhYl) anr64 xra ,trom 'dirt, brgania or athe•r. ,iniurieous Ait.�ar. d , r �A. r.Ar R• �# ', ,1 yy�►�, er t0 sting nonarete uiil be f>trni ied tier a !ho oontfaotolr 'b be y ui an tail the nsbiro;t ' tire �1ug:rthe :oon�iraoto to tdrnial�' �d � b If M dai , i" 3'e►pd �I * t fiph. the : kind , b; at,All sgii .*Moh tb `0a 46 , t ,v :yv l � 6t, a � dl�Rl 5 � .14i",t tao aT� tb b # ►tiehpd, by' ! $20 ' ' r+►1�e� . to bs irr�orid by,. t n rr► 'to r y ur it d�M • A 0 �I�i� i�r Tax 4ui;¢ rh , 0a �o,,�ib aid hs oq�o0e+�e i�li; W',48 rsWii ! ,id ► �: O rid t on ds yoasXbi�r � �b,�edt td ` oi'i►l b tihd di y. f Ip ;t4 ' t iA: Is. ' ;q n1d, ' drill' tror Y► �ier ` G 1 �yy tai o" hi A itYidr'r r►NO+�e ddeiotl ih#�tije� �.!4t � ' t �' � Ir � r s 1. ♦' 1 ad"�k: i'� y• i"¢ A A J ` � E � .. k_' "i' y.'6 rh, 1 y� �, I V• r �f.r { i vy`•. r x 9 y,' �k y^ r 1 :.t f 1;1, '�. ! r { 1 p `h79�i ,6G r : r' ❑'1.; r � ' , ,d^ I x 1 �f' ;1Si ei { 11dY 1 F,uri4 .�r . 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Ai { q A C i�'�•�. !', d .1 T I! ,� 1 :S -� p• rlr � ',� r .� � .! �' 1'�� �A� . a j +E s* r r . , i ,c 41 Li 4 a q Y � ' I : 1 .r • 1 r 1 y f �� ft 1-My1�' t I�. t�1 K 1 )" � � ./ • � t � r 1: ) M ' � Iq v,�ffRp h �>✓}��f >•�'tC�d.'YI �t. r?�' 17 � t ' } , t S'. � ¢ 1t 4, , {�{I k "rY 11v y r �v� ' � ) G r , , ) r6 'i t,l ¢ ) " t � I � �� ! ail • i" t� rl ,fii J "KN' 'W :'..� y/ " � a Y }� M ;i } ,' `k } {� � 1 }.< ¢ n � � 31{�` �r );4YI�R , ��ti� R)R F`!trt • a�,� tt,}�F.i' e ',•�. :v�,,vl�a�+ !, �� e r i Y{ � � a ;i' F 'a ,!�,' }i=r1i A�;r ,.�. ,. { 1 `e •"��y, y / }xy tC x V' @ 1 t r t',/74 q t V { '' , 1 t l l¢ ¢ Y }� r 1;'Y�`�.1�'�'+[' �>'k 'C� �5.vt:}!•'},+a i,. y �I'}"¢ it" itY." �. r,,.`. , 7 ,d�,"2 Ito �f'�jv�(l t1 �o� 1 �w ) F t{ t al • � }' K v r ly�¢ �C , f �,i A t t a s '.F,. , '{°;' e � ' ` I � •A' �l. ¢ )i� "`i t, { yr., � I r°e If}ek4L i'��9 fp a;1'1.•I.V � y ' y1�f 1 1' " �'l'Y)''k 4 '-} � f¢ '. y `a a t I /¢ , 9 Y i 77r f � 1 V ' y {' } { IRA y '� tf� ;t!��� � r. 'r� �t�,4 ri•, (r. .K1,M1:� d' "Jk.� , t ' � t t ,r tl ti r ¢ � r il3 �° t�'�Y< 4r r 1 �; ,+ t y' LJ F�!�eQy� S +, a I ♦. x I. _.�� `� ' y.Y�"1a—.'Ij�. ,', 1 rY r �A:°h `I'�° 5 t'. � f,! r�� tr .. �' \ :g{ r °��♦ ; h 4'l y1 t'. 41" .. .r A ! i �M �' � e" Fyy s � t� 1tr ., b tr d: � !� 1+� � r f4 i r . .. Y 'a Y� Y l' ♦ xi', r ! � Y .r ,'; 4� " l Y }iYr h�� x7 r�`�r � I k ��"1 F e" Rrl �il•Fi�e i x, .� '� 1 i� � f f �i", 1 + Y It+ Q" " p i t '' � 9 I,p'�u1Y �� '��• � � )d� t�Yf� i r rtY 1�''..�nY �yti fie, rr Sit S d „� s:�t . �r r: r1 f�.A� it 4v '. x�ASY SL��� .1r � e P , � 4 1 S�✓Y� �' + a . 1.. # _ a n Z 'rlJl f V'•}�p sA �jl��y iY a r� � , ,, '0F YID . hY r., Ct rh' � t ,g 't a 1 r� ` '�+" 1 � � � r :ppe � nfi�`47 ��� :;S H � ra •� a N b . ,. Y.' S � 1 't �' � "� ., r.: 1k. r T.. �r ?! � +:S � i e�A�� ). d a :x $S )�'�✓ Rye � 7 p 4," NNOINMRING INPARTM Ts Af it 1Ni2� .FitiRRY$..0 §7 SNbINFt. ♦ra. cY..r .M '�M .II dA. ( � Y .< 'F ,r,+r, 4S' k. ac y�'+. ..R �" s. . . ".x R �T: rf. 1' ri, 3. 15, ., r' • ' 1.�, f r.,(1,q 1 �4� d'; ' SPgCIFICATION6 AND PROPOSAL FOR STORM SNWSR g ON 13ST..1SYOAMORN STRUT ��yf �� yi.;[: W. �,L.�, ibN.\• �P �.1 �•'R.I N'rt. 1.4 r' . '�.! I f Hv1;l , •�... Y:� fA �wk i4t7,+, rY„<r' .rv" 1l j.4 >r�r� �.�-e�.. •r�� ,l 'r..�YR 1rgv � (.L�4r6:' . Y /�1� :A";� 1 `� �{1 'dxY•�> �'al 7 �°' � . r � l i ',r " Y r n I: , c r r r r 1 'y' g 6 W4 MO)MNZIII ►r IdIlYOR._r rrrri«r r►r►►r r A •r y , it i ����,:1.44' c .��,i.�" v ,. x 1 "t „f. l''� , a•�h 1 y': A'M1 t � yf9, � e e'n�V " i.� � I LS(R + l JC • 1171 i Y, ,e. . r j" � I 1. •� c � � , t It Ir IA ,.,,; r-� r , + `' ;',� r ;,fr 1 l .� � '``}" r1 ,-�' r ", � '. , ; r ' , ;•� ]I , 9 Y� \ '7 f r � rJ ! ;K � �' y �l4i ' t rra !r p , ♦ � .•''r td ,, ; . ' Y�: � 1 +�`(y�,14 y • '�ti r;a S �.� tiz AJ a +1 r" �, � M1 t � � 1 i "x t ,��'.' �. 'hr,�� �, � k 4 ��e W '� � J.. Y ,'", " � .:,� + 1'. i ..j' ; y.. t r h .. � " .t. I�', ♦. 7 ,Y' r•S , Ix C�,� 1 + , r �' t+ ,S�t v� ,Y "•4 Yr"� `,aY i�� "• y�J k RItL d OP, Ll'�;T�YOr1 ' .y f Y, >•ty.or err }S a r ^44 �[ r •i 1 r ; i� 1 w l eP 1 t Sri ,1 } r rA ar _. '�A. ¢r{, y ru ;�k n {, y" f ♦ Fi+ " 113 kr` .. r,♦ r� �" 'y�St' . Y n 1 �•} �.F Y d yr f 4�4. u'1}�' A+�T,�����`• x��LF����l kl e }. � �Sr Y�� '1 r,.�p�M 1� \ l UU/1Mt7AY ♦ jk +; ✓ k\. " 1'.. IK�'*��•{1M�VPl41��7PM�r ._ `� d.":.�r:r')' , rj •;S < <..K.>p Jn Y.�' AfSa^ Z 1]. • Cy "1 �,r1 .,9 r+. 1.. 1} Y i .F'` t'. i" n ! ' �! 'q Y propose to J. furnish Maeoria)., Ubor; 6914 0, +,A,a Overytf ing, teaoa�& 'y �cp' o`bia•' ` piM`e this work according to attelohed plans and eyooifioatione , gµb eft Ito taw apP Pray ;o! t A ly pdginep i.,'f t' tha sari of--- �r �l ars�1 ., `,; r cubic• y �' sal p.a _• dad t r�FksJ eente ;e of+ oonorete in placo . This price yor cubic yard is to include evexyo thIh P*O9Peari• to complete the work aouorO�nj; to the4e. plane end gdon attOtf4. thA ,�,,, y,,,,],,,,,d�l►. Of,,,,,�,�„ ..•..++.r.��rgl3'i { 1 E,.yYf rrn Y.ry: 4}q'F l 1 ';t t5 �', .w,r 1 ��� � '� , ✓Y fl r d✓, �y + `�° `Xyfer }"rr i1�• ' 9 • ') '� ti ^, v 'tiF Ott , rP? .}1�x Y6i, h: }a+faS „rL. �:_`�^F19f t`i�1 Mt'ky�Ir} �• ",IJ"jn .14 f' 4 Ykt,':'A it ee . "rl �ytM r r Il 7 { j r i �,r! � . 1 1 r `. r kj F:. 4'^�' W^1''�:1 1 '+r{,� t ,rt + f t +`' ♦r 'r,,� Sr'.r' Ct f,�4tie r«F kk�� r1M f,: �` t1' 1 �i 11 � t�'A' 1 y V '1 r; t� i,�r t. i1 �Y.� •r! .� �� " e f a, ^ + 1 � 5, v;4tn ,i�) F' �!�(L 1 V+,L9 R�Z� t, }�r1. S� MM " �V" r •�1 ��{ f ) t / ` Lr to rt% l , M1 yF�';�V'^ A'!d.iJ .r !-V r? r a ..yr 1.y�.�. .. :♦ ,. _ . r :, y. ,., r � �t y r, �. '�', '6". M� � x.- T ,/n. '"• Q�1�1' ri' �'.�] ! rye. t1 r,r t� to be constructed on west sycamore Streetot y.` o�� On THOR SPAOIBIOATIONS are to be in conjunction with the .planq, of $aid storm sexerron the with city enginserrand epprQred by the city snainOW the Olty of Denton Texas . s to be tarniehed bar the city of Dent6n an • `. Oemeut .i d the oontraotor is:nd# ;,to aoneider. tho+ o.c t of oement. in his 1Id. ! All reinforcing steel Is to be furnished by the city of Dentonrand the oontraotor is not to consider the cost of the steel in hie bids ' Rough excavation excavation is to be done by the street force of the Oily of Dentenr so far as can ba donsby teamejund only such excavation as shall be no* o' searyy to dress up and finish by hand is to be considered by the oobtraoSo; in hie bid. The price of said excavation shall be included ; in the bid' in the price bid per cubic yard of oonorete to place. .i• V�II,Q+W•4w rrr I ! �Al� aonorOto to + to' be of 112s4 ;mix(l' part of a6montrtwo parts off` •arid` and four yams bf. gravel) r All mo►teriaie shill be eubi4ot t0 fhe ine�peotioh and ApDroyi of -the oity t ine'err r euca h ssotOC4 'ae' heI ■h+eil ap 'oint ."ta k 5 t# e p iportio�a6 etatpQ 4bd�kuile4s:.4uiti►1Qli » R rya graYei o :be bpfineQ ' '4 J and xed:: � Qcrr�oferb tiorier I# :�ae�i 1 11 • rbrbsnl # i rb h2iribor �r ,te�+tpeo tQr bhalia dd0lde st . ;'r :, ti ; tirwo Burin igre4 ' `ot the ;�rorlc :tf�a I �riing° :'neaps , ►e . ° r Sro� 4,t�t'° «h�► �, icrben JaI. tet'ial. the pan.,. 9 ,#, tbeeooa�poe Of 1e a� s� hk'e4 dv t��lp• a tib � 'utaboa ea at�d fre�l !'roil lu"lr. r e ' , plir io t'0 bf { er oiij}'e et��.hao t n e•t ,dt ('itrs1�1z1�p�'y e�i/p',t! �?:���y♦r�'d.4�;d!..T!y'eQ' 1 �jje ,1��e ,, r�!—y�,, 1:.Ye�t f�l�"h/,,r�'„�rs�?a'n! ,�t .i 'in f u:kauw ms ttb�r. ;` y p�4ri¢i l 'opt orte rl xl y fO plied 040'.to !h4` a �ntraotn y tha "i t b ]� K� sip boa;t R a eA 'tir+�'. lit ` }hs , o rIt!rao4ori to ttlt�n' k e Oh . 01,6 rApol °ef .A. ,�t�IXsb:x .rrreaoh` to $ 4 .at 1��4 T� ��°- ''^3'��R•�. f^f� ? r�"7Y�. r •✓t .1. S a ` 1 4•°. �6 + r ,.. i+ t 9 '” + ' ` C y , 0 A., •. � � 1 } z .` e* r ` py tb A #uxalt�had by+ tks oorlraotet`.r`1���, i�Qrme ihp��11' , ,a �c ., 4 qd gg itde� i';A afd to b ;raraoi�e`d �i' he go raati�x; P^,k ytrlib Y.�ri ;3p be put O'er,_ ohorE Ira peo'.oiblp aid tt}e bonaxete. 11 � ` rl',+t �bt dtpry n oondi ion ae poeeiblel 6ubjeot 0 ap00*1 by flit of y: b�• a be. QOge in A ne tt uric! rJt�ioe�h iik4 I*V446r eubjegt' b hA ny� t-;4 4: iy�,�> ' h e$t ' Otte e4fgiriiA�r� �rh ,bdecie�o uhlii be �fne iii k 1� ae,�.�:.!4�✓}�1�j�i i r,��4 l���l rµw i.t`.�y3..i✓�r, i,7U,f C�rr,}N..d,oLfx r f,�t Y. 1 1 4^,;i. F°,1�r z+t,.,Iv,c�.:r�i i /,%,. yy4 1Pi' {,l i; f°MM� �+►.'dr a y° .' ,.q'S �n v r'. hCt;< y1 , tt� � ys i.� ( 1 �r i'(f, 1✓' t i i�` FI"•+ �'1 } 4e r •`"k of 1'• ,Pl. „ ! • :•'e �ri }It• 0 F ' t 't'. � Ii, . � Y I' Y ' • 1, f'') 1,t) \.i C 1 1 rl {l.I,[i (�: � . '.f )',,,1 r. [ i\ G, r L ♦ •> f '. Y � � 1 �'wS e �o'•\'+\ 1 Y� 'tf,'y,� 1•�+°+j � 4 � l' a , . nar. t \ ( Y1t�Yf +1P ' 1 �� � �s) ,> Ia. ri. �P v} , � ,' )ita Y� ) � '� 1 � �) �4 -II G{ �:'.. Ir i 1 `+ �/ It • vK li» ] fi�'� 1 + + .= ni ��_ Z ) v; 4 .) :K� I �1 . ♦ ryf r f���r 4 t �l. a.,a R Y Cy �dP� � ��) �,��� R'd�y1F �����a { d� °t�l.�ti �t1�. ��t�F.�� ���+� f, •,� �1 �,r �pr" �F�.+ I • y ;/' F a� �s� � .AA-A-7 t. ]b ti'R +s �1P� ) u .fir, K 1 ]I i 1 ark o.f�vl +{ d�� t+..0 � �, !..' tt , r . e` ;LI .n,"t '(C v' 9 '. l C l�, � 1 � 1] c y,'"• jlSt.+ V t , rA Y] , � t �1 �� f )t` '� ' n 9 . rlr k�i� F � � 1�'t 1T' �� F,j,}k>gJl�i:� ti i '�+'I ° IA at�7 ] L •1 s' �4�. 1r� Y '} �11 � � ; \, ar t , 1 I , \`y p I.. rk rvl ily t � \ v l t Y`r i. �t L w I k ,i 5 T� � I � aAt 1 `" 11 � �a i.pX� �r✓'1 �'" i � I ' w ��.�`� + S vj' t ] Iti�F�t .1 kky#.sjrr t4: + d' `:,' \ r Y. `� , ) \4 t. C91 �.. }y P ,� x� �y,, ,�✓,,,a,t is � Z , if , ' � ) I ..tip � � ; >,, 'R #, ;1 I i� . , ' , �i��r� +� , `: "�I)o ' ' , figs>) ,' \ ,+P .. �„` '�.� - t+ R7�'.�r i��)ii ' 1 . sx1 x5,( � � •) I .c �1 .. � `�. � l N Yla d��•V 1 1 1L9f'�� f' tl EAr,ti gpp���kq���' 'tx�. r;;r,� 4 yi >;"dttr ��®7a R•R�f .� , , , 1 51� ; �'l l�' ,e' \•y)��� �1 (�,�,{r� ] ��7 ��y[� i115'���y RII M•14:1i� f Ikp',0 UNAjM L'�Iy�•®ip•q7�RJ�y'x�t `e a �1,■�i�L,rA'y.WJ 11A .r'. ire 4. i• ..������ 4 `•.« 1 SlK 1 ; ., . \ n Y4WO.I w,eaa.W ,..wenar ..::r• ,•, r; �ou��ssiv .ur.e.w. �1 r I .> �l �i7 ��'�§7���] � �71h�� �•. F�+,{t,)1�� � ,M4�d: � '��,��`, 1. ° d E?'.', v �F� R'.� :♦ Is sm i, i-ll d7�-?�7 ``1.1.: �4G,p' � C v xa4 x; Kz § I rT Y.T [r P 1^ 4 ;�1 t' 1�1'`• 1'n t ey., .i , ��'��^••• ;{r•` 4 f,S6 ,' oY i 4- 'r 5 ry S z rti.ct pu^ •, ,Lp 1 �r 14`, ,�9 tl } yy �'j, �f5 h [il�/)0 Cp } 4.d.�i ! 'l f•` !t S i 1 ? �(Ya��i� k`Y S�" 1`t3 r. � �J :� t ,J. 1 � 'ia '� 4' L '11�• "1i+r v�:,A 4 � 1 �'� � ;t �} x S � 1 : r I W, V t ""3,�'.e 15 sa 1" F Y � ,'�?' 'ti °� j$;• � 4! w W Qi" �" 1 t �)+ � ' q y �yy y 1 �i V Illtlr 4� V If 171N .r INlvr tO C It }� ]. �},� 5 � � � + ) [] v � ]•Y.�+ + J 1�SILhw ,,,�I;r'S �d'.i xi ti tt .1 a' Ktil,�' Io �r��e �,n� � Q �� "��f l�.♦r� 111�� ..�Y �' 1 ) Fr I• : e ( t' � � T��» ��! : �, 4� ^�'t �, ri �r l• !i' � +�1 •� �r ' h �1�1"��^"yl� f� 'r• � iv1 q�d,l" � vE]. +� 11f�A f1 >�}� �r•� y' � r� ^� y�. � } � CI '♦1 1� Y f ��. ,ti y4 `I 1 .1 1^i r.. A�t�r�' .>>o-. �yv�tr ''HSS 4 �; '••, �)1�'al�'Rik�4Y�4.t'�) � .: '� '�,+s �e.!I.M1ar�"G 1P�te�'mud + r r r 1 'dr't �:? ! ,' ,. ✓4 7 �'� �:FM t� x4 ^� t'ig �. / • ``•�+�} c .Ayti ,,�. v ,x r }L.r(. . fa., , x 1 ¢1 1 1 i 1 r, yj ' ti ( O ,p / ` � � 1 Y > Y • �1� � r r Ai 1y '41 p 4 f P 1 r 1R -1 1 . 1 r Y w L4 0 l4 1 Ypt r hl 1 � � r f �> •' I 'J9 � 1 r ' � �/1� � q� ♦ i r41 � � 1, � it + r�« r � n� s ➢ t! r y, � l i ,F�Ati �° ' i q _ f�, - '1 � -1 Vii • y . � 1 �f ` 7 �' , " / . � ;Y Iwo demo x, :r of B. W. MCK£NZI E. MAYOR Benton, Q'exa<s q November P32, 1927. :o the Hon. City Commission, Denton, Texas. Gentlemen -- I herewith submit to you, for your approval, my montly report for month ending November ?'?, 1927 . ,"ATT',R AND LIGHT DEPAItTURNTs This department is operating in a sat- iefaotory manner. )to ere making all necessary entensions, .,putting up '' a4ditional street lights, transformers, making tests and correcting all low voltage sections of theaity Hato . Cur new engine and transformer is here. and being installed at the plant . Collections, arerabowe an' average in this department. ° STCis PT AID BRI'DGEI - Streets are being put in good shape with the new tractor and new street man and patching of hard surfaced streets is ' nearly completed. We are getting ready to >>r000ed with the storm , sewer, and excatations on West Sycamore street as soon as possible in order that paving may start on that street. MEAL" 'DSPARTVFiXTs This department is in good shape and 'very little sickness according to Ur. Piner City Mealth officer. f'OLrCg DEPARUIENTt City is quiet , Very little . eritne 'and very littie `Fr„ speeding:' Yortoroop on for and tae Night men working well,:• 'Collections '. y A . good• many etill 'unsathfaotory. Very few pay. up Unless the want to ,have not wanted to. PARTU912t • Oollootion of taxes slow and eapec'idlly, badk ,ts�xes Are riot b'oii g paid ,as we would, like for them to Vti paid."' ; 1 still ;• rooammend that collection of . axes "boMpuetcjd as , Mhe samercry will exist nekt .yfear am does' hdvr,"that is hard iimsa i r a oeriera ly speaking the 6ity ' is in''fI rat , oiass con ,,a �=�riitior�: �c"b�ioidHritg:$vei"y�tbitig. uost °all einploye6i at �igork and ,r OONoperating'�rithrtha o Pioiple ih 'every; oraY oseible. tt 9a rti� r{.xi w, W'n ,itrtf. � z. r tr .::,cs = ;. . . 4 •+ . +:.: Ya i,. + 4 .Cc, f v.a Reap eoffuily submitiede r�. 3 , i� ��r CC A y .- o4ri'` �5��ir �+r+i,':,e� ;( + r 1 �•.y i 'A -ti , i ,b )Y , al' ': a. n '1 _ ♦ 9 ...h � 1 . -1'/ 11.3''f 1�1�tar't'• � 1!Y r l .M I�Z '♦, ! :^4 t � `+ ,:1 ' �' ��, t 6 .V 1. � � , �it r i !•., A r J c� 1. c J a } ' .� � d ` ''tit I �' �•,' ` r q :r -d't r� 1 . }- � I t ' r -i F � r • - � Ie .i ° t « rtw YA r:: + r� geR A r. T. n 1 '.i , u r r� w C 1 r a - r� a c-1 ��1 d d '•� j ax.3F J , - :: t" +a ,. � •,x � �,� ��". F f t T AA ` 1 � r 14' tr� � � � 1 "r• =1Cd'� ,p �.. '. 1 f ' yr 1 1 1 rr X11+ 1 T � 1. •1 , 1 �.. �td5 1 ° f I �. I e s n, r � ♦ I ' a .r �F � �rT 4 til • r N: ^ , � r �, }� 1 IMoI J ♦ � 1 1 � A J �' ,iiti d �! d t� t;1�+����'• � � � 1 1 fir �Iti � r ! ' z� t f + +�,r �ir`'�PfcrT M�C +T i ilw5�, e b x Ar 1, r,T r, 4,. > P• y 't CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE OEM ;&,a1domm �n (gausiberattna of the sum of_..........__._FSVe .arid_ No_/100. 1)oltara, the New Amsterdam Casualty Company hereby oontioues in force Bond, H. O. No..... ...60863 _,_Branch Office, No....... .:.B: 92_.-......_.._iu the sum of One Thousand and No/100 ,.,,.„_..._,,,,_,_,_I3ollara,oa behalf of._...... rank Br Hodges........................ _........_...._........ .. ......................._._. ,Sidewalk License Bond ..........._......,.....__......_ ............................ . , ..........._........ . ...... . city in favor of............. w ....................... .f.._ ._.. _ for the extended term beginning on the- ..._19th of__.......N c ve mbe r ,._............... ......_........., 141 2? and 19th November 19 s 8 aub'ect to all the ending on tha_._...._..................._..._...._....._...day of___.__...._._._ , , y covenants and conditions of said bond. This Continuation is executed ul)on the exprea• condition that the Company's liability under said Bond and this and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative and shall in no event exceed the sum of_............... ... .__...._......._....... One Thousand and No/3.00 1 000. 0 Attorney-in-Fact Srd Uttutoo the signatures of the President and 1salnitQiatOc$0�1tai�ajt, 'his...................._.........................._..,....,............. .._._.dAy .Oct,Qber .__._.__._....._, 1927 . President. torney-i Fact x xarataoot�tlettaa;Ac CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE &maim. I d , F �Dttiber�t�utt of the auui of....::. ..Rive and NO/100 : : _... _. .Ikllarx the New Amstardiun Casualty Company tflZGdl 8-7092 �here6y continues in force Bond, H. 0. No....,_.:� _._.._..._._Branch Office No..... ..__....._....,...in the sure of , AG Thousand and No lloUaw, oa behalf siu'dwAlk Li,detled Bond ...... ............ ,_ = bity b! flen'!od n fairor of., l oitladext endedteett�beginn[agbt; lbn. {t .w.,� _day .ef� . . NO,vbmbefc :u_r.., .. _, "fo ending 4n they W��24th �. day ot. ,.. . _Itove>apes ..W, iota , subject to sli the ,�” iso�renante`aiid ooliditlon 'oi~ etdd bond. i 'bts Clontinttitlon`ie eteotit n the express eonditlotl that the Compnnyii 116111ty under said Bond ati(I ` r r thin and all oontmtiationa thereof ehaU txet bo cu V0 and shall irf no event exooed the sum of. . t)h6 The' U6&nd and No 100 � -�. . (� 1�OOd•GO " 3 ballars I {� W d�1t� 1i69t10' a 14.1 ' - = t)�e signatures of .the President on �tttit/1 .Q .. _... f �� �5 ,.r• V wrr'n+�. + '/y4J i�T//y��r_K- 0rAey• � , , , "J },1a \ yamy . 1 .�.r. ♦ __ .. " ' _ '.- . \.. .._ , � 1 r M v as. ji 1 i : A 4 V T �d1, V 'f t' 5';t✓o�' .�C h� al 1� ( Y ty 4 ). L `IT - t '. 4 - v q, Kv�� n4 1 t +r 1�: .' '?,'. Sr p ' `f y `t !. � � i'e is"1.. ti iy f.i:da � + � , r• j � (� r ��,��r .�� �.,y. X�, a , try. a 5�G nr e �rc . . e �r Y !•J 1! i4 X7.71 S. 4 .A, W �:: �- 1, ? 16 �� �r `R��.�� s �, � ,� i, ) /% n 4 k 'PO +�Ar,K..N.V..nOM N^MMIIn NCMy,r p '.� � '�'�r 4: ,'�l,�t.r �rH t�.+4�+'`/." a. M/��IL��.`�'�4��r�,i{� 6• +" jWro+ �j� i +► � r i✓ wf " ' ) �.'l.�lw- _1 ; le is ful X4 GIA V r.F �'�'��°°}}��\\ s O`+ "4 't ku 04 ol et M}, Y/v e " �j�,�,� `q 1 [ ' a'� •'e' � 1 . � f. �y..aa M .+t.L„w 3...i.✓r.y .q... '4', i �'R..� r : i >. �y4.`Rd�.X'' a 1l'N' '., • � 5'.. .,.) e �� � •^�:� � a� 1�5 IBS I P•`.' �1 V Z 1 �`i � � 1 .71 L n �1''F!'� Vii- 4. 1 yl � i f,{., N M i � v 1 I '� pie`..° f'�.A`�fQ ="��F���`'� .' �.«.' � �h•� �,- ��ltF� �. 7 Ty ��� `.. � �t ,, �:. . . �,,,wy`w;: 7 � e: F y, t . ,��” � + �� 1 ••J..: 4: 4 ( .�.�.�w + r :.'=� tr r�5v � kaN+4y'.i..r r ;^..g2w1W�71HR4K•''14eW+,'w,dM�aHWMafi+�'?I'��i'e"^tR HM i/��+ 1' h.W�p1W!�+"�f'.;i1r0' y� 5� �^ k !� � s "� � ,r i �, �e. �� ` r �+. ''� ;. .. �, ., „'. i ' i. e � e I •( p i ' i n, .V . ,� 5 .t d � y �4 � .. . �,. �.l r �} {e � , ' df � � ♦ . 2`. `? 1 � 7 �. • �� ,. e`9 i d: { c �.-.. : .... . . Y r�.dy V ! Y ��4 h � M 7 l ) � 7 � ( { 1 \„ 1 1 i ! � • ' ' �: - r � 1'/ 1 .� 7 �! 1 r s r, � . ftt , 1 ,i ,� '�re Y f .y g f° 15 :.. � . 17 � �, 1h - r 4a [ � '� t s � I r ' `tr :E�ryy, ��i e�S4�r P� �� ! � J « F I:Y7'�:3'l IE 7 T L'�Zr L'ITl?1'.[TLl:cti 1509 MAIN STREET (KIRBY BUILDING) C.J.MOOPC DAIALAH,WWA�l MANAGER December 30, 1927. Jiro 11• E. Emin, City Secretary, Denton„ Texas. $2509000 DR4TCUII MCALS kip: UiDMG 5% BC DS, SEATES 1927 LATED. 4-15-27 Dear Sir We enclQae herewith the following, namely: 10 One certified copy of Comptrollerfs can. collation certificate, dated 12-20-27• 26 All canceled securities named in the above cancellation certificate. 54 (a), Coupon J.74 due 10-1-27 from Denton Sehool•House Bonds dated 10-1-1890 4 a $18660, 6WOOO {b} Coupon #1 due 10-15-27 from Denton 9efunding fonds dated 4-15r27� �i 2 O O26.Oo 50.00 441 Statements covering adjustment of interests ]'qu 11i1� obi erve from t}1e above meat coned etetednents Andlosed that we, are due pn interest.adjuet!aent 6f lr3.B9• Yfe *1il ap06O1Ote your ohecking our-figures an3 in thb event You Lind same correot, forwarding us; your check `in the amount 'of 052.8940 Assuring yogi that;we will appreciate your attention to thin 'wetter, and with best wtohes, we area Yours very truly, t ` , Tf3 PRO")N H 001TANY s ` BY t rW t;s CW k e�i�f. � �, r�igistered ' OF7102 OF 006 i'3 .LFA 0� THN STAIN OP, vMr. tp Be H. Terrsllp Comptroller of Aiblio Aoomts for the state of i}me, di hereby 'lenity that Nose 25, 86, 89 and ' ' 50 for 4500.00 eaob t e g8�%agating $13j000.00 of the City of Doatu► 86bool 1bpa"awnt Soria, Nae 8 dated Ootober 1, 1890, registered br the Cooptroller September 18# 16900 in Bond Register role $, page 475p togetber with interest owpone Noe 76, aaturing April 1, 1988 and all subsequent ooupone attaohed were by me duly oeaoelled 'Dedembsr 16tho 1989, end thereupon the Oity of Denton! refunding Bomet . � �< ',•86a�ilw 1987 Qet� April ig, 1�8?� ttoe• 168 end 189 ter �,OOOebO 'f •,'t da0n� 'aggM9014 Otootm ere tegisterod in Mou of bald oauoelled ' tis r u►oeoibsr '01 1990 in &md Register Vote wsdcbr MAUI* 90.E . r 2 fazther hereby► orrttly that"i dipad th6 , 0octar011exIlt 7re4+tt1444A ee4410Mte On the baek Ot ► id p . t ! .tom. #d UVr the Beni u the oi"flde of oomptrolioy Of the Dfte d x400ss an eao2w. of said bonW!, A f t . 0� � �►� Atl�)igf Teooa0' *if 10th deli o! Deowb!►r, AeD. 19a�• y: x Ill Taiius , Of Rtblib AOOou�nta . .'(Sul ` foy the State Ot V4 0o f r a, eeey r« 1 /� O&O t "*t the M06 and low�aie !�r R10 erd Q�t 00 of�thi Y!. • '- h :. rwrf �sy�M�I " 1 - 1 p iA ,• t �, ! + 4} ve'e �, wi, b a i4ft�' N{�ri i� ear' d.� ,` ,r=, "�lxn /!rr ✓ a ( ti p i vi'�l i.% , ' ' as !a T A l a t /r ro "7 } r �r It� o, � I' % �'.� '�,•i '.S + Ip +a a !�, � I to S of PvIlton, , 4 S. W. McKENVE. MAYOR Nd �tttfOttr �tXl[f t I f r `r� Y "� � �r V � ��w.���rr/,r.�,��r• �rp�_,�r.w.kr��.a..1w�,r �4 t d '���' ° . r w��, ,1 "��� ti x � .1 p" a. ,,�. w ►�• ♦ i � 'l ( j `, � °��`t�� 1r r r � �t it � �4 4 '. . ', ��/j//��L'j,�.�rr�'`1.r♦ww�d R..i..a` S/ .�� i �t s �J it '[ , li i� ., ! .' �'�rr ' • �.� � +�� h� C ti° rt � +"` � �, l `i; lw y , � {.r r�" �f � i�j �1 t � ��j+,y ��+'w�r....`/.' � � �i, � V i•'S:y rts�ki��• � x, �`' i�' 1 1� � � ' � . r 1� lib ,,ry J) 1 SULLIVAR,SPEER S MINOR LAWYCRS t +• J.w.SULLIVAN OCNTON,T[RAS +I! " r JOHNIPLLA I11[O N.NlNOR y January 12 , 1927 TO THE HONORABL°,' CITY C0111ISSI011 OF THE CITY OF BERTON: In the pu5lished notice app,iaring�the Denton Record-k3hroniole relating to the paring and improve- ment of West Sycamore , I note an assessment is proposed against Katharine Johnson in the sum of $447.70, as her pro rata part of the coat thereof and a proposal to fix alien against a lot 101 240 feet abutting thereon, I herewith file this formal prctestagainst said assess ment and the attempted fixing of said lien inasmuch . as she has no present interest in the property but only an undivided interest in the remainder, and the said aunt of, the itrprovement io greatly in excess of the bon efits Arising from the improvement thereof, m6reovor , said property being Q homestead aviy attempt to fix '01 lien iheva6h absoluteiy void; and this protest is herewith oh orod in' due I time in the manner. required by law in . Order that no rights eiay be waived in the premises . yy 4 } Rospeotfully , subhiitted, r;• ; '` .� �� t ,I�Atharirie .�o1L+�sor►, �dinor, ' ` pT" , Attorney, y lr I • e •y, '' YN Y A . ItAIMMANCE BOND ASH STREET, PECAN STRMT, CEDAR , STEIN AM TONDER AVENUE, DENTONs TEES. I 1 I 1 (Y1 Apt i rr � r Tice , s 1 c MAINTENANCE BOND AA STATE oFcAS COUNTY OF DENTON s KNOW ALL MEN BY 'ITESE PRESENTS1 That, JAGGE CO.%TRUCTION COMPANX,AS PRINCIPAL, and CONSTItUTION INDEMNITY CO. OfPHILADELPHIA a corporation organized under the lase of as surety, do hereby expressly acknowledge th meelvea o be Field and bond to pay unto the City of Denton, a municipal corporation incorporated under the general laws of the State of Texas, at Denton, Denton County, Texas, the sum of Four Thousand Seventy eight and 82/100 (04078682 ) Dollars, for the payment of which sum well ar.w truly to be made unto the said City of Denton, and its suocessors, said principal and surety d hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that whereof, said Jagoe Construction Company, on April 6th, 1927s entered into a written contract with the said City ofbenton, for the erection and construction of an asphalt concrete pavement of a 1-1/2 inch wearing surface on a five inch concrete base, to be laid on Ash Street from the north line of Last Hickory Street to the south line of I&Kinney Street, Pecan Street from the west line of Ash Street to Aast line of Cedar Street, Cedar Street from the south line of Moyanney Street to the North line of West Hickory Street, and Ponder Avenue from the north line of Oak Street to the south line of Oregg Street, in the City of Denton, County of Lenton, State of Texas, which contract and the plane and speoifi- cations therein mentioned, adopted by the City of Denton, are here- by expressly made a part hereof as though the some were written and embodied herein. The Jagoe Construction Company binds and obligated itself to so construct said Pavement, and to use such material in the construction of same that it will be and remain in good repair and condition for and during A` period of three years from the final completion and acceptance of the work by the City, so that at fl!e end of said period of three" years said pavement shall be in a good and serviceable condition. And the said Jagoe Construction Company agrees to maintain the said streets in so far as defoots arising from workmanship and mater• isle, and agrees that in case the City Commission should deter mild to resurface or repair said street. that it will, after no- tide° of ten days do the said work of . eeurfsoing or repairing said streets, and in cane of said Jagoe ;;cnstruotion Company should ! fail to do so, it agrees that the jity may do said .cork, in the Aunar provided by the said conteaot, and charge the saAe against the said Jagoe Construction Coml4ny, and surety of this obligation. I MWO 'THRM701% it the said Jagoe. Construction Company, ohall C iCdejl.anQ i±Arfarid' its laid agreement to maintain ear pavement ;and - �#f three I 3ceep the same - in repair the. maintenanoa period i yedre ;sal pro+Vidbd' in thb sikJA contract, 'then these rbfil is' shall be null and Yoid}„ sad MV6 no Further effecf�, .but it defnU shall tail be mai#b y ,by th8 said; Jagob CbnetruoLion Campany in the per! -Aahoo of its' hAaebhtrabt to eo maintain sad repair said strest, 'ti these paces,• + ents shall have full force and effect and said Qij Of Denton, shat:. hay8 and recover from the said Jagoe Construction Mpany and its suri vo damsges in the premises, as provided I tl arms of said dontfAdtf and it 'is further understood and lgreeA t it this oblim Schott eWl be 'a ooatirntiog one .against the , .a3 and its ty s aure hdre6 in'# and tht sluoceesive reooveries may bi had hereon for 1 4410441 01 successive breaches until the full amount shall have been ex- hausted; and it is further underiltood that the obligation here- in to maintain said street shall continua throughout said main- tenance period and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said time, IN WITNESS WH'EPEOF, the said Jagoe Construction Company, has caused these presents to be executed by its President, and the said - CONUITUTION INDEMNITY CO. OF PNILADUNIA , has caused these presents to ,pe- �xeouted by its . �:. - 3 , this the �_Q_ day of , , A, D 1927. JAGOE 'NS. . TiON COMPANY ATTESTt ' By W Becre ry. es ent. , APPROVED I 1SR7 c CONSTt U FION 1NOENNITY C0 OF PNILADEIi'kllA ar. . .... • - 'ATTORNEY S 4 n FF, n t ti ; r . r' 11 11 v _ r 1!.y ; /', I� ( tii OX:- ✓��1�'{�' It r � `� k� 0x� � ` r 'i 114 9 4 !r le . � Y� � �nP� i '' _i y <'aIN I ! G✓ � '. .{' Y �} l 1J, ! r Ii: II J 3 k��' , f wit f75� �1 A'I ♦I 1.}. I X "'i i i It X �p 5.., lAY M '�I >' !q.SrX Y[`,. XI �'��rf f r e rr ✓ y�i,r" ( uA d 1? X>' - r Y !•V fJ I $ it i'rV F � a� r�I Tl�t �dA r � lv♦�i��� !1 1 � � '.a `� '� ] ti �'V ! !'{ +��o "tt ', d �r ' Ir ''� I t Ilr�f t � 51,1�� ��w �� yt[1 M. r � � Y � - a r .'I (� f�f I I, '< 'f !� � z � a1 4°I y � "� � �`at � � • 4 �° X t � T� y�Y�J�''a i'q i c7♦ f u L .o� ri16- ir� li t' I R II � � Y 1 I ' f♦ Tv 1 � ` ' Il r IIr P rOi l !' 1�, t 1♦ f /( '� 9�L^ KV n V . � r i IY �T �'li ' � 1 f V ��:; tT r d u. � X i_ Y ' ',' ' ! I '.! � X !. ♦ � � w v yria 1,�,Y� 3J Y. , �'.♦ ! r � ItPt i�l r { 10 t, ✓ ]t �'� k � �I Y. r I Fi �'ijk 1 ij ry�iw' t l tf I"� y t� {:; f } N� ' � 1 f i X e 1' �. � 1 r I : � ♦ t�SV�'X Vr J ,♦ d✓�� I'L'S`' 13J Il '1< Haft 'Ii �n a !ftS'1 � � � + t t 5 � '� 1 1 ti ] r � �Y ?, M t�♦' "SIRo�l���✓ 1 f ; 1 (" XS " k n �� ��t t V �'��J 4 , ! ) Ir � } .' � 1 �� r iXr 1 rd V 1 e1,3 �l r ` X. �1 4 I < ✓ '♦ rti Vy, ) Iry 1 •� � '� 1 } :� r c �"� '\ r, � I, V �i 'I 1 ♦ � P ii it Z 1 + e {, 7 i ',!1 1 IL 1.1. YA i � d M ; ��y �, Y } ♦ }�{ d l � r 1 � 1' Trd .��.�1 W � 1 ♦ YX � 1 I �. S� ` r �� "� 11 S . ' �� r I i r ( i v 4 1 � e Y , 1 r l n � r• } � � X J f d .. � d 1 t � r I,rCF' xy �dtil Ll 1,f X Vql (l r Y r Ir t"' L L 4 d ' r 5 i k y' ♦ V i.' ' 1 y., kilt l� 4 � r 4 rr {I ',Q 611 l f i;,Y I 1 t �' t ,�� v ♦ �. I al X✓ � � Xil {a LX� 1. `r SI�1� Vet it Yr dlf �' 4ki l✓, , S r e r t 1 .F � 1 V' ' � r �i ff>♦ e4 '� � �l� '4 X 1 i4 '�! ylk i 4 � ' e�'r .X . I I 6j' Y "�7 l Y'� jrVa Xd Irt I > 1 Y i e 1 A 6 I,CM I rn 1 x�: k. t � .rh:(�Z �A av100,Yhr :w119 ' M,1614 01 j f rv[J<L��Y.. Jn 1 Y ti`,L�'(u�, . � t t ::,.r♦ ,r''. r 1 r 4 ;r �IA a�♦�f✓ 1'',.:F`. Y Lauri F`{) > d�4 'v k.,• �1 ILYd 1;' ii't. 7�t� ., t. { rl rY' t { 1' r d { 7 i:i�l r Y � 1X, r ri.t 1', {`• t St.: e 1 dv of �1 Prr4YZ1r ti, 5A SKh . 1 � r1 tt7�` e+ } di �?Yjd { �lq �I� �L ✓ !r ♦ t r' A Imo,. r", v r '��ov A yw7� I Ysf l ( d� � r1+ r j. l �, 1, X r y fP ♦,� KIN rT1L iX4i'S 1} i IX,f: Xx YV irq;l � .; (r'rI { < It : ! J li i M X�r Ltf Sr � � t �7r �,�' Ski ,� it j ?, a$AT, a X 3x, �� l,J V¢i rY i 1 x ` ��,� r ( !r". V r 1 �.. D a 1 Il l k✓ tl� a i�ri t .' Xi I}r, y }@ i t rr t �'.r. s ( > i:: i ♦, iol X 1: ; 1��`yr� jf �I♦!�1% i ep. ✓ N` r y .4-�rA i �rl lid Y rr ? 1 I 4. r S q J 17e, 1 r 11 t / l i 1' ♦ ,t VM a�,,. j i.�.V° �. VY V If �yty� ♦ M 4 �1P rail; 1WlPpL � 'I 2 IY �.. I �!i 16 � } XI � ed�S� {' pti 6 6tV+it� 4a.� .� Y t � �;Ct' t�l l � `:� * ' '« �' ��'� ' ` ,r � � � IS ���° t ✓A i ! ) , L; � v ♦ v 114 i 1M r Y 1 .i rt lr! 11 I� ) V r r` ti � I ( / ♦ 4+: V C `r . �tj ,rr°� � ' t♦� Y X11 1 ,1 t �� s �� sYlyl r " �Y Z � I „� 0 dyt ., ✓ It r'1 v }N `'P" �S �Y �i rd'� ♦ -t�l 3 �f t I 1 11 S 6V y ' 3p f i �4`}�'111 �jr ✓ nlSj ,nl 1 ,1 ��r rl S !� �"1¢tw '. �i'� � .a� Y � 1 F 51♦�'• PI r '.i ;{ 7 f S. , ✓i,,�4 ' 'P�f��C�d'+�i. .t ryw VMP��� tti�'t'�ir>•,�?f'X,��'`� �Y3''.`�t I . 'vYa7r f �k.t�l . ,a rrv'� . .9 ',��r�}il rr >l�cn � Y+' bl� � �r. Y iX��,: r �:�� ., .T$. y� (� � 6.61 klil�N 'fllli r To the Non. City Conmission, Denton, Texas . Gentlemen: -- I herewith submit to ,you, for your consideration my montly report for month ending October 25 , 19^7. ?' AT -'R AND LIGHT DXPARThN'?(TI - in good condition. Satisfaotion given, except in some instances eomb customers complain about their bills being excessive. This seemingly excessive charge '.s nearly always caused by a leak and our force is willing to go out and make necessary investigation and point out the leaks, and in nearly all instances satisfactory explanation is made. Some mistaken , not many ?iowever, occur from the readings and we are always anxious to make corrections) and in case a mistake is made along that line it would be cat ight at next reading and the customer would not be over charged in the' 'long run, R tRgS'T AND DRXil3ht -,- This fo:,ce is at work in various parts of the 0 k6hing 'and"-'gisdiiigl streetse We have rooently patohod ' S ' Looiiet and west Hiokoryp a:hd are going right ahead with the asphalt patching. 'Ths grader ie engaged on dirt streets and when we get our netr'`tra'oto:- '~ wiIIv ba rAady' to put the dirt streets in first `olans oondition+ HRAUX UPARTMWi Dr+ Pinori Health offioer reports the health of the y ' itycad good. r POLI41 AWPAFt ' Mffl The motor cop -i.n on the job, all the time and do- irtig 6xceilenet work Collections ;%re riot ` satisfaotory as to ' fities, acid i a+ouid' 'surgesti' that yotr give our city ldarshall ingtruations' ild to ' )WH41,11g Around' the bquaws, it, having been some tim 'o ei oe arty of a r•gtiie wdrk was Bono and some. complaint has ao�de to me about this not ; y � fig ;i M` fordod+ the pe0d offiaore Are doing good.`adrk and " vei+y s i`ttle Jdrime being ooetit�it`tb�i iYl the 311 ,. (} f1�t2ALLY 6paakirid she oity; 06060 to be in fair condition+ Col.leotion of taxes " are rlox end ve1+y, ittie babes taxes being ooiiebtetl':and aroui'd ;ff Vx = suggest thdt r 6U have some unddthtanding.with city A it' oPA6- as to tbe ', f `taXjsuitin 4e l�a bf o ":bao . , 9apeaiiily 4 to aex�tain " �. otlse th S` you' Ifis} uoi;9d :tim , to .'ta tze on sV'eral 'm¢ntY�s agc,�" c � , �, 4xi,]" 't L� �l7R.es±/eatfully '� bin tte 8 V! YOKen �. xis u yori IN I n1 ^ A c< °S' J.4 # F' f r i e r •1• 1. .r r .` .i r M1. ar ,y tla r• tr. . n�, r�R l' a. ! ..' ` i • . r. .r .� °+ ,i �i.� F I 1 •� 1 r 1 , ( � a l � r 1'. iA it 1 I'°1' S. W. WKENVE, MAYOR �rnfan, �exps December 27 , 1`127. To the ?Son. City Commission, Det.ton, Texas , Gentlemen3 -- I herewith subr^it to you, for your consideration, the following, report; for month ending December 27, 1927. WATER A11D LIGRTs -- This department is in good condition. Collections good . Tie are making all necessary entensions, putting up street light3 : and transformers and have our new equipment at the plant almost inatnlled W6 are putting in the sewer East of the Rail road and workingto the interest of all the best we can . STRRET AND BRIDGM1 We have our dirt streets in good shape, or slid have before the rain, and the boyn are working on The storm sewer %..n Y1, 1 1, Sycamore . Think we can keep out of the way of contractors now and .they, Gay as soon as hhe ,weather will permit they are going ahead with`• tue storm sewer, our! and gutter and paving on West Syohmore and E. lie- kibne POLICEJ - Everything in this department very quiet . Loss crime''and `dis- turbanoe than evert before that we know of and very little Speeding , being .done in the oit,y• deneraiiy speain , the pity is in' good condition. Co11e,3tfon oP taX06 Pair and ourren tax ,as ,we111 As deiinquit t hssj been r, Reipeotfdlly submitted. k /y f r rr i 1 i r �' ° 'r'��� 1, ".,l• . aiµt�: �r^ < ' & � a' Lr - Y� axc�a•',�.� >• a+ i"d , r y t ;.1`:� x � i ;:. ti 1 ( r a IM• n�' .� L'k' i uw'.l.q�l,3 _ t ) - •�� ,���I {F�,'p'I;',4 1 �x".:'. a C...�r f . �� � �. t � „� + � ��. �� dal �•E a . . 7r,• � IA��'.a" . Y � r ',.. 1• , , lyL . � ( t' � ', a Y `i1 n .� tlxx. ��.1 � A H ' h r II fir p ., 44.., , II L i�Y 4'd �t' y"• t Y ' 1 I i I ! tw,.}r t'. ( 1 l " ate part of the cost chargeable fact. Amount assessed 1553.80. against abutting property owuers on That a hearing shall be given to said street; and, wherein, the pro. Bald owners, Mar agents and attor- perty owners nerc:nafter named aua ueyf. and any person or persons In. the property hereinafter ucscrw., trn,sted In sold improvements, be• were through error and mistake fora the Cl-.y Commission of the omitted from sold assessment urcil- city of Der;on, as provided by the nance; and, whereas, sala worn o, provls� r_I of Chapter It. Title 22, Improvement was ouly constructeu rtgrisei Statutes of Tears of 1811, witnout the dlscurerf ut the ianure now Chapter 8, Tills 28, Revlsed to levy an assessment agalast tilt Statutes of Texas of 1B2S, and the owner and the property nereinafter Chart,r d rOdlnances of the City named and tle•cnbed; anti, Whereas, of Delto1T, which said herein shall Bald Improvements were couiltructru be tied on the 12 day of January, rn.full compliance with lite come.., 1828 it 1:30 o'clock m., ter the and specrncatrons therefor, and were P. uuly accepted by the City of Denton City Hill In the City of Denton, on the 2�ith day of September, a-. Texas. Ind which se.ld learing Shall acu, whereas, lc is necessary to levl be con,Inued from day to day and an assessment for the pea-rata of from time to time, m may be nec- the cart of making said Improve- weary to give dald property owners, manta chargeable s afnnt the uunca their ag.•nte or attorneys, and any and the properties hereinafter na,,. Interested person or persons, a fuu and described; Now, therefore, and fair hearing, and said owners, BE If ORDAINED BY 'alit Ct their agents or attorneys, and In. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF terested person or persons shall have DENTON: That the report or state• the rlght to appear and be heard 1r n ment of the City Engineer filed with any manner concerning the sold lm. RC the City Commissloa, describing the yyrov lnents or Bald assessment, or the Vtk• abutting property and giving th, benefits thereof to the!* old proper-4 nsme of property owner a"d number ty, or to any other matter or thing orwclL of front feet and the cost of im• In connection there with, or to con. _ provemnegnt chargeable against each test Balld assessment, anyd at such ilnlon of ;t3reei having been duly examined, is here- shallnbe a tendeddto Bald property relsnd took place Jan- by s I ed, That the City Con•mis• owners, their agents or attorneya s on ddoes hereby determine to assess sad to all interested persons, to be the total cost of curbs snd two- beard with respect to sue. Improve- ' ,• �' thirds of the total 'cost of the re• merits. I. +J,,VII Erwin `,Oily Secretary of !minder of Bald Improvements That of hte conclusion of tbi • ty,Of; DetttOta, purauaaL to the a alma the owners of the. propert hearing st .e mentioned such sure Ifo Ina do htre;t1 aIVO abutting thereon hereinafter named, or aunty s mayy be dptermtned bt oL L'Ih1' 1 r aid tbla and against their property herein• the Csty Cammleafon td ba papsbh after described, In accordance with by.iald property awpnra shall be ea•: Use t'rovlaldns of Ohal�ter 11, Title seeded agatmt them,;� and 'rgaIII$ Ity heir 42, Revised Statutes ot'f Bet Ot 1011, their property by.o a•we;,in, the ItDINANCB 08 THE CITY COlf- oow Chapter 0,Title 28,'ReVUM Stg• manna! prescribed by'R+J prOYIslont, MISSION 0! THR CITY OP DEN- lutes of Texu of 1028, and the aN of fritaptet, 11,,Title 49. I�grleed 8tlft, TON, TEXAS, HL CITY OF THE ter and Ordinances of the City 01 tutee of Texan of 1071, aarV'OhlbLet, 1+rON, T XA ?+OR LSTYINO AN Denton. That the said assessment 0, Title 2a, Revised etatutes4of eit1 XZUES MEN- AOAHPBT CERTAIN shall be made after the notice to as, of 142% and the Charter and ASSES ME AND THE OWNERS �uch property owners and all Inter• rOdinan. of the City of Denton. THEREOF ON PECAN STR WNERS Bated perance, and the hearing here. That th• City fiecrttaty of tbt THE CITY OP DIINTON FOft'A In mentioned, and that the Bald ptr• c:Ity of Dentoa fe hereby directed t PART OF THS 0 MI Ol+ IMBRO A tion of the said coat of Improve• give notice to d property owners INO BALD STREET, AND FIXING meats to be assessed against such their agents or attorneys, and to ah A TIME FORA HEARING OP THE property Owners and their property Interested persons of said hearIN, at Wrm F OR EA OF. SAD) shall be In accordance Ah the prescribed by the provlsloas l $wNERfi ■AM PROPERTY OR Frost Foot Rule Or Plad, fa the pro• Lutes r il, Title 27 Raalsed Sta NS IN•TEI1EBTED pOrtlan that the Iroatago of aafr Lutes Of Texas of 101 , now Chapptef ,N�AAIYy�b ro r0 bears to the frontage of the 0, Title 26, Rev , Statutes of Tex- VIDED HY�COt/l�it Ti whose property on said E»rtloo of as of 1025. and the Charter and Or- TLE said Prean Street, provided, that dinances of the City of Denton, by 'TEXAS OF 1011,6W CI[A tiffs'' such bearlag, if Wrh plan or publishing iiald notice three times In T� TLt? 98. Rp�IS STd !pig Ott aPpottionrnen4 be found to ba not a newspaper of general clrculaLto: OP 1026' THE OH.LR duet and equitable tLe City Commie- 1n the City of Demers, the first. O�i� TER �, OADiNAi�21" ;OP TH8 elan shall so spporticn said cost as sold publications to be mad4 Or 0% OP g AND DIRECT• to Produce a substantial equallt least tell days before the data tie! f ` tt '1'g>r Ci BiIARY TO between such property owners and hearing, Bald Cltr SecretaryA1y Sr= C Ol" S Hy W*5 the remealder of t:ta.owner$ On said Also mall a copy Ot saki not.,+e by Nop�""AND. APP- ROv, portion Ot said str,•et, hStIng to reglstered fetter to eafd pMlfertl ima �ATIPY Oy, R!• vlea the enhanced "lue Nf that owners. st known, or their aggents' of PORI' OF C FKOINEER:;' ropetty slid '"A.beneflta'derived attorneys It krwwn, said;let,terd; tl f rota such lmprv,- -aent,• ant the be deposited in the Dort ofllod Id p! !t A. hit iT burIcns imposed upon tlyem by such tba tiny of Denton before the data QQ U 'Ot pvy'1l' btr adaesmfgnt, and that in no Mehl set for •the basrt t However, "IA' 44 p tlfe,bltf a11a11 IsM lis"thent be In excess of hot(cr by featietere6 letLSr ahatl bd`vt on lyYha0 Ofdr,aopllf +SC� thfle tab +till tlslue of Wch fro6ertY cuululatfrd oaly,!And,nbtic! byyPI LIAt W � Cbertaltt streets Indtae Rag tba ere pohl b It mot%of s cehd matt oe off said nor ig. t al4a``,not, er er tc the 1m 0 silt flF�ppp ttt0at wwh lif W try td be aaleesed last Wch owneh netice of heat tit, to name Bald P+e,; Oil! ; t>SI last lln' and their pMpet la shall become tty owner andd the tact that inch, f� ppnn dus. add payable u fo110wb: Oil!• tt! Ow.1t7 Of Otrhers are faCGSS'' �Ot lletd fifth five days after the passage of re tlf named or eat named at all: r!fI+-�,ge arced the aeaeasmeppt ordinance by the shgli :n no wiea artec' the aalldltl �n t ti , a ,, ., city Of DentOnF One-fifth one year of the ari MIX,nt Against said If,d• ' also ahb 'i lden� alter Be�stember 21, 1027, the date doff peaty, now the personal ttabillt$ tiA k ape t. sod wbrkptecne Ate d twoc YeiniltOoe sttla oaaeei oh�enlCl Prohdperttre�0'eit6ts ybfd puryAp�tf °D� date a Lade s' one•Lfch th}M+ or ors 0dnsy' bf ro deicrtotton "Vo 1i1• t ttegjie nth d 6tat�o a6 Erie t<!th l�Ol+�r geiieaiftef ofd ua1¢a 1 isltd asashBals-lment, J34 . t ehtalf r fit.+<< ditto Ot ■etepts ether with ba the dut;f fe such p y Own•, a-A rlattired Interest from acid Pato of acceptallCa et 61 await/ whose p•o rtfr,I6 fa. ft1Jah p��yll1 l apd at bti rate et elgh ppecr cent pet an• -Orrectsy ddesctlW d tat g a rov ffter'do0 ►ddlti tfidp�� ds ear�r ttutn, ayragbele 'onnua7ly, ►nd erahon� }Ayer eerlpptLlpon tie the het 111 of M8 '�NM,.f led YemenL ooll�btl 1n East of def ti1t,�Thai aminpnon bf 4by�c�9at�r'aCtNer t I t Via'., 1 tq iet0/N tote}941.p1C�d{tbap}n�oanCCoal• .tOhew`t,��t�htttB& is-00oahiamplatV bttPurcba ply ant Or An6y1r1t1l ttiticfto Ise UA 1; f�f 0�e 0 a Are �b1 1 alt�st dsid Owaareli al i blC9lsdaMAtd there07 t !f their Pto� ett6N and the tone tt the Teat thla pfdtnanee shall 4akg`: 1' and a ` IV, wad owne.w 0 es1 propert , and th0 Ce• Bet ohd ba,to fotco from snd Yr s', oonn theta• ceri ton of that pro r, whlth itil t�aeaaSe + • t I aGbY,!ai°S Pf° sa16 sum does not and ahatl WA fn l PABRUD AND APi R0� th4 i wylktep pontract was lib event exceed two-thirds 0! the day 01 DocovAbar. 1027. ` }tpO be SO� hall of told Improvements es• 8. y� Mc1I6' L11t mayor. Cp�p� O D�eaW bead JdafOe=Ca�L: lept curbs, Is tie to owl' W, ,'. Mfl am y U a m �yib the 9oste c- PECAN STRES"f ChAlrmen of the t ommis-iloll, o q telpc a1ldVu The Estate of W, C. WEIBbt, de% Attest: J, W, ERWIN. ytK iIDPta assaiatl6lpCd teaead, as, tr 'of Ut 1 and 7, 81uY4 City Secretary. say 1A �d _ �r the preportton- 8, Original lawn Plat. Front. a I 104.1-2 � 1" Erwin .City Secretary the ptnperty by reason ot, sa{darn- Of "tie City o1 Mentor, pursaar,r pror•enients in that particular unit t4 tIe following urdinah e, do here• or district, wholly and entire.y In= by give fiotiss0 of She matter. and dependent of the cost and of the 'dings the contained. bentrits accruing by reason of the J• W, ERWiN, Improvements in any of the other City Secretary, units or districts; and, Ordinance of WHEREAS, pans and welfica- fire City CPmtrtlsslon 'tiotis for the Improvement of said 6f400 City Of Penton,, Texas, atrer:s have bc,-n duly prepared •#WhnTnidg the necessity for N',r npprocrd as required by the levying an assessment ,against CI•orter and Ordinances of tho City the propperty owners thereof on of hentoo, nrd the Statutes of the West Sym eaor'e 'Street In tho I Stets of Tcxns; rend, Of of Denton, for a part of the WAERXAS, ns required by raid cost of improving said street, Charter, Ordinances and Statutes and fixing, a time for a hearing after clue edvcrt:sement and bids d1 the.owners or agents rf said for :•aid work of improvement otyners of said property or of made, -,.ld work of huprovement any .persons interested in Bald was Ice to dnyoe Construction t iatprovements, as provided by (omprrny to iriit�ruve with one and an Chapter' 11, Title 22, Revised one-half (I ! •inrh) inch Asphaltic I. Stattite9 of Texas of 1911, and Concrete (,11-n rice (5) inch con- posed u Chapter. 9 Title 28, Revised ecete b.rse, curl and gutters, and ment and Statutes ol•Texas of 1926 and necessiyy work in connectlon any Its 88111i the,Charter and Ordinances of therevitiz ti provided by sold the owner of i the' City of Denton, and dint. plaro an l spocifiications; and, cess of the enlr ne ing,the .City Secretary to give W11h RFAS, n written contract property by tessfl n4tlde Of:said hearing and ex.I has been entered into by and be- provemen! That the p"w o amining and ap4{ roving the twcen the City of Denton and it• ate c6et of s ch.iinprove .erk%w c statliheryt,or repo'.. of City En- goo Construction Comp my for this is con:etn 8 to b l asbe e gg'neE • cotstruction of said £mproveme4ts, against such owners apd g t�te Bs to Ordained by the City Com• Now, Therefore, mt4sioa 6f•, the City of Dienton: Be 1t Ord ,need b the Cit Co prop*rtles sha71 become, due Y Y ok lays le as follows: neth, Thal, �vhexead,� the City Commis mission of the City of Dento t,4e mp etioli"°s Ile c slog of tfr0 Crty of Denton' has Thnt the report of state olr" }yeti y�i fj�De� heretotere by resolution duty ass the City h`nglaZper filbd �t t y� ed and a p pad p{u# rdf, tl{ City Coitrm gi6tr d a�i lbi t d �qa� 6f the1,, tot: ST or d r ") o�iE , 1 a P 4 �' y en libpl.In& pt�pert, 4 d given t e • !' 1# a r t t ��4 4 dWr�r toy 3a>adA` o ' bop rte oWni h. a d i f�x 'da����q� ���o, wif 3r k n mW of f�nt feet and the o: t a�' ? aWf �� a 1 r 6,£Nprovernbitt 'char eable agai a" 4d ter 3 6j, t a g o4F�yegre a� g�iidlk •s t �p nine o i9riptch LoCW vikh .;Abutth q . property,. and i4 f Sth`ipter 41, `Ee�£t v a! o! 8otrth oollit" hav;n� been duty exnr»in , Sd tLe rate 6 eig�it }ter ceh$'pot" ' tr itebt'✓ Is_ h0itby ap roved. That the C,lv nuhr,`,and .re&i+bsrabie ,attot5icy' Ali tu� Alr1�RE STTtiit, Comtalsrlost does hereby determine fees and all costs 'of col£ h i gr q1' 8 at £tn? of outh �FIrn to assess the total cosi of,curbs cast of default. 11ltst r e teal the I ;eget,Jine, of Welch and two;thlyds of the total frost 91 proportionate pit al such Ct ' e { the remainder of said Improve- w}, h id dcrifetnpfaled !r bdrsa- k slid streets shall cash be meals,Agaitrst 'the, owncru of the s0 against pttctrs,ep {ty ,�j>d 44 entirely and propDerty rbuttinp �Fereon, and the,r reilp6ctide ttibpert ! gad the. Il+a1Yy, s�p rya pad Indrwndcnt again.) their pro, t( , in sccotd- fJdrner o 'ttivetvnets o ptbpTXEe urrit 'o? (rA Vg41 ;' TIR6 core- antu with the pr'ovis)ons of Chap- Abetting tipon-baid stlfclr .rfaee-� atrit'cy!�n ono £ntlaovementa In ter. 11, Title 24 Revised gtatntQs aald,' prd Ttie} ,fq,j�Q� ufnytif�d; �afll Qe rate hit o! district shall of, 3bxdd of 19f1 and Cr,epter 9, AM �! �escriptjod;of,t t;�rdj• Q y fttd peggat, o! the cog- TVs 28, Re'v£eed 6tatutes of Texas erty and the setrej?i to ti ettµctlft in,rqy It er u6it or dis• 1 1095, and the Charter and Or, assessed e`aat.,;i t.r o.. fis `.lively l f, 1Iwe , seslo�ments to be le dins lees of the' City of Penton, Apr w.dn yotth tm't oi` district shall That the wild hs' emment shall ba Ad r`Ot h tt4r i a aroll t�,a grand toold ng 't a cost o. , notice o such prGp #�rd `sum decd,ttgt�nl;s in, t partit, erty owner6 and'all In trestedpprt' trf eny,eY,enqq excF� tvtq �i"dou Ar, or d yt ! a [n accord, suite; and the hearing herein m�q• tF� otacatof Ba►d i0pone! tlra lreneAti accruing to tionrdo avid that, the mild'port6n r4gppt 6)rb., Iii 'a fylloiFit�_. Wi3�, T SUAMO M STRMs! < , < r s r t, tr, y `'' ( ' oaf the 1�'eat Lt South Lapst V' 1 ae bf Street to the Eft Line` Nipais fiesci Plot,a Jdad6. n Ae3 0, Df. Plod t�ondwid 2 $1k 2�, t1�9 p„ dcec, in Vol c 760 20g• 59 Deed ecor& r + tlte?tax x Nortta o Lot 1 CBI , Vo166, pg;,�fiB, i)eed ......... J l . lfEelP,ii6fj...., ¢ t t` o: t ohh '� Baker, >� {H biQf feet f'te! ap DIko 24p" It pt tG0.0 r '�r. an�lvlded Interest ddsc, in of lif'9, ppga 946, D. e Wk It 8YCAAl OAS a7�1t1?EC �h'rdth the West'>Lln6 Of South J6£at ` . bu apeetdto the JJaet Llap di`wefgh StfebE , d fret tf 1)1 ` Iq g1 krd0�tt. lf�8dcsc.', 170.5 . V 186, pg,' $20 7 @t7,20 15; �, Ball, ' r Y$• , ;, Lo Id.0x102 tent in vii 7(3, chic. !te ,ol GOAT : 420t, t e �►1 a kid Xe` tad it >Ceyfe, R t5 feol ot0the oset of land rieuttJbcd 61.0 f � e arC dndiv ed 3i in vies! T, Vol. N O J0 plRe 19Y, D. R. 8 g58, „ i4 r 7 0,UI k VV h s , , M rr. A r , 'i s• �' r � � C e SW� •i m�r, �ya a The State of Texas , 17011nty of Vonton , Thin oontraot made and enterod into on this the 24th day IP'j1 of Nerruavy A ,L . 19111 by and betxoon thi) City of' Donton , a muniofpal ?� r onrporation, aoting by and through its , Water, bight and Power oomato- I, gionora, party of the first part , and the undersigned oitizens of . the ' alty of IJehton, party of the e000nd party witnesootltf f4 V2at ' f^r end in consideration of tho parties of tho second part Jointly and aevarally adyanoing the oosts of construction and material ,I to tie ties ' in suoh construction, _and, to extend the sewer syntem of the •k said City of Denton, on the sane terias and conditions now providod for the use of said systsx, and on the street hereinafter desoribod, in xx said oity, and the costs of oonatruotina toald oxtehaton on the herein- aftar desor:ibod street being estimated at the sum of three hundred and ;,won,ty five dollars i nog: thorsr'oro wo the undersigned parties of the k aeoond part do hereljy bind ourselves , jointly and severally to pay to said oomraissinners for tho use un'i benefit of said City . 'he n'aid III' a ; t ' , r• 6 throe hstndred and twer•ty firs dollars, and Kit ally additional gun o O1" sums neoeosary for the proper oonstruction and extennion of th'd sort- 4e ' 00toz of the raid : ifdW8Z oily Of' Denton, upon and along Normal F TQ`i-4 ' I t,,aVa�rGs 'in said arty, and bojinnin&i at the eerier on ith west Oak 'stroot of said Oity thedoe rxteridir,& north upon and along the said Nor4si strAlitie : ts'ra point ins said street Opposite the south ho>r > lot ,r t,by rW,�' ji{ohri!!; be, hg an estimated distance of one thou sand feet NorKdr1 aveni anti e �id avortize being 'on(; of the pubilo„8' t,re bit e i fisiEY O'; 'ilenton, and said sure at of three hundred and twenty > Fir Paid to the Denton Water Li pt arx3 p fir: 'i p otter Oonui - y k eldYrbrA, � r th"d benefit f the f it of v - 4 o y enton, Kexkzxtx#tck baftire rtxtt : ' ..• s j y of anmefbiafe dorraed by the''e"d�i'd', bi�;y of , 1 ���i�+p`>i�`� "ai�d'. � . c,npidtion i�r , �' .,� , ,tr � e acid rrork if the of eilleb i " w' i' �.cob�idafte otxw o },rlr�a' hundred E<na two»`ty five �lollare, them in ��` aVb i .' it.6 a'&' re r` 4 s i 0, jo fttl y And severally N MLY to said oo�rais�'ianef'�1 , 1 1;said extenibi exou�di LhU dbii 'oi' tee ttdl�b d ,d '� . th riu d .. " i�ie�fty` fv`d� dbli'ab`� w n �r � a a ;,, 4 thii'by day �tft 1' aaid rwork ie "b0eiilotbd � '�,S �ti� oittdnti¢n ie` It bd, owned and�`d'entr�Oilerf by thb said 01t •� rx h i," `:�btl" d!' t►hj► bias orderdnnd �on out OAK$ A,m hrit the b�►i1 e�CtenliciriI',i'ri t'.o be 1 " d with otr i s - six in sewer main, arid: N� v lei � t '"'JTlr" � v ♦ sap i .� v t�y" , 1�.v"riti �FS;. i N ti.4• , '1 4 r . ter, There is to be a "Y" Rem seNOV cotlnootion ;eft for oaoh one hundred foot lot on said cttroot � That the parties of thesecond of money Part xtk shall be ata�ttladxica;xaxactic# paid the amounta,�advanoed by oaoh of t!lom for the said 6ttension in F ; water, water rents, and meter rants , That the said parties of the � sedortd � ^.. , Part shalt reoolre oredits eaoh quarter Ott t}3L, amounts �o advanoed by each of the Partied of t)to 0000ttd part, for the amounts due the Uity of Denton b *k eaoh of Lh�t ' y parties of t}ie st,voitd par►, for 'i water, orator rents, and motor rents duo the said City of Denton for , . water furntnhed by the pity of Ironton to parties of the seoottct part, a 'S and the parties of the secol,3 Part shall have the said amounts oredited upon the amounts advanoed by anon of the parties of the 8000M part, uneil the atnount0 Advanood by the parties of the eeoonu part shall be fully paid in wAtor, water rents and meter rants , It being thh Intentions of With ut ±e,-,;fat parties of the eeoond part to advtLrioe the taonOYA 000ruary to pay for the said extension, and the eeid g parties srb to :; t d up the said attounts in water, water, rents and motor rents, and parties of' the s000rtd part are to pay the a+erSular ratAS for water and peters as is now chaVA01 by the said City of Denton, Texas for ,x ,' water and meter ront, Witnooe ,otir, hands, ttis da and y Year last above written, 7 , • 4 xkt kk xtrt�i&xkRxe:c� L SOh ere ,x r ��'a �'-✓�� �q`. 4 f is 7 ?, . a �Yn -.'��+`J ar ' ify r r i r S �WK+l�'R 1`'s^"1° '�{.. , ,: r �, �, r J r , t�7 ' ea �W.� ��' ' Ir1 I,`• 't ',.9" „I *r.i'f r/ i 1 y ifi* 'r r �... 1 ' Y 1 t r Ja,7y{'..,4 ` l r,.� tt y 1 f. ,'k j ',n 1�i//Y� n F,s"45,F A c `t n';,`•rf:�r� � f. �.�,ri�f•prt r la{� 1i'r ir.,9� f.�7e�4r #r t � ri. iw er t ��.3. d: !1 a] t \J , 'y� Yk 1..�'4� ri p,l�'I t r.• r�rlin + !3 '�MGM ✓ s !' � s{ nJ: l Y� y`r�.. 1 : 7A s r ry�� i.�.ns � rl w�l' �y'r. +I 1 �f� ' � uri 4, Ilk , I� t t ,1 1 r��,V ' � � I J v '� N I�N, 11 i+ ti•5J �ln�w a + r i x L 1t t,s rs'' , r , . t i •. rr C r' �'� � try i Qj�j � }.��' � ira Ypt•, y 1 �y4 1 1 r . , i \ Jtiv. J � � .�.1 1r1 ',n, i lY ,� , r l,n '31 xi„ t. 'fl' * � e:u'a'r4nt�••.+r.. �G'liw,�' S(r'� }. +4 ,c}.w.P,'i� '�,34'�'�!�' A•�'�'r�a'M+H1+h1��> � l r e VV aY x 4 ✓�, ' 1 l I I A �A� '•'�1 1 ',I 1 ' l .r ! 4 �' :.•t # •y4 of .. �, ��: � ..l r � r'., r�Y� d'•.7 L'' p r�°" [ � + o � � .� � J a.}Ir HYwO ' � (�(, 14 1 , . ,ti: �( M wES 1 �} < � �5��1�M��b�YJ���i� ,, r�W'� I 4�'��lr + f � r ti r.� 1 `�tlr � � f ` '�� ,� � ✓ Y , ' rY \ r 1r y��h{ e#'"yn� �'a�'�, ;. 7Y r6 �S* 17, , v f i 1 , f tl ` w • v Jrr,.��J k�ti �r j * A ; rl , ,.. E , + r r in }1� ���j, }'�,}`tl.y, . w ` TI � �'Cs ' Ce '.'t" � A r� r✓ .ft Asr 4r r` llslf 1.1?i'Y1'l�ti�. '� r �' ^^ 1 ' I 1 '. � � a: � �� } 1 , t a �.;}r� r .frj�4 i;' ✓ti .Ps x [[rrr��• T' { f ,r '+ 'r S rT}�' I u` w n �p4rli �ti Itrt` � ' 4'� �I ! .� F i fr ,jai r !J 0,1 tt Y� . l V .I �yyr 4to r }t•r r r h4.i ^ # �r�l r ��• •, J� ( e "plaks ' t r xi 'V r J� w r: 1���. 7,4C I ! o! rm r Yf •4 W 4�y F R��'$���+ 'j�y�1- tifT i f n `1'*:. � r aN �•,• �4 Ys i A ���,��.•v 1�1i,tyr�"•�:Q�� r ax�a�. '^kt w �^P '1rkr�� iP�R � �"Y�'�,I�Y�!`,l���cW 1. �` Finanos Committee's Statement„ City of Anton, Bonded Indebtedness, April 1, 405 647 00 Less Sinking Fund on hand, April 11 t906......••rrrrrw,q X70 0 � $56 377 00 . Bonded Indebtedness , April 11 647 00 Lees Sinking Fund. on hand, April 1, 1907wr-rrw.w.r..+n` 8� 44 $Sa 100 ell Reduced during tho year•rrr•rr.■r.r.r.rrwrrr....r....r 1 276 19, Oeneral Fund Iffdebtednesso ' Deficit, April 1, :906YY.rrrrrrrrwrryrrrrr.rwsrwr■rrrw$11 186 37 7 350 e3 e erg M M l 19O7YrMrr•rwrwrrwrrwrrrrrwrwrwrrrrrw . 1 . 1466ed''during the year 3 $35 64., . Total lieduotion for the year•w..rrr.....r...w..rrr,...$ S ill 130 The total sssesament for 2 920 600 000 y We 4is allowed to levy for interest and oinking fund on Bonds 28J on .the , �O0 160� we have levied oh Bonds 22Y1/V on the $100.00. 'We have a i � mi►r'gin of '24&1/4j, on she 41OOoOOo which mould float $8,000 00 0! d/40 Hb�}'gi tut th1 probility is that we could not float the Bands at par'f ," ;ra k, $uid we tieNe>r`t�rhili : •1/2� margin ae therf, would be nothing to ofreet,. t nolleotJd .tax list , or to offset a possible daCr,eada Sig te: able , �; ± vd�i�►�d1 61 ho�ld our assessor' s tax roils •hen approved cereal ari:,ir►orea e. r' in, u ,,tAxabipf,Yalues i then in proporition �rould our^' b�ility to Bond be ' 1, , _ 0•.�. 04 F ,, ' � ^ � ke��UCtiuily �ub'rbitted� A too ' �, � , }Yinanee Coromlttee� Lie 6mit ))) � ' �.r�� wrrre�w .............. ................„ an �o_ p C6 m z op., • CA o co .1 aQ CL cr s 00 C ti is y O N .cr c ny�i' p tl to O r+ �f � .alp• �� t. 0 a ! t �1 IIMI�II�IIIIX�IN I IIIM111N111�IiIIM11MII111MIMIX1111X1 MIIIII�IIIIry111111M IIIIIIMiMXIIN���1111111�MHI�IINI1 fMllll MIII INIIIIII�IIIIX�IIIIIIIIII IINI�I�IIM1'IIIIM1II111X1111�111�I1iI�111TIINIIM HII IIM1I�IIIINXNI.NINMIII�IIIIII�f1�111111NII1111NI�IINI1�NXIIMI 1' . • ` .�,i,.�.�t �. :o� - _ x �� 1. r, • �. �.� �: it •''4 M• �l . A ��� ,`.�` � ;, �, j+ I , , ; ,.; i, �� :�' � � 'Zr r �, ,�,�}, c � Y �f�i�� � /. `�' �� r �: b' "i,r 1. 1L w P Imo.'. � 1 .., �1 !�� yl. :� 4 ♦ � M / � I l � I 1, � , , . �� ,ti' !_ ' � /+t�':Y r t �: ' . _ '� •• Ms�RS� �' Y . � _ � �� '.x "51' . �.;° 2 ;: ,;, �. . `^.' `Ei f .. ,. �� �. .,I _ � � . � � � : : A !:; "'� �� �_ � ��' . _ ,�,, � + �, �� � � �{ x • `} . ,. 4 �� \' 1 \ � � � / \� I� 1 � 11 � ��1 r �.` r. {{ � „ � : • i � i ' � � • f • jF • � � l � � • • � • � • � � . � � .. � � ` � �� � f � .� %� • � � • • . . � r • _ • _ ,� J jz .k, r IIIIIYIIIINIIIII III•IIX IIIIINIIII IIIIIINIIIIII IIINIIIXIINIIINIIIIIIINN VIIIVIII II NIX1111111111111111111111111'i IIIIIXIIIII IIIINIIIIINN......IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIII IIIIIIINIM NIIIIII IIX IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ir I1NI IN1111111111111N1111111N I IIIIII111NI......1......NNXINII IINMr lil '1I111r 111Nr IIIIN 111X 1111 XI11111rNIrIN11 XN11111 I111.rl rrr rr I..............rrr Irll rr r Irl rr rr rrl r r II rr 11 Ir III rl1�111 f ' rr tj I 1 QQ JJ OQ ro � � � '� g sr too W N M r* r6 a a w ; Na � �oo ,• u1 II NNNI HIr.IIH low IMIN hmom FINI1111 HI NIIIII IIINr l MI I MIIIIMIIIN•IIIIIMIIIII IMINIIrl11NN 1X111 NNHIN111NIIII111WHIIIIIIIIIH1111111NII TIIXNII11,1MMIIINIIIIIIIIIINIIIMIIIIII•IIIIXIIN MYII IMYIIINHryI1111NIIII1r N,.wl NIINIIIHIIIIIIIIIN. n � ,1 ! �•J 1.i � � � .+.-?f,.p. i'i'ti q �� �I � I. 1 .M�• ' 1.'I 1 "_'�"- i .. I• tom. 1 •f% } t f. { pi � � r77YYII I r I i � LN — do Ah • r ��J!�r � h'< 1i tf ^' / J ��� A wwtt•sRR'R . ,y y . T f T' r � • _ T, f • i 1• l fit , , � fA y .. � ( i r..',y � r'. � �, r,_ � �. G '� �,� "��".� �. , y, I ' ' � .% f „ .�.' ', ',.ti.. � � � , p�' •� . . .. y '` � -� - _ r .,. -. '. �" I '1 �- �' ' � °.�,� � �F rc'.i�l�2� r7., � rkr � L ti � ,y � :,P ,v ;a.�. a . i � n c A N 1 t 1 �� , I EL AS �: n I. S C, 1 tt ti FFGt p 11 O c� 11 P xxxx� u o�ww � p N •X111111111111111111 1M1IIIIII�N 1r1(�1 �11111111111NINIIM1111111111 M111111111r111� Ni I IIIIIII.NI III1��11�i���11�11111111111�111!111111L 11/11111 I n��l �I I�r11K 1��1� 11 I'll I III..11.1M 111 i NNN111 I ll.lrrll.l . . t .,r�l...yJy��." x•1!.'4'~ r �j � • �•�`�� � r` y.Y h� l i'. Y` A •i -'i i • 111 I. - .� � Y pl 1 . x�. -•.Z�.2 4as _ -�' . ,�.��.'` w'_-;'.`�}..h \mil`<� ♦ � It I It 1 Y f jl J 1111 11r1r �,/ � - _ , + fi� .1 � •ill+ al � � 1 f: . �. ' 4 ' i ! 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't w� p o Uk Go R. fr M 5• g IX' tS ' E no a Lft t X11111111111111„IIIN111.,111I, 11 .....111..1.. 111 .11.1111111.. ...1. .... . .... .... j `4,M 7 1 � W G7 N DO A Nd tn 0 Egg OyD O .1 1 b r H M a a IflI111NIIIIINI11M111111MIIH 11111111 4N 111111 1�11111HIIn11111M1IINI111N11111N111111Mllllllll1111N11111 111111111111III IM IM 111111 II IN 11111 I I II.I.-M W...,"Ifi I 1 II•IN".m. N'll M1 P".0.1"1” 1 1111111111 iIIIIIIN1111111111H III11111N 1 m n.11umnumu nn...... .l.nnn unr.ulmu........n o.......... .I..o1•..I..11 ........w n1..I...I 1. e..... ..01.E 0............. n1..IUrin ulnunu..... . Lo 1 N y c A 1 y� 1 lW N \ J f w�l i A �yN ^ IIM a r A O r A e 1.11IIM11111111111N II NIIHIIIIXIIII iINX11111111H 111 Nllllll 111lllllrl11111111111111111H1111r1111111'IIIIIIII III III VIII.III IIII.rll lllllll..........0 iIIH I111111X mo Illil 1.1111111111111111 II.111111111.1 rl. IIXIIX. r 1 111 IIII.N1f111 .. - �b+► wM,■N Icy rV% A lery, Or N:w Ioa . IRS! Be Pins 800h Lot I 1 j 4054 Plat !op Desk 60*X 54* With Brace Drawer Polls $ a6.t$ 42164— 1 8 Oak,Beuk of D%IwA Swir•1 Chair 241400 86.00 d 6 OIIk C en Side CLIArr i�•6b 09'•60` 1 00k co * Polo With Braes Hooks oar wood �s 9400 94 8t,,ee,1 *640 SM&A With Oak rinish i�-- i Bti+1�1 ides With 16" Net at per 4peeifloation 4.86 4.66 AN-9 w CMOs Me? VON '— k 6141 a1mr"s 10000 20400% - t Brays Cuspidors with 18• Rubber Eats s.as 9410 SAX COLLEO E MIOFaMIIIO SPACSI FnST 9'LOa£t ; • C rs 8.50 MOM x" 1 grass Cuspidwa With 18" Rubber hats 4.68 4451-- 0 Tel ""ia wi Posture Chair 14.00 14.00 '8 8010- 8 Oak Side chairs 0400 11.00 >e 4 Oak Stools With Basks 14.00 BS400 S "I Waste Baskets Oak Finished 8.46 8.60'"�� _ x 81R1s IidW: WBith iC Ibats 44 44481 A rues Draw . Pullq ei a 6$•1GS aB.Bn�--_'=- 1 +! Btrivd Ohms 11.40 11000 " r� waste poket Oak ainished 0o6C VOW, ! to WS Sido,Chair OA 1 Oa�c'COrhen frith Brasil Books ar Wooden pegs gq4Q0 04 1,*me Cuspido with 14" Rutbor Mat 4.46 4•Wi � 'r ._ 1aeir wx lA rx�,be Kab 4.68 0.66 •---- ,a; I o IOa11 I'mil DMI • 1• 48118 96.50' Oakawihl Chairt X1.00 Il•OQ . Oe9C atso a with Batiks 14400 Q8�00 '� Oak aide Chair 8460 N1,Waste PaDw Ssskets f,.:: Vial" >R•16 6.6<1 a 604110 6e�b0 { 1 de�tiomall Beokelur4 of toiloiin8 seotioas 1 ss• Q" pgok 7600 9'.00 J goo.✓ 4 But 4.50 I 1 Too blipol AM chair 10.00 . sof�0 Ook r9ide Cuba 8444 160 60 .. ' ,1 . 1Mi rriYs4e ieasket Oak tiaish•d 4.70 cuspidor With 169. Rubber Mats 4.66 w C rfiirh wr R= to x004411 rots 0606 u, I 0 ` � • �� �,+H►biolsoi y77 i x, Osdpani0ra Ohairn 6 0111 • q.. V6 K , r 1 : ., � l �Y4 ��e Yi' ll�e� �� II• Y �� 1"" '' �` . � . ,,� , 1�aewar w>r,�• 14* w�'�",,�bee 4. 1a.�} x`� ¢ k ;s �� C 6lleiblrir111i 6a� 60400 + lie i goo F.J_ter' " . "'-'7 ' .�1�� f• t }, b i . , ff". ,4, la�: l �, �'.. R J l v bid X v Y Y M'. !111rr f;'1lY}:roW!WH�w WC;I'A Mr.F 7<S ✓ At1 SA1MR,F M 4 � �+ �f dim, �•jA � � ry i �r����//..//yy++ .' `�I(/J� ,yI .� P06 '11�fe;akvz 1 �f,i .tf.11 1 f � f I+wr�wti+rl4Y�.�YwwY1w/ Y ,1.'�. t.a,. v '�'1� s Yrr SIV fry . d� v_ '�'�' 4rriPM x '1"' 1 "?M NAT OY WO ormly ov WOUTA Tnd A%A*M made w d eat$rdd Cato this day by bth01% W city of neatea O Maras, �iatfi� ey !! ihi�df !fir r�, duly aleoted, authorised VA Wking effioers, Bret party, WA the wostdro offiee supply oampany of Wichita Falls, +COXAs, SA W$ by and throagh its Omer ond v~rj Brestu 9 $rom, NOMAd i"Iyi • s &"ODd party ag»eM ad oeutracts to WAIN ddl"t 406 VAt4d1 $A the ow MY Tail in tho 00* of D/trtoa, 04UPO . oa a earQitara ass8 thdi Ne of "r OM list rid ayeo$fieatioae MA to the '0#Ma 00 ftt 61 ,t1r Rat INi'd1�b Mtool�d a to �� �► 1 `At +'f M M oo>stiidoratl0a fq Bubb NOWAPo e»d fixtarho a Nre1 "01 M"" 10 retie re assd iy, to the ra a4► tM �..i�xt�► Att`�lia t� ��� ���� �lani.'� �EtM�a �b� +��w igte� a+tr ,, ry� 1 � }•� TIS�:` 1�l.;Y. .r t,;,'�Xlv':` it\�:� .Y Fr* $ru ,i�.,r ',: }'fi� l(j� { '.y4Y. 'r°'r :� �� r ` tm Neu of "$Out 06 s .dxs4o n1 Wet shitty 4w trngi MNr o! 1h� !4iot ogma ad w6folad tW* all Ot, WA ylltw"o , . Y tw 4eltx re eat t>l tre eiA In the $$$r 00$ 11641 $a Poo*"# r; Yys 1 � w1 y 0/lobrt' hgtp.�a/Ayr Yg We "04010, r �1 s �ZM i!eP►1,�", +� 4MIM"I A7.1044 • tool*10 go" ftx c•. ,. Vo $*6fto of `!►' M.1 shy f Of Soot r r. fist• POO r �rW/�M IMMh�1!11M eht .f tb�e NtITWS OUR HAM IN Dtl UOAU# tbls �„�„� dq W BOy1AU'v AsPop } too*# Gr At^stf �C/JN t ou SY Boom y r f t �•i 14 • ! r r< L a Af •�M ° y A � nr � t .6 �� 1 1 �i r '; � n •� 1 t 4 'y.'I A. Lrr Syr�d+, •� 1 ` ��>° fi! Y` ' , �-r r C4IA8.A.WILRIOE.PAEUtIISNT EDW.4. PPEAKMAN.W.4PIIOiDENT If�+c��aa�. �Y,T�c,� EQUIPMENT KNdINEERA AND CONTRACTORS INTERIOR EQUIPMENT FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES. BANKS. LIBRARIES AND VAULTS IStA MAIN ft, n.».i ns,TgxAL% August 29 , 1927 I may(, ity of Denton, De n, Tezae, Subjeot; Furniture & f ipment , '4ity malt Denton, Texass, Dear Sir: WeFhas'9 prepared estimates oovering furniture and equipment , as detailed and oalled for in plans ani speoifioations prey I.p ' Ar ed by g� wj van $tyke a Company, drohiteots, Port Worth, Y1+ For. ,this, equipment as detailed and oalled for in speoifioatians, . and; in s000rdame with the equipment list cover same we and pleased to quote you the sum of „_„� , deYiverea and installed oompletn is your DOA u"i3"ftn84 The`,abWe . quotption is based, on furnishing quipment in am>'�. L !'. r ,,, + nngg striot ' an4ordanoe _ with the plane ar�fl speoifioa ions, ariid i're trdst `tliat tlio proposal will have your oarefnl ooneideration. • Tsting : to have the pleasure of serving yon farther in this oonneotion, we remain f, Yonre very truly, W LW Mss gT IPONi' '00 INO. ' ° 808*JAt - •' .'lrWe4. CoVe try' Ado3 ± 1 §1 i., 5, tll AG*EEHLNTE[ON TINGE NT JYGN ETWIFIt RCiDENTION OTNI} O.JNN Itv0.0 WN CGWPOL CTam]u M1A1 � O�o BERLOY SHEET METALPRODUCTS l61 STEEL CEILINGS-METAL LATH-METAL LUMBER �/N�� B—ERL�LOY- STEEL OFFICE EQUIPMENT-LOCKIERS•SHELVINO CORRUGATED IRON IRON CULVERTS IA A. I w..u.,..0 LOK MAIN OFFICES AND WORKS CANTON,OHIO CORINTH AND PEARL STREErs DALLAS, TEXAS Angus t 89, 1927. Hon. Mfrs MoKenste , MWor, Denton, Texas , Dear Sir-, We are pleased to submit bid of #16861100 on steel offioe equip- ment and shelving for the nbw City Hall, Denton, Texas* Our bid is based on furnishing our htfh grade line of bell bearing filing oabinets known as our 800" series, and HBR10Y Wadgelook shelving for the storage vaults. Ell This 11.10 of equipment is Nationally advertised and inter;i Nationally used and has proven entirely satisfaotorq in All %A above figure Ir. based pn the equipment installed oomplete and in order that yon may have additional information rfjlo%b tine ,to the type of filer. and s M lvi ng menti one d, To are fit- oonstraoti ve de tai 1r , h will gl ue you oompie to s taoMrig desori tivo literature o a si #A a om a Plk a rvi o4 ou � 4 the attraotive ' oe qa t l oars V027 tray Q011PANY f r o at ,� qai ant piVi ri on• I ; �I I 4 } r . . &ALES,orllCks AND VOAatNOUlt6 kt J I�0ltON NCW VtlaK PNILAptL0HIA CHICAGO III II INNCAPOLfs 1(AN AN C.1 *AN INANCIACO .+ ' ItlNOIALAHd'ZItV OALIAS aOANOKII IJACKlONVILLt LO II AN6tLts 77 HOERA+ ROSENT - ALA�FE... CQo �4�Pateee DIMoLD SAFES SAFES OFFICE FURNITURE VAULT EqUIPMENT XITABL13HED 1919 1012.14 MONROE STREET PHONE 2.1909 ��U14iT �VORTII� '3'Ti:SA6 Q j � a s<i ,4 �i °•� Vr� �� O J ? A t t ix r E C i T � r1 } 1 FFFFF a X " WHEN _ _ _ TERMS_1 +' r• 5ALESMANi Ij .•.r.m .l'l Nn+rs.F!�� 1" wwrv�sv� (mow '.l i yy� " � rt' .4�..I...r�jl. 4''�..4r�f�'V�.� (+4/`�T/Q6y^//}�� rw•► " �� �' ,. ' ik , '(�Y•�y-ct�tl•'��tiJ1�l.���'.•! � �i'L t,•/'C� 'V, �'` .v,° ��`. � _ f K YV,, y ' i "t " �. I, � rk � r ,�1 � a yP�i•�`` � Q� ✓ A R s �'.yi �� 1t• ,P� t1 � Z�d�'e i 't° h @ A� "fin GrT .G . Ila , 9n..n P.H shows. PrulAml ALBERT EAW[N,Mr.S,a, Yv DOI. r . Western Office Supply Company . tWn.,fu: Fbtt Na!baai Fa41 LOOSE LEAF GOODS, CHAIRS, DESKS. FILING CABINETS, SAFES AND OFFICE STATIONERY 711 &M strut Whim Falls, Texas ATITIST T,M,TY itI na Honorable, Vayor a d of " Tho �J *by oi' Denton Texas.' � Pori tou, Texan, ad are pleased to quote you, herewith our very lowest prices t 1. on offi -e creaks, ,ch&irr, and fling cabinets. "Ile ;mow that you will at- oine rocopice the superior qualit4.;of the linen We represent i oil d vre Trill appreoiht9 your eart,ast consideration. r 2 005-1 401'X.34 11X3011 Flat Top Desk Q.b. $02.26 524.50 YI►. 1` " ✓ 2' ,.603-S 601}X34"X3011 11 ..It .. n 1l It 60.Cy0 ' ,1�r+' i:' 2 Tf 5d3-S 64 X33 X3Q 46.26 98. 64 - ' ,6 41 6; Chair'Ptmyk ,'of , k3 tsttd Type 26,0/0.7} ; 1� .�*.h �� II � r f f',S't,do Aril 'zF".I r`�r t<.yO<�t�f1';�.��j'4»��3 y°k i f$1 1�4 q ry f��1'i:�. V i���V,'��uI.' 3 , �uf��, 1 ° .�rG�1'' �y 1R 1 r<,4.•� K r �y „fal' •., r " }, fi° , 11600 r i �A��y„ .:6W(�^"��Jr���/6�i.� 4 SCl G�tiVam\ tQ oe. 170, �fV 1 f , ' p� Syr ,•i �, M' :;1, ' 1, 's'-' I� r . y. ,•, $, 4 14000 •� d6 Y -501 '1 Stools 'Nitta t3aaxa 14.ti0 • bE.flO� r G .: ICS+•gosoro .;. 0160 ;45 00 prd ds dumpidore *I t% 18" t'ete 66;00 7 VtLsba Basketi yiotor or. equal 2.76 19.26 ,✓/' X�-. � � , , > I I , ; 6eo;.° 911 wlis I;ec�ior � °�ookcnSoo 7. A40 0 I i g 0 I 04 „ ► �a ' . u ✓ `4: 00 H1b tt „ 2. - 4.60 e14 Y�� ,' � ` y . 1r, • ° I ''r Y, j„ G 1,.. + Igo 'J�g7lNr'ns 1: } j " i"7" A $ 7, 14 1r1,t. 0s<oOt r Star) 1~ot i 1Me�wor .Cab ; 48.00 172,0b , ��q �,* '"''i� ° � ��j Cfe.• I ° rRr, It .`<,I f � . , � � , - �.r Al;ttiehed�ttt'•t lti bid, yot 'will find' •putts .8i"' 4a de6k.. we hAyo bd'ezriA d , bt +ltit:'b dZenzt<ipbidtl:lit"%%,611 '"�ta.d� _'t� #bdXt �1Y i5t11� ,,, 4'C 1 etc;tiriil qq p . l��1 pr ' any pert: 6r i� d ietgas" cf� < tEtl ¢ 1`�'z�`'�`� `. , , ' < � ";t'I�ttAb�`,�'��. �'��l�,.�t�i'i<��' 1ir.�"pi',,t�,e 3`m���&�*d�3s�ee♦ bud�we'fb tp.�ita ' ° ,;, tis�o`'yf0�'' rrut .bo 'l:rtb4°oeted, i' the qusl�ty of d4nb$rUOtiG1t 'n1d S�oauby,, �ld�blYA.1114 �t sk titb TJZ'Ih0 4t�;4 ,'C�Lt�YtOd, 011 %W%le '�1��#efU09 1 h � , r z .KPH ,f 4�t� 1y 44ui3�'�bd y4sib fiae it tti+a ths'6a I o beme thrJ; t r, Plti11A `t'',. 4 F 41 usage of r.any years and ur.j equi pped wjt% a vlwo to per,:,ont+xo repi^eaeut�.,d in the Sl,c1b,:Ville lire. Tho price is a little higher but the differeneo is muio up in quality end beauty. Acsurb% you t1lat ae apprcoiato the oporttuAty to quote yoti " the 'cu,to Yours very truly, tt t Fie .V I,Y .CO.tPAt,Y , ' 4 BI D • P'.S The.eboiro quoted prices t;ro for immediate asooptanoe and are cyb �e6tr to change, without- nobiae,after ton dAys from the date of, t t*A letters , .; 'OOSCO. Ot ,r F L •.,!� Y v! u 4 �j ti .. f r , n I' 1 i9. � ,' . .•a r k r f, �� t n i y'1 �� Y t�t�� "1.$��p •{,j:r �r 4t "4 11 t ryj �' ?� itJ♦ ),� 4�u ��J ° ?a'• �k !r X Y n w 4•� nt {�: •� ,� �V 4 •rt�tl ' t1 S�, t ` S}�~t� J, rti.� �1 ,1 1 + , 1 ,,��+ + p J,ti ,t?�� �( �.� �?:;, � ' i�:3 � ,�� k a . 1 �, r� a 11 ��t r �' • +E � t �. � ;a: "; �. J �1 , OP i� { ! tie t ��I i .k M 1 + '„ Y 1 1 • a p t , 'Ji , '�Jr ` � it� Kt � }tiQ{� ��, � 7 +'ern a��J n i' 2P �f �`• .:l 1 ` ? { 5 , .�� �FJ,. r "f°mot .:r M. i V.,St y 1 5. i4 T'r,3h y 1 3 r S V 1 ' 7 ���ck _�::G_�,_,....��: :__ c•r— -----�-,' f�_��,o;.r___ f � �,k �'" � ' � �__:_._.,.__�l a�_a�,.__—_—/�i`"�-- — .t.. 11-1. �. ✓ �'._c, / .l}.. �1•v.n...�. 61 f,]ta{�..1!! _'L/ J -»_.f V�„!.ls._.�__..._._ .13..4_+.� __Y.���--•- t A ` � e 5. .. e eI S Ae "I« .� r f. 1 l �~ " lip S W. N. HARRIS, SUPERINTENDENT MAYOR; L. HICKS. 9ECRETA0tV•TRCAsu RER B. W. MCKENZIE COMMISSIONERS; MILLER. CNIIRMRN difg of A »11t^ll L. EA IL.Y W R. LAXEY WATER AND LIGHT DEPARTMENP CLAUCE CASTLE.ERNV rRANCIS M CRADDOCX 231 NORTH ELM STREET DENTON. TEXAS Nov, 26, 1927 . 0 0 N T R A 0 T This contract and agreement, made and entered into, this, the 26th day of November, 1927, by and between the City of Denton, Texas, as party of the first part, and 0. John Stafford, party of the first part, as follows: That the said party of the first part has tOis day employed the party of the seoond part to clean and paint the tank and tower belonging to the said City of Denton and used by the ]municipal water plant, in the manner hereinafter specified; and as full compensation for said work and material used, the the said first party aggrees to pay the second party the sum of Three Hundred Dollars,$(300s00 ) , to be due and pay- able when the work is coVpleted and accepted by the first party as com- plying with this contract. Said second party agrees to furnish all paint, tools and equipment nec- pssary to to complete said work in a workmanlike manner, and also to as- sums all risks connected therewith, and to releive the said City of Den- ton from all claims for damages which may arise therefrom in conneotion .with said work, and for all claims for labor or material used on said work. Said work to be done in the following manner: 'I nside of tank ,Inside of tank. Olean and scale off all old paint, use wire brush to remove all rust from sides of tank, spider and around all rivet heads, tighten up and equalise spider, install water stage recorder on top pf spiders apply one coat of lead and oil, let dry thoroughly, apply sec ond' ooat . 00mpoeed of 6 pounds graphite, pound litharge to one gallon of linseed oil, clean and remove all accumulation from inside of tanks Tower and outside of tank Clean off all rust as abovee an app y one oaa o paint composed of the same materials as th6 second obit on the inside of tanks , Said seoend party agrees to do all work in a good workmanlike manner so that' it will complete a neat and oomplote appearance, and to pay all bilis ;for, material and labor and furnish receipts therefor so that no lieb' ka be filed against said City on account of labor or material fur nishW'bn` said Wo k. Witness our hands, this the 26th day of November, 1927s yor$ My or entonpT61aei Pitat Party. eoon a y. . .._,_, t a F.,CATTY W.T.SCATTY C.W.C[NCCNIALON lie,w[[rRgiD[MTACMIN�uW[. ►P[•D[RI TRILWII[R Co. AL o , ICHIGAN SHELDON H,wILSON Chicago anANCN MANA49A 1700-1107 SOUTH LAMAR YTeaCT Dnllas. Texas Wtobor 21= t 1927 Motorand lots POea Pofl.rs Jew Cruah.re oyralory crushers Portebte Conveyors Ecfeenln0 Plants Trecter•O�ed•re ' r!'. ' `maintensntr♦Oredere 1M11• Ii a l7• I'.Tt1Fi691218, Mayor MotorOreder's Dent Ql, Tom. �cerifi.ra l SIfYitIA, Creders Dear Sir . 11 0ltphars ; t�eetllrceve�or. 4Ye have a report fr013 Mr . Allison , statire that your Posa,'4reoi Oity Ocunoil will reoeive bids on the 26th for some Whaled s crap ' SCr.C.rs street maintenance equipment, and he has as}ued us Poed'plows + t4 bid on our one mm motor maintaineri on whiob We o�moweoon', quote the following pxioes; o;I Dlitrbul4fi ' 1, Austin 10-20 International Motor Grader, itf. tow. oefs 10: foot blade with lerxiing front whoole a , 71 ar. acrd rubber tires all aroun& . . • 1 . 0,",60171,00 C1+Iverte , �olil11 tindeenteh 1 Austt 10-20 International Graaior, 10 f ,Y. . foot blade, with leonirk front rubber : !fAlbqny,N.V, whoole and oraWler ' rear • . . . . [ . . 03300000 bhlf�3elahlew. Extra for now style front scarifier at- klchfnond,Ve taohmQlt for ' either risohine s • • • . 1, $.. 225.00 Atlents,06. ! Now Orleen1,, Lel - Xxtra for 12 foot blade instead of , 101 26 .00 I,If4U MI:o Bxtra for 141 b1Ade instead of 101 • s s 60 OO "i 1h�l�.ul,Mlnn � :mohl� tenn' 2ha abbv6 pA6oa aye for t h o imaohines cleliverbd 1�� 0•g. el;lslidrnof6,ol`fye DoAton, Tokae , ar4jnol,udo the sovvioes of a tan to +�f ''C+el}ea.T.ris d -rAake too: �eli44 'ens' demonstrate i,the grader Uri the' `''i 0:rivir0 C61 bit�rls` streAtla � ' "If�lnai�en1' e l!`�irerEty,Ulsh ,FIX G'sel nr�elatoyeflf L n o61,C nt" 11 7 'S,R r 'nr r V'&�yt9yS"5 At #2 Mrs B,W, MoKenzie . In order to oonvince the officials of the 4laPs of v,ork this machine will do, wo vaild be willing to rake shipment on a trial order , subject to eatisfaotory and efficient porformc3noe of actual vaork on your streets . Vic have sold a groat many of these machines in `iexes to cities and counties for rtAintenatroe woxk, and they have proved satisfaotoiy , and are foiuld to be more eoonomioal in operatire oonta thanthe tvaotor a<tl grador outil. t. The oriellml. outlay In money for this outfit is lass thwi the cost of the tractor and blade C.rader, and the one man operation feature , of ocurse, keeps the operatirg cost dorm to a minimum. The rubbor tired machine , with front scarifier , weigha 12 ,E00 pounds , while the machine with oraw- lot tract, and scarifier weighs. 9000 pounds. The leaning wheels on the Austin Maintainers is a patented feature, end not found on any other type of maintelner, This feature increases the 6ffi� bienoy of the machine in that it prevents or tondo to eliminate aide draft , thereby enabling the ma- ohine to do a certain amcant of ditch wank that straight wheel maohines could not do. We enclose herewith a oatalogguuo, givire' illustra tiona and oornplete speoifioations of these machines Mid )Ita Allison will be az hand when bids. are oponut and *ill : gladly Live you My Sirthev information you may want• ., cur terms to the 11ity would be a off for cash in ten days, or net thirty days , or we would accept r ' t part cash, and the baltace covered by lntereb' a bearim wartEnte due in ono and two years.,, We also include oert ifiod shook for 0178,00 to guar- ant ea our oarryirAS out the contract ' DA the event the order Is. awturded to us. We tntst 4o1a wild.' gi. vo 'our bid ,dhVeilal' attention; and ws sh ld . be 'vex glad to reooive your order roz` orio df .tkseee Naohir 064 Vary truly yours ` �Sanager. °J, t ` 1.W,ARWIN,59"'TASA/. COMMISSIONLRSI MARION ORALLIY.ATTORNIV W.S.fI ILLIR. :KAIRMAN N, T.ORLWST[R,LNOINNOR �S�'}Y yA L,SAILIY F, L, FIN[R.NIALIK OFf ICIR CtI of Poltdll W. R.LARCV J.A. YOUNG, MARSKAL VVV"''444 AA r CLAUDt CAIILUIRRY FRANCIS M.CRADDOCK W. B. MCKENZIE. MAYOR DENTON. TEXAS Ootober 25th, 1927. Hons B. WI MoKenzie , Mayor, W* 3. Miller, Chairman, and Members of the City (commission of the Vity of Denton, Texas, Gentlemen: We offer to sell you one six ton 1(onaroh Traotor delivered to your oity for $4. 800.00 equipped with Starter, lights, oab and full set of grp�wsersl 2% disoount fok oash. ; ` Yours very truly Lew. .Patten Co . , By s r , r ' Lip i R. A. WYLIE 1484 KIRBY 8UILDIMO DALLAS, TEXAS 0otober M. IK 7. The City of Donton, 'ioxas, she Ftoxorabla �::ayor E: �yr.u:liesioiiars � Ga'ntler��», In ar,;ord:rce with your advortiseralsiit, I aab,,,it the follovi?ty proposal 0." 6—Ton Tractor built by the Ilaotrio ;heal Co::ipany, a,. of uxioy1 111. 0 as per enolosed< apealficaticns for the own of Thirty- ai-"hindrad an3 thirty-eight Dollars (:)3,638.00) , delivared at Denton, ToXa9� 2hesa tractors are beinf, usad at thin tira9 by the Gtrate NiCh- way Dopartriant and are I;ivin; perfect satisfaction. Prompt delivery oonld be made as wa have une of these traotore In Dallas at this time. Yours very` , • I , � I t 1 . r A, •' r r 3a a 41 ol p 1 o r ♦p Ay�� ��i;d�y3rt�ly+� �° Pj�';�♦ 1 Hly��� �,;t�,� �� r ^'+agRri°!!r,�ti,il+.�"�!i 14� i'�a Ny�i ^��'��p�°� 5 �Wi&[;{!?1 R'+ 1a♦ � ', 1 �. a.;ri i' ',;4 1 � ur�jTe i,♦�.'�F�?'"�f �:S �'w�rQ lS., 'Y° yt nl5'e'�`.,/�t �+��vfYi V�."', ♦� ; J a. yki ♦1 -"I fitly) ♦ ���`' I . 1 f ORDER BLANK R. B. George Machinery Company i �.192_.. R. B. George Machinery Company, (bereinafter called the ornpany) Dallas, Texas. You will please ship or deliver on or before lbe.4i�( ••• - day of.......$.%'.. .,.. ....n... .......... 192...`.�(or soon thereafter as yea can turniah for transportation or delivery) to.. -.. ) ..................n.., Tex%s, or other convenient station In the 81st , f r the undersigned purchaser, the !ollowf oo�f �� . . /f One CATERPILLAR.... ....... ./. Trac r,7coelfwith...:...( S ... Arch tr k shoes, caeopy top sad complete set o! tools. x � n.. �7- i/1.((, / � ........n_ ...........................n.......n............. .._.............. ...,. ._..-.......... . ....° . .. . . ................_.. .... , U consider q.wbereof the ptRrcrh t! will pay the sum ofX:Lijt. , .... ..._ .�L.G�rt �i. 1•t. r ....nnw_• iw.al d�':1r1' ��r%''1/ V ... .. ..O .......,..,......•................................ 1... ..... .. Dwiaro 'his the following terms: � R / _.......n...n....n..........n...nn...............Go February 15, 193............ i....n........................................_........due February 15, 193........... ._....:_.nw...."w_......n..........__._due February 15, 192............ i..........................................-._......_clue February t5, 191ww.w ..........due February 16, 195........._ b••...•.•..•......••..• , du ;x......»x:n. .«x. .........x.wn. .n.»............xw....... a February 15, 193............ February 15, 193.......... 1w......................x..x..........Wn........due February 15, 193......,..... ......nx...........I .....nx.............»x_ ...........n................... _... n.n...x + � I W «.x.............. a.. .........nwx.w ..n........ .........w......,................ .....x_................»...........x......... .. . r ' L«x x....wx ....._x,. », ... ........ .. ..w...x • n. ...• n.x........»...................xw...n..n.............x.. .... .........a........,.......... w.wnn...w»..w ».. In ... . .., .w.m . .«...xw nw.» .».. •.. ' n.l.: .1w t »u.r...«. »L•. ... n nn.0 ...ur .... w..n...n..w n.u.nu»n...n...w.... r.. ...... .n r.. `The~abyywv+ toxbbf�e96 Intereel psysble lend annaallyron August licit and Pebrnm; ISO of earh year, principal and Interest Payette.etlhe Continental k Comme(c4l National Ban1t of ChiUrn. IFkinds Ar'menh ba mad is legiay lssutd•ft ti"RmL,wtal� !W"'!.r veastrRhpalsNH'^�►, ntr or chi) wartaats on orders acid p otoodinRs; ' to be furnish by the o'n, y s,kii%/oey which tin purchaser sarees jo flans It the 6rs{{ le alar meet na of the Court after Arrival and dflivarr W 1 a r machineryy Litho ante w rtan4 to be lurnisued by, the Cunit+tny and sPI ea curet of lurnfshing orders and proceedings end litho6r phed warrants to to paid by laid 0mpiny. arrentt to tontnln a clause that the pAocipal and Snterest after mturhy shall bear InWr.sl at the rate or tea Per tent per annum Box!its f teal allornty'sxfees in the tvtot It Is necessary to piece the warrants or Interest coupoot le,the haE�a of an attorney for to lectlon. „ said Cfdm6ln euirenfeea the rnjtehfney,arlt.;t detects in material or worwifiship rat a yerlod of'sla months f",a date of dtiirery old will dribl�lhse ilak'roptapd'a rectf a arts (re o char , e. o Factorl. Parts claimed W to de active are tj a returned prepald to factory w art ma e, or to opletldn, and R 64 de et It eh( area nla a for now parts wpI be temiued or cancttkd - AOCEPT1rf)� OR.,«n Z JI, f}x� +�.......».AwlmlKeClty, Texas. t w0.�.. � 4 z ..Q.rr�. tM« !S4. mrafeatOnet, ..ep �e.A Com ninioner, .... w.. Commltaiunet+. «.. �:.. i6 .11-1.1 S r,r Vyitneil to all 8 16i 'Tali orair 0ontalns till the aireemdbts betwean the pattler hereto ►ad $hall not be valid and bfudiag oetll 'approted by �aa Oltfde#'6t the Gbdipjfty. `ACCko&ID it Uill,u, 'pe#at, ebi,i tEa W„w t... ..day of, w«nw,.;. w«. :..» ....., 19f Y ' •1 '� it, i t A, B. a60AOLr MACHINlAY COMPANY '} r, President ” Vice-President i ,r V Ij 1 � � t r � r a ..0 1 I 1 r a T• �LA F f s Y , i p 1 r 5 � " �h rf1��" '.iigi,ll 1�,:!i`/� to rA' + ..� Lei', � � 1, .a , 1 ( i ! i 1,. '•t` i .� :'1 � i �S � ,i'h '� `✓ r 1 t r� _ r 1 P '� ! o Y it, ,i� NI�. :},' Y L, p' +v r Y 1 1991.0 PROPOSAL BLANK R. B. Georga Machinery Company ......nallae ..., Texas.....QOt.!....20.....192-1. cam To the Honorable 1 Ma �d City Cato= Commission ..................P @ x1 .0A.............................. .......?D,�City. Y. Denton ., Texas. Gentlemen: We offer to sell you dellvereduc..........&a...b.a.low......................................................._.......................... Texas, and make delivery as soon as possible: One or more CATERPI LLAR....... ......14.......rtA-ton s:Z6 _ ........Tractor...... complete with...xBg•.....inch track sheer l.._._... .. .......... ..... canopy top and complete set of tools, on the following proposalat NO. 1. ; $3,000.00 feo►be Peoria, Illinois , net oash against a.� „ a ;. bill lading. NO * 2s $3, 38440 feoebe Dallas, Texas, net oash against bill ladinge N0 , 3• $3,75040 delivered, on terms to suio the City, or, lees 5% for oash if paid in sixty clays . Ilk l I ONO y, it t+ �.1 , pry S} Tb nbdyt�e to bear i�%t, !n eresi Dayable seknt•ar dally on Autul<ne sari Vebrnafy 16th of etch year, principal and tatefiet Payable at the Cougnental t Commercial attonal Bann of Chlcato, 11111 1Lr re' .hate to be made to legally ►►+Iid.Y. YY�Y °non. W f + ) wari/bti off Crde'ri ab g6c idthir to b! t�Srnished 1y our a tether, whYcd yon afros to ► at the feat regular mecitnt of the ��yy]itt 411 and aollfory 0� 1 +tlsl mact�tasry. [ttbor% boa warrants !o a furnished by as ►od an oxDeases of furalfh1he orders and proeeea:aad anQ. ISthofr&o ef, tYar� an to ald br us, `ppp&treat$ ea eoatalu At e�atfaa that tht p sal€a and Interest a Mr maturity ahan bear Intart at t a r �► ofd i�,pet �. 111 flat• 31a and see per aat. altorney'a tees a Wf •rent l �e be •.OL" to VI" the warrants 6r Interest oeupona In the an a oe an ttornay for eattectlon. ; W wS1 guarantee the maeblaery t�aa�art defeol/ la materlat or worYman►..lp for t Deriod of als monttu frota date oI dellrarr and Will owitVt Wal �me iaptac/ any QefecUVe Ira As Ire/ of charts, f. a. b. SVtory. Part/ clalmeQ to be defective arty tG De retyrned pr pa to faalory wblKi a aQ4 Ion lnepeetloa, aed It foun de t0 is the oharae made tot natr Hart/ *lit be remitted of cstaoelIs . We aloltl 1s rviwllb a aetKlfiee ctectc (Cr of the amount of tbjoo jtraot), and will furnish a bond ir►Iiod b1 3tnturlty cbmpomy autnorlse6 to do u►nap It the Btats of Texas for the uu amount of the Mh tae R. B. GVORGR MACHINERY COMPANI „ ` ' •'Y Orr• .0 m.Y.......... Y.Wx .u.Y Y Yd.J4 ACCEPTED 1fbNY.. ?g �4x TexasY SURETARY-TR E'R. «.... ..... of City w YYJY» aIbr Mayor. t •Yy� �y Y YY WL. YYj.Y 1 YY...ul .Y YY.Y..JY ..Y.YYU.Y+ IY Ifonia t�i y 1 i{v ;l.r•.•....w.a... Ly.Iw,w.u.1.Y,..xYY.»I.r Y YYY«• . . la w.. tWmnlflafoner� '� y F v -, � t .,� J.YY•M.Y.Y Y,wJJ.uYY uY.Y., u.J. .tlammteefaneT• r ., � `• ?. !y '�� EMI ! R �� •i � w}i �'�+„"y���, ` ��n ^I � �{t�� iR ro ”- �p I � ; ik it .E�.�.w, } ,4.nn�yq+, .yy�[..,I,..�...,_•6�..v+u.. �R.,,i M.�.ei V—�.A.—.n.•. .. �.- f� �.[x ..A .[ f...j�. \ ♦ ♦.f .. ...s..ava .J 1 '•'r` R fit+• � �`+ tx. \\ � .� � Io �4' i�f i}�n .� ��.. � '' . 1 !c ..a�r.x. r ..«r 4 1'•+.i uyari.+.e..e� . w. � ..... � � .1 � � � t� �'� '�.. .'�.. ._ .��t _ -4` � _ . . ,.... R i I t I 5k ' f )� .14y'.rw,x• * ,t— 'yK�•��.srw{r....+�e.� ....1. ;r_ �, ..,1. _ L .. .. I y �' ,,�r+•R1♦ A _rk a},+se e.�R<fK+r�W -Y.a.F..�,f... q..rH�r tie � �w✓r,;�-. ..}p.0 t,�nq...a tr I "�. 4 I y,. �I,�i�. e ^ � ` � ...{. � � r'+'X"- � w. , .+.^^.L~w� _ i•�� 1 ���'r� Rf'� ,�,�r1 n.�X• . ? .. _ 1y1-y � � �`j f f F ..� ..a:r. ,� -.-wi , �/..W'w a. ,.�. �^:� ��, � � ,�.� 11,n'}. `R� + 7� 1 V �M • !�yo ■ R E(o 1 I�+ JJJ■■■rrR Fri ~� ' v♦)a �1(Hf i all[.yn M� ♦ � �;C � Y/V4 RV.J.�4YS5T`PaNn�Ndnr �M da y .lndM�ay.s #. +�nn •V� � r,. y MMM �..� T�Rw rtir�Y a�nrelf bn 1 •s r r S � r � • � .. � . 1 A � r t i Y } o i IF ` ' i 3 a C t t R u + 1 ° „a, 'Sl 'fir';`;t{i'`k.�y .`3'S�'. �r;��.Pyr ur, tW'1 r`�1; ''*° � h',°.F r;, x,�i9 yz v5��° P �• �."� °��' wt.5°Rid .� ■ r 1 i ' � k 1 �� � t .�.., k 1 y ! ✓ '��y tr '4y f{#.• ,-.�✓- ��� '�y� ..w.'dy`,' ?' .i:+ �,y' a,� ,�7 ,r r I jt d l f R' IL'�tiCBuRL q.s tltli �} t. v, ! I +k k 11 a y ,w 4 R ■ 1'h r cm 1y n ! ly 1 � � � r4 • 1 .4_M.4.x i ...' v�n o�Y,V•,Y�r.^ef.-.N� �'Me1T.'/� �{ �+tlVh�tl�t•f� .IY H! .!'b.ic a4n.v�M>tl+'R Y'/•M'.. r ti 1F a 6 � � i k k la .► ,S g /� �� .mot ..,, k ,.....�..... �r...,f- � ....i_ ,..�,...�.1•>�._.i.._..«...a,,,a<.. {�.»�..w,...r,,..,. . .,,.r,. �.._. �, � r. l �j k ir ir ILYA.*. .. � �ti � .w:� ��� .:�• ��.�. �_ t=�' :.� ...�. �� .,� °' � Via►" °� �" .� �+ - �� y �► 0��, ';; 1 ► 3r' .pir/.��q• vf4•tnrl^°-'_'..s«^•+v'.r..�rw,q�-,-._.•�w lJY. :#.. A"' rJS'frw..rwF.r•«w..�N\w.yr.s•.w Kyyvn:a.-y«•._�vr�•r a,;...,�u..ry.l M., lW� r,...:.�1�4 S ^e, nx.; �-...sr f+' 46S 1 � �J, i y41i't j( � � ,V3.r� .e.M .. rr• J .,. �.FMV � -1,�W1+'4f •� . �' A �� ' .Jrr,1 It .y , , �vo• + � ` %�� �� �'. •,`�tr;. � n:,. � ,,�,. r i � �� *� �'wM, b/ 'Y� � r ly W�i �iry •* h'�tF�gi�r> � e'C��, w� rr, k !' 4. r•s(� "JOt �W 6" Y'`l" �:r"' .' ^f �� I t ' _ iti � FFyy i ♦ �a I � ,. .. �gp j! li.� i IDOL ynt "� ) iY t ti ir Is i i • i A 1 \ + : o-__• N fV to `+ �, ` ...`.. - ,y.+ °, tea , a Aj . . r I y , • i r p e g � \ y ' _ 1 b 2t _ fir. , 7A� � lot M{�ev a...+a�tt..+n�a..s-.'e:.s..s.s,a rLL,n .c. ;..M. 1,.. �.e-... >.. w�. + i - E � ■� r Fit t w 'i * t , 11 71; two :.r}s.ra.+i z .wp-.,re w.� :z-:.. ♦ a.uxr J+ .� -::r � 4., r ,. �.. .._ ,. .... _ `y #� ,.. io r ' �' n , } ! S o L�f 4.. ". ,• 1 7 1 - Y,, ♦ ,,r � ♦ ,' ,;,,-' k . , XX 7 I 6 I ' a . I I , I I I s:V=Yn .w .m,..® ..•�,v:e. �, v�w. .>� rc:v:�..�. �. ..'., � � .}G � .:�..._ I .. v� "�. � I\ •. � � P =v:,� u"., .,urvr.. .R iY+Y cwxu�V I II r I 1 � i � , � ai � r � � i fi• . Itr 1 (( f .. I I � 1 S 1 1 � Lit, - '•'.y ,.N., '.. , I f ft r I , 1 t _ 1 I cp G' '. �. 16 Ito `Z 1yy ' I} 1 1 • • f *. ..n.�.. � .m�.v� � ..>wl .x,{�a....r nn�w•{>.n>..;.. ,.>�..ti.as�r.wn.+n o�.>�vn�-�r..f:.>cu 3:.wi>a.r. .�++'W � I ah Mif^5 Mi\:�,e..tvY2• M..N JNU�Y. . 1�.,' Y(YMI.. +�,' Yr �m ..ryv R�•R^f.> lhY.,'a' b.144�n.\Y°. 2 Ol� Ya Yaw t{'/.yb�Nelw.M.� -� •f Ij 1 � P aM."' rdnN as.w .fir.`• rs..r.:.� .> «.,,. ,.n.,Y- �w.ni, . ,..7 ' �' } � > �^'� >.cr♦°�PMrtr^�vhl. .M.,. •wd�. «-r.r,rty 1 _ r�» � � � h��r � 7 K.`>' �� n.a� a J.er> n.•,.r a>r+� a{.'Y ,c Sii • nil +1i� `` �,. r t .., rJ., •� � � � F� �-� -.t7,. , ,� °.�.:_.,., r. , � ._ { +. . � { i 'ilk ,., I'Vi , I , ! i l t I i , � I I � _I E ` •1 � f , i t l y E I° �L_� Y '. It ..r.:v.+Jt •.� . as- .>�..,'W. .�.. .b....� ...., y: �..e.. ..��., _ .� ,-. if i ' `.� !` � f � ! , I 1 l l , t se-YV�. e- ..,w'.ea ,.ae:+a .n.�n� �s.nu�..� ;- ..:. � s,., -.�.: �„ .. t., r.:.�q •e, ...r. ..,.t... ms4 3{ I I I v, f} 1 I t S. w F W tp> r rb ��(F'Q�� `I` j; +f K 5.�1•v 4F! /. t# 9` - _, { s i of � 9 { i call pPq C+ ti f i i an } i i A Q O to �' � N ts to lb i J F"^`wY. �S�'Mi-h•.�^N. (i':�1'4S • Y hq � '* 9 a : i } �' at4 1 , .} � � �i � 1 r r �x� � . 41PIL {�, Y� •r�t4i ''t s a* eaae�.sasr DEPUTATION r THE STATE OF TEXAS, I Countyof Denton I... ............_.. ..... . .. ._.......... _ .._. ... . ...._ .. .. .... .-... ....... ..._....... . . _of the County of Denton and State of Texas, having f full confidence in .............. ............. ....... .... ....... ............ . ......._....... ............ ...of said County and State, do hereby, with i the consent of the Judge of the County Court of Denton County, Texas, nominate and appoint_.................. .._, thesaid ................_...__---------.... ......_ ................ ...... . .................................._..........................my true and lawful deputy, in my name, place and stead, to do and perform any and all sets and things pertaining to the office of said I of said Col.rn;y and Sta'tr, hereby ratifying :. . . ........ .. . ............... ......__... ............. .................. ......._... ..... ....._. and confirming any and all such acts and things lawfully done In the premises by virtue hereof. i WITNESSmy hand, this .. ..................day of . .._........_........ .... ..................... ................. la,......_. ....... .. ...... ._._.._ ... ... ...-Denton County, Tex4s THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Denton } BEP ORE 14tE,. ......,... _ ........_.._........__ . ........ _.. ,.. _.: ..._,. .w .._,.... _.....W _W ...... ...... . ..... ....... .. .. .. .. in and for Denton County Texas ersohally appeared ...._.... ........_ ....:... on t�iis day 1'S. ..... ... _. ..... .. .._.... .�... ,....�:._. _. known tome to bb'& person whose name is s'. ' scrihed to the foregoing depdtation, and acknowledged to me` that ?he r } t'ttd`the same for'tii purposes and con6fderatl6n (herein d>tpressed. GivEN under my hand and seal of ofiice'at Denton, Texas, thls,... . W . .._.._.day of y ... _ 19 a ; . ... . .. ..... . w.. _ . . .... .. . _......._Denton Cont Y , Texas Oath of Office; _: -do solemnly k i swear or afHrtn) that.I wi11 faithfully,and impartially discharge and perform r•lt,,the duties incumbent up-' on ,ie as .Oity .Attorne�_'of tha:. dity..:.of_Meiatoill, 0Xa6 j _ addordav to the beat of My akin and ability; agreeably to tha Constitution and haws of the United States and of this State; and I do further solemnly swear (or a3irin) that since the adoption of the' Constitution r of this State, I,being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duet with deadly weapons within this State, nor'out ct it, nor have I eer�t or acceisted_i chatlenge,to,fight a duel ,WIth deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second to car'ryinjr a tbellenge�or aided, advised or'assisted any person thus offending; and I further x t more solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not, directly or indirectly, paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or promised to c4fttrlbute, any money or Valuable thiMg,or promised Arty public office or em• ploymeht as a sward io secure my appointment, 'so lielp od. .l S�E�bfribedf and awo`rn'to before � G fC' �" t � d.. •r *w � 11 k �...1 y Rtb1Lo benten Coti y ex . t I( tri, Y 4�oa�ar, .. r'' e 6 I, 1 S \~ CD r ,►��. o y b b �S 1 p a M o r i ry Fl IrD Q, 4z..i,.,F. f i ` 4 + QS 1 . r ' I l { i Y .iIYI .HnaVV aV 'JYia aI vixf Ili:.Ir Vj'4j)-' �11►�V Y� �'Z'7�1;r�7.I]:►iT ta'�t%I7I2I'1'Il:.iti 1506 MAIN STREET (KIRBY BUILDING) 0.J. MANACtA DALLAW,Wia AN June 22, 192?0 Mr, J. T. Ervin, Oity Secretary, Denton, Texas. DENTON, TEXAS REFUDIt�i 6% BONDS DATEDt APRIL 16, 1927,, Dear Ur• Rrvint We enclose herewith the follovirgt 1t, Certified, copies of Comptroller's cancellation Certificates dated May 27th and June 10th, 1927, respectively. 20 All osnceled securities in the above cancellation certificates. S• Statements oovering these transaotione• You will note from the attaohed statements that there is. an interetityadJustptent due.the Broen.dr=mer Sompaq in L tbs anaunt of $283.69 and tt,ygtt find our figures oor � ct we Would be s, "AftSed to have your foi�rard'us the Citygs check for thisAMOU t in t 3 V 0 These are the first two transactions on this rsfwcdi4 contract and you till note, that the statements headed "SOLD TO" cover the sale of the oaaoeled seourities and the statements heads-: '�80gpHT OP", carxyr'the, no* Bona issue 'la lies of the oawsled Bondi. -ln ` �eaoh":'tlase the e:ohanee has been �aade par for par and the be�lanc® repre- ti r, sents We interest adjuttmeat only* ghoald there be any additional information you m netd ii iv-16 feel free to Cali on us as mater times as yon find it 'necesstary• Yours very truly, To no OCMPAXY ' extol. i OL'FiC:; 0? Ca:PYROLLER I I 07 m T T OF / I , I, S, ]i, Terrell Qomptroller of Public i-caounts for the state of ` vae, do hereby certi;y that numbers to 26 inaluaive for 4500.00 each, aggregating A0,000.00 C) , of the Oity of Denton, 12exas, Sewer Construction Bonde Dated fip.nuarj 1,1909 regista ed by tho Cor.2ptroller 3' January 25,1909 in Lond Re-ister Volur'io 12, page 397 tDt ethor with fntere9t coupons number 37 t�a$urin„ July t 19 27 and all subsequent coupons attached were by me duly o:yriaelled Vey 27,1927 snd there,ipoit the Cit:( of Denton Ttefliilrlin a �@i ee 1 27, datdd'A ril °1d,1927 , y q, ', S ,r uuUtberdd £ ,�+n 241to "260 inolasive For t�1,000.00 each Yegating 10,000,00 were, regis of said s ")" 0ance]�edoidb'3tey 271927 inor►d Biater°?lolume 30 ikr gage 2 9 uhdor refistrRti02 x I farther. certify^ that I s et t .e Ooaptroller�e � .� i >- � "d' ritifloate on the beat of eaah' bf thy, r , yy � . ' ' dai3, orde"and" impressed ths. spA1 of therOo6pfto11eifb I },�')' T'�Itt�7C` Y P�j�,♦ y.. ,� �,, » , :' ' ., r •' t L :, � -.L. ♦ i ..1 r ,. ,` ' r , g. I. l • ) 4 j� i ,y � ' 1 AMV ¢$sdxlaJ < e , § • bf�'iC8 ,bf the State f '1:8Xa8 OA' th19 baDk bf each Of.; said t fY ,Y � �$ a,�'r �bb�� 4 Y ,.. , 4,� ,} � 1� • J n* � t r + rL a o f •1 hereunto set VW hand and seal office at Austin,l'exas this 27th day of Nqy i9276 ne3`V 04* ..6 w , .. E (�, R,ibiio'4abOt , ... l 'i HL}� d ♦ �� � Y! � , yy�� r tl 1 r a � ��J• e r 1 � IKr ,. F � � n 1-.I _J/ 1y oll Itri�. ��f}r '4,. �' ��tl�y�) , 1 �n.� ix� J�knin I i'Ir ,{ �_. •.A , � 1.• , • �} w� � � •j i� , .:• � � }r1 . �+s �� „ � err � r•�' ,r ,�, ��,��b1. � » , �� , Rr ° a +1R '� ,) •r�r S' 1 J lS "� f , rM�M; � v�l l�, y V ' ,!y 1_ � �a' oQJo�s'ra .o�r-d tkry' that the 'e.•• 4� I`.f'..• r t 4.1 llL th l otita? � � • ' i ftoi apt o ' L � ' of of -hi d 1 "Y' r' i +�. f-0r �'l :�i , �L , tr�� R77� .A ! r•� L' y� � y 4:. ' . Y1't1 f... w• �i i,_r` r . �'� k �� } fl v a� a r"i jr � ' „r , 1 4 a ME • OFF'IO$ OF COMPTROLLER OF TE STAY'S OF TEXAS Il S. H, Terrell, Comptroller of Publio Accounts of the State pf Texas, do hereby certify that Noss 28 to 31, inolusivef 37 to 44, inclusive and 66 to 73 inolusivelfor $11000.00 each aggregating $310000.00 of the Oity of Denton School ��' Improvement Bondej Series 3 dated April 1,1916 registered by the Oomptroller Duly 1001916 in BOM doter, Volume 17, Page 202, kagietratlon $13849 together with interest coupons #13 maturing April 1,1928, and all subsequent coupons at taohed, and .0 ^ Roe. 7 to 99 inclusive and 12 to 20, inoluiive, ,for $11000.00 eaah aggregat- I- j Ifig #121000.00 of the City of Denton school Improvement Bonds Series 4 dated September 1,1916 registered by the Oomptroller September 191916 in Bond Regis= ter Toinme' 19, Pape 304, Registration #2070, together with interest coupons $22 Maturing September 1,19271 and all subsequent coupons attached, and loss 8 to 101 i0lus4re, for $1,000.00 each aggregating $3,000.00 of the pity of Denton Street end SideWMJ Improvement Bonde dated dpril 1,1916' reg:a- ^ tared by'ti Qpmptibiler July �O',1916 'in Bond aegieter,' volume 170 Page 2(33, Y '� y ,, o yf� Reg etratibti X1596, tdgeth�fE rith inter`eet 6046 '01i Maturing ;Apri1 i�1928 te r. ` and a 1 sit bsequent aoupone` attached, were by no dyZ$ oamelled` it 16019 g7o ' slid thsreaa the City of Denton Reranding,POntie, $arise 1927. date& April 16, I z ' \ 1987 nbered from-;96,to -inolaeive, t0r 10000600 each aggregating $46,666•00 ,registerec; id lieu of said Ca"e11e4�Udnde June 16192'1 in fondegi'stex� x s0, `gage "2b9 aler 8egietreitioti #9966, ' t; , r. . I`"further oar#ifr tl.at Y 'eigned"thb Copptroll6ris Registration 000ifioate so1c`Of,eaoh of laid D4nds snd impressed the seal of the" 90mp0011e00 "'P Oboe �d! ` fi4.B t640 f;R�exi4 on •aoh of ` aid boade# F ;,,a r q: • ,4 i it.witness 1&i0of I heret nto 6et R 5 rq, hand and 364 of dffioe s1 i4f luatib. Te:ae, this sane 10. ry� 1 ,� z (aig:►e. 8, H '• Uomp ollsr :o' o d.1 L. 7 1 � n r x r w, y Y �;,• �`p�tp� 'VR T� \ , , , •A 1 .� ,� ,�. 1� \ . T��AA. k �+��a.,<Z i 0 h 1 . ' „ i. i •'.` ` ! .`..i 4 Z „,J ypf I rrY t! r ,�b•G py i bj ,� n F,,. v1 f1 R • .ry t�� c l4 o` oe "gti p o L , �r is 8 6 JU1, 1��,">• .% t1 x,11, Jai o" `,fir • r •' �t° GiXe nzll4s�' heSad iild 6111' ot,O lh ffiot r"the 16th,day c! JbJ,1967xn•t s'�y� yA�,'1.1 ,,a ,t�^ai�vi � ° � 1 1 ' A• ',?t 5 r , r� Aa 1 '1 . v ". . y „NJ " , � l� YY 1 ` •.4 _•1 1 .�JL„t"` i` '. Ai IY ,�• 5: Ef t W i , I r AN ORDINANOS FOR TIM PITY' OF DENTON$ AN OB I ANOB FbR REOMATXNG '!a OPERATION; QF } r rr � ..ai.' t •} S'�>�" ' ;AVOtoil jt:7s P`Ot`'SSFYI FOR THE lURPOSE OF TR&SYbRTING PASSENGERS OR BAGGAGE IN SAID OITY OF DENTON WD THE 3OLIOITATION OF SAID BUSINESS BY THE OWNER , OPERATOR, AGENT OR EMPLOYERS OF SAID AUTOITOBILES TIMS USED AND PROVIDING PENILTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION. t r ; ARTIOhE 1 , Definitions . Unless it appears from t' the oontext that a different meaning is intended, the following Words shall- have the meaning attaohed to them is <tnie geotioh, aS 1611ose4 'h T " (q) a" words tithe Oityr or118 aid Oity" ehnli be heldlbo mean the Oity of . Denton, xexas. n x r T}ib wot?d 4, treeth 'shall mein and inolude any street , a libi avenue , lane , or highray A -1 within ths, ooryorate limits" oi' the Oity, The words rautomobile for hiro shall meats e. a " ehiole operated w thin the 'eorpdki%t9 and° inolude any motor Y Y lit n r fo ose of oerryingir "y � � '� , li4►ibe`.el� the pity d Db o th'e p ur p F � , fox' ,wire 'other ;thari motor bu , as 146 or , v 4' •! rr � } 7 i l vr, " 7 'lis` ioWelineQb ordindntso ht tie ,bitg; slid shall to he3c1 ' fa the 'purpod s �a }y�qatotor .Fe ►iole pper�t9d ^ ' ,�+,}' 'r �ly, la'Y/ 7a rf��i�7 E` Aj 1 d li t 7 v f; ` and 00 I rr i �Y�ngers f tW be Wien' bh I.d t �, , " "� �' `, oi�t'oide �oin� whim' ao" �bera�ba� iribhi�t the`'Ciby id�its ' .1 � �,s• r r .; r r �1 OT 1i"F, p � ' rd * ersons shall 3nol'W bothsingnloi The wo `tiY C r tv V n• ,7V r(^�, 1 °y`; o ,, r,. !1 4 ' d plur l l me' n ano 'otmbrAoa any WbOn; �. �lVd t►e1 a a f . ,borpo " eooiAtq.pOiatio ri, 'I 6rtnership or r�t t ; i i t i 4 douliM 96.1146i o'ha11 ind3add fit , ` ` ;n thori��e �1nEtltq word yin'` thbbminiie or nester gander', " "•a °. ' , y �� � � of � r •� '�'�q� }�1 � 1y i •rrf a' � i 1 1 ?�r r , "at ` � :�` t i 4u D J e �,,, � d�,, b t � 1�, ,, : o f e • ; '� r{ c' ' ,; d r�.`` i t . ..: r ' 1 )F f 1• - 2 - ARTICLE ii. Subject to all orlinanoes, That all operators of automobiles for ,hire as provided sy the terr4s Of th:'s Orciinerioe , and the owners 'thereof, or the `�teonts A and employees of said ovmer , shall be subject to the ordi nanoes of the City of Denton relating thereto and not re- pealed by the terms hereof, and they shall observe the rules and regulations provided by this ordinance, as well as such other rules and regulations as may hereafter be prescribed by the City Commission of said City of Denton, Texas, ARTICLE III . False statements Of - k.. y. pasaengerei ` That no ovmer or operator, of any automobile r �. } hereib provided, for shall induoe any ' pertori to v4ploy hint ,r t, rkA; either lrnovringly or 'iEnorantly, misinforming or midlea4 .X�g., G, st�oh `pex64n' ss to time or place Of tho atrit�&I or Aparture' by conveyance, or that l(Weltion of of a railroad oar or other oonve a y„L , s�� ny r•�1ir�aQ depot , ettion or rairbad ti�?�e 'office , 'or .'"the 1004tion of may hotel; public place cr private reeiRonce "tf •' *ithih tha 'dityj or 's'h'aii ma, io any false roprobentAtiOns � or at'ateme2�t; or bfiall` impose upon or 4ebeive ai r person ' `fordo Or manner, or 8ha11 at'rie ;' threaten, insult' r 11 J u y,n� a Or othb'rwisa` abuse ox ill troAt any paies"goiq wader any pre- ten66 ifttev I ar� ` ARTi0fk iv'.. Not to a . Th$t its ahall 'b`e iiniawful for tuiy operator of any autdmobila' toki t jl lira :whit"9, qp8 rating ia u"d 'autarablviie over an r Olorig An "y " pu�blio btrget "iri !ha a i4 itir` of entio�ri, o tas, to soli'$it � ♦ J Z kx" ° r i �, as " VA r PrA go or ' s<LO�it i�lit01�i0bi1'A whilb clueing eaid ,pub i0' °attest« "" any atioh' by orator, agent or gempityyee shah. be con. T 'ai4ered; A �eolioitin� :potroAage, for hire if Ala ehail. announce E by that eubtf' autompbia i'6 deed' oar intended'” xor hire ' a 1 Y t 3 for the purpoee of transporting passengers cr oarryine baggage or , if he shall in ony manner request or seek td;.indV:eiar�,y; ,`:-d F'.r,¢.;•. ' ;-s. 1• , pereon'•.tb patronirze s"oh automobile While using or,,646ing ' upon any street or alley in said City of Denton, or using any public place for the soliAitation of hauling passengers r"t` or baggage for hire unless a ir4eav"s upon private 1roperty , ARTICLE V. Void clause not to invalidate other feotions• The holding or adjudication of any section or subsection of - this ordinance to be invalid shall not affect the validity of any other section or subsection of any section, but all 'other ;. c. r seotions' and subsections of seotione shall remain in full' �oroe and effeot." �onetruotiono' 1'he 'operatiori"of hny au� f� tomobile for hir`e, '' othe•rwise than i e as provded' in this ordinghae, is •h$raby declared a menade ' to public safety and unlawful* r utCl +E y?; , Provisions of ordiriarioe` applies within n ; tlie corporate"•limits . The provis dg of this 01dir.9noe 'ph�11 [� apply ` to automobiles for hire only while such automobi s s e�ie operated with�b:• ethe oorpW to limits oi' the 6ity� Lj ti4 �$ tk ' Ai# 'I07 'YIYY: reon who shall Iro1q1 ' d,f the ; provieiort� of thiH Ordinpoveliall be D.oemod S*lty 'off` a mi d'emea o"r ,','s 8 upon 00 ' otion there .,sh 11'be "tined t � � " �,• n iT C .;:. rr+Nl ? a" '1 1'yPr ! t yr C ° : 1x :h• Y' � i '.. t ��� +°� °� � �in ��� ��:���e�''.��s'x'#.��'�������o�xar� to• Y6 �� ��ob ) :'�b�1�,�� �; � �.��, ` r' at�d osOh d oi►e ' ' shall oyeratmd an ry ¢ y th¢ x iu 1iiol�: tid i o! hte_ prdii p ohW. ' oonstittit`e eep 1 M1R� ' 1 . �Y y. ` i�l •l,� ,.e. l r r . , t i ',, •A ♦ i 1h all ' orainanoss of the r ,i ' ""/' antl; egtioris aria slib�eatione �2iereo! in ; direot aonllio� h9reivih 1 i be eLnd the";`;Ome axaltik'eby eXpresbl_y, r'9De�Y,edr a ✓ Ar w .�+ 1 n Ol t i S . .. 1i l• I . .... b rL y e FI � 1.1 f,� f 1 w I T JM1�'dthi°d 4k �'-'fir�.. Ajq '*a a' f��a 1 z^ 4.'. 1" "t '� 1 ..•. I ! J. }.c'4'-'I c'r i . �.. 3 � '�S�� at'1rP f f. �: ., _ 'fit � •. 1 i'�;I CJ.1. .7 •,('y} %. L ' f, �. f r � \ f �y � d � � 1. r aV i' , .,i,; � y .. ,;7; ,.I i rw w•a r sc . .,� i �'T. ),Y�i� Y a '�I,� �' 1>'{}Y ♦W ,« h• t r { \ + K � i },t f 1 \ t \ t I �. ��!<K0.il'17r�°� � 'c r{/14� .J � b7:' P I" r I ! ,mot 1 '1 'r t t.:. e . ,e ( •.� „ �!R a• tip" t rl f `• .V 'ra ' L: .• PEVt 11:li f �'- PK y'�5. f �V ''ny vI • {:''al .?`$ a •I! '.J a _ '.� f .4." r.-1� �r �v. � w Y y" 1 . , - � f�� � }.. + , r.lvf � C •�a . tJ �ac 4`h• ^ i .r e r (Custxaer a c3M e y' i.�', f +� y •,y1 i ' '' C � t + 'Ar r!'rf k ,a Tfr .,,4 r'. e r q � ! �1 k(��y..�++ggW� �1 � ���� a a r sss r �F'J' �j SW. l4rr� "� 4� k'rs dry;RLr�' lyrt a. a�Yr�,lyli� �,S M.F^: Tr''i �"•' 3�r+'v �r JSIf.� !96'f { ` J. Ft T11 Y t.;. 'r' f ,e �4�a ii1L'4't.,.k r r } , K F91,�WFrfi `,Y14'Ie6. . N THE' .r y 1 1 B UCH=N ACMTH Cb PAN1Y ;r CLEVELAND ! BUILDRRS OF' WRTIC�AL'�MUE,TI-CYLINDER ��iAS �NGiNES OT > > tr r i ,; � "r City of. 16t�r�� t 1) tlme44� ir, " �y c t � r r y , Ir! ' Y r •1 i ra n N'YWY f �� 'r4ar l " � '� Y � ! •rM i rryys, � ' �.= 1 � ,• . l ,�q' �f✓ 'fryT l r , tip. t - I ' v" " vY 4 y' � �' 1� " t y,' .: 1 6 r. k t i ° '• .r i t 4 l + tt 1��11, 1 , o h t "l'ne 1 l r Y >_ r S,'• � • a i �� " °� ' r�' Je ' ' ,Y '�t '6 �� � jy v�(.:� J' �{ �pJy'��+� / ;����ry�t♦(•� I��/� 1��e]y '� ! � � ' �' i �l�^ f(}�y� ���T Y 1 v1 'l,) , ! Hwy "��!"pq� x f 1 r a{ ` x •�! t ') 14 1 1 it +�I r 4 t`4 1 �a 1 P � 4YfV�'kM Oil' " rYI " % � ._Cif l r 1r P ati�1' � �.71 q � rj.�Y ! 1!k �i r ♦ t r P � l i'.� f ql a � �1t'r l t� 7 , ��4 �i u 1 n " ti ',�u f �i d '�i�l ' �r l l Y� tl i • 1 '7 r 1 l le Ir l . � Y t , = l �l 4 ; � "ft 1' Af It 1 r IFr , r y k t iY s� r �y � (r .ra > rti �l' i �. { "v ♦ is'� ,1 r. l i � � �, i. A � ' ➢ � �' v' l'" ' ' ° ,'�a �._ i by �ri +t '�• r i 1� r �1 r � ' ,� r r ry ` r I �ug"`y B yt.n ' 4 • .,r r x r '. ._ 2 � � i � n''/n I :r7 (^ld �.ti w . " I4 ' "U', 'e n fy 6 . r•J Y.'� Wi sin g,' lu y THE BRUCE-MACBETH ENGINE COMPANY VERTICAL bIULTI-CYLINDER GAS ENGINES CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. Date Augat 230 1927 To OIl7 or DtifiGOi, DI!(i'Olf,TIX!!S. In accordance with the following specifications, subject to the conditions, and fo.r the price named herein we propose to furnish the following machinery and deliver same manufacture.on cars points of manufacture. All freigh( E charges �o be paid by purchaser. $60 RM Bruce-Macbeth Tertieal, magpie oylindetr lover 0" ' gN , enetzee gngine to be prorided ritlh `Y tended shall LA CZU bearing on left herd aids to recei" 812 XTA alternator. Also, sag ins to be equipped with a3echanical air oircalattng system for oeinling pistons, One- 1) Ixtra inlet ralre$ spring and ce po One'+ -r(I) Extra eshsusl ral"a spring and "Ide fp , 4) Extra epeolal spark plugs. 0i&,*--(1) 212 ITA, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 2800 volt, 226 971il, AO VA engine tips altemtor with damper or Amortiesenr windings,, Preeslag on shaft, /dXq gh�0'-~,(2) J30 110 S bearing two with continnaas Or&W Wta'4 generator total OMw-*(1) Doubxe oirouit ,sailer panel for oontrol of the tro 00 IV Iq '94111,` Ot►b• +-(1) .roltag+ replator to control excitation of two exciter gets* kJ elootr4oal equipment inolvde.'. ,to be oompiets as pa y bZiild4� speoitiloatiooe sttaol>�., � r4bi�llt iq'9 PZlre` or�► osn' a: eu��irr �a' s�i�tiIxltsr ., eg Pat t` ftir o pq>i�iod r ten clays i�luded in o 4,ra4l+ tt ! a ibe$ gr ' for jr aquire� finger pearb(l Aarae to �p�ii�i i�► .oGti't,�atb� dpi tihee� !�` fit " r ty I . a #F�tlrtiq' °+a �'srS, 1 -,tri{ t t « ,r �r - t ;� - , t a•+[ +PS •4 �' � ..t , t tl='?T ft° •..?S t. ,.�� ' k ;r'y:c� A e•kn i tl The engine to be of the vertical multi-cylinder Tank Type Construction; parts to be tatei'�oled, without water jackets. Number of cylinders Revolutions per minuted Diameter of cylinders 181 Stroke of engine 1se Appro mate �$ � y f , g h� s� 4 P.15W# Crank Chamber. The crank chamber to be of the enclosed ey pe arranged for the cylinders and tank to be securely bolted to the top of same. Suitable doors are to be fitted on both sides of the chamber easily remov- able to permit of the inspection of the working parts. Cylinders. The 7ylinders to be of close grained iron, without water jackets. Cylinder Heads.. The cylinder heads to be of close grained Iron, without water jackets. They are to contain the inlet and exhaust valves, and spark plugs. Crank Shaft. The cranl: shaft to be forged from a solid billet of steel high tensile strength. To be made In one piece without weld. Crank Shaft I3earli gs. The crank shaft bearings are to be supported by the crank chamber. The bearings are to be lined throughout with babbitt metal, pelned, bored true, and scraped to accurately fit the crank shaft. Connecting Rods. The connecting rods to be of forged steel, without tiveld. The piston end to Vi fitted with a bronze adjuetaWe box and the crank end to be of the marine type, lined with babbitt metal, pelned,bored and scraped to it. Pistons. The ristons to be of the trunk pattern, made of high-grade, close grained cast iron and fitted with Ast Iron rings. Valves. The inlet and exhaust valves to be fitted to cylinder heads-and provided with springs readily re- movable. Valve mechanism. The valve mechanism to be of simple and reliable construction and driven from the ,crank shaft. The cams to be of high carbon steel and to be located outside of the crank chamber so as to be Ireadilq 'accessible. 11'iixin Valve. The mixing valve to be located on the front of the engine so as to be readtly'accessible. To W so constructed as to admit the proper mixture of gas and air to operate the engine economically, at both light and heavy loads. Codetnor. The'governor to be of the throttling type and to control by admitting the proper amount of titixture'sccorditlg to the load requirements. Lnbriration.` $'he enclosed crank case system of lubrication to be used to lubricate the plstons, con@pcttng icd•ilexes aiifi It ahi bearings, while other moving parts are to be provided with necessary means for proper lubrl¢atlon. Witter- he muft'ler to be of cast Iron and to be constructed dso as to reduce the sound of exhaust to a minl , without affectL g the efficiency or power of the engine. 'ilk, 5 artIng. The cn�tne Is to be nipped with eir starting,valves and mechanism aultabiy. arrangged to ad It 86 Oted 'Air tti £he cylinders'for starting purposes. ' This mechanism is so arranged as to be dWon'. nix id aft,tUb engine'ls In operation. Ignition. The ignition to be of the lump spark system. Two complete and separate Ignition systems to be furnished with four cylinder engines. FlUltggs. No is to be supppplied with nocessary wrenches. If fitted for natural or artificial gas a suitable gas regulator to be furnished. No pipe nor pipe fittings to be furnished. ins cction, The purchaser is to have the privilege of witnessing test of engine at our works at ouch time 9 e s a1T spectfy� if so desired Uy the purchaser and notice thereof It given us in wrlting at the tJme of plae- n tho,,di 011b bhoutd any further test be requlred by the purchaser after Installation,the expense conLected with the,dame $hall be'borne by the purchaser, ,. Fdfirfdatlon, r Dfawing showing desired di ensfons for foundation, for normal conditions, to be furnished. Foflndetidn and foundation bolts to be furnished by purchaser, , r Ise �IV"',, h1 nlhri i.h urnds o an Man mo Sri to be furnished by ue to assist as agent for the purchaser in'the . . ` �whose krvicea the purchaser Is to pf. us at the rake of Fifteen (Ji1i5 00) bo!- ' a; �' Y� d halt for overtime, aridydouble time for t3undays and hollda e, rt ttf Is sit ns frdA'' th the of,h(, loa'yidgg out factory until his K turn; which payntenk Shall be In tlddlt�oh to the pltrcase prlte,of the equipment tnehtiotled in this contract. !T get-o ra' r [ a S'` 3 y 4a i w D In ease the services of a man from another manufacturer are furnished t:y us, his services and expenses are to be ppaid for by the purchaser in an amount equal to the charge therefor of said manufacturer; which payment shall be In addition to the purchase price of the equipment mentioned in this contract. The purchaser is to furnish all other labor and material required for the installation of this equipment without cost to us. Should this proposition cover the delivery and installation of equipment, then the purchaser shall provide and maintain for our use a free and open passage way of suitable size through his building and property, to the point where such equipment Is to be installed. The purchaser is to provide suitable storage for this equipment, should same be necessary; and pay all car demurrage thereon, If any. The purchaser is to secure and pay for any and all necessary permits for the insullation and use of this equipment without cost to us, and the purchaser agrees to hold us harmless in the event of the installation of this equipment by us without any such permits having been first secured. Protection of Proper Ey and Insurance. The purchaser agrees to protect the equipment specified herein against loss or damage and agrees to provide and maintain In our name, as our interests may appear, adequate Insurance for Much machinery against loss or damage by fire, In an amount fully protecting us until such ma- chinery fs fultr paid for. T,ie purchaser further agrees to reimburse us for any loss which we may sustain by reason of tire, theft, or injury to such machinery or any part thereof. Warranty. We warrant the machinery, manufactured by us and specified herein, to be free from defects In material and workmanship under normal use and service; our obligation, under this warranty being limited to making good 3t our factory any part or parts thereof which shall within six months from date of shipment of such machinery to the original purchaser be returned to us, with transportation charges prepaid, together with a noAfication in writing delivered to us setting forth said alleged defects, and which our examination shall dis- close to our satisfaction to have been defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warrentles ex- pressed or implied and In lieu of all other obligations or liabilities ou our part. This warranty shall not apply to any machinery or parts thereof which shall have beeii repaired or altered outside of our factory in any way, an as, in our judgment, to affect the stability or the reliability of sueh 'ma- chinery; nor to any machinery which has been subjected to misuse, accident or negligence. We make no warranty whatsoever in respect to ignition equipment or other trade accessories, since they are nsualiy warranted separately by their respective manufacturers, It 1s.t,x resaty understood that the Company assumes no responsibility As to the adequacy of the machin- ery specified herein to perform the work for which it is intended by the purchaser further than that said Mk• chinery mill develop the factory rated horsepower tinder the conditions of operation herein specified. "Oua, antes. The purchaser is to furnish suitable water for G)oling purposes. It such machinery is for op- 4M`1on to natural be artiAclaf gas the putchiteir is to supply a slilliclent,quantity of such gas at a pressure 'f not mot's than six (6) 'dunces IF such mov-40nery is for operation on produckr gas, the purchaser s to supp a suf4letlant quantity of.crab practically free from tar, dust 'sulphur,or an injurious uantityy of "moisture;' and .JItbOA ydrogeta content not exceeding 26% and a calorific value of not less than 128 zffective B.T.U. per cubic 1 ` ididar rcper operating conditions at'antee the engine specified herein to operate, at spprbximate)q A04,left]; a fuel corieumption of effective B.T.U. per brake h ' wee hour when operat- inl at A maximum load on xatural gas having a calorific value of B.T.U. per cubic foot. it !s'mutualiy' tin stood and agreed that we have the right to All this order with machinery !laving Im- provements Or changes not shown in our catalog or printed matter. Any apparatuo or roachibery Included in this proposition not manufactured by us is sold under the gupr. 'anteo and epeAdAtEo3is of the manufacturers of �Rld apparatus or machinery, and We are not responsible except to°the ex'tent_th }, said Manufacturers are respoWl:ie to us, Ohipment. 8 uipment specified herein will be shipped within approximately days frost, date d; �eetppt of oil information from purchaser after,acceptance of order by us. derstoad ltd ag�er'd that in no event shall we be )table for any loss or damega sustained by the . cdiaset•'thno df delay+s in s ippMont or installation due to Area, accidents, strikes, labor troubles, defyy in »br �rtbi!'o d �proru,rthg ntaterfat or for othe causes be and our control; and acceptance of said r0c}i - e t.J the purFhast!r from the carrier or it te, notify us before shipment thereof shall constitute a ivaldek o all claims for loss or damage occasioned by tel in shipment. r i trlll.'#y(i t, . 7#S','(�ei 5111•,1 e1 f t r, ? { S ' r r UY �' r y � .., 5 11 -y ;ad • a jy, ii c d k 2 r� C d r� t• f Ii i1 jt5F �f� 1 r /1Pr t�m� 1S r + ro•. j:: �'LIP .M.}1� +4 yt` $ A 14. : j � 1 q 4 ♦.l d y �L Ott}{ �k s Price and Terms of Paymect. The price for the herein specified machinery Is*@%* jW1 Oh si-t f4adred twelVe dollars and fifty Conti• Dollars, payable: TFMLtAA3d11b1 PQf lading and balance (, r lO0 4� By 14 NOW of SWAT Values g' '.�. l eacb.. ?irst note becoming due thirty days { after date of 13%/La and. each ooWscati" thirty days thereafter until balaaos bat f boon fully paid. Purohasor reserves right to pay the full bala.nos Within thirty days from date of B/L, and receive 0, disoonnll ors raid notes. Notes bearing Interest at tea rats of 0% after date of maturity. it is understood and agreed that purchaser will make all payments provided for as they become dc:e with- "out notice or demand, and such payments shall bear interest at the rate c! six per cent. per annum after they l order. i become due. All ymenta chill be made in New York or Cleveland exchange to our At our election deferred payments due for the purchase price of the within a ecified machinery shall be evidenced by notes, duly executed to us and payment thereof secured by chattel mortgage, conditional sales con- tract or lease covering such machinery. Such notes shall bear Interest at the rate of six per cent per an num 'until paid. In the event of failure or refusal on the part of the purchaser to make payments or any part of them when due under this contract, the whole of the unpaid portion of the purchase price, however evidenced and se cured and whenever payable, shall thereupon become immediately due and payable. Title and Ownership. It Is understood and agreed that machinery specified herein shall remain the'prop- - erty of The Bruce-Macbeth Engine Company and that title thereto shall not pass from us until such machin- ery, is fully paid for in cash according to the terms of this contract. Extenelons of tjme for payments or re- nowilgg of notes shall in no way affect the terms and agreements and understandings herein. Such machinery ' shall,ln no event-become a fixture to the realty, no matter how attached thereto or Installed. In the event of �'4 default in payment of any of the amounts herein provided to be paid, the purchaser agrees to execute add de- at'to We, at our req'nest any additional paper or papers and take any and ail action which mayq be >iectasary :'6 itiable us to perfecgt'aba maintain our interest, lien or title therein and lawfully secure poaeesston thereof, Thts proposal Is for Immediate acceptance by the purchaser and shall become Oective and binding upon us only-when and,as approved and signed b; one of our executives. All prepious communications` either verbal or written, referring to the subject-matter of this proposal are herewith ,withdraa'ti and annulled. No modifications, abbreviations or abridgements hereof shall valid except ' wlien nude in writing and sl6ed by an executive of The Bruce-Macbeth Engine Company. , �h!¢ pproposal, yvhel, and 'as,acee tad by both,the purchaser and The Bruce-Macbeth Engine Company, shall eonitituttI the entire tontr`act between,the pArties in regard to the subject matter hereof. The terms acid conditions eat forth in'this pproposal and the tams and conditions of any agreement' arlaing therefrom shall be conatrded In accordance�witr the laws of N.,e State of Ohio. THE' Respectfully bubmitted, ay ~' lJt;E-MACBETH ENGINE COMPANY. 1' Acceptance: .... ... Y--...Sales Engineer. 4 s TWforegoing proposal Is hereby agreed to and accepted 0197.,. , L ...day 17 . .r • u.• nu. ;�;.61.,.•'.r•,....'... ... rr•b /— •rn• r r r./ f-,61 5.112� ''i' ,' Apti bved i6d accepted st Cleveland, Ohl d,_ » .. ............................ 192,7.. u Thg BRUCE-MACBETH ENGINE COMPANY, By 0. .. .JZ2. _. � e r ' WWI A General Electric Company SWITCHBOARD GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS NO.-.4.164. DalTtaa-Aug. 19 ....;....192 To......WATZ, R. t_RIGHT...DK PA2MMIT-1,......QIT Y...Q,P_.D92.9.0. .................... ' .......... ....... (Hereinafter u1led the Pum4w) t Address_. Db�i1'ON•t ?BXA8. .... .... pt:c...... ions Theswitchboard'apparatus,herein described,will be supplied in accordance with the detail s cyhlch are'Attached hereto and made a part hereof. In of er.to prevent any misunderstanding hs to the ob]i 6t otu:o> the General Electric Company;the following general specifications will apply to Citeapparatus i cb e ,.Wy ihls proiio'saal, except as elsewhere expressly modified by the Company's detail specifications ' aftached. THE COMPANY WILL FURNISH (in addition to the apparatus covered in the above-mentioned detail sped fications),the following apparatus: (a) Panel supporting frame with mounting bolts and necessar fittings; s ,i and fittings for attaching wall braces. �Pire for wall ITaces to be furnished by purchaa)r.) ecestar}• resistors, reactors and other auxiliaries to make complete the instrument, meter and relay equipment furnished by the Company. (de) One card holder for each -ircuit, ) Necessary material for small airing for interconnecting instruments, meters, relays and other apparatus mounted on the panels or o.: a structure integral with the panel supporting framer (For panels as indicated by E, Figs; 1'and 2, this material will be assembled on the panels; For benchboard panels and t rtructtre integral with switchboard or bencbboard panels aq indicated by A, Ii, C, 1) and F, Pigs. 1, 2 and 3, ,this material will be furnished in bulk una-4embled.) ti Z)• , rl, 11a e Po4yer And excite b'lt5teul oil tktit' Ewi4c ardor t� n mounted on a strutturo integral with the l tl ide ir.iftee anei Con pctioits„betvt eel usat4, q�r>chln ,deviy^iahuptx, current transfgrmera, : w 'oh tag xtp d of rirtuttlie ;ntegrnl .withnel duppdrttng trmleirr;(SVhfn.` . th 'stkl c}s4s � riot FclmZte1y& ibled ache actory, t ds mat will bo turrushed uncut. See clause under ”P'abrfc tlo , At+sr y and ErMjon ") v �anc�at doo{s qt_ tho fr }tut, oil circuit ¢r/eakyX con�arlments4 but no other doors unless sped. t Ind L}s°�_Cili a»y s �fa>'lilar �e iardp�gft for y� it,}tr�aI Y (except gee "i'Ij. t kte , pports as erePp ailed for power d�tttitp; ttvo scte of fuse for such "' (g} let of 3tlsues fos<sue fu sin fui'dttj orts ad t kit¢ecified for,thp prithi y potent(al,=1P 'I circuits, and two seta of fuses for required small'lung su t•iti the circuits to instrtunents, meters and relay�t yy{h)`Y'"�1 fo! nil +paracttq wequiring it, 1Hg P JR(7HA8$R WILD'C+C�IU?ISH;unless ofher9vlie'E`,prjt ly bred t i �tj ,t 0 A�atiosib, Boors and walls; including all structural steel, bolts, nuts or inserts is or on them, e I ck d,yr.ryvoodwork, floor or wall braces, and aupportr 'dh or against whlch sancls, thrttparttrttfild 4]nd,� 7, 1 nd�l t rument and control wriiriing w en not tiiounted on the ewitchboard'or A a'rttl ttim iAfe 61 bvtth }; r ! ab, pan el's�tpporting frame; cables to connect generators exciters, transformers, etc„ to the switchboard `!�'t'iat4£f Viand Ughtnidg western to the main lines; cwifc�uit for instturnent and control wiring and main b5 � foi' gables"aL�d ci�ndui£1 • ,' _ M Aq Btip>,�orts � 4 t •.' . t1.,. '•,IT' { � b.. r. 1'1 ii..{, •.t yirp,td `.. .. ' �l+�r� f1'dy�t iiliri , fie it w,.r>M'r r '^'.�,,tr'.!•^ ++,,..,+N rr p S Y A �j yg+y 'i�krt7 'w�i +, 7/� .S�dr1.:.� eiri�'.i...�",��•2t,gk I, � �k General Electric Company SWITCHBOARD GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS NO..26l6.4. Dallae•Aug. 1111 r q .......... ........19e.. ..... To......>lIAT$R.�t...LI a.HT.:.YlIi PART]d cSTsi''.,.... .01-T.Y....Q1...A W-T.O.04 ............................. ........................... (Hereinafter called the Purcr,%mr) • Address_...............................]¢ TON . .... • i The switchboard apparatus, herein described, will be supplied in accordance with the detail specifications "icl4 are attached hereto and made a part hereof. In order to prevent any misunderstanding cab to the .opligatipns;pf the Genefal Electric Company, the following general specifications will a`pply'to the a ` 'atasl covered by this proposal, except as elsewhere expressly modified by the Company's detail specifications attached. THE COMPANY WILL FURNISH (in addition to the apparatus covered in the above-mentioned detail specifications) the following apparatus: (a) Panel supporting frame with mounting bolts and necessary fittings; s pulY•a hsalebt)ii° ► h and fittings for attaching wall braces. (Pipe for wall braces to be furnished by (b) Necessary resistors, reactors and other auxiliaries to make complete the instrument, meter and relay equipment furnished by the Company. (c) One card holder for each circuit. cap (d) Necessary material for small wiring for interconnecting instruments, meter,, relays and other aratus mounted on the panels or on a structure integral with the panel supporting P pa &r p pporor f ne• (For panels as indicated by i , trigs. 1 and 2, this material will be assembled on the panels. For bet, Sboard panels and i r structure integral With switchboard or benchboard panels as indicated by A, It, C, D and F, Figs, 1, 2 and 2, a this ri 001 .1 will be furnishes° in bulk unassembled.) i ; o r III t _ Ng. 7 FIN. J r°) ' Power ar,r� eitritEr hussea oil the switchboard or %vbku (.counted on a structure Integral with the f , l a ► Ira l a'd�cgtnn ins, t ticn b, atilt, d , a11un'ty; stern sit tratre ens e[FT B v E Eppt'� b urb i44t d a° tnb r � , FundEr l'Tiallrl eto �peerubly ofd ��aa,kton r'y e Y, thlg niaterla t! l 11ti�¢unc�iik See ctapse i 9tdn'doois for t5e front;31 '.A Mttuit brcxkcr tom meritb bits no'o'hr: dt+orr unless sped- fled; and tfie rFpe'>iy';` stnndatd cell 1, fddware for drettit breakers (excepi'see r`i"); ' set f fuses f6r.s'uch`fdse'supportk,at are jpectfled for power ¢it;•uitg;tr.., sets of fuecs for stieh fuse'p I porta,;as ate./pecifled foe the p tnaty potential transformer nreuits,and two sets of fuses for itclWeed antall ftls6'atatL0 ris In the circuits#o instruments, tnefers'ihd rel all. 4(h) p Oil lot"Ail �lpparatirs requiring It, a T P bHASBA WILI<, BUAI iM,49 unless otherwise expressly a (i� .:�6 itdatione, floors and walls' including all structural steel, bo tsl , nut,, or inserts in or on them, 1 ,C° ` ale; k of *nbdwor C; floor or w(a11 braces; and supports on or against which Panels, compartments, add`, lytE1 rest �� n�"merit and 6fttrol wiring when not mounted on the switchboard or a structurd integral with 1 tlri panel'aupt,ptting frartie; cai�leg to connect ggeneratnre cxattrs, trangtoimers, etc., to the switchboard cappP�,�attie an�di ghtnit g krfesferu to the main fries; conduit for instrument and control wiring and main , cable3•mid supports 16; cibles'and conduit. bk y« 4oriti !•1114.1 tRir•b' 40n r0.7.9d . --- '�{�Srt+lhtN • f� �i tit',;•M�r , rr;t,lrrq�,�r.M}.'r�eirfry¢.}}MF!' 'Y ^r+xtt'.r!.!a'�'wrK �1,?lY("{l1'!M1'�r{,?X4117^,;�N1r�Y�M4'�gAp&YatF ,W:7IQR�1(f�, R �. r r ,: y • {a u, f s. +l t;lt j (t it di s . . t i i 9.f }',r r . i .! .' a . ,-' , ( y ';ill slit: j` t , i 'a• a..',,iy :A tl," 7.11 'iI �?ff.i,Cl':ililtitl•11► t.;t'1i'';Efrl• ri>„cIF.tt ' !.l.lfis:' `/i7' Vii`:trl�' I Of 0 n C ¢V3' m) All openings in walls or floors with coverings for the same; and insulators and bushings in or oa floors, walls, ceilings and concrete or brick structure, fn) Material for barriers, shelves and partitions; and doors for busbar or other compartments (except see ,! „) (o) Suitable drawings of the station buildinis, showing the location of all openings in walls, all ducts and conduits, floor beams, etc., which have a beanng on the proper execution of the work under this agree- ment. ADDITIONAL ITEMS: t The following to be furnished by either party when required, and as specified in detailed specifications attoehed. (1) Power busses when not mounted on tae switchboard or a structure integral with the panel sup• porting frame. (2 Auxiliary framework for cimiit breakers, busses, etc. (When supplied by the Company pipe for this framework will be furnished unfabricated in commercial lengths unpainted.) (3) Gonnoc%ions between busses, switching devices, shunts, current transformers, disconnecting i switches,etc., when not mounted on the switchboard or a structure integral with the panel sup rls. (When supplied by tie Company this material will be furnished in commercie•I lengths, unfabrieated unless other- wise specified.) ' (4) Terminal boards in the rear of alternating-current panels for instrument and control %tiring. bl Testing block in tho rear or front of alternating-current panels. i SWITCIiBOARD ILLUMINATION: Switchboard illumination can be best obtained by general room illumination 111uminating }ln mounted on switchboards are not recommended and no provision is made for them. WIRE CABLE, BUS AND CONNECTION MATERIAL: Tie quantities of wire, cable, bus and connection material herein specified, and stated in pounds or feet, are estimated to be sutiicient to meet the requirements and conditions known to the Company at the time of E submittin t this proposal.. If mire or less than the quantities stated are supplied due to a change in require- f Jinbnts or &,ttdit16ns, an extra charge will be made, or credit given. h XAdIINB ;.CbcksSORIE3t Rheostats, field dischuV resistors, starting resistors and auto transformer staters or starting com ''pehMtoi's will'not be furnished with the switchboard unless expressly specified. CE(I�j4$ IN A'�>sA IVSl ' k„should charges or additional information`'iroiri the Purchaser necessitate the alteration of, or the rebbilding'gf ao*—atus,alread built,or partialll built, or the furnishes-of additional apparatris or material, tthd'expeltse'irktdental thereto will be charged to the Purchaser, the Purchaser agrees to pay such add}tryio�1,n��at cl•.1rbro. . � , . . ., 't'itta proposal contemplates the furnishing of the Company's standard ap}aratus, except where noted rtn Sba,detailed spodficat30ns, , •• . � ., ” : .F; ,i FABRICkI6I A56)SMBLY'ANDI191u OX ,Unless i ”' fio to the bobftar�, 'When the atr'tchboard apparatlre ie to be mounted oils the panels or y , fstlyde�lntegFat with the panelsupports,switchboards wi11 be assembled at the Company's Works 4 ",t 1 `h 4n 't_ y eta be ti y tp tine acy of ktna la deli Ot a ntw eo ti7 be 3?f fliteil+Tilt r1,N' Tea.Yalu w`�'ilpfebtl` ri�bottiat �ierit{dfl'e�"tr�" t;}4 71t�ac darftika '' i , 1! specifiA tloris. V�hen the ap'tiarat�! is'no, assembled at the asks:!fi9V? fbr'fratri'4krk and Nt diciest bPPltkei A11 r�s;vvlrb;'t�e 7ubee bad i�dre for bbunfctiotli and btt55es n6t be fabtitl red wt thb Works, buff"fit( b0.ftlrniahed id bu1�C, innttimetdal letSgtha, with the necessary fittings.' r 1""I!(fA11 echo and steel parts fabricated at the Worla will be painted before shipment. Unfabricated parts wilt ' be furafshed`u pan painted. '-,nb Cduiny resPxt+es the right to disassem4le such parts of switchboards as rust be necessary for con. v�nient "d We abipment, :The Purchaser,will assemble and erect all switchboard parts on his premises, unless particular mention 18 fnhi de iii�det'ail s'*Wf 0Atldn that the Company,will 0 assemble And erect, �RA1'l�t. . . . . , ;}'[>aggrfilcEtie devices oovl11 by the attached specifications will carry continuously their rated current, � 4 tots n e�ie.rat cements a. the circuits in which they ere applied, without exceeding the temperature rise 'aet by the'A.Ir1 2, Standardisation Rules, These ratings are based on an ambient temperature of � IW13M man IiM of co11tAa.w IN Aft wtsx&2"Arc*MNI TO bin C. y t��sMyy7//l��tr�IAAt VI(f papst�tl,thil9tltb� AOWr 30.T!O�tr6�.c. rPw,is tits a to Ila bm e. t1A11111tA1 YfrPWlVI!Dlf bttM a�i11114 r1a.2.If/11114 etAMti, ilbe:d.C. to tat WAI V M POC21e oMf 0"lATI AT"911201JIM 1114112!TEAM this totto411t41.19.1111 WILL as to tLt"Walitu"W*fall "PAlAttii AYO►/till 1.1111110 1,1426. , a I 1etirt'"t c13�•! (IGt) /b�_!tb•T•sY ' ' i� ,�;,v�llaY'k:r;x?yNr gnc'x,he'7�T'lvt'N•.a1'm,t. v,;�^,R+4'Y".i2T"dl"il'�V�1'��'lf3'i7�1w,KT�r,l'�TMf'p` }r ^11' ArwiyeR?�`tA11kC.�;'Sla� vA�Qt;'���'4l wij'a"Lip a'"hi'r7�i�' ,e � swww{�,�w�w � '} t '�^�'�- I t Tf •i '..'r-'>r-r-- T 1, ? �,1 �'li�t� ''. 4 �? t�,tt ,�) � o�LG' a � �,f,uIt� r�t,ly c: dt 21t�Ir5( '' ill .!',i4 $Lhi$�t��l.r.t;` f�Xi3< III1l`1rrIliJ� + ' ,� �•� f t ' .iii. �f i.Y l �7:i. �1'#Lr' Il, ) .l i:r 1,I� i _P:i'•.I,° i'31ic r,tr� I�jF,� .,U ;1fiJl1# .,t 11' ( :,. tv7P. t. 't•}:��r1lJ #iH � � � 1. I ` �a^1" 'i. f'<,t I: '.li'�ir �i 'i jl`t, '"1Ji ���,n it l.it : % t Jig , � �'il•,r 1,`. t lS' �li �1.,. LG:f�l{ P'�t� �. 1 ,r .1 •fi u t b' �",Ili , 7 ''1 � : Yi.•If '!f° t r'L iV U#J [�I'iU' :{ �4 rSip6 i �' °li � , .E ii I r , i,,:, � !ail �'t`l�r� ��*i.t t "r � j�Ei.; .c r'� � ,.1 l `4 ',tt,l e(,+r;> 7. 9. } .a aCrPC C'F "(��(,). J.,f ii .'ll:l it J ;, t,..•� d fa,, i.'. ' P fittlJq�g4 1uiJnJ^r peso Y. 1JVR t r r/ ,or enra,rd r �b drI v tordt ud XM o r cdrdwr 1 T anot n al ayu Jbd e 4 go" ar aaafu r n us l A 77 • r' DESIGN: The attached detail specifications are subject to minor modifications b the Company at the time of design to meet latest practice and most efficient arrangement of apparatus. if ffi this proposal provides for the de'icr;ry of a switchboard to form a part of an existing installation, the Company will furnish an equipment to r!atch, as near as may be feasible, tho present installation. The Company reserves the right, however, to sub,titute the latest improved devices in standard details on the switchboard in place of superseded designs which are not in stock, RESPONSIBILITY: i The Company will not be responsible for defects in devices not nutnufactwed. by the Company when l such devices are s;.ecified by the Purchaser, contrary, to the recommendation of tf.e Company. Unless otherwise specified, the design of the switchboard covered by this proposal will be such that it can be erected and installed to comply with the "National Electrical Code" and such parts of the "National Electrical Safety Code" as apply to power switchboards, Mats, rail;ngs, screens, etc., which are external td the'switchboard, but which may be required to meet these codes for instal':-d switchboards will riot, be furnished by the Company. The Purchaser will he responsibe nor specifying nny req*einents' which are not -61mrcd by these cases DELIVERY: The delivery of this apparatus is contingent upon receipt of complete information frum the Purchaser G necessary to complete the ,mpar,y's designs, when the manufacture and shipment of the board are f dependent upon the Purchaser's approval of dr.twin B of switchboard and structure arrangement befere II assembling, the Company will not he responsible for Nelays caused by the failure of the Purchaser to give i sueh approval promptly, The time required for obtaining the Purchaser's approval, as well as fur making I any changes in drawings or apparatus, will bu added to the time required for delivery. Delivery date will ii be extcrded where the Company fails to receive, promptlyy, drilling templates, connecti,in diagrams or out- line urawings covering apparatus not of Company s manufacture which has been specified by the Purchaser. PACKING FOR SHIPMENT: Unless otherwise specified, prices for domestic shipment named in this proposal include packing for shipment by rail, manly. CALIBRATION:. Ail indicating and curse drawit,g lustrumetds, watt.hour meters, relays and trip pt'ng devices are call- brated before shipment from the Company's Works, and any subsequent calibration shall be at the expense of tho Purchaser, DRAWINGS: ' The Company will furnish with the Switchboard thrtx paper print'i of such standard drawings of detail sppparatus, *-,such other instruaiuns:+.t W. ,, necessary in Cont.xtion with the installation and operation, and also;three raper pritrts of treat view,drawl gs and wring diag.'ams and btich other drawings or photographs as may b>e required pot iris►allatl(n aid oppeeration of the p•witchw%rd. In case it shall be ;ice dsr�; for the Com airy tb make Cr furnish drawingst not Included or classified in 4 Fil n fi g{"AUCh drayvbnjt will be charged to the Pur-baser,and the Purchaser Agrees to pity such additional wIti1 At i, 14 j 1,f ' { i> deti!a n Eot,� fua41 !� as i -t of tfds + rd+;d trait be baa}ed ti alelottt.acion eon-, }, , rained harestf�' Sh �d t ii �y`: e C'oift my ttr ba a my alteration of rn crtioti of the draw% i ingsi herein dereNtxdr due to chahges made or ttquested by the Purchaser actor signing this proposal, such ` °. changes or altttetions ttdtl be charged to the Purchaser and the Pitschmer agrees to pay such additional chnl ge; r 5 � y s t�' 1. r Yee>r tislii flat.) 4M WIN ' .T7w" ' RSY'r'i' iA'P,n. ''C14'.`§"e'R„>A,'c!+,�r't!` ' t��ibt'"r ,? }°,'.`"'r!lRXyy���pM''�p�,pbr,l7+'?kit'c•.7.rr!F� a'* r. i,1"•;. 1 it f it i lf*l.11h +ly r r r 4 '1 ! � •r,fl •, - s 1 °+ y� Cl t� s I r �,I i II-. I i � u4 I II , .lr�. (ry r: I� GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPA NY y, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. !1L•1$t18lf i' s w1TCH0 t�yT.1t4W s AP NS No. .A...�...1....1..K... ........" •r i ` xktiohlosxd a0lntQeA to them 4 x.0>plo4t0�ir ittiriooai t##noa!hr ox'hrario s WaN of 4, 1 as tal Mi l ot anh l h's M k Ol�e o edniouNBrt�iA, $o!s h ,. 0 $g Sfid to totes ' yae►oo of � � e�� �. it pA r a exniood thlht the Cox ppsrF oea ass its own disarstios ' Rho lo�li��b �! arr�aderegt of s�itshrasrd •pp+ratas. r. • *4'6 It tpon ►, �ti z � !� bted4 with od0#tl d the � � , � .'�, !lb; .h ,� �",':1 •rrlF . r +1� '.{� k ny. C a S�'�,lIP r With 0 d0 >µ >I�# ► txvla �tkri >tx q , 1�0 �r� a1 �trAi t+ met 641 Ali'I vousla 11 4 01% tj.. #0 ItaxUos . , �+ll�uiD 0$' •itroi � h w � h r ���� �� •� ���� �► o ilxarr�r k ° �t ► o tit Y1 �v4sv Edo rt tb oard ioldoltIO too jtlx R�rs •',1� � +`4 r' + ryr e �� �5' �rfd��� �> T� �. 1i 1. n '�� h '- {�4 9V n t S lko + Ottio li '1 to . # Ntd11 .1N rat:+ ��F`« r P ,�Y ! �• AN"r:1��r ;!w�f � },'�! r � �� it >F! . � y�.r e1 ^"� r 1" ,tr Sn ri � ". 1rIM �.ri�t l��� r"✓;1{ Y�. t{.iF f �l; . r'y >n 7 � r i i t peal k,v maim1 St,, ,r i�'d� rrr Pu �4.+ � !",' ; r�, , � ec" ��f, -,. '� � , " sA•�r , r•�a' a ,',F; , �.�,', . ,, R .a•, r� r `; I. ' it a I `r I• . �. oy t� ` eM�tcft� �b � ab'fr�a ho. ............ - of 16 e l 1� jt GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY SCHENECTADY, N. Y, I RETAIL SPECIFICATIONS No............................_ Piro u••r �• PrseMat 'stto>tbour4. 1 • �'x•ibr �ao�i. i YOU#* r� t04 ft,Ovig1 of y r. . #It's • ;s4 ox . a! x 84 A o� it 260 rompers 1 34014 � x " x A" on so" supports. +e+ADsre 40410 opt •xt•rast ubwato �,;, , 1t•r4 a •11� 100 Holt soste. ox loa t11# t4 saR ***)► �� 0"*h ,toi 0 •rf �.... . n wz•�to�r Flea+ r�� � 1� 1�. 4° o� � of too l�/its . Ito > , i Os �r �� A il�tl, ao k•a411M i�t41 i , h�►t to ►i #+r xMot w t� �m for OA '� � �•�•r +Ix�t0ltl�i � � � • a iN•r p ,Yk�j, f� i ��� ■�. .Y� 'I � `H it .. w .l !, ,'l)iy'1 �M1I�.1. !�1••,,S �� .�: :o�. �{,�'p��iI�X�Vn��� :�� ��.l�I r t, ,x; � ^ � ! P• ilk:; .d• lV,��,� kl`��'�lF.�� i`t `�t Y 1d '� � ° '' SJh 7 T.+}i,,r.n�a{a�'i�.�](' �r'TA`k /¢�'4�• ■�� dl's 1y. r1 , 1 � 4 .1� �tT 4�•1i00 watts-b x s f `0 ► ii Out ,tee at tle�►l�t+r� , �a���to� ywr wnat i k � , l INS{ Am" : r '. m • ' '.r! � • rrw., . , +tt lt� a� h �9� ,1 '.�'�11 •t^'d �4 �y ,� 'l1 � . t �•' 6 �^ � �'� i�,�� ��'t�►�� � '��i�'°�� � .,;f i ta' t ` �' i` � k,. 5� � � + , 1 �, ,rg � r ♦ 1' T Lr,� ;� � a� � •. 7T 7 C i i r 7 Alternating-Current Generator PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION AND DATA SHEET ,OAS If GINS,.......Driren Spaelfication Nor.1,86,„,...... i,..Q.Q..... ..., ,,,..,,.,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,; Date........,..............On/"................ ........ .................................. CONTINUOUS RATING: Kv-a, P r[ens Votts � pry Phase Cycles Putts Rpm. ep,p, arm nsir L _ alt R_____!_. - ��.�On i V 82 I ASR PERFORMANCE: lmCtaNCS—PaaCsrrMeaoxswLSS TunsRtsvasAus EXCITReCA►ACITV p�/p� DeaC t$Hit.OraR.titoN Temperstuy ]nruiatloa P.f. L _ trttt6e1}.=,t bfetbode _ — — HLoad �(Load Full Load Armatare Picld Chas Kw, Volta 9- 064 f O so ,W a t. l Efficiency--The efficiencies are to be calculated from Irk losses in the armature and field coils, load loss, core loss, bearing friction and windage, and ;boostat loss, as defined in tha Standards of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The rheostat foss is calculated on the basis that the exciter Is opened At the variable voltage required by the machine field throughout the ° stablage -ange of the exciter. 4t'hen ,. rings aro tbt included as part of the apparatus furnished by the Company, windage' friction are not included. R',�j'i, 'iti 'F 'f''h{ r>?etripePil ;el-ire riperaitire Iafenauremenf Methods W t, 2 and 3 are by their 6mcter rests tanee and thermocouple rrspectively'as'defined In the Standards of the A,J,L.E. Where ?Viethod No.3 It specified It applies to the armature only And the temperature rise of the field winding will be measured by resistance (Method 2)r When heating data on duplicate or essentially duplicate units are available, no temperature runs will be made. .In no case will such tests be made on more than one unit furnished In accordance with this specification. 1esls--The tests made will be in accordance with the standards of the A,I,E.B.,'except as may otherwisb•be stated In this specification. The detail of test procedure will be in accordance with the testing practice of the W,E.&M,Co. $xcitet-The exdter capacity given is the maximum require.: by the generator to maintain normal voltage udder the condition of operation specified. .It may be used to determine the proper site tables and swltchboard Instruments. , t'po l! aware of Contract Shat f of this Form Must ba �;'. Fi>.lod in Completely vnJ made a part of the Contract.,, p'i y, . � M AML , � ✓ fla MiS{ t .r� �7;L . r� °a k • 1' .,.� :oki 0)i.i ��`a•°,C1��?3)�,t'�.��x<f, 1t¢ ;��s�iyK,� �t.��e, h t 1 w 1 :.$ � r 1 i � b M _k , ° , . 1 r 1 ! R " T ,4r1, 1 i S M y � • 1' ^t y � C r A ,r . f' t,�� I^ This Sheet Is to be Filled In Completely and Made a Put of the Contact. 1 Alternating-Current Generator PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION AND DATA SHEET Specification No................ .... .. CHARACTER OF LOAD I ' (a) What Is operating power factor? )r Ox!.. .. I. ... . ..r., (b) Is load fluctuating or steady? A.tr{1414ffuating, state size and frequency 1 of instantaneous load variations (c) Principal load consists of...............PO.wi1 ..d...L> ► O y. o , , , . : t ... .....................err between ma• � f d Will machine be connected directly to a trensmisslon h.ie without transformers 11P.... ..,..., .r METHOD OF DRIVE. (Place K after proper items) t ) Steam Crnteledn�)o.)Pulley o 1 prime 1 Engine Rigid)( Water cols dl to re.s.,.r.,iie in.by.��, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rR Belted PulIc on nme mover............... Wheel _Tuuprbine Reduction ea Engine Type lt 1. Rotor to be p SSW L .n4 4 . I, Prime mover mzde by, OA. (� at....................... .................. xa F r:.,. .boo,..,,......,. ......, ;.jARALLEL OPERATION: Generator must operate in parallel In same station with tbo following units: Kra ui Rr&6 a8AlALNor f MADE BY DANE' BY MADE BY Cis be in line MAIM LEAD9t i (a 66 and numbet bf codducfots will with manufacturer's standaMst d(h) Ar6 b leads to be brought out to provide toe differential protection?. ... . , .. " ti'ij ` ►�tOt a°'x` wit1 oper Ite C W. . Volto.s b� e d m) Shunt ( -Com ndj 1 Wound Rpm. exciter, . ` Belt( ) Direct (X ) Connected to.x Rptn.�I I Prime Mover I I �b) in. M.,...... . ....in face exciter driving pulley mounted on Gene,-ator ( ) Prime Mover ( 1 r , Will voltage regula bused ' h ezci er 1r4.O.Give type I nd manufacturer of regulator (e' .., . o` .,. . x.14.1.1.,,, ... .. , . ..... (d) Will generators operating in parallel be excited from common exciter, exciter bus or from If , separate e xciters I.." r..I rr .... ...... .. ..... (e) Will excitb,'s have other load than excitation of generator'mentioned?. :,. .,. ,... . .. . ,,. r... • OOIj�'>�dLs (a)', RheostAts (Plied I niter proper herds) LMountb,g"--On rear of switchboard ( �, Combination( 1, Separate a r Far Oencra tor-.Operated by—Sprocket (X 1, Volt Motor ( 1. For Exciter—Mounting—On rest of switchboard ( 1, Combination (Y ), Separate ( ) Operated by- -Sprocket 1 1, VoltJ�t L'11. ' .., II4. ter I (b) Switching—is switching manual or automaticf.. , , .. .. ....... . .... ....r.,., , Wejt3nshogsa bectsk&M�atnufacturtnr Company d " 1 art E!irbMr�1,01 14ll--PAnUd A U!.A. w " (4 01041111r off 11i'luellliu M1YItr1 MIDI 111404 1 IIIIMIki 41tkltr{hl',kl l'l'10O) AMP 1', MT4 MAI AIIIII'! i �r�Rlucu.,l +c,nr,.t�cv�AY t,N��kf�� P .. ., ... � ... !.4rt A •�ry ,r, ..... ,.. _ .- II,'{l it� �l l� 1 i iG r:Fi I t Nr'ai. i,p, 11 f,' R•,pp,'��F lJ�+ 4�f1! ';,) F1!'�n� r {,A �a u..a...+w.w.w:aaa��c�s.na^.r....,. :.z..:.::.s.t+.:.• ; -°— . .n, � (�. . " 'w� .:..` vf#>t lks' "OWAN �� ,.� k*N' •,1 11A" �r i�i..11 r 1 ..y1 �,L.. � r,��il r� l�fj l`�.,. , III P , Of a°., _. . a -'; �•ry.,..«w i.,.a..µ � e�,i.,.uuwu�aiw9/rit� , ' l•.•r,:In, kN� NA f.r �� n..•m ..9 t�`7 i b..�RT"s rTry.71 1 iii a X!1'4�r,(���yg��ggyy�y 1 ty clr,c,ra, , ; fl7�it`cfE��B � ., aV yy�,t'I lr, }J a 9 ACM Iii i.°h '4l ' t� �'ry �' , ''' }S e�� ► , @w fL i �Fr� f�r�� n � v, ayCti ,rTi"�'�' :w�?�#�?'F.Ft R�4y�' k .��t•:C' k!��!, f.., c nfr tY7,�•1": I S:'.� f ; .'.'f� hl p !`yy�q(1 1n t wf e �f of A4 n��F�f+,Y'7Lt � 15g1 d11, W, • �:,. i ��, ,y dd F , Y .IAll1RROQ��"l�'pr�llfRfl>lf4�A'Ftt�lR't.R. *A�� S7.'1KTY33'j�✓1 ..1T7T Alrl��!.• 'x"l l-0,ST✓t♦S!�,�M'A• Z4='��K Ii�A '� is T V,�'i —, 41 r I 46 L k 1 I k 4P �IIS �oi 1 1, 41, Al I.. k- A A k" �j I�J�p 1 '-'4 L�r) I il 'I" �',j 4 0 4 it 3. vY v pi 7',J� rl I k,44 11 0 �o A" , , t r4 hr� I I j o I 1 1 I 1 "1 1 o 4 -1 1 1 1 z 1 1 Y4 14 �,JA �� Tt 17 ^ rf 63� '1'III: Ij'NGI\'I: CO. �'):RTI(��I. �It1I:1'I. O1'LINI)h;li GAS h:NGINES CAMI.It All..teas %EAfL AuDwspo Butatzru.Ciy.%irLA�n (11.I'AIA.�\I).O'ILO4U.S.A. 6rAnoYA.CmxLkxa September 2 1927 Hone Be vim moKon$ie , Mayor Oity of Denton . . .,,.,.,. ,, Dentono TOXae Dear Sir: We are pleased to reoeive from Mr. Oriffin oontraot oovering new engino and equipment , and we are enoiosing here- with one oopy whioh we have approved mid aooeptede Atteohed to this oontraot are home speoifiention sheets of the Oenoral Eleotrio Company. It is understand- ing that thin material will be of 'ii,estink;house manufaoture , maintaining however the some speoifioations. All of the above , we ,nnderstand is in o.000rdanoe %ith your wishes and inetruotione. Ne wish to assure you that we greatly appreoiatsbe - ' ing favored vdth this ordor for an additional unite Yours very truly , THE Bg1jj3S-13AOBSTH BNOINE OOMPANY. • �42 1 OE M ldaaager. /1 00 � o , � GG y J 1 1 , 07 , 1 .M;ym. y �.i: .c..�'. p . � .-,x• ro.m.ay]r.Y�W�rornt./I pSY�.AGLW�.4uA+�t !rWw.y.!i!�'l�:y,MlGytir�}i�N�Kylt+} yA.+nr!} 1 / ' r IF 1 1 (`Rf r . . 1 i 1' i L • 1'` t 1 � 'ui e ,. � _ r .•� r> d r r rlE� Fr �� ,.4 v r l! S4,{ `r lW `t_ n "�°I � ' '! ' i ♦ �' ] r i {i'c'y rwr . ]rJ'd. ° •� SIiY° . _ 1 Slr , r «' �yl - �1" r° � ' �' ��\F",1 ], j ry pli r�3 h A 1� i ] �.; , 1 R. ��4 1 7 115, I. '• r r " r �� 4 S « r� R It 1 ]E 1 e r �` a"'v S � rdi y, R 'r � I w •�' 'x9 , W Y •Rr ]R� '1 `t i �Sl A±�`f''a,t>e lr^, {k^r!' ' �, r 'y •k 1 *�Q�!L{LErj�{�Vu Q�0��8yy��"{{lr�ib r.lrr 7f�Yyi�l It j \�9l,l lX��e,[ 0e 0 I io J1,IN t ! Fi' ] it�g}rrr.�. v r Sa lJ d l tt�'•1"y�l°�� v f(t''Y l'��. rdy,Y�j$`y,,r tY�'\'Ke k.d'. ir.� ��� Y r�k7,OiY� :�1hib�`v °'e 4 1 if rip ��, Fy�:;"��t9 ���'� eyr �a yi �r W•fs���,�1:�hy4E+��y. � '1 jT.�.�j "• ' t '��"'V{iyt 1 ��. �+,�, r' '. > y ?1 1 •11 ° � y Y � �'Y 'y 1 �F ,�.{y �{ " '_ �," ` e , t A Jy Sd •x. " s +t.. tUO ttld by R1 fl "` a hb�EL kru `Lt+�' fp16 ea '�tjit "� , g A,l. ulin 0 OFl ,.+�/y��{y. Q�' � t�U � �A■7� Y L� y a,1 ,Y..•. 4A a !Y `h, F'�y •��;� Y jt {".ii'►n .a.E''4�1� �{t°•f•;M�' wc.r ..,,.1 �'. l� Y f1 1h� � on u�':i 11aFr��� 't` y ,�+ �Er� ,'»; ,Fr �rri tkyn yKk�1,� Y a, bh z Bank 0� 1 PoXti y �_ 'i!'��i+�p �, ax jar. �� y1 5�•;'•' �Vi�0�i(� s is Y ,d � o . . ra0va $ Y •� 1, VIE jo }(}L( y� u,,;n p "� rb�+ Y on br000n Vµ�w .±#'y,']i1 Z4�1•L� ia1. rt' Ma. r Pryr �' { ^ l \�yii . ] .. 'M• `Rpp P, } f • n `id ^'' •1 e r .+ i �iQj D ] ]. • ifd rl�r �, ^.y . T V'R\l• r "f "� Y Y i 3 a 0. yry � `' °Y�y) ♦+y,�' _I °l. A °�Ii w 1 E i t +, k y ��, % 7 t t ♦ > Flt C:�}���F1'♦"iT^TI].ti e� � �� kFl a,l�♦v dtr" i ht yS� tw, b ,t,��tr , FS .' .aa ♦ I \dl \« r � S ]tey:'.�rj^'tu , ai!,♦� X w} e .uX• S.` r�ffy. rl :f�} ' �r.` r '� V 4P 7 e F .- r4 f I , i -. � J}��,������lri:L ri f �'l dW.� .Y � t r � !�{'•' IiHS�FrV.tl�'iV�'"� ,}.:Y �'�v-'�+i.�i ,:�.d.. 5, M� ji '�jt� �� ,'�:l!•1 '�+�,1f , ,pr ' �'rCC.•�,.K LYti"4.1 4 { N } "t' "kidgpf�� i`,�♦ { yr' ! 1 1 'i' r•_ y e / �'=6trS Y d21ff]F�r i , G �rY(t�r; r Sl•�rYr F�1 t ° ] 1 . ^R r1+Y dot 1( }�i " �° d ♦{{�; iLa; I E � �/L�,, aR ��4�' , `t�•>J gti�rr•'�V,°t{, I $+.,yh' ¢]+ T' {ep " , h5w 'v4"S'Y a4 �1 -IV nIlt, ° xa v' Ihtr p .Sr.. Ito e 1 F°♦"i' ° .��U X, � Q. . .A� 14b�, ♦ ([ a }d Ry+' ,i ,, f rr�IW 11 A ° k� I i/' Y ```���'''{ Y" 'Ir. '` �r[�,�, PAY Y' I �M e'S f r r 'L J t .r'+ . ! 1r t (.: .' MI a1Ta fa''�IN �f. }y�y'��A �'� yry�� ' ����(]��r�)�{{()��� 1��.,g�p J ♦�A , 3 �� ,e�'S �y, �+kR.x*'� awf!y •�/r,'�! �.` }'i.P!.9 �»' � ,r_1r I, i+. Y r," (r e .i. 11.f•' S•rytQtl. �.}�. .:J�d� T •D. : {. r Ki 1. r L t ] � s,,.. 5 4`' � M. 1•Y [ ] 'f, y � t . , ,: �,,F�:�°'+ 'ir ,, �,, }�i3+i',r,�;:! �r i v 5�'"f#�"ttt�•,.�{_�� \dl�r' �}"' a.'�:• s, �' � ��.r +' �: ,,• a >�la�.���" i1'RdY dr 1 1' i ♦i N✓iP :.e YY AAu YY 9i . ..>� . ow r.k n 1 'Sttrur�4H��y'�, C° " , id f >i`•'' ,.ts'iC'�.. All r n y4 P' r+('W 7:•�h.1 tt. 1F > ✓:r F7f I 14f �i..:• fin ,,//,,��''yy�R'7 .i t(r 1+,fP°^lfaJlt � • ` -,v} flw 'jry, t �� Ole '.0 1Ti"r,Alw. (f1e:,l v�!Rk 5-"1T a! e ii -.. .;�p,'tp4tl,MCwt 44'�r'' ✓m^11Y 1T',;,tl�'('r:,'°t SB-334014 E 513.—OFFICIAL BOND rurr+nr�rnrrer.,r.nr.nur. sir! j. THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF......._WN ................................................. THAT iVE, ................ DJkV16..of.Dentont ...TeW#................... ........................,....as Principal, and .................... ......... ....... of HartforAj ..qqArAotio0a ....... ... ...... .......... ...... ....... • ............. ............... as Svretiee, are held and firmly bound unto (1)...........01TY-.07_DMMFf...MW ................ ........... 11.11.................................................................................................................................................AXk*b==zM3ft in the sum Of ........ Two thousand and C...-...-_.-..-., ................................. DOLLARS 11-..........................I._1........... I-VAQ .11 -.. .. - - --- .- I for the payment of which we hereby bind otrselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, Jointly and severally, by these presents. Signed with our hands and dated this.....,....14A...................day ..... THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That TVhereas, the above boundets , ............ .................... ........................ ...................... ......... .... was, on the__.A.At......_,.._day duly (8)._.s0W4ntsd___:. to the office and for e4) C&unty, in the State of Telae. NOSY, THEREFORE, If the said MMUS Do DAVIS sWl and discharge all the duties required of him by law ...... ....... ............. 3 it 4 q ....... ... 4 jr k'v;L* I` C then this obligation shall be ,.oid, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF', Witness our hands. __............. ._.__... ..r............._........_..... prf�noiDai"_._..._._.. i _.,........__.....__ ......... _ _............._ _ ._..__,. «..._...«_......... __.._......,.. Z'H E. QAS t3IOR] R��ttlirb Y 0 a THE STATE 0;= TEXAS ` County oj.. BEFORE y »__,...... ..,... ................................................................................................... ............................................ .........on this day personally appeared _.._._.. ............__. __.. ...- ....._......_..._......_ ___.. .. ........«.,..._....... _........ .«..«.__..__. ... ._� I k ._....... _ ._......._....__. ..._. .... ...__....w_. .. .... . .__ . ...._._ ..._......_ _._... _ _._. ,j known to me (or proven to nts on the oath of. .......,......_. ........................................................._...._............................................»..........) to be the persan:_.._whese name_._......w. ............. ........subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and t i acknowledged tome that......he......executed the same for the purposes and consideration r I therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and ecal of office, this-, ... .....................__,.....:.. . .....day . I . of ......_........ ._.... ... .............................._,—A. D. 198........ 1 ' ..... ..J.. »w_......w..w.uu..ru.......r.....rw.w.i ul.W ................,.......... ............................. _ ._............. a THE STATE OF TEXAS `1 , ... ..... J Eac;t o/ the undPreiw�cd swears that he is toorth,in �tis t own rtp a this cum det opposite Us name herein, alter deducting from his property all that which is exempted G b the;constitution and laws o , Texas from forced see, and of ter the payment of all his dots of every deecrtp- lion, w�tefAct, nd'ividuoi br sirurtty debts, and after entisfying all inbumWances upon his property which and # tj knt '. ' otu,t to �'him ; that he resides in the County of_.,..........................:. ... .......... ....:.... . ....:.. ........... :.and has provcrty f in'thCs State !table MWecution, worth.. .... .................... ....». . _ a >'�'he.aatd .. .... ..the sum of...... ..w.......w.» . :....:. gum d/...... ....... ....,... ...... .. ... ..Dollars, The aa?d �. u ' ..W ...�,,%. .� ...wJ�! "...the gum of: ......... .......... ...UoUa�e, =The f The said.," .. . ', » .J J ww «.ww w . w._the sum o/.. .0........ » lloilats, ti a r '� bccribld and std" to be'/6r4 me F � � an,� ..w.L.wlul.w. w..M...a.....w..w ..w.w.i... ...w..... ..... ,. .� .i� ✓h J �� ` r �I:F ri w� . .. ...a..,.. «......... . ..�. w.... .�,..................... t Pi � l •.x1ar.Aw.uY.... a...w.. ..I:..I._...wi.rra.,i....l... r...,.. l { OATH OF OFFICE G 1, ......._.......... ............__,.._....................................__.._.....__........._._.............................. ............., do soleninty swear (or affirm) that I j !vied faithfully and inipartially discharge and pn fo>mi all the duties inc2aubent upo>i mr, as.............................._....._..-_ _............_.............._....r_ .,............._....,..__..._......_._..... ._............_......according to the best of my skill and ability, agreeably to fho Constitution ar,d Laws of the United States and of this State.: and 1 do further solemnly swear (or of firi,i) that since the adoption of the Constitution of W-t State, ! being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons with?)t this State nor out of it; nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel lvith deadly weapon9; nor have 1 acted as a second in carrying a challenge, or aided, advised or assisted any person thus offending, And I furthermore solemnly swear (or tiff:itn) that I have •trot, directly or in, directly, paid, of fered or promised to pay, contributed or promised to co;ttribute, any money or valuable thing, or promised any public off)ice or employment, as a reward for the giving or writhhotding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So heap me Cod.$ ' a p .............. ......................._...........................,,..........._............._........,........ ......... ,. . ....... Sworn to and subscribed before me this............ .............................day oj_.._............................................. A.D. 19�._..,._ .........._.._................w.._...._...,......_._............................................._.._w.._ ..... .......... ..................._...............I............ ......._.. _,ww......_.__ w ...._..._.. r +If a County Commissioner, or County Judge, add this, here "And If urthermore solemnly swear (or of f ir»t) that I ivill not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract with or claim against the County to w loh 1 reside, except such warrants as may issue to me as fees of office." IT THE STATE OF TEXAS T11N PORBGOINO BOND of......... ___.. ...... _ w_.......w ._.w...w......_w. •.. as t and forty ... • .w .. Y eCo'tiinty;'bnd rS�tate of, Tezae, this day approved in open Com»itsatoners' Court. 9 Dated................ ........................._............... i98_w . . i ............... ................ ................ ........_.._....... .....County Judge Atte'tr ........ ..................•..,......... . ...... Texas .w ........ ..............,.. _.w..._.._ w......... p Clerk Commissioners' Court.................... ........................,. ._ ..... .._._.......................,..Count Texas R ` kF. STATE uF TEXA8 "Count ' 1 �wwlww o+rnty Clerk in and jor 'aid Courtly, do hereby eerttf y that they/oregoirip boftid datedxthd w.lw. _�•.ddy a/emu.. �.:. • �.�.:.18�:-_, with (to cerllft• r ... cco/ auth'nticatlon, uHU filed /or rc;ord in my office this.... ......w.�... ...w ,.day ofu+.0 +.rww .A. D. ib8.r.... , at_ ... . o'clock .....w..M., and duly recorded the dail 'of.�.w•� •.A. t), r0 at.. _o'clock.. _ ....�.w_.County #n Volume . i» the Record t,f 0//iotat,Bonds o/aa�d Coun .................... 1S ITNSS§ my hattd attd the deal of the County' Court o/ said t ounty, at c•/lice in 5 % , ,�,�,,,w.,�,,, w,ww• �„r,,,,,. .,. �._. ..W ...:.:, exaa, the day a»d year lost ab,+:�c :��rtEten. ' L r ... „�.•� ,.a . . Mu • w•.Iww em .arw.W .. ..... Clerk rtwi,�y _C'oknly y ..a ..... Wu�� ,ruty iX� v�t Y,�. � � is •, ° .r , i lYY G+ ' n 1 \ I E � � I ( � II I 1 " ULAN-a-Mw.u:�.wvu .. .... . . r.r.. ...i.... ....r ... ..»a.. .. �..._:. :. .... ._..., .....r..:.�.Y..y�....,-a.�a+�..n—..r«.r�n.,.w+ns......+...�r.1 na..._.n.n ... ♦ -...l.w r a y µ. � ...... .. . ... :...ew...:.•JV..,.:... ✓! r ....A;'....1. � .l�.+}-14 a . t_...... .' r •... 0:.4.1..0 �!L.r4'`j : r d d 's19�07a 011 sqt of 10.100 i 341 03 i> q++ k+N Wi ouag/rb 909 tae Ltd 1n,t +0. $10 oatp 'tAU0 .w0OPM1tmOp 00 40 Y.t J3 013# i+ 301 ntW1 +Nloa eqf m Walled pe+ e9 ettttY70.1tu MA eQ 7 1 tt 0310003 71pa3oU 1 01og JI v0� Is WeD " P doavauo7lw lowidml pat y11J +q1 �0I q V oe bYg9t+Af 0o311604 it 41041 to JOP66 e7 w tot 3241 i+ +t ay110 Ill 11m716d pas 2t4M1 hvtPYd101 1101 tttol4ft+3 MAL 44 i oUlpao6 m Y11 d Jt 0344 014>a +61303 0q{ 3014 It sod wd M 1611 po00Ni9ubo 'adiowl IUgad 7a twoo li ILI 4000 tt toe a Wrq 101 i Y9nN anep iae Std o) 3"+066 ry0.UP A!'y ti e1 3163 P99 'e01YA►gIb la view ed �t3aalot f� %Dsm 31 tb*Ja Ina mltl at PSI& L,pJaUt�la"a Soto 130011 lqq 03 »le led ItIY 000 ate+ +11 +, 1+{100 Oqf 7b NNwuo)fed VNI') KS 461 Powploo" ',+o0fntmmo0 MUD it 'Mots Ot 04 1mgA of Wet 11"S e q l'•daP Pna iet berry in 1o�o+tt00 +t a itV 70 i1bap oto 03"widY+d}o7gf 1J 941 •oI 9660 t�ood '(Plod. %"I) Notlt isJn301140 ft ta�ird 1atA1110J 7&«120 00061 diUND Sas to 01 10."000 N L dy J sid�Wl640ADA at 111, plit t�gasM mow Am 91 N nrtahud at 1111 lAtsm1 a�1"pt l 1"OW6 loo au od�Ygfi 01 ROA nioa i�44$043 04130=fg0013 1'133'01 13000 31 p0 1 f" 70 ml 0214 snap "a14 flit total *4 Nm it`43 2dMbm at 11 &Amow too 9M3Uae'lNed Ath n '+ol/ etdLn 444124 SIIY toil SYdt bas 114111/ rl1 }� 16309 tot mbj3ad yw 2+43019 411 l4tal 91+ A9 1 J It1Y +7 1Yg1 06111DIg0 WYI.1 Y43 to Mier At I r.4il� jg •Ito 313MA?Ado N P1+A PIa1 Ib nl1Yrn d 1001 1a b3n111aY 4101 !Yd 1100 'r+t et r�4a1tA 9 Land a t1 9aA9,9Sg0 LU07 t1 Iw deft 111120./ 1ttY bq 110 V+nal ! tow 1003 P01d 1 Imh4 1Y14JU 4601 i6 t,soD Pill 03 J�U961 faba601 6at1 1 0100 a Sept. 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'2340443 0e 3»26+133 y � r '240'10 M1f 6Jtld J0a OQO'tl rY1n 6341 ieq q P/,sUW1 3004 +1011.&10= a ilia. .'...`dNq/ t ' 'll 1tulsbN 1'6 'IOlfaaljftll ,4142`M'3109103tU+d0f 44460 Jt •000'11 6J pattl0ge IOa4 '1011140 643 r ►1111tl1 J1 tf h P'Q1 011(9nat 4 Jt 701046 111 ImOODkd 4Ml a) yep 40'4000 elf o on; 0 tv 643 is 7dkalr 6104Y 113 9641 till ub Ma 1 14 I MAPli" V� 't y +� ► 36"1164 112 it yrod 06901 +t t 043 0 11 'naOaD +ql >e 21A• 61334 6113 7a I mnodt +f/4A1 r y M 01011 ri n 301600 4 ° H A0311ita0 Sts Jf empAt 1`11100 A6 pn0mpw 04 H 1 1` 1000601 olgmp K 90114nw010a! P1e1 3011 pr>a�P176 Nm 11003 waollna,m�p 0050.3 laAagrl Nt 4e11e1us 0163 1 ODO'Ot Ot¢i uau b1 1 0143 m tot 11 Wit" 9004 heblJatl if POoO .u00atMmm60 0 Ail VM01�+1 'Abf'if bi 3331 t K 0011 9n t 1d<�r1 'dd1�i 11 PIAPUI �ya4 lYtl+631y o+w0 11 060 Olt Posoll 03 301 3b"@ eM9 ""ad IN" oti Aa ago)" 1+ '400(3 fill*61n3 630,1 y3 7e 3 r�3 3p1ag1 wo e{�ra0to tool 1 hvnwlrY i1 11 00 004061 rldq�op 0 3 A6 9Mti1'+1 '008'OCp1��p06 400'11 owl n vwlbtN Oa06 '1311691 Jt 311 i 7 iii10j" m*0 10!11 'Otd tlt! 6t 't1 t tlt N,�OM POrA 1o36oMtl 3�,41 ►Olg Jt 4 tl PNsatYl 9104 4Aa1 H N3 to teq+t� �4p q0r� jt�3110b WtM+6�awaD�4 P+ltl1 YIDO 0 1 M 000'43 01611 6t 9004 I,�10 t n 33 itt" u110sI1sto+lod N Pool !C, 7° bw10, OMO'dl l +3 30110001 eat ! 4aaa0 1t ,'3303 n 901it 141" '41;3) 36444 it 000."pl 13 9+A1ab/1 P a61013w 36111 b u 'e ,�, jrr t 4k00 ,43 N 341311 ►iMid +4t YII4j �f 'Saeos m Ad k1 MtrNQ. ' n ' *$is Wage itme4 lout 91,11 1i 4i0pb01ti ado Js 30164 �vlda0e17 4 eti as rM4s{�pw1 u3f"Soo nl 416o�nt�el�tto�0� ib S . bPa 14 . n4Map h 0143114 13001 of{1y�a096na11e&U 9003 Ono (0001 40000) Y7 WU ' p tl Collier 931 1PIt7 5'• M911r 600031 702100 eta M Moe topMl ut 610310!/9w 31136 [�y7ei�6oda11 o3 to / 3r 46100 ue61a�1 `I 100 3931) aJaPM f 46(3 99s� '04,+10 4abro '111110 Itt,tgC 1431+19 +Y 69961 16115+14 113 nl 9+leMd1 Iq ai"leW6lep 6yeltelad 3> 1.t+1+W33011i11Q t ) '264m LIVIA At Widif ' . r, . r, �1' ,TELEPHONE -424 WEST SIDE SQUARE MORREL-FRITz FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE / DENTON, TEXAS Oe r y� r Npp f J �`'1 ,� " 11l�' `��.lw ��t�i V`•l !�-'�J'1.-`C.'�C..4..ti _ p A u r F: J. LgWIN,D[CV,•TR[A[. COMMItSiONERM 'i,.1AnAlON BRALL[Y,ATTORN[Y W.R M1Lll R. CHAIRMAN H•Y. BR[W!T[R. [NOIN[[R L. IAILIY � q S F, R,PMR,N[ALtk Orman [li.HR of 'Ptntoll W.M.LAXtY °. J. A.YOUNG, MAM[HAL �Y CLA00C CA[TLMARY. IRANCIt M.CRADDOCK W. B. MCKENZIE, MAYOR DENTON, TEXAS MRNISHINQS MUNIOIPAL BUILDIN49 DENTOV07RUS, _. r. _. .. _ .. — — - The Oity of Denton, Texas , B.W. MaXonsie , Mayor , is calling for bids on the following specified furnish- ing$ for the Municipal Building, Denton, Teaasl The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, He may accept the lowest , or anylbid, at his Option. I Bids must be prepared for the furniture and shades oombinedq and submitted to the Mayor, Oity of Denton Y on' dr" betore September, 17th, 1927. i F .ry 1 i J.W.EAWIN. SLCrrfRG.; COMMISSIONERS: MAR1oH BRALLEY,ATTORNEY W.N. MILLtR. CHAIRMAN H,T.IREWSTKR, ENGINEER 4.YTt Fr f�I1a 1. NIIW P.K. PINER. HEALTH OFFICER �i`}� i ]J[j�tt �t� W.R LAR iV j.A,YOUN0, MARSHAL CY `y7 Y G' CLAVOE CA/TLCSERRY r. FRANCIS N.CRADDOCK W.B.MCKENZIE, MAYOR DENTON. TEXAS 6 All Steel , Three- Piece Y.M.O.A. Bede$ 1163 D, as illustrated. 6 Mattressea, Lon Staple White Cotton, 20 lbs. , with 6 os, tan stripe tick. 14 Ohaira, Douglas, j 63-64. 2 Costumers. To be made of Oak material , about TO" high, 3olum 1-3/4" square, mounted on suitable base, equipped with four brassed hooka. 4 ouspidors- Brass Cuspidors of the same make (Ireland & Matthews) to be used at other parts of building, They are sanitary. The pan is made of heavy sheet steel , white porcelain enameled. A strong, service- able cuspidor, easy to olean. 4 Rubber !date , 16" in diameter. g GAme Tables hardwood top, 36 x 36. Lego 21". Pinish Gopen Gloss. #33-1/2 G• Lo PTV. BUDEB Columbia "Crescent," , Oolor #008. p':ovide Columbia +' P, or Raysthorn ranteed ioliers, with inside b'raokets. ff ele+ts ediii .x ilr: to kstoh, ex6h window ld have shades 6, longer than ripening. Shades shall be installed in all *home except boiler roomy euppl 2,00m, toilet room and jeil* stain 6ys,auditorium an3 Arc truoit •room• A11, shaties , sh$ll be correctly out and install ea ` n the .building,to oohforim to each respAetive opening, underat6W that asah bidder assumes the responsin f billty f6f� the; d'lrrebt huiber, of ehades for aid windo*e in the building Ali °d 4*6 otipulated. y $a4 f G EP 221927 J t?,AR:, 1 1� 1 .y', t•'ll. i � � ' •I�ZIT.I+r.�eYC�b �1.�'. f �t�r , r j V 1 1 L r r V. J" ti DOUGLAS CHAIR Width of Seat, 27 inches. 1 " 1 Strongly made well-braced chair. There are cheaper twrs of this type, but ^y f none better for the money. y�11 t [ Finish—Col en Oak r , {' I Il,t;Y t1 i a4' ✓'�, y t.�. JOHN B. SCHMITZ OFFICE PHONE 20 DENTON. TEXAS $eptemter 17, 1927 . To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of Denton, Texas. Gentlemen: With referenoe to the sohedule of items whioh you submitted to us for prices in the furnishing of neoaseary shades for the new City Hall and the furniture for the Fire Departhont quarters, we will furnish same, furniture delivered, set tip and placed, and the shades all fitted and hung in fixxat-Glass w -iman-like marAn er 7 / Por the sum of X290.88 . c-� / dsI� S I G 0CA44A,, If the oheaper Douglass Chair is wanted ( like out #260 ) we will furnish the entire bill for $289.024 We are submitting herewith a mi4ture shade made- of Columbia oresent oloth #308,as per your speoifications , whioh is mounted on a guranteed Columbia Roller, whioh is the smoothest `and� quitest aoting shade roller on the market, and we rsepeotfully ask that you roil the shade up and down and asoerteiri for yourselves the merits of this roller. You will also find herewith Ate and desor ptions of ;the different 'srtiales of furniture, ,10 a sample of tiok to he ussdaon bsrrsok mattresses Trusting we will have the pleasure of serving youy ' we are, Very truly yours, Ma 8. 30HMIT3. F, f I • P r r • • 1 _��; � .� .- �!i��=- •.era r 1 r ok Golden Gloss. f � � i 10" a. /�.(n/� .. r• �� � Syr. .,,,jr� S d/ �s� +�� d ^'tfdrfh4 r}.fr Ft•f � '� ' ' ' , L (►' 1�� � y yid 4 �, �' \�L�(.yy rdWri�+r+��r.1�KIL1,.l S •a.,i .....�. M+M r. 'f I `STATEMENT t IN ACCOUNT WITH 'rf 4) NATIOl A�L� CASkrT'r CoMjp Y INCOM�O�IAf�D ��.� e I Ieoi•tais sour►+ L:uA%l �rpEar; 41� • ,i - o a ��r JOHN Br. •SCHMITZ OFFICE PHONE 20 DENTON. TEXAS OfINDOw SHADES : - " {,<F,"' °'"""A `' `' � :° , This is a sample of "Columbia Cresent Tint 04 ` Color .i08" as per speoifioatione . H,uddu�adeCn�had'1audCerr+bric ` ? '; This famous brand represents the highest " F quality of Hand-fade traneluoent window shade . It is made of the finest grade of oambria, wears like iron and will not oraok or fade . Light in weight, but very i V } dprable. This grade of shade is uaad very widely in sohools, publio buildings, office .' , buildings and fine residences . 4ti 5 �}'✓�� � '� � >' All shades will be oorreotly out and Oki Installed in the building to fit oorreotly y.� ,;: , : :•; `fiI ,r, , ', ,,r,' •soh opening. i 1�� �y r �`, ` ; �` > �+ All windows except those in boiler room, supply room, toilet room, fail, etKirwaye , auAitorium and fire truok room are to be r- �'� shade&,. + s All shades are to bo mounted on the beet guaranteed Columbia Rollere, and to be equipped with inside braokets(niokeled) to have eyelets and silk pulls like the pull on the minature shade we are showing in oonneotion with our other items. s1111111111NN JOHN .11j SCHMITZ OFFICE PHONE 20 -DENTON, TE%AS -:BEDS FOR BARRAOKS:- ALL STEEL. THRSE•PIECE Y. it. C. A. BRD No. 153D. IYItir, I'm in. round. Ilcight, head 24 in.. fort 24 in. ,ry of spring 18 in from flour, d fahric spring jt oilh lye tn. stu•1 band Cdgiv hating anclui hail co at each Soil. "Double anchi�r rail connu•tiun. Luigth bcitvecu polar, 75 fo,; over all, 77y, in. Regular fillkh hands, whitC euvuLl spring framv. gray cnvnci, c 2 ft 6 Ill. Wciglil 47 Ib.. .I 1 Tble is the Same number and style speeifioations call fore (Six to be furnished) JOHN, Q. SCHMITZ DENTON. TEXAS OFFICE PHONE ao -tMATTRESS FOR BARRAOK BEDSt- Mattresses to be made of all new material, to be filled with'staple cotton, and oovered with six ounoe, brown stripeimatteess tiokinB of same material as attaohed sample. ♦f " ON BARRAOK RAT'TRESSES. (Six to be furnished) ,,,.,y ... . .a•rues e, '? a "Jrsr7x�+ y"!,.41*r .. a✓S ' s� e ►qNi in!MwnytyA+°bfyy .'���... . wsM^d'a'>sa'.i>vi'nivn a.y.e,ay.•r: IF1 !'�'.'.�fjfe�N'eGri vae M..ryr . .v.ry frM..Nwn-,e.{,ryy' ...ya+rn..NOirt �.rr +_l.a JOHN .B: SCHMITZ orncc a►toNr :o •DENTON. TEXAS Our 053-64, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST "DOUOLASS« OHAIR THAT OAN BE OBTAINED ANYWRERE. IL is made of the beat Aisoonsin Rook Elm, finished in the golden gloss finish, and will last for years. It is steal rodded from the arm to the seat. NOTE-(We have a ohair of this same maka in our own Pf o ioe Last has been in continous use for over 36 years, and _--- we know they will stand up to the 4#AII � hardest usage. ) On the next page we are showing a oheaper Douglass Oheir that is made oil oak, but the oats is of the southern grade, and is brushy and will break easy, and we do not feel as it it will give the eervios that it will be subleoted to, and would not advise its aeleotion when the prioe of the good one i dust a taw ants per oh air more .1"rioe, (Fourteen to be furnished) JOHN B; SCHMITZ OFFICE PHONE to •DENTON, TEXAS Our #250a DOUGLASS OHAIR. Our #250. R&W a This is the oheaper Douglass Ohair, but we , do not rsoomend it's purohaee for the plade where it to to be used, as the material ie . of Southern grown oak, whioh is alwayys briiehy, ' and will very easily break and not stand up , like similar ohairs made of Northern 86ok' ala. The rounds and posts in this ohair ar muoh smaller than the ones used in the #6S-84 ohair6 (Poubteen to be furnished) if seleoteda JOHN;ir. SCHMITZ OFFistvHONr2o DENTON. TEXAS - 100STUKER81- To be same au out, to be made of good oak stook to be about 70" hight and to have four braeeed hooka on utandards It has good oak spider baseo lid i i (Two to be furnished) , y JOHN :R' SCHMITZ OFFIC[ ANON� lO 'DENTON. TEXAS i IOUS`IDORS III RUBBER BATS FOR SAVEI - Ouspidvra are of e ',e Ireland & Matthews make, whioh i : the same make as other ouspidore ,:o be usea elsewhere in the building, and are No. 26, Brass Cuspidor Sanitary, easily olsansd, strong and will render 5anitnry. The pan In many years of aerViol . made of heavy sheet steel, White porcelain enameled. A Ktron¢, serviceable cu,- -INA?SI - Rate are made Of genuine rubber, are to be 18" in size as per epeoirioations . (Four of eaoh to be furnished) r. 1 s JOHN-,q. SCHMITZ orrieerHOHiao DENTON. TEXAS t GAUH TABLES ! - To be same as out# made of good hardwood# finished in Golden Gloee, Logo 2.IA* in dismeterp silo of top 86OX8600 (Two to be furnished) X88-1/2 O.L. PTV. r K. W.VAN SLUR �, r C 1, 1V.L§mADfHArr RUID.NOL►NON.L.1104 E. W. VAN SLYKE & CO. ARCHITECTS 40A•403 RAYNOLD6 6UILDINO - O►►ICI PMON■ LANAR 6048 FORT WORTH,TEXAS MUN IC I Pt,L BUILT?ING DIITTO--, , TEXA . B .1,bloKF*TZI , $ MAYOR. FATAL STATEMKIT OF BUILDING COST. J .F.Johnson, General Contractor. General Contract- Adieu as listed- - - - - - - . Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 7b,9,f°00 Deduotions as listed o;s l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAP, Amount' paid on oontraot - - - d Amount due- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 116 3a�S3 r - r r r r r - - - r — - - — — — r r r The 31e`Afto 'Shop Wiring Oontraot $1. 790, 00 as listed- . - - 4 .�- Amount paid on oontraot Amount AS10011nt du®rY Y - r .Y. . . rr r - Y' r - L r r - Tl �{46monroe Co, and:'Heating OontrAot 080 76, 00 mdurit' Aid an oontraot Amount due- Owtetardipg bsilg /go'bi�net madtM 'roe ji ` de f r oa 1 4 • 1 M r Kenison Bros. �� Heating Contraot- - - - 3 6 , Amount paid on oontraotw_� 6 .Qd Amount due- - - - - - - - - - - - - _..�_ 1•_�_� 9. 09 _ _ _ �- _ _ ' r r • •• r r r h r - M Rvere Hardware �3o Plumbing oontraof, - - A Soo }tztrae as listed - sa l-Q-- _ Total- - - - - - �:. mow..; .�— r.' -�$_ �_� 30�1���'' Amount paid on oontraat- - - - - - - - +�,�„u,, Amount dui- _ - r r - - - - r r - - - r - r 38a�L� .13 M r .r r r r r r r . - r r Wegtot Offioe 3uppZy ', ft niture !Wood ) - - - - - - - - - 11. 54, , 8d i r .r r r r r r r r r r - . : r r f pergRer Manufsoturir�q Doi ��`��'::° Furniture Otsel ). - r _ _ _ - r '" 1.�1�:.. ,I '� r rr �r 'r' r' r - - .. r r r t�' :rw ' r r- - r t'' t } 4ohn' H Sohnitel i'y4. 71.. iarrniture fwodD ) end Shades- r - �! — J - �� �.r r r r r - r .. • r s r .r r — .. r r r _ ,, , . fig.. t. ' � :i .. . Oklahoma 6eenio Coy . .. soener - . _ � /� h � . Vr s +i ' r r .� r r r 'r - � r r .� r r r VO�Y'O � r � r r� rl' r r � r'�iY 'Y Y �Y r r r i r r r r �1 ', r Y r '.'.i '. r r 'r r Y Y r� r M ` s' A{nar �aan seating oo , a y$ � yL r • :. r r Y r r r 'r r r r w ' r ` J _ i � � Y".r' * r + r� r .1 i .. i r rrt- rr r r r►rr r �.• � �r r r .wr-r r,." r rr� Yii'�.r. r r � ,' � �I cages: _ '� w t ' sidewalks . end' Graditi6 - .. /. 3 � l i r i r r r r r r 1. r r r r r r . e i f •�t ` � `� �1 r ,a�r r L Y i MI '; } r i r L. ri r r' r r� r, r r r ► r `. , r•.'�.M( ♦ Y r r r Y` . tlil �`�,' t1V {1� Di. Ol � �iit• RQ t4r 'r - ± rC TT.�iiL.r:..rrr� krt t � � � ` 't, 4 /� Iia , � l ��` ' .j F.x , ,i l IL W.VAN SLYN{ W.L.SRADINAW ROI09M00►NON.L.tlN E. W. VAN SLYKE & CO. ARCHITECTS 409.403 REYNOLDS ■UILMNO Orrice rNONi LAMAR MMS FORT WORTH.TEXAS 1VTlICIPr.L BUILDING DENTON 0 TFAA S. TO'?AL AMOUNT OF EACH CONTRACT. J. F. JOHNSON -------- -------- -r---- -------- 0769819.83* 76 ,819 .83 The ELECTRIC SHOP -- ------- --- --------- ----- Log 3 4. ?.3' !,fit_. xsf' Plumbing and Heating- 8775 .00 4 Extra on p1ninbing- -- --- -- - ------ ----- 441 .96 999,16 ,96 i`�trrlltiire--- - - ---- ----- ---- ------ --------- 1156480 n .... -- - -------- ---- --- ------ 1568.78 n ---- -- -- -- ---- ----- --------- 309.41 3,032099 SOEU-RRY ------ -- -- ---- ----- -- -- - - -- ---- -- 1200 .00 1,200600 Opera Chairs ........... .................. . 3681 ,60 861 .b0 O, _ Sidex�l'cs ....... .... .. .... . .. .. . ..... ....... 1436640 �.�1,436j40` Li ht Fixtures $ Y-- - --- -- ---------- -- ------- -- x502 .00r--602 .00 -- y ' Total Anio+:nt of all oontraots- -. - - �. 1 t �- , _ IoG ,I z f ` d Y iY .4 a i l e 0 A o' / ' .S DHNTON, }3XAS ._ ._.v! '' _t-L 192 f ff]] 1i JJ newrrsi�/M 1 414 AVENUE D CEMENT CONTRACTOR PHONE 1009-W ACCOUNT DUE 'J•E, s a 7 et ' I' ,r�`ti � fitl'� 4 � �c.tt,� gl4 f .•c- f� .er-� f�.'�., �.��.Il R .i:1 /�. <.. , ;( t •c ! r,; r��. '-�t,I�--t..��,/� ,,F,.�. Itif �.0 it..tr'.. _r PATUen w nv■ oAn TO CHAS. N. DAVIS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER P. O.609 371 DENTON. TEXAS .v Bid for oonorets Fork to be done at New Oity Ball , r Denton, Texas 8eptember, ',7, 197 'To tr� o not ibis Mayor and Oity 00mmiasion R Dear girif " Bid for ooriorets w4ka end v ay'a a000rding to Oitry ipeoifi4utioP 4*` walk+ NS-1BM h durb an a, gutter*er' ru ng loaf, plug he Ply exoavation and 9t6ble / Yours txuly r is '♦ ; .I e r i. t ' . P 1 y y ,,p r i i �p 1�} i Denton, Texas September 3, 1927 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Denton, Texas Dear Sirs I submit bid for oonorete at raw Oity Hall, as oalled for by E, W, Yanelyyke & Co, Arohiteota,! All work to be done epoo�rding to 0 ty 's speoifioationd and under direotions of City Engineer, This'�bid ie based U." o norete , with out re Inforoing, The` bid is If driveways are SN thiok add If ourb and gutter on No Elm is built ad /J,2� City.�to do all..heavy excavation, I Yours truly# f . � Oon�saotor. . Y .r 14 .rvaaor a r.r- ',...� i, m w x.+ee .Y _• !Wx�t i THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES. � County of Denton 1 Texas: I I �O eHrOebNy rcOMM�SSat on for SaiCO1f=T lot Denton County, deputies andnat sataricsn ""in and for Denton County, Texas, Y PP^ mount allowed by law. Qnc Chlet Mputy..... . ..:.. .... . ^t to excccvl the a ... a One Chief Deputy. j One Chief Deputy ., I One.Deputy . .. . ... ... E 4 OneDeputy .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ......... ..... ... . .. .. ... . . .... . .. .. NoDeputy_ ..... .. .. . ... .. ...,,. ... .. .. .. I.. ... ... ... ., .. .. ... . .- .. .... E One Gcputy .. ... . .. ! ''r.'' t t do 0emnly tw car that the serv,ee3 of satd deputies are absolutely required to perform the work of said office and that they are necessary { e' fficiencq'�i the public senicc s 1e a ..Applicant worn to and subscribed before me by . ... ... . . . :.. .. ......................on this the ...day of. , .... .. .. .. .. , ,.A.D. 192.... t _ Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas. ! } THE STATE TEXAS In the Commissioners' Court Chambers, this the. .. ._., . .. ..day of County of Denton s' .......... .. .... . . . .. ... .. .. ,...:.A. D. 192, . I ' yy i Y said Application, verifiol by his aflidmit, the necessit,� for such ass4stanceyand appoint un .atnination that there is ~ ' t liithln and for said Count ,ha[i g duty a lied to said Court for authority to a nt deputies or assLstants as required by taw,showing in his { ' � PP.. � a neccss:tp ror such a { pofntments for the crriciercy of the public scriicc,it is ordered that said application should be granted. It Is therefore ordered that the Bald # f is au.A6rii4 to tappioint the following persons as deputies or ns.. . . . j sistaats, to-sit: t .. . .. ... .. . .. I F . 1 Chairman Gimmissi6ners' Court, Denton County, Texas, Issued 192 , Churman 3 r a Filed n ,: ...r.192...: , „ { i 3 , Clerk County Cut, Dcatgti County,Texas r' 'THE STATEr'OF TEXAS, DPU7rATrON , • County of Denton ' , ... .. j A .Young, aity Marsha]1 Ar:. Doll tOn,1'A 7�t1 r• . ......-of the Cour ty of Denton and State of TeiAs,having full COnSd RO,}►,:; 113 Be .::: :, .... .... o the said County and State,do hereby with eLj consent of the �Y, s, Y 1� he said—..HO V..Hut Be ; ... my true and lapin Y t>ert. .. Y. + I)etiton , pia dul here{n riotmnate and a t him,t t 64 0ty,In m` e place and stead,to do and orm an and all acts and chi pertafnsrtg to the office of said .�1 , .far t fha11 of said ' ant and State �ia th ratif and t'ritifu mli an and all such acts and thin tawfull done in the by vutue libi eo[ V4 Y , Y YmY g Y , 8a Y Pry 1 6 ° VYrrisemy hand,this ,. Q. .,. i C i t 1[ar dnyof o.f3bepots b ., .....iBh81 1927.x, 4 STATE OF TEXAS, '? CoanttotDenton Bsaoiiibfs .. ... ... .... .. ... .. jj N"ot5ty`Ift�bhcNin aA for Denton Cvtmty,Tests,on tbi$day permafiy appeared qi :.'..�.: , ... ,. .c.,:, J,�A�Yt�11ng�� .,� , z,,, kno"'to me .t be the k name Is subsen'bl to the fo d� tation and ielw wledged to tnethat he ext uted the same for the u ses and r conaweratwna � tb•c r'n expressed., ;GtvttN under my hand and seal of office at Dmton, Denton County, this Q tb ... t..f3ep s.. ..1 p e : rotary 1?u a In and for Denton Cou , CStith iii (� ftce. . r , kip) t l r aoemnl y Ilat {Or alltn) i}I nt I will faith fu4Y,�a. t3 eat yA6 and perloem dl the duties Incitinbrnt apes lne Q ., i>�yl, uAr11�i� . ..d� ;: :.. .1,,.. scoordirl to the beet of $lull and hr3ityl agtoM+biy tb tie Con• ` tylfon ind U;A j`b(the l!n?icd lAta and of this State'and I do further i6teetilty Mii r(or a rm)tlut$into ebe Adc ptton of the Conskit,�ttots of this Stet� 1 � a atlect)o Chia Slate,hive not fought'a duel with deadly *eatien$ within tbil Stott, eae out M ft, no}Dave i knt or aoxpttd a FhalkOff to t a duel with deadly Kea non rug have i acted a ucotld fit ",,.y;A¢a challenge or aided, advised of assisted any p t I th cry lit :1 i I flirt.W0iort aotctrdtly eweae (of A irm)thst I Ave AM,dlrettly or co orectiq paid,offered er promised to atttbut t p ' tribute,atiy motlty or valuable thlog,bo promised any c oe, or emp{oytnenI," a rewarif to kVufo my` t Subocribed and$worn O befote nt'r,this 9.th• da of.. g O t s x927. 192 u He iA AM f4 1.,y ..y J. }` I'M for ft&*d the, ,..a,d .ddy of.. .. 1411 + . y as. JD! .. .Uepaty. .ls�. : .rs, .. . ..• ,r-+�+hcill,N,��.dt+M+ie,.lw,�lraer.,,.�,11.t,.w..�i�:,ni, IR`.»wb..�[r+.e,w...a, 1 y 1M43io+sr+s> iwae.. i�F'y L� y It jti.r w ol • � �j o t i fir , ,. �[R(�,�yP �, E{ ii � 9 ->llyl. ° �/•� 1 FF! �y Y �•� , IatJ..;t® '� _•� y .s' V � k_ � L '" � 4 � i 1 I //� \ 4� ^ � � '1 ' CRT •c r# +��,5�:�,.ye:+�frls.a'w�r+�'L}J.�'rw".:.v � N��'�'�.w.ar. .«r...,.i�: .ar .i.;...Y;a, . ':x :� ',,��' .�v• `kl / L �"`r, `y'% 7`"��,'� 1 r , • r � 1 � 1 Y ,•t 1 : spy d ���1' C �S� F �k a � i � t � i • {a l�C � 1 ,' � p, w �¢i w♦ I .Iti v � tom. • '�',.{ ., � , s t i "! t �, 1 �� t • � �,1 � y91��u'� y�i �`�� {�r^�,yy t �1,@,, rYp�•iy�''1�,y a r�L�' �� Ct�r�`�h Y�t•� ��,1,�"(��ya � ! ��{ `� r, �,}t° f r {� '�f '1'F7!`-`'r 'YA ``�,+ad �'• �� hr' e1TU'?' 1 '�4 1 .'111k*4�4. f�4!'F`' "f'?1.7'x ' r ..!'� 'r'�S�i.l:ni rtjw�t'twr{' jjki All agreements contingent upon rtriket, aeeidcno, or other caueea be)end our control, Contract* subject to approval of Home Office. (�autrbrt Totdract ad Agrretttriti matte this..e� l,.......day of....(/ V,71 ..'.....,- ......A. D. 147, by and hetween th AME CA RURQ , MANUFACTURING CO., of California, party of the first part, and ......... .. .. ......... . . , in the County of ..... ....and Mate of ...... . ..*....., *,, , ,rty of second part. WITNF8SETII, That the party of the tint part hereby agre s to furl '. the�part t the second part, in goal ortfur.........I4.0.0 ........... .....I. ., ..,. feet of their..... ...FQ'" ... ......... Brand of ARE IIOSt,, coupled complete, ttvo and one-halt inches internal diamc;er, and capable of standing a pressure of... 410..,Iounds per sttuare inch when delivered, at 8..../AJr ......per foot. And the said party f the first part further warrants and a;rues, that should any of the said Hose fail or give out rvithin.... .. . .......months after date or purchase, from any cause clue to defect in manufacture or ` material, to mplace the name free of charge oil return of such defective lengths. Awl the said party of the second part hereby agrees to accept the said Hose if delivered in accordance with above speelficntions, and it not io accordance therewith, the. hereby agree to notify the said party of the first part of any defect that may exist therein within fifteen days from date of del[wery of said Hose to them, If no notification he received within the lxrind above stated, it shall he deemed and considered that said Hose has been A accepted by the party of the second part. A 3 thereupon the oft . second art herulr ngree JVA)ay t 0. /t_•ly of the first part for the eytj�IIo , th urn of. 4/� � ��"~ ..-r--.`� Dollars T�vc�/rmv i �, r+�,rarte-✓.J.�t:,.. ., .. � t�...,/.d�.� r .. ..�+ /�.G, IN' 'ITIV SS WHFRE0F, the parlir teret6 )n 'e hereunto act their Kandi and seals tl,e clay a d year ,above written. Awican��bber M nuf ctuir g Coln ny, [S},ALI B1 Iez..Rubber . .. , [SEA},[ .... .... .... .... .... .ISEALI .... ...... [SEAQ .... . . .... .... .. .. .... .... .. .. . :... .. .[S1;AI.1 .... ,.. ... .... , [aEALI c V ------- --- - -- -------------------------------- - ------ L__=------------------------ y 5. .. x AL American Rubber Mfg. Co. ....................................age:�l „ .............. ............. 101...... Cvrpuralion of ............... E j. i £' 4) Supplementary List of United States Government ]]aster S-aeoifi cat ions July 11 , 1927 . MB Title of Specification 2do 477 Desks , Steel 478 Tabltes and Stands , Wood 479 Nrames , Hook-Saw 460 Saws 481 Jacks 482 Leather, Bag 4 eat Rig Ring 83 Leather ,h Ri]rS E 484a Paper, jilanifold , W Raft, White and Colored, Unglazed . gevised . Supersedes that part of F. S .?l. Spoo . 331 which covered Unplazed Ean;.fold Paper •486 Gas::ets , ];ota'lic .?ncessd 486 Paol.in8, Hard Piber Shoot 487 Packings , Asbestos Wiok and Rope 488 Knives , Drawing 499 Pipe Fittings , Cast Iron (Threaded) 490 'Pubes, Soanlens Stool , for Aircraft Purposes 491 Fans , Blectric Deal: and Bracket Type ,.492 Boots , Rubber , Hip 493 Boots , :lubber . Short , Fight 49 Boots , :1abber , Short , Heavy 4�6 Pipe , Conore�uo , P;:ain 06 ; Loather, Hydraulic Packing (Voeetable .Tanned) 49'1/, , 'C tins, Wool 49`8 biloloth, Table , White 499 Burlap, Jute .' ` boo Tableoloths , Octton 61,01 Carpsts; _ Yelvot , Plain 602 Qarpets and ?lugs , Axminster 03 Carpots and Aigs , Wilton 64 Briok Clay ) Common + 5, Briok Sand-Linej'` ComMon ;5116 Tile, Hollow Cray, Floor 567 Tile , Hollow: olwy, Loa&I-Bearing ]fall 508 Tile , Hollow, Clay, Fireproofing, Partition and Furring 609 Drills , Hand , with Hollow Handle 1 r �`augplemen jir isL'rf Unitedx5tates Government Waster 3pecificatIon3 Harch 5, 1927, ' PSB B.S, Title No. 4ir. Title Ho. Mr. , . No. ho. Absorbent cotton US Croft bare ,chisel ,pinch and kdros ' 449 cupboard and locker equipment , Aoiregata,,cadrse' for Portland steel 471 - ceaient concrete pavement or Cutters , glass 435' base (stone ,slag and gravel) 454 Cutters, pipe 437 Aggregote,j fine for Portland Dividers 436 cement ' conarete poacwont or Drills , breast 417 base (sand,etc. ) , 464 Fabric, cotton, for water- Aiplane cloth, cotton proofing, asphalt.-saturated mercerized, grade A 256 0210 woven 294 C287 Ammsni\}m chloride (sal Fillor, mineral ,for sheet as- w=oniac 446 phalt or asphaltic concrete Asbostes and asphalt roofing, , pavements (Portland cement , prepared,slate-surfaced 423 limestone and dolomite duit ) 463 Ash, soda 429 Friction taro 291 U7 y Asphalt fibrous roof coating 4211 Gatch frame , adjustable Bands , rubber 64 C2c4 spring bottom 189 Bars , chisel , crow and pinch 434 Glass cutters 435 Belting,conveyor(stitched duck 466 Gouges, slides and chisels Blades ,. hacksaw 415 woodworkers ' : . • 438. , Braces ratchet 416 Gravel,broken itone or broken: Brass tubing, seamless 427 slag for bituminous surface i Breast drills 417 treatment 455 C 1C11,ta, ',arbide 470 " Gravel for gravel roads �• 453 ' ier Ar' stands and pads 36; Hatchets 4�4. . . ,, . t`arbon paper;black,light 1' Hose, -'divers '- _ Ok ',freight (for typewriter) 425 Hoee, gas 40 %290 Carbon pdpor, black,standard Hot,e ,oil suction and d�echp{ae 63 V20;� Wefght- (for typewriter use)' 426 Hose , pneumatic � i ,' ' ' 41 0301 0arboristG,sodiuis,gre�uiar Hose, tender. 'corrugated , � 46 (monohydrate crystals ) . 4332 Hoso , water suction (smooth *. so �t4 bore} 0 •C2'92'I Cement , . _ ry, � , 3 Ceasent, plea is magnesia '' Hose , W44, anzLSvabh"deck. �!, . X291 (magny9la�oMychloride){u�td ', Ingot copper' ' RFi 120r at floori� ,basee ,wAinscotO 445 Knives , shop ^t �; 442 _r' Chiaef barea,�, orcw ,and pinch 43 Ladle a, plumber's . �; 474. Chioslsj:gouges and 'clicks Lye (caustic soda) .(for + 't��ods'orbers!; 438 cleaning puposes).', 430. h46 `de ar iitium '(gal Yatchos, safety (full_s.ize- admioriiW f, 446 in bozos) 1 28 0h oEna,-; `elleq (leoion,medium Yagnosia cement , plAotie and A,4nga= dry paste , in dil (magnivsia-oxychlorfde)(used and 'pasl;e in Jaw) 476 as flooring,baeos ;rainectos 0101 f irs � 334 d t c.) 445 Gdppd rsda;bars,ebayes 'platea Mattinq,rubbor 382 0306 dhd ,t 'and'atnpa: 461 Metol mono-methyl-pare, Cupp rs; enldoring 439 aminop,,)nol sulphato 421 Cots , rubber finger 224 0226 Nail pullyra 418 F FSB a.S. Title; Oil, linseed, boiled 475 Silver nickel , rods ,bars , 1x;,obloride magnesi.z,coament platea,shapesiaheets and plastic magnesia( used as striin 46g flooring, bases, wainscots , Slag and atone ,broken for etc. ) 445 waterboumi base or wearin;,. Pads, calendar and stand: , 366 course 456 Paper,,carbon,black,light- Slag .and stono ,broken for rrelght (for typenriter use) 425 bit=inous macadam bar.A or Paper,carbon,black,standard surface course 457 `teif,ht (for typowriter use) 426 Slag and atone ,broken for i-avament mat.irials for bituminous concrete bare clashion course,bric3c,3to,,e or surface course 45s block or wood blcck pave- Slag and stone ,broken for moat (saad,slagtlimestono binder course ,shoet as- creenings,otc. ) 4E phalt psvtment 459 Pinch bars, chisel and crovr 434 Soda ash 429 Pipe cutters 437 Soda, caustic( lye) (for Plumbin6' fixtures (for laud cleaning, naxposes) 430 use) (Price 15, cents) 443 0310 Soda,laur,ary (was)-inG soda) 431 :ullers , nail 438 Sodium carbonate ,granular hatchet braces 416 (!o,.ohydrate crystals) 432 Road materials for. top-soil or Stecl, structural ,for ships or sand clay surfaces 4g2 other than naval vessels 469 Ro(.,f coating, asphalt fibraus 42" Stone and slag,broken,or Roof irg;proyared,asphalt ar;d gravel for bituminous asbeotos ,slate-surfecud 423 surface treata,ent 455 Roofing ¢nd shingles ,aai,halt I Stonu and slag,broken,for prepared,slate-curfaccd 25 5 0285 v+atorbound base rr wearing Ropa,cotton V,.-t ccurso 456 Rubber bands 64 C284 Stone and slag,broken,for Rubber matting 362 0306 bituminous macadam bass or Rubber stoppers 3E3 0308 sur.*.act course , 457 ' Rubber tubing 39 0305 Stone and sleg,broken,f er' Rule C1 4119 bitur,+inoue conerr,tc base Sal ammoniac, ammonium or surface courso 458 chloride 446 Stoat. and slag ,brokvn for Send''for *coment grout. fiilk�r, binder eourse ,shiot as- br,'•pac and stono,block pave phalt pavumont 4rj9 mints 461 Stoppers, rubber 363 0308 Sand"`!'or agment, mortat b ,.d Sulphate (morso-saethyrl- got `bi'io1�, tone black, or pn.ra-amlrophunol) metol 421 rroo blbo', pavemgntA 462 Thcrmom®tors , induotrial X72 Saida 30 uoo in 'shoot as- , To%eii ,huck (with woven pt numinous concrete 460 Tubing,, rubber 4 x'{+vo60nt e 39 0305 Sa* blades heck 415 Tabing,brass ,seamless 427 Saw .sets , hand 440 Waterproofing asphalt- ScaliB, we ehing, gaa(jral saturate. wovan cotton spe`6ificat,ions for 473 fabric for 294 0287 Soribure, maohiaiats+ 441 WaterprooMig material in Satlir�g xax . 420 tegral ,vatar-ropullant Sats,band saw 440 typo 444 Siiavos,' spoke 4;p Wax,seeling X120 r Shenre,tinnere + ,hand ('snip:) 4 51' Whiskbrooms 132 BS UNITED STATES GOVE FM VT FEDERIZ SPECIFICATIONS BURD Address WASHI110T01l Core Bureau of Standards August 12 , 1927 ' ubjeots Promulgation of U. S. Government Master Speoificatione by Federal Speoifioatlons Board. The Federal Specifications Board has promulgated todey the following specifications as United States Government Master Specifications: FSB No, 1958 Brushes , Dauber , Long Paddle. Revision. $33n Brooms , Corn. Revision: 4010 Brushes, Glue , Round. Revision, 404a Brushes , Markings Revision. 406a Brushes , Sash Tool, Oval. Revision. ri10 Block For Granite, Recut Granite , And Durax ' Granite Pavements, 511 Brooms, Metal Case. 512 Brushes , Flowing, Badger Hair. 613 Brushes, Flowing , Camel Hair, 14 Brushes, Flowing , Fitoh Or Skunk Hair, 515 l shes; Paint , at ",igtal Bound (High Grade) . 416 Brushes, Pint, Flat Metal Bound (Madium Grade) . 5.17. Brushes, Radiator- Bronzing. 518 Brushes, Roof, Knotted Style , Three Knots, 519 Brushes, Stencil (Flag Ends Out) , 680 Brushes, Stencil ( Yleg Ends Preserved) . 521 Brush ea, Varnish , Flat (High Grade) . ~. 522 —Brushes; Varnish , Flat (Medium Grade) * �2$ ° Brushes, Wall Stippling. 24 Brushes, Whitewash. $25 Dusters , Painters' , Flat. 625 Dusters , Painters' ► Round, Copies of above mentioned specifications may be obtained upon request , by addressing this Board . George K. Burgess , Chairman N. Ps' Harriman Vice-Chairman and Teoh. Seoy. STANDARDS d of Staedard'uation. IT. International Standardising YEARBOOK Agencies. Ill. Nationsl Standardising Agen- cies. 1 927 IV. Fundamental and Working G Standards of the United States FIRST ISSUE of America. --------- V. Feder al Standardising Agen des. Prepared by the National Bureau of SLrndards VI. National Bureau of Standards. VII. MunlApal and State Ageadta. of the Department of Commerce Yill. Oentral Standardising Agen. To be issued annually rim• IX. Standardizing Activities or Bound In blue buckram, 10 chapters,398 pages Technical Societies and Trade 6 by 9 inches,39 illustrations Aa oclations. Price, $1.00 X. Testing and Certification for the coltueaet. ANNOUNCEMENT tr tiE STANDARDS YEARBOOK represents an effort utives. Noteworthy in the trend of the development of stand- Te to present an adequate picture of the div.rsification ards is the process be sed on the cl imination of excess varieties and ramification of the standardization movement and sizes which is supplementary to the slower process involy- which has spread throughout the world with a ton- ins technical consideration. A development of no little impor- ishing vitality during the 75 years that have elapsed since the tance is the substitution of performance, or service, require- establishment of the National Bureau of Standards. It con- ments for composition specifications in certain lines rf gtsnu- twins outlines of the activities and accomplishments of not only facture. this bureau and other agencies of the Federal Government and To manufacturers, industrial experts,engineers,and purchas the States and municipalities, but also of the American societies ing agents, both governmental and general; to all officers and and associations of which standardization Is a major or very agencies concerned with standardization, the Standards Year- Important activity. Descriptions and ill ustrations are presented book will be most valuable. It will Inform the manufacturer of of all the fundamental national standards of the United States. the current standardization movements affecting his industry. Moreover,outlines are given of the various foreign national and It will Inform purchasing agents of new standard specifications the several international standardizing agencies. and will inform the scientist engaged in research, as to current In to general review of the standardization movement in reser.ch projects which may lead to standardisation. To the America attention is directed to the remarkable growth In the average reader it will prove a mine of information on the pros• . activities of the trade associations,the development of"mass• ent •;atua and trend of standardization in all Gelds of industry, production," method of factory production. and to the vital commerce, science,and Government, with references to sources interest now being shown in standardization by industri-S exec- of further Information. DIRECTIONS FOR OBTAINING Superintendent of Documents, THE STANDARDS YEARBOOK 19)7 ;cooler ettha �.ne,re,ve.rbooi�, Government Printing Office, ',A 1917,mgbeo6tataedRomtheBuper•` . . tatmeeatarpocvesentr,aoverotneot Washington, D. C. '. Priut�ag OtAce, Wash(ngton, D. C., . b1'seadia/with uhf order a temittance - eitherinthefnrmaroeatofcemoney There is inclosed $1, for which vlease send me the Standards order,coupons.puued last the specific put" of purchasing Government Yearbook, 1927. pubikatloaa), ts-vtoa money order, lrei York&a t,,,r cash-st the send. er's thk. it Is It,awsat to follow . Name ....•........................... . ...._:..-----... .... .... the dirmics" exptldty o avoid . delay sad eoola8on. An order blank Is given foe yoar to6venle6m Add -------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---. me-tbird,lftobeah.M*dto afordso Address eamtry father than Mesieo sad caned.). .................. ........................ .........._... ..... ......... . •w..,,n m,r,u eta.,.ra a u:. If—aJr{ r :..= _`;.pq;+e , .4 v.v n:^'rw., t, PACILITATMO TIM Uss or srniFIC ron An analysis of the status of the making and the utilization of specifi- cations reveals the fact that many excellent specifications well recognized throughout industry are nct being widely used at the present time becar.se of thy ,inability on the part of moat purchasers to determine whether or , sot �t4 •doamodittes delivered correspond to the specification requirements. A great, impetus to the popularizing of the use of specifications could be given by eliminating this disadvantage to the small-quantity purchaser. As a solution to the problem of eliminating the above-mentioned dlead- vantage and the. eby facilitating the uce of specifications use is being made of the so-called "certification plan. " Certification Plan In carrying ou. this plan there are compiled lists of manufacturers who have expressed their desire to supply material In accordance with certain selected specifications and willing to certify to t..e purchaser upon request that the material thus supplied is guaranteed to comply with the requirements and tests of the specifications. yrom' time to time the State and other public purchasing agents have sought the assistance of the United States-Department of Commerce in the f ioraulation of standards, specifications, and methods of torts for their, purchases, ' Every effort is, thorefora , being exerted to make the certi- fication plan as effective as possible for "public purchasers, " that is, p^srchaseire for the Eesoral, State, and municipal govornmenta who are spend- Ing ':??e money collooted from the public in the form of taxes -2- There have already been compiled by the National Bureau of Standards i 75 lists of such firms as have expressed to the Bureau (up to Aug, 1, 1927) their desire to have their name placed on the lists of manufacturers Trilling, when requested to do so, to certify to purchasers that material supplied in accordance with the designated 75 United Staten Government Master Specifica• tions complies with the requirements and tests of these specifications and is to guaranteed by them!. Copies of any of these lists of manufacturers, to which additions are being made from time to time :an be obtained upon request. The specifications referred to are as followst $pec if i- Specifi- cation Commodities Covered cation Commodities CoNerod Number Number 23 Large Tvingsten Filament In- 123 Flat Glass for Glazing Purposes candescent Electric Lamps 124 Hand Chemical Fire Extinguishers 366 Fire Extinguishing Liquid (1 quart Carbon Tetrachloride (Carbon Tetrachloride Ease) Type ) 37 Leather Belting (Vegetable 1T5 Knife Switches Tanned) 183 • Upholstery Leather 52a Wood Scmws 1 Lace Leather (Vegetable 55 Cutout Bases Tanned) 3 57 flexible Non-Metallto Tubing 191 Brush, Blacking and Dauber 58 Dry Celle (Being Revised) 192 Brush, Casting 62 Snap Switches 193 Brush, Clothes Scrubbing 65 Rubber Covered Wires and Cables 194 prush, Cuspidor for ordinary Purposes 195 Brush, Dauber, Long Paddle go Coal Tar Pitch for Roofing 196 Brash, Deck Scrubbing 81 Coal Tar Saturated Rag Felt for 197 Brush, Hand Floor Scrubbing Roofing and Waterproofing 198 Brush, Hair, Military 82 Surfacing Materials for Bitumi- 199 Brush, Radiator Dusting nous Built-Up Roofing 200 Brush, Shaving 83 Coal Tar Pitch for Waterproof- 201 Brush, Sidewalk iij and.Dompproofing 202 Brush, Tooth -84 Asphalt` for Mineral Surfaced 20; Brush, Window Roofing 204 Broom, Rattan Push 85 Asphalt for Waterproofing and 205 Broom, Rattan (upright) Dampproofing 206 Brbom, Scrubbing 96 Asphalt Saturated Rag Felt for 207 Broom, Wiro Push Roofing and Waterproofing 208a Duster, Counter 87 Asphalt Prime_ _.,r Roofing 213 Band Chemical Fire Extinguisher ' and Waterproof ing (Soda and Aoid Type) 88 Asphalt for Unsurfaced Built-Up 214 Asphalt Prepared Roofing Roofing 241 Solo Leather (Vegetable fanned) -3- Spe c if i- Spec if i- cation C^mmodities Covered cation Commodities Covered Number Number 242 Wrought Iron Pipe (Welded) 311 Rigid Conduit , Enameled (Black and Galvanized) 312 Rubber Gloves for Electrical 275 Road 011 for Hot Application Workers (For Use in Connec- (Type OH-1-25) tion with Aplaratus or Cir- 276a Asphalt for Use in Road and edits not Exceeding 3,000 Pavement Construction Volts to Ground 1 277 Petroleum Aa nalt for Joint 314 Railroad Track Scales Filler (Scueegec or Pouring 332 Brooms, Whisk Method) (Tyoe P_4F-.1-25) 333 Brooms , Corn 279 Tars for Cold Application 3'46 Builders Hardrare 280 Refined Tar for Hot Aoplica- j�2a P1pa,3rass ,Seamless,Iron Pipe tion (Typer Tn-1-25) Size ,Standard and Extra 281 Tar for Use in Ber-Air {fork Strong 282 Refined Tar for Construction 343 Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fit- 287 Tubing, Coppir, Sep.n "les and tiW, Coated and Uncoated Pipe, CopF:r, Seamless, bland- 347 Lao 'Welded and Seamless Steel and Iron F1De Size Boiler Tubes 291 Friction Tape 349 hap Welded Charcoal Iran Boiler 292 Rubber Insulating Tape Tubes 294 Asphalt-Saturated 'foven Cotton 362 Liquid Measuring Devices, Fabric for iaturproofir�: Retail Typo 295 Asphalt-Saturated Pag Felt 363 Burglar Resisting Safes for Flashirgs e0 Ce:aent , Asphalt Plastic 296 Slate-Surfaced, AsT..Alt Pre Dared 411 Tsuleware , Silver Plated Roofing and Shingles 423 Roofing, Prc-ared, Asphalt and 297 Wire Rope Asbestos , Slate-Surfaced 424 Roof Coating, Asphalt Fibrous Organized for the purpose of securing economy in the procurement of material used by the Government , the Federal Specifications Board makes a , strenuous effort to s.9opt such specifications as will cover commercial materials and supplies. Before the specifications are promulgated as official United £tales Government Mastor Specifications for the mandatory use of the departments and establisiurentj of the Government , comments and driticiems'from the manufacturers and interested engineering and technical r adee'ties are given careful consideration. A list of the specifications , thus far adoptod by the Board is attached hereto. (B. S. Mise. Pub. No. 73) Am4 the duties assigned t4 the Board are not only the compilation and !adoption of standard specifications for materials and servicos, but also the bringing of the Government specifications into harmony with the best cnroroaroaal practice whenever conditions permit . bearing in mind the broadening of the field of supply. Enc,oureising the maximum poeelble number of purchasing agents to make use of the speoif test tons of the Federal spa oif test tons Board mould broaden the field of supply by induciiW the maximum possible number of persons to ianu- faetura commodities wieting the requirements of the Federal Government . Moreover, the wide spread use of specifications of the Federal Spoo:fications Board would serve to draw attention to such modifications as might well be made therein in order to render them satisfactory to the buying public, and to bring them into harmony rith the best coamerdial practise . Reference is made herein specifically to United States Government luster Specifications as the lists referred to are those of manufacturers willing to cortify' to compliance with these specifications. However, the plan outlined eoula ivadily be, and is being, applied to other groups of nctionally .recog- nirud specifications, It is to be expected that tihe appli�ation of the plan r' 'si%l be of benefit not only in the general promotioe of the use of speeif i- cations by loth the small and the large consumers, but also in the unifica tion of specifications having national recognition, Beginning with March, 1926, the Handbook of the Society of Automotive 3rngineere has been carrying advertisements restricted to the prod•lats of JIM# that have certified to the S.A,L�, that the parts and materlsls elver ti4ed have been manufactured in accordance with S,A.E, specifications, , jf ' Doubtless the plan Will result in furthering thi adoption of the standards —g- o° the S.A.E, with much benefit to the automotive industry. It will be benefioial in promoting the use of specifications throighout industry in general. In view of the fact that the specifications of the Federal Specifications Board aid those of the Society of Automotive Engineers are being used rather considerably at tt:e present time, it is believed that no confusion will be created by having the firms certify that the commodities manufactured and delivered on orders based on these specifications do actually comply there with. In fact , the application of the certification plan to several groups of nationally recognized spec ifications +1111 serve to draw attention to the present confusion and arouse interest in a greater uniformity of standards. The Executive CoLrmittee of the American Society for Testing Materials has formally expressed the opinion that the certification plan should be applied to the specifications approved by the American Engineeriag Standards Cot%:mitteo. This proposal is now being given consideration by a special committee of the A.E.S.C. The carrying out of the certification plan will me&n that more manufac- turers than at present mill be in need of testing and inspection services ul:on which to base such certificates as they may be asked to issue to consumers buying upon nC 'onally recognised specifications. Moreover,- to .the eftent'that the application of the certification plan will result ir. the use of specifications by purchasers not now buying on specifications, it dill araats a demand for testing service on behalf of tho bi*•ers. In event , numerous consumers will resort to such tests as may be con �,i'jibred necessary br desirable to satisfy themselves that the commodities dog �►o�uali y oom ply with the specifications. It seems evident , therefore, thaE tho'wida-spread arfplicatioa Of the plan must result in a ,greatly ;% t inoreased head for tasting service by both the producers and the consumers, r Commercial Testing Laboratories In recognition of the desirability under present conditions of indepen- dent commercial testing service and in anticipation of a marked increase in the demand for such service in both domestic and export trade, the National Bureau of Standards has compiled and published a list of the commercial laboratories throughout the country that are prepared to test various kinds of commodities to determine whether or not they comply with purchase speci ficatiohe, This list appears in Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publics tion 17o. 90 entitled "Directory of Commercial Testing and College Research Laboratories , " in rhich is given also a list of college laboratories which are t.sed not only for purposas of instruction but also to a considerable extent for research work. In fact , many important industrial research problems are being solved in the college laboratories. ' The existence of a thoroughly classified list of testing laboratories will have a nu-nber of beneficial effects in promoting the use of spoeifiea— ions , not the least important of which will be the inducement to the large number of purchasers rho have hitherto hesitated to buy on specifications. Wetofore , purchasers not individually equipped to make their own, acceptance tents have been reluctant to adopt the specification method of butting commodities because of the fixed belief that many manufacturers work off "seconds" on such tustomers. The knowledge that they can at any time, whin they so lesire, call upon testing` laboratories to check the deliveries inside to, them on contracts based on specifications with which certificates have been issued by the manufacturers, will induce a large number of such ptir62iAsers to take full"advantage of the certification plan. the outstanding fact in the 'epecii'ication situation at the present time : ` i `.that` a very, great hzj ority of the purchasers who ehauld be using speoifi r ,r. cations are not doing so. It is to this, great group of purchasers that the certification plan will prove most beneficial. If, in addition to obtaining copies of ce good specifications as can be written at the present time , all purchasers are able to secure lists of firms willing to manufacture to these specifications and to certify to compliance therewith, and lists of teiting laboratories, many of these purchasers will readily adopt the specification method of buying. This to eEpecially true of the purchasers of states and municipalities who are anxious to use specifications but have not thus far felt ,justified in doing so because of the inability to determine whether or not the coomoditios comply with the specification requirements. What would surely result from the wide application of the certification plan would be a general recognition of specifications as the proper, logical, and economical basis of the contract between the buyer"and the seller. tatimately production and distribution wastes would be reduced to the minimum. a , i ,A r o 4 A DIRECTORY OF LABORATORIES COMMERCIAL TESTING AND COLLEGE RESEARCH �N recovitt'ton of the desirability under present conditions The existence of a thoroughly clissified list of testing of independent commercial testing service and in antici- laboratories will have a number of beneficial effects in pro- patios of a marked increase in the demand for such motmg the use of specifications, not the least important of service In both domestic and export trade, there has been which will be the inducement offered to the large number compiled by the National Bureau of Standards a list of of purchasers who have hitherto hesitated to buy on specf laboratories throughout the country that are prepared to fications, because of their inability to determine whether or test Jarrow kinds of commodities to determine whether or not commodities deliverod correspond to the specification not they comply with purchase specifications. This list is requirements. being issued as Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publica- For the purpose of minimizing the disadvantages Incident ton No.90. to the use of specifications, the bureau has inaugurated a s,41led"certification plan"in accordance with which there 207 COMMERCIAL TFS71NG LABORATORIES are compiled lists of manufacturers who have expressed In accordance with the law the National Bureau of Standards make av,uruuer or cosutaca tests and carries out investigations for other BMW e,rrof+,"e Government departments. Because of the large amount of 4.1"Lm.,r u... this offical work, it is impracticable for the bureau to make DIRECTORY tests for private individuals 0 other laboratories can do the of work. To inform interested persons of the location of other COWER=TESTING AND laboratories,the bureau has compiled a list of the 201 com- E RESEARCH mercial testing laboratories throughout the.country, together LABORATORIES with indications of the types of commodities which they are prepared to test. Special care has been exercised to make ,rucsu ssa�s rose,unos e.. e+ this fiat complete. their desire to supply material complying with certain C IU COUEGE RESEARCH LABORATORIES S selected nationally recognized specifications and willing to, certify to the purchaser, upon request, that the material thus To&&�*rnpany the list of Ommercial testing laboratories supplied is guaranteed to meet the requirements and tests there ha`rbeen compiled a list of 143 colleges whirls are used of the specifications. This plan has already been applied net'only leis the purposes of Instruction,but also to a consid- to 48 United Stites Government master specifications. tiable extent for research work. In fast, many Important Copies of any of the 48 lists of manufacturers, to which Qustrial research problems are being solved in the college additions are being made from time to.$ne,an Se obtained latwritories. upon request. , DIRECTIONS FOR OBTAINING THE DIRECTORY OF LABORATORIES Coples of the Directory of Commercial Testing and College Research Laboratories may be obtalned/ram the Superin ten den t of Documents,Government Prin tin j 09ice,Woshin/eon,D.C., by sending WITH the order a remittance either in the form of post office money order,coupons 0asued for the specific purpose of purcharin4 Government publiedtlons), express money order, New York draft, or ash—at the sender's own risk. It Is important to follow she" directions srpl citly to arold delay and confusion, An order blank is plven below for your eonrenienoo. Add one-third if to be shipped to as fors!/n country (other than Mexloo and Canada). ............. ...............................................................I..................................... SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, 7Jokrter eW Prison! Ofice, WasAinglon, D. C. ?�t friclo ed l$eWt,lot 014 please son dmo fAs Vrectory of Comnurtfal Testing and Collett Rewrch Laboratories" f;8etrf�il,alatidd>ari Albeellaneous Pmblieaffon No.90). Nahp:............. .....•........... ......... Address: .................................................. ......... • r �,o,.u,M mar,.,wr,,,.,• �'—err/ y • r :' u ` 1 , ..1 .r M ,•,,:a r , i ' '.t'a Top / ,y .:lv fir^.✓ �� r; � 4 �', Ri Y}. . . �{ t S N? A� y 9 1r �,� -0 £ " �a i,! + '�SrND�'R � r �R �, 4 'r t. ,7 • Lfi1.0 ,� +� , �r I k 1 " , a� -� uy� 4 �F/' �r+�a��` ,bra , T. M , r' 4 r 4 ,. � : < .l` , R 6 : F� ^ p ,r r`F ♦I 1 l l t f Y f a r ".,� �, F � � > r4v° n' ✓�:6�5 d x�;r k tf ,` � '.cl r }+ + rrt< w ;' a. r S " 'Y It'llr r r 7 ♦ IY I, _4" u �+1, �}Y� 81(kr a. �i r�'. ��� 'r ( '!�!"� t r a 4a ( � r t ` i �•i a~t , r a 1 � 5, � L d,.• Jr 17 .ylx r R M, rl'Ye a J•Ri .'r d .,r.� � ��S Sf Se, Ll +1� � , `Pr ry r,l : f 7 i r�j i S. . or, W * ' .v�!` '. E 1 ,R ( {� i I���' i". 1'4 E15 .� t .♦ � S t ? b s �� y �: yFrY y �kr �. 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' ,1, -: A r Jn iV': 1 r trt • 9 . t - ' ` + .t y t' YY.` :� f`! ' 1 .?lt+r.c .ru `w1 TTp�, !} �., F R i l �n • �.x ttJ r ,� r rs� i. k .•a. J IN Y �'r � F P r ,• r �r f'� 'i�`7 '+• 1 `i a arr r °d y .r r i ,, z h14' a 1 •k/ '�k irk 10 s ,W / ff !! ' ♦� 1 , a a"^ '♦ �� t {7 Y 1 i ivd'" ''vi♦ Yr j 'r' Sy T :y`��1y, Er Free re.����Yl Yx r '. f t t�ye k ��s 5. Y � Y1 � '� 'i tl t• 2r � " 4..�r. a y ri rM ��- I �i '{5e � ��{r x .�i'. 1 r i�y,� r "�' ¢�i rrw c _ }h}� ey "Z �. _ rr ??,, �Y M1 t :� 1" t e V4tV�0�Lr )� r r 3 �f 1Y ♦ b,j��p�, , yg N� 'J 'Gr71'0`.;l ' y.; .^�� 1 � �� YGi�♦� i �{(0� � 1 �� NI i'LJ�4 ' Q `t .r'�Y S. :.i'Y,Sie,an r t..'1. 'L",.r;'a� �'.�jl;v P�.NY ♦'! fY+t'1pa�w,q'` .+• rl { k� d► '� Attaahaft 'hero halo 'our�14d3' ' t t0i4 39;,0h -fho a -; 04�14'. In O tlo sort` oi''+ +'"g h t4 6d '4tbtie« ,y t'o t fir ,. a mOf1t CT the B(rai3l1T7 Ppr eoAb�I1� the tiLigbudl'df f{h0 rrii `" ���<; M 1 F r xpla�tAtionk` th s tbW '•fo , '.d �aagc �s? e�`"` � ," v ' y. flop a- P stir, #hnt"t @. oo un hasp I000" ild � ;� `"` ' , �,� :s < thy! ra�ii ElC}8 i*ar• this t' �k' O'4 ;'what thoYv,tel ,'i �',�;�; ';' a , r4t$� 'va'ropano¢ eriki n� "tro !'iimeft :cdapb� tib�1;�„�� .'Whidrt . i� d ''bP olea' in tsi 0 'ti, aot n ; tt s t to Tr . fr' ♦ti b thc� rbttedN �� rtlr Y ` {�/. Ax .�1 1 r��l y1y ' 1 [ y1 •i.itV•i7ii �e��io Y'+ P -.i +1P .aF'i lliilr rf�t lw r00 Ickom th4 ” b4,�i1'" C l�dVi �a; d', �taisi thl� ateOr ra °,Y `, . .. '�, f�ra_ tt'1� 1i .r " r+, r` ,p 9/ ,.+,,e..s. l♦. ,+�,, ,N'' t S rA� yS1M 1, y y. rr t ^ , + d j • IIYPS IFrr[Y 1. f F " "1 rdX:' r " •a",« `.' .,, r R i > 4 r P a,, r r ` tl tR xouTR fC� a,Se2 rFX�1� �.: a r Y b1'r rr,a '! ♦r f'Qy lg ,r '> i' ti Y1` 9aa °1 44 E 1,5 'S`•*�. Y r T ;'� Y1 1 b .� T. .♦ 1 Y Y t J lei" X n' y 4 . :} L l' ��!! o r � eAl'X 'I.C yy,,{(� ����.yy..��a I 'l ,Si' 1' V♦ Y ` > � > PK'�+�'{�`G�' I v �"� '�'°'�:'Yj'�'°' t11 ♦ y R f t� ,$'qk'D s # C, 1. t- n 4 r r^F, rr 3• ry R r $ " , ♦ 'r"° ; 4k. t ��' 1 1 L ..3' � pb4 l IN 4 0A ',1 a Y ;r>h r� , a e,4 �ee $b,�"r � r ♦' ��'" . IN r +�r r 11 r�! 4 1 5 ; FYI YY j<V , y r I4 I . '[ tr., N 9 vy.:. tT, i 4 aL r• �5 A. r 'J.i3r :'�r t rM*r;:•tl+' u F ' .!'l,, 171r5'e �rY� i �Ini•: J kX V '�. � y'�.�' ' e .fey 7 tt t ;t k't 1� i It 'i r, :Ga t+ w t j Y r r ..i \ Joe Y 1 tiil., A » ,� iF ljii ,Pd ItC'^'', Y ♦w." aL�' P r 4 1 r , .. 4 " }.,�;� r��K j t,�1v,� al Yljw"y. t r 1 Y rnJ�'/ea ♦`'.`:lE �• y� f i Y to.irthK Y '�tM 1 Ar Y r • „ rk'� ,y,C � { r'� '' ^f:,+f"11 /MC ,�l. V ai R'. ' a . f � " �'�r7 �� `'4. �,�ayl aY . Jt"� �a�!�, r a3a1' ��. �1 ♦ � 7� '� " r �''r r W '� 'r ��,��ti� �z" nN«ir WIN vik V�rd S /Tr*��f''eX i3 �?.'., �rl d'1(,� Lrr 3 �k *r ?' ., Tl.ea f14 IF i�{fM1.�(✓'•�'I' �J'rYL� Jk� 1•L �Y.W l ��V♦ �'�.7 � F�t ,b �\ t"� " 'E' 16r�1'tii ylf YT1"!. y } �Y�� Rf 1 �y rJ " :�^ e� �)frm�S.1N'. (�� tiLtr ��,q��l'^� ♦Y �.�4a ,*It 1. J1♦ • t v y M ♦! � t r.?"•jl r[ �, y :' J �"irL' i Y /{ e�. .jf 1 Y k^' .`Y ���, '.sl♦ ..i r i �.. 1 rr N�y�[y..1zY'�'�, '"`'M1!ci err ^c,''y't✓lt 'aY Al "•��, a.y "r ' r { t %�t rva,; yl .r� +T"11' '. V r '(� 1. tM1 �r �kd i, > y � ♦'' ", r'� r ��yy� , nr ti�'1E � , fi ,.r,;i •. .Irt ,i�,� 1 rd rl I t y yak 1n 'A �° 'firs � � r Y a 4 `tr r1e N- Y wr•r. � �b�, t � ��, r f.� 50' y' Frz 1 ;a 3 �,,,,I j s+ [[.+•e. 5 la f. � ",a `. IN i �. 1�;�±'`l" � .�F� y., r..rY 1. �, ... , - i..Nr x/'i.> ra .:'i* t li r. .a..•n . r .I Ir Ill I z Submitted bg t Ok hahoma Cif Scenic Compan l ti L.x: t estnattstted toot I Oklahotria Cit Okki v t IC d -�1 IT "l 0 T` 'J �1 Y A N •�� { `IR ' rl� I,A-'r } r "I f f J, H1. I 4 J I 4 nr c 1�4A z �i I t �rk� 'f vI e r :l ! ! $LLs 'F , + )fik r ' 11ju 1 I � 1l 4 1 V '. i I rh „1 ”+ l I r,A 'C{Y 9 1 5 N r i f'r k e I - 4j 1 •IIIb I , 1`k � I �� r , I• 1 I'♦, k t !4 e k r 7 4 � '� Sr II n 13,4 y A 1 . A I 1 �. !�i� �i 1 � ' 5 { .--- Oklahoma City Scenic Company ---. Lstablished 1901 CONTRACT Texas State of------ --------------------- .w County of---Dnnton-------------- This Contract made and entered into by and between the Oklahoma City Scenic Company, of j Mayor B. W. MoK6fizie , Mayor of 0ity of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and------------------ -------=----------------- -- ------------------- i Denton,Texas. °------- -- --- -------------------- `---- -----------------------•---------------------- The Oklahoma City Scenic Company hereby agrees to fuimish and install in the---Q .v---------- Auditoritnn of Denton , Texas - -- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - - such scenery-------, stags equipmtat and draperies as listed in . d according to the at'sched specifications, Twelve Hundred Dollars which are h reby made a part of this contract, for the sum of____----------------------------- f and no/100 IL I/ further uncle d and ajreed that the Oklahoma C y Bcealc ompYpany wlti be Holt +� yy of lnstatltUbn and t delay Caused by reneoqq of ufldln>t not' hems ready to recall lnatallallon otter lh6aG'W'f oini Cite. " I Scenic Company has n notl6ed t0 proceed R'ilh eat will be cherawd to the Durchale rate of $10.00 per or ea ch da day o• delay otter I eta on man arrives on the !o Shipping charges will be paid by-__QkhbMW-9 #pm by----------------------- The sutra of.money herein„named will be' paid Denton, Texas -- --- ---- ------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------- at tis' adminis '#,h• t.Mors or ,. i tuts gns, to the Oklahoma City Scenic Company, upon installation of th'+ lists equ1pih2'h+., according to contract and specifications. ibfta _This �_s3�'�pladterer; 0_e'i lingQ. Lrr_rr r'aY _1.1 ---- ` --- --- --r r r ----------r--------------- -----.------- --y- z r -” - ........ ------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------- �- ----------------------------- - ------- - - --- __ y - 46 dedid4 Widin 0 item rks: z . ray___; ....... --------------- taken - ot>, on - •----------------------th, and mU6t', be inst�lied ---- 1 -----------♦a----------- --- rr r_ -.. _____ -- JIX ......................r• -_---I -. ------------- rrr _ r_ - i i - _ A ;... r t .... 'Vr� h , r'--;" tt'°!1 Also mutually 4 d ^std. uadetstood thlit the t le id,the &W'ye /peci4ad equipment. or any portlo4 tSetrot aeatl not {, poi/ to the pt st��ff, Dnt eh }l timi to (bo bktshorna ty Bceato 0impany, a/ tte perwffal ptopertY netli full t�ymint of tits ^'r auto hereto spedAf�padball htl�rye a lafdi to the Okiahorna Clts ypsnlo Comcanr tta agent 'In o�aaa• of yfaefabil t she mint of e //t�d� ofIuoA�taeeht Er�U Yibhe r tht thoq ��t the+..�tefr�re LlreiltlMi}dltsotl el e4nuad eroEhOt[Caja td lilts upon nAy np=Qtlr^she/ ithar/ ttie rata pttpDettY eniY foYad lhd t pOSbeer104 tillerlef. k1 Out b!!ni dulny o!'ahr trebpakr or tbti Ln$ Wt�Oitt lhheetbby tended themaelYes tlabt to tbluri sum received by them on oald proDpeetty and sppyy anpd alt ■ggme of Mosey tttt��tters- loL7tte ftald re Wald by the 8tttjomt ty hfd Cc by or to Usl A u fall rtlpettas. n for the.Ce Ycfat and Of tu�[d prOpert , ibd ul to eftpenee0 A AA1!fr* na sad rou",Ing wain, lad thi 'tetatlar 6! Id props atu11 'oonil.C.�}e 1u11 it ftltent Ahn charre 0 ally" sad'4fl ty nader tole obatraCt, d4 the f rrttytr t ry t Matt o eltbbr Of the pattles betetA ''Whereof, V hAva aiet'�btlr ', 1>tde�'lhid �. °days Hof riillp�Y ♦♦AA /y//�� AccepE j, Rcs titull `� .....,'� . fit-• t'` �+ - 1� y eubmittedf okLAHOMA CI'T'Y SCk1QC0.15 ANY,B�f. �.,✓ .:11 r`uL.r..r1.L'r'� ° ' �'7'V . 1- MEE = L'G�i lrr_rrYrrJ :ri-iLir_�i.::r'«r.arrilrrrr r:Lr ii ,. 1. 0 A 1t h C4 ' SMOMOATIONS for Stage Scenery and Stage Nquipmenti OITT AUDITORIUMIERNTON, TDX. Thefollowing list of equipment together with the plane are to be !oongidered as speoifioations oovering: the stage soenery,stage dim. peries and operating equipment for the Uity Auditorium of Dentuh T$xa's :The' drops: and settings listed shall be exaob reproduotions of the miniatures submitted,and same shall be made without. any •filding bf drapb ;uhile tutdes� ,00nstruotion TA IKRIi810N8= The prosoertium opening is 28' 4" wide by 171 high in oenter °oP ;sroh� y ,ahioh Qrope .do)rn 'to 189 at sidee . From mall to wall is 31' IM . Bta a "depth `ie,>lb' 7M• from ourtain line �but from footlight trough it' � Atage.'osiling °id 181 high. =Stec a oeiling 'id :rounded , At baak#beginning baok about `31 .from rear e+al�r `sunfaeV004101111 Yalande �birddtjK # ,V Kleot'rio bluets aa . submitteds` �rhiohl i Sto be .,bokpleatdd 'Ohta webbing a! top ottojf'1b to cbe ci . `, t 'ialed t►itb` s3M 'gold "ei11c .lringe + •Thib rtaianee oonfoins 6C9f fulseei, ��' • v�itri a �.i►1liA;�•pandl in -eenterdeoorated with an 'em'bienf�►lio `siof�og�'am, . . os��'exa'e ,uSind then• eroTAb" 'OITY 61t1>pSMbjtK i�ioirble . a Ond sunf►st 'Yelous• `ourtsin tb matoh above ralan0e ,made in two siealio t�one ,ti ,�$loetbd 'onto f ° r. ;e4'4soihs11' oitaid�b l atioH 3' 'a6�4i'�sllfril;d; b e,t",hbwob A btbt'itnagg`. osai't td ;And Ot /n oette� rd AoroH one O � ' n Th ' oui�tain is . trimmed with two rows of '� d aloti galooii;add aorstairis weights lit the ;hesn.' a. . One noi'`seieee' 61hi lrio#iori- t'rabkiwith tlo416te 4nd7lessal de opera• , , } �}sr, Otis "All "o! . �r , toideA` iok Irid ga� i th � ptSir,d �roinogt, te lMtho 1•�b..g door,>d, o g ftyM drgo �y to ,,l a e , I S,� ,�, , , � � •ot�e Iro�r'land`,dro�'�sXd� � . , Ot'l10 , wobdl&Ad `wings ,*ith`jfiip�e��. e , S ;E a Two woodland borders to be out out . One modern interior box setting,00nsisting of: 1- oenter door seotion ,double doore ,painted to represent c. woodwork) 1- window wing,with both prenoh and plain . windiwe,oass- ment style) 2- single door seotione(with painted woodwork doors) 2- jogs plate to mask in stage . This interior setting is to have a kitohen painted 'on reverse side . The window wing is to be equipped with loose-pin hingee . A -tapestry is t�j be painted on one of the flate ,Design 600. Two interior borders to match. above listed setting. Tio ' stage braces. Six stage sorewe . One olio Spanish design , 4060 CZOT�' All drbPs , sbt soenery,and borders are to be PLinted on durable 6A b. oanvas ,sepnoially oPaqued too that the paint will not pe'ei Otf. Two, rows`' of border lights leach row to be 201 long,and' hung to � b6 adju9tabie . The ,border llghta are wired for one reoeistaaie F fbr Ave ry, fdot,and 'are , *I for three oiroo1v lighte. Bulb's are , ' � rnOt` i`noluded_in this oontraot ,but stage oabie ar.,: instailstion' axe. a ,,,,,,,,Lrob,�: r;;a�:IraTNAlwn- A11 drops are to be , supplied with double 36 clear white pines straight. grained and Vall seasonrl battens. All set sooner and wirlg's sfle r to ;be aide of 30' olear white pine . All joints are` to,'t,e so +A•tis,ed And ,;tenone4 or 'equaiand clout nailed toga tharu,aird iii corners takdn oft . XI ?be drops specified &re to be rolled upon 'a, reenforoe�d roller The b borders 'ere to ber lifted,and oarxidd over and tjed:att. Urge �woo¢en p tallsys Are' o be `ti�sads rTbe borders' are "to be ti'ridle�i. C .. t M.� A A A t 1�1 i11l -bb lgd tor`' MCI netaliatitl i after 6dA6 ' is' oomp�et�d lrl ,a d6rdafio'4'►itii '"these b` eoitio ' ione,and with o6htraot�''r` ; �ry�y/ywy 4 r . thbse` igqatione sorer W� "6b oowpiete,inoludi the equip. EI �edt iwali8d 'on' the atsge in' 6 ,.workm&nlike ,manr�e r ,t�eady for uid`� )I \ k ar t� p T � 1Mat e o bo , t e be3`t of thei � iide ,'aria ►i' '°�i �iet`I a Our;tiely repro4ua�ng the �,Noue diori,Ahd settings- iii '66 t , 1111 11111' Ijjjj 1 11 P 11 ,+ ' .A Yvan '�� �a � ✓' PA � ri���,A•,.( I Ag1�y n � �r(Yr, 'Y�.. � 'Arv�., r , r.; .y.� 1' , " I '�^yfA,i� .�iA�vA;,1• ,jg9#P . �'� `i �aj•^{+lf..al!; ,'? C' i .�,...,*i: ir.r iJ Yrl ���5m � v F r Fx✓.,` y \' , J . 4 a.., � '� t , t "J �a Y 6 ryYK ' � t r, \i G n'r t f ; � � a h u x '� r :4h of •i\ i � "� ki 14 A, s �A %fi�f1� h'+rlrJ d e ra V `: i 1 ,,� A r u �„• •��� r � � .5�,4 P✓ Y tV A r r iF r 1 P:� ✓ ° , , ,F. r trYir^.. 11� t`�k 'F n • (V��R 1 � : f r r l" r ` 5t ,. '.. r �k� t �'i �7�,F` . , r � i ", y ( i},� , :i 5 `i y ' r • �1� }�1,f4v�hit � ,, '.0 , �. , �' �t ,5 � � � J Y�'�`•r i c r r t \ f�, �j.• a5� rr �5y � 44� Y V R I YI> R a , ✓r y �r f 3 � v. F V' ♦ l � Y S1 � 0�l tt , 1�' � ! b � 4 r ' !\ 1 w k S � , } 'i i t f r ^', J S �•[45 �ro� r - 1 ,� �S5 }yr� V} '_ r r L e � i r ,�p . r5!'. t 'S� ' ,rr � i / n 4 � t5��'�.• ° r r !' 1 l y•fri '1 r K":. V y a ,nil a� ��y � � v � �����,��,�:'2' rM v r R fl V '�! r � � a✓�: n 1 �1� 1 R r"' f � r r: . �,. y .' Jr�� 1 f5�y r4 kkrn I V� y��,w�-��� r A'./�r,f j ,�l ♦ tR� � I � >' y , i . t q . 4" � d V r r + N n � r c t dfi �� i�'�k?r'i t,K>.4,i✓1:1-��I'{5 riK?i?4, 45N o.5,.d rl� y a"f � f . 1 c, d r ,.in 'n +r ' f: r y�.. . R r w � �✓tt��, rt � �� 5� ti �4 ��� , J f� � r✓ a+�S� ,� Jt S ' f v4� 1 �> , , r �' f /�l xV � Ia ! r. I {B � ,��flFr �� r w" G} } � y [, r vY �i r � � 1 r m , t �'.i J •.! G� C+In1yl /�'� r i�i, 1� r i r r a )Y- v � r ✓(l� 11 ; � r v nr r7��' a1 "i e 5 :v r A ".�r J r i ' l r i n r�l � 4 i J.W.CAWIN,StCY.•TRIA1. C0MMl$lrvNVtS3 LARION BRALLEY,ATToAnCY W.RMILLIR,CHAMMAN H.T, RoKWRTER, ENowIIR } L.NAIL4V F. t. MINER,HLALTH WPICIR �1T �t �1` W.R.LARRY . J, A,VO:NO, MARSHAL V��YY�a 1111 i' ` `, ll CLAUOL CA/ILq R.RV .RANCIS M. CRADDOCK W. D. McKENZIE. MAYOR DENTON, TEXAS ` To the Hon. Oity Coromissionp August lOp 1927: Detit9tip Texas. aentlemew -- Mr . Me T . Brewster# city engineer, Manager of Water and Li ' t departmept has this day tendered his reglginatioh as such officer and I hereby appoitst Mr. We K. Harris of Dento$p Texas to this position and respectfully ask that you confirm salt appoifitmefl"t. Mayor Of Dento✓ , r r e • S � ( + It 1 j• f y` ,v111� Yip ^jI f' j•. 1 1 •�I 1 rr s •e . r + ` '� to f r e r �• a ,4rY '. .. 4 x e w aw FZ 1 I f 1 C4 l��h{nt7y�l�Rtey 1`i� sy• iv Lei der YY y r Y e jy s.t: l �{e N� I 1 �'�E� �dn�' I Xw i th � t• clot + r a ; to � 1 2 ,.� •i �, y �r e .. �. r • e II IV {\�P r" ''` 11 tree 1 ie A,Y 01 LZ xr6 Y IC .J: I 1" . 3 111 1 .;i ..i . 1 C. lY 0' Il :i ''1 T"MIit 7 . v C 1 C% .. :h .'t tilo ).1�,�.1 �, o ur 1,u1,ee of t1le ill the City of I�er� tcn , F3;t�a.c , s �"1). ?;e uc _oi'.11t� ,; tc ?ne x';3.'_os;in ch�:dt•.le , CG 4,it: - ertt 30 1 'c . vg Cver 50 IC V. .Oax Cb3J:1;I�i:IA?. & 1.0ti2ii „.zees b' fr�t 6b , .[0g "ext 100 Y. 1i .07¢ I'ex t 650 N V 05t1 iext 1000 r Yr 0$je CvQr 2000 Y. 71 .0$X [nat t'no above rate to bocovw efi'ect and be in TOT force Sri ' off oct Irota and after tho first du; of Sap tet.:}oi ,A T), 190037. G'uCxlbir 2. a3.1 or(tinanoeo its ooni`list horw ith arf" and shall be rape&O-ad un-1 of 1%0 • I'o WOW ftlld',43VtoOt t'rom ELI*14 °,bf tAr . that, pagtll14;C, 4 tr�6i k , ,� Pr( + , K A �i! 4 r t y q, VbY 8t' tfliN�" LS�tt7 41�e6 J� r vA way: thie' ;021dind"00 is , to'. takii offdet an�� ty'` the .annt'n C Lfi o di o 2) nlZ,en dv exae, , i, tthat oaid 0rdinpAdo b©ing in cfV60It not latex than $eptonb$r t B nd i TQnrain @liOU } timo t0 h&Yt3 said ` grditsallo pakeed on' three adpardtd dayo and tha: the rule i , '' td',ui r , ordinb�nae$ r," read o!S throd eepiwatto 0 car3bioria bd NerOY 0"iponedbd kris aii 1 and that' thi. '" s , 'I pladold Oil its $a00: ( an".t i1nai raadinC, M y .3'Crzolr 4 Tint ti:io orciir+Ej:°;co 81"!121 I:' 1% full 1'0 cu ur:Q ofioot from cu;�' ni' tor itu "L;o an:t thim tho 2;rd duy of ��• r 4L' r4 ,. -- Ch�cii r7n t`�.t,; l.or, iort . �= oitj o e, cra tCll�.,r ... . . . . Approved au to i'o.i,r.i:.___✓-f . �±.�:�A-Ixot pY'oved at LI. , 1 1 s 4 qd y 41 r, i 1 - F3 1�y 1 f r 4 $ l y 1 ! t ,� rt•r 'F y y r � _ ] t i yb t <� r< r•-4 t r y ` A ' J,W,ERWIN. S1CV,TRIM, COMM ISSIONIR6: MARION IRALtSY. ATIORNIY W.■,WILLIR,CHAIRMAN K T, BRIWSTIR. RN0IN19R ���I�'' yy� Y L.■AILIY F. I. PINIR,H140H OFFICER {,1.1I � Clt�'0*1 W.W LAKIV J.A. YOU NO, MARSHAL VV��♦4 `YJ +1 cuuDl cun[su[r ►RANCH M,CRADDOCR B.W. McKENZIE, MAYOR DENTON, TEXAS Denton, Texas . To the non. City Commission, Denton, Texas . Gentlemen!-- I herewith submit to you for your oonsideration the following monthly report for month ending September 27, 1927. WAT A AND LIGhT1 Everything in this department in good shape . We are making all neoeseary extensions and oolleotions are good . We hear no complaint. Have word that our new engine will be herein due time and our new engineer seems to be doing good work and taking hold fast. Street and Bridgel -- Ire hays been unable to do m«ah work in i , this department reoontly on a000unt of work being done on streets to be payed but we are about through that work now and hope to put the streete , in good shape POLICE$— Our new speed 466p in on the job and doing good s . wrork but on abao`unt of failure' to sollest fines as an �1 besaue'e we 1 Y !,nn lOt ;get` warraiiti, p g e0mmapdrd ;,to. ap�?a x,41?1 :'aorpa�6t�` ; � a eerwed anti es ,be�n tioll 'sourt' are ignoring their summonej five having been sumt o�sd to k ' yegterday and 'ndnA a .one showed up. Unless we can get 'gomsthifig ` d6he wb' had !as 'weli' do away with this department eniir'ely,r,, he oieah up was wail done and Dr. ' Pinar rerorte' ryi�ing' iii, goo! ahape�' , d$nerai ' oQnditior�gt� GenerAliy speaki�i16 oferyEriipg ie ii' good; c F " shape Arid f1eK oiEy hail will be oompibted goon! ` RoapsotrIU,ly gubnitted. 81 ,1M/ Y©Kenzie itayos►. eel J j '��CM�°�if,y l: i'.,°� "K'^ "".��.x - '•w'; . r�.m^ ♦n• S:'r;A",.. ��,t.�Sl� �}N�:Tj'ti+'�`L'n� r � 1 F Aj J, W. IRWIN.SCCY:TRBAS. Comm 1s$ION I ROL MARION BRALLBY,ATTOANB• W.C WILLIS.CHAIRMAN H. T• BRBWSTBR.BNBINBBR .*Y� i r ��# �� L, BAIL.Y P.s,PJNLR. HCALTH OFFIC04 �tT W.R.LARCY J.A.YOUNG, MARSHAL VVVV''''♦ Y CLAU09 CAStLIBIERRY FRANCIS M,<RAE000B W. R.MCNENZIE, MAYOR DENTON, TEXAS • August 239 10 27. To the Mon. City Commission, Denton, Texas, Gentlemens -- I herewith submit to you my montly report for the month anding August 23, 1927. WAT8R AND LIGHTS -- This department in good condition@ miring excel- lent service and collections good. STREET AND HRIDGX1 -- We have our streeto in fair condition. Good deed patching done on gravel and paved streets this month and dirt streets ,'.' kept dragged and mud holes filled. The sixteen bridges completed iacluding the one on E. HoKinney. This department is very busy excavating around back of the square and will be ready for paving in two or three days , We understand the paving will start right soon , POLIOLs - EverytUng norking good in this department. City quiet and very. little orims so far qs we know. About the usual amount of ` speedipg. SANITARY AND HEALTRi Going good. Everythint 0. K. Dr. Piner has had fair sueoess in getting weeds out. Oity has been running a s bores dran nowsr and out great many weeds and grass oA etr�ets and GEIIRRALLY speaking the city is in good shape aMd board of squalor its ioli will finisli this week. All offioers and employees workilzg haft 6jaiiously and for the best interest of the arty apparentlyB Oi, y, !Sall will *be eomplete, we hope and ready for 000upaney at your , i�6xt f�egular meetings which will be September. 27th. Rsopeotfully Submitted. ? ! ay0f . r . %I J t r Y r i ri 1 i f,r A I I I 1 r4 ^ V Sl 4 � 1 J I 4 II ��-•t Fjj a I t � I . It'- 1 11 1 Y J � S P p � J.W, ERWIN. $ICY-TRIAL. COMMI{{ION[Rbi MARION BRALLEY,ATTORNEY W. I. MILLIA,CHAIRMAN H.T. RREWETER, ENOINI@N L.EA'LIY F. E, PINER.HCALTH OnICEK (�t 0 +'' C1t 11tt W. N.LAKIY J, A.YOU NO. MAR@NAt e' /RANG 9 MACTL DDOCK W. B. McKENZIE, MAYOI: DENTON, TEXAS July 26, 1027. To the Hon. City Commiesion, Denton, Texas@ aentlemesis -- T herewith submit to you, for your approval, my montly report for month ending July 26, 1927@ , WATHR AND MUT DEPAHTURNTO This department is in, good oonditio4p giving almost perfaot satisfaotion, furnishing' plenty lights and < ` water and oolleotione good* We have made all neoeseary extensions and, �s)etantiy� putting in new street lightss We have purohased, to be installed as soon as they arrive, twelve street lights with long levers extending out into the streets from the poles that he hope to, give better lights where we have so many trees and limbs. Xe will use these old lights in plaoes as they are needed. STRUT ,LAD BR$Dags --�lfe have our streets if1 good oonditiosj. Our ,T bridges all _oorapXato exoept one on Winney and it nearly oompletoo I. Szoavatioo starttLd oo, Ash for paving and we will be able to eta y I oub of" the way , for pavioso I . .'8AN17Aht1 Health of tho oity Good. Dr@ Piper has need Butting goio'g' ' good espsoially among the resident oitixens. Pbt.iOgr Offioors xorhng in harmony ,and very few violations of law. Hear grsay snarly oomplaints of speeding but, speed oop Neeras ''to # �. b!, w oj kitl6 '&ithlullr and Wbe are trying to deter, speeders from ' speeding by !'isles on saah and emery one unless they hav,6` iatl- � sene� i o saki>li the alt is in ooQl eo ditto Oiti gait � lit p, , g y g n Ri Y � hIi,ll be oomi- by ' mp ioyeis doing .good work aid a4 spNoial ' eBemmendatio�gr to mak66 lteepeottuily subtittedl , YI } / M� i • AAA-- � 1 N 1 • 7 F r r r a , ` r f• Y i i 1'� t t r ' � r " 4 y r J, W. ERWIN.69CY.•T0EA9, COMMISSIONLRE, MARION !RACE EY,ATTORNKY W.S.WILLCR,CHAIRMAN H.T. BRE WSYER.ENOIN EiR ��' L. BAILEY F. E. FINER, HEALtH OrFICE■ {11.1{ �� �,f� 'tt��� W.R. LAKEY J. A. YOUNO.MARSHAL VV�� P CLAUDE CASILCEERRY IRANCIS M.CRA003CK B.W. McKENZIE, MAYOR OENTON, TEXAS June 27, 3927. Ton the ?ion. City Commission, Denton, Texas. Gnetlemew-- I herewith submit to you, for your oonsideration, the following report for month ending June 27th. 1927. MATER AND LIGHT DSPARTLOTO This department is in good shape and so far the out in water rates will not materially reduns tha revenues from this department . Servios is good and oolleotione fair oonsirv-� ' Ang , the time of year a►id soaroety of money# We have been making several extensions and are abcat ready for paving to start so far so vre are oonaerned► STRSHT AND .BRIDGE! ti The otreets are in good repair and bridges almost oompleto► HEALTH AND SAMITARY# The health of the oity is good r eo our health ofFioerreports ► Vary few oolnplaints about weeds and rubbish, A dozen or more dry 0100 eta have been eliminated in the I past month or'` w0 acid wa are pieased with this departments vi , t ' , ' h&ve?OOmplaints of speading but our 1.'Stot R♦♦� oopaeems tb be w6x%kio'g iii and°d iieatiotys iti thin department are _ s /yA ` {1 Yl I•-. Y Y yF `"'', ,3;;,i, ", ; , ' ° gobi , abttigidet+ii ► �' rtiii hear ' 60116 oompiaitYta that our hour park- oemetarry I Out► park and oetaeterry is in gdbd ohoDd and gat4bra11y speaking wi think the sity id in good oonditibn� 0 'Asapeotfuliy 'submittedo Ami kayor. . .. �. . w '^.,,.,,�,. � . a r. -. ;.. , . , .,. �'. a .. ,., � _ ., _,. ,. r,. r ' ,. � �f " � � . , ♦ it a'A ' V / I , ° F, ,� CV �. * �. � rJ1 � ' �.. � � � � i - ^, � f � ..i R� � � t. I � � x. � y � . ��t. k:� � 1 �i' �� `t ''` Y � . I:.. � i '. �� � .. I ' ` � r � •i �" �: � � �e' { � �,� 1,F �t F ;A� Pi .r. d � � ' I �. Form A 43 CONTRACT Between the NEPTUNE METER COMPANY, of New Fork, N. and .._............. _......................__....................... ............ Of...........DER1.0.N.,....TEXAS_...............__...... For TRIDENT WATER METERS Dated ...... ._ .........1927 . 1. PARTY OF FIRST PART NEPTUNE METER ('01113ANY A91-ces to sell, and 2, PARTY OF SECOND PART .....................C_.1......T...YC.........-..-F...........la...li...Y.....T....0....IT............................................._............... . .Agrees to purellaSD, under the followiug terms and conditions: 3. KIND __........_.._......R....?....P...E.... ...,T...._............................ ..................._. ......WATER METERS 4. DURATION Period of ......................._. .Q...N...S. ....._..Y...�...A...R.............. ......._........._..—,-from date. 5. QUANTITY The rnunber of Meters required under this contract shall be_ 200 _ eters of the M111 villue of.. 12 3..65 ..00. .......... .............__. _.........Dollar:. 0 e unl vat a in lar , or fz s • G. PRICES e`lcontraot is rekke"7t1.l st ea 1 s cuntz�a t fis m de tt a isoou t o 45,o fr to iat , whion AND applie o �`` i zes and types 0 lnetere and parW UnFTAlrLIT;U LSiS'��}y�X�5spa1g eedelhai� the company will allow the city t� m111 o��R t LO1�IB ,f$ 1BDE T DISK ld bronze case rlow meter MODIL -S-e 0 M� --�y-�.. _ -y.` —? — p--p--� _4_`- MOD[l NUMlIR 200 /t A_ -X /1-J A A A A A A !� X NUMe[R M[TtR6 t. . PR10I 311,8 w4tb 4 nnnnAii inn8� PRIG[ TRIDENT CREST METERS_ 1 " 3" 1" 6" &" 10" 13" IA" _ _ NUI3e[R McIR MIMR! XM X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X x x 3xT[R! PRIOR PRIOI TRIDENT COMPOUND METERS. TRIDENT ' PROTECTUS METERS U eg. X X X NUM!!R 0 TSRI X x x X X�x X X X _ _}C ;— X X ~ Lt 401�i M[T[Ra 7. TERMS-' Net cash thirty (30) days" t3: DELIVERY Q�B sC�1��}� or> 1 1dCi �, 8 '�+ ngip� distributing point: 9: SHIPMENTS PArty o� tT1e°S•0 n a agrees�o gi�Qo �easun Re notice of its re- ENT of meters. 10. 61JARANTEE; (a) Meters are guaranteed against defects in material and workman. shi p only, for a period of one year from date of shipment. Parts to replace those in which a defect may develop within such period will be supplied without charge, piece for piece, upon the return of such de. ' feetive parts, charges prepaid. (b) Meters are guaranteed to operate under a working pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch without leakage or damage to any part. 1. ' ?,IAI#ILITY Party of the First Part shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss, damage, detention or delay because of flee, strikes, acts of civil or military authortty or of insurrection or riot, embargoes, delays by car tiers or events beyond its reasonable control; 'or iu any event for con- sequential damages. All previous coinrnunieations between the parties hereto, either oral or written, with reference to this 'agreement, are hereby abrogKted anal this agreement, duly stilutee the acce140 and amroved, eo,p rruen bvep the prtles hered.ngre This contract shall not,be 1;l adldg or enforced until npproved af. 3 coup. tersigned by a propel-, ofdcltil of the Party of tho First Pairt 'at Loi'jg Idlawl City, Ne Y.l hiIa when 'so approved shall becomo Wedtive as of t11e data tiret dbov4 wtItten, aNEPTUNE MET R OOMPAwlt WAL'C By _ ..,Agent. Approv Ali- t , stew Yerk .CitpJ..J_ 192 c , ` N1E;Ptuxt MITER COW MY w " 13� e� UNE M 2 i;Q/f viWJ� Wntorn Muupl J.MCR!t RT ULLANTIN[.♦Ae uo IN J.BAYAAD NIHNPATRICN,WRMAY MAIN OPtICC, —' 50 EA5T42woSTAEET, NEWYORK. ♦ eptinic ` eter (JUl11PllI1j7 CMICAG0.563-57I WESTWASNIM6TON lOOL[YAAD + r _ T ST,LOUIS,M0. 1912 PINE STRECT %lanufacturers of frideittllaterMeters ATLANTA,GA, FYc. - BOSTON, MASS. Trident-INsk Trident-Crest SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA. Trident-Compound Trident-Protectus LOS ANO[LES,CALIFORNIA, W5 PORTLAND,OREGON. K D[NYER,CQlO TACTORIES. ' LON$ ISLAND CITY.N1. Cu Le AODNEei,TR1DNETC0' TORONTO,DINT. CHICAGO BWMCY OFirics 130 NOaTB Jt1P1t8S0Y ST1123M. - August 2ndF 1929. Oity of 'Denton, Denton, Texase Attention of Mrs B. Wo U6xlnrie, Mayor. Oentlement- i Attaohed hereto find your oopy of oontrsot given r our Yr. ftmont $, Smith for 200-TRIDENT WATM 1t MSo effeot re as of August 6th, 1929l for a period of one VIs from. that datee Thanking you for this valued oontraot, and trusting that we may be able to render satistaotoi7 serriae, we beg to ,,� remain Yours, very truly. NEPTUNE 3lE'PER OWANY. , WlCO�Q Western Xanagor,e n, 1,, r V i r ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED to THE COMPANY , r ` r J f f i . y4yk;�yyl,'�d(.1�.:�e�..�w�ei; ;jy.1 � �t.�a � � ..l 1 1:,: ! F� �•,.l � { � Y i r ', ,, oll It 9 ; 1� Y � �) 1 t.. f ! Y I t •� f r �rM !d j? t �! •'t!q��SA �' �`4���!� � c��M f� !' `�A 1/ ��.�y � t ��. !d f�.� `r�i J� _ � �. i lit ! .�,�4,:1,V1 r d4�-357 ' ?✓ � . . !" �$'t .� :a! r. t ttt Y' ti ♦ � a� �wr{ . o.s.ro .Ka b, au•n.am. No------ Maryland Casualty Company BALTIMORE STATIC Off' TEXAS COUNTY OF DBNT0 )) . XNOIr ALL 1S'SN BY THICBE PnSENTS: That rae, John 1(�. Peters 4. Hof Denton, Texas, as principal and MARYIA14D CASUALTY COMPANY, of Baltimore , �I Wyland; as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the City of Denton , .e"rezas its ' eucoeseore and assigns in the gum of - -FIFTzXN HM MM AND N0 1100 +; . 01500.00) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States for the- Pay- 't of Rhibh, well and truly .be made , vie hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, qM E , exeoutors, `administrators and euooessors, jointly and eevexelly, firmly y, ; , Lby'` the ee pre aente s `e a gICALED with our Beale, dated this : 6V4 day of , . , IAuguet.A,D19��� IPmr usj ' said, prinoipAl desires to engage in `J'. bu inAeA+ f A A pluinb614 "in Cho, Oit' : Of Denton , Texas, for the year �1► :Oommonoir* AVguet 3rd, 1927 and ending August 3rd , ' biOW, '1'NEAEFOA$, The' do of this obligation j ouoh, 'that if said ; prineipal �shail ureil and faithfully obsirve' "and 'O'Vey"ail 16tWA, rulee , ' ordinanoee, and regulations vhateoever prdsoribe& i ordindrlce ' o thb dity of nenton', Texas, with the reppeot to 5r, TtlWaloissg `and extavati0ns, ` t`h9n t1 i6 obligation shall be Void , ottiera' ,e . ' 1 °`tp rem{n . izi' i'ulY force. acid virtue. .Signed +�, 'F� ,4'ht�� a�v, i + �+�1�;y , � � , Y �' ,b :." r .� e t t �'C�nYlf_•�.1i ���yy.'� t A2tY . ♦ M1 i 'is •,i ? { T C ,- t t.�� � -,+f .1 +.�"+a.�. 1}4^ . + or sure TT *w r S t f• . I � � � t. ++ ♦ i + ,1 + + t it + t 3 YTS P jj r ilx t<+ X 'g "l. F' `r.,, 1 . t s+r.� F �, - s M.,.�7 - � 1 -- ^ Ny9 jr.C�"1S t �L..�c"♦ •tt�td..1: ^•�rr.,+rw.min•MC�..y.�..�.+w�—'— �. , :r ,S� ,.rr t 7�F`+e.'-. -•*... v. �..•v .r+� .r'. R `ice .rr�ri 1 P ^ P ;. . . � � � '.� .• . '., :,:- .' N•,7't � a t ' "'� -+r _ • •Y 'r , t,; _, I P r J r • � P � : ..{ {. ,r �... 1..r� .A•.41.,. rr a�✓r,��l:;l.w, .LI e4:•r,Si�Y} t Y e • v f� Y'f�. x�F P ,•., .Y �,y r.7✓{. e i v 3„t �' � 8 .� J i f +�t ,: a� i , ��•'. , r_. 00 e w 1 • a s.r a � {� aY ri,�r 1}. �, , �F ry + .a � .• � �, r!. 0 Q y l t � P���14,� '�zY IP i�r yrY m• �� � , `�'. 't �� � P ^ r �� �r, ,r f,yry, I It _�prn , ,,Y'���, Y✓, �. "�ih'7�1 .�o i ��'1 �. �j`4,� " •r" t '�A .. _ ��', � (� �� 1. f., ✓! Y. 4Y, V� w+n s �� SB HOME OFFICE.BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS STATE' OF TAUS 00UNTY Or DENTON X21UK ALL Y3N BY THESE PRESENTS-. That we , Charles N. Davis , as prinoipal and the MASSAOHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANOE COMPANY, of Boston , Mass, as surety , are held arA firmly bound unto B, W,Noltensio, 1(dyor. of-,Aho City of Denton, Texas and/or his suooessors inoffioe , in the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 - - - - ($19000000) - DOLLARS, payment of whioh well and truly to be made we bind ourselves , our heirs , exeoutors and administrators jointly and severally by these presents, WHRREA9, the above bounden Oharle s N. Davis is onga ed in the business of oanstruotionj reoonatrud« -tiori aria repairingg of oonorete sidewalks , .ourba and gutters in the Oity of Denton, Texas• NOW THE CONDITION OF ME AbOYE OBLIGATION is suoh That If the above bounden obarles N. Davis shall during the period of one year be inning Stay 16th ` 199VI - and 'ending May 16th, 1928 , do all work done bgy'•hltd in the walks oonstruotiono and utterstinoomnliandeewithitheof4itye- i p Ordinanoes of Demon , Texas relating to the oonstruotion, , reoonstruotion and repairing of sidewalks , ourbe and gutters within the limits of the said oity, then this obligation shall be null and void = otherwise to remain in full fordo and effeot . ` It is speoifio ally understood and agreed that the surety may oanoel this bond 'at any time W f Iva days notioe in writing sent by registered mail to the Oity of Denton Texas , provided this does not affeot any aoorued liability. WITNESS our hands this the , 29th day of April ' u y, A N nd t MAssLOi3if9ETT9 DING INSURAN02 COMPANY AptovAb: 4 I - , i ! y L S 4 t ya, i 4 d 1 r r r 1 � 1'rr k a t rY,I d n.,,,r..,�,. i r+:y r«J .. ,w.a,,l r w. ,« ..w. . r:Y fl •v+Y+�+". ^,, !_ r t �> l 1� a"Yi.`� 1 �.�— r 4'J(.' ' � x h +� '• ir 7 '.57 Lys r o i�i�Y YES, '�kf�� 4 y s .' r � f ! •'.1 r � � 7 . Y� � � .. r f r r + " �'!1 t!S„� d �f � 1 � '♦ f r �1 r ^ r X11, q'I .L' ''� �I. f .t`.cJ, 4A+ Yr,L I 4. 1'4ti tM r 1* �' JI .60 ' � 7Y� x .r .+ .�, r.J. `h ♦i' �� p iv f � H e � r a If r �M .� )^ilk' . >, $ r , r � �' .i; !� � r• ... t �y fY`. a5: � r4+.;�,�lE�v <Yt r• F x i ) Y�. t p r , r '_! a L Y ” 1 �) tyI` ♦ ') jA y e r 1 � t o V �, r r f �"' ��I y � 1a � � 4 , ! j Y 4�' V ♦ / r . i 5 i t ti' t V r 9 !: f Y I . � G i r +"-� 'r an � �r 9' Y� w � � L A t J 1' r } 5 ! E"J 4 d • s •,d, r �i rl iitf'�A4! ��• L1Ylt �. Y 1,,` "�, V r1 'R f f t Vs �F r Sak COMPANY'S HOME OFFICE BUIiOWG ,oe speAe wAV.n,w ro xx, Bond No , 332213-D- ieouod by the 113{'e' UCAN SOBTY ooljpAilY Or' jXq Y0i'iK9 in the stun of Two Thousand ( 2, 000. 00) Dollars , on behalf of Philip D. Cowry, o Denton, Texas , as a plumber, is hereby oontinued in foroe from the 12th day of May , 1927 to the 12th day of }.iey , 19200 sub�eot to all the oovenante and oonditions thereof; provided same is Auly signed by the said Philip D. Coury, Pritto ipal, It is expressly Stipulated that in no event shall the aggregate liability of the Surety for any one or noro defaults of the prinoipal durii , ariv 02110 or ore years of tho surf .yehip under to bond 4 a heroinabove referred tc , as extendod by this or w eny other extension' thereof, exoeed the amostiit erecifioally sot forth in said bond or any exlet- ing aertifioate ohaliging the amount of seid bond. 17ITIgia our hands wrd Beals this Ow 29th dray of April , A, D, 1927. : s` ALMRI CAN 31,1 :;Y COMPANY OP IM17 Y0113,: k „tt.�Zlr 2ZegiQe' vine . M AttdUt j 11esiAStit 8 i Hnt Udorotrbt yo � � 4 1, Ir 1 F I4}: f ! ! a� I r1 1 _ I u i � p • 4 • � 'i Any f 1 r L I 4fA Y '.Y., r I d ♦il ✓f �T d e y� ISZ R 7 r O.B.corn No.IL Fu•:1-1Jm. n}o.»......:....�.............`..YV - Maryland Casualty Company BALTIMORE STATE Op TEXAS COUNTY ON DENTON KNOW ALL MW V THESE PRESENTSi That we$ 04 A► Ypntgomsry , of Denton, Texas, as principal and VOYLAND UOUALTY COUPANY, of Baltimore, 31arylan4, as Surety art. held and firmly , bound unto the City of Denton, Texas, its successors and assigns in the sum of - - N.BTSIX HUNDRED AND X0/100 - - ($1600.00) - -DOLLAM lawful money of the Lkited States for the payment of vihich, well etld truly to be made, *4 hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors; 'ad- mini strators and auoo6seors, jointly and severally, firmly by these . preeentl�t BgAin with our cealei dated this 24th dqy of 4ft'i ':A• D• 1927• ' VWUM, eaid prinoipal dsgires: to engage in business as a plumber in the City, of Denton, Texas, for the year oommeming June 24th, 1927 and ending Tune 24th, 19286 XOW, T $ The condition of this obliga- t16n' 1i such, that it said principal shall well and faithfully observe obey 'is111- Terre, . rulees , ordinances and regulations vhatsoevefr pre• 1ro>�ibed .by the ordinanos of the bits of Denton Texas, with the respect to plumblus and exoavaeion's thbn` this obligation ghell`,b6 void; other wise, to remRin in full fordo std 4kues , l GE'yP} 9 ,� r, 7A Jly�i�� . r . t a. i ' ri noiyal i t n t ey" n" ao re , 't tyil�t�►�t16Xr 1� AC[u1.CtI�t11T slt M�iieirF.ti7Trr kt.»tt. PEN 10,141 TEXAS 1 Y I r . i ' . : r +• t y1 • �' �F.�.� A: ',7 S!1� � � dl.' w— �i�� 1 'i.� iYSI'�1 5j+ . rr.5t i r '}.` i4 , 4 zr! :F, i�! .{ ' . a - irk' ; 1 , .fir, �• `v1 � ° :f' 1 h" � i .� +r(t`d� a I , '+ !� :v1 'k'S' :cars +Y 1 aJ� 3' 1 iiw e� � •�i� � °. F� r !• i r e A ::Y 4 rd • r ♦ ' ,Y.4 1 f �' i'Id� S'. ! 4'. f� � • ., a 1 �} v '1 4 + ; !, .. r !; y t 1 • :PAS .. \Alr\. • � Ac.,.i i.. wf1 1 1 x ! s c /!J •�'� 1 4 J •Ir,1 \.�" :Ok vq� :4.• V.. 4'IT + �•y\ I � � +pie:J .r�r k r�I .tN+M G. ri A. Y` 4� �.,�5..i d '/♦ IJV',. ��A' •A,1 f F �Y � � ���II" \�r1 � °i�j , q Af • „�. .. 'y �9 �{'(� 4v a -�1 t' , � LYt� L•1 r I _ w � �� n � #� r�4J �+ w �4i I •�'��F�p flr a• ,. •F Jl�� r �i S i' Y jz`, 1•ir, I �i S ;: rr z '� �. � x • �, }V""f!V' �4�� ��'�'/.r f6�l�' .��a a^ �rY �.��+ �t � �' !`{ . . iR., •.4i��.rY f.^• 4!Y �I��j v v'( rv� Y, N� 1 2+•:'♦ rV •14r .�d �! • � aSt � r rl 1p4�'1Y ! !c R rc �� �f! dt 141 v"� , J 1 1 • -J' i Ya• , A Y r�'"ryylA jy l� r5 � q OL r _ ALL AOR1[14[NT6 CONTINGE NT UPON /IRL,STRIKES OR OTHER OCCU R R[NC41 B f YONDOUR OONTROL t; KINNISON BROTHERS MECHANICAL CQMPLttt POWER PLANTS PIFCVALVES AND f(ITINOS HEATING AND VENTILATION ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS MACHINERY AND NUPP'Lige bALLAStTEXAS July 6, 192704 ] r r� 9 Dentoa. "C'xa,,j . rear Sir : '��I� syrc � :�olo:>izl;� ]iE;rus�2t;h boucl exe<:��ted. by t,An •E ;,s�.��? Itsctt3 `touctiriL; lq'S' Wzi,1oe Co . 0), thri 1i' atlw- cojkti•..ot :Lor your new City- J.aditorlwa . Trautirt - you Will Find thin eatisraotoryr, Wa beC to remain Yoara truly , V1111i[,S01f ERO '1LM Be k4k/lbp r x t 1yyy P� Y i4 'r v f : Axe s+ IRCHUSHBETV SURECE SOW MOML O►►ICI.I09TOH,MANACHUlM! ICTYd ALL M- 1: That we Kirnison Brothers , of Dallas , Texas , hereinafter called the }rinoipal and Eassaohusetts Bonding & Insurance Company, of Boston , Masoachusetts , here- inafter called the Surety , are held and firmly bound unto the Oity of Denton , Texas , hereinafter called the owner , in the stun of lyvo Thousand and No/100 - - - - Dollars - (.02,000.00 ) - - - - - - - - - _ -_ for the Paynent wharoof the Principal and the durety bind themselves , their heirs , executors , administrators , sucoessors and assigns , jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHERBAS , the Principal has , by means of a written agree- , mento dated July 2nd, 1927 enterod into a oontraot with the , Owner to install and complete the steam hwting system in the Municipal Building at Denton, Texas, which agreement is by reference made a part hereof; , NOW iHERF.F01E9 THE OONDITIOiI OF THIS OBLIGATION is such, That if the principal shall faithfully p@rform the contract on his part , and satisfy ell claims and demands , incurred for the some , and shall fully indemnify and saws - �. harmless the Owner ' from all cost and damago which ha - may ' eu�PAr. , by reason of failure so to do, and shall fully reimburse and repay the Owner all outlay and expense which the Owner may inour in making ggood any such default, then this obligation . shall be null and void ; otherwise it shall remain in Tull force` and effoot. Signed and soaled this 5th day of A ly, Ao D. 1927 MIMSON BROTHMS, 4as *Principal0 ' MASSA SETTS BONPIN b INSMANU 00 PO 11 ♦.'i ♦ . . '1 ,,i is S 4 Y rI a l I 1 ,mw� 1, 1 lk q, C4 j ,N lJo 1� o ld If t' 11 0' 4' i4 llj MON .7 "k"Ni I � 7P I I �p �L a 1�1 ?Iit ' 'III'G ;:v CITY oi;CRt;"AHYi IN ..-.,I.1S !"TC 1 ..:j aI _ 'u CFY '.F.s l.Ii Cl: P)0111C : ,TZXAS, i1i O'r' Biliil�G HF{HIIi3�il3r.F�i{'{ nIJC?. �itlil G Al r,3'�itG.:"GY. b, IT ORDAINED 1lY 1HJ CITY �U1tiI:l [�JIOPb Gr' TH3 CITY CF! JIh,AITON , TEXAS : SEC . T . 1174a 4 where au t;zere ie ctt till; present tiule certain sulas of r°oney now in s :nFcing funds which said Bonds have been recalled and. ' ' refunding bonds iesued to tako up said Bonds , and that a tax levy has been r.^.ade creatirr, a sinkinf; fund to gay the principal and interest of said refunding bonds and creatini; a sinking fund thereof in place of tax levies being baio for each individual bond and a sinking fund, That the City Geors tart'-Treasurer is f • . " hereby authorited and directed to transfor those sums of honey inow , in th© 'ndnkiing funds of School Improvement Band .f 2� School Isaprovevien ; :3e.r;. tj 3 , School Inprovement }Sand # 4 , Bawer construction. Bond , Sewer Construction Bond #2, Street and SidAwalk Improvenent Bond, Water Works Conutrixtim 13ond , street Construction and Improvent Bond , Park and Park .rapr4veusent Bond, into and doposit samo to the oredit of the City of DentonlTexast Refundine pond Series of 1927 Sinking Tund, in order#/ that the principal and interest of said Refui,ding Bonds Sorius of 14270 jmight be paid #.cult of and from the sinkirt, fund of tho Refunding Bond Series of 1927, which said Refunding Bond arise of 7927 is composed of the above desieAated Bonds , r: r That in as much as the pk1hoipal and interest of the roo 41 otive ,� l 6o As will be coming 'due and pa,} sLble at am early datb Ind that the Tunds from which the ]refunding llonds of the City of Denton , 4ax�e, ' series 199.71 will be paid are" from a sinking fund it becomes an emergency that ttie at►id brdnuno0 shah be placed his its second and final reading in placid of three nepa'ate days T at this 6kdinanoe shall become in ,Oreo and efiGotive frgd �' r • • a'ndaftore", its` pueea� � " r • •' � � Pasced this the 213th day of June A .D . 1927 . 0haiian C r, ity Goirr,issiori,City of Den ton , Tex Attest; �-�-- Ci Soore tary,��' " Approved a to forrn: __ AttoTriey. y r'I � r , �1 r ,r �1 � r 1 I I 1 ^ , r r I, 1 ' I, • f I i �y t io lo 1 AII 11 v q � l � y � k Ki r r y ' 1 , + � '�.��f §��x�,�rl r•� is ','' fit. ��y', � y 3''': #� z:ty� k� ati + r" +, t k STATE OF TEXAS OOUNTY OF DRNTON r this lease agreement made and entered into oa the dot* herein after stated, by and between the City of Denton , Texfe , a Ituaiclpal Corpo- ration , acting by and through 3 .VdW0Kenale* Mayora as party of the first part, and the Woaenie Federated Clubs of Denton, texas, aetlnj .by snd ,threegh the President as party of the eaeond parts That in sonsid4ration of the hereinafter stated ooTanante on the part , of the party of the second part , the said Oity of Denton, Texas, party ' of the first part, does hereby deals• and lease unto .the said Veaan e Federate) Clubs of Denton• Texaes party of the seeend part, th* follow- ing desoribod .proporty for a tera of ninety nine, yoare from and herein F after datst That property located in the City and County of Danteni Teas , ?ox.IAnliss at a point in the center of Posen Creek 'and the BeI*% property Sao Of Oaklsnd Arenue 440 feet for corner) !homes Xa'rt lee foots " J�oro u, Ai, !ta ron.tor of Paoen OtiekJ Thppoe •i,th the de*adejrs of said P►ean OrOk to the Place 'of befipnidd. t�l1t' It*lo`'horoby understood and agreed by and botvran ths ' partlea - o!, the first pail and the parttpr of the epoprid part ; that the above dove, aitfi,bod p'04er4, 0hati aid itil bi undue the 0+4perviR�,tee • and Ranagompat Y it 4'af t � efoedd go •Feet,: build apd .iirprew• Said hrapor. bj►• the - iii<d; to Pty at ' the ercend .pa rt, at ,1'rn i;h �thifi` xhdaadd' atl astesd the aay'btSiYd ng Pr idprojementhh� e bodatode vVilt er.. piatcd en the above diseri od proof shall be sub (re • t0 1 ! `rp t �Jw1 �x tbi' perk ltieatd d1! the oity• of bon, iono 162640 Sad tt,at, I J�1 111eb'tbnildlor'b1' lrprereKint Oholl be orostid or p16ee4, theroen until f' iiii hae 'beisi "4 ptevsk b�, %4,6 ds Park Dpard et , the .City of Deatono ,.tits it also autuilly undrratesd and agreed by : &64 betrden the parttPs ,, h0rpee that , rlbo �i de�etlb�Q reparty ' rheil be undOt the superriAlea , dr Isiom wo the: pine!, e! i,,be �r.eend part, ,eub� oti to %h6 prirjei all, > m� #iii! 'd/t rCiq , " eM ;the period• of %1*9 ar Stated er,4ilR. ee ,1a_8Jj; ,1►d , rM1 _:; " di y• eic;trlr ea,ira� p �� etiJtii(ou�ie a nie phi `gad property f�* t rLair •+f the «kid , Mepiil .a 0.ldorate'.d blabs er tpalr suee4isorgre� r � g t � dC r ' 1 1�t In oats or in the event that the party or the second part herein absadens said property and ceases to use same to stated heroine than iw!i In that event this loaso ag regiment •hall be void 'aad of no taro• and i •!teat otherwise it is to remain in feroe . That it is further understood and agreed that any expenses or cost of any building or improvement an the said property and the upkeep at same to to be paid by and assumed by the party of the second perils ti r I It is further understood and agreed that the Party at the osojad, 17 ati s p Pt 49 to held,, th�_ p�►rtyr pt th• liyet Vkrt harflpsl,: and ;liable lsr,I. cost or daeage acorusing on said property. ' Xitvsiis our hands this the 3 day ol�, A.D. i9fiT . ,i r , Oily of bentc`nt! to 08 : 1.wY1.rYYY.M Y.w.��w r..w.r.M.MM Mr r,Yr.rY.rr Pa'rt'r ef ;th iret' part• r 1 I YrIiNr4rrMrra•tYir•d I ant/n, Tax&!e ens a 1f }Iu r y} •w ir4.lrr.•.1'Ifr r. 94K `6"4'S��LRrr A y ' . ,. R , �. r �'i. 1�•k I`. � 1 • )R�e•��y.,��: IthiM�o,oa�'� pa�'ta . . �' . : . , ,,4�� `7j/�� V '� aV'r r• Argr. Mir, '0 •` rrrr rrw.r r r.r.rY rr rM 5� r ! 4 C ����Tih,a al+.lr .,4 -y.. r(.w Mob Y^I' .+. Mr,ivi t1,''". 71 .��i: �'1 �fla d 1 - ^.,�F a i• .{era ir C "f'f, A, . Yip rJ 7}�.. ` r 1 i '3'1`' . t - e ?f� �S qi, t.`.{ 1: .< 1"•.."� k'ti'�, " 1° .� . � +f �'� 1 �',• i 1 igt1 � � r �b' p t : rLy - L , n• Y.U. .. : I r�1'S �rYa 1 I i r r'1 f v. ,f k 44 ti Y yy� r , 1 1 . ? ,r if✓�r I y { I 1 • Y r a .' I � I� A46—WAARAN'iT DRUG Wlth.slo64Y Not and Wife,(g.pento:Adaotlodtnual Mottle statimury Co;Dell" @ r� 'l`he State of Texas, Know All Alen by These Presents: COUNTY OF.D.2-11....T..Q..)?...................... THAT via , Gustav Paerber and wife ��. ! b'aerber of the County of Denton State of Texas for and iz consideration of the sum of .tight hundred ( $800 .00) dollars cash DOLLARg 'to u e in hand paid by The City Of Donton , Tes:as , a Municipal Corporation its follows: all cash the receipt of vnich is hereby ful.ty aokbowledged and r%!ceipted 6 have Granted, Sold sad Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said grar.t of iho Couri ty of Denton State of Texas , aU that certain { tract containing 41 acres of land adjoining a 4 acre tract now held and owned by Yrank Wilkinson air being formerly owned by Pro Vollia Oritz , on the north of said Will(inson tract ant°. this tract is described as followol Begining at a rook the NW 'corner of the above de soribed trot ocvnod; by prank VYlikinson and the GIV corner of the Oity Cemotary, rhenoo 1J . Z14J vre . a stake , the BA corner of said. 0ity oemetary on the We i idd of . istreath, Thenoa 8 . } degroe Vi, with west side of said street. lit vras a rook an the X13 line of Laid above described = W ra��s , i F.i4# nor g trao t duoded to . !oi 'Lit 6 -i nation ,16 � loot t}i�' 3tW ' no'rhe� ti!` kho said drtis, trdot on the Wi$; 1ins of the Said Gritz tract Tharida = 2} 46-#oat III vrs6 to the place of begining, which saAd 101 in mere fully described in deed reoasded in Back 0% page �1bd 6f the baed ldeobrdQ of Denton Oounty , Texas, said deed .heing by acre koliie rrtt2 and B�L. Orita to Wato.ve Yaerbei't �� Y x =�L ..1 uY Y.w d- � .Yi ...o.� 1fL _ .._y_i♦ irwl L.YlwJ.. . ! z } I '1r0 HAVE ANll TO HOLD the above described premises, _together with ail and singular, the Y.. rlghts and appurtenances thereto In anywise belonging unto the said The Oita$+"bf nenton , Texa,81 ` P1rp ;' Ratien ' ioh�re$ R� oro nd w � ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said prem. ' fees uniro'4he' said : The City of Donton, Texas, a Hunaoipa? Corporation, its euaosebors r ply k7 1 -4 and issIgna, against every peribb ivhomsdever lawfully claiming, or to claim the mjkmk ar ihy 4 'N!imNIt,SS o`tSr "handb at risntbn, Toxais 1, { this �b�t day of dunA As ri•19'S37 Y �Jtneeaee A! tteo.as! of Orantor: .�i.. ..hued ;.: ...... N i t ��lY • N.NN• w.•H••Iw .:u NwrMNI 11 uwlauu•••u 1Nwu1 ..•• Nww/•N i.•i//���/K•JLNNr1.4 .a���•.V�••w••wrlY•Ji V t r,lwll•N•N4•N(rM /ww.N/IY4ubW•.MN....MI•r••.N•NUNrNY•lM f /YN/•.N.•.•N..Y...•YN•IIM.NNN•NNM•N•��NN•YN•YWYYWiW/li 11.1 '. � / ,. IrM.Yw.IwY.1V.YIWIJ—• _.. _�.•• NU•411/rY1Aw•.Y.WPI,YJ _..___._- A THE STATE OF TEXAS, OOUNTY BEFORE ME,_.....tha__LndEUAi�n— at+tliority, a Notary Public _.._ � in and for ._ _______. ._..._....__........_..._.w»,_,. 'L1D..t.'J.11.._._........_...........»___.,_._County, Texas, on this day personally appeared ................_� ..__....._...... .. ......_ Gown to me to be the person........whose name..........it3..... subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that--.-.he--.executed the tame for the purposes and consideration therein 1x. ' creased. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, T dHAy o Sutia___A, nj Notary kub7.tc ,De 1'f ton 0otin Texas. TFiH: STATE 0)4' 1'EXAB, ........ »............ _........... F County BEFORE 11iE,_.._.__..__._.....__............ ._ ._ a..... .._...-- ------- ._—------ in and for �?auton __._County, Texas, on this day persona"y appeared _ .. _ .. .. �t'ap1bB2'-------.-_.._-.-........ wife of._ Sias �.ue._� �Lel'kel7~ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, And having been examined by me privily and apart from her h sband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said _--- -- - �r • - acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract It. GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAI. OF OFFICE, ..__is__6 dky o -J. a • - . D. 192..9-, (L. S.) �-_ e. holary THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 BEFOAE ME, ..................... .. ...................................... ..............................In and for............................................... ........................................... .......................»......................,.............,............................................I..........................County, Texas, on this day personally appee;ed .. ... .................I.,.................and..,......... . ............... »....,. ».,......_.............. .......................................................................,.............................................................his wife, both known to to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregomg instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein exprcased, and the said,..,......... ............................ .. ......,....I.._........................._.....,...................wife of the sal d............,................................................................................................... ...............................having been examined by me privily and sport from her husband and having the same icily 'explained to her, she, the said.......... ..................................... ................ ....... ...... ...........-. ........,...,....................,,.. ............. _ Acknowledged ouch Instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the eamo for 11.4 purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract It. (;IVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE T his...................., .....day of.......,.......................... w...A. IL. S,] ....... ........................ ............... ...................... ................ ................. ......... .. .,.... THI: STA' 'E OF TEXAS # U .._.. I, . . t County r Co my t , 'etas.sSa ._.._ ._ ._ t tttity Wurl t'sAM County, do hereby for luq_ie�l the fdrsgtt;ng lnetrurrf��t of tvrith- datod on the... ._..day of- U, 192.7-.with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed tot Word in my office on t ...9 day of.._ .. �.: . A. D 19A.7�-at1P- -o'clock and duty ecorded this �. _._day of_ _... .ie,.e_ -..-.A I7. 19;& at ��o'cloek &—M. in the s�.t__::Records of raid Count ,In Volume �t�.�_..., on pages.-d r� Witnead Aty hand and 1 of th County 9>drt of baid County, at office ill..._ . ..... _ '. .... . th ay d year last abovh twitters. Cletk G°oubty; tourtj ..County, TOW By . .,ts.t.+.rDeputl Xis.^ T - - i' ? h, / V Nil- as 10 tv PL 47 E ,r I 6 >, Y C Y , l 41� i Y ' 1 ' i 4. ar r MISR �� ootfetud Certitichte.—Surety Ikputmeel. Bond No.AB_-iIB017 THE JETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. sa in 61104btraften of the Burn of Ten snd .'ao ]oo _ Dollars 'THI 'J 'TNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY hereby 'continuea"l in force. Bond Number the sum of Orin thonedand no� Ulara 0 ' 1;;000.00 _ _)of behalEof moyor]er,_ op _An u f 00y_ of Denton _.._ __ _ fo'r the period � ��41actVto x subject to all ,the covenants and conditions of said original bond heretofore issued on .the r' 8>3ad:; .day'bf April- 4', It is 6 ressly understood and agreed that the aggregate liability for ell losses under the orriginal bond, this repeyv l eerti5cete and any other inatrurrlent shall not esceed the,penal sun of tfie odginal bond. this lOOb day'of ! Tfii )EITNA C U A � OMPANY Rat�wY a"Joeirvicerrtem.witr p k 'rt 1 7 W.�"�}X54%XyG'�:lwwur.H...M�ww+�iiwl.wi,t' MIMM T11PWf. : ,4 } COMY or DEIIi'0!f ONY 00 U31t:011 } On this the .�....' of Wg wall the City Oamisoion of the Oity of Denton$ Toraso mot in &A odj*UrrA6 ragolA! 2e4010no at the rogular orating plaoe thoroot in the City ItAll* in sold oityg tho fallowing ambere being present wA in tittendmeet 80 '='. UDKFN?,IR IWOR Z's 50 MI'Lla ab-4-� CO UTASION-1t AND CMIMUS L• 84W IW C44fJt' MOUMA CI.AUDA Ct5'tt,tOMMIIY COMMURIOMM 11. Hij LAM c��ntsstat yo V* MUDD0OII COw"lCM t ttiMON 111"PY 3Ya0RF�tAM albs lfiai�t e'rH+rw introemoie 6ttAO�Mir�tivat •M;11br ; AX ORDIVAll" A%WlDiW* rx OFtTitIAM)e PROtiTDIfl6 M } i'flEi IrgoiVAN, CS ;gip IM9 SO= OF Till CITY alt 01"S "XASt If THS AMDUIV Obl 4iMf FNftltD I'I"Y 5'8(tIM" ($Mj000.001 MIA", BPARI90 INrxtiFlT AV TUX RA4"F! of PINS pm cxw (*I) 8m An=, yAv"Ite 10JAIXY OTAX A PZRIOD Op TMIRTY FOUbi ftle mm 4'8110 SAT8 POR TUR M 098 Ot DBPtd INO AND IX LIM or A L�I0 Ab�OI!>i'!' 07 TFtR DOM* Op SAID 01VT M:b'!► � b►AR9tt tEA;+�R3 Abro t+Y'RR 9' PUtt'0Zra Ail)MW OtRlt11AIMM AXb VNPAIDI tttF M111106 "A oil MX1310 20M AND XIF!'0FMT COUDONS YFFCIMS Mt DROVIDINO FOR "M IX"!$ ASSX33ww mm COLUVION Op An Away, !AX 09 THR O'll bFUflDEMPZ DOMARB VAU?A+ #100 00 ALL VAXADLbi PAO PB.#19K �M 11 "8 LI MM1'l'B Of bAto 0111 To PAY M PIM V01PAL Aft INTFdtbIO oY Bulbs RW Mt►IM D gWo oomisslow bailer t6vea that 4" Orbiwm be plw" ott its finj re+tt WO eboottdb bi,ft*is#LOM# OM►8a0oltt AIM arritd ty tAl► i rollotbw tlO l YttADI doaMi11i0M�t1 Lr >aile0►� Ole�tM On1t�R1NM►!y t t'•*# taw ait►4 bhp • ftlr*o b'�#f$ft1+Mt'1►otil# � IG►YS! NOr1tt� s. to at Attorney rw tho Ord",# 00mloslab" IAkw ' , r. ode a motion that the rule of the City CoMisslor► pk1o►iding ordinand" being pa9sod finally on the dsy introduced be suspended for reasons set forth in the merger4y clause of the ordinaaoae The 'notion was seconded by C0L'taissioner Bailey tnd carried by the !allowing hrotet YBADI Coram15e10nors Le Bailey, Clmis Castleberry, Ore$e lefty 3.m,cSU04_m , end Ilse Chalrin4n d11er; rotins "yea"e HAYS u0noe ComMusioner hnkey novod that tho Ordinanoo be placed an its second roadingo Soconded by Comiesioner ?Ailey, and oe,rried by the following Total Yt,A9i Cprniosioners Le BaiteW, WAUde Castleberry+ V# He 1Akey. I and PS # • ChOrmA W ,w voting "yes"• ThA City AttonW read th* 001ne►es by aa,ptiot+. Coadiyetome 144.,04M4 VAt the Ord!ome be DisoM on its third WA last re"W, snd the wtioa Mas seoorA",bq' Comsirstobir, ftilwo am 0srri44 iV' 04 1011a+ ft."too, two `Dote' iaislaw" Le 1lailsy, 41wde Cnetlebert4, 'N• As inkq ,end oohr Chaisadat w�, roti►� "yea"s %q 01ty Attopney,ps►d the pl'dllt�iflee tdv oaPt�QM ' x .�o aireionitr .WW m"b ,%hat Vo ArAImm bg 90960 s ty. +1114. seooehde4 tpr Opar roioasat netiy►t nM t.ho po/ion prova11e4 ,1W the 1M►11gs'�+Ylt ►steel Two Comissioners 4 Riley, 4%%dq ftstleb"I y ,Jts t". alb'P to O1,Ai n;� Yost "'y!1►Mr !'Ai/ CW►iis�t1 araterea thy' Arditb.�oi llaai'�iy p4rrea� , ,�+r '!�►} Ohraino►WO to ws .folloaet T ssumm 60 'tag Pau t)9 m OM Of J)" tr M AWW! n>a+ "o mmno pJ;Jt T srJaovl "r #W low 40� I�OLletlAlil >7M UMW t1NPai 1' AT 9'091 E r' 4 " ; f1441t 0> p llt P81i � � PRA An!t*v! iUfitJAIMO E Il, fYp61<A D Ppg .�'Ii>It, PUROCA Oil 1tRVIflrDt•110 � UMI OP A 11XA o " OF 0Ir. SAII1 k r IlmllflBitOfilR fSou" AIM Al"melme w DCJ1001r` 6 + POW 1, VATK�OIIf� + . r slra:R�r•,vtt�aeagl ,4 wiaT�JTIa�► UfpAtof Pam"Ve Pook � i 1 L Fl}V �J( � R,L sr < <, 1�ttf1►! iJ1t1 Rs� !1t>i Ae111>t£1�AMp1�' tl�D �'Of.�tkJi'�0� ' A Qif' �Ir AM1fVU V0,01, W,AN VAWA+ '' 'tan OF A!,L fAWL114 PROM" V11't TH TIM LIMITS OP -"'AID CITY TO PAT T1LY: 11RIMIPAL A4D INT':Rr.l? 07 "AV) lt'1PONAIX0 $OMM" 1,10M MO tttotM"R, towlib, An Ordlawwo was passed authorising the i6suiar4e of bonds of the City of Doaton j 4b=e, in the awmt of I Two awAred arA Firty rhouwA ltno.000.o01 Dollars► begrinw intoratt at tho rate of PYva per coat 1&1) per ww=, mturing serially over a period of thirty four yo(Lre from their dato► for the purpose of refuvdireb and i!s lien of a liko amount of the bands of the eaid oityi providiatl for the levyb* of a UXI which Ordimnoeis or reoord in nook 0$ pV* 142i of the Rimtes of thr city Coaaission of Doatano 'f""o Met W)WM9i it has been dimmered that an erlpolt IM MS& in 8401 06' 11140 10! th*moto in watch' eno As.tjjst of uanb ,for` the year' am$ !'1IE"I M"t Bit 1T? 08DAtme that said ONUAN"a $hall U win thtl 4&ncat !r he"* "Mae ► ee that 8sotiea tithe wirsot ski ireti &tkelp r&4 ai lohose tos'iti A. hk IT 1UR'PJ M Oti=W.f that to M the interest oc said honer 4 Lo read ShAll 940M# ante to Make a sir'ring lllnd suttiolorA to,dleoh%W the 0rin4ipal thereat at nttaril - ubere rM11 tr '4ad to gq 144114 Po>1• tM yo" into'a wx opt i "-4ki a rye• at twenty yhrsi tkill" {2w) dA the Oni Ra0044 Doll&"@ Aoeaestod voluation of all taxable 0raperI1 11) raid 0114o and Said tax 0 le+ried Shall be i"tood %M osl• leetod VA 1o0raMet4d to *At rWass n%OHI MA there shall 6# o&ladxtr¢ } eo411 �Mt +bile irtY of said bents aft oatetandig# &nd aapaid what rate o! is '"goosw t0 ti r 146 , ptrre�ahl. iat�reet 440 tier riqat'sed Neoant of 1144 . painoipay !or er,ah yogis ae# a its &f rdoh rato shall tw wunally lotted { aererSrd a»d ootiSOlelt 4arlt0 oaoh oY r&1tl yiafrc srd Sad tax !S deer► '� IW{t` o!'de b ti0� 1dltMii arrr�teetl� AM 4AXlrottAj Fund t tariir r# eollerted " �` itila0;�li� a# 'tw► ¢ popaob. aa0 to t1b 41riMxet,� to 0>rorlde ter the >t pw, eM o the 1106616/ oa eM>td balldr +slob *All W000 bar Pa WOO 16181 ` ` 1#100 then Al bets A wv""to eat b1 the usws ae hand let me clo. . lw►earf, sq4 a!"Muale loll thO V00", tba eaa of 0660000*0 whi" no . tl> NOW ab►Ytl �s *N 'AOidi" Ok1 If he"* sa &1141 tat hid p+trp404 .ae the C1tq 4reamMt SM11 pale no warrantor bards, interest ampow g or honor MV arstl of ww obaraotor upon the trams rot my other Papo"d * fmt all moneys so 6olleoto4 by virtue of the aborsi spproprtatlom mA tax lod"i eha11 be planed in a sop "te WA ty► the Grey Troasagter, euoh ftM to U ' ` W1ee *01TY or nwC04f Ir-Imin mms Sm" op 1929 Wish bah shall. be applied to the purpose ru meat And to no other. PA RDj this, the ten. Ay or my. 198Y. I rem , x "tari► b M hl.► MI" ` I x� �, �'. 1li1hl�� 1t�x2T a,�r�i1n'that tM +►6or ar14 Mrrlr� . ' 10 a trey &td eOrMOt peps► Of thi brdlt� M41 yaess4 at a Owiet or" city Cea"aipa of Dome+l, vemps on this OW 0t *Is 1M' ss 06 44016 apyM» 0t �"" d PA' tM "106 o by 0om1e61000 IA T ainn Wn441' }hy he" WA 601 at Ow ctty.of Denton+ tMS+ is tbif i AM F s tS ,. i1 pr � a r„ fit°° � • ' ' 1 r s p:a. IA I x : iF r 4 N { {��wti� Y�rr`;C i� t .,, �' +� 1" i s rf a1� ,{� �a�,e �+�n�d,, i ,, to � � s a ,r. f 1 � ! ''#,• Ar J'.��Yl° ' '�� t�`P:�J t` Ar' 'li4'rt t .a ,ti 'i r111v Y � ' St•;r�r�l !� . !3 l' ��"�' '.d ��u .,f�yP, ? ro^�.4tf�� � 3 1 � -fr' :, � ', w' " ,.i3"} : 4. ;-}^ nk a r � 8rnl4 ! s � 41, 44 u .r.. r �e rte a 1 nt � �� IN THE MATTER OF THE f THE STATE OF TEXAS �, County of Denton. • . . . ...... •..... i being duly sworn, says that he is the . .... .. manager of th Record Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation wi.!-h has been continuously and egularly published for a peri-Dd of not less than one year in , the County`of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published in j said paper as follows a First insertion .... ... .... .. . . ... . /'r.. +... ._.. .................. day ot,_. ........a 19,x?.. ., {i ` Second insertion........ _ ...: ;L ..........,.............., day of._ ...... r ...... .. .. ...... . ....... 19 A.I..... 'Third insertion . ........ .7.9 .. .. ...... . .... ...day of..... ... . _,. ..... _ .. ...... .._ 19j y.. .. x , Fourth Insertion._.... ........ day of.: ,... ..rn ... ..:-19. •Z. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ......... ...... .: ...day of. .......: "Z. : l . ...... ..19_z.� Witness my hand and official seal. .....44 9..LC� . .. ... . : . Notary Public, Denton County, Texas 4 - , File lT`1ATTFR OF THE PUB . 18 r �l'ItEt W 1 OP THE pCITIY%F Dikrcx pl` $ IiELDpON'7 1D DAY Pff FA d! F �i0 x �0't'IAmp {. ,ErL�rEMOpN�: < .APPOINTIO A LVO.,., io g1JALIF[ED�YYVb666'TTTC DECLAAI O AN EMEROENOY., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI COMMISSION OP THIS CITY Vr AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHER TO a tyn=; ,°�� Tease caeop PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE. lriee d;tofa ement tg the,Charter of th6 t 'of Dentbtt -- TsiUu, shall >>e eubmlt td t uppn shap tcty of tpe sald City: "A e4tiSCridr&R , ` tb' men sectlot+ dd Filed the. day eC ht41 + .A�t p the Chu Team ' ' ttlO0��V r.bti` il',li lows: 4. 19 khAll ht.7Q"t1I t {vE 'I7l0a It b ! �tilo d: 0 1, to 11%a d ollelt an rei �ntotE e etld Twd. •, �tls on thl On!! HvadreQ 441So. [!,1'tl aeelea Yalntlticp� rot-.sa at aefrdorean d4d„ 1-1.•.0 �', 1 Ot he , "It +pub d loch 'tlurrtat,',y arid. pro+td fort he} at ao4 ty to - y` --- -_— Deputy. !� 4'fands on DO ded i it t4 c51 'iI.',>< ti ►b4 the, bl d e Hue Yrl t � Aad o' Bat , as L z'hatthtl' aab 301e6 order W gold electloh a al t In Mae aad ' _ yA1g.f, the, preeldlag audgo 1 .a4ta lta2 t st'f!i 4 ! e " S'A•t a e�:+old elete�tlon aha11 �IIptav} 1Q .1 ti `'�QftlPi AMh1 bf•.b�8f} �i Te end WY spa'lat rul-I , aM I q. YT balt9t aeld *lee dW�t W s u d e to ahall be ehtt� .Ahe tMin tat u be ma vu ba�- t 8 t aasd , 1 !,' a 11rl�pyyf�� tutul0t a���I�LSO�, n , 1 bf DrintM k � y - yM� kto cm, t�ete 61d D 1Md'` Ih�b -D-op dv a Ot t�` ac qir d►1 e rbsa dl lam 19510?t�; 1 At PPP � ' w 1It*� L1 4tr 0 I f AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE 9UmsnION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE OITY OHARTER OF THE OITY OF DENTONO TEXAS, TO THE GUALI- PIED VOTERS OF SAID OITY AT AN MOTION TO BE HELD ON 7H1'A 19th DAY OF MAY A• D•' 1927p PROVIDING FOR THE PLAOE OF SAID ELEOTIOP; MANNER OF HOLDING SAID ELEOTION ; APPOINTING ELFATION JUDOE81 MATUNO A DOPY OF SU011 PROPOSAL TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS; DECLARING AN ENElt(1.Blf0Y• ^ HE IT ORDAMD BY TM OITY COMUSSION OF TIC: OITY OF DENTON * TEXAS. I. That an eleotion shall be hold in the Oity of Denton, Texas,, on the 19th day of May ArD• 19270 at whioh said eleotion the following; amendment to the Charter of the Oity of DeAton, Texas$ ;041 'bd sub'mitted to the qualified rotwe of the se. C It ya j, " Ab► ,amendment to emend Seoti oa one of Anti ole seventeen of the Ohnrter of the Oity of Denton, Texas, and that saw shall � , ; <�4�f.*.�x3 hate the power and it is hereby authorized annually to' eery aisd oolleot sn 'ad valorem tax not to exoeed Two Dollars and 46rty ` (J2.40) Cents on the Or , °Hundred (!100.00) Dollars 4saeesed val.uatton; .. prdYided that not more than One (MOO) D611sr ;thereof my bb' used for the maintenanoo of the' Fred �x 'pu ,li¢ : sohools during eao�; ourrent year i and provided farther At not more than seyenty ( r7OV) oents thereof shall ever be used to pay interest and oreate winking funds on bonded xndebtsdneee " That the polling plane shall be the Oity Hall in ,sold Oityl, 141d tbe preeidirig lud86`shail be 0.8• H ko with ff•E: a �" ";* ',° ', aa •nd Krohn . $al[e1�"ins areooiatebr 'ibt t aio ►�tt�r" r+•li ` ��r sv t.4 a vi I! y; i ti f nnw �r y ax' L19VfiR",. iri' ald6r' t0 hol¢ id aledtion alir: s `e �. otid. , dp0ditlted by the p isidinq Judge of ex3.d elpotio,#E `� i r.° ..Z. } �� ����RE`. � l�� ��T:�" �1 A�t,�{5� ���� `bb``"lf1t�Q`'1rl1Q��"ttf41►���� 1f����l��'1S �'{�n.'a .q 'ris y �' ;i V.0 pp r , ; of the Oonstitution and haws of the State of Texas, and any speoial rule or law applying, at whioh said eleotim only qualified voters shall be entitled to vote at said eleotions. 4. The City Sooretary is hereby authorized and ordered to have printed ballots fbr said eleotions Said ballots shall I-eve printed on their faoe and at the top thereof the words, - Otf i " oial Ballot." Said amendment shall be so arranged on the said ballot so that a person voting at said eleotion shall be . able to vote either for or against said amendment , and the following words shall be printed below tho amendment : "For THE A•MENDWNT." "AGAINST THE AMEND6[F•PfT ." $. The :4ity`. Sooretary is hereby authorized and direoted to have c' prdnt;ed _an{i,�eail to eYery qualified Voter in said 01 ty, as { �. k • ♦ia r t � t t r d., .. . i. c;- . , � '' j i v "i �"" M1kr �lr'� ���� ? •'�. �, L % i 1 6 s f i S 9 r 6l.., 1 �; yf vL k;. ,� ,. — m `"tbaa� �87�eotie '�iloire yeX � ig ` „ January 81st, 14276 a copy of the proposed amendment prior to the date of the election. t 6 { . A .Copy Of thi,e ordinanoe si 1► gated by the Ch$irmen of the 03 l Obrmission o! the Oily of ]knton, ,texas, and attested to by ` the' City Reorstary shall serve ae proper notice of said e2i�atiion . That tho City 8e0retary shall pause a oopy of this ordinance poittd at the City hall and at two other publio planes within the Oity !off At least thirty full days for to the date of said sleotion• That said ordinanas shall be published in the offtoial aodwrape>" of said Oity tsar thirty dayi, onoe dach week for foux ; "°', ! eks, 'jh date Of,,the •first pupiidstiott being _rot leap 0* 4 ' x OO pridr ' o he date bt the aibatiba•: iaa A auoh As there oxists b, !# ",,t period ok lied betore ; 4 ., ' h ' , !�"� dat�� rtdrS` 1e1►"y►�ng tpxes for ths ,yeaa" 142�''j" it i+r aeaorts�r , , . Y ' that suoh ordinanoe be read on three separate deye be sus- pended and that sane be plaoed on its asoond and third reading, in order that said eleotion might be held at the earliest possible date. 8. f f, That this ordinanoe shall be in full foroe end effeot from and after its passage and publioation as required by law. Passed and approved this the 14th day of April, A.D. 1927s ! Oheirman of Oity CommiesiOns Oity of Denton, Texas. Attest; w�1 t Oity S6oretm. Approtted as to forms Oity Attorneyo e r• r E y r ` o- 1 i 4 r� ff rt k 1? r • i t. rr t Vft c F r r Y 1 Y 4 f h k r i r r i 4 r i 'Y'yY'"V!!gr �� Ib f.�A Cl4 �..". f J' l f ♦�' v�j � �r .;1 � f t. , " ....._ 1^ t!� ".Y. t �f ➢r r,e1y � � F r L' - ! ' ' � v� r ru , `L, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Co)xISSION OF THE CTTY. 0W DENTON, TEXAS APPROVING THE BID OF THE JAGOE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR PAVING PORTION'S OF FAST MCKITn1E"Y STRUT, IN ' " THE CITY OF DENTON AND SETTING ASIDE A FUND TO PAY THE PORTION OF TIR COST REgUI1033D TO B ' PAID BY THE CITY OF DENTON. alf ;�1 7er R? IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C01MISSTON OF THE CITY OF DENTON: � „ shat, dhereas, . after due advertisement, bide were regularly; suby 'Bitted and opened, and after carefully tabulating and Inspdoting `" the bids, the City Commission is of the opinion that the bid of the Ja oe Construction Company is the beat and most advantageous bid to the City of Denton and the abutting property owners; NON, ;TIiEREFOIAE BH IT RESOLVED BY T1;E CITY c,)mlISgION OF THE yi CITY OF DENTONt That the bid of the Jagoe Construction Company r '. for the improvement of East McKinney Street from the East line of X6rth Locust Street to the East line of Texas and Pacific Railroad Right of Way, in the City of Denton, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the Mayor is instructed to enter into con" tiaot on behalf of the Oity of Denton with theJa.gop Construction x 04mpary. fok' said improvements, in conforming with the terms of fir. their tild bid, <, BE ,IT' PUfi°l7�BR RESOLM BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP 'THE CITY ��`',. bg �?�T6*j T,iat theirs be and is heie?,y, set asida cut of •th6 - �F novp °on.h�nd available ' for street improvements a aui` ioent su+b to Say jt i4 � defray" all t%kt portion of ;GnC ces't required by • said, odritraot to be paid by the .City 'of $3ixton ,, , r • , ; , , .. 5 t v tA1 ' ' � � `i'��"�pg6ihr�,i�.ike4ny5ti�disati�1' b' r ' 'ar� '� ° I'J188ED• A6ID APPROVED, . this day of ' L yy�,,yr M.>,, �'r '' .� '\ ��r ' a •Y G: `tWMI ` ^ l�YttloBti ✓ , ,� . ' ,, .` � v , Cit .Gbor.etay. 7 GhBiriaan of t e rCoz dtoo' n ' W✓ "1t ,.n r�� '. � qe v i J i Prtt ��1/h p�R. r��y ": t , S , 'r ' t 'I 1. i t,. ttY i1 ; i ✓� �r ..~ ,M v A i 'v`7f, } �' ^n r:il1r a F,^Y'v •, 4+{��r tF � , 7 iv 1 i 1 1 wr ;y t <f� qv� Av t•' �Y� C 1 t I 1 � I - jV / IV � 11} f y k a. �V b . rr f tt;l l •x {. T '+ 1 n ♦ .lR vt R♦ v 1 �' Ell 4 t _ a§ yll .ly,,, t 4 c' 1.l 1� ' rr -P' w y er r` it II , CCC OVA ��C �y�l } a a '• r I yy I ��I �r c'�•t tall � x fii i� ' I I:� : r� �v / a ��y� , ft . l y .l.�r 1, .�� • '�� yl. r�.;� 5 r "F. �.' r y`. �r. ar'F� 1. 4 r - ��t ff\�f� Hrr 2'r } K� T J• ' � II. •tt Le'l i t1 I 1 � r a " I: VFFia, tf , Xi l a •: V a � 1 , 1 r• � r � rnJ � �a ' r 5 y • t r 1 � ' i ry �z�f r7t�.;' yS � f°a1 � a S , .xA i'rK' er`!f 'tr d"4�,Jr'yc f'.<="; . n' . � , "n� vl mvaY e: . v:" i .Ca .1`r ✓ , r` I ,1 Y � x " �f, .{ tA,C Ai � r i lad ��.d"'�E fy I� r,.h�S r a.�� T a �R S i y s ' E ,, ' � ' 41� A ' a r,�• l� y ! �' y II'd ° I,i "^i T� '� t Trr, k J r t r 'l ' r T 1 '� r •r i 1 >; iZ °� tS{n,!`,�M e+ rr la � 1✓4 t� .. a ,, S' ,}4rrpa r ? °ttR 14J77 ry F I t r y Q a r I a , y e 1 r ��' + C b . r F ✓ ,n l t a r , � .. i ' s I "� r "� � � i L ', a a v 1 '�;,t frr( w 4'r k ,� t I d h +Si_a,r r,ti+ ,, �i�'"{�y�. `w.�K� x+ r " e, .4 '. �•. . i ' _ ' y ' + y -. ti .«..' 'y r ,ok7, y'S }}}i Alp 9^r'r ' ^ At!,SOWTIOAT OF THE OITY COl1.tISSIOi( OF` THE CITY OE DENTOITO ThXA$, APPROVING THE CONTRACT �-ND BOND F7ITH J'AGOE CONSTRUCTION CONY ,NY POR IIPROVING PORTIONS OF EAST XCKINIIXY STREET, IN THE CITY OF DMIT ON �. BY T`FC `d Ty CO`1UI$SION OP TFIR' CltY F DnITTOIdt That; Ivtereas, the contract in viritin� between Jr.Soe Construction Company and tY3 City of Denton, v.nd bond of .Pagoe Construction ` . Company for the improvemetit of East lJoKinney Street from the East � }p line of North Locust Street '.,o the East Line of Texas !'c Pacific wf j Railroad Hight of Way, in the City of, Denton, have this day been presented to the City Cometission for approval; and, rhoreas, said ,i oontraot and bond are in proper form and the ;securities on said bond are good and eufficientt Now) Therefore, 13E TT RESOLVED BY Tlx: CITY COMMISSION OY THE OITY. OP DENTONt � That "said 'contract and 'bond be and the same are hereby ratified, Y &dbpied and apprbved. ;;this reablution shall .take effect and be in force, front 'Jr and ;after its -'passage, r j� PASSED � �.l�PROV�D; this d oi' ��[ , 1927. < ' 4ir rr tt SS . �`:ft �^, ` Yi'airrna of�h�e" GdGnis bn Oity. Ueo racy i t{ r,t. J 4F:•r , 4 r y r et I r a FSf I� , i w �a .✓F, r f r ! L r r d ' 444777 I n, y �4lF n .. x a r x x P f f� 'r � `•'ti x �ad ' dj f •a t r :�j f ', rr It 41f1 t �++ , r t a ,��,� .(�� •�, r.�3. 1 r � I y}r'�7 n 4 � x i Q Vyi. x,1 rl 0 ' y ',, r � •i� " 7 1�r r� � � r ' �V,l �a�l1�Y Y 1,� i. r t c fr ♦ 'f� x r,'. � t , r'v •x'�a r f , x VT o` r t (�' ` r ^ d• i R Ill . }' S i^ F M Ir 1 4 ��t -f l r , . r� a s• r� `x .i (f `' xFfa) ' 1 *f f� (1 tr � 1 iSi.. iwx. 1x � ° x91, r _ A •� i t, � I�� Yxr1Ya 'Y qn ,t a� fl-').ill r' F rr� , 'krju x��' i) .ti �t !:• � l (� !i i '�� f '>x�' �� 4 •l' r• �, �.# .a 4' � t �..`. ri ��f � ' C �g� , 1 } 4 f J•.. t xl� ° , i . a^�"� � x 7� �,. � , r F. .rx � Bt �y., 5 �t 3� _ �� 1 • � qr k yf'v d;� 7 i r.. x v'. � + w '�,:. t rr �}5 !. *t a ''z� �'ff.� �1��' ��1 0�fx �}�t,�?� r2T� � Yv } d 1 $p�f. r ^/S. ° t � ' r r .i �, • T 7 ! '1 r rs 1 l �' 4 �• , 5 ,l i 1 y l� . r���Y � .+. fl .f��l Y 1~'�� f �1 �a� r! J.A �• /l � StiIS � J � /�T.' N �� S� D I l f Yf�T•b P �. 5-t�. 'V,�p'X'r St �' a�E. t4 nn•jti�i 7 wp.«� � X L •� trf,J VI}y 11 A' it k. �, 1~ Viii ', 2 191191 y? otft� lingirieer. P "h, .d. Y �t 1A•` 1 � � . t A• I ,V ♦Y JI ,F ° sA 4 � a.a 1 � f�Y 11,,,E ,rR.,'y�, X11 i�, `yE1 i (F' %,fe�• ';L'S.�, '� 1 � k rna . � ' ' � ' f gr JLtprl VIIV v 7 7 JJ (\`...�µCj{ 0 ��{})�y(�^ ♦a y Ar'FI \ ,( 1•�.'.Y :�1 Y'1��• f Yy I`:�Y 1 A.i"T . � M�rJ�� ?'J•II *�i��t'tN"A �/ ♦ 1 ^:` ) �'J�{/Ij�_�VOy�yF{���, 1 'I y I I< , "r.' ..//��. A (n�((�! //yxam�}�yI�a�; ` y.: -• 1,,, Y I 1 i�r+:: lly�vr � 5 M.>�','I� a'>v,l• ilv r ry'r,� y'.l1,; •4wa qa q wo 6 91' Ni0rf�r�}]PF. a� iR ''v IH•! w ti 1• Y (�?radd001t . v».ri..M1•]�►y key',N � 1 41 — 1 'luTaviO��',�4 OY .A � q r- 'r•A 1•'« n �!1� �y.118►��y'� .g. 1�;t 31 a1k,•a^�;;y rp , ,r^ a .^x- ,.!ykfa 1 . � ��fr � f.•;4 YYY� L.a��°,� 6, ^ A' ,}L.y}r� Mq } • �} .Ir r . ea d, � ��4� bNt ',P�a Y«A1Ar:.l .� rxlYA. y; JIM 6 yral V,4 ' .56 f ' v I • 1� ti 'x "�' 1 r �'F t ,,. ) ° t l4a ^' IT 1, 641':,Yr�1`.�1 ` 'L3i Nr: T },a..?`i }y + �l a'�l e � (Y@ �r��ar f� 'JM�+♦1 ,•s �!a A.� ~MIC " � ,�. a �'Z'f'�.t��.�A�`(�,Cr� « r�is«. 1•A��� �'«?�' SLR#a�"'�+�r.��ltti� ,).�Na � fi SY d.i'�r�ifi?� tia. a7 'kA�!► li�,f"I'�. 'txRti�l�t . Sw' � +«:� P / t, E'� vyl'r``,IT' � .ti.{�iw.�Cl .r� �h+ldR �,�4 :t`fS i� .+ � A,�#.r1,;.y •.t X11' A I C^1 I 1 � ' r � I 1 L' i ltf r,_ a v.Q d � <p...err 1 • _ 7- . 1 { pROI'0a11L 3'Od WHUYdJ ENT TO B3 VADH ON$ j kASLUOKIMY STRUT, frown the east line of North Loouet Stre0t } to a ,Kest Line of Hallroad $treat, ,a. To the ftonorabla Mayor and City Comisaionerat City of Denton# `{ �entlen►eri R 1 r we t�4 Undereignbd bidder propo�le to 0000yuo irireb fmrorem�t�tee paroxid . , is the xewtian pi►e4dr . aomc4asion .�r� tie 3� ay at NOW we propose to accept g�rrid property owner 00rtIfI0&t4 ' for pro exty mmor s rtidri due In tirro o4ual inet�llnehto W, so provided in 'resolution Md underitand that the City ill paagctha neoeaeary ordinances and resolutions ant will pay pa. py the expenses inourrent iri levying the 6006sement6t ire ro de to d ull the York acid (olraish 611, lateriale r for the to�.ltxing un # yriaeb r r` ,off a OQ o; ppigod aurb had r�Yb� K: »1►�11f inch ae- pt►wltio aanbxete an • roinfoiroed oonorato X214 64horeta , 4910 -P WD49 dth dX4d�1'+ k , tu'pt'gng a0e1 '4. 0 e Q rfd� n'h+raltexe. ri r 6d 4�{yp{yO! . ! �Qy' P f It's) • 4 cur 064000 tt on do ,. f wwwbrgYMbM� � ,, i < + " , 1 •>. �' r u' i ',', n . � A i klr � la rw 3�' �. 1 J. . b. r Wit• 1 �� r' z ai'y$i�''�k�!"':'�''Y�� 1 }'> ..,qtr 7�;�af ' fix xY, '.i%sim it{s}l�n Sri�F.� �r �iFpx•.,- �>i ^•,rt { -�=:, h4 •d}`w r+ �+' •:. 1!zNOITIG'a'�TIONJ V A Tjit XASr 11011 1MY gT x, from the east line of north taquet' attkoot to 060t Une of y r a i MUM I "I TO Nall m '. 72kc biddgru are expected to in,%,,00t tl,o t,czjgc and fsmO j iliearizo U,Qmevlveo with exiatin aon,k#. Clorla, Yor this Purpose of 00japar,tnr; bids, Ltto :tallp41ng qu�►uM .,• titian and unite xilx be 4onsiderodc 00mblnod curb and eirttor« e uaro ystrd o f " phtaSt#o Q4�fdrdte� "On a rein tiora+nd taariaxeta base. Prldh bidder We; W a of O;q 111440 of xeoiOm".0 of eYOXY biddors •A Ath Cqunty';lki4 '. �.J, {h Uddeir mat "t t'y �e .C� ty�. in rgcui�co to do Urn sn� aU tie Yjo soept . tvo u p M&m tq�� ltd a�1�d 14 0014 a e►k :th0, ZL 1 Ila oil Wo mAde by A ,t'ir% the individU4 naryGS of trio ' t 04 MOO �0 01 t te'A Out grid mat 'bo if i� next }.fl Out j b t f� 4► b it , ths� dho�ilo dsa�ar�be, t't o,en �rOe. n do t# �! - ,r` 'no N110160V �un4W)i Oivm neJo-l�rri4hd'al�l� � 4. �i� � '' ;•�i Y � H ,�1� �,a�r � i[lx �f' I r / ,y Fii��t O.0 fi��[�1�` ' � 1ne `el }V "Y`y� a ��,;« � �` k V i• y1 v y' . ., � nttr� ,��Y✓• e o ,i t '1 1 p 1. Yi "�V .'. xr 9t � �{ Y Y y y y ."?{ A iy%} ,` � rx � I,..t r, ! � i - +:: X ,. � � -r , Fri v3�R' 1 k•A M e , 9 Altere►�iGt>ee �' A1tel'ationa by erasures of ictor. limations mu*t be exrlglaad or noted 4.t; the propoeeois owu the siguatu" of the bidders. urines '! Somh Mdaor *bull includr In the uan1% pxia a aaus�od lea h!`N �s oral ± fan a zc � �► vr►r ear +►e� ithd �� � 4 1,fbI"9 of SIX 109rr 040 4 s, P sfdtus Of eq'aur . fol#+o! i +�.. Nlie►t tr . b ai b.'+Re dt+rr, °y All tPri.444 suet b written in wordst eye "11 ew axpravw its Bever 8 444ro Met at 44t�i� prioas for each item of work "mid 1ri ' t ` JA writing v th inks Flue writing wwrt be axe nrid 4ieliriot ; 0 f.. no queatlou oats 0 as do Its intent and suaulnev Ait bids i'pr parsees� ahal be based upon either the W64ont•wid�}r of t1t1 road now estubliht od or suob width Of rodAw yr to to �oyo i as ar be estebliskAd b,y the Board of Coewissioneres opi#liei out .01de► 1 bldea we be 1n e► se►eaed •Nrciop! addressed to tAa 1 t . � Rr �I► � �,� ���pp- iop� �teoh * �Rx�pq rerd� 1�! . �cInd e» ' tbi�► 4r���i F,�� elxs COit�rttgllvs� dirRo� �wnMxRar` . of pdar rt bt xepa� e+a gyp, o q� ,, ,,; a + xq 'J +a. 1�i 4 X01► ; t�• ty �e[ t ♦ ' p, , b1e� td 0411 mei t t :r t � ' a ON Hro 1 ��t�� '���" � xeq�e���� � t• w +R�E o0 ay4q� �� �► ! vit a oh rut, tit Iwo t,' rt�N 7 r tr'� i ! ' � {��.!`, ° ,�,..N...•w+M , _ Y , 'i fit_ ;`t slt . Ott ►i ern i� °"w' f 0 i of ot"6 �1ep° rnbtb r low to, txao � [Y � 1 � �� kt�� h�+illar 1 1►+r �tl,aaixed iFo e"e N1t'1►�t yt+epextY OlAttiag be t ?�. 1 r ,, r, t1 � �� 7 �r�. „ r� I ��K,�' � q� 1v ��+'t�� , . +,i.) a• y }t4`1 ti '� htrt' `ae. n Y k 't x -d,: y k 7 7 oast of osid abstr"t to be borne by tre coantrhotor. i Measurement and peymnt for 'fork q�r va in nvesurint up the pavement thAt part 004zspied byho7e4 s flush t� *S ,�und Qa oh bsbi� oolvore s �nsire bootee and rails ai wises u XaAirr�yr *"*Its will bs ine7\udad in the ftea r•aAte paved ate&* '� 01ty' of Dsha .Qn $hall yaq to tie Contraotor oneethird of the t 'q! i s d two Mat lasso improvonetst airier mils And a4� suss rktt" ewd Two feat Ouse do theroof which aball be a tholly by the orml plat to bo mud! by 04 My of DOnton to 090 aotoo* a { on tb+o doe►pll ion a! the xotrk in k3ae7, g�+rtioular unit or din`s at4 The armors of soperty shutting on any street or portion thereof !�>teivabov! qwa to b! iraprroved 0411 ps<v two-thirds, of tM cost Of Maid inyroeement exoeptiitg curb$ which shall be paid for wkolllr by outtiag property owners. the araint to be paid by the property lMbD $Mll be u proportion es the lronts,ge of tho property of ea,oh awnear r to the whole frontest of property ors tho particular street Of portion , tMreof gN"d to be in; rcY048 &nd euoh costs ehiill be a o t"On acid proporty owners in ficoordance With VM% Is 40iai001y )Mown tat «hli front foot rut! or dp� :04 rovided that of the d lioa►tiou of e ! in tt�e o�iatou of tbo ai' y Coa>�aiea �!.{Y of i>rlr�t��p eular Oases bo w4ult or unequal it shall be the duty of �ra1d Ut r4adssi >A to 04408e gad 0 portion sold ooste in etiah 410M of r hs 0q V�j�&, 4 to %a 404016,aVayooaaMoperty o�xori for 9u tltg A" 046. mob '� ` ra eoq�t this wa at o>< sash pori�on>weat !o [ut to pxodi100 r► ems• star ial sou to benetite and bnard#us 4efd upon 4eph petrt i� y �a -" to ,pWary+ d portion of said Casts o euo}i ix+ rorerea l eba X eebLS b d pyropi►rty owners to the Contaraotolp �n Me *qua iqo ;< s e 1ft"ta e j " fret pgy U upon aox0lotton Md 0406946"04 � dtty Dtgtoe of 4wid. rove tat upar� the par ttelo x street or V t ,o�A 4 P owed to bo or4x d ens»f iftl► ot» You froim "id as d i o#pM so ar¢ ext 4pna�t #t� tl+iras yssrb �'M said dt►tw �! tout a #ram aaad dai�f, 0AIto ar with interest o said Bbd ai pt t�rom ih NON at Bush ineeii tame at the Irmito 0 $llot pal' Oval per aaaurti providing, hotaelrafr 11u►t sway ropor Over o ►itM1 at pr-apaarty My ouch saeerualaht e[hall be its ►aha 4T4 ht. � d n +�nt�+ ot$ toaBiEti�te q `t o tyrs o>«`, 0" , �!� tab of " lys the plc r Fr ii ng ay s4 _ra 1ba aaira �rgpro+ral�e etr , a Bhdl t1 v/ b111' . �" a 4 r >ra0# �! t s1Ak1a +raer •at cut, .ad to adall q : a aid ti d both+tit to two of said propowr MA !A ad �► '' � �dpk t M; iRi4pare of t�t b !�.` e► +�'' s�nrex� 01, ! ti s ytr�ridiFd o r tr OOltir s! . �i�ea �t�tuter � �` f�ti4��e��► 'b ��°rs'die ,fir off �p1giuA4aM asE ►lrr Qie�abIg1M►1sfr'1 �"* �,eti 1�t 1P,%A t� �►ke r 'rlliid Abd f �► raet apt orb u4fie upon the Mite at Anion 6 t *wese (#%WA sbls 0110 o rimµt �,r�r0 � ; L ith tiM tfrw Of 0 �sl 'dsr mat +� i `t °l op� 41i a+d �r 9 xlis t► 4� Watt r 1 1 1� a 'd r a a a il i 1. r x• , gt-n° l_ ',i..� . , '. \ 1{ i L7W 4 -, "i 7: x t t' ti� �M�� , r�." •� ! i %ti9 �„ s..,Bn �„'N i;a�.: Y ' ih�.r'2 d � Y c1�'r lr t � w MIT i t i of Texas of 19a$ and the Chartor and Ordimmoea of the My of Dentone tW City of vaton shall not be liable to the doetrsvtor. for asy part of the . 00ste of said Amprowsient to b* paid by tbo murs of to abuttbw proverty under the sans of this oontr"tt The 40AW6e493? *halt not be obkis&tod to m*e any of the ' irtparove,* awnto ha"in awntioned in from of wW prokerte claimed as exalp Jcv= *ad�oro�*»t of thM 1100 for the so*% ox suoh Amrovems lt, bq� the Qonelruotion of auoh inp�roYomont in front of w of *uoh ro* w�i•�1t► o1s r or owsere s2�e U Aret msfu� Al �owa1, it t�l« Ooot�1 whlob w h+osl�oe�d ' efrfa► • +wa1i►o#aot 0» 9 1VA 00"tr"tos4 �:' ; xLo '�x�,re>renes is ouo�h woit eon dirtslet eri►11 o+1n�ltil� tt _. : Ma dieluq�t uAte � disc lair r<A Ow "Nospont �(ba� ��tt W-s, 711 1 d aide d x o tot hill t is M,�«o b�l otfeat+d lqr «tar gear o00001N" in donneotiora With W owmeMd 10 WW Othor vIM or dLM triatf, z donfliot In eas* of "Y oobfliot between 1w or the ahgS*rl tba spooifll oolieos t the ylWW MA the 404004t j 1A My SM11 'go' *" acs fQ110"t , ` f • ' J . f34W 04 r k , ,'tusk to b» oto*sd out by Rogiasor no 11Wk `�t}�be ��pp wider, 4h eaw�t rril • in rl+ w ou 7i ebr obi his ar+►s1 �c�► 1� aetd tb� touts"Ut . 11 s4oirr� to poor" AA1 � 004 " ,'�t• '" 1' F�1'. `t Ri EY n2. �- t � "�,{,� road led 0*11 W Ir4d Nt Pd,!t trWtlM► 1IA M 1 s h"I P"* ` °��r �t� t e rN,.h.,.� t`,ba►u•r rw d p•� 'obeaiow ff :�+tyo►p►A- , e t L%s 9 , � sa , thr Aso.y� � Mkt 0"It a Aa Ito of s pr t k A IiMI a f�tl raa4t� •ar Au ov df oa,1oM thr a o �`tex i►�x1 �Wt 11 �1t1ae�t► 10 s+ 1 . . i 1��M►i "10, t+� �vs +yew �►a*pi M s�rraup out #� � Yi) X 4 F r ,fir oa f61f � e$ moo �� .tAa►tF Aoir1►td t �i �rA aid ?' .;'SAM'. �1 J1�i � ' � � d 1�A �`0��1d ��1s�►. , otar>r aA rwrx � .Y, y Q j 1I �Y' C ^kv ':r r •'tC A2"i�5i' 11 t ,'p+? t Yl 2j i >. rt _ 'yam=;,tir'�.'�' "e � N 4i ';o• !"' `'. ` . .. '�� k ,. a' �n�a .};. ., '< :^¢:+ :,it{'V� y`1�11• -" ttey �MN�'*O d MS � '.,� .��, � �� S.'4 M'f ���k ," ' 6a"t`.I �r da :U ,r , ri ,.r,,. 2; ��` '�.}• {3 - • r{r r •i _. tip . 3t.. vS`'�` 's '•'� � i' � ',,a"' *6 . 5. � " , ' '.w. ., kr; l� 'i,l. .K � ��° �_�, " .�t'S e'���� WW ! fad Wst bo of not less thva� two . Qh Mst�t� to „ on the 01 0 ma 0,0 '04441 AtoritAi �ayuyt be stm►. Bbt 11 ►aV , ¢, , te+idtr r "tyd or Ogler dot'9otat "�J 1�r t tOSrw not M �qel. t eaoe Mritb tae o,�eoifloaticApM and.'�1 bo imn•diate re�wwyodi from 1 ; :• ; WOA* 1111 Jdrao WAt bb *e11 staked mud UoroWyniY U*4o � JgPilg� 9V Aat�lriwlo will sot distrO t� nor noxs �u ,wa o3c bo.ra• aqua be trw to lluo er• * IGta p1M11dr 46 00tt , for 1 a` dam° pV but 0 o� bt, Mwy IIIM 0� mod . J br 41� t4 # ► 1 . 1M .11. p1�� eq goons MoI1 laeorn+ i01 to W4 .Nod !o �► r ' ��oi� w�laeM� M k� y iL Curb and tt Or o�sko4 a six foot' sbettana Joiat to be out tZ t?i4 0 f�orted baest ero a art >feet A ornw;y tbiart-1y4iu too , a an �n .4acp laa Jos # lod With • eu�t» able •xpaas an satcroa• Qwcb WA getter (, fail be reinfaroad *I h 3j$ Oak k"t on 34 °. .i lash oentere 04 yiaoadl as falior S mare shall be 4moboo to l9iWth two With Mm otd , d M*u P' 106 ' •� asl •UA4 o Xtq� wWAt � o 'tbe �obore o b�o0 he'� tter ;r!? be gtatopte t Ir4lov too b�l br t u .lWeft tom, IWtR.; k 00 p#�tAf b fl for ,W40 Mii'� eet4or O 4�0a#uae 4m .�F QoMa 'A1 jat^ � �' !��' �Mpp'� . fib!►, p a � 1 , a a�tol bori xe �{ e�t� 000+sarw l�r rt <I oomt ao re oecito'e�aar ae�d tr mir* o► �ro�r ;iaxeyola�t . `, 51, sand Bala aaa'Nr 'e ; r _ „ �! y ,?'� 'f K♦� Pr'..{ (._9 i A9 °N 6X i �1Y' . 9 ,i b .� ♦5� ;.. reflT , �• f tiJ . n w l lr�: 'cl y1 . `.to i 7 ,� ,. •r 4 r Fj r F' I r i It too {� air 04 „1 1 PAR x�,ir �torr rbaU a ariat of �1r rl %no tow UAW i� IMA $04 ► all ' 6 A a �N Jam ' � A tv t l a o Too 40 s rtilbaittoryta 1 N aan��� �.,�� o t+, r � • �orai o t�,+ ratesir►io ,wa o t� reurK r r ��9�r �+a�►tal�t�aa+a tiara . f Pik . � g:1d^ .vwa . '',.; r.', .. r. L,. s',$• .a. 41•^ vr4.MlyF i masiimeeir prior t0 delivery of murial• va Coarse Awerm sball oonsiet of oleauitoush, durably fyae went• of rook (excluding eobiet, shale or *late ) of tin ors audit tbroulboutp SWI 1v4 free fray ihIt ow elongated yiecop+ and fret) soft, or dieintegrated atone, dirt$ organic or other i0 uximm matte oePuriag oi1t+4 tree o,., av a eoA%IVA 011 tAe atones AIL one a ' �sw,r►e w P#r oen of *sear of not more thn 6t) and i&sn tel�ltl06 % in oth► ° ? 6l nethod�l ohall fulfill the f011oe hg ar44airemeab+ } ssg { 1 106 44'1 m". na , ± `e,e ii pa�+eie# '��� e► ' a�bir� ►�,l�o� e>~ •mod t)�A°�y ' r F slant) noxettl • Cr ob 1 i►e a oibd of fa urA, d able atoni ' tiolee fro ' ON it)" cc 1h f I NJAt�Vt Our foroigq amat : Boree�i 1 , *hall be o ' h ewe or' a�aa�lar t�tafit�l also ypol�ied t' r ooar,�t�; h �,aSe• Tbo of 4c+aobiriJft of •"d and eoroeniogo sh4l =e9 ollow Lee �r gat i'64lf to xoeh NJ +, aa# lose they r ' 0#$a A 1gYa 6111 �Q.bMDh 6$6" 4 ash •love # totsllred on nee , a"n Ii4lo v `§Iteided 0 ` ag p 7 1w). ytfotro rie over 3 . it Of m e oIt Main 'Wot y mom et 4; 07 O&ow� *AM pf ail � M � p � O•oNe#bY� e ,,. 11!► M . i to nt�tttot 0 �o �� � �" +• � wit IA �0# ` f M ' ���� ��#y" ��1���+ . 4s����� t1�► ' `���� � 1'11' 4 m.. ' r • 1 • t 4 ovo 160 i .lb V010 ilk bo :�*1. � x.� OHM( �5�, " i F t. . . r A r. �Y',( . a..• i9:f l' F 1- 0 601 i. ,4• °,• '• +�r� �M1i1� 11IR11 �srr�l � 1� `l6gi t►�II►1� ;� � , r �.". ,�., y� x.,, , r` ; , " Total 'eitWen ($alubla in oarbon disulphide ) 4 .* not lass Neon 94e%l be Ynorgnio matter iraolublo , ee .e. e4se 2,*A to 3syAe � The aying air.ture shell consist of a U"Ifam mixture of go*"# mWegate fine ag *sate s mineral tiller and UittwAnous anterl o�4 as to rro4uo• ,When properly proportionods a fixture conforming to tb44 lollowk+x Ilai�t �atl.ons for gr^dine# This ax"t roportlon of each eor!» sl�itueat produeias the toted aagr*gats atthto Uese lix O sines be as diireated by the USLneer4 When tested b1► "am of laborat"I sieves, 00 pAv4r4% wWturs shoe% meek the tollartag arequlrerwnt9 j ., ; d �J 8saisipx1 neh somn sod retained 00 1�/4 1t�b 1�4re410 � po��I l� ♦ oh $Orson and tretamed 10 3wsh si♦1►M 1 02 v;Otxl retaimrd on 10 mesh sieve Q 1 ranaing 10 ,menu sisrs , retained on 44 nosh aim +�� raesiwg 40 with eleve, retained on 80 mesh sieve paeeirS 0 Marsh 916741p retained on 200 mesh stave lifts asing 200 ieosh sieve �ltuAen wolulrie in aarbon disulphids -the peroentage of bituwu in ttp finished ocurap SWX not are • than �/t per osnu from the proportion eatsbliehod by tins pogillot�ir. a All materials, the source* of materials shall be satigtaatoxsr to the snginser, and *.�-n er required by bin, samples or the hot tune asl►� Alt be takon several tines, 6*11y, and eta a utwre , to be ampta'ble j me,& lnvsariably oonforra to ail requirsarrats, �� I Whorl tbs bitualuous Concrete l�aroment- is • 4� to ' X on a tonove ace oouree , the surface of the concrete X be fiai"d moderately araa....-�h xlth the ooaroo TrIlast• Von pbed4sd bat, rot covered with a ooaszag norWo and pith the entire surf&" tree f Aa all de ression• or other irregularities• For the rorifioaWki d wee is or proportions and oharapteit �N a materials pd deiter.aination of temperature •soured$ � h i�t asr ; 1 ht. authoxixed reprosentativ00 "I �inve asoeco at any Live 40 f►1� is of the paving PlAvate Suitable and accurate therawters$ r0igh+ , " tat ooalea, and other awae�urr epparstus aW. 1 be niehdd mad kept { is order by U0 Contrailtor Ned inetallod as dineted by the iCr�itlM+ts } the 0oar•e and 1►iNytregats shah be Crated as dlireed 0 10 Awasa 210 and 0 4W10 Pe a ou table Ap aratwr elm Whiob * to oha�L� be Otl.:lamuly q�i�itated during the heeatin�a•a�nd i�1 ah t h°'vilaMum sou l�lsttrW cowl bepst�vately hosts inrketfles of J' d elpod as to admit of evon he ting ott the entire ass• Meth #w i£ti- o�e it ro 00ont rot et U* that at rat tielese � she* 101444 alt 0 tr ;l is ey to a iso +alrs►tu r W,on a 0 cad pw A ou« ale. v�sle Mated ,.,sere► j�0 do",or Y oS�be or, + "Al ri�el th U0 aoiMYal art ep►te Aall fir 11*1 de X , tMI to s pa"d r gate Moors& Ylklo�t an be �'!» 4. oa rim �; ba -+in irga�l %W %%iahituy AI A mad ws Ol#�iptat tbA b Ider molt 16064,. 01 1r adequate sod $Imitable ol► stleo d4 ZhMi "IM t! Ige g mixture oohs be or hly boe«ogene x�.+��,� use " ,• J 404 rressea s�#Ulbot t°hr do 0d o t 11 tt sE w rim o t o 160 41q► w I yr w Ah� � fs�et to�tbfi� k ZAP 1i�1 Y�b�«il►i MiOtrs AT Iwo 113MII1 r�� > 1MWJ►►tUif, 0MI 11 V +iUI's ► ed it �ri3lea ° 111 fi ko, p¢�, s1e gat a " r Y' ve" latd only 4M 4 elUs Oourio Mtii0h Is �1t�ts oA� trot od OW411% stir am the txom loom " ,Cot* �'n "Weals, rid oy a weatYbet gouda load in thh opinion dr the Mrr are tluitabl. o 0p�t1►If� �fiirl►fie0 fi ovuet4► o»a Mtuo A1M as lolato obwii fitIrllod titb thiar a irc�itis 06Atio at wpb el�o oeeaep bo fire the e�## L► • to xh! mix tar° o hall ed on a Mg card ou $idfi t M '' . area on w Kish It it to fit spre thfi enti;M64 distrlbuts unto lance 11 ' 1 y j1 snd ,raked togarado in n unsfora)q loose Wroar of such depth that aft" reocirLwg ultimate otroroasing by rollUM It NIAll hwo Uxw 4 Aoted 4io th U*t is ahWU on the plWW* Act aoeewt ti Ylueh Wrba a ,doers + ltaearl oraA struoturos the bdxture shell bo raked units-100Y ut Idgh 60 ourr3r O>c E tlat *west ooapeotad it will be slir?wtiy aboaro tho edg flush struoturet The mixture 91 all ll be at a tmVgratlureot a,�0 to 35 deaces r, v1s4m laid. lUMl Rollers used on the bitminaus oonorete shall be well M3600,601 so - royellsdo tgndon arollerv , weighing between 7 aaad 8 tow s xaah sh4l have n oouprea*ion under the rear roller apt be Noes � 290 ,mss 300 oAW* per linens ingh of roll and *beat to yarovWel eifh wh ioo?a Ahnxlthrpt wiha� �t»a drttla f b11t0�h1 ; ' biltae►iatq��at�rr e0raaeetp weariaatg OeWrrli xe � a� spe4l►rxo 0 to soiled at Moe wile the mixture 14 wrwrao end 1lailep vua t�?sr , d�es wad working toward tit's omtre, ! llod g t Orb rollins or di Nal aroilirag uesa�s f preventing the b now wants**, ' ia1 from adherng to the roller shah be p roy$ded awe dis'eots t0► tbA 0ragioQOr� . III* awtion of the roller shall at all time be slow enou& t,t WOW .� disylaoement of the hot mixture and my displaotwaar►nte 000uxirq as a ley sul! of reversing the direction of the araiioar qr by ay other oa m* o at onoo be ooxreoted by the use of rekw e. and of tveosh M i uro�yo t,w• quirod► Balling shell oottitaue without later" as marks disaypeawwro arnd the sugvs" utww no turttaer ooVressftilitiese� Alter the Sw cement be* had its initial omparosoion xxaeatorfo dwt w : Portland Cearoent as direoted b�► the lr4ag irfee>c ei�eili a sx+Dt thiaaiy *TOW, } the entire surtaof+r A suttioient romirowt of smilers mat bo oaepl d obtain the aaaocLowi eaaiweflsio:a. klape whioh v volurs ohmot 11!04 lyw t ly "&0h small IN ooa wood rit4 #,41 '00 twoo". I' a rlaoin of the surface ooures shall bo so nenwrl4► oontivo mania sir pa�+ bis4 eard n roller shall u over the unproteato end of frew r loid mixture only then the Ii of �a aauxao iU diseftlo f 1*1444 for suoh Unoth of %14* 60 to point the wixt to beotm 0111!" Sea wit kato�a owes* rvDen tM wooa��k ie► ri►sumed titia anatet �aari4 gt�11 a+� Sri sa ar !p �arodu ai Mi ghtY�► lad edge for tine t1 1 thi0�p4�er of � o =fr•r Yiali old"aera r�ai t0aioh seen vat w�trray � xaear� 1, we work asa8 q iaax& 001 t t s #rest oaa�, 11 wd ' w Ilu , i o b! 0 lohed somao yyare nt tr ro ow ja '3 s� tw �fr rewtuaged, Rt a axateari labs!! bar sut d� t0ai+ab�i1 treaaa0v!d t tJrear itla wivarp�tas wa, r ' e �di+d n t�Atq'AhM 0 1S Wo formedo Rot 6WotbAVW �. �O 1 blli �d �1Q�1 �!�i >G'4r� 0�"� �� • '.,4X jr#, t� 0►vold bweafa s 00 00 1s 1100 at V* vox 1 0 rub. ` oar barmy 0 e e ss phn +►0 Tote Nd � *d0un « sa bid 1ea1�e 411 fed' ha tied r�itte tq tosr4txwrat � . s r bt eb►1►3i was deriatton 0 t aaie� �b a',�i�►�o:�` `"" a' smrtage ' ur s eee.s • soh pev s M wasarsd r . bir toot r►p+ d � � ka t DO I trea+�Wt a o r: ! 'Y1•,+ I "• dr 1� wwlialri►.�wr yai1,. wM1' . 4 I r 1 .�1, t ,. p i 1 'w,7.," I LI '� I - ;� ! . J � it t I • � r ,.• . " r 5 4 "'. r WOO )I vM7 r7 - 77 1 till 7777 M. tf 14 41 WA 17 NiL tr.r IQ Olt Nr 1�I, 0 w"d '.A r k Lo toti It FIT" Nq 10.7 ANY i 69, 1 -0 0 III IN I J tI A�T'it, :Ii, VIX ILL k�'iIlikI 4 44 Y M X1 1 A WX 1 I ,1 1, 4 If I it r v I, L rr 40 AA� �jr 7, '.Cr rY 'r, It , i k,V N7 �X�. , 11" 4i jX 0 'ol "IL 01, I ,001 . I �trt 1 M777q e. t .S R, ;'�. T��"x7a + 1K^ rA 1!r� [ . Y1L It, I 4 ly r 4, 1 1 1 WIN III I - . 4,4x I , I ' A IAW; lit p, t Ft o- I'LL i'r , .00 IT kl Vi I Mqg IT - 4"114 xv ,wrif A, ♦ r . v 1 �f�'yE ♦t �t���� 'r SS tP r� ��f x � _ 1 l .�yi J r ! y � I + � 1' '� , ��'' r,J ![ !' Y � �a r+! If r ��,t,. T e I D "55 x, s ��5 � ''r + � �. ♦ t 1 � : 4 Rr�'n � i,ggtl���"" 9' X t I • I ,, i k + {.10 4,. tyn t� r r �s v� r f`y rS � •. t. ' .� ♦ f rt'�' r t a f.' f v ! ! r df l a [ •� 1 � J �.� ! �' rrF:P n. i I ! � �r�lT I�t ,l,� �q�� '^�' a�Y 4rl � �� li. 1• r� l / ' K� 1 TI++, t t + A T^i ���� a ,S P �r a • ,r� h t t ! f ` : ;: ,.. e i � •r. t *� t inq N� r � , � t'. �# e, r It • '`.1 ', 3 I, I �. /. 1 1 ITf(.•..�^ r{w � P :�`. 14 r .t„ � ! : r � 'I 4�� � a4' �l 1 � � [a`��� ' � qr7 i \ f V CIA' ` � f i r" rAI Vi/f� ' v $ r :i� l ' r , r j� !� � r � �• r r L + �t ° �}�Y +'"I` � " ! CIA' S' r r ^ _ l f �� [. I r � •� Y�' ;`Y"y ' r I �i r1 xy�f' 1Sf ' '` b`' �`IZ 1 { [„ tc �.. rr. �I °.•tr, . L rZ. !' yr her + yi i ¢ iA4 9 ! C S I d ri r r a 4 1 � t all P;n '. � f:+.r q. 'gv " � r r 't'1 � �,h tv �.r r . .J, r • .� Apr '+� I f A !� *5.F1$_ �Y� .,�i W � � $ L � � ry 9.r,�A'. ! t ,A��l �'� �is Rd a• 1�',� s •F.' titY I� : f''" f �,Ri • r ?. p. r. �jfxf ��yy .,��� r ,.t r ' ' tr;r r !� �'All J, W. eRWIN. ell RaTARY COMMIMION[RIBI MARION ERALLSY, A"ORNIT W. L MILLER. CHAIRMAN K. T, eRSWITIR, EReINIIR L. BAILEY W. I. ' 900WARD. TRSA.OR[R P O Menton O. T. TURNER F, If. ►INER. NSA61M OI/ISSR W. R. LAR[Y J. A, YOUNG, MA9.NAL B. W. MCKEN2I E, MAYOR CLAUD[ [A.TLle SRRY DENTON. TEXAS Uay 24s 1927. To the !Bone Oity Commisoionp Denton, Texase Oentlemens-- I herewith submit to you, for your approval, my monthly report for month ending Usy 24, 1927s WAUR AND LIGHT DSPARTHENTs This department is in good oondition and everything moving along satiefaotorily. I approve of the reoommendations given by the Superintendent as to a lower water rate during the next four months for the purpose of enoouragiing the use of water on trees, shrubs and lawns. Street and Br.ldgel -- This department is doing exoellent work and have the streets in good oonditioae Nearly all our bridges som- i plate and filled Is on sides by this departments our seoretary tells me that in spite of the faot that we spent dut of this department around five thousand dollars for permanent pavament in Kay of in tereeotiolop that we hairo, out the overdraft dour $1700.00 and ws believe that with the levy proposed in our rsoommendatious that in" ,,.atothsr�'yoar .eMv the entire overdraft in this department may be out but• ; x Sanitaryl-IINVhe oitizens seem to be 000peratiag with Drs r + ' Piker altd , things are in good shapes We have been outting weedo 4itk a horse mower and aim to have a general ocean up in the next too dayslf POL1011-- Thii departtent is in good shape agd offio%lre I'l ing more fait" and poop rati*g bettor. :. Oetnetarriy a>,4 park looking good and generally speakitlg x• Ii re +*thi#g i1 good oondition. Aeppeotfuliy submitted. 1 s i S ' , r s Y We undersipeO. property owners ou last Ho }annoy Street r xespiotfully request and petition the Oity 00enm1010u of the Oity of Denton to order a paviMS Ordinan0s to iaoluds the said go Kinney Street from the east line of the 21 Looust Street to the east line of Railroad Ave. Ordinance to inM oluds the widening of the streets Street to be paved with oonorete base ant the proper topping. lo NO . � AI r t a � { § np r r , , � O•b � � �� 51 1 I q 1 !� .�. Y �' t ee vv `` Y ■ � ' t'�� Y. r. � q re 4 � . Y rf� "4 � 1±dpi '''t".t. �' M r �Y.� t •. �b Nr A�' 4" i , � � Y 4 ,, ! . ^ ' J A' p 1 1 I ly ' f r rn • f L a In„ 4C. ++ • '1 � r ��Z g �'t"C��° Pray r.X ri�'<Y V'�1ya rp , .��,—a, tH [ � �� 1 .r A e ! f •, ,x 1 X , b v r E 1 .' i d, • ± a, +1 r .J r r A ' '° L.lS ' 1°t•�y e f �q Z s RESOLUTION OF THE CITY =lICUiISSION 05 THE CITY OF DE2r'PON, TEXAS, ORDERING I}A'ROVEAMiNT OF A PORTION OF EAST MCKINM STRLhT, IN THE CITY 02 DENTON, TEXAS, AND ORDERING S PEOIFI- s CATIO98 PREPARED. BE IT RESOLVED BY M" CITY OF MNTONt 'that, Whereas, , the following street is in urgent need of improvement by ex It Icavating, grading, filling and paving the same, construction concrete curb and gutter, eewern and drains, and necessary work In connection therewith) and , VYHEMAS,, THE CITY COLnION OF T]C CITY OF PENTON DEEMS IT NECESSARY TO VTROVE SAID STREETt THEREFORE, BE IT IMSOLVED DY THE CITY OY DENTOlts That the foil Wring street be and is hereby ordered improved as above .set outs ' said improvements to include the type of paverhe'nt spedif�ied after eaoh. y a: EAST MCKIMY STREET SrQen,r hq Lash, ,ins of North:Locust, Street .to East Line of weee4-Me , pavveolNent to' be' one` and on'e-half inches of asphaltic concrete on a five fnch "re Anfdroed concrete basso. Each unit or district shall be and constitute an entire- ly '4nd wholly separate and independent unit or district of improvement The construction`of safd 'improveinents in each separate, unit or district shall be wholly independent of the con struotion of any other unit or dietriot. The assesemente to be levied in,; each unit or dietrlot shall be made according ttd, Nhe cost of the, improvements in that partioular }trait or dietr,i it',and In Soco.rdance with the benefits scoria hg' .td the propar2y' by' 'reasdn of 'eaid improvements in that pArtioular d—it i ' or' didtriat, wholly and entirely fndependeat ;dfthe ;ggost and' ' of; the benefits accruing by reason of th'e' improV0Zent? `iri at►y , . of the other units or distrioto. Z, :4 ""� f. ` 4 �hat the City %ngineer :be and is hereby directed to at �. 0 once prepare plans ana speoifioatione for said Wrork and file F „ tie same with, the Oity Comrtssiorit That the cost of said improvements, shall be paid Bs f�0110 rg t S) The pity of Denton shall pay one-third ' of• the oast o�',,oaid =improvements except ourb which shall be ,wholly, ppaid for by` property ownorse The amount to be, paid by the City of, Dorton shall be paid, in oaoh" Wxpon completion of the work Qf imp�rovertent" ih the patti0614i. Ut it or diitriot; . (b),''Ai'tex, de64iin 'the mourxt.'proVided ,for " I' eeo¢ipn POW,Y o Pere. a�ut�ing paid' stkil ah'ail p' y Ole, :ro• c�bt. f seals .ii�proSte�aents` whioh a t`he tote sett oP the' au'rbii.�' a *0 oi*o►thirdg ,df` the total o�a`t'. bf the remainder s;. -of• imprdrments. r rat ' erg, roppai.dI,it �lsve�e�ua 'ttntbie by ,ho pro �,+atyu d'n- " ,, p Y rt oft 11th bite tai PS p n ta�tat of oh itn�rovll- 9 '1 hip i� }.V YL `a hits ' diatrid 'by the -, Clay: of 6,4t'ott, otie , y ' dP joisid eat$ aftd�PiiPtf� 't a eat at'terr'o ! dttt9 otter t f itp{' 1#r of toe' $aid ` date bne�fi f th Pour 'ybar1 after sddr, 1datrS� , t6gethelf with if.Yterelat at the late of 6il&bt ' oo'n4� per, annum' from saes dots !' acdbptanee, provided tt-at ; lat m : r" ate 1 1. 1 I��' � i � E'S 1 .l J• �Y i � r 1. 1l fie.;+ i . r Y tY r by , I �. . C,• .E.. rf�" .� 1'�,Lrl.+ r'L1'.. .Y�Fl4 il.� t }. n_'1 1) Ilf f(. ���"�'����,,�� .11 r+�+wM+, ww+�,r,i said e.00essments I:Ay be paid before mattirity with accrued interest to the date of payment , that said pardon payable by said property ovaiero shall be aa;essed againut their abutt- 1 ink; ;iroperty and acainst ovmers of the ealoe, in accordance with the terms of Chapter 11, Title 22, Revised Statutes of r , Texas of 19110 and Chapter 9, Title 280 Revised Statutes of Ryas Texas of 1926, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, in accordance with what is commonly known as the front .k foot rule or plan, as the frontage of the property of each L' owner in VIOL particular unit or district io to the whole frontage of the property in that particular unit or dietrio{, providin8' that should the application of this rule in the opin Ion of the City Con°rnission be unjust or unequal in any partic- ular case, it shall be the duty of the City Commission to ayportion and assess such cost in such manner and proportion as It shall' deem Just and equitable , considorinL the special benefits in enhanced value to be received by such property ":and' the .owner there.:f, so ao to produce a substantial equality of b0efits- io and burdens imposed upon each property and ,its olne'r= and 'providing that no assessment shall be made until ' `;e;f,ti`r the notice 'and hearing to roperty Owneis provided:by „ the terruel of Chapter lit Title 22,Revised Giatu'•AS of Texas rk �> �Yf fof 195 And Chapter Y! ' sn n and further rrovidlhg that no assessment shall bs made against ';its .owner in excees of the benefits in enhanced 't 'Vilue accruing to such property owner by reason o:r aai4 im. ahy property or " , �•'", ''proveraents , PASSXD AND APPROVED, This - - day of 1927. } Attests` r r '� • I k f a�r��� rh. � 4 3! � r r • .I) I � `1 •f\ r r �'f Y a t A Y `I�r�1 �yi t�V '�J \ 1� t�4V r .^ � 1 + •f� r � '\ y:`� +,� I � Y 1. y 1+' I r1(1 r9'� 4IMY ry C M x14,+, rtrx,iq:i tin fY•� f. A` Mlr,'{C y' 4 r ' V :,, w � rv1 i} i � �i� '1 \'s . �e� �»� �• { 1 r;,� r ,. r �t + ', � y r°'I,a Y e` z'�� ', ! , !f �j pp 11 4 r� J tf ti r�� x•N�},, w S 9 i t r � •i F r. . 1. � '.r, L {L r r q '. . � in S HYI'� v _ f of i Y r 1r } ' rr♦ ,1 , 1 �t� A� 1 s��it vr,w��f��ik!r I �irT Y,r .• !` " , , i ' ,.l+, 9 r�";M 1,f !,° ^" ! ';t k �t, , I . x � d: �� . h,•,. of .4ft • � r r _ , y �r { , tti I [, yr' r �^�'i �•i t'r^ ° �{ � � 1�,,�j,1 1�;' ry,5v,� � � e " y IL rt,! } * t, R rt Pe 't a r f0 ,r�i - ���d r A ♦' �� � ♦ } r r '{ .:, � tr, � z: sp^ . r �. r + t Y�,i " ,v t` , ia�., t ayt�. �) 1�i✓�� 9 \ {� �l�¢r�� a, S 1 k � i n F y ..1 , , ♦ , ' ✓ ly ,[ l �♦ i;'r R tiC• ��� f7�'S � i�� i { Vii- �+ ;f l�� V �. 1 ja i /.' A dl.� Y'•�. r ` \,� + ' , {1 � r ; r ♦ +s ! '� tX��� � � l �ik I { • L v 6 t I�°, �,�' •* a Y " v ". `r' � e+ r'_f'a,-T'_-_�.�—`1 r ( 15* 'f. j3 iit e ' b.y.,r,) a. .; t 1a i! , } •i� �t .arl, ii . 1/Y + `I �, �+} v s�t��p �j Y�„ �`r�Y�{ rt•r'� 'X� ir7 ,t ra : 1 � ,:♦ � � J �' t 't rf � vJ 1� i 1 t J'�' (1 1 l.t,l � � �1• >t,� �� .}`�'v? t ��P4 . a a Ki. u ' I,IyYl"' ' S J' f , v b t,✓,Y , u � � ;i�� �5 �" �'� 1 t r . ° �� '� 1�b4'�. t � ya �l� ��it v' b l�btr i •._ r 1 SY,. a f : ' 2 rR Y:t 1 �1�6� S l�j . �r"�,j�I �;�t :� y.k.;.:�t�l•_*:Id�«� .n` �t ,tt YV r:1 .i ..��'A r ''�•�^'<Y.. �j '4 d yi1 lest 't���� 'a�,u � . �r�. 'r� . � `•M �'1 ' 3` ,re .v!`� } �+kY�f b r, ft, To Brarrlrteri jj OlZ 031ty lGng�»ber. rl i, �r4Y .)'���,r•t S: •.t' iat 4� Iai d aS taa � i . y . I .rVi }'� � ! ;�. �1�t5 ,�,ys�t� i i Y rYtira��f ♦� . . r 1 t .. � � .', j ,r.. 4 ' �r�,�T' ��yr7�. 7�} .. {:.i 'C w {. J r, '; r ''C f, ,, i ' rr C � t: S' .� 1•tt\. i r• M. N4' r 1,�,"� :. r E ?'�`.° ..1,'': ... . . . .... .,M ?p", 't''.!'. �.r R ��'.:�.+yft� • t6 �:a'b."{y 1,+11;:.f 6.EAV ii C"':a�t •� �•ir, 0 �.I�. •.���1d��'�y-aA�}.• ,�P f n,F fir. ....d.r'. � ��1'Ir��A^�Y�{�N���� 1,r 1 W`U. ^r . — r �r .. r•F•,'+• /1.a '�nA Y 1 . b r�r„it( q ' • .{'r rY�l t 'I't. 1 .•^..: . .� _. � • JI, I „a hY 1 ipy4 �J J 1 ! :� � � 'i t 1v"� M th��IyYi , ♦ t , w f e "{ w 1 r.F J J�':. I a w ,.: t �` ' tr6bwthyl',W.}yr�`IY:,f7Vavt �( rfr q y.� # ad �..' �. iJ . ✓< L.y. r . da r.. k QFr° �' 'r{+. � t•',� 1 J t �r i�.!4 �;i1 � . fri, �0.t�, ���� ��:.'.���•v �t •t• it aJ�' Jr io r ! t '��}�•w q�r�a 1 N 1. r . � 4 +1 �','I jr� ` t ,..• tl+ by 1 r ` ce u'�.`1.Sa '1� i�;'' {]�+ bVlr ha'" ,+ } �'� '�' d.+� r 5t(o/`a„ �'`.i 7'r` 11r ♦ a p^r ii ' " j Y h rY ,S ,Iw Dr rd' ti � Ml Jol"�� pp�"� � �-'����'131� ?5 � Ay �'tb S 1 rLy� ,��_y,�„ `St,�,�r;�} ,.;� b �G � r A �'1� t i�' ��•.�4, a l 'LV v •1, p.f 7, Y�r �i ., ti 6lj}r. ;�y41 fY'I4 . r � t � ;1A 1�, A % r 1:• �, f , � � h"'•Y.r Z�� iQ`�}�,r'A4 / Vtw � ..�tv 7N, rk"�brba .y.,.M, t . � t ( . Y, i y� .��'1 ld 4Y ✓ K SSY„i �',{r��: `' ut��� rat: ' n (( ! i:.ti �'wY�' 3�ayeJ r,nh .Y.rl�wDrX j� b. N,""S� 1� a i • R `a� � +3'�t 'I QSt.R�'a7"�4f•ai�191I}•�i�mrry.•���{��if+hv�,/(y'.,""..� jL ! S y• , r t .v , }. y y 1 r1 'F u' » v ,1r`1.'t1'lv � 51'� 41 Y i1 r�'T„7 " f t » e " l' r 1 1s ��l' yyXa� s=. '. r �t,�,1F ! •' t k�r. ^�.�rl )FtP n ��Y r4•s d � � �. t. t "! kr�k �l1 1'rSl1+' � �Lq °w�.ry kw , t,P r n i1 f ( S p,�; 1 y {s r�) ! j,., Y� r s • , i ty,F, �. . i �'4 �� ' "S` � SF ;.>' • _s c + .r �l adx � �' t;� , x. 1 ��, .7 •�' �, d t,�,�.S .1a.M1�'.. � t .c�' 1)y'� y '!�' �Q .( r 'y'. „ i. ~v r i PPAPOSAL FOR IM 110TE2&.NT TO RR °Allh ONt It EAST MOKINNBY STP13T, from tho east line of North Looust Street to the $ast� L, ne of tw R�tit . — Y , To tie' Honorable Mayor and dit Oomaissionerso Oity of Denton, . } Gentlemen s We the undersigned bidder propose to oonstruot street Cotpmiss ontQnathar3rddayofeyxe927tion pase¢d by he arty WoN;,propoae ' to aooept Yali.d pproperty owner oertifioato . fo�,� pY'b qty o�app ��a•!tio�lt` dyb, i�: ��v'e Aquax ih tsilmbiitd as �ovtd+ed in reeol�ltion aid undij tAnd that the 0$,c will y pP't pp�e thA' ii, gees&ry; o:-divaAaga,;and r9solut4one and ;gill pay the exp8���o`.ixoti►r�ent !n 1'evyii�g `thg abeeeoe�eute, We' 4r oge 'td� � ail '' #h���r��'�y �i�l �. �ate�►'a��" i�►t'erib le far, theoli/.iriiagnt p'rYa�a'i ` pe p r roof or q�tmbiaed' ourb' t►nd " kdG? M Gb oaa�F� on0ihce�e gip' �. � �. % � I}, y �•/ y reialorQed odrlorate IRA r 101A � , R ^ r L t ho�dexa in . , P .,t> �• k� �.3� ' � �` ,��n���i 1 } BL'� y'�!� cbld#�►�" `�klt�f `�Yl"',�idr►i a�'1iCit�i , ;� r , ! 1� 0 01 Qt tbl aCOp�d4!►x act ura . 1�,d d its tho e►mc of of i!`t 1 t ,t On _sot, ks'' th��' i€ ,.; �1 dp to: g aQ4 bfk .st ��► d6' 6 att, r n§"d#44d ' do�iefi k *ithin *or i�pr' dCsy . , a�, oh+e�k i�A a�aourit s erio10 d,, , . r 1. ! F.. j�C P' . . - .1 '•,�.. s N; *.t ��F�, 5. epo 4?� t"s L♦ -'yA °' rnl.h , iy' � ��. o .1 :' 10 �� ,, lr.. {. ,' n y 1, 1vr , . .� Sy4 'I }�Ri ;'f`11 f�Cilt'Y i .7��ri Y� 'til.4 Ql .( { •; l � �,°,:. it,V i,:,� •rt. � ("f 1.,� iP Y"� � "1 �.,". {r� _'115] 4t�� r ISM �# 1,t t t r tit Y �". K r�..'�,'A►' tt�3'r r ate:�ye�4r� w• .! �, M '1 G �� Y� 1� Y Y 1 i`:Y rt'I Y< �7 f }t i.•1. Y� '. J1r ' evil ,>.� ',4 t r}'• '.�"� � ,. a 'F`.:.�1� .71,y / �s �. :4 err s:.� r t;� Y I ' 71 '1111", C( (�. " � ;xyt, 0130IYICATIONS FOR THM ' WROV`I I1 XT Us , !. RA8T MORININKY 13T'RMTo from the 'ek%;t line of itol�.h �.cuet 8Wed't 'to b801 line of ), re y.+ Y '� 'sC', Ae Re. /r 6 d . #0 wl�, INST.�vax ONS xo �iunutts t ` ' s The bidders are expeoted to inapeot the work and fam. Y ' iliarixe themeolves with oxieting. conditione. I . � ` ' ' ,.. : ,�; ,f d 4 ` pp40,6*0 of gomparing •bidol the fdll�ilwl tg 4444,011( � r tide `,�► unite '*iil 'be oonsidoredt • •,�E,q„,,.rQ4�i 4o�lp�,�#ad :.Qurp. ,andr �utter,�1 1� :,� ,� ;�Y r ,',r f�. ��;y� �+ ;i x ,+ �,�, MM1Yt'd8 'O, '�'�l� AAp?la].tii0 QQX1Dret9 Yn A ' " eiriforoed loonorete base$ 9u (♦f& .} M Q ' N 1 a �e� r N 'r rr Y i. ,0. £ t f,1'` r�T11r � w 1r y r�Y� 0.L�Rp ( ,n ye..�al ! '¢ �' �r�a 9 '.`� tr y"n?�tli�'� Mr�i'�i4'1 t,�IO,Y✓1L y E:� be oak gdn of tHo Vr11teQ ' The plaoe of reaidbnob of arsry biddsr# with godntyf mn}4 a ,, tm,ga ; a exg4� � r� tN ,ei netarefr : � • •� "1�• r4 'yl-� i}. ,�, � Y ' '`RaOh lbiddefi mt , �Iatipfy `,fh+ ' `di,ty, iP requfrpq to r"'qf 'his ahili�y to l�urilish oil figs ne06e84r,�,, to t o �� ;i�►4�#3iAx Idt'`e1�dW1a '`COM 10, x 41k NS< p rY 2 L� 1 44 pirm nillbei� 1 oX1 biQ made oy' f1%U -4,he individual nave bf tia t ooterf m►!4t U t+rltton otit odd fat b9 gne n; i rti . 'T . t r . .. � ! P;:i�'�s'i�' they'? otirbb�. �t,�e ;Y ���.+� :� : ' ► btlYiinitgp ;tiodsrr is 3ir4 1h e #is� 'a+�. . #r ►� ,<.,; A di1,W`i d a� k ` 4 t'itigt P�' ` a" i4d4r 6,116404( xOxbaai aa'ithe $gent of ihothev 6 �e1 � 1,1i ri# ► 't1sf1 'oY�da�s�e i Yr .5, �i. i ♦ 4 Y. 1) r [A... N h51 ♦a Y � y � f� ''F rF. ec 't t Yr�. `'1kvi1 is �46jf.v y� rriee�'., •� i byre �,,�.�,".� �. r(afTj; �;� '', Q.�b,�`.lrf k'S O, wf.i 1 r,Y"jW}y�.F'tl"r:� i D.if w�# �T ,f � j+.•ki: ,i , � C,] y�yd 's r ' $i r Its,rs.'Y 4 5" ;,"fit. `r '"�.,� s'rM!°��-77 •r, 1 All Al • �l'IYi'1(1 � � ��� � �.�'IC` ra� :, 4�,��,° � 7 V.� ;�i ��9�i�Y�,b � v * ` , •' rr r r e `1 fr�f i 1. � Y ' t '•����"�r�t 4, r , �', }� Cd v Y �� � .'; •.. : y $ {� •,A1{ r � ►�Yr1jY,iy�1� 9� i . or It I bt, �'iI: 41,G"J�� fri' °I ) 7•••}r'�1. 'r 2r}�4;'rar 1 p✓ ` t '`� � x tl 7e.'. 9"a., i �• �} �;i��.1f �' a is i Alterations Alterations by crazuree of interlineations must be explained or noted in the propbae.lo ' bver the signature cf the bVdere. Price + ty Each bidder shall inolv.de in the unit prices nwaed in his proposal � the farniiYhing of all labor , materials , and apperatua of every deeoriti. 1 tAon necessary to conetruot , erect and finish completely to the satin faotion of the Engineer all work to called for in the specifications or shoo on the plane. All 1�rioes must be written in words , as well as expressed in figurce . _R aaers must state pride's for eaoh ites tf work named: in the + 0r3aa1 its wiing with ink. The 'rvrlting must be oleax ntld dietihat Nb ;t�1}at ,Oq 'gOt'e ion oa.ri arise ae to its ' intent and raeaningq iki bids 'for pavingg shah be based upon .either .the pr O460, r� ` , ,� the #6'*A*ay o6v eatat113hed or such width of , 1v4adw y to bt pxQrq bb, litabliAbed by the Doted -of oommissionarsr , '��{ war a � � \ Is K *' r'' " w ., � dpe11 i1d� •d# $ids t o!' ! 4 �' A -,` f r:Ji µ,F,R`^ fi�'ll ; �Afrk,02► ► N oparoN Na r1x��dta iOslo p� 4 v et ��ta�D?� Ye�N►nllr N1 �' 'P � � p k�� �� th�15 oftiae of tbb glad'�� e��1r T r y l Y X. ,• 1,`y :r , n+ T fr F TT�• Jf Y�� ,y � e a �tO T' e T+ 0k oflw o h r' toregx ' C {� i a} bo �eemedr b8at' # the e t a the �I , , r . 6 E r a tort bo requited• tar ?� to else s J d � X �, � E� A 9 fit, ' •a'C r & n �►b� y a Beard of Qonori� i� i roe b4; w1 +1 t f , r �r 06 4 'a1 d � N►�i��t , d J�1,toh o �� f , q�� Y e �Ry1bY ?�e e.ro!' Oum�riesi rei` r etua�tin yy � , x.f ��•M' f1�yl,"���� Tea el � !'q0 �y i�ttt01A.`46t',X,11�1ek�' A ��� �r �► ti r t� rt+�tre� s�+ o ;�ai� t t at o i� of •,tom d� t;I� :,4>�' Drfa�toal` d>�' � ��1�`44N t��., �.� � rtafhir � ,, tiQrtft �Ca` t"r. > r'' a ddrt rN1► ►� a r Ate,� +; d ;# J� >� t # ��,tttd' P � =af�ta Q ¢r' w dII " ia." ','c `t,*r! } ,s .. i� a' ,'.. y ' ,t * r 5 1jn A�0•x " " Ai .t: t �',"1' r J:.,"r � +1�. ? sot, tkrj�1 :s Jh^:, a fCys ;t "I#A't ��' .•� 'C^' r4t,} U�� 'r,�ei1 ` 6' t . SfT.�ti+�i 5`�.�. t+�f k ', �c:�`y�r w�: :�,� � it�1�•���!de�,'- � , � `ll �71■R � � $x4Tf�'. , ►rt", �� t��7N�.,A�CF. �'��^.V��{,'��.N4�I A,6. .rh y kefliIV ��, #2 3� �►t + i � � t ,�fi �c���i� �4" � �rs� t � dad 3 ��'�+'� iixt�ar ,�y� h�l►aw .,.iy� � ��• �; i �' � ��s�p�f 1141 :'r a Sr f ! r.S 4 ' .• ,,: < . ¢ A.4fr` '311 Sr 6i Jtik cost of said nbatraot to be borne by the contractor, Xecourement end Payment for Work In measuring up the pavement that part occupied by manholes a, ;bash tanks end •atch basin oovere , valve bones and rails of isre & ' °rAilwey tracks will be included in the aggregate paved. area y The 01ity of Denton ehr,11 any to the contractor one-third of the oont of ai said improvement except improvement under rails and traoke of steam rallweys and. two foot outoide thereof which she'll be paid wholly by the ownorel payment to be made by the 4ity of Denton to 4orstractor on the completion of the work in each particular unit or district. r The owners oi' property abutting on any street or portion 09reof hereinabove named to be improved shall pay two-thirds of the cost of Ay improvement excepting curbs which shall be paid for wholly by the bvld tting property owners . The amount to be paid by the property owners a shall be in proportion as the frontage of the property of each owner is to the whole frontage of property on the particular streo6 or portion thereof named to be improved$ and ouch costs shall be apportionEd bey tween said property owners in a000rdanoe with what is pommQQnly knots ae the ,trdo t rule or lane ovided that if the a ligati40 ox thin he` 'wiou p �r i be th p�iy of Pentn ifs pero ir�1e i� � o! the city: dammieeiors o! th'd di} l�oular qa4 b un uet or uAequaa it hall a duly of 40614 city. lxaiei 'At " is #es lsrid �LpporVo'n said c ast$ in suoh p dpOT ion aµ say R e de 3 d qul�able , considering the spebial benefits in 0214 � �S ed ro'bd by each property owner, tbd equities of such owner a d t b �P uet�nent of ouch apportionment so ae to produce a cub+ sta:ntial equality of benefits and burdens imposed u on each propshal "a it's owners aid port on of said ooste of, sugh improvements shall b enable b said proper �r ov+ are to the ot�t�'adto7r n lire equal in- r` ifrstehe !!� st payabae upo�O orplotipn and aopepteance by Oity id W+prj else t upon he ' pisrtid 4r a refit ' r t o otiOwig Ctg' bs itl[p4 20 bne"! fth ant yellrr from flail` d����'' od0- ,two y+ens ,fr0A said dote , one+fitth Otto years iwon said date am� ope+titth tour yo&r's from said date together with interest on in4Ialime`nt from the date of ouoh aooaptanos at the rate of eight per 460 peir annul proo'iding, however, that any property owners against oa6 o ty sny suoL ageGsoasnt shall be made shall hale jhe right o p h p o�htre►4 or 's�►t stay ;`tiff} bei�xe maturi y aby,pax o ox 741 0! h i ' 1 .lis4�at ' ' ith A00r`ued interoi t th8 to o! p t+ ? h q Gf ;t►� to4h'` f thi ° 01sn 00 bt thr pf0ppartyy �titd�' uppp� �►i�Mtr$ ;0 iO4 the - Of named to be �Frore4 •hhl dusted ifterty tmd eh&Xl be a pex$6AA% lia�l t ou list t er the eoi :;in tlis Caney. htxe��datter sot out# and t0 a44omplieh tte tai. be Aee4 the q rb ro a , raid -pronerty iugd to Eepure �pr to i thepa'or�t nt i he simverP eebl by` at�`baaaer4 ," 4 �pd4e, ` abttttip upon ' Qi►id tsit dr t t , , .o'r a !o ►ode ache Ot of biAto� `�►ii th� nod ea tax l plul 4 ii6olwti6ne �u1d �Ako the neoesear stb ; p o dqd tip si be w,tee'sul, � t e44 bd :�► u tl`e ,r ��`"� � #4n��a o� .t '" `:a �4��� pmst�t �� d a� eo 't `tA moo ' k 'rr�►x1. end3 A 6 s els of 0 r y ', 1?uttina .'apou, the 4 regxraeNptoredfd th8n a, ti ° �i37ra rum pW►a'plo � ► ,tr d , the, flames pex4on a1 !at sM 431 � 'e1.�s � yeo bra ith the • erq� "o �i0 ��.�rd�a. �tM7 • ' r'� �t � , R14de0hA 1 a i f r a �� y, 1 �" ►a i t • � i.M 's,." r w, .+ Fn ,y 4*w+ .fl: S a ��� h � i� Y b ? Sw w� ♦' i a , . _.,t , p i � Wit. ( ' . w* �¢" .� '•�' °j�,'r� a ,� _ , _ 5 4 .l� 1 •�J dv �`' .ii C T c :L , JA J 3 ; U Jk;01Ar4'GCJ Li +jlv k }.'ri, i 1.a " v7.bks ? 4 , �� fit{ +�r` ,F+ �e GV.�+87tNy . , a�fA �Pkf+A �'4R t� Q j� y ��11 1l 1Y L qw {[; i \)y S tdri 7 f'rJ k 1rpS r. W. f 1 Ptt` "�.k W r . y' K ,.... w a i S w .r w'` 1 s'}•'' t 4 M4' }} Sgt .TSa x,rr y r S 3 f,' ,j �y ,r f' t �x 7, ,.w S : ri, S 9, of Texas of 1925 and the Charter and Ordir-ncee of the City of Denton. •4, The City of Denton shall not be liable to the Contractor for . ` any part of the costs of said improvement to be .paid by the owners of ;�+ the abutting proporty under the terms of this oontraot► THa Qontyraotor shall 'Mot be obligated to, make -any' ,of the-AsprOi seta" hareiri 3dontioned 10 front 'of, My property claimed as.; exentpE from the ehforooaent of the lien for the oost of such improvement, lrat mar omit the construction of such improvement in front of any of ruoh pro- Yti yorty unless suoh owner or owners shall first =rice provision for secur 1' ing the payment of the amount of the oosts whioli will be asaeseed against ti suoh property to the satiefsotion of the Contraotor. r The improvements in each unit or district shall constitute sopar• th; i►to and. di:stinot units or districts and the assessment for the imprn,Ye- *%Iti •id' 'op�''u�iit` or district shall not in any swiss be affeoted ;by an ' f�yt%dt '61" 91teu st&noe in 'dorneoltion with the improvements ' in say 'othe� nit or dwivl Y Y► conflict In data Qf any conflict between law or the ohUtOrl the a soitif y. de►t�4nt i£;t?ii pl�dt''ea4d tthe 'bontractr". they: gba11' b`�lrsyn "did fxoi,itl�� � .ry..ri. r '�,,m i k '�r ak '�nd �tHe Oairti ,,o,• , , ,, ,, . 4 , ,. '. - t, rr. : ;k ,q; 'k peoifioatlone ^wdx)e toBbd staked •oUt by 8nginoot t 0 dad a�der' thip agbaemeb dill b� atb►k14 ' dri :hy his =dad tab t;' and . t ! .00ntrab will d. y6g00 tp d. i�tpi r y derY6 `#11 ,4tsk 5', t ttradirlg 4 ; t road bed $hail be` 1gTcught to. he oubgrad4hiph leh1 pre- ',, qt 7�fti t Voo,1141 "kith, ��►�11 below," ` 9 xx� + ' 40 #q ;do 3 qqua1F:t. ' hA # toknori off . '� p �4. �� ' u�lb��e .d �he ,:`�bt�bg�'e►d'i ehiilx a ����i A � t e? ., a 'ahal 'vo oxoib#oed eo' tha rtp`�P4 i� o i i�2l ,oYB pne .iiob► Rbiiin ofubo w : k :haY be' , 6t 6'a by' b`agit�e�r► Ail h.olio a or depreetipna th ►t risaV fig .or :te�p,ing' ., hi be broht, Via, eubgrade 'by fill= k gaod ;larth s�/41 atone, ar be ,rsquired to make t � „ e1 i lirla, $witte d dam iSo like ha 06 rounding mi rfai IWO ?4¢tbe. ! h MWix�ouHtna air solkt ; } IJ S d �io hia rr1� vk7HirT ! a 9fOyr rd!►htti a Or' artV[1�'rTrV t 7.} � a3 �v'�T�' '1�1 j : f� - y' J , �.,.. •� a` >e` ���C �11 f b ' A ��,.' �L 1 ♦ p . � bP3`✓y1yj1}^Out )}�y� ��'M l 0, � I �i1 1R rl '� �Yw 'M �' �e P^. ✓4n P� 'e � Y�✓M'SV... li l l{ 41 y� , {A M+yNe•�Kq+r`^fn'!y ':» 1 + �M+�.}br�w'v, ;i r +r 'r w 7 r M 'n V ,� �L.'.' s . €. r : ,e�';'` '� rW;° � '� ' ly..{ I�rq tit+ p.tµ+!(P h � � t� @ �:rt�► y� Val �.�� I,P1';NrF ;� s' sc � #'t? • ` ; f ` t Alf" as���u �� `;�����+�' �>~� � f;, •off" ,f �s'.y` ��.� ,r?r� :�xu�l�fo '+��, • . Car+rxua�COz ,+,x 4:' '�.; ,y .• +i X 1��r1� {i �,fY7ittrlrt4q 0 ford m > , a Y ti �. 1�x ��1 �✓�sl .,t! �''^ •. �tt p !' ".1 , f y { ,{ y t f _ F.F x, � .� ° _: . ,lk • r x :�, +�c `. ♦fit �¢t hl s.s`; rtEr 1, 1; :'�'`I�c:�"�{K`'a.?,"�. 33 .x ;,;+ 4 '�•. :,j`Yf.. 7 c. a F I f',ay il' � T^ 't Pik ^ Forms The forme zust be of not less than two inch matdrial, surfaced 4!7 the ;,eide •and one edger material must bey straight' iutsber devbiil,, of y� If (k, rIwaspl 4x other dofeots ' Any. lumber ior:.forna not in doiord- ""46 �►i thP, epooifioatiens .shall be immediatelyy► removed, from th form# Must be ,;will staked and thoroughly;. braeeC $6 tbdt t Af me►teriala vs ft not distrub them nor move them- but, of,Alne, r n agd bav'L boards .nust be true to lice and grade before mater- a b are placed.. ti Oonereto "+ ^� 09noreto for the base oourae or core shall be ond . to ei t bulk grayer. ,Tke :top surface , on top and face of curb rAnd top o�gutter 5 ,1 e V4� .noh :thick and shall .be oompose4 of one part cement Od?::• . 4Ali ae3d ,Pn sand, Top 'surfA a to -be fetid while $PqM ;i� ���i� p+�xeatiy green , well trowelled in eAd shaped to s true', olrea eurfaos. Cuxbt k k .l, .bo marked ' ins six foot sootiona Dints t t 4 t+V6*I tloated over dr lF t; fir' 11rs q t aqd, o �.o ;opeij �,eoaa�eiou joth't sd rriih s ruit4 * 1 14'a ,'�:2�p' '✓.. '7R:li A �.' " 't 1^,MI t. 1t. I L. •k:, y- a l,,i •ie t(. M• j r , .�. a+, ti 4 s.�i '._';' ,' 'lc�'`• . '��Fr, '�Ki�+.iti a a.. 1L. .�. ' .. a,& .� �'`'.f' .�r'S xk, y, Ito 14.16ra i ? and gutter shaiX a re.ldroroed with 33/8 in h bare on 36 irph de w p e� :00, lollmm 4 Bars shall be 3¢ Apso n ill lbbattk eaad with o P �t . d u� Aix s l �lxt004 wi�hi�i. *4 i0ckdt d �► qq �� ill't A �oaore a base, : who gig Zer'war }0' ' .i► d e,' -A�� .A1� P Ao, bPz 4 t ap• r tho0,.1b&taak d Star ire Rµ ,pa tP1�, tor rein . ' ' 'v j "•�;�! +i,�tct"l�"'{�' �k{� 31 ����i tv r;o �V � �4.;Ch`.'� f :'r Z i 't+'' v . �qr a t41 i }Sa 4r . 'n `#��t i "1 f::d ar�i0 ��. /� yy�t d < t •. : S , MYAo0� f ,VOM0�i� 3 i,v t.{t't- 3 `4 A' r.�.:l •� ��f•.. < .. ;'1 ➢`x 4L:9 t. Jrl . `�.; ,�}� V �O.cd +01d`0'1'!yi �f. t]'SC !. ,#h ea�fdport ow oi`f one pill,id 9:010J,0111 t to 'egt t 2uh pg #npxe thin 400 pand l do led us ' p 6 � 48jJA iiof♦added to give a resulting prbpQiril $ , R alC � aQsI ' gre�9►t�.M ' �r,�� .�, •�'� y� to bar't`ti� tr4��t6.'ir+rlafQp��'aed �r�th tree iri4� 1b `� p�deed c eb *A` 3fgs i�,k ' Zron itgdi �1 b� 1 ti111'�+ Al dli b a root Mo orb t ;thir bd�:�ofbroi y d .{ ,y ,F 4gr F t 4 •. r. r 3!r �4 ;i 14:�.1 ti � i >w ll�f! (dr �P�v! ��r ' i c• F'f'�Y WOO � e: . +. �*odifie 1,6i1eka 'f�r#) .,� . , Whir i�axk' 04% a �lriot• of a we i o uxP� Dour+. to ►:r � wn �o w►t s Q o .m a a Pd �tttw��► ot+� pirtt dr ► t k. ., r► �, .be ; yCOtP .,' 6a th tv . 16- Qogt Off,, � +, f� f,Y I • tr � t,ii' 44' k 3 "S + 7 d Ia` ' - 1 1 b M I Nov r. li' �> e�P i1 � r� :?t, '�°[ 't 71M1 Ifi.•' qt f 1 k�� `�;Jf 'Y '¢ wa Y . ,1Ei .�, � u . fill 3z W 6,�,,, ,^ , . ,_ tp 1 .'•1 i'' t (' I.' j,. I r ,..., . NMI , 7 47, 'Y[ 1%1;i �61�'pFt1 �X, I�l�i'?d 't)yl b�}tr+� (r��.rb}`ft. .., �� ' ��P�?x �.��• �,ras��T Rlt�jj` , �A �1�074,i� 0,114) Cg}. i {t,r�ix �� t'hr.`{ a e x<rrVrf x1mpt � +� �?�� �,oxctq 7;trtly� �•d t;� �ruC SsUrf .�}tt"�t cJ�cG '�UOjf �Cli�j�x�°. . �t€,�X§!`CG+�( ': �,A�E. U 1, ' a y •�' ' ' 5 �ingigser prior to delivery of material. ohs adardo Ag regate vhall ooneist o! olean,td,12h, 'durable crag- vents of rook (exoluding sohiet • shale or eiate) o! unifazm quality F throu4hout,{'dh 1 b8 free from thin '_or' elon�ted 'pieoeq , and (too &on doi orsQ aintegrdtdd et6ne dirt,, orgenio `or other iajwriou$, A&tt4p ", 'gpri�g' �t�ier frde or `at h cbatidg on ' the 'stori6.' Al r`o le shall i�t i Ar 4tnt bf wear o! not more than 6; -and'u'b6n -tested by laboir � at�ry iabth6d0 shall 't'ulfiil the following requirementsa passing the '1/e inch screen not lose than 95yi passing the 1/4 inch screen not less than 80,E T)d Fin• Aggregate shall oonsiet of a combination of Band Blind . •ton@ eoreegingb* Sand shall be ponrposed of sound, durable etone: p�'± tioLob fre/' liom loans or other injur ouib foreign mattbri, soreeniug6 $hall be of the seanA bit' aiMilar materrial as ipeoified' fcr coarse AggYB- ggate. 7hb da d o� 'ombination of band and :eoreeninge shall moat , h • " folltnring` rtldtiireisetit } " ti , " pasei,Ag 10 wsh sieret not less than 1Z4 ,dotal° t�etaiued Ow 40 eaeeh' •ii�r►e a�di 4Q-tseilh sieve , retkinad E W i aim , . • g. rb •iareti xtaiasd Oti dh00� .xa' .1 t , ' :` * th $ferns not' oYer M :� _ ° � a� a ltf��,1 � �!►11y don$ietr ot-�3iKertone naet'i p.10eate b Zei �1' 0 't, 'b•eleh • 4 i iti ehl►11° Ire' zrde !Y os► foireiga 4r,4 thi; 1t4. ff iou tor•1 " when t•sted by hob:hi b! luborMtdry eia a° it' bhl►1 � h ' ire t` ey�lo11o*j" xequ4ra�re ler �¢.lsWsh miens' ,, , 1 , ' ' 200 2411 :sire ,not ts•e �6�� ; Y k. w;y � hg'�i lg0ue Yateril�' e> %11 wet,:, th4 requikeftnte 191Yon below a b ` Oowtirxgtor,',who •b"l notif��,y the 8 iho'er,r oof� thi�l' ti e pib ! #o�r b ' oopr�Vuottcb �tkrtw" �a.enaii thereettefr. age �a the tdr►1 ie�]I hotat"*itto0'poradisida,.b*r the' Mngi'aeeir• The ti�ri og' bo !>ree !ro>* +►�taar• and eha11 not #o•� 1u�a he4t de aoh't ao i� 1 of ia# • igg�� �'r�t��rr n'q,�r �•grie�l>�+� "#� i10 'thz tie' eSt '1i>kitb kbbve epe'oitied�' ' r � p , v > r ( A a r • w'4Uri /�f9C. ?�6��� � , ia�t f�er• �h•aa . r�o .• � ��' 0 t • . 0 1644 1 i �i!? � e waQ ;.,�.t' ' "� ; 1 1 .,� • N1A • 1 r s � 0 •�m�1"i � � r N ):1 _ Rol.�11�� •��), .; qC' •, +�� � ,1 .H? f �'' � t` � �. iJ � s ,•�` � : � l � +,> y.. g , Its` ► , v�� �� � t �1`' Qil1'�'"'� 1'�iri� �}'� iV`t • '�"�'+r •'�'� r �'�"r, i 1�0 ''x1 e ' 5, � � ��'Lr�i° �� f a• �tir'��rY.�1a1 `i`rf1 �� rf'*.�ii��, " r �� �r :,y�. ��, y .�'."'� 9¢�•,, ,y ��.gi� 4•� .+�'' F� � 1 • 1' •iV � ��� .: .� `-yr1°i. i'. F.bls t� �,t y��X.� �,� +a"i:L.k ,'d win u•+s*,..,,t i..:4w,:w. .., r�,.^^-�'�^I'r�ra f y � vM+�M7,rr v+'y, a , I ., , , kr 's t"y('• M ( � r , s� ,laf,' f 4F�'*, +. S ' n� � y i �y��►}r� o;, z.Ui�s (�►4}',z��,,, q �.q ��{ ��us^� �r rr � l,de'1 � !tu io;�;a 'fna�tf� fit 01 s' 0;j parr. ., (1,44tpIt tttrq 1 Total bitumen (soluble in oorbon disulphide ) . . . not lees than 94.5$ b. Inorg&nio matter insoluble 2. 0$ to 34$! ,The p0ing mixture shall oonsist of a uniform mixture of ooarse aggregate , fini aggregate , mineral filler and bituminous material so a$ to produoe When properly proportioned, a mixtuxe 'oonfpiming to the to} owing lift tatione for Cvadingq TM, , exaot pproportipn o� gaoh oon,., stildent prpduoing the total aggregate within those limits ahall be an dirsoted by the Engineer. When tested by means of laboratory sieves , the paving mixture shaal meet the following roquiremente+ ,r Passing 1/2 inoh soreen and retained on 1/4 inoh soreen 1• P sing 1/4 inoh eo►•een and retained 1C mesh sieve 4:2 To o; r4 ained on 10 mesh .sieve 25-3 , :1 peas i ng 10 mesh siege , retained on 40 mesh sieve 'j^2 d Passing 4Q zesh sieve , retained on 80 mesh sieve 14-� paseing $0 mesh eleve , . retained on 200 mesh sieve 2 *.. P& Aibg 290 :mesh sieve 1 s t *1 juu%4n eolubli ib oarbon disulphide T P p oaltthen in ¢Lion set ootrae shall sot vary ' The' exd�pu4'age of � !.Highs¢ a r h�An �/$ >' oont `! p p ablishbd WOO Xngi�e&r. Y t3ril s, , o, sp xooe of V''Xv alb shall bo satistao.tor to, hA ^;;z ,is �` an :tirbirieye I Uix d by, bi►n, a Nled ot 'the hQt':tn ctWr a�b '140ye i, sl*is 'dARY d the 0tui% to �4 ao0soi la ms's vi 1y oo} to ' to all: requ oatente. `d4 ' i Xhe*4 the bitua►inoutl Cdnoreto Pavexent ;b L.11011i 'L R era s � as e obukeo the eu�C!aoe oP xet s h with boar �be era�t 1 r +gqu� sb gregelttreilbedd6d t 4 X074'Q exit y A gshting' I04rUr. and With the, lintirq gar#ebe txee trora e►11 ' a rereignu br o er irregulnritioso to of, r propoxtionss , and o);�uca'gt�r a , . K; b "' !1►& bril�ed'�P�px d' tat of a a Gets o6' a e , 14 : off' b i' de a 0t' iron, er r t ,' r+Y f be p . ie 'o�" thb a� an , .gait pis aoowc to t alvao�eteirs � �e i ,� ,na ae�Y apita�ltQe e2tt pe i� hied k 1 e'4'e 'the bn �,��o. oe in a1 ae �`e0todd y A � ` _ `bd he t� re t i,ne$u 'a`¢ q Kp 'atti w'411 i2i gge�e•; ! ot�►te d in'g hee►tiri , " fn . db'' ' r, 4 , �, ;`y� 4 !!"odntiy' emi 'i aly eon oXd. r� tunpbultae�CiA1"et�ale "separately hawed in kettles so ,4taooit of AVon heating of the entirs mass Xl,th et�ti� oontrA `off' the heat at a11� tines t she�111 be , hedtoa as dotd ' ' t �nggin 6t .to � tom ePature between 250 er,d ' SQ de�r er °. 41 tix' i n p �atoz' : ►1+� heatsd eyogd 350 doggreos 71, sit k tieto ' h durit�' g 1►ith' the dine ►mega e a all .be ice�Oeted., + � � � .. • . tits n e1 itiiier ,$ �, ♦ �gi. r 77 � >xb d e tad i•d r; a, e , ," ,u d .ifi aagte e' t�► e app stud a ; te►�' � eu1t tig > e .sh x be 'tubi,o 'hi er�ioUs & ahai ' Wei W. 'd� h&. 'eg41ilt� rite we iti 004616 d► i lhs mixtp2 0 nd RM0*h0c#d*, ude � ,W Vt IBd►te had `',a e - d'lnspsu td'rbry. .' WIXdMfM' Wed Sao, de of gpB� ' bYt $i �d' tie etie¢� �' t `.. T t►itw;lnotYp aonorete msxtttre , n e Y . , s qq `i :M, 0 hau%id to the %$ k i tigh! rehiol l pi<'A lOite� i Y, . a �d�` i►"airi + oaf4�' # e6$$$jOY'gxhe i d tb f, q A� # eon t doirot' o `R hd 'e tine l.o _tv r, t" ide►tb►l, Ae iV'` d � �' �. dd ie �► ; ' ' 4 4i etc" i iilbt i : rYig Pit Y' ooUt'ae tioh i dr , o x! oar ,Q , Ap I� b ly, - 16,-�1 iii$ . o ir4 toreigA lt4 s a . o Y i �+ e.Y a tla gee�� e or$ t 14ou ►� ou be ' +�pead 13d n MA a Mr a �,flJ�{5�.��T ! � w+.!'.yen p,..,.. ..,.,rr, rierw.«n r+'• n..,erm.,rw,.r•n.n.sc'7�"�^; -"+ ..,i.. . 5,� 4T�� rr;�rr�YY�rArre..rl�r J A 1 ^r - j. . 1 :1i- •.� 1 +r:;�' . °_ : ll : . rd:'�"` C,S. ' � � ..`,i�.l! �F V�+�.'I.S�(i {{771 �iC r4 -'{ � > ,. �) rNt!"!+C { 1i� l li, ,1C. y^ �{ 'N - , • • • Iii.,. �I.�ry y :+ � 1; I meld r>U: t4grade in a uniformly loose Ivor of suoh depth "tat otter reosiving ullistate oogpr ulna by rolling it shall h ava the ootpoot,ed d W that is ohovn on the p?aa++ Aja4ent to Flush Curbs ) piktors I Moro and *troctures the 4Xture $hull be raked ecnlloruly so that rlhon ooeepabted i wi�l be slightly 1-,9ove the edge of th* owrb Ofr flUshrl •traotureo xbo ulatturr shall be of a teMoratursof Aso to 350 degree* A• .�o 1 1-0flers used on the b1twoieous oanoroto ah 1 bo "It 1Mla4041 1 se Ul rop$llled, tondos rollers ) weighift between ? and 8 toga Who xw* hate a a�rrssion under the rear roller of betwoeb 200 end 300 ds per li**Lx latch of roll and shall be provided A th an ash pan Which shall brrvent ashes froca dropping upm fho bituatams Oe>Aarete• The ittWnous **aerate wearing oanrae , laid as sDeel lied #halt be rolled at onoo vhile the mixture is warn and pliable) tw inning at the d�es Ati4 working toward the odntwep following Lowdiate 0"" roilitrg or diagonal rolling• h4enne for preventing tln! bit noun mate" lol from adWriog to the rollor shall be provided as direotad by the �st�ator� xbo rMOU00 Ot the oiler *hall at all time be show onovo to. aVolA i+000r►eut of the hot s�tu�re and any di#uinoew nts 644uring as a to of rotrersiag the dirre+eioa cc the roller or by other e+ausa 4 of ono* boao�rs*tired by the wo ai re�.oe sad of trssh� klxturo whero ire n . ` citt rods ROUIVA shall o*atim►e without Into ti,411 tmOl al r4uor warrior �ts1►POar 0 lad the suarrraso shows nib further o 0*1bilit�tese Mter t� ya"Mat boas W Its ' lottial Vot Al�d aeboat " di�rooted by 04 insor 4holl stspt ' ult03, i ovex . 444 ,tivt� i aa,r+ A Out tioi,lt� x pro i,err� t be owpi4yed �Mgb bola;�t4�patdeM tb hb4 4h j{�olleIts e+ not llte �t r°t 1 1 r let of Ow •ugrl$" o"Ves ' � teh+t,� 1N ell a io ti, Moan 00 s is, "4 we roller shall �s ovol. UW w"puote t l oe or tbst�y laid Mixture gal y W*n the l I ar ► *auses a dioo4n+ t�..u*I foar. took loft�gth o ts�w to brse+i!' tlbe nfx%W to b+Rdara► bill tsf �tll, sv4#e per •hard .t •ark 0 "M46 %M 0*01 rial d shall 6 ! oo w G odp • 14101 yoled 04* fox th+t i' oiq +lr# u. piglnlee x pir x wbiab b" booth out .,04W ria�c d *#talus% thri fresh bat. It do t . 1} R a; t 4 tNl tout aM 2*06 tie Avre�sa��Rt ►,,*�X4 . i1� � �q t4 � Tod to tlht sisallibr out. to t w mytr MaAd s�,' sM' � ib i th. 3oin�i�u+� zorwde htoi ai4otbir� �, x at o +1 d . Ir,p r► !�a e xi WOO bai � teu o i` or►rti extroo ft 's �bo te sue Before the <ro+etipleti40 or this xolu"81 tbo oar• us a {� zp�xowr eI d oararo reda ae sa by poi t' ' emtror t►li to•R Ag, s r4r011 ut1011 tiN f r � t��itb 't•1w ' tot � � � t 0 it Y N WI b no dovs.0 ra trwl thr �silos% 1 liwrfs� a s at e4�psr , Oe Mkoholw+A' i>ib f �l4rrityr Ot +Mir r mall 't-0110d plabrd ysdrali�tp dM_p. aa* d ror4i4ns sad els , *< OR r I, � MesAl►llp'•� er f��0 bi • A3� q . t r t 0 axe WIN" 0:44hr 11!* tlet a to" Ire b _ i�p rur rq •, pfd w , ' , 1 >;, •I� a , .r•� ' � . tl W .:IVA r 1 , + r>r!e".4;f'{'X!♦ 4,f�rnl5rq+ 3P^"F�°?'p@"i'"fr't,f•.+'.,�r"r"srr c`6 r ` r , t r. , v.,`L t r r fjHl •A 1�4"° ,♦a , GySc a`' N f R rpm r ,• r :v'*F{T°'IF� -P�p, ;,'.3C Y 3iM1{.,1Y (t jj{{ •''tea:, xab 1 a '�.:+ !\CJs ;l �a t i + r /�� GrJ ki'Nl i"t at4 nJ ra,r Vt .Y v 1t 10 at' pp 1 •`A�s a ' >< +All e, � 4. y !, ••a �5 .fir., J I rR I 5 I. iCl i 1 a r °�,{ ♦1 a " V: r�}l ;4�a5� lr t �.^. (t ��. . ( ,2ary pfAa rtt ,1' Afn �,(1'{}� � n ` t??� M1 r r ,° [� ' i .� •1 s. „� .h t' r I '.rl` .:(rFI t�t '% 1 � � .j t� (^ � 1u rVl t " _1 ' att o ' ar � Ir a ,•. � IY.I � +r° .{ n {3,�Nf�YA . n�'� L r,, a �♦ 1. 1 ,� . t trrV .� }1 �l� t r uSa > � (..� iv q. � '1� '� .; r� w l r r , ','I �. ,I u '. L C.. ♦ ; I ! �} a i o � � `� `1p l � ., yai Yr t � t � � t I "� 1a y'.5£ �Kc r ac ,� e` 4j• ,7- 4r 5 � 1+ k^,,F ti � 'dl��� �f�r�°. { .br. ��rY�„t.i1� 5 R • / >! } `�..�p L\'M?C.. ;,t� 1��'�fiS�.,'i'11�WY'�yy,�4�1 1'1";�dr�� �'�� ' C r. RSA fi” M nG,y 1)) F air 3 h Fr�' " r, F7 'F E' f r.'J ' fi 1 x rr'+ >7 W 1S °9' ,i , �}'.♦!' ! "IT . ! Y,p /f t • , e} 1,r:,1 . {o .' ! , r f , i' � �, 0..} � t r r '. n J. � :r' r i ♦ ,f t 7" a , ty 1 ir, 1a ! A ♦`° k' I : Y r ,s , -„ 5: r ,'I. r � �Y ! V fl 'p a 7. .N Elsa : ( aJy � • si I i ♦ �. \ p � y cy , {'. ,r++ Ir ;r F r,.�, 3 r U' t', , 3 ��^r. f ly, ^ �,.. r ��,l}r r; '; E. i5 I o ��. a + @ftkl }f''r "'r ,3 v Sr , = at.x,a 3^'`'li`411Yr " ""��'S'°4' y6r� r%j��'pa���t� r,� xf>1•y�� �v.;�r'�ii , y i'r , 1 l t11 1 v � ,'yr ."L'+ .L }I.C,.70"i 1LS *�.,p e t (( • k I,y ♦,'p.f `♦` }'{.1'ri Jy ' �° it.! 6 t +v ^ �• i ,afr�p Yp`eff� l'+ d'y' �i,tl h to 1•,+ .' ' 't r :,v1f1 � {�1Fv'd E !JI ifYN. (:Mg6AF► frog .Sn •� �l fir J �S'h 'iE0.s,7.1951� ! {+b M ,"+'• Fsµ]" 3}� t{ t�f y } c Ax '�,�'�" 4,�t tq ' + } i^S>, r41r.Y(�'.+f)' jl� '�i'C{�..L �r4r � e.�'TY t � It �l, "te,ti: r aiT} . Fx 'L\', El . ,M,� + Tht ir1. aEth rLsVly)S,tQa✓ R7;� �`tn Yrt A� Ir �c t ,1�ar' kzt , ,y( 1,';Y ., �'.rti ♦ �f,a �.:.iY 1t .i >�IK}i"'1., ti fa .,2r lC� gig`„r,tJJCM t. •1"Ir,� �B(� /1 ktE�•;4 r r7f mil., P [ ati ♦ a,*'r\.t 1: .L 1 P�A ,t , tt h,J� r '1°J. 1I'0 ,n rx�� Y° , l ( t n �t � ' y a 'a Rt fiLi t � l E 1 } 4Q �91d ry4 `yf t,t43P ,ry t ySM'1 � r�7�'lj ��" Y4�rr(..' ,r a y `� >i Sr. � 1'�r ! �'.'1( r�a� '.r! (�t♦y tl. a ,�Mti!, f1v ,/ lA�'�'� � �q �r�(t.5��ay $IrTNai-��, t "y .tI H i � .� ( „ ♦. rr F d ♦ ” 'o } "f ,+C � .' as '� '7 ♦ ,L ♦F e`y: . 'x\ 5 ✓ ' e, t f V +r r a ,�' [' y }'Qlt� � R� . t r,♦ r t ^ ,r r rt r4 y w '�.IY 1 i., H! i s A y�rl f J�.,M1r "� ""'..♦ L4 t v7 i4 f 3 H yA f a{M1d' ,,. r x .: Nr R.i t` �7r p, +'. l , IT, eH it�.'. 4 t ILyt�c � 5' }y. ♦ 'i i i , .t ,;q� k iYry'f � 3 J , jy�S'r l �� �i.r �r �t .�Sta rtX a(P: ; � '� b��yM+�?,� 1, a�{�Y,YtI 5 t ,� �i �2('�♦Mr��� �r�x l',l�'i,�i�, �{� + p`V' �1Y r�"C / �1' . 1. r a\ " &, ,.. ♦ k rf .c y � w a f '� irh A'���,��� �y r k yF n ,F{� r1•'f� Ii'�F3R '1 1,+4a: r !' � 15:�.�{�yp,,!!' Rf • � 'Ilk l, d ¢g 1 e �i� t �faIY:r ':.1 r S �e l !i 1,6 Y • , 't r '1 4.' , ��'n5 Y' r a ,��i�} 1j 1.,i v 1 � v� r 1 1 } 3++ }Y t .X a* k• '� A�� � 1\� �V , �7 1C i��� y t I w.'^ ,I rr `�Y d A' ,}k'A / IA 1, ^t , ,•,'')1' p! a r�'I a ''�i r}( J7tl. I J a a �" i*r,y la 4 } x'35 ,iy•+ [y�„ •��1�T(� b � a.✓rt.'1 a j�, , 1, r.,ll d, �i rpl� dt 4F4" �r5 M "NY f, p ^!C' f n\ ��' 3 � li ���p es�i . i. 'I,� a r'Y t' y` Iry^a♦�r� tr I.�., y 1���.} e an r. R��ln�t4 r r'�jr !�� ��jq'� 1 'N'1� t fl� M�f n' i n'L ,5 7� 4 `y♦ sy;,. 4n ��: # FG? } -'f P!: Y• F <! + �, tV « to ypy,' A"4, l4'I fy3�� 1' p +a T` ib �nJ!;t ,tJRtSt 5 ''tia ♦ '1'Y f� � �,r.: . , d�. �� SP �:. xy'!y y' 'l r"L r .'M1"17 W trl �iin Jtl N fS*'4'�i ,1�. \� y,t{.n.t 7Y`FI�! �•�y'i i N }i�,p��'+k t +�7 T W,',2 ��a yCd 4*aiP s Jy�r 1a,� �y i � ry '�}' �r� ♦ y nr Jt iR .:y a1 NYrt1 J C% I� R k' '43,.1 1 �,lr�k'• ' ..ty nr r t��{t. ' }..Y / A a t Y y+tu' SS 44 r I j4.,F ' rrr�^ '7 i'JG(l"{ ! f '4N {IS ♦ 4tY}`11 wXr�` r1 \1,'.'y41�'F '�.! Ga\V F1T"1,'s1� kr' 1,1. ' { ♦4 ! e / ti k[ ' r M. '�T, Z \ a :F'Y� +» Jc ` + .f ,t.^, I , 3�tr A: d.' �' V�'t ♦0 9,} �,� � a. S " � t, ft f I `7, y �ap'l,;A r�.,kf �a� ' `t..y� 3 '. i•' v// !' t1 'f• Fr 5t piM1 ti t'{lgld 1 I^ a a' ,� H l . 1` `�` 'i' ''�- fr!'i; a"'il'! �'�r �� �, 4 a �'i r «p�k ' ,''Y�S� x^f att �(•; try i' 1"� � q�b ♦ {� ♦ � �j t�. !n r{ 1 14 1 0 r q{, ,rtw: rr Sr' 1�w .. af'x: � 1 1 `d'rf?� l.n '.� (�y �np[4 a �� �`�:I f 1 , yr,�ar E (' �*h r • M � !Sa`��� t� I rA:J 7h r " 4i�irC V �y(N Qd1 ,y'TM,� '�.� wi 1' r�.,i'.If'i♦�!.\/+i' ,,f- >1 ✓� ♦F� �x I r}yC E. 1i�YA(!' Ir✓e "$�I"a['w'M'R.,53• Fe Fes, 1' A X4 QTl is�x On) F � ,74.f I S ��t y ',ry I C yAr4 �� Rr4 S•f �# ` ,� � ,1r��f r, : p (^ {1,, g y S >, Il�G + t r r T. �y,y♦[ ) I e"j yI .r . , p,t 1 'IF'P tl '+ ',°.' }A It �In >rJ �' e ! it# t 1; a1 ^, Y •F .ct..i 111 I'.I If r '? I 'tt�� !' r}.'� P , i 1' Y ly ! r'"`i r 5 K I y� 1 •(( � a Pk i nr" � r ;' �M1^� { f�l �/.T} rI ` t J ' 6 a ♦ � t 4� { t r,. 6, '., ••(��' ,,yy ' l ' r as l a, 'V rte' # ' rSr.,'.1'� rt�(,{"� ,4" ' � t .K'� ♦rr {�� 1' ,p���a tr. ' L 4 �I� r ".y ��'�, I. rY � "� {. � �`, Y �f �� 3 i " ,,r t\ � of 4 fF 4� �' i '� ,1��r �✓^t"'I�r 1 ^ r ` G.� ' "' •c iia +TF AG fR S } ( n r C (( AI r�Xi �'4°I�� r� f`n�9 ,,7��yy���V`i � rYn , RF`'f. �F til �. � °� a�'�'�" �,. ° ,F�,t y YT .•. a � 9 I v'".,r Na' ,Y4� e'�'' `i,Y �•f. � w^ k'1 �' I 'o °.fi F't + ' r ( 0 5 1 �, 5rp; �{(�� a. M*AV �;`CY Y ( rlk. 1r f' NYti r �tI y��, �. }+� \! t'ad \ F' .., —1 rYKN w aE'.1,h>�' 'y y VA.F"{ rVl JI+'�,r.`'},P r r4 , f'�?}Lr n,ri.C+ Yfri r�1i'? .} .e .gyp\HJt 4D`y,il �y� ejl�j I �"�ti`},l,°;4��va if Fw i.'Vt a(}♦ti'aet" v '�:LylirMt,[i l�t:.+ ,�kS .4 `tl �'. kilt j♦R�t St� . �, RS► y d!.,? ��kr,• 1 �`p, F i�'�Y a .( � Y� r `ArI V1r eI ' 't {rYxr !y, 3 . : d �, u : ° .iry 13 • 1.i} lV. •. th} is qpl t4'' ''�;'' } $�4 5� "�F° Y I -t' � t 41��M1 } ' 1., °h✓\a l �''1 'Y Y ' I <�� F♦ 'C\ ^ .f 1 'pr r''�•�F A � t :lye Tyypp f 1.. r 1 N �}F 4 R h 1. .• � L ' �S I r J r .(•� a l d � pia 1 y 1 � r n a t e r t y`�yyi /hF R r. 1 d a f A _ „c*_tj, t .,. {• m "j, 'i:: P" "E"S' i,t�'+�'iry I.�'1 'w "'�`•.'' Y Pam .. .a...- V4.%4".o �Y�y� i\r >t^N , r ♦ „ w i �', ! r £_ l Y y \, N Y , . V+ �?v , afib•Ak 5 .'�5 � �4,� w 1 t-��f �. .�!ha , i'i�l t wl P 1 1�( IA't n� .a vy a itn t � Y t i . , •..{. a 11"s 1° ,S p, 4rka �.w�'A :, i y i w ; Y �.• , I ��. 1 y. +�• y t 1 'r i L• � �' — I 7�j r ' �p r 'M l y L ' t�st•r, � ��. T t I r •` I � t ': } w � e�, a I ,'� f r s {t(,S i] 1 �'�'� ' 4 J +,� �� r o w ' ` �'�� � �� '•,� ,n T � � I t w, r w: �r � r .�. I � �YF4 �_ Pt.4, . a' � ,y + ,{ . _ . . , ., , � •�. .t .� ] s' 1 ,! '�.{_ rxn �s ti, '-� a �;-� ri,n �. r .{,Jy, , !iv v +t{ f•,�axy« �,� .f�H i .+�'. y ` •.t 'u - f - 1 r 'y 1w. } �"'7 ed- .j:'4 iy >.� � c � `'';CCr�a• ��k' " dy 6 Sri�yi ySe.yrq'f� rY S S P '� ,r. 7 4 s e4.��"}.�1. CITY OF DrEMTON. r . fCNW AM MIT BY THESE PRESENTSL That, Whereas . on the ��day of �. 19?,7, +`le City Comriissioners of the City of Denton, Texas, and M" ' the yor of said jity, acting for said City, ws the Party of the First ' .� Part, and the Agoe Construction Company, a corporation, as Party of the w`3 Second Part, did make and enter into a contract in writing, whereby the said I Party of the Second Part, for and in consideration of the sum of according to. the terms and conditions set forth in said contraot, agreed, ' bound and obligated himself to constritot ourbs and gutters and street im- provement and. pavement on Bast McKinney Street, in the. City of Denton, a " Texae, and more fully described in said contract, to which reference is " here made, and to complete and finish siRid curbs and gutters and said pave -` ,, , ' r }I`, ment nnQ .improvement, within a reanonable time in a ood* subatgintial and, r'S irorttM like mAnnor, Subject to acceptance of the Ci y Comtsisalon of osid city, striotly according to plara and epecificetions attached to and made a part of said contract, marked "Exhibit P" , ane. said plans end specifica- +r` Lions i:1eo being' on file in the office of the City Engineer of the said City, to which reference to here made ; ' r, NOW', THEREFORE, for the purpose .of securing the City of Denton, Texas, atSd its euoeesmore and representatives in the true and faithful , perforraance „n ' ', of said oontract, together with all the covenants and obligations of said fir. '" ' Jag 0o" Construction Company, therein set forth, and to guarantee the true #, icy and faithful perfornstnce of said contract and the paymont of all olainis wAie of eo,ch and every su,i-contractor if there be any, laborer, mech,;nio, and t furnisher- :,t material. aSainst the said Jagoe Construction Company, arising or gxoWing_ out of said contraot, their heirs, or assigns; ae their interest mmy..,alip ar., we, the , said Jagoo Construotion Company, as principal# and' tha MABSAChMTTB BO NDI AND :YNSURAItCE ColWANY, as sureties, acknowledge' our- :Be ive's e indebted .to :and bound to pay 13 . V/: iioKen'vie, Zogor of the 'City of Oerito ; ' Texas, 46r the us benefit, ' enefit of ,said City, and his cuooeasora 'e tun of r, for ,the payrient ;of rrhioh 'vreii and ; �Y li y td thAde the' bind curselve , ' our heirs, executors ana• admih3atrtatox @,. .- , t" , �'JointlyrAnd severally by these presents . r Into. conditions of Uis bond, however, are auoh that the said Jagna � ConAtrttotiori Company shall truly and faithfully perform kµ^ and every the ; a cbV6n61%b', and conditions of said contract and herein promised by them to be' done, kept and performed, and shall truly and faithfully, pay all claims of 6aoh 'and every ' sub-oontraotor, workarian, laborer, mechanio and zturn Sher " of '= rteriolo agarinst him growing or Arising out of said contrast, then Oct ii;. uflh �,e!.v6ht, this obligation is to become null and void, and of no further ". fdrde' andIoff©cti •,otherwise to remain in full force and effect, r $S; OUR }3AIwo at Denton, Texas, this day of ;,►1�'4. ��AGdE 09S TIM 003 ANY � y1 By.: - - - r e dent ' principal, ���AC? � _ T� ` �i¢ �, � IN3URAZiOF� CC]u�'ANY .1.1 .; tnrney- •n- Su'z�� r r�r `�' 11 Sr o� r ,t t r r r i r YYi I��A f rfr . r " rl nrY r w �t .0 Y� rt'�h; 4 �' '�5 4 ti r � '� i 'M',�d� '� k�� •,� 5}�� Y�.rb fq il4'�4`T �y ,7� i�'r I e S 1'�1 r 4ji " r ° r �l� � i yir gr btr '! ♦ � y � �� ;�. y'I 1 � J, a JY,y ,r ISM• a r • n a r" p. a > pp r f V t fi v. t y t a { YA;e �i$•,,t^ t e ,�, 1 ,.a1 Y t- r} y,r ' t �� i t � ., 45.35 � qh'@ '.,:f rT�rn,1.. �! Srl 'I"i,r .5 'f,! 4i +r•r.' `'J9� c� ` [ r � �`�'� !� ydE 4,�M1, Y �� 4 v i ! , V. ^ �1! .r �'1 t 1 I r i 4 � � i i ♦fir'. I r`�� ��y i f R), it i r - I r 5 1 . ` y ;• 4 i f{ . l�^�Q k)!t ^.44 i i`'rf�s�I35�^ r t d^^ ''� ,^ tfi j I 0.1 � V� k � �� y1l21 ! >t ' l s rl � i t! � v^ ' 1 ^^ x fi• '. Yi, 1;1A aJ. t r5 r i 'i t nA i e ' �i�� � � �(. �• t,'dFaW���^���.i t"! �; •t::r .!4 'i. ! , r'� " il� iS Y. .'.�',n`1t�1'l:r�'< iJ� i�' , � .�v � �1e '� �r � i k . 4r � '`M1 . e -� T 4 � � ty ` ' n 'y'� �•�, ?t a ' 9 �' i rw a nckl 'diTJ f( n' i a r , f a. .( M1 i 'e" o �+� ' ' ;4 "V r ' x •.y 1h« <F ,i rY�P �" e''♦ ^y aG r sy n' S r s L ♦ vu" '.i,,"yY. t t (bj,• ¢' 1,,Ar .. G"'� a,i. ,. r, �.� j�tS.h°+q r^+-' i ,a c _ .5 _s -�-.:�__.. ✓b4••1�Y a �K..A%.;,�i�. � �'.�Ia"�i��[P' STATE ON TEXAS �t COUNTY OY DENT M t THIS COYMOT, this day made and entered, into by and between F " aloe City of Denton, a municipal corpc;•ation, incorporated under the x general lu0s,'`'of the State of Texas, Party of the Ylret Part, and L t Ad`�+y }'�tion Company a ] rSirate corporation,. organized rind ins' ooxporated, under the laws of the State of Texan, party of the Second M1 , f } t,' i tnossethr 'That, F,t^he' said parties have agreed as follo`vst The Jagoe Cone 'kitr(t"o• 614 Co6�i&nyr agrees to furnish all labor and materials, tools � 1 l ,ma(ohAnery, eto. , necessary to lay and to construct in accordance 'tr th 't e �&pep fio&tions hereto attaohedo a wearing. surface of, Asp s • ., f tic gonoreta one and one'-half inches in thie,knese on a Five i,cht reinforoggd conorete t ase, ,inoluding excavating, grading, filling, Y : . et�okd4 4nd t �oreta !, r�,,a))d gt}tter ;and o4�ier, neoessary. worlt in;,con- n •y t ,�,�"F ,Y rieti�nterewith� in, aQeoi°dance with the plane $tad s�peoifibations # V pal 2i ietb Ota+%l dc1 on, tha follovring street in the city of pentons to-wits Pant MoKinney Street ,.trop the Rast line of ,�.orth Loouet . t _eet to le ' ast ,line ,of Texas and Pacific Railroad' Right- of Way4 Yht ,oh said street shall be gr,;l ,constitute en entirely and , wpolIX separe.Yte and independent unit or dietriot of improvement. e cons;tru,ol on of said improvements in;,eaoh separate unit or dis+ ' ay t lot shall be wholly independent of the conetruotion in any othor el 1q. riotk The assessments, to be levied in each unit or clletre�t nshall by ,made a000rding to the costs of the improvements *i tha j.^partiojular unit ,or district i►► accordance with thb benefits p�rgp r.t by r maon of said �ihproYomahte in, that ^�jys � �f��D�/,9 ';$� {_ ...♦ .!'W K. ryti ,}� �►x unit or �i trilot, >,a4 ►i► d o�e �r 13?#ipletident °o,�t 'tho :, {j s&A 1 r. ► oi' t a bens:its -�leoruf ng by' reason of the 1Mpro�►e>r�nLd' , ny► :o :the ''other �lnit6 or d atridtsf ,and, r the par Ly.. bf the Seood Part eha�,�i. bo .w at- the follopitw vatoe ahA pxioes, tb"*its 4' ' " � ,��1 �41 �.: . i '� ., t 4' � , .it�1 t• •.7:. ,[Y t �, F a !T F i « �:.. 'f i' ' ,. 1 Yf�•' t�'14 � ,y '+.f_M1 i�' [ �1. f t , .'.,Yj 4tip �;f Y ,; -$� r M1 r,f' • � $Y�i t t< i i •n 1't � F " ,ti,. 't ,q�, . 3`♦ .t ,�Y" y,; ..� 'R M` �tXY'YP C"m.wo•atij♦ w•y .y;T t w7r+! � � Th op�Y� e4, t alt 41�Nw �t r p 3 P. a JJ I 4,;.u6 day 8 , t �',,, • 'i � F `'°f.y 1 y'.5 t� t { +F L° f `y � ,nrk �' {i c dd; No �1 41 �M ¢ C I e is ,rj tyyy�',ff', n'i:k.:ik Qv 3". i�+ 1 {E• 7 a t '-k�rays ,.g' "�y r yT�(T V •, 'r� P'f 1 T�141,� 7�� r <17 � ;<r,��I Y •:�y' ��fF T !S ° E .l •lye' , T+j�J,, 'PX� ''ice °+i4' •b q, � +7 L i p J ,, �, kv 'k,L'Trj QlT LIT, (}( r Fla Y , •[�' f t pM-3 1' �y Y �11d YR ICE Yuice per foot for Y$ combined oi%rb and ' suttO Price per square yard for 1*0 Agphaltib: Conoretet , , ,, . on a 50 reinforoed onoxete babe - ;w . 4 _ Price °per cubic y ;P6*44artl r ,, A avati011 �� rr �.�. . . . .� . ..��.. Ce r per poun :o reinforoing steel ,oe eoo adJud MCA nh le � oovere ,, ioei,per .foot .: trodden ,headers in a1-,(SO •.Thq pity of Denton Shall`pay ,one-�h r3`o Tie,gp03�r, ea�.d:: imprQverAQn: to oxoe.pt ourbs�whi^h shall 1,a, paid, r�ollv.,t or,by ' the property;; uwr�ere, , :,The �,a oun to,.be,,p4id by the Oity. of:,Dento L < oh ll;be paid, in ;aaQh;upon;t}�e; ogmplbtion;,.andaaoP*pt;6n9e °of,,th$ ; *'Ork oti-0imprggen�ent 16i ,gaph+ ]particular unit ar 'dietriot. b At. ter ter 4oductirg the 'portipn to be paid; by,, the (!i*�•, !+F Dantont,ahe� emainder o ,00idioost, ,wbioh ,le ;,the - dotal cgs',, q� the ourp✓d .arid.t�o-third ' of ,thQ:. total ,,cost ,of.,ache, reemainder, oaf, i�npiiQVe�ne E�J� shall ;be. des @So d against . the reeyeoti�r0,, Pro 9rtIr Abut- tirtg=upon e81d porous of ,s ld,jstreete , which said assessment shall also be k.psroor�a1, barge .agginet aai4 property, vioro and; skull„bes 44 PI%4liox,tio ,N,A,$: th.s.:frantage , of the pr,oportyw ,pf each, olvr,er i,+ eaoh iot;,is�•.tp„ the , who o fr.p.n tag e P propaxt�• ir► t A tbat��p��r�t.io r unit, or,,d�otriet , Said, 00at ,to:bp gvortio0led bo. ; orLk 1 pro sort r,= d ero ins a'oo0i'clanoe vritY� phaf ie kziorm rho thoe ¢ i aro i�urm,� �lsc:i•1 'btd 'pe►yab16 iti �!i+re a(ival � oF.go �ot1a'h ok,"iii® iinprovcinerib'' th `the 13 4 x e q f P ', ro aiet�iriot rice, the, ooeptknee ',byP,,thd •flity 019 3p ion,' ? , r /��]e_ ),,,Opp Aayt f'ror� eAiA stn ona If1t`t2� o {J��ra eftex• Baia I,�Si4�n.L � a; d �r�"K *`r�'V 4... it' I,��, 1r Jr H 1" 'kS a� kta,F.ts treb y`eard a#'t,er ;oayid dt , f' c! c?�o- i,ftho}�}M $'; i $^ d7 13i. 1,'P, silza ' ? !►re after, sci ►,t�; ,,tbgether. with,tinteree► orb �id instain,e,�t ♦y , c 9y e '}•+.. ' a,p?j'; ' Alr.� .T. .fi' .h Jhy'ci rj�nn ,thq,,:dte',ot Aid. taodept nas attt ,tliQ ,r�4to fGi' oight p®r curt per T , f i1,riitim, r�� i�eig�ls�e o� lrifioat sh .l ba 'isued by thn Cit�r of Denton . p6vliori to ,be aeaAaaad agar et said pe'gporty ownerej . tihioh j id certif o�te�'' shall be in 'ouoh' ueuai and ouot6mry forja aA. party r ,6.1043 r:t7. -t%� T17071 lunu for r their collection roc provideLl by Chapter 110 Title 22, Revised StP•. } 3 ;. tutes of Texas of 1911. That all work shall be done and all materials furnished in ; strict conformity with Instructions to Bidders, marked "IMIbit A", w proposals marked "Fdiibit B", specific- tions marked "Exhibit 00 ,and, } ,5 t r the plans and Specifications on file in the office of t}ie City Engi f near with regard to those certain portions of Eest McKinney Street which certain plans and spaoificatione; heretofore approved and f` adopted by the City COMI scion of the City of Denton, Texas,vrhieh lit are hereto attached and hereby made a part of this contract. 8UPERV18I0N K0 DMECTION OF WORK, , It is under stcod and agreed by both parties to this contract that the Engineer shall su r IE visa and direct all work inoluded herein. It is further c,greed that if it can not be otherwise agreed, the Engineer shall in all oases determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work whioh are to b e ji ' paid for under this oontraot. ; { ; LINE AND aRAMO t All lines and grades shall be furnished by the Engineer; but the Contraotor shall provide stakes and such ordi- na materials as may reasonably be required by said Engineer for said . E pr. e �ror Th�FRtCont'raotor shall preserve aueh otakeA, market a to: , , and vrhen remoYed by him shall be replaced. F l�Z6 ,r '1'0 RETAIN IUFZfc YHOT WOW It any portion` of the work done ✓ 1 .'�z . O.w Y :y nt e / z , ., . , '!' � :'+ l r ,r ., YI �'. ' � d 'F! 'jht tlr rAOrisl furnished under this contract prove d6feotivQ Or not in atroo10d'arloe with the plans Arid speoitioatione, and` if the imperfections p Ist g. A„'.' B"r` . 1 p t?fe same Shell a, ma nitucl not be o4 sufficient g e or importance toax- , 'r ,`�. removal, the Eniriesr Shall 'ha�re the }� a might to rr$ L^in 0UOtt, )cork, ,. =Fuv � .,'t. „ ' Y" :dfi udoeitntroi'., Kah ,deleot 'make etioh' dediidt�orte a p . o- yaW t:,++t "x R w.� ! irl2 rt ; • 3t'd ! k In the final a ,t , ,Y e 1tr t►tl ` y do du9t' nssd 1 9�A�Fr�4 �� Yw � �kp f1 c` �. �d� � X�' �j� �t3 . 1� I , ' ° . .• r ti ,. P 4 . ': �' dui` ng tiio; per!'ormanoe oP `this contrAOt ,1. �;Tnginer eh>g� 1 order ih rrr! tang 'the dgin o ' extra �rork�''or theiur. `� "`" w i' "ntehiff 6P 'gltta ' tbrial�e 't, y whioh in his ovInl� WANPb be ci�ea ,1 If 164 wider the utlit,`prdces f'this obntraot, rthad�44ri.��Cbt�� '1erParm etsbh t r.� d furnil61 I�tfBh d,nterl61e�� �Ad thilJ bd paid ttse�re#�� I�YM+ k06 tT3u t� i08h ,�ei� Cr�l7tr I y Y •, 1 ' ,p. .y' ' r I ". T'1 S:? bOI!3 i tv L :O itl?��}�� �' i4 kau � �d.U¢;�1 �'�,�'G:t¢`:t ��ti !ik ;a Utit{Xl'11' C Oil � i {a t�'1'Ti �U�' 14OIJC,C1I,l'i� �It ?.i ":i j►J� {: } �' S'J;.{ ^f; 1,7tr( G ;,'.:7y _ :.1'.'C(} tl IT9} + Ya 71 GTY- 06 IT �'v .� k7 1�wC!a'.�'. r;;..� tl',`, '- 040v- .ir1 T I'f fi .A� '1 - u b Co 6 in g a n t n fiftee n d ays a f t er »oti t i- 5`^ N cation from Party of the First Parts or he shall fail to comply Ilith x the orders of the Engineor or with this agreement or the specifications 4 hereto atl"lched, then and in that case the sureties on the bond shall ba ' n'otified and direotid to eomplote the work, In case the sureties fail, to comply wi th the notice, First Party may wi thin fifteen days after serving eueh notice carry on the work e.t the exponee of the Contractor and suretien . , 11-int said Second Party agrees that it will indemnify and hold ' harmless First Party from all claime against said First party or materials furnished or work done under this contract, and First Party i shall have the right to hold and retain the payments heroin provided 1 until Second Party produces satisfactory evidence that all liabilities have been fully paid and discharged. LOSSES An DAMAGESt All losses and damages arising out of the nature of the:i .-:k to be done or from the action o". the elements or fr ht un£oreseen ' oirC=dtances in the prosecution of the sans, or from' { S ttQsuai `obstru'dtiorS or' dit�fioulties 'whirh may be encountered in the } prosooutiPn o 'the' work shall` be aitotaa 'iO slid borne° by' tho' Second ;- isa�+.ty, at? .hie 'orhz 'oust hd .ex „2 panes. BOND0 ; :1ti 1a further understood' and Agreed by 'this .pabties 'to „ , this oohtraot ''that same shall be in ' ' skecuted I ,i L, duplicate and one Dopy . to` .i 6 %L f t oaoh party hdkoio. , Siacnd lip ty agrees to exeouto a bond for �tf�ie euia , y , Of for' the . etisfaotory performAnce of: the work in ° ' �� Rr the fo�M' jroyided ' for t}iisia �Urpose r ; 2'2��� 'bF �b'i +the �l ty of Deritbn had eaueod this inst law Jl 'be eind `ito g by Mayor lanQ 6A i rhi"T of the Condmieoion r and f,bY �t Oity' SS'4rsta ray ;' t ththa abrporate des]., aiid Ja oe , �R1 ,,r� ♦ t '. to �t� W °i +i FK �i.! 0. , f t i.�1J , r i jY so Cio�tb;tlCv��t�nY1 (Somd�lY ,?1aa ,datlAed 4tid 'it'itstrurient''to be g�r��S 'its Pre ide'S�t', an ,'kttasteQ b'y tte morn rq, ild. '' et �fi ! rf 4 . ;, aft° 1 •� rr.ry , .d 3.gal ♦' ;. CITY Y bE2�CV 4/J , p T, ye bra t ,"r n ����, � YS�li �a � � , 1� ' G 4 � r { � r . . .,, S / �F{ �ylt tl ►y.�. j . t ,' '� Art +` .tit �o CtC17t1J��t1 1:7f1t "'jjo uo�Tco ' z'!'S'<k t',1 Ply jr` i�£1Ali A$' U ) T,:L IC €Tutt tf jT.C;C. O� j po covjb:'c.�U jPvc mtcz" , „r ct, ,y ,3d etjxrq ea ,10 )Tt E 41r z ;v u o rj1�, 7ilxc o o;.T rjjG . . ' ' a,t (I1�,f1:;�.� c�£ •�l�r� r:tlfti7 ,l.i'.;*. U'S. r1 �}� ) ��".' :1'F`T,. ' "r iJ,�+ �,,, � . i!�� u!"`i3 r,T? : vK l:�OJl3 OvIpToo i7.orl T,t" CA (14l, 1.1-T '+,;I.u,` T,£;'7.;' 07, Yr: ;�'E; -r x(?"1'j' -P'0 E,Ci'S tA414 ".� Iv J.:' ... . .,. JAGMC CONSTRICTION C01VANY a :1 ,( t Atteeti,,./.�/ cretaty hasty of the Seoond tat . s f , e � �� `<�•4 Y ';�'-'''�. Y E ',r� r ' " �• � •r .l ��f, l i.v 1 , < iu��Y� N S� � � , .• N41 wnN:.yf +M 1 Nd QI' 'y l"' y i� i •• t � r { r t` . : r': IL 0,11, L S � o ' I I N � - 5 ' • , f 4s i3 7.kM f a r F , I srl � t R rr 4 21 Y •t V ' i I. ' r tN�: Ir 1 `Y. �� � ♦ ' �� 3n 5 S 5 I 4 ` J• \ � y ) V�i V J ire 1 rr' '4 k'.:° b �W�4fti :!µ{��� .r '',� I dT � '�i � f } ��•r' �, e 6 :', � �. r , d ', f r � 1 y +'' r '• 1 k i, I t 1� + I l 5 \, ! . IL t sr �+ IWO ,a r , 1 I Ir , PwWS14 'h• ekt i" k r J }ra�k6i',r�p�''��hyy �r��a,i r �7 �.`7'��I a '/ �:7e•`i fi'ri y:.ity➢ fiLr�°+�i , ;a�Yy a .p �', �J 'jf��ii � �4'1J}'klir i, r'�'n� 4}.4.r �� ��t.�y1 Y.V Zra�iE' �, r!T '� � f T V � / i A 7i,t Y,' { Y ♦ Cp �a + y,� p4 5 �', t1f � c . n LA . 6 j rp + ♦R I � y ''I tea!'^ ➢ p �, r !� p'}a"� 1 }1Y � r ;; r y ' � I{ �•1 r r Y I � l � h d i r" t. y n !LAIR ♦�( rr,r�yti tM � I 1 t { + r ! + r �r f� 't S 1 . 7+ � � r r 5 ✓ � � ° �a FJ E }.��ti� ti+ r a31 r ' r1 Jw it. r � }�Sr Vl - at� l r �r..it { y,7a ti i., oV+� a�a �� I r {r ,I:+ t ,^ ;'yi *) 7 1 t r, + l v :r �v 'r r r�{,• f I �.t � a �.� r tN �`'�4 � +�t ���� '� � } I J �. h "rF, r t M.a '. ! v ,r\ p 5 1 : , A '(r'R � 7 ti h •5,, 1 1,( �L': j''S'�3qµ�,�Z vy c! ' F �'!)y � '+* . sri5 e ' °rA,'s�N'��it l'�N 3ti5�a1..� I>. ♦�R s r Fes+ i p"A � + � r�afNt{'a �� pr �sR '�, al r ° 7 . rL . r � w T r. r v 't pIh A r 1 It y 5 } Ij i�:, .i�". � �. .�v r'• FF r ch ti 74v 1 14 , i vl�,y It it +C��'A14 +�''� i+,1 w �t A5 {,I :4 ° � � n pf ..' ,� hl 7�r ,)'�� I ,I 1 �. [ ♦',4r , �,,! { { ° F'° �� � {{ �.�✓t4 F,F1 ".y {l �,�.(^°� Ea � tl + }},ti " 9 .' r a'. 1 � R 'ii " r4. a !rd v, _� °�b Any IY p� ,I , l • y �1,1 y ' y 'r , ( y rah r X k 1 r s I y r tJ a r { I v +,A Sal � , e y 4,, r.t 1 { 1 r4 l a 1 I j t J t r y I L rl. + I �S. k Ik It R + 4 4 t Fl q I r ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNISSION OF THE CITY OF MITON, TMSt APPRCYING THE PLANS AND 1PECIPICATIOITS FOR THE IMPROYE112NT OF PORT.'.ON OIL EAST XCICINi~TEY STREET, IN M,' CITY OF DENTON AND ORDN�RINO TIM CITY SECRETI.RY O ADVERTISE FOR SEALED H11:ol FOR SAID IITROyFJ111T OF SAID PORTION OF SAID STMT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C011MISSION OF TIM, OITY OF DENTOM That, Whereas , the City Engineer has heretofore prepar- ed plane and epecifiot.tiona for the improvement by raising, grading, exctkvtting, and paving and the construotien of curb and gutter, sewers and drains, and neeesoary vork in connection ther6wll:h of tho following street, to-Hite EAST MCKIMO,'Y STRI',kIT, from the East Line of N. Locust Street to • ro+f 1.1,a Yr r r+liit-01P•y•y Which said street .shall be and constitute an entirely and Wholly aeparate and independent unit or district of improvement, The construction of said improveuients in each nepartAte unit or die- { trict shall be wholly independent of the construction in any other unit or district, The assessments to be levied ' in each unit or district shall, be made according to the oast QfI'the - ion provements in. that particular unit. or district, and ft , ao' 66rd. anoe ,With the .benefits accruing to the property .by 'reanoft of rovethente in that partioular, unit 6r 'd� t III 4►aolly a4id� erit re3;y^'indep-eiide ' t of _the oast and of ptfio h nei`ite' doorti� ;r r1 : ing by reason of the improvements in any of the 'tither unite ' 6k '° , r distriotsl and; !NFtERAB, said plans and ' 6peoifioations have been presented to the dity 'Commission 'for . approval and adoption _ and, idIMi M'A8,' said plans and speoif'ication8 have beer, carefully examined and• oorisidered by the City Commission, thE, eame' 'are hereby. approved and adopted as the plans s.nd specifications for 13,a1d improvements , ' BN If ORDAINkD�BY CITY CO1rCr:IBSION OF 'M2 QITY OF D22MON[ Thslt the .City Seorotary, be and is hereby ordered to ' 1=6di6t4ly 'advertiee for eeeled 'bids for 'the construction of said ithyrovsmerits� ph said portions of said � Has t U6xinney , street, < h;nceOrdanoe with seSd �rlabi and `apeoifioaticns� Which said ad ;Yer is'emen£ `shah. bel Pub , iehed Mto ; times in the' Dentonl A66.ord (3hrriiole, ,a rietvbpaper :of. goheri ` oirbulatidri pu#i3shed in the +4 tlity, bt' rionton, �6xae , t' a first .of Iirhioh iriesrtion' still be ° ;: not lees than fide dayb ' priOp to ' the da,1r o!' F 091'� upoM' whieh ?laeid di to tiat�f bias a eI be' opene by t , • �it�r Commission, fin regular session. B id= bids shall V6 1ii6d #Its the 4ity 8eoretAryl,o4 thc. 'bity" of riehtan; , and' the 0ityy;Cnmrliss 'oYl reserved the right. to 'all bidsi f. ghat this ordininoe 6h' jj ' take ef!'eo.t and be !n brob from aftOr- i 'ts, �►ee e p a6 S,AVPROM this A'.,, uy of Al %t' :, . ' y 00t etairy� ` ' o B . OAlfit1 e� 12�' (Dial - ! •,, 1 , a L ,li \� `� ?x1„1 � 1,1T: i � p X ,2f � + 1 'lad tV.v .y wN r i4 .t,`! ', c r ' X�d ' t" x �` � t — � add � � 1' � � �%• vd R n l n J •1 i L'��yi q,F, r /. .. 1 ] iii Ma �rF/F' Y fSY l It n i I l •,vwla'y>f�n'v It o It L rw ! r ' :'. r } • . � 1 • '1 It It I � � y r •Y t• f r c n Y nT f fp •lei 7 d v �.:, �, l{� d r � r. v� n n, a � ,yti tLL�ih�x�,Pd •� ( �I� � •r 'Ml � [1. L` /.1. s, r `t t.� v ! d � .f } vl r k �r ;1 1!� ` } w_ n ; it � a ( i r a� n i � a d "i• r fe t . 1' r l Xlwi tt .., 'wy , .y���r �t °S� ,. �t a'iJ, x':� t .ai+ � •vi' '�{Zr �,'r;Y.� � E �•x f 1f r,(1 :�,111 e. v...'�, r,S r� i• IN THE MATTER OF THE {z it I i THE STATE TEXAS De + �Q ECounty of Denton. ( � I being duly Sworn, says that h.- is the .. ...manager o e*Scam i Record-Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously A regularly published for a period of not less than one veer in the County of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published in said paper as follows: i First Insertion ............. ..day of .... . ly....4. .. Second Insertion..... ........... ... .2R. .......... day of v 'r ...... J f . ..... 19.... ? j Third Insertion,, ........... . .—...... . . .. ... ..day of......_.... . .y�,� I Fourth Insertion., .... ....._.1 . day of CLC Fu!1 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this., ...j� 1 '19.�+r t ,,....:.day of. , fJ�W� V Witntas my hand and official seal , � .. t _. 4 p Notary Public, Denton County, Texas. i r t' File No HE , JITYI-b-E rite PUB 1 ON: T1He"G RA�j, IN THE MA i'l ER OF THE N C 'p o �oq T10N; APPO[NTi100 IRA lOi+ 88 1T�p . A113f�b Ai' HE CITY ��ppbllil tON 01P THI CITY"OP. DE11 1j; TE1El1@ ah e7fctlEHbtb pe hj-to�br�a o te4p { Deb Ttx► ►t tt��,, t - sµtd Clt on Lri lyth d�rMloB �ia AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHER TO touowtng pro Ition eha111 Dv'Caat PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE. 4" eto°;;,WIN lrr � mltced•. tP op Filed tilt day It EO NN NC1T M N t vESlOaiq Y.. . Wo kt6 19 OCCO' rulto In P4bFUdty 3 to 4 � deed a re000r ed In .1�oppluTrAlu#�4 n'tly,�h It4►',7DlaClf V► dI e t`° V e e ,b 00 at�aT g t #Thdn e o _. ... state of to d►d ao $00'1 rrste Sae, 18f il�� ,Da�,'�H.' Imo$a aj By. Deputy. s. . I< the recotded 'in`YOIt{rnei, 61:vr/i thelXweddtel r¢ahs rupt4 e colSyeyed^bf 0. 8. wlfkt a I • tp4p61 i0t tyQSane W C a11eY f iln ltld �'qtd 1Wfo°�df REcbree�tt�' o� Dentin CountybTex', "+"t` pit ;,';?: th sts {ri 101104 with t ghtt r or h Ctty of oft" any other aW uk rule gf�tl0,+ I�InB ' t0 g" le OnN to A dd• d 3e�► fp�Q��h Atrocted ► ihYp es 4Y er � !hill',pp t ��M std heat upo ' t e tlotnlnl�bH' 6(�t' t1,►'oil�•'Ihthit Alta Kith LeW.� �st'all ��QQ�nd >t3t Id Zsbt tar.Ifefslt►'of 4 o C` if O f� o rm of � �r� Qu►♦uTsRu «fie raof the y1 w41' ►d111 gild Ne2td ' '�F`p , t4�tY �t.,,n' � $di' th[rrad�Utl!•. �►e�'`�����`°` 1 IeM4y to h IatentM en8 oh I lk I A6 v '! t Yt�''h►131 Yt:ca M' kd b� � Iltt'W `ttSel�`t�tl� u '�a t Of ��rr,►g , t ► d iNii e'iTd� oa ' dot Cl cte� r 0all a potted at the plea dddt ho d(( of this ea tlettlon and � �jt t�► v t r eft"fit 1 c� i8r'� t >r e�Yf�1*t t shin ` 0 OU ele t !e` ��#t6'd�t�,e3l1i1�3r1�� ' t j�gllf''�y ri:s r r, s MOW . AN C':t')rltAliOr; ORAMINO AN 1WOTION TO UL MIT TO Pl'}i�i QUALII'IISD t `1,' t3T0R3 OF T}L; 0III OF D.l1NTON ,TMAt3, TWF 150POSiTION 01' aCA:•rJM Olt 410T TO A1114.0 O.WiTA111 PhOPWN TO 11 -; CIII 02' DU11TON, :CAtl: YT.PWA O1' lit`IM1.110 SAID iSUACTIONI TMA OF ti0I,D111Q SAIn .MaGTION: 1 Ati.li:it O'Y WILDING SAID i3I.l;C 0141 A] OINUNO L4,0TION Jh'r A0 a., a M IT 01MAIlMD tax TIM CITY COPWISOION PY TIL-4 0-ITX OF J)0 4'031 ,` i-'sY.AU i TWA it be and is hereby ordered, an election to be hold in Aks City of rionton,iaxan, a+ the City 11.,A11 in All City on the 19 t day of lay, A.D* 19ry7 , at wliiall said olootion tha following, ; pooposition allall I,e submitted to the qualif-4od electors of tho said Cittiy.tilfi-11 li}alt olt 11RT 'Plik i'Ojj. ING P11015,M1Y fi3; LL B}y Aj)iM TO Nil) t3MOM .1 PART (V Tlis C117 O1, 1tt9?11;511 ,TAXAf3llAli r ` certain tract or pavool of land situated in tha Comty of on ToxAe, t�ha dlaoribod as Hao:VINO at the NM corner of a 20 ether W° and onveyed,: to t3OYawilso)i to 11iAton in February, x9013 by deed recorded in Volwne 100 kaI 304 .. of -tho- Oodd keoords of Denton County,Toxam; Thence )v. `with' ihb N. line of said 20 acre tract 330,f, feetiThenoe S. 273 feet g�,r .y otaka for corner; Thence go 33G feet to a stake for corr,e;'.'h6r1l0ef N. 273 feoL to the place of b(4;inina and being the samo lurid i to by conveyed h)i 0 ,6 ,V: lkilas th 0.13. 11orton, a bachelor on Auguat 270 by dead recordod in Volul^e Xt3I page 10 of ho Dodd xotzo:te of Ucnto;1 County, Texano, wid aloo being the naro ,land ` cohv4Ydd by'C .B.t�ilkins and wife 11,AsWilkins to DailOY AsIN110 P}: A.J ern ,V s an the 10th day of Ayxi1,AoM923 as sho" t by deod reoorded CIO WnA 2¢ y ilg46 10 X49' un,vo xaxa�W'- DO 44. itMO{11 �i�"�"� srs7t �{},� c�o . � yy� ' . r. R �,r � •' r it.i �,r�r J � �y 4y aril i1 " r fir. + is t 1�eiQ e�ioa'tien . 1�;1*Il1 r ` held ' p eroo vdltnoo with, tuo 906 P 1.�►lss'.,a ` kla diate of xexdif;"' ,tgolskt ;'R�`;ir4 ntt a 0� Qritl,ad b f tft0 n ,�� o{►,#�' ?# $ h� *'+rFtr ,� Y." or,4' ! � d � rn tvisA �Vaoi4 WU16 r�Ii 10 ip�WTI*! qyt[' !� tiff r i r• Z p i 1 r A YF w e, J isiltilod ris Art:}bditi ` �udgsa e! IiAlA try tels�.4nid udg y A di i i r 7r° T : ,l 11 e!YIA J�•'$ 'M'\{' Ai .rr �5 Irgw 'yr,y: ,M,., y,. . Si wwA-.:• MiR •,..,,..y FHA Y:H ...�.rp..n' �...rs . �r`a, ¢ *1 4 4 Y h�'OtU0 { kid diraated W, appoint r� �h olprke .e. % „"n�o6s4u►�'3+ to hold Wd eleotion. Upon the 0laotion boing held sale i WioYae' shall Wake proper returns thsreof to tho O$ty 0ozma4 o1o6' o tho dSt,Y: in. 6066r4at.je withe Yjawo EM64 • 1 that i 11 ' pornon residing within the tor zate limits of the 4f Den tan, axai�, ,° rid ,bho 'direr'gVi' fitld` ,4laQt .sy and are otherwise qualifed voters of the State of Texas, shall be deemed qualified to vote at said eleotidn• Upoo tho canvarfa of the roturris and results of enirt olocion and it be fourtrl that a 1,3J0rity of th,a rotes oast at nnid elootion r. were oaot in favor of annexing of the said property to the City Of, Denton,xexas, the pioperay thou shr�11 bo a part of tho said 0ity for all purposes and intents, and shall be so goveretted• , ShC.t3. TPmt the Oily Beoretary is hereby authorised and direoted 'to }ie !� and hd►ve painted tha balio is ,fox .the oaid • oleoi;loti tu3dl .iO4 r- xt A , _. Ir ehiMA be printed on the faoovof each ballot the worF;o" WY101AI, 11AY)�OTy , and ths,queation to be voted upon shall, bo stated is r ' thereon in such a tanner as to permit a person to, bote feI- 'or agai ' not the 'said propooition and not vote both for and egginst eaid rX ,J%6poeit Ion• EkYC'. 7a a GopioOot rthie oiMintmoe siowd try the Chairman of ',ho fait, 14, )ricsion and attestoid to by the City doorotoxy bh411 be posted r J;t sit tFio` ylaoa ' of holdirC Of thoL saki olootion and at t1r0 Other places that aid public, and uhall be pubi$,thed in tho . official , w newspaper of said city for a pav od of thirty days prior to the . :de►!e o>' hoiditig data sieotioa', 'ane, tHb wins shr�li ;,b add carsstit ' ra„ Lute wa outifiaient not oe of egid gldosi,on• ' > thia 'ordi»a►nad ehay� b "irt 'fui,1 f0TOO &04, 0060f from and #i teFr, itre �$� Paid 4 a f? to�itio8� ,��a. � i'equirstt by. 1�►a. , r A�i A . [ 1l,nl., ' A\ y :Y1 . .. , r,lr(y,' ' t\ ,: • e , a, �roa . thiorths � tf, dqy afr,A�ri1,A,n.i47• Or '� 11 i' ' t IY♦ A oa014 is n �l 1 IrFFf AY 1Y 'yq' 3 R' i` ' • f. �i T� �'Y�t��� ��Vl��; i 1 yy i ! i��r �' e0 a w»+••••....+ A J )/Ar <L: ., Pr A,YYyj" �w r �V'r1 � O; •W f a � 5 'S6'l: S.Y y R« , 5,. . .9 1 t t`t � ! J'.�l.}#^aIM•"/�0.'Sti{P1Rf I. j. .�,'Nl r� '". , 5�' 4 � r :4`.� rY�;r,,..t r •.}+x^ 'h S ..P,i i-� ^t� •,�;�y e,� Si M�.( �.:'€'Y�i q s.'r1 � �il�`..��l�A�'�''f+k,�b�'+p4��,.L�rtiCy ^'.a 'j'I ' a � 1 y� T s e y r � r- ',F; +n r I l a 'i, r.. u r � ✓ '3 ,, � 9H#���[ e „r' ,l ♦ '0.i ,- �A x ; 1. it .� ! J -` a P2� ,t, ��r I 4 � r G !JS , y:r." ��' � Y r � 5 r_ �5r41 •!l'. �'��� i l � r I � t �. Yy s r.y I 4 r'. 5 •, �r .e e y Yi 71� J i �. •1. ,. r., �ay,�?, <' fir' r Pu �IA k } r '..( S,r " Stanfield Lodge No. 217, A. F. R A. \I. Denton, Texas R03T $ R • Stanfield Lodge No* 217 A. P. A A. Y. May 14th, 19270 L. P. Floyd, Worshipful Master. W. H. Robinson, Senior Is M. Grover, Senior Wardens L. R. IoDonald, Junior Deaoon. O . I H. Redway, Junior Warden. A F. B. Hodges, Senior Stewart. He A. Wolfeohn, Treasurer. f,. E. Akers, Junior Stewart, J, W. Erwin, Jr. , Seoretary , W. H. Yarbrough, Tiler, W. 0, MoOlung, 0haplain, S. M. Bradley, Past *and Master. Past Masters. S . M. Bradley, 1887-;;q-90-92-1902. W. B. Masters, 19196 W. F. Jarrrll, 1900, John Pieroe, 1912. J. W. Ponder; 19200 J. A, Minnf.e, 1903. P. Lipsoomb, 1913s W. J. MoOlnnell, :1921. J. Lee 2umwelt, 1904. Be F. Keleay, 1914s Be J , Headless 192P.: M, Be Whitlook, 1908, H. D. rullingim, 1916. O. L. Olivar, 7.9230 H. A. Wolfeohn, 1909 , Ray Bishop,1916-1917. P. L. Oardwe�19 19240 J. H. Legett, 19100 J. J. Maolaohlavlgla. So D. Roberts, 1928, Past Masters of other Udges now members Of Stanfield Lodge + W. $. Yarbrough, Ivanhoe Lodge #6696 Ira O'Dell, Le'e Lodge ¢436. 11o6bership, May 14th, 3927. Adauss, Billia � C Boyd, J. Hs Chitwood, Ms D. pavie, Ohass .` , Adkisson, A. We Boyd, W. P. Ohristal , J. 04 Dewey, L, lt. Akers, L. S. Boydo J. $. Olark, 01 W. Dgbbina, T. O. Llskander, 40, 16- Bozeman, i(. ON Oobb, F. R. Doggett, We ' to Ale`xlndbr, Soott. Bradley, S. M. Cobb J. L. Donoho, M. Be Angell 46 E. Bralloy, F. Us Collier, W. Os Ddnlop, No Ms Arsri t ; ' 2. ,l1., Birsihan, 8. W. Collints J, A. $arle s, Be >C: bads,, John W. Brenholts, H. Combeet, W. As Edwards, Fs R. �Bakor, Jass 9. Brewster it! To' Compton, Rose. Egan, O. B, Baker, .Q.' X• Brooke, i. ' R Cook, 8 d'• Egan, Olen is p Barnes, J. H+ Brooke, We F. . Cooper,, p. W. 8gans J. T. Berns) J ' 8. Browder, H. F. Cobpor, 0, T. Ellis, V. 00 $arras, R, Ys' Brown `S. IL Corbin P.. A, xgnese jJ Jo S+ $ateid, y+ Brows ng, T+ A. COX, 1111. Pa Evers, A; ;Hs O. Brook, W. He sox L4 8. Evers, :*" is ;!. B ell b': He , , J. ' K. "Ofialdook, 11. r, Fain J. is . Behr Js Burgse Calhoun, As 0+ Orookett, C . 'R. Farrington, $. Its Bennett, ' Olyde Camp >trank A. Cramp, Y. L• harries J. 86 Stars, At C. Oam tell, 0. 8; ,Orutohfield Rd 16 Farris, 0 ON s 04 Cardwell, Ps to Ourtibi 00 ks Ferguson at W+ �1 , T{ay. Carlton, We A. DaUsn ( Danl7sr)F+Ti� Flanaganid .JB� 0 Bleak urq ' 8o A. Carter, Vs Be Darideans J. H. , Ohaie<ers, Wt Xj, Deu er.ty, Boone , Plaids L; ps ,; kEsiwkenthin� ` 8+ J. Ohaabaro, T., Lo' D9tig er ►r P60 Or, .J6 LE SYewett; S+ A. C ewberr E. A. Darn 8. Fs Fouts, T. J. BXoulnt J F. Chandler; J. L. Ddvi s; tC. Is FoW)A r, J. S s + Bo b. J+ Ohenaan, xs B. Datiis , We to Yowler, _06 L (8) Stanfield Lodge No. 217, A. F. & A. DL Denton, Texas Membership roll. (Con. ) rox, To R. Jackson, R. B. Mercer, J. L. Pander, H. O. Fritz, H. W, Jackson, Be 0. Meyers, W. A. Pander, J. W. Fry; Edo Jagoe, W. M. Miller, A. A. Pander, J. W. Jr, Fry H. L. January, R. J. Miller, 00 Be ' Pander, R. Be Fuliingim, M. D. Jarrell, 09 No Hiller, Claude . Ponders R. Co Fulton, S . we Jarrell, W. F. Hiller, W. S. Peary, M. D. Fulton, S. W. Jr. Johnson, B. R. Millioan , L. T. Penry, A. Be �Isrner, R. J. Johnson, Jaok. Million, Be F. Pierce, O. P. Garnett, 84 W. Johanson, J. F. Milton, G. A. Pierce, O. S. Garrison, 0, Y. Johnson, J. M. Minnie, J. A. Pierce, F. Be Garrison, F. V. Johnston, Frank. Minor, F. H. Pierce, JohW. Graham, We Be. Jones, 0. 0. Money, 3. F. Pieroe, John A. Graham, G. 0. Jones, C. H. Montgomery, 06 A. Poindexter, F. B, Grant, A. A. Jones, F. G. Moore, D. L. Porter, Hugh. Gray, Jas. W. Kahn, I. 3. Myers, F. L. P'P001, W. as 0.108tan, R. A. Kahn, R. G. MoOlendon, D. T. Potts, H. as Groves, F. M. Kee R. O. McClendon, W . R. Potts, J. P. pamilton, W. F. Keith, $. E. MoOlurg, W. 08 Pratt, G. B. Hancock, H. r. Kelly, A. B. MoOonnell, W. J. , Preston, L. R. Hansard, J. p. Kelly, J. W. McOrary, J. M. Pritchard, S. A., Hansard, J. W. Xalsay, Be F. MoCullar, F. L. Ramey, $.--H. Hardie, 0. Y. Kelsay, Fred. McDade H. We Ramey M. Y,. Harper, Fred Kant, F. No MoDonaid, L. Re I Ray, is G. Harris,y. Geo, H Kerley, Z . T. MoNlrath , F. P. Ray2os, J. F. Harris,`' J. As Kimbroueb, J. Is MoKenxie, H. R. Raysor, J. N. °Jr. Harris, We Be Kinbrough W. O. McKenzie, Be M. Redding, 0: V. Harris W. N. Kirksey, is A. MoKinntr D. T. Redway, , 00 H. Harxelt,; Lareon. Knox J. we MoLaughlN Lee. Reed, J. S. Ra41ey* ,Alien. Kotnlg, : As 0. McNeil, J Be Reese, F: A. Heirrley, Y' H. Una, John me McReynolds, 3, Reiman, is F. 1layes, L. 0# der s• J• MoRsyLolds, J. 0. Reynolds, , W. L. Head ee� R: Laney W. R Jx. vdal�' H. L. Rhine, R. 1i. Aedne�l, If• 0. Ledbetter, L. w. Neale , R. B. Rios, Be B. Hi.b1� j . . Legett J. H. Neeliry.,` Go H. Rios, M. Is , r td� . xArerett, W. Be Nelson, O. to Robbi�ae, 0 H. Hi4ggkggi, . 1X Lipsooub, P. Newton, L. we Rob extoo B. H. I�into e+ .64 hQiton, W. R. Norris, G. 0. Robert e, H. Be 11� xoonep, Be 84 O'Dell, ire. Roberts , P. . LIKE uo an, ',R. Ho �r�,oreleee, W M. ois,►er o. L. Roberti, , 4a to t .. H ,mss W; 0 Lmdayo W. J. . � Olshields, S. H. Roberte, $.- D. Hott"n .0. p, Maolaohlan, J. J. enso laa, W. H. Robinson, .W. H. Hollo%vgyo $. D. Magee J. P. , OWena, Jim W. Robinson, H, be Hold J. A. Magili, J. M. , Jr.Owsley, Olark. Rowe H. Manire R. As Oweley, RonrYa Rowell, w. to Moo sr, `J. L• Mar uis R. L. PamDlin, A. 0. ROVOUJ .W. SO ' " pp Hutfhinee R• x' Mar in, �R. P. Parr J. 00 Ruddell, to to Hti46inrf • 41 d MAStere We , No Paid tall, we M. Russey 'O 0. . E Greys, . . P. Matthews, 00 S. Peyde, . Roiliea ll�ran �. L, { May',',r. Ao Pdaden K0 H. Sadler 8. 00 ti go �F,At Y D.." May$ A.' !a pagr" De P.' $t OlAirt iJ, We Prey, Stanfield Lodge No. 217, A. F. R A. Di. ; Denton, Texas Xtmbership Roll. (Cons ) Sbaver, L. B, ftowo He me Taylor, Se Me Whitlooke X, B. Shrader, Jr. Be snow, He it. Taylor, We Le W1 ka, He P. Slamons We Js Snow, We Be Tsasl4W * J. 0. Williams, Jamess Sizemoro, 0 , A. der, 0s Be Thomas, A. S. Williams, Se T Skilee, Be Be Stallings, 0, He Thrower, As Wilson, k. S. Skiles, H. E. Stanley, H. L. Thv mond, F. Se Wisdom, D. He Skilea, J. L. Stanley, We Re Tumlineon, 0. Re Wisdom, . $s He Skiles, is Oe Stanton, He P. Toplits, As With row1 S. Ke Skilea, T. 0, Stead, We Re Trimble, Homer. Wolfoohn, He As Slay, 0. T. Stewart, S. 11 is Trout, Js Be Woodford, Olen We Sledge , Re As Stookard, A. He Turner, Re Rs Woodrum, &e No Smith, - Bs Re Stoker, S, Ls vita, Re is Pe Wooldridge , W. To Smith, Ben Ls Stone , We 00 Waggoner We H. Wright , 0. as Smith, Co. as Strong, We He Walden, k. H. Yarbrough, M: $e Smith., Edgar Le Stuart, as as Wallaoe, Clarks Young 0e u, Smith,Twell Le Sullivan, W. Co weaver, George. Zumwafto J, Lees Smith, He We Swinney, We me Weloh, Goo* 00 3asith, is W4 Swinnoy, Be Go White, Pe Be Smith, Paul -0. ; Taylor, Oe L ., White, S. v. ; '�7,ie't' 3f ' S�,tiered dpprentiotes May 14th, 1927s Alfen ,: $s>' Re JaoksOn, 1e A P' Oliver, 1 . . Rallsrd, 0, Fe AlU44 Rs 8e Ames J 0. Pirtlo o so, Re Freemen , Mayne. Camp; . 91e ' Js,rreil, W. Fs Jr Porter, E. D. Haynes, hsoe dols,aait, C 86 Lehrman, IS* pe Smith O.. Its :000 60 JohU Paul. Davidson, ` .Is He minters, `V; Its Jr. storrjA , 'John 00 Ramady,' U. Js ,•: Dariie 0e",go, Murrdy, 11. L. Storrie Re 0. 3ohr'ear$ , re" ate )foster, T no ltyet�r, ' is 8e �fo0ldrilge, to A. Yavghn, Arthur Le a • "` T*ay, Bs 2 Os O Ohre, J: Bs M'ynri, Its ;.. , List of M16M draftee .,� Je- S. A 1is01<1. ;'+ti hnus*# Se h, Miles* We At Tobin, H. R. Be to Baker. ' Igay, , 2, S. YoAlister, De Re Warner, Be Be Ohuroh, ft;' Se kornblatt, Me MoOinnid, A. 0s Williams, At Is , wm0 We ' H. PierOi, ' Ben. Williams, we He =-�8eo'retatye trorehipt�lldas r. t � _ J W ERWIN. s,CRtt AAT �. COMMISSIONER/: MARION RRALLEY. Ad.ANLY 7y7`�,' 1 1 W. S. MILLER. CMAIRMAK W. P. WOOOWARD, rRSNw1LR 6. 7. TVRN[R L. RAtLCY F. E. PINLR, N[ALTK O//IC[R W. R. LAKLY J. A. YOUNG. MAR.NAL B. W. MCKENZIE. MAYOR CLAUDE CA,TLL,LRRY DENTON, TEXAS Offioers of the Oity of Denton, May 14th, 14870 Oommissionerst W. S. Hiller, Ohairmane L, Bailey, We Ray Lakey. 01aud Oastleberry. Franoie Me Oraddooke Exeoutive Offioere: Be fit• MoKeneie, Mayor, Js We Erwin, Seoretcry-Trease Mies Pauline Sinolaly Asete Seoy.•Treas. Ise Marlon Bralley, Attorney. He To Brewster, Engineer OR F , Ballard, Aest, Engineer. Fa E. Piner, Health Offioere Jo As Young, Karshal. Bailey Oo Vey, Street Oommieeioner. A, R. O000h, Night Watohman. Go a , Cookrell, Night Watohmane R, Oe Steger, Traffio Offioer, Standin ; Oommittees for the er. eming years STREET d BRIDDE DViRLMEffTj LR Bailey. We RL Ukeye ]PYRE & YOLI021 Olaud Oastleberry. Fs u. Oraddook. L.. Bailey• � I F4 .go Oradaook. MATER LIGHT & SEMI r La Baileys, F. Me Oraddook. i HKALTH= Olaud Oastleberry• J. W. VIM?. f[c[tfANY 1 COMMISSIONEA111 MARION DRALLRY. Al}ORN[[ I [[p�� yyy.���� W. D. WLLLR. CHAIRMAN W. F. WOOD WARD, t.[A[L[[[ [• 1`/ O. T. TU RN,[R I. ■. PINED. HLAtTR OIIJC[R - W. R. LAk[T J. A. YOUNO..IWAR.RAA g, W. MCKENZIE, MAYOR CLAUDE CASTLEBERRY DENTON. TEXAS May 14th. 1927 ., MST OF EMPLOMIS IN WAUR, LI'MT A RIVER OPT. --r rrl�rrr-r r----rrrr It. T. Brewster -»-------- 3tiperintondont & City Engineer . Urn . Luoille Nioks ------- Cashier Mrs . Fay Tomlinson ------- Book-keeper R . MY Cook - ----- --•------ Chief Blectriciun John Clark --------------- Slectrialbn Saul Lahrtt;:Ln ----------rrrr +� Avery Woolridge ---------- " V . T. Smith -------------- Storekeeper 'Ara linden -------------- Foroman Outside work 11iie 3plawn ---r---r-rrrr Yeterman D. T. heredith -----rrrr-- Conneot & Disoonneot ?6e>,n-hater ?'rneat hanry -r-r-rrrr-- N 11 n n Lights Chas . Ryan --w-----rrrr•• Troubleman Uorri,s Smith A.r --r--r----- 1{ebper W[ it. Cartwright •-r------ Chief Plant Rngineer . 04 Co Davie Plant Engineer 9, P. Beaird Rlrr-----A.p[.- J . J . Cnrtwright -. -rrr-rr A Bunk Lawronoe ------------ Br4;ineers Iielpor Qeo : Crubaugh ----------- rl Rt A. Baker -•-r---...-. A !d. g. Mercer Sever Plant Operator D, No Beaird -------r--•- 111unitary Dopt. y I a a k I < a 1. w. LAWN. HCRLf ARr « COMMISSIONERSI MARION .RALL[V. ATVORwtt W. F. MILL[R. CHAIRV AN I N. T, ■R[w.TLR. RR C f t� of 'M e �1 ton L. .AIL[T W' . WOOD WARD,. TACA RN.YRRR F.'11. /INCR. HLI LtA OTIICRR O. V, TURN J. A. POUND, V.R.NAL W. R. LAKLT U. W. MCKENZIE, MAYOR CLAVDE CASTLEBERRY DENTON, TEXAS Complete List of artioles and othe r items deposited in the Corner Stone of the Muntoipal Building of the Oity of Denton, May 14th, 1929s List of City Offioials.& Employaos. List of Voluntary Fire Department members, City Charter. List of County Offioials. 1927 Bulletin College of Indu�Arial Arts, 1927 Bulletin N. Texas State Tsaohers College[ Booklet of views and buildings CIA. Booklet of views aril building NTSTOL Copy Baptist Bulletin VAy 12th, 1927[ Copy Daily Reoord-Chrontole, i{aroh 9th and May 14th, 1927, Copy Semi�Weitklj Reoord 0hroniols 5/13/27 . Copy Denton He%Ld, xay 11th 19274 Dopy Tho Lasso May 24th, 19216 Copy The Campus Ohat, 1927 City Direotory, Telephone Direotory, Seoond Year Book, Denton 1(ive Not 916, Kaooabees. Folder from Chamber of Oommeroe, 1927[ Photos of First Graduating Class NTSN. W. B. MoOlurkan Bldg[ SW Core Sqr[ Courthouse. " No Side Publio Square Le on Re-union. Old City Hall, May 14trh, 19271 " Oil Derriok. " Kiwanlis Minstrel OIA Aud. 2/22/27 . " 19, Us laying oornerstone , ltaeonio Bldg. " Administration Building CIA, " Bird 's eye view of Denton from old printIII, 06urtahpuss with D4$oDepts in aotions r x " ltor,th" Udi Publio 54uare, May 14th,, 1927. Do#1.ton , 06 0ourt Mouse and North and Best eiQeqq of publioe square ' iooking ,NS from thA 9W oorner. Square . fta000idps of Examinations reoommendNtions and `s Oar4 01 Rose Ohambfin Consulting Engineers 11L Van Blyke a 6o, Arohiteote. T Aoster of mombersh6p, Stanfield Lodge Not 21'J AY . Do . an Chapter Soo 90 Re A. M. Db , Denton 00unoil No. 60 R _a 911 Denton 0ommandery; it e" 455 { ' ,' 100 Mi'nutse Of Stanfield tidgd {211, xay 14th, 1927. J , DENTON CHAPTER NO. 80, R. A. M. r DENTON. TEXAS Uy 14 1987 Roster Of tembers of Denton Council #60 R.Ot SaVo Officers ""It0a T+I +g. P+I„ Oar dwell, R40 + L:P ij,pyd, D+V. A.B+Loons , C.otQ. O.L:�livsr,P.C,w. J.H.Legut , C+orC. H+A .Trolfsohn, Tease + D+T.'icClandon, Stexard+ Geo+Harri a, Guard. x xxv Royal and S 11 at 'Aaetera+ A Adgo.gk,,r.R, Crueip,'�l�I,. Hgdg�siJ. so AQ Aeon,A, wo Curti e,O.L. Hoffoaan, O.l►. JIis tandorI Saobt. DaleiR.A. Roff%an'jRmH+Jr Be !X J•R• Devi dionp ;alto Holisnd, J.Ce Be Dohrine,�.4. Roo; Dog 4t'* T ���-,�p}��,,i���,�,�?��?�°$Att�.��`J.•�• , D4u6�A,�,I,.A.�rooalOtd • itughee �f�lt. Bar$ od,Bri t a. Dotdaho 1r. $. . Sasa,Re1C. R0014.J+Ae Rodgae=B+P + ra4e 0IieF. Fgan ,a+A. Humphrey II+F Bell 10aD Rgan,C+H. JaOkNon, e0. ` Bi shop,R&y Rrxirf, J+Xe Jft*kMon, Be R. ' ��,�ho 111.x . E7sr�+IjA.H. JAMMING 8 J .1' . Barrington,g.H. Jarr OF* X30 8.. Baught,1k. 8. Johh110-$ R.Re. Boyd ;•ff$ noranq��J. D. John son,J.tp. . : Bpa 0 �b `i. Flb�+d,L. J'ohdstorc,Brank._ ��roQkA� .R. B4lri �1.He He�.4�YrR.F. Sr+p6kd�R. Foutg, •J.. a 'P !! $t0• FbnVx*# O.L. Xepil4.ba H 0 1poit T.�t. ftmpbrouggh J. Re ya e' �: P1al� ilglm 9 D and ,Aefl. Ful 0"" Tnox sew. %4 ,' mgoBe Ko6Alg,AIQ.• •. $rarinot�,I3.J. , , ., .• ae�h" 1y� A,b. aria f _ Ce�1p�'�� 'i�1.8L �a��utl► �.A. iCi�'lSQ4tiriokiTl�b. C#rdxe , .L.: Zooniy►o T. { Ohsah'�r�, r.A. oroveo y. Lanog W.�. J�r. Randy .A. t Oh3!e, A. H+ , �, L.1I. Rw1l r'R• . Lee�011tgPy . s i Ohw'4A��1� l J. • C a 'J �, �R. v9bfrig�L •T. L e�t,1HI.S. d+eb i, V .,Utb�l��►.Be L s �, it �. Rash Roppoo��• �ffi�4 r�;�.' It the COMp, n a4. A i�,11t. 3tp� bhleinJ��a• t t.. DENTON CHAPTER NO. 80, R. A. M. /. DENTON, TEXAS page Two Royal and Seleot 'fasters Conti lagac J.p . Pott e,J.P, weaysrto'le 1tag31J, J.K.Jr. pratt,O. R 1relgh,0.0. Mani re, R.A. Rucker,oX 40►� t�,R.V. lax'4 .AiR►1+: Raibom; Qi shitey,d• J.T. s+�at�rs,tt.N: Rangs,J: . lay- R.T. Rayaor-J;F; 7lirtig?tant�J.x. ltlroer J.Lt Rood,Q, Ro �Pilson,x.R. i11er,A:A: Robertoj%Hj pithroxp .tl, lulItiviq.R: Rob arts,HoN: lrolteoti R.A. VAX Rob Robart�9IA:A. Iloodz�lum, Ruarvy, 040 R h Alf iga�t� M'. Ray ►�i►' ; SeAl}x'yJ'r � i �,, A' saw 8e* 0� 1 90, 611r;, p iR:J '.�. , 3000y,J.K,, ai s4m0re,R.P. Wo%deg qbx* WolaKrat irmp. Skiles,R'.R. 940iendot A.T. ltgOinJ�i �, �.a►.ar. Sk �,�., r,a. uARiip;)Xd+4#J,0► slay,p. '. 1 . u9R yF d+IRS R*ithh4{�,�R, ' WOO 0i li- WP4 n F0k1�i R. , Sto o�C ,A',x. i ,� k R!O i AN$ M JlKplt ,W, f3 t gt111 a R.f+'. Ot**Art R► t€M, .a; °,. ,��•:M�� ►I+. , iii 14YN1 �►�►, r rk e R y�A •L Thpaiks,AA, P ' ThookodhgWoAt r4 nivaC ' TOp1 iii soft, 4, ilia V0,9104 A ,� �s Stt��rrttA " Yi r .t,p, + Vine Min _yam DENTON CHAPTER NO. 80. R. A. M. }, DENTON. TEXAS May 14 1937 Roster of members of Denton Chap tor j80R.Ae11e Offioerss Past High PrlesteL Ray Ai shop, H.P. 1f.N.Rowe11, CA OLiver, Ring R.N.tfaeters. O.'A:Montgo%ery, Soribe, VoB,Whitlookp T. P.L. Card*ell , Sea. EeH•Farringtone *f H, A,ROlfeotm , Treas. H.A•ROlfsohn• W. .�SHugheas0 of11, McD•Fullingim. 4' R; .Donoho , ?* So Je11•Pender, Sre e r� De 6"vaHendon, R.A. Q. ne F• Jarrell . F r•,4 $' g*Boyd, V of 3rd Ve BeUriReynolds• M A' syers, of 2nd V LOP, Floyd. �ai R',VODoh5d, M of let V. B.FrXelsay. 4so Ra'rri`!e,'t�uard; J.J,�taolaohlan L.11'.Newton. Y i 4 Royal Aroh' 'fanona. a G Adob ak >; Chandl er, J.L, Fout s, T. J. ; Adkisson,A.t /, Chapman T•B. R+awler,J. R. Aloohl WRs Christ a,0 Fow}.er00.L: Ale W.hor, Boott. Bai s CobbjJ.Le FoxIT611e y, +�•W* Colo R.L. Fullingim, 'OD. k, Bam ,1 es, . 8. Colljns,J.A. Fu3ton, �e�eJr.. comb astr,R.Ae dabl•r� gops F iR• Aj.R.`,►V; Campton, Ross , oatsw6odidSh, t tit rha.d, yr3tsI. Coops F.x. �. Arahsast(l.C. 381** R. B. orah� R.De ` BBi�;0� 1•. curt so0.�t. . (3ray,Je11. shQ��,R Daly Re.Ae . Rall 610110 t+lo lt,us . to '1� . �. . .. Davidson Jolla' . • Ha�abi�ight,��.l'. , d,J • : Dobbin s, �P. 0. 11"11tori owl,IFS Po 1t.ti.0. Doggef,t,ReTe , Harmonnon,zeJe DenahoN. $. . Hsrpec► Fi+� . B ,,Iris Douglass,DeAe Re►rr +l�0 fi. B r ���; FQhaI�,J.A: Rau Ai' 6 B 4 it $gat OsAe , Ha�� sy,1f.�• .. 13 w ,�f:d, , BrwSn,J.R� Jr. : Rl.gks,lleR.. . �; ;, Brit4e;w.R. . 8v8r �A,1i� . HodgosjF.B. } Cad�� Rest ais gig 06 0 it,H. Q 101{11 +Q• ;4A ty�: • Hoftaa tC Pe oscko�}���de • . T Mt4 .p. RbffAen,14.".,tr. ,. . . r ,4 Cal►�lsi � '.L`• ;'ld;�+1e Ito ] ind,J IIre Hudof*�n• ��lqp Fi N�,461 �} . .. •._ v.. .. . . . i .. v, ._ .+'/""'' \ d DENTON CHAPTER No. 80, R. A. M. y; DENTON. TEXAS Pag s Two Royal Arah Masons Cont. Rughes,x.tl, %lays R. T. A+Vr;or, Jape Hiuxpphrq,WaF• `lerosr,J .L. Recd J.B. JaokeontD. O. 'layers R. 'A, Reid9J+A. Ja4k#gn,R• R• 'lay,J.1. Janua�ryy',R Raherts,A.R••J• Vocullough,J,P. Roberts R.R. . - Ja�rre17�,x±$. xiiisr A.A Aaberts� fi.b. : . sa�`l Rc►xeil x.N. y .; 5�hn, _ �J.P• uilier,x. 8. Raoksr 0.�.' , ' X1404-t�h,Frark xilifaan,L,T� RuAe�y, b.0. u . KeeiR•�� xiliiggsn,J.M' Beal 148 x. fit! 11 i Kea IA5,'R+F• trillion, BON Vinnia J.A 8i�*soge,x.J. , a Kirkpa ftokyx+ D• xinor,i+!R• . Rldlss A.A. K»o,x,AN. ldontgoaery, C, As , � �. Xn�x�J.1l: 'lurli�r;T� �cilee,ii. 8. O A o xi . . 6 � Nsaa�,R�e. Skiles '1`..A� ,Laney �(.R+Jr• Nee11i3O.H, 91ay,q'x Ledb ett err,L.We 1tsMt0�s,L.i1. Lsq Moj�mjn, R•A• -' Lego-tt J.H. Ol1vgr,O.Lo qt op.R• r, a Levere t,x+a. Lipe4c+s ,p, Oxsiey# Olark 9Aith P.Q. ; LO . o:; •Ry.M+R. OxA,t y� i!n=`Y Qiow �LR Loonr�Y# •.xs palt¢n� R�L, p8ado�A M.H► st o A,tr,J.x. { ' u4M4ndon, A.To PIt'1d,x',R•C � . 114nom P#J,x; Rr• fi�ex�rt, t}.J+ Wade StpQkarA�A•H• r � tto0ann�l ,'M.J. F6nd�1r�J,�LJr, :i�ilivan+J.�.. uaok�J. J.: PeKdeiR,A,- stoker, . ;.,. , t.�40Oppki'�,►R', ,' . �4ndd� it,a. ► s L. ' T '' ^�016h;4A-T to � p rr ��.. �. , . . �rat�i� R+1�.Jr. Th014A011l�.•�+ 14(}3ttn14,0+1t. plf�as.a� $, Ti1�daXei�3• ti, YaReyho.�do,.08, �r4 soil", R• 0, 11oplite,A. X., ti sWae �q ip�J.w. � fott4s �rgr mar�R. •� s . a Poi' 'J.p T uof At ' 1 t y DENTON CHAPTER No, 80. R. A. M. DENTON, TEXAS ' Use Three Royal Aroh 'capon: Cont. Wol oil 0,0 a w4avrr,nao. Y . ;; xh��lopkr�t.A. .• vi. Mon Be s. L �. A, f i4h He A �oYQ�J.H. f � tgpAx . vq: � .� �^ 1 �1}I a� r i `� 1 �•♦ i 1� i i �ti{ C � f ` r r I y. ttY �ri1 d} �� � ? 4 �:� • ', �r i '' � , ° bid i f'.�, rl Ir {. I` ' ' } y ! ( � 1 •III / K � .�i h �� �I !� Yi e .� i Mqn iexasi q ja Vf. Aa City Seoretary, I, Hari one T9xae4 Sifri - compliant with the 01ty' a ordinanoe passed on the 26th, day of r'or?-uarr, 1924, governing seerer oonnoo- tions, and tho order of the City Commission, passed. on ; the 22nd, day of 1924 I , F, Es Finer Oity Health `' Offioer, heroby dixeot you to notify the foilowingg' listeo property owners, or their agents, to make oohheotims with the 01 t Sewerl NAme of owner i oo0ated' at No.--Str80t'. f OoouQofti o!'`' h0ue$: J4 AA IF ti , , h YY r�'! lk �y y�� j r1 t[ w•Jl i 1� , Y r y rI1 i/J� _ ��!�/F�✓�..��/ n r \" r yy.,� �/I✓J ✓' .1♦ r .� ',�•.w,1�ILi'i.'�s�::�: N:r 1 .�`'.� - _. � + ' yy , Y 4 . • S �„� ��. ,1�1Wi � � "l�� a a .. ri trL } �t • x a t ♦ . ,� a ' ,rte.- Y w� It4 Mr�k w��:: }� Y r < 't..' t I �!w��YW' w �'�Yj � �iW Itip��Yr '• •/1 , �`��� k/tyy y('r Y�Y �Y ° l t 4r ��i - "� d '.,_i F"!"'�►�n�ai'^ �tl+�r4w a ��trJ r i r j r r r r Volt /, pi L. 1; Y i � .+ I, t +f ,. r l ,w 1 ♦ la l y,fi' {, )y�.. 7 rr J " • i1` ro j; r n 1 . .� r ��p �. �t F r V'` �d�S t ` : �Ir �il+♦ w r •.ti^+rw+rrr r � t , +d r Ay .7 ti �,�!� b t'�•. wF., '� a r � a " { , er �Ai � , i.. 1 E 1 u •.,a .• �f:. .'.J Y v ^, y_ �Vi7rY j rt`/1r�) ro v S r r j . �"•� •{' yfr�r,�.,�..�:�y� ,rt.'Yraa`�r.a.ir6r+rrw..r• ♦ t Y. 2.}a ,j b'- f '�, �.w_ t IM, , r r �, a �.'., .�t • y , t •.7 t tit ik rlr J 4 rj rv. ♦ 1 I Ot tot ' V t1' V ! ,fir l a .., rMl�a.w.riii : 'v; 1 •�.. < �r f J �I [�r•- .'t a r i • Y " ' + ' f " " �' ♦ 4 It 0 w n.•" t 1 y ,r. � , ; \ r '. 'r Yr Y ri .\ � f ��` ! 1 t t !' l; 1 lyer�P.�. 1 , - tI 1 1 r i i " • ' , { .� , t 41 ) �y�i Yf''-r tr h�r����i '� k ., � r i N.v .. $ .� rrV J �� S 1 - r. ��� i;• . ... .y ,t 1. : yn � 1 '_♦� I//� M. � e) , r • , . J ' ..P 4r1f _ Nr� ,tl.) ! .�,� . • ,,,.� .� /, a T4�'. r I i ''aR � r�, i� iY iYr/n��Y 1wNWY�i�. ��,,,• 1 . }tt,LT t r� \ * 'r: � n. r4`���p.��%�y�,y.� ���'� � ��♦- 1 \ �`� r, I < f 1 r�,4 :h\ }„ I #.�. t�� h �' �1 t l ' 1114 I ✓I�Tww—�4r1 i 1�1 �1����� i�l��r r� �1i� x♦• sy `r �r�w ,�vrt.N T,�~r*wr,Y r ♦i�tr�ro" ya ir�'.,I ��v w \; N 1 I � ( a i <� r .. i ��Y� , � f +'�� � Yroi tr1 ha q f { � A�, "jt I� f t � .n fl t t ra" 'i � ,' , ./, ,: ♦ . rl f. �]J � wy�y� n t4,• Y t�M'y4'S' ,�.�� t P4''' {^�ri1 � t r S 1 a{:� •�P'� hen If.iJF'4 i � ,<, '4< �:♦ v` r r a', It �•�` 'I"bt"j' ' ,�\t fNI !,'`1 � , t: n w _ r ,. r t �.''t a ' � ). r 0 Dot*Ono ^.exab• ,� . February' 7th,19�7• " ,, ` , I Sir 2 Qompliant with the,, Oity's ordinance, passed on the 26th, day of February, 1924, governing sewer oann6otions," ; and the order oi , the' Oity Oompissiono passed on the d 19244 I, plag. Pifer, ,Qtty Heaith • Ottiaer; heft,' " tlreot YO'U" to , h6tity ,the tollovtng listsd' yroperty.'1 Y oyd r9, or-tbeir agents, to make oonneotions with`the lr.. � I � ♦ Y r ,.�r ! r � t v T �" ' Name of O�nteiy IAoated at "NO 4tre0. 066441it 'Otl pause r `�9 `r.-fit �l� M• -1'FPM �r� r :`.,i � �M\,fY(� ��`•' ' pp/.� " » 1 ,•t r i s r a b 11, ,r� llr� /�Y' �Y� ���`� t f'•• � II. � '"1 (. '�Y '��1 1 rt } ��f.J'�t7} ✓ " fli ;1,.. pv �" �] r'' l '.i r .{ s L ' r ` • r }}t"'{, -ire+��ii 'y . 6 h Tr ! Y 31 �f♦1 ��r.P ! 4 +�r!Sr 1i ft r.,, Y 1 .5trV/I 1I + r �f aef 'f�� // Y•/ 1 :.. V'J y•I� ... .t .'✓ i rr ` • O + ayt Y t t t � ryr. ♦ T 11 t� ' L "'� C t� V��� � v J t v 4 to ti .h :"'. v rfi ff # {' h,P 5ss Yr u, ♦ a. rnl lY 3 f �v H I} I N � ^r f ♦ '. t a { ♦ (� 4 �. n Aa f f P r+ 1 �. r r. /j wa �x t �fi w " i b eippv trr . n r r P YA 1 r 5 � n M e A D ♦ . w ti 1 �� a •r y ,. + .� 1 / v) r Y I .+ � �' J ,�f^ X :Mi ,� f ,. � .`K • 1 � .,L v r � I t .+ r r� `.} iTIt W� i)r � Mi ! r!♦N r` ii • � 4f C;i�, ate � � .r { °" • T w r + �r ` r ': � a":. ��t v 1�'v ITAr 1 .' rr � s,n � r - vi ,'�• rW P!y n A ,n � � 17 �� A 4 , � l v n. r� T T G v ^: Ji bl � , '7 .i a�: r �y1 }I � i • } "1 _1 u ' i F '.' ' r wl �;,� p�.3 i, rV N y' Sf 1 i/ ... / C ✓ •. .� t 4 + '.� , /:+ Y , r�•�i�O..► � .�1�Y' .rariit L et , ai }rft{ tt1'�f' [ wi7l�trr, :v r .i i a t w • P '� t ",� � '1 I rwdf F�� ��'{� +`» U♦ �fn t+w W ,�°i }r (r i*I li +r �"• i ♦♦ � l\r.� a Tti ', -i r',./ r . / � 1 �1, ti •� M . Apr �t p f,. r �1� n`�"r�"r::�r�Lr il� r -r '," �t...r�iYi�•iS - ���( i rin., w �wT 'Y_�T' , i n♦nl.a.�e `( 3�T4i j . IL S „ 1 x 1 JJ .rr 1 �1 rh I r ;•r ��'i >_ :. ,1� ' ��� Y,' f :'r ! 1 i �ti,r i•�l� v 6f`yli d° "�.I. {. li} ,�� tr [ u f �♦ �.i�' �r t` .' •I . .♦it /I M w el fil'�trr' Ibifr�ilriY•I��j', (..' t ^.i♦' � t li.k 9F,�. �.^r �`1 yy .» . r + A » -.� 4 itr .a / f a '. qr Y � •! ln'+M.. , f ! • Y + } , IY }l+ I ' ♦ / I)J lylT t llt f �q;k�"�.CZ � 11 k I )try : rr "x" i, ♦ .4 P ^t yf �^-I�� 'r . � '. ;.r i �^� �» , M r 1.Rn �`P� � rr ..♦ �i�Yl�} ` 'flYr mil' w�i� Lr..rrlr"�}wi j♦ r ►�rri S _ _ Ir * v a M'n !" ' \� +t: 5 f ru N +f � 7, . r tr�+$ �• 4 Cv f� C �M t ♦ ! <v + r r 'J' '-+t t d. 4 .i{< �. v : Y. ti '{ ; + C : l s ' . IJ•r. ny, . r •/ rP m "i , I 5. + ., ,: or � �t Il} 11 I1,/r�l.hr il. J11 t ? i ay Y, F H i l ! si P T� .+ ♦ ro, nr♦. fff �'s 1 1 V T + e { ;, 4 rr+{.7 r F r ✓ 1 n it f S YJ.z 1^` 4 I T..rr t r♦ .� + + `♦ i T ♦ 4'::, 1 5 T [ r I t'..r Yi G a fL r ,Yt f V[r,y; YA J , Z� 7 '� �`,t.1 l ! ' t 1 M1�, a t �, r�t.•� t♦♦!1},-'�, , r _'„„ rn ;�, 1 ll i+ , a �}i � " �S.,Pt 1 �t ,l 1 1 !♦ f 'n +Py � k r4+ r 4R w ,1 ..� J rt♦ ; Iv • w . y4 � ! t ,s � i,� .a �rir ; k v t ° � pal s:, r, ♦ �� ,',.! *r�� r , r � �'C r� '� r ���� �w'�P n;d r+,15� 1 t ,..! r/ ♦l �r!rr J I�iTt V t.-, � ] J +y >f �f t i r ! + i h 1 i 4 .y,. { a I Y A, +♦.T,,S r 1 ♦.I tWY 1 A.' l 1�. I :A ♦ P n t �e�lyY r4 tP�' iP�i 1 t t �T•r�1♦ ai Mr a4r� ' �t'<d ! f' �.. i Lr _'t 'I 1 �i . 'i3 �� i .. t�a� ' v t�+ft\�rI if r �,i lr�� i 1 'a� r ✓ .9i ( 5 ! � r r .r t..^�. '4 t�. M � 1 �,� 'I a L•� � j �nL P+ 1' r ♦ A r. n v �1 r ��,; � y 1 r Y ♦ r 14 IL N p(Int0kl� J \ r � l�obruary - 7tb,192?. , + kl �,j Win ' y� M \ �Y� �J , Denton; Tsxaa ', Oir: Compliant with the Oityla ordinenoe .paseod on the Y MY �' �bth, d o! P'ebraar 1924 ' goverainp eerier ��onne0tiont mss. the,.,order of the ¢itq 09mmi0 sion� passe d on thb. 2kds aw L day of -•Jgly►1924, 1 r0w, PIder , Oita' Health Otfioer, "Ty tin y b „ I heirebY, direot1'gou ' to 4dhf r 'tho �ooil oxing'liste4 property oxners or their agents, . tp' .up,ke oonneotione Kith the Q ,t 3ewer i \ 1 I r � !. r l i.' ,p V I,.i r.� •♦ � � it a ooGed at�''po�`++$tre! Ooti�pas"t of ho,iae f�t�irFr •T• Y ) \ e � A11 JW All, lc 11 S.? r i • a l Y 1 kr .,nl r ��. I � :, Jr n Y Y� °.� .af fl• � { L `.'�. t I Y ,Y°r :� '1} xt�Q r":+, e t 's S. � 1 � r s.. H rFl, eY r7' ry 1 rl f� • A ' �1 S1rr ',y r!rr w r,Y�.'�r e +/ �� 'y a r'�1� � S �' r � �•'� � S ';� Lf l ��v, rW �► .J V r,�p� i maw � w F � �.T yl� rY�ILL r,. w� r A R�r t i ` M �} rr ". ,. F LAa.. � 1 f� •k � .. I . y ra Y r�lery ,Nb ♦ 1 K Air .i :' 1 ! V i 4,i .YV \ .<,. 1 fAS � kl S{r:! v >.4�•'f.F '•�//�/�/ , Y n .F rt ar r � f J ♦ Y e �.' r/ A he 1 ry vp V Jel« • !� I r A} ♦ V T '—,V r1! /� t Y L + '' F dF ''.r' r ! Y'm r �rVJ 1�1`r�lr.`.y.,. {y �,},I�� � � ,,., \ r .r+r 1 " k.� ,i f ��� IY{ r M t•" 7 y Y J� � 7yy A..'T �xi F a � } �(. {�.`* i�bM �i�er Ye i e };y e`k�.�'Sf� �SW ,"rl f ''•,lL� h» ��4 1 v '�k.� Ida• ,�. V s .. �r +.yrie�J �� � 41 .Y� , 11 R .r• t ci l�6 .' , �r .� J r .�: 1 art tw T Y.��f � rYe A � x�r b a �r{*m l i 1 w.w 3 i .' �'Y Y J i. i 1•'r r,.., r ,. rr Y '. 1 r e „ �R * rr '�' Y,i,i k^ rrI Yi� �♦1 ti' v '" 11 1 bA I Iry I +t { ` ` { r � Y X ✓ ry�'k' �. a A of 1 •Y 4 iw• )i Fr w • ! • r 4 "�.. r. a t , ` si ♦ �, rr.l..^ `.. r":�' ♦ yr, X' 2z� '11.V�{IS/ ,•. ��' %? ' !4r �t R'q 11 d` ll 1^ Y yIFYYrW{.k 6f �<xr Y �„ ! w !�i» ♦G s , ♦ I YY ^'. Mrt • 1 •' � ♦ 1 I.T I w.F y ` „ 1 A? r� � ;•F'i ri +lr. �. i•� '��' f r i7 I rn � ��.�r , I .. ,t ♦. e �.r!"1v 1Fv�4 pl^IjJ WVl�p! 1V'.. Y.R�i 15' 4, � flr �$ 1 ', 4 aly ' „ ��` a ♦k r�'�p } Y,Rr i {ti'1Yy Yw I,I, w�h: 1 TrS'� �; .kl'"l � ll H jr ti �} 5:^r k h , 1 { r �, 1 • ) ,� '` � F 1.jr M Y F v y y W/IIYL�� � ' ,w .6� J F `�r�I� >,re 1` , -�' iYYir/vrl---S n I c.•s d• 3»I I v }. 0 1 -� w ' �pY .� p J�V i�:��l� iy r lYfwy � ' •r« y �� � �.rr , J ,i 1 s.< A i. k 1 J S »r'1 "Vr i ! i rr+.3i�r+l'1� li., y `ti 1wi ➢' I �.dv,}r +(k .1 4M, f1+ t {'r(}�e� h tir( �Gf. «raYl Y 1��y � ; 'ei,Y I•ln sf ra$r p'A„ ". 1 1 ,i ��� ' r�f b� r� � } � � l ..' Y�� '/• � I it f eel' Ii 'tt. ('�`"r�'rriral.��� ✓' t r 1 1 1.r� Y Y• r p J a P4 V! r r ,;y n ,.IP Y!<i v ! W , �� ♦v Y . .Y i fyrrk Y�� • fit :u�a 1 '.jr � 4r � i'. ♦ r^ � I . pfl \. 1 , yo-` , '.��, .: ". + r ! 1 1 �° r it .. p.....I(L � i + ♦ 11 < c ti/ 1 JII a -"'7 '�/`yI�'•rP !1 ' e v �St' {+'.� r' } V � y'c•��� //� F '' ,i 'fi x. t t r e'{1�7 1 7,k,CM r• 1 , Y.',U k 1 1 '# a tL • ..�+ I/� fill F 1 i • wt Y - L �v ♦ dL y Sol 4 f a"r7 F� +�wR/ 'o ��tJ Y 1e f +�*l iii' J r � 1.f r� }r�3 feb 4a � � f �� "�♦ Y'.' I�, Y[!� C :e � ; V � !R rY � � ��• � I Y I Yae' 1 , 4 � �ry�y. w ,4T pa ! y nr^eM+il r� I. ,, t 1 . : 1 L1. ` 1 r Get r Is,. •. \J hY. i� 1 '� 'kll ,.. r 4P•Ikw 3 'D ,�.✓s' r� * �.i.l k . f•.•Sr,i ri i i• ,,} :nr F,.� Ari� rn ,F r! Y.�f`.Aft+ i .. Qph r,.. r n'r1 i. ' I r, r �' Il, i�' ,� �{yy� '• k, d ,f�f q w a w I t , o w 1 .� 1 'fr i',�` Y'fe4 r f{r ° i +Y L hl✓"� .� �X y �C ,I,�l�1. Y�� . �I ^`r11i� i I ' �i ' t 1 1Ft Y !/!'�F� rl�' r F4 1 �I e� YI� er..'�1r1 ti4 iJ Y`r4.1 t S`r Ir La 0� i'1. 1 1 J 'Y 'R 4 r ",eX + 54Y _ •4r 1.�1N f I J1Y , + n Denton, , Texas. Febr' 7th '1927e, :,y Oity Seoretary, V Denton, Texas. Sirs Compliant with the City' s or41nanoe passed on ,the 26th day of February, . 19240 ' governing sewer oonneotions, and the order of the City Coadesion, passed on the 22nd '- - � deV of July,192>1 16 F.h. piney, '' City Health .Off f4er,° c hereby _direct you to no-Afy the 'lollovdng -listed prod arty oWn @lie, or46ir 'b* nto; to make'`04`rinebtihae ivi h, bh l City S6 , r= 4 a s r� , k J itsiae' of ' O or Wboated a 'lib,. Street Oooupant'"of House r x n x j'��9=Ze YY " X""th . +p 4aK n :j tf N �S ✓• 9 y �i !j tiv r p� r Y 1 •'Y .KH �y�!��, N tl} i1 .A E , A 5 1 "° �.. r 5 f : 1 , )I `O+ AYI Y 1 �, a 44 r + ° .3 aL .�1 Y .7 , ' .�f., nvi �K�� l�Y •�f.,:, r�G of^x�.i� � 5 .. r f 5��n 5�... v n � 1 7E • d+' F s 7 , o Y � r � � I a v 7: i k . ..x. ♦ W +` ) r�5f 5 ( �. �r� `y�� �I +i^Y 1�r 5 r r . 1 �, 1 r � � � �ti " 1 ^ �• � h }y �V S'N 4 Y 1'Yr I�Y ^ L ) �F � •_ xF-.`o, ,t Y'.1)i'u x+ r i�r IfY 5.. wr< a :1�xI Y._1 9�j1 ) Et Y 1 J� � Y t..• ,I{ . r r Y'r r .r 1 4.iy,r 1 ♦ rA d W E r r 3^r 1:. n j`t a,C,l 'rlY' r I .^�,,.'EI� � ,f,'I`SJ�► , t,•� + Y r. - + p 1�rp' �1. ,� h ad +) ) } �1^ 1 �^rrY �1 Y,.Br .♦ '�r Wt 1Nh ': "E'^" fl Y 4 '��� � rl` r ft�t � (y r C 5` � Y • 1 �k - I �►+:.�ar� rr rr •v, 5 � I.k >• h A x 7..1 , 1 Y Aa•5,7 : . '�o , h -� r T f v+;'l L ,111 f� l4 - /Tx � �)^ + \ �Ya ♦ / p.. �IY� YS 4 ^ "L' y vi J s m tt E 1 , { '6Yf ^ ' I ♦ a �I�II•��� E'er 9J�f���t"` � 1 , '��r^fj�� W1��� 4'�t f •w*�J 5^}r"� w,t a 7K �+"`<i�^ �Y�� � } ���!�r�,�!�r�h ,..�J r '>� ',�y�5 '� �." ' ' '°i- f �1 i�, , I4 �+ II% A __ 1 1111r 9b,..� ^In♦:\ 1i] _ �Ml . a 'r ! I .�'�' f '• 'n Denton'� * Texdi w February 7th;1977, ;�, .•,4ity Seiiretary� . 1 ' Denton - te*q 4sr: '.� ',Y3 dr. , 1♦.y ..'�K � ,,,Y4 Sir= Compliant with the City's ordinance passed on the 26thp day of February, 1924, governing sewer oonneotions, and the order of the City commission, passed on the, 22nd, day of July,19240 OPoN. Piner , City Health Offioer, t hereby direct you to noTify the following listed proptrty owrners$ or thsir agents, to inks oonneotione with %6 , newts s ; • hwi Ham of Ownax ,a; ' l�ooated'at, Rio.-8trrat` Ooonpe t of h6iie dq ! .�1 1 t'1 r •_� 4 L -d ,. Fri 11 Fp�; , y 1F� 1 ' r !. .,. + �.1 ',!+. •r.rr...,', Y... „� i !•�" f p ,� ., L 5 rE i 5 �. d( n i) •, I M. � P • 1 y - ♦-1,� •� Ir rY •, , 1 '9' � .1 + � v'cF F , J Y.,' A' 1y ♦ } , + T ? ' ,. rp, E�S +�� �J r�IL.X��y �' r j. j „'r ',`� ��' d .��.�t Y ,/•� .+fir C: I r !! � , �� �1 �� Y y t rr r , , �.'�L`!. �jn ��9�...'� . yy i ��� ,n lly sY\ �,� ♦ •4 .:r '!-V� J 1 o t .d {� WOO / r � r I 1 L l.M,� � � , L � � T a�;;: ♦ '� . � ♦I} a/►yr'S/R� • y�, AY. r •14f 'i I` ^ p4' P r�V. /'Li�'Y�.. 'r y ` 4'a 4y °+''Jf! �' iii' Y' t !,. t .' �}�•. J h' • r �+ ryi '� . qj, p' Ma ii r 5 �fW AMYC;' �*:. ♦M 4,.i. yr1A } ' At Oil 0. �� yd k "+ � P� rE �,. 1, " r � .IY yt.d`r � �+t 1 ' r i P�'� � ♦ Nw`r�'� 'i, ��1S Y� �di . 1,• l�� �� ' �Va{ r .. r ti N4Yr } i r �..� � ♦ ., L t�Iq 5♦ ;. r,�N i � u lrr. w T .' ! � ��SC � e ._� I d P 11 I: i ^ l 1 'f� � }r, ra�S 'J`r } 0 M� I f 1; { 1 , r s� ♦ j1 �w Oil rp��u t� �. �,,4� �5„ ;, r�.. Y 1� � �5 i 1 ':, /�.{�4 dt •. (//yy1��l��"�Y r�;� , d �r I1�1 1 `r� e y w y 5 � r� v r{ �5 .•/;�♦/� ���/Y;�NMd'"•i.` 11"���Y !�A�.T.� � 1M i ,�w � ,� u 'N ' µ ' ebuar , 19 . y , ,. 77 Jy�7 -r r ✓ a,s '♦ 1 r w e c. r a ,k r. � e.r<., f °,r tl ��O f♦° Orwi� I I�,` � ...r � I I It 11 y 1 Is rty 9aorea'ry, . Sir s Qompliant with the Oity' a orclirianoe passed on t e 26th , day of February, ' 1924, governing sewer oonneotiouo, and the order of the City.. Commission, passed on the 22nd, 'd ti dey of July, 1924, I, F.E. Pinar, City Health Off ioer, hereby dirsot you to notify the follcvL4•ng listed prop arty owners, or- their agents, to make 'oonneotiOne with the city Sew@rt, , I E. Name of Owner Located at No*-Street Oooupant of Hou a 61. Is � •. f ul S_ 1 4 . Jfl _�T I ' JI . 4 y J s'wi."lY "� r � � t� 1t it ,1 a1 aa', ' .• :.. , >• ! 1 ., ;;�+ J ;:1.� Is s ♦ ° Is 7� Is- i S I ! r x.: ,'% f '�! M d 't r 'F ♦ a ° � ! i� F C �I, °y ! 1 �w s �� ♦ r+' w s} „ply < t4 r J r�.� Y- , '"^'t"♦ .�..1..r�".il`n.-- {i - Yr..►. t - r±"- rrY� ��.irr.ri�. :� Is 4, Y r < ALt I Is I f i r {{♦ 5� I ° s 1 a " t "rYP a +� � ) " -' . R e` n 1.... � �alr 77.. Y1 ,✓•,°� w�'W 't y ,f r "n ♦ lv..� I'.� f 'I 1 w .�+ ,f C r I__ 9 1 6,H.EGAN 0, IN IUFF ro�th� d=P'.J'• rocvn,r g'c� ILGA N r l xTU✓RJE - COMp� ARTISTIC LIGHTING FIXTURES �- ,ss,c�': 726 SANTA FE BUIi.UING DALLAS, TEXAS. 2.4720 :Jivr�• e• — July 4 23rd a 1927* o: K Subject : Lighting FixtLwas for New Denton City"-> R11 . E. V* Van Slyke E: Co�pany, Archts . P't . 71orth , Texas. , -" Attention Kv . Bradshaw. Gentlemen : We en use herewith schedule of Lighting Fixtures end Fans vie V16pose to farniah for Subject and under separate cover by paro fin post we are mailing you quarter size sketches of III b .es we propose to furnish, Complete and Wired and Assembled as ar as consistent with safe shipjAng , delivered to Denton, Eleetria Tamps not included , for the net sum of Ten andrell and Forty-Three Dollara a ^.d Thirty-$even Conte , (:11043. 37 ) 6 y. Knowing your appropriation to be $800. GO , for ,this bill of ,Fixtures and our quotation Rs above , we figure ,that the . Building ae� for an installation equal or even better, tLall the Fixtures " K 6; a,r $ubb tting, however if yau , pa� ose keeping thgI FixtSarea`' i r it he allowance ' of $86.00 iae oan easily ra-arrange o,nr . hedule to conform to acne . We -would not sugfp at doing this however and trust the the submission will meet with yoa.r 6r& your client 's approval; Sho'Ula YOUL deeire to go into the matter further, the, Writer stoelds ready to take the matter up with you or the Offidifile and rearxao 'brit figures . Yours very; truly , $UAN F_ RU CO ANY, r r�1���'1d-1�a1� 1•' . � A..1 i�Z'/-1►s`Ct'f� lam/ ,f di q {jQ�� •�` � `l FSi� �1�� ila 0.` � } • 1s� ' � �i � i � P5 1 �+�{ �4rt'y 'T�'.*' '�R't./}► !�`Ki 5r ,, � f o y{� � (A2 ,� a�y�s � ityy�y �`T 5 1' • t, 1 4 1 � }4 q /". v 0. � d� RA��. ��V�� �1�r7�1�(� V}�� y �,�� , t � h,. t n a � � K' r y • t�ir , qt �h ° � Y' � r Y7��` '.. a ..'.b � C � `; rg � r# • '�' # ' i+ 1 1 t {� , � 4 +jdd , ��T /�, � K r t } i4, � 7• � "�rt i F o��(- ! �, 7 q�l r ♦ i .7 i 1 r r )•• 5 1 ! i °�,'7 , r 7�e( � q � ' { r,y�` � rt � t•t �{y YS � 'r �p r t i 'r1 " � �'k n � C1y .', 41 ,•Fk . 1 ilk rr A? ' Y�" t[r6 la . 1 �.J�" �p: �T . �L1 - �� r u , , 1+I4I FIXTURE 3Ut CESTIONS nEMTON CITY HALL . . . . . Aetnton Texas . Graand Floor (ilos�c7 pier and O.R.I. Boiler Room 51. 0411 K-848-1 Its 13" Fore Ref. # $taiIrb to Boiler Room l�' Co11 Aft728-1 Its Stove Room li �ei1 ltd Statra, to Piret Floor -1 Its 1 It 6 IVI Ref. . , nbirmi 0�q Gatig Raom si ,Pds -X8482.1` Its 0-8844 18x8 Urn , C!, Oe il,,A"02-1 it. G" White Shade ot ,lr'a t.. tt-2n8-X It Brake :anA shade )I low Roto is A a, B. j r711st Floor JI( } ,�• 624 I-o G 14 8 41iss. fly p8 1 its '4 'W4 it JM I ' , .�t!►�r ,� dYaBF to 2 Q F1ao�r � l , , l , 010, 84t, Coil, A-728 41 Ito k ,. l+� Pet " 8-7616 34 '.1t 6 0-3589- ,14x6 Glass `1, �+` pQts $-t1647'8.1 Ito 03075- 12x4 Class Vaettbblf 't� 'pater & Oitq searetarq 2- Ceil, A-728.1 Ito Vanits 2- Gail K-847-1, Its 10" Ref. Water 6 Light Tax 'Assessor 8- ' Diehl Ceiling Fans , 62110 *1 speed AtUtoriam Yindear Baldonq a49 Ceil R-48-1 its 18" Hemispheres ylxi to ,0411 •24 6, OA It •' oM1P'lo or Oort+ldor,& Stairs r oil K*193/0018 lui Ouse iwd 'I��C� h'' Pdte �����,��� �t• f��7�jv ��Mlr ,�1a�8 3,- y ., It " � r 6 34 � aar i�1 � t C Salo # A ,0 11 S62gW41 up $o brow f, .t „ t k "i �' ' . , . . i, r .� r 1 i' ,f '�?; 1 ♦ 4'! w'�' �eii VA*4494 ,fit i Ceti Ty�tl i All '�t � ebo�e,- ix+o 'd4m11t6 $d1X �'AighlOtrenb `; t6 ut ,,5 wig f -1d►tOq'f 1'e�E$i�r bra ,t� het �aoi °ct,, R ► • � �� .�104���� _";' , � r � F. r � ,r , � ° ✓; +� �y ', i "i t. yp F 1,� r �;; 3 ),' 1 ,", I,A. , r X 1r _ � f , �y e ° } BEARDSLEE CHANDELIER MFG. CO. CHICAGO Subject Date August lath.?927. - -- E .W.Van $tyke & Co . Reynolds Building, Ft.Wortb, Texas. Oentle:nans We purpose to furnish and install the follrxinngg fi;:tures as herein listed for the New Wnoipal Building at Deihon,Texas . -Ground Floor. Outuide over Doors . 7- # 4353 1 Lt .Braokets Natural Bronze Finieh,made of Bronze and Copper Fitted with O ;R.I .41ass OY11aer, Stair Landing. 1- # 4320 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt .i', tural Bronze Vnish fitted with 4 x 6 },ass Aobe. (tore & Supply Room. 7- # 87. 461 1 Lt ,Obiling Lt .Natural Bronze Finish fitted with 14" Steel Enameled Shade . Dormitorgg.& Oame Room . B- t 87-381 1 Lt .Ceiling VeNatural. Bronze Finish fitted with glace shade . Truok Room. 5- # S7-481 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt .Natural Bronze Finish fitted with Zia Steel Enameled Shade . Toilets 2- # s 7-3841 Lt .Ceiling Lt.Natursl Bronze Finish fitted with glass shade . Fuel Room. B= # 87-37a 1 Lt geiling Lt .Natural Bronze finish fitted with glass shade. Rear ` Btairs. 430'' `'' Lt .btaoket Natural Bronze Finish Fitted ;frith glows saade . First Floor. antrsnoe . B # ! 23-36 1 Lt .Bs•aoket Natural Bronze Finieh,We of Broosi and Copper titter+, with clear dr"kled Q1Aes Panels. YestibUde ' 1 14060 1" tt.ileilif* M oNatural BrOASO Finish , , fitted with low Deoorstored M90401066 iobb 1- # 4114 1 Lt .Oeilinngg Ltomttrsl Bron y Finish Fitted With O;R411 .0lass Globe . BEARDSLEE CHANDELIER AIFG. CO. CHICAGO Subject Date �-T First Floor Continued . Corridors. 5- # 4320 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted 3} Y. 6 Glass Globe . Stairs To Avditcruim. 1- 1 4320 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt.Na*.ural Bronze Finish Fitted With 34 x 6 Glass Globe . Public Space &Tax Assessor . 6- # E7-714 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with 4 x 32" Glass Globe . City Secretary & Ante Room. 2- # E7-F14 1 Lt Ceiling Lt .Natliral Bronze Finish Fitted with 4 x 12" Glass Globe , Mayors Office . 1 - # 4256 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with 4 x 12" Decorated Glass Globe. Chamber of Commeroe . 1 - $ E7-F14 1 Lt .Ceiling L+, .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted Kith 4 x 120 Glass Globe . Ante Room'!Fater A Light Offices . 6- # E7-714 1 Lt .Ceilin Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with 4 x 12", Glass Globe . Manger ,Water Deppt . 1 4 E7-F14 1 Lt .Ceilit,g Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted wish 4 x la*, Glass (lobe . vaults. a- # 57-361 1 Lt .0eiling Lt.Natural Bronze Finish Fitted Wito &='a it 0l&es Globe 'stairs. `2- # 43201 LtAoilitag Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted 'kith 31 x 6 ,Glase 316be. Ladies feet Rooar. 1� # 07-384 1 ts.Ceiling ht .Natural Bronze Finish Pitted With,g4ss Jobs. 4- ;,$7-384 1 Lt.Ceiiing Lt.Naturel Brows Finish Fitted rdth .0lass 016be. �Uuder• gal' sonyy . 93- ` WA4'1 llt.C'eil ng Lt.Natural Bronze Finish Fitted Kith 19t Decorated Squat Glass 01obs . B- ,'.4x81 1 Lt .OrLblel Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted With: dlaes Panels Letter (EXIT) in white* go 0"- s43Sb Lt Mass Lt .,Natural Bronze Finish Fitted ; '; with 3 x S ass bipbs. BEARDSLEE CHANDELIER MFG, CO. CHICAGO We Segond goore Auditoruims 8- # 4116 1 Lt .Chandeleir Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with Glass Globe . Auditoruim Baloony . 2- # 87- 247 1 Lt .Oeilingg Lt .Natural Bronze Finish Fitted 1 c" Aeoorated Mass Globes Txite. 2- j 4221 Braokete flatural Bronze Finish Fitted with (class Panels letter(EXITS) in whites Corridors & Staires ES- # 4320 1 Lt .Ceiling LtsNatural Bronze Finish Fitted Jails , with 3} x 6 Glass Gl obe s 2- $ S7-381 1 Lt .Ceiling Lt.Natural Bronze Finish Fittod with,Glase Globes . ?oli.os Dort - Jury Room - Judges Boom - Court Eloom - Counoil- Healtingepaorttment - 0 trury - City Attorney - City Nngineer 13- $RR E7-381 L Lt4Ceilin�gg L�.Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with 4 x 1 ia" Glass Globeo . City Attorney. 1 - # 4307 1 ht .Braoket Natural Bronze Finish Fitted with Glass Shade . The above fixturs3 are wired oomplets with all Glass- ware installed in the building Exoept Eleotrio Lame for the ne sum of ip�ht Hundred Thirty Seveb Dollars and Nita Conte ( � 1 837 .09 � �:0;19 :0are Denton. Texas . Ail Fixtures are made ob brass and finished I& a Natural Bronze Finish or in any finish that you may desire, Trustiog that we may be favoted with your valued order whioh will have our oareful attention, we are. Yours Very Truly$ Beardellsee 0ha ;ei Uf 6 of a 004Jsfferson St Chioagd, T11 1, • ' ' . r . . T , .' _. 1 .. 1 ,V _. �,. rJ.1 . `,. J '1'�s ��t11 ,�7. s.>.l 7�:7. 1) , 1 - I F I { i I V��� V il' M6 , } p �� •apt � 4 �• n r, J l ,{,• � ��e� rV l..' d f �f�� n�� AI W.W.TCRCY—W. R. ■LAIR Vie g71 lectric 6hop MACDA LAMP! 208%%brth XOcust c'treet CLCCTAICAL APPLIANCL! �e CONTAAJTINO AND CLCCTRICAL F:XTUAC/ Denton, L7exm ',� APPARATUS iWeyhone 516 <y August 2Vj 1027 IN RCPLY RCFCR TO Mayor 11. 110 MciUnzio Denton, 'f OXas Deal, Air; nur bid nn the fixture contraot to be 104, for tlto City Hall building, this oity, is as follows = 16,ixttu,os d(,%livorod in Denton loss lamps 400. 00 vixtures delivered in Denton oonpleto with lamps 8041. 80 r`ixtures hang oorlploto b89450 This bid covers fixtures spoeifiod by the arohitoots Mr. Bradshaw, and cornints of the following piecosf 4 #1256 Durex 11ofleotors A 12131 ditto 2 Drops 8 0f33 1.conolites 2 004 " .1 982 12 042 8 ' 2 1107 Oiling light S �, 13 042 Econttlites q � 12 803 .� 2 A(34 " 2 OI38 n 1 Deluxe 10 Hoonolite 1 neluxo 14 a'; 0 Deluxe 16 " 4 960()-X Braokote 8 8b0 li000ptaoles 7 !)oiuxo 0-14 Hoonnlitas 2 1720 HMranoo Brackets 7 1424 Bear Braokots 4" by 8" ball Yours, roar truly, T118 m90TRIO, 0110P s ` DENTON ELECTRIC SHOP glcctric crUice 227 1VRST HICKORY STRRRT 7110NR 560 UfiN'iON, TA;uAust • 29. 7 Mayor M.]l.MeNdazie Do;nton Texas , Dear Mirr- Me are pleased to submit our pries of $80200 ( Fire Hundred & Two Dollars ) for the fixtures and two Coiling rang for the New Munisipal Huildiar at Douton Texas. All fixtures to be as spGoified on LtShttn; Schedule furnish- ed by B.M.xauslyke 6 Oopand to be delivered to the City of Denton. Y ,.fie. -• -c ,.. Signed DBNTON $LSOTRIO SHOP* P-y "The House of Sudden Service" Hoover ng 4sc BLACK ELECTRIC COMPANY Rio BatA9 lllofa Washing �lechiae Radio . Batteries Lighting Fixtures J. L. (LAWRENCE) SLACK, Prop. T u b e.m a n r. and Ap°fisn«� Accessories_ Anything Electrical - DENTON, TEXAS 8/29/27 4 B.W.MoKenzie, Mayor Dentoni, Tex. Dear Sirs " We respeotfully submit as our bid for the lighting equipment for the Munioipal Building, all fixture tr, be as speoified on plan and speoifioation of Arohebts and to be supplied by Eoonomy Eleotrie Supply Co. , of Ft .Worth , Tex. All Equipment complete delivered in Dentop lose hanging, Three Hundred Fifty-seven and 90/100 ($357.90) Dollars r - All Equipment oomplete delidered in Denton and inetalledg Four Hundred Thirty-two and 90/100 ($432.90) dollars . The above prioes do not inolude lamps. Respectfully, Blank Els trio C . 7 ;y �t ti � g� _ 1 k�k `A. v \ i 8 , V All 04 I lv , , t O A R93OLUTION appointing tvo additional members of the Board of Equalisation to fill vacancies created by the failure of E. L. Broun and M. B. Whitlock to serve . WliEREAB, heretofor9, to-wit: on the n4- - 'day of _ A. D. 19279 the City Commission in regular meeting and in accordance with the provisions of the Oity Charter and the Laws of Texas, and by proper resolution appointed E. I•. Broun, M. B. Whitlock and H. E. Edwards, as members of the Board of Equalization for the City of Denton, Texas, for the year 19271 and, VHMA3, the said E. L. Broun and tho said M. B. Vhitlook have declined to serve as members of said Board of Equalization; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary and urgent and an imperative public necessity that said Board of ";uali- aation be organized and begin its work at once ; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the x City of Denton, Texas, that in the place and stead of the said E. L. Mun and the paid M. B. Whitlock, that arld both qualified citizens of the City of ton �exaa; , bo, and they are hereby appointed as members of eaid ,Board of i Equalization for the year 1927, and that they be authorized ` and empowered' to .perform all such du�..►ss and powers Ai ,the, ` law atsd the Charter of said City direst u bin that qua iti , " cation as provided by lava' and it' is so orderAdi �. `r Adopted this day of August+ A. D. 1927,' m A u rtaan 'dity 9onmiAaioh; } 1'.q V r r yit rr Yr .t a r + y' Bore ry 1 t r e r r i i ( ' 1, n♦ tr ,. s . _ r ���� { '��.} bf� t '� 4A ♦A ltu r 's i-'i.� t �� f�f r' � !"�1 � �,•J r; jr s ��` '4 � '<� '' E tj r� ( � .s 7�4 �"' _ �^r ' r / �5 � 1�� � '{l'� 1 ll S"R�r of{j�f ti'. r � 1;f��:_2 �{� S'i7� 1 �.�'d� ♦ ':4 r I t �h� �t�r �'jr ��+f 'i'P�'i"c '�ih'��yi��E'a��6rK .M.�pk �wruT�'.�;�Pv"tti l4�.�,u xn rt�v�✓ M'kJPS e, Yr i,.-y.. . p'�: e. •rt a' ? � � «r�.l, , � i � 1 � 'ei. � r � t ,r n r t . � •f r i �. ' C( . �nl 9 } a � ^1 A s.'.♦. w��(( y r ♦. �r ' 7.ti • r �� f ���d�l �rv� Y'♦ v. 1 e 1l I � r —>,y � i�' ny1 M�S�r��y f�j c • a(� �' A 4'+ i.{.. �^ r y.: "� 4 n S ���� ' r � �� � M (" r A r :1 e• i� ra. r t�.. 1 f� r CooNanatioaCertifiate.-SnreyDepartmesb Bond No._S°1¢¢448 THE ATNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 31tt dotiajbtration of the sum of W_— Ten and no l40 _ _ _._____� Dollars `l'�-113 JETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY hereby continues in force Bond Number .in the sum ofr �?' —�Bd end wo�100 _ Dollars a'w `AQ(},QQ, _)on be ' : ._ n ` a+Vaio�-. � 1SsYCr. ol..She .91�Y-ot_ �h ,. exe�,_. �� __.__ _for'theperitid,` brginning on the--- ,_. and ending on thb —day subject to ed) the covenants anL conditions of said original bond heretofore issued on the xi* day of t 19o—. 't Is elpressly understood and agreed that the aggregate liability for all losses under the original bond, this rineweI certificate Ind any other instrument shall not exceed the penal sum of the original bond. . Dated this inch ..._ ,day of- Jst�u►1'�!.__. .. _ ._.. ..__ 19-�3-. T14E /ETNA CASU SU i Y COMPANY n - C Fi a. nF .41 1, 5w if E lu !G..�.G1WJ3........A � : 1 a ...,._....—.+•.......__r.rra...r«n. YFA.lM!Yrw I Y f FF M a h , r v r y 4�R I I yS I � y�y I. J � • � n I I �t :_. .._,r.,: .,_ . .� ... : ,. .., ...:, . , ,. •, IrteHJi++.varfitlofiMiG ,,,,v i ! THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES. i , 1 County of Denton { } 1 of Denton Count Teirm i �0 fMO-1.m. . . . . ..MSSaOI„E[158COURT to Appoint the(ollo'win de utics County. . .d at...viee not to ...... ..t ,.,in and for Denton County, Texas, Y pip g p he Amount allowed by law, jone Chief Deputy.. . . . . . ...... . . .. ... .. .....,.. ....,, . ............ .... ... ... .., .... One Chief Deputy..., Ono Chief Deputy,. . _., n .. ,. . ., .. „ .. ,.. ..,. OneDeputy,. ..., .,. .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. ..... . ... ... One Deputy { and 1 do swear that the services of aril deputies are absolutely required to per One Deputy..,.... . One Deputy Y ,. .. . . . . . ... .. , ,. .. .. .... . .. ... .. .. ..... .. ...... . ... .. ! y'are nrttwoary + i for the efiiclency of the public service. II ' 1 perform the wc:k of said office and that the a Applicant " Sworn to and'aubecrLW before me by..., , . .. ., ., ,. .. .. ,.on this the. ., .day of .. .. .... ...A,1 l42 Rotary Public In and for Denton County,Texas. i { THE STATE OF TEXAS, In the Commissioners' Court Chambers, this the..... ........ ...... ..day of i County of Denton A. D. 192.,.. ;. ........ .. .... ...... . . .. . . . I within and for said Countyy, har ing duly ap 01 vl to said Court for authority to appoint deputies or assistants,as required by law,showing in his said application, verifol by his affidavit,tlhe necessity for such assistance, and finding upon examination that there is a necessity for such a ' . 1 authorixcd . . Appoint R Pe _ .. therefore ordered that the ca d � loolnlmenta or t 'f 1�ntcthc following rsonsvasedo�ulies�or�sialants.lo-lwrt�cal on eho ,d he granted. It s lhcr " • •" .. .. . , .. .. ... ..... .. .. . .,, .,.. . .. .. . ... .. .. . ,. ... ... . .......... ........... ..... ,,. .. . .. .. f ... .. : Chairman Commimlonere'Court,Denton County, Texas. Issued........ ................... ... . , ......... ,,,.,192.,.,,. .. . .......... ., Chnlmtari. I Filed.... 192.. .. . .. .... . . Clerk County Court, Denton County,Texas. By...........4........................ .,."Deputy E THE STATE OF TEXAS, DEPUTATION County of Denton I " Of the County of Denton and State,of Texas,having fun confidence in ................. „ .. :, .. County and State,do hereby with the consent of'the Com- A the said Of sa onots'Court of Denson County,Texas,duly herein nominate and appoint him,the Bald. .......:.... .. .. . my true and lawful missl - y,in ray name,place and stead,to do and perform any and All acU and things pertainiii`to the office of avid ................" d Catnty and State,hereby ratifying and coofumfng any and all such acts and things lawfully done in the pterrlses by virtue hereof, Wtrr,asB my bond,this.......,. ..... .. .. ....day of .... of;Denton County, TcxAg. THE"-STATE 0 :TEXAS, Coana of 17esrtan Ili roast i,1a ... . ary+ , and tot benton County,Texas,on this day peruinally.appatrod..,i.,, ., , A Not Putilic fn .�. ; .,;, i ,. e is .. ., ...;,. J knoWti to me to bo theqcrson whose itatn eubscribei W the foregoing deputation,and aAmwledged to the that he executed the r.'iio for the purposes and" Conaideralfona'therein N uund�rn hand anal of Am at Denton, Dchton County, Texas,thla , q Di Y des of..:'. 18 ,; w,,., ... , ., , .. , .. ... tvlotary Pubtlo In and for Dentoa,'�Cgtiaty, Texas. ,.r /1 O E1 f " Oft1de fr At! .,. . 1.. rLf so hnly 0*60 (or aft 'm) tl� t t will fait)" IF tult t y d a e aru form aFl t utid incumbent upon me as,,..., atit�tiOnrand ' of a Ve3 w�ates Ifni ot/eh d Ste do lurthcr soanmly spear foe a9Um�that aioce the►btytioanf a the p $ M thf� state 3 fig a citisun bf this Ctatt, hA�a tSrit fongh! ltd 1 with drwdly sea ns tvfthtn thW 5tr3te, t#b'US of it, not haVtlolstidiwt pAxptI t c1liott'pe to 11V it diet 1h,n deadly weapon nee have acted a' Moond in e9 jAg a eballenge or'alded, advised or&Weted any tit , do yng;an 1 furthermore Bo1"ly swear (ot af8r�n)that i haVe not,direAfy or Wdirectly pald,b6ered or tromised to par, c Newt p�pron. to contribute, any mostby of t atuab%thing,or promised an pubtk Wee of ehtp+oymtsit; a rewxid to secure my , �: polnlntc�iY4 iw hip hie Doi a " ,Subrnbod acid to bdore me, des �u Yo lye," t ' d+Jed'fej Moord tht ,. ,�'lty of. ; ...... Cf�k, 1 beputy, ,' sti.>'� � root AS YJr�yalx#m„fa.. tlu+w i-"v.d<v�e4ra,.a�roawn;,n �n wnep tv,c�ty �a•a�. i! ir�� .FMSn^4 r�•A . �..,,anr nrnnf ,r us... ea�Ic 5 r . l lti `r kl � � � w f 4 C,t •:,.;,�pa i k 4 SL'i � P'r51 1 1 Sldi � � k Ike•. .�i °1 � ' r• t .�' v" J,t i .Lx Ir Denton, Texas, Marah 25th , 1927 , J , W. ,Erwin, , ! ' ` �bity ,3earetary , aj ,° r IP µ rienton, Texas, bear Sir a r I hereby make applioation to pleoe my name ,i ..-. - on the offioial ballot for the offioe of City Commis- sioner at the eleotion to be held Tueeday, April 5th, 1921 I 6• S r }� �i ,Y Ivr� w,q• 6'a 1 ti '' } i . ' e T Y. 4 r ' Y I r ])L r•! r 0. I . I '' �+ r � r ;a. .7.11' ti r:y....r ,..1,i4 a!>.��- ai}.+. .x_.�, ry...- rh ,..-�^?. r�.f'p�, �!;�a-I��,�s�. bwr""•'�„ r a.4'A v 111))) Y y - i all T v r "d 1 � :� t • � R , Denton, Texas, Maroh 25th, 1927. ' NI J s 14.E �r�pis3, P Oity, Seoretery , n A r "> Denton Texas, t ' Abar 8r s 49 I hereby mako applioation to plaoe my name on .,th'o,o fioinl ballot for the offioe of Oity Oommis- s resi,6' 6k at the eIeotion to. be held Tuesday, April 6th, } i r ■4w�Cfa%�`Jtpt�t. IP' lr. .t}"t:d''S�a S.�'34. tr1'�'dy " ` ��r :'^a`r �i S. ' .° .AI � 'c,q'n '�, °a...-`, r , i 7 1.t ' '. �a�f. � '�b_ ?�,., r t 1 or _ 4 ' A Q 1 I" � �'Y,It,X�P r 4�$� d ra. r ' s �Ott ' rtS�4 t �t, R' cif I,� r •� a t. r4� x. j V 4` ( r N �I i y (1 �i r - g T.YC �1 K .+b'.YY e�"#� N •S.4'. . ] .�.Y S �a .. � ..a:.. !A •':�. .. •:..'.M "`1tl 0AT V�"��1N111..1��114.�AYY MS.�IY� RS Vtdt :'.Ytl THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES. i County of Denton { j f TO HON,COMMISSIONERS' COURT of Denton � / ' Coup Texas: r h.,.,... ...County.. ...... .. ... .. .. .... .... ... in and for Denton County, Texas, One Chief Deputy,e ,.. the following deputies,and at salaries not to exceed the amount allowed by law do hereby mae application for author ty to appoint . . .. .. .. ... .. . ' ... . . .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. .. .11..l. . . ... .. ... . f } One Chief Deputy__ . ... ... .... .. . .. .. . , ..... .. .. ,r. .. . . . One Chief Deputy..... .. .....r .r.. ...... One Deputy _ .., .. . .. ... . ... ... ... .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ... . i One Deputy.... .. i iOne Deputy. ... .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .r ., .. . .. . ... . ... , ... .., .. OneDeputy ... . ., .. .. . . . ......... .. ...... ... ....... ...................... ... ..................... ... ... ... .. . and 1 do solemnly swear that the services of said deputies are absolutely required to perform the work of said office and that they are necessary for the efficiency of the public service. I I y .Applicant t Sworn to and subscribed before me by.... ... ., .. .. ... ... ... .. ... :on this the day of A.D 104 i Aotnry Public in and for Denton minty, Texas. 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS, Commissioners' Court ... ........ .. ....dayof 1 County of Denton In the Commissbn Co ., .. .., .,. A. D. 192,.1. f I said i n altos veCoun b his . . . . . .. .... ., .. . o r .w ...... ....,in his i within and Eor .......said ...Count ,harmgg duly applied to said Court for authority to appoint deputies or assistants, ns required by Ian showing is his at3'davit, the necessit •for such assistance, and finding upon examination that there is a necessity for such ap.. pointments for the efficiency of the public service, it Is ordered that said application should be granted. It is therefor ordered that the said ... .. . . .. .. .,...,,, .. .. .. .. ... Is authoriud to appoint the following persons as deputies or assistants, toawitt ... . . ............... . . I � .. ... . .. . ... . . .. : ... ,. .. ... .... ,. f� .., .. .I I,.,, ... ,. :. .. f .. ., ... ... ..... .. . . .. . Chalrmdn Commissioners' Courf, Denton County, Texas, fsstied. ... 1.1. .... , 199. . ... .. .. Chairman. :* htded .. .. ... 102 , Cleric t:`;ty Court, Denton GiOunty Texa4 is By.,,. . qty �} THE STAMOF TEXAS, DEPUTATION { County of I5tatoa .. ... .. ... .,.of the County of Denton a d State of Texas, having full confidence In s., , , .. , ,,.,., .., ,,...;,.of the said County an . 'the consent of the Com- d State, do hereby w,ih nilssloners'Court of Denton County,Texas,dui herein nominate and appoint him,the laid. . ., .,. my true and 61trl deputy,Ili flay narne,ptme and stead,to do and perform an and all acts and things pertaining to the office of wad i y I Y ratifying B Y n¢ 1 , of said Coune and State hcrcb ratif nand confirming any and all stub acts and things Lawf uUy done in tlx premises by vuiue hereof Wttr,ass my hand.this, day of 194 .,.. . ... .. .�.. of DoInton County, Texas ' STATE OF TEXAS,' i . COtmy Of DtntOa BxrQaa hit , ,. i ' A Notary Public,In and for&W con Cvdnty,Texas,on this day pet'sotully appenrod Il0Vn to me y f - to l the person w ,nacho is subscribed to the foregoing deputation,and acknowledged to u,e that he executed the wine tot the yurpoits And wil dera Ions thetefl"espressed. . A ' Cltvax under illy hand and coal of o113ee at Denton, Denton Courity,Testa, }his day of 197 . € uG.0 I u,..nru 4, 1 ... . .... �. d Notary lruhtic in and f UtKiton Ckfunlji, aexat, do ty ewes! tifl"irnt) eho4 f ws�1 fat tuts a1SY ijc foi n a1 he'laiies incumbent ulwn ma as. .. , t► y.. % �. ra( . r,.. ..acoo n ) y y g to,th� o� m skill and Ahilit 1 agreeably k Gb y tt3 A ru- �t1t6�nifl!S'tateti ilyd of th itatef and 1 do further wlemniy sweat(or al9ft that since the of the' titutiod of this Sta jt�ji a tit126'of this State,htva not 11it a duel with deadly Metmba will" t�State, tot nut it,not have I tent oe r'aooepted t c�ia11 std 1 duet Rith demdiy wdtpon not have I acted is altond fn chafle:i¢e Er alded, advt A ix assisted any pi'raon ilia ¢Hcnd ;tf furtherntote snlemitly s�fWar (or affirm)that I have no ly paidlu i rceewahu�re aty� otdii ' of p�`ki te, any tnottey of vnl,mble thinK, Ii Y PY Y of , nt t,tu�he p mb t} a t t 'r ,, 6ubhcrt�od / sd esdn d m Di .. a.. w. in nand for a ty, exAt. Filed tot t000it tae Any of 194., .,, � .:., \ I ,` a By Depnt3 iiM�� �i�w.x.�N..si� A.....w.,. P^+.„',_,,,„•.,.�. ... �±rrw•�w�`�ur �-t!r� t`�"� � Y1,.y. .Y i. I 3 c r c I �i�k C � i,��fn ' ;:♦ JH 'yCC it PP 1 r .... e ' t td T 0.B114-1•S4�-1V t DELI V 1 L Sr G o UA��� AMMMM yj @Mow(00"M NO.4f1-D1--n9--27 BALTDIORE,MARYLMD. $ 1000000 Anow all men {bp tbeoe: vratntg: That we, A. as Gooch as Principal, and the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COIdPANY, a corporation duly incorporated undlcr the laws of the State of Maryland, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Denton, 'Texas in the sum of _ _ _ _ _ One Thousand - - _ _ _ _ _ Dollars ($ 1000600 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, <. firmly by these presents. f ptaltb ttiittj our bealo and dated this End day of MRr(h , 192 1. 7D itun, the above bounden As R, Gooch has been employed as Police offioe :ror the City of Denton. Ott), �ijtrtfort, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said A. n. Gooch shall well and faithfully,perform all the duties of his said office, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain In full force and effect. 3t It 110trotoob anb Agrttb, and this bond Is given and accepted on the condition that the Surety #hall in no be held liable for any foss, coats, damages or expenses of any kind caused by the falure of any Bank, Institution or Depository of any kind to pay, deliver over or properly account for any money, moneys, papers, securities or property of any kind placed on deposit therein or in its custody by or,for said as such or in any other &pactty. I ti$ Yurtbtr Mnbtrotoob ant!01grttb between all parties hereto that, if the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be canceled by giving thirty (80) days' notice to writing to the city of Deiltotl� Texas and this bond shall be deemed canceled at the expiration of said thirty (80) days, the said Surety remaining liable for all or any act or act's hovered 6> this bond, which rntiy have been committed by the Principal up to the"ate of such oatteli$tion, °finder the terms, conditions and provision's of this bond, and the Surety,shaft, upon Bur- rerlder .of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the 'premiam paid, less a pro rata gala thereof, for tha' time thLi bond'shall haven been in force. Ott Iftltoo ` Ittrtof, BaId Principal has hereunto get his hand And setJ, and the 'UNIT91)11&UT1 ,4 ''iDELI'PY ANb tlUARANx'7� 66 PANy' has caused this bond to be sealad with its corporate seed, duty"attested by' the aCgnatu'ra of its'Attorney -fact the day and year Aret above written) Vnfteb Opttatt I. ;n�b 600ua�raydpto m�Altp_ li . Attarnel+•fa-tail Attorrey tri=t.it. 1 T Tf z h e „ i 1 'l '.V'. _Y...�_.:ci.�. .tiMYf n✓.'W�...w-u.e.+.r_r...rM:enL✓L r4IM.. :.ya.�r M+(:�'A.YM'u..�..p..F._..1,:.L+YM�f1n�y r �r'M.^,�'n1.� k ♦ Z:1�� �h�.fp + a\5,14 .isJtii,. r , N + , r Y i < I i 'I 1 , r APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Denton County, Texas: {� E TO HON COMM1S5T0 on for autYonty to appoint h ... . County,. . . .... .. ........ ... ... .........in and for Dentot. County+,Texas, y it do hereby make applicati po a following deputies, and at salarier tot to exceed the amount allowed by law. One Chief Deputy ...... _. ... III One Chief Deputy . ._ { One Chief Deputy .. r. .. ... .... ... _ iOne Deputy .... . .....,. yOne Deputy ., .,.. .. ...... .... .. . ..r. ..... . .. ...... r.. i One Deputy .. .. . ,. .. . ... _._ ..... .._... . .. !f OneDeputy ,...,..y. ... .. . .... . . .... .. ... . . . ..,. .,,. ... .. .. Y-.� .., ., .. .. .. .,.. ..... . .•...... are necessary for the ar th t t e the public service• r uired to rform the work of said office and that the f t and 1 do eolemnl swear that the services of Bald de utiea are abeolutel Sworn to and subscribed before me by on this the ..., . . day of ... ... . . .... .. A. Dp1192 .. h � Notary Public In and for Denton County, Texas. In the Comm'4sioners' Court Chambers this the. __....... ... .. . „. day of { THE STATE OF TEXAS, l ti County of Denton J A. D. 192.. t I ' within and for said County, having duly applied t aid Court for authority to appoint deputies or assistants, as required by law;i I` i showing in his said %plication, v,r fled by hie atfi�vit, the necessity for such assistance, and finding upon examination that there, 44 I% a necesaity for sack appointments for theefficiency of the public service, it la ordered that said application should be granted,, j It is aaithwiaed to a po of the folluw'ny persona as deputies or assia ants, to-wit: 1 ff _ p _.,..____ _r:«.__-« .....__......_.�..._�._._..._._ .__..._._..�__. _•__._�.__._._... _.____�_ ��r..__�•--��'..-ter � • i.... � _ChaTr`man—t�ommFeoina urt, enton ;o y, exa tt n1 Chalrma 1 X192.._. . __ x et n y a+tr ; ea n n y! rtex". By___ _,_,Deputy `SHE STATE OF TEXAS, D E P U T A T I O N County of Denton l! .--3.A.-Your &I"-ty—Marehal3--of D orl, Tq,%#p � �� ___ofthe County of Denton and State of Texas, havlag full+:onfiden n (y .� 1l of the said County Bind Slate, do hereb with the consent of the r Texas, Sa?NiretWiomInsteandappointhim,thesaid �},�.0�e��11 m true oarwtnd + uty, in rely name, peer and eteodyto do end perform any and all acts and things rafnChQ' o e o ell ofy laid n, law nl e ( t[ pp of Bald sna State, hereby ratifying and confirming any and ail such acts and things lawfully Oi hAll' Belt 6q virtue hereof• i rrml iKtrrrrisa my hand, thta� -._ �_ _. B IIAriLLr 01 t r gha J i a A7' F .TEXASe Emits ('oa,bty of nilklon 1. , 'A Notary I'ablle, In Arid (o Den tvn County, Texts, on this dray personally appeared�_� — . .� r yy0 kno*n to rna to be the` t,+en on whose rime fr suMor-IbdtE to the foregoing deputat4on, and acknowledged to me that he executed dill same far the purposes acid eondderatlons therein ea reseed. y 9 ,, _ -_194 � t7tvsff finder my hind mu ml of office it Denton, Dentod Count , `texas, thle.—L_ _day of_JAnual tl - y, eras t OATH' 00 OF � IC.E I, .. a •�.b0oltr9 1 _ _ _ ___ �do solemnly awear (or all fm) that 1 w1f0althfolly and,(nj ` psrdl lly dlsehaiiii and perform all the dutin Incum6fnt l+pou me as DPr'!+yi-A 14-11teahili—Or, -- �D @y1 areCrnld� ri the bes+ o ra aklil ind aIlillil+t Agetably to she C`onatiw- , sn� �a"w of i�i UnGedEtiaa ioiiKTr bistet a`nfif� o urt e`r solemn y i +Nr (or a tmy) tAat s1dN Ne sdoptlon of+AitCoestitutlo4;of tA1a SsYte, f beidy� cltl:eJ of this Start Aaes not fought a duel wl.h deidly weapons wksld tAlf stirs, aor cut bf It not have I uppst of 1a capted a rhallenje le ALAI ii duel with'eleadiy Kespod nor hire 1 act as second in rartyltis a cIt a1lenite at afdtd, abv3sed of, aalaled aby perwn+Aus offWinitt and 1 furtherdtote solemnly meat (at Affirm) Ask I Apra nof, dlrectl or Indirectly,ppaid, o te, of ptornlsed to pay, petw bated qr prontlsld to contribnit, any manly or +aluable thing, at ptomised publ f Ic r trnpioyrn , is 1 reward foktnte my w apoolnlMfnr;to help hie Sod, Sutiser1bid ihd sworn to befate me, thli_,_ /, ..,_.._day of.��tanua r ' 1 r Nots c A e or anion y s. Iri4d lof`tetotd th(: _ day o! , _ 194 . .._____ __.Glee! btlkil'y Bale.hei *±+_±+si .yxrs �xrr_tr-a.srr-::!rr-.4ft :*i_+ere-f a r-r-+r'ar�:.-r—Is-rcm:.c+�—+�sr+•V4.-* _ ws iJr++grm.'�r1i'rK s+I�a+.ei.+belie+rt*,ex'ser�sln6:tirna9n:yMrrr,+r rpy�_s1�roh.44csar.h.r'�M ktWrv4. e+!'�UftxAti- eJnaed i�e. �r11 ' , ,, it + F . 1 1 1 t B' i , , t1 td 'a"Jo1 t i i 5 axes 1 t ,1( + a @ 1 ' �40 ;�• ,f.� kv ➢ .xr E :f-`� ��° � A'd r_ � _ 1 s;!.L6.�S1,{f�-.• 0. � x �; .,r P_.:_w�'?r�"lz,�t•,t_,,,;iij;.id 7� �� we•a *a�v s x�..a.- ..v ns. s.m.-n+.:v w mw..,w m '.: +.as a-. .mn r.rrx •r r.-.ww_ wa;�R,�l.1W,K"1�1�.1� '!�l.'�5,���.... 5..... THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES. { County of Denton TO ZION. COMMISSIONERS' COURT of Deacon /County, Texas: I, ..... —County-, .. ... in and for Dutton County, Texas, do hereby make application for authnri ty to apprI,int the following deputies,and at snhdcs not to exceed the amount allowed by law. I One Chief Deputy.... One Chief Deputy. ........, ... . One Chief Ik:puty.,... . .,. . . ... . ..... .. ... l i One Deputy..., ., ...... .. ... .. r One Deputy...:. .. .. .. . .. ... ... . .. . . . ...,.. ... .. .. .. + One Deputy . . .. ... .. . .. ... .. ... ... .. . ....... .. .. . IOne Deputy .I..... .. .. .. ... . . . .. .. ... „ .,.....,.. . ., .. ...... . .. ., . ... ., .,,I .... .... ...... ............ ... .. ..... ........... .. . J and I do solemnly swear that the services of said deputies are absolutely required to perform t he work of said office and that they are necessary ± for the efficiency of the public smice, l .. . . ... ... ...,.Applicant Sworn to and subsrxibod before me by . .. ... .....on this the.. ..., . . .. .day of A D 192..1. { 1�otary 1 ublic in and fnr Denton County Texas. I THE STATE OF TEXAS In the Commissioners Court Chamber, this the.— .. day of t County of Denton ( _,.A. D. 192.,,1 f yy ) i said application,said I),hisnnf lclar it,j�e n to cs�t of Court r such r authority appoint upon txaminatiun that tsther s a nevessitu - it to a int deputies or assistants ..required showing lit his j 3 I nvsistnncc, and Sn y for such up- 1 I y t service, it is orderwl that Bald application should be granted. It is therefore ordered that the sold Is authorized to appoint the following pe so .. . . -1- ntmcnts or the edir cnc o the public s d:yuties or assistants, to-wit: ;, :. . ... .song n ... ... .... .. .. . i 1 ..: ...: :...: ..... ... '..:. .. '. . i....... : . ri.. .n . n ... .. .. e. ......... '.. . ., .. ...... ... .... .. . . .. . .., . .. ... ... I...... .. ........................... .. L.i .' .. .. .. . .. .. ... , E ! .. .r ` Chairman Comtmimioners'Court, Denton County, Texas, Issued. 19? a Chairman. ' Filal 1f ., w ` , { ti Clerk County Cooft, Dentt�a County,Texas � Dy., ., .Deputy fiHt 'STATE 0V 'TE AS, ' DEPUTATION County of Denton J.A 6 Yolir,g j . O ity. r1.ar6hA11 -or .�1. .. .,. . , :. ,of the said Count d State,do hereby ith rho Lbnstm the 0 i t $f Den ton, T. R e o[tiro.mint of Denton avid Stile of Te haw f Denton , , ^ Y �, $full Des in .+ y n ooh 'nndl he mn� and a!1 acts an y `~ eP Y 9 01kMT y sn r � and stead,to do Y mutate and appoint him,the sold -.A i R,,tJQ,o p}1 ,,1 .;. ... my true and lawful d tit Inmyhatne,pia a aMe perfor y d things pawl ing to the ofike of said...0 i.ty...UAV O'hi, .t of aam and State,hereby ratifying and conErming any and all such acts and things lawfully done In the premim by virtue hereof. WttNassmyhand,this..r , .:^ .4101....I.,. . d yof..: .;b90etri Awl., ' Gib a . . of .hi�on i9Ctiltm THE STATEF TEXAS, County6115entoft BevozsiLfg.. ! , r. :4.... .. A irlo iry ilAb in and for Denton County,Texas,on ON day personally appeared.. !r!A s YO U „ I 1 A .r .n.. . 1.. .'..1. . ... .'u. . ...... ... .. . .a . .. 1. uul.. .............r .: .. 4,L . i r. ... . .� 1 .. known fa the li a dMaibns Ili er in name Is fay hand dad wall �oll9caa D'eeton, D nton county Tens Ttewethiit xoctitod the same tot the ttrposa is{jti,t t d y ot.l D 1fY�, ry.pnbiia If aAd T fknto r n t Testae, "l 0�tli A sti i tJooCh .des Yotemdl Ow (or Affirm) that I will faith I y fully and trr a fatly discharge and pertorm ari the duties ineumbent opoe the is.........0 its.+,1&11,GN11....Q .: z4 a to r of lfiia Su f beuig fi citlsM of this Stsie, hevtl nut f ht a duel with deadl ykea f withld thti Starr the out ngroeabty to the Cot �6X `" fiecording to the bat of my slClll find ability t r. el.itutloa'irid t arW,A the Untied States and of this State"and I do further solemnly swt�r or a&Ifil)that dnc a(option of the fbtlstftutk>n ' Et a .aMn' fit a duel with dradi kta y of it,roe hAVe I rent or l ed g g y pier not have acted fitI second n catryinr a challenge or aided,adrisal or assisted Any n i heel 41Mid !;fir Q I futtherrI solemnly swear(or affirm that I nova hot, dlrectiy or indirectly pall,oHerod or promtsnd to pies, t b! m sod ed contribute,may matey or valuable thing,or promised an lit,offce or �Oylnenl, ai i kard to create mhutt, ;lP Me Ood �1.l,_�,��`J� 15 �w,1♦���..��))���� ,l I 1 r +1 _ ��� Av Sat,xrlbcd i�Ct en tri to Uavvre ttte,tltia I<.. �/ rl.. .. C�11 Dd ot9 r { Notary public in and tot 7 s,. .,� ,derot 1A? A ,:r 1.r L. A.,' 1 . .. ,C1esk, JS t( 11 A +i l 1 �. ..--,�... .. ww�_.r�..,�.ya s.. ,.1..�. ..�... �.......Y. .� �.w.L. ♦a«z. z . wr},Y• ...wr�s. nrr.Y.. w�.�.t.w y.. .w.... ..+ ..a..1 ..w...+Y.M....... r� .ter.- S y.'". y ,a�;:%:..� ' 1 ,� ..,.i 'alvffi4 L:' •a r"LI'8ar_Y'.. ' ' " �,, r +_. .. J_5rri11 a f . r 44 ,. .v.i ::4, L.•Ydadu. yy,r. .,wr,r+..w..,,w,m o..«•.nwsY+w•rM^M+�••:•e... .i. :a...•, ._. � �_ • ,e r r � � �' t � 8• •� } ir' ,e � { 4p Ad"L Pq 11 ..'� } ' ' I 4 '�i.� 3. • w..• ti.,. '' },•�y;, ..'�M; n .ur�,;�,w p '¢!?r �...0'Is 1 k� .i y�� w ^t'r Mt :i•AY � : .L .x. ....b i� ,v iYi � ,w��h TLC'Y i� , 1: r1 f ��S�v �rtM 'P7 '�W' i,+ dt .r . l._ ,.tiP '. F.�� �i '. .Y rr • � ��1.. f . �.� r �r'. � t�4N r r t �5 _ .'.� fY .':. . .. ...;.. _ ., _•. _. -.. - _ :: : L. Y-_': _ :i�� F.... ._ ..�.__ T_.y-.�v.-� i1:8y THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES Cnunly of Denton 1 11 TO HON. COMMISSIONERS' COURT of Denton County, Texas: 1, County ,... . in and for Denton County, Texas, do hereby make application for authority to appoint the folio-wing deputies, and at salru•ies not to exceed the amount allowed by law. i one Chief Deputy . ..... .... lk One Chief Deputy .... . One Chie f Deputy .. One De p ity k 1 . One Deputy .. ..... ....... .. ... ........ .. .... . ! and I do solemnly swear that Cie services of said deputies are abrolutel required to perform the h One Deputy r� I One Deputy ... { i y eq pe work of said office and that they are necessary for the efficiency of the pjblic service. Sworn to and subscribed before me b on this .. ° Applicant y ..,.. .. .• the ... .. . day of ..:... . .. . .. ... A: D. 197._. � l THE q Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas a '! 'f 7"l1�li STATE OF TEXAS, In the Comminelone this the..,. , .day of Count of Denton } ; r■' Court Chambers' A. D. SY7.. j within and for said County, having dui ■p lied to raid Court for authority to appoint deputies or assistants, as required b law,, 9 p D. show+nK In his said application, vvriAed by his affidavit, the necessity for su,h assistance, and finding upon examination that there is s necessity for such appointments for th±efficiency of the public service, it Is ordered that said application should be granted. It Is therefore ordereded that the said E Is atthorized to appoint the folio. _ wi;p persons as deputies or assistants, to-wit: ! ' �h�rmiZ omiie oni"-rsf Curt, Denton Mrity, exas- � ' 1�a•�l_:�..... .:.: ___ _ �_.: ._ ._. :�.,_ ..::._ :._.194- - , • ----�_..,.�__.__----.. ___._. �.�.....0 halrman riled.. . - ._., 1P4__. _ L1ee(i qty Dort, nton nty, Texas. by---- _ _ _ Deputy' THE, STATE OF TEXASe D E P U 1 A T 10 N County of Denton I,_-.�T�A�YOtliyg Ili Ly_�!azl3hc11]i—bt County of Denton and State of Texu, having full confidence in Y of the said County and f3�ate, do hereb t�ht�ltilh�ahfai2l>�t�6hlt1}S�t i nominate and appoint him, the said' } i f itsy rue _ aw 2ja putt', n my name, p sc a and perform any and all acts and thingi per s�niR "Ye o�N om told Cit ;<'9 1_4i. DA E a and State, hereby ratifying and eonRrming any atM all aucb acts and things lawfully d— to t e �remla�a`by vt�ue�e�eof. ""-pv Jfft�uslry Y927 N and .WttNCen my hand, thla__.�lTl�_ �. ' 1K. .,......_•_ 197 -„•, /;i t Mar eh6t 1 fA� ri . TB iIP -faun y' Tom 'CHI S'fATt 00 TFXASe 119rof� IMs_. b'_�ldl �rtalley,r7r_,_� _ f.'ounty of neoton A Notary I'sblie, in and foe Denton C nty, Texas, on thi day personally appeared-,- - T. > ; t, known to the W 6e 'the trrinn whdoe ties! EEa iuMeribed t foregoing d anon, aria oak daed!o ma that he exeeliteF,tho same for the purposes and r<midl erations th rein kiipo •'. GlvZN bndet my �iand Soso Act it D n, Denton Coun , Tex",, t IS-14Q__da x.149_ N�tai!y?tsbtfesin`U or inton M ty, exact -" (� T S A H CS � OFFICE ,do tolemaly meaf (or aRirm) that 1 will fahhfally 'lnd 119-1. p4ftially dischuge and 4erlorm all the dude! Incumbent upon the ss JA t6 it x occordln� to the t,eaf of sti 1101 and ability� ,grepbtpt tb tkY Connhn• '` °oe a ,Lr`ks of t+f's l�d�ted iitr�lna o7tFff�utrj 5j$7Tdo rihlr aolelgn y swear (of afKrm tkat since t61 a oPM� do"Otthe Codslitn tics of I It Slate, I beln11'F tisrit bf tali, Eule hoppe not fdu„hl a doll) with deadly weapoal Nlthln th a State, dot Out a!Ir or h e I cant of At- espied a chap ngt(o jhl a dos) *!iA deadly weap6n hot hive I acted a Wood In cafrytAk a ehallentrt bf aldedf ��ttQV sad awlsted any perwn tau n, -"416 1 and I NrtbeHdote aolentnty lMear (of stArth that I Mils boll, direct of 16 41 , oR, o) Plod to pa ranlribused o }iidf,i�leJ to renlrihn!►, any money or ratliablt thlnrl, or of o-f lrhpl ant, a1 a w AAA taskuN poly Ippo#7st i4hi, M,Delp nit{Tod / �L7 t' lubatelbed inA'lwotntobe'roll hill at�la„ Ay{},11_ _dlf`bf taltt�t}t+jh -ux � blafy a an of a oily, aau, 'trl)ed (of't*otd tea._ _diy ef_ ,_191,. Clark ri ,t .._._�..t., " �� ,� tt�eYY�Pt�-is a'!s,!'•t-:'rEb:Y�CYP�,S!!ft4t2k"!Yf�-f9t`r4lY l�iM`tL^t-!°ri'C'Y•_�'^r'!1h!•!:-S""'i!s^!`:..__.:.. r - -.1” Y�.A',t'+�A"vf'l�dtld'4�6�iI.l:2l.�H"2�dlkiTS�^-•�Ai`�':':Mt1f•!'tM]4-L.�i�'3"1r�'LRS"+A�.Y�fCVY-".i'.'lY.Y4"K+Y'lesT"k4Yr:e�l.'..Y:M'EtiY-:fGV i!.'y!Y['rl?�il,'Ril. � Si Jh1'f' i N i I • I. h. ... ..r,.w.. .�...........,. «...� .... ., ._., .. ..�....�.. v.l ..• •rr.' .�a.n+, rw. ......w. —.�1�• .L-. -r.qs' wRS° v f - , r 1 �• t 1 1 �QQa s i e , 3 i .riWk� ��R+ i , r , l � 'r . a i I e R dl. �� j 1 � � .I 1 1 • k i 1 . � � cEUTy O Z n' t a N0445-12-967-27 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. d . � ESBOTFtIOIAN f S BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON SNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , that wee, Will Yerbaydand t W. H. Blair tradinngg as The leotrio Shop as rinoi al , n the UNITED ATATHS FIDE"LITY AND GUARAIrTY COMPANY, as Surety, bore- by aoknowledge ourselves to ogre and be indebted to the City of ` Denton, a municipal corporation of said Uounty and State in full sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED { $1 ,60040} DOLU RS, lawful money of the United states , for the payment of mhiob , well and i truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves , our heirs , oxeoutOrs , t ; . administrators , euoosesors and aesigns , jointly and Severally, I firmly by these presents. THE OONDITIO$ OP," PHIS OBLIGATION is such that that the ? Abovo ' nramed Prinoipal i ires to ongage in and do elootrioal ' oonetruotion, repair ani1 installation in said City and has made applioation for a permit 'so to do , and in order to o obply with the requirements of said City in referenoo thereto, makes and tenders this bbnd, NOW, THEREFORE, if the said prinoipal shall faithfully perforai add ,do all work entered upon or oontraoteb for in strict oom lianoe with the terms , requirements snd provi3ions of the tlrdinanoes of tho : Oity of Denton relating to oleotrioal oonstrdo - tiori repair and installation end sha11, without additional oost fi to tf a arsons for whom any work is done , remedy any defeot there .* In due o the faulty workmanshiv faulty o onstruotion or 'due to ta'ultq material furnished or use&, by said prinoipal and shall re- i 6otietrLtOt or ; impair ani► work dons by him, if recgiia to ;do so by ' tie Oity'. bAilding, plumbing and 9leotrioAl ind� eot6r, toy the 68t- efdotibp' of ,eiaid Inapaotor, and after 46 hours notice fr6m said , . trio otor "to' re6onetr46t or , repair; th6 .esmo as said,' tnspeotor' r ;i gee l : 3'bquhi , thou thi6 Obl rtion' abalt bi hull and void, other ee' i oto'o and effoot $ ,. ai t s al . remgin' in fall , Kt k WITN388 our banas 'tbis day of ji, As Do 19jZ. T� Rot 8901 . ,'• t ty ' }0 y Bev. / 3tNITICD SWAB PUd (ifJA IY 001WANY ji ' a; �$pi'OVeti1 eqr a� tb 't, , City; Na&gar 1a f e t 1 c r •.t'n: :..♦ws S�,„:, ::.,GJ ,-r.:4,w"e.S. ,r�.. 'w-t w.u:,.�y��fY:c�>•ty: .:.N`.rKJ.,+',NyM+)`.�l^Y.�4F�`{�:iPW. .Y�vs_:F�`n�.:ki+a'.%1}SA r. ,.r.;f :+ti IA1.',v a��+.,.�r :.t... - .r4�;.V d q r 'lot SUA I� d to y 1 1 S.♦ ( J E :x ( 1. t 1 1 r4 � _ Y 0 ,k 1'f � ,tl • A111gi S yevigIS-huce ( lj3a i Ole bb3628B COMPANY'S HOME Of FICC BUILDING ieo rao�ow�r,n.wronK. STATE OP T8XA8 } COUNTY OY' TRAVIS 7 KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRRSETT3s That we , J, P. Johnson , Austin , Texas , as prinoipal, and Amerioan Surety Company of New York , as surety, hereby aoknowladge ourselves jointly and severally bound to pay to The City of Denton, Be We MoKenmie , Mayor , Denton , Texas , the am of Thirty-seven Thousand Bight Hundred . Twenty-five { $37 ,826.00 } Dollars, upon oondition, how- ever, THAT WHEREAS , the said J. F. Johnson has been awarded the oon- traot to ereot for the Said City of Denton , Texas , a Kunicipal Build- ing , s000rding to drawings and speoifioations prepared by B. We Van Slyke and Company, Arohiteots , and as part of said award the said J. B. Johnson is required to enter into oontraot in writing as per draft thereof hereto attached , end exeoute this bond : THERUOR8 should the said J. F. Johnson faithfully and fully perform, dieoharge and carry out all the things by him agreed to be done in his said oontraot within tho time and in manner and form as therein set out , and pay all olaime for labor and material used in the oonstruotion of said building , and fully indemnify and save the said City of Denton , Texas, harmless against all loss , damages and oosts whioh it may suffer or inour by reason of the failure of the said J. Is. Johnson to oarry out and perform his said . o ontraot, then this ob- ligation shall boo one void= othorwise it shall remain in full foroe and effeot . The said above written oontraot prepared for execution between the said J. Pe Johnson and the said City of Denton, 'Texas , Be We ono. Konnie , Mayor , and all drawings and speoifioations therein oalled for are here referred to and made part of this obligation, and the said American surety Company of New York, as surety, fully understands that ' ohanges and alterations may be made in the work to be done by said prinoipal as provided for in said oontraot , and said surety agrees to stand bound hereon notwithstanding suoh ohanges and alterations may be made. The said e►:±retyy further agrees that all deoisions and estimatd8 Mill by, the ; Arohiteoto named in and made in a000rdenos with said ittiohad oontraot, and all aware e4d deoiaione made by arbitrators a therein provided, ` shall be binding upon ' said surety to the same dtfAot .a8 upon Adid prinoipal. NITNES9, our hands and 80619 this 10th day of Mtroh, 19270 AMERICAN 8UPET4k -dCMPANY OF nu YORK is dsISt'YIco as don + ita( u AAsiQUA Bsoretarys T 1 ON GENERAL CONTRACT , All FOR A MUNICIPAL BUILDING .. ' fiHE CI`y �OF' DENTbN� �r, {F9f�1i•#####'#3i##i'r•G######�:�.•i'X12•#####�#�:'#tFi'i''ii•'r#1''i�'{:###�'-f:#i.'•#4,##�•'�' J•F•JOf1NSONj CONTRACTOR CITY OF DENTON TEXAS S.W6MoKENZiEjMAYOR, OVYNFR . , , P �•.5. I4� 1 � I [ YI4/.. T. �l� �,} + �4 ti ��� � e JY L � ��Wr T��j. �` a yr�..4 }�'�°�h Sl# �� X'i�.�'� rt�•�'3��fl �jI 41 k" 'rt } i y`yy 1 e � r ILl ,I 't♦. I�t�a va •!, r '�, � �i fs�;�S " ',� �°S, ."4 'll; '1 � t v k 1. R� i • ,1_ Ta07HONt 70% J. F. JOHNSON C>: atmmAL CONTAAC70A AUSTM. TEXAS l)dnton� 'fexae � Fee We Van Blyke & Coo Architects, ° Kenzie$ mayor* 408-3 Reynolds Building. Job #8109 Fte worths Texas. 4 f f f f f . . f 9999 . . f f f f f f f 9999 . . . . .I I f I f f I f f 9999 . . • . .I I f 9999/ f f • / f 1 9999 1 �^ n) �� I, hereby propose and Ogres to furnish all materials and perform all eesaary to •.be lull oerrying out of the terns and conditions of the eetions and in o*Mlianae with the plans and specifications prepared . Van 81yyke� & Co. Architects# for the .l�tunioipal Building at »entans denominated Job 06100 in the following manners that is to says " OenerOl Contract, use natural atone $77xSa .�.�«�-- i �-•�-� " r y. ' General Contracts useing Manutaott:red stone$ Al.�--� t , S s c U�0 es Un• g9 * 1 / / f p 9 1 1 �te�(1LO+Afytw� i�tGL�// �LI�a4� p '. Pluobing i3 0 S 4 '( 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . J� t Go trio ai Vol r iac<ysae.I [r.f net bid for both general end tlsehanl,oal. . . . .$9aO�p `'� pill s, drives, ourbs and gutters outside o! build• /e�� ....�. ..0 . s noted on page 86 are ONitted, deduct sum Of $/Gmo �..✓,..� sl.. s In: rY a of al loork on foundations we al to furnish t prides as follows, riao Lion per eu yd $ ��=-�o C 11, l Ole r, r ab hereto a asahiecs oheok for $4,000•00 payable to order of MY Of Moxensie, mayor as gunranteet''thet xe will enter into formal Jtt with the caner comply antd lurstiah a eatisfactocy !Surety lsond in ��rr pp our bid $afP8obaohdtoCbotreturned toaus prOMPUY When Ass ond ieiraads 144� �q bid le le ate . in case our bid is aaaspto to.,Ogre 4�s t W01% o t aG"' �"�ir e10t � �}Ovr� .erer..0 l�h. # �` Oft eo n CCGoa i e- on this fors Orb tb o'er tied bbl delivered It 8id wet be ' fore March 7 t Ims Aib.�iteets sealed envelope on Or ire bid was ir►olude both genepsl ark Medmnjoea Volk, separated all 4 � ", N1�'i ✓ ; .l +�PfF" 4�, 1 h4?i TrY^T,. 7S 7�� Y.y"•l Z , Yy.fS it i f c l } 11,T ♦ n {. TiTLE PAGE TITLE AND LOCATION OF THE WORKf r+F x NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE OWNER : 11 x ' NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ARCHITECT: Y F, TITLE] OF DOCUMENTS, BOUND HEREWITH, AND,ENUMERATION OF DRAWINGS: j,n . �t �jj t � f M, ♦ V Tti r �� � PVq "TSt r .�i':'.,k*1 77 I . 777i7-73:: ' l 1 n r r THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS Standard Form of the American Institute of Architects 'rhea General Cooditinw have received the approval of the� renal Asocletl•a of 11 Were' IMggecbanan,the Aaodated Geaent�oo tractor of Amain,t e Joint Conleren^e on Construe. Cootrats,the National Aaociatioo of Master Plumbers, the Nalbral Aatmiatkm of Sheet Metal Cootraetarr ot e Vahed Stun,rya National Eleclrlcal Contractors'Aaaiatbn of the Valted State,the Na A"oeiadm of Marble Deal*the Euildlnz Granite puarl4 Aseoc4ttoo,and the Bnitdh,g 7Yada Employee'Aataclatbn or the Chr of New Yuri. OURTB EDITION, CA►raIGNT 1911-1918•I92S BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE 01' A►.CRITICTI, Tag OCTAGON SOUSE, r NAIRtNOTON, D, C. INDE X'TO THE ARTICLES OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS DeArildont. 1 1 23, Contractor'sRightto Stop Work or Termleate con tract. gr Execution, Correlatire and Intent of Documents. 24. Apputations for Payments. 7, S Detail Drawings and Initructionl. 25. Certificetts of Payments. N Yy. Copies Furnished. 26. Payments Withheld. 1 t'j'# ` I Shop Drawings. 27, Contractor's Liability Insurance. Vii, Drawingjs Ind Specifications on the Work. 28. Owner's Liability Insurance. ` nesshlp of Drawings and Models. 29. Fire Insurance, ?"^ ampler. 70. Guaranty Bonds. 21. Dims es. " r;teriaL,A pliances, Employes. a Royaldee in Patents. 12, Liem. A 5urveyo, Permits and Regulations. 17, Assignment. Proeettion of Work and Property. 14. Mutual RaponsibiGty of Contractors. Inspection of Work, aS, Se crate Contracts. Superiatendene�_Suptrvision. I6, Subcontracts, �? Changes in he Woet, 17. Relations of Contractor and Subcontractor. CI$ms for afra Cat 78, Architect's Status. iDeduction for uncorrected Work. 79. Architect's Vecisions. Delays�tn� Extension of Tina, 40. Arbitration, yq Correeei`on of Work B€fore Final Payment. 4l. Cash Allowances. Pyaj 114 MAZ Cofre doe of work get Final Payment. 43, CCtiing,P Patching and Digging. Qweet s Right to do work, ?i race's Righ! to Terminate COD"Ict 44. Cleaning Up. . L De6altlotla. p ! (a) The Contract Documents consist of the A&reement, the General Conditions of r the'Contract,' the° Drawings and Specifications, including all modifications ! ,. thereof incorporated in the documents before their execution. These form. the'Cotltract. (b) `lthe Owner, the Contractor snd the Architect are those mentioned as such in the Agreement. They atti treated throughout ehb Contract Documenta as if each Wete'bf the singulm are rrtber and masculine gender. > (c) The term Subcontractor,as employed herein include$ only those hiving i direct ' act with the Contractor and it includes one who furnishes material worked contr to a special design according to the glans or specifications of this work, but .,4 does not include one who er.erely fumishes material n,t so worsted, (d)'Writo thei ice Auull a coca ember c,( the firdmloreto an officer of the corpora• i tion for whore it ill intended,or if delivered at or sent by regleterfd mail to the last buslnese address known to him Who gives the notice, fie) ;Tlle term "work" of the Ca.�tr�ctot or Subcontractor includes labor or materials or both. (f) All time limits ststed in the Contract Documents are of the essence of rise Contract, +, �g) �f�ie laud of the plies of building shall govem the constructible of this Contract. ,r 1 .: Sr0 -fHF fA1'tioN, 1921, VA02 1. q rm++ ° + v�er+►.R' +rn At t'tt .rw 'f?7pj't. � �ygp�4"�` H' 1 1•a"y` �1 � ��t ..,u J � a1� M1 99 aArt.2. Execution,Correlation and Intent of Documents.—The Contract Documents shall be signed in duplicate by the Owner and the Contractor, In case the Owner and the Contractor fail to sign " the General Conditions, Drawings or Specifications, the Architect shall identify them. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as t birding as if called for by all. The intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work,any heading,is not intended, class orrtrade materiats or work not sp cific tions shcovered l e supplied unlessyd distinctly so noted on the dravtings� t Materials or work described in words which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. Art. 3. Detal! Drawings and Instructions.—The Architect shall furnish with reasonable prompt- nest, additional instructions, by means of drawings or otherwise, necessary for the proper execution of the work. All such drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, rue developments thereof and reasonably inferable therefrom. The work shall be executed in onformityy therewith and&Contractor shall do no wotk without properdrawings and instructions. r} The Cottractoi and the Architect,if either so requests,shall jointly prepare a schedule, subject to change from time to time in accordance with the progress of the work,Fain$the dates at which the arious detail drawings will be required,and the Architect shall furnish them to accordance with that schedule. Under like conditions, a schedule shall be prepared fixing the dates for the submission rtr of shop drawings,for the beginning of manufacture and installation of materials and for the come k •r:ilu��t t t� » ,.,N .,;!�' pletion of the vinous parts of the work. Art. 4. Copies Eurnisbed.—Untess otherwise provided in the Contract Documents the Architect 'lf furnish to the Contractor, free of charge, all copies of drawings and sp.cifictions reasonably s; r ' ' necessary for the execution of the work, Inl S. Shop Drawings.—The Contractor shall submit with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in t t of any other Contractor two copies of al) shop or :string drawings and `t9 4ehedules required for the work of the various trajes, and the Architect shall pass upon them with reasonable promptness. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Architect, f le with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as maybe needed, The Architect's J evictioppt 1 of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for ; no from drawings or specifications, unless he hat in writing called the Architect's attention it„ _ n w , o such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of py sort in shop drawings or schedules, l 6. Drawings and Specideadons on the Work.—The Contractor 641 keep one copy of all draw. d P'n"114nli-4 D s ngs and specifications on the work, in good order, available to the Architect and to his repre- I = entatives. Ire tt rt. y. bwnershlp of Drawings and Models.—All drawings, specifications and copies 'thereof Sr, urnlshed by the Architect are his property. They are not to be used on other work and,with the ception of he signed Contract set, are to be returned to him on request, at the completion sf the ,? ork., All models are the property of the Owner. S. Samples.--The Contractor shall furnish for approval all samples as directed. The work # all be iii OtOkdance with approved samples; r t. 8. Materials Appliances, Employese -Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall pro- t de and pay for al materials, abort water,tools,equipment, Ii to power,transportation and other atcititles necessary for the execution and completion of the won . f ' ' Unless otherwise specified,all materials shall be new and both workmanshi, and materials shall e of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory ev. trice as to the kind 7rit"'� r„ rid quality of tstateri:ls. ' The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employes, i1 ' ind ahptl not employ on the work any unfit person or any one not skilled in the work assigned to lk �r ] Ini, , Art. lo. Itoaitier and Palest,.--The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. lie shall h defedd all s'u is or claims for infringement of an� ypatent rtghts and shall save the Owner harmless tr, ioil 4'/ ), Nib loss on account thereof;except that the Owner shall be responsible for all such lost when a A rartidtttat process br thb product cif;t particulir manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but + . rf,the Contractor has Infointatlon tha the process of article specified is an infringement of a patent he shill W responsible for such loss unless a promptly gives such Information to the Architect or f, Owner. A� /OURTH 6nrnoi 1925, PAOa 2. J'11 f, - Cy �7F ,ly' r f In giving instructions, the Architect shall have authority to make minor charges in the work, not involving extra.ost, and not inconsistent with the purposesof the building,but gee in the except ' in an emergency endangering life or pproperty, no extra work or change shall be made unless to T pursuance of a written order from the Q,vner signed or countersigned by the Architect,or a written 1 T Order from the Architect stating that the Owner has authorized the extra work or change, and no clolm for an addition to the contract sum shall be valid unless so ordered. The value of any such extra work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: By estimate and acceptance in a lump sum. b By unit prices named in the contracts or subsequently agreed upon. e By cost and percentage orb cost and a fixed Y fee. � ,{ t ; + aboveF shall procetd v�vith the work. In Ie such upon,and Contractor,undrrrcase (c), he shall keep an nd order ecent lipY , " s Al in suet form as the Architect may direct,a correct account of the net cost of labor and materials, togethErpith vouchers. ' In any case,the Architect shall certify to the arndunt,including reasonable 1 r ,` ,! �ahowanee (Or overhead and profit` due to the Contractor. Pending final determination of value, " + t payments on account of changes ShAll be made on the Architects certificate. Art. Ia. Claims for Extra Cost.--If the Contractor claims ;bat an instructions by drawings or • ,,r d'r otherwise involve extra cost under this contract he shall give the .Architect written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt Mauch instructions, and in any event before proceeding ' ' l,: to execute the work except in emergency endangering life or propertyyt and the procedure shall f r4'` then be as provided for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. : y Art. 117. Deductions for Uncorrected Work.—If the Architect and Owner deem it inexpedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the Ia , , , , , t contract price shall be made therefor. Art. 18. Delays and Extension of Time.—If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress ' •r,l �,r7rl'r ti of the work I y any act e• neglect of the Owner or the Architect,or of any employe of either,or by 1 (17"3r, 'r t. any other Contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered to the work, or by strikes, tr ;N, rtsvi r , , + .s lockouts Ate, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any causes beyond the " t(,)" 6 born l ^t; "Contralf"i control, or by delay authorized by the Architect pending arbitration, or by any cause r b s t ,>+^l' r;; I'! x, which the Architect Fhall decide to justify the delay then the time of completion shall be extended ?r grit l n<� for sacli reasonable time as the Architect may dectd�e. ; No such extension shall be made for delay occurring more than seven days before claim the:efor is mode in writing to the A�,-hitect. In the case of a continuing cause of delay, only one cla'm is " + necessary. t :St �d tai aaT1, , �,i ; rY f ts,rx t'(1 1141 a,•',.r 2 r : rr 'If no'1 hedule or igreemene listing the dates upon which drawings shall be furnished is made, �{ ' r,r goo lit, then no clam for decay shall be All on account of failure to furnish drawings until two weeks t� '4'l;,b;,r{s ett�r ,�, r'� l';d after demand for such drawings and not then unless such claim be reasonable. rra rtaut {c1 ifrtl ,io This article does not excigde the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other t .. rwisto S in the contract documents, „�fiayxitRt+� ,r •, �� rr tb 19 ` Correellott'ot Wo±k tefore nnis) Payment:--ltThe Contractor,shall ptem t1y remov�r Imam a prertriaes t;11 Ihatertals conaemned by the Architect as failing to conform to the toontract,whether ncdrporated tn'the work or not, and the Contractor shall prompt)yy replace and re-execute his own l +' rk In accordance with the Contact and without exper.14 to the Owner and shall bear the expense e �..t't'') r . r IN ii u a rh.r,+ fmakiito good n!1 work of other contractors destroyed of damaged loy such removal or replacement. ,>>'P,r i a r,itr� „x `e . If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable + Ime,fixed by writtr,: notice the Ownermay remove them and may store the material at the expense It the Contractor`. if the &ntractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten do a t hereafter he ner may, Pon ten days'written notice,sell such materials at auction or at private , +" #le hi ���ll a"e 'tsar fo�t�e net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs ►nd expenses that rr i„+r°7 rf, t ° t,lrlFh��e beln borne y the Contractor. 'f7t lrlr o4" I > t .t t3. E t. :Q. Cortpctldti of Work Attcr nail 1'e men).--Neither the Einar .ertificate not payment not stab" ��3� urro 's;r:� ; ny p'K'-I lon•in the .Pontract Documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsib4 ty for faulty "I kdalsti iviirkrnatishi°`and unless otherwise s telled, he shall remedy n defects due thereto any da:M# to other work re/ulting therefrom, which shad appear within a period of q�r[;ri FOURTH EDITION, 1425, PAOx 4. —`ra[•M+..r. "SY�3K'T'['.'} i?R�'8;C y �. k • it ; "s ' 13^Et+:a Paef. r r ,� kt..•�i .t 't I one year from the date'of substantial completion. The Owner shill give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All questions atising rider this articles ha11 be decided by the Architect t + subject to arbitration. Art. 21, The Owner's Right to Do Work,—If the Con pro r) or fail to Perform an t,actor should neglect to pprosecute the work pe yy Pe y provision of this contract,the Owner, after three da s written notice to the Contractor may, without prejudice to an other remedy he may have, make good euch de- ficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor; provided, however,that the Architect shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. Art.22, Owner's Right to Tennim(e Contract,—if the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver shoull ' s 44ti" be appointed to account of his insolvency or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should � fail, except in cases for which extension otttime is provided, to supply enough properly skilled work- i men or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt ppayment to subcontractors or for a , ttVo;,r rt¢' material or tabor, or persistently disreggard laws ordinances or ttte instructions of the Architect, or otherwise K guilty of a substantial violation of tiny provision of the contract, tk.n the Owner, upon 4 Fes,, a the certificate of the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such act.'.tn, may, without {)tTti;f, toy r•' t,. , ' prejudice to any other right or remedy and after hiving the Contractor seven days' written notice, irk tl'7t '' r t k r terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, i {t +1 yiuw tools and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient, ' In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work t1 including compensation for additional managerial and administrr.tive services, such excess shall be rapt s' 'A ' paid to the Contractor. If such expense shail exceed such unpaU balance, the Contractor shall pay + � ` the difference to the Owner. The expense incurred by the Owner as herein provided,and the damage incurred through the Contractor's default, shall be certified by the Architect. ^ Art. 23. Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contraet.—If the work should }e stopped t y ti,,�, ► >a+i' under an order of any court, or other public authorityy, for a period of three months through no `�r ,fri iµ�tfi 'q 1 ti j act or faint of the Contractor or of anyone employed,by him,or if the Architect should fail to issue any certificate for payment within seven days after it is due, or if the Owner should fail to pay to the ;L �4P �' ''' i; Contractor within seven days of its maturity and prey:station, any sum certified by the Architect or awarded b arbitrators, then the Contractor may, upon seven days written notice to the Owner . Y f ' work executed Architect any loss sustained upon any plant or materials and reaasotnabloprofix payment damages 1t t) ppllcations for Paymen!4---The Contractor shall submit to the Architect an application ti+ gat;r r, rye t. for each payment, and, if requires!j receipts or other vouchers, ;%owin hit payments for materials ' and labor, including payments to subcontractors as required by Art, 37. } If payrn Ats are made on valuation of work done, such application shall be submitted at ,,i , )•� , 1t 1 ,1 '� �1�4 r r ' xa,l a l ,fig ,� t least fen days before each ayment falls due, and, rf requi ed, the Contractor shah, before the fine' „ applicp�aon, submit to the YArchitect a schedule of values of the various arts of the work Includinis quantitles, aggregating the total sum of the contract, divided to As to facilitate payments to sub- contractors in aeeordan:e with Article 37 (e), made out in such form as the Architect and the Con- + ,, tractor may agree upon and, it required, supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the 1Architect tray direct. Nis schedule, when approved by the Architect shall be used ar a basis for gcertificata of yayment, unless it be found to be In error. In applying for payments, the Con- � tractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, and, if required, Itemized In such form +F sil�imerorted by ouch evidence as the Architect may direct, showing his right to the payment r�) If payments are made on actcount of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site but not `incorpor^ated in the work, they shall, if required by the Architect,be conditional upon submission y by the Contractor of bills of sale or such other procedure as will establish the Owner's title to such miter al o.otherwise adequately p rotect the Oner's interest, tfr Certlficater of psymeatc--1f the Contractor hat made application as above, the Architect t r� tt i; !hall, not iater't an the date Then each payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certitttme for tai , such amodrtt ar a deddes U.' ,`+,properly due. '+ fOtla9'H somom, 1925, PA09 S. j.�..Jy ,`°c ,fare ry.,, ��.� Q��Ai�TPS]n'TrZ:�•••F}„'F'lT1Ti R�NEA1'lrKrr+11V1�i.L y py m N}ty.h, . t pt�' $'',.,' F '{ .'r� 1,f^R '�� ! �' , „' ,."�'ry .. �?'✓%T 1;�p1f.' fr ,1* °'1" �'`1�. , 1 4 I A . "<tf r .. [... i. � �.R1�tli!��•F lh. ��l��l.v�'+tiN3« N 4 �:. ' f, �1 I Y..sr+V Y+. I ;.b A§;eRYt f�nn w..v-.i v,-�4aar�e.., oa• r alA.+iSq r.(AY�M,A�t`iF'PrF7W r 1 G Art. 30. Guaranty Bonds.---The Owner Shall have the ri gght, prior to the signingg of the Contract, to ? require the Contractor to fumish bond covering the hithful performance of tlae Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder,in such form as the Owner may prescribe and with such 1 sureties aS he may approve. 11 such bond is required by instructions given previous to the sub- mission of bids, the premium shall be paid by the Contractor; if subsequent thereto,it shall be paid ,k °i by the Owner. Art. 31. Damages,—If either party to this Contract should suffer dam 'In in any manner because of any wrongful act or'negltct of the other party or of anyone employed by him, then he shall be;�t reimbursed by the other party for such damage. it 1` { Claims under this clause shall be made in writing to the party liable within a reasonable time t' , of the first observance of such damage and not later than the time of final payment, except as �„-3 1 s�itik expressly stipulated otherwise in the case of faulty work or materials, and shall be adjured 6y f agreement or at burationr i iraR p y p ,r � '• Art. 32 Leas.—Neither the final a ent nor an art of the retained 'percentage shall become ' } due until the Contractor, if required, a all deliver to the Owner a complete release oral]Etna arising out of this Contract, or receipts in full in lieu thereof and,if required in either case a so far as he has knowledge or informatioa the releases and receipts include all the labor and material % for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a ly release or receipt in full,furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner,to indemnify him against any hen. If any lien remain unsatisfied after all paents are made,the Contractor shall refund to the Owner hK h �t all moneys that the latter may be comps ed to pay in discharging such a lien,including all coats and a reasonable attorney's fee. Art. 33. Asslgument.--Neither party to the Cc ntract shall assign the Contract or sublet it as a whx;le without the written consent of the other, r or shat the Contractor assign any moneys due or .j 4 r jp� to become due to him hereunder,without the pre%ious written consent of the Owne-. ArL U Molual$esponstibililyof Contractors.--Should the Contractor cause damage to any other contractor on the work the Contractor aggrees, upon due notice, to settle with such contractor by ^' agreement or arbitration, if he will to settle. If such othe:contractor sues the Owner on account of y. %. an dame a alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contractor, who shall of y g defend such proceedings at the Owner's expense and,if any judgment a ainst the Owner arise there- s from, the Contractor shall pay or satisfy it and pay all costs incurred by the Owner. A � Art. 35. Separate Contracts.—The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection , ark with this wee r ' The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonableopportunity for the intro. ;r duction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and ,hail properly connect :+.1 coordinate his work with theirs. ' W if any part of the Contractor's work de for proper execution or results upon the work ' of anq other contractor, 'the Contractor shallot inspect and promptly report to the Architect any gl�a a�4 defect:'in such work that tender it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. His failure to to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other contratt�r's work ss 6t and {% ` ` J �a proper for the reception of his work except as to defects which may develop in the other contractor's xY s. work after the execution of his wort. To. insure the pro r execution of his subsequent work the contractor shall measure work already is place and shall at once report to the Architect any eisttcpancy between the executed t. worlt and tl�e drawings. Ail. 36.-- The—The Contractor ,half; as Soon as practicable riftet the signature of the % contract, noti fy the Architect in writing of the names of subcontractors proposed for the p-incipal parts of the wort;and for such others as the Architect may direct and Shall not employ any that the t� rchrtect may within a teasonable time object to as incompetent or unfit. ., It the Contractor has submitted before signing the contract a list of subcontractors and the �+! change of anyntmeon such fist is required ire swntin by the Owner after signature of agreement,the x � r q g contract price ►t,:ll be increased or diminished by the difference in cost occis, ned r sue!, change. Y� pg"yt%, ,. h°r 7lte Architect shall, on request, furnish to any subcontractor, wherever practi. at It, evidence \ It ' ' ' of the amounts certified on his account. 4 tovxrH Eamon, 1425, racs y. , WRI"I'l 48 ;r:%. 7, y. }p, Y�,'+f•S,wit � 1 a a+V, .�1.3.�, . .Adriw�':P51 S4.':a�•.>4�3Mt'� �� 'S'441rA %, a,�'r5ehd i,}+.Y1-s�cA'aeia•.7+t..Kti'?. d s 1 � 11 'i The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omis:.-)ns i of his subcor ,racto;s and 4 persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any subcor _ractor and the Owner. a¢ s Art.37. Relations of Contractor and Subcontractor.—The Contractor agfeca to bind every Sub- 1� contractor and every Subcontractor agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agreement, the General Conditions, the Drawings and Specifications as far as applicable to his work, including the follow- ing provisions of this article,unless specifically noted to the contrary in a subcontract approved in writing as adequate by the Owner or Architect. This does not apply to minor subcontracts. The Subcontractor e terms y agreei-- (a) To be bound to the Contractor b the te of the Agreement, General Conditions, Draw. g in and Specifications, anti'to assume toward him all the obligations and responsibilities that he, by those documents, assui:,es toward the Owner, (b) To submit to the Contractor applications frr payment in such reasonable time as to enable e y the Contractor to apply for payment under Article 24 of the General Conditions. 1 +� u�tt e° (c) To mace all claims for extras, for extensions of time and for damages for delays or other- tta� L E7� wise, to the Contractor in the mant er provided in the General Conditions for like claims by the Contractor upon the Owner, except teat the time for making claims for extra cost is one week. The Contractor agrees- ° ; (d) To be bound to the Subcontractor by all the obligations that the Owner assumes to the Contractor under the Agreement, General Conditions Drawings and Specifications, and by all the ft} u" provisions thereof.Fording remedies and redress to tfe Contractor from the Owner. (e) To pay the Subcontractor, upon the iasuano of certificates, if issued under the schedule of a� values described in Article 24 of the General Conditions, the amount allowed to the Contractor on 1 d { ; . tiz �a s account of the Subcontr2ctor's work to the extent of the Subcontractor's interest therein. t;a11 UT }, :.; q °.:; (f) To pay the Subcontractor, upon the issuance of certificates, if issued otherwise than s in ((e), so that at all times his total payments shall be as large in proportion to the value of the work ,a •SS{ 71 `� "' lore by him at the total amount certified to the Contractoris to the value of the work done by him. (g) To pay the Subcontractor to such extent as may be provided by the Contract Documents "".-�+ '1 • or the subcontract, if either of these provides for earlier or larger payments than the above" (h) To paqq the Subcontractor on demand for his work or materials as far as executed and fixed z+; u4� in place, less the retained pertatage at the time the certifi.ate should issue, even though the 1) Ivy r Are fails to issue it for any cause not the fault of the Subcontractor. 070 pay the Subcontractor' a just share of any fire insurance"mosey received by him', the sontractor, under Article 29 of the General Conditions. (k),To make no demand for liquidated damages or penalty for delay in any sum in excess of �t ,.'r�� ,, •v ch lunouut as may be specifically named in the subcontract. (I)°That no claim for services rendered or materials furnished by the Contractor to the Sub- , , contractor shall be valid unless written notice thereof is given by the Contractor to the Subcontractor durnfg the first iep days of the calendar month following that in which the claim originated., (m)" T' gtve`t}te Subcohtractor an opportunity to be present and to submit evidence in any ion involving his fight!,, t,` (n '...a i+1 z..:,.� t, h ��v'P • .,. 1 � .in `. `s `• 4 S �Y y.. , a Y p ` bail ,('or.�ltlOnt '. M e t�eisott no;i7inatcd b `the bit ntractor, the sole cause'()( � y materlali;"fights `1`o name ar srbttrator rider r oration pl'oceedmgs as ro ided in the (a`eh ;p fie ute ts'thework, . p ponsibihtfes`bf the Subeontraciort er, if of the Subcontractor and an other subcontractor 1 t`� 't+ jol8tly,t8 name'Qt.such'arbitrafor th e perEod upon whomthey agrees The Contractor and the Subcontractor agree that s -#, o 'In the matterof arbitration,their rights and obligations and all ptoeedure shall be analogous a t14os)e set forth in this contract. '11."'I ' Atli its , , Otbing In this article shatl create any obligation on the part of the Owner to pay to or to sea paymerit of shy stuns to any Subcontractor. xotrttTFr '>rcirtox, 1425, PAGE S. yrri .r ` 4' e r , . , ; df� d r "".Spy i' ,, r1^'f7 S a.+ �,n � ,,. ., r '+' i � r� Yv � ♦♦, Art. 38. Mclrlteet's Statvs.--The Architect $ball have general supervision and direction of the work• He is the agent or the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents and when in special instances he is authorized by the Owner so to act, and in such instances he shall, upon request, show the Contractor written authority. He has authority to stop the work when- ever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution h the Contract. the6ee 11 hitect is, in tht first instance, the interpreter of the conditions of the Contract and sfpLower1`t`ci`neJer de rformance_ h , shall side neither with the Owner nor with the Contractor, but shall use the cortra�t to enforce its faithful performance by both. In case of the termination of he employment of the Architect the and reputable Architect, whose stiI under the contract shall be that of the former Architect. Owner shall appoint a capable all Art. 39. Architect's D'aislons.—The Architect shall, within a reasonable time, make decisions on • i of hetwork or the inferlstContractor ion of the Contra cttDo uments relating to the execution and progress The Architect's decisions, in matters relating to artistic effect, shall be final, if within the p terms of the Contract Documents. "•a' Except as above or as otherwise expressly P y Provided in the Contract reel's decisions are subject to arbitration. Documents, all the Archi. Art. 40. Arbliration.—All questions subject to arbitration under this Contract shal to arbitration at the choice of either party to the dispute. l be submitted The Contractor shall not cause a delay of the work during any arbitration proceedings, except 1 by agreement with the Owner. The demand for arbitration shall be filed led in writing vv his decision, within ten days of its receipt and in any olther case Architect,in reasonable time after Appeal cause thereof and in no case later than the time of final payment, exceppt as otherwise expressly y stipulated in the ContraN If the Architect fails to make a decision within a reasonable time, an ° t� appeal to arbitration may be taken as if his decision had been rendered against the party appealing. this Contract Oild the business affaare of either atheal or if h is in Contractor AY fnancially interested in No one shall 6 noriiiii2ted or Architect. Unless otherwise provided by controlling statutes, the parties may akree upon one arbitrator; othervise there shall be three, one named in writing by each party to this Contract, to the other 1� t " i Party and to the Architect and the third chosen by these two arbitrators, or if they fail to select a third within fifteen days, then he shall be chosen by the ppresiding officer of the Bar Association ,t t nearest to the location of the work. Should the p.rty demandin arbitration fail to name an F arbitrator within ten days of his demand, his ti ht to arbitration shall 1 fail,to choose an arbitrator within said TM days, then such •Presiding apse' Shauld the other party � plarbitrator. Should either party refuse or neglect to supply e ratforer shall appoint such cremation demanded in writing, the atbitraton are empowered b both parties to papers or ' � �' '• if there be one arbitrator his decision shall be bindi,� the Y P proceed ex t'1 qu .,VIA", binding. Such decision shall be a condition precedent to anyhtigh f legal action,tand whereverr �,p� yi apt rt' permitted by law it may be filed In Court to carry it into e,�'ect. G.• �,n ,. ;�� , •' The arbitrators, if they dam that, the case demand. i►, are authorized to award to the part YKg „� {' i1 w tic dento the appealsandeaf the appeal was t�kee withou rreasdnablGecame, dimes es for delay. �r'Yti' I yea {ei' j�e _ ,,•' ' t` -- ae ess thercostr ahhndlcharges o!hecarb raUosiuponleitherhor both�rar a by agreement, and shall ' The award ofthe arbitrators shall be in writing and it $hall not be open to objection on account �• ' • ,o* ,;x ofthe form of the proceeding or the award, unless otherwise rovided h c P y the co,.trolling statutes. 'p In the event of such statutef providing on any matter covered by this article otherwise than as ,wti 1 hereinbefore specified, the method of procedure throughout and the legal e9ect of the award shall K 'be wholly in accordance with the said statutes, it being intended hereby to lay down a principle of et��;v �'t�r j fiction to be followed, Icaving its local application to be adapted to the legal requirements of the y drisdiction having authority over the arbitration. i'4 YOVATH EDITION, 1925, PAOB 9. r S'4'f�Sk`E S,f'YJ ry6S , ytj� r, .�tr X•t• 9�. r:,' r fT q�,y74}lfi,.lwre..e.u.era.. ....•,,,v... .. �.�.F��'° ' ic�W;'�1 e Y � .. .� „ '^ •rw�t�..v.+eft ., ,,.__ t' 1 .1 ids i 1 . Art. 4l, C,rtsh Allowan named in the Contract p`The Contractor shall include in the tractors and forauchaumsastheAtchitectmay direct thecontractcurnbdn ad' ocuments and shall cause the work ao 'he rewith, lie Contractor declares that the _ , contract sum all all proft on account of cash allowances as he deems covered to 6e done b than ,hose included in the contact corn shall b contract sum includes such sums o�in such con. enir F No demand for es Mnforanity th21 for an t0 er. expenses and y such work persons against whim he has a reasonable Con Tact �nsea or profit other The Contractor shall not be required to Art.42, UeeolPreml objection. the operations of his workmen to loners indicated b sea.—en t �ntractor chi}l by la his apparatus,the scot. e Arch aect and AM not unreasonab[ en d f The Contractor shall not load or encumber thc. Y law' or inahces, permits of direrctiona o!the that svit! endanger its sakty. Premises with his materials. L permit any part of the structure to be loaded The Contractor shall enforce the with a weight and smoking. Architect's instructions regardin Art.43. Cuttin g .igna,advertisements,fire. r his work that may Patchtnaud Dlgging,_The or be received b Y be required to Contractor shall do all cutting Y work of other eootr�c�ora shown�rta come together ' Stein and SpeciScations for the completed structure, ant' he shall make good proper]; g or pat:hin�of may direct. Pon, l reasonably implied and t e D receive to plied 6 , the Drawings Any cost caused b & after them as the Architect y defective or ill-timed work$hall be borne b cut oThe lte�the work 11 alny other contractors by the Party Y work 6 r th responsible therefor, y cutting, digging or oche , ;,�, save with the consent of the Arche,and shall not G7eauing YJp_ s, Tht'Contractor shall at all times keep the of waste mateaal or rubbish -'aused by his employes or work, and at t shall remove all his rubbish from and premises free from accu 'bout the building he completion of the work he #S Matenals and shall leave hif work " Band all his tools, scaffolding In else of dispute the thw,e�may remov th�fean';or its a uivalent, unless and surplw . • a as the Architect shall determine to be just. q more exactl nebbish and charge the cost to the seversl oar scut'. +a`p is yy�t ,-MR d`. tilt. r, y 1 .,�� try4' Yy,t'i{}Ki;`t��4'r �y 4. ;i T` #OURM IDtTtON, 1915, PA06 2-0 ,�;a =. THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CONTRAC`fOR AND OWNER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUILL'INGS. ISSUED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS FOR USE WHEN A STIPULATED SUM FORMS THE BASIS OF PAYMENT 1 This Form of Aercement has received the approval at the Notloed Aseociatlon d Builder' Eschangu.the Associated C, ml Cootracton d Atnerka,the Jolnt Caorm=e an Coaatrac, tbn Cmtraeta, the Natimel Assodation of Muter plumbers, the Natimal Amodatim d Sheet Metal Cootraetore DI the United State.the Natlmal Electrkd Coetraetan'Anoch tbo of the United States.the National Msodatiou d Mubte Deal the Bundly"it*Quanle As Iatloa,and the Bdldinl Trades Employees'Amodstfaa o!the Gtr to New York. rovliTH ktotolt, cornucBT )9)5-1918.1915 BY TRS AMIRICAN 1NITITUTS or ARCSIMCTS, TBB OCGOON Bovu WASIiMUtOlt, D, C. THIS TORN IS TO BI t)SSD ONLY WITH TER STANDARD ORNIRAL CONDITIONS Or T81 CONTMC'T FOR CONSTRUC^tON Of BUILDINGS THIS AGREEMENT made the._.....N14ith............................................. day of....Mareh..........An the year Nineteen Hundred and.....tw,anty... evsnr.... by and between...............J,*F'LT ohnsan,...of...D8nt,)n,Tdxas......................_...._..... hereinafter called the Contractor, and.......Tha..Zity.-Of..Donton,B:1Y:M4..Kenzie.F Mayor Denton.Texat ......I........ ......... ...................... .......................hereinafter called the Owner, WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations herein- after Ia(ned agree as follows: Ar�iwI, Scope of the Work--The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and'perform' all 'of the work shown on the Drawings and described in th6'Speci, SCatlons entitled (ben tuwt_the apiloa de,trlptir of the work U new on the Drawiess wo In the wthes Contmd Daeameats) aA�n'4ra� Sp'9oi ioat:iona for='A Munioipal Building For thb 01 1by, of . Do#itoriy!1'oxab,BRMl;1to �Kenale;lQayor, The ' latlls,draxings aid apeoi w� ,,; datiorlg . are S1zE+th'et' 32terLtifiod b Job:- 910.. r e. .1` x piepaard by.. .. .I .�far: S]ey�ce.. ..C�;:.:Archieteotst acting as an In these Contract l)otumento entitled the Architect; and shall do t everything required by this`Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Specifications and the Dfayvings: YOURTH ecmorr, .1925, PAiie L r , 5 #fY V Article 2. Time of Completion—The work to be performed under this Contract on or before Maroh 16th 1927 shall be commenced..................._...----.. .......................... *.... ... ...._........ .... ......... and shall be substantially completed.......on or before• Jan.lst 1928. .. ............................ .. ..... (Hera Insert stipulation u to liquidated dama,ea,it any.) i Article .3. The Contract Sum --The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the per- formnce of the Contract, subject to additions and deductions provided therein, in current funds'as follows: .:.. eyAity Five., Thourad,sic , unrec . fifty. t - i (9taie h to the lamp sum amount,"It prices,or Loth,u drtlred to ladhidnai taxi.) ( 7'6 860:Ob) I Dollars;I Whioh ,.shall be paid in monthly ins!faniIi is as set forth in the followinf, Article '4 W,4i the quantities •origins ly 'cgritemplited ale sb changed that"application of, the agr��c uhfr_Dig to'the'quantitj+ of tvork`pe`rforrted is shown tb create'a hard �dt rk ah)p to' tie Owner ur the�Contrictor, there shall be`a.; equitable adjustment of the Contract to prevent such hardship. L $ LDtf(ON, l�VSi ?Ads 2. - . .. i Article 4. Progress.Payments—The Owner ,hall make payments on account of the Contract as provided theratn, as follows; On or about the..............Rut..........day of each month.........Eight4-F'.ive._per- cent of the value, based on the Contract prices, of labor and materials incorporated in the work and of materials suitably stored at the site thereof up to the...2&bh... day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, !tss the aggregate of previous payments; and upon substantial completion of tLe entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to......BJ,g tY..Y;LY.Q........percent of the contract price.................. (fowl Lve ate yrovWao made far Undting ar redualag 11-aownat retained idter the work resa is a eertata stage of wmAt(ou.) and the balanoo upon completion and acceptance of the work. •Article 5. Acceptance and Final Payment—Final payment shall be due.........Ton....' days after'substant6i completion of the work provided the work be then fully completed and the G,ntract fully performed. Up6n,rec cipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and . r acceptart'ce, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he Ari' `the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed he•s,a11 prdtnptly issue a final certificate, over his own signature, stating that`the work provided for in this' Contract has been completed and is accepted by him under the terns and conditions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be due the Coritriittot and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. ' Belts" issuance of final certificate the Contractor rhall submit evidence sa't i's l ;r factory to;the Architect that all payrolls, material bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid. If after the work j has been substantially completed, full completion thereof is r� {}iaterially delayed through nn fault of the Contr'acfor, and the Architect so certifies, °frthe:0ui+ner 'sliall; upon certi icate of the Architect, and withogt terminating the ` Contract, make payment ,of the balance due for that partion,of tbo %York fully 'r :111eted`and ccepted: Such payment shall be made under the terriis and con. elons g'oVerning final payment, except, that it shall not constitute a waiver of claim,. rovnrx Er MON, 1925, VAaE 3. bra t�. t( h A.� . • i t t ` •d Article 6. The Contract Documents—The General Conditions of the Contract, the Specifications and the Drawings, together with this Agreement, form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. The following is an enumeration of the Specifications and Drawings: The Specifications are entitled "General Specifications For A Municipal Building for the City of Denton,Texas;They are further identified by Job # 810. These specifications contain 45 pages besides the title- page. Pages 1-12 cover General Conditions of the Contraot3 1-A instructions to bidders and title; 13:.14 Excavation,Soil Condi. tions; 15-26 Plain and Structural Concrete; 27-29 Structural Steel,Vault Doors; 30,Cut Stone and Alternates; 31 Tile work; 32 Roof Work;33-34 Roofs,Belfry, Sheet Metal; Toilet Partitions; 36-36 Metal lath and Plastering; 37-40 Carpentry Work; 41 Orna• mental iron; 42 Floor and Stairs Finish; 43-44 Paint and Varnish; 45 Rough and Finish Hardware and Note on Mechanical Sppcificationa, The general plans contain 12 sheats . S2,3et #1 Footings and Framing; 2 hoof and Framing; 3-4 Reinforcing work and details, Schedules; 5 Stairs and Details; 6 Plot plan and Ground Floor 7 First and Second Floors; 8 Elevations; 9-10-11-120Details• The Mechanical work ; Heating,Plumbing and Electrical is not included in this contract. the Sidewalks)Curbs and Gutters as 'specified. on Page 26 are, nbt ino7uded in this contract-• VFrtJ; tai The . Cut stone under this contract shall be "Lueders . " t ,f }i SI Y 11 y a y revxrn tetnalr, 19251 PAGz 4. r P c � t YN WftNESS`,WHEREOF the parties herm have execut id thin Agreement, the day a: d year first above written. CoritrIOLobor. City Of Denton, a B:"l.Mo Kenkfe,Mayor, �.. W AWE$S7'EI�t ��, r er��. r�.rr.rrrrrr�brr rrrrrr;Mr MMMNrYY b4r.{ , r r ►OVRTN EDITION, 19ZS, PACE �. rt " , P iP. '.v ' '.�, i.� h j ��FO � R t ..y Lu " 'y, r � �� �4#> >3 ydj'�h�. r [ ' r ` . '. t "} ��r y(h��r t # r y X ;i l � � V t Y t } r vi 11,: 1r�� � b " "� iq � �L��y�� " o,� '. ."" r � Lit¢fv �"lti � �'' �`� � :rTY,R ��', h � � .Q�1 "' � � 4r" i \.Irk r � i 1� t r 1• (y11 ! Y. ` �I d � ♦y iY'%�'rt Y. .� �r '[" r � p r t� � r " n y i� �u b��A �.��ti " � r' t i` " f 4 u i� �, s bt i ' � � `4l �m ArS S � "e � t ' a r yj,.✓� r� P Fv' i r � �r, i'�t 7 i 'a i��f '��e r 1��� t p ' I y w. r .,� i tk.i� 4��1" d G " � rk .. .. .x, � + ° s.� r i� " ��� I � �' � .� 7l1 i tR�' v ". M .0 .�, `'�� _ ,. � , . z �. �; ,' ` �' 41 �, ,i' r � E?` �,. � .� � � •Fti ', . �, { i � r �it u r � ��J. " t '! r� � y.,c `t � � .. r r`. r � � T,� �. ��. �" s �� �� � '. .�:# .� � ' y�y 1 �� 7V� ��r? i � + � ? ' �� k� 1 f"9vv r � r r l r x1���M1' � � ;, r �rt , r�'S�r«'�hi 1� #i"" '� 54'FL� rpi'�1N� i � �ti ���. y � 1 r�n1' � 2 ri �Jt , Y,,.: �'y1 r� 1 � w" F), i 1 �'} i6 - YV 14.E + fir i"� .. r r " i � ';"° Y. 1:" � -. " �Y �� A � nn r 1 r., i i F M " V � fr '.r#,f ti. i 'kr � i4r 1 ': r � _ r,� .. �,� fi � v .r �,r i y�C� t "y�an , �t � i ", i i " r , r.* t � � ^� 49` 7 t r.tr� � 'r� . !' 1� e '' V r"i� � r �i ��� ���. " �_� �i r "t � 4. �i � �: �1 ' �'�'41 � � 1,� t � r 9 4. �r� j i t 5 `Yi. .f` '. " � � l lY � �1"y � l � Y � � '�, •lA�^, A V v i.. r �. l� ris�t k +}rr t (" �.r r 1 r,. i `. � r „ s Rr".� r�. —/'� it � �I. i � /J- t ���.#�}7�� �� r bit ° '�a � 4 �� (� i ��.. i i _ .� _ __ •IWWiIYi�Y.. r� 1r a' ..Y��viwiw`iv.'WwFkr .y+�ra9Yr•.w��r-Ytarr+ 00 CONTiACT.1�OR 'HI3 ELECTRICAL VVORg I > FOR z THE MUNICIPAL MILDINQ CITY OF DENTON TEXAS: THE ELEOTRIC SHOP `CONTRAOTOR CITY OF DENTON TEX, OWNER . '.t#�-R�####�!'#i'r#i'c•R=##�S'3'r•��-Cei'r####i'i•##kr#�•�ii�# �,: La S. Li 7 , 3� •1 ! tr - 1�. • . .• • 4 ¢¢kkit,t WJ ^� (1(`g±+ttiAq, a y I ka THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CONTRACTOR AND OWNER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. ISSUED 13Y THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS FOR USE � WHFN A STIPULATED SUM FORMS THE BASIS OF PAYMENT This Form of Aggrreement hu rerelved the apptover of the NstIoner Aswciation of Buadera' Sschanges,the Anociated Geaerel Contrttors t�America,the Joint Conference oa Construe- '- {; tion Contracts, the National A.tsocistion of Master Plumbers, the National At" Ion rt i. •� ' b'hect Meter con traetora or the ev Bed States,the Nat inner Eleetrkwl Coutrae,TS'Au Lsl-: t sQthe Valtrd States•the Nstional Aasociatlonof Atubie DaInthe Buiidin Uranit<Qu.rain Association,and the Building Trades Emploren'Association of the City tf New Yet. i ' FOURTH ED1T10Ns CO[YRICHT 1915-1918.1925 ST THE AMERICAN IN)TITUTA OF ARCHITECTS, Tai OCTAGON HOUR �,•� WASHINGTON, D, G THIS [OBIT IS TO EE USED ONLY WITH THE STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS or THR CONTRACT CS �1 ';� w• , \,� grain .Ad-. , � a. `I�HIS AGREEMENTRmade thex G. Ev1io'IN f� ...4( i7 day of-MaM&......."......_in the year Nineteen Hundred end-2ileal yr.. g1�i. .....•. ''I s* 5.. by and between...The..EletotrU..shon Of--D9ttt n.T Lox4 4..............•................ hereinafter called the Contractor, and...T9 ►.•0itay..Ot..DoYtto��!i�At..�ry6 ti{ ' ' througi�_ ifs Legaliy autbpri�ted oownbils>aeatoa�,T4ocoes' rr�'r t r ••,; , i r .... ........ .......hereinafter called the Owner, °� ^ WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations herein after'named agree as follows: Art c e 1 $cope of the Work—The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and rerform ail of the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Si#i• r ficatibns entitled N s>. ; A 1Amib1 al Tdtwleirtg For Ttro City or D"ton rex6o (Hen kma the nptloe descriptive or tit w k sue use! eu Me Dnuiags sued III the other Ccotract Doestoents) I '�,' �+ 4 ', , ,r A, P1Qrid !trail spooirtoatloue SIM > er 140fttified bq j6b 8100 t ' y� t r G•! a JJ I S , rii 4r prepared by....$(►1�►yblf•ASE: '�Of P .. ...kP=n%XA-j*0W-V0 #X jJX. acting as and in these Contract Documents entitled the Architect' and shall do t. '° eve7 thing) required by this Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, ', tht, 0cifications and the Drawings. v �Air t FOURTH EDMONs I925a PAGE 1. g °" + �.LIF � r� '.'I'F l� &M1 1,••'Y . 1x,�I h` 4•�Y]y 4S vl• yY ttnl�, � r . I ..,,.,- ..i.r '.I'ir. ', .^5. r•.Fl 1••�t'�.aM1 ..n r1 Me ,� of«. r. - • i rA 1 , . 1,,.4'� tai• • ' °o b • t' .i r� � �t l• '-h ri rt' iti. J ;4�1. 6'A..'v_„���. .�a�'I{.�' �l air 4 b C. { � 6 -. r � • 5 i o is � + r :. #+ i� �.` 7- u ra 5r ri p7 Y`ti Article 2 Tiwe of Comniation—The work to be performed under this Contract steall be commenced...8s.s+oQtt..set.. hA..iwiihaag. l8.rr3a4g..xo.l+ri�e1Y+9� a! and shal'' L^ substantially completed....mpor_..laePar4 Jei1�.3.8 .1t#2a;...o2!tat A (Nets hurt stipulstka.u to Hqu{dsted dawasa.V any.) such tuns as the Qeaterat Oontreotor shah havo OaVloted his worke ' '$ a . r r A... i . 'Article 3. The`Contrac! Sum—The Owner shall pay the Cot'ltractor'for the Oer a ' k` formance of the Contract, subject to additions and deductions provided therein; in «tip F +t l'7y •r> ) rr�s - y •.•••.. rohp etcM�«Lea,ueaircdlebdi.ks.te,w. � •A.�.. � a � K �':� current funds as followsk0 H it t ; Owd bee the WmO sun sttannt, ) k; A y411$ $A "tMyr JnOtGkI)J4Mt* aP 14 t4 'tJ l .'t r br fir}, � .� r� " !y �d +• "y i 1 + i .� 4 t L r i �{ Yti Al a i P oys(� t' Wheto the uantities,or) ' )loll contemplated are so changed that appl)caiion„of ,at q g Y . P ,the;A reed unit price to the quantity of work performed it shown to crt to a hard• � ” ` � o the CY, nee oir"tke Contracto�y there chap a alri equitable'�dJustntent^ot" the (l KO i��r :�.off xi'��rv:r; `�dnttact'to prevent such haidship. 14 I� I i1t�'+ rs�'! ) i rou14N tror7)ox, 1425, YAas Z hi. 1 r !Fr + �. ?� 5 ^ warn TT r z C"^T• ry _. ^.. _.. C. ,;,�j�. err •i �� � �,'''�� d � �� . . ";� � y. .,�1? ,t J e'iV{5'F♦...�rA.'v.. . .�i>1...M.-..,a�Rf -Y+Lb��x i� v ' � �' 'A r, ,,� .' a 4 v '"Y .c y ,.� �+ Lr� I • ia�r, Article 4. Progress s' Br Payments—The Owner shall snake payments on account of the Contract as provided therei-, as follows: w ,t, 'r '< x,•,f On or about the......,y3ret.................day of each month_.8:A,1sy...F' ..........per- cent of the value, based on the Contract prices, of labor and materials incorporated 3 in the work and of materials suitably stored at the site thereof up to the....QM. day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of previous payments; and upon substantial completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increa^e the total payments to_..,fity--YLVGL........,percent of the contract price RZY ��-r at MW a�t gpa��6 4•-� s411bYeegtl�1_.Ql�.. l..ipA7!' t� tS..mamt rel.foei.ha eho vort,eek46.ccta6t ju q of rompktke•! Z ' 'i f rf Artide 5. Acceptance and Final Payment—Final payment shall be due.... '' ....... days after substantial completion of the work provided the work be then fully ''r ' completed and the Contract fully performed, ',� r Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he ;+ y, finds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed ' he shall promptly issue a final certificate, over his own signature, stating this the ' work provided for in this Contract has hel n completed and is accepted by him under the terms and conditions thereof, aad that the entire balance found to be f" due the Contractor, and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. f `I • r. 'Before issuance of final ,certificate the Contractors " ' } rp' V hall submit evidence eatif- ` ,factory;to' theArchitect that all payrolls; riiterial bills; and other lndebtedneas r T` connected with the work have been paid. "'M ; . If after the work has been substantially completed, full completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so certifies, ,4 C the Owner shall, upon certificate of the Architect, and without terminating the yiho ,�, y ,s,, . Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the work fully, �;►srl �r,i,�;, ,,;,a, , ,;i completed and accepted. Such payment shall be made under the terms and con ditions governing final peyment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of i:r31,r;g'�x 3t. claim,4. � . �+ troVitT6 EDrrioN, 1915, PAds �. 6 LOA f �G; b,§. S � i �'P`a r ' " , ...Y �, .'�_+. Y r • ^, S., r : ,� « 'r".', Arxak iQ 3 1 ..�,5; i �ft � r � ✓a � x Lei 1 ✓:�A n �rT`; 1 4 � ra �:n Rrl Y t ( T f7 . :f n r '�k wP'i S +' , w 5 a� . .q, e � ft. f•}.. , �` 4TJ ,7 ": . ,.,� , .Y, Not .:�i3 v,+S��n.v...Y. nS- r .•,..'. � .�a ,n..G °d .4+C�1-/w ti:w*3b rr istlm.'.i hL$. ''03'.A 1. sib,' ,.A ia+ AsY1� �PIR l4 ► Article 6. rue Contract Documents -The General Conditions of the Contract, the y�y r• ;a r ' '''' " 's'�r Specifications and the Drawings, together with this Agreement, form the Contract, 3, �+ and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or Eerein repeated. The following is an enumeration of the Specifications and Drawings: „ `i'ii "apooifioatione For the 1S1(Wtrioal work tMuntotpal Building, , of t. J + , fr ;, Delgton To�oae.°opeoifioatiim ooM rleee 5 e,13.1T,furthor i Job 910 I& lettor "8"s or each page Wmber, All ��. „ t a" scrifiaatIms Covor8 "aftO C�� � . X18 at (tar�eaFal i tip rat Cor�1 * "a applies to s Om►tit`�i4 The "nora2 lane ooarr priso 32 d*ststUmborod 149 oon,06OU *0 "1101.19 and are further identiftod by Job # W4 x0ohanio plane aomrise f3 ebeets,tWlt ••2•li,at�d f't�u�ther The � s 1 have rooe eY, 1 deritii'ied Sob # 818. These shoots P i by ek o"r gortoral plebe for the fileotarMal work ecMriaod in this ountraot . e a. ch3fii,l'lr��r,'. "3'.51{4 ,• 'r;ti �- 7 at' i le�'{. iit�f iirS"-�,; i1C,li °i.� Ti _ •x ;. t?` t v-:lit :iA.;ri' y, '�)ill3�i�t "fib,0) vbli'!)rlri �lW r71 ) i'dikY11,7571iiY) y ,4 t i rl r f �t , i t6"if�.'Sl9��E•�`1�1 /`i0t Q ; ,;., . r �r7tlY'i4t ,,Ti, 'd!,',.'j Ak !��•K JY ell . � �3�rx 5� ,i�• i r , i 1St11'i�± iiC{{t9Tt„+ r.,ICy+..W1°� rtiri l� 4 rown scrnm 1925, PAos 4, i , l �� I t i� t lUl 't� r' r �>+"k ry 14q '^9 < J k r S1IdSt1:3 ali �i �I Al 6 . 9 *t' ik IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. t:.1 .H iMr�Y • 4. 0, t .ti4-oldMN*100M1" 1M140411IM � IM , p e/ , „ M h I tip J� 4a 7 1 I t � jjjj��•�i FOURTH RDMON, 1915, PA09 s. . tr , Controd 12.11 6.23.26 )M MAD$to V A \`y90µ0 AN0 f h?�4 !�'� E19F(►TY !� It f 001 SURE11 ~� PJD WdP *v-IV&POL i,IV I U I1T0, 4b-l�-�tia-�7 BALTYDIORE,riAl2YLAND• giase.00 . I Know All Men by These Presents, That we.._..._........._......._._...................... __.w._..............w.....__...._,._._..._.._._w_._ __......._. The 61eotrio Shops Dentono Texas .__.., ..........._._._......._..._...._._ ____..... ... _... (hereinafter called the Principal), and the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COM. S PWY,ta Maryland corporation (hereinafter called the Surety), are },�eld and firmly bound unto_: —.-wr.._ dit of yenton , '1exe. `(hereinafter'called the Obligee); in the full and Just sum of..._____ ..___W.._r__._• __._w._w_ _w__._. _ Orie T6h sand " '1wo Hundred Ninety ' rive - - _._ ,_ w.w . _r__r -.wr_r_w_w.rw_ . w.•.w .• . _. .._•..✓_ .._ _ ...._. w ._ w _.__.._w.w..._._- Dollars, 14 ul M6n$y'oi! the it Aed States, for the, payment of which, well and truly to be made, we`bind our= aelves,our helra, administrators, ekoentorm, successors and assigns, $ointly and severally, Armly by these �re8enka. jhereas,;said Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Obligee$4P•wfirh� 9Qr1C10 _ _ t.Y Hall which gontrao*, by referenn' ie m�Qew;a : art , sereoi Ai __ the ` sa� ae °if fa11y. set forth herein,.........•r ._, .-_. - .._.._- � w , -- ._...__...._. ...__._ YX..�M.....h w. .w4wl w.Y.r ur wr w.✓.r ._r.✓.✓r�w .. _ .Y w_r.r rwu__ru_�.r _w.w.r.------------- 4 Y i�,k � �Iw1r-�-• .u..4+ ` . w .u_!.. _ .. i..rr .w ..w— _I—.ww wwrrw_ r.u..—.n .... .�. .+. I.:.r...u.w....r.wJ..wi.•... ....f,....rd.u.l..,y...�.w.l«...•.«........ri..w..:.+..w..ww....w._»r._•......w.....w..w........i...w.w..... _.W.r...rw.w+...—.r......ww...__...... 1 a __ ....:e.J...l rw. `._ .Lw. w..:.... 1..rr.✓........r. _. _w r..—....... I.wrr.. w...._.e.w.w.-wr«ww wwr....._.. t .1 _!�'"rF (� 5 aW.+wwLLyi..+..a...�W rrw.l..wrr-rl...w .w...1.ri....w...w.w...i......«..w....• �'.I»i.w. .a.....wr.»w .....•..w .� � ,2 1�it � .4.wtJ,ii�:wl W.w�+w7YLl� y-T•J:.»5; aw+..._.W .aw.r.., uu�ar .ww..."...w1W' aw.:..w.Yu Lr�.:...:•.+.•rr..«w.....1......rrw•..........0 3 Ja1'«14Y}iWUJWy.-.—..H.aWI.YU+:r.4•iwR.w.•.w.w.A.awwr..r.�.i..rwwir...w..e..rww..rrr.r+wJwwwr..+✓.+I.Il.wr..+.r...w•....�..✓w......r..ww.__................r r � • "i` � �jJ.wl+r._. '' .WLirwwr......u•.�rr.r rw.w...._.a.w......»u.w:..i.+www..+r...w...ww...e_......+. --. ;• ..'-...o....w..�w.w.w._.:r_...�_... ; 4 �' Ywui.✓.rw. r.r.l� ra.i..J....a.,:. .....r..r...d _�_ ..Ju.rr-r•r_.w...:i.1—.._wr......,w...r...�l '. � 1 � '.`k Jri..—....w...w.a.►.A�'- w r:�.rr.waJ..w 'r.r..r.++.ri .A►. w..w.rw+Sri—✓�.•.u..._.�.w.•......r.ur.....w,.........w......_a..w i Now 'r;aetMore, The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that if the said Principal shall ivIell and truly indemnify and save harmless the said Obligee from any pecuniary loss resulting from the breach of any of the term?, covenants and conditions of the said contract on the part of the said Principal to be performed, then this obligation shall be void;otherwise to remain in full force and effect in law: PROVIDED, however, that this Bond is issued subject to the following conditions and limi- tations: 1, In the event of any default on the part of the Principal in the performance of any of the terms. covenants or conditions of the said contract, the Obligee shall promptly, and in any event not later than thirty days after knowledge of such default, deliver to the Surety at As office in the City of Bald- more, written notice thereof with a statement of the principal facts showing such default and the date thereof. 4 2. The Obligee shall, before making to the Principal thy+ final payment provided for under the contract herein referred to, deliver written notice to the Surety at its office aforesaid, and the written consent of tie Surety thereto obtained. 3. That in case of such default on the part of the Principal the Surety shall have,the,right, if It t so'deelrea, to adsur,�e and cbmplete, or procu`r3°the completion, of said contract;'&rid li:` c�ase`of Rnch de- faint, the'Surety shAl be subrogated and entitled to all the rights and properties of the Principal arising out of the said contract and otherwise, including all securities and indemnities .theretofore re- cIilvid by the Obligee, and all def,3rred payments, retained percentages and credits, due to the principal la4hp Titre of such default,or to'become`due thereafter by the terms`and dates of the contract. d..' That info event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of this Bond, or subject to any suit; action or other proceeding thereon that is instituted later than the ... .W ,_. LtBZ+llh day'of .. .. ,.. A. D.' 6 That in no event shall the SvretAy be liable for any k d1make resulting from, or for the construe- xt'6A tl' ''1�ai'x!r4 P^ r i1:�:.�.M '�>^a•'.;' •. Y;S� '. . ..� ,.'.:1 44 a t.'.K.•%'S �.. t , tion or repair of any work damaged or destroyed by an set of God, or public ene'mlea, or mobs, or riots, c r civil coinfnbtkh$ or by etapleyes feavinj tLe"work being dori6 under said contiact, 'on beeouht bf,so called k "strikes" or labor di9icultfes, �t t 1 That the Surety shall not be liable for damages or injuries to the person of anyone, under or by authority of any statutory provision for damages or compensation to any employe, or otherwise; and (b) Shall not be obligatedto furnish any bond or obligation other than the one executed. Signed, sealed and delivered this_......_ th._,_.day of._.___.I�arok►..,,._..______ _._, 19__�i .. (SEAL) 0 4V _.. ..."..._._..._._ __..._...._..._..._... _.. ..__.....__._ _-(SEAL) Witness as Vi Principal iL/t/"' _ ti --(SEAL) ~ 1titP� ►t9 7 Pltto ito arii<o fQQtttP11118, Attorney-in-it, t : . i J Z t4 p �. o CO) I � N t a I a. i r ! Y ,v. m e " 11 , fy a t t r�� �� .� '1: �C ,Y xx 'l t 'r 1e A,, .j ^.f; n�p ,r, !i, i i'. $9 ir� � ♦ � . � " ' "� � " S t C", '�� s > . I)+•,Y� ��"' P^`X! 4 ¢ f�t�, a;�� ! 't r b i ,.' � 'k. y +". ,.�'" * a v Sit ii> u, .°.,.,, Y � ti`", l� "' Y 'L.{ " <9 .� ar 1• n kt r d' Il E �L� �". t, � � ^!Y, Aq S v! 1 ��} v( +� iat�., FP k� 51' +"�", t� r:-, at r ': t !9f , r+' �i A+ r ar et } i-.M C k tY"€, a Y ...� Y" Y � C"{i���9 at� ���`'.•rw'��'r Rf , .. y .+,�:.. ht r,q ..1X r he ' t , a i�; A , tV S.,v r rk�;. ;�1 S �� r ,.8 f t• '.r � f � r A a'fO ,S x^ t" itr i 9iFrr 4y rS� 1''. Ys KNQW ALL MEA, BY THEO,sE PRE'SE ITS That; Whereas, on thb ' da of y ity ,Cornmissioners bf . , tFie QitJ, .of en on exact , and the Ma or of said City, ad {ng f`or 127 ' the ,C paid City,, as the Party of the First Part ' and 'the Jagoe Coltstr Lid- tion Company, , a corporation as Part of the Seaond ' Part did make and enter into a contract in writing, whereby the said a ;th6 Sboonu Part, for and in consideration, of the sum of ,. 9 according to the terns and conditions sot forth in sa on rao ' agreed, bound and obligated himself to construct curbs and gutters and stroot irprovement and pavernont on Ash Strc;et, Pecan Streot, IS I Cedar Street, Poridor, Avenue, Welch Street and West Mulb3rry Street, ` in the City of Denton, 'Texas, and more fully described in said contrao+;,, to which reference is hero rnado, and to eonpleto and finish said 4 curbs and gutters and said paverient and improvement within a rea son- able time in a good, substantial and worlananliko mamier, subject to aooeptande of the City Co=nission of said :pity, striotly according to y plans and specifications attached to and made a part of said con-tract, , maY�ked "Exhibit D" , and said plans and speoifications alip it being on file in the office of the City Engineor of said City to a whioh referenoo is hero made: a Ya d NON ?j THEREFORE, for the purpose of a©curing the City of 4 A Denton, , Texas',' -and its successors and representatives in ,t3ie , true ; n and 'fsithful 'p6rformanoo of 'said oontract, together tivith ell tYie + "' . dovehants`' and c'"ligations of said Jago'e : Construction" Cofapany," ther9in • . set fox th j 'and , o guarantee the true, and f eithful perforinanoe of said w 6ontxa4t and the payment of all , claims o,f• 'eaoh and everY"Aub-oon$ifiao.- ' td , if 'there bA. any, " laboiver, "meohanid and furniahor of mC+treria� l agaitst fhe said ' �aoe Construotion '6ornhaiy; arie,ing' ¢r, rot »g. , , ou't 90 ' 'Said pont'rao , thetr'heiro, 01+ as'signai l'a9 . theiir � teii1egt' irk may appear, we, the , said Jagoe ConstruotIon , bompaYly, as,. �rtnoipal', «r , and the MA88ACHUSE�T9 BOtDMG, "D 1NSURANOB COMPANY as surb'tiea eokibwlodge ourselves indebted to and bound to pay B. tdokenzie, s Mayyor'of ,the City ofrDenton, Texas, for the use and `be e t o, ii I'd' .Qity, and his .successors - Sn office,' tho sum of , ' far' 'the',payrnent of which well end truly to bo mado' we ;s . ourR vee,` i° °o'ur' iieire; exeoutors and admir.iatratorao jointly and eowerally 'qy ' 'presents r w Th9' rdbndi e of this bond, howe�`et, ` ai{e su0h that if "1 the' said A9901,Constru6ti6n Company shall truly and faithfal?�r por- '''x foam aiv ari , 'eve.ry' the- oovenante and eonditiong „af said 'contract °herein. p'obAsed ,by;,them' to , b done kept and "peU ' me Arid f ' Ahail truly 'and faithfully" pay all cla tas of 000h° aild ever subs: dontraot6k i, .workman . laboror; . meohia io , and, furhiKh9r „of, ma Arial� ' ag3net ' krias,grbvimittg or. ai�isingt,out of,,seid dontxadt, then arid. in suoh "ev,ent this obliation ' lA -to §epomo null aria vcidj and o , f`uritheir f orae pnd of eat, othe'rwiso to remain ' in &11 fordo rtd a �'�1 t„fikn4r� X ��.�� 4� ' .�' +1. t' nsH -, .n � !-• •v:.t.,. ;. , . .. " - . � ''' WITNt88 OUR HANDS, at Denton, Texas, tiAs day of 1927 JAOO.9 ;O5 �' U N CO]vIZsANY G �Xf� y CfiU$a>•i l-$ . Hori . 0p lmBtRANC'S 001flPANY Pr1�t0ip&�,r 4rri3�r� -'Foot) , 8 9t ; Y i l t }jam x Y � 40 j �ru1 Y � K k�,�' >�.h':►,'Si2(Y•t.C;�" "ti'< . `�',o u � wl 111 J ; I w. � r , p fir. f �M{ ji 01 1 r� 1 A�1 (t fY�1z �F , r d.il kfr r 14 i 1 1 1^I Ir r +fipn , .r ^ 1 r� • �,,' 4Y Y v 1 r r � i ��� 7 �, •�, r. ry x; s ,J vw 3 �a:: r:, da . it f 1c.f , y M:y'.y"Y .7' " •Si.� rr tr . ,9 IC k 1y �4'' f t t. IN c W 4 • 7i y, 4" V `e� r , �i/�rK.A S 1 Y t ' '. r + � �z J v / M• • .' .4 r 8i'ATi OF TEW COUNTY OF M24TOTd, TF1iS 0ON'tR ACt T. this day" ntat'v M d renter`ed inthL: ;' and�betwde' thee+ Oity`'joi `F)e`litoh,` a' riAmA'Al� oorptiritior 1ndorp61'ated` %VA''V thb a gb'r►o3r61" 16*6 of the State of T�Xae,PM1t-k of CAA First"'?art, ' and Jagoe " 'Cohstrtxotion ' Coripany, a private , 00rporation, organized and incorporated uride tha` lawa of the Steto of texas , Party of tho' 3eoond ParLLb, wit- �!�,, hb6s'ethl� " t'h`at the` 'said parties` have' 'agreed ' ag follo�rs'3 'i'he' Jaga'e k t ` �one�i�i"c�ioh bompariy ski{ees t`o ' fui�cish' `ell' labor and m'atet;ial�, tools aid' ffi `, ' ' 4a�}iireryj�� et`d rieoes'Aar�+ t'd -1a�"r" kid ta, 'COiiett•uot',in° accordance with 'the a b`vdifi'dati'ons 'heretd"_ Ate cried, a"`wesr1 � $n,rtaorb ' A`'6haltio ti$ ne�hglf'ino�isa ' in" thiclesess' on a five inch reinforood �Sbz�e�e, ei�e and o odnOrete. base including excavating, groding,filling, e,to * and oonoato ;. ' �' yya�tld put ar acid 'other" he coo s,al"work in . oonneotion therewith, 'n` Aba� dsnoe" vrith t'he'CYlane } ISO s eo�if�cations hereto at�taohed on � 1 ) . fol�.o*ing btro0 it the City o Denton, tbpwits : . " Aski $trodV $rein the nortll •lind agf East Hiokory §treot to ` r 'r 'Hey l ey:.:.Ste'�t0, Unp f r $tra`o ' 'roin' the 'We t 1 � o � Ash'. Street �.g the Ust . . .. i . : . � ., . . �. . ifs di "from the 8 uo line, �+ k r` d i e� of McKinney St eat to the drthJ� line 'of West Hiakoi yr Street ; k Ponder, Avenue from the north line of Oak 5troot t,p ,the piith line of 43xbg� dptree ; StirLl¢t ,�n �oc6rdanoa vi,. th the As F)6 yifigati6ris ' hello, stteohed .an eight inch doriPbote(i grave] b`nee with - a' ith a one and onel haif inch Aanhs;ltio Ooricrete w6aring ;suritiae, curb eiid gt tLGr sow6lia and draixib# and other nooesar z'Y. work in eonnoction bSArewi�h �feYph: 6txeet fj+om+ L of ojyth inA of W st F31} kory..,8trest i to tj "t North lin e oi` ,1�ulb rru QtreA r` it � r'. r 'fin . "" ix•. i r. r✓.✓ ��r I. ..f 4�. } • ! �1_ . iti. '�"7 :t(q a 'r } ,F )r �. { Mulborvv , Street ire he west .lir;u of 1Ve1oh Ares , West t Ph the North line, of Mulberry Street Ito 9 point' 198. teeb t, of s"ai& Whet 1390 of Welch ',8treet r �, (; t , .'yt � 1 n'^'•+ '�: 1 # �,:'V tjt + t.. �, n }. � " , 1 �}•j,. �.1a,(�P fi '.Ar �`,:r. { y, �.. 1 h ,j '1 d+'�f 1.... �s ^ I.t'SA :S„'1'� �ilr �� � f!�'�yl �'''I tl 1T^�.t�F•,�L` iA hi11`� } c.:!`�� "',y� 'IT7� 1.�i R. }AN �� ��. +,,Y,. �. tr AAi IF . ..�•��,� �' i,�•t�� lti . .,�� 1 ,D ,,4}, th ,IMttf i, "y .^�' a'.�1 , r �, r. acyf,��Y', :.tIt F ,J. .^y1[I 1 1,f.� N � � .� . M1 �� 1 w e '!.tl t4 ��+. t� ♦, i< J i t 1�, IY ��e_ 1 - + � � � y} r F 1. AYi Jl"�,.i:d�t Y.�r�. 1 . t!`� a S� 1f yy *! , f 1 l 19 r•Y /� �} }�t¢y r � ,`.�✓ .'� S' e�`+'�a •1;� }i�` p'.� �� , /,.�� le 4A v1�7 ����'R.�7� •!. � � t�} � r�'ji�� �ul"�1 w1"R iV '�`I .��w n',Y`J��r r��g �,Y4y�. 's. 1kk ti,• , 'v,^ �,w r F n �` ka 1 1, 1• ?I 1 :��.,t r}y .('4�Py P S {' N;+h 1N etA t�, f, �r • y ""3;�1 4 , t...�,I . �� I n 1" .S i ,yy' fr 1'RA,i.'y Ila o'.,,G �' 'y1j•d, 7a' 4 . .v i y n r ry Yl. r v21 � ,y c ''1^♦ y ,lrg t: ly M1 y �j' ('41 t N�' ♦y, h �/I l {� � F A.'M )',�' ,� "i >1R �f �,•.4 tT.l y , i S Which said streets shall each be and constitute an en- ti,. ly and wholly separate and independent unit .or district o imF proY,er. ent,s . The consi,ruotion of said Improvements in eaoh'- separate , r toit c.r district shall be wholly independent of ttie construction In any, olthto- unit or district . The assessments to .be levied in each un.',t or district shall be made a0lording to the costs of the im- proverionts in that particular twit or district in accordance with the benefits, accruing to the proporty by reason of said improve- tgcnts, in that' 'particular unit or, distr ct, wholly and entirely in uepo�%4t, of the ,cost and, of; }the benefits accruing by rooson of the k ' iprovementa iX. any of tthe other, units of districts ; and, VP M ; For the said work t)ie party of the Second Part shall be ,.. � a•r ' paid at tho lfollowing pates and prices, to-vrit ; L PRICE T�rua r o0 or oota ne gtiitVorr, , ' `' We � �au�re yaxd`"i'or 7 •I As Ealt`io' 66Y(3rote on k reinforced concrete base " " iob VF1oo per square yard of r` 1 a( 1 " Asphaltio Concrete on p , ,tAQL P o 65' S oam aot:ed: ' ravel' base / 00 /. r eo , per ogpio Yard nor` 'earth exdayatibn &►4- !o 0 Prioe�Fer, pound roi oro ng stool r i M X R O e 1 r oe eso adj s£irig tna z�'i"ola rY� j oo per root V Wooden t' i ( a) The Oity of Denton shall pay ono-third of the coot �d �oi;4hld'''imi ig6vi otenta� 6xoept 'ej'arbs which ''aheil' be paid 1+vho1ly' for " }' � F3 b �; D �` l�d$`bf�ti ,owf,d�+g ; hc+l►2� . maiFn 4 tai ` ' paid' by' ' tie' oib `'' J oh's�l bo �fhib itt't 60.6h iooh ttib'rb6rtP1i iU -Md 6r 6A6,1 O*.'k 1 . 3 of imprbvomont izn oaoh. particular unit or distriotar� (b1 diter` deducting .ti1ie' portien4 bo be' paid by''tlib '' tir"'e5t', ., J)'4hto , 1th&. romaindor` of s'a'il` coati ; 'ir'hioh ii tka total ''oont ''bf`^ thb` ' F 'nti 'ti ' 1AM'. t*o�thirdh bf, tho",,tofnl offat , bf 0101 rAns�i hdor''.��''° eaid:'!li ,pr`ovh , ' p tibmeta` ahall ova w proporty Qbut ting' 'upon said portions ofgaid ' strOOts whidY s'a d ' assessMon't nha1y 1 a190 be �o personal chatNge against said property oWhOrs and shall Ll.l y IOUP;IJIG4`T03) 0t, l?TI }1w 43, bU1a�l�B '�f' X�fiIO�G�� �31i� ' ri7l� � frr h C brr r 1]l'iXorT ,i� ?¢+ +jitGt'7 ', i frgj' jlt3 ilf:t3' ?G'lkt?3�' f�0 d1{r, 4IJk"" o ~ Z ` `�` a j.E�� �+ {{iA'' x . f Ni AIN h 4 r ;L k7 al T be in proportion as the frontage of the property of each owner iii V� ` S '.r each partioulss, unit or district is to the whole frontage of property .P in that parrioulor unit or district . Said cost to be appor'tio'ned " bnt%yeen said propor,ty ovmors in acoosrdwice with what is kno., n as th0 front foot rule or platz, and said auw shall be payable in five equal inAtallinonts, one-firth tizpon the complotion of the insnrovernont in IiA the particular unit or distri.et uid the acceptance by the amity 'Coi.aniesinn, one-fifth one year from date, one-fifth two years ' after 4 said date; one-fifth three years after said date , and one-fifth" , four years after said date, together with intovost 'on said install'- ments from the date of said acceptance at the rate of e,.:'ght` per cent per annum Assignable certificates shall bo issued by tiie0ity " r 'of Ddntt,n' for said porbion' to be asseased againat said property F owhoi4j ' which said certificates shall be in such ualaal and dusta' n'- .r �ry' foi+m- as' Party: of the Second ?art May desire and shall contain ` such provisions for their orllootion as provided by Chapter ll ` Title 220 Revisod Statutes of Toxas of 191le :"fiat all work shall be stone and all materials fuvnished " in strict bonfortnity .witli Instructions to Bidders,, marked llgxhibit proposals marked 119xhibit B" , speoifioations mcrked "Exhibit ` f .. , 0" and , the plans. and speoificritions on filo in the office 0 the f s, Oity gngfneer with regard' to 'those certain portions of Ash 8t.+ec�t,' �. • ; pest Street, Cedar Street., , Ponder Avenue, Welch Street and Wert krr :N ti��.bhr:� ei+�ys" treet, whio3i oertain plans and specifications t}eretofore add'p tbd b' t� Uhe bity 0omreimnion o. ton., bh ILrA ';�tb Eta 4ttaWhad-&tid' hesr6r}syr :'mdt�0 A j)arb of� h3M ,.., � ' rCbntl"k',{0�1 • ' _. r'. " �`� 9 ,. SUPkRV16�OH AND nXREOT101; 0 WORKi St is undbrbtb6d anti xebp b 'kith ' h +ti4i to tM i' oontsrao hat } y �G 1 Ct p ,, • }� 1 the �giHtl�r Qhd.l.� �� r ' , ,'; ,, evia °aid 8it��ob 'a�1 werii oludad h,tY�Anr` r�`Yb is ��urt]rAri agteed sI i }Y �. '7 dgi4idj ''thb Ingiri' er e�ia3l, 4 01 �l � bab�'��det��mihe'.tho �mdui�ts" at�Q }qua�ittiA�. of bha ,eeverai kirdsr 'aS�r� , ,`�'�4 <> vMoi+�( _ b�s�, awe 't'4 b8`paid ror "itnd,A:� his bon raat ,a •,' o '•1 , .ao • ) � raouoq q . ; o rr,. el�� �A ox, f'�3 Ill t`�9�y��iG�'`�.°,,' r ', �' A, ' f wF LINE 411 aRADESj All linos and grades shall be '11u)nished L by thA Rigins3r, bus ',,;he Contractor shall provide stakes and snoh or- � dinary materials as nay reasonably i;e reop ired by said Engineer for Sell work. The Contractor shall preserve such, atakes , :Larks, otoo , 's and when removed by 1- 9.m shall be repleloed, h FUGHT TO RETAIN IMPERVECT WORM If any portion of the ,wort: ;t> one or maiortal furnished v.nder this contract Provo dofoctivo or not in a000rdanoe 'vr,ith the plans and spaotfioations, and if the im- , porfootione in the same, shall not be of Oiaffio;lont magnitude or im- portance to warrant; removal,, the Migineor shall have the;,right, to, retain such work, but shall on account of such aefeot me?re • such ,de- duotions in the firial payment as may bo just and reasonable . 1;iCTRA WORK= If during the performanoe of , thts contract , t1Le �Bngineor- shall, order, in writing the doing of extra work or. the fu3ni6hing of extra,matorial.s which in hie opinion cannot be olassi- fied under the unit prices of this contract, the Contractor shall do Lind porforri snob rl and furnish such matorials acid shall be paid thorofor the nott: ul cost plus fiftoo), ia+ cent . ABANDONMEiTTs In oase the Contractor shai7.' abandon tki'e lei work and fail a1id' reN80' to oommence it again within fifteen (jays after 06tifidati.on from Party, of tile First Part, or ,h'o al l fail to comply with the orders of tine Engineer or with Uhie agrees ©nt l f '10 4.1�e.� eai�fioations t:oV§t;o attipohed, thon and, in that . oase: ll sureties on t1fe bdrid bha �';bb; of find and: directed , to„ complete, the Yrork� Yn oaso `the sureties fail to ojomp i with the notices Party,,fnay .wi.t#hin': fi ftoen days al dorvitfg sizoh not ` bil'Ael 4:j y y� - r i 44 , , ,• r 1 �Ci� Q� r oA the work sit �hd e' eri"b's `a`f' the` Oor,t•r t � A6tor `atxdy ettratioe ` That said 8e0ohd party agrees that it wily indoinnify and 4 y ` `• hold harml6ia ArOt PAr+ty. From all ciaima agailist 9 Vi.r ty br materials f, ishold or Worst; done tindor this conti�aot, and P,ir�t iii`,haste tk6,°iE►ight .t6 h6Xd` An d `1�ntq F y .� ,_ ; . it► tx'hrinsf►te. 1�p;36in 1 a A�tY MN; �� i � .. ,� i n•Y �, 1 T .1) rc ldsd tLtit�i�. ACMa`1arty.'p�odu"ao� ' 0atiata . hlaVe bOeiti 'tuliy `p'aiQ ' IBM disbhargsd� x L ;'t M �w �,0589tJ, �1Q3dA(1 � Al ,� l66aed and ditab,gee iaSrig'.oub of the' hit re' of.`tho *do to bo doiid or t &1 the act ion of the 11,111111 All , . w F nn y h 41� (f,ilk' ,140itt C7 tier ��i n �7 gr -#Amo r' 1 Y - �' t r ti l•` hs q f� { J �yf�7alr"t'f:�lV elements or from unforeseen oirownstanons in the proceaution of the Sat 0) or from unusIa.al oblitruatton or difficultieb which may be on- r ; i countered in the prosecution of the work snail be sustained and borne "4 by the Second Party at his own cost and expense. BOND: It 1a SVI- ;ner undoratood and agroed by the parties , r ei ?, a •, ' to this contract that samo shall be exoauted it, diLlpli.aato and one oo to oao]i , . Ay party, kiex oto . Second Party agroos to ��xoouto a Uond 4 � . for tho suin of oor eo s° vP F for tiro aatisf. aatory porforrliance afy 'FMS: of the work in tho form provided for this purpose . IN WITNESS VMHR><,OF, the City of Denbbn has oausod this t int{trutaent to be signed bar its Mayor and Chairman of the Comnsiseion, and attested by its City SeW.'etaVy, With the corporate 891.1, and ^ Jagoe Construotion Company has caused this insti-orient to be signed by//W, M, Jagoe� its President, and attested by its Soeiotary this (O day of ` �! tw ' CITY OH+ DRITON (}. , By mayor C 2FF`a r an o ire e e Party of the b'irst Part j 2J AGO ,; T 16N 04MPAN'Y:, I V*ky 80X+0 ' & ree 9Y1 , .. b' Irby Seoniidlart . ' �1 rr r r A ' 1 ' $ i A 1 ! �Y�,ti �� !A� �' J,. 1 �- n- 1 Mrl f' y I � � •�' I I L', ,Fk d l� i 4 1�. , d( y d tab 1,All y will ` •� ;AryS i,. } < H.4F 4^ ;. .A}1; ti �{.F. J�+1df MU�ix N+ "�i�''.t i y,y. (�.i'�f<I,NkM1�'1.�1A,',:'Y� dX 1f.�f r`✓•j:�;`K i�'hL.'r l���� x. �T�,'�'�,'.P�'P,r33L���A�,� r�k�.�t�1� i•� �t4 k�,t .SYN?�'�1'.�*'��5��'�'I;lri,�•1 ���t l'�Sl� �y`�1 r .� ° 1 r <, + � _ .' f. 1 ._.. � �,�'� yt. ( S �.� t �kJ � 7� i,� ✓ � Sf I� r 1 1 1 ':�� ( /r 'A1 � � ��✓L+�� M 1 \ (A Of N t ': k � Ilk r • r rp { I� ✓ i,• r •S,1 1 � . } � n •1'�}J( �✓ t � � it��' ' i� e � . lit�* f + ry'.i�f /r '•� , `���a ', i7r ��x♦{' S� \M. .,1:a 1��4.5 fU'y :L! 'i. tt� � 7!t��`�Y �' rr� � �<'}1 ,5L �1� "� ``�`� M" 1 � 7°f ' � O'Pf�����;',���� � 'T If ! r . rt ( t • 1 �r tZ � +• R � 1 is �- kf •. 1 t' i 1 � 1 ¢ J S r ti ( ✓ Ll �' 1 �� 't[t� y � ��t i, �✓ g1� ��' 1 7 ,� ( ' � �.r i A. jr I � � �" ' s ��n �p r ", Y An it 11t r � w� t � Hdi c : 1y i ✓ � • 1' rLy,ll i ✓ tit ���d � f ��P�I t �f�y� i 't I Y r h r i i I � ✓ }ti � �r � h L r t � � • � } Q t V 1 I� � N Y � a f f k �( �� e 11 b+ �( ( �5' u,i. i 9"d 1t1 r�✓. �."� �II�� r 1 J +c"S�a - 0 1t. � , ' '� '� �• ' iA ��+ n Woo in} L t 1 LI Y 7 r�p � �� 1�+d �A' I '} �'r 1 � I J A�{r 1.{ f ( �✓ � � �+ ' � �r ' � +. ' ✓< 'I < �h r+ w ! �✓ Ji ! � .1 ,I� ( .5. �. ! 1 u. <.lip? �� ?� ✓ Jf �, 1 � � .� I. 1.. r r �L� ,{ n. i74 gw ' x, I rt r , r �!'.r'•p� I�>�r �.;�1 ('��'y�l..�ry �'�Y;.r ... 1F a, � ^��.If � p'� I �� I 1 f ' �A '�,�CI 'NU •'M? ! t,•�d1 � Ar + : 1 {i. rt1+ ���7V 'R".7 {i�l�i ti, 'f�' �� � mp I�IM. e +.� .. '.�.. 'y. �i� 'f. a'u ., :Cft , +,i�, ,'I,l �jti 5ji �• Y..f,,. r °i >°T fr�:,L l �'w r r ����}p I al • �C ' q��y �teyiri�Pl�k I, I, y 1 L ±4.,Y 1 G fyIrl . j / ' r f D 1 f ({ l yt Y r •v �;k it t`, } 11 � 1 zu 1 1 • tl rn'�t7V.{tl vy i,t f•F.' � 1 � j■3j4� `yy 1� �je Ma flf r:S �Y'��15����1 k s '74 D..1 of r� I ' _ ,,,� ._ . . t•�' A : 1 f I c •�l'. gi •,y Y, °�'� P•a1� 4.V ��°��'V' �y : �i ' �r• .}rR r r n � .+�'.I �, r ! n1 f :r 6' i • I i ` I:� v ,C r + , ',y r ti ,t iref d��i h'�"7�1#!� +'� ��� .�'�+� �' �1�� � � ', ref rn ! "+ c 5 n�, r �Pr :f 'r � IS•'I y�}AA U � BRA tr r�t4rllrt �, � �ytY 1„t{f\� RT!tt ,4 x lei Id`1 tiff r ` . } ilY ; \ d It :' b kl ♦ Y vY � `~1�x,'�� it � ��� t� �` � '� � ., S�y ��\:r ft{, �51 i '� \a CC�t^t}III'Or , ' '` 1 ` i f r .'•• � '.r A 1 ��i.41Y y:',.lil I.q i , `.lY } r yf ,y� p .y \{V r �, l,S d . Q iy A t 1 2 RP frt a, I arl � r �M} t �J�N f ♦ 'f Ali Y \ryl' v fir Y� �' �� tv •�+ rA r�I a "�' { c�' v '�� i y '^�4 i� Y � i w � � , , .: 'Ar Y ilihit � ,.. �' ( "d t ialw�+✓7r otJ At� P 1, �f�r } } , 1 T a Y' FY,�d \ t v r ,r r ti .t 2 •1 A'.• C a.0 � .Y ,'l � 4 °;C w. 1 5 "r I r. � :� i• i t r "\ t � 1 �'� Vr i �� `.rr it 4 ' t � �� 1 Y ♦ ! ° ;l d hl [ ( fo �� ,. � ill �,. pr 1.4 iA t r l y � w A i �, , Y� ♦ .� a r t y r 1 tl��',A�i. �," y y,t c d Y xl• r fi'i1'it0 pt.ii y'sP ,`4:� r jy �'t ,a7.i'd o 1, .y l ➢t�o. dio 1 W i y p i M F1f �1ti�y r 5 fr y vAi"y"^I�S•ix,!',37�d{ %�`��.�1,�) Y,t�I`r ti,e "ItOPOSAL yon 11UM) AMYL' TO BE UAW* M A9u TRM ft(” 04 north line of F,ost BiouOry street to the South tins at YoUtIney street+ AX ariMx fxoa s tM►e! line of Asir street to tba east 4160 'oat y. , dm"! (no Uw touth line et KaxissoY, +3 fift ?to the 091ftb lfAo eat Meet pioYo!w $#areot� " T�k7� y iha nortta iloo of Oak ❑ts�Mt so, the Moul"k .Iiu* �fw of • 117cIAR ktdrinst from Uke South 1,100 of west hickory atreet� to trip north line of UU%berry Street. MART kUllowly alml (too the West line of w°eloh Wiroe� on the north 3.4v 1 Stseet to & point 142; feet rest of eA► d W40 Un of tA, pvoM#l# XWa pod Olty OeiMIs110etd o • Al��! .eat td�m� t'txsA b*gtitaoat *a tha teo"6 'd *144a pro 064 #A ""O I%" st"94 l�M qxa soaea A�rovidod in Ova Remoluttob $"Sea bar the MY com"OS114 �yt�w¢,, rr�I�{° "..'i'S�. �;. k },�'"iT!. ��. ���,T'4. . . ` T 4 � n� •..1I��1 X,:A#.°.'v>E r{" 4. rq�/N,� it oit for,Pt it 0it tBees u AIN Nid Wit sl tW► tine Dll pc'.Y'a tb4 1tae1►sfor 1rds"000ov srrd 944411A Opm had *111 pay exP4g14A LmA r:+at 1A 0 VIA 0 the Mee�tM4gt4♦ wo pare�ars t do all U* work Mat furcfirlh evil �0*16le foi 'ths IOWA" twit XW400 r ` , - 7 D r, sM+b# !' lnah � ry \ I rid 6v q low_ III Its . t y � r ` ° �' tai y51 1 ,i 1 .1 .• t�i� try Tfity Mtn �tovo►ish tro��1Ap' N tdlltflNt Wi 1Y11 fit Of bfating 0 In lit�'lhi�f' ""t to @smlo 41 YN��Fr• � k ( t� 4,1 1 . � 1 Y'i t4' ��' �" 1 144 t S Ilk �'RV6 {C cif 1 i Maelo wow* " k tl r"+ r 9 a ♦�t'1�.'.: >I S�+r,Y; U� �Y ���� �R� ti@ � fl� 11 � }* 1,y +�k:x '.�sA ^� v � ��k "� r epi7� .1 G i v 014 ow.0 11� mtA Pit ox"Oso Rim L, ,1 be r �y 9 . . ."r i r: +'. p i. �9 i �l. R .F k'.0 Pt '!W k, 1, ' r��Fi♦ 1�1y�y�W.1p.,iL� e ♦ t �h � h. L ,T � � t _e pi i..l � e 4 aL L, '"t� y!el y. L..114 i 1 '� 1�(,,��ti �y�6� Fs vS �°y�rglryyFl�mr�1`' 'il f�T:�'� .T: ji�q" •h fN4.y.a41 t � a Y�CiKr,� •1'p7" . Y�;^2��Yr<`d�."}!��\LVY{ Y f� . Y. 4 l.a � }.r t �r '� 'Y � OF. �i °y;'k l alY� v,�.,r. r ..w -+a,+ � L L m;•.+}��t " S�:S '..i ' d�,�," i + j,�f'S Cj !„avr ;Y'. 1 r a � .d5 + :�s 1 + Z' a �++• #' p J.�E�L. �I���dk`�$� •tl��';��' �'Itf 1'S "7N�r'dYa:��k 1� �i L',� .fS�,�.'r+� i� °'K1�+t ��,i��; i �� 'k"tr,"�+.91:;`, 1 kkx.•�R 7"�s` �'�'�Ir +Y�," 11#��Alr4r�o� 1+ � �r�I .;3,��,,'y��� I��Jk r7�:"► ;� �+'Y�r�.�� i}+i�.��,�:�'r'!94 �I �����" 1'1 V � a �f�xI,�m.� . �'}k�4�j l�'}4t '16Tj,Y k��t3,�',li� •. Pd�'�ryi ��)��^�"y�, �P� 1� +i1+ ri r 1 i # ���' w� ��� �'�i i' .� �lvi, INA%^ ,a1..Fir IW Pah 7t`3M �,t 1 r ,S; ',7i~as ;r1'4 7 � Willi � ' �� �k'i � k'^S . tf'krr.�N�. � � ' .b"`,� OW�!" Of I Ykl E T A r ii 11� tot AA • A.; r. xe r F _ �`i ♦ 7� ,� 1• � t������'h..t"4�? x'h,li 4��,i' �.f r r.J ' W"FooYYZOAXIONO x04 VIN toY -Off (WA AgR STWt (rOA Wig tnorot line of Last Hickory atnrt3t to the south line of YGRInney IStree tt pk0A1 n7I'r". ffrom the wat line at Ash ( txeet to the 44,64 line of coda elureetl Q18I)AR fr'i`MY x4" the ntiouth line d asoKinnoy Street to 0* snot* line of Feat 111okory Utaraetl ', Y AYts s4, the north lino of Onk atrcat to ILI •QuW lino of � vm4x ri7 y"T tnt`w W» south title at went 1dQkgwy Stroe4 IPA sm 46irth lim of Mulberry attreail WAOT UVIMtY o'1FWT from tea wet line of Welch Street wi ,�s(��a►yj0$� mij`borsry street to a "I"t Foot weal at." R7T f�'� -O W*Igb OW N$$' r G A i.Y 1 t .•ti C� 1 j, ; It a`«' � R '4 '.• q '. 0 ( n y ° , s . �r�..wr.us,tw.....w. • ' 'M kk �?�MIMS .1 The ui400rs lire wwoatrd !p imspeat the +; R4 t►ire�r°, wltb 4ntiettatl oprnd►�tineaw. ', ..psi rYky'�i K' i Y� K� c n�:.a. �'�: �', ' .. 4 .V1} F �i�' h i rt: �,��. i • 1 f �.as ooq+o�naaa waa titer . r :, Fm) kt�ikt# yr^i+ r 1t�^lv `. � 1i�4 ��Yk �,. 7' tAFr •:+ .�. � Frti d l �' tIS � �ryj ,�� 4 X.b : yt � � rD! 1P11.D4W1 � tllltal me 1 l � 4i'� �''(r1 u9 f,� �. ''y+'Ydry�li�k`7� a.�"}�-r�let+�� +K: 'd'!�' ChM �r'R� k ^ d�a �� 3NYnY'• r t ` L t tfi ';441 , ��'� � tF�r ' tm � Ft, R ; r M r #IMIiiili VISA, Ofto y 111&�y T�•, , t:rF Jr rr* , ��� t r I��'1 �� � b4, . 'V � ,,, V, .. d •,'r '�, , vtbb� 4,4 � lS�]4' f�+ ae� it ' de� v41"i> 'XY �tF' 3.41 ;•9 # ��c �, tl ,�,t��s� t'�a" �t �5 .�'�q 71 ww , �•f k ry Altoratic" r t<00 propoia3i oyll tltetskMa w t of the b4d �o to � �' ' sOh bblAdex 4WI ineudn JA the unt3 prtoee n* Aed 111 ,6114 Pro• ♦�iN,i the rMmiohins of trill lobar maAtorlale gad s pONAL u0 at ovivy 10641, s, > ipp ion li "MA- Y to ooaehru01 eroot OA %12'40, %1 40 i at�ysto Rife qt etaQt 071 of the griFtiAOes �1 4 k oA Oa► jH++ 01C.19600" or ahorym on the pl*=# ' wo M p 44 +roil 0 gxkTg6s$A 1�R, �� ,'q Oa ►o an tan ,unite i►e to a lta� � All U04 _ev' pay .s,* st1pblt r,,br e e l M da 1w btue►rb 0 s �! t0�e4 `t4 ed %I th xoe� a COW404 � O A40 i It .41 Aslmcr 1 A*4 VIU to "OOP we , w �e. Ai,�u�a!�' V��C w ..i ♦•a i�'n'� 5 �t :1 1.y. r .� h . ,, 4„ i ,�,, C`.''� �rWr`lvr ?� uir a Ax e&bit w 0 440A ' vy 5 a p"War>Aw 40 to aaa �4 r ear � 9 Y � rl,♦ ! �.� ,dl� h 1 ' �' f '1 rV } 1 .'tir ' •3 �i-0�+�E.�., `�. 6 4. '�• '� AMC 2" '� � Y�.d. � ', Y r 1 rr 4 'R .�.,�� �� 'X1,'�'�t }��(� fi!� { ,Y�r� i�'. .C�� 1 v J i � r r �.i.• wt aw.•�7 iy• ,.. { Ile l fir �; r �s C' �1 l 1 1 r� e . �' ���. A �, I-'� ! h �L! _ •^y,a �." . ' �l".. �'�a � �,",.5,.:"�S.� ;lai ''ry Abutxaot . q Us 4uo00uafuX blaelcr •n•i" be ropuircd to furnish a 4ompl.ete htotrtict of all propc�ty aLutting on Qjc atx-vet to be 4agproyede �; '�`he cost, of *aid atotz�i.ot to b%s batsiV y t114 tSontraotox,. ` rtaturesuout rued ScYVATAt for -ork y Iq xt"urcing tip t):e puveve,nt that part 000upieu b man holes ! fluke tarilea ennd catch t"in cover* , vnlvt� bones resit rails of dtrcoy railw&y tsanke will be include& in the eggrogate paYad are$, T110 Olty of IXnt*n DhAll tray to the 0( rAtraotor one third of the , coat .of all 4414 irzyrororasAt exoeyt iMPZQY*0ent wider r s and ,traoko ` Qf ppttau xt�y P slid txa teat out,aid$ therao# which s2�al�` b4 pate, ,oliy b , the *ImGrs , �ment o bo made by o t1l ty of Denton to ibty on. tl c qq�y st194 Of WA Mork in eaah par%lo"ex 4t641, or TAU Qt�Pets of pt'ogerty abut,tlpa An any ptxeet ox portX04 Oiereof h"rei�i o ti tweed tq b,e� �roYed ahall. pay trw . thirds of the o4rt o s td i PtoYercnt e�►o�ytin ctirbe vhiah a? s�i tRe paid tor who Xly ¢buM08 trOp-O� ty owners . The amount to be ,paid by the roperty ;�r? o�sWe i►hall. be tt Proportion as the froptage of the property or aaoh ow o r i to the whole front a of property on the psrtioular street hhpe r asetd to p, •d, and sugb tee ] b rti�i i10 f eYIG%*6ef7lrawidnpsroperty � �a aCAOiraan+f 1�1o4,OAAYf* :iv�����r Icabwia re t�h4, f.Togt roof, fulo o�C an px tided t2spt i the P1iMnti011 E of thin ruse ;n t?ee 4l,i�iibq OS t 4�ty �os�w Union of thi 01 'y o{ canton i tioil &a oases be ua�sst or uoequal, it #hail be the duly of sort. on dy,ap3,asioQw to esaese and a' �++ortion said costs !n such peaport on a may be 4401"" gust And dpaitabxe , Considering tit apeoiai Denef ,40 i'qq gholupoa yolue to be rG401Ye4 by eaoh property owner , thus eQait ee of ach *truer and the adjastment of such apportionment e0 as to pr04u0e a substantial equality of bencfito and burdens imposed iYPOd eaoh property apd. its . OW40r, 0aid. Fortiori olt said costs of such x reseals shall !w pttyabxe by said p�rOpor y *vast# to the Con raatox, .pp00111 Upon ooxAstia an g Aw3d roXe�4t oq ton, ftm pAf tOr: q� c r' t o0n , nsucied +, be Lrprore o»e»f Ono o- two �►rs from said y i ate , ou!«filt?e yt with�hrlquss er a date and ppPoolitth lour years from said date 0480 hole with interest on +said, igOt ilrrent from the 4AU Of ntoh aoa oeptaso at the rats of eight peY� 3"t vir "RUA# providing, ho�rerer, that any pX tr,;ty a e s x O . Mp,��,Q e3` O A10h, es'so V. tit A 1 rb OR 1 s� #y " It o, �par , Ik�t�a 0,• o , tt pb��4,� e A g � � '� ,, 46 Ali 541 0 f kit �} �s M ,1r a�,d biadi rider, t U9p0 0h' r fide r . OUt M tk yb7t 04 the Ott, sera vs th rad !e b�he e" 1 0 !'ix th as" or b� d rt o Ag ier 'Ox a ip -psF true • sans i 0 to e a of; 1, pt 400 ear 0# e ! xa y t0a. "�'fu City bt DealOb rtgo� llnal I 1 ! .'� • Yt !tiS � .. .1 � i-' 4 1 111,'' r" . ^t'� ! y':1 w j R�' ,k ..i 1,S�IX•.C'�Ii S�� .� t taz. � ococ� �a . ►'i �r4 �� 41y]' pf x (),,f1tT# cr; tt` y,f; i:'t,7b r o �"wt7r�Jy low " t M^ ' 9 ad0eptu>]o• of any of staid starlets or portio»e thereof ndMed to by ' g rq+red ash ll 000 to bi Osued to the Oon�rsoto7 am* 4011 Otto tdntet� $+Qlt�itng 0.0 amobalt to � ppaid .� each Of a!>�d y1>;'0 lrty T. , `R o�aertt and aeevaet�e] nr�ginrat his groporty an6 the tim and toar 0 1 ebid il15'yriazfte ib ndoordnnoe with this Oontraot and Kith the terart of Ohaptoar 11, Title 221 Helioad atntutee of Texas Of 1911 arji ohjyt•r 90 'tttle 28, Rerised Statutes of texrce of 1923' and the ohaartex etid ovdinnnoes of the Oity o: Dent6itr ' ' 1ti dity at 'f*n;en Y.1a11 not iuw 1iabao to the oontrwotor for atvr I part of the Owe of said ! roreaent to be Paid by the OMn6to of tine : F a►� �tti»g prdpearty uAdor the errs of this 604traoti phe ( ontr40tor shOxl not be ablikated 'to awake ady of ' thf IN rore� ! #a�ro�lgtheri1v *ntlonod in front of `Reis' orhp4vty olaia�ed as exe onferh dor) tr the lien f1,r �1he oobt Of +awoh imyrovaatevltf brit te3at c if' the oonstrayOtto" lot 4UCh iaaiFrovemOf in front of am of ; 9h property uv1sgj, aluoh owner or owners ehrall first aeake yrarision or pepuring the payment of the ft"Unt of the 0040 trhioh Will bs osiossttd ap net ouoh proper p to• the sx.41graotion of the oonfraotor, ThtIWV 4T0onte III eaxoh uai t ar 1d16trjst :shai +IoMSa�ttt[{d ",4416060 y'At� amt dirtatndt UALU or distrioU eAd the A$ WSn�dt fOx the ial ta ' abe Unit qtr dittkot sAall 'foot III any sritlh bi a�ffeoto,4 a 'r by _pay faO .OY ppirouaistanoe In 0660e6tion �iith the iasyrOreaeente 44.40 7 other unit) dt 4 itariot. ,,,, 1{ r� Qo.��it1� wC 't 111 • � ia4 oade of say oonfltct between ldw or thu oh4rter, the o eoiot s`iostia to tho p],ane And the oontarAdt , they as ,loi].oMS� 1 ��Thy xlkv awl the Ohartear , iz $ d$ sitione The p ano 3 f pork to be Staked out by X;8gjmSs W,1 t b' on tar 'th ! eanwit '*li s# .cc ; 0 'i ;b i r i'°nom ° the :dagtrgot4# v it w ' sgwl 0 '.� 'S k, . ;^ ' , + ! `.t , 'g. A•ri'.'�h� • �,�� �A� i'•�y Pyt!',.y., i h• fit . � n• y .h I i !_ � 4" �'' i ay• 1.. . C • 'G' i'he rood bed a>ik�aJi1 k `Wh t U ia s rboae iholt� #h ¢ a US setabts yar�iNaa1 reds a FA3p �' t7 ' o#' ! o k i t�' Mdp 0 01 do k x bpd b itiuo� Oi � �,' • bat•auRh tQ s>rk M' ;byrllt• �: ,� t f� , � t �p � q�i, w� h, �a�� 1�. e h t►ttt• � � �a 1t' . Na1N' , A e k `�,�.. �,. " �i Y �V� few, •� d " �1 .w.� 1 4'^ i `Itdd t rta►h W�,t, 00 i ILA il tot VV °i:+ Tb li Ywj ��.P 4 .}�,`� 'f l• I M rs 1 �w, t)I �A' ` �� LC R�j;3A� d t n Jr, dkbgY'+ � ro o Oyiol ` tot l�I � �te� �V1!.4 4 47) 114' brt43r4 of r gutteahbd f 461vtog • i �114he 1her1 shall b Iri� !r• ti 1 44 ", r �'�x� �7,�kL�A��ti �d} ��A�t,�i� ti,"d11$ �x� �"�•s �?���+' �rd13 X.1rtl �' Cs'Qr nl .�'tf <� rr, 4'ra'1ia��+.� :.�li�-.?r�»4,��i517�"•Q �.c'.�,f3111,14' � � �a'.C,('tf�L4�• � #�1 to�� .. � � 6 ems: WIV Derr aq qt� x4l+nvJ�rA t",tpiA ,et a uIf 4IWOa 0 P ira+ore;V 0 i 'o an�o s�tr vk "qlr;P� ► i t r :N . CPU% G� �Vi � d�w!Scr�O of i1d�I��U�►� �Nc+xr.ut u'xYVq -to b S, . ••..,.,.. ..t , , . '''.. i ., y ` , . �, r: � . . . ' „fit a r^ .k '�.,:} w, ;?F r placed for the curb and gutter , wet a»d tamped to a solid beds there exoara►tion for subgrads has been carried below a depth of three inches below grade A f tlon of one to toil gravel oonerots shall be laoed udor aiur'b d guttor, in no came tholl iurb and gutter to gilt to ft ei&th fit i T the -COXWr coat bo of not loon thaw two inek uaterial $ lavradea + ' on the std* ana one Oda$r material moat be straight lumber ovoid err T be twisto or w s or other dofeeto o Any lumbar fen forms not in ' a►eoorltanct alt!► t3�a o"alflentlons shall be lmmedt4toly removed from th* work. All forms sort be loll stacked and thor.o bsace! so Ust taeyiing of materials will not disturb them �icr then out of line. The front and back boards mat be true to 1 ne and grog# before materials ' ore pla►codi !ti opoireto r . ' 46worsto for the balsa course or Ogre BhAlx be Am to 618 hubs" fta f ra�rel6 fhe' to MUVIAoe ova top AM fsor of Carl► 04 top 40t oiNr 3/4 igh thiok and sholl ue op�posvd of oria port oex� one ono- 3f alts O'h►a►a! ship se�lda ' Tov Inlartat* f.fi ba : r. � core to otlll paw ettly green , tyro"llad 11h end ahAped to a trno, even sur;tao40 4.1V,t9}4tA 'tfi.lY luPCk .K9'if �,�;ri•YL r k �t "�M S ;f+t'.a i ,. 'a ift fro sot i „�< , r.x,,,�. r w r to b." tut t ogbtteird »t�►oro� ak*od ie r , �nfrb amd aFix toot be*lLb opiate :r �n u6hly d over ver � f s as t r orb ovary t oslx foot to be an open expansion 1099 Ji11o� wirth r< saltabie exp orlon "torIA16 " . Reinfe�roit►g I xsb a d Into #-41, bo taforoe with 1/a Nit ei asrei1 iM i111i etaptbo 3a tb s► . x end is �► # ► ` btl� soh i e' t hg, gt on %41+ r: � � t 11�` ' ��� �� ,._ aid �t i1►d t [y� rk :'.y/ j. ,'``� � Auk r e "e o sae ' edb +tea Y`s°�► ry`Y r ,IV Adiki 1 s ` } oitii"prlti +,( . i � , rh..•4.,�1 i d ''v F. 'i,; r t v. i' P. .';�r� t � 'r t 1, ':' s. ...1, r'tfr � 'a l r r_: 'but i"1fi f7sareo • d i1Y 1►N of Or Rolm Oro 'NIl7� o , g 1M bu p . xelaii0o!e, +g•. c , �� r 7r .�r'x1: .-y., t 'i � 1 w a .r n + - fAs " " . 5 ,• �,m - d J,.v � f*a,k�� �4 ]]������ "4�+ �{{iyy' . ��� � a�tr 1A�•�`^ri 57 " �� d. 1w 1eRt b Irtt1 f � i _ to n Kf t fp1 1�Msr►, t bye "`°-� r►p'p ' L A��i-'" r P 'a-G ri t ;t ri 1 .y -u A t I � t• a t,�w �k.�!,. `r.r . � ,a� M{7:a -.gY.'�rTy.�R�. A4r' . ` :" '6TA �.�'.,,. ` tp 4a': .1'jt•"1 �,rrr .i � � .r P,F. � . i �;�� � oe�r 5 s r�� � x. i u ��n �� c' ! '� J r• W,cy Y?0,r jrQn ve, pi!;t ov i t + t ar o r y�CsSliP' C �tS ► ot, a,tr a',� � x.�Ac/ 01-WC-1,649 9 64 �'�),orioV '�r�,�/sa�tP# C' 4�+i�rf� o� rt lt`� :t�+tp��9 i�ep" Avg$ ter, tvukh�,T it maY1q A u°k Vrarr0 , ` r , S sU ' 4A j=• (KOdit'led royeks Tyye) �r Ihis item shall ooASiet of a wearing oourse r ooMosed of a qo oted saUturo of Mirmre►! ere a 0 Und Dituminous sarlea, MA owl be ooust ted on Un ggoo�to d and yTw"d *�)oursl, in asoordsnoa with was !p�oifigat oras srrd�n donformov i rith Us lines, grwdorr 90UP&Oted �p �,. � t4ridawa►o and ti►ylo�1 0�'000 , station on V* plauss � T Ulneral A W*4Qt* �a11 be, Dos 00d of s. Qoarss tp'oga o 0 orusued stop*• a vino Aggregate $ no* 1110*ral Fillers 1% lee of trio awmee &qquogate o rive Aggreggate said Unesal Y11102, ab" b* submitted in a000rdanoo with yreseribed irethods• Anroyal both of t2a mnt*riala and ot• Use aouroe at �p1y feast be obtained from the XmInew prior to deAiwrry or mat*ri111. x'a t>n, rho G " apte sWl oonsist of of 10 r dugou nt11 of 004: t+ru�ol�sdicyi shir�aorthi►q �0!rtr o1eoitroaNil4r t`t'si 04 ex�laiotegsaii��dd sto,le, djv$j oltgsr,lo or 0U*r�,I i"0 math 000u"T elumv free or as A amine oil 00044 /17� +�iNMt s l "V4 A peer Dent of W*" of not aoro th" 6j oW wbon tooted by latbratolry me"o sh1 j fulfill the folloaing requirogentl, passl>a� ib! 106 sorm soot leas Usm rssrina tA! igOh 001441, not loss than 9 floso ist aaaA1 tion at 601">naN+ al 1rs reofled roe reg0 . T t+sr oaarbieat on of s and earnings sigh mtlw ttMS loiloarind roquir� mates F60111W 0 plcouts ,rl tr ab oil mnet es tba sh � oh s 2a W � ir , to 0141 ea all sisrot xst"ma! a o s dsov* not m r 3' r IM Ord MUr mist of .ot m A*% so as 9r± i q nt xt r A�►kar"twat" or atmv irla f; aa #t fry awr :o is� sflw t 4, ovum roquUom" 11��o4•a1s� la.ri1 net #ourA Us • t gar' 0 'end oft � a .0 ; {' r 2'.. / ,lip. ✓� rpea o�tt�is � �"/ fir • 1�� � ss i r► r ape < { ► Lv!v I w r rraer' tbs� MUW" Evil �''"Y Pd'/ ^ r irY '"t. ,. i/ y h,• 'rte+. d Y t o � M 11 r:Y�� �1..t r K r to 4 �Ii'S a' 2,��35T h �( • 31'q��,'t . � `fit i` :f �"G ,5T r,r � t a, .'.•.f�. i ♦�`e MSI"�.�1{"I aFSMnit 4A•�f�� si�Y`�.•�•l'" �.�'�l I As Orgartio fttter lnooluble• • r • a • + •not logo thm 09;0 1 YlWuod UrAudea A#pbatt rs ' k 0pe oitio 0 [+1►ity 2$0/ 2500. ON 770Y0 4• • 1.050 t It 0 Its' h y011 Iw • . • 1ar • • r • • .• .a, • 1 • r Ot Ilse 1'7 • ps Ye1ti»d ydt • • . •.• • • r • ••r •aQr1x�0Yt4 �1 I jf ! 9' • f Yerotrati� gnat a 0 { 7�'• 1 100 got � /0!t• •rr • 1• .1 .1r• �QI LOSS at lb3 & ( s ♦ 5 hours•• ••• • . • •• • rrrrO0 SUS tM111 3•09r ,. . n. t+snotria ion of roatdur at 25$ Soaaa YOtal bituaeA +..SjnQ• • ar .. • . • a « , r • a « . . • aarRO Z u � , obis in oa►rbon disulphide) epr . 00% loot than 940%% the yaritht mixtu" shall oansist of uptifaxw mtxtuae p: Lai be aggaressta fine "G re4"O, ralnese►l filler and bituatnous tarter• Lai ae +� to produce when Property roportiosaed, a mixture Qontemutrg ttN tlhe fo1l41wa Um totioas fOr aaaotitwa �rodualaa� tha' o�Lots the ergo p ortiaq of ao diia4ted b tie laearl M� Mith a N 1 is deatOry •iewoa Ow '983 as ail ore eiu►x m t`N`ted �p�rr on. " Olt slsntoi 1 set Ute loilOolas requireo, N �+aeoLaa 11" aeseep arM rstsiged ox ,-. �atsoix� inah oereeo ,Wd rdtsiaad 10 t!w 41 ` xetra rs toed On 10 Nosh •tew F J�. Ya�tstt Q taetwb d eYOr rataiiaed as 0 alah a ere +rrsh srs 1 rntaiaed ow wab relre S 1tii1l� 111i N4sh OXe1►0„ d�i �OrONi$,age Of bltticYq Lrl tb0 fit�stoed 40was oat not file ' aeot fa'OU tbo the awAr proDOwtlogq etla�listud by Rua 3 tZN ?+Oi aLct;ura '�w +mod u?400"r required wr b "Meler�a� #0 but �S l�betrcap� se�+ar�a1 oLt to am wll requip� + .' Y �r #o ►o on �a�re e f MMM q tr he +bo it on 14 ra a# Qurt,�a of the ea nodetn►triy r�i wit t� oawra � bo Itoi aow�rod wi It a toot �O�rtar, wd �tbi tie ttran sill de�'es leas qs t tx�rN t - t� 1exu�Oat Ox of ha t o �►t tau w0 termination of tta�e wa uaro ardor ao Vrisod wyr.oMo etbe gee Or tho � , tatitreI +shat& have aaoess at any titaba�� u x a Mie�t asowseeotoA . a q lotllMOtaIM LAI� ift ��at want r► "mitt"Yeati of U" owl with w +1iratt4 atti st sli is o t Nteeo 1'i X111 i iglt �a er ,!�, i ' wt"' 0 E a M or t�tl the w o ,ht�to sLLae w � U01l d y s t er a Of 4 #M tbob' p�actwr+� s��l bo►1ra "fit 11164" , •Nk H e A tM�t+w►tre o ,irelur 0 ' " date 1 tw all Gas$$ be taoaaw" 406p6 pplot( e �thada� a X41 ;.n AW lam on 0 irii� i� °� .r ���iiiccc f�, � Y �r� a � $ 'i � Er 'itrirt .`ti ; i _t1 � t "',i' • � 551 4.' 'h G��• `��. , � ��=�.��P �'�. a; �>�� ": �u€ , �at���1� .S �; ,,k+�yi } F w : ,ley;. ��yt�h :"� � ft,��� t 777 U44W are used• bituminous 40corete Mixture heated and pre. 4 pared as r a s lreye" ielp ohall W hwilod to 0 woa'k In tight rohlalell w Preylovaly oloaNd o� ell fa�relgp aa�erie • end► i t�t+�eo y► 001 z a Q� with o S4 of suffiolonk else to pxwta t tb* $33 �o�p• the rebtotes oht�i be turn AMea eto tbn tart d area Or yl.a"d and shall bay* rooetred lot 4 rol inn dirlrl bt thel W*twm #1*11 1N 1#4d only on o bao0 90was tlblogh 0 1p� LUm gop odease t%A4 free gnly whaortiaa rya=dit iior iei� h�a 10049 ppe ion f r Ot Lb0 R[i( Mtr• kro NU tf,%b)A• Gtmtaot ourrious or curve 1�p4 Ot"Oft Woo and all Joints shall be VaInUd with a thin, uol!+�rx goatiag 1 oat sepha ltlo o vent before the oourse is ngresAs lyba xux wt4 ell I ' be d0w" 4n w • Board" outside `tut ar a uaa uhioh it i to Orse4s V4 en a el��oorad diotriUuted Into wa Rnd }iced to a"0 ti unit os 100 a 111 tri 0 quellf dey tb� thft� after reoail +r }� fawf Y rb it ONal hokyi t}4 Qoapsoted �tlFt !�N sborM pri ze plAft0 ne aoAnt to r'lush Curbs ► itexr!_ ilno r, rsnd otruetureM the IAlxturr sbW,1 be nkedunlforal no Lt t fior@?ootodt Will be sil�`,z abo`ro the odge 0 the curb or uah airuoturo, '110 mixture cW be, at a t � oaayeratucre of gj0 to ,� 0 degree~ .'y= • Ift" isle: 1 Fc0110�ta used p the bltwawinouo pon e 1 well be�lanes ► se •yl'opelled► tendaa rollers , erelghitlg betwe g: and 8 tons arahe trnoi shell harr It G0ftWgsgjOn aagddo r fM re" �' 1161' et betre4a 400 ripe 300 pounds post 11aea1r inoh of troll eM Sh"IL be �rorlelstl with An es an vht0h ohall prorent altws txan dropylog uq va � bltwalaeulf ,aq� e� 4, s to n�ring Owlet e 1 Led rilgx IA r es A:a lrorki� A oente�r, by eras xolltgt oar disg0�1 rollsn&& uenar roar tlon tztd the b 4iiatad wAtO eixangrVo n ring to ttm rollstr r1us be parpriAed N t aa�ot�ian 0!•044 rolls QAll at all time be slow catuo to avoid 4JO .oOAMont of the hot s tun [wa oar des laa�leleaelltr ooewe» s1� As a relb" of VQT#r� iA8 trio 41rOQtion Of UAb raXler Or 80 ae tae shall st once bn *art t4d by ttr use of rak o a! »I ttWgrr• whettr lrequirlde no% ing s li rOntinur With" Moro �ooa uotllerilbioll�f�► Mrks dl»s wt• andt� su rat'1► show$ s r ow t ltlose Afteae t AXvlrent l>at had 1p3ttl►a xoss1Og1 -IOM du___r!A ov Portlal =9"Inat a� fiancee a V tho e„ A4df • sMt t Mnlr ever tM �!�ifo Sut�ft"6 A Anttioieat It Ore t be er pleyoa to bieu►n tta aoa�,rrstilb0 r�tr �phlths troX ore oonnot el'feeuvoly 1' eewassel t►lt� be tsgpero 1 4 44100 of tin Puts" oouxsr &VAU as er now t yDotlnuaus " ill le std the M late sbau pasts Over the w1frot l #�'+ filth of otl+IffN1 l of Ilst # ile i ' Of ' ` !� n ate 1 Its , esi p tr a >co If rt tr0�e Saar ter �a �a� 'r s�o >snta�r a1 0h haw 11460 14 atltar 1 to and New sesfc d a t t1k s A�tt4Y ' alltltl i asyr bN �►tlte 1Me�'NII t areaotl o A bat 1t MM x 11r lrn A, t! Jos AWI1�1 f � a L M 1 btu / � 1 or su t�l ' MA IP tW1�4b� �d det Olgb 4 toa" 11 M t><a►r be +� : �i �ng tnawr6 a+�N`0#0 t e1lbe +1r�IlA + e arr TUTO A Saft" the l04l et Us! yrollifln► She 1►itlfrCr �►1 °°rirN tine! As pees �fr� by � sri4 0��'fAl 1a11�1 f ' . Y I MWA N J RS T re (44� 1� y �t ,.k4y 46t (Zrlovo pro to- 04, PA olow; i f! ! wir+l�'� 3'l �s ✓rt .. M� �Yl �ri:ti vt + Y M r,�'Zt,f' ,fir t Kr 4 .. Yr i r' �' ,' ♦ . .+ Y�5 ' Yx a :� V." ,�1.. ,i,� -, 795 'la �1" a , tifry�.{ a ,i. lr.,k. ^� rn r..''((.+♦'� r ..a:.' wl 'uu .�t' 5". �'. t n - .ice �� ✓ t r. K Ir f .) TIO # � ` iMU no d9TIAtiOU t �1 �.�i;Op 0� toot # Y ji4 � •. 5j t 0 at v l no of �roaftAr O wN to ` du rye► IoM tb�e �$ n� aka11 a4i r i aee ira dii►texwa trod t! o aoera.b naiab oo�aplMaOsap� a aaaat � 4�'�lpttlge. , # axi an•ot r ##b the lrr*q%k "Mots atog�t�o1 0:!114 a W'lI ,1"Yw01d@d at�d 3'4glpaed 'il� W1�Zi#.�l /�srl"i� �► ��N� t is r�tb triasa �►�oi��o�at�ar�r� �►t t,?u v� ,b�',; � z V ' u'-� ♦f'r r r f t Y r r • f r � � . : r 1 irk , _ . r r ,,� r r ti a fr ' 99 y� 41, r ,� 'J' ,, ,I •� r r ���. 1�n1r,�i��t��l�}�k'�ti.'y;fi���*'lif�'"t�i�w .t i•� '�,tQ, rw '', V 1�.�� r .°� Y�� *4ti7+16 ( i n �d y� 'r ' . T r� c' '� , tF�a / N + � Y, sbo,F �'✓�."rL �! r r r " r �I a �,, ,*�Ea�i 7e't, s ; J. �'!�f , �IIJ s ��. .. >�� 'i y1.'. �,� y •fir r r .,r .� , t , f. . f 1 ' i `y `f•S r r � r r irk , J r rA v r r , ' r7, r'..W r ♦j q�., , F �rti4 vq r9 ri4 Y 1 r i f rti �{: 4t iv- r i,.ri v. '� I. �:-.d,' y ♦ '♦ rr r Ar' � 1� +i ur f 5� L.• � Yr. � f r � y •'A ��� >w.� + y. .� S: 6k �♦ rrTi ,.� r lV ! y! r 'a_ r ` F C rr �Y ,;..� • y tr • ti ^ t� ; r r C )'�r'! } ',��Y� r .r� S'1 �.r r r�r +' . (. '..! � � •+ 'riJ S,' r 3 t � e � rT + °-C 7 r .l d+ i al it 3 Y�5 il,'. i r A�� v ♦ Sy f;. i �' r+',Y�r+(��!' �i r��''y;�'a i�.�i � s'�. 6�A� ' "� ',5 �1 y 5 ��'Yl 1 .: 4 • � Y+ �1. ^�� � 'i V V t it F 7 5.v I � 4 r'C 5ip1''.,� 1 `!r ii ¢ : r yx t f� �6 •, rr w r ♦f 9 i V i y 1 r i A r ♦ `,f !Rr t >i�r 7''. ♦ Y r r r ° \+ V t 1 r `r r r tr + .3 9 •'. 5 V a i t ' f" i .r V� . '. F f Y 1 � 'C l � .� ♦ i o ,i I 53,7 �r ,y �: + �' � � � 4 � � y , • d � � x + ' r ^I� 11A .� r ; e r r r r , ^• ', ' ^r �;oh � 46r, r ..,.• 1 roe , r t � � 1 r r r ,,.b r5 1 1 . 1rAr q # r��� � a� , ,3;, T 'r 7`6.1,; ;,,.+ .t S^ •'?--. ' <• <Y� I.'; F 1p r'"�''F �1� 5 r'ir �r1J{�rj��� +rFy r r,4,, 7. �4 r 4d I` Q r w w+ rrr a ' r a rlii \ \ 0 ..y , �:PSr ' K , •' YYn r, yv , 1; A'., � , i'1 Y r' < ,"1 t 'V' , ✓ v I•¢� , ./ �, 1 T F"rSt 9 � Y a, .ab �Si 3 d V� n l� � ' :�1` •�i ti"r� 'tit i ?�/ r�f' � 'v � 'rr s r; `J �Srq 1 � , d, ✓a T ,�fl rtt'1.'�AtV y.,S 1.(. , Y r G "I , , � , , r' ' f 7 r .aQr } , 1.,. L� K{ )Ct r' y y �� •, C, ++ t v 1 ,3 7., �jY9� �gy S�f' • ^�J�V• �1'I� Itl�'Y��'� :'1 �1 Rf, j r 'i..�, 3r � ✓nS���rli . r nY ���kn � r x' i (A'',jY j ,f. r�r �, {�4YS �� i * 'rS♦,BSI � t�'���FY,'�, n �5l �I�� ,. n Z �7h� a � ..r�Y R frl r: i •• IY ? . �'q, Tt JIY '}"Y ty y? �h / X'c lft`YLI '.'. `�,. �,' r . ,r �,y'r. t w r Y. t F + , N,� �tl i i+ S './ •' t� :Apey �,'r,�� c ,. � ti+•>i t,,jj1 dv I 1 slil t k , 1r1 T ' � fyi `;� UN>�: i% N ! Yr 1` „r^ �` `d,,r t,a i s i i � i ',f ` 11 }. Ci !iY .� fir, t s 4 HS!f;.fJt rJ' 1,f''�VSt : If it �i. " SJ' '� +� Y . �:. '1,, Yr 1 r .�.Y� r j�`7 i„r�$ �: �... i S�' A S�vJ• f r+ 1 Y F fr S` y p i;S'y r1Cy F F , ✓K fY V!'L'Slj S qie�. t.t , 4 r,� �r _r ' -f y {} d c•W�i � ri l V C .�1 x ll 1:7� i Mri Yc ^3Ytt R 1"111 r�15•� r , 1`'i FP�I] '.� '�} �;, ` 'r F�'.7 ' y '�tF�� `:..'4 �t r tr S� t t •• t ! f r Cy d ` + I , 'at f � A' a, t r . � 1 t tn ' � � 1 ♦I ( { fi� r :1 T '?Y'rJl , �f�+: 1 i,� � r f n S �piq ' S . 1 T n,tttttttl � aie -�, J rtR .�r $�� f.. � n � � r A@ S'Y'� rkx '� .i � r z •� 1 S 4- )r u e1 r 3 f, rnfr e , .tt,gl }p�I" S� `Iti x 't +, ,, r` � �H r•^ P l., n y� ' IL' if�F,tl�� a ,P 'r , 'A C r,r r� S .� r �' i �r''����/Ft � 35�� � �11. 7 x rl � ii'. �r 1'. ✓ 1 ,{ t `' ' r 1 r ^ ` t � r '.J r � !fr �r�}t,'` ir'r i i 1 " � 1�i ♦ �g', �t t. •; . ` x r >r t Y ��"r ..d �"rl�,;��y>r�� i�r' �� 1 1 +� '` �'"' ✓ 4 i . w 0.�++ i �j.' Z;F,: y�rF„� r� k ,.,;y t'�3,yi� t i �5 i ` Sr/ ,�y ,6"/F 1irT'a4' .O°r /YPr'/f�/_. kf �yti ,T^ r�{S' IL my y� J1 '�k •rr YA , '°ka �g,/,,S Ir �1,t�„f j'',11`` y sa, 1 B, ' }•r1 yY' '��hilr�ae'r� 4 rF, i�r, �� ' 1� r !l,'d`.�, '��r �� �y,S� "�{riff h��h�':'�.�,��' � i �� YV���t� �4�°da t u,♦ Yr y r w , r -. n �� 1 }y r6T. , j �, h r 1. 7 If� �1t1 .J, 4 � r✓•r tiMe a' p i.' y IF 4 l a�. ♦. L 4 r . r fA 'If 1 n���f t:�'� a �JY.t'. i ' ,' Y d � qrt ti� a{ '. } d �� r,(• 1 � Y � � J .r�S JI Y' d• Y '7 , � P G Aa './er ,rr r F1 � r; �, � �•: If l n Pu ��+ r F', '. I + L S, �`F :4 t 1 y ' S 'ye v.. d�i i !d,�•I` y F , s +, 1". q} r r'' } 1 , b' Yr 5 l ✓ ` i 4 � ,J1� �`'` J.'i -0 1,� rY. '� �. � pn r . 1 .h. � a r a�.f'Y o- •', ,�,� L' au r rYlf. 'f }," sr It � �J�4 rl 4,d��, Y r,r� ,'�;�7 ��� ✓t L � ”��',, � �.- ry r i �r'�1'' ��. r / „t "Jr f �'g k `� eyr x r R �� it Y�.'t '4��r 1"r� r1 r t r �'��* ^ 4 •i!1 ,a V �y�^ *' rr ,P '+,': 'fir rk�� f+� 1J f^n�.✓v 1 Yr��jr� �� r i Y°I � / � =1 `Ff ' ,t�� t'6 'r > ' r, � �k 7 i I,y�r I JY � �Y �1 �t1 lf y y rr �^iV �•��, r r' •. � 1 r'rd . 'i " � rr'•ft � "API ^ i 1' f YIe� , klyrr6' 1 .... 1. 11 /P � � ( :�'.r fw f i rr � rLirSSr ! / jjf�iYL,h� l tt j l. / at `u� �rr'l� rl��, , k n 4� r. 'L , �.1 Z �,; r '^ 4.y�� , '1� p'•"i � ! a 1 [ � �'h� `� y1 r �sr��1.� lr{5'r' I ny � � ` �t d' �41' '��' r�yt�d'�,�, , JI��' T i ^,1 < rQ�r�Y� ? �t(.,q`.i �3�-e, � +I ;'� , yrys r 5v r�{�$�1r.`�r'fi r�,', ,S- Ar r��y`Y.. trW� �r��Y1� f SrA S','�a�f�•�• '•�." f '.f,�'+V` 1V:.: ,r r! f • .. /. Yl�°' �' '' i h � '$�Q '�, ,�r'M ! i 1'r� )�,t ��i� ,Ae� S .IJgMfyN�.r3^YYjk'� �''lY'r� :� +, r1 i"i' `tlk+!'e^vYr'ti'xn4 Y`• 'Tr 'a t ?;{I j. },..,.�€r. f0. r�l >, prr rtyl5 r+ � a tY + "f k',Y, iii 'Yro ,r•,a`Ftix , x Vfil 10 , Zj^,ti�JL Iri. yS •;i � +. kr , 5 f w'�7 r �' St 4'r� Y 1 i >f n✓ r 1 4�. 1 s 4 � 'l��r..t+� 1 r �'.y}.y • 1 "i 4 �y �^ r ,l. tYS rAy �, o IJ rl f,rl � A� F" .f 1� ICi„fir t .� f 1� r `tl '�' r 1 L '�? H 4, , ,1 r•r a n i r�, w,v i ti r + !;.r l 1.4 I I r Yr r' I 1 t 11 ,A r 11 f 1 IL � � � p ",, 1 7 �� S�/dY q, 1Y �r y f1 sd 4;1 ♦1� ;'sk 1• '331 i'r Ft�R r •�,1 r7 .�, r + �I�r � ri. r VJ�yt� �' + r ,� {,�`.,��, t �ryf ,�R "hT r.{fl�� a $^*vl•:; aqF,, ,�y�dll 1 a i '�, i "l. s�,dr "ryfs; 'rv'�” rti , rFi u t �� �i'��{}r�j t. 4141 h [ r' } 'f . "f t'' o ,r Y� �;��fv , r�S� rMS q ,il � � ry ?If✓ } 's t x�El��4y ��'vh1P�31� `�r '� /lf,� ,} lyl L 4 L.7rllr ,S � ,. �� 0.ri�. P 1IA�:3 '�k� i.. f. 1" Y n1 'l., Yar •t ; t lr J J id. i�Ml ,;f. � .1 '�' ' �t"r f f "1' {yp�S �wl `5 I+jp; :+ r, ✓��� 4V , ,V �/a ) •f4 Y F ♦ Y FI ,1 ��{�.�; "fr � if'�� J #,�k4 F I �� F ,' ' , I �f , f ��' ✓t� �;,S � ��,r''� � i .t�p'! F"d 1'.Y 1 • ".{ t .L` 1 f �,. l.h" y' � �y Y.t t lk rt .Y � , l � y �, t � ib +4 ,li' 1 �” 1 t 'Er ' � 1 } � �S'� �dYrl m �� [;a d.�r`"ar� r l . Fi' � �1 j � ,.1 H1 M1, � L I S' � �e � 1 I.7 2 . �!'"� ��-,d r d"i,, t '�'�' fit y R'r 1 'ti�#� �' �i ��' e � r� Irl �y�i � r, �♦ �S qj nx R f xJ' rr � ^ t♦ , i �� '�f r ( 1 F kt Y' ✓ i�.� Y�•f�,',rt+ F,, i0f ' f ;1 Inla'�'r , ' / r t it^ rP 1 C✓�tYV ,I' a�n rT t r K� WJ,. d y/q�'.n,� pi�w'. i tt t rA r,w •M q r� ��T` d�.L'\yr"�t 17 �yu1 � �y,IA�f � S r �rq rl a r�rJ),�`A �✓�i�� •1 �v��r"(.>.A �',�t/j �/,fl Fr���,�k,'1` tJ`rTa l��l '� t�"/E '� r.. '� r� y Fi... bn9 �1 k' A` � Srar`tl.� + athti•!"1'! ���t� ��� `hi�' �S-f '�.� �I . •'�.ir%.i ,Ct'ti 1�'� dA�'iM1 yll9'I._Y1;�4�'S '1�,y�i//n � � �' r f %C,';�l ii. it!!t' " �'• �� r S 4��� a r. r a \ 3 r 1 .;� ,{♦` "°' r J Fri x r� Yy 14, �+kA, f I ,�..t f :. , .�", .,. x : ,�': `, ..;s «. .• .. .,1�a4r. .r }:r. I , } , fr xr �yjllh ;;� l ,v'• 1 qt, yy pl, a ",r rrl 1, 1 4 1 r♦e: - + A I �'1 � ., .,.�'Id A�� r �r ( �':� �� ��,� "r If +�°kh�r .^,. C° 1 t 4 Ir Y 1•�i I J I -.1 �;. N y1 r > yyI I ' •q l 1 y 1 t��1 J♦� i,� �. Y Y'a 1 r J I I 1 , �♦nr �� �S { � 1 � r 1 , r �4 vr\ vJ 1 'prrr a 6: t r I, s�FPPI, +4f k, q• , I r � ° r _: � �� ,:r�� � ��}}L �v�� �+�bF r�r�p�� � ����',. c n jyyw i r 1 r x ♦ �4 - S ° ip �1 ax it ♦ �r A 41 Gy� 1� � f'�y v� P x� d!k,� �� ., i h1 :, �... r 1 +, i 1 J5 � �r - 1�+� x, � '� nC,f ♦ A 1 Y {� xl : � /s+fj� " '�`�rt +t+:S �� : 11,i ��rl xv:�?�•6,. t .. .. �.��' w.rry "�• '�!. p� + f�rr.� ,. � . �.ra y °d' a ?, r5 '1'r � �� f+.'7','A i x t; a�eJ �,+ �f';: 'III, n'.' ^ 1 � t♦,�r♦ � 4� In� or o o."A, ;dp, 4� 44 ro STATE OF TIUUS COUNTY OF DBETION --A lo, V THIS OONMAOTo %his dq made wak @33terld into 'P. OL)y of Deptonj ,& ziunioi?al oprporation# inoorporated under 'the general laws of the State of Texas Party of the yoirst Ports and4aace Qonetruotion ,QompanVo, 4 Priyate ,corporations, or$"M itaksond inoprporatod undsr the laws of the State of TOXMO Party of the Seoon4 Part , VIU0066tho The lhat the saidIpartioe have agrqbt as toollowii ' cqzpany Wee's to furnish all likoboir 'Ud. materislq # ' d h1hbrY, stoo nedeseary tolay 96d to Oozi �,0 ionri""fidiet6 jkttaohed a we6bW #Uoo,,�O-00� Mte 6fie "A rMO-iihalf inches in Ab 06h �r 4toMa t 04 e."o ,'4 OXO&Y& i�gt #rWOI�gi filljo; rb anA g�ttet and other hf in s000raonce With US ploms *Ad !aq#OrLt1 I "Pthe to in' t h4t �M he 'Oity'.qr'! Ponto, 0, VII-1 wfi�t Bypengia 'Street from' the Vogt '4ins q- Oputh Lpo Ordet to the is"t line of 66uth O�Iro*%j AVO 01, ar*lori ��Vaei from �hOi 100 1�0 I -Ot 0outh X 4 r vod OA4 1A, 6A Oh 6 " , up NP 0 sk tv, *a* ' to P,14d 1, i , YA 'A 1p ho A z 0 0 " . , ,i o`t' ��;� , i"M 4 L 4, 'a, 0 UN 1 oIff o7t,!F Q, 000 j4l' pk "I 1%j 4 p 7 111 A .�410 oI I Y4'W1F41 1'�%&IIN 11 4 r r- Ucbli k' �A.�ri t 1 �R�•^�! ,j?.}^� t(. • T r .a M f r ' w inprorements in th& paxtioular unit or distriot in aaoordanoe With the benefits aooruing to tho $roperty bytreason of mid , iml, 4 VrbremeMtk'� in that pertiauleir unit or distriot, brolly and entirely,. Wijibdlat 'bf the oopt' acid of Abe benefits ' aooruing by i'eaeon of the i4ror®ments in shy of tho other unite or dWriotal end, ]tor the said work the party of the Seoond Fart shall ,- be paid at the follOving rates tnd price§ , to+witl a p r oombined ourb andJ'/��(^Jr -- � ?j! f+i-j rl � 4' a. "�L+�./,t' . /, p, I v, " � i � ti ar ft • O� � e JK. 'r'yF '.`�Yff ' ', �ieM !1! Y • ' t � ;:v. �,t a i rr �� 1 a } �, (, �1 phaXtio pl�Cret � /r lr a � ' `: ktva lv.'C!' Laf..f =x' •� "l " e �,,GSM�at~e3,. ..k., •, y� '�'� � y ;,,, ' 'aS 1 . . f !h� #� IS 3 •:^�. ab -1� n a• (1 l ,, ^ + 1 '. ♦ a �� { h ht it A,j Q2T + h �. �:i rr� a: , si.: l4 � 1{0 � '��,��t� �r�4i t,'�fi �� f» !A'kV �i�<�i - . :01 ,` �r"j� 4t�.E' '�r u �.±y� r,7t '� n Y,, �<y p� K�,� ' � � � }r, �• '!'y �. ,• � � �� �'����;�` � � pt#y px •�ontq�t of�ti�` pay �aNt-t=hi�d 'o�' �tho 'ao�#•, '1*1 l 1I0tC exoept "rbs whidh` shih be paid 001 ly Thy&*UAtto b� b by`+ s �iiY o�S Jlitlt q'I.a"nd e4do` mot, 'iib 'e1tb� '�►au��i'+DU�r►� �� a ►"r . ^ "�«;W � �' � di�b , .: ADO iow= to 'b�►;���m�,d.'brA the to#t►1 of the the riaiai �lk a1 tl =?�P��►ei�1►t�E���T;irbiiSl =lie'• ��+lesl�ed °1�iu��' #hii`�'x�4rf�ed�#�1t� '� .,., lii ', 4 Trr;i,�'�1 �ttp�''�d��'�b#'`�'�OnN,l�,:saldr'it`i''eili�r�iio�,"i�i�� `�►�I��'i�� air f +��Mhr►] ^,' b b.�. �r�db lii' a2i � f Alp ' said' 'A >`.' t '°s' ' Gl. .� • 7 , , w 1 ,i,f o'.t � v'`[.t, u1�4' Ili wtA�A� '.. �I�' �M,?I� i.I wf e!, ff as "i be in proportion as the frontage of the property of eaoh owner in each a i +' partioular unit or dietriot is to 'bhs Whole frontage of property ip that partioular unit or dietriot6 Said 000t to be ap�orttoned' between eaiQ y ' propert owners in aaoordanoe with What is known ae the front foot hula i o, or plan , and said sum shall be payable in fivo equal Installments , one" Fifth upon the oompietion o! the improvement in the articular unit r , °{ diethl or paboe by the Oity Oommission, one-fifth one year from said date , one-fifth two years after said date , one-fifth three years after said date , rind one-fifth four years after said' date, tio�' " '' "*a gather with interest on said aid installments from , ° � ; ,,. the date of said acoo tatioe at the rate of eight er oent { e,t� y _ ; : , _ , ; P per ann Aesignabl vertilioatea. '' � shall be issued b the Oit of Denton for said ortiott y y a ! r p to ibe Isaeaee� a ` ag'a 6t ija�d Property OW40ra,, wbioh said oertifioa a e in ouch ` '. . t e eha21 b , ` usual and oust as y of a i < ? gmary form party the second Fart m 4 de oirq a5gdr era Yea main n� - "Oh prOYL0ioas for their ooileotiop4 ar p?ra� .itekied statuteaa oP�TeXaao ;,,,y rv ' a: , RAY pew �.. P'e� 9' t dl1 kt�►l�i d d ,z > _ t �i done alfd ell � 3� 1 � � eror fl� 1t.� xt t taateril turrtfs eri0t jjnfora,�t with Ina kuotioti$to Bido¢ri �, . if •,r. rd< .¢j -'+ {.G.' tll t'.`if �b f�i+Pi:�..... a i, ` y,+, , 'All Y vp�i,e�a 1 �� ,p ibtra4 eFeofiQtionN `s d ' " pit a ,M, � ��;� ra ;a x s, f s 87sh b . �tji ,�,�, �^ {,2�' ,A di+� pip q FF, 4 f, aplofipsli� r; i60lIb � titiher,440 ofr the itVNBId . . 1 OuM, aex+tdk �otio�? ' oP4bt gYOanioxi�iteel�� W �ob gi <�'`rr, d pe i� oe�{ions hlreto'for� ppzore mid sdo p � � t� �•ity po,o�+ �a.to�' '{ If 34 fi opt ntoa� a� t n� �, O,,,4 ,� y p1 q xr s xhi h are p eta4 � a� ' h �; ' 4�4K + ? sae t t. two 0 n `' it' . ..-s .t�'. �_ . :A'Mty'f' i,. et . +::'+a ,' Si e. O rv. I01 11�(1Rl.DrX O'�IQ � 11 1C1t ill ti_Ioiatdn8 r4�-74' � a�pf a;t t eh N , oont lta 1bat the lit, i�deer shj�1'siul� iY�f yy y�1 J ) j��y. yy r s A x )'' , fir •'A'.'74 + Mf t7`,f, �rr? , t ar X , NT } itp pit igod•A ere iq. xtp 'lour Ater' "Fees "r acv rddKd. �t �W1 bthe 'M w e r -� 'r'a'• ,�"'+ � „ v' t , S�ttlile1 uh ,Y �n 'a v aa, 0i1 �ltera� q� thll p 1ktS Kn4 4v4 t tt•s off, th• aQtnrai. ki��fye o ro '�'S �� 1} 1 S� M� 1 �'�. { t.�r ?:A^ �r •.th 11 d011te Cti ��'• ?B'o, �� N,� � ,,� ' � � ; G�tA = Ali �itebatt `gul� s1 ' bmnr '' y� p0fw 1,�'.e'�^p44■,Y'`y�^ i ,a� a ' i e'r�`���,�; �sx,s� , �r1A4!q�e� � �e r�quir �d ',, ���'�������� ` off°�'��"�; C;•' r �' � �' x �b bhaX� yeaerYe duQh stakes i ioarka eto�' e�rid tr 45 d' , �b il " , , t � "i , !• x.or>17.y'� �°+ ,� e'(yyl .akTt• {A�4S l:b'ul�� '!'{ t r ���� p )��I ��k�.by`� �15`+ �,z+: vy]�t •a� 4' i 'I �,r v t t ��' .. �, iiv ,p� y¢, , �� 1�"� h' �}}� Ct" �,��L" Pti'SS• dYd }' J �v ' 1C r A� , l qY 1 °/ ���'� � t� �� {rr�I f' �'J' �{,S •ti y�y,,� °�j. � i I i 1 C• j. I=, �7ifxr � �i�iliA)., il�� •x {:".; rll td , f � r'i f r r In'� , c q f1 p� NCIf:,,l inn , 1 { �' r i r r"GI ,�+���` ;�r4ti � �� 4v,F` :�F^ r�� a•��,t`,�s pA 'rt1 � , ¢ r too t'� 1 � , � 14�tertal t11CniYhB.d u d r + � � e r. �. ;f "r 'f•r �A i�� CAb ��'f �y� �'1,: �1 •, # ao 4" . t ,f?4 } 4 d pogranoq With h . • i a « ,. 8 .p1e q ,and �epcoifioations , and it the =perfeotione rte , #tee: l. l, go be of� qutfio+ant magnitude o.r importanoe. to r $ exojal, t�se BngirJe,gr bhal� bare the ri h 8 to, 3 e04 gaols hai o 4n ;teoxll'r, but �' ", �, +{ Qagugt Q! 4uo2# d @te9,i 'make Pugh deduotpna a na ,. h4 :fin,+lirW►+ y�N �s �1 ai � t,,� t e►tld reasonable. n;aa•: W If durin t}3e g Performance of this contract the hngineer ghall order in writing the doing of extra work or the furnishing of extrg ` btaterigip� whioh i-4 his opinion cannot be olA4$iYled ;under the '1 Q! � unit piihe pontre0t, t:u Oontraotor shall do and Perform $u Oh 10rC oeo r ; and ' lzt1�h 9u0h , r , Iaattriale . and shall be Y paid therefor the ; Ad�ta'h1e:.�bot'°A.�►�► ., e �e�r 4erit �, tractor ohm ' gboAdon `wQirk ,aAd tell A e,� �{ y t euv eft �p bOsrmeaoe •tt, agai�5�►ithin f��'xee�: �Y,q: , Jx}} . .hh�r ' 4 #y fto par 0 t, 6 bag oxdq girt, tWp14s p* ' or tie opeptfi.oAtiozi� herei0 tnat ohi# the uurP `p�o yed to oomwote the Works in ," the 14Vre iee to i �p �' •� .w 7 •t^1 11404 �FS' 7 �A�'� Mf ° ,! •' Yf ' ,, �. r 1•t x ,:A eI' I ,. `d ° �� orre,�wgrlc at tlse elcpeu4e 0 thA OoAOr OOtOr Iv {," �� ' d�F'.3: {l � r '�li»f ^✓a.I'M S13r A : !M!� leptf.Q elect Al 'lsgxee r tlia+� it WAI . irdeour�#!y atki hold 2 e�,� 1 gOne urtdor tue oo �real� a 1rir�t Par' . y, r t i e k � uwe y 4MM1 n o �rl4i prpride uA. tht, I bo0gd i'A� .r eYidt;4#o ,that all ilabl #ti ti pgeeOdy laid' I . 4fi1 ; : }2�•`,ip.�LyyAl 12 to �•ytli VCID ' ,t r✓ � V a " 1 Y , � 'tpaa4erd darageA eieing 04t of the nature E ' fx �, � TI�'� �� ,a � �'1� ! Tf�^�� t Tl���•lll " Ti AT� �F 1�� w� 1 i•• ,�x Me�h T ; #,t Or'�trbYe nfL "<, t q� i t .r9l, .tlt I ait +� . >i5 h4 e,ria t� Of Lie �[artl y �j, yI tit di � , R 0yltter R.✓z'�� �T/ rTe :�,�d •A� t p�nku�y ' in . +e pique uii � . �;11kb ',�F M .tie �Mitet�►ibe ,ead 'bo>t) bi► 1h� 0 1►0O>' o ya�rty ��C 3siN ot�' �� ° ' � �;' ��fl� � 'l'axthek �derr�pQd .�4 ,e►�reed by .� yi►ri�er`' t� this " ', ��, i. :�, #d ehtl� a ed ! ip loi►t♦ M$d' d top �# .`� I � di, _t r1... I.ie. S + t s'.1 � �� I • " ■ T .� Y At , ,, J ;{ ADI Y !`4a �rsy, , ,eeer , e eiu�ute Ii-b0>dd tg thi . ;� fir. I . { T w r ' 'q: 'k �� 1ai: S.i� i' .�... 'r� 'Rid.. dY �' JC l� yl�•.1"�' .F KI .I� r� r �;��'! J 1�M} #t:dCiiY7i1P/ srr �ar�`��1 ^�, 1.�•!3t �ati� a ` ':ittat .Ir L:yv�1Y1f to rf (. rl )•.. B'xi. 4r-t9 S k s 1 ' `'.(�� r � +��'h� l. p • � Y� i �i i' r.v �'Xlb I�'jpFPl'i �, Mh;a er 1$ for the satisfaotor �;..' -- q performanoe of the work in the r,9 lOrmk provided for this purposso WITIMU MR107, the Oity of Denton has oaused this instrument is �y to be igned 'by its Mayor and Chairman of the Of.,, mission, and attested } Qity ae nstary, with the oorporate seal, and ;&goo Construbti0ll pavieed this instrument to be signed b W. M. Jagoe, . its { x?reeident, &M attested by its $eoretarY, this day of r i17T. t h F OITY OF 1ENxaoi ' r• tq eb Qn. t r v.F f , 1 t . . 111 t r 1'. 1, R VL If t, s sAf p { b# td�id part► i� g} I ! 7 1 IS{r� p 4 v � „ ,z y ,7 C d. be ,n r :V , 7. Y u .r ry r A y, , LL L� � � 1 • ' 1 l 1 1 n w I -L r !r i If r t f�tf, ( B ! �. F wl; 9 • , ! I,�n q - ql , t 4, t t p v : t � + ' or � t ) Y ..lIL+i ��. : r •� ` rw { `t" ti r '�' t A °YZVi n ! � 4ryl�i t �� �� , r Ali �� r r �a i i r t +', Y1 tr 1 .1•� r Y'� 2• �; A Y't ti Sri ��s r ' v . �IY°" 4 I ' " � q H � r �' t S . s v If a ''F .� R.r i r( ! , {, n ., ..� t f, i{PpA r`. {,xv-r '! ,� � ♦,, � 'fir ��� p r. J Y iwG .iL; '� ri�N Y� , : ti �M1�iIC li as f eY Y 1, ' y+ ef`dr '17 1 ,ta {r RYr� ; f k I 11t`�! rH , 4•wr �� rid is Y, Je.� ♦ l �lF+ �x r ! ,Y .p ltii 1 r.r,, + ( r ' i r n : , } ,.t , 9. �' � i l� /. � yyP.q � i ) rE ''•' v � Y r, , r i :' r ,r f , , y f v y a iY •t�, k1o1 1��i f.ti 1 i,.. `�' �r! + . � i��� $' / +� ' F� I � J lvi w - �$ a ir�y +^J � , " ir• �f4 I Y' r b R u �+ 7 fr , V ♦ vfk # � � i ' r , 'A. >.7 W. f a L�� ra iM.a. .1Si�'w F v a, 4 1. x. NW STATE OF TSXA13 , COUNTY OF DENTON, i CITY OF IBNTON, E KNOW ALL MN BY THESE PRESSNTSO That, Whereas , on the b� day of 192? , the City Commissioners of the City of Denton , Texas , 'afid the Mayor of said City, acting for said City, as the Party of the Mat Part B and the Jagoe Construction Company, a ecrporation , as Party of the Second Part, did make and enter into a contract in writingg , wheraby the said Park of the Second Part , for and in consideration of the sum of ft , according to the terms and conditions set forth lb said Dori set , agreed, bound and obligated himself to construct curbs and gguut- ' tars and street improvement and pavement on Wiest Sycamore Street , in the City of ' Dentons Texas , and more fully described in said contract, to Which reference is here made , and to complete and finish said curbs and gutters + and said pavement and impprovement within a reasonable time in a good , . substantial and workmanlike manner , subject to acceptance of the City Com mission of said City, strictly according to plans arxl specifications attached to and made a part of said contract , marked "Exhibit Du , and i. said plans and specifications also being on file in the office of the City . r` �' j Engineer of the said City, to which reference is here made NOW, TNERSFORE, for the purpose of securing the City of Denton, Texas , and its successors and representatives in the true and faithful performance of said contract , together with all the covenants and obliga- ',yM tione of said Jagoe Construction Company , therein set forth, and to guar- , antee the true and faithful performance of said contract and the payment x of all claims of each and every sub-contractor if there be any, laborer , mechanic and furnisher of material against the said Jagoe Construction Company", arising or growing out of said contraot, their heirs , or assignst , as their intbrest •ntay appear, was the said Jagoe Consttuotiob companyj as . n, principal , and the MASSACHUSETTS BON-DING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, as sure- tito , acknowledge ourselves indebted to_ and bound to pay B. . W. .HoK�"tie i[&yor of the City of Denton, Texas , for t e, d benefit of sa d' (lity, acid hie successors in office, the sum of o for the payment of ; whioh *41 % and truly to be made we bind ours6 rtes , our heirs , exbcutorg and adman etratorso jointly and severally by these presents . } that if the said . The conditions of this bond, howaYer , are Ouc h :qod doaetruotion Company shall truly and faithfully perform 6,11 and 9very the covenants and conditions of said contraot and herein pro end by them, to be done , kept and perfomu td, and shall truly arxi faithfully " ' , • p dal claims of each and every sub-oontraotor , workman, laborer ,mdphania ^`'' a fuicnibher of materials against Dim growing or arising out of said con trpot,ther and ' in such event this obligation is to beocme null and' toid � ' .w. erld . of no further force and eYfeot , otherariee to remain in fuli force ;1, r effect.` , 4 WI N1isS "OUP itANp9, at Dorton, Texas . this day of / ,1 �a. JACK NSTRU `f ON OOYPANY 9 . eti iiVSMT, Ytfi0 8c INSURA 09 CO. t Pr ino ipal , ' t it t�drney n.• a0 , f G1.M ^fnwtnvy.^s"F"TI,aC�r,r 7:'efiT. +rq' J . l�A(; T IR . ' �-l. Y nn ttt x •'k t.. + �.{ , "r r , xl tit•.: y1r 1 ' 1 T a rr,is x , rs,V •yr 1�� i a" ' a ;. ' ,��'..i. p� t3 } y. l ,1 f "'1' f 1x85 y.7�� "f. �� p .,� K A 'F '� �'n s 1 ,�i*�MyBf.�'`'3•i< .r'i,�� k ��' 'u'S�'��S�l,� ,;�`�I�� i �a � ��._,LLi, �,�,` t�d�[�1 M gm{' '/>{X ' ps'p'i� 'r ri i .• F "s r µq5 q+n`^h �p�,. iJk�,✓ i� i � r q r f a � i, 1 r. rt i 9 xs rr � r+ I 1 Y i ft'e:S's t rah t + 6 � - # t i r�_ n 1wr 1l �•fr ��� �y � tnr f��, y . sY' sti .r�yp ? ' '!✓.tix ylt� Ear '+ Nb ri,.3 bv, r, ' r ..�, �: r_j ii r. ait s`' °t �YrE,N�.}'S'i '�t;a�[��ir �. t 1 1 1 r S 1 r t ' �• S . rit e IN l t r "AA p i+ ��°►�Rrb} r4�;x.',117 1'Z Y mr: Ih) i >L } M9 l'i fl� r9FW'Y '}1Pn+ Ati;b S} �''j k�j�io r17 Mri'" V1r+V�Y�J 3k r J h t t r itii >, ri ray ;.. y ! y y7R : t;d Y � y ...� fkY °• ' S 5J i:i`�.�i�'. y . 1 k� ,x.'xl` Iri r1 r r., `1 wj y y a l dFt' r „. lhlrs�.i",.y'i h 1 1 � � r ♦ F �1t1 fr'� 1 4 C I" s 6r �' s• f r yi' y f :.4t fF� ,iY,r . � 9 p yt.'1 k ♦Y r Y y u Y If 1 T e b } '� � nt { � Y x 4 �4, tiG 9 �i r ap' t �t 1Ak7 r 11 �tr' 7 �e} 7V ��' S t. � � vt � #er4 �4 b1H' f y. Y �yS A 37 k S.r � �x r "sa �.�FA"1q ��+(� i*Y.k r ����1 t `�,� +' 7r 'i.'r'i d 0 s �.' a1 s 1 J ti♦ � ` � } r P, " `11 1 � ' �} ! k,iN X93 P� P. roi�n� � y','r �7 4 � 1.� 1 M ✓ � t t ryS,°}� �1' l i� ��. .1 J r' i + r `' i p fr t r ' ke{�t 1 Y fY f � �� r } v - •'f 1 ; 2 � ', � � Y & F 4 IV dw err e 17�R 7 xsr7 r' i STATE OF TEXAS COUTTY OF DENTON Yak; the undersipted qualified electors resididg within the hereinafter dcecribed territory respectfully request the City Oo►nniesion of the City of Denton,Texas , to submit to the qualified electors of the City of Denton, Texas, our requeot to be added to and become a ;part of the City of Aenton,Texea, enjoying all privileges and abiding by all iavfs and regulations of the said City. A tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas , and, de-scribed as Begining at the PTE corner of a 20 aores of land out of said survey conveyed to 13,F .Wilson to Belle Fulton in February, 1908 by deed recorded in , Volume I08 Page 304 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Tazas; Thence W., with the No line of paid 80raore tract 336 , 6 foet;Thenoo 8 ,273f Pent a stake for corner; Thence loo 336 feet to a stake f r, r ` corner; Thence Do 273.J. feet to the place of be gining and be in the r oize land',.conveyed to O ,b�Wilkins by C ,B. Horton, a bachelor on : s. Y, Augte6t Z ;A.b,k1 by► deed recorded in Volume IgY Dege 'T6` o!"`' the 6606 reooide oi. bie ton Oounty , Texae, and also being the same ` land ob>iveyed, by C . a.Ylilkins and wife R+AMi;kins to Bailey 11, boiler 'on the 10th day of April ,A.D IM ag shown by deed ' reooided in Vo use 188 page 194 of Hoed Keoorda of Denton Oout3ty, �exQg . Wi rege'otfully request and petition that the said City Correa• ission 'eubmit the above dosaribed tract to ths • qualified voters of 'eaid City for the pfrlrpose of annexation t6 the Oity of Dentnti, 1; TO i to aM •� , ! "• !y J. ' ` I yi r, i � • 1 I 11111 iWrYl 11111 t` 1 ' F"�.��yl try t.['F'r��♦ `�.pr T� �:5�, � ..�.').: r. ..., .. J6. 5: •.�9 1 N ,.r �_, -t. : ry jl''�J 1 i r y V 1 !I 1' t r' i It F py 1 ! ✓R� �u l�.�f � .t 'Jrc �` � , � ' �t� 4 t. ! � .v1 . *'� I:p c rA .�1 n"� �� ,'r ) SN Of r \ • 1 1 5 l: (` 1, l ~ - T I' 1 WT: }� � ', i4,;S ,S, r , In "� $ riI,�+� , I) < i ati. °}• 'pe '; . {X; �+ a .,+Iyli ,. ; ',• 5. , ,F r + q- :� ti r\+ i 5 .1 � rl Ir,� , + , rti >t L". 4�'N 9 li - y ' PYytl.,y�,.E�r I 1� .I"` .4 Y. �l A' q •� y 1 . 1 ( . - A ) Y ) e it {� o i �} . I `�` 4.+�j �''�°k1�`k � 1' 1N.)r f ,C r A , 'i N 4 .i j 1 \e !.�` <��,✓, SF :1; m f&SO:LUTION OF THE, CITY C04USSION OF THE CITY Off' DENTON , TEXAS APPROV- ING THE BID OF THE JAGOR CONSTRUCTION CO"ANY AND AWARDING THE MTRAOT • FOR PAYING PORTIONS OF ASH STFOiTI PECAN STRKST , CEDAR STRKET, PONDER AVSNUN9 'MSLCH STREET AND UST WJLB)MY STRART , IN TIN CITY OF MENTON AND SETTING ASIDE A FUND TO PAY THE PORTION OF THE COST REITJIRED' TO BE PAID BY THS CITY ON DENTON. a ICE IT n3OLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIT CITY 01 MITOWS d That, Whereas , after due advertisement, bide were regularly submitted land opened, and rafter Carefully tabulating and inspecting the bide , "i4 the City Commission is of the opinion that the bid of the Jagoe Con- struction Company is the best and most advantageous bid to the City of Denton and the abutting property ownersl NO'R, THEREFORE BE 1T' RESOLVIO BY THS CITY OOWIISSION OF TER } .9 CITY OF MTONe That the bid of the Jagoe Construction Company for the Improvement of Ash Street between the north line of last Hickory r% Street and the south line of McKinney Street ] Pecan Street between the west line of Ash Street and the east line of Cedar Street; Cedar Street between the south line of McKinney Street and the north line of test Hiokory Street; Bonder App__e�nu%),ptwAen the north line of ° Oak Street and the south line of i Fr *Yenuei Welch Street between the southAine of West Hiokory $treat and the north line of Mulberry Street; and Weet Mulberry a root between the ' x�adt line , of. Welch Stiest bin tho', north side 0. f `Kul'berry Street and, a point l�3- feet we6t of a,atd' vre�t line of 16l6h Street ; ` i� ,the City of DentOb, be grid, h s�mg ' ifj: $ ireby ei6oept6d , said the Mayor is in6tru6t6d^, tb , enter; th b 06A r at;.on" ,behalf of the City of; Dez)ton with the` Jagoerbonsti`ub ibn 4% a re',for said i4tovomente , in conforming with the tbrms bf th6irr n •,���� ' biidi ' 1 'k ti' r ` a� It VUATIM ,Jt �'SCLVIED BY THE CITY COjWI#3SI6N 01 THS , CITY' 07 DBNTON shpt there tie ' and fse .her;eby• set ei0e,,Out of the Nhds ii6w bit` }' ' �,�r$ilable fof1l street itnproveme'A a euffi'oient sum to . pe�y ende �rAyr, nYi' that portion Of the obet required , by mid obtttrgot to be pe►id b'y•7 the Dit ; of I)6rt6h. 'fhsi$ ; thiA resolution sh' it take effaot' and b6 1n force froth+ and . a�ff`ter its - pass�tlger + PASSED A�I'1) APPROVAD, this � day of r CWImA n c " e ommo s rr I , !y ° • I .4+x.6 ''r r• Y " 1 `x . 1 e r a r ..! 111111 11 ill I IN , i 1 f z y r .. i 1 . 4 Y ti i CIS 1!! AC,M l �11�)�r��' r�Pn�'4• � ar r � �` ,1 �b�� •� . ,�� � tt � r i., � " .fir ' n a. 7 X46 5'..1 t '`P� 1 Vii � f. ; �-. � � •" '` l+; �� ��� ` " �` 5 r , opmw I ' af' r r , rl fo l I 11{ " } yawlr9Jr � r • i�' 1l�. i •( .v br e , If i �'`•'" t1• nl Y S " ' '� ' tiM �tr ik b }F a ,'•..�' 6) }1F 7 �� ql fj T 1 , " n'�yr� } �) 1 , w wl � » ""^ . .. 1 � V '"'i r, n i 1 �{� 1a 0•. ,' V '� j�. t h 6 a r;r �,�>•;`1'• ° W a b n 1 5 �A �,.h a �f�J � 1iT' F ��r3•+N.+'!i � 1 i M i u ;N "i Ih a 77 s ' ti 1• i J e L, 1 ! ^ r'1' +'" ,l ���Y � rl�i}^.:.. •t4 �v5}� " �P' � � +{Q " �" .��rl i } �- " r� i " 1 �1�, v��'J b " r 1 � '%} 1 � a?: � rl �� r vl �. �f � V ,YI l 7k ♦1 v.,3S �1� [ � 1. Y i ", ; _11 �p ( v r i '.j �� ,� 3 "� f 1 ' LWI 1 d^y,� r�' r }" r , l a 4 f ✓ 1 i e � 1 '. �rV.'. . Y 7 y X4 ,1, r `I,� u }:4 bar 1�x " t 41 40 � .4 1y �t} r h °4f�b :��la " ''.����Lkr �,I, H ,* " " .j I to ,iy ��6"ry�� {,�t(l ♦q .�ua �y !:, (,ry�i`t '�.t fl } j1{1`i(r� r� v ,d ° :i �, IF k 'L.. 1i9F ": )v 7 y NW � d�]yjj y, 4i Ti�.�l6 1�} ��.4`at 1 1'4''r r t•.P ,)�ti � 1 6 r,l�� . r.l: � d:�1.}�. %� i 77 �`��"i •,V'."� i r�r 4.f! ,?��� ,C "". . . I�. .A°r. ':r`� � t�{g� '� r ( Kai ( '-h > x A f�' ar . S „A i ' ��r•S t. �rN '3`. L {� . %1°�` �' 1,�" +' ���+° 1� �4 � � : ) ( n' i f �1 e J: . . '» '1{ q t: , i o ".fie -r , v wK• a °. i fir,,, 2( w� ' 3 } I t. [ . � � y',.: �Jr'•ati�rYh' ., �d.e4 � +SJ"Yi>j��t . t"v Yi'�"'G;�• `I " " t 'yj,�o `i Y 4+ 6•V A � �" ♦ ' , f h. '6 n t i.i d t i° dE�'tr,. yW i ' .�, •° a3. x �°�^ Y.�. �k .�� L!t�+4 t:1 k IiESOI,UTIOIIS OF T11 L, CITY COI,;I ISSION OF 'l11I: CITY OF' D iTCN� TEXAS ORDniING IVPROVF11ENT8 OF PORTIONS OF WEST' S OAhi01(l S`FREF.`i' IN TIME x, Oita OF DIIr ON j TRUS A11D ORDERING SPE'CIFICAT'IOVS M EP-A RM) Y P , BE IT RESOLVED BY ViS CITY OF DENT0I1= That, Whoreae , the fo136wing streets are in ;urged+: need of iraprovorsent by . exonvating, gradin , filling and paving the 8&me, construotion concrete curb i and gu ter, sewors an dd dra e , and necessary work in oonneotion »: therowith; sand, W1JMEAS) THE CITY C001,1881011 Or THE CITY OF DM. ITOII D)PNS s IT NECESSARY TO IMPROVE SAID STREET; THEREF'OMp I BE IT RESOLVED BY T11E CITY OF D3II TON s That the following streets be and are hereby ordered i.reproved as above set out, ' said improvements to include the typo of pavement specified `6ftor each. a : WEST ,SYOAMQRE STREBT from West line of South . Lo'otlst Street, to the Last line of South' Elns StrOCt; WEST SYCAMORE SmR^ET' from tria Wost Brie of South Eitt! Street to the Weet line of Wo.1cll StreA.et . n�, �,}. ,,6✓„ r� ,a;o1"^�., + Each unit or (listriot shall be and constitute an 'entirel and wholly separate and independent 'unit or district of iniprovomon�. The bona-tru'otion of said improvements in each separate unit or dis- ;; ,. trio! shell be wholly independent of the oonstruotJ , of a pother•.. ilh'lt' or :diets+iot . The 'esseesments to be levied' in eaoh :uni ooh..` ; ;- district shall be made according to the cost of iho .inpriovoments in � 4 that particular unit or district and in a000r¢apiob ,frith �hg benefits accruing to the proper! ty reason of said'Jbp'roYeii6nts fin that par- tiaular unit or distrio , wholly and entirq� y�'ei depend;In t`.6f'gb0 h cost and ` of the benefits "accruingg by reason .Gf -' ho imp ravObi bn�a AvVl In _any of the other units v districte , + That the Oity Engineer be and is hereby diredt(,d to at onoe • proparo plans and epCuifioations for said work and ohle the same with the City Conuaission . j That the cost of said improvements �hsll be paid as foilowsl (a) The Oity of Denton shall pay one-third of the cast •of said improvements except curb which shall be wholly paid for by property owners . The amount to be paid by the Oity of Benton shall be paid in bash upon ,oomplet ion of the work of improvotiont in the partioular unit , `r district . (b) Afton daduotinv tho amount provided for in section A, proporty owners abuttin ` on said streete shalt, pay the remaining cost : of the totaltc which is the total cost of the curbing and ctlst q�' said impLOVemen s cost of tho romaindor of said iij� "ovkiont9 . mhb proportion of said oost payablo byy the property owners shall, be paid in five equal ihatallmuntts', tho first upon tho omm ff ' pletion , and aaaoptenoe of .said improvoa�ents in the particular unit oe, district ',b the pity of Denton, ona�fifth one yeah after said di►ta, one-fifh two years: after said date, one-fifth thins ears a>t`ter A sic cat e 6110-fifth ftlur years after said date, togJhar With, terest at the rate of eight per cant per annur from said date "of aidtasseboma is may be paid ; , adoeptssias p�{tivided that s � beforo t4ssturity. With ,aoorued in', to of psymont� that said pertiorl pa* rble by »aid pz+opoi+ty oWne1�s snarl be aseessad I 01.- th-slti0 a�iltthlg property sand .agsinbt owngre of the Aamfeg r ; i ' aobnrdan6e With the terms d>' Chapb�r il, Mit},a iz Revised I I r : R Y ' 'y- Olt ♦ 11 l [ y � � 1 ;{ � i a Y I C A y � •1.�.4 w.� '^\I � � .. 1 4 1 3 �Y J lx f . M•�„ t♦ 1 . SP '! t _ a k a ',aY > ....a:'^'t m ff i 1 " t + � y ', : 1 • � ��i S � ( a�°l •1 jtr "7 � � S �� 1 Y Y. JaS..�' �� 1 7�.�7a�E x rti i � h1 r �' r'2f (i 6. nI �� al�j r�r rt yJ ♦ y� „y Ji F J e .tL ^" •i��+;�1 3d�' ,� "JG� !Y v.y� ti yn a '.Af ^r -.} l .` 1 a�1,a, �a�1• ' ��' 2 ;# Statutes of Texas of 1911, and Chapter 9, Title 28, Revised w; Statutes of Texas of 1925, and the Charter and ordinances of the City of Denton, in accordance with what is conunonly known as the a front foot rule or plan, as the frontage of the property of each owner in each particular mit or district is to the whole frontage of the property in that particular unit or district, providing that ' should the application of this rule in the opinion of the City Conmission be unjuet or Unoqunl- in ony particular case, it shall bo blie duty of the City Coutiiission to apportion and assess such 9 cost in such naimor and proportions no it shall ]eon dust and equit- able, oonsideriliS tho spocial benef+ ts in enhanced value to be M received by such property and the ovrner thereof, so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits to and burduns. imposed upon each property and its oviner; and providing that no assessment shall be riado until after the notice and hearing to property owners pro- vided by the forms of C:zapter 11, Title 22, Revised Statutes of ' Texas of 1931, and Chapter 9, Title 28 , Revised Statutes of Texas of 1925, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton .and 'KS further providing that no assessment shall be made against arty propo'rty or its owner in excess X the benefits in enhanced value Rooming to such praperty owner by roaso,n of said improvements , PASSLD AYD APPROVIZ, xhie2 day of May" v "At teett '� PI r y i e0re ary JA i 1 1 1 V, Y � 1 I 5 ' r 1 af• 1 1 Y W v 1 . s rl I d tW 1 t � f .} c • ..! 1 : r.... A.:. r}4 711? �� i . ,.7 r 1 t +.lb IT �' y CrA �4CZel.bls f rl ijviti S i�Ly 9 F 1•r. t��. ,q� L + �# �.P ¢ r ;i � � f ,. S i . ♦ r,.V1� �..� '�. `tor : 1 � y r� r yuwr't I � T 4�, t� r � •,7 1 � r x u V r. ? � �i �. f (�� ♦ 1 �V� ,'.'�, �r r Its , . + t V ' r+ r t r v i � - 1 , �1 r d t. v �f yli v'�'���,��k';,° Iii�r�A.. �r:�" 'i (� a11. rl Vr��'� ,. V u.t ,Y , .+� rv, r �♦r�� l t w,' t. �i ra � ,tii,:,�. rr A Ir" rrrT d y a 1� � y_. I�krl� yjl �l r 'r�o`�"t 'rc 1 L#r 1 1 ✓ 1 1 , ttt f 1 'r r�r' I � '1 i t.. ♦ i � �y, � rr � • 6�r� i9 1 '' a ., r r .is v a tl 'o, It.Vvy "f 1 � •..b ti 1 r� Y ;3fvti M1 n a r�RI^ 1 ( �{ ul r+ ♦ err i `s:. ' . ,31 1 �.i 1 >( �. ��f at � ,� r �I 11� 1r i ��< ♦ �Sl 1r1 t Iltvt r � ' th I�{�1 R ' � {tt n" !. 1YSri ly� `'� .y'�i�� rt��r �'�+ �. ., � .t t e F, y ` V, v ti h f � ,f � S �/ 1 ♦f t , t 1 ' � y I�t Y d ti��ryqy�y,,{ �,t°Ct`St ae"4 yy11,,'I{' F 41r '�.M 1 v y �: '! Vr" d r' '. 1�� + � j � . r 1�(,. , j' a rl � '(' '1� r• it �� r��jl� .1"Y 4(t s �} Yna�.tfx +t� r�f�� t♦ A1�A� � � .f'11`�d�r.yl VW �p'i .,4. ry.I, Y1 � � ; 1:. 11�.�1.�: ,�'},i.. � ,y�,�� ONA W 14 tf Y' U c_� ', , ' I i�. v:ul: ! f �, �..in I •.J I � :. i {" f. E :1} + � { :r � qA`♦+R"��^S'!r `_.. -. r• •,y'.�_r' _ 1 .r!i115s_.5�YL 4u �L �Ti;r .. 5'+, a'a I yf 4 } RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLMISSION OF THIS CITY OF DBNTON t nits , ,APPROVING THE CONTRAOT AND BOND WITH JAGOF CONSTRUCTION CdNPAWk FO$ WROYING PORTIONS 01 VM$T MAMOR$ STRIMT, IN THE CITY OF DMTON. $1 IT RI SOLYND BY THIS OITY OOMMISSION OF THIS OITY OF DBNTON•e gal. That, Vhereas , the contract in writin& between ragoe Construction OQiepany ,and the Oity of Denton, and bond of Jagoe Construction G'641tny for the improvement of 'West Sycamore' Street from the �Veet ya,1� line of Borth Locust Street to the Beet line of South 391m Street ] iyeet 8yoarnore Street from the West line of . South Rlm Street to t& the, Ust line of day teen pr"esentedeto 'therCity Commissionyfor appraVa•� and whereas ,' " r I`�• seaid contraot and bond are in proper Form and the securities on said bond are good and sufficient#. hour, Therefore , IM IT RHSOLYBD DY .IUM OITY CON 31ISSI-W OF Tlik OITY 01' MkOjit That said oointrset and bond be and the ss,me are hereby ratified, + ` I I , aQdpted and. e�p�ro"fed, x TbAt thin resolution sbAlI take effect and be iii force from s and after Its passage. '��S(�yy� ice► AI��G�{� �y�yM ♦1. t r r ri •w ♦':t ,1�f"'i�AY i his � d�� ,of J omit ssidn 5 ' �ttbett City 8eoretary L .�.1� Z M1 Jl J✓Y 4�} 1 1 VI ,� d� Y Mr YVV i,M l � • e , � wl` I r fj 11 •''1 ( 1 � k r s � f 1 F f III y 11,'i w I ��. l ,•� ,� 111 ^ I ;ii• r f• � r !fit , S\: ►r 1 i N :I r; .N ti h 4 � i C �•♦� q 'I i I -" •r ,n : � �Yl�jh��, gr°'� ��a �' ��•'' I � tl ":I �, ., 1 i J A 4 , � r " i 1 ' , r 1;, I� Ix i w � � �"� 4111 ! �` ISai y �y,� i •1f Af( i ,,r'�: 2, ��.1�' t�. >t ~i i r ';+"a'i 1'"`IArPt t1i4 r' t' I c9 dj rf? � r. � t n,7e t v * tZ 9ty � t � r � Y r 1 t 111,0 4 ; e rAt I 1 i S + r i 1���'. t4 6 •.ti. w M1 1f' 2 l + '� � Y l t 1•(1 r , r 9 a 5�� �i It �Mr�l Y i ;Pty v`II ° i : � 5 1 �d a �v't r• t o { Y f 1 �_y n't f, i ♦y." � ', Q �� T.1Srl SFft I ' 4 JF �`' Y I '�.( R }f F i � I rtj } T t u� +,,. e Av t,i i 1 •1 r 6. I� �'. Y t .r R I �r t I ;^ ( \ 1 1 � 6Y � � r yr Y Ar t �{: 'I ,'tJ ^ 1l 9F i At ^ 4 1 Aftl�tl' 1 ( t r 6"! I Ilk, kq to is 5:7 '" +h . o ,• kr�i { rlt, " . 1fWytiv. ��. c� I ;. r t8! yJ,r It � , � I 1 a. ;lr ^ " 1( �X sy:. jla R ,. i .� r ♦ r',i i {' 'r v .t � n4i Y�: q,1 `` ' ' y'w ` `X'p ,'Y, t J A .T SCI v _.IkI.L.L.�.:'iJ..3..a 'SY rd 1 r SP J RNSOLUTION OF TEL CITY COliMSSION OF TIM CITY OF DIIITON* TRW Al�r- PROVING THE BID OF THE JAGOR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ARID AWARDING '.M 1 CONTRACT FOA PAVING PORTION$ OF f1T SYCAMORE STHnT , IN TX3 CITY . OF DENTON AND SETTING ASIDE A FUND TO PAY TIM PORTION OF THE 003T REVIRED TO » PAID Ff THE CITY OF DENTON. P t Ef Br IT RKSOLVED BY THE OXTY C0NWOSION 01 THE CITY OF DBIM014e That, Whereas $ after due advertleement , bids were regularly submitted 1 and opened , and after carefully tabulating 60 inspecting the bide , the City Commission is of the opinion that the bid of the Jagoe {� Conetruotion Company is the beat and most advantageous bid to the City of Denton and the abutting property owneres E� NOW, THERE3'riORN 28 IT RBSOLVXD BY THE CITY COIJ3aSSXON OF THO rxk , OITY 'OV DENTOM That the bid of the Jagoe Construction Com p�aanIy for the , improvement of West Sycamore Street from the Test line of - South Locust Street . to the East line of South Elm Street ► West $ i � Sycamore Street from the Feet line of South Elm Street to the gash Line yyof, welppdh Street , in the City of Denton, be and the i6Ue is bnirbehX,'6ftthe' the ;D Instrwiabc�J ehtor it�`uottd 9Q,aft �y fd said imprbttementia in oonfolccaing with the terms of then' sp a r . is > i' H t RBSOI+V Y, fiIm CITY COWSSIOH, 0>i' Tf ,OI 6 D* r� dhe► VtheYb , be ermd i, - hereby eet gntsea eti* of en;tts mst��': ; ails le for, .sheet inn roveme #y':,and defro A that portion of the cost required by said oon� r"abt; to be p'.aid try the City Of Dbntoht 6� ` That this re$ol4ltioh shall take` effect -an. k8 in 'force from r° ' � ,, artd meter its pasea�;b. ,. yY�X� tASB)6 ANb 0140ft, this C; rlh clay of Atteeft rD1 of the 01"1fl11 a 0 � 71i-1�+,,.! "+�'�yfv'1 lit u: r i r� � rd r 1• 'r 1 " �hk Ir ` r` k ° ��` d]y]� 4r, q OlfS i. S ::�v .✓ n ti v�1 , t� 51 s ( 1 Ytd6 i♦1' , a i q , ' a i 1 i Yi>• h5 '��1t'a�rt r9 6A .cr1 F i J V Y`. 9 1 ,l r 1 ' '•v Y 14 9 v ! P I ', ��, S! 1 , r r � i ' + � + q , '4• r 1•'' R. i V ,., '', y it t r r 4 i .. i \ J S'� 1 � I rr ° 4 6.� f �i ��h , ir .,•, �.. l i tr i A r P /�te ry"vxalry - ke Y.Y. Y �.�.� y,y r .A d./r I .,.dy'✓-i am +.,.Y�_ ...-."�jg�.�a �" Aµ,y F;., t+. Sa.yil ft ,tt �L t , 1313 t• i Jr✓ t x ' ,y y 1 a y t - { h F k t+1 tij� yi a 8� 4 "r,, ,ILI ! yp 7 y'� ILI L 01 Er 1 r t., p r a .F�l . ..q � }� f`�i`tx W-} tl y< �r ����.r , . �t •Lb� i.l . '�. 9 �"� ..,' i y �� ye�� �;tt�iE C "' t :• t it to} MI K � Y ` ;1.tM t 1 LI N }LY r ll,.'jI tdY� 1`� fY �S II�I� tr I�M`� li , Y� 71� 7t 'j � kMYYt Y3 �I S y I 1 Y JI i r , If i +[ LI Jy p y, i�#{ J R�[� �t, r t t py��u t,, rtt n. j r n � ,ak ' 1'0 a t f , , 1 3 't t1+r! q, I�t� : �, y I'_it I. (��s I 1 l.t Ll � x t M,k,1 e4 -. +tc`��' q < x rM1 le z• c t , S a.�` y r ti i F ,� i' 1V t p 1 t y r }i'�' .Qi ,}f Y�51 �' t}x h Stllr �y ✓;It���� i, .hI xl t C �41 rfr � t t� {��l I�,1.I ;tai �y r ti i �I �,ay�tt r�;. i1,J GM� tt�'•' ie �M t .L ^� ��°• tti �r A E r t�'� y a Y( 4 r , {�� y r •kdy J�fl ,7} 9 t t 1 �Nf i1 {�� S +� 1 n ,�jy', f - n t do t9,'" )AV, I t ` t Fy°.t art b ✓'1 �1'7�n l�, '!"t[�"fR�",y,� fl nuti4 � ,y 77�1� t �r �f� Yr '� r 3 -,I,: IL �A' •,r.� ,� 't'r tr�� �' �'i'C{t' � 1'A� {ut\ ! 3 Y �� t?..tr:�.1� "S +•° l+ rt + w . nSOLUTION OF THS CITY COWJISSION OF THL CITY OF DENTON, TmWo APPROVING THS CONTRACT AID BOND WITH SAGOR CONSTRUCTION CONPANY � t FOR IMPROVING PORTIONS OF ASH STMT , PECAN. STREET , CEDAR STREET , PONDER AVENUE , WXLCH STREET AND WEST UUIaMh.RY STREET IN THE CITY OF DENTON. Y4 w i B& IT nSOLVED BY TER CITY C01WSSION OF THE CITY OF DE11TONt � That Wb6re,aa ; the conti'aot in writing between ;agoe Conitruotion F CO�opany5Ahd `,ths City 6:tA)6t6n4 .izld bond of 'Sagbd` Conetruotion C6mpdn.y for the improvement' of Ash Street from the. Iio'ith 'Ifne of ., " Seat.°F.ickory Street to the South line of MOKinWy Streetf Peodn 3 8tieetllrom. ,the Vest line of Ash Street to the least line of Cedar �, Stkeetk Ceddir Street from the South line of McKinney Street to the 'v*th Alne of , West Hf okory Street; 'Ponder Avenue from the Nor th line of Oafs Street to the South line of Gregg Street] Welch Street from . he. South line of West Hiokor`y Street to the North line ` of E bilberry Street] 'hest Mulberry Street from the test liner of Welch 4yA Street on the Nort'ill line of Mulberry Street to a point, 123 feet lost of the said West line of Wc%loh Street, in the 'City of Denton, have this dA,y *been presented to the City Commission for approval= and;,, whereas , Said ' c6atrabt and bond are in proper f arm at,d the ,` . securities on said bond are suffioientt Now, Therifore� IBS IT RESOtVBD BY TH8 , 01 ft CO�QSSION OF THS OITY OF I�N'f02�t � That said coitiao$ and bond and same are hereby, ritified4 C adopted and 'appoved.•. , ghat- this r60,01, tion shall take if feat and be in force from and after "i'to passsgei °¢ VAS 8D ICN ApPFtOYSDi . this + 1�2� •' Mayor 14 y MAirzdn ' of e , rMiss on city/Seorstary.' !. P '�. Ikk Y�•T, 'w'iy r.4r .t. ,.a. � � t 'f j �I�4�jr," yCIfl J i � I G �yytt9�� t; r 1 F'' i Y ! t. P i IS+r�}• !S 1� 1 /^ ., , x �...�. {b.{172 1 lip 11 YyI `a�� .#�4���1`i4T1^' PiWA�i •`YA►M� •:"7N4�o-"RW7N.pIR7s rcc+nN'M+n...f,•..en..na•ee«.w.si t+z-..,.. .... '+ F. N. dl r'; `�Y1" �1Fr•r i * a I M1' i 1 i 1 X11 i M1, +4x ry5�i�.Pf Y 4 i f a ,+ ra 4 ` l 1 ce } ti ��ri �i�i y I � I .r c� ♦ ¢T�. '� 'aa t,i a %n s`" /,C'.y a` .�t+1rt4gn. `� .J S' y f, r • L { Z^': 4 r 4 F+ 4 0 0 n r x r 1 is r ;i1 q r r' r 'i i >•.,,. 4 } G + a 1 � �T1 Ir 1 ,f M �1�• p x r 1 `f}4 y 4 " I ° Ir i +..r�� i�y uaS �" (y w•' r � n ,ref �Y j�! v � � {t.. .•-r• f e � + J � r �M1 �.y,, I 4f e grr'., e ZIA t iw r l 1 a 11 y R r Y1r. a4 r � { 1 1py , x� a{ S • f ae. f y "� '� 1 �+{ � L f r f (, f� � >3 �'} T s ` t+ tl • r I �A '� ���5 14q/'fNvA�.lt ,T +• N s p� Jd �": 1 � ier�.ye r. {{�` � ,, _ J i r � 1 n a a• 1 't �R x�y�•�� r Va YOu7t COU"ITTEE appointed to canvass the returns of an election hold in the City of Dento::, Texas , at the City Hall on the 6th day of April, A.D. 192", ' to elect two commissioners for the full tern of two yearB each, beg leave to report that we have mads a careful canvass of said election and find the results as i follows,, votes .A 1Y.8.Uiller received see Frar.ci,s Craddock 3 , 3 That we f ind that • s . and Oei�is received the highest number of votes .cast at said election for City Coirsniseioners and should be declared elected to sal ' of for the full term of two L years each. ^ ' I Committee. " r S7H6;RLA ,A; t an 'el'sotion held in the City of Denton,T'exae, Rt the `Oity Hail in said City, on the 5th day of April,A .b. 427, for the. purpose ;, of electing two Com. .iesionere for the full term L' of two years ,each, . and .Wheereas it appears from the returns that: '� & randived♦3 'ajl vote"e "and - r a� reoetved` votes. 4 ' WHSREA60 S• O*AU6% and oyA�v ere the two candidates ? who received - the highest namber of votes at said election, 'f}t JMORE BZ' IIV'RASOLV1;b BY THU bl7Y 00?IigglON Op'. Tim UITY a F ,RaYI �N9 G \ ' 4!02f,'i'&XA$, that the said tG.S.t {a»d <' bs, &n4 are hereby daly 'de'olared :eiected Ci w-Co=iesioners of the Oit�''6f bin for the full form or two, years each or'uhtil'" �,�,77t \ '� `laldi�'� 7 � ' iR '1e .h ' r , ' ' J .' z t �, .; e aj ♦' K ' 4, thefi+ eieoeaeor¢ � reY eted �0�r 'quaifiddpursurs$ to ' he ternA �r Py �rr'fl rG > ♦,I v E 1 Y , �. Y lec I. - �K` the ° said a doh io ordinano'a. l the '6th da `ot;�Apri� y'p► �i 27r ° ; , , ff R a I n 1 41ty 'of" �a, tbri eXas� f. ' y . 3'- `Q-�' ''St+��;' � �••.'x.,. a `:�,. gy;X�O a � iii � r j a Y v J ado- �$'; • + +G }v6 _ � ti�,� .. t1v, .�r L,•e. 3'! S r � s t �. . .., . Y°�:tifl � L � Y •�t� Ix - x ' ! ) V oil�r✓ � ��r J � . ",�. �S4 � 1 ll.. i v Lin':. 'y �'� < � J �y•. r deli'. WE �.4c�,+ e'.A � r:l' • � � r'I � •. it a s4 • �.y d � , � � jj �t59 + � xl,� � �:1 rX � � 1 t° Xt{ Po , �� � 1 . � � i 1 � � I • � � � L •� ���^ 'A��•"(��, �'��i5�1 J � Fr k F� 4�.i1 .�Il xh � r � - ,h11 � ,_� 1 ! � 1 •y .� , yYr t � r� yr) a ��J r p 1 JI C' 9 � 4 �.3 1 l'. f d: t n r, �•.,' ���' n r . 5 � � ���. �'1kk },1 �� P"�' 1y lY.. , q l l• kl � ,.P t 7 t x4�7t.7� ,��'Y i7 y+�Nulq�� y � 5r�x 4 ��M. . l ii rF�fr t -t1F°�� ! •�G4P ,k�� �•� Ih��k 4,�ti�Q�°Sx �! y ,.r yam.sx`i4 F', � ,' r r�`x.9 1S. 1 � To the Honorable Oity Commission, bsnton, Texas. .We the undersigned property owners in College View Addition, respectfully petition for the extension of sewer lines to this Addition, and we promise to mate oonnuotions to said ltness . '-- � ��rff �/V �f� � s�,•(.'r� ���'I + „�..� t ��V�.1.T....` r �r� / � T�i �/ / ..F �d�6'tf '., . . (� 1 AN ol" '60 LJI %awl' / ^� , i fit. / ! • `/�' , t . . I 7A , th♦ Honorst+le pity 0,ommission, Usnton, Tsxas. Its tho undersi coed property oxnirs in Oollova "Iiez Addition, reepentNlly petition for the extension or arrer lines to this w A401tion, and we pr718 alce on antiorts to sari linos . GiG? '�, t I � M" w r J " a •.I� ��� S� - ,. ' ± f f r �c fi + es Awl 1 f 1 AJ cA r C I t{ a� I ' 3i k t 1 6 y , a , 1 > w>����'��d;� 1 " - �":.. « :San.. , !� .� ,"-Y ' "! f a � • '.�'. y� _` r C O P Y (Original lost , wr copy sent to the City o:' Benton) Denton Texas , Feb. 21st , 1927 To l;lie , 'on , t:ayor and City Commission : Cent lemeri : - hoferriw^ to tl-.e :ixteon Concrete Bridges to be built in 'our City as por Plans and Upeoifications made by the ilighwair L'opt . We propose to furnish app»oximately, 162,000## , of Flew Billet Reinforcing Steel of Domestic Manufacture at the following prices , - . • 1/2" rd. or sa, . Reinforcing Bars ;{ ;✓',2.64 per 100## 5/8r' De Do Do 2 .54 der 1OWr 3/4"and larger bo Do 2 .44 per 100## !'he above prices are all figured on a base price of ` *2.44 per ev+t . f . o .b. Cars Denton, Texas . 'e. further wish to . quote 15e per ewt , if you With , to ;+ cuti all bars , o lengthe,,as called for on plans and eliminate_ "` labor `for ' cutting and all 'wR�;0ae. f rrtl'�e'r ' Inh 'to quote 4opr per,, cwt .' for bending a?�.•,bars that have to be bent as per the plans . This; nie.t'eiel in'' stook 'att . ,Ytorth and`►vo are in position to n�ke •,imrnediato shipment . Fr _ F ' Tz�xs`ting that we n.a;v ,be favored with the busirieac ' ` • '"and thanking yoxi in advance :for yCirr land (consideration,' a remain;'° YoVr s . vor truly V i l gy Vlm . L. V911`son' Y ` F't ., kYortki, .;leXes 1't hbt 0ity .of Ddnton .acbepte ,t1.3, above proposal- for ` yreinf6l.cing steel oh prices 'gttoted, including cutting tnd bending for 1dr0 Davis,` cointractor. The abovn prices are 30 not, pm .l �2 raf 1� disbou t� iri';ten days . '- r' Oiby 'of nent6b'y Oij B, wi Mckenzie oorltrogtorE { ;Sys a (•i, p� l,' • � V �rr, a; , ° - fiw? ; .� '. ft _; ( 1 � { "iA �!, t� s � ' i i,� .? '� I a J� �., Y ' •.W.LI � ����' �.. �., �" °.YC @�ld� �r�j$ .Q;}o7'�)5��,� V4i% r , �S 'V4 � .r'� : S. ^'� I . '.• ;' VIVO 't r 1 S�'-�ti,�y ri rr t ' ..�` .rC ,i ..A+t/�"i' ,R , .. f /. � . • J • n�V� � Y , P JIV � JC• f•.. 1 1 Y ..� ny �1 S v i at a t w JI ti n t 4 i e. r • f F . • `` 4 .N s 1 9r i 4 �� • u °�.eM�V... r..+u ,..q <.�71�.n�1�W�. Vr yy� }j1 r i •' t fl'.%"• yd ':� t�t t / •�ti L �r 1 A r� t r i '. � � � r ��A i 1 r t �A� 'f. �• S da•:1 ' f r 1�� 'r 'I •\ I r t <.;.' t i. , � `. ( `7 �• �SStP� 1 ,r/ �y r A • S 1 ',y t 1 f • t t1 � �/+� 1�:. � J IY�'f ��° 7 '� � � i.', �•t. � � r��' � jr d 1� ��} �4r t s �.. ���'� �� ��i +� �, �� ��1 �� Ny .' 1 �, �o A •!yas rx 4s, J.�� °� et . v 1 ' / •,. ,{ I i z �6 � v y w r1 �'• y �' ��Cl�fr/ r r �K3 � 'n 9 1A' f •, �' �V� ay; f� .1 • Iq{k i v . �'><�, �^^ '� , 7 2'�°r:+a�a '• 'fit , 'X� 'y 1,� .� lq, af+r ';.'a r�Q'r •{i r A9' M� �iw}. i , ewotig N.iS�eslffPy+641t7i:irk�tPJR. � ' 4a h. ti.v � lW Y .�♦ � � �. r u.r.: _.�. .Jr.� +a��u�..u _`....- ..___. «._:h..®.w •,.a .n m a+r:n. rr .w tw Ya: �a.u`.av •m n t.w.an; THE S"PATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES. County of Denton ( # TO HON, COMMISSIONERS'COURT of Denton flounty, Texas: y pp ty to a , mt the follonin de utitsCount In and for Denton County, Texan, do herby make a location for authors 1 Ix' g p and at salaries not to exceed the amount allowed by law. One Chief Dcpaty.... 1 i I! One Chief Deputy..., 1 One Chief Deputy. . One Deputy.....,. .,.._.. . ... i One Deputy.... ., .... OneDeputy......... ......... .............. . ... OneDeputy .. .. . .... ... ....................... ...... .. . ..... ... .. „ ., . .. .. ... .. . .. ... . .,.. . ... .. .. ._. . .,.. . .. and I do solemnly swelr that the services of said deputies are absolutely required to perform the work of said office and that they are necessary Sworn to and aubsmblic service, ..., ......... ... .. .... ..Applicant ' for the efficiency oft a public before me by . .. .. .. .... .. . ... ... .. .: .. . ....on this the.. .. ... ,. ..day of .. .. . ... ... :. .:A.D.192.... .. ... + d J tQol.Rry RtLIiC In and for 0kntnn Colmly Texts. ' " �j THE STATE OF TEXAS, ` In the Commissioners'Court Chanibers, this the day of County of Denton ( A D 102— within ..................... ud for said Countq,ha% duly npplicd to said Court for authority to appoint deputies t q RR ' or assistants,as required by laws shooing ors his said application, venfial by his Midavit, the necessity for such nssistance, and finding upon examination that there is a necessity for such app- fti potntments for the vciency of the public service, it is ordered that said application should be granted. It is therefore ordMA that the said :. .., .. Is authorized to appoint the following persons as deputies or Assistants, to-wit: 1 ....: ..... .....:. .. ... : .. ,. . .. .. ... .. ... ... I......1 1 1 1 d . ., .,. ` ` L . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .... ., ... .. ..,, n .. . .. .. x'= " C&Irnuen Commissioners'Court, Denton Cotinty, Texan, Issued.. .... 192. Chairaiais. < Fded „ 192 : k Clerk County Court, Denton County, Texas 1 r. r,r Dy..,. , Depute y THE STATE OF TEXAS,` DEPUTATION ".r County of Deulon'.t t7!..A J . .....'. of the Cunt ( Otori 7►ate'ot Texas having full onfid in = .�q� s1.6 a Y. *J..'I . ,....: of the said Count and St at do hereby with the txmstmt of th _ r t . ' r o�Dcwtoa t�irot7, Texas,duty heueln nominate and appoirst him,the talc# At' .s!t et r i�.! trite sad ia�` t 7 ddAidS', ; fiand !e"nd,td do 4tsd perlottn flay and oSl tict(itli!'things pctatnf:ig"ta the once°b# ..1 ti t of said - a e, meby ratifying and o0iiArn-in9 any and all loch ices and things lalafuhy done(a the premises by virtue hereof. i Wft ssss my hand,this..:.s,,, a r c dayof 192 ton CaAmAi Texas. THE STAVE OF'TEXAS, i l . le CountyofDenton Herotexltla. ... A Nottiry-Mobile iii d for Denton Count this day personally appeared 1%sa a 1�' Ce s IV-- .iWbrm'.. �..`41 .i..11 ' Jmown to me. .. . .. .. k to be the pe mme i .au.,scribed to the foregoing deputation, and acknowledged to me that be executed the same for the purposes and oondderailonst therein expressed 4 GIVsN undef my hand and seat of office at Dentoa, Denton CouatY exas,, tthIIn a .10 da�r�- tvilk A,i.l rJl�� Notary Ptib nand , Tex as. Oath bf j OffWe de lokahnMy tr<W (ai rttr}g)�that loot i s ",• fu1il}i N'impartiatfy Jipchaq iJUA perforiii ill the duties incumbent tt tae rs %f+G�? tl:.iFy, its 14y, Y.. .. ' a3 k000rding to iSb best of my 4111 and rtitlity agreeably 7o the coil stet elfin tend Lairs of rho�aita!5tatea nd of this Statel sad i do' iu ;aolemaly serene(or itiitm)ti:at lento the Adoption of the Conatitutioxi 1 of 4y St te, I befiit a dtiled of thls Sts e, baye not fought a deed with"den weappoonn;a within this State,nor out it,floe Isave I 'seht of atxohpted chdiet�ga to it s duet with sedpen floe htiVe I acted is �d in ng a chnllcltae or afded, dvisod or assisted nay i S u offend i ;MIS funhPrurorc solemnly$star(or affirfn)that I have dot,directly,of iadlfeclly paid,offered or promised to pays * ' I t bu of pro sod to cbn LAW e, My money or Valtmble thing,or pmttstsat Aa , t t(lo hdp'me tfbd )rube ce orempi<syment, its'a toward to,icMn my Subserihbod and sworn to befofo tie, thin J.7.;d y oaf... 'r ' Idowy Pubic n fa Don tcxae { Irakd �er rcveW the , dday a . .. :.i"ww.xi..w�.�wia:��w,:�i::o-:+e:.w:ws.'.:r'e::,w-,...:.«+.,wi,:�:..:a,i,wig+:.:a.+.►r�+.w�•:.`.,,....c-r.v:ii:n its'w;:-:.e::e«�i.++i.: r+u::ii��.w ,x r n \ i + I �j4 � "� • l� Yr - �l r � ' f! y f�, t r b i C , r , Y+r ea if �m l� vil, o �tb (rt S .A^' ;� + i � 9 t �i "�� � i!,• ri'j4 ti�' �' �S y � ^ . .t u r I , y �d4` ♦_ I n..k S} � Yrr 11y�. p y 1'� ,� �' 1 !.lc 1. �� . err ' + ' .i�' y#�Q� Yi G $`}•� ��vit � ^.�i �' akga. r }; Y+, i . v 4 .. � tir ,, i f r �. • �?t,r 1 e y{•!!? ', r 'iv, _ar � i i THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPLICATIO174 FOR DEPUTIES County of Denton Y COMMISSIONERS' COURT of Denton County, Texas: i! do hereby make... ... ..... . ... ..County.... . . .... ....._.... .,....... ...._.. . In andfor Denton County, Texas, .... E Pp Y appoint B P es not to exceed tht amount allowed bylaw. ' I one Chief Deputy _ _ ._. .. ._ .. 1 i a icat,;n for authority to a ant the following deputies, and at safari y j One Chief Deputy ... One Chief Deputy .. . . One Deputy ... .. ,.. One Dtp•.ty I One Deputy : .. . _, .. a e ne esnsr for theear t at the sere cub _ _,,. ._ bsolu ... .... id ffic. ind L..._ the it of raid deputies are absolutely required to perform the work of Bald oRice end that they Sworn to and subscribed before me by lac service. o A i^ Y Y P � A. D�I92�� I� __.. . n this the _. dey o{ . .... .. t In the d 'ssioners Cour IiChamberso thisn he aunty, Texas.da of THE STATE ON TEXAS, c mm a t t f County of Denton ...... A. D. 192..; � i 1 b ! within and for said County, tavmg daft' applied to said Court for authority to appoint deputies or asoNtants, as required by law, I showing in his said a ,ilication, vtrine byy his affidavit, the necessity for such assistance, and finding upon examination that there; i is a necessity for such appointments for tt.eefficiency of the public service, it is ordered that said application should 'im granted: It 1! therefore or6reded that the said is ajthxxizcd to appoint the following persons as deputies or assistants, to-wit: i' ----{ a - hairmen tom` m m�een A, enton ATY, o-_W'I Issued_ _ 192 — r _ ._.Chalrm,n pUty By "`Z`ie`rF0`o`unty�'q�, enton nty, exar. '' 's. HE'STAT) D E P U TA`T I O N �• _C000t" of Denlon i,_ �- A You Y . d] � 1'IfS-r- #std - ` ' of the County of Denton and state of texas, havfn4' &oil 0wntde in t of the aaSd Coanty awed Slate, do hereb wii, the consent of the a RI d u erlton t�waey;fI`exlia, duljberert6ominat six;c oin all b and t o r m true d eas' ni iy name, Plaae a d_ e to do,,nd ht go pe-r 111111�ta tTi 4�o3tTce tlty W P • ' J, ,"� of Bald 4 a Statei hereby,titlfden nand confirming any and all anch acts, and things lawfully ono in ena�q vlr�ur hereof. WlTrrgde m'y hands ihia— _�iiY d_ _ - _ 199 IL 1 om, THE STAT9 0t. 19XAS, ,. - ._._...�_ n13 L t A N ta'ry publler in and for Dentod �ouaty, Cexfu,nn thla day personally appeared.,; J ,ArYfi1111g,- iL -- 1 Y� kttown to fete to ba ebb ]�erlt�orCa'e g �� 'TK on whli iii t4hie le rubefribod to the foieboln r .t on, aid acknowled ed to tAe that M eY.ettta' the easrie for 04 �IStpoiea 1hrorGidrratiotte therein frx eeaed. l a yGiVeN ohder my band and seal of office at Denton, llantod County, Tex , this faAday ot,�, leg ^�i•'. I J ,Y e 4lIV� a• nt • a=a� d 'A �'` � OF 0PFelCE F t' � 0 r r 111ldthfa�l, and �% i w1.+ �d :.. ��. . .r :� dd ielehnlX ewes (et s�fu+) e!f 1 tr e porte)ni all thl datfe. inrt+dilxnt npdn mfr a DA Ll� C 1 '.1� --05 ; tinr�}�s b}g eaarQinK !o eke be+t of i`r skill atld �bilftti g 1,greeal,ty td'the eoastiew ,ee 6(tAe altiJ-S tiainnd oll i i 6u1t,�ed l o nt r1 of ledsl I} sWeif (or afRhh7 tAli sleN"eh1 adtob►ioa ott>tlCdns{ttntfaxof fi 1 i f d'r fed"ef ih s goer here hot lode!{a duel with deadly , eapilhl a IWI th! Staff, edr oat of ft der Aare 1 fen!of ,;fie• 1 � t! li eileli fn AF s, dne� rrftA dead) ogi Thor hail I retell fl sk6hd id ea,tyie }'cA,JilMge ee e ded, adv(kd' tlr ealeted lay tlffendln#i M I tonhetrrcri a iinoly ettear (dt fil6rla klit I hire n6ti°dirertlf Ot l ifectly, p!dr'lFefea of pto,ti+lud !o pay, ` ut ro td eontribute, si. mode oe►aluable tA1a�r,ur 'ror+tled en k bee dr a .at, ds a feirard ideecwe my hhh p i y Y p ,b3'� a�f p!✓ins t, t3od� h a _ r��j ! Th,gpr�b'ed e� eMOtn to ij h ,�1 }, eaq a sen f r enm oaaty;9*exu.` y art rll i ViVita dt, 'am tie_' _day ""' --Y*-..-_ .:_;W-e,+ •_�-t-, - .ter- : : - �.z. '4'4"O+YltC�1T-'� -i1•.•....•, ^•me.•-"7s'r_•.-C!-r^.:....h-r�ln-!i.`C?"ta�e�!s:vT:'h_"S•-h"i�_ .., -v±. aYnYG..ri:lx+.`Srt tfczc sVas.�l'axs^,r:.:.cs•.�ri�L'sw:aarsv.Yan-axe,»-,t;irx-.t,•MisrJ'. <:m-�a-'. i y, k' s ti t , 2 �.rr 4.y._� a,x. u t,r • ra�r�sr.tlLs�rtrs�l l +' 1 { 1 {�, ..y.w a..w.g e,.�:,.+ii++.,•Yl pr+..•, .Mt L� ''✓w�3 vJ.'!1l� iy' ' 'n'F! z�ifr.'"iiky/R'•f' nf',�.f � J "7^�' . r T 71i to r ' 4 f •d �cc' v 1 n - ! 1� 'r nR 1 Y i PP�� FFF 1� N !) t Y � .'I �t 1 ! \. iJ � �( f •��' Ir.. .r lj1 AAA WV+�nfn F Y^',�.♦ li:.'` v h««♦ • .N�'. i, �-i�i /-r+1\.rwbF.w yr 7 � n i iK twa' f� 4 r, n �X l� lqe �y�j,�fl� �x y'" :• + rn a.!• v I }�; r�4 t �,l? r � ui Q 4y' Y (" fr.l � 't �� r � ��• 1 � i 1 1 . . �, . i���.!?,,fix 1?tif k�.r•. . S . .. '!,r. 1 .al I 1' 1 d 1 d •r v1 V\ r '.'r �;� ry r 1 All . VY} it { Vi. r al:� l Yi � s � ' ' 1 PY J' 1 �, r 1��" ,�;r ✓1�f � i:.,�l�¢ f� 3 I,�".,,1 1. t � W; 11 r, Y 1 i ,+ ��'� �, ei! �,:. �i > V .Tt ��ti�tl � � � �•�1% N� / t r' §✓ t u,, 'a r.. 5� '�P,p k' r � ��'+lf! t+. P•. w .1•Y•^' ✓ �lr >�" !�. :w d. a 1 'J 4. i�.. 4 M' n,^Y��',� ke� ,,.. ' �,�yi t e?,� i v�9;� i�• 'Y,,'i�5 �.i���'. Y.I:oi l .�Y +•! 1,'k.1° '�" 1 '.r h� }�+ j (� 1'' 1 �'r:' 3i�4 Y 1Yr�'� 'rl '`2: r N :'?,Y ti r La. ,`�l,.�ad+ � ! °r,1ti >> (',r� rC rE,q•>i i+{ ^ xw. AO*= , + 1 .¢' '.vl !�,"t, 5� �.� i r t. � 4 b ti}�%y ,r Y i' d _'� c•',:� �:.l': ¢''.r:�+ if. 4,ai'f' ,-� irt,' Y r `kI , rl ... •f < AM IOW 1 *wl', VV"4 -V ff 44 lil�.•"t�R } R rl a�, d 5 „�r A ,h„{i .��{r 2 �. ., � ,il^'ir�©•a{k P� I'd,G W'�' �yd 7�4 f}'4�!';C�GY"'{ {ii�vWt c. �ti.�.ti �.x jd('1�' tk'�''91;1�>�rq� I�UY �• p.'yl� Y ' � �•. �� F.,y �:�i inr.� rLY`'3 Vi�� •r1��1,dS:'y ' r�'9t ��t�d 1v..�',t: k h �l.in.tl! apr y`V ,iS;ll i s yyI Y 1 N�+IW Af ,� •l..Y•S itfi[ �.} 1 V d', Oo. S,.yr?�, lea t d� r lip" + ' 1 Y 14 #J ,, k� Ir- Y'Y 411t f/ r r. it 1' •`Y 1V..Y tf � Y r.i �:'r ��M 'r'v`w• '..Y.>.0 i✓"k`l...Y +. r I.y w ri.,k.V°°.r,;V IaFW,. rx }• e} 1 SY�"'� rte, ,:'rM a ��Qqf ���V kk , 6 �., V �F��4'f t��I�}l� ,.,� �I + ��F.+ 1'l p yi`.'I ri r . i^I I r� t x P .-�',• c"1 °i'r 'A'. V 1 y^ � i, � C+ y�'�7djl'44 '� q"M,��`aya e; 1 !s�• ��11 !��'/�(� 11y�1 n+om�+ ¢ 1'•� �'1 .r c it , iii' .! � y f •� 1 `. i� � � 4 i'�`i'3 ° fit, � r. " •, ' `i 1 .. ,. T 1 rig; C ', � •A '�Y Y ' � AFy4., i : r 1 >r1• . ��° . .,: <A��4 Ar.. r � 4J�e � j � y. rpr r,]y a Lei 3, •, �Ae � a'i , � .ye•�r i � : ..�• . e ��5.! 'vim r #r'�.'/, ,r� �. 1.t 4 � 'y YeI NNI,1 '� >; Rte+ IMMi'F!MWM" TO NM Ws h DIRM twom tho north lints of fart Mokory Weot to tho South �lola of �o'fia�y st�o�t . �'i�e '!q '1 � .S �I�Y'� r ° R'.�J 4, 1 , r . " L '.. y 1 -1.+•�I < r,�� � lU'S tSi 1 _4" of 1404000Y Arcot to the north »s "IWAA !►V trap the north line of Gavin t'ha •oath 740% e� #�sf�s Ar*erui• ' VUX48��` from tto South line of Veit Tti,i3car� dtar�ot ea t}ao Ikon ' 1lsao o mulborry street* tabs# WuqukY SUM41 froao %he woo Il a* of Woloh 8040 on UA nath Sf"t to point h) fort sort of "Id vtui line of 'M11I� tt�l ► ' I 190 Ml r 1 "As i y +w . t rritl Mir tbo hi�oo o ' i�oo .a teri «q4 r wro 404 t�ora too tit `� ��y�yyt~ {off ar+o j}.jyj +M ;l�" tiN wtiek : rlt +urn#ori $11 a�►t�rAtais for 90110408 1140 oil, o�o#b1 091F pixb " AT ; 1fIrY CENTS gut ,r ty:' Q Q i aa114h 90 TWO bob+Ak & T' fiY T} RU1; CENTS $ 2028 rrPSf"+t J/ `U. ���, 1(7�M�V ^ ..•�] �pre►rr A M416 on drib sw ou " se►Mrtin u�M►�rA» , n 3X i±x tit�l SY�/ O i�'S 0606, ' Weal" M dirt ^ Oenta $ 0t!0 rr� 1W1 tuMM11*Y�►i�, ! 111f"ei! }ilt�► i► *a�1tx+►+It �'� i1 ti ry{ " 1l v.�lr1 r a .r. r l• R 'i�'! _ t� e 1 .. � iCrf e' d• {J r .�y �^..1 C'l r,n,Y .• n d G R � Y e , � r� f Yr�+ �K � . l• r '. � r�" ",y� ( p '12 t ii� x ^. pp��. �x 6✓<A \yY �. 0 S 4 7�1y i V �'ri IiY'ead.2.�.;t[4�.�.i✓�'e�? �� oY�( Y ,. : e e � ; � .-, . (, < 'i e' s; .,a ' ' ,y! , r tit 5 71,� r�s•�,' �' wr�� l3 . v <!et At A'Ia * 4! Ai �i.t IIG A•f +a f ��.'L C �`, . tT �' I�'i a�jl• sai � �llr`• '�s.ilj'. .1 r4 'r+x9v t. �i7;� + e♦ � i i <a ;1 6 a ti• y ._�• a 4' 'r' s tM. 4 M wig a AsUN aot#ar belt. brow 410,94 w 1q, Y ,1A , Orgy r mole in '04 n►wwuntl of $100600 is aaaloraa. ]12T.LI JAN-IdoOrear Road Oo j,n„ pY,er ■wnw+rrAwr r Ln� en j 1101 6 9 t i HI r AY2 lit i 'A'i t � VV A r. AV Pia RR.�,�'�•,��.Y�� Q ee W3:. e.` t� .d'. •L^411 �'P1i`\=Y 1rak1 �r a .. 4 �L 'r4l4 rw e j a i ' err or 6 r 9 e4a� t r BLMM online nor l lift p treet to a wo 171 fe F' efSd'm }, Il to d I ree e1r boa�aqq'� t&Ate Olin. IN E }e!,$arfbtnrd ik'M''44 bSe���retl" at2M',IRi c� r V, IFa' P S i i� A !v t y� p�iti4♦ YtJ 4 f A A� r .�r e , i 4 y�. 1���'�I.i L� Ay�i ry [ M�� F �� �•r`w�. ..y.. � . v{ y t. r. .� ✓t 1 e ,A i t IV r t r a� t + A 0.•a f c M i ,:�, f r \\\ i'.i } Y .A.r } r A.a r 1 Y yy M yr�6n 4; •"Y''4 S a a . ' �' e tt?i ioA AtiLlk ���,r: ii� 1 � 'k . . to tit tv � � �• �� �� AyS i � G� ^fir ��� � � � � i t� V.i 'n r' aY ON� .i Ol A v tP 1 Alf ' C, yr 'ri�yy .�. .w.Y.•...t..—Yw� ✓ yt :' a f.� ( � I y,v{r t - : ., t,.\, �. � r g ,� ' i e "���t ar-t�' i� f; ��rA'��� '° �tG r "�"`�, h � �''E,F's1<•�,rx s,�'ra17��y •i � •1: i, ,i vi [ �,,�.'h�'±'i\';: i�,, .w �'�. a 6 4 * w.,, 'b .Y "rA.X k,Aa f'a1U.{1n(C r�.!iyJF �'�i r yiJ' v + dtr){ Ftl �•Yw ie 4 I... M I 10l, if YT, 'k9' "it+�r �'� ?�!'�► "��� �.�16..��4 ��o, f>r� X5,41.+"`,�'��t xry, r � d rho Oijlr , r �r kt .•rw i k kf7 # t 1 " 3 t e a �� � , F �f ."N�o i. Q 1 yYl�e' y,�-� fit'P13 ,y t,r .J l9 rYk ASK OITMT frox the borUl liao Of East Hiokory Street to the south line of WaKinney atiottl i J� VWT from the ",0% ;W0 of Aeb Street to the epAt lino or Cedtit� tS6DAA STti.MT from the youth line of 20KInney 6treat to the north line of Wtst Hickory Streett P03VDJ t A1AMM Swom the north 7oloe of 04mU girel/t to the ♦OUI�b. ' ita4 Of WOUMS AV0AUb j t ON 4 T tvou Uts mouth 11114 of Was% Hiokdry Streak t4 the ttox-kh .11110 0 Atlberty 0`rest j tdlJT MUMMY SZVMT frots tha vast Und of ,74x011 3tre t on ZbW oath 11140 �ot Xulbeirxy stxosi to -A point feet per 'o oil . •Iek 1106 or neigh a re0ty , . � � � � . � �I7lp�ed �4 ltltl�►�Ofr t�' I 1 e' �q, PIP a gyp. �.`y • T 11 r i �. �� � . it�►ek io+eblx4 add 11011111' . . � �,,� ;�� �; �� , r ;,, ; � �x , p itif s tid oonoretp o0 e► �� tir ,x �I�t , r0. etr�l4t s pis to 0600 it do�p�►ot�Q gra�1 a��» . ;4 k V IA UN BfAteb# Th# 1"11 Not# vj� $ 3 a IL !, 4Qe0e tools,* �yools, w, o � : , I�•;rra�e��, ol, ',�1�!�, Mt w � , .: AP tw. � 'M►' i iu tho it,d �i 4xq�pbax, IM ARM � . r . • rye, i t , i f. j ligi 'n A AtttlMtigtle i Altereti000 by of woo of ' Iotortitaaptions suet t� txpp�eiaaed `" or, DOW in the propoertle otty Ahs oigdature of tho tiodorir t Pr ove 1 took bidder •hr22 inoluee iri the unit prices v.iesd In hf.o 4-iro« �+ 0-007 t]hs -ruaoishive o! , all tabor matt�rislr , oed s pprMus of t#axy ¢debaiptiop njec.osry to Gone truoi erect and finis bomplgtlly ttl he : s6 Aof�►et ea of the py►ginter s. vrork As 04%11#4 for n the opt. 0t100446a9 %,r shown on the .Ail price gavot be written in woraa , a0- well +is expxewood So , ti rof0 $tad taunt et:tin prioo» tpr sx #teti dt Work o�ged , S�I tan pi' ad itn ,xr titgg With inky Tht rr"tti muds 'be d1b�' *M 4,ia iaol ro ks o . �aeelian oar anion 40 to its �t�to�t sm! .ttluri 00 v � �id�i r t�ox is prt eh '0 o , bo. A&Sed r xo be dh oblob h f Eh e ho r ' ro�on,� w d�1t 'r r Cfp�lAil do i4.4 a �"�°t� ,Aa,b ��! fr ��►''a �0-e Mied, " . � ,; � °,� ''•� ' ;�,�� � '4,�5 �}tisN ¢tl1�t g{ {,+p0-' � ��� �ty �� i rF.Atk� I� lot • l ' % i�r ri •�t�r�� �r1 rs s. Tm ' b ��y■■■•��,AM w b� $ip,dglied ��r'iirx?,e � y 4 • r TTT 7711 �l �,�•rYk' y,'y. �i.,t! @.t`�d', _ ',� d '-r' i'tr � r a�; 5�,r � �� r� r•, , i ,�Y : t��'�tritot` . . . . tr.r a to op oar s �►': I ir.� • ti .. 1 F 6E,.�� so M1 v. '^ r� �'^�� � Yw, r w , A!`R �� � 'Y M ' i ri PA �; FJ '� If a Ste (xf, . �' i i :i• "� - �! > !, a t, / ,f ��N 5 ,jd�' i �L F� �'�+7r.' �'.��'n r�iyl{rv^`t dk ,'1� �'� 'tt tl' Y r j�r� . R 'L i �' �,. � I ." �•' a a 4, �t w d , j ; a; t ' it tibOtrnet ,,. 'th0 CofroM bidd4v x111 be roqutxbd to turnleb a 4mplo ' Aveiro t bit All uOpertdr abutting on Visa otraet to be uvtovodo TM cart of Bald 6Dsttaot to ba boxbe by ua d00trrt4t0* S 7tanauremant and Sn"t"nt tar work t za soranuzRiaAc up the vlwaamk2t u3ft% pact 40cupled b +YIU bsl'Aa t-tUfJx esrks wan oatah basin aarerf * V01Y0 �wc4o "4 rail$ of Mtroat railwjW t3tooka W111 b4 1»aluded in tbti acereltat* 9046 at't�►. T1�e pe.ty of �ontoa ohai], year to ttu, Cotttta►ptoyr *"*,Vaud 0t � , 4"t of all "Id IJvrata�aegt Oxoeyt �irorat+eot unc1M3' +npt1 teen railr M1 %xo teat Outside thoteof whiob ab4 14 x?��1i► % 1 o`t'mervo nt to bo woo by #,he aIt a! tlot�tragtb�r bra the COMPI iiop of the wade tq tla►ah y j D1*j �r to dietrlatrOrt daw Wilt �i>r Aug os xo or abult'.ti>� oq tr of of ftiob the yic+Rb accte�d .t be xolro44 it y R pl �4 $plt 0bear+M4 t oup0 t6 b+�* , to the rrtw a flea as tt�r froata a of the ry r y o i10>II t m"o� carat of Prope�rf�y on the pa�rtl eul+Nr aRiO be Ne N�►1d�3+roplr wvA td, sand eugh oa0le atoll be AD4" aooerd a 'With wbe►t to D of +mid aooaroir i to eeei ondaaarppippor i ',er► Ap be duty s p�ropart ost aM aby)► deer .fun cad +OmtabXe� oQruL4or11 p�ygAtaX bta+►fi i, to d vt►lu+r to die reca#rec b Oo 6 of r eauttlard b! lraaw Pad the adjustmot a euoh ➢ n4 ty o Nrrr tb to produ" a aubetmat equity of baaatite and bu rtiowmat o as t; op snob roprr p0 1 1 ax tap acid cas alt aueh 1p 1�'e oq A rbd1 N����'oal or � ty o 03'y tq tai Q 1st tLar w t olo, oa praa toy ey �,�► 40, � took two. .� Lott ,abdotd 'bi► >e0eeatep Hof, ao y f>Rate �ra�4 dote sad one• t�raa pOte►bet to t1003P40 o oe i ;i t ys atihdre Niate� aos n tdto! N VON aZ the rate e +I Of Suoh e� i tht►t OOat wr anqua, p�rori�dl'bf, barerer, 1 +fir yr tifAY +l�rnaet xtw o 0 1 �t 1 h4 4" tier �C a 1� i d e t up 0=6 sift blr �tlx at t?�it "All *�VAO 1 . a o M a •-P i ► 4r' Opdt q M aMko M ble10 r ,raa,rioia tbt aalYet apOLr o3C rayoar1 0 +yet or ,poXtiea 4bpxo bO � tie o root to Sim o o R I ; x a , k r e q �.y PI lo ; 11� 'rTY s -y;i• 4. C~. : � - i1i � ;'i 'F�' 7dgE . .t 'l t t /• }Fi ¢�� �tt�}.�� jtj f'P( q y ( Xvl%R .1 i d pry. • }' (}P'Lv �'i'.'.� �,f i' (tXii'f�. rti f C F'f '• 3t r "•3y � i,'- , 'Ix iy' a° <',1 q"i► ;p r L ff p grltlw� NLx` ho�Ceytiq�vo o ems► of said fWate or Orktons ttrereor uawad to bn o►roq► o t e Is$W4 to thy* Uontrao0v pro 4 gatoo �p � t to bo d oaalt, o� eq ► s1 ► " q 20041td ""not' b e pro t bp4 thw SUU tr of ddi�' 0tv to s��eorda oo with thl� abotraot grid With tbf #Asw r j' of a t`�r 11 � riM 29, Ro i,aed otatutaa of 'two of igli MA 0hoptor 9� Tit a 2 Revised 0tatutos of Toms of 192 aM the 01*vtor ArA w erdinmove of tbo 01ty of DentOnr v4'h �, TtN O�t7► O: 1�atOtf •hN1 s1o• bll 1twbY� zo tb+ ooMtri►aft0w Zq a�r P^rlof tern Oaoia ox »a,1d t ovmost t be P"d by th* OV*WVO o! ►be pl�r♦s�•rur w0prjrsy uneor tho Ono at thlb ea"l 4OU 'l'hR ZrAeta�t 4Aalk not bb bi'igat" to mks MW Of the 1w%roYay "at# barep!} wentioned In txons of (� prop* ty olXirsed� ae arc tr'pa the 0219 "wnt or the lieu for Wa e6el of wnh fvraYw •s br�1 twit %be oonaaruotloa of SO4h s.npraveWn% yn firant of AVY of p su+rb propfccty unlee+o su f nvner or o+!trorN ah411 fist ior+lca ppYOYiwi4M for sooums tbm p"ns of the N+rbt�nt of thin o ato �iah vul .t Nns*+tee* apinst ouoh property to 'Z? satist"Nom or this Oowt+:aAm stt Ate is oath unlit o��iet 10% obau liftfika eogr to Mt of aniie q�r istr tr �aa8 the iuir►" * mWi 08 O mez" 04 wait �r dtotglet anal not b WUS 'b* I otld it ! dfr pp tra+N► is o6abe4iiaa wA.tb t �raYeaoutn 1rOq► �tt 4ogti�A� tea 4*60 of 11W a 14004 be"91 3,10 tw er ob"t"N te o 100 1,6 the pas the anrato ty owl dovero 43,16 01 Uw�f &M the ft"ter he Thse I"o1fibetlow PUNS Work bo 0400 out by 08011 ltgd �' M+�lt1t wihl A1Aked► tat tb+s eke r Z`� 1 oo4i�r #ox r h q to 4 ►ao +►�+ the pro" bad ef+ai� b3'Ca t . * � �ru%Wfa*6 vWeh sb I px soul p tl�p* Aud e r plumxx trit ' ► ti*lov thii lMtai tM�uA �xn6r , alga, �►t i► 1 th !�9 `e tbo aw► at thin �ptr0 o4 ON$ 00 0 1ri��r4 y . tf�4�1 4�ye}`�#►g0 0� 1 � 1101' osl► ",- �t b# f+� #1� ,���C+� ,pit�#d i�o b. wltfl ���t ��t f oWrt"�.W�1, �'i'1►OM�1 AA qx �p was IIOi ` astoori� tixt►t "Mat s o +1� �'Xe4 loft Ana fAf*0m* ; *71M �o � ,ao 4 14d t 11 rer N1-t t she " �'•� ofoarx aioia t i►it i rim I q qr� 1 k71{! �a+ , klv '"1 �'� 1 fr�Y. y .k '. Y 5 i�i� k, e �d4:'.. 6�,a d'�`f�' E ek Y P+ i+,�•4 i'M�1 't !. gib pi1Aae4 for 00 Ourb R04 %0ro "t OW tuMod to x 60134 bsdr Who" j a ? exaaARt1P1! het ! leap x�od 1f01 a dk Ah 4t' t a bl� � �►4 Np 1►Y'1�OP1lA�'i�1A. �pgpA , ' rt ' tit Isp .94" OA 446 A1A duk�N is on a aA Oxlt rI ,,� a S!" to"* wu:ii not 1,64 �r� ir►e iw. �•rlst l♦ . arc e34e a 4qe eet ot*oM�uet trr etrs' i x a *alp o a wte"-1ne w,SWo oe#.1" 04 be 4 et* rA pied !*ors ttee . A11 torso " t be "11 otNceA wM th4*off�r bla0" 04 that �k VIOX of 04teri 6 will 00 dxotwb tbwa now nave than qu 0 ISO• t 000 w* � 4WAS $ be tno to #e 04 4WO nwIM►�arp p�atpriMld ere l��+ww+�� ,: , t �i34a"Rt� � t� N i{P1�4i oA` Q •!�� W �ffr ��iF 4�d1� � I(I�i:; 44 ►'rfl.* '� t8 �40e oa on4d ut at�a t�►p 4 . � 4 A 4 at , suet I �. a+nr$ it o1 ro4t Y p seeme% t x � . ► to s true *'VON 4*41fr "s 644 41 to bo eut t +mod x t�,natod ovar grox � �1 aR; +gad ever �' •p3>� Ito town �n p +etas a311t n td With ' w eettpb�0 � �ma �ioriaX. , f +Ou6r0 � 1�Ox. # ���� •1tA a ,' �# tAat as '1 1"1 4 owl to 4 4 p 1 , tA RYA xtth toe of � A MAI � SFr ttb �M �I1� la I t�o�r1 �Mta:90'41" li 1r f -r pt+F14A ki:k'4, ray ri. f �e.#gib { ttS sky+qr. ` `two#;i t: • a , - .r FUTT 7 W4 j T's kpvw .7 ,7 777717040,mjc TT r + I r, r_ F;.ti� � j1 � � � �� h! �� � � � •^ ,i f 1 ` � F - 4y4i ..�.r 1 ♦ ti r. � �` C' hl 1; 1 } .7f ti ✓t C°e. 'Ai �rtn 1''�.' .fi ,r� �i. 'a'r 7 ',14 �+y'r� 5 V 'nt• Y. t �.tV '��s#°< �f' t±y+��l� 1� �. �t� �'� r�' Q%Cl MW Oman -M- Mgt (49411104 TOO& � 1 Yttid iton Mfl�111 OOi�diet 4t d r<red' aowrdO 1001'" ►ed a pad ed MWIWO Ot ltiA*lrel A"regsto said bituainu% rtaReril Ohe ll, be 09ustruqtied ou the Cowle td "d, gprored b�6e bnur,rl, td sOObrds> pal with %havo Spo 01096tic"s WA in OOntor 1 it>> vKh � lines , gra4r�r� a=aApsa#Oat Wokmos mnd t791"X %sw 6tiliea or the plmb# I The Mfttai s ate 6 e hs.11 be e4oapa1ed at • OOArMe [trosa e o estisehed etoae. w 1�law I�prodate • anA �re�cp1 �9 s1>lllr• 13 le* at' the 4oearee A,g�regeta � em p Jlggxa�twho a»0 fllai�cwl Y �►iY2er shwl� Z►!1 leritteFit�d to e000rdal al1►h presgri0ed aalthayd�r o�,,yy SOLD rovai both of D eateriala and of the eotWos at Yup ly Must be obsalnsd from #Ins Xnalneor prior to dei,trery of materls, f TbS 4laarse Aprgf'edatd Skrsil ooneibt of olea»r lv, �6a+�t6 of atoac (cxoluding Sofa%%• gAale Or slate) of 1&4form q uw �at%�ir' ou10ou14 041 ba treo from thin or 61ousalked tane grim sort 6r disintegrated stone j dileto or r1�q dx±othir i6a* waltele e00urirwg •ittMd' %sate Or as s Ogtlll on O dtollli 1 IItOlM 041 hAVO u per aeut Of wear Of not Wro tip 6 f �d �eb�oq 44044 b? lab$r'at*ry methods *hall tultill the following r4quj%4m#etS, tasoiag %ho � 104h roreon not 1*016 vut6 tF�N itf4b 00"44 not lrrn ik�hA t Ra eens�rt f1t 4mblutton 6 try euad St 11 6Oi�ellgl Bs»IN $box hS ►aMNf +� +IpurNl d�aO it � o`arr yam or aiiii ., yu�r?t� tortik+t 4l+M#p w►terial apoOif#,a�d tat dp of e111 �`h11 X'el/ wO All +t t►t r+ l ` roeetrptw�r 01,i . twl; xln moss► a » i ro1�1 %'eigell on , si #b �iO�rO� 'p+�tai�r�tA , �!by�u,y� iOW� 0 SA-C', . y,'. , .. y.yr . - f r };6 ' 1' ■ , 1 'TO 1 k o e ► Ito# the ! r9� � ! { '+% ��� �!t ..�E �► A �w ..;� '� � app 11+�t1 tbup 1. 1;► q ` e ,. yyIM�1► t� r� , �`;.� i �F,�;� !f. f::��wMai+r�?�1'.v����� ►����wlsa �, ee � �' �j:.`j��4\ .ryIl 9 Ae°aF+k ��,� � �� ,` : � i 1 ` •i y 1. rY .T � � r 1 iW , •I F }s �"IS,�,{ a t a■ y 4 v P 'i i 14 1 `: :1 f ' �'Y �i I,r• �' ,• P` •� 'aY l �,R., i ': � { :�� -�' %. �, � :. � ' 7 . . 1 ri vhf +.` ( �� � x � . � 'y � _ l �; ! . 61j t5 ' �'� .'la, •M : d .j 5 .4;' v n4:; ,t„{ 4 t " c s a b t A. Organio matter k4dolublerr6 •4684not loue 1h&n O.t R Flwted ZerAUdes AapWt z; ` o toitio a rity 250/ 25eoa (W/ 701 664 loo o Its i.Q o r Yoh poin � � + •� . . � . . . . . . . ► . . . . . . of lose t 517 { 0 W W 6 6 o. (11301 to �� 4* 1 1tyo Pe OlTRt x191 Lr" b0 ] 00 go Lie at ��• s25�. �304�Ti� a n. r i r a r • a a r m nC{ ittOre !?!wp •O,Kr t • ptmet" lost of rvaidu• at 20 to Mort, lb0 !; joaQaa . a *aa . . aara41 aaaar Ono lame �lhun 3o�s. soUd bitumen {ioinbld in oarbou dioulDphido j ,, . . isOt+ 14 @@ thal , M b. 2noremio nL%ttej- injjolUb1!}r a a a a a a 2i tV 34' %4f ,,", goearss �e r!h* paring maixture �2 onhaigt of <x Uniform mixtux* of � ena%* # fine caffe»Alr, Utrisral filler and bitu,a lttous Mier* iai eaa wa to yroduoe when pr� @z�' t0 the folloviti; 1irD tatiou.i for radirg,l t�be�exsot �p t'#tettfo oalsh Oprr> lime»t i n+tlr;g the to sX figgroaato wlthir, tbeete l�mtta r?sdll be AS diraoted by the X lneer. �he9a t+Mte� �r "Rag $pAtory S"Y"# the raring ur@ *hall meet the t4j)L*v1.vjj t&quite+ �Ib9bts t p�, trreen acid ret9aiued oil e+piNrtil «� } Ilion Dore d &OU t'etst� 44 �q �Oh •t�� , . t ry a load on ,10 $mI eia t s Herb 411 t+Nl VON teim on lato � +wNh ere xo ed an ri e ' t . .� 4 more MAN t foralovalt posh d t= "all tu Protortlo» t�xl�dre ihal� not *1ft tot!#r� t {e gibe ear�ndaa �# md►te �r Owl + � and "049r, ± aw oor.: oty► sae �, roquir ►13 t MOM �pAq. uaa a •�n M1� • !�, ao* A b4 a 1,��'3t t ram �rt ?� tbd wt, ♦ 0 o . rl. M 1JId a t3�e 1' � eJl b iYt ppt qp d *a it 'av � � Ap/� ,�dd an or od re r11►ea, A1iYe , of ti `s"eatr»re eeeu>•eS the Y inee9e e l �btt AgRl l► tat ► #i�11 Ali .. " . :, { ` �+ ,•�' � sue: ea91��� � e+l o IWO )s J"O yb_WO +b r f S �► �� >t�et� it yt4tll�wd �►t�de e�` ;wltl+V�', q►fn,'ov+at ti ♦ f.A'y .ItMfa�,q � i ��� �r i 1�'r,t�+�k!j w ��a�l 'Y'^�. �rs''#'G 7 t s�;� f;,. r � . e r � i b��,Q ,j'�'!f'A �ktaY3 {� • r , 1 P NNir�wapMi�irad+i■d :c+ ., AlRMM�ww Ii4^ 1 pia Max axe used. ` �t "i):� 'Wuminovs concrete mixture heated WA pre• paired .W ape ed, s)�calI t* bnuitd to trA Work in tight yehiolor� plrevil taHly o emod of all torsion mYaterials, sad, if 1'Seetesaa�' , boY» ` orel with oatava�aa of ruttiolerat 1st to Vrotoat thq entire: lo& ; the �t dispLtabire of the vehioic• OJAI to am mod so tmt tsl taa$erilal dollrorod nay be jAme ad " W*11 bay* -rreiived ltnitiva rolling in d 1 t� rho niatu rs sha l bo laid only on +a base souse which its sl y, t ;n any save free farom stmdW waxer and frce fuels loose or folxelgo a1R vv alxi , and only V.*w � w of % r 000ditioas in tits iaiam et 13'the gMeer, ors muitaill« . Cos mat •tarfcwra of ouru a *U%a• taatroe ►ar►cl Ill Jolntn OW1 ba paibW With a thlin , unicorn eoatiM of to phaitio eerl►nt berore tlw eawree to t mtnoda The 4tA%um sha11 bet dlur"d bra a "l insu Board" outside the stoat on tdzioh it is 10 rJ4 be spread, the entiro load Ydiotributs A into Use W raked to r*Ao in a umif�l',�► loose layer of nuoh (!e th that after ronolY� Ult rate ocWyoesing 1%yr rollitig it s)=a1). have tM oompacted depth that to ohoun an tho plano r Ad,�ua nt to Mush vAmbv , gguutter: , lute , and otlruoturve the m1xtuare shell be rakedmi+tornl Mtgh to tM% whose soVeoted It will be e11&tl aaboyo We edge of th4 nwrlt or flush struc tore v Va aaixtuxo oballl be at a temperature of 250 to 350 dwoos vhea Xaitli r )lolltro used qa the lritumbous ooaorste Nbal1 W yr well balaaoe , as !•ptopolluA to ens rollers o Ire ir1g between 7 AQMA 8 tot" why sao)z a bou hAve oaaq��araesion deer the rev roller o! Suetween 200 sold 300 pafuMtasl Per Tineal inch of roll and s2aali is tnvioea with an &s1ft pda Witch Chall prevent saw$ from dropping upon he bitwMall 1. g1hot woanous concrete woozing coaxest laud tae at4olfled 0 l rrsi ax at ous whit.: the mAxturo it assess sad plisLUi bed Orly ' �arodp�i104 rnaixigoono.roti�d.usams troq'� "ro"ar t1ag tbedUIV Anous Sattriaal f 0111 ndh+tlring to the roller shr+~1�be yirovidrd as rooted by the lsng�l�xcar. 0110 notion of Oa roller sha11 at all times be olgw 000ugh o arold 411e01s4ownt of the Mt 111muro m4 wW dts laoet cis oomwo t� 0* a toa11u1t ppf reyvroivd the di � tlon of the roller or.W mp UM "Alf sba11 at on i be oorr} ed �► `tie use of rocs�a iM of sb iiiiair re �roqu Medo no rld 1 centime Wimaeut Late�rw rarption ustif 03.1 pitor *mks al" ar, and the surfs shM n rolaoni Imatono db t Or roe l ap�gt as dih 4444 1W th nfer N�i be Menqt ul ore)r tea el�tire virtmes A sWflolut as of to1l*to � of be "Ofoye� to obtala the swim= 00"Osion ftrollers smiot Wootively ransh shall be 0OP141661 =$ Plaoing oaf the Sultaaoo sou rse sball be as >ilea�tr o t�puoua 0061414 a1 vo ler aebax rose Over the usnpsrota oz` ts�+ lots taurq oaI�r Mbe u*: 3pg of Un s •s mv6sd tot • 1404 Of t iaati ae o R+ ! ttA J►! %VW4 d bd + Ia all of fmdo Idmw Ow weark It resuleld W lily br�l► l►04 tote yr�f 0 � ant��i%1 wtti�b h� b1e ' reap ���� a� � M 1e�la • eve rope rse,)r W no wvta�ed agryrs else parea�n� ��a__ LO t o a"so r)aea um Work is aresumo , the seat taut h b 1 e tho ruse eb to Al be pO f , getheir Mw i lap .r Arid VA no 1 C Ul A 0861"t •list ' �W1�d�d� 0 3flPati► y 1� usld W •d�l�a , 1rt11 Y71 _ 4b �I«axol), . ' � pa►r�, �t►alh" � ox�arl�ed � a.o�ai ���tl� �e a�►usvMe ` t ors th %Wev of t�# se011111 Aim= y } . 1 }r4 t ' 1.910 f1 �J i A , t�"fi'FrT,tiid r Afl s !!,i� 11't U'i ' K1 '�l, S �. yJ. Y i�5• ll. b ' '-1ti� '^�. �{1 r,,.:' � r� � . 9 � S`;��r1 M"1,�} 1 '�A y y y y p i� iA fjYi f f I mf'! 'f�-�'� Z , , 1 • rPl�� �� � y,l•r �'�Y �{"� ^ f1�iI'�1 $6�S tr'Yi 1 {. .., � 1 f r li f� 1 9 �: �.i M•a }�1., tw ri,VV � a � �44r, ^.i�� ,�^ .Y'ti i Mhl7U d 11 auct`a s oar ski � 1 #UW 310 drrlosti" � 1 ° c dyes" all � �f '� ins x iap �Iar]Vic y,�l } ++pp_l"_�11 + , �T eAVA tAwou a btbid** t�od from nee ' f# t ti wl a t �w��pao of qtr w,ywoo J)JA �, not +iced� 7 piih har ti*oh + i!t d�eEw is frogs tiu t>,r�ro(it voirtt aC oegt+e►t IfL yax'ti�.w u# 6ks Otowleted �p%�e pt an are doteou" h lt�ieb prasoios�• etMZat ar aaoq�aultiwt, 4• ua 0 hat. oagp�l,�i b all V* 00" with the frequt pia a then�i1'�o 91.61►t 901 4 tpk 14p, vom vod grid xeplaotd with oul#A%�fo ust>wvi4► p oh �w�d � r�oa��anoo �th +y� P�o�l�►tio�'�► at►d at a i it Y „ yy J 1 d.e ! rr v r I '', 1 r .� • r f- nY {. �'j1 ly ♦ry}1 ! < r Y t ( 3 1 r 'l y ! r u ! rw ,�r1 , r r t r �i <,! IS .>1 Z {r'� r.�f �' Y ��n1 aX�✓�^tip !.'�. � J.,.. ,� r ✓ ` e Y '�." � t"P ;Io-]h� r� f .L r r . 1� i fti <�p'l I ! 4 1 '.0 r d117 y r , 1 S . ! tt �yrr Y r , " r• �, �, tt Y1 f J',;t �'rri♦< - j1 P > 1 rr4 1'y�' ..� !t I :,' fi � � I,a . , r I ) ,1r.1 5 f�; ,.`ei lk Y, r �' al r r ,1 1d -. t{ c 7 `1 r t � y"/1 r X 1 �r 'ry r :r. it S✓Y '. �I , r[, ly C� �p } ►. +i t� 1 �. eJ lya{�P 1`r� •., .5�4 � ,.S a f rY � 1 1. , rJ ! 1 b4 .�'% s ITi1M��i'�a�}�rYY ! i/ ♦ Y 1� � +p t ' � y� f 1 '. � � 't. l 4� .. ,fir 1 .! r! J� *:, ' ✓i'a� l} 1'} Yr�� �I } .: }"�, w 4 1llr 1 �A As �7d � nS J'��� •7 tf � t� o., r e I f.r � 111'• �r 4 r >la l . r � L yMa .,�{i b i •s�7 }� �"��� 1 .f,S r W!. � W � 1 Y !/ e 1 ;'�� 1 / + ' Y� bd i1 � ��Z t� ', Jf 4 1 -f 1 J1 t G ff"' i ' I t1 Jy J l MY 5 vl � r is rrow v ' 1 � �a 1 Y 1 Yr l 1' .r v 1. {" � � �' ` 1 u�'� ��" 11 ! r - r 1 � • '� .r<9 1f r Y ,:,. a ql'J t r ��. { J 'y 1 "� r 4�d W 9L• a � h t '. 1 ry 1�r^ r t5 i� 1 �. { r � Y v � `� 'v'l�y,J ,� 'lV f L.11 �Jr • . 1 >'." 4 '1` 1 hrr ,1 1 far ��'.,. *A+ �'. '1. ".y11Y ✓` ! ' r r ♦ sA 4., 1 4 L. r f 1 s S.. r 1 y Y f +. 1 " , tt ti , f A f ! J (f i 1 1 (♦ Z' �. �' �A r H 11111 tl 41 .71 { d rl f ,�. 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J i� t h � s x'} ef4 �L , /_'l� l �r °! i y,_ f �' '��. i'�r '�' q4" 'k 4f�. .41 r 'x L , J., ll:j 41 w AP14, Ecc'Y ox VKOINMMINO DY-PARTIMT MV4 yr kf4 W, t 1�4 41 WON 0 4-L I '4y 1 �4 IA iw 4A 1 4 NJ 4 d '4L 4F r � i r r. 1 •, n r � s I V r " Z — PROPCOAL rm IMMOVhltMIB TO BE MADE ONE � L " WWI ByO MORg BTRM frm Nest jjw of South L*MMt Ovest to the But ot"oto , , . , x,71' YO�w tg STR1MT tM the Neat Une of South 234 0000 t0 the � west ,140 4t 1e10h Otree . t • Tpp ONHmo able M.�rqr and City 0oaniealo�sere1 r , ON of Van w, Taxis c {ktttietsori! We the m4ersired bid 0 pt'apasA t0 oC3Yltt`ltat Bt3'e4L !t iVrovement• as provided in le Aoso u ion nmseod b,� the Citir oa�a�iasia� an the �� � of M ohs w 1 r Ne proposs to aosopt r id propo�ttr oMsr 008b000e0 tar the prope rty ov Aerl s pprtionp due in tivs equal instR11M its Si k� ^it ',� � ¢�u 1 . bQrrtsaaud that biW' Oil%y Iril�.l VBS0 1ep�s the i� '�' di�►tonf' end wrlrli. pMy►' th1� e�►wssa inndura�eoa0 in �t'1►y'lrtg to the seltessmAte, . N Itd OxOOeO tp 4b i►�.1 Rbb work +� iah s1�, �dta►��►�i for the folio- z1t A Pri4 i ZI tii •► oh 1u1pb1►Xti4 . .. zo ' t, VMS �lAtawoa mom �. ��: a�t ,"rf mil �,,i Fw'K �•� - i`A't n r } .�l /Y.. . y t~`y� Zile". ILI � d� �, �6. i'�+ t.4��e,3 ►�" l'�Y Kim}: ia'� �A��-r .Mk�'d''� ` .'� ' � i1�,F�1*r'Y, "r (N1f�� � '�vlp!'�"'4i.rp r I ANpM1O!'k'.x1!I�'�IfWN-�:C:�.k ' � r• MIN 410-6 A"N.r. tt !r.y rrr .rtr...+•.... r•n.t. r , . .. .. r.r .5:' I 104 04 Wily ik I.Irit 'J� � , Y 1 '"44" VON* , �'' tJ$i I�}/l Y �, t la?�k 4� t+�t�,r ♦`r# �' + �s, R r: i � 3 ' Y 1 1 r r ' 8YOMORY STRIM tM tho lost Lint of Mouth L4MUSt ftlh4ob t# r th@ U!s• UnO Of Mouth SIM Atroobs `r WW? ISXO"gRX OTHM t&Vw th0 West lire at South Mm stv"t to Oht Wt 110 or wil-ah striate i . . r '4 Woodo 4vee " to in$"*$ the app* r c pu l �� MUM $" bibs W $" b* oon, 00 O*ds r ��,'iV `��'�!�T71'k�lu�','4:�r�1�'$.'�11F. If��' �`r..�j Fa$b1�'1L;.6''i @� •}PJt�'! 'TM ;u r. �� �`. ,. � e,� -�rr I �i�'Y�,. 1 •y7t��rr. r .r r•. +i ter c ; k �� 9.. t � i ' ♦a .' ' . ,.p rr� � � •r, w $ 1 � ��••Z � ,�' � � — j {"'r ft i'a h .p1 �. f� t` r !f ' 1} 7�r{ ° ,�� '� ,,f,? ..i, !-r a �i �' • t•;s�'� a°•�� �.'p d g,i':'i�, �*} AY '��r .,. F,�i' c.t '.r�../ '1 ,�i ,�4,l�;'�.wy I f 3 r �Yb h.� L ✓ T �, � � '; �i r S I f 1q " .1• r v r f ti NP' t r [ t lot ! yx !i f' �tl k s• ti fig' yy�y r.Jw�y i� �M s, � '3� "#i' ?fig t i�' t'1`t, � �' A k' r 'r"� �y / }i1" �,'J^� ex, ►�" V�'�.�!P *i7, , �1•I6�6R�''� C-�� i ."V�/�j.l.�.�� ,'Fr�! �� G�-, ►1��'/�'�i`.. '�!� �I� �.�.'J:��"•�'YtL� ���y1` �'f,�+!3�5� '+�11'Yyr,•(i k:vlo.n Acv n s/r � y . y^5.r: .. .I.r' ST..SF' yds «.;W+`i[`+ rr.f 1{q.} •�cr • w.r±. f; 1' P r i y 1 7 �,i, � � ,�T•��t�l���=R �4 / � �' ! ° ,�r1.Y VT l r r 4 �`. * i{��'o — AMAiMIONS Allorationsi by eresurOm at' interlineatloae must bs #xp7.ei#id or .pot#4 is th! pb4poesla #r�►r t�s iii nature of the bidders Ruch bidder ahn11 incluus in the unit prices omod in his pro�tosal the furnishing of all labor$ materisloo and apparatus of *varyy des rip" tioq necessary t0 o�raatruot, *reef ehd finish► ooropletely tp tKo enlitl4• a faction of OA 3�agii�eer all work e�: onXled for in tU6 spas# t'icatiors or shown on the plans s All pri000 muatl be written in wordso as 1011 an oxpreeeed it figurna. Dialers must *vats prices for #soh item of xork nmo4 it pYOposel is %VA lJng vi'tb inks The uniting Mot 0 Ote+►r c►r�d d et 40 isvtth+atl no quo#tioa can axise as to its int'out and mtanilss w' llil � dwt, for piawi gAall b# based FO oT+ ii�p r th4 �reA nt ft n o; flu,rpsdrrs►Y pporr eotaYl a?,t0 or , •uqh wid Of ro+ ?lw r io b1► ►x ' b+ . Olrt.ablislpod by. tho- Soaxd Ox 4o� 06POTSO fr^r-kq, Owwfloi4 oil 6 pig. '�u0 M �•�"�Olt 0 .4 }rq . $V, w. ' A �Ir '3 � ,�: y. ti ,; � j Y• y . : A�r � ! � a.'�i. ,�S r :! Y 6r t "r A, '�y,�' "rt�, �L•.� t 1. .;.`:: .. � ! • r'• C ;i' �O�OOtiO>t "!t ���, i!'+�• -" ` r''i3rl L. � + ` r;;+ , iS •i_�l �'� v �+'� �� i Ir'� 4� _S -F � .� '1 . �� , i ' / "y.., R.1ni set� ��►' �d flea. r t4 o! # ' 1444 1444 bait #owlsMinid t . +�► ' rr= = � D614 04 C2 d R �k1d I� 'Ml :� �,'� '�.a. v. ,, sM1i kI r11'Y ' r.. .!. !',' � '" yy�,�,�,, r •x • � `� a��t.$a'�.�l��'►�S 7��dl��''ii�`;d t z+ii R i�hk kt� .��f.x�f p>dh.1.i IO - �r��►a 40 q0.r�I,w�r � 0.i !48 V i�!1i a►��cr}i d��a A�R 0�Q4 pr �a 0 .10 r ti:� r . { o r a rEaasut►��:Xl l,�`'d nk.�..h Jr AM r �.;k� x,Mr 1�?H� ` >. �G 1 �P � �.r F u9^�Y g'�l�.Hl r, rr� v... '�� r tN' :• 'ti•P� bf}'•` •''�i `�EL !., �i1.`f� ti N�,"I� FC � rb.. ', P 10 �1. � 1� ���� � � ��P�k r • r�^ , f R ,AMr ��a+'1�r SI.^r'1'f tA1U♦♦�.i � 1.E� . "1 . R r N�►}4 ' '.1. 3'r1 P y 1 1 �� . 5=T 4 � �� �,�i . ��� + � �F�• r �y�g �b y�y A". � 1 'i.YH�"• !'`. .ai1. ti11� '^ Yf' ��""�;�m r , ��+ty`l,Ay"� ; ''{ � ;'�Sk! '�rl;R'.�i�'� `aEyy � �j� y'*C�ttr�:�R', �':1'y ' l;.I�,�,iwrti a' i 'ls all;?,r"1,��1 ��'r},�L� •b�4'l��� ;, "ON (S,?Nyf,�MP . '1,xS'� �,',t,r' ` '� er!s!,''t ►r rLx�Q ,'tiL�W. • r N�;'Y� r`I' ..,. ,.:w.. f r `'`' f .w 'i ":^y TJ< '�iVfi>z[t i,'i P:r:,G,T' ♦9M. 7.i„ .r r , i:. /a,. t -. _ ,}A L1 4oft pox ai ld 'ubiitratt tow ° 6,by `ems I DO>1waftoi�ti��� ��� �� A 4 ono ° y rieasureasent and payment for Works ,q In measuring op the pavement that part occupied by nk manholes} flush too** and tatoh basin oovere s valve boxes and rails of street railway tracks *ill .be ineludad to the aedroaate paved axa** rho City of Denton shad, my to the oontrnotor ono third of tho cost of all said improvement exonpt improvement under rails and tracks of ate" railways and two feet outrtiae thereof vhioli shall be paid Vholly by the owneras payment to be made by the City of Denton to Contractor on the oozpletion of the work in eatots pasrtioulnr unit or diwtriot. z The owners of property abutting on any street or portion thereof heroina"Ye named to be improved shall pay teoa thirds of the oaot of said Improvement excepting curbs which sbatll be paid for wholly by the abutting property owners . The amount to be paid by the property owners shall be in proportion as the frontaoc of the property of each owner is to the whole frontege of property on the particular street or po%tioll hereof named to be improved , and onioh oocto shall be apportioned bee Won said property opnere in aaooxdanee with what is 00MMInly known as ;n the front °toot tole or ylad, provided that It the oppli0st Oil Of this yule amp the Opinion of the Oi r oommiasion of the Oity of Ddjj in Para Holm or gas s be us It or ugeri al0 !f shall be the duty of wail Oity mwic wd ' a ob�rtidn said costs in Mush ortiop as way 3u AM `41*1 alb 4 j eonsidoring the special benefits in Os* A U6, ��eejo6 v�ra ,ry each pxolArty ownor$ the equities of such till 04 ust$4M of aupb pOrliAn:Mrat w ws 1;o Prod"## a . . stantiol @qualityy of benefits and burdens isposeol uppon each p�roparty and its owner# aid portion of said Qo�is o such ins �roreawnts shall bi y►able by said plropert��rr ovsers to the gontiraotor in f/ye equal ta- P oftysants a the first pays,ble upon completion and aoosptanoe 1+�r 4ihe Oily D4400 Ox oaid i roveAwat upon the particularr street pofrt a 4 t�ii` n*Aod to 1�e 4oved oast fth one �Ar fit" said WON oad" } ► WO ow from estd ddtel Ore»fifth thklb years from said date ono;tiftb four y ers from said data together with interest on said instdllnent from the dada of suoh soceptanee at the gate of eight pe �. oint per annuxa providing, ho*"V j. tk►at any ppropert�yy owners agai�h whose pro arty, �iy such assessment all be mlade shall ba a the r t top 00% After at any tics befefe Maturity 'any par Ot by 1 of • i,o&Ld d is %$ ab pt 0 ir With atorueA' iaerost $O a is "0Ot p�s at4 , s iodx sid b wwif�• at rty rbitia� u� ��� 'ennened w iwpared tat • r pd t W114 44 o A ' S ." popeaty sod sba1 be A personal li i ty eWus , pp owtar ttuirrOf °A, the MMU64 herel,aafter set, outs ar to au�oosoaish gsllaity SMAJO tics betwoon the owlit ro of said property aA to secure r dOptxA'gt d' the "pd,Y o" of- tbo auroral suers ayab a by said **Moire o e>r0y si�at d4 upon 0016 a eat or sties thereof naaaeA to be � ! "10to�d t►ili is tbi aaos iprr OW M oa utiOVS 69 �Ab the 11#6�asery slaps proride� as xaqu • O t•ap i1 , . i►t • ps ,A riaeA utep it p . k /rid► M8 era te10. # A; , 1�',, e ,,�,, � • +t a � � pb� �` 3fM; t a .�` h�. ' R't►1'" �ie �e��%'�!� �b7,� t �w�e�M t xlof #fii ds1�' o tl�rns uasf :i�y Rio f the agli. �M A' Mrs 0 i fit, i a At said ewbeir1�` �b*p; Ari �Itb tics tiyAY:,S � fV sea dt*%Utti �> of .I Yl aid xr ; Mrr a t of x i s a1i t t xN sisal Nor ltlh►ta dd 1►sata Xo1 Fy Rn�.}vey,ma+•.Ajn� �rr+nr.,..:.r.:..r..,......r..wx.. •fr..,._..w� ^ .. r.. ..:.. .,'.... •, i, ._ _. .. _ _,. ., .• J1 .1 k' r �tP!�R�MN1° , y y w "t,j>< ° � dav�u ' "p n�Y 1 'p' , w_ . ,Sq P' :. °y� t• .4 f � p.t �.' , ir � t"•Yi e J .1'1 � i' f : e C k' i 9i s :;p �� e' WW ',k:7 �� , ' . r�•�' " S�'i °Sk ili`��'r, `q t�'fd1E i;S 1 �1 A ti�M" �A..j A n, y,z' �f i�x:. �� . 1 C d1 r i . > ,1 y. ,.71 yp of i*MW of 1925 and the Oh&rtnr *sled ordinances e ae f the Qlty of Denton, Oily of, l>♦nV n shall not bo 1talAo to Qo'ietrAOtoer .fO, il. p r!id�daak �x'Mi1�of tbtN paid ib1► q�Makw 'td o ae�e� 5 T1W »Oontereetor $hall slot U , 91lideited to wake ;myr of VW h- r�A,► rwnts herein eeenlxoned in front or any ro erty elainad an exempt fro* = enforcement of the lion for the coo * soh f,� ul ltgprorremont� bu• rrsar t the oonstrumtion of such imllrorement in front ort any of sueh pro& ferty unless such o nor or owners slu+ll first task* provision for seour• ng the payment of thr. omount of the costs •hirh will be a-Seespcd etigainet such property to the satisfaction of the Oontraotore The Am orov*aents in shah unit or district shall ooaetitute espAg* at* and distinct units or distrtots and the assesoaent for tW, 44pro".* x meat in one unit or dietriot shoal not to any vise be affected by says te►tit or 4irbowAUA0s in doAneotion vith the iaap�royements In arty oth! u nAt or s , lot In a of any oopfliot butaetp lax or the pe the syeoilift #gone #' 1r1 p�aplM' `+modeaonitdt 't?ary s11b��i `dr 1a14Mhi 4 U*°,. Obatelt `AplAl� N�i,R�llr� r WOtk to be staUd out by atngino#r ! i +ooate� tpar rxDs �� bd i�exo� bls� ' � te �eri � alpr«ew exil at�����ut �b ' io .�J►' �xr,rerire ltAke!#� 0"di" The Vq#4 1#4d, *ball be Quighs t0 00 sa 0 a *Ohl oh Aba t I' + ' a a 4VW ab t u , � . i91 1►etbl b`k ' t]ar .oA;A>��,islul g�t'a d' I11E . 14bN Att'b� N t '1 �i d �► ' eels o !� d _ J• ! oiNd� Nb s r i t d ear et, iii! 9 d of tub rk r b fitt.. g e tpra • p hdlg d :%` 1►Qto by x d tr. A� fi q>r. br a! ir�+osloos that a r. or to igg :t ug j 1 air t to #yea. #Ad ix ` .�u h od ! the opo be tired to 043W 4 ��gb.+l tke 4u t4irt 4'.-A fl�: Ili► ell t' 'N ; #po w*te��cirAt, tam ivied 'YL t * � .�r o rot* eb ti ' d r• • iii?�ei "I VW 44uiNd Mlc �tb1 od b ib at. d 7 s eypterowieeea otitir�MO«� 9i A'0* t ate+�h. Ri r 1 �TiN�r Y+.�J Fi 'A, A: P� A''` '�,'1 s . t; {. y, �� " " I,. 4 'j ,{� � '••,Rd �ti MIS y /jJr,,�iY WLY �IV lip I iz I _ /. ' r # ' 4 t'14 4-1y j4V)a* to 4W "�'�� �:�- ����: �• ���� ������ �� � �� ��- �t� off, z►��+ '�+ , �(re Dorms T f9k= Mu4t to Of 0$ 1041 than txo IAgh Mterrial +1 fed d a #d� . , 004 0og0 oft�pr40 must to rtWOU lw bar �4Oro �: � �1►� p8 4f Otto; � ,Ifobt�• Aar' 11t�a eT for �orw np�� , 4 , � ��. �� .��r$oai;#,aotl�o•,ae e 1 tmrM�i�t� rrex r4� . e. rrdt''jt All f4ma atuet be vela 4t�►kei4 ►rid thdflous�ly b34044 ¢ r / IE ins of Mat4riala rill not diatrab thea nor grove Rhos Out of 1 to fron t *Ad back board* must be true to 1;a* na4 gxadi befft6 mu ♦Y. are pla4edr OonorOte ' co orate for the base course or gore *hall be *no o 41 A Vank M graY'eX# The to euxfaoe on to add faoe of curb and top o aut r •hall be V4 inch tMok &ad *bail be q csod of One paxt gaao owe said o04,0ki if parto 010411 '.h rand, To Urfaqa to be U111 wb io e+ rt is still Perfeotlr green, w0l trow#*11 � lw mod *heaped to a t�ruo0 ;� 8xpan�iori �a�ate �x E �tllrtl +1 Ki of r $�,l *Ark4 ed prix too* 60041ono Joint$ to Ile out tho ►er 4Yy' rr riot aria 1 �n�. �, o� ,013 � w• th d suite ; �b�� �paea�to �x� e �O rO C . ^'v.J:. 1.111 i'tr �S+J' .1'11'! t� VFI+ ', •�flh S.. r ! ; bus r,>ad Su !e 0ha11 be reirforoed wltb 3/8 a Barr on, LN#h 9400ir 4 oA fq%towel Bars shall be motes I 'm 1e th 4 th a to dud da a Obd 1�,1 ex r►nd a� witbi 0 �g Maher .o 'tN►A�c Pad in� 4 oatler0t0 ba+�e, `gvltt4x �� Sto44 e 1\T t � ;ode to, be beat up MKa'yiyYtu y�$�r� #�rMryy�� � t„'.! � �ta � �1 4MV.` • w lt# r j n o b r be grad* of Good, O tiro x� ar�I at 'A O Q e era' o f 4r� o bye ar oemeat eight r d y girY�re ha-taq� �oe4 t 400 Fwd will b4 eo�sd$m,aoA�v��� 41�4gt 40 4 $89384 i4 !r Ada to ale a resulting pre�ortsdq . o� A"►.j.�x aril $069696"Wo• , I JU ^�;, r too to bar* it 44 be r0iuf 0e ' With /�• burr deed rK� �� �� .A ' y '°:'� + ?Yf �•��+ i Y A' v. "'+' �, Thi , i tit 1Xi d noW of u Weal reu�ee etM • q x b rao*t0i' '` i'p`�ea aw .ao ► ' ►Mrs '�*� , a�r�► t�. oho �,��, �� lei �� • i ,0 ' AMMA Mill t ;,�u► tb► r+1 elver i ,d 1, ,Y Y 4 tip tt y ♦ r.) :� � si � 1 ` S y n y;:t + 4 C I.i. { i �.i. r k 1`I fY'` i 1 �+'. ,� , ��{.�{11 1 yl�}� :yll yy4yy4 ��= l $r'jil M1Y[1t ` { i' ' '' �. Y; f (n `.1 $svtneer prlor to 0e11rery of material, i fhe 00041 e PAg4rogato shall nonalst of e1 as tO durable lras* e�euts of ook. ift oI c i e 100 044 or list$ o unpr~ 4. t� � 4 ke ee lr this. oV 0b"Satb y eoep aid txe „ .: '! dolt' 3r 410t tpgrated stone, ditt oreahlo ox o ir lip ullous at , 3 4 400 i wither fre4 or as u oOa4 ng on t1 a stonir Al� - lithe oW1 + r AaYo a per dept of weer of not nova thwn 64 and when test" UV i:bor� wtery kethods ,*hall fulfill the follovina requirowntet Pace ins the 1/2 inoh roroen not lose than, Passing the 1/4 inch screen not lase then 8Qt The p'trae Aggregate ob4l oensiot of a ooa'oinatlon of send And stone sorooningeo Band s? 11 be Ao�oeed of sound, durable stove 1.!l tiolej free �^rom loans br other in,�uriouO f094ign matteri Doreenti�g4 shall be of thbb seme or similar material as specified td!r ooarw TOM late. The ownd or oombination of sand and screenings shelil suet Paeetns 10 160P oft e , not lop th-an 99 001 fret ins ov 4 meoh 814vt ]g�i i fYAlai s v 4 ft"eh rteYdr Iretbs*0d on S; 80 elbrh etr g ` Qyi 1100 its' iv `:sierd I 'rstabod ok f � isshQerb 3�+"i'. •1e1ih 'MioYe pet" over J 1i •'`si 'Or re go tooe Do«i #�41a1tt , � ����di" �� � e'�►�' ,Me Syr • r• .� ,��,a,. Arl1100210 rated by n►eaune a etibb t1 4 Y ► sib+ 1101 �requ�isonto d & r � �#M 2000xb04h sipV'o. not xp6111 t puitprtrsl ell et" • regalreaaents �i ptlnr btd b Coot agtori bba 1h Yr b► a 4' Caw . _ omd h� ettO 0* a�tt�gr� �eroi 'b�► the ��aeb � i�lb►t :� fie- r. oo pie i�ole AMC o#41 0 t P1 t, '01, on d u a►t' a 1 ut;* i tl Mold .: fe p a��►it� ti�a �d Oil {► I ub �''�• 0 : . AW � � o � ��� , �' * � �aP �� 7 wf; �►i �°�iri� a ii �'i-►tier � + j ; �: F �,� .car .�Sr`�� . � �A iris ,f1cc• • � � its �f tt "�i wl"A `i�'i` fMe 1 4 o,.9h .Vr. : w �d'�'t '., >}, .i ' � i.;., x ,tip, ' f' '#>i'k' s ,• ?, �.',� ` , ,t � � j1 t, h.:#f',,�A� � IY i e#�;5, '{} ,••'� 1 q� ' " . . .� .M i`( �u�5 a r �Fyr /d i, f Ni V ,f 1�dr M off ) i �r'�°� t i 17 r �gl IL lit 40 SS E' . � t1 .Y^!i/x} Sf/�' �+�F .i �� x�J �nl,f����a��,�� ��.� �,��, ��� A � y l ! ,�•: r � `.� tl. IP} n ,J e� r+„'(�•y. .rt AIM'p P r`,' iT"+.{" R i 1 en 1 y r � ' �5' ♦{^ � w k 4 �7��? t� �+ :r4 3 "�1 �� 1 x ���R� L" li ?,� �^ k' ' Er�l � } �a���9�v �i��►���{ ��C�a ' y�, rl t1it �► Xe 4r,' ijfi. ; 1;' ia' i1R; P rt Mt k ti I n' T (.: a ' wt 'oitusen tsolvble in oarbon distUpl:jde } . . , not lees than 94►5$ Uo Inorganio matter insolubly • ► • ► . . r ► ► Z► $O �► , ► 1 a�i►ira8 XUtaace owl oonal' t of, a a»iforw Alittwre of �g�rodeti�ct 4qv; 4�8gregatq r mineral fillor and bituminous �t� centres ' t pro au e, lrhetr � pp properly ptroportion<,d, a mixture 0on�'drmi�olm followMa liamitRtione for grading. xho exaot �propoition of #gbh cote- r •tituent produoing the totnl t►gdre8nte Within thlel� limittr ahm1 t,• ,,�, the VATI by the rang�tneer. When teotod by mee,ns of laboratory sleree , fine paring mixture shall a+e*t the follovini; requireVente , PBaeing L� /2 inoh asroen sand retained on 1/4 inoh soseoi" •1 passin;{ V,4 iooh tureen and retained 10 M#4h $love 1 -: Total rat fined on to smash slay# P Passing 10 mesh mays , retained on 40 mesh slays Pausing 40 Aesh sieve► retained on 80 ,mesh sleye Passing 80 mesh sieve , retained on 200 mesh slays Passing 200 mesh sieve 1 8i$umes! salable in carbon disulphid* The peroAn 860 of Wumen in the tinlolied ouree #baiX aAOt �►'o�v than �,/, p oeut from the prooartiatt astabi shed by tI7M1 ;seer, Atin �oatAri of the oouroap of "torn aalle shall be satisfooto the said fts"o"r f Aired bar rn, alaagRiMA Of the hot the alx 3"- 0 to be dgQa l ' . �` r a4�lprw to �l �►9�►ierito t �' `doarae , the;%"%44+ouS OobcMsta Parent"$ . ba �iehadat i lntrtabs of or � A y P h 1►itb, a coarse rlti ^ii�It°b bat pot, dp non �ritb im ARatird ao�rii►xr, aid �►itb tt� �►dtiro wt�t` 1�`e !`ro"rs dt►ppraaQ�as par than itr�gulsritieR+ pr tht Terifioatoar Q�' xai is or �roportiou add o o b#► r M apd dAteanmia��atlon of ON ear tore asourodi Pharaotar 0 onso teproodntairiYoe h Or at MW t� 0 '�P fAs pa pls+t► $U1 sbt0 and aaourate the;%"Otorof t 4tefr nagaN�►aaryr ' tus eha►il bantehed ear r 004t o and ianalislU4, " dluea�ed bibi rm8 p 0 shAl be bassid as !,�*e ,loot owt:1, P tole � aratpo in whah . If w' , is darinhe heeati a i "for s 0q1 ottip�intlY end �o4ibil►aly d4ptt0 l�ii ' � &M 3 Wmitl us tar &I Oa11 be separ�►tely hea�e� t� kettles ro a s $led ear o ddrait or amen heating of the an fire caws r<i$h a fig GUM and Roo tirre ooaa rod. o tW haat at all $fines, . ,T sDatu ! �t!►ir4 +0 4., r eto b thal so � A " � a t�etatar Elves" RQr 1 1 �qus. ,aaa ►r e�"�r �ee,loa lay► o l o t 1r' ,dw0 orix108 Nit the xlnira a sh xa a ttd«liffor 1 the p �aset e T o : rx � I r' 4 1 4 i �► i +. tse►te sand .du bit+ vh 4k' XY h eaadiat+ist 'eo� ba t et , 1 . r kv.. e > ,,��b�,rt , o �tI P'., �► ��*e�r�„�;,e M � pk p rma open+ atM pre arM Ar? ate, hatted 0 5 1 i be h+rvalod 13Q• �a wa ip .1ish1 1►sb#elelA o tq$ Q' +{ate e r atria irsear of r � j 4 a e eri al►dNd ri h. to 9 Wn O t die vttar no none a di or ti t+x ��irai;" q irid � a tee o lA tens tw� I w o e � r asap et e• � k :4 Mt Q AeaNp or . «A +�a pA!• tt ii io MN �r.�►li, tr ilirtirl1- add 6 4� iiJ] tiCe'� �`'�Z �'.� �s,<;,}ti'xf ;�ts;tt3'�'fC �!J �'i7;t`fi"u •�;+ {AI;r�J�f�'��� 1 • � ` ups' �4RW �."j1� c��r� V and Vexed to grade in a unitura 1lroose 1 �rahaii haroothe "oo�pAc ed zooeirin6 ulti�ts OOSVrmssing Y W s*mnt to plush Curbo o gultsra, d ,�, thal is sh"N on the Pleuno.44 so ox$ st4 $txuA$Wv �� �til! shtalll o+rosthe $4e bi ON Eva V041 � '�� si�tt%we sbe►l�be at r► �,pxsW►x oof �'f Q dsd+cae �►• ISTO bitus►iaa I oo a rdN Awl 00 Roliexo used an t?ye sr, 8o r be�lsnos r se .prop�elleds tandem rollersr weighing b1►trr%o fi hell tune a oompression uaAer the roar railer o! batwean Who ds00 s i upon to biumloom 800 exf4 g00 ppo� utdo ti� inasx irah o! roll end shall be �rox ided +� h an ash pan xhivh shall brOvant ashes tray dropping p a opori to• smu The bitu�aainous oonarot�ixtusaiii w,erme®e:nd�u iable,pbeitaning IL be relied At onoo while the ,Bete alroso '•' �es and war taw&A4 the aenWK, , ollo�ring imW . y��/ ! anal rollingr #teo�ns tax praranting the to bYrth t��t. , roiling or ding8 isl from "boring to the roller shall be provided as Xoginsser. The motion of the roller shall stdallla mesat�r a9ouriraigsro �4lA Aid►p�aoesHrat of the hot mixture and end► D of ravening the disaot e r the osod�Aroxxfs�sh�riiaxtuu rs Wheres at ones be oorlreated by the until aili,t lle Quired• Rating 04% aoatinus *�t�►out iata>±raptl�on rp4til all ro ke1 y�ppearo and the ourva*$ silo" no further aosq► Or vemat :MM hsA its iaxttiml oa�pr"Sion , l �Op p y` or ti•• inner hat 4 Iota ppxllsnd Cep as di vootod the r ol#�or0 t bd oaf Ayr tbp pti*0 ruao#• �1 *nab o sp;p *hie ttt $ ' > oa 'tso�il► �, the oo"tsoo o>a ', 'i'bi►`aoe�pa�oMae M + iiton 11ps> moos, r ,. • plaol,n Oi, t surtaoe course air i Ire m6010 I * n rr >ca ler f nor prof t1 ,, as ' W s �a10 �� n th�l iag o� 90 se r dilo fros lair sixtttle0 b al d shsiX bt ,1 11M ro�id fox' Nth to�g th of ttrarkas o POrN t the�r,tori� � b49� lo�"�ill mob gases =14 tp�sp ss to od ps 1e s ight1 beroled edge for , the tb obNfss� IN ON m I, �,� Me be 00 t�rreib bu�i �■ rho wb�rk sa d mss o. >c0�o b 0trotohed i am$ the �s�e at r tb+ � A. r „t'� �rbap xoxk is vasumis thew 0ri sheaYl s a s 24466A oe t tb•W tor��4e� 41�zlst theoipth los ,Oiats At 114 Otlt�b coo r"j; ks g dd a eye bwlrg3 trio s,ta>rta0 b t'or, oosq�lotion ��wsyssr *6x WON* ''l soiovinr end g1ro 1' A� %q 'k o . ssr4 .liMi wat0k Al, ice• �i� i�ii?� tb1 that e'sgt+tr�q,Nptw� N sacral . , / ;: tinisrird ar�e ut %ban show rill Aoyatioa !r J +ewrxa9s !p oxreeer i�x6 web �x #001 �► �� orured tolMi 4 ? 1 lent s " " • s 'slly a i sl,teo l rur ora defeat o w !a1 t tra$i► 9br' .� a Ire x�►a ' ' «1 40 as d x! dY b � a e a� x at 4 1 r r f °tA��7p'rT-_yid r�� x, S c•< ,er._ f 1•"1�N r - , Y 1/ � � �� ♦` r� r S �v ^ Z }.rf� �Y?k. e t`.n rrr ' rS r � ° � "w�'a rx v41'��1' S ♦ Y S r it y .flr 5 v, r e , fitl , •r, K "_ r �l I + r h�:P�ft xa'.Yr t�°�{5k f .A«� � :.4� J ,ti C .. i # 'S :a t�y w.. y y � Je �t 1 r,r� f" � f.•'�d� r tr ,yS 'rf t,Yl L.�°t! err ''�r ' `•. ��; Y �y� t x t r v.' r /� .r •P.i 1 1 `� t ��r�t b� r rr � 1 1 1 r V .a r fA; yJ }1 �`tYc ft,�1 Cl us �yy�' h un f f I r !r f ° j'IV it #v ni ti.'^ ..G °G♦tv ,,.i5 '��S'n:V,r L�'''+ '�0.'Z,.Mx� v � v r!'L� t til "' er � Y r'Ab K w R r r ,tl 1 x + $L!S Vr1S1� .�,c. 6 I° !t ; 4t � +L t r,•. 1I i t' '.'F't i° \\ r r.s x rG v n ptlr4 �T�� w �.l f 4t •w;Vjjx +,�,''}'r' •, ' 4 �r •:�� f ' y � ri rAf S CP Sr "+1 t e1 ."ry J t . rtl �Z C �... 1n�� r .ISM f ry r � « rx'1`/e•r� ♦ iy� �':f�t`i��� .,.���G"�.�tY tl�'p 1 y+'�I' '�F .�� i Y�t r�� , r A l� w� l A Ayy t+� � ♦ r �' t i 1�L, rS\# R., { ��•{,�x �,�. ,�t�h ��,yr•t� 1 I. f yP t � �' t` ng'a. A ,` .4 t � x�a t ,�!ti b.�r + .tt {T1r p$1 fF�' r .I,t✓/�It 5 . ♦ 101n ' yo- , S '� r l u .ir+✓� } t If 1 w ,a:'Y 3" +K w.. (/i' f ut1.44 r I'1 �F wu' , rl� °•�9t 1 v x � \V tl � ��jx, v . t i r�I�"u'." 3 {• p �I l } "A r,+ , 1 Y.ir{ 7� ' � �(�.''F , �� .:r r: 'it y 'S" ; w �•) ,Y '3 Q 'J ri' ♦ n d J n r • r r , 'i 4 ! f � _ i t ► 2 " S i.� .� erryry y,yl ^ y y j �i � F t ��S [��!� )) �.y x ! � v �^ 4,r�� ���� t tr f�{{v tSl ,•S i� Yh"f rJ�},} ;1 'Ytr � '1 1 ���' � 1 �. l,��A:Ti� ���M1t�r���$'�R�'�•/'r�'4Y'�i �7���t�`:e C � t.� '� i ,W��F',?' rl .y @ � @,��ftJ '� tl ld. 11 t5 G V J^Y� ti I • ^ ��jAf .Ix S"f n�r Y.(fI ���t "�' � y 1M !t11�,tv ✓" a� . t�',' I�4n"xy',:r^d?',•�b,,rl'�:�"1 �. `tR�'.Y�I Rr,� Y'Ava ', 4.{ �, � .. t 1i Y 4 �'1 lL�a J1 �i» i • t J t ,�F �,C * L \C , ' ppClJt r:. i}, �i j e+ '"q 2 111 i� �Of 4/ ;'I'��v y,h rf`! I Y, rf�'�! r Il"�;ir4 , ,�_ r 1 ' ���, � a v i F �d:• i•„}•WY ' �+, FFy .� r t.• �F +i, t,n d rtf r 'tr� nf r�” i�ti 1 ,r Ott � �., d� S p'�?(•� „yam. r4 n i �,•' f I 3 4 4 a t ,�{.♦ ,7 r4 1 �F ' b ved `7"'i etii.'v d ^SCI' �r r Lt 1� � St7 �� , rl s « ^ Y. r 1 v qW 7 �. rr �, 0 r� rr J 4 +r 4 v l,r �l � t rl Y �� �• l �j' � r. t r 4 r r s 1 .S��a♦ �:' ,r� � r Z♦ tit^ /r,. :p t�l �f �3 � r r t t }" +J^�1 \ t`L+ i«jrY � at V1 " S/! 1 Y rrl )'� ✓ r:•r r ��. �� Yi9fi,� � ! °r 7 l 1 � x� "✓' e r w °� �v� r 4fZ t�' r# �r���A l� , ^' KZ 3,J r* •vu r/ kr•�!r"/I it{l,xr .t1 itj v //4r A' 7w v v . yI F ) r ♦ '.V, � % ry r ..+ ri, r « 1 « r• 1 12f Q ff( ri r . 1f•>� t If A � t � +: IU tic4,,J'i 14 ;f I� r ^�y .rp IC T • .t ♦ f i'f ;rk M'yy Ufa i'4 r 'r,^ .S v /. ' r;i�. , �� yW r,'�,;Y I � i r'�} 1�1 � 1 '��' `i Z V Y p�2 � # h • � •t.. V�t,�" f � .. r p " d alt r 'S1 rT c y ,3Lr�r"di° J#a � � �` , ' J[ ° , f r • ., fir' � , ..t � �. f e, ��� xs ��, !.'�' � r y y q ej �J, f 1 1 I r pp' YV �"� ! Yi � � ���T 'r b � F � � • 1 �Y � rd ry�Ir 3rR ? 'J"�?✓,vt�'^ "y:" �rr' r✓'k,}"i ��"! 4' ,t �� f � t}� 1i� 1 �" VZ � 4�'�i# y ��1 yrl P1••'S E � f .��Stp{/t ° ! yy+ �ytf }yy �. � �, ` Aq "✓ 1 r rlF t1 " �,�y t �i9i°^ Vxfi 'ti ��v.n' 71� 'i1' � CSJWr��}Y � v f� r �f�`'S' �Y pN:' dyr 'i "' wn l A�•i �:v�i,. y"i'._ �� r ,� �v14�t' . ii ! r. t k v 4 j ! R ,. L r hrV ^ ,� 7:I' � 14 • t ,� � q,, arfd t� 7 n'jj1 A' _r a ' 1� 4 y dt• } trr a*r#t� ,;`{: " r t i+ i', t 'i r e °'•e'1� 1 . €.,+ti.k rax 14.d'.! t?!3 •, 4 xlr t� v ti ,��['' ir I ��d+ �'PiA � �3'Y,.. ,tD�t 1 ^LC p"'1�11.R,r�1t 4 ��j I .'N' �}'.: � � �' ';.M Y ^ •' rP �` •: lylr a 6t�.- r � l�`' SiFq '�Y,;'t7 ,5 � � I, #. JJ rkr i, ', t ,, a "� S � stia.n t, vkYr : S?S t .+ r• ,r ,�p�ln s�1.r�4=J"x1iM1 l}^r1V YH a 1� "�,} ) �..I A � 1 t� •`r JJ •4, r �r 1 +, Str 1 r d '^ z t .,tl + . 4 t,i r� s rx 1 Fr .i . Y t >' +.� Atl v ,:J 13 MAY°�+°' + t�� °r 9'.•n5.1 {'YI r rir t. rvip w hn r" tt � �. 5r �' SG�sA � e ���� �i�� 1 A$.: M / y' � '9 / � ,,. N4. 1 L. *y t rS' r°!1�eTi .,i �~r� f1.� '^ y !n1 n1S I' T I I` r, � �` ' '� 7;J'�,7�r�` ��'!`1 CSY�`• r ♦ LI r �. rt t f �w i 5 1 , t'�, { e � � �' tN ��r� �'��{� Y�>; �� ��Ijy^` '�� i �rr+]�5.rvt��'�•rl �. a� r ?�>��7 jS � S °;1:�'r��" t-r ty �` •.J� �' v ✓� , ,�r l',�tir .'�(. 7t �Il^r Y,1«t `Rr `r e7{�?I n '( qtr ! � 5.�1 M�ltl ` i''{T ' nfi.F , �� ��l� d} f •iY { �� y ^f f� t� � tar fA' jr •. �A C ��t itffx. I' iti 1t J i.'� I Ei J �r # t r f a 1 v (t Sr� t 1'r. yf p 1 r. it S4 ) ,r , i^ 1 •� �JX E r„ � " �a4 ��S`tl.}t�rl �, S '! in Y �x§.7ryN1 S'^I 1} fj.S r d1^ai :f� :r};•`','! d T ,' ;f I .t r4" n a f ,'¢y f� l Vii! 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'} �,tl�,r�rk ^r Pt +r� t' � � 1 Sr '.a it y°,� �, ,,c � �M• n� � ik,•� w �Ir+.� � ,'4'Jy , riti`d�;��� ti ''r•4 r:" �R ��..�� �#ftrr/�'.�Ia fy^4i#r Y.1'�� yJly�r�r�K��4}r 'tl\ 4 ' .� a 3�'./�i. � y� g ' `K'LrQF.".7, � tlf t,�. , �.�'�� r• I e s"t S �, tiS,r {�tdQ�4}t b� ?i ?p• �, 1 r nt . . ♦,�s�"�( }l`� .iYa{ Pft M7`it q r q lr' x� ;� a a P.s��a 4{.i.;�,s u a b i 4rf♦{.�.i. / ' 4 r V cAi,Y 4 yh F/ y a'i r":.`�.'Yy't:,S{t ?�y�a r1�,i{l vr� Iems.+,l�a +'M1 r�r��1'. '_,.`v��;Lr.p`�{• 'ky L+•.0,i A y ' '✓•' ri'A$A ''r r`t yt _".A. r-0 4 i�.r, r Iry I \�. ♦ �f .4 Ali 1 � 1 t rr� il r 1, I I .i�, . ' I t , i ♦ r p u i i i y r 5' �� n �f t r „• '��: ht ii �•:t' , x a , P � '+' , � � "� �' �i !�d j t ° x����{� r ��� � °14'' i .. r...- •..... � ,� a f` t/ r A p. 4 i va«3rn 4 A+11_tiwls<!' �V✓.i`�.'�F�L Y iy rtil a 1} r a, r e :r • ' {q }f y `} ) ig h � 4 'A".' `y..ff�YW.�t,/'y�v ��yy'�,�y+� ,,�y��y+��. i `� '• i. 7�'A r �,/�"4 n '�"j��t 9 � +7.� 41 �,z r . 1 A, v r , i I z 1 ' rr �_ � •1� � � �k �. I 1 t v � tin, + i {' I r I i t';,, '`�• � I Lie OFFICE AND YAR05. 010 WEST MCKINNEY ST. TELEPHONE NO. 6 - RE1iDV:CE TELEPHONE N0. 165 - P. 0. BOX 550• M. B. WHITLOCK GENERAL CONTRACTORf DEALER IN • �. GLASS AND BUILDERS' SPECIALTIES j DENTON. TEXAS, I March 7th.1927 The ,Honorable Mayor,And Commissioners , City of Denton, Gentlemen: - I propose to furnish all material and labor, e.nd complete the Munioipal Building. in .full aocordenae with the plans of E,W.Van Slyke & Co . Arahiteote, as f'ollowe. , Bid on General Contract Using Bedford Stone /r r ^_-4 �r_Vi'.�.T•__�IT�1� ��Q . r r _i-rr___ r./ r__ Bid on General Contract Using Manufactured 11Stone , �Etnttaa��r3ctxx �, • 6 ,�`� Bid on Heating s p_�_rr.___.,._ ------- / Bid on Plumbing Bid on Electrical 176A .•Iif welks, Dri ves, Curbs r_w and Gut ers outside of as noted on page 2� are o�ni tt d Deduct r_rrrrirrw ri Mr�r�iyl..�i�s` rrrrr_r � �.} . I��i�'? �";1��►'bt�+@�iiuld +�tt 3iq,X�'16 Add riet oos plus 1 For-`any ext a concrete , excivation will do same at figures used in my estimate. Respeotfully submitted Lu M. B. Whi tl .k T Denton, Texas, Feb. 21st, 1927. To the Hon. Mayor and City Commissiont Gentlemen, — Referring to the Sixteen Concrete Bridges to be built in your City as per Plans and Specifications made by the Highway Dept. We propose to furn3 ::a approximately 162000# of New Billet Reinforoing Stecl of Domestio Manufaoute at tke following prioes, - J` Rd.,, Or Sq. Reinforoing Bars 0 $2.64 Per 100 Pds, 6/8" 1 Do. Do Do 2.54 Do Do 3/4" and larger Do Do 2.<,A Do Do The above prices are all figured on a base price of , UA4 per owt. BOB Cars Denton, Texas, We Further wish to quote 16je per Cwto if you wish to E out, bare to lengths as nailed for on plane and eliminate labor for cutting and all wastea, iYe further wish to quote 40. per Cwt6 for bending 6,11 bars that have to be bent as per the plans. ` This- matoria1 in stook at Fti, worth and we are in position, to make immediate shipment. woting oat .we may be favored with the business and 'tbanking you in advahoe for your kind consideration, we remasiinj Yours oeey truly. North BY Its TOrth► '1me► WAS City of blaton aooepts the above proposal for reinfoiiaizig teei,t.dn prior quoted including outtin } and bending for ur, Devils Contraoto: The aboVs gg are 40 sie Or of 14 pMoe• « � �► .��eQoubt.. itt ' ten .Qky r 01 ty of Dais t ca yr i By, Contsrg:°th s 1 qy or r , l ' r Y �y'+�y,- ° IY +f .,•� {M/y� Y TV� 1�' y�I Y �{��Y? v YIt�� �^r ICK�-VNy+.'Ia yl � L�'� 7 i.I♦ Y T•Sry TV 1 ,y V ��°ry" ♦. ,') � =',5:+•h+'+v !V'♦ 1 411t. N�;�• :i 4r4 �c wr3� Cta:'y�. r +' A' yry*� ..br � Ia•Vh ;t�V .ri.A tt �.�� Y{Yr�r. •>I3t �P+ {�i:`,��{v( .: p t. '" ,`�rf'' ���jjyy f��r �IT��� i^,11��•����Ay`�y�ry�"'df',�(r,A Y�J�i;° "f i �t�i iy.IF'Pxj�� r tr!»C.w'�r�3 ,r� i +.♦'rr f r "yT .I't 1• r` � n» ? �t..rJ Dot x nl4•,;� 1 .r..l\ i' �� ��t t `�8�ds azuet' bd p b sr�d oa tt ImpARFI6� RVX- ►� )19;F!.A id.. m6d .p gel e:� l�q the,? kde moon, . 'b 4oa►Ray 'tsb „' rop4� � b�Aitl ��:�' +��`': 7.4 �4 y� Lla�►px ��� a9 otOr f � wdrded� t�4.o4t1�► '�°�► � ,:� rf tl �” r ty that tadle. y004. �ta4 �„{ ► e t�♦,j-�✓?'!S .. n^♦'?1:4�^ly;rcam r.'p"N�Y,c.�lN'sj i'},.��E'4M1 4 �11��• 0yIA.�.x...1►n y tty��-i ♦•,.9. �. h.,N p t�g�O R 14►1����7•?4` rr i: ♦r.t��Qrn1l1�i.�! v i'TFS��}.w���Yv.ry �i!b'�,,4SO!.a rY a n Y!•+� SV\�♦4G�N �C w4:101-the, t Y T erO 01 T OWN ,�pk4�d.��[i.r 1�9,yx,'.''..}'S•l�s{f J.�a fjL,'fp t„:'Q".�^e,v y1}J.+IJ 1 y.F��•'1 t�Mrf��k.!)x I]1»•, � ]I, e•r Ti S�� I ., � ^ � 7Jy.t.. . t .ru :Y• • �,'E yr� r I��i�Ld� ° �+`4��: r •F R� 'L �• IS�:�N� .i = n r 1}��"J� e�l .,��+�R1T r'r . {I I�`,� �• 6 Rlr'.lr ll` i' ,r•. ��� . ��� ja 7 .�l '• l r i ♦ '�v�^'1 +YYY} '1'`� U♦r -,n t� r'}iY♦♦�.=�'e.r ,/ ,� n� l rcf lF^+ `r"'Y{M� Q>•w w5xyIA � .1, +, kh fi..is+\1 yid „„w� �' }}a� v(■r�rt�{(�.+'�lA�� ,}�y{666/rH�r1v♦I'cf { =tprY {��{�,y��r Wr'r'yA`� 1 rr 1 �� .:, '.r.wSyf�.��t •� t���. 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YY 5 A ttwal�• .u�..".�` ,) 7. a Ti ' y' a t t y.�♦b�G�� Y•�a�'T t y�" i�{h�•.�� •Yr�� �,F "1 , ,� �..e .,� -I , r 1. r.t� 1ti ' •�J �'♦�' r+ �`•w••F}T�•�•.• �rryx I't )' r '�C'7f�. .� T •'� • Cr �r'4•rr•�,M:�.��6vZ M4r MK�!�J w�flt}�."�'a�M.�,,11:' �1+" 6. 11 4.,,n"t'.�«�1-'P'}.y�l ♦ J,iJ•1"��:'•� r'Ir • •♦'�,I7r �'P .1. wY • !, / . . *x` 13t 7, ,1-r �� •� r z "I*3'F1 j r+- +S 14 �Q�O�' a r -*1 iat.... .j� •' J� 1 as Ofrtyl• t . •q a+ Jr I k .T. :¢Ei N 7f a'.a y,+ ~ 'y,."C '.rl,l " li�••,,F y ;,., �_•9 f j�i ' �',�) r ,` ��'�`•� yj.r��� au.. �4.�v t•ys I' lJn /i► • t r . Ir ,•p�� �«.� ' fi S M 7 IytIJ . T � rh{. Y . ., •'iy'i�a Xr • '^ any i" ., +S y"� .5: . lir. 4�v � «i�S,:'�' ?� I;;.,i t1,f ih�,lGi � i' : i1 �1r1� � ��YS} «• r ,,.r }�.r:1�Y� �r♦i i''1�er1, 1.� ``'[[• �tl,'I�'dn'•t••�,i�W'.,,.Y.J .,11• ry, 4,r�, I,� .1 tt .++. iy�♦•i..w� ��1���••'(.!�. ' •,.f , 1 A All. ! �""NJFf p ; ri: ,:rr' f ". ��a"r� f11 .j'1,74 •`�' q 61 ip,.y ,4 an ]1) «^4' ♦♦ ,,J[� a ' (�f�. T�'y``••'y,•., �1 s •Sa x 11 r• 1 r. r t + • +. •� •Or•♦� i/yr `4v ". Y * • {1Sy S r����Y•,+�" ��. 2,Jt, +ff M IIl � • 'I.1. �'� ` S!.•♦�4Y*yn.•�•r✓{r`��� I , i -• t,� ll5 r�r ll..�♦ •� 1 •lt "",•+�a+•.i .t r4'^ 1� "� , '•1 17 t:i �1 . L::. �!'r� Y +. •Is.1 %4f k. r •d py.� R-i • ♦ I ♦ 1 r ..1. M AY � wr Y I'rA'f • e �A ; lr�r�^ G.:�'r' ,lq �n < I_Pf ��, I r �. AIJa � •• I 1�,. • (IPAa`' r'r,A v�: l .r 'r� 2+r `.ylµ 1 {, 'Nf. ,JF�.� t kt • w c" J 'l� k I"�, ��z .0 ) ,�„. ? } ��GE n }, ) t �a .�� � 11 � ly rf�� ■� .T r�ul {�la LW' "ik Sq' 1, tl 1x�x nytt t t ; f�L�y�t�M1''4�AR . .az11':a f '+Ft 9''• ��1 u• '�4- '�F��V ft.1C� �•3k4'�'`�•`t�#f4'A. k"-R1�+"{�' tof I� ` Ml M�t,��y���h" , 4' •1� 1 � ��' ��'4��� � ? �I 4S« 1� 4 �1�h R �k1f li.��tiq�,��. 6 a �t Llryr an�l(!°1��� 4� r,;' � � �w y}✓✓ Ir � �r yA �jf"4 4 � r �1 r 1 w 4 � y^It �".J r,': - �r.; 1 -. r : ; 1 �h, il j• N �. I s � r5 Y' t t i �'.4 xr��','.�a.,v,'a.�J1.S'71M $' ,.Jty?? �� 1.�. y�, i , i 1 ' ,i � r, 1� •y}$ _r r 4 . r F�. x r I 1 y G ' 141 e, Ya1. IK �t 1 ' • ♦ 1 � r � r " '�' ` �5{��`•+�•`�a ��� ..�,. � ''a j 1%t�._`�+ xi�'.a f�I PYP�o x w� '.'l_�`+ « �f+{� � � ,.� SUITE '101-707 INTERURBAN BUILDING DALIAS,?EXAS sbruary 19, 1927, The Honorablo Mayor, Oity of Denton, Denton, Texass Dear Sirl Complying with Chapter U, General Laws of 19061 1 am pleased to hand you herewith oopy of re- port of the Texas Interurban Aailvq for the year ending December S1, ' 'da Yours very truly, + All /l o4&6 a w, balker Tax commissioner l to•. , � r A . ' .. S lU'T'ILITY REPORT Year Ending December 81, 192,b 'Phis repi rt is subtnitted in compliance with Chapter 33, General Laws 1905, and is due In the office of the Secretary of State before the 1st day of March. A•an)e of corporation AoS.l. u..a. x.... . .I . .... _.. ' Address SntErur�iti fui 'dit! , f�llRo, 'fexar . 1. Authorized Cupital Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �_,2 ,�QO,,,OQOs00,_•,_ ,C�� ,(00.013 (a) Amount of Capital Stock Issued, $ ........ ... .... (b) Amount of Common Stock 1 000,0001 co Issued - • - - - - (c) Amount of Preferred Stock Issued, ..............—... (d) Amount due on Unpaid Stock . . . . . . $........'!One.... Hone 2. Amount of Bonded Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_..-....._................................. (a) Number of Bonds Sol d...................... ......................... (b) Rate of Interest on Bonds.......................... fe), Bonds Mature ......... ......... ......... I.............................. (d) Price at which Bonds were Sold.....,....... _ 3. Other Fixed Lien or Dlortgages oil Property of Corporation ix PE. ..... U..... rtsd Notes dated Do1q.13e1922 duo on before Coto 8e 193?_ _...._•. ___.._... �,?,a7.YS.t�f).Of) ......... ... . ._ ... 4. Amoun!'o# l{lot►t°3ng Itidcbtedness, fnctuding all bills Pa 'able of whativer nature ' w_ 8 .,Value of Vfslble' Tangible property •. '3 . te�4,If.s,6��� F'.. _ $ l191�d4t1 . (b) M�cls?ocry,_� kJ� 4�(a(2F ,, ! .........�4 ��y �4• **V sill/ ftc&;v )il', } '`a . .9�b�.r. « Catlt"o hand, $ 18m666.r.16 t o . . • .• 8 Attifaf Codt bf Operating. + p 40/.e1tt¢t? J (a),Aroount pill for, ularleet - . n$YYt! Yw t'b) Aint. paid for f,abor, IS 286i (ej Fbie'd Chgs secluding loter oil, � 4 a �3st 1 Taxes, • S it, .. lnitotnre, ; 6��t8�,F (d) Amt. paid lore Ja 'h {e) Afti paid for Exlensiom `• E .Hope.. ttc Ire, $ Il+rtsrr " .n �EgerrEd ldaiatetttece, • ':• a ��♦49,t.eiZ�.: (Q Amt. Pali! for Claims @t , of suits for damtget, � : .. ._.t...7.>,.,..a.. , A`ttioutit of Annual Grois harnir,gs . • • • (' ) For Light • (b) For Sewerage, - $ . ' Vie) For.ls�vter, - (d), Pot Poet, ... (f) For f'17I C iAid UMAC N ' s s# Fot 5eweriger a (b) For thil Net t 9 : t ' (d) For l;gltt (per IttV�tS ( .0)rear oacr '{�ce , tiUt1(i)' $, uY ! ) ',Tire t'b`91;bateanoer, r;... . i , t ; , ;t,9afr) 'ra�vN'ulvi�j C�rrlrACr ,' t t'* i+ i, (t) For Water (IdaHrdratrls . ), #• (b) For Light'(Na of Are a �. s , ( . .'f l 1 4 � ng.. . 41 M M1i ' �AdRtlri � ;e. ..� o� tits above cot'pqrloti; f� 'tit chthalpatt fa" ntede, do eolenitfy:awesir'.lh1l th�'ebtive EttitemenCe true e,dd cb'tfecb 1• ��rr .111 i ..� � ky , •F; y� r .. y O ,i i «i ....w4w, � .y, .xww.u. w rw..�. w ..J...rw..f .....L , +r t �, t,{f(� jr� 4 ( .' �1 , •r , } n r .. x � , �,,. „� Ili ,,. {".. Substr(bed''rita dc i i to Galore Ine,'thfE � ! i ; p 'N, . ..�.w.wd.YU�u,.....w. ...ti,.lr r.ri..a..W..a...� r Y�wtroi►�tef•!;'��•�t3q� Nol' y uir,' oflas �tltltlty, 9'exgs .y i - ♦ �� '�- � � y i• 4 - .. � . ,Y� '�' ,tom .i 'J F . �1 y 4 i` " ' 'CIF M•,;; "R�T�—.R�++.rw+Mo. r i i i �, Gr f'' R �♦; r 4,'. ..; �,� i ,' Sra ^t V. � I't lir i. � 1 �r '� 1 R(y 41 yyl Yia`a ,'' ,R '.. r A a ➢�'�! t` ^'�' ' r � �j i II M� �. S i .♦i r r5 r� A it'.tI [`���J� � r r f' r' � �� i `J7 E� i� ;.4,k �'�.� �'� yar Ij f�,4 S itiy1..I • t r i t� ^' }. r" to �9'�,�S��z� M�'S� , y ,�Y'.: �i..'r � it ��'+' ♦,� � ' f ' ANVI 7, W. IAWIN. aICALTIAY COMMISSION[RS: M MION BRALLEr. ArtoANIr Menton W. I. MILLLR. CHAIAKAN W T. WOOD API L TlIMLN ¢i t o f W. P. w000wANe, t.u►uteA V L. .AiLtr F. L ►INLA. NAALrK Or IIGLA l(•• O. }. LA%KT J. A. rOUNO. MAMMAL CL N. CAS 8. W. McKEN21£, MAYOR uwol a+nuEAAr DENTON. TEXAS TO THS Holt/ CITY CCHHISSIONt Denton, Texas / Gentlemen= — I herewith submit, for your approval my report for the month ending April 27, 1927L WATER AND LIQHTSS -- This department is in good uhape and collections -splendid. We are making all necessary extensions in the department including all sewerage extensione, having made several hundred feet sewer extensions on Blount, Ee Syaamore sto since our last reportL Very little complaint from any of our ouctomers except a few oallr for more street lights and I recommend that we order another dozen street liahtsto be used as we fell necessary. Stroet and Bridges$ -- Streets have been in bad condition, account so much rain, but the boys will have them in good shape by tomorrow night except a few mud holes and some fee streets that have been washed out that will have to be filled in, We have a car of chat ordered and next week we will use the large grader, working on bad streets and do a lot of street patching where needed/ The concrete bridges are being put in at a very satisfactory speed and we feel that we are getting good bridges so fare HEALTH DkPARTHENTI --' The General Health of the city seems to be good snd we recommend to sire Pinar that he begin at once working on getting woods and grass out and as soon as we are sure it will not . rain for a X w days' that .we oil the stagnant Poole of water to avoid the breeding ,P. goe'quitoee POL,OS :DLPARTHh'NII Our officers working at night are very attentive to busi»ess and, very -little disturbance in the city. Our pity is being% ;atohsd well at'night with reference to peace and order and aleb with reference to fires . Our speed cop is doing good work and keeping , spe0ding .dow14 the, best he oams We are plaoing fines on almost every onefwliom he oatohee and brings in, but on account of our Texas laws, ,�fdis7gg an out of town parson three days to appear, we are compelled o leb ,them go and if out of the state we can not force them to appear acid if in the state we can not get warrants served, therefore a good many slip by th&t way, and then we hay* a number in towns some of whom never appear and some' who do appear and agree to pay and then do not , „ ooraw 'ih� We have been unable, so far, on a000unt of sickness or tome other° eason, to 'get our Marshall to colleot these fines# My attention has `iilso been called to the fact that the hour parking law is not being 1ook�d 66tt6rf , Ar.4 r'.. o'6neral oonditionsl Generally speaking the pity is in good shape; qquite a lot of baok tames being do leatedi the city hall progress ins ";satiefAotoriky and all employees working harmoniously together. Respeotfully submitted, tints the 2' ,thi day, sf,'Aprl:1. All Di 1027 ���1 ,mayor, .� , t' ��' ,` _ - � �• , ; � ��� ,v!*'�.svCr.h.�alt, °�tnrdiearM�.�4.•J/I�.Say:�:'i...� . ;..... ..n.e�.......r,..w.+'a..ii�,.:..�..� ,...i. ...r^<..�';r�.a„c�,...a..l an. _,�..L.,.ei.,:.h,�..�..w w.u��: a^� ra .'��c.. ,.w r�G!,�� 'g.; n � + y .. � � I. V t i ,, �� � `' � �� t � �, � J N. , , � _ . , , .. . . ,, , . . : ,, � , ,� .� . �. }: . � ., ,. , , . .�F r -,� ,� � y ,'� 3. r ,�, � , i s � , - ; r �t.i' s .,� 4 � ;. � �j�! a , r . '4 � . i . `, �,i � ! ' ti � i 1 A ' , I�,4 To the Hon . City Commission, Denton, Texas. I herewith submit my mostly report for month ending March 920 1927 . (rater, Light and Sewers Our water, light, and sewer service is in good oondition and we are giving almost universal satisfaction in this department. We have just about completed putting in ten inch mains for sewer on Oakland and up Carrier, replacing the six inch saVer with _ten inch. This improvement has cost us around .!,88150.00 bit xe believe that it was a work that had to be done and well worth the money. We have, placed sevral street lights at places where needed and have a few mcse on hand. Collections in this department are good and tie have on hand, or will have on April First, after paying all bills, iraoludirg cost of ten inch sewer line, and fifteen hundred _dol- lars or,' sinking fund, around ten thousand dollars. We are recommend ing to' . •. Lrewster that he pay for the nowt throe months fifteen hundred dollars each month to build up the sinking fund in hie department and that hb rv*ary retire these bonds in that department as soon as possible. STREET A'?D BH1DOES -- On account of extra work done on park our streets are not as good as we want to put them in And we are now working filling up bad places in streets, putting in culverts out of old lumber from bridges torn out and have ordered a oar of chat to do repair work on hard surfaoed otreets• dlad to report that bridge No. 1 on s film. is complete and ready for travel. Work on bridges ' progrdssitle at satisfactory ' rate. pARK,'A1fD ,.0SMETERRY1 --� lie have boon working great:, deal on park ' dnd wade`gAie'' In' pretty nios shape, Our street and BMdge force has put beds in shape for planting and our force and engineering force has cooperated with the Park Board in settingg out bhrubs and trees , Uri Ohristal has agreed to take 'ohargs of dity came te3'ry and after the oit hart been canvassed by parties interested , I recommend that ;M we 'isvie ur. ' Ohri6taf and go over this matter with him .as to any donatf6h we sLdke to this fund. poYioe Depurtt nts ; All,'our offioers ors working well and 000porating togetijor, and iith the Oounty officers and very, little disturbarioe -of , any kind reported . Since our last report we have assessed in fines over A30,00 olio o¢lleoted $189M the balanoe to be oolleotod at, onoes rw good off air and io doing good r speed oop ' is < proving to be a work, We are p1easdd '�rith the work of all other officers, ind1iidiy+g Night xatohman and is evidenos of hio 'rbrk and the word of �ihe, Prue .Pz,0ihft6z ooundii ire point with pride tb our lire rocard fof the. pa;e"c of rie wooke. departinel ti 'ie working aQ; u�uai Bind we ar 'urging' the (ntti 'yiri- o! mare ssnitary .�quipme>yte in the homes rh 're Mow V � 0 � e�^' .i' +R ,_ , r '. .'' �N'. i ti cenerAi onditiope ,feir and ait� tta11 being started ire q' a ti lodk Per a d hop6;461` be'dtor;,timeoi4 qq „ t. Respectfully submitted. ¢ Tale uArch ig, gMta� l9gy , ya ors - " , r , r 1 r _ , 1f +C� . ,' r F 1 { 1 t ���� ��3 �l'4^r.t;•'r-��� �i Q�[.t rvir rw�� cy*,w.A �.'i' d ,u, � t , 7 P t. , J�1 . 1 r:. i Ai Yp��I' jlS�. t r y i �v„•, k]rr or ll,C �ip+Yn 1. !: •:1 M3k �, G II�s /err r r i�' 1 n `r5r'�'' �$t�r i X+ � vn� v r v .�t� rbl r r d �Yf d . w r � r 1 ,, Ir �` a .1/��� ��I�F �r t� v�� ,C���I �� � i•r r� YI,Cr r1.'w l,�?r`I �4r '�'. . 1'^�f' c,v! r, �� ei�, 1l r r ! d i !7 '"r � 1 , vh v 'L 4rr it k + , �,� •.G7 � fu rtrll v t I n k} �rtt t' 1 ` All �'� ar ! r ° ��° .'��t 1 � i t 7th �� i 4',. � � '� l< 1 •� 1 vet ✓i� y r?\} r t i +}�r". a � �, r 1 IC: Y• v '� Pi rl �,i � '1 G _ y ` t �� y f 1 , i 4 t :�rr 1 ! t}� i� � � 1� t r t :� i � 1 r..tr ,•. �'�P llry{ Y �3f�y� prCJ�i�.;�t � W A �.�j 3 � 1�ari.�.�,�: ', "�. i,e, 'z tj'xi,! �. 1 r � ! .; Q .a'.,1 pv x � .� �. 1 d�'r, '�� ,:',ti •�v �P •r � Tt"Jyt v ! n• ,� b y t -F THE TNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY ' HARTFORD CONNECTICUT BB $4'f 898 MORGAN B.BRAINARD dontraot ,TOM bond � SOM0 PRE91D!' Nt e r , Ittow , 111 Men bg 04m f rli��rtti�, .:..... ...._.. . , ..N ... ... w. .° r Of 4rgA1�.Y. 4. 4_►..�':t:Alill.. b`. •'.. .•••..• ••..•.w . .......w.w.....«............... ....ww.. ......................... w..............r...1.4. w....4 t " (hereinafter called the Principal), and Tas ETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a oorporatl6n created ind ezi�ttag under the laws of the State of Connecticut and whose prineipnl ofce to located in the city of Haritord, u� ' Eaate of Connecticut (hereinafter called the t3urety); are held and firmly boucd unto .............♦ • •NN.M f�0!' 1�uBTOlf t �°tir thrm 'is 't ally �atthorisIM,y00=6tl.a .._.w.. . . « . x ....,,« . �. 4 w•.•: . .. .,.(hereinafter called the Obligee), in the full and just sum of «, .. foot .1hotti"d thr a Aundr�d ii ht lorhn end b0 100 �9 ...................... » 7"«........ � ....w1 • ..`!"1��...... id`taieney"of th'e' United'Statei, to'the payment of which sum,'well and truly 0 bb made, the elld Prinetpal and ti Surat' Mad them$elvee,..th6ir and each of their heirs, administrators, b:ecutore, euxeaeo.e'and 'aealgos, jointly end 'eeyerally� Srtaty,hj these peesents. ., . , hated Wi. day of. .. ..1$rt0t . ,...: 19 J�q� ::: ?Nhtrhw, .,the aoove bounden Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the abore mentioned ;� Obllg4e; dated the ruiutb N•..... >..,day of . «:w]taro;!► n. ..., •... 19..,. 1. to a �i�.' fr 1t9PiLftAaltf3,. t ..•. ar >c .. a,.�; e . '�Y o�► L•..r:.., nobor,"Woo t 01i ?ipli A A$po ion#Io i if t, ' en 81 1ti jy + y rl •..1 a ............... u.Ld. .W• . lu.. r . LU I IuN U..•1.41 .m../a.i f ' �w.. w....................M1,�•S.G ,4..+' 601 4s le hereby refot+e,d to and made a past horeof a� /plly tend t0 the same lxtent'ae if 0,opied art lentth herein. t')0ND19'10f4'OB i ABO,'YE ,OIAIU� 10N IS . SUCH that' ll the ab6ve Uzi a Itrinelpel aball Will and truly beep, do and perform, each and evetyr .all an singular the'matieri and ta Ago r c '• 1, , in said 'contrttet,'eet foith'Itdd specldod to 'be by the Wd PrIaolpil liept, done and performed, at the ttme•aed'to the ml�nner is said �4ntrict spodded, Aid $Mall pay over, tatl�p good sad retmbarse to the abora aimed 4bli¢ee, d1 ose, and damage *mh h wad 6bligm taay rustaltt by reason of fsillute'or,default dts the part 'said I'rincipwl, ,then this `t '. , 4b1,'gatlon shall. void, othertvlso to be eiid remain lry'fu11 force and eject. w �I 11 Itl9B Ql'galf, the said Principal and Surety have -signed and sealed thta 'instrument this -{ ,��t. +, „ .w. w ..;,�� �blth . • �....day of..., . r I'�)) 1 < I �0 " M1y.^♦ c II- I. a.. 1 . IY I,E 11 p S I ° , �tfltlE' far t f � 5 • •��� � ! - r t r i�, Sa I 1.......1 rlJ.f iu l+l.. J Y.rN b� r�,11uNW w ui •l � �k �1 �1 .�1j1�i. . . Yw1►�t41i41W 11 N.i.1H. .1V � �•�• d. I N.Y {4lutiL_ 1 IiIW .M . 1 yyYYF',I d{,�, 5 �1w1M triBtAh `. eelr �7i► i «� ; till�t iQui1 , ji o } , b • � v.' � r i �3 7 �!.t' � � . )�'' 7 y � . 1'S� ^:� � "jj.'+ '♦na { ' :al J r� \ I�, in lA '1 1 ♦:y 17r`' t.': I f {+ t1 ^ i i�•. I{¢r �i V �x.`�.�,,.: x 4 r i If r Y��. _ E''�'I �, .i � +.� ,j, •�+. !' K l i«; 1 . ♦,� � -+ r i l ,_ 1 � ,�, r`` 1'r r'� • 'F ? . . ♦ ^}.: i .'e ♦ ' ... x r } 1 P f t 1..',1 .. '1: 9 i I r ♦Il..� 1Y f ,�ldi1C(r }� T.t S} .'x4 1 +�. it ,�• y �' r }.�. } lr n .f i rY j:`7�i��1 i � , r ! . Yap . F { i 3 : { n{' • tx y i +a n !ix (}'r �.!'.i i' a , I � C .`,r'�`�, :} s j }`yt r ♦ n +y C f'{+ ^ +.+�r n lD n:.yi �n,�,.-♦ f � ,n 7[i �r +lit C�Et itr � r . • x S. 1 r + tC ;1 �' I dam ,{ , y ,. ppp�S� E 4{ � •� [{1 ^ +F,r �wpl � '_ + .'r o e. '•�. } �n� r } Y t' •�.r E 2: ri,1 ] tit 1 �'- I � ryf '��N tr�r t•5r , , '+ 1. I ' ":') ! }' n { b� ;'rS• � r . � � i"�� �'4e ;` F I ... + f. . + a, I F I S 'a ,: f r 5♦ �" }` 1 r i tei.♦ � r� tr. !`� u �,>,h''",i � �•,r. '( t i� �� � r�. ,il+"'. .0 'ks ur ' y1,'{i, Y . '.n � -� ' , t '+x�A , _ �il•'� � + r j1J rl{if r �tS , r't}Ir' 1 t, .{�.:!,�A,N1 + rt t'.• ��, r, it � ..'Arty� Yy*i. I !� litp f r I }1l' 4'✓�'F:�.' Ir y ''�' i {.+«a SKS' n In}I+ S 4. A y.. y i ` ' ;1 + hj�`:`� `♦ xw', + n ;j i} � + 1 nr 7 n ', B{x r ' _ ^Ai n itlryd r tY '{r !' ♦�, 1 4 f F A' ,. �± tt �,�{Fl .fir P � �� ♦+ ",1� 4 �� � ✓r r r � .� {t � '. n"' �1 Y r rr� y i r .l i, , ♦ ,1E 41 ;i v 4 . n : .j � f +124 +.. . r �r i �tr . ' r' :. • 1 t �'�• �.. •,i 1 .I �, m� " ' Y��:jl �� l � +j.�> t '�• '�.'�"i.Ci v. +J� Li+ +��.r f� a + .F � 1 L'T+��} ♦ ! ♦.'1 � Je r n r• v � . .. n k� (�� + '���L�(, � r � I, � 3 � I tt-�� j � � e l �� � v ♦ E` E 'j 1 t r Y ,1 �1 Y,�d l 61`r+ t,l y, 1 .y A,1 1 k� yv1 N ,nr FP r ip,I t ! r 1 N w IY.Y� r. } l t s v PLUNBINO AND HEATING CONTRACT r. F071 MUNICIPAL BUILDIN0VF0R ',THE , r ` , CITY OF DENTON ,,TEX. ###•ki'r #icy'rii•# f•iF•'a•i'e•YrYc•k•x#######•�'###•�•Yr#•L'•### W @T @Mowoo Company Contraotor. City " Of Denton;Tex. Owner. 1 - , r s a . e I ` t OWNERS SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRAOTS t�ITH ` KINNISON BROTHERS FOR HEATIM WITH EVERS HARDWARE COMPANY FOR PLUMBING. MUNIOLpAL BUIs r)INd,DENTON,TESAS. E.W*VAN SLYKE & QOlAROHITEOTSi s NOTE. 4 �I' These oontradta eheri' Axeoiuted'shouId +1 be, attaohe'd� 6'11ie`,W.T.Mohros oohtraot ` and dept on file by the `oxner. , Arohiteote'have dvpiioAtps on filta; rl � 1\ 41 e r � k V .��� k, r r ti ,� , f r A' r • 1 r 1 1 l of t ' k �I t � 1 r 1 + x �1�.r1� r � t j •� �' t ti f � ' �, +�.� Yp� v� �r5r w � S, 1 ; x • •,t, vS,C � I � Lt � t ' rr � .1A L 'r UTrLEVENTAL OONTRBOT. is oo raot and agreement made and entered into on the ,v o! 1927,by and between "Kinnison Brothers—* "Tiest1rig 0!►tr9� re as,Texas ; hereinafter referred to as the Con" "" the Oity :of iaintonj Texas ,through its legally • author- raoto a sed Oounoll hereinafter referred to as "Owner, ITl.'B98BT8t t: That this oontraot-to supplemental to a pertain other ontraot whioh was entered into and dated the 9th day of haroh 1921 y . and ;betireen• the W.T.1lonroe Oompannyy of urea IviIle j :oxas ,and the ity of Denton wherein the said )P.T.bdonros Company a reed to: furnish nd install all of, the materials labor sate .inoident to a^oomplete It heating for the ldunieipal 7�,tilding at Denton,Texaeofon per- taij considerations named in said oontraot; ND,MFM The said N.T, Monroe Company abandoned the worli afier a amili, p6r46n' of.' sane had boon installed on or, about the let., day`.of I Juhe'.4097' and did fall. and default-.in the oarrying out .of, It the said oontraot; therefore,this supplemental oontraot is entored and-oo*plst ng it jh f�l l e0tnplienae :with the ; said; Oont het biii6 into for, the pu3�poaet of:;taking,up, the Work •*hare' it � � � ontra'4t betirfoeri : N.'f,NLonrOi"�{C.osxpaYgri grid thb City of Dentanj a oopy. .of �rhiah is ettaohe'd hei'7to�' 1 t.`'� n�'f{" <, �.7•v ;!d M.' " ° ,, Iris purauAioe oft the completion ofI the Work undertake I by a . tha ' K�irlaon�oe comps ,Kith+leon Brothe�re abo�'e` �iafnoQ�� hereby• •' assume that part of the oontraot pertaining to "Stow% Jfeatingw it the 06iht nhaft the�WiTs toriroe - Company. abhndoned it. They= igroe to° furnish°all° aterik2e - and labor' leeseeary to' a oJm lbt.e etbt►Sn ball i pY�A��r I t, trill� oomplld�noa frith the plans�speWifioti: ons: J 111 b LBMENTAL CONTRACT. does This ontraot and agreement made and entered "`�Le+ibd "� •tonkioO e� on the �_?- day of .D. 1927 by and between the tHaSiiTx Hardware ompany ,of oT,, . as,horeinafter referred to as e�lrit. �a Cont I otor�' and the ty ojU nton Texas ,th'rough ita ' legally e an dai,Yw ,o;os1,1oo tituted oPfioials ,her' after referred to as "�he' Onner" f1trr TSSRTH: That this contract is supplemental to a certain other � .'icI c3e�r "'r raot which was entered into and dated the 9th day of Maroh,A .B. 44 1101 serS'IWA by and between 1'he W.T.Menroe Company of Greenvi Ile ,Texas ,and �cMl.tA �bisrtoo `� Ai City of Denton ,wherein the -said W.T.Monroe Company agreed to ish and install all of the materials ,ets.inoident to a complete lsa ° t «.q Ding job in the Municipal Building at venton,Texas according to 1fnniA. r plans ,andrepeoifioations prepared by R.W,Van Slyke & Co .Arehiteots , Wiirv4;1b ve ort North,Texas;' for certain considerations named in said contract. '3 ��ne��Z bat 66 0a0 Pq a ' 611 CJrt whereas ,the said WoT.Momroo Company abandoned the work After a ', } s, etQA b ion` of the rough piping had been installed,on, or about ,the st`. a aq A t!!J.'�4i of June,i027,And did foil and dotiti t in the aarrying oiit .tif` amid rdot,thArefore , this suppletrlental contract, is entered intn' 'for the b obe "of takiri up the work"'h'ere it was abandoned and cor'apleting �t+AAOS.14 01 n f'u11 doinpli nee .iith ' ttit ' �aid oontot -betii WeTiMont�oe ' Company etrictrc .i';!1 to t City of Denn;to AL �s dopy. of which s attached hereto+ ' 3 Inidi ,iptpg' orb J 2'he`,]'!"vo�u=, iardwa:ro Compa . hereby agr.'ees to assume. the :said,. 'rl l t, A `ti�,trrs�"t �, _: oP piumbiti 'xhere it' was a andoned and carry.'- it - to full 'and, i lti teetq anage l otirtippletion on or be>�ore the .building has been completed named 5 :qeg q a�#nRa'tA` err eneial, Ccntraot AS Jan-.lat 1928 .141%' ec f` 4irs e�B , + lt, is understood and agr ed- that' the , Evers Hardwa7re Company. 108,0. ' 2 `ir4t44A,• t+e�+ 1� fu—kish and inetall "all abar -67id materials" neoeaea3y, tb a' oom- �f�drn to to 6, inotallAtio ► frern7rh�1'at the point ,here, abandoned 8fld :66rrect tPeOtive wank or mate}�,ttals { Tf sny) already ` ir!etalled under tte ? Conroe contract: for Pluinlitng. ` f,i �� 0' endl '. fro The b,rrter hereby agrege to payti to , thA .Contractor for the' i`ul l j#��,, A, o� anb 'of: th`: work above ��� 4�ribed the sum oP ThOiee Thdi�send h`uridAd ( (?':bd) bo ls'rs as °A�4;' 'orth in `the �Y.l'� lonrae 8` � boy rAot ` attab Aa hereto; �i ICn bond as therein rAquI' +"fibtt3rottte dt' Wejthe nderai ned Here a roe all of the abbve ..r_ (vtc + rdrrr rr . 'rr rrrrrrr �' rr ���(///''{{{���r► . r�w�i�rT1(ft zr N `,ryt��.y rr ' rii'�i.����iLJ rrrrr rrr iir.rrrwL rri r�rrrrrr r. - 7 � rrrirs Grrdirrrrrdi.r rr.r Y..1. rr�rr r�r r.r.w _ XI �•� T Ali ^ JJ V � l .�, • at y, ' i � '� v 3�5'F.a � �b�yiRy �, �t��'�,. ,y�. "4' � ' .p +� iii' b�' � ' yy J �2Ii �'.�3.Y.7YCJr�i'. r 1rT ' THE STAND OWNER FORFCONSTRUCT ON 4F BUILDINGS. ISSUED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS FOR USE WHEN A STIPULATED SUM FORMS THE BASIS OF PAYMENT + Th6parot d Jttt!�eemeet hu recd+ed the Sppmr.l d the Nntioa.lAebetat{oe d BaQders' �, 8�chasles,the Aesoc6ted Ceaeral Coalrsetas d Asurtca,the rdat Coorerena oa Coartran lion Cmtracls, the Natbaal AsoeLtSoa d Maeler Plnmbvs. the Natbnal Aeeoeiatlon d i i Sheet Metal Coatractore of the Veiled State,the Natbsal Ekeu[cd COalisetors'Anxlatbs {q. d the Vnhed Stales,the NatSaaal A»ociatioa d Marble Dealy�the Hdldinj Gnnfte�rrin Lt ' r;. Aaeedatt,a,asd the Hntldiat?ndes EmploTers'Aaaocl.tios d the CkY d New Yor . "� `t VNTH Rj)rIIOt, COtYRIcal 19IS-1918-191$ RT TUN AMERICAN 1NSTITUTI OF ARCHITECTS, tai OCTAOON HOUR$ WAIHINMN, D. C. THIS FORM 11 TO at USED ONLY WITH Tilt STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIOICI OF TRR "+ CONTRACT 'Volt CONSTRUCTION OT NV3032101 HIS ' AGREEMENT made the.............................................. ................... Ninth say y of............. in the year Nineteen Hundred and Tirenty� Ss von 4 y and between- ..... .... .... ...:..... t';•.T:7igriib9 Co �0 areenville, caa r , reinafter calt.d the Contractor, and...... e.� .._a .. -- "a0t t0�1 ..- iA8 t6 19P117 authorised D0UWi1sD6t1t0n ftX °£ .............�ereinarter called the Oymer„ ITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations herein + fi $r named agree as follows;, . ele 1. SSeope of the Work-The Contractor shall furnish all of the 'materials' perform all of the work shown on the Drawigs and described in the Speer ;}" dons entitled (Here[wart the agIon deaeriptiee of the wwt u sad es the Drawlate sad is,the ntber Centraet DocamesW ,y t>�tttti(ow"i .iaildityg tili0b mhe City of tixontor, To >i �� � .iy # 6x00 as ;� :� rt,, ��/,' , � iPiOe► land asaei dratringa arp tw�ltirer io��in�al 1 lji� Alt f )�ti�t�t pared bye «R'w;,+� iCr��t' S,r�T i 7p'y/ rA ��, r • i�l/i3 $�1YA3 dt 00# ARC HITWTat >l 09f W0144H M$ M,r+r k' in as, and in these Contract Documents entitled the Architect; and shall do ,+ Y ghing' required,by this Agreement, the General Conditions of the Cohttact, eclfiedtlons'and the Drawings., wig POl'ATn EDITION, PA09 I. , 1' .tt1TY i. ni i ,ll i i '�ft _ , ��+ � ry�if' +. Rkt �� Ir4, n•{'AY 9l �' ITe�`nj I Wt', . , �� . .,"1" ` 4f� t ti�i . r}`+, .oZ,x1A'.a, c.v,5,14_."e.•,X.7. tl. {. .alb'Y''i' � '1'�dtfk}rws'�1 '° .9 Wrn '` ;. �.1 ` " •x �J Article 2. Tine of Completlon The work to be performed under this Contract yk r shall be commenced.......4..dQ0..A48.. ..bttiltliis�..is..a y.. °reeeivA r r r; and shall,be substantially c4mpleted...... t1� .t t Pleas WWt mhmwtke 4 to uq"ta d N ae�.) �� •�-•� tshi 11 hatro �O ' � ; Gestorsl n�rraator t+9dl hie VO** it .i (p r it fit. . �? „ 1, a de 3.` The Contract Sum--The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the`per ' ance of the Contracts su c" ditions deductions pr1ow�'deedd thh rein, in 19, 6l�s dq. . i . '' � !o . 41$ � X°�.Iio�,•i#�. lh],y tiie�txiii6ait>t ti',A14t 'f'�,�t';i�d�'a �i •I ��:� s,•, �;a l a. �Y ere the quantities originally contemplated are so changed that application of } t,agreed unit price to the quantity of work performed is shown to create a hard- `p to,the Owner or the Contractor, there shall be equitable adjustment of the 5�ssia tai T)i !, Ht,' d.i x ;� ,:t F y�, �_„� hijj "�, tract to prevent such hardship, sir Js, FOURTH EDITION* 1925, rAOe 2.' r ydrj , .�i 11b '�'YrT{yy:',�.!�!1}1}��[n[ .1�V'v Y\ � 1 I is '� �'�4 1 i�'�. � .•YL ! , 1 .. i Ylj� �f I 4 ' t Article 4. Progrems Payments –The Owner shall make payments on account of r ;, the Contract as provided thetein, as follows: On or abort the..............jp-13 �i .........day of each month....... .. .. ._...... ....... . per- #:, �} cent of the value, based on the Contract prices, of labor and mat�R X I�orated in the work and of materials suitably stored at the site thereof up to the........ day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of pre ► payments; and upon substantial completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient o increase the total payments to percent of the contract ice....... . ..... .a.___ . ... . ..............................................Y VMl::. .. ,: . .. "(tafvt hen eaT Wovi soa mda fee pmktn[ae nducial the emoeat nWuE do*6A v0A reach"IL 0"11 A44 Of coW Plea a) ..••_ + and the bnlanae hots *"16"O n taud a060ptanao Or the rrorki + a ele S. Acceptance and Final Payment—Final payment shall be due.... ays after substantial completion of the work provided the work be -then fully .,�� inpleted and the Contract fully performed. 4, " r`, L +^ '• "' eon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and ' ceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he ` ds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully'performed shall promptly issue a final certificate, over his own signature, stating that the ~rk provided for in this Contract has been eomplefed and is accepted by him der the terms and conditions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be f t the Contractor, and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. `fore iss+.ance of final certificate the Contractor shall submit evidence satis- ` Ctory to the Architect that all payrolls, material bills, and other Indebtedness 1 netted wit4 the work have been paid. of#ter rile work has been substantially completed, full completion thereof is •l aterially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so certifies, ; Owner,shall, upon certificate of the Architect, and without terminating the ntract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the work fully + mpleted and accepted. Such payment shall be made under the terms and con- F ditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of FOURTH EDITION, 1925, PAoit J. C�! .� Pth�: 17 ^ ,Y IX 1 » A '✓: `i t n, 'y� : ,! .x hip , 51 � Y ♦ 'j \ j:.:� ' 'y vI � ff{:� a ,. , ' yyamh�,, ��rr z if r t✓ Qii 'l « .1 .� i� �, .h'%S� M ' �l', �Y+ lM� d5R`t�'tA���+7!^ISf I, Article 6. The Contract Doewnenta—The General Conditions oftl:e Contract, the " t Specifications and the Drawings, together with thin Agreement, form the Contract, t1: and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. °1The following is an e.numeratio a of the Specifications and Drawings: t y r yt►�t��,+�,1�af�w�r�t ttj! Y'fltixsiublw>.C.��f�wUr�d Q/�Ilagl-Fitt ylortbo 1 Q1 i" 1� Wiiv of ►� nt Dont n TeX * This �i i6ttiMii .�+r i,�ti ; , : # � �6� U-19 OA fw�ther �denfified by Job / 4110* ��r��+� do�eking >i�stirlg $yatesn 1�' ltbiiioi v 'a This Ql`SOAti�1 oo* "S 4 au 17,1 +',,:w nr ,�i;S' .�. o Gonorel Plane aotVrIse 18 shoote ntmbered oonoMti"ly 1W18 ,, further Mentifi by aob OlO* r e vobhan16a3 Platys ooWrleo $ ebeoteofts el"S and further 14mo ed by Job # 810. fese eheill here Preo64066 O"r general dbo`b�txs for��t�yyheA aO�gwof PluedbIrtat Sae»letting MM Heating � ;y 1 tq �a. � . z ck ��'.i'sr4t �tl♦.1 i' ,F f i:'' I r �f,, Cti.+ ! lltx f•5F • l{/1 ,ti'4 S FOV,RTH zomoN, MS, PAct 4. <r+waRt{�,R'R'Y:^A.^R�; nA, Ml'M If � I t Yr1X� ! .FT;+I �M1�. � a �1 �•��'iA�::J.W���' ' *� rT r J Yi ..,ii' :V i.� 1:. +' � " �'rdxii�t P}g r•A.. E4 a'�'+`�k tdi^.w� ,: t ti ° s.. t 5 a 4 1 f: 4 #.f S, t a - FY A i 1. y 1 •� ,.{A F,Ma7'p•,Yia Y1 i,,i.+1i{/'a,�• � w��A�V}i'�� ida..�Yg�d y'•yy'd"�SA�a."�`' r M `i k"o-l42 M s D u� 6?a d a M i v < `��•i Y{{, 1. � n �ri IF xil a pe ITNESS .WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed 'his Agreement, the 'd year first above written. k We T, MPROE c0i H IV ^ r a `�e 1+a�lEr' uM�, r r��►, �I► +iW-ke raF �►�Ff►�W+r4+M+,Ml` +', ell, llk, all � �,:� '4 � 'N 1 �YN pY• Ric y Potmm immom, 1425, PAOB , rl � � 1 1 Y,Y I 5 , F.f"' b [, i A s�t r r '➢' , ry� ` 4a t w - V �''�.F. `^� �ri ' Y� �•S' � x�, 7r` '+`�- � •1 f; �'-1 r.Y •� �. ,V" � Yt l' 1, w� . I • '�. ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY DEPARTMENT IE_TNALIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MLTNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY k' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY ' 01' NARTF0RD,C0NN6CTICUT. MOROAN 6 BRAINARD,PRESIDENT. MLA8 eRMgg DFFICE, A.L,PINNER, AULA. l3DLNKIRavBUILpA NS, usrz>a. DALLAS , TEXASs RNI,.• 3� T„ R D June 16th, 1987 . ♦ di Y Of Denton, Denton, exal , In res $B-247898 W T Monroe oompany - Oityr of Dentony Textael Dear sir= AS surety on Bond W T Monroe oompaly for. its' potbrmenoe of pontraote dA ilinioipa'. Building; in the pityuoY Dento�i' ' +T� &►a : knowledgo has oonI6 to us` of o�ritain''.udpaid` biilei o11 tihie ob` "sir► v� hereby notify �tou t,hart ,voPhb14 for aou>"' lroted,tl,on ;trod t 'T i MonrtSe tlOrnparly; aogient ot, > Il $�eYlcr�dtpt�pa�srits� peroenttgga� arBa� °out o! maid oontrfott# and . aid, all dOtIy , a , nrope>dtie�` t ►at; aI tit duty' and payable by yb e tl¢ "par�q orl eeii$ ooatrtg >� e t {`s �-�4 di its V } � oln � yD ■y OL t ins o`r gp d a t oy ustoh i ts, �•g!h.� D rp4 �Tt'� y , 1�•. , h,, �'pr. , i ,. 1'.:..., ,!; , t �i -yl. Val,, ?.�r s f :l, 166"" r'a .UT♦♦r.'.a.,A'3t. :wJ' S:��r._ n f 1-'.•! t , ,i .t�t 4r�Y T at ogtke better proteetton of the amid company, and as of the date hereof, the undersigned Indemnitor(e) .who Are,named Ca ptGte[go) in mild bond do bereby assign, transfer and convey to the maid Company ail rights, title and Interest in mad to all,the tools,, tn, plat, nf$Isentend materials of every nature and descriptioo that the acid principal(e1 may now or hereafter have upon said work, or in�ay o! bon t 1 ills thereof, or used in connection with the work and located elsewhere, fnctlnding as well materials'purchased for or chargeable iz U mild eont�'act, which,migbt be In process of construction or storage elsewhere, or in transportation to said site, hereby assigning add con ` = q toytag also all rights In and to all subcontracts, which have been, or may hereafter he entered Into, and the materials embraced therein, and '`, the Bald jrincipal(s) authorize and empower said comppany, Its authorized agents or atiorneps, to enter upon and take possession of such toots;r�,'r' , plint,'444n pment, materials and sub-contracts, and enforce, use and enjey much possession, upon the following conditions, viz.t This assign-,,, , went aLIll be In full force and effect as of !fi date hereof: (1) Should the said principal($) tail to ay anyy premise chargge when due, oe� should they fail or be unable to complete, In accordnnee with Its terms, any contract covered by a bond of thfa Company, or in the treat the r said prtnelpal(m) abandon the work under, or fall to comply with the terms or conditions of, any such contract. (8) If the said prineipal, being, pp an indlyidual, dies, absconds, Is a fugitive from justice or Is convicted of a felony. (9) It the prinelpal(s) fail to pa bills Incurred on the tltk "work] trbgpp' the99,become due and payable whether the company may bo [;able for such bills or not. (1) It any proceedings are brought apalost r the` TIV1,s11ti}'Allegtn$ that thee' are Insolvent, or It any rece€ver or trust-e for the beneAt of creditors le appointed, whether such prIcel d' $a1(i) X tnsolreat or not. (a) f any proceedings are brought which deprive the principal(s) of t5e use of any part of the Qulpment used4(e. n W1111 tfon''wtth tbt Work under their coutraet so as to binder, delay or Impede the normal and satisfaetvr prof of the work: t, Fotretef, That tho said company, sa .surety on said bond, as of this date, shall be ,abrogated to all rights, privileges and properhea° a'. of fhb ttnchlal(a la said contract, and sold priaclpal(s) do hereby assign, transfer and coney to said company all the deferred ppay Men$ i od're AN 'per&ntages arising out of thla eontrick and Any and all monies and properties that may be due and payable to said prinet- Oil (m) At ihe'ttme of the happeslag of any of the occurrences mentioned In clrusee one, two, thre.; four and five of the nett,preceding pars grap , or that,may thereafter become due and payable to said principal (a) on account of this contract or on secount of extra work or me terial supyHad In connection therewith,hereby agreeing that all much montem end the proceeds of such payments and propertles shall be the sole 'rJ'. I property of the sold company, and to be by it ,credited upon an lose, damage, charge and expense sustained or Incurred by It as above met forth $?, under an bond of suretyship It has the undersi .l .• J J, p gn principal (a): y!1 (n 1 rJ ,F'r ! 1F ' fVi • • ♦ ., 11 I �. 1 I •.. r. / ter •L t ti rr: � 14` , , _ ` , , 4 �,n6 you Abe hereby mot if ioi! not t0 jay k* of eaih ale: gd ' ctytngat� ; retaiRed ,pbrcen aSOs tansies s. ' „ oet.t of a tldm j or Pjit, OAS ioee 't6focl[ ; or� to bi;i�' *Aterirl' 1t'rini t',� , + f• � � r ! 1 � AIL .� .'-` ., i ( 1 ' ,,. f :Jrl la4 .� •:�"�.. {I * 'R 1 �. ,} �y{`ai ' 4 r! � ' :., :,. r � 1 i !.. I "'il i 1'aJ, a t ' • �2h i > 4 Jaen or, parties furaiehiniz labor on said jobs, an& that all further paymetits ,Gitist be made to the Rtna Oasualty •and surety Company or %With the oonsent of the Ctna Ossualty and Surety 00nipww expressed in *r it in g6 Yours very truly i ALINA'CA+SUALTY&SU 00 t c c A + f F � r �4����� ��+�"y�i: .��.i' 1'i'�;.f°ri�+� °'�'�}, �' i', fr�k7�`t�i�.��'� y*�l13K3nnfiu +� � �'. rx•�,+i . .t "n- � e .J +•K_}, r r r '� r l � � F r r a ; Y 1'.l fv'•a'~i�.Zf T -1. i' 2 � ACCIO E NT AN D U AB I UTY DS PARTMENT /ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY x rag ALTNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF kAgTrop D,CONN ECTICUT. MOAOAN 0 BRAINARO.PR E 51 DENT. OALLAB BRANCH OFFICE. .A.L,PENNtR,MANAG". ' go oNKIRBYBUILDI'N0.u6Tca. E)ALLAB, TEXAS, June 27th, 19271 N Oity of DentOno �` Denton, Texas. #rl rat 8"V84 Oity of Denton, Texas W T 'Monroe Company4; 4ent lemen s 4Jith referonoe to the above oontraot , we have obtained'' for your use aompetitive bide on the oompletio,s of the plumbing and boating oontraot on Jirunioipal DaIldine, tho low bidders being as follows: 1. Kinnieon Drothere , Dallas ' 'Texas dompletion of heating por ion, o.f "ooAtraov 45967 .00 2i Bvors .Hard'ware Oompany , Denton; , ,Texas ' . aompletion of plumbing portion of oontraot . 36QO�fl0`, ' Wa hereby tender you the above• Diie for tae oomplet,i+ ri of the plumbiag and hooting oontrrot and adviee ou that we_ will . Y not ;oontsst the total. amount of t. ,' two bA4�.'Of••17 �467 ,06 �i �O0ing a praper. 'ao9t of aomp],dt'iOnIf providing t1 Oity' of Denton will oomp3y with the kollowing'oondi.t ion's I f�: x :a;r . a3t_ t9 0 it d>��Dd'ntOt! . avih e We're ,e`er 'itor E► r } , ,`,„ • ; ,', with eaoh of 'the reepeoEivo 'I above m@nfibned �',a ' said oontr6int in eaoh' daeb to ,be similar'' !to thy,. o' i, irtal, a'Ontraot w4�ioh' the ' Oit of Benton nad'•'with 1� T`lonScoe! y I, Yrb�idid ,further that the Oit. oflDentsilrequi're�oeoh of the''respegtive low'biddor.1 6 web toned ;t'p fuj;, .S ' , ' ', =Wish �► 0`orporata >lroij' �O,n , gurenteeiio '�"'the pertorm ,; ° anoe ' f'.r>isiQ' aassit' a0+ ' entered into v�ith ' he Oita of ; Denton. r u yQ'Mrd r� t�W K �Xl l7,Tr {� nay v r cs/l�T1 C ♦ v, xA,'c r, ' ry �rb �A Y A4ent an AdaM �`i� 4 ,,r ,r _ACCIDENT AND LIAAIU YD(CAliTMENT . ' �EY)klALIFr_ INSURAPICE: COMPP.NY ALTNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY A AUTOMOBILE RN9GFtANCE COMPANY 01 NAPTFORD,CONNECTICUT. MORCAN 0, RRAINARD,ORESICENT DALLAS BRANCH OFFICE, A.L.PENNER,MANAOLt. BOONE NEETON Juf TCR. NIRaYMILPINg. , DALLAS , TEXAS. December 14thF 1927 . J If 3rrini 01-4d secretary, Denton, Texase In ref 9-6684 Qity of Denton# Texas , - :,9f T Monroe Company Doar SArl 4.j WO suggest that you immediately male¢ formal official demdnd for the' exoess completion cost iq the &mount of 0��616.48°, same demand to be properly,rwoi�A to by tW city ''Offio isle 4 Your'"a very f hay, .s 1 1 ♦ 'i ` 4 _ 1 " 2 1 � 1 ^�� � > ,) ✓y ,,Oyu dS V'. i I ' �I� � , , ,� � s °:+,d � 1 � a Ir �S !', y� Bj \u� � ,� V ✓1 A � r r 1 J y1 t N I�V �.�5- E � •�� 4� 1 1 1 - � r � 1 4 r!, y a'. •' � r� 'NV � 1 . .�i� L ky _'t� lviT, +1�^' .FS•Y'„X,r'4k� Pw ,Xr �fv y�� R't Merl r v ti;+r X �. 4 1k r ai : 'r y = e'"�, r va-r "� , n ; p +r •1# l�lltr 'iY� M � ' el L2 • J` �{� 1 ')' d r a i try s � k., f� RS' . rC,.,7' "'�' ' k rry t � { ! + ,_a. �,,h��>; r i r. d { i d� i �l+F t !_. �r r ♦ :� ! ��� ' kr- a��p ♦ l + y q tAn t=x fir,{ { °� 1 .) t r•1� F!+�S' !'' a.`♦,1l 2,0 V i f! r4n 7`''� y��7•f. �y�Z q t kYxK, d.. 1 V r v^ rr 'X kt V :. f� + X .'r' i .' S `.�q rra .��k � } .YS 0 , i• v?"72 y�>. ri.�: • 1.. a4ti �7 , r t 'r�..r .,5�, � r �:ta 1,!/s ,:t'V . 1 f�?” > ' . 1 , '1,41 , rqt°.• r(. ,' r i3 r � ! d � f , ',.K '9.a •tt rd, ?� ti � It'rf. �7! ` �r+4 S r �'t-r , r � i •'� ` a P�''a r 'X3'. '1 f'{1 aGr7 ! 1 r� t �s)'�'1+ i L' ! 5,r1{, F,l� 4 rr ' . F; w t v " ;�,T Y 4 a st tf :�• 5 ' ` tA.r �'ti .:,y,�y �.•','� ,s . t. i '�. r a .° ,'' - ,1ai tr ro ^ , ' L, ��' ' x' on f'(�` yyondju tors o 64 w' 1 ! C * 5 ! r',( '•k- l�r ,e s{ w A,)tnq JuOuMit%y b o 11 t •. iii Lid op M }.a y r rV 'y`'�� Nf s �YrsRF:$C AY K�� Vyf fi E 6 r ao y ♦1� to �14 A F �m�! "y L ` .r ^.. Aatia � tl�1 ',rAlas� ox'J�&:t�. ri, �t np horp o jsjNOr)t1'at6it&ofit 1�f k 'a E $ . oast, o Ilk�� '' d. i1r� T91?t iti 'Oili� A, ., k6/ L � ]Y1� y1 ti r •,rr a.,Tyfr`�'F.. '{ ela..i;+d,{^,, �l�rY�li �p1T,y♦ iiv r� �,Yy�*f0.`r�►�y��M� i(f��y}�KLt %�7^.ryll �hlt7°irQ"-^} Jy r r r✓ oiti�J l/(} •.81J}ae {�rFV + ' tAr`(7r7 r S. d� ft ..iittt, • l�.A I{. 3 ! Sy FJ Y :y a :, ♦ 11 4 t !'''. 1 '��Y rr C r ' f X ly p, }r1r � lii �y% i.7t :c�r ,� 1 � '•'N 3"` � b rtar A t a%�i1 F ���Ivi�,�i}Y r �.�',-rr(' ,t,' ti I '� q,, A '' a �rrr . �' 41 f � ,t - � , A r •+ ' t 'l,", :...� �rr R��^f .` ,1:. '{�"� ! Rr �y {µ � „ 1 ,•.1 'ry ♦ r a "�:^ ai � ! r4 �' � ; 1 � r �L- r 7 M. r ! . L'Z �: Y �1 ^ i'� f �i�•K V`y r - .-r �L�.' r.d 7 + n 1 ,+ �x �.♦ �i" t ' " �, f.,. } 1 r,? c � J� �' 1 �.A � r r k I�,,. k, s'` t "�! �j, ♦ � .5 �� r ' x ♦ tv t' �,� *} ) 5 ul rl, tik i3� �� l ,:S r "Fi. „ r r ds Y�'tY .-r �� r r �,lP t � i � vlJ !+., � ��� r�y���,�q��Y �(�1�"��1'J'?'/Fr+lt ''F+, y}���_? `�,, � � 5F1 r,v ,` t ✓� ,TJ9��� 7t'"Ip V' { $ r`R r.+. 3.5 ♦+ `.�, wry'.., ti A �..- rY r ,Ayr''a i Qf' V r A y'3�d }1rbl ^ � 7 it r ,�rL f 'r s"�°, � tR d r ! � +� tiFrlL�;tiXr ` r��'X ♦ r r y�f-`I,�� ' �r t /'lti" y� ,i} ; r , C � �.� S l Y.' +• d a µ ' t I. 3 k - r� i r '�. E'P��r 4'v 5f 111 y +'NR r / yr � ♦ "r Ir }�y..LR n i%}V�; ;♦ R ' k '11 r4^!5, , ,C d / .'r rJ Si�1,1' I..S*'rwiS WS•" !rr4 !! iP{,4 ♦v t. t !� .fir*� t r ! rj1!'4!' 6dyC "iw®f� �' l} ! r'. [ •, t ! , 3i4 w. V b ° n r r K' a '§ � w „ ,:.r. r /.! r4 ) r r �j: k W re, r 'r •r i), r - X f Y .ti'C� c !I Hd,� w✓. , p.4io .� K,rY ri.(i 33Fv1 ?' �1 ir'.r,'i 1 r � . ! � �+ � yaf f e l a qt: n , rd♦. �� .6-f y ,r M t�,., "�r•g' �.� v -0!{, '! y x . v., vt !! Y i v �:Zi:;, r� r• i 1 F �' I y.4j' Vft ^� .74 y�M*^T "1 •1 ��roll ar,ln,6. a .. t r ' 4 Y , W {,L R•i `•r "ar 97 I' r 7 1 • is�F a � v, 1. �{« i� �• t�v`L r,r � •1- \ r F,. , p.. 1. 1 �r X '''1 rt.r l.•/i K A F ,}6rJ�! i .1 „ w • l,""1'�'1'Y'"r. N/+r wArr*"?° M!'r � ,.. k ♦ W ,. i �i lit" ' Y" ' r .� ! :. ' . ' < - � ' k ♦ &�, 5\Y+. i r °1' ♦n'? f t iii"a,{�v{ r P M 1 r ' 1.�. f 1 �t :. rt ;i'r S !; Yir n ,y :. l 4 : ♦ yap t1 .Y 't �W+,r 'Lid d�K y 7' � C i.,,f�' !."'K`Y +. ur '�•• !Q 3 i ' ! ! n ,T•.n k ,�'' X r >NrtV,Kti�gtS tH�� � , 5 !.v�f•.vi° xr d '� a Ary •(:Vr �t��, r.i r,jV v ,f, r' ri , 'A311 1 aX 1 A..,d r 4y i A v ! r x ♦ tl ;.{� .,y L. `�dti, :t i�y ' y�°'•.:��f�•�� .��Y+ ;i ^� ,•, 5°'t ,i� ,�r�6l.f"�� j{l � 'k d :d 1{+'.1r �+ `F, (�. tLa i yC o A 4 v A q R @,4,r5 r' .1 ,r,yr .,$� ( a yY'� i r V,. •. ! •tiK r li., r MI 1 1 .r t •f rl _t ♦ T fr�, b �1� r JI�+;1 fO 4,n r'�,t�y, `.' ,a .1 . Ark �.;r �J[.. +�. i r ♦.Xd 5. i,�'r rt ,�+ �..s &•.; ^ ."f'yf�r *',r�.,+��7 ] Ca {\'Fr 4,.r:ra y5w :y1V C. R l� �f di♦ Ir r w, Vr 1 A /a . P 17 rI a.r, i F ,y N'f a 1511 , Y r# I �� F w d 4 K, • �. H f 'y , I X 1 F 0 v fi .r , .' ••11" , ` n�L 1 to �y L ) ,d .i + �+r R'r 'F ��r�45, a w . 55+,,��c ;���ar..W.���' 1� ��,° TY°{'� ,� v1 i �`'�fe LW"^'l� ,�: r,i �,y�t J�ra r�/�•Y a+,�1 �4 , ,Y"� f, �'r � 'I :'4' e l ((1� a r ira A.t i., ,IJYM.rr i , aYv r '.ry 14�1� r:�".lah` r 1"/a l N J •��, rz. ." '7py. ay a 'Y�.. t " � r v„r . `( 577'T� l°[f vt � j• 4 r E S a♦ �i ri �,i� li Z F :. d _ i F FY ! t �,i♦ °. i*C rr Fr \rn T i r l"1 V s F• ,k ♦ " A.7 "r n!Y X ", a X I F i y.•�l1 a 'i i ta. R f h aiv r F Cry ,� }A°akil>u, t Y ,r++ 2 ,1 r r! � i r 7 • r�ti,�1 1 'n.,l{) :J 1� .�o p � G,. � � M9'r tN •y�f � i.' �.t .�a�a i �r �1lr Y r1 I' `"�r` �,(*,�+Sw.J � ! " •�� d �F �y .r�f Kf t ip i��e '{• � tC1X v'7! rY „H t,4d'k4 ♦ a/. ly�r A�, <N14 r 1i i .r i' Y 1 r , t 1 ray t J }k �� 1, � ^� it r x r v x 1} ) i• Ir , t.�rr,r F'.},1 k , ', f as � .:td II . �'1� r � SrS.,/ 5'i' `. � l t, d ! \,w,. ,�. ,� r � i ..1 �� ra�9 Y X '>rT.r '^'• 'eu !r#.F L �r i' ~� V�y F !SAIr r� }' ! Ix1 ik fl ' ra F,dr tl r '{n��� 1 ♦ >'. ` ' •,a 4y �".�"�CF. iaf 1 ',y,�»' rM r T � rr �"�! id � J 'ti r`{� D .�t� • '4 �° r. ^, � W °! °^? a .4r♦J/ r � '.F' � r,r°i fiW nY' . '1'(1 K vaSl `,♦r ilai' f` r . S l Za. i � ., J'1'�cr r. K oo AT ry�4. 1 F! ,� t IP . �! � 15'� a v i` L 4 r I e,J . ! Cy7.j r •� �q �• i " ! ? tlt i' �" jl �r +. f'� � � �F ,ry l�ylA ,� t • >< �'�1 T`� It !k l '. t ✓ArM ''r�t l'• 3gffr ,y, ray ,ty; ' Sf ,w r�� °;L 1• �(� ' v' '� lJ♦ L .rY yr .. � ,+w� r 'fir" , p Mt ,fi iv c '1 F i , ! F,•., , ( ,1 .P. e' f°I f,4 1' ',fY �. r ' aL to XX ro r r + r' r r t..� a+�sw , '?r r a. ' ' 1 1 , '� v � � r e ! �!fl ! aY �r�r 1f.:•a, > ' .f . .��. ,F�' �''�. . r;- r°. ari.Y.>w�$'; .'"L1 � ' r,. �t .',t�' ' �'�, r r "taatemont of payraunts rado and ao3ow3is duo for plumbing and heating City hall btzilr"! »5. Late To Thom paid mount. Total. ' s 4/^6/27- W. T,Jonroe a Coo , : 1, 738.4,8. 5/25/27- , .T.Vomve Ab vJo . , 100850004 6/7/:37 a .J.Par'ker, ( labor ) 24.00► t C .T. Cotton, " 211.000 G/29/27 f' " r, '364004 r " Jaok Vilson ,r 94606 s ' J It. kingg, a 60,400 0 . J . harxer, 37.424 9/29/27 Kin-Aeon Rios. 2. 6NB.60. 05, 588.90. Aaoounts filed for paft ,nt in the City .5oorotaryfs offiaet By whom Piled: , J : F. Johnson, 20,05o NO Q. Nalnon Wg4 Co. 644, F Woodxura Truok lines$ 4.36 'Sn;l.ramna due wider oontraots of XV40ka lihmWajre 0040 0$6060041 �1a;486.5�. ,p TA fag ti6ourit� qf. �iOVO' cabbr' esl�med y F • • Pe s; ♦ , � r � a r� �l i y4+di6r�� y { r �!1 q r, y7,, S r r .. t ,p ,,,. Y . :. a '„ i•, y ', �11V � .k 1 • 1;JZ S. A [ �:�� 1 1 tffs L d 006.1 187:42 yt $1, . , 5 s i , ' ,� { ` t I, Is ��•�� 1�i�liv� r 17 ri fi ' , tji+� 8'12�ts'1 LO t1`•adt Wit31 W ' '' r onroa', ds qo.'j ,A. flai }.� Al { { �II �r• LO '� y1 1 .G M ! ,� V fJ "OL • ' ^I �l 4 :i k `'' '.t r � e y i � kr r� 9 fi s S�R 'L tip L "}4 !1 ^ r / d' r hr m• Nr /'`'4`��V N,tv, Sly � �e�x' � w r , Y� •.' i •,. L l,. 1 L > `;�f RIF i .�+ yy�� y S rr '" •r i '4. "4r ° as , r 9 y 66tob6r 1©yll,° •r• '+r r' �i ;� a � �rJ ,A',i\ .wr.. x rrr ( Fi , r � r 1t I ♦ l,. r.r .x r +fn•yL N •^ d rA r S'�! Y o rrl ^^ •+' w�i A,A f if' , '.{ {. '}� . ,.r ' je"•V i ,, � ! S r fi �y a 1� S .� ; t r r• x r .. ;,�r . b ' 234G�1d XOBtU /td Ay "� ' s +• Y` �,4 �} `� any +1 a, ,� � ,, � H. � �.�LQ�� q. . • '. i,. t' r '� 5 . ^ .. s ',DLO Abt`ti8 Catiut�Xty ` urpty� ,Tn� t r y'y r Ing, vexi♦♦J� d+ t r LCf� i', , .h ♦a �t ,y Tr xYr r drxr� n V+A U{7 ,r sA s {o f s r `U Vy a{ a aY�fj. f p I ''�;K'i M•��I +' .Y .r., fit: 1 r+'r f •' •' ,r, 'n t y?t� "' mioct of th0 -city horn rrlYey, I � ; ���o1<bt� r,ox�gv,i the atq ,�ani p�►ir�,'Out,:iihcte�� r t i`y� � ` „ �eat3 oorrngl� d d tv ' �y 5 ,I1 1 � �` l:Tlf �1rrC yYr } �i 1+� 4�F� h.Pr he�'-d��� V[.�' ` ,.;^C�Q�r>. ` `` V �. , ,F♦ , �' r w[ t .L ,” :Lr �Y .,.sr i.r H 'S T•'Y s r r r Va rJ J:.. .d� t °I ♦ ,�,,t d4�' G r V , r ♦�+ -r Al v' .r _. , Y'�" d�t llC A{Eidn k�� i1P49 itr�fas,, Y' Spq_yc th r� ryd } J rw" . r,A F PAy hf i'L�� Y�► � w'� r �0;- ;dl ..rr Yi, i1, L. � �,' t ; x'qA' a ;ott� 0r a ¢b L:ILA` ra " �f�' ° �, ". .�4a b , t5n'( : o x LOA b0 to43cl;arb�` 1f :A:nItY `to; � ar s , X7♦4� �hlltvn iar '!� 41t6, tQit�,�- t6rras�tl� �,tY�e ' y Q 4 Q r k Y 4 ho t V •I tt 1;, ay ,Y��✓� ..r r , r r " ' S� - a Y� � V M i ��r� i��,^r �4 ^ 'St `rr ^: gf .t; r' }•.` yi '/YrT a,r��y L/ < r 11 fail ., r S11t f rr.X r i�i"av 'M. � �- •� ' �., ,�Il� � rl,� Ur ofr Eol�i •Wl �� _ {WL�di_�� �4� ,� `w �4�rV S%4r ,� N'11 .{'� 7V � iy(y �n " , ° I��,r,411, �fYV� �y�j a.�(p((����Ur•,.�iV. L �,�1 4 '. � ;�J�.1]�LL� 'J� v , . w rl �''�Mr*n Y� IT I Not 9�t BUR P10"'Pre IN T ro o aane ' o� 'or 1rsilt` . Q )! �?bx�O'd o Qxo' ` '� .. .�#,�% '.�l`' r s� ,1� Vu V 'AV 7 � Y�!�1- 17, ' i ;fl,•T]rI M '� Y ^ti�"'{ Vy �y »� ,��,yg 1 ,� i r"v 'y^ +rPy/,�y�},L�L �] rs r , i f 4 ,• •e Y 3 ' Y40: i 'r A 'I w'{ r p r .. L ,r ./ r Y -0f'l.' a � i�S° •/lr��tr • '1+T"� �y.F ''�, y r 14' V l>ror , '± o r� A# fnf3aL 1 �,1Q,W, i3 t A �r ♦. r,ztci .6, qu Vi 1 &Q01MtSiA4 i ' tS id's Q ' f r ,rf, a 1�''t�� !° Rp� may'/♦ft La t p4 . �•14,,ewM , Tyi� .. °1{rY R!51\\ / , L,. !t �A 'F , rl+' t�I' V Y 1 1 °a ; I �a L,l, ^ Y• C r S 7 ,'� .,1 � r V ' v ••�I d Ri ytAl'1 , r Y p'r .4 7y(xp Pi 13r'< ,.♦ ,W rh°r, 1�*+ i � +� C>�1 _J�3a� a �'M1i? rV V ' •..vi }I .� 3}�1tr7V. tp- ^ 7+a9 MP, r �11�ir`!Y!W!,` •r{ .L•�. ✓< .j�, V M1 ., 4 F^1'T'i,r't Sf 'M {�y,RRRh 1• u t 1 ,fir ^ J ' dti41 10Q ` .,dl Ny., ZF A4 , ,d Y 1, L •y, y, ;' K, , ,t> ►i '� S t�� dl l' 1 lY,'F i!r n J� F '4y e�4 M`flV^i ■1 SSS� „1,{WWW444Y 1 <� a>�r:�{{,de �r 1 .� 1� ' r II r r. i�y4�4�.111�R�� � x a.(t'!Y� y{a�i{'�'�'rl ��'",.��ry •r ti• ,,Lf,r� 3 ���8> ` `SxS' , .Y fr- � ` � ,sr, 6 i� + �';�"��� x.r '!:r r,"1 '.}rdl d t r i • h , #�'•y.'rT $'.'± r'�'V r Y. 'L�y ^'�A r �e �>., a� .t�{q r:!'Y S'i r,- }r+ ,y ` i , lp \-� J�y'. q}R ti;l.. '4^ro d' •+J�xV;�, p r It ksl fr`Y it r' �-if y¢$ `' w'� i , 'r"+ �dj ` .�:t r4 ¢ R: rW� , dr:' ,Y i irl r i r .. .�{• r r' J Jr Mj` 1, { ) E ! rK r 2rxS lir r Z Y d+ •��"µ i`�{y,'i,.+� ,4 ' r - ,,J .. Fwea. [�rp� Sn , ��h n ,' 4,rV a.R�.X41 "iCr o. �1�r 1 4a-P 4♦ t Y �lr v i ' °I (:r • .A ^ ""R� W R P r .� � r S ,. r t ♦ : � r .y r �' L td yea' ..r1 t firIR,1 I �yM y 1 trwfv�F ,r r �� a"""r�ap, a ryhh �{ Ay�e�'�'•✓C"�'"'<, r�r?r Y) � ,�Y".rM� ; ,'� r � m 1 >,.� . <d4 U 'j, '�'� l,y r{dl� �� �.,� wj�, r t \S� , Y. fd`/i' , t'fy�r x. Ali� x(r+N �,. �r �t�^ }4 t r � i r : t �`{�. ,� � � �LVsi, *` r 1 ,+i .1 'k`} h`a'T1m ',a^�'"4.r �k L '"}�h ��'Tt+� rYr,:'d"r, '�", r��. Sir ap' r� +ik`.•.Yr�� ag�n1 n r1. r,r ' rlv n• , 1F. 5 + ! tl Vr,^ ,r. tirt _ +.iy( +4. { �+�.�' .. I ' All �• IL; It g y,, a a' a �}.F• l,i w°:e ♦ 1 4'"3 V�a .r 'V} x � t 4 s ^7 t' 6}�,.r Ytri,�r y ppt.�dd.y,GGrr.t yn �y� � yr r lF , } •1 j. a � 1�ik�� k 5" trF r� � fT ; 8 �r # 1 °'a�'✓`t.'". V le''j'� b 9 a ha ,/{♦t Y , "r� •+ ° rf ` a ! a s. � '.a, i'v ��"� �r� ' f��t} .�i r�1 � ?g r� ,R Y�L,'�'�("'y � u ♦ t N , � , to �. �w r 7'�� �"5'I,V.'.,r��` � ,,,:.`r � x` r " ♦ w+Z a� 1Z� �� � tl .} �tv5`' • � ,,"�, 14� ;S ..ra ri ' * 0 ti; '#' .`a�w Y'-0l..,yr �?`R�f�. q r T)M STILT. J 3. QV1/LY11 V� Lu:f TO1 �.. ' f� r > , kt ,«K;` k"x M' � tl }pr• M A � '� ° . 5 Ddfoib 111�j� R'�r � i u dl y�1�(yj a '1i�i`� . y}Yyq�d l.Y� �F � tfa OPOrAfsg >{':,a-Ya °° i ^QI;. y«; , 'I� �1`rrY�► ��r7fR kl§h h �aYtpoh i' d a 40 IV ry :Vo Pa .+ ,on hits oabh ;do ►oeasi. and-t.�aid,'•#holb ' Donton,' ToXaa oxobnded irk oh000s, ok ,the ' ' o le I opat its.. its oo�ttrfaot vritt * tho W0 � .?� o t�Ar� �or•`� h°�q�.t�n� JrXAF1 �Y � V Q a ' F' 0 y • i �• , * ats �lwnbb t [ate N � r 4 n h-`tb� �1 Y } Lv' }�fyy�Y��{ 1aYwb �Ia ., v y{{ dry}} Y � +1,''.t+-9VfYt�`Ibi'60 ` 6�o ft '�� �r .,. PVC/K4+L r1d + 1 dy�3�i. �� ' QSj7liR��1l,� PQ�La��ii� �El duo J�` � , Jok�i�ot rv�, t M V; Y ,o _ -#YO�. '�t'i�AJ�R2►�t1dA aired �hex��@ tt ,fi?�"$sla �"'�OAp�y; ot�r <; .td„ i¢..Qy ':by�t4 t1^ i. ,rid' gqoY� rivt� 1 � o4K,:,kdi�.,. � '_ ar'0 wvuntd 00 9lhb5�r`i� � " ��. by',. apt f.%dd I philt:. or We n#Y' yet Ax, rah iY116 „ R 4 du(3 4 nuoh dob p . 4110 l{ #', a c Acid r orulti, i 0offlueW . I o f,, pr 730 ti A oxod� s ave' b Y �' i{n ( yr `` r �r ' ' a r�C ( • } S d 1 r°„�'dIr Y'r5 1 !'1�F ',4 ^ (Y, F" , ', ''' }S4�?Y� .dir j a , .41 f Nx` 11.1^I }''r{'{aaa�555C���. r 1`e J r« �+4.k�ys yy�, ♦. (F., • r 4: t t;Y" t�� K �i Vit "®r ='K}N, 1 #r r»'ll �' :`• " t' •ul.;. r:L S a I s { + [`r)[' rr r" r. Y sworn to an ouba4v3 o begora me tni bixtgt tti ,dam ar ,; ... p Y re ♦r Y a k.{ 1S "It n r'•1 r y Spy rL ,�Y�'.rf § r '., } . ; `v ■ r r�l J t F r rl Y Lje 1 1 M1a }Y l yF���J° ' ,�Y)e Y bfy }Yl. Litl t .rf�9Y r L: ae f t �S r ✓, / u Ffa Y n nr, •0?,fC i : tl tl:.� � Cy J r +Gri ,J . � . . � I " 6 y a. ^r �, ,�tt t a r,� �• tY _,q o 7-� ,.T � s. �r a � � r ,7 M a' yy r� ,r d . v w e Y3L r 1 k Y " , a •l r �p� ♦ � w �yy � §1#{� l fbr� :'t�r�toty 'pa - ` csb, "yo s ., ♦'ri# 4grry�yyyYvII �• ° li�.R /, " '.0 �C�Y�rki• 1<�I a x T14 " i x <Y°J 5 x yytf,�'' ♦ [ r $pr Y {.'Q Ty�t1' M tli�'S "e�"')(n 1x•�r 5#k+N �k '�� rt r w i �! ( >L 7F, °� � � . � ay5r Q°,a � 4 i �a �a},, �� ":. r y J t, Y� at 4 'r, l �' t e � 4 v Y•5 f' � p: ! � r 'l�' f' ,� �f~,i Y,°..".r • it r FN �r� Fes. Y�9.f`i� at �'" 4 °'I '. vk Yr Y tr P F ,Lr A t R 1 A 1 •�4 lY F y,. 1 �.�' to v F 1K °A ��y Jw 5 ; <5 !�¢;�'7Y.��, ;<� !•.K-r$ ,�,� ' ��oC'S s =.. ,"y 1 �+Y V.�'"r`W 'Y' '.} i'�".v1 3, �' + ��yy' ir r ' �'�( � f �,.e� t�'f ;1�4�i- f " � . #�v ax; �� iir/'ar�p.F !'Wii 'Y't: r �.�J� , r,41.1 � 4 �!'rt r �' l,�l♦ t ��4X I N ' E:? BLUE, • , f�, DALLAS , TEX 121P JUNE 15' ' 192 MAYOR CITY OF DENTON : t. ;P DENION TEX AS SURETY ON BOND W T MONROE COMPANY FOR ITS PERFORMANCE OF .PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACT MONICIPAL BUILDING KNOWLEDGE HAS COME TO US OF CERTAIN UNPAID BILLS STOP WE HEREBY NOTIFY YOU THAT WE HOLD FOR OUR PROTECTION FROM W T MONROE 1Y '�ss)GNµ�I�T _ OFt,' ALL,:DEE�tRS � ,p1�Yi�ENY3 �'allNA .RETAIL 1��$n i'W H.— i' 1 PERCENTAGES ,AROSING ,. OUT, OF SAID CONTRACTS AND ANY AND ALL MONIES OR PROPERTIES THAT MAY BE DUE AND PAYABLE BY YOU TO ' SAID W T MONROE COMPANY STOP YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ' TO MAKE NO FURTHER PAYMENTS WHATEVER TO W T MONROE COMPANY x WITHOUT OUR WRIITEN CONSENT. THE AETNA - - CA8UALTY AND SURETY CO 1§OP r. S n r " s Form 1104 CUSLEGSERVICE 6YM10. WES UNION !'—i LEGRA VICE_ LY - TELEGRAM — TELfOAAM _ DAY LETTER DLUE DAYLETTER ' BLUE BIGHT MESIAQ KITE I N16NT MESSAON NITE NIOICT LETTER N L Will LETTEA N L If we Of the c three(number TEL O p A N IqM N Owl tck ( rylim o me"e War the sheer a sy J` dtw the a►kk a ads srdi) this Is E ttelpeem. ONw 11h1s Is a cslepram. 00w iN its ehwwlw is lndksld Sr th W IIS eMnctw le ladluted 4lr mho. 1 atwwl ally a efiw► e16� to eppwrl Ww me eG1ek .. NEWCOMB CARLTON. ►RESIDtNT J. C.W ILLEVIR, t'IRST VICE-PRESIDEBT 11e 11ltni lime n ahem 4 the IeG Ilse a hN•ISU telsigce�a/dil leltan,sal the Ums el eaelet al/atlaallea as shows a UI M81112436 13 STANDARD 11M1, RECEIVED AT 34D M 17 GREENVILLE TLX 352P MAP ' E 1927 BREWSTER DENTON JEX WE WILL HONOk YOUR DRAFT FOR FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ON 1 '% 1'4 T 1,1ONROE AND CO HERE GREENVILLE NATL EXCHANGE BANK 432P DIY Al w ,z AfL1b 2NTANDU Aft IUTYCCPARTMCNT L r M-TNAtlFE INSURANCE COMPANY ` ETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY + ' " AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 'COMPANY o+ luArFOno.eoNNECrIeur, , MOROAN I, BRAINARD,dREWDENT.' R A L PENNEACMM�GLR. g 06NE KEEt0N,AgousYM. KIANYBUILONO, DALLAS , TEXAS• July 1st , IM , Oity of Denton, Denton, Texas,• • , v Iti K, �Y,M�y 4i' •�r'FTti I:lri A . v in re,: a-8684 City Of Denton, Toxas,.� if T Monroo 0 r wont lotions Att o nt ibn`mir Bialley, pity `Att'omoy% , I IV3 beg to advise you in oonnootionc with: the atavo ' } as i'ollows; R �' �. 1. Roquest was made of ug that the labor bf Xle v be paid immod let oly . , Ab tha exoess oonipietiq�t , ly exceills for labor aril material m pc°�I• oost e►iut b sib ed the Bond p�' nalty whioh . would Y` require Pr,Orli4at ingaof:'a11. o�,nims�'against 'the Bond, we a` ' � u>z$bl'o torte' aasiuranne , o4 >`pitynier� at>,y: pavt oulai� ,a 6qunt Wit, oom Y�ti0n�bf' the oontraot , a6t.th .tt4tai• 4laimii 4, heed , the iot,d penalty, ' , . • i 2. prom�tly u�an oadpleio a� r oil the oontragt _the i _ . ; '%bualt;r and 3rxaty OompB►r • Will dieoharge fill , propbx, liabiliti6�' t4nde4' tihe 'B6,r1dr 3 Voure iv'e�y trgl(� 3 new q ' -', 4� Y �p r ' I• 4 ! f; or JW14 29 ,1927 s Aetna (casualty & surety Company, K1rV auilding, Dallas,Toxas . P.er City of Denton,Texas,- Vi .T.uonros Oorasany Contract And Bond. Qentle��ent-In reply to your cotter of June 27, 1927, with rei'erance to the City o: Danton,Texaei excouting contracts with Kinnisonn Brothers, Dallas,Texas, and avers Hardware go*arnWy, Denton, Texas, for tho conplotition of the heating and plumbing contract respectfully on the Yunioipai Building of Denton, Texas, which said criginal contract for the heating and p1L�mb» ing was abandoned by .'sVonroe Company, i will stertel That the City of Denton,Toxas, accepts your suggestion and advice of entering into the contracts with Kiinison Brothers; of Dallas,Uxas, for the oompl etition of the heating oontraat on tho Municipal Building at the just of 63987.00 apd with BTsrs Hardware Company of Dento4oroxas, for the dosspletition of the plumbing of the Municipal Building at 00 sum of $3 00.00 which said bids serer roosired by You and hAve bears forwaxdel to the 01ty of Y)Onton,foxas• flat the d�1�yy of Ds�tton,xezas, will require each of the ab6Y6 biddski i►` Cbrpox�ate tiur6ty Bond guarant4oing` the paktox ae of' *s ' oontraot. Al64o the coistractc Sao outprod into are to be the sam contraot that the Oity had with WoTattonxoe Oomprny for the Pluzbipg and Heating of the Municipal Building, that It carrying on the work whore WmToUonroe CosopuW abandoned said s Of oourso it it understood that the Citg of Bunton, is ' in no 841306 releasing the Aetna Casualty h Surety Cow"MY frose llsbilit* of the hoind that they executed guaranteeing F t`ae pokfamanoe of the contract that the city had with' 'NsIf6 onroo C6iipanf. And any loss that the City maght baVe b vixture of the abeytsdoxtsmont of the contract by M.'�,�Idnrt6 City will sicpeat the Astn• Do*tW t4 rti*b Urr4 i! so ewsiMt' of the load that 1►.l.I[onsoo lead with you guaronUsb* tic pexfon anca of the contract he had witK Aetna Casualty & Insurance Company@ r t' the City of Dent-,dn,i casr, U thi ao*Aou of the City of Den ton, TeXas, ias sat out heiiix Is not satief"cory in arty *ones with the Aetna OoNvemb an Lmgdiate rapU' is expected, so that the e*tter might be worked wAt satletao4ory, for it Is neoessarybthat the work on the Municipal Building prooeed as rapidly as possible and cause no allay or additional expensoo `lard► truly yours, I City Attorudr,Dan tonsTonti. 1 0.0. SOX al d. MOHON& A06 J. F. JOHNsoN O[M[RAS CONTRACTOR AUSTIN, T=XAS ML►�a�11lPAI, Bi7xT.t)2Na# DOntonj Texan. Denton# Tgxaso Aws 23# 1627. E. Wo YOM elyke ti 00.t Arobitoote# 402.3; Reynolds BiUlding# port Wgrth# Texa s Gentlement• This is to notify you that the exeoution of our work is being delayed oje tho above Job by the Oontraotors for the plumbing and heating fail,* ing to provide the nootweaiy workmen'# 004 To properly 000rdinat0 the work it will be neorisoary to have plumbers and s,toam 'sitters. w6rko ing thereon not later than fine 210 ip39� oth6r+ le0j, we will , suffer oonsidorable loge and shall ozpoo$' to be reimbursed in a000rdanoe with the terme of the : r0olntraot noouments" Yours gory P3tAL 00�"�!#AOaI'Oti $%yor B. r, ):1404046# G �r• J 1 ] M I c ' yyip i ' �r•• iR ? ..° f Y. w� � 14 a w� Y lf.L�` / a•, h y..th .4, sye�.: atrEat x , ' a.aM�i� �� �� '.��tr0 �,•i� t��0 �Q �ii�# 9 .••�� 'i .. w '!+ + „) .vs `w4th', r T t J•n y =+ d� • {i V' ,/, lt • � � . I ., �'"'I � fyyr �rtio y��•h�yt ltiAj�(,t� + � •Irl�. T! Y ta wQ0ror -.c •�$ •+, , �� T '3a •. Yk' . 4 1 •'n y Li y�: 'yF• ,•S 'j ,° (^•.�� \ ./J � )'�+1 �,�r�b�"� .+� ,. y I�.y� . +, A.,� ♦4y� r, 1 - ✓ '.,I,' r �. S�� �,�1; ♦ '-�17 f1Q nk+�. r , .'''lVVYVVY- ..W � M,1 [1: �!}.•!� �� ` a v ypo w a. . . y.T'{at •1Y ♦ .f' r1 t } ant h t Yr � a Jii ., a � w F ,at/+' • _'7 S ^'IW,l'.:/a Ir.-k`dyh'i ;`t\ �`'1lM kr a " '. h ' Ptl i "'�'y {*kj'� 1•, 444„� ff $ 1 �1 1 .'A ` • t � - •• � 1.:��'(.i� 1� 1 /�r t~�i ��+}Mf1r'1'lrs '� r+, Isi� a..'4 "� ' I 'II s•rt � �i/I'} HAly .�� � �. •4 IA.. ' s s ♦ + •! ,f \ ! 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'k,TiF! ♦'�]� 1 5 �tl A `r,R. 1 r 1 _ . � 1 i 11 `J(, '�' I/ '}'l{�p s �r '1''yq' ♦+� .'�5 �• � t 1 � , r;, ' I '� e' 114 ' r �'�� �yfly b�f"y"1Y���� �S' ,v��Y J Fw 9 l'klYY♦r r'1 ?.i � TI �`A' " �JAS�'; 1; � fk. 1 ♦ 1 PP 1 . 1 , r 1 r 1 1 • .I I ly K �Y c i PROPOSAL Denton , Texas. L. T. MILLICAN J. [. MCCRARY fAILLICAN-MCCRARY ROAD COMPANY DENTON. TEXAS Feb. 21 . 1927. To the Hon. Mayor and City COMMission. Denton, Texas , Gentl6meni Refering to our bid hereto attached of, Fifteen Thousadd Five Hundred Thirty Five and Eighty r onehundredth Dollars . { $ 166635.80 The City furnishing all cement and steel. , ? This includes the sixteen bridges complete as per plan with the above exception. Yours very trflly, l,I Mi llica�n--McCrary Road Company. By -IeM6 ' F. M. Reoverje I 1 Y ' y ♦ NM LM1 1 ° iN �" '+r' J• �.' '�wrS�ko , '*'rY! r� kwS ,� "" y yy,1 r dl% � rL a., ' S.yM+yr �.� �1I�ir vc ��, r 7:. 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'./h 11Y I J 48b.0 ,Rr ;: '11t4 nor+gt�e: ing. o s Anti y �r Cu:, YQ. ” l ZAke 5 r 69 8�Q , ibsl. Riinforoin steel` ' ~ in .place: foer. I�b., /. ') 1' 1• � �, s:;,r�e�tiCZ� � � � dotal. ft►� ,rRe J + � '•.� ' r ; riF J' 17�.o Cu: Yda. Gdporete in ylaq� cement for inoludi cem , , �.' per Cv: ' Yd ; . . 24837' Lb d. Rain oroin Steel , in ' �p p14O4 for P6T J• r ; Section # 3 Total• • : . 38510 Cu.Yds. oonorete in pltioe Including be 7eCu.y4v t for. + 340932 Lb�. .Reinf oroing Std in ' place .for per b. Section 4 . .Total .A IL t R ' . t r r ,cr r01. ¢u Yds.. Conorate in pl'¢oe inayi#S�i YA YM+ �'F♦' A , a..:'. '(i.•f'a.':In� - .�I'+� rs`:'n '..y r. � + wrr. s jj,M,L• \ �y. ,41 1,• +••KV•,Y, ..,�5 i� �� �+ �l♦• n iY� �'i r• ��`4� r jM I.�� l�rw a 4i i^�♦t�' , .+ - � /, f _ +^ ..ir f"�,?�:+� W t 11" I :..w►„,jam Y 'k ,x,,, •� 1 wr � '. 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Y A i +r i1•••r•�� {f' r \f ~�•. �vpa � f.,. }- j _q(..wr.'Z'u «n v L: � �4�} !•'t 1 ♦ -i '1 ♦ ♦ 1- 'Y t. �, ' I>•♦ ut'rui �et �l`aq +!q"�`'��i yHFI - h'� Y r 'f • ''�: ' • t r •ar da a .S • ♦ YL .aN ;yr r 4 �,i., R .y • w r.v, \ f t �y3� . � Q�+1f;o�6IsQ t sC to ; SAM ra) r a;- rr I w ���R]A �fL�•t8 AlS ` ' •{ I y ..Ta >\yr! r��...y. . rw r.. + ' V 4°.,- °�'11' ., a4'A�w•..r s w •� ✓�..� a 4 ni.W77' 1 , \ q -` r ''9q1�,,,,x�\ 1y'y.1 ♦ w ..ate a. �I �, ' ° / �. : mac. ,e ♦ ♦, • Y 1� T '% 4 i ♦ -}' 1 rYa?.i.; Jw r y 'T + Motor l .. ��..M I.���J�Jy',t-A. I N� /�„ t Nt 1+'� } •y`'Ly�./y\�.t ��,,����.� } ' + ' r J .1 • ^a.S'. 1i�f /•. 1 � /�'aJ4"yl�� .d ��aI♦•{f'o{ �r�#}�a \ n4 '...•` 1t•�'mY ;.p*•� •Y,, .�`+7•�• fR '7�'/•. +.' . eTPl.�•tr .' JYt 7R•t 1., n .+� l�a,�♦. ..ra 1 }1{.g 1r V- 1� 7»++�'Y d4 T? •f � �vY•♦.I � I 1 '!`� � 'Al { Y h r�,rJ �, I S•.• r.W,III «r rf �t ; • ar A\ 1 , � \ n,l�••i y •�YJr1 L• ` ♦7y + e?"1r Y4 < r t Y T�• Ia r I! '✓. � t r•) Idly r l �`'\.,,, F� � '-r ��'",Y^-'Yw ♦ _11 i a"'r}'I. i� .�a•. w'1 �.r y�j}'Y'7rY,i 'r �.,,1._F..,�71 ~�+�.Vy' �. ` �.rA,"♦ +� r • ,. /;Y f ,. • ryJ Y 1 c P N W ' �, ± Z Y' f 'ftir ry,�}.�+a'��.y waf ' 1 rMI• �yc' ,� .Y r '�1. f1 ' t ~'�'o+�a :arfr ..y.t�" �.�'� w» 'L y� • \; ,,� " Y6v'�.{J��� 1 *�` '�" +�S.J`•�.♦.d 11 '7 .I y` f \ V '?Y1 '.1 ♦• �Oi UL •.,� C Y'N�'A� 1siY \ � I .E.' T `,� �{,j`gkr .'f��>>>� r a� •;:v�L�{ �'•�r'J 7 �tEr?j 31�`. ��.+Y� �ti 't`� •��;.ti ♦ � • , ,`� ,; •• •y .1Y Y•�pY�j1 41 t t T`.' 'f"4 I'.( p t 1Y u Y r i r'i\/ =1yR4? rt, 1."•a) 1 { `,..�I) f 'iY f • (.rr. 'i {•. I I�'7Yy tY.tJ µ� Y+ V��Y -.� 11:� , f• S y;". �I , �,;�s-^ �w� 1a.11x'�+�a k:. {k w' • .� �fl Sif r. •r.� i.Y�Iri�' a . \ `� S' ,t1 y, � • ♦, 1 F� 1+���"T �7 Rr�1+:�J �'-. r� �t'�rlM'4�t(V.I 1• Y ��.y.n,' .1 `r i+ ' : S r � HA,. `'la I. !r fYa •}r•-' rV'+4.v.rl y Y i. I r � ,� ' ♦•I f X71 •-�1 � �. Y• Y 4 IWy. 'J '.} ' .1'! 1+,•, H i�r'ir''{yH.`'}. S' i. •Y r �' �t r 4 . • ' • f N74 j a Y • T! 1 rr P ;�.('�YI Y•! �.. f1 .I'� i r r it r a t Y 1 ' r .i 4. ^.♦ y <<�. {��L J 1Fy [ y 1 14'41 r Y ,1 i a ✓ ( f l i } 1 P v d$�rpf f o �y11L t4 A n < r fry• i ✓ + V �f 1py,1T�f, x[f t r � i`r 1{'��" fY, ��L ��.# '� � 4A`ir'`�',� It r ' r r ! r , a ! . ., :i ♦. r y Y .1 r � r Nay l� 1 r •. r f r '. lfa � i� it 'M S+YV�R.f.-�«*►rw.rw+r+r+.� 1 , � f� � :y � , k Y of Donton, Denton, 'iexas . rf Dear Sir : . The Alternato bid where the City is to fiu+nish all Cement rind steel is based on City delivering same to 1 ; site of each structure and all steel is to be Out and bent. Should City not ]lave suffioient money to build all sixteen atruoturoso bid is based on, building` all gtruoturoc that Can be built with money available . Yours truly r r. S J ii �rq l..f : . 1 t V7�� .�{airy ' ;"J ��i.. , •y �l�•fif.Sl°�'�5 r i i I ` d s qi 7 •JW. tt r " l: A �f + " t�"y t t }dy)� � , la �I � 1 a �d �#., •3 ' r � '1�� .. ^.�� � 1 'a +IT� '1, yy,i ; • �sY `ti f y�e^' yf4�'d'J;.��1�t 'l�Vi ki��' "'Y�T1( + y • ! 1 , � r ' �S`a J 1 �4{L ,�,r,� T7 T1�•rt"9EV J� Y •iJ 7�„SHT�;RI� r � f'r*/..5� la 4�f 'L d J 1 - i, e r4 e'� •e L.'lp�'`Cr�r` r 14{,'A. 4 !' :1 .4 a n, r if 5ti+ y y.i ' %r, - f :• y , a k i 1 _ 5 • • �. x • t-: • : x c • • a • • : s s r • • : F • s c • • • • i • R•'x► " � 1 t.T'� I`Q V'11 .i!• f. Ilk :1 :1+`r'[' 1 +• t/ r :II ! •. r !Itn,rl fn l su r .•V•rl r 7 r lr. ri, t li '•' r;rn f�l..•ltj ' ' f llrr ^f' f: � t .'•` If� a t ( t ?. !'r 1 1 1 „ r� t t'n•e tC"1,1}11•rr�^ ti tre he t'erl n n,�rr1 1 F r J •r a� 'x +V��� � rw Ii"aY Hr iw eG.rr`•r ,_r'r� J. �' ir, , 'trY'Y t•'�,:dif,r I�Q•"-' I !S '7lrl, ±�+ ? i Sp LY..,a.�y �'M1H �. k a�i '.rY< {•t { , y,,�j Jr�!��•} it + H rW Y i ,' ♦ ��fY' N4• 4� y R• � ]y 1♦ {➢�IyrI�� �.1J'� �� ..�J♦ yf� •PIA. �'. )y wA•'rf L .I. w :'�. 43{ ...'.•y Tl1�•'� rr• "r J' +rvJ.rN / - 1 Vw/M_i {oPr.[�y4,Y .weLnY yy�� R'/A{yII'� s 1.iA ♦,ixx ' t 6"J w.` �� f I�l r� !� •Mill ){ ,aiY ,�' �r . ` ' r�,r ;���u� ♦� .�,,'� � �;"i�';fit li` �� h'' h�D '�A4 /�lCytt �dafil ,:+ s q. fyyj� ,c 00 son a3r4 1• .. aPa#. _ yaM ♦� !1 tr4 'r AM Y�' ��M.. '� �`= ,• •IL„�S;L[( � ✓+ . St .,��aay Y�e aL�y{ ?" p s ``���Yj n /�' r A ! .' �d • 'lr.F„.w "•�r r,�r` ^. t j A.?h' k. W.•L-i ,l t ✓ ,•;..,. a r f'�••s'. r., W .aQ Y��ix Y��1 u�N� ♦�W� r. 1 s Ir.. t y. 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M ��•�L i_Tyri�y�{'`M�� � q' `1 7M".� rviQl / '(`.A� 4t I h,ar Y f N '4 •w tij ' ," � J,'x+ ,g. k e��:. � F�t r 7 '� I 1 �'t � `1� L � f iZ t �"1^j , `F" 71, � � Y p• . .Gyt-. .ly JI 1 .� � • �� . J py-. t � r ,1 r n 6).' 629 Y ,1be ' Reinfoi6i abee pldoe for rQ. 1 t s •. Viti 4. 1� Ilr Y ";�, 1S 2J�,, ;��E; ��, � rYdp� Eat +�Vat�l•, �' ix , ,. ' lt4} at} i • ,�'1 u.JY'M Y' ..''1 '"a yea�!' ..A f.a . ..^,.1 .jy.�'•r^`•N,+'r i 'u l...p�J •; I � I ` �: , ^ii"'�I�O���OTL. � .T'aU • , , •slit ,+.. 'u , , ..1.� �} ,•k. r Xde. :Conoroil, 40;01 14 Isla b itrCil Ydi ' 66 810 Zbs1;. R41nfo0ing steel:, ° i4 ' P1 'ae' for r.,1b' rBedti,on � 2 Total. . . 177.0 Gu. -Yda. Coltaret0 in plaf11 ' `. in01udi obmenV, for per Cu. '.YA 111 2 4, 837 Lba. Reinforoin St 64 i plane for �Seotiotl V3 total/* 1 38500 Cu.Yde , oonorete th .plaoe •inoludinp, cement for. —N � per Cu.Yd. 340032 T Lbe , ReinPoroing Stool in plane for per Lb. Be otion 4 Totaa. . . ` 1 PPA. Qertts unaunt ��d VE �T1 ✓r � � wVl,N 1 \ , ••( r (M �7r'Ir ^'!, , .. •.yV. . + ��: 1�1 1�T s'� "f NS(\ 4 +Ji- 'y:ii ,T`I .•'4}..11 1�1 , J\AMF'T..% 11• `+~i}!Y• � ♦ �•? M P� iQ�I•�!� � �T�r 4j, ro em f } • M� 1!w"U. •.- d '1•'.Z•4i 4 , ,• `` rte(! lid ii 4l, , � \'•''•- • ••tt ��llll j W •';*',. 'f" 3 e'a^ • ,�.. ri�r 4 I J C 4.1. `. _y • t j.4 + J� Y T ? A " y �• 1 '.♦ , e� a ,�0 pvbm t e d be ' ;;`'`^ ' 7' 'y r'�•t ,' �i� hed bit; �i ' t .. - t r; 1 T• . tl. t . . of r. G� �ry t.}lr1.Q" :�'• ^ ' v e .•• ♦ / : '. of:Golvritia `+ • lade y .r�tif � ,�j . hMw l�Y♦ .Ir.YF •r * �J••.M �•�./r r1�'•• \ �j''. ! \, �I IF or APS 4 S ' �!�: :y°7•' ��^�"`rte� /�(��� I ,. '� - „1�' n.,.r .,,y .L ;: IJ w 'jJ' yy��yy++tt'r t +'l.g�I'• .+ fi C�} IM .1•'• � ♦ � '' .,Z \;. 1{^,�,��� •.t• �r* .,,•, of '',. .A �', , , ' ,I r•, • . al' f i, '` } 'Y a0 no abte �" x1!4oe � w� Q �p: , n#Yda r yy otiOLi I �a i 84n �+ T .. 5tto �..� gi.o oa. 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S r 't ��r► a'.l•�'rY Y,fFr,• r; +r jS' •t 1 , '.'•► iJ {. r yr �i.r�• '�If�Y; �. �.��.: � , .g,ar• � �"y4.' I . ' a:..r y'ln� Ni r J ✓.w , �:r ��, "'. ? �, .{'.'•' A �•.. .'t"` y r M Zug �t ..•4 N•\�t�,` �' , t�4•J'��r��� �^� (��it�.w� I.,�, •.b. i y � T/�Sil T�' ' '•��' ra�.�.• ` Y ��ri rr• � 'I /7. tY,. " frf ' ( 'i+"Vlk'ia.:a" j•SRS. 4f-t: .y M y�yur jj +/ IJJ , .. , �^ •1� .a Y r ..ir ' dr rvs + 'J A' r mil 1' t'd r. , • J.' ' Sid � Yt i Y r, P t,]fiM t }^n "Atli M•{! ' ,Iy J Lrv"A0. r , ('('n� < ,} ! VG } +W " rn •�♦'.: ,'Y ,.iM1.,. V'r s 1 t yl'.ij'•J 3 T'::.itr �1 t'�bI' yw• � ti ep`t 4 h'.+ 4 .rt /♦ g� } ,y II ' } •�{ }' i'/+ �vY : 1. .' itl,•-1 ' tkq.yYi rT ♦. ,..^. Y'. + 0 f �: ' r rY +S \ yf f 'f.p�� i It tt w�•a I ��,�! Y.. ,� ! �,,. . a v. +.. ,�� � �. . rb l ��r. � , ... eeM� �� b-� � !!"a '♦�!Q 1� `t0'1�i 1� to 0 ��'+ ��. .i lr \era ix�#« f, I.' „\'��+r ails .tA ttir8 '`es 'sl�lltlliilued�fi+ XO ti d .r;ti ";; .• ;�y�^'i1 tjulr6rMntd - of UsS . ' 11Sot . of Agrioulturi, itai •tin 181 WOO QQ ehe lj n0 t Y lit to e� ,ajsd, bbl'OY+s t�1d, Od ., 10'lsT ► + : '��rrr``w �: �` �' ,~rT+C!- appgd,�+bk;o ,r '.' y� 'da�` t .e;b' dpd: i'rb It b : unQtlr�'!�08Q; � 4 +�h I rx'Allr �►Y ti vi<`'> . if Sj''lajis t0' h#46t 1 r 1 4 r V ♦ r 1 r k / � IV,4 >� l I rIti i 5 Y Y t y q. t. •"' _ ° 'L`��.ffffx4' � l� 1 !'t g i�.. •�'t�',�,'!� ' 'X r i; 7.^�p ♦Dr.�,'17�' �.�,. t.5' '. t ' ow J� 'AL t j. 01 i4 ft,,i I L - r!q�i L J t 1 0 A I I P$ I 1 11 v t, VVII 1 41, I-A. I- vt RL lift I VIP" t,,.A, �fk, IN 3 I I 4M T ilk 1 7 Y,!;4 U W.A AIR, ji.aULA MUL 4V Ir 16 At i�[,I IS Jr IN sp 45 AA, .0,h r A t n y Yr r '. ."Ka a VII. "Y• .. . w � a�'�• •• ,. : � � y Yea 1;L �' a. / f, �Y. � � t ' ♦ �. j�• . 1'rvey�'r R 'rq 1 r. ?f�{,�-��t7y.'���r�,!�J r�.aAr K " a ..1. 4 + '`w'�ys,/�. ".f(}.j[I't �Sa� ✓. � 1 ) rs�: pi.��r. � r {��• �t^!it*hYfa� a �»3rkt:_ �n_-llY `. �� fteA � y��A� f(N�5 rrfMyAi7LA .y1 A)i,tti+n•«. �Yti�r�'•rti;I! / M �..• . ...."'11:. . � � � r '�e��P,T~��P ;C�.' ��.w.,,.�'''~f�, �,. rI'iI wr Yy�'�y ♦ l rr ypM v'Y rH7r � � crw�� 'aI :�c{I•� r ✓ �•�,Y'yy.Yp. M.�-,MAT ;�r•1 :v Jwe y�fr+ e w. .V^I�`'h ltrerry... ; .Y�' ' i I w 7 k _ +� ;►rn�•yr�i"• f ` £ [„V ~f�rvVYM w.ia,`�`Y:i ,M1� r �.•. w +.4 +.R ..tt♦ �� i ' y, !/' i ' r"% !a..�N�•� f 1� n'r'.A.1 r.W+n\i�..n �. r r �., r^' :lVA h A'., � n ♦ ,y r �Y ?w ' �� •. �,.a �it f �, i,,,_.1 y'h J 6��r..,,w'��''y •�±t. � •r� j♦Y7�4 nf�� ^ �� YY w Yw.• .j/•iI�F3.1 � b 1. 1i y tpR T A r�� A � I y•II'1� N I.' e• M � l 11 p f MI.1i � Y ly *, 1 Y �- Yyy.1 yr 41•{'•/ rY: �� .r! Y 1 ��i. S. 1• MII H��tlrlr. },,I a • S M1l'� '4.Y. ♦. M',I ♦ :����y.•1, Fr w,A1 Ji IJ. r �.Y.Y .W �r�♦' rUT � MIPS�w6. 'iq * r y Y. •. �Y i , '� a • r r Y .. 4_1�, • �, 1 TT�'x �`+,rA JN'..A 4 4 a M Az 4. f r•'a . K . , rid° �'a ♦• Yr{ , /� }aj� 'r' Trt: r' +,.4 Yr., rry Rrr,..J.r r.t, �`/y�i/ •.. a. tR V"wV t" a ,(,, '� ♦• +wkay, �/ T.r ' 1 wh.ti•rf' •i k r. ,arx, �h:iaY1 I.Vr3�'' IYM�r� �• Y�L�i �' S T s1 .yi�rl y+'r J:r+7t1 .' rN •"'!•/4JJ^� ♦ V p��'ZYr w•t'I�.t I y a'y M + .'. . r.-,A�+y,M +y'",.,i",r. X—, yµ,.,.�.G Ca,.i�:�' r «.r �{ad3 j.' Ir r• 1 I` *Ya�y t � S }�,r, y r 1, r +d vw .. .,�"• SI ' t Y�r•y+^Y yy�/ a)r � '!++ r��y 1.1, ra -f Clrl'r 1 r..j � �y•y +} yet V�yrC � •R SY°� •a .:f"'''1G�r�'l�"'k,:'raRV ��e�. � r Y'S'�a �1 b.¢r..�.�railtoo�.��'�+�i�, ,:' � �1t `s f:Y, ,� . rs ' , . Y �,� "'�� ,�„ �; ,w, '% ,..'.y t �`��•`. ♦ Y. .! •.+ 'J,.•.,(N. ,j iF :.� J j�{)�, {la},� j[q(O V• tt ry�^�1, I S } . 1• t{ r” r a '•a �A•. 7 ^Y•,'1Y I�Y" ry ►l � I 111 ) 7 ,i b4+r.� iN r�) Mylf•• Y1., �F,�, '• ,1y:, rli;A .r laY1 a.{ y �' IJy,,y��'�I� f a •LMJ fY ; S a' 7. : yr •. r 1a , r F'., • v�' ,.,7`w '.r W i'.p fr r S',ky .)' .� i P�� 1 Y' t � t � . q♦. . ..•, 1 , '. r ♦.•v7 �: ryr✓. k r ♦ . •1,^^.. 1 • e w f S w `14 y� y�, �•.{�r�r_ ij,� �q7r,1.• /� a .Y(i .r. :r r1► .'1' Y11... f° �• {in .A ` tt � li 0 40, p�"�o YiW r <rrMR. RO •i L�Lf A .t• ,I'.: ,`pp` T� '� , +� �� `'- jr' ! � +" iy��i��Ie},t�1�r:�a• i'' �. F { rrr� Y r ,,^.1 .. ♦�,✓i�W1ri r��";ra. r fir. r - .1 k, �. ,',. • I �as° �w //��f.ir.� ,v.� aT } w:•` .�, :tl. 1 j51.. i`(.M,yrr1 � :f• ,"�,Y y� �'•'' f r F� x' YRjlr+f•'Y a t 'Y 1-7j y�i +�, r✓ M1l s " v~J�..p'� ��L�,y�. }M,' r >r � u, f •r Ir � r f i ��'�� 1 r /A..� . R)l: 4461 Vi a •�r : µ •� rf1 1� y.� r.� ao y�ANr'w..11�/y. .r.. /, , A R . ' ♦a• r r r Vr 1!� a f .r'�,.n y�I+Niy Y f ytr v./�JY4 i �v.r �.•� � ( � Ia-r r , •i. b � dYN X ,,,tu, C. .'4''f 1•'� � r r AT'r'I i �Y Y v 1 r . •N i' ' ,`r •�`' //�� rl Y p J1w..f.4 r��' v .�' ! � r4 • ♦Y R .,y M't. w � �f' ♦ r..,.,y` !r •1'• ,\. Y .Y {irA'f \ • li� ,IJ'MI * r � r ! f .•r, ;'�.a'r;q.f - aytl��++��,,, �'¢� wVV i� �P n�. Y . •. i 1 VQ�'�O ' - 'M� ti� • w y ;, i . I L•I,:. rvrJ }. r i t�n A . p. ! 1, }, r~/'f Yylf p ; _ a. /'.nnr ak p. ��. , :.h l f •� � 'it )1 4 i t 'S � : � • '�v Ye' Ia '1 : 1 ♦ . 4... w. S Vrq•..r + r � I.L '. ):. ri i.'t "•r t Ya . ri/; { ' , Lt r �'�F�r ♦. 1, Y•' yea • . •+ A-ala,.l'i 7�•, 'i '}d� •Y �.tg " ,t '" s .rs, '.>'r r'"y px9r:.-w 1. Vaal t.t�e �5"Ii,.l�.Y� .a • •I SY. ..r �! C:rt'+'�f�'' .'�14"�1 Y tif•,. {, + 7 T7M L 1" O r ^ t , TS-IIil! fi'`4I,♦'1r�rr 1' 4 ".1�, ' R !+ rJ ' Lt 11' a.S"Liit: • r�,Iryr{gip 1 � . ,*r v. M 1'.I.r. ; Li v + �yr�V • j1 'r y a ! 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Yd . ;3RD r b6o814 . .. • . � , • r. Reinfooing steel ' A .00 `to s .Tubs s SsOtion. 2 Total. .,. 179.0 Cu. Yds. Colyoreto 14. 111a3Q/t fr,oludi cement for per Gu. `.Yd • 24► 8 Lbs* - Rsinforoin place for peer:. Lb.. Seotion 3 Total e ' t lnoluSLnt- Demo t rornl..oe 34 032 . . LbW,_Jeinforoing Steel in / Plane . for Par 'Ab. / 7 . f \ Sootion '4 Total ' � • . . , rw ill 74. • -7 ',^- '•1nt'''. ' '• i may. :.: ..f A � i..'..P •�\ N u + t• „\� f , '' f..,IAF( I+4 I 1 r•�'N �1� n/.'�S'� At Ai • ' � +.��-. ii�i try iR ° < N!, � r l a .i. '.. . A - �.. • � •. '�. � 'i� 1*^i�•.�O E� +i4.'. i: ' r six �` ' r•1.^aa .".Y w�`` � � �'�'! \ ': ''; n , Frei '.� 7 -..'� . . i �(i L�'.y Y"i,rw r r`rfi t••t i •1�..• f r i . • .. �?j� 45�"1� p(�a���' `�'aif�.L Yj: �,`r� l �i.1 1� .. � , �M.},�A.. rl'y' '1 - •, 3.Pw �ii � ~.9 LF ■y1yYF�A�I�w � .�,tt s • a�. "•.•t., L ,.;w.. 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'`h 'rI+�w Y:1',`.,',���5e�,1,11��M\��1I�f"} "�,YIC.l',1'♦.ti w�a'.•q♦•[♦(41w'II'x ' �y'y�.l.,„. .�}.F•."t 1„j F'+....',i n Y 3�Y�r M�i�,°..wa`.F♦,�•f/�`!I.fn('•'.,I�Y`f T,�r�' Si .}a.°r.l'.k. ww l.�}I,t�Y.'�.i':iS��r'i + it.h'"'�I . `I t,..i,(�!,n� t:M or�fY►•Y.�'e�♦'•F q F�SAY.•.}E S 1.'tY� .,•t}�r+j\AYIa�yFi y A Y.J k.FyY�'1d�,•'v!. i r J�1 t 1 r f,, 'F• 1 r r 1 ,y( �\ ,r• y y a'• q y. f({. i t �f '• , `".A,I One used la♦ VQnq f +l`1.f� k� �► 2 o v ('o!', CSC Ty', ' <'�� ; ; r , •w ,:m 7. r��lidp . ;► 19 iQQx' keKsa` '`t6i the siae/ j !#* �( I��.�QjYiA� t,ti;:' v.1 r15d rha Oon�ZB t- o Q� ' `QV'und`` har Bl'� Q IJ VT:a4 and. m l •� f`.. 1 r 1(r"' . ♦ A 4" W' t?l �,, a 'rea8o�ab�e uaifo °grady��lo�t,,��� ebf� .t,he J, d L[�1gll AD �#G6� 'Y'98M1Q0� � � y$ar+ y � a+r/S� � J�: n 5 }.tii f�"^ 1� •i''�Ply•. rf , .` Y < ♦ 4 :A tilt J•„'t �” �'�`y , x Y .1 v h 1 i' ' 1. 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' {'lr�• Z y t l .. • i.,Y�' g�,.ly, �M 1. � !Y , J•�1 \•' �i. *Rf I t do + Ca �.�r. h f y1;��t,r �•. � fr. ' '! 1 'r•.r.•; '� " tis M.4d E.01 �•4iYt' j' ' d •t Vj • y� Y 1 K -, a{ t t"der •,: ► � a 4 �4{ LOoO 4e1S *flt''',.�, 'r 1.s iyJ''. .f :' w '•4j,0�tldi ,10l .1}f T 1. �• -• a�88•'�� 8 7 y f'1 1 1 ' I �� . tit b ut ' Wotding sbee$ On .J + Ji C .,; e r!:!� {Y 1 a�,. . .. f y lR ,,Ro"J•' • , JYde. 'Coporete iti b t• r oludi oement for 1.;. n .,'per. aU.,. (� •' .. !t , Lb "not foroin Steel '` � ` • � 1���4.d. �c D7x {•fib., � . . t 9eq$ion :3 ' Total: . . . Cu•Yds oonorote i�t .irlabe inol Itri eement . fpr , pa Y 11 032 Lbs• •Reiritoraing Stoei, in ''. `�- * . pleoe Yo � •per: Let. � - . ., t i I SeatiOn 4 T�tc�l . . v YW,�,�f.+�F �� + r :+:aa�lr.+ua. svc�iazr�scaar 1! ' ; ;,� r / ;Ic .. 4giib li1fJ1U(11J -P�wenL • r� ) ., � ..: .1 hl I JY R 1 j.rSrf' {� 1, rrrlll �i�•. ,� aa��""""FFFF� n �arr�� yra A t4.� /et"f i .,`,{ '�'�, js �• i `i 1...1?y'' S 6 'f,v' i � ' I N' •�. 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T.J',I♦�{(Q♦y�'{� /y}��br t ae\ AO, 0LLD�1� 0¢ 17 • • t •`,� .•: ' �.1 1y Yale •f+Y�`a�� e� vl "��.' bQv 4' •�" � . r 1 'w.l f 1 1 i had •b ' t , ♦.L, 1 , :;f ,- , ;;: - a p 1 V 1� •. 4 J�/�] ," ire Y" "� � • ,` 1 � , 1f74/�, '.�i, 1��•IY :�,w�l. �• d�. • �Q�r�a��. v �y} •.♦ � 'r a � . . •" ♦ _ .a\ !."•� � yr . �<� YwY Y Y h4J� 1 �1''F•' �--•• Tom• '',�}�y� '� i �• 's0.y1 `L� \� �t.!/�.♦• S' 1y. ♦ at ,J 1 .• f'•. 1 , l} F'�F/ ,, ���`f r�� F�'.{k r �sl i S�f 1 "�1 'r Y4 :.�• ,+�. .1. 1. 1 /} ��»'r{ '�J 1. ♦., N �. . ' f < .'. , " ' s � • , • .} .. . '4,tlr�'b�.;;wn/.�lh'r"'1,`.Q�. J � �•' +✓.f 4°,{x p'., n • � „, " M.•. Y J y '.r l i i s IE i�+•4 a� ' '� J J . ••�r• - r S•rS•^1{ ',S _ I�'Q`Y' .a j1'2.� 11l :.`+ I. � .f •' ,n ♦ a A , .Y ,. k yl`•, $��ticn � fP+• .-TO�OAl�'�f • < ` � 'CS •" � n Ou o Yd .Conorete i►' fo r 4n 1XBO Op 38 .0 �u.YdJl. JorioreteJ in plauc Corr Cu•YR , !"" 1.�} , �� �� i •fJ � ' x ♦ r� •�, ti 1• / 1 1 ..f 1� ..Y1 • � , f �,,, � �Y :i� 1t • tl � �R v�� it � � �, A�Q rw �p •i� �� , .ta .. c£G,�t z,( �tfgId � A'.'�y`� iy'� �g( '�� ���t�; � •' v� r Ji DAMS,BRIDGES, CULVERTS, PAVING,EXCAVATING 903-4 PkAETORIAN BUILDING SEWER AN9 W/,TER SYSTEMS, F PIPE LINES,CONCRETE I` Fel�rtjery ?ist ifl2?' Monday no" liayor and Hoard of CommjL9 sill ner8, Oity of Denton, J Denton, Texas . Celitlellrn ; . Snhplclrlentin�; our rn e oa 1 p ni attrtcllcd het•eto i construction of concrete 1;ridMn for the vott will please note that tYa have bic! n little Iti_ lter Mire ire on slab colist�•ttctiott briclres, stu�e incrcasect nccoutlt Of dotail on slab constitIctfion not ' fternis"Od. Shnttid detail 021 »n►ae shotr similar coast being balance tsbrlt - tuiit on box culverts tvit prcvnil , rllctiott to Otis t>roposal is also subvitte d , n made to u� y if i:ny awat-cted, n ntvni <t of all tgnrk being lYe are its nr. n itiott to r7 .•?Ce c�+rn• vu tltiF work nn it notico train yotl at?d can rush 5a*Ie to mtectinte corapl etior , Ife titan){ yott ktttdly for oppot•tllttity to place tftis with you . proho"al Respectflttlly submitted, RJ)sst0p n+ J. F T ()MIPAW ByI _ { r 3 A 4 t t �� �RY �� ♦ k14 ,• :l RJ �� , ••r'r .� r 1•V4 ( A "wi(WQ :+ w •� ,"f :'P wu -ty�.a �'" .M ! '�r T� PT-"5. 1•', ' _ ��?+,t ♦� I {j+r1�"v}tiy�f y 4 '� 1v y�,,�.. ` �J,�1� . t ` s ,. r � .. 1 t f { f� mkt � r •..- x I NI-�w.` ya,p�ll�v 1 K ��`•/ ,y �,AR f`' "R"'._:'Lf r Y *' ��•1 AN IX }L'�1 wL.t } a,1, t>�',I "4♦+t�^ }I t'F' 'S., •ll.lF' .�.}r 7T s'��a�♦>r \t� t Y:, .- �.Nt'Y�A� yt. � �•-'ti� <, trl�;t v„�1t 1<•P�, r " ." aRe, �E.�.,'. ,� i. \ r.nr il�:' *46 Y ,'. Yf }.": :••V M ,, Wry s 1 -, ( � } 1 L. �A•' �,, '!*a �I!..t ,•.* QOA�V�(� {4Y to R` .+r�'. '• tr r.r !^r: # to, (iolipieto the YJ ,r`. ."' �,ttry y"� ♦f��ar _S. +N i+. Y ' +`�'�'{i � y 'tf > x•I�*+Y+.w el n + w r •, ? i'�?S4-Ky�r tt`tt�/✓ � V� yµ 56��"{,,,�� Y FII�, V� 1`' 1: �r hn '�fJY.�,'IJ',�4 ♦ R^� .+Cr'l+ r'y\ t Ii a; 1 1 1' N��>a..'" r 7.1 • 'Y��tkv'�j �. y A "1 .i1 1 f , t y +i •�,. 1 i { U alx parts se AR ♦3 ♦ r f ,���a;."Y r� ". t It r x♦ t - t ,} :, 4y r`A �'1 + ♦ Jsf..F ",�f„!ti S:.f It+ l t - ♦ �y �; t w � '�• +� S"L'�, f�"i .o�w�r��i.d��tl i', ,e. \•v . A 4. ., y ♦� .ttl4/1 M�•'1 yf•`w4e { oN_ t 7� 7a^ y{L]fY+ or • ••." YI 1 ` � -f"��n•r� Y�*a'�Ar; 5.�y •i "i�Yvn�Y�`'aPolf ' +FZ♦};3';i•{� C� ::'� ;.s,. .�. . 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Y III , l ]v •• •l4`FL�i' 'p •T` " '� must ti p�8pdred ob trip;#isbes� ,� +i ,pKidd D itya Xogines b l�inert fie�l ,bold for v rJ , , tatall amo��uu'►►t` 61d mecQO :d $bler`ta 'trig bde b! :8.rtt al bnzi• may ` mue� S000mpa y e ph D{� poe , n a.,'gVr"ty #t�a$. the Contraotor,, i� ewarQed`the' pontxaot,� J ,x �, "f �' t'. ►� �'' t rwi l briier; izit� a .uonttaot ar)d . fut�niih a YtUJretY bond iiiA • ?n�`� 'd� E.` bom'fisn6 4 :wkth. Chbpter. .99- ',General 1&W* o ot'_.:.the .Itegi�lA�• � ; [''�,�'•"��,�,' �� x� r.. ,�' :1 l•°5t i vl, k �' •�f ~x'.,..H t,,,;(�i r,w'i fs �5 y�Qr�es.i}}on 3w r . Iy�ie latTl- l0l ind.s ki ghoyt 1 I 'of` m Atr''�.'a`fv ''•r�,�J,1 A^��a 7i t4 t Av4..,R S•;a s r ?�".4 5 �1.� •FB�Y �`�'`yl l� Ir.'� Y ^iFy�.a{f� y�i l:Y�,, ��r+ ! %� ' r. '� 1 �`q>. �1 , '•7T}l• q r t i•'' �' fc'„{ � rt. _ r !.p it n `�4 s a �,.,�� P ,Ir'2jy P t' .!,>a k t7'4 �, y , l+ ��� J,i� J. SIP .���,"�1 .�I�� b,1'{� 1� ��a��� 'Y �J `✓ 7M1Y'S�ftaler4#` ��'':r a`'`r�.' '} ,. 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' L� , �• V so#1 on r "3.a G��t .Yda: � conorete . iri � F xa e A oludi o meat. '. o. per Cu, -Ydi . 660810 Lba. `Reinf ,roiirg .att4�' in plgoe to � e�. i_ti. < teo`ion 2" 1'otai. . , L , 177. Cu. Ye. Co orate in y"tAd4 • . inoludi • a efoe tor . T. Cu. Xri `i' ' 24, 937 Lba. Reinkoroih Stoel -- plaoe for per: 38b, CuoYde. oonore to! in plebe ir1oludinp, oement fora + Per Cu.Yd. 34',0 2 Lba . Reinrorolne Stool• ih' i 1 1)1a06 fo per Lb. Beotion 4 •Total :. • 1' r r -�� '1WAR.M•n 'S ust T r r ! , , •� ' 11 ` , . .. ` .\ ` .� 0. b in ` L •+wa 4171%. ♦y {,'fi w.n Ir ' ,Y A�/''{ ' `e ttl ,. ! ' •, w te{ . w' w - . r ' '. . � « f•♦+•JiI Vv . 4/. s ��. pls . � ,1yy, 3 ' . �t t iR It'll.M ,4 � � � Y♦ 1 r I a \ 5 i�4 {2�•i�4+�1 1'.r I.r rt. i F •* ..I. •4 u. 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M1 r � t r S A 1 1.RR4�� 1 y+ rti` i +411 r I or I � A` � �� �'�� 1��Y y r �ttr+f;{1.ti[ ayy' ��7v�• �1'�1��3 p° r' i i y Y��ny � 1l'� n �.J'�� as������t 7i y�o1 a � L2�T r ��,"� ° 11��I�C'�it#q� a ., VI�.An'Lt s, k�s„t I����fr��'^ n hf•. rq�� +I i`1�-.� 11�t�� ,�"�+t �. ..p': , t w � -' ,I � ,�" 1 +r "i 7 rc sy• !,'I y i� �}i e; !J�'F t 1� � �;� li y,�r i �'v! r c ftAar 'ti ,'' � 1 1 '• + u ” ffi i pp �j'��'wf •.s ! � � �` .f s i .. y Y: t ° i� .l' .. � r r•.�, f� "fi ATLANTA RMILAD/LFNIA .A SIGN }IROND1 CC CARTON ERNST & ERNST ROGNtATCR .VIIALD RICM•IDMD C"ICAOD IT IOW. CIROI NNATI 1T.NA UL CLCVILANO .AN ANTONIO COLUYIVI ACCOUNTANTS ANo AUDITORS *AN .RANCl/C•.. CALLA/ TAY" DAVINPOAT LS TODD "Itt" SYSTEM SERVICE WASHIN.YON OR?4*1 O[TRDII WINST ippR,[ Ww WN/tLIN[ li"A" IDI�%1D■ TDUMNTOWM NDV.JDN FORT WORTH INDIANA"LII CORR[.NOND[NT.AT JACKSON LONDON CALA"J70O FORT WORTH NATIONAL RANK %LOOS AAIS KANSAS CITY Z/NLIN LOS AN.SLII "A"810110 LOW CVI�to ANTW[A■ "`"'"' June 2, 19271 a:CIAiD YIAYI AI ILWAYRtt YIN NSAFOLI/ ".' NSW ORLt All 4DLt ADDIS.I .SW YORK •'IRK/TA'JDI}'N.Y. Honorable B. W. McKenzie# Mayor, Oity of Denton, Texas. Dear Sirs In accordance with your verbal request , we are enclosing our proposals for the audit of the books of your City for the fiscal year ended May 311 19276 These proposals are written sepa- rately in order to cover the two kinds of service that we thought you would be interested in. If we can be of additional service to you, we shall be pleased to have you advise. Very truly yours , 8RN5T & BRNST By , 0W2Tz f 1111() rT AKRON OMAHA A164111 R.ILAVKLPRIA CT ' � :�:AN H= CANTON E R N S T & E R N S T oC A6 CINC' 00 NT. LOUIS CINCINNATI ST.IAYL COLUMM 4D ACCOUNTANTS AND fAJDITORS :.IR l°Ie 6000 COLD YSU9 TfAMIA DALLAS DAYIp 11T TOLi00 D°"Van SYSTEM SERVICE MI SHINOTON D9s4Dlr wIKNiDM 9AL54.4C 1419 wMLS'.INp PONT MONTH rDUI $$TOWN '"A"p N""°' FORT WORTH — NRANO R INDIANAPOLI• CDNNU10N01NTC AT JACKSON LCMDON KALAMAZOO R041 WORTH NATIONAL BANK DLOG. PAR1E KA."I CITY 09"01 LOS A%$LLIS HAMSUPO LOUI NVILL■ ANTWERP 'LAVI YRN9 June 2, 1927a uapeD MV MINNEAPOLIS MSM DRLSANS NNJI YO MK CASL9 ADDRESS °CnNSt AU blf"N, I, Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, City of Lenton, Texase O entlement We submit herewith our proposal to perform all of the work necessary to wake an audit of the recorded cash receipts and cash disbursements as reflected by the available books of account and record of the City of Penton, Texas , for the year ended May 31 , 19270 In submitting thie proposal the scope of our work will be confined to the verification of the recorded cash receipts as received from the various sources of revenue, whioh receipts we will verify, showing the disposition made 'thereofe The recorded cash disbursements will be verified by examination of the cancelled warranto or ohecke , invoices, receipts and other substantiating data and we will set forth the purpose for which disbursed, Upon`the completion of our examination we will furnish three typewritten, pe+mnently bound, : copies of 'our report which will set forth in detail the recorded cash re coipte, shoving . the Isoitree thereof, and the recorded cash . disbursements , showing •the purpose for which disbursed0 We 'do not propose herein to include in this report any statement setting forth the, financial position of the City at May 31, 19270 wit' ,the exception of showing the fund balanceb art outetandina bonded indebtednese . pot the performanoe of this work we agree to furnish experienced acoo`untants and for their services we propose to make a per diem charge , based on an eight hour day, of 116600 for eaoh accountant , and in addition to such per diem rate there will be a charge cohering their trans- portation from port Worth to Denton and return and hotel ' And, m0ls'while engaged on the work in your Oity. We farther guarantdo that our fee gill not exceed the amount of 60000 and in tha, event that our charge based on the 4 ERNST dr ERNST —Q er diem rate plus expenses is less than the maximum of 300. 00, our fee will be reduced to the lower amount. Trusting that we may have the opportunity to again serve you as your auditorep we are Very, truly yours, Contract n_nger. FHP tTL w i d .r" .i I AKRON OMAHA ATLANTA PIT? lVN1A ■ALTIMORK RIiiHUAON .02701 ERNST & ERNST PRO :,r�.' KY IIA LD AICM YJI CANTON C CAOp S LOUIS I CNC I INNATI . 'RAYL Y tLAND .AN CLE ANTO NtO C0LAIY.Y. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS .AN IRARCI SCO DALLAS TOLEDO DAVONIDIIT TOOLEDLED O GOT,TO SYSTEM SERVICE TOAC"INOTON 094119A WINSTON-SALl M.NO DETROIT ■RID RINEELINO GRAND XATN iOUNOSTO WN °RAN°'A"°' FORT WORTH — NDUETDN It101ARAROLIO LONDON OONTS AT JALAMAR LAM,CKSOK KALAMA City FORT WORTH NATIONAL .ANM lLOO RAR I LAS SAOOITY .[REIN LOO AN 291.64 NNM.WIO AL L... aLL ANT1A AOII t June 2, 1927. :.a,.b .:RN KAPOIIO NtW CRLtAN. t'.AOLt ADDRESS NOW TO An ".RN.TAYDIT"N.V. Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners , City of Denton, Texas, Oentlemens We submit herewith our proposal to perform all the work necessary to make an audit of the available books of account and record of the City of Denton, Texas , for the year ended hsy 319 1927. In submitting this proposal, the scope of our work will be as followss We will verify all recorded cash receipts and cash disbursements, showing disposition of all recorded 'cssh receipts and supporting the disbursements by exam!na- tion of cancelled warrants, invoices, receipts and all other substantiating data. We will account for total taxes appearing on the assessed and supplemental rolls by verifying the cash re- and subsequently remitted to the Treasurer, by verification of delinquents and insolvents and errors in assessing, it being understood that delinquents and In- solvents will be _traced by ug into the rolls is compiled by the Uk Collector but do not herein^propose to verify the 6utstAndirig ' deiinquent and insolvent' taxes by cor- respondence with the recorded taxpayers. In conheotion with' the tax suits and paging lier>� we will verify remittances received from the Pletriot' Clerk during the year under audit. Interest on daily bank balanoeu will be computed in accordance with contracts with depositaries in effect during the year. All recorded fines collected will be verified. :: C ERNST & ERNST --2-- The operations of the Water Department will be analyzed and a statement prepared setting forth the result thereoft however, the verification of the various transac- tions will be limited to thorough test examinatione of months selected at random during the year covered, and in making such test examination we propose to accept as correct the charges as entered on the customers' ledgers and we will not go to the record of meter readings to further substanti- ate these amountes We will prepare a Balance Sheet setting forth the financial position of the City as at the close of business Liay 31 , 1927. In connection with the preparation of this Balance sheet we will verify the outdianding bowed or other funded indebtedness and examine the condition and report upon the adequacy of the sinking funds. We will verify and report upon any other liabilities of the City as disclosed by our examination or information furnished to us but we do not propose to correspond with the recorded creditors to further determine or substantiate this class of lia- bilities. Our verification of the Accounts Receivable - Water Department will be confined to a trial balance of the ledger and we will not correspond with the recorded consumers. Upon completion of our examination we will furnish three typewritten, permanently bound, copies of our report which will set forth in detail the result of our audit based on the scope of work as hereinabove set forth. For the performan;;a , of the work we will furnish earperien6d, accountants and for their services we propose to make .& per diem charge, based upon an` eight 'Aour day, of ' $i5.00`for each accountant assigned tts the work, and In 5 addition to such per diem rate there will be 6 charge ' cover- . frig their expenses in travel from Port Worth to Denton and return and hotel and meals while engaged on the work in your Cityo We further guarantee that our fee will not exceed the amount _of -$700400,' and that in 'the event ,the; oharge .based upon the per diez1 rate and expenses is lose than the mikimum secant of $700.00 that our fee will be reduced to the lower Figure, Trusting that we may have the opportunity of again serving as your auditors, we are Very truly yo rs, Contract Manager. IWITL I p Coo CERTIPIED PUBLICACCOUNTANTe rlgst �TAt�a/1Nx siitoiNO ' WAC6,7ezl.s , r „y Hon. B. W* FdaKenEis, Mayor, Denton, Texas. Dear Sir: - Replying to your letter of ]:lay 25 in regard to The arintial, audit of the Oity of Denton for the fiscal ;fear dust olosed , 'wo herewith, eubmit the fol- loving proposal: The cost of the audit wili' be 0146 ,00. This i nolud'ba the , payment foi. tho sipiiioo .`•of the aocount; & U'S and . a1do, 'takee , Dare `df all costs inourred in +; > bepor at ion and expenses wh Is in'Do toh; \f4ith6'r 'ogrbo that the 'acooutitant is charge , . shall b'e` f1z�31y`experienoed ih c t ' auditing and tho-� roughly ehti�faat��ry to ;yott . 1y WeRiholi6 aink�''n .ur ,Clionts numerous oitie)'s � , . eiio4t` ae' Yre3eoi 'Te3 tiS1e , Roghbui , and otherb, We one have 'accountant mho has .made a ,epecisity of , F , pnrtiGUlar line ;af vrOxk and he Will be evailable3`',in ' , •, Y;,'a. ;•< 088A 'you, Bee 'it to el'Oy liA. ; aln begin t 'ie audit 'at ark 'time. desired by' you" and it vi.11 gin gnd a report 'V witkout delay, t,he p� eii'eure of making' ari 'audit Of", t}se 'Ity In 19W ar, trust that we may -again have tha pleasura o� bo �.hg' Vvith you. If theire is "ny further information' that you deaire, we will be glad to go into the , matt or { , Yory truly goitre. Ai �i ` U pI, T� 0EH 000 Ooxtified Yubio Aorountant Iy' 'r 1 . ` ANA D '�'HE-A MER iC U iT COMPAN Y AUDITS i: . SYSTEMS si "AX SERVICE DALLAS, TEXAS ATHLETIC &68 sunD - gai 26th, 1427 Mrs Js 11* Erwin, City Secretary, Denton, Texas* Dear firs Ervinl We are herewith enclosing clipping from the issue of the Ennis Daily Hews under date of May 23rd, containing published stetement of their audit far the past years The presentaion was not in the manner which we recommended, having used the three- oolulm spread where we suggested it straight reading for three coiulms across the half page space, but in all other respects the statement was. published as we had prepared it* We are forwarding this olipping to you so yon. may get an idea how it would appear when especially prepared for publication. With kindest regards, we are, K . Yours very truly, All' r s , TBE ;AUDIT OQl�J►1{Y, t i ' Dallas , Texas , may ' 26 , 1927 Hohorable 'Mayor and Co=issioners , AAnton, yTexas , I herowith make you this bid for a oomplate audit and report on the books, records and accounts of The City of Denton . $26 . per day with a guarantee of volt not too exceed $250 per year . Very truly, Certified e fioAccou tant , ' Box 713, Da lad , Texas. ' ��C lei y .f 1' t i 41 4 j, ! til IAN R 1 i �NtE. A+o a, W.O.MCC ULLOCM MOOR[ Lf NN.C.RA. LYNN 8c N1QC-ULLO011 Acco u xv*-Nir9 BANTA F[ BUILOINO DALLAS, TuxAS Illy 27 , 1927 . Mr. Be W. McKenzie , Mayor , Oity of Denton , Denton, Texas Dear Sir : Ws are 'pleased to submit a bid for auditing the boos of the City of Denton , for the year ended May 31 , 1927 , for a fee of 225,00 and should the cost of this work at our regular rates of 25.00 per day for the Senior Accountant' s time and $16 ,00 psr day for the Junior Accountant ' B time plus expenses amount to less than this amount , yeu will be given advantage of the daily rates but yeu will not be billed for more than this amount . This fee is net sufficient to Provide for any unusual or extra ordinary circumstances that might cause additional work not ordinarily encountered in the regular examination, Ws do net anticipate anything of this nature but if it should develop the matter will, be taken up with the proper parties before doing any work that weuld necessitate an extra charge . If we are favored with the audit we will arrange to take care of the work promptly . YourE truly, LYNN ` aULL00 By P l - F ` 1M.O.NIC ULLOCN MOOR[ LYNN,O,P.A. `=-fir ` Lnv'tv.' Fe DlaGvitoou AcooUNTAvss SLrw�ie.iwra�,io- All e Yt Bld4;. I3.+►r,t.a�, Trs�ces MOrch 29, 1927 }3. '1, Mcl:in."Ae, I-iuyor, City of Denton, Der:toiz, Te=l' ])ear Sir : We cn1led on you severvl tines loot year ",,,,hen viri happened to l,(; in Denton on other busi,.ees and you .-dvived us atthe time ti-tat you were havint; an eudit ,)repared by Ernst & Rrnst . If yuu„expeot to have the oity 1s buoks audited thin year, we would be very �Aad to ae peraatted to turn in a bie. if you will advice ue when the proper time arrives. sus Thanking you for the courtesies extended to us on our forrier visit,' -+:e are c , , .y Yours very truly, YlTN C7IlAC}[ BY - L�Gfl tr WGI,f:?IT ,t oe.w.n..or.�c .'cw..u. ...k�a b.oco.• .ca«+ro..cmwnroawwurCYutnc . . MEMBER .. ;(� `T /�~ �. ' .A MIMSER INSTITUTE OF ,(`j , �'V��` �-�.._�"� �W NATL ASSN OF ' .CNARIEREO ACMI,TAN TS % E7, R. C R O W. F. C.A.N.Ar C.R A. � CERTIFIEO PUDLIC ACCgUNTANTS �LPi,JT'' OCNWRAL M.ANAOEFI V .���Ditn eu� �l+stctne nerd AR* TEXAS ".arch 15th, 19270 Cit Secretary, Den�rn, Texas , Dear Sir: We want to submit a proposal to audit yoi " Oity' s accounts, and will greatly appreciate and t:-1- t you to fill in the enclosed postal, in order that we may arrange to send our representative . to make a survey, of your records and place a bid for the work. - Assuring you we will appreciate ,. your courtesy, *e heg to remain, Y^urs very truly ; 1 . AUDI' 0 A T1 xAs By DROO ` anager. T i C'C'�'r A '1�� ,.. , ,,.1��,r�/♦I`� '�•y ./�/Y/�//��fJ.� i /y�J ` , •S y 1 .n9 Y Y � �, � � � � i1 . � f � �1 � � TY'.� �qq r t '. r � r '•i ? .. ! 1. y , 1�� 17 y. w 1 j xtisf� "P7 �F�1'tg , a .s f 4 � I -A3 •9"�. n.Sa �,01,��.'e V-�, }14� 0040 City audits coripleted since January 1st , _ 927, by } THE AUDIT 0012A1Y CY? MAS - DALLAS, TIUS. San Angelo Stamford Weatherford Childress Lufkin Longview Marshall Sheri,= Will be giad to have you write or wire (our expense) any of the above Cities regarding our services. City Au&.As com leted since January 1st ', 1927,Wb�t the °.kUD3 C01�c'A�JY or T&XAS ' ° San An�slo, Stamford, Okidress, Pfeatherford, ��� Lufkin, � r Longview, . . �ars�hall Sherman s low All , ArrL ttUMN YO CLFICE Yiu IWPM oodHer .'� ALBANY. TIKA• j l O. RTON ` DISTRICT AND COUNTY CLERK- BAYLORCOUNTY SRYMOURJEXAS 1 � I, a L �M y •V'_ .1 J;SI j � I ,yv, 1�' }'1 • 41 S a � iY7 jj 1 I I , y It lal V.O.MI CAHMON CLIrTON N.MORRI. M% CAMMON & MORRIS AUDITS-3Y{TLM-TAX DERVICC Iroz W.T.WA000NdR SLOO. TORT WORTN,Tex" June 3rd, 1927s. Mayor Be We MOKenzie, Denton, Texass Dear Sir= following up the oonvereation of our Mrs KsAs Piokene, who disoussed the fisoal affairs of the Oity of Denton with you, Mrs We Ss Miller, and Seoretary Irwin on Wednesday of this week, we wish to outline our ideas of the requirements of an Audit of your books and make an estimate of the oosts We are advised that the 0ity ' s business is kept in oomplete double entry books, and that audits have been made in the past whioh have set up all the Assets & Liabilities of the Oity just as ir, done for a business oorporations It appears then that we would have a good starting point at June 1, 1926 and that an Audit of your various branohes of 0ity government would only be required for the fisoal year ending May 319 1927. It deems to us that a Balanos Sheet audit of your books would be suffioient; that is a oomplete bheok on the ohanges in your finanoial position as to Assets & Liabilities and a test oheok on your reoeippts and disbursements. With this idea in mind we ,would verify eaoh asset and liabilityy shown in your books, and ;. , further sestah for other Assets & Liabilities not shown in the books . We ' w,ould oheok a suffioient number of Reosipte and Disbursements of °,variona funds to be eatie isd that all were reasonably oorreot, and . make pertain tests rs to the correotness of the totaids it is our opinion that this •dould oonstitute the major portion of our work= the other matters brought out in ;our last yearn r6port would be cheoked in a manner satisfaotory to you and to us as auditors* for the above work we will furnish a competent, experienced a000untent (perferably lire Piokene ) for .!20.00 per day and guarantee that' the ' tdtal Charge will not exceed �480s008 This is based on `sppro- ' ximately,'three woeke work for one s000untants if you desire we can furnish two a000untants and oomplete the work in one-half the time. . Referenoes as to the quality of our work oan be furnished it r'desirido Respeotfully submitted, I I Ito ON d y0 ISM ong/0l �, OPA. .. o.eoi.ncror..., a^....V ...r..e..vor...conwuccmnra.o+.....w. : •u+u _ C0l4r, HEM UER / ��(_,�\� ����. ` MEMBER I"TITUTE OF 'a1 4'�'��—���'� L NAT'L ASSN OF - EYtARtEREDACCdJNTANTS L� D. R.CROW..�F.C.A.N.A-C.P.A� `�'�:� CEPWIED PUSUC ACCOUNTANTS y ' G[NCRAL MANAG[R — — ,�1u�lita HrtA �{;etcme DALLAS, TEXAN June 6th, 1927. Mayor, B. I'% MoKinzie , Denton, Texas. Dear Sir: We herewith submit our bid of One Hundred Ninety Dollars, ( $190.00) for making an audit of the finances and accounts of the Oity of Denton, to cover the fiscal year, from April lst , 19% to May 31st,1927. This work to be a detailed audit and in accordance with requirements of th-, Oharter of the Oity of Denton, Texas. On your notification we will arrange to begin work immeaiately and further assure you this work 1 will ' be thorough 'and satisfactory, and the completion j" of the' work will be expedited in every way possible r consistent with soun4 irooedure. Yours very truly, AUDIT COMP ? THXA DRO-G a n yy t � W,O.MIO ULLOCN, MOOnc LYNN,O.►.A. LYNN M'VOULLOau AccoUBTLVTS =aarreraaasa Allen Bldg, DALLAS, ormxAm Jµne 8, 1927 H6n, W, B, Y,oKenzie, hayor, City of Denton, Denton, Tex©.e , Dear Mr , M .enzie ; This is to aoknowledge receipt of your letter giving us & statement of the work you consider essential in preparing the audit of the City of Denton, Texce, for which v.,e thank you, We wish to confirm our bid of a $225.00 maximum for doing the work, es our regular report will cover all of tilAo specifications mentioned in your letter. We are very Clad you mailed out this letter as we . believe that scene of the low bidders will have to emend the price they submitted. Trusting that we will be favored with the ,audit, we are Yours truly,' X L llo B WOM UT , i n V ° k • 01 f( , 7f�� o 4 e.•e6..o•ae,..arr:w..aa.arw o.eeev..ea4+.oa•ec.una.a..a4...u.c...•aa MEMBER ,,�� MEMBER INSTITUTE OF µ``IFS ���.�' ' '�`,_ �-� µATE ASSN OF CHAWERED ACCOUNTANTS . +' y D. R. CROW, F. C.A.N.A-C..P.A. CENtIFQO PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OCNCRAL MANAC[+i ,�1ttDite rtnt� �katrms DALLAS, TEXAS June 9th, 1927. Mayor, B. W. McKinzie, Denton, Texas. Dear Sir: We submit the following id of . 220.00 for an audit of the finances and accouri,s of the City of Denton, to cotter the fiscal year ended iTAy 31 1927 said audit to include, among other things, the verification of : 1. All cash receipts. 2. All disbursements , warrants, suppirting vouchers receipts or vouchers. 3. AccoQunt for all.' taxes appeariLq on the 192b tax roll. . A,count for Revenue from all other sources. 5. Verify remittances received from District Clerk on suits and compile list of unpaid and partial payment suits as shown by his dooket . S. Qommppute and verify interest reoeived on daily ank balanoeg 7. Verify the variousransaations of the Wa er & Light Department, including receipts an disbursements. Verify the accounts of the Cit Treasurer. A complete reoonoiliation of the accounts of the various departments. 10. Prepare a balance sheet setting forth the finanoial position of the City including a detailed statement of all inaebtednoss, bonded or otherwise. 11. Furnish three, permanentlyy bound toyprritten copies of the report setting for' h in detail the result of the audit. 12, Work',to be oommeneed At the pleasure of the Honorable Yhyor, Yours very truly, AUDIT ONPAt Op' TEXAS , 4 D ' DRS-li '. a 6 d e r. t •. ', + F . '°fit Y^,�, � � ', "'lr., ,r3J :. V', V,� •1 ' "•kr'�r • .�.�• f, ':ry �� it � , t ,", t ➢ . � : � "„ it + i� l y{ �r r4yQt t rj .�.f. .r• r > �, 1r d.,, i} ye• r �i L� +:. [• �•� I a : � F pay �Xw p, i A. 1feroh, 44th. FG, i�7�M1 4 f' .• ,'S r ,� 7 '�' ' . n,i r"� "«` y�),f`'S,'/ '"'�' ' . +• • s ','ty A+CF It�� '�} �d� i < �...i �., •.Y S. s , i 4 `4, 1 a�{"4R:� . ., '� � Pik T tj� Y ` I � & ^ ' ` , r.-. e4r+y�..' ! q� �� }� < � �f 1 ,l..C�• �._ �,�y' ,� '"fi � � r''.�frr ^'�J f '.,t ^ ,r,: io .^.y• 1 Y^ f:ijYr t e'r Y r.rf '~7 .� IA{ !.� '�,,, �µAr `�Rc1Y'4 ylr <« .�,] i' j.ryl'i',. t" �� , K:{� t r{ >ly fit '`••�_' v e A. q :'f'r 1 A, • y A°: fy, ^T �q+ �Va Texas) r. uentid6en: Repl�rinq to your4 inq':iir3� or the 23rd- beg' to advise that:,ctao oo:,roi9aion hag_ not * 3 " r y yet' ordered " cludIt or, thb' 'aodoO ie�'ot ±+ time Under ou.: Obarter *6 and r quireil 'gyp ` °`' ' "�' 'C r • ; do .this ;., 'howo; er ,and X �d,duriye -teat i r wi11 be tak 3rl. up in the " f � reir �• i 1 1 /+* Cr " Our ti 60 Year ,,ends ' r r f Odmmieai"ah meet . od the 'tourth' x'u�b�Ilk' Al 't z '�'a1 * �$ ` r ► :o Qa0�1 Yt10 t�1 in ,"imm igr 60e9j6nlj Q I �1 1 a^y •, i� Y„A �7� t«1 f ri ii i& yia�$ le tt4 r for that r. Offs eratial' t tfs9'-!e ,y11 k 1 M• t + ! �I<i . � :1 � rt . :I � C r- krW r � i ns fl'. � ' I r cr 1� nNf ,w ,r S, ry ^ �r i ,,. y. , i k ►, Y + t -jA;4y 3�t1v, ,'' y't d 9 ” � t ,' '.. � 1 � . �� . �.< '�+ b r• Jr ♦ y'Y f a per :'6 �.4q J" rr '� i '1, fb"!. `P4. M ji. $•� ��Wid tt�n{ `f {' 1 q 1.=� r t� `�'' , � r} + .. �t i �f F !i < it � �F . 1 '���, rr r .0 ll i 3 � b <," 't. P 1d 1 S»• Fyn f^", "1f�� ! r „ 11> r ..r ff. kf �Lr�t �'•�r>"Q . ,5. ;ti�n •d*,t•` i` y}rb '4 i3 ..<X� �A +yay, 1 Nr ' fi �,.. r'R � ,�. i�`� +ys° ; �r .�u +� � }:: .Y j;• 2 `S+rr 4 w • G¢ � C= rr� s faY +j4pt t+r v ! >7 rf;,iY fory,q, :k 1 'lYlot i PE u , �ti+ _,!jY'R d ♦ 1 '" }�'! f It r �4S= G l r y�^,♦Y4r lri,.1�'ii �f 7e: n�an= .+ ..�t ... .�5 1 l �J,, 5 : . . t �f v 5�♦ r� ddtjtC r ` a"�l�Ya a•�'{S� f- 1 1 LL � f•4YpY":J°°^!ro^�k y ��''t ``4aaa� ��rI+F.tty}yy��rr � i�lf l �y, ±Si fr�g��- � `f, A f k�rl �' r:��.W+} s �'�.. ` nM,:�,� I b s �,,� 4 ,5+�. � 4 1 ♦ .y,, �, � 8 ; e.,,.•. J f • a r s a YL♦ RR F , i ! jJ�`i° LI `� ,.'i 8"it(.r� II r 1 y 1 •• K �+ ° Ii Y } S° a �ai f rS,d�r retir F°iaa =` .,.r ! R, � _� }9+} � r��♦K *� 5c e .� . � � '� :i ♦�r ,.. a "�'n I'- ! Y it t � J.y C '�! k v!�P�Y �a �.`eW tH d} '�' �� rAP F rf: `» ! Z M1 1r,,r ., ►C'�„ 'v"� �� �' "��!{yy°` ] *.r y f y Mti ,!by M'^ 'v r �`i�`r r k S �t 1 '1 u�x:l r a•`+ 4 9 `T Y f45 t - 1 4 I f i^1• �t„r " I C, {� >? 7l Y� .+�' }0 I ! r 147 ♦ 6 'G.I-�{,7 f 1 F n {•1 r , �v 4,.� T f�t�)' 1) I`fS�TvS,lSr'i�(-,' + r, ,+.p a: ��'•.a ,:it'., .r thy/ ✓ I �� ry 'i: . � F_� S� r,..+y k . TS,YrSl .;;ra+"r era ' �ylyS t4 'j i e} •r' , �� ti e 1�y.'y f 7 L '.y' +r 'de'ff rho �. �•?,y' �f. Y:. ,�✓K �., w`�•F' n �/(� f Y", fi.b5id[1 Mq 1' �, ;,`�a}�y :f M �,A� t f, r x f +S .�"M.,k r ..' �� t 5 i s ry l y ! •^:W' v + �' ,n, ^vA �s; o,�+a" f5 l":�,'4'i r �i 1 a d+ /' l;rh +'f f,'Y rrlY 9 1 'YC`fl ^n •"'SY Tim 5 +, y}�.'Y� T '��t '�91ty �r a y,i vtir 'tt fj ��;f'��y �.y �f 1 � c , k r '&t! 'K :, c � � t�Y � 'i , IY*�''F a,rl'4 r� 1 •+.rv�A > i 'ky�F ilj�s �+�+�� , S�} F f� jl,,: �' r' ��d � H �y YIF W ,k}{' �S+p r� +�� ,i,i7 AA�iI . � � � Y W•,k� f _r < }?a"1f: � 7'I T i / �rY�� f.° r ",yCa"f 7 F � r r , a9„ n !".;'� "S! b SjF5�11'• i�iibjl :I iiP:' EN 111e v'�� ,�..,. ♦ ,�" , fY � � < 'Y' , . F 4ly <i� 11 ?f' ycw i��[.,r ��f a v {. = A � t ��^1 ti, a., r,i f . � i i r i• � y s �, iy ,,{�'yq(,k ;� s 41 S ZS ,Y Y�c,'k •" . 5 1 .y �' "'` t 1 Y i,4 % S w M?I�f y.l 1 �iy Sa k 4Nl s i tI 1 t 'lilf t'L^ • .��� ?h �'. > }r '�5 t {�I `'tl P- ralF r w '' < {7:;° } ,5• • '..r' f l4'', F' l'--, , e ' pt<f -, f k'�'r r F t4 r k c • , > n a!, v'cf ' h }.F( cr �' r 1 + �S5.> '�'e,''� Ii '� �,r C � r} �, "''3`j^ f{f fffy 43'�, +�' i�'.'",`;•, i i r iF +�!' p ✓:f�l�' } r t r �, 'F`` P`' ", 3 f : i,'f J4' t 'S�f n l�' ', ��Tt' } °i 'tt.ir�.a�VU•; n:'ro f `"f, 1i'1' °�,+�4"t�. «}tiSi �,!�4� �Zr1' a V'� f , '�r�,�11i: 1, 1�+ ��I kA 1 `�'1"".< •�.� ` y.�'1..1l Pt;i�,.:� yNp 1 1 4P na ,'n:117 71IL T'I'll. I I AIiN k THE A' 'kERICAN AUDIT COMPANY A IDITS is SYSTEMS it TAX SERVICE DALLAS, TEXAS ',ATinl7iL CuiA Buo.DWO !' . •: PMONt X 6T5! March 231 : 1927. ar. . � .��Yity Be4re�ary h Denton, Teras. Dormer 3lri- We will thikA you very iu-ch to adv' ae us if yoar city hill tAve an audit of their accounts and records any time duriTir, thin fear. The anclosel envelope is for your convenience. We would be glad to have you pay ua a visit the next time you come to Dallas. Very tmly yours, ED/() �, r l �� s , 7._ J •. 6CG'CQ�.� '�.(.�'''`��-�-�-�-� / ct.� ,�-a...�`, c�'�' �/fib '+�-*--� �- r -L ' llrrr 441 " f --l'�� ..-: _ , _ _..:: .r t.=" ...,_ -.-,.1 du'+'�'x'Gy T •r.,-�Vi- •.S.�.a�.z:t.-trk'�:+cs.mt sw...n. Y � t G p a tM p+n. "77 1,�.s.Y --•t '«"' .��"_�� }_ _..... __ 1.., ..v.- _ .....rw r 4........: .,,,}._ _ .-+�r5,...1a'K a. x�+Y RRV-.A y"� ,t: ,.j.(�f!.�:. _..i .r w.r....h i...�...�.s.....:._.. .-. .. .♦ _ ._.... r.:.1y ..e..' t it .. • • • _ .-. .� _ w'M�3•�S�IaY�.. •. r i �t�Wnl• r�� .4, - .e'. �ir t z �- v• • [r�� � ;�l f 'i 5-.. . � „ _. alw fv+ Ny jq a. .. .{w...tl,T>,r-05:' y�yi •t„s..y�•H .��� 4r� v � i — Y.. r. JAI w:.ly�f yx � ',i����w i.w,. L♦ ....i.....r. .,w...l- .1�. ' _ .•r , i t r �i 4' _•^ - ._+v r .. ✓i. � •!S b .. i ,�. .^4f +ywA a >l. "" '; r� "T a • . +.tr ♦ y...�a1n ..0 .� +�ru ,br..1 ��'� r AlN^r bi �+�✓r d•.of. ';. .A.l Y.:. r ,� ' ar . ticin o f for rY`v Y i u it y r 't 5 �W +a i y }rr�}ti'kp` gn 'f r 5rr4f+,rl+k sr.,.,�r�..,w t �F i •: . _ , 1 irJ a �, _ .•r 1 .ct'. DY cM fw '0 O } tp gp 70 � 0n � � pyc � a x a � v a r• H c a u r ° € �►, I ul ?4 c j , c ,r ` ;l 00 L .7 �� ryry�� (r� i 7 /1• V •f`l� �T r xZ 0 g7 fr -44 hr `c ift ro i ti : _ ry o r '' D z4 7 It o -- m M M X1 ITA M Y r' � 3 r J' y z 1 f , i vv ro v i -tFg .� rc a n r n b1 a M x A r1 P r � � £ C,r � ! t•q n 1 ? 1 1 r A � -3 S V -j r CPO' D Z Z on1 r - 4 w 0 L ` t K K � I IL 'i � r � A 1 � • r � I_ ► a -( �- Za -- __ x o4) -4 fit { o o 40 _ C In • �" 1} ' a r� a -4 mfg xK J � lr I 4k4 r ` n � 4� A wsew� tki• .,.. AMP A ...ten. y y X10 er � J 74 4i f I- � iQ � C7 t� d � r" � o9g ° e)g—4 r > z �p s Ca � ca NJ �. ON � N t 1 VJ n . c r . d > xz �. UN) � '{ -4 0 [.:4 M re ro l t C 1 Jim .4Z Y ova � - Or 4 1 r D Z7: I � Q -4o I C € 0 -4 rV � a r � V s�► ' ¢ o w r , � ` I !n !Co- Ir I t Y 4�01 ,V V L .4 a �w t U C� =r 0 t r" Z i � ► : � � Iry � N �' � i I I i Z ---Hl i e { i li I � try I 1 I I I :. l u -( � et O r ,. > zz �o IN I 40 I. � I f I � I D � I _ a D zz I 4A II i Iii + `) I�t- �.•'` � (1 n ' -4 0 c ! S g .. r; I Q 4 r^ k ry r �I Xy C � m ti itltflYP+1. M• '� � • rr i +h$ t yR1 ar ' P�rLA�w,�a��KNr*' 1 NICK AICiI� ' KN[L4 W $, FRY 9146,1M DENTON COUNTY w, ,j, Wow&L. C4NplK MENTON,TEXA9 February al, 1901- - 1 ^ T 4 , '�f��y�f li�a�►tou, :, .a Denton, Texas . u entl em en: i hereby have the honor of making appli- nation for the position of Waffio Uffiaer to fill the existing vaoanoy oreated by the death of Uffi- oer Burnett , at a salary of 4150,00 per months very truly yours, e Der.taa, Tons , Fooruary 18, 1927, Hon. B.w. ko Yonaio and Hoard of Commissioners, Denton, Taxes . Gentleren t- i herewith beg to hand you my application for the position City of Denton. aitlo� o! mI' smO991yearsiof age,�marrried' end have lived in Denton „ Y all of my life. I am an experioncod motorcycle radar and •believe that I can discharge the duties of motorcycle effioer to the satisfaction of all concerned . ; I shall be pleased to spper personally and go into the natter in a more thorough manner if you so desire. If my application meets with your approval and should be 'donsidered favorably it will be my earnest ondevor to faithfully end punotually discharge the duties assigned meo i can furnish you with first class refetvnces as to my , ohersotor and ability. Thanking you for any consideration that you mifht give � `, i,`, • AW applications • Yours very tru4O J � � r n j `F r z J • '1 r �I mf` F3^I ly 4' 1 1 r Y y �- fir '. Y d + a Sf ✓ /� V/ 1 +� y iFnr� �» d•t^�V'F*t'(rM{i°�� }y! }}y� �. L'" 'v'}�'K!+:rd' Lr�.K_�a. '�r i ,.. t 1 1 Y k a a�. r4 �I Ar , r '1 �Gi-»�it>►�c%�o`�•iGti1 . . / � , '`��fr'r ,��, � +. , kr ..hA� ol Atr� Fit 'r I6l �'� �'� 1 v � �'1 ,t y'� ' 1 t ? Y�•. x;. 4T s ' 4I• r` S1 1' 1� ++) 4 1 / (.4e 1 + 1 k J r! r Vi r f 4� "ly i .11 t 1 �(� . r I 1 1 r tr 1 r k NI A1r Ok r�(i"firs; T Ir '�1.rr 1 }J+ �• , .....1_. . ... __, .. . ', ,. :. .. '. .. _... .. _ ., , ..,. . ..: .. ....... . . ,• ' r°l M o- 1 { 1 a T + �,r�d �,`,♦ ill.."�,�II,;��r. 14�',k-•_ 1 � Iri:v�` s.l,r� ! + ,+ . � Ar` ��' r ,S �r .. .,e: r.,) r (ray Ir f : of �„�s, ,tf.a�. I y�'k WrJ.HAMILTON,PR[.log NT W.0 ►ULLINON.Voce-PII[,IG[NI H.0, WHttLt14 CA,MI„ . ARGY]LF STATE BANK Auto Ysac,TwxA9 Febol7th.1927 • Mayor W ,B .MoKSnxie Denton Texas. Dear Sirj- A friend of mine Mr.dno.M.Thompson of this plaoe advised me that he has made appl,ioation to the Oity Ccmm;s►.ion for a position as Motor officer, for ,the oity of Denton, and knowing that he is not aoquainted with any of the Board, xillo say that Mr.Tholipeon is a man of sterling .iharaoter, and of good olean habits, and is very oonsolentioue in all that he does, and any oonsideration ,shown him will be greatly appreoiated by niyseld as wgll as all his friends in this ooiaw1hityt Yours Very Truly, Oashisy, t I k. eY. Y . . ! '4LI L 1' ' s r f \I ii ' v : • c r � i e Pt eT� • w c , . r ' I It 3 i 1 - 4 . II � r . a � 1 f r , _A-W Oil lozz 44 _.ter. �. �....._._........._..-. ...._._.�.._:.._..._ _. . ._..�. u...._. V. • y k • 1 ra # " . T j I�Y� a r ntvk r rot , ' ok � , •�^Xyk, a �q c i rya y r4 1 t C{ as 1 Is Y � � t ....._. ���-' ;: -- ; ,�. �: �� � �' '� } I j Z � f I �� � 1 M1�. _ L� S d, C .� iil ' y' 1 R . � ,,4 ^.� 1 � �`. { .. � ° �, � ' W"�[i A'!�� ti ,;Ix�r" i � . y{y{ I�'1 '�F L� li ��.1� \� � � � '�'} 11' !♦� 1� / tRt4 1 3 � A �° � �. � 4�.�� f � � �� y;� 1 �y r.t ! .� Y 1 �f.'r�?Y�s.'i'!'. `��!5.:"�t''��.+�14�K���#�h,� �'���w'1G�'�: v3ia I�3`w a, `,; , �, i' ,�r-, J. W. [RWIN. ffCARTARY iot 6 Blook 13" GM COMMISSIONtN54 MARION fRA LL[r, ATTORR ar ���}RR I t A� y�� r.', f. HILL[R. [NAIRY AY H, T. fR[WfT[R, [YflwRq " f r ,+ OT (1\� �� �01� L. ■ArL[Y W. F. WOODWARD. TR9A0V.xR C l ` ,(�/ i /RRr♦'i a. .. TURNER P. E. ►IN[R. NRALTN OAICQI W. ►. LAYEV J. A. YOUND, MARSHAL B. W. MCKENZIE, MAYOR CLAUDE CAITlnERIIV DENTON. TEXAS AI YJA r, qi"�' r 1 f.. r � 'u E , r 1, 1 1 � J 1 - P r n.Y a'r I� a - a GEO. E.HOSEY JUDGE CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT TARRANT COUNTY Fort 'Jor•th , Tex te , Feb .Vary 19 , 1927 . t. r. Elbert 7iooper, Cowity Attornej, Deaton , Texas . dear Flbort: Thi,y letter will introduce to you Mr. H. L, !!lark , of thts, city, wrom I have known for sometime , and Ywho is an, apnlioqnt foi• the position made vaoant by i:; recent` d?-. "'h of' quinoey Burnet . Alr. Olark is a rn ,n of mood hal)ita in every r6dpevt,' at id T believe if given the opportunity will make for your 13 V A food traffic officer , e.nd anything that you can do for him , will be appreciated by me . With bost' wishes , I any, B oerely, f/// • 1 �� o,, ' If chn fie io"a co d drizzle and ,;• „ Ito unrncr Inchon to MIA v "� t ,,�r 1 p. ' n.•• • , ,. tc Me{, �a court>lele aF,Ggr , p salt .�•',G �`' p�"`y ' tr' 'r , a ! i'91� �w N. I eb ray of 1021, s Ddaer, Dut the mud rr i Piet rtrfnary produo• acap and lRa clouds hung and current market toff and hoary. . icd In reports o!the Traf110 Jane. .:p:r•".h,M �.uii „ ,� k�^"d, r +apartment of ARt1- Automobiles nrrlvlt:s at the 0. ,¢.}.y, y1��,y 'f , otal 111ur0 for the ground, lust betore and during �' 'h'Q a ♦+ ...,�..... �h' y. �i�' d1 11 t: }'1'141 'Brit: i'exae ast year was the football Sane, Fare the poIfce '`�'"' ' '� • ti; the p@ ul,t 4`t` a1, $n ! + 4ni 1 -rt -.. V- ' f� i[ t =011.060000. it the gre;tti5t trouble during then k - F.ecO-Mrs }4d r et holds t0 its prep• day as the tratllo regulations had 't' i' ' T - r. y r,�, ` Thig tg,tl'}b b�(t{t�QI� In Orhlt+�loi total talus o11111'.the not Leon arranged to fake care In MO�dCO City, and t to Alt�[t1,ni ' d to Class I to ens of the lnrgo numter of care that ••yM ,,� ^,,,�„• ' .r.r?t'"C + ad by tsports to 1110 114WIPIt r Si ,cane 's 11 per cent carne IgtO the ground,, M a ro- 3` gp1 which Aty.that 11111 tilgiti t This ,le riot Doty suit there was a CIS-up on the * oth'w tchb has' t th blsnI t' ova It 11126 ti g• street ieading about the race track . +' Fader l alels bA'b0 11111 go !av OA,000 greater, than Which held some ears for hour, �� of Pe4rI air .ntagb�¢apt,! q) eci ot Ytll, the QrSVers deserting them Sn the �e; J ~� p thO, Oht6nd d` sldN kH_a11 Doi part ot ,ttiia Yetr's con of the lam "� �;. . + " .�, �� . ," \'t 1 r'., el'9e a 'Ytd>;tithe, 1, 'the_bp oleo ,Part year', crop vA'ue Tlost of the program for the ....•-"' ' , . who' o+. r tLb better coif In first any pent through as planned ;Y'� ""` t ' �. of Mn1Il a bbeerve is qn `the production Uut those IV tr0re admtselo.e ti t.v.r;l a+ ` tom...,, ^ ? ever, tddhlakiy,rT�hat eke' r4t,liel'a pp43n?. 0,000 11411041 1 ~ " "r f 'rrM`,?,.3 '' « * + , k7' , r • �: � la ne,n[hgrhI ace U n,`Ifiken7t t this year, Actor r , ngl t o 1 r u n4edq fceltlhe y4lt CONTINUED Q�7 PACE 11 COL L ` i : _ wh Lhil�t30Ispie ufnu7.atlero ' t �btich. the sgCldSi n a�l o6! HoUses Oa "tlr i��ef n n ��Z U�'8fd'. . late sa cou enable r :k Otther aeon et . rigdre a! x,06 Pp ,P,,H.r . a e11t011 Pell FM � T y, , }] /% Q lutlontry I,a or�i r I PRO M ,Oa A oU�, q t,i l 1J i.l�±C� `w r +' �hT a t •fie} ..i `oli E 1�0i 11 M,DoinV[.�� eT I wbe If Am 4t U It "i Ito t'ro '4 . F �.i 11 w Cot, Hall 8 rt as_ D1et, toil th M ,. -" , , r' , Ob Fje r ta, •, a *.. :J ,.rn tr.`- 'y aI. V F 7;,7� it •Ir h n _ t•a (A he hlgt ll ec a 'tf�r x �°tr'a95T1iCf�",la , }p.'if') Oi �r7yy�v r rentlst�.,grop ,'P l4 1 N:'Ttsllraadi'dNira.t NODObtI :;'+`"•j6 `�_ ; r'q'd r ',� ern paaa�o ' a I+V!'� l,l.►7ij .,ta 1 +pa/ qrd uCed Raturda that t n[ne•lneb' ta n at a'. up, ;(,ta one• a P ! etiO{1a yggd.'.t [ } oltOt11 atop raSefa aa• E loefyhad vaehod out* atf Dor. --' al6ry 4t lqt , to Waet ' I C ' j e> _;Y r I-Rol' a I rmlda t Do♦!Itfda. (,0 a'of tracks an each aide of the aoee41 to rbe lfer,. 9•htrl7.8'1 a ea r town F'rlSay nl ht and Saturday D1;NTON, Texas, '0 1.-This 01106 tie IaePector ' 0,�,�e a � Chi data 21r'e� don dCarritlaa ■r roue 1'r accts d g P b ,rEd tot a eat the'eam6 to- ,Aslf tdvtnue troll motpint an that molter was ryslat• city's new 6160,000 munlclpai 'altr a• relSnilna e:atn ratio . 1;011 be Intria,ed die In the depot there, Reports ex "'o+ n tion, ana na A 'Jdati; 8p rv. D> th "OPtb crop, to �he aatn0 nourre said that about building, on North Elm street one preaaod;fye'opin an that the ex. + gin;` a=•chief rot�Cirt[d■A',' stns �`t tan t 1111 Dfoelon had bbea caueeq br a Dotni T$rlAnt Pax payers, � d0 A ul prbddgtl0ni}Obp� elsh sac es of raln,fell at Asher block of! the courthouse square, orldynotp1t adding that the dean+ a nnd0t Cerra and Cando ffttt V a, ere b I� tar, who waA . arraaatt', "Forelg tent o n art or wont+ dedicated Saturday atterndon oli Sod had geeq ,o a motet the � ��. , f y P ,Y� ; ;•+" lie count d itt�+ b if t'dosen hol!MA floated from, p ♦♦ tc y : t� trtth pov, ]isn,bibadY ae the chief It r'a+'fMpoaelbls to ,fate definite€ to 1i APproVe.11`ilprAv& Thi Fedeeat binate hill �ppoln' 0 the r tloh. IM14 the station ong- i stance F ly what had Caused the blast ;, '. esed mbr� At Edcipal said over long-distance bFeaker. 1'olSOwing',Rie address, The deniely tonge,teQQ {Vest E1eA ad $dhatde ADe1 3toQrlrtlts of tl r, hoyr+Vpth. l tetephon6. ,About twe ityths per- tho p verndr was the guest of tcneme4tt dlatrlet So tvhlch the 1di Men lDjg( ICs, , State of CblbuthAA AI:p1o►tndni t tljtbbd + op, fotq raise to the houses bad amP1e, i ma ploelon' ha Defied wis throws fa A Oot a .nT Ot: the StatO 'ot l(;Ye, Dori t0 il' boner t t banquet it LOwr'y ]call, b Crttti T11e $ia e`OMerrtme ( t r1' c p WQ, t0 t:,ca� , he anld.- a Danlo,by the etas requiring ' •! t '` . '' c%rn'dus to. 8 or �,lih Lh1+y,fafnsconttauing :� rcaerV of a lnr[se°. ores of Doi � ,,; 1 ` t;2 F ttZio .Baresa, Y'ta`d ue.hak'�ed'sudpeud' t 51 TeYaA irrid■YnCRht Ind 0.Prio ' lh Judl°ernor , arrival, a ARTOa: Oct 1.= htlti ipaeC✓dbhteol bee UAe trfc John Speer ty, p f. t thl".Ye eral Go rrhruchr, t, rr sift of Iba Ld: over tosatm■star. rs to rester, rder. raaa0t'of„ r.to'tbe tSOd al --- gg aft ttl , ,11 to k 1, S,atara r,,"trop{ tq tnanY; 19cllona r s r 1 p T++ap■yo liter 1d1he brio q • of riyolgtI6AA7 'eltoRtSon t tbd 'a;d1 vddre 're >drted ', daeabt;ed `b1�• th'! a r(rbn oq x110, oId,fire, station, t S, Tarrot cuth r`Y■ter:ldtpeg�11. 8tu aS Dpotlllc4) C!ndltld5i la�Ycr t a own d 1.01 at Ia itr. i , raturpiny, i, the tire, llgl}tiaa 'y y' orient et 0: 1;voled In level Ct�d'" Sedator :sodrf�ter't6tt'" t „ told DDe tt stn'♦ bo 'tire'. fnc ! y C1� a! to tike charree• '. F,ii BCQbfr„ r ft agV1t DDA rented 'put ind hrdubd Hit by AUt o 00000'bbad•$ays it. 4,y 111W for J8,144"` the Wei orAdlo klt7tf ;'OVeh t1e,t,0pph• 111 a Uar1't0 bate,ny tow 4nhi• V fl. 'v� 'Y qi ''`r��1a rl lwtci".lie q�Aa il• ` �01 xe fermi bolt Otaat+lS ad • e } �; tptt 1'". fbf' Wit , 6atf 0..�u1 �getderable damprb flat>bec 1A lit Lq.,,�ef t neh6� hllb.Odea 1Id', art It d let part of the tletv;tnunleipiil �r b■�tA�x14 t ThI, 1p�ur! 14�rt�006 d1¢tt}', t0. the,'1gteroceanl r``�l n ern b t Wokthey oe tut Itiio�ld ;thi'h arleit rain btiltdlnlrS;.�A,conpe ;Wpb t;lr6tlp ; r '181 01 I I,arykt ! ttLo'ar a!'da%tCkDOto 117, the r IggnrgEerta t In�prlSatle Healy ltil a tae���� a Mn Icl I andtt b (h e, 6h;-Whfclr., 4tl•jfacteallt lelt heat ,:f o. Shr1 1f ttt�t t`tfi (lnel 41n' " tgllifl. aFfa1 gI r6 kt d'at., eyKrahto Wlchlta tlse''plpt ;. H .� ' ' b,Wat tt+tourt r0 JY1' rrll td b ir'►Ck1 !1�d'?�d }e „ g Al teat pfifrlq t!t In roa4;oft J r i', . L, i 0000 . 9'bntyk fC�tJwt ` "` '' Q»'+Rra i'�' 4i Fed .�terde Pvti a of a 4lor Color d6, pFy at.o altt Yoaernm6 1 ,0 r .i V* pW' g r in s e ataadtid the Lone gtaP bPl .fhb i?00 Crr O f 0 1eMpat ur181t t tYts end y� stDr k,+ Slat F+7Jr`. Pro ram other,' n'd the ' 4 her9I.ose tbei �w9sl ty�' ' °, �'a' ifi.4$'tu , ° �Q,d� s r t 8 :i; a yam, s � qq Vii` u J tee �` Of o f the .tatlT . <S y V 0 ao hotly td Best+ g gj �a fit,+ i Qr#-bkj ett h horlsontally pVer the Al+�ld- }'atally Hurtros, } '2! Oj4 t , Atl K� 'd ugdiy and Mon: e ' �l y yrrr �4 + a! i ,+T,. UNDAY, Qt71 /. Otc'e�lrrmp+ipttddthe p rgote�6r Ltdn Pon �'8 yr}x Vitr+ e! - ae r 1 : w at; rd�J6c,t'Cdent Die rY �pp 8 , g !. � , .u, .n rs apt nk yy tblsitbf'.4t`snlldrna'.,•.. ! .r�:f.n S'.".r,:5.t ..Y r.,. . `pir8Cl,6'l7laieV/�ythlhll'! In l Cj duel+, rii Da . M �+ eri101tG P tl Odp is thRe �Y. 04p"et: t!r0 nd clCfir°Erlfu�,the,final eutveYa the "a. ;yt� t 71 r cKensie, atratdod'a t 1 f Cal u`iv! �It Sn' Alt- h , ry ; 11tc` rt 1r n1ettreiivldr q o ld1��,' r`Iti1 e : i Sgt a p f[�aft�Attoar neC q„ 'nf�; d dY .dot ' elm, flay I ` ,a .; a V�ff'' 1 k eflbd LnBtya�. t i Afterho dt �. '1l F' a6D xlli tapjnil' `reeErao r "; R66 E� Attif.'b (AP D Y ., l! 1f ,x .• f �� pFegt �ti i� q e d bill, re off 0 6' a, t h�4 tl b heel ;, t[e, :{SQb1141Vn8,' rprK, ¢ R Is. ��be t Atee thlog lt`COLt}nt tlh timF ., a rA�. Q ,r 0 of hbF1 e C r4o a 0 0n1db � A a i� y nhtaT.pe a6lr,�a'tlsl' rb ec d 6 �r 04 r opt s . ` ti.,�de of t�tbi�f LakatWoMrt er}lQ,rtaSe lhet 1111 ;1�iut�, ,ta. �t)a1W n1 y &il, s a ,y� Nice b1c tr1 r de►k 4y,QF' 'ifl lttl nd r e�,: ih i,, t6 6t,r, terns ,c ti: +E 't rk ad TattAal C6nht " 8d f61, th t �l S y,r,,t d b . itLQ li0gp - at'AtlatSa yr h y tpo o! Lt Ot lc t a rile nt he;Mate• Iihw■ DlGrttMen4. sa dkd 0t At t P11t,1 a, ld3�bor i!s W g, Couh y. ' o r � n-"Ls 1a'tlh II'tRuttt '. �y ! ' ! }I D \v S 0i 1 i t S Priajj td den a�f"n red 1 rlQ mil[; r r p r * pp 4 y p L •l , +, S The Wa 'a:d r a` w to �y+- thibtf~lon iy+ r. ' 1 t. Dopey rrt(i !n D 411 y OOtt tortA aNd (Aar dot to �4er11 (1E8 '�'r"an• AAltiaacffyylob. :; �otid ��'��MApIAN`1enildr 1di+r i , Wall 41 t�,}.�a;cpr`De ,df'att �)S���a�'tba� ��rt n',f 1 pd ii(1 dlrlblly td c u:It '��jtt�,Lna remortt'nr x thr ". ,. Il;i .1 ' it q dt�.hOti.taibou+ hdreeg, Holtdetlt�taIetdfl ueprrernlatIt+ 1 r brckl3flrlse{ i�U N , . ltdn uy LCd' d�j tulta lrrllist rnVOlufion r 111% to the (!till 1 . V 1 (. t iti. .1DaylIg6F, fly/ t ;Wtira ,rcaBh ttbutr Io3dEr,a n6 A '!r0 left erlfe;'a[ Id d yth AS •t ♦w A l �(��t aiak p6 r 11o�. Ittq W }, aJjj 't, , �i~c'd.' Sth'.08atheraea�[t Vfcdri. .e r D ',: 4' P Srdm,-ConNrt, bhlcata tcyyCt,P�'earntulre.ot.hbtnu k1i X11{: "D. 13altbM;.an4 f.A4t�• s! S j y to ,r, � , tea al,lty, ,^1Ca16 RlDree�pCaUrAi`Fe d "to", as er, po ABC ��' C 111p(AL',,"' nOta. '` ,' e to n fi` i 4 6:rye r' pisar�ld,"Nor.? lion ppC t�l��tqo1nfn.� r Ida., �n tt td�e is {i�{}e gappe h *t { t + .' II tt1�� �+ �e�.. 4 a • 1 y {u r ;7 n ( Cr y AyO�r ltiKe}ts a ld tardaidt 0 OP NI, MEb f1iiski Atrtlak hK f 6 �`yr s rt JLt r�C t Q ,L 11ea c?bp a' alt !qt„ +r tt� d �y 1M4t1■porlcl 1{cE 116 a aoe mead is I l k ,.: 4 110 t[m a � i 1 , r .« r .. , . ,, ^ ' ' 411 -� '(1 � ,tfi e �6y4d ye „ D O'; a 11 , v i A T e H L r 111 r9id Tex `E` .>, 4 eeuti t�l iYtto ci y) nd d ell a whT h the . atdl ' b b t fa. nle ehure�i 1, e t7 fu >� ai ?1. Chill a ,td 1st pdetvtta ae t11f a"etdlr.WaoOChtr t;Chr, aM� " Ito tColeEa toti to o ai'by' lyl7e �tt y e oh '•LEe, " l 'u�SdeP art rt.agd lltiir tt.'ei_ b1. l al �' ' ♦4 r �, e o e , q rc north, r1�.` dP 6 ad�hstp�ue/q�apteliatdhe�t tt�'�ulur nopt��np�rt rind 4 AMW kp n ',et�tt ��"����►$r4,asg1� �'.'r0 '-WIIII3� } W Stet Y re 1, t b r S 6acl e t r edam to t o o �pC ! a� tf ! rye 8 P �a t� flatC! r, d C, gia•,�i, odctetrt, �y iTfrL t�r i�o an Wl $ lAb'Rld of IOU 'dpeakirs, 'Qpp that he M QQHrtng ihe 'cIt to : 1 e1a nrdffi,y w(t1ttonn If M yA galer�cftfd Cdfsdui Ie eletlanll• e', dt tly0l; A II�.;U, bpi14=q' ro.r t d oil 4•t.pt dul't o and]tO ftrs hIt Itlt It gr." i to IF dtrbdtl atr 0 '11 jTtr hA16a iatd;fhdt Chltr e ' 11 01 I an' rt` p eta e.to frC� Ng »leaf. p - fi�r,°Hp pcDt�. w lied`:by, pie rider l od tt !b r y t a M1n0,,o0 triter 1n t ;$tall" or Itttf t6t,c6 tires W lid 41 to I. a wlte, Mt Edl > d4 le;'. tray 16 8 1111 fi efooq In fOr Nayatlt, tr b'::wlr Re for n. lie_ r1�,11 n m4ZIN Air bul din k a t e abnp, E At ttil'AIY d� oopar oC phv ctl n Agd'f4 oe.etct�uSat,NO seta by ban I!e leriy th It woe ;,to i ^Wilt• td +C°M'rhS,! .'ale Ott1E '{od-,b fbl Id' irid+t41,kd14Lt Vt!alee daf,ditw denfcLterA.' Its , nCW trla1o11SM,had +dur nr RAe� rl natnrMlf#rip MIkCCIIn and,pQ /n f tr°gib , . ,. n , fir } rpo d Eo`that J' iltrt it r` A i". tin)clp Ylrfltdt iyi left( fan A4to_nlo tB4 pre°ent tltnt' Of ,tmrtI tin d.tieen;:. •.' R E�t !. v 7d+i11 by:�Thldt�. rlfR IT, etktf�]i� N4.10 a �(ooetn� Mrs eJJLOy afSleb;otti'aY1� vbdl . r r Ip1 anh,thbttl ,+ < .' a �, eui t , a R t n6 �inA ocl'fn�pN ?1: p"bpap ►. LandeH4T,kr3Df1i�R4 ;rV d talc 7!. dUtl1� "��. r06d 140rerhintiA,�11, a a4 } 101 Company. f a,�ypC?r' '� b t d u i r e 1 t t k�� l V� q u a d O'1211ii�Qe1 «IPA{1 lil� b i t! %t y• +t I ' 1'a � fivttit! ll� [l ti II rMi , ip ttQ! Idda1 tfitlfM 711. 11(1" a y C h!a tilt t' n, T t Sri' t rx I{ glel� t t y �ptp h i r0uht n nD i rl t b Od tiF 4+1Y FtCbt�+ gt le '{t�p'AIi, Nbuntr� I� s � �b1 /� p jay } Sett atat'a�},�ti ht nd rblcs II to � , 7J��I.�IR�.� GI L Otohse>rarltlnr6hU YDab'a6� Eta{ f� }e ,{"s� r Mob d ><, ectl l C f'tW� t t i.: n6t, doLbt t AI YO1! IA uebfe li ip�Zll �l'I�Gi a c 1 S i ri,l `^{. I + atie t !v dbl� AAail} 1 t7tb41s�1 y+ ; k, + Ill.+aif r•Mer ld i art14+: OctcupteRaadSy i of floe- r IIeA y1u ny},� jt 1EXARMANA,I; Taalit ,-' bet.':tl Its'Ell e A IaAt L'1,th}irt�.�he Fr,A ,,, ^ ti iiAli,dll'Air' d�k ermAnrihy ., � t't>�(«t 1`afr l:'fl i ;, '.lblltt,A,�knf aria, t)c4 1 '(a1b) (A�}.'°•A dettnr lltemD to ,;fob a!'toi}, j� Dunath d�lg/pfdfabRt �lairlbntentt > , Adce1 to All :° f t to rid ftSd ! n nftAls 1l), ; +r ' tb ohHi > ut�din -ftgrin 2nequ Ile ' of educatlo a e pdf+ •'-Deep:'refit t and rtern G- lhd toff! c0e of the Teaaf A Patlllc .I p jj�� qq yy o f D ie to 4031'a rtii ,d to Airysbnttpnr■tlb a bL r1'. to mode'1 (ypn sty at th expense of fhb 6 l a proyal ars fete y the BailtAt h lreiry Iv` , 1 balttrlr{ 1'brltfkthSi"Id4 the' ilia 5Ei • nt to t; d ti1A d1 0'ye� FIts '� r rh14 Wa1 related f0 be fenputa. overhnt ! for hi a arina en x d `: ' nlr..-r - 1d1t= 6 - p as ,4 rc lief tgOrnld , a �t tlatr fed IlaEtttadY proslpi� h�Nl�trbtn i�1, �Ie dot i 7•'' Me6 taeldteF>, :>lylldl' Try'' yffeq t iGtnticli i duteellon etalh� tfsotfE goeldengrSR 6rrikh , 42r All ' .,ltIf a 41:14.agent d[tbF,a ODOM 1,tlr6,'��ktb' lSFint''a1'l e �die� b too�dtldad,r: tt--Atl 'ril+lbki pet tuft of,teel t Ut frbtd' Jnio;btatla, b D►�Ilo wSlhpit,}Sefro: a bandll until 6Ti du Wag tnplt ie sillf tlltpotltlrbd'H p� St lovernment as 11 okv" pro a J FI ie h i l p / !, !>kd' d1w►ttll bit! btobter ' other, +roan/ trr let lta6,'when Takeo peldnlr St Vit learned Aetnrddy In ofnC1., pCtla }r!p!; bkt, rhr lexed'v-ed, abdndOblptf the ppt tayr to 1104 With 111 a1�ercc6 nfllll 1111 *U1t rha1L 1 hint tofu+ y, cublcliE '• ! lhf,ew'e,tf th 'y ka bf MeaSed, Winn circles blrl' tVAe empttcd t(d billrala eC , o ' T111 hP iJa' blood Eiii ' 6■1 nl }}1{yy1 Od ft tget,' Alrteutturai �iaU�•Prlio wlna Mo as p0ti0'd, t�I Milli lee er, said TAe bui arlatl do4etnmrnl ' lr tie butte ! d theft mlrkr el) Y fouls ,1st e !t to ItM(tir 1d1;r'' 1dd lh lMoultlll'11 'god ,Alabama tlOVpprrndl Melody" dlatreua,4 MllrIntAltqti It nd ( ePAPIA it Py�tlnd t�lrlroYate :tq dYt ' hl 1't r■6]'Ird iei,gnill k!'Thr• tv lira of ouF f3iete depeprfr ii dvinr Ili latlo4M 11th"ib malL r oe6e•6t Asian[►,bf Safr a etlOd ,0Afl�ntp 4l;ll $, d ' pin! ,lrSi Bblldlnf • t'trinflAt, ti7 the wpy 1l) which 14? trill) Out Stavin and:r' atop_ I as dletf ':: unty�!�j,ne �y ttli wouOEt dr v d and;�tted t�l• �n froth �WS �aP0UjIfy�•HulaIn 4lAlta cages tloeO 1, r01t114 elate c/tIA,O CIhA tuft gut h tla utnite n* �ed et hutch,stew f 1 ef;t0 ildifi�'' 6 tldued hie It ; 'r - w A y n' E qq e ja, }t4� , elfndr gFle sl 'car t f b ; tYUle ` f&1elllfagi0 'Mel p fir��l8c on�t��yYl,Idilr Wre ifvetl ter' hey per Ito, and du1 fd a la plrttce, l! klr tats a k16a y tat d bit ,a ° !0 a1,�t Id d6tl t' - I,e Itrhrbe t y! t5 ' .. a} �c� t �r �ed`,+lt obi Melrt 11v aatig�i,kt thrl Aitry. 4hlbllleda+A MkCRtlpl! AfSF fii f6ipptf cOhHnuh titi1T► N►�plfloirfnCnhlrt� ttt p' �ialdtEllie +p�alvyL4t�UtlayO a(• tdA d ihfi iiAitWlOE=`ilui/' e n0e TrAek F'ofd to pro}Dhr. ty Mart, b, In,; would 4, ylDrlrlalid ef ci hhtM tb/ fi,p fro IfrOli tar !h to 1! t ih OMI `f31 ;tb/t�`i ;L d ft + .w one thAt to lh0ldrnta WSb tae, aotted tut fhb ntati and sletd M, toadillgb !6 Al1fMPd fe6 nnelt 1ti 13aetly, }aura; 11'10 D, rR. ," d�}INCJ@�b� Nat 1. 004.1 fled l6 6vttyarlo!q .a'+ ottloe� Irlr t4feaded lo6t Ire i1 tlCt, � Ibg rlona '. � ± ,+�'• 1 ., ,. i y� �' : unhh �l dm ttaoeo to to i a +r *t • '' ` Y e` d,e"i ot4lto eregts tF tbo �otpdd,, , wtltfdt• o! the at it were d for the' football battle b4• 4 t " A e { en seqane�, and A. Dl. C,o - � 0 $AT r` ; e asVe 0140: .e, whlro srtln at o'clock. MT f1 M. v,•on over l'b0 Tennessee- 111al1y� �+� t c lrr F with a score of 10 to 0. ✓ ' f 6goH Dclay cd. p to 1 '6'clock the DdotiU offer N �r' tOrS,t S ale shows were not reedy for ubllc, b t many of their at- old °store "fQf 0 pllaced , n a , cr> . i 041 t �inder way during the n Mrs, though there were mud �?doilies &bout the .entrance to r - t oily every show. COtrl��f'r8 ti �Od,e .'he Falr Park permanent M 001(601.0090 CO'PTQIf Oy, E[r9ET I QCTOEZE lilsements were doing cod fns woe about the only large atruc• ¢n ACttrieZlt4y lVla►l t,.f� ' Fines/ am the attractions w�Ich tore where all the eahlbIts had not Ylrt�lei• „ hp. i . : •o r 9 peen d Cl -sel'�1C to node cover, but the tidlar bean fully prepared, several of the Nartn '�arail"a ` Lbutg Camtaa a Hess toot very little, patronage baolha Beene without s' thing to ,loott!a ' 1' .}°1,Op5 0, send ee 0Ceo e ittern00n. abow. - Florlal ,,., .,n+ , , ,t . € 1 ti.. C8 L onceaelolealres sere busy ,Countess Morltsh"wall given for alireoud , ref.+ + ,741', i ' ' « �� '' j2 'S• �oughonl.tLY: afternoon, esa0- i first orate ln. the Auditorlunt 71aar"rg° +"' 1: 11 �� 0, s o: 1% S aC1dLiS ullp ng f. h q,trwm play thON„Houle be d4 jk1 and 13Lturd}7 night{ the house being Mu.leeropi „ +i , , •,� r` ei /.ito; s AA 7nt `` d Ydh t I 1 appear-, LLte4lelea{ ... „ „1 I . }, a 5`Ar. t dory n hip o orals we 1 fi ed h is promler toy e a ryes d owd on'a e Ur a amea.to ant in Dallas.-• TP "1 +' ' ' ” ' a soma .. „t, u, , , 1 0 : ,an ', 0r fe�1 ;0 d, dh/ �anb.of Vol drStllta itato scheduled, 4�belanlewthe Ne can°' „ , +a, + +, •� L :, °6°s t ra, i, the 14x4. ' 8e1fet6 o ta eeeahx, Ettpoaufoti Hal, a � y� ' te.Itr se1rqf nftertg° ,n „ �T+�t vyla-yY•7 " 7.: 00 ii,rhgyQt dhl>tere41 Tghlla thq, ppClog nc ent from r cillfornli... „ , , u ,t:�a gri:u� F�ra� 1 d Y� On • ±4 a X, �� ' •.., etc e41,t1lR Ogoreosted Cror% Pau lSeOttld h Sr demoaatrellons start- o nv seats° ... '� ' . '.1 .N'• a 7 """�« d d t 1 t ttl' tree.dgnctpg In the. i;�� fate° ... et 1 1 i Its se on 31a f 1 1 " ' �!, for Its Ye r• 6—yoJltateq t f t lot. `'Y tin fpr 4 '0elepttoa ee a Clue !'ere"all et god 1, �M t ¢¢ .L..iy{ P H re roe°wr F l as 1 SDrs• B a 1{se last r+ar+ VS O 3 d' re am tety ems' ],y rj� 1 .n ruj t�yM y 0+1 .f jt 1 ter .T' nt liidll°5 �a a •c{e.a4nt {I F-Beene toe Ise• year. ,['riiehodly Reldfiib nelh eGt sae tee - n al tes bullAlaaa the movhii W, S. Mlllcr, chairman of the C tY a 1q1 a ,h h ,�� ".o' on. - 0 et he h re Yam• rryatoo lY. '�R. LnkeY,' It .This b IOldp it p > �Y e F q y t( In b c ff a if��� s ur the city It, -� 1.` roved On of" the Natfonal Ate ezhlbfG and those giving free Commie , yy ` �� archltetU•, tii t e iet, A 'ranapOjt pplanes !Lunt ' front the pies attracted the greatest num• 13alley, I , do Castleberry: an �t ell engineer !t d,e4"lr dtfk ' + ".l u+ '•" n^t as t;lbugb' to flight a Eahlbltioa Hail and the Franela Craddock Commlaaioneta • h+, Y , •� ; f „ • I # [any atttended the Flne Arb ufacturers' and Automobile Marion Hrallay, Glity Attorney; 7� 7`L 'Jo a10n s father, the ices J r a tNrany, lterO pta a oL alert$ lld a contained the ma Ity w. Erwin, City Secret& ; .�Y. F: JQ neon, came t0 penion lfi`iS + nd f , M•or takklns a much a t exhibits and t y a 1Yoodv;ard, Treuaurgr; Hr, N, H cue al�st 4eae lntc�br 4 y off t,' yr = I t:�F y"11,{+, �•r, . '09 •' ,trice as the ppaiotingq in the a cr ta, city engineer and bend of t A,' ' c I on the'o1d DrSr1t scuff• {{l�ry Iles .r ot.t • butlding. ter and anwer depattment4; Dr �`•tt �u h ' ! 19 store t e1 M ut Poedb it the 1e6at'attende I'Iner, city bealth Otflcgth heart seat of c untygovernment ua• o: ha tall on oppeat d 1 } 1 Iw outgo city 4narsbal; ZOO d , ail a o a + ,no that section devotCd to e�il ell O enS ook, Ire chief, and 0, R. WarrO !' {the s�COtld t gr� tE9t s�ttttt�'r�q cck and poultry. Very t• etary•manager, Chambere�V ��lba�� , I �t ixdr ,. Ln YlaltOtt attempted the mu dy Cu eyes. •• 1l�V" r ` mate � 'AMQ �C>'� �8 aI1e �1 � u�9ta 6 the from the center of attivitiet Ne��' Cat Hall Fends Fiona Bond Isgae '' � t°q`� he streets were so lammed It was v rl 1 Construction of the bulidin w f thin$1>� t0 fief' �lt>l± rz R1 1 1 a I❑t0•t Impossible to?, Pedestrians aJ .. provided for by a t160,000D^' Chnr� Cot walk through them. issue, voted Nov. 1, 1191, carrying se 1 tlori Build t�� i3 4d0 Oft 1 ,th 'rhb AgKbultdral Exhibits build by a rote of I4T to 131. The bead! CONTINUED FROlit FIRST PAGE. were sold on Deal 11, 1030, t6 still 8lippo�� �das011 Yb ttltb is, arl. Pl ns f Co. of tVlchl{ �]�° High t. other s tlR a a cheat FroSwiles f■ eh T• position to apply the latest Lnd w Kan. I'laas tae the bulldla r j 2 , � w; + ,!I t Mme t'cmpaay. 4Uatb�ea t10D. moat 1gtDrovod ethoda to the were dnwti by E. W. Vas Slyk r � . the ftz'st, ilMOrmarvet ,At 000 sd11s baaeNb 14 eoller30taen ors ac Co:, Fort Worth, and on March ra to eaC aseat a vertu problems of theft vocations and 1,1147, the gnorm.: contract was, Worth}! OS city$ tWIC� theySl prOfesaloas. Ict to J. F. Johnso:r of Denton ands CONTINUED FROIS FIRST PAGE. Ronal Trateleri" Assume$ "Tares is likely to female, tot• Austin. i Construction wad baggsu ,, ", ut aDtl pallab, Texas some time at reavt, a producing starch 71 and finlrhlnss toucliee -- P !I State, and one of our problems Is were to I put to the in allot Sat cotton crop destined 14.000 bales t d* T ,t as {°4et J11%Xieshtos. to keep the rural Population on the sissy, durlu t September, due to Sousa TUESDAY I -'—DALLAS.DA ° 1°"41"6 °' "1' tarme and rgs.nchee Thld msy De dYOUOda hav been tvraced and from Insects and nine and by done by makSnr rural lIU more at• concrete entrances drives and heave bolt weevil damage rn the " tractive, which may not be brought sidewalks completed. Carollaas, the Department oee A ITRY, Earls AND BUTTER about without the same educational what little of the furnishings of riculture gold Saturdaf in satlraatl' Qf CeUTBe, £VeYy [!Sit a u�a SyAN ED Opportunities as ate accorded the the ofd munlclDal bulldtnr tbo. ltte Ing this year's tndlea ed era ns laEit 9 tit L 0 Ax7iTin city,child," sulta fe .were' moved pats aY 13,17!,000, a uIndScat a00•ytlaunt N N f0 1 qq It ant M, t oI �PLdtb�tWCa, mOtnlm Into th new structure; bales. Preen t lndicettooa aril Mat ;.,•�+Oy °v d)`P BE ti 1� a Una d' see Yarb toe a : II'41 r u be. La r0al t•v, Ile ii. roe! n1 a d R. Tbp K. 1111 tPftlb �tiQ�t al Qu Lt moat 0> the elfla.a; rodnpt100 ,#� 4tG A � •g Ely' qt aa �{o100'ttftj" "t 4 b!!e ttcd throdabo6t xltA. 1 S IOQ.tV0fa0 bUCa belo�f; astl; �1` s ea . ..., ��tr,L��..�ttlt 'i��n I►e etnibl inritt(ure and: egntp�ent.'" �d• 1' c f �'��C�'a w - ye3a. G a it'y�Pa��:�e ,$$(y'd�,�y.. dl chi ripoIS 9 -PP r a' t,"/aaA�aet eh4 Ill o L 1;Sd �9Yit1'tabt0€ 8, In near oL t66 &u tortusn La • a e y fo' ,tilt :4. k _ en`O�O�atDle�d, bu qod iletl i u.w t�t Laren e a Ihlr'Le�sn rp etii!°bkpd IO retell, �L�.a t� r��ts rt a I''i an i#� a �C' Kit �h 9 � i. ¢ p t » ` v, nrins t ;I ardd'en, (h oukhq _ its r�tt•c n tt+i t5e teen• a too D!f&0 e .> t'0 t '. belt test 1 • w.:e to,rilleels,sog to Rile ry D 4p � tneunp the tnotn aatrufce, Is ih/ vvldl6CI�lcb/lpet tai orttery c0udltlo"bobgAepere bd1 "11 d�� � � , , ofd lire bell used heri mote than de s► t�n' thtr�i{y yeati a o. l/ noon ! l Clly ofticleL and del Ot041 and 'the' In 4 fiOUeM 1n rte atrueture 6r'4 t'd off ce� to th•d netJlSl�IaoCCjn A[On. total d X17 777rb t/T D�4YYY/ And cthe �e ;' e G. r; ;" , r t t+ , 1 �r rorbu/ ezeentive and admin s t Cot l this e6tt a' r a A UW ottluoL of the city goVernmeni doll trady, for the traneac lea of Oct toil altlon al,typ c�na t i. q� * X" l ya r 61tY Cuurtteotn city Tall, Mnnrolva btteloeu \ a one t�rrr1114ap to, UddO AS 6l)1J � , Off s &naaltorfum I. a teatln` capacity spca cis' 8itad Dailt 114 tit rnnaing ,DU cbultt n t 1!� e! fb0 and ;nil 1►entob Chamber of 7n gre9�atlon tot the Clortr- LX3,1%j round ells/ i1 h�tLtt balefl i $ , I Commerce. Flr011.11t tine YDD Rot's dedlcatoPy Edareag oarpenler0 end agclualns of tgr/, t 0eaeu/ T Vt ' lull It mLlnlalned bh the ground had constructed A sDeakct'll MLgAA Bprean annotutdf�fcbdd. TO Oct, 1 last floor o!the leaf wins of the build' at the front entrA150, and town of mfr 1,014 1if balla,including 111,• AND intr and quarters for the tiremell seats frothing intD, the' street,`, 71 bun Sa10d, r�erd sinned' �t21 t�,1 f 1�ro Are !a poaaeetlen A modern which bad been tope Off from 101161f nih I fa hpc PV anal ' ' O }r beLtitlr slant is fnn obi basement, tratflt, �t These baying 0itiq// or duartett he advent t the nnF 8010 a - fYOert- (for a Ce 1n the bnSidlas &gel Mayor 8, bu IIdlns apba�tr a ells oho !lane 41 tit i' �1b��a CLOWNS, odo er aft o1S 441 Treat th&t i a'aae ;S.„ ; i' '� `y'iii CLOWNS, 41urins the sage wheq Benton tea j, ,a L+�O� CASE g?r�+ but tl Dint on the old cattle tt►IS st,k »�trrke- 0 �{ �y� W 7 tkads 81it1ea+eNA►7FrnGtutlr7l. Yenie a�aaatonstructed Jailor WO In-It6y ' "t �a eei$'�a{dl°� ��L ��$1.T.YY tN �fV A p wt re��.s y', , ' �+G a+I rod brick bulidlnf, on the of NSli�ELi L of Wdlo Section Soda rn�"s w( est Oak and 80 Mt atraett whisk w l , t SNIl1I1tl11.OSin"Alb�lIIlgRi1"�Ni.(4 or the that thlrtygal of eat/ b ; 'iii �• t+l ( h vent the ears !pal proud Fo� Pallas,tYraa sevent':app years this proud ouu ;�I „y �11� •. +f !a tC�c.�, -tc�� tutu of v 4 early daYi Nat OOCnplsd .,� +i pf:i Off]} U jrj Jf�r+j ? s ,.t., by Ddv&ie hue neu cane• ae an „ty t1'Pr e K ,d, r , In SON fthsMb lady 1W � I�4rr�1 �i�ri>iemer ei °°' �+fh`. art `p� > a� ' , r GIt1�,�a ;{!t"" to1' l��� f�,`ad♦, 4u 3 �. , �, P' of tY6/ a Or R r , .Q�[,6Ida�� + ' Vag 4. • ' '1si. i 6�rt hsra`tein ►d' ba to en•ii�a 0 x e �T 11r Male �I A y Q {fit c nt 555 ' rryl(( �u��i lJ�lg�G ll �lJ'�' clu ale!, aE . ne0e[etitee fro , „'a' a " f tG r 'iy a Im id tlalb each atminl�inll b ,�� ��� t i o „ I� t heptA that t�ti tedlar ile0n would 11 9rawo l pp ntd a sew itrudufe, 11 ran tdi LlLr obi re ml alt 0 Wild to a the paecLdyip. big will done node + '411+_ 1 rot t;� (4qb aCan, rs the tnortar nittYelq I,,,. „tl.re ' �y t' t to Ierltonat�t Q16 ntestauri btictnI 1+ " E; $IQGLtNtt 10$1Y !/ n0ar attlmbllnt aMS<a',In O baba ii' i'' Na 1 b�'Nr� '•, IIANTH 1 I 0 Thi beauty Lnd a aarhTanenda 0 rr �e ? e. l the 6141 bnlldlnrs suct"ti Ooeell7 + "+a ' bitei i to !, 1°ripld �,! 1i c b a ' 0� „r e, i�.1.}y r rte„ (d tutb'a travl erfe nlaat for fife 1 ( •" • 1 bRDllt�WkA1k SC 001 t- S �rKK�yiJ lhf,f�.t�►#/� gqddtt.ttmhhpts teas mfn t; 11 0p� ��rr1I�� { � �t lJl I tG 11iL0� 1t�ulttion n n1!6ulnd m � pldel4t+, 3� tti)tt t 4 td 1 ix�>. 4 air6/,stela ellhie tent awHi+t� li to t1 nittb t Or '' 0 7 a: ' �' �} � .•'' ,t , o tohnton, t�e a nt act , a�,sa4at " �s'nsnieC ro'� 1r<Imati ! solo �1 . trH o !! ask a fi dRR ,• of ntOn In the 6ni der 0 ve, kMli tis{sth t• l Farr ' ou�bt�eeihs` `eiai �9' iis�ve' tha[ �i> eibttiia leneralt�td pro ee� ne Ie �4�i1 ii : , .�..�+...+�.e-r•e ►=�.r. 6nt tkee.nD It t � �l bale IA A1'13 1�rt'td �•$ hi, i'(f Yerk .dotbn E>schohte "1'Mtielt" NYti. 6thlt8 hfrtf s! t rdaf..' The estlinatb, bn ever, be pl y ri I i a�l if dot ii IIi ,9 ecl#,il '14fiyeietS TIav�tit 'Po1�q Beattd , �M Cim Ia y ; t, of as saint e, Oliva ba Via• vhtti fieo poet aloe,, bone I�.g . ie t 15 ° , ascte� anta the i to quite aetiva fit, whit. �rlll pant• tbe. f�slts> ' !el C�IQIL! Anel G,�3iel'!►1 Luggeg� Bongs �QO a ont '04111gqtto which hela. en. m&stet e.. 3lttlef•1 rt tthtn moderato Unl to. `, >'d1l11300A' l s N 1li'ta F `�t betean& r Ir er '2 l� d ralaeoato hf ' 'CakII1� t�tttla , s /°�c d Ad ea �i i 4 b r� <JI 0 L rt trtfitrance diFal.Potlrf N itltLiDa(NIL Lt I Ott d II,� 11 �0. + M ib• f(b. „ " t . 1 Foe for San the N >r 1 fAta9f tfttt Iha rr'46 •,••ittj � ilnb,q•!, aaaVQV N{U, �, " „•t tierll yet d. I b/at fl aobirtt3 04 the C4Ibh 1 d Or• f0A 1riv qq i F p eket lot q x', rna b1�til14, ttf�r �l q ( sl s toot b 3 hFOte04 Ih P f1 y f ( dyylyy�o 1nmi t tF tI00 li Rio»t td`iatO�M r tt d� T and T ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXJ, o DE MINING THE NECESSITY FOR LEVYING AN ASSESSLUNT AGAINST THE 'MOPLRTY OWNERS THEREOF ON WEST 151CAMORE STRLI';T IN THE, CITY OF D.3NTON, FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STFUET, AND PW. ING A TIME FOR A WING OF THE 0702 08 OR AGENTS OF SAID OWNERS 01 SAM PROPERTY OR OF ANY PERSONS INTE RESTRD IN SAID IMPROVE) ENTS, AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 119 TITLE 22, REVISED STATUTES OF MCAS OF 1911, AND CHAPTER 9 , TITLE 28, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS OF 1425 AND THE CHARTER AND ORDINANOES OF THE CITY OF DENTON, AND DIREOT- ING TIM CITY SECRETARY TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING Ala) HXAMIN_ f ING AND APPROVING THE STATEMENT Oil MPOItT OF CITY ENGINE' e i i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON1 That, Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Denton has here- tofore by resolution duly passed and approved itnd ordered the im- provement of the following streets in the City of Denton, to-write WEST SYCAMOI,4E STREET, from the west line of youth Locust Street to the East Line of South Elm Street; WEST SYCAMORE STMT, from the west line of South Elm Street to the East line of Welch Street; i Which said streets shell each be and constitute an entirely and wholly separate and independent unit of improvement. Die construction of said improvements in each separate unit or district shall be wholly independent of the construction in any other unit or district. The assessments to be levied in each unit or district shall be made according to the cost of the improvements in that par- tioular unit or district and in accordance with the benefits acoru- ing to the property by reason of said improvements in that particular unit or district, wholly and entirely independent of the cost and of the benefits accruing by reason of the improvements in any of thi other unit's or districts; and, WMREA8, plans and Specifications for the improvement of said Streets have been duly prepared and approved as required by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, and the Statttes of the State of Texas; and, 11 SYHER$AS, as required by said Charter Ordinances and Statutes alter due advertisement and bids for said work of improvement made , eaid work of improvement was let to Jagoe Construction Company to iip- prove with one and one-half (1 1/20 ) inch Asphaltic Concrete, on a five (b ) inch concrete base, curb and gutters, and necessary work In connection therewith, as provided by said plans and speoifications; and, WHPMAgy a written contract has been entored into by and be- tween the ;City of Denton, and Jagoe Construction Company for the OOnStruotion of said improvements ; Now, Therefore, M IT ORDAINED BY '►'HE CITY COMMISSION Ob' THE CITY OP' DENTOM Th V the report of Statement of the City. Xngineer , filed with the (illy dbnotiSSiori dasoeibipg the abutting property, and giving the names of prcpeptyy d' "'Ors End numbdr of ;rant feet end the cost of improvement ohargeabl8 against each abutting property and Ate owner, having been P iA ' '°'^T �•�vf7�M��Y►s' .I.+.wrw Miw� ., a , a...+�t�..- s.... . . -t.... 1 firdiranue .settityg a yNdc►t�irig ,x� i Byoernore Stteeti ° To bd'_passad',by `Oity. Commission. `Pill in 115.' dates. Set time 'f6i.' hAdring at such futt106' date. that .this', .otdinsfde may bd i Otjblthhod ' theiW'timeh.. -The date of first publication td bd twblvetdays' pra6r to ' dato set for hearing. j •� 1 T • u � + JN , 4 ur yrR �I J l t. R,. y� � s r +1• X duly examined, is hereby approved. Fiat the City Commission does hereby determine to assess the total cost of curbs and tyro-thirds of the total cost of the remainder of said improvements against the own- ers of the property abutting thereon, and against their property, in a.ocordance with the provisions of Chapter 11, Title 22, Revised Statutes of Texas , of 19112 and Chapter 99 Title 28, Revised Statutes of Texas of 19250 and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton That the said assessment shall be made after the notice to such prop- erty owners and all interested persons, and the hearing herein mention- ad, and that the said portion of the said cost of improvements to be assessed against such property owner9 , End their property shall be in accordance with the Front ,uot Rule or Plar . in the proportion that the frontage of the property cf each oymir in z! .ch particular unit or district bears to the f.rontt•L;e of the whole property in that par- ticular unit or district; provided , thLt after such hearing; if such plan or apportiorunent be found to be not ,just and equitable in par- ticular instances, the City Convnission Hhall so apportion a17. cold cost as to produce a substantial equality between all such property owners abutting on the particular unit or district, having in view the enhanced value of that property and the benefits derived from such improvement, and the burdens imposed upon them by such assess- ment and that in no event shall any assessment be made against the ovrner or his property in excess of the enhanced value of such prop- erty by reaann of such improvement. That the proportionate cost of such improvement which is contemplated to be assessed against such owners and their properties shall become due ang payable as followet , One-fifth upon the completion and acceptance, by the Oity of Denton. of the iinprovement in the particular unit or district; one-fifth one year after said date; o.ne-fifth two years after said dateg one- fifth three years after sciid date; one-fifth four years after said dataL together with interest from said date at the rate of eight percent per annum,- and reasonable . attorney 's fees and till costs of oolleotion in case of default. That the total proportionate part of such cost which is contemplated to ba assessed against such own- are and their respective properties and the names of the owners of property abutting upon said streets aforesaid, properties to be improved, and the description of that property and the several amounts to be assessed against them respectfully for paving and for curb and gutter, and the grand total thereof, �shich said cum does not and shall not in any event exceed two4-thirds of the total coat of said improvements except curbs, le so follows t : 9 �, ' ; r e�• C F y �5 6 , n• rl r � •rY '. 'r I f , WEST SYCAUO.� S7MT From the West Line of South Locust Street to the Rest Line of South Elm Street Names Desoription. Front. lmt. South Side. Maude A. Godwin, Pt of I.ot 20 Blk 279 15000 750000 0. T. P* deso. in Vol. 206, pg. 599, Deed R13cords, C. M. Godwin, lort;i 1/2 of Lot 1, 15060 760.00 Blk 27, 0. To P. deso . in Vol. 185, pg. 186, Deed Records, North Side, We. We 336 Francis, South 100 ft of Lot 1604.0 750000 3, Block 241 O. , T. Po Mifi A. Hestbr and South 6Xk of Lot 40 15005 760000 John To . Baker, each Blk 24, d. T. P. An, undivided i/2 into deso. in Vol. 136, page ' 32$0 D• R.' ' i l'+BST SYC 4I� B___TF��3T xi From the Worst Line of South Elm Street to the Bast line of L'elch Streo o th Side. i k 1 tt. ff. De►v.i8 94ot 170.51 of Blk'o 170.5 75040 26, Oo To P. deso; in vol. 1350 pg. 520, and Vol. 108, ` pgi„ 610, Do R. Do S. Balio Lot 601 k ,182 in . 6060 220600 r 1311' 26; deso. in Vol ' idol gage X77, ' . i�• t ` . rr, llii4 toy t, , th9 ti"4ot $1,i0 $b. 4+0 ad Iiei4al eaOh of land, described in 4`n undivided i/2' int, Vol. ' R', papge 391, Do fit. td*i " ,ndiru c,o, b i4et+ * ;act > et(f. i i i r ti � '•;,,r �, , . t • d3 , `deq�o�ibe J`. I Y: ' roylae, root` �ri Via. 'vvv 'dur no 0 398060 QO e °deilo. iri Vol. 92, t ; � 604;',Nod .,o f 'TrUht 1 111 A. . Madge, L6t 1,` Sttvaud Additions 6366 x78.6$ dbo.. Vbi. 163y pa beedmt. III South Side. Name, Description. Front. Amount George Weaver, Pt lots 2,. 3, Stroud 63.3 278062 Addition, deco. in Vol. 243, pg 3221 D. R. James Dee Baldwin, Pt of Lots 3, 4, Stroud 63. 4 278.96 Add, deso. in Vol. 1671 page 110, Deed Reoordso J. L. Wright, Lots 61 6, Stroud Adds 10010 440400 � We Be Miller, Lot 7 , Ej of 8. Stroud 76. 0 330.00 Addition, deso. in Vol. 113, page 640, D. Re Mrso Me Burch, Lot 9, * of 8, Stroud 7660 330.00 Addition, deso. Vol. 1249 page 64 & 660 D.Ri Sallie 0o Stroud, Lot 100 Stroud Add. 7360 321.00 deso. in Vol. 810 pg. 458, D. R. J. To Baker and Ada Lot 110 Stroud Add. 8300 , 366020, Baker, each an un- deso. in Vol. 122, pg. divided 1/2 into 182, Deed Reoordso John Pierce, Lot in Why. Loving Sur- 100.0 440.06 Vey, doso in Vol " 1609 page 237► Do R. R. A, Grogan and Lot 110' x 76 ' in Wmo 7660 330.00 Anna Orogan, each Loving Survey, deso6 an undivided 1/2 in Val. 1660 page Interest, 3676 Dire. No' " 0• Smith► Lot in the W1m. Loving 212.6 924. 00 Survey, beginning 176 feet west of the west nt te _line running fe on the outh !If side of SYCOAore St, and ex- 1 tending south 300 fto J linesgn peso 16 in Vol. +, it 9999 46► page 410 Do Re As V. Wilkeraon► Lot, 100!, x 3000; in 10,04 440600 10ce, Ys , p. phippe► Lot 3001 . x 1001 in Mtn. IOUs 0 44000 Lb'Vi 6,ir ' deeoribed u 'Sr<l�'!F#'1► X` � 2 �`� ��0�� 41, l��. 1 f�. OF G��� 0 k dJ Y■. Se rY $s �` of Rd�, '. Batess ',1,cst ,Y46 ! j ''.too deso. ` 1dG. 0 638 60 i Did e, r r•. South Side. Descry iptions Front. Amount. Pearls Speer and John Lot 68' x 2081 249o, in 6660 290.40 Speer, each an undi- Vol. 2139 page € vided 1/2 - interest. Deed Records, A. 0. Calhoun, Lot 68 ' x 20819desa. 62.5 276.00 in Vol. 186, pg. 174, ° Dead R9corda. $j John W. Hicka, Lot 122' x 208' being 122.0 556080 // the East 122 ' of the property described in i )role 33, page 4300D. R. Lot 100 ' x 210' deco. 10060 440.00 W. A. & 0. $hark i in, 26I eaoh an undivided 1/`2 in Vol. 137, page • interest. D• R. x A+ D. Rogerao Lot 53 ' x 187 ' in the 53. 0 233.20 E4h puchalski survey, being the east 53 ft of ; the property desbrib ad in V01. 180+ pg4230 Deed Records'. $lizabeth B. Lot 60t x 1370 in the 6b 0 22 .00 8attdn. S. pnohalski Survey, deso• in Vol. 196, pg. 643. Do R. Ida `Holmes, Lot 65 ' x 187 ' in the 65.0 242, 00 , No puohalski Survey* deed, in Vol. 180, pg. 147, Deed Reoorda. 1►is., N. A+ spencer, Lot in the No Puohal- 6940 303•e0 ski survey'6 deao , in Vol. 1800 pg• 2720 l Deed Records. 9i B. . Blaakvre11 and Lot 96 2/3 ft x 237 ft 97* 6 429.00 � i ". plAokwell, described in Y61i 203, e9ch an undivided 1/2 pg. 5110 need Roadrds• j ,f r Interest* bra, ge�lie 1'. paechall0 Lat 100' x 237 ! deao. 10040 440.00 in �l`ol. 195, pg. 425 Deed' �laaorda. � tot 2000 Y. 237 ' deac� 100.5 442.20 1 kath0 in Vol. 1B3' pg• 417► ' ` Oh ' ASrWc' + . pt• ° of tat 2� BlC 3, 54�5 419. 44 > . . College Additica, deao. ;,in Vro ► 167► p6c• 469, All s t titf ' ic1t',' i ild 004 b 447. 130 di Y '��rr; � � ]ion tea0 di �Oti,r decd iti , &ad � .° J. • iiiriton0 <Lot '4,t b11c0 13oe a 10060 440.00 Acd• 'dead• in' V61' °, ' , ., fig• 405; Do Ft• • w I v . a north Side. } Name. Descrita-,ion. Front Amo nt. John Alexander and We R. Lot 1440 x 100* in Blk. 144. 0 633.60 Lakey, each an undivid- 26, 0. T. P. deco. in ed 1/2 interest. Vol, 181, page 262, Deed Records, Mies Be Staples, Lot 46 * x 150 ' deco. 4860 211.20 in Vol, 180, pg. 3688 Deed Records . W. 0. stone, Lot 50* x 160* , ddea. 5100 224.40 In Vol. 106, page 145 Deed Records. lira. John A. Hann, 50 ' x 100 * deso. in 5000 220.00 Vol. 122, page 6059 Deed Records. Be H. Mop'all, Lot 40* x 1760, deco . 40. 0 176000 in Vol. 1861 pg. 340, il. R. Mrs. Daley Thompson Hill, Lot 90* x 175 * deco. 9060 396. 00 in Vol. 164, pg. 539, Deed Records, J,' No Olevoland, Lot 11 Block e, Baines 102. 0 446. 80 Addition, deco, in Vol. 1100 page 1850 Deed Records. 0, P. Barnett, Lot 2, Bik 8, Baines 10510 462. 00 { Add, deco. in Vol. li 179, page 112, Deed Records. J. 0• Broyles, East 50* of Lot 1, 53. 6 235640 Block 0. Baines Add, Desoo, in Vol• 192, pg. 621, D. R. %,go 0• wo. Gann, treat 65* of Got 10 9560 2420400 k Block 9, Bylines Addo deco. in Vol. 1000 page 133, Dead R000rds, Ch I. mare, PAst $09 of Lot 2, 50.0 220600 Block 44 Baines Add. Noe. in V616 1850 pg. 25, heed Reoorde. 0. S. 1hro, 9fest Gds 01' Lot`26 65.0 242600 bl'bdkl 9� :$alt ei3 Add& ' deda, ,9 v�l6 , toe6 psge . 255, ' bead f�eoord®� r Yies Y. OoVr�►n6 � Lut ij' 8ifc 10�` �air}ed 655.'5 ' �dld. b0 fit• Sh8ppar+d, r<c 26 glQoic' ; Bairieg A�.O $74.00 Ad ttidti, d4io !gr Vdi Redo d, ii*�000i a; 4 o, � ` v Nasae. Desoription. b'ro1a. Amount. 3. J. McGinnis and Lot 110' x 88 ' desc. 11060 484. 00 Rosa Graham, each an in Vol. 179, pg. 147 undivided 1/2 interest. Deed Records, He E. Hargrave , Lot 7565 ' x 261 ' d esc. 7462 326148 in Voi. 2050 pg. 1560 Reed Records. Katherine Johnson► Lot 101. 75 ' x 261 ' desc. 101. 76 447670 in Vol. 1649 page 552► Deed Records. Central Christian Church, Lot 62' x 1759► desc. 62. 0 228.80 in Vol. 1790 page 4209 Deed Records. M. D. Bullingim, hest 119 ' of the proper- 119.0 623460 ty described in Vol. 171, page 230, Deed Records. Mrs. Annie Sciith, Lot 1941 x 60 ' in Wa. 6000 264.00 Loving Survey, deeo. in Vol. 180, page 139, Deed Records. t Ch9e . W, Grigg and Lot in the Vfma Loving 8060 362. 00 J, P. Phipps► eaoh an Survey* deeo. in Yoi. { undivided 1/2 ihterOst. 212, page 2766 Deed , , Records# m Lot in the Wme Loving 6960 303.60 Sam �r. Hvane► Survey, deeo. in Vol. 1631 page 464, Deed Heoords. IDae. Addle Harp, Lot in the Vm. Loving 7160 312.40 Survey, deeo, in Vol. 184, page 159, Deed . Recor s. Effie Lee Sledge, Lot 133 ' x 286 ' deeo. 133.2 688.08 in Vol. 207, page 840 -, and Y016 1469 page 2371 Dead Reoordo► � We re darrelf Part of Lot 1, Barns 87.7 386.88 and Survey, deeo. in V014 1100 page 610, Deed Records• Mr9i ' Len Taiiai'erro, Part of J. L. Barnard 976 $85644 Patentb being the west 87.6 ! d,esa. : in V016 w,< 49, Dage 492 , Deed Records, We. H. Lr Boards pert of LetA, &Oxnard 0449 414. 48 �tAddit oili, deeo f i! � 8 It: 114 ltiliklrl part of �.ot 9, . Bernard 96 26 'lQ. b A411iti6ni dematibed in ppaage, 542,' Deed RAGOrdMe t .i 112 F'. F`y Ib: f r .,, S 1 i e r i i ,� ti .r�,, a c• 1 ' ..; -.', .S .. 1 .. ."i ,C } - '617 ' UM North Side, Name . Description, Front. Amount Dorothy Z. Co Hilliard, Trot 769 x 1609 in the 76. 0 33J .00 and 0. H. Hilliard, each g. Puchalski Survey, an undivided 1/2 into being the B 769 of the property described in Vol. 180, page 6421 Deed Records. Be A. Sledge, Lot in the $. Puchal- 339. 0 149140 ' ski Survey, beginning on the North line of Sycamore Street, 761 West of the west line of Bernard Street, and running vest 339 feet on the North Bide of Sycamore Street, and extending north 160 feat between parall- el lines. Being the W4 3399 of the property described in V'ol# 1809 pg. 442, Deed Records. Berta 16 Stout, an un- „ Lots 11 20 3, and 1/3 403.6 1788460 divided 1/2 interest, of Lot 4, in Block goo. and Louise Steadman 21 College Addition* gtouto b(yron Stedman Stout, and Ochry 2. Simpson# each an undivided 16th int- el'a a t. I j` 1 . [ t i .�d1 T G ` I[ riK'( r E r a„'F 4f re Yi♦ y .ly ,j '1 � s -, , , That a heerinb shall be given to staid ovrners , their agents, and attorneys, and any person or persons interested in said im- provements , before the City COYAnissien of the City of Denton, as provided by the provisions of Chapter 119 Title 220 Revised Statutes of Texas, of 1911, and Chapter 9, Title 28, Revised Stat- utes of Texas of 1926, and the Charter and Ordinauces . of the City of �enton, which said hearing shall be had on the ! '✓ day of ` �_ra, ,, 1922$ at > 0lolook, P. 1do in the City Hal in the City of Denton, 'Texas, and whioh said hearing shall be continued from day to day and from time to time, as may be necessary to give all said property owners, their agents or attor- neys, and any interested person or persona a .full and fair het4r- ing, and said owners, their agents or attorneys, and interested person or persons shnil have the right to cppear and be heard in any manner concerning the said improvemnts or said assessnient, or the benefits thereof to their said property or to any other matter or thing in connection therewith, or to contest said ass- esement, and at such hearings t: full and fair opportunity shall be extended to said property owners, their agents or attorneys , and to all interested persons , to be hoard with respect to sueh' im- provements, That after the ooriolusion of the hearing above mentioned such rum or sums as may be determined by the City Cormnission to be. payable by said property owners shall be assessed against them , respeotively, and against their respeotiVe properties by ordinance or ordinances, in the manner prescribed by the provis- ioris of Chapter 11, Title 22, Revised Statuten of Texas, of 1911, and Chapter. 9, Title 280 Revised Statutes of Texas, of 1925, and. the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton6 That the City, secretary of the City of Denton is hereby dir- ,edted',to°givs ' notioe to bald property owneve, their agents or attorneys, and to all interested persons of said hearing , as pre- soribed by the provisions of Chapterll, Title 22, Revised Statutes of Texas of loll, and Chapter 9, Title 289 Revised Statutes of Texas of 1925, and the charter and ordinances of the City of Don- ton, by publishing said notice three times in a newspaper of ggenaral oirouiation in the City of Denton, the first of said pub- Iib&tions to be made at least ten days before the date eat for said hearing, Said City Secretary may also mail a copy of said notice by registered letter to each of said property owners, if known, or their agents or attorneys if knovm, said letters to be c!A'poeited in the post office in the City of Denton before the date set t`ar the hears fig. However, Bait% notice by registered letter shall be ; cumuiativa onl and notice by publication shall be furl, due and :propar notice of said hearing, it shall not be necessary ,to th ,validity of said notice of hearing to name any property ironer abutting on any of said etroete and the fact that any such $r � are incorrectly named or not named at aid apall inyno vise affect the validity of the aesessmant against dptr y owxrer or owners said• rd rt nor the personal liability against the real and true owr�ar br. d*h6re of said propertyo No' errore or , omissions fn the desoiripi'et� bf the properties abutting on `aiiy of said ' et "refits shall ` in any wi.46 1hYaiidate said aseesement but it shall be the duty , a 1 at��prbpa� 6 ' owner or owners whale property is inoorrreotly daft a gibed to fdrhish_ s 'propar description at the hearing ' or hearings 1ided'lor► 8 Aran or omission Of ate► Character in . tha ' progsed+ <+ d shah invalidate any eesesemant or any certificate iibued in evidence- theresfd `f?iat this, ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force from and PAS �iP'PAO , thla . ' {; yorr Chas o a omm es on# r t fir, �� f a r -!','} + , a I •� � + ' 1 t! •�S.r .r � t f r I y it � r ; � . . � � ' ally+h� � f.,t d �f1t4�•� .µ ^7 1 �N fSM✓ 1 � � r j NI IL� ) � '+ 4+r r ��, ,,+ � 1 A`• tyl� P r (��,� � �� .Ixr S w •"�' ":111 � f "t•,a'.`�K�, 'e � �: V �'�I fY` \� ,�ry+ik Iry,.i tr Ir! ,� ,'.,}1Ly�c� f.it .r f?. +nx rY, i-Da ✓ �.13, .� +f�..,. s i. ..:.J4." Y ^ I �[f[�{'�'}'t1 hry4 "h 1 �, a+•i' A i`. VU.w•A�vl�a{� 'p; �i{ �,{"'`I.i 5tv A r 4 / t a r I 411rH1 f ' ,^° 'y GIr C�IS/'f t 1fr iPk y � 1 r� �., 7 L4 r f 4C� ti.y71 ry4 tk?. ,. 1�4.'I4GIV t • I ;� S ,..Gf k � a r�•-S � !,J u 1 `�� 11r : r '� x f t< �. r'Y 'j 0.,. H •I r w I� , 9 I b }Qn t o I* .p• ++tnoyyl' !f r +I 1ry,��I�j,��e� �J�.[yl�.,.,, r , y a r�{,1�I l.. J.{ ( L �,�.,N�.l ,u. 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' ''!.d, d ,fE r k"- 1•!' � Ir. +�? ✓1�5 � + �.t' ' � : � ' ,°,1 t 17 �5�}� I1� Gr { 'r r , , :',t ''+' ,�+f to- y 1� es r •S ,p � 7 1 1 r r 7! r. r �r]•IY yl b 0 '[ ��S � r t p �r a i v ,1 � �,�'y � t � � � f } •.�o ��,:� t� ^ �,�A �;° �`l 'e'b t ,� '°°� 1 iR!' �j r�,���°:,`, �p� yrp � r� �' ,d Ordinance levying t, i Assess- ment to be passed by the City Coia- mission ORDINAIIj"'. OP `LY, CITY CO .U113SF0t; 01" CU Y OF 1ELTON, T11AXASO LEVY14N#J FOR 1`.iF; PAY :I' lk 02 A PART OF THR, COST OF 11APROVII;'J MAN tip, I'r "� v, CITY Tr? 11 TT r� r 1,T ) (' i , V 'ar 5113 rt , i;'( ,l. , CITY Or m'!nO., , A ,;) aFiS1I+v A DY1.Pt AOi1I.,52 1 ?2�I1,RT� :�.,lT- TI'Na OA. SAID STIU- ar , AI'D A IIDRSUEAI, C} ARZ, AQAi1;X; ThE 0.'J ymb i Tf1m",Ob', ;,IID PROVIDING 9011 THE COLLUTIOtu T1U,,1ti3Ob. ` VC IT ORDAINED DY 71i?� OIa'Y 001.2IFStJIO.+ OF Tdt i,TlY Ob al T1a0 711at , whoreae, a revolution ,7aH heretofore duly pawed by the City sion, ordririnrr tho improveaceat of the following street : PY-CAI' ST UM from the west line of ash utroot to tho east .line of Cedar Street ; c.nd , ,:iT;W:%f :{, p.ir cant to said resolution, speoi:"ioations were prepared for Braid work by the City Engineers filed with the City Co,=ission', ex- amined, approved and adopted by ! t, and after duo advertine,:ient bids were drily received R-ild opened, and the contract for said work awarded by the City Co=,ddision to Jagoe Construction Company; and, whereas, the said 3agoe Construction Companje duly entered into oontraot with the Oity of Denton for the performance of said work, And said contract exe" outed on the part of the City of Denton, by the 11iayor And Chairman' of the Commission, and Atteet+td by the City Secretary, with the corp*orki. aea1 ; and acid contract was ratifiAd and approved by the City CommiAA eion; and, !HHMOAB, thereafter, in compliance with' the provisiono , of 04pter 11 Title 220 Rovised Statuteeof Texas of 1911, now Chapter 9, Title 28, ROieed Ctc.tutea of Texas of 1925, and the Charter and Ordinances of the ' dity of Denton the City Fngineer, fil6d with the City Commission° hie $tateradht " sh0iiei the names of the property owners upon naid stre9te, 'a ' degoription of their property, total coot of said improvomant, ' the coot thereof per front toot, and the cost for -each property owner, said state morn being in oomplianoe with all the requisitas of Chapter 11, Title �2 ' Revieod Statutes of Texas of 1911 , now Chapter 9, Title 28, Revised Statiiteg of Texas of 1925, vnd the Charter and Ordinances of the 'City ° or ,Dehton; and, VVMEAS, thereafter said statement was by said City Commission duly ex mined and approved, and an ordinance passed by said pity Cora Msbion; ' dstarmining the necessity of 1dtyimg an' assoesrAont for a. portion of"tho cost of said improversents against the abutting property and the plheiity Ora*fo "and fixing a tune and providi "g for a heating•to 'euer ; of it agents or attor"rAys, as provided by ' the terms Chi it ti`t1a 22, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911, nale Chapter 91 Title 28 Devised StatutA_i ' of Texas of 1925 and the ChRttei% and Grdiw dances "of the City of;-Denton, at Which hear ng said otrnora wore to be heard cor5whing the .benefits . of said Impronansnte tb ` thou `property Or all 16 ainy error or liinalidity in diid prooeedinge ; and any nthRr matter or thitfg cobneoted with said improveA6nte ; and, thereafter, in a000rdanon with 'the 'pro�tibions • o a0tox ' of Defnton the"' i. scro r of .the ' v s, �evi•oed '8ta;ttitee of Texas 'of igi1, aori "C>ihptdi?` $..lie ` _Wriedd. Statateu o!` exact or 1 925j and the Marl Blvd or Iir`Voee` of tke;. 63tp , 0 ty � �a y Oit•y o,C '7kntori Beaus riotitle tb; laaoh' ' i'oyerty eirnei,b, , thei>* aentb and attorhoye, of suoh heat'in,a- ' ' bj�: ubliisfiing �► cop ' of .said, os' inan0e. .iii t}io ��Rn skn�i!✓te n� Ctir���ei� ,,nM aver of goner in `rho di1y, � ihr'nton, or three otta� bee's ' a titod,' tfrs 'hilt `bf sa.t;h ;putiiieations belnk Mrs than ,ton` dtym p>"ior .to "the' day bit f8r the hdarin to *iti thday and vies' dito notion. * said haarin . ill the nannot prod o y t e. o d tiandeer by postisi �regiete;r•e'd X 'tferd c`ofit ' ini'ng° !� bbpy o!`` said no.titl o, oaidr pxaper o ;I trai- their agents' or at�`ornoyei before the haain ; I and, brad at t and plaoe toht14)d, in eiidSrdiAhoer`rah�! notieti�, . to "}�'l`tE" bit` the„ „, ,day of, si bdk �,Uj q ' in`' the ' d ty trail: i,. the City of Denton, Texas, whic.A hearing was fully completed and then uiosed; and, S ' 4 3� 4 5 '4?P.0. •" -4d .[(4. a - ' 'T 1 1T•5l� q ^'F^-y Ir + u , C ^q:ol, < 'W N° 777 TT VIH"Rr %S, at said he. arinf all nraperty ' ownerB, their agents or at- tornlys, or intereeted porsond, deoiring to conteet said assessment, to correot any errors in same, or in a,ry mp.nner be heard concerning the benefits thereof, or any other mattor pertaining to said aesesomnnt or said Improve,nents , were heard, and ail nattere of error or mistake or inequalities or other matters requiring rectification which were called to the attention of the City Cowission, having been reotifind and cor- rected, and the City Conraission, having„ heard and considered all the evidence offered ih the premises, the City Commission is of the opinion from` the evidence that the assAssmente hereinbelow made and charges here- by declared a:-ainet the abutting property and the owners thereof are just a,nd equitable, anc+ that in each cane the matte against any part tioular parcel of property is less than the benefit aooruing to said particular parcel of property by raeans of the enhanced value thereof on Recount of said improvement , That the City Coanissio:z having considered the facte, is of the opinion that the strict application of the Front Foot Rule would not be just and equitablein some instances, has adopted the rule of apportiorll-,Pnt set forth belovr, and the division of the cost of said improvement between said properties and the owners thereof as just and equitable and producing; substantial equality, considering thee benefits arising from said improvements and the burdens imposed there yt : Now, therefore, ES IT ORAAINFD BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH11 CITY OF IE14TON3 l . : That there sho-11 be and, is hereby levied against each of the ovnors of property Belo* Mentioned, and 'against its, ' his or her property bolbw described,' the ' several surds of money be16w 'mehtibned and „it6mii6d, xliioh ' said surae , do' not and shall not in any event exceed two•thitds of thd ' beet of any iiA:pcoveiAente ' except curbs ohargeable to any paIttiouiar abOttiri�, property, a doaoiiption of oRid property and the odvotal at ouiit6,assb.s6ed agaivist `said property owners u�►d their property, as oorreOted by said 01ty Oommiesion, beir,� as follows = Whore more than one person, firm or' corporation own an interest in o y pro'porty �beiow described each eaid ' persdn, `firu or oorpora+ion shall to pAreonally liable only for its, hit or her pro"rati-A of the to t`al 'iobo6S%ejit, apainet 'such property i» proportion as its , his or her rabpeotivo interest bearb to the total ownersihip of such property, and for his or her reepeetiva"interest in oubh property may be ebleased frbsi ,the aesessntent liP ' upon payment of such proportionate surf; pLCAN STMT the Estate ' of W ' 0. Wri;ht, . d4oea9sd, owner of Lots 1 "ibid 2; bl6ok '9, Origindl 'TOwn Plat , frontage 120 feet , Amouht - assossed 9553. 0 , "0, thb auto above 'nentioned iseeseed against Asid' dbuiting rtyo�tid the ' exn@rb thereof ib' hothebyi togothor with , all� 06ite of bb ledt}ofs ' thereof inbitiaing , reaeondbib"attorheyte fEer if incurred} d¢oldrAQ 44 ; b'b a 16wu tbft' th4 . rabprt6tivd= pard'bldb at property, Against , ;� , �yniak'4tHb "day �� 4s�essad, a.rid � breonal liability 'of oh�ergp against bK6' o 'ndro.ytx$r d rsrthat said f nt1 Ahrlt lie a first atsd`para o>xnt ` �' iii l►" , pdq baid= �p dpert , sups i0x tb it11 , 7,ther i10Ab, olaisca 'or , titlis , l�:ko pt li; ful { d vAlOt6ta; taxed : That .the bums so aebemsed bhill bb pay,-6 �'1 ' ads f11b's�a6a �td�wit :. ra.. ie d'qttal �ndt6►llraente = drts+filth give . days , ,' i, � f r: ldteelag ,•,bi`: i s bi'ditianbA, dOt -fifth 01ie ;ae aftdr gdpternber i ' ' Y' 'tti° gclt''b ' did to atl dl, b' id mark ' ;btie�.fIIth' tw y6dre ' �br1d N41'.jo iN att#r; b.iLird da�o of b ,1 ' tid b r i Hrat6 VIVO i�� itte� 0a�a 'd�;t� ,.�!` AgObpt�ttibA, }etl too 'wrr'r �d<id �+; of b d 'e a t Kilt r . . ,. �,�� �, • . , • . , r th s Aid�'•g sa C6netruo�ibn oLi d>sy ` ii4b Mh .a the dpt � pt~b + �. � et f # bee;' orrt�dac `b all ' atoildb �oa� ctttt ¢ dp lltaeinto befbxrb ' att1+3'x, 3►, 'i ; tb' piti ` p�►yltor;a11, 4 epi,+i >;inbtd.+ t�rest � cW 'Yotb ''aYg6nt tl! prin�ipal �� Ebgoh ► , tnith ads rued i>w , + to the date of said payment . Sair9 sums so assessed shall be a special tax, and shall also be payable to the Tax Collector of the City of Denton, who ahall deposit r11 such amounto with the City Treasurer of the City of Denton, to be kept and held by him in a special fund for the holders of the certificates , as hereinafter provided, 30 That ' the City of Denton shall not ` becow in Any manner liable for the paya6nt Of the sums assessed against such property owners or their property, The said .Fagoe Construction Company shall look solely to said property ownern and their property for the paytaent of said suns , but the said City of Denton ahall exercise all its charter and statutory pourers necessary or proper to aid in the enforcement of the collection of said certificates, and that in uaee default be made in the p:,,yraent of any of said suns collection thereof :shall be onforepd, either by the City of Denton as near as possible in the manner provided for the sale of pro- perty after the failure to pay ad valorem taxes or , at the option of the said Jagoe Coristruotion Company, or other holder of aaid certifi- CiitAA, the payrnent of said sums shall be enforced in any court having Jurisdiction. . 4, That for the purpose of evidencing the sum payable by said pro- perty owners, wnd the time and terms of payment , and to aid in the en forcemcnt and collection thereof 'an , adeignable certifioate skull be is- sued by the City of Denton upon t}io ppaseage ol" this urdinanoo , which said certificate shall be executed by the Mayor and attested by the Oity Secretary, with the corporate opal , and shall be payable to Jagoo Construction Company, or its aesigne, and shal.'. declare the remounts due ithd the time and tome of payment thereof, the rate of interest ' payable thdreofit and shall contain the name of the property owner and' the deoft _ oription of the property by lot and block number and front feet thereof, ` or such' ,ded6ription as rsa otherwiee identity ` the,' name by roferpnog to . any other tact, and if said property she11 be. owned by an estate , a des• cription thereof ' ae so owned ohall be sufficient. No error or mistake in the desoription of any property or the nemq of the owner thereof shall in any manner invalidate said certificate or the asseesment lien a9a4ndt said property or the porsonra livability against the real and ` true owner of - said property. Said aertifioate, shall further provide that in case dofaulit., is made in' the paymetit of any installment of principal or interest thereon when 4ti0 at the Option of the said Jagoe Construction Company or other hold"dr'lhereof, 'thd entire amoUnt of said aoseso wnt shall at onoe b000me due atd `payable and shall be ' oollectible, together with reasonable ato torneyle fees and all Costs of Colleotion if inourred , ' ',+laid certificatb shall further set tbrth and evidence tW personal liability- of the property owner and the lien upon his ' premises ind sha1S prbVido if default is made in `the payment thereof said oprtifi: o:ft� be ' enferced either by, stile ot 'the ptoporty by the Tait °As- odboO,' nd Ooileotor of the aiti "of Denton, or by suit in any oaurt hpyin� �uriediotiovi, Said' dertifioats shall further state that the prbdsedin tj -with' �+et• erenee . to mkking said iaaprov@14nto h{ 6` s l boon regularly gad in 69hto l ahpe;Kith the' tbrras of .ohayter ly'Titls 22 ReVided ,Atatutoo 6t "Texas 1qi ;' norW Chap t r 9; ' Title 28; SVibed = Sta�utes °of 'fAitah of 1925, " and thb GM ster' 'and OrlinanCib 6f the pity of Denton, anrd thit ill prCvgdulo sites to' the fizink : of the lidh' and 'Clain 4f personal, liabi�,ityy� ev'i- , denoed oy said oar iliadte' " have been performed, whioh, reditbli �9ha11 be `�iridenne' ot the fabts so l tated', 'and no further proof thereof $hill be required, , het ;$Kid dery fio e, ek'aii a1 eo. provide , fat. ttie. amounts payable ddtSdbp b ' b 'pa ,d to' fie'"Aebdee'ot�' d 'dbliebt6o" of', 604 bf: the ; 'o#'°neMtor►',' rr�io $he y ordd t aaid'ptlynente' upon° e�id' dertixinit 4-: and } hai�� 'at ' orioil pepobit 'the dnotlrit so ' dol loot da with the City Trbadurok a of °the" City b�f bentonr to be kept and held by him in 'a special fund, a , �3r 1 which said payment shall be paid, by said Treasurer to the said Jagoe Construction Company, or other holder of skid. certificate , , on pre'• afntition thftioof to hire, duly orodited by said Assesdor and Collector of TPme , being the Treasurer' s warrant for making such payments, and the said Jagoe Construction Company or other holder of said oertifioatc shall receipt in Meriting to said Treasurer for said payment, and .ahkll de ' iver said certificate to bald Treasurer when paid in full together with all costs of collection. ' Said certificate shall further provide that the City of Denton ohall exercise its charter powers when requested so to do by the holder of said oPrtificute to aid in the collection thereof, but the said City of Denton shall be in no vise liable to the holder of said oertificater for the payment of the same . Said certificate,, shall further provide that 'in case of default in payment of said tax th'e same shall be enforced either by vale of the above ' desortbed property by the Tax Collector and Assessor of said City Of 'DentOn, as near as possible in the manner provided for the sole of property for ad valorem taxes, or by suit in any court having juriedio- tion. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after `.Its passage, PASV*D AND APPROVED, this l day of 19270 Uay or A t to a t ')! � - (t�ty �eoretAry, I , ry C I. ! 1 5 . , �t.✓i' T � '1 . .J . II Vii . d. ! " Ic. r. ,.i Aio Y I sm Y ye t „ I , V) I 4 ' r!� k ,J, ' , S. i ., i - ,: 7 r lM t 0 . Tr o � � . 2r�1 �anr� 1 i�.c. - v � '`,4tlM.040"'wra tr.,1;i .ialA--..< r , 6'�`+ R�r�"�t4 �$ y. "d%wY.i 9oit Y�Y :1� i k ' 'q7 , r.l t is. '' 't .�k 11 S I. J ,' J r ' f � L r " 4 , ,, I l 1 M y J 4 ( J 1 11 ''y.k, '� ��� ' , ) J ty z F. _ r '4 .,tt. i ys k t I ytl r r e: rK w .w — J , { " w '� .J , 7 , r 1 ' I r! 14 ' , , i, , , , , Yr •r pI� , , , ! r _ J R it u J t� r! '� IJ, tl�l7 J t J Y , , t ( ,., t ir+ rt t 1T'' ,i r' r , 1 r., 2 R H'.0 I �, I� .I� l i c ' y r 1 l' , L , , '.' 'r 1 ' , y St "1 K r ), '1,. n i I',l ' f rJ � ' It ' rki;n I, 'r J , r R 1 a r �y r' o r ! r. t . 1 1 , r + t , k. ,I. � • t A �' f { . .J �� 1, ' ti r.. + I} r S r t , ,M 5 r k r r , 4, `gg yI y .r /.r ,r ' 3, V A' � �1 Y Jih i J J �, 1, I .rl ( � �', L, '.'.�i 1.I I),I 4 I. k I" r ,, Il , 4, , ti `., 14 a ew , {'+� i ) 4,. r r)ii .�� !t!!! S', y ',1 1 y ' L y I'r r , 'I I 4 , o. b .4 , 1, J r ! 1. �t M q' r k , ,� it .,,,, .,,,� r �`, 4 d ir� 1 J Y II - 4 f r. �„"1H L 9 e ',' I { r r ,' 'f r , ' , , 1 t� 1' 1 l '! 3' 3, J 1 f `✓F� 'ik t 1 , y E; . n k S' L- t J , l r 4 ,ti `° Ql f r.t, 1 Y:, i 5;� .l �-I . .r i k r n I 1`� 4 ,ri y I k k �', .r II I �a .�J�t '{ t .k�� �3 d l l ',t , r ''� 1 i. 1 r ( fj 1 n , K '' , a a I'r , yr by >J Fy 1 ,�1. S Y , f t y Y , ,S, �,JT JF it4�0t kri it ti(+ t iyk ' �iya ,o'. } � \ "-•I , !k 3, J ,: r � L � L , ..1, ` r 1, ir 'ii4 , I; !,J !<rYS 17 n ' j ) r S''. , ,, 'St l f r.�' tr {r yr J ' r ,, ::5}I .R f7] .J 5 Y , 'IA Y 1 rl� )4 lr�Jf� SV7 d4�'J �y.. I �1� S ' �7r r f r 4 t �' ti � . �,I Y S� y r , t th5 i:� Y4,', n' v ry '4 1 1y C r r +1 v° r T r fi ,1C4 ! ,, J y W Y r 7 71 �,� t�e'v t ! � y I, Ir `a",..� n k ,,n 1r `�, a r.. 1 �; ,7 I. r ,ut, ,r ct , + f . r �' J , , ,''rvI 4 w i it 1,. ... J '(, ( F r / t' , , �,'tr ,M1 rl a���,r � lY .. , L ,1� 4 t ^. r 1 ,{ t r ! 1 r ,! 'I"� A-�,i� IgS� � ' r Q_I t- !' rt, k t 1 ,1 I , { r, 1 r , �v4 � ,6I " 'tiff Jir I . , iNl e e J . I r '4 .,T ,k �i J �, t�° R .y:. , +�t . u' I ! {� v''i� o Y. ,,I 4 "R,,19� r 7 t ,,, � $ k 4Yf v J. � , . r , r y, ', J y 4 �Y , by.4 } , ", i fr a 'i. ,' !' I. �' i ! `f , 116,,[ Ill jS a IS ., JJ . t ; y I , 11 J d �ti t' ',, I ' , " :� ( t ftr]', 'i,. dl I ! 'I r t 1 it . ` , i ',. 1 ! xLtI ,,r�' ' '-I ' L' (,tkI 4 ♦ , f try ': � 4 � �L 4 I . t .s\ ,, 1 ,0J,'�y I�' . F f 1 `' c IL', p ,'y A �� J•. '� , ,r 1,�. �y Jk',ar d1 t, tJ t ., I 'P� r j ,F r , .1 ,IL bj�' 7( - r 4 , � L 1 '.� A e - J k �'i t r � k . C.y r Y, , l ' y ,. 4 y 4f} r �l.'y f g 1 ,-? r! '. f . 1 p'11". S,, I� 4 , ,, 1 1 „' K, if .,.,u R r y n ed { / frll ♦ f l + ( ,1 y.� F� M`y,II e, J "^ ,17r rl Y '.J + J + It y r +7 J I' f 'Iy a d . -r l ' I l”tk W t '':,R r )I , i t r l r b�` I R J S ' ' t I I '-„ 4 ... r �4 t /i' h ',� { Jti }, I, .I t r ', r .! ,' , P � ' 4 t. r - aI 1, ..J Y �:. , _ 'J. ItF' rt h I , 4 e,` ' ,. t tr 11.•. , t L , J �1} ,��,yY! , t ar_, Iy� , � ,;9 ,! pp � r Jlt�f tl r� , w' ri 4 Jar yr ' " 7 i , t r tJ . '( r , �; i. ,, ^ °r '9 SI' g C kt . L x '. 7 1 E p v r { Jy t , 1 'i T tYr ''t t df d , l Ir I 41'=� i I «I I. , - '{ r � c � r, , d t,,} Lr } 1., t , �.^ )) '. J 'I t , u L r -' k f c 1' :-'I , 61 , r,: 4ti�( r F P r k : , { r' J a i Y > 1 I,t t yyy t ' r � v r r. '{�4r 'rC , . �1 1tL Fj l �� I, t 'IjJ II rj J ! r a{ t.1 + ;� h .�5 y 4 ,J ' r xe -' 'r ' " iN :' k> „ �'�' k,�n Xf y �rIt n¢�1 ",�I r L "� w'S , J vl 1 '" r ,I , 1 . : , ,j. ,p' J;;; r '',rt fd,h .r,4L S 4�„1"�. , ! - r4r.I^ " dt? t , i f , ' tIII 'GJI+ h.;• .Yr.'rf .`'e` '. . , L' - ,,t, I} s :k- L, {, 'y.,'r" ie1'1 �r y n'F! } J 'et r , s r' ' T i , r 1 � C y411 air �': , J , r f ,4 i J rr, FI4 III 'Ik A14 r �I { y Ny� ry, ,, ,,r t v 1 4 , I l y , '7 r_, 1 r r S ,�'t�' 1 , f i' h , " { ''., . , r,i �, �' tl t y a r y }, ' L, J } , , l , k r. (. j 'y ,1{,� �I r ,4 t A,i V. J i ! 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( Ai t I k. i v I h'' L 4. ��k ly Rr! yl' l V 'r l a } ' 11 r S r 1 4 G 1 . ' , '1 r M t J �, 1 t �'I I. . i f tt:. v / , r v !' 3 'I w.V r 1 3 t I r , 7' i , t : f y r. +3 Gj'I�6d "1 ltfp•t ,1 rk,/1� ,�...� ti ' , , ( ,,i ♦ -' ' 1. I. t '�I y+ �'' , I, { ,� Je .� Fs: .III. � 4p)t", 4 + 4� rkra rr 0 r p t ) t 1 ! r r d�,r I`(4 > +I a o w 11 j ,l3 w 'M.� 1 i,� f 5I f Y9 J , t. d ' , ', , t' I` , J, ! "� t ' i,4v�i, 3.�`� t . ) ,Y '� 4 , ,R` k � {' , 1�' t ' �' ' (y r c i r4k ( /, r. , II ' 9 It �,�4 `' RqI� IJ\5 a ryvi ', t yf..� i 11� l .4 I,, err ' , r .i; 7 , I 1. A '` , ' ',t�c, 1:1 .. 1 ' I. fl 4 11 J# „' �,�I r l,, 1'y , J.,? � Y ,11Y., ��f f' ,4 „t,t 4r ItI ” I, Ir � .If 1 dI r �.. � .✓ , Y' I,�ty + d ,R.b ( r r �,;,Q ti , V , : f , ,'� r { fr r.t i / ie%` �� kI{ 4y� y�i � ! a r1 , 1i ' rt , J � t ,Lt 1 �, J L 1 !`l'ra t ( y k.. ' a 'r. M l { J �. r , r w ' rr It g { ( pp r t Y t , S l xI w S 'J �y v i al dI ( ' S 1 1 'F r1 1 i a i'. e {4.( t! ",�-r4X('a' � C {, 7�4 ,� v r V Y, M ' I ( , v kfRJ , �1 J�Ii , �L r, ,r {: 11 atyt~ y y>t'� +, h �,, s 1 '' s.e r�f� 1 1 .`Ii , ,L � 'i,4 ( .t ,Ml r' D , J'. ( �Iw .,, , it t '"y Oty �, i{I.'} J r t R1t 4 :, S y{,. ( ( `.' t .; 't , , V �:F ty r r l t r r , t 4 I k, y y k f SC , r V'' f i I, T� f .^t I `t . yr 1 ! f P1 i '�' L '�1 i:'rr ,!� , r ' 4 (.' ?+ c y J }A�t '.' "1 i,��.rii''1n ter II ,'�;i y ;r f t'�4 + ^L J . "', -� it 0" o.i ,ir, p l w' .'; 4,, J y. .�' ,5 , .. (F ..�, 4I. a' >•:,'""' , ' a . '1'1;a� rr a. � Ii , G ,WC>y t . , t4 ,:�, { v '' , t .11 � t 1 , s�ppy r,� h .� y w ,.. t r L:.4 I %t� 1 „ h'. ° �}.. L 5 , r t :,I: '{ti �utt l , + J I rM, •, l t is r b l t k g r +y kA 4 , ! J Y S .'.�1. k r ' ,4, It C' d'"L 4 i'. �k r' �y�,J' IYUr: Yt r 3 �r .1 ,. ', kw�,4 f ; y y v 'baP ,,;.. rIlf�� i �ll , , ' nA '.yy.` t >,: Y y "t t.+ �. v �{ i l -v" Y i I w a ;^i " ?r' .P� � { F �,C ;lr ���i ''GI Y" p S '1M �' E 0pVy h'yrlWr � w.h k .' t .1 } , i 4� f` 4 F`' F Crdi - ' zac rioii tt.o Hearirig to pe 8 3ed cy, ' ,.. City aolmalAesion ]sin ORDIN,XOT' OF ThEr, CITY CMIUSBIOIJ 02 THE CITY OF IEVION , TF'XAB, CLOSING A H7011IC3 01VFN TO PROITIRTY UVP1%YRS ON PECAN STf?�'TT , IN TRY CITY OF MNTO111 TEXAS. M IT ORDAINED BY TV-. CITY 0Oh11ISSIOV OF THIS CITY OF D, NTON: That , 'enereae, heretofore , by resolution duly peaces, the City Commission of the City of Dentor:+ ordered the improvement by paving, excavating , grading, filling, constructive concrete curbs and gutters , etc . , i•.nd otherwise improving the following street , to wit : PRCAN STMV frorx the west line of Ash Street to the east line of Cedar Street ; andr NHFFU�,AS, Apecifioations were duly adopted, bide accepted after due advertisement, p.nd contract awarded to Jagoe Conetruotion 'Com pany, for the improvement of said street, and contract executed and bond furnished by said Jagoe Construotion Coripa,ny, so provided by the terms of said resolution; and, WHEREAS the City Commission duly approved said contract and bond, and dAtermired by ordinance to levy said asseosment against certain abutting property and thi owners thoreoi for their pro-rata Of the cost of ire rovingg said' portion� of said etr'aet � ,, as provided by the terms bf Title 22, Chapter 11 , Revised Statutes of Ukae of , 1911 , now Chapter 9, Title 281 Revised Statutes of Texas of 19250 and the Charter and Ordinpnoee of the City of Denton; and, ' R REAR, said property owners were duly notified in aocordanoe ' with the terms of Title 22, Chapter 17., Revised btati%tes of Texas of 1911, now- Title 28, Chapter 9, Revised fitatutee + of Texas of 19251 qnd „,the." Charter and Ordinances of the City o)' Denton, and in accordance ' with said ordinances, both by notices duly published in �� P��� .� Chr.or �e /e and by registered letter containing s rio� oe ' to appear befozS the city 0ommipsion at a hearing get ' by said city! Commission on the, ; day of�„w,ryy , 192$ at 7 : ,30 of olook PJ461' in the -City Hall' n tYP City of L.nton and there mako protest Arid obj abtion ` to " suoh iiaproVement or the coal of the eafae, or any other objection that may appear to said property owners ; ond, ` WHVREAB; the aadnte; attorneys dnd repr6ebiitatf.Vea' of said pros :�+ ? ' G I p6tty bwnokt) and any person or ' petsonb interested in said irwprove m mghts were, 'also` duly notified to appear at said titre and place for the , rpaking of said objections or remonstranoes or protests of any +jpKr,Rp!A8, said heariO* was duly had ' at said time and plaob px,d fJ►ii opportunity givbfi to the roporty ownnre, their agentb, p�tor« • nays ,tend 'xoprsgbntatii►ee and al pereorlb ,interested in said improve« imbntgi to 't'aake protects remonstrances or ' bbj eotions, aa,. provided b ,'the tetras of 0 tle 2 ' 'Chaptok ' ll, • Revised Statutes 6f Takao of 1 11 ' ttew Title 28; Chaptgr ,9, - Revieod 8tat�tee 4f T,dxab of 1925, and t e dhp,rt6r and Ordinonans of the, City of Heaton ; and, at` said hbaring said prop$ilty owners, their aCe'ntA, attarlieyb, or ftprdsotativ6s grid all ihterested pntoons who desired to "iiib 'Iiroteste or ftlrronstrandaa did f11 % baid proteets : end remon•. etrah6pe ; "a dr ti+l erAea . iaid property 6wt,6r%s . their ugeCttb shortie,e k6pri§mAtAtMa drtd interested. irar£ibb who desired, tb Piave a �2r hads'in�' a�n 'void protects and remonetrkhib a were givers ,a full. and faSr`hsaringj and, ' f � f ' , rt .'4i ♦ ' + G. }llppi.M.1.�(.e'21vTV129.Yft • �� '. i l pis "IVTRFAS, al), errors and mistakes that were called to the atten- tion of the City Corcmission were rectified -rnd corrected ; and, whnreop the ^ity Corrmiosion is of the opinion that all such pro= tests and remonstrances to filed and heard are without raerit and should be overruled; and, va7rjt .AS' said City Commission after duly considering; the bone fits that such property owners and their property receive from the making of said irnprovrr.ents is of the opinion that said anneeements heretofore drterrained to be levied are fair and equitable and rp- present the benefitz that said property received in enhanced value from the making of said improvements , and that said assessment should be made as heretofore determined: Therefore, Br,, Ix OR DALMD BY THT7 CITY COU118SI0A 07 THE CITY OF ITMUON ; That the hearing heretofore held on the �da.y of�����',,��vIc , 19�, be and the cone is declared finally cl(_) , and th;t�il protests,, remonctranoes and objections filed at said hearing to the making of said improvemrnte be and the same are hereby overru? ml. PA93"'M A1*D APFIROV"n, this t dvy of %r ,,�-� 1927, 1 Attebt Oity Eeoretary rua o the Con+m1iii0n, 1 M 15y tk , , 0 r 1.�'� r°,� {:. ..lu �rp SAP 1 t 1 .. -..'M.n.>., r`' _. . r_, ., r,a =Y::.� , .r.6.X„✓Yu' r' it; - . . . :✓.i.!�� ��� f i { 5 � f ?1 � tiiry � ✓ � "r i '- . �A, tr9 �,. *v� t °f��! Rld �, Ll ' rle s F yl v Ian , r. „l 1 �, i.U7• 1 {S1 �Y r�,r r r e ✓, `,� t. a Y r � 41 d ' wrH�4 ��� • r ra AI � d Jl 3 r 1 I ' I 1 ✓ 1� ' / ��* 11i �fi ✓^ 1�r i r 1. a Zf.r w� I r .,1. y, tr'.'a , r• . r. 1, `r {.L rt it 1 'Ni 1 � Jk l 1 >Y I✓ tl f r 1 J 1 r � r :II .� ' F r 4 1 �Y � :1 �I I �� 1' i 1 ,y{y,,,, ✓� �' f G ` . v 1''./ 1 ^, 1 �...1 ' .a ;v, , i I • 7 , y., 1 <, i � � 1 � 11 r i a r � ✓ t .pt �,t y re � ''t � � { J CIA\� i \ tf id ✓, + J'n A I S'. �'r `l n r 1 ( i rz 1 � r7. v4 i �y-�L rr�fY 1 ' d iv f t r tll ' 1 r r �:,� i�>! li,� �� SJ' I,{• { rn4�Y :Ati� , r rl r ` K i;'.. r � J.Y .� yl d Se 'I ?t r rCi 'R. 14v tr a 4C k14 d f �a {y J 4 r - 1 1. i � l � : � �i an✓ a I�r 4 r tii� Y o v �l Jf r �: Y .I . t L ✓ a r t w > : + !{ J , r :i + t i,4,;' �il�l� �✓ k 1111�' i ! ' 1Y ri s I C� 1 v r I ! ,ati LM 41, . _ ✓ tirS. "91�I N t r � � P � 1 + .' T rrt N t✓� ' ' a t I i ' � , '.V ys t � � Y 1 1 L rd04 ♦ui�' ' ff:.a i' i + � 4 , � r'Li { � L f e .ti i'1 61�le � +�t �� {� w $�'�fi 1 Lek F d�._ � 1' '� E e B i ,'a' tl � t r ' ' '✓ �i{ V � ,. 1J �f1� t r r �v � � di art tl. y 1 ✓ a 1 ., I a �' 4 i P Fe }1 + i { ( ' y �(<rl { �.il 1 4 i 'y y r u �' ✓ v,: 1 i t � v ,i a j { µ r Belk t1I!' LFY4 + v 1LI r i F Y r �..'!.{I �` .{: ! ` i fi t�'.+ ry Y} r �. 1 L H; :y k a r ✓ f .�.� tic. }' I ' 1. - '�` v�, !, rF� r°e st , ,� !} t 1 i,. ,° 1 1P 1 1 qv e : ra ✓ I ''rM " A° � '; yiy .�SSuK ti �ti s �y J�`91 j Y Y I a'' , v tl}✓; it I Y ', a Y r It k v vv�I }i t w 4 x a 'I i 1 �1 i1 J fib v r ,f ✓ ✓ '� (, '{l✓ k �y�w �1 ter t+l� {{r f I. r 17{r IX} �>'�tl� ✓f,./ r i`tl .h. P ^ +r,y y� r� 'v t�l, ._+ 1 i I ��4 7 S, �: W �. Y � ir"'. 1 L. - . OL ,1'J� }' S4 1 r ✓ i r4,r iVa 'y{'� 5� ' ��1 �,yy►►'F i J r r: sy�'. S � '� e G r .{ { 4 lli i1 r. i v C r � ✓1 t � iy1 ✓',�Jr,('��gra4'�wti, i0.i��d�lt3 .y �� ✓ .h 1l b��.. i nv Ati a •�,iF ra• Y '� f r�rr r r1, 1{Ilk J1� f. } '�✓ )III Ir or '.t r i 51 d' �. r j �tl11 i.rl y y�;i 4r Y r P 1 1y y+ ✓ � r "N ! {J }i ✓ l"Y � ,.y�t 1� Y n t 11 V; l i e F, t Ail 1I ✓ r r v i'JV ! A� rJ! p 8 rY r 1 eGY i P ,jtl 1 tl 1 ti' Y, 4 1�� ,� n tit: , ., � bbl 1. II y r ♦ , .t 1 r, H . v� a i i' 1 s ! P 7 4 .�y fd � 'gtti v�P,�f,� '°' � i'�' �r I } J v ti � ld(.tl � ti e _�il l � `; 5 n Y + *' . 6 r�) ! 1 •; Vn w I . �� }, 1 Gv P� �.P � .' H iy'N I r^ t J r r ,J_ ✓ t 4 '� � 1l, sir i) 1 Tr[ �✓in � r� � i , � M 1 {Vr �;' I � a � ti, i f r ,'rtA 1 f +J', (, V. ' x i `41 � � 1�� + r I � 4{ a tr 1 i! + r t � �i r� 1 ✓ ro 1, ��J a � � O f ✓ 'r, P \1' 7 4. 1 (w + r � F J jr r'k i i i t 1 '•rl` Y y r �� A r.'g r ( 1 va#ry r1 } f ay + r �n Ir ! !i i f 1 r nQ i i ry �V� { l P✓ a N ' f �,T��.f�l �IYn�• li r i:`. ��G�P/fire'"i�P wed {{ '�t�1� ivR•V'iF:�Y; �° �V �I�y11 � 7 � � �,f7Ji�''n ��i �I�� t� " e,1, r X111 �' �✓ 4i r; �a i�}, r1 I ,;` I I,�,�h�' r of ,.�ov rY �b.��bl a F P yf�� {rli �:. �,Lil'�YYtii�. o�91 " 4tl �rpp1�T i' P ✓� l .� ✓ ���..: 4r, 'v �(;' a lx '�;1 ��a rfl.S P�f rr re�w;541L �� .J� '. e� rrf 4r } J .y 1P.d1 }�. ' r• lUw L'j i '' !'1"� °�'ty ti 1✓ t �">I� r��" {'`, A .7 \,i dlty `,,? C Z )1 p M,u�1'�p 4Ira fi aS7 ( +r �,tiir h A4,,t� _yOF�1�� r T� 1`',h � t'_dtl v ��'�+ 1. �� �4����Y ' ap�71�3s �i h '.I'� 1 ,r� .I a 1 1 ., r J .�,r�'Sr.. {d ✓� Ji ear '. r ISd J•i1a 1'Y �k' f �'�' r � Ir 97, :�}{✓J"r `P.4'E�I 5,}� ,r i�'_wr 1 J . k � '{,R'.. I 74 .^ rE, _{�,'d'. �r k1_•ld�oky �r 4.,' �n.r �+�fav 1:, � r r 1 ��� f t ,��� If I' 't ✓ tlj w p c� a i� yIr. � .e. T� ! ` y f t• 1. . t 1inYC d e }yy�t ':4 � P1- !it 7;� pl.ti 4 :1 �� _ fyrlk �''^ � xJ{' VEfJ �v1aJ �{� vi'�4,' al "� rJl ✓ „'1 ! � Xf{ tr�• pp C4 N . r h e 1 .�'.� `a its s a L , 3 r e i._ .rJ c•a r . v g ORDIN,VW T, OF TIME CITY CO IISSi0Ii 0? THE CITY OF DF1;TO11$TEXAS, DEVR- VINVIG ThT 1-7OrSS1TY F'CR L"LVY11'G Ali ASM'30 IT AGAII'M CURTAIN PRO PFRTY AND Thl', O. i^r.RS "P1Y1TOF Olt' PECAN STA IT, IN THY CITY OF IENTOA, FOR A PART OF TIM COST OF Id1PROVII';G SAID ST'REST , AND FIXING A TI2V FOR A HRARING OF Slit' OWRNRS OR AGENTS OF SAID CATCiFRS OF SAID YROPEVY OR OF ARIY P:WONS INTr,HS'.STrD' III SAID IISPROVFi,VNTS, AS FROVILED BY CHAPTER 7.1 TITLE V2, REVISED STATUTES OF T7,.XAS OF 1911, NOW OHAPTVM 9 , TITLE: 2$ , REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS, OF 1925, AND TM CHARTRR AW),, .`dRDINANCPS OF THn CITY OF IVNT0:1', AND DIRECTING TiV CITY SECRETARY TO GIV?' NOTICr OF LAID HFARLIG ,t2ID *�IXAISi.IING .tND APPROV11,;G THr, CJTATF,1 1IT OR KOPORT OF TIC,' CITY 11' 'GS�'WF,b'R. V IT ORDAINED BY TH''. CITY CO'LaSSIO1' OF TIM 01TY OF DIITON ; That, whereae, the City Commission of the City of Denton has heretofore by resolution duly passed and approved ordered the improvement of certain streets in the City of Denton, which was ,P7OAN STRI7;T from the west line of Ash Street to the ee.st line of - Cedar Street , pavement to be one and one-half inches of AsphaZ.tic Con- orete on a five-inch reinforced r.;norete base ; and Tqy,: REA8, plans and specifications for the improvement bf said street vivre duly prepared and approved as required by the Chartor and Ordininces " of the City of Denton and the Statutes of the State of Texas; and, ~ianrkg, is required by said Charter, Ordinances and Statutes, after due advertisemF;nt and ' bide for said work of improvement gore made, said work of °11,iproVement was . let - to Ja,906 COMf truotion Company to im- proYe''with a one and one�hnif (1*" ) in �ch Asphaltic Concrete vrearing ` sur rasa on a five ( 50) inch concrete base, curb and gutters, and necessary work in connection therewith, as provided by said plans and speoifiba- tione ; 1tod { wHVRfts9 a *ritten contract wee duly entered into by and between the,"City of Denton and Jagoe Construction Company for the oortstruotion of said improvements ; and, WHFRP-AS, an assessment was duly levied ' to cbver the proportionate pdrt ',1i;' the ' obst ohargbablb against - abutting pr6yetty Monett , b$ said . t�l ;=andx w2i reae , ' the' property own Ard �hersit5after naiaed .'and '..the bpiope ty hereitiaft'er deanribed were ' thr"outli ' erroir. and mistake .Omitted lrBtr`' Maid` d ss�sihont brdinAA0o ; and, 'c�he>+4as; said wdrk' Cf inprbtiemar,t Was. duly . aprsetrddted *ithbut the disoadery 'of the' failure t6 jbvy, an esgeeomerit ase{i,6it the "owner , arid• thb Property hereiriaftbr nvAed"- and, described; r Fend " whereas, ` sa nt id isiprOv6uee i0ore constr.!cteA in full dom- pliarioe with tie contract and speoifioatione therefor, and were duly aooepted by the City of Denton ' on the 27th day bfL eeptember, 1927 ; and, ; whe_rejt, it it neceseary - to levy an assessment for the pro-rata of the c`det ;of Leaking' said improv# entb chargeable tgainbt the owe:ire and the .;p ibedi Novi, therefor , t' At'ties hereinafter named and decor Bt . IT OADAINED BY TPW CITY 00,1211881ON OF THE CITY OF IENTON : FA , " g Y the report or 'etaterneiit of the City langinoer filed with the Oit Como mission; desokibing the abutting ,ptoperty aril iving "the name of pro" pe 't`y 'o ne :' asd. nutrbbr of fk6n't: teet ind' the 666t of ' inipi+ovis t chnrYe+ , �tbYe'"ag4inet' a"aoh'abutting property and its bkner;° having been duiy' ex. attis>tpd. ' le 'hetbbj► appi'oved ; Thdt the "OXty L COIAMi leion doeo. hereby, dater- dbsd{eb "thA tdtil bos� 'ot' 'dd0e' 'told two=thirds . of, the total Bost' ; b , the retao i"rider ofd d`'imptdireme`ri , a�ainst • the ' offers`:.of the Oro" 'xbU t'ih`f tii ,bn� hArbitld`fter 1K"d, �d agaihbt ith4 property einaftbrdbsoii sQ3 't' `'a doade 'v�ith thl� proisione ' of Chapter. 11, xM6-, 22 PiVLO4-':gtitute� t dxaa oil ; 9li ,` nos a id�ter 9 . title 28; Rit 16cd tatutes" t Name of 1925, grid the. Charter and ©rd�.nanaAb of the r � . .fir. Ar '� 1 d 1 City of Denton . That the said assess;:sent shall be made after the notice to such property ovrners and. all interested persons , .rd the hearing herein mentioned, an,3 that the sHid portion of the, said cost of improvements to be assessed egainst each property owners and their property shall be in accordance with the Front boot Rule or plats, in the proportion that the frontage of said property bears to the frontage of the whole pro- petty on said portion of said Pecan street, provided, that after such hearing', if such plan or apportionment be found to bb not just and equitable the city co;nrnission shall so apportion said cost as to produce o Exubstantic,l equality betronn such property owners and the remainder of the owners on said portion of said street, having in view the on- hanced value of that ro erty and the benefits derived from such improve- p p ment , and the burdenn imposed upon them by such assess,:.ent , and that in no event shall said assessment be in excess of the enhanced value of such property by reason of such improvement . That the proportionate cost of such improvement which is contemplated to be assessed against such owners and their properties shall become , due and payable as follows: One- fifth five days after the passage of the assossment ordinance by the City of Denton; one-fifth one year after September 27, 1927, the date of co4letion and acceptance of vaid cork; one-fifth two years after said, date� of acceptance ; one-fifth threw years after said date of acceptance ; and une-fifth four years after W.d date of ' aceeptance; together with interest from said date of aoceptance at the rate of eight per cent. ' per annum, payable annually, and reasonable attorney' s fees and all costs of collection in case of default, That the total proportionate part of such cost which is contemplated to be assessed agpinet said owhoib` and ' their properties and the na,te of the' owners' of Aaid 'property, kh6 the deeoriptibn of that property, which said sun does not and sha11 riot in any event exoeed two=thirds of the total coot of said improve zents 'e�xcept` burbs,` is as follows: PIICAN STF MIT. The Estate of W. 0 Wright, deceased, owner of Lots 1 and 2 ' Block 6, Original To',an plat, Frontage 120 feet , Amount assessed WMO. That a hearing shall be *given to said owners, their agents and ate toilneys and` any' pereon or persons interested in said improvements, be- #die. the City- Commission of the City of Denton as provided by the proms Kbi:sioz5'e at Chapter it Title 220 Revised Statues of Texas of 1911 , now Chapter' 9, Title 28,- Aevised'' Statutes of Texas of 1925, and the Charter ltd Ordinances ' of '.the City of Denton, which said hearing shall be had 011s the �;l�'.�'r day.'of o aor '•.,�, 1927,: At.. 3 �: o1 olock P fi, , in° the di,ty 3i�11 in the City o Denton, Texas, and W)iich said hearing shall be continued fib i day to day and from time to time, as 2ay`14 necessary to givd said prop6rty owners , their agents or p6tt6rnsys , and inte any rest ed pers6n or persons, a full and fair heari»q; 'ld said owners, their ag'ents `6r 'attornoyb, and interested person t. Atoone shall have the right ;to appear and be heard in any manner ooscorning the said improvs- ri: ltb ot'' said' asseseri9nt or the benefits thereof to their Said property, or ' to` any 'other matter or think in obnneotion therewith, or to contest said aesessmdnt, and at such hearings a full and fair opportunity shall be extended' to eaid property owners, their agents or attorneys, and to ail interested persons, to be heard Kith iespeot to such improvements, That ;attbv thk A6nolueion ` ' of the hbpring •above ,ntrio t iiosne ed� suoh sum O 6 City C 6 t paya�ie 'by ? s`t •, �ssid ', iC. e�ty ovtne s ; bhall se as�gsb6 04ifthet', thew►; :and aaai'det . their ,�F� . � J � OpaM" ���'�"r�in, ae i� the ': �1ei pi'eAb'ribe�`by the •prov�eioa'►a bf . :'i r C,, apte • it ' $��lr Z;' 6 e6d atattit6e 6t,;Ukti"Of , 1911, ii6W Ohapter' g, tatuteI `;!' exis,' of °1925, 'and the 'Chart 6"r aft'd Ordi" nindba` of thb''`dity ,bf DbiltdN , f F F(` ' + [F WSJ .t Y I V J , r That the City Seorotary of the City of Denton is hereby directed t^ give notice to said property owners , their agents or attorneys, and to all interested persons of said hearing, as prescribed by the provisions of Chs,pter 110 Title 22 Revised Statutes of 2exao of 1911t now Chapter 9, Title 28, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1925, said notice Chwrter and ordinances of the City of Denton, . . three times in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Denton, the firot of said puylioations to be made at least ten days before the date set for said hearing. Said City Secretary may also mail a copy of said notice by registered letter to said property owners, if known, or their agents or attorneys if known, said letters to be deposited in the post office in the City of Denton before the date act for the hearing. }Iowever, said notice by registered letter shall be cumulative only, and notice by publication eball be full , due and proper notice of said hear" ing , it shall not be necessary to the validity of said notice of hear ing to name said property oviner, and e factathallsuch prinenoyaowner af- or owners are incorrectly nomed or, nor the per- fect the validity of the assessnent against said property, sonal liability against the real and true owner or owners of said pre- perty. No errors or omissions in the description of said property - shall in any vrise invalidate said assessiaont but it shall be the dt:ty of such property owner or owners whose property is incorrectly described to furnish a proper description at the hearing or hearings provided for• fu Error or "oatiesion of any character in the proceedings shall inval� idate said aesessment or any certificate issued in evidence thereof. 'ghat this ordinance Shall take effect and be in force front and after its passage• Cr 19276 pASSFD AND APPROVED, this 'l' ; day of .Y_ "Yor. 9 o � . irri o e o esion. Atte'dt j4r ty Seor'e�`siry. 9 r 5 1 1M1 A. f f ~ 4 t l' jr d.: 1 _ r rwl 't �,)` x z a �" 7x"'"��=�'r�3 , M1L?��'i',, E:1�,js•i�.a��`.yYJ+irilllad,'�' 1Cl'3YA, '`7M• « yyI of h w:;� x a �. as fir, A,� h s ' ,` �'�/tb5.a4i;.," r 3`�Y t< t 7 •v r. Y' r r i -- 1 r"R � + k� 5 fy ��'� :Y s. r.• rxp. rSr�n Iaa off; 14, ♦ i�� rrR;Y ° Ir, lr Y,.x ° ' �Ev� � s t Y � .P t tl � � r 1 rr..•i r i t 1 r d r ♦e A r'S 1 Y a •• f E I + ♦ rF I Y r +• 1 r C d r A � r 11 ) �`Jt ^l vT s ♦ } 't r x. r r f .y: re •{.�r w F , r 1 •A >, dA Ces� ie �r�.1 F ti r yrr�♦ v., ✓ nlc'� i -0 ,'ti Y " a r �% r� 1 1 f r• s :r - s " Rfr ter qr rf tt3.'^f Y M'1' L Y�i•1 @ �� rb. { t r 1 1' ri + vq.F i r r 'r s• 1 Y 1 r J. r/x 7 �x to Ij *"• Y T y f i r � a r r 1�! Y'y ��3 � 'i i b!� ,i FYI + 1 - 1:. S 7Y ' st �,: 4 • 'iT dF,ra � - v �`iY �1, ) �' ' 1�' S�} e R �hr 'a 'y r . 1 .'�• r Y r L �491'� 7\x C 1 � n r� r Y � ', • r r r.,+ , r r r { '� d• � q ry, yr����'���e r� tf r�l � f �" o� �� sp � � ` r t �� a � ° 1 �,{ i �h r lr t '. r :� ' Y �,� ♦ r � : r<� � r .n .�5: c �+ e fI v'e1 /Y Frc r1" s e f � >t I icy �" '� c rl��i � Y.♦��r� ■h p:� NCR 1a e �+ , aYf rtrr , e d' , ' �*�:- S, R Kr dt ffF � � . .� `cL }� � f-.e ;.>Yr� 1 <='`' fir " �'.'r �♦P F'_ AAr� f Ir s F off'' a i t r a 4 'r h a r 1 71 r i .e v v ! s 1e1 t tt ,r r i r e�r 'a nr'v'�Y L Z�� � I ti r ��rf k� ��. !�� ) r t 1 . 5 P P' ��6" �' r r 'i�� v Q, r�+ I�r rti� '.�[f T .L)' y �. efl � •' a �� A y a'n r ",♦t ay �.y L♦'r fY Y� F�' i f 4..'" s 1 � Ax1i +e r[ is t ' rjrrl Gf`r t y '41 Y 1 wi r � >,�I 4� P {'♦ e i� '�3 rte .- u y"r .t'• °i '�� r '. �� Y' � { r � e ��� � ` ' r r l Pf,�, ��6 .�f I Y l { ♦ �V 4 ! it r l� 1 fS��F il . + ' ., 7 1 k .� r a k w "Y w '' (e ' lAj• I ' f { ) 2 ^�� e i d �"{ In,i , + Vt .lt ♦Y y: r 1 al 1 S d a Y l L rr r I �rw V° F J 'Ir +�i,�S' f P r ��" i U l ".,i' r y v^,o y, r " r � •r r r ' � � :M � e ::YY 1 Afr � r S r• jl �� r1 6 l 7Y ' � � ChM Irar 11 � � e. ✓f �.�. � tr �r )! r n �� If x� +r"t'�,1, �, ,IvF � ,. ! v`4 ' � .f ,� r (l', A r �, I 1 i' .Y rY+ 11 • )C '1., �!i Y � r S 1 r. er li YX 1 r° I f' ',li.: S 1 �+ '•"�Ti 1� �d r 561 ��S• k �i [ I P . �ti � 1 '.. Y �i I� :`� e r � rr k { v � r r � � z ) rlr r'npr)��ylry n, I'e' +(�� y {,n rr .i iT` ''�[ ( ;1 Y � - S �: xfd•„ ' V r.; a v � 1. rt 1 1 � '.r (1j�", ly YPt I�Fr. '�!' efiln�i� `, a ,S.l 1� r � .ur. � ,� x. 1 • yn i "r 1 r �. r L� l9 tf r �� � v 1r 1 '1 � �� r�i�lpy �p 5 r at 1�' ♦1•. r 1 ' 1 ,� �'.��r r a � � SH 1 r c i " r eS�N 7 i i J l �• + 1 N rr+� �r r�" 1 r ( ]'r VIRAL ESTIMATES A811 SMUT P,30AH STHMT fL�SCx,N�x E�X':iBiST ' mlckn AVXM • r l f• okt � ��i;r%+� _ o-4, r �T - . � f 4..u' +�^ {r I$�,oC. ',e' v 't'r .L s S 11�'� Jif. fl.A e,ny'.,wy /y.� •.�l:..r,l��v ' �, K3}�, ve,�♦"y. } p.� 17Y e..h N 1 WX y..eM.W=9 01tyfs arodit got Olty Ash* 7490#73 {i.M903 2263.10 1430*06 00006 i Noun$ 7001r64 '4931sO 0214131 ` 1374160 Cedars 0613+20 6611040 240440 16021X.0 t399a6$"' R 110iS.lOMy:"XR8.3tt S) 1 RO$ - 760.334 700*44 ._ 1►oblls ,$ �, A ...: +fit 61'1, N} i, Totali ; . f 6 Sr � ♦ � to r� bt 01tyto pot 10" on Leh $trook.•+APO si,•. •�• rw• . +• . 6ib.08' 6 ,0 ty+a Portion ob Pnobn StrabU4tI)s40s* *+1 ,41r:'osws• s 769+ ♦t�1�� ftot on,'On War Otl"a strsr *•• ii�lrr+.as 89Si+ Al C t jQ � 31 �i 4Yr O �ks`�'s'i.Ys'le's'i 0,0,41/' . �6 41 i �u"'S� ,I * t C l� Ro o�1 vrr pq tit fi `i"*n +i` �°«•+r. iir�rilr� + n3o +oa0 C+# �13laA�/ :�+.t!'ii�r•� � i3s11r.1 •••4+1 9'J� 14 W �' •'Cl � �� �- ♦:��*i "w•'��►�r�'•�i"��. i '�`i i�r r r+r�r�r r �'� �° • ` . el,` s.�.�. r Nli►lXr� dWt' '•��� 1:+1t► wn� •s+as.*;• .r� .s�rr•.it.•• s�. r• � �1►7 '1b tMlf MkuL131 t duo by 01ty s'� y e &•�1� � y�i �1� "'+ F• r. [ C 4 w I. e f � .1 Q :. �4 s a , � 1 l M ... 5' l t i I I ,bm R�3I3 ux:v�Y' . 246200 tiq Yde Puvement. r . rr . : . r . a . 1b. . • . . . . . • . . . . . . k93.31 3693a0 ibs . . . . . . . . . • . a 0 1.05. . . . • . . . . . , . . . r 144,6$ 4480 `Lin Not Curb at ieturna• a 0«70. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ; 30:94 208440 CU Yda Rxoavation. . . . . . . . tl 0.60. ► . . . ... . . . . . • . 12 Cost SX61USive of `Proper y Owners ► 70G.urr.b. u. .. .. . . . • . . . . . . . . . • y ULM ( Q 7Pro�rt Y Owners curb:; 1044. 9 Total Cost to City and Property uWY1or9. r . • . • . . . . . . rr . . . 1490473 �_,. vPr t!YfltXFt,�9 S' 'Il"{'JTdEi' , property ownsi6 2/h Ot 67006. 30.'6 .'4611'+ 4'►'« 4500090 No of Propertyy Owners front feet. . . . . . . , 1169#38 1�i ,'Oa !fete psi':. 'root toot",For J%u.ving 5. -V 34887 � r, • r' � . � � 11696 38 " 0c, to per 'front foot for curb. a . . .. . . . : . . r all 7 Oity Portion. .. 113 of 8769. 30« .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . r ► ► . • 92834.10 ,xe��' 'clredi 1+ 'to flity..f0r.� �td�rl�►ls r ," , � « � I � , ti % � `� �'.t� 'Tl itttIIAWte4'' Lnd I bolr pert'orm*60. -zoos« `LbY0fe4� s�^tilfi •` ► « .C! «nI ► ►�r 5• a 4.6 i 0 «,, 04;¢6 `�Y�Gf';� t .�'''�fd�QtWCflll�ti0b«°►'�i�� .6��a .:. r.. r r'�� 0.rj°.ey- 'y t.. ' Da►lance duo on City's 4 0 404 Lei •di� 4 ' vi t 1A % ',14 F4 '1' `' ^` 'ir; fir '0i ty �'Vlr'> Moot` �t�igB, asWeea1, o.n fah.; `: /� «� 7► ► • • ► r . r . • a 486 07 .�" �5►'K •3 C�'f V 1tta j1 d`r'y i' i 4" V. ' 1. .1 t w t M + e h yy "L Yot4: `dub by af,ly on tt{ t 83`rOatl, . .: . . . . i hint I,, A fir• A t�f O Y �i ^ A+ j yy w y `+� r9 * t1�v6a+y t? <, °"i4�= F. j, `I t �,.'i'S «tr frr"`�,,, �tn"i tf �r �..�wc �r rY�r"i`-r'.•I+ i , ,+ 4 I 227 ,7.J,,Q Yda 4vementt . .. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . • r 4 s 15• 3 ►�3k LQ8 Ct�e; • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . r . ► . . • . . . • 0,06► .� i .5 ° 170 $ . ' L�n,, Ft Curb at Returns• . . . . . . • . . . . • E 0. 70. r . ► tic 9; 3 'ZVIfPi� ,t�11;Yd6 . • X11 0.60• i4ii1 d� TolaY C000t, exoXusive of Ps a O► Cnrb. .. . . . l ti . . ► i • /rat P► • Oi C90 . s . . a . 0 11 . 4 • . s y / . . ► . . 4 ► . ► a . • • 1C' $0 r 1 0. t • 1 ' . , Total Ceat to C$tY and P: ; �. . . . . . • ► . . • • • . . . r . • . � • • � : . . . • • 7b$1. I rM�Y:. u4..4AM'{w'+�>wM�F�v_�,{e✓},rwx.,wr„1'W{ � ** ` : rip FI1OWNCHS SfitiMM I' ioa ' (2f3ro pW42693 ) ► 600001. . Y [ : 4 . . : ;#1+: l :• ► '4-08.42 !x froot toot for Paving. . . . ...`• . a•9#6 CI`1YOS STA'as?!ANT Ulty.tg •�rtiou ���'pf �6�42kg�. . . .. . . . .'. .•. �•. N •�.'s•.'t . 4�.'.•.'►?.�. . ���`�.�� '' 14 X11 Ito ma rie#a andi labor fuiN41th�dk �;� r tie I 34 �s5ls� 3 8]ar�, ObA •�1R • � r • . •• • rr � ••�+r�� 17(S� 1C�;;rt' ! ¢ � � Ott �. '� i . • • . • . �r . s s's s •+,��,Q„ Q j3Btlswoe titts on a -tyto 1/36 . 10 . . 4 ► 0 • . . ir ► ► I . r . s . .,.• . . ► 749001 luj►Sllrlp Qt{ia bri city t 14`r to i.voaso,negta. ►11' �•� 12Q� ' -61 5• • . . . ► • . rs • Nr ►• s ► r . • rs + . s ► sr . lril �rs� • M Post atri . . � . Aro vt dine' b on this OtrA{ ti • • . . s1 . .. . . . . .'• .• . #187�9 i 5E 1 f �til ri �� r � . r.. � r•S t ; t r � x ,��ti• °?j �nr, o���E��'�'}�,��3ry�: Fte'�"�`i . �.y4 .}k�ry.;�aF'; Tit«" .'i: �, - ;�'u.�w�5 'i�:i'� � : , - � CEfiA4t 81'Ry.Id2 2612A Sq Yde Mvemitt fd ?A.1�. . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06166 68• 3919.0 Zebu Uteel 0 Y, 056 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 4 4 0 0 0 r4 0 0 4 4 840 a 1 6 195095 100 Lin ft at returns 0 .70. . r . . . . . r . . . r . . . . . . r . 86669 21770 Cu X. .e W 'at Lon 0 r60. . . so , . . . . . . o * 6ass . rPsq'q'�.•'' ', 3 0 Total Coot exclueLve of P, 0, Curb. , , , . , , , , , rr • . , 7205040 < , sosawrb 1154 'y} I• .70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rrr , r -" 022o$g M' Total C ost to City tLnd 'I'. •0. . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0013020 fiyk „pr 00 Portion X2/3 0�' 7248. 46}.v. . . . r . . rt. , . .i.90 r + . rrr . r 46306.0 Ho, of Front t front' 'f6bt ?or paying r a * ourb v70 01TY'6 SII Cityle fortiori 0 9f.106s40►,:r; , r � er . � � . r . . rr � � . rr . �� . • 2401�.8� L406 Credit for �+Rt4�'1a14 'rn�l 1$bor furnished. 1�15�60 bA St $ }'. � . ,,. r . r. rr � ►r �r . . • ,•195�29 � '�; ' i kna 41 op. . ��p"��$ a �6�rr „ rr : rrrr : : rrr��� ti:.x : ¢{'t M�§ k' r is 5 Rctlt�h"de dtt8 do bity 4 '/ 3r . ► . . rr • . • rra . . . . . �'► r ♦, �, ,K tt � i"i�f6 .•. . . . . . . . . . . . :. • . . � '. . . . . . . . : . . rrr�� } .J. 1 1 iyS3$ To U4 d b y tqreetrrr . r . sr .. r � r . rrr � . r �"� s�" x" ��rr 10 , f I[ Kg�V er r "-� r f� !4� i • 7� _� r. ly , }iF «' �,��' Mg WOW u r err HHH �( ! PCX"5 AYB= 93504. Bqv Yda• 6 7.15 8�a (P . Yd+8, UO"Atton 0 .ba. • 34.80 3530 lbwade Rainiotoing " steel C� . KK � L I �dt�. I l� r r ..• y,il. Al OPOW`0' tRB 87c A'l�1Ci1 Nov ftono toot 19464 of 558• « • " . $ 372.9 p,,4.liat�l por !roan toot 1.916 pmts fjTA')WT ! C� �a p�t�,on '�/3 0� ��5��� +► .� ,► � 186X8, xead dreait iov utox poxto d aed ae►ls�i�a tnr d. `;' �u Y¢a. Rxoutntiop o .6o • 0 O6 M680 05 .,.. . W mat dua 41ty ,oa tbi� dtr�Ati e i 7j y ! t r r °'� ,i. !� f..yd"`'��,' v+'c'N "� �r 1k �,� ��� v [71Yili � ��'• _ � v��r�E 1rntC, � . � y lidth 22.4 f0oto Y. s, vbitlouk Statewnts l 216#3 SQ Ydgo . o . aoo , , a600 4$2085 we,tkit om At �(y 11 ♦ k y f,R, a� 04bt ��- IN 1'. $ �totsl„tarot nt due' by 01- tor this Otreet, o a -i • 760024 �Y J e ° � • I Y Y 1 , 1 SI Y I 1 f 1 Y �' m M1” ♦ i, . I:� .I}• � .rt '1 TI 1 I �• �1 � V ! V Y i ., r I � ! ��` f♦. n �� II t } �� ,�I � f 1 1 ? ° !. , 1 7�, (! rp � t 4V,} �r ��� 6 , + � � �ry •` k , �i F�' t > �a ♦ p. J l�k i � > Y � �, a � ol� � r � 1 ` I� { 1� t _v IL 3 Y,f• t T.��'` IJ.'r 1 d � � r lilt �b� Y r !:: r i . Y1 + '1 > ' v d y, .'Y, I �� ! 1 f. 1 fr s � f., rt t t� t v P � i s 1 7. e • i s v Y !� �" +fly � ! v•1�pp 1 a ij v, Yr ;r v� - r '�lj > ,tY ! "� ° ��� i. 1 , .♦1 �v� S [y�♦ r ' n > i i r; 11 r ` i, I v ! .. t r 1 yi A a +, 1� 7� l r vE. ,1♦ ' 1.A � � try kn ��.`t b �j � b,- j 'v �♦ 1.� � ! 77 7 ri 6/ Kw f yl 'i ryw '� h��"a +� .. ,ta :' , ��r _ � � : i; ! Yt� fr t •.e v i r �bTj"r '1� + �SY'F' r�Y�'•v,' ,•n 'J ip y NH` r 9♦ J i • l I Y , r + awk�9 It 1 CPtu.v.. ,yf 4 7 Yr�i�r ✓ l .v ! Y v 'LI r 1 �. ,J , r . 4 i I ^ �I � si ���,�'�IYr7L�T;. n,yrt �'� � Ef r�; h v ,.r �, yr vi f,: , v '1, I r e r },:� 1 +' S � � h 1 i �Nt ✓yyY'�-I. NI , I Lr�i ra�r• r aht r q,,, tG � .' ti w<11t 7 '� e C by 1} i r +� r �N' '� }.r .. ✓ �� Yry ,F�.�'�il� RsP S'ai� ! ';� [✓ A" �fy � n, �' r ! ♦ ;�l ' � 1t a } a a1. #in Y t , 5{ ✓r 11�Aa � CgS bl , 5 1 k Yom', v_ r it rlb r , .➢ a r ✓ '. p ", 't IN' f I f Y e 'd•h d i "N'.� r e IA y5 t 1, 4 r r '. l 1 •°-, r k.. S j' : ,� (:f , It 1� w3 '•� r $ , )w �� ,> i'r V :Z l t I l� 1 1 c 1 Y f ui I �;� '� e '.1. 1 � �rrf.,4i V� It + r 1 �'} ��1 IkV I J a J r �C` , l� � ei! ��,. ut{}• bAitv�i" I��r 'k I Jlr hY� +• f! t } .n a r ftil � �'; 1 �AV � tq 1r 4 "$ ;la' 4gT' ray 11 r7Y } r.;[-•fib ` I'V e� ;� r '1 . 5A' �5^ y��''Y n,! ��.�.�°t �r JJ�VrrS r :4 � X� 547v 1�.}.(; S1 f . .rr� yJ f S '� Ir 14�a4 ri'y n 11i. �'F. t•. f 1 r ., r `y�p��S�%}7 �Yy �'�M � l �� it Mr�l 2•q '` �f ,f , + i' , Y t:w I.J t ♦jY i s1r r I I '� a 1 .} v �f "'. r { � � ti I �� }� l �'yri B� l A V t'V�aa r+� / � W ♦ � 1 v i � Yf a r�.�rt ,� J ��•. y F , 1 •. 5'.,y� 5� R ,Y x , •, 'y 1 L r 'Ya v t' r �+ N yy�y�r J�/ y,, .c., �: k • >y�','{p.A� ILq,,(I•;' f`' '•l�}1 {4 ^�r I s �,�a. +1 � ^�r�� al a�J �dyr ��Y �.`q.�j'�yr�1 �.'6:I r� ��r12�h.N�'rt��" n"H ! y� ".{ yy '"J y.:' , O;V,: 4��i N M V5s '� q�`/ V .5.,1�gr11 �2�f L r,'-<�T VYYY ^YI V �'7 r ♦ # X81- .J t,% v 1,v, r a �I' .+ H 4 ! m i; , >' ♦. 1 >i, , q 4 rY � s 1� e x r t nity a M, W`q i :r ' ✓ h 4' V.. ,°, 1 a`L IPf 15• '...,r{\ .};,v � -''� ,Y �,� 1 to :: .! ' A. p a a9 I A �+, bM :F�1 f 'u. pl v..'.. n r. 1, try 'L :,.n �. ,� '� ! � °`V':xl �4A�. , V I �• n 'J :,T { to ,1p IF.1 { I Imo. A:. 1 r I � Ay i,:♦ 1 I w a:,♦ + r 1 .x!p llcJf�: � '�:�� } � ��, 'S a3.:' t , �� i J d 1� 135 k' �� 1�rV t ! � �. � � 51 t'. "'�b'��-21 , h A �1',il J n �,. � � S� ' 11.•: 1 �f i t h I, Y � it r f r✓.1 w' . . , ! 5'",L V r w .., 1 l '.. � 5 o f l 7 � !S n t r'� t�f J t !� " .t�.. 1�� �l'�,k'W,�.'aa '�r � t' 1 � ✓ �1. .�1 > � � 1 1�f 5 a r �+� , i1+., ,1 JY �1 t , , -� �7� �{L �� !' J ° rf Y�(<� � �, y qv, � 4 } + d+ a? f , ,.r dl �ji �., ra • Y'A }? rl!. i 4 r s�', }4 A •! � � :J 1 1 1 r ��,. A.�IX :,S q�i ,�2 r w.�,�l,+"�l 'i e. °t r V I r t4g1�` �, ( 1 y �I�' T, I' a!}`v�,F�a 1�f'� d f�. a� � r r � If f ✓ ¢�75 J I: r,ti r ' IAII I S °ir yti' tl Y. r w �.n 1 I i JYi � �l: J�I j Y �l. r�j �1�! �14+�• Y ad v �� � r 1: �1� w Sl e ! 1 'rl f 1 �� 'V I. y 1 eAs i' �a ��#y Y'�� , }�� il�•,hJ � I ,' i Y 1.- � J !. a 1r ..,el 9 r. a! 1 r , I F , hY � � ^�1 1 1} S•A'1 Ep f r ♦ 11� I t� � - : d' � C r h� 4 1��' 1 � 'I .;s lay a"lava :' vl��' � r �.' h rJ� � 5 �� � ' 11 . i:�. a �'. ,'.�� � " r 1.��,r� ✓ +�*K�' 1; �. s L�. 1..1, �e�! ly .� + � y i1 r l Y� n 1a a t / I l i a A 1 ..I f n �'I .v n k 3 l ��^ �n P r 1 }• r✓ r•GJ yiO , 11„� �,t'. oe r ;ar it /r �'r� a �. i 'I�y MIt J�i�4 ry, � f .,c r1 ail (11 r ' V }'` jr4 7r!'fl ,✓1�' 1 14f � I, xl•-'.. I ab' rr r .y }Y , f5 ♦• : r '1 I 'r � 0 r w Jr ; 5r Y:.r�� �I Y A ✓ ,� i AI� S'1{ I l '� .k� n .� �Fi✓�tl>bIFV itr7�l l : . Jll !'nI 1,4 J •rp IT 4 + rp1 t f p �• �, F A t�r1 {Y 1- f rY 4 t f� 1 A Al � � �.'� r rw 1 p}� 5 ✓ d r'+ Ja ,:�`1' L 1 ' r4�N M ItV.r ♦ �' , . fyi:v l 716J >z Y 1r M r�..�r1ar✓ . �.r (ff t 4.2 5r 1 A 1 tryy n 1^.�r d,A��irnt�f��s.l 1,t�t jr •..I 4 f v y}r 7�•�:I L��•1 d y l I A M ar r 0.1 '.1: '+ i , °Y -1 OtDI2dA1`C . OF TIC+; CI'PY cOP.�YISSIi?N Ob' 'Ila CI`PY' rib' 1Fr;NTQrr, 7A S, btQSI NG, A 1WAR11IG GIVEil •Y'G PidOIER'1'Y ow-.1r;RS 01: 1.SIi $TI�� T j PECAN ` S,TRUT ',CBD,6. 2, $'1'_RT, PO? ]a AVir',YU.09 LCH 8,21411: ,T AI's 11b;S4, ?UL- $ IN THE CITY OF DEr7?031 TEXAS. DE IT QRDA11TED BY THE' CITY CODIIISFION (}F T10i CITY OF MNITIMS That, whereas, an ordinance was duly paesed by the City Colaii.esion of the City, of I%enton, orderin(,;• thli` improveiaent by � . PaVi,igo exoava.tinZ, grading , filling, constructing uon;arete:•, ourbs and gutters, etc. and otherwise improving the follovring streets , to-viit: i AS14 371AX ';T, from the north line of Feat Hickdry Street to the south line of !LoKinney Streotf PECAN 8TRg'ET from tho Crest line of Ash Street to the east line''or Cedar Street; ' `r �` : � 31 i, '' T from, the south lin© of YoXi tine y Street to , the lf6st. Ridkory 'Street; 01WHR 'V13ti E fi;om, he north' Mine of 1 ' , , }t .:`� Pxk S'trent U the * '4OVth ��linr=:,bf Oregg $treat. r � _ �fne of )re dviIm i6vO - Sont o& lyaibe�r" yckeet; , „ ,, GM . ^, 14 }r = ...{ r• f i 1• r a V) a. f ' 1 .. � 4 � ,., i , '1k `I1.� 5l! " Y , N of 'r 4 ti�< j a k k l� irk+E, BT. 7�R t7�x TB T, from th6;,Wist i ise` bPt eleSiJ Street' ' , r r 3^ift�er+ r♦ p. 1! irild'svf ' 7q�y ?'!'KCbir�iobbi%, avpo3»1b 1 '� foob i+eai� ,plf bra +TAEr.'4.1se � VrAet' lii� ofho1�:;Sf:$,stf alr } , s`'y 'Mich 13aid iitraets `e#�'ei each' be Red idoneirituteah ;ei';i$es'y d"'W o1V, �•S@ilarate aril independ0bt ithtt° bf sist kI emei#t:'��'1 ' e : ,+ r a u0ttdfi ;� -"gal j sgtO ,.ri�('ae¢�� �epa�at¢';:i�nit :'ozz dl�a4 raLx �yndej endetit oi, *.he`.00rltrdoti�n ` fit any'' 'dtrr''; 7T5 ) 1 f Jf'l .�I kJ�! Syr, }4 vi y�J' t4r ,1 r i FX tk{ on, 1 I� U �1 re� 171 it83 Yik N7/�t V p, ie z'' dt „bhill bg "m tc48 '�0 oYdin$ a a t ,$ oa t�'of t f>x r verve r r ,: 5s�^Yjj�.xFt ♦ a k ' to tiea iei` ibt, ern ,&o do sr4d n'i6'rr rfi ,u� � 1M ?, ti ry}}����jy� A N ,' A J F. 1 w e �i r Y4.. P ,, 1� Y q Q „3ft3trtiouar ,l �afti `dt� di$Ir-iOti �ih'o"�1y "atcq tiirel `1tend- r ;'tyy�• �� ��� �w mo'�t� ,�,� � �'.h�►; nt` . �thy� ���ha�' unito 4r�'1;��+�t�?,io'�s,,1 '� � ri'<;�� } `.� r " ': ,# °;, ykr+.a r4,4i ' +1r{'�1` ` a� L DeA� T i r�y�S yy L'1• }":r y . k(. 1i`` } �'! " JJ r r. § } Ija 'X datioho-Orb, 8uiy.' �o P,; �, ;`, , r« L �'d�itl1�e1.$otlaeti'$'1< "rtctaQ �t . 4$'�ti '6tr ec . �4�,`S`�doe Cg�it11Cti'f . 1 : `> t : }}�J�Jjj11',,( tFt 9E LIJ !v C ,,, 1t E(� �k•.}m 1 • .ir, �r r Ayr' 1.4yr '/�v. y, r }�p•� r ♦f j w r l: t`±F�O,�ia �7/� V Y Ci ?Vt� "`• otl ! _+ Eliod�i• f,� ge�3orYe `iiotiottmpe � ; aa,�p�r�Vid- '" dit� . and; �,, U 2 7fi lJJt ✓rJ LR�[ .P +' + y'•.,1 C < '�it M `r the Cl ty,',bomt� in,�i6A duly ap7P 4�r° d 0 t3'trA�t' "Enid ,+ ff bdkid ;fin 1 tertnlned lb ardinanae•; tc� e�ty sa aeeessment aoc pgt{�V . J i � Syr fid th¢� otiro etn iereaf;KPof'*Mf, Ceii. it 6 i-ond `0�`.,ad d tk�A�tB� + �� '0 �d6d r k"�tG " OF wit3 i Ch66pte�'•11 A� ire t ' 4 6 'eqd rth Cha to s.n$ +�dtn�snoen of• ,th Ojtj . o ,Djntott r � r t f. t C l � , 4 r y.rV t n ,,�<<s 1i•f , r , Y la>ti r riy { J �I. r b k S .'l l � d�F "� ♦f rl f I n o V ! adoort�At�o�` '� 1 v'' i� � ' d `�, lp �' iEir S �►�t, �' f �Iatcttes o ' �Xa f� $ .r " ;; y a o.@''yd t 1 �a pr`dIw 21 ; ti y }�, O f y,� 1'y M uU1 i p,46 I t t � 1 0 a 9 , i1`r/ ? nri l W i r �i A e O^ . $ �1 �'•J`Q \� � r".$ T�S 11` xt� > '�i T� ��% G.��. �1�`O tV �I�TI RT }( rea r ,ar � >,;L �'' `F In' yr� r , �+± , ,� • �+ 1" 1y rin r 3 a, r� r . r,,< ,, , s,+r�, Jr I l�. a f NA E�F �r' 5th} f i 1 i' N ✓Ik Y Y+r e , 5 r •r t Y �..� i r�'.� r =` , 1 . .Cr� �(4,'f�°��•� Ii a . . POAG in the City Hall in the Oity of Denton, and there make pro-., ' - ' " test and' objection to any Ouch improveraent or the ".cost , of, the seine; or any ' othor objection that may appear to said property , ormere l and, tii9 .agents, attorneys and representatives of said property owners , and any person or persons interested, in said ira- r provetaenta- were' also duly notified to appear at said tirae and place ';. .fo`i the making of said objections or ' remonstranoes or protests 6,f ,;�. any kindl ands , �. r ,, .'3' '� � �`�,'hMiMj�,, `s'aid hearing wars duly`had ' at 'said time Rnd'.}pilade and full:,opportunity given to the property owners, their agents , attorneys and: repreuent;itives and all perions interested in. said T i itiprolements, to m1ce -,erotests, remonstrances or objections,,, as ,brov,ided by the teirus of Title 22, Chapter , ll, 1evised Statutes of TexeNs , of 1911, and Title 26, Chapter 9, devised Statutes of 'Texas of ' 1926, and the Charter 'and Crdinanceu of , tint' . City 'of` , ,�': Dentont sFtd, , S. t I Woo , ztxf t` �E �,' ,' at a sid he&rind a7 ,� pro�},erty 6vfnere, ` theil��8e`nts, ; {� tic;. �'^ t tto lne ar 1*eprese�tatfv a anc :a12 1r1terested''pofsorfe ile rY 0 + + =,'"; �,� }� r ' r t � " p. ;gteste Gx�.r �dnatrrioe Jid ' fila " laid :prate tok : i'a�ttoe's o ' aai ' pr`dy rty`gw.h0t iid� ir_y ,`' -W, t dt� ' ld rdetat'ive "d iriteree'ted. patf'be < rh� ^E ,1 . X11 dep xeci",t6' have' a heRri!~ '"on said prof"epts end' rbmonstranoea Were ,� " �•, yivoh :� tu11 ahk# air •hea�fn i -and, « -„ f, + ' } r ,, I I ` u `' ,` ^ a ' ;r, ' t 1 � ', 11 a ro#�'d Ahcl mistakes `ttie�t iv�:NA cAll�d` ' the ' 'fie 't1os ^� ' rid f3"ity 1 66aisaton and bo re"btedj , .titi � ar y' ;' ' �t#i 'yy �A gd6, h"e Oit � 06MU44ian"is of ' the` opi.1 n that"alb 'gbh 'r�s •i�' '` .'t),�1'OL��• A �,nd; x0i1�0�1Bt���la�6 ;B0 filed and t, out merit :,� t `,': Ir "rand ' f�bt��ld�' be ^dtrerrii2ed� , dy, b~ �� `� ,; >S• 4 , . tH �v r � y,I t,�l r R , + '1 ,1{ 4. 0 .• i, r MY x'., , � \ or • ; '� .x r r TT, "'` �a + tlity �Q�otinieeif�� $ft�r' duijr 'oari@i�der, r.� b'� � , � oh"prole ty of tie nd t,+4, Nit `b:�; her prd}i @ityt r oe V �1 r6..,;�q t o kAnk•'of '�&Id rip3 rp to ti��� �s` of th$ Q}�inf w • `9/ t 4 a L o nl ape 4' ' " + ° � s oar i t �Qg i s a #2*44 8�he rit the"� '� t i wtd -W, v ,a firs ca,R a k ix iLt Ida Vrdpotty ' �,�xa • y,%408" nhalloe `.�► b i'om 'the 1Ci�2 °of" ee�id`�3mp2�o 'e�nenf+ef r ' ' ,t� + ,a'gaict �arisege�l'�r4 gh ,ttid be mm.de es, herbt6fbrd eterm used, �� ' to, i. °� .�T `�'� � ,.�t S ��yyy����,,,a,,,a...ir , . �P t �i.. '� � �}�ypp Y e +/�: f }}}x,,,,,, 11 �� .... y �yy yYy�r'q."y'�� G' j • ��Y �nb^ Y � ��.r���� d as �� 0 �G y" BY1�l '.thg a rrce of re On .dr7 ia4d t; ���. �� t €'�t+,� '���. •, .� t e�sorja r n " n 'bbssb i�n'a fffi t eafd ,t�oil to ;ttte malc4}�� ' yy , ,gr r NY k ik 15 Y ' Av" N' a • �� , a , J s'y t oT;Ssid iipruvAt,;en , � �!aniE -t�}b 'e`ame e,r� eeby t R , t� �✓� Y 1t � yJ�(� i"or i tj t p� it r1` t /� a t t AY,r it j Y�Al{Lry��O T/5�,1� �T#h18 y� • �d C>l� Vi x �1 � n�IV�1 �� ` �`;� i 1 �• R1 �1 r. 'r ♦ ! � + M�/r � r 't No 1 r 0�l LKt r�' ! t • R' � �. o. I t. K`I f t+ Y P"eft ' .` I �'w •ra "F f`6r t '�r �I n L, 6 rt ' q l 1� J i i li,p I , • fY� �t'{. ,,� 1 tent i f • � a "t ti,. � L' si+ a ♦. Iq r 1. I KK r "r+ n# F .", o� I f of p imp y°•l F1 + "�1t4 ! " r� , t�x• d" • r .� Y 4 •t / < f t os ��in� . 1 Y y t , �� E + 1 � 1f t '{ tt r ^ 4f❑e yyy y 1 7+•. ! it r1 .f. itN -. c a�+} , 1 !,'1, or {�yY�i t •jV. ' r�r�•: f11�,. 11I� R 4N^ ` !fr I •� u ..5� +.g � 'Yrti14 v' ref wY °- C fn Ef t \. ' 'r/d � ! 7 R y ✓f{ , r ..r a t+ r r ��•Y l � a rf a-: 'f y{ oo do� 'fN If1 �N�' r � 3j nS xt t `1t 7 Y^ t I 4 p!�,, '�• �? adtY 2'1 f ? �, f J n q a riw!;�f lr. ts,�fi,ln ,x 1 1 ilOn� ; p �r Io 1 ., Y,Ia �' , + t ,, F s� •�, '1 �# o r # a r a�p `� + � v 1 i + �,✓ x , YN S11 i,, � „ � ! ,�'.' i• ' { C,�� , li a \ A,'� �irf♦N i1# , ! ' • Y '>t Ir � L f r .. ' i� .M'I)': '\•r.ijir p'}.CY}[, i I: . t ;r.J?;1.'3 :.Cti •<� lt.' ust il,� .y . '�d�' Fu' '1J J. "- ,;` ' 1r'(S 1f: r't4"•:);'.Q3fr < J ✓ it i'.1 t.1 f. -t,. F r 'wlyr Vat NU t, .1 Lt.tel:. J ,.t, ar } 3 J6° MJ Jc VUV itM1 u I tl: r f ll Ci' i . i f e lr; ' rt 1. ✓ ' ', ':Y'.,r . rr} ,^.:!t ) ( . y�. i a r `(r r, ra �aaaay �'r� -,i91 t v 1' � If�,it t r + �� M1 > t .: rC .' . 71 tj tea I i l i "J . 't °id i� .� . •�_V ' PN! �y� � . r �. j .'}r ♦t .t , t ' �+ . r ' % i 11t` .s +r t {, • is .: v ' l J +Ih � ��° �t�r , rtes r r 1 r • '- ' n J j _'.-r'I Cy!! ✓J i i.J� r °L I ti t, tt3 �,� .. ! Can:1( tti fa.as llU0+1., LK '1 r S i} r p'i laodi yr• �r`..rf lrw rV' C �ii r,,., ' tjia' IJ `lU al tlfitf i, l IJ:QI 1�4 Y<,,, liE tF\ :r . J...r I} ,) . .' 'r! rJ .S.it.1.' f . TY i ri it flr � C3 STi, - � , rr l r . a,'. r . +r� e •'� ' a r .t, r r�rr ♦ y or -T 1 �'J M4r it I rC v ) r�r. ai �,r 1�r � I r r a'. 1 ' r. 114" y:. 1 9 r J. ♦ J r , ' r i ., ti. ti sJ�:�'IJ.I.r-' 1Y .J.i t �}. � . `y' r1J ,} ;, rl,' tr r,13 �r 1�`aCVa a J,10'i ' �:J �Y, 65. )J tk• rt rr., r Sr }n A fir, r u of » t ' �1 .E ) if 'tCV: \ 3tka' r s ,.r �rM11)r.r t LI '^�1� � tYra labia r.ii. ., 1 .� Altd,.arcgqa l,'4� f 14 1 i2 w + kr� f. f '� Gt�rl,S Yyry 13 �}�r � li + .,,{t ry h r c.+ . ` (✓ ' tt Ft yufY t�� 1Y l7 tt ( ,: .1. U � ,4 tt ✓fi . S� v �l Mtr] 15J -JS.� tit < <y r Y t \ 13r ry: l J i + Ufa •r, a�, l a t' . ' ��t'r . � tY ��r r.}1 !]i,�L��"!r Y':.�Y.k )L jrrjvA tM1. ¢r Y t ,14i1: rt y}1E , sr '\ '.t'+' " r ? { ; {r r . s 1.��..,, !y �. -\' ryye ' ,fJr�U -iy '.: s` U, r,. 1Xt�.`9' �' 4�'r ''� � 1'3y' alrr.� a;ry r * ' ' V. Y ,J�a.�A L1 . \LjlS aa✓.,7.()- �'t�J.r vi'!�� I r?` ?ja•� Yr�Y}. t.f ..1� Y'e,. 21 Jjr4�' tr'Z 1I ;Jhre �;i; wrs'.rk'. t\4rt . J{ .; r.k tJ+ ,✓.a Yec 1rldFC{.,�.. y,Jsa f # T 1 '�JMr ]r• `, ,'�5,h.' It9 '��Xt iJ j� vy'� .u ' ad�:+�tr'.t).t4 i)r1 F31 Y^E cG�.. az'1 i '� •- £.0 -,� . „ � y'�, r ,.•; � r'; 5 Y r fi r o c r :� t :� ' . d r y ' r t r- r �. 3� F r r r r ��y JtT rY t�4r f�i�',e� y1 �,1 aA !f%'A r 15.1 yf tr a t �: r jai St�a, /r V 1 f r 1' j p i. 1 ,.. y 1•. x ,r r A ,� rt '� s S,f • r'�1J v� ''�trs � 31 f,j,,".1 rt r�,? J L" f.�t'. + "C �. I�"Ih''l� �.. '! ''�' f\ ,n ° r 0.r fat rr 1t.)i'7\V nr'11�'1.r�W Y>t�1. l rf�..J•t , 1 { ' rn. �� yt�y. r{ r�Qt+r r� tf:p y i�f 1J.�1 Y'�yy� ffJ4 �. yt ur i Je jJ!It K' � 1�4it5 v�J T .. ♦�-.. vQr (,�y'}�I�J � ;'�. tJ :.�.+Z :,:1.+ �irl E�< L b t' ra t t4�. � 1 v 1 r r 1 r'ILI) <} ' '.,G,LJ klai,ti.'ta ,r ,��; a'i rr ' �t��aftL,t�kW'4 )'t"� .7�rrY:: �'at) }�7�.1. ? 'JrF�X,r.t�ri`J , �t.,�l)br i.'I•J"il3�t( �f i[.� cwt#a J`�r r 1t ;'°ra ✓ � i, t,#4w I E CIA 3 1 hiIr i r 1 lt rlr �i fJ Crfl6 t 4, J ! tS J r P 51 r.,'.E �! 1rf l�! S `. r . a ? r r L '_! , ;{ 1r V i1 d ` •'r t r �{ 'fi rtrr t ' r , r ryyyF v, III ol. 2 , r T�^ ty�� fv ,, r�,r r e; •. 45 1' !*"a� �, 1 f ✓ 1 A �' \r N4�r d rye 1' �1'}�� }mo 9 ♦ r/ 0 p+ •' 1 ',f J•'FJ"' �.r ,(� y� a jy J '<1.E�v�.,"7".e t'}ro J�d AI {i1�1 Jrt� !, tlfF rdi �r rAd ¢�irU��Y,'��."11.�•yr"JY4 ) i!'+ ' °t b rY'•a rJ 7 y ry ��' 7J t3 •� 1' H '�y�t jl vtr r.� fi.��. tCl :'0A 9644' 1l (1rYn 04 r ' . 1 d ra yy ` �J y �p a p,, h ytiw cJti) Jni;rlt'•4 Ej tJ\\ ;t� A ° 4 atr�r•tyl a{' 3 6 *',Y'Y,lars l'`;.is�z cla'',, Pt tiVk)�,L4 j'J+ ,.jj.'1 t.�}. , ai }J�. 1r..�t�,E'r r 1 t \ � ,l.4 �1{{ti.'i "1 S.' lk� ri E� J.a"f u t1ri 'fJy�'�{` �rlf,ti..;L�41rfl t; frrNi.t), r^. 4' tP.\ '� rat �r ry r 1 �� » 4 �i hSl�,r. Y 7 }r 1. t<Y frr f r r ! ;r OY t< r wy , '' y rf' .•t r, i. r. 1 it r y�'y,j rr #�Y '� r k�y' y �.:' t i ' y 1'y rJYl ✓4r ,' : rar w> If 4' L \r rrt l t,'1-`r,0 j ,yra' �� r •{ r r ' • '.tr yya . a .YY �w'. + '' ,Lr.!r7. �..J WV€Y r tyl 1. ar , rrz '� {r l��}°ey 1� d Vii, Y x ' # r v a ' r.1141 r . .I J , ' r a ^! ,- , t r } rw" da , .P'Y S w '✓ al� t r i.� ! - P <7 r 1 Y r' h r u y i rf r Y I a ', , �� t , r J'A% ,ff r k / 'as k " J , k n .4M r ? a �f d ' ( lv. e} taa V '. < r 7 1 t r�{ t r 'i itf}S 7\c Id ri y4tiy , rt ,4ef +y, 1- „ } r� , J1l r 'a 1 'R ' �A r . . rM1+d�'.ti ��[\ t ...5 w at+J<tj.z L >a �.'. r I r'fr ��� ' ' ('� €. ' �{ J' 4 tf Cir �ij'rr ¢ ' rate' 1r n 5' r J �' a:t w• i, d r,i 4 V c 1 0 n ., t >k f r"•i r. ' J �y�j�r t�����M'f ,r6 , �JjYq'•�IA ♦ y�i y 1 4°'- .? '. r plt v ^.r{S "r i .�a 't � I r ti al 1 A N�; wit —M r ry .4 f� w'• � �ai ay �W(F yl lr 5}. ! 1 �I .. y „#� �° F y a Y •Z 5 .d y�° ✓ ! + fN. ,: 1 y:i� ! �.}!� k• ,Jf ry4� .{� / rid ti��.' Z 71 CI s�ls�M1 N' 'kr o ,r 111- S' qq W f r 13 r piT v ro r OfmixANCE dF TIM cITY CO;Sr ISSION Ob# TH[;, CITY nV MN'TOri, ; TEXAS, IEVYING AN ASSESS-, 2A':NT FOR THE PA. NT OP A PART OF T}Tk COST OF IMPROVING AST1 S?'REET, PECilT STREET, CEDAR ` $TI{6", T PONDER AVT;1U Y'�':±,OH S9 4' 'T AND 5 5T IiU3RR't STRT,'' IN THE CITY OF DNTON ANb y FIXING A LIEN AG,.N:TITST P11OPFRTY A73UTTIITG ON SAID S'TR^r;RT, Ala) A 1E RSONAL C%UWB AG;JNST 'Pfr O'sr;vI:R i V'i�REOF, idTD PROVIDING 2011 TIM colaNcT Io21 1ILLAEUP. f Ni 0, JAGOE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, e DAUS ' Q 1 a {ysf. l + i If INC VI / r. L e F i rte' r' • i d ill,, t ! ll�� ,` ld�^ , s Sy9 7 'P t��; +�,# L)y4;F +y .+lF r� �Ni +,t• ���7�pr� iy.. R��}1,.1 � �A +. ` '�� ( Ld� f ji C Ir"E' �y ° r �. vA Yet 4r � N pr +, k�1 !r1�� r. �w 1� �r A .� 1 1 'd F ^ ,f' y�r f r c�'ft° SI :.�'� a t�t� 1 f:. (R� �°.�. 27�?Z;��a)$d+�i]y�r4 •R}' ; ># �'� `.���. 3��, E �•r 1. • .}'�f..". ;..r} t.":�j'►r �.. � .4',�.'° y..t :.�,� � . >W ! r ft '44 rF>,Iw -os EM .. L ry: C r 1' �' S; 1. ;i w y rR� 1 .;.. 1Kas '� 5 ."'b r 4 ,��1[[ erY fv 7 :R l •('a} +rry �' LaA�•v,1,.11N 6 t t� r yI g L 7 r J�3j,f a"`. 't��+rx+r a e t,+•7'g1,i�T�4,r d Ilk t"Ir ° 1. y ': ,�.;1 � � FLL 'F 11 i � '.1 SI L1 rF # � q. lYv k r 1'dr fit^ f F a� r a a, � a � � R i' V x _� 6 r ie .� { e.��°J u �� •'�uy�d a, i-, 1 .� , -.r�� � Y' ' � . 4 tIF �� ORPIIdA:iC OF T}L� CITY CO:&iIaOIUII OF `t"tIG i'OI+ , TFDCla6, ENVYING A3: ncSlsS5I�1;T 202, `�'I-L,% PArTI:r:i,T OF A IART OF THE COST C1 b` ' IP'',FRbVING ASH STR"cET, P1;Ci.PT. i'1'I{b c `i', ChDidl 5 TRt !;Tq POITR ' AWNUE, 18BLCH STR,,NT AITD 14'7 62 LiUL731+idli SMET, LT THE CI Y OV DI NTO1r, AND FIXING h LI UT AGAII-M PiW.ARTY ABUTTIi,:G ON SAIL) STR.r:N , RIdD A � IDERSO x 1 CIU2.RGr; LGAI ITST V +' MM LE,; THE:t: U o AND I'ROVIDILG ROR M. CULLEC,TICN TIiEPEOF. - . .. J $E IT ORDrIidl'D ?,Y YH CITY COiw;:ISSION OF 't71E CITY OF DRITTON4 . A' That, whez•eas, e. resolution was heretofore duly passed by the City Commission, orderinf. the irnpi•ovemcnt of the folloving streetes i f ASH STMT from the north line of East Hiokory street to the uouth line of IicKinney Street. PECAN 5TRi ET from the Crest line of i.eh Street to the ,e ast, line of Cedar Street. r' ` dED4P ST-GIT from the south line of, ts:Kinney 6treet to the forth lino-, of 'hest Hickory . Stre'et. PON11:R A1/H1= 'from the north line of;,Ca.k Street to t ► i' south Gs`egg ,8,txeet. - : 81rjRVT from the 'south line of t-Vest 'Hi street t,j fie'' no`3iiae `az'' flbex•ry Street. T `�O�] 1# X t' R�T,from, ths -west line o: .Neldh bi$ree,t on �1}3k ; l�titjiY t� x4 36 rry 3tre�t to a poi► t ,1 .3, feet ;.fives ot` ,, ,:a,, s � }0. ti9 9�4 fin$ oi' eloh 6trbe 41 sr( ich said streets shall each be and constitute a entirely i and whoi,ly separate and independent ;unit of improvement, , r.e can- . stVcution of said irnprov.o•s;ents in each separate unit or distrio shall tie' ,whoiiy .ifi epeAdGrit fof th$ . oohs tr�}otio� in any other u%� ,, let: '"l.,e . a sessmentg to be , ef' in esAi 'unit or .diiiriot as it, }� bb. # d ,,ncbo7 i�g ,o {the ;ooet `of the,t:,impr"ovuernenta in ,t1> idti r u it oti ,distr. ot, tad in apcQranoe wit�i the benF{fis .,,.• ». n ,tq�"'tie 'drop rty ,by �eaodn o ,,eai improvemenT'sin that .. pA ioi a $it g' .dstrtd$, io and entirely. independent ,of': he oft','th9: b6hofitg ;aearuing by rea$ » ,Of,,the, . imprAve;�ents ,in by of th9 bthe�` id ,or diid Lote; .sand,. .�, :< , , 1 Y r' 1 is tr , "i1 i giant to `said reeolu't�ion`, 'speoificc tiona, ,vtere. rpr'e- e'd fdr`,`eaf lr �C.;by the bity; ng3�.�er', Filed r�i te 'sty ,aorn� iliac ` �a"ispr4�A'd 'ah� �ddpteQ it , and ter due ardi�er- ti Sgt bide wsrb �tuly received and 'opef;ed, and',the ooritraot or e ` rk` awrirdea .t'v; the .City Qoinzniesion .to' Jago3 0on6trryoti0h Com- ` %an 0 "9e`Atie ,gi'¢ 3a�Yoe'' Contriintiori Comj�any; e,uly, ,�pt,ered n�d ,b'n i;a ty:4 it i' t + diEy o 15ento'n for �1,he z�farmafsng o sa tin, �rIrCR 6�' ¢ a4i4 Leo tract epLzCuved bn {.he ,part o thb. . ity oi'; Benton, v :thA�` �33` ��d,;�h ii# i;,ot"Aha Ccmmissi'en, end atteated b . , city 3e'oretary with the co�rporo.t8 seal; and said oo»tract wqs r8� ified �y �/ �r rd�Ved>f�t Rfr�Lli ��Y 1 Aryl xt �t� i�� h r }. 1P 0 ; " 0 lbxffiy13dYI¢ ml R `�2iifidnobb oi' ` the City bf D L t,on the ,dity..Ungine r i'{lecty *14 t o a arty Oot uie io ' e` et1tbherit a_h wife 'the nambs` o tlie, �`op°ei` y i d,, , p hgg 4' ,o!` iar, fi` a hbrb apes. sad $ieete a ties fi' tibh oi ' the r': ��' _tYt 'total z d8t $f ' ae id ixa , bVoYlibnt, tnb, cost t e ,e, ,, pn$; Boot, 6.A tex , nth 'itb� bf, te�ti ; �i1 a fie iae tut; . gx o' {zka � ,, dtatute� qf�, ae o , �� �,;•�na ';'�1�e ��,��,� ��a ,,�,ra���nc,e�b,rb��,��e ,�� .� .o� n��t�anj ; y`iR r { } ,: S.i r"}y �', � b�� 'f'i � � �� 1"��11 P" rt i vy� ti o, w r4�`t 3 yr 2Y 5','+ r"rX 7 ro yK ° �j ^� .i �� 3 l + } , '�y � . , •�,i ,li"I �iy' "V h 1, r'F 1Y, �,4 r, t ,e+d.* .y4 ax k . . ^h fE ,hi.`�i �} . .F , dv� ' �' G }r . To r �y ZTZ![ � .• 1 ] �i� s T• «�<•.fr rTw1 -tit T,r � 1 � �TT t ('gyp 71T Tly7+ t r +r � � .A ti t l , r '� 7rt1 y L• A �.T'n, �/tr '4 h "•+�"1.�^� ;r'':Y, + r 4; ,j�l �.`�T t "r T -,• it t.�ri r?• ri Y•1 ♦ r4�•.) J; (•. 1�1" . P. iFA. ¢ .t`-i:, .'..+ ,. • .. iiA� .a�„ r, �, y . t r,•,r -a �_ t rF , ,ti ryt "i •.iq �% � httl. a��•, l A 41 A VMPYAS, thereafter said statement was by said City COmtefssion :. duly exMined and approved, and an ordinance passed by said City Commission, determining the necessity of levying an assessment for a portion of the cost of said improveanents against the abutting r roporty and the ovrners thereof, and fixing a time and providing •�'�or a hearing to`, such-. property ' owners, their agents of attorneys, Sae provided by the terms of Chapter 110 Title 22, Revised Statutes 6f, jok4e of 1911, and Chapter 90 Title 281, Revised Statutes of lea 'o . 1g 2��i1 '`' b4d.s,the ,ohaxtor and ordinances ' of,; the, City. of Denton$ 8 `', a ' vrhioh- heil ingt eaid ownersrrrere to be 'he&rd concerning the bene- :^i fi-te' of sE?.id improvements to their property or as to any error or ? )) invalidity in said proceedings ; and Finy other iaatter or thing con- .1 netted with eL.id improvements ; and, wjfBiWL6, thereafter, in accordance with the prpvisionG of R Chapter 11 , Title 22, _Zevised utatrutes oP Texas of 19119 and Chapter 9, Title 26, Revised Statutes of 'Pexas of 1925, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, the City Secretary of, the . City. of Denton gave notice to ouch property ovniers, their agents and " attorneys, of such hearin�� , by publishing a coly of, said ordinance in the, Denton Record Chronicle , a newspaver of general circulation in the City of Denton, for three succe:::jive tiiaes, the first of said publfoetions being more than ten days prior to the day set for the .6th ' day of uL 17, and also b�ve ho- the hewring, to=wit a 3 tiee 'of said hearing in- the manner provided by the ordinance, po's'ting registered letters oontaiiiing a copy of said notice to said �+ property owner.a, their agents or attorneys, before the date fixed for' he- hearing; and, W13REAS9 said hearing eras had at the time and place mentioned ' `r in taid ..ordinanoe and notice, ` to-wits On the' bth day Of 1927,- at' 700 o'clock F,M# in the City Hall in ' ,the City of Denton, .Texas which hearing was fu'rlyroompleted and then closed; and, WHEREAS, at said 'hearing all property owners, +heir, agents . AQ attorncys, or interested persons, desiring to contest said ase w' essment, . to correct anyerrors in same, or in Ftny manner be heard ^ concerning the benefits thereof, or any other- matter pertaining to said assosoment or said improvements , were heard, and all matters + .,,tbf. °error or mistake or' inegttallties 'or' other. matters requiring rebtif ict6tfoti iyhioh vlere= called to the attention of the'' dity, CoMm- "isaiorf; ' h'aving`beeh re'dtified and correoted, and the City Cozruniss� ion having heard hnd considered all tho evidence offered in the +r,premisaa�, he„, pity Conttaission fa df' Cie opinion from the evidence thAt the eese'se>nerjt's �iere'inbelow made and ahargeb hereby declared " '&gi?,idst th"d abAting' ,property and the owners thereof are just and eq itablet Fand 4that in each case tine ' aeressment made against any Mr Jo ' arF:itajoe� of property ig less than the benefit accruing' .tc, $yid "p� tiottlatr, paroel'• of property by means of the enharsced value thereof on account of said improvement. Irhat the City 001`VaissiOn zf ; i�pin�g' ebhsidered the' fa'ots, is of the opinion that the strict dp Slica.tibnt bf th'e' Y3`ortt root' Rule would not be just and equitable in 'sotpe instanoes, has, adopted the rule of apyortionmont set forth ?7. ?.OVA; ; arVdf- tile °di'�iefo;n 'of, the oou£ of said imprOVemeint between 7� +�,Q�',:' ban �topertfeis and the ovrners thereof as just ants cquftablo and pprodu0ln . substantial equality, oonsidering the benefit$ arising ' fLroua�l, gal irityz'bvemerite and trie 1�Aiil•ddnr istinb6dddl Ithlli�db j i'V r6 FO, io-v 5� "AS7tT: 1'raa Q44{ Q# r 7.. r r I ... �1 yi 4'.. P M1 �,,;4� d ii yT' a•td. rLi ry'ti' , I"I q�Y r A`14 �� • $ x''!t'"b 2 3C]l` 'Y R Bltd1'! diriQ YBtiION '`fYF4 ',kOY'�Y``O ' `1 #t1`Olfilra 3' Q, rY,hy � � 'v ��^ � b !" .. W �d .7777 l.r , v itt,7F , iti" rk•+' ,# 14 That therelshall be and is hereby levied agAinet each of �. t21e .dvrri�i e` of'rprbpei�ty beiow Idantidnaa,, , $And 'ttghA t pits,`+ �iie ,br-4`•y'r i`r' her property bolo °deddr,',bdd,'' tite'e'eVeral + eUMB of,Ltnoney bsl6w then- tiOned and itomised, for raving and ottrb, which said wins do not and ehali not in any event exceed two-thirds of the cost Of any itprovelUnt except curbs chargeable to any particular abutting prop• ertyl th'n total a Ount thereof" $et opposite each firje, dorporation or pers6nj and itis'o his or her property$ the names of the said property owtisfce, s de$dription of their property' and the eeveral ;•, T`4 a s •'•1 �t'n`i a ; •rY T�'.`.,lr. � i g 4i r7r iry71G.'R'9.,�'R,ZE� r , � �, , 41 �' L”L i, W L. -+r� ,t i•, r tier G 1 ! '� Ir r';Ali '� ��At rr, + r � l r .. a ,�� '� !i '' .d.�, � r; �4 it�, ix + : rl fi t ! ,1� r Y v 3 � �• R� ,.•'1 { +Y 1 , �.� ,+ Y � ,. i ,f • +r,,. k �' a , '�FO r. ` ,q 4y i. r y�h?'_` r C rj��! • � 4" it I 11 4 R h � r n r ,1 J• C A d.�`[y { ` � 7 IS � ` I � r 1 rr i dt', I ,t 44 t r , ✓• A ,r 1� I � d�l �.;I r:. • r' r( t i Y r .a r M I��tp41 1 ti. -0 '',i ' k ' �, {�'• i tl n. $ �`,f r l". +` V 7:x•3, �V r 7431 PJ-,A11 W11 1 • 5�( 1 r.4� 9 � � a ''1� 7,F:Mr r� >I �� jl yrt:� •, hr '' 'I Q,t,. X .S 'i: 7 ;;1111 ;3 �.t. Y `. 4� c. • ' t `.+ tai' '�'J, tr 17,x �;b �iirk; 3 i1 ; "'T" Y,IPTO .`I �'(, err, Ili ()'A C; .- 37 o k i il + I t at. xll' t" r';.r3 s+t.fJ � F rlr: Y 1t J �.tL 533. z) ! .v !} •• ; (, ; c)'. ")fFCd ?Fl !1'i f rE•Usi ( rqc {11 13£ XC) C,T (1.0 117,a.+3t +{1jt , ,1 �., � :a � ray i� ' .: r S' AI t „r: s• ' `y,.+ 7,d 9 J +.q _,F ,� � 14. ,� Sn any property below described each said person, firra or oorporation shall be yersonally liable only for its , his or her pro-rata of the total asaesement against such property in proportion as its, ilia or hexvjxeidp6otive interest baare to the total ownership ok ouch property and ,its „his or, he'r respective interest in such property may be re- r lensed frora the assesunent lien ul)on payment of such proportionate sum; ASH STRMT.` fr6rA .the. North Li: a of East Elckory Street to the ' sOut1v linC , of::,)Zo� Ae Street. . n y.- V{eat did 6Ir i� 1 0 BANK, �jvner of the South 26. 19 feet. of dot' g na lown Prat , frontage 26. 19 feet& r'unount assessed •M D. 3jIT;;ner of the ';orth 23. 81 feet of Lot 6 and the south 2,.3,, eeT u 'rot 6, Block 71 uriginel '2oNm plat, frontage 26. 19 feet, sanount ahseased , 136. 19. S• BRTE.A w12M an undivided 1/3 interest daring her life a 'y .I. U-j)mpeon, remainder orner. �elinning 52, 38 feet ,�ortli of the S*Fo Corner of Block 7, and runninL '::orth 22', (06 feet, said exter+iiug west 120 feet - to Locuot Street, and between part.11el lines, being ,kart of, Lot ; b,, Block 7, 0, T,P, described in Vol . 44) 1)r.4e leap Deed Records',” � frontage 22.96 feet, amount assessed 4119, 39. s ESA 'W. L02va4iO4m,or of the North 1/2 of Lot; 6,' B1gCk 7, Original Town P1At,, exceptinge nine inches on the .north amide frortage4, 2b fseb, amount assessed , 126. 10. 1ii28,, A. E. GRAM) Owner of Lot 4, and the North r:ino inches of Lot f,, Block 7, Original Tovm Plat, frontage 60. 75 amount assessed 0(;3690. J, J", Bo THR iY, Ovme)L* o'' the South 1/2 of Lot 3, E,,ldak 7, Original Town at, a on ge ' 5.0 feet amount assessed ,x130, 00. `THE x'�¢iA OY IV 0. WRIGHT ISC 'D, Ormer of tho iforth 1/2 of "Lot 3 Blook 7, Original .ot7n rla p 2rontEii;e 25 feet, amount essessed ;130,00 p )ZtS._ J. To BOTTORFF Owner of the South 21 feet of Logic 2, Block 7, ori- ginal Town Plot, front3.ee 21 feet, amount assessed X109,20, ]Sk28� 5'RAt . c�6'T,LiFe` interest and Yana J. Carlton, remainder owner ' of t e' ort 9 feet of L, t 2, Block 7, Original Town Plat, "frontag{ 29 feat, amount, assessed 150.800 Litt 3`HA CRAB'T i,fe int9rest and 'I J, Carlton, remainder owner of of 1, Bloo4: 7, Original 'Potvn Plat, frontage 26 feet, ;t�mbtint assessed 0130.00, Of Lot I, �BTATF; l'hp , Nprtn' lI?/131ook 7, Original Town plat, T 0 age r- ee , ' smo esa and 400000 TE, Yaots 1 .and ` 2, Block 60 0riginal ToWn plat frbnt e dMoun assessed #624 D ��10 or. of All of Block 17; Original `.'oslm plat, frontage '. 4 ` ]I�det H�a"an>.!e asee0Sea 4896 80. 90mier. of LQt °S► Stook 19, , Qrigina). Form piAt," � �, t,. „r.� � � ; ou�t,,�ktYi�eA4 @d„ Cl_�G�,Ob'! � • } t '' ' " ti ' �t td�• r r � .. , f �: t''c ihC. tith 4 6f 0�, 6f L$ � B1ook" 14, �Jxfginal` To,Srrit` A�bou3it' tigA61813a(1 ,$ b bd i`roritage 40 flat , fJ , A JYMCS Own et of Lot lj atsd.:lha HOr'th 80 feAt O!' Lot 2 Black Or g nal own `plat, trorita�;e 180 !'set, 82aount ai�saesedBSx. Ob. ' A: „ R"'1 ;`• 7i' ,14'. , _Y".x jk� lv ut 4re. +i'7'i'f)b 'arn' ,'I i n IA? Sn" r"J ',-,T 7t w' rat t^3 n r•+..n. � � ' �'��j�r b,. ���"9�i: ] ,K r ' u� t �1�•��":�r � � 'R S' ''tii ". � ` ,i) +y' ii 4�: �yY,�a ,� t ,J, �' � l•}:t �, . ^r��.a p ^ ' ( . M1 .. ia .1 r"', {- ".F,v','J K `, iT,�; f7u$1 i1�,C:1 : ii.`ar 1?' ;?11 C�? :I,1;)�)(}i.,�'] iynl(' 1'6' F4, i r �,'�Y:� 7!';� t.f�:� C1;", iiG�'- ".r? " r' iiC,�{'A(? � try^,it.<11{ 'i i 11:SCf1 ;?:U .'o"•:4�'�1 ,'f5` 1 tti I. '• :T.1^> 7i+� ,,I, rr, ,'.r. k'C+ r;;T 0Vttr, i .?7 rb O a;."fUr7 I.O �7. � �. �'t• jt �:'?taE� 31,'l0 f, Er 'b't ;_ ' { !±ii } '7`a1" 3I•"p' TIf `1;: ' -3 T.C`tayr) .x r OI. 1=[iI T)).0-•iCi' rE; t'L C,-,j 6 4 �A�A •, 00,IA7 tr r , Y x ayiGj , . ta1?xQ d, ft � r., Jt i 8. A�M�BILL,Orrnor of the South 60 feet of the 'nest 83 feet, of t , Block 18, Original Town Plot, frontage 60 feet, amount Assessed ,�e312, 000 'a - Jr:.'�1. ESlxntriN5, Ownar of, a lot beginning 60 feet I orth of the '8. We noriler-.0 hook 16, and rulining North 62. 83 ' and extending east 93 feet ')etw'66'i parallel lines . Being a part of Lot 2, Block 18, O. T.p, des' 1 j,be��, in. YOI*� 197)�, page _618,• Deed Records, frontage 62. 87,') feet. 0s Sod., $2ry4jm%20 y 0+ TTALnA ZRR loOwner of a lot beginning 1 6 Poet South N, a outh of the l ' twat 86 feet ' between parallel lines. Jein � a6part ofa Lots e1 and 2, Block 18, 0. P. P. described in Vol. 181 , Page 608, Beed Records. Frontage 76. 17 feet. ;•mount assessed +01,396008. So D.' UARTIN Owner of Part of Lot 1 B beginning .- .�. i , lock 18, t. T. P. . 76 soutl of the N. We Corner of Flock 16, and running south 60 feet and , extendin6 east 94 feet betw en parallel lines. Described in 206p 'page 276, Deed Records, 2runtage 50 -f('et, amount assessed ' x2600004;, LAS , ` . � J. � 0. &ALL Otiwner of the North 76 feet of the West 94 feet of Lo1, 103 ` 0 8; Original `Pown _ Plato frontage 76 =feet, : amountsse Se- '' ed390iQi 1 9 y l• I )vg i.'r,, -a.''.�V; dq _1 m, �v ' 1t � �h '�i � 'ill 41.�' >: ' 1 S r • a �.. r 1 .L. i�� tyl , '�' r• a ,to 1.,�. 1 1 r ',y���lfh�r%'"rJ'a'��y P"; � f �rA a i`�: 'SLr�' �I}� Y � 1 f fd`��/.CY 1 � � f S • . , 1 u r � l ' • �� 11 -1 � D. .'t � 4, w t r � a"�' � A &Y w as r¢r j ,a Y tf. C � <� :^r ( d" i" �. Y r. lay. . . S� ':.a • �J"�P:Pi Yl�.. Rai ItlJ F . P a r �-•il' n v i �t �' 1 . +r' $� a �.'r 7. .{ a t 3 f r' a r• V ltir� 'f�a�w �.ti�Sfgr .. �•.�I PrZ T,,.ili r xl. .f.fi �: h,,�ry � ,.1 ' of ^ � 1 • � A 4'�:` .v" , 1 :I 1� av �,�y 6gyr � t �:�{1. .y } � ,'. ., A 0�. (. rn 4 1 .y 't Flat;` �`Y��{ ky .� ^ 1 t7ti;. X� :`' � ' o7 k7. ', ♦ 1 '''1 , :f -F '. a - Iy ' P,a�`�li �rpx(p+j x0 b r r. 1 A y L i �l kli r;. �'t� :°r• Y :a . , . Z al. } � } 1 .1.._. r , ! I I ! 1,♦lKrl ,1 tP'C i� yl'��y P...:I a .. , _ h i 1 r ,1f1F {�� � !lyd • ;iJ .� :: 1. .. �.. /,' � 'J .� :11 1 � � i • • • - �, TO :' • Sir~ n 1 "lC`, fir I Tq 7' 11)V1 ' • r ill• Al.a y. f � STIMT from the ;west Line of I.sh Street to the last Line , of Cedyir gtreet. 1 � N6rth Side. ry CIT3t' r0?'-'BEN2011 'i Owner of a?.l of i3lcok 1St of the original Town '.,.•;+; Play;; rorit�agP 120 feet, atrjunt ae>geuoed `;624. 00. �• -SAT Y'` Owner' of hot -xoa' 1 and the "hfest, l/2 of Lot' 2 j s.Bladk naillt0m,:plat. Pi'ontagd ,160 'feeti amount" Asseesed r Ox}J _i�B. 3CHNITZ. Owner of the east 60 -feet of Lot ' 2, Blook 16, rontage b�feet, araount assceaed .;260. 00, original lino5m Plat. IV-DEZE2WEPNT ORDER OF OLD KULOWsj 7jwner of tho South 52 feet of � Lot 2, 731ook 16,'�rigina- 1 lov�n Plat, frontage 100 feet, amount assesaed X520. 004 South bide. JOHN, B; BOHNITZ , Owner of the idorth 30 feet of Lot 1, - Blocic 4j ` UrIginal Town Plat, frontage 120 feet, amount assessed 4624. 00. OHAl Hw Ti �IMITTZMN, 0ti:mer of the ' lrest ' 37j feet of Lbt 1y! Block ' 51 3 iginal ' own Plat, as desoribed in Yoltlilm9 1781 l Fage '460, Dead R60ords: Yrontage 37 5'• feet, amount assessed 4195, 006 Jar . 0 I3�1Rbt�t3Hyan undiirided 3/4 interest and 'L; � L. Vry, and''l Ni ', i�ry,'' sac aSi" un'diVided• 1/8 i'nterent.� % " the Iftiat 1/2• of L•ot°- 2$ andrthe 'Bast 12`x° fe'et 'of ;Lot ly in Block 50 Original Town Plat, Prontage 3 . 5 feet.Asseasellp 4195. 001 �fI�E)d_OkM}:R' O:0' ODD VXLLO*P8, 0*ner ' of the4a6t :1/2 of Lot 2, B1001C po, Original TovM Plats frontage 25 feet, amount assessed :;130. 00 r ° W.Q.. KIMBHOUGH, Owner of the West t/2 of Lot 31 Blook 5 , Original To wt} Pa t bro"ntage 25 feet, amount assessed 11'306006 MQR ' tC`s+ ai xwlOwned of° `the ''tlas't' l/2 "oT Lc t,3 Biaok 60 Ori- gin((al Town Plati , frontage 26 feet , snount a( ssoos]]ed j130.00. a+r, W�{.T �' ' '�C.,,•,ry{!�> r1 ..� ! iJ': ; r{ ii,,; '� +..C'w tt as A.1'I rh'1.'YF:� � R ��. iii. BiAlilk I�'' ':OtFT ' . er ' of `a"r uddividbd+ i/3 irlteres ' during°' '8i`, e'' , r! - b q ott �' y remainder olvner of the ,vest 1/2 of Lot %d 6k 00 Original Town PL14t, frontage 25 feet._ Amount assessed io.o t tr i � �Y 4f i{L � ! r =� '1 i. . 1 fii �) , i xi ' Zip To Y , Ogmdr of, the B3gt�aur�D 1/2 of, Lot ,d, Block 6, Original 2 �P§et, ° a a�se�esd.�t13O. 0��: URS C,, 1911ITIt, Winer of the West 1/2 of Lot 50 Blook 6, Origi. rib M,. Plat, rontage 25 feet, araount assessed 4130600. T#1��A ier cif °tale hest .l 2 bi' Lot 6y` gl00 5�' Ori'gif�al r.. t,; roat4 2 feet aAbuht �6`846s8d 0130.001 +'y THR 8 1100T-0 22TIB CO. 0 PO T 0 Omer of Lot 6, a3look fi, Original `pt :a row A e® B011ty h ' b�lyBBUb'tt .02606OUa ' lYra v 5 �y triM;� :'s Cey L41hH ,}.. '1f Gr la if'� 1)'j ' L i�! �.f �`,F��l�" �,t t'I d�iyX"M 1'��.d 5E1,t: �Yt Y4C��.•y ;+{��p� { 'Alj�t'• ,11 ': l.R!'EC� �r '� r ro iNE , 6'r.k 1 �k".s .C�r 9� rtF.f�. '. a� . 7 ,1'r.U11.Yr 1..; a.2.'+.MS R's rl k!It YS' 'K'• f3'«l`. L t , ,,.� s �o .w t,t�` ..l.., .1Pi•W_ !'Si.... .. ,\ r. Y � h ,l s, f• r ,r �. {.• ..l.a♦.a. ,. „r . l. .t .. . l. ... �+;, dY:. - ) t, 1 {�. tl`y'fi 12f �.•.wA ..Frf • i,','.= i �. i Tl .°�'.': �� -,'. v� �, r tiln i1, a k Y , I ' i �,/ `a j r, �4 IV }��r (.'. (', , J � El,�i Y 1'7 it"" � , '•x' lr 0 w Yty}•jk.� .�r��♦ tiJ. •. ��I Jiiww wl, r �h �t.J{ tr Jltr rT" � ti 1Y .1 "3.0 i 1 .a3 •: Y S ,1t Ar Jtitt .,fit y �t T r +a- t 1 W� } w V s w♦ Sn . f'r7+("F� r 0 r+ ''p 'f B'• 6n L^ + R*.;.+��I,"':r � 1{/f{af 4*"=�e �; lrntj l' YY i�A�i, i'P�'tiYi` +l i., rr �r`7�N•e �v� � '� d ' f 1 .�'3rti 'S.ti'1. � • � ' 1 R' I}! tt{(t�fy��r�+ ypa;^1' [ y. 1 yf£ ,Ir y. i��t� t ,r .�e C .t.., rti,l� ,r,.• i y�� � ,,�y�i� "`�' '��IS` JF�' �,F ,' , A7' il' rh`"'d S: 'd •1,�'�c.��1� /� J f. �; '��q �n�• 1'� r' 1 , �,J !} ,P'4� �'�' y'j��'' �.{•. y4^�� 1^ �L S• ' r ' „If 6xF. �� YI S 0X,,. 7� ;�,Cl": 4 � ,fPl.l'" jt'G %b7 .�', ``^ AY ,. 4 Iii • I7r4 7�.t �f: }' . ;� C i�' i .y^^, W10 tl FfJ Ta (IT, U:. s4 ,� ,,, >t`�-s �''�'�';�'. '��, �,.y�,x.007 41r� �i1��F •�u�,� ,a� � raft a �.�A�r ,��;. . %s .��r�:� ,.�� e .Q� . . ME S MET fro..i the South Line o2 ::ci:inney Street, to the I+Orthl line of 'spot Hiokory Street . ke$t Oise. E, MCORARY, Owner of Trot 6, Block 3, uriginal town plat, frontaga ;f 60 feet, bunount aeeessed' X260.00. >a S.4VV SoOwn'6r of , the ,,sout2i 312 pf Lot ,5, ` Block �� 0rig� na1 x TO P1Ati f�Ebnt1 ha 25'' feet, amount asseas`ed ; 130.40. ` kTABS,i viner of the, Worth 1/2 of. Lot .6, $1•ook 3, Original r' OW11 Plat, frontol;o 25 feat, eznount assessed ,;130. 00, R S• E., T. CARTER Oimer of the South 1/2 of Lot 4, Blook 3 , urigiral Tovm 'Plat, frontage 25 feet, ai,ouat au:; eeseit X130, 00, 0. T's S, and d. H. Graham, '�rusteee for Olin A. Uraha , er . . of the North' m m Civn 1/2 of hot 4, Block 3, Uri6ine.l 'Town Plat, frontage 3 25 Feet, amount assessed ,130. 00, 0, A. GRAJIr",3d, Owner of Lot 31 }3look 3 , Original Town Plat, front- age 60 feet9 amount assessed , 260.006 Mts. We S . MoORAY, Claimant Owner, J, F. Raley, record owner, wner of ie;so`uth 1/z of Lot 20 Block 3, Griginal Town Plat, frontage 25 feet, amount weessed 4130.00. 86 XAANX, CRAYTO Lifetime owner and Tens, J. Carlton, record' oimer, 1e,' or � 1/2 of Trot 2, Blook 30 Original Town Plat, frontage 26 feet; amount assessed 0130.00. Owner of the Sout1A 1/2 of Lot 1 B1ook 3, Orfg nai �p Town Pl&t��rantage 2b feet, amount aesesse�t 413000. 3i'. 3�VEh8 Ovmer of the North 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 3, Original Town Plate frontage 26 Feet, amount assessed 41306006 34 DAV28,' Owner oz' the )lest 20 feet of Lot 2, Blodk 4, Origi pal Town pri te frontage 60 'feet, amount assessed #312,"00. . .- .: LONG ,AND 0: U. I{INOI ash an undivided' l/2 interest In the ebuth 1/ besot 1,, loo 4, Original ' ei' own Plat, frontage 36 feet, , amount aesepeed $186.'04 . 0 Be- SCH_ M_ ITZf The Xorth' 1/2 of Lot , 1, Blo,ok 4, Original `i'own ', PIA ,' frontage 30 feet, amount hsaessed $156001 0 TY MWO. clatner of all of Block 16, Original Town ` flat, front- ` age .1, ,4• f9et, amount aaseased 4606.80. ' t 81de. ;.'' } v• W. 0 , *16i ' of Lot 3, and the South 76 '` of Lot 2, wl I �� DR oorlt , being th$ prolie'rty deeo4�ibed, in` Vold g a g 10. m0. , _ e d , fronts a 276 feet. amount assessed erg v msr of tkie 'Nord► 2e, #sot of Z t �r } lbak s �� �oingt+EA ,fix Arta • �e in �a. r 4033t&is !� nbltrl +�1�Osty . c4 �. V t :y � R (•; ''ah t 7 divvided lf�tdr"eel ' dxs XiPe aid N, reinain,doi owner o `_ $ 1, ' Bibp�i i3 Original .'own, sing a prapdrty `dosdribbd in 'Vol. 64,' Pogo,'50, .,Rsid Had rdia, . frontage 100 feet, amount assessed ;;520.00. 1 �' , I � , awtle of the South 140 f6et Ol', I.ot , u, Ii' 1ooIC , . .' f ' : i p"i,a ; frontage 140 f'eeti amount Aseee44. d' 619 00, '+ O 0�irter ofthe flort�i 10 fjAt of Lot 2, and . &II yet +; �a dkina� xorrr Pint, - frontage 'id0 Peet,Y �unount a" ode . do h,,lsp I ,`T1 e'Y rr°y�t^ . f v. y^b^^^Nr' "^G Y<Y^p9q FP4 . ✓ ^' : 1'., . �' �'`�;^�rt��,� i�!sc;s��. d�, � '��`��r� �b;r��"' �'�� {''� `'�"n�" '`� . �}�c►G'±t �� rz�'�t�ss,'� ` rwaiodt of log s ` ' ^z [rA'i ' T ¢01AA t bps'�' Ts.oucV V 41 ry, , A9. aim l'0IPAR ATOM froth the north Line of OW: Street to the South lime of t lam ide A , Osm G. J. OILLESM, „0•ime,r of the following described property ! All that certain lot tract' or parcel of land in the City and oount� of De,Rtony Texas, and being part of the Es ruchalski survey; ~ e it t�itig ''d}i Ith8 no,'rth ofde' of okk . 4treet 'and at a point M '6ie ft }is�. 'eas't `b�f` oriel© ltventie j p" P� 7iarl¢tieaet' f'ee't` t west gid ' �f` a privitEhedge` and` W;e4f'der'i 6 `of k lot ovrtze by—if '0. rdvrerds; 5.1hence �iorth along; 'W. C. Edwards -crest line 194 4/10 feet, to Mounts, ave 'Ilienee +feet 78 112 feet to the oouthweat corner of Lot no , d, of Mounts Addition to the City of Denton out of said luchalski surrey; i�teniie south along tiro a ast line of yonder i.ver;ue lR4 4/10 feet, 't}.rlio:. :t assessed "86. 004 Mbb55 e 'r �n'J. .. `i 1- d •.l,� ��i.'l. �: li. � l :Y 'i.�• .. 1, ` C . .t t1 i .Sy �? 3. S.I} : ♦ 3� i s-. 1 3 � + " rt � P'r 'ii y,'ti c � fi'r•9h :b0 4 1`? •" . W �. x,'..11 tiili :fir ( , . �t :i `i, S�� I�,lT. � ��+r FP �t•�1 � ♦ t -5, �,�' { !`} �� .,,, : v -a_k '. � !w4 i .:: j � 'Ir r ,°'i L !A+I: � '�..� �N�S �,', � ti t �r, kviA� ;,�,P1 . ► A1. io { ill 4 + � 1 � t• 4 t�ti ! 1, c t , ��;^ , 4 d +1 �r'' ` r.,t r �� � +IA A♦ eS �e�r'ItSk u3 ii'4 � i �t 41(;ct� �+�r•� r.p: M "Y 'S� f 1 V " l �r P J i V If ,4 1 l �f u 6 •1'� i l 1 ^ r .♦.'A k 4�5� ,{y 4p 1� ti c : , , iii i i (! t ♦l .� 1 � I,.i 1J '5 a 5 5 y 1F' r , l �i f},^rr tr _, ♦i a .�N �r �� .� t. t+� kt'M� M'3 n at �`�' �': �"A+ , iV"'�' r'; _^'n95 '+"!i,1,1 �"?' • 'p°.f r.t"� i��, " '".,�.(, x ,41 b 34s. triad ►x `on. r"an �CIle4 ) klTgo 0-t -,f. cl.ly ,� �, I;i �;1 ,�Yra. ,d �s '141J�`OIl� �,6X£wF3� tvnq .D`l :(r.V 7, ' roo-, I !,JV04 .CC7, Cl� TQ JO iX.'3'Ci,p .U1t00%-F 0 . Tc,V(T ! k7 a'Mti OTS"ti u ;(f Cf1Ti,tr4 t,1 D�i�` C�` �.'..����+'CI�•��r, �1,?LS�;', 1:Ai �.tw, �„��, j1 '.tis;t"Nti'J''C ' t3"r,Sj ?>x uT �r!:T� � F•jx 4`TiS ' ' , » S ,,: 1.., i � � i Ck'�"i� -� ! W "L1.fj, YM ti7 ri r' �'1' ♦.Ii 3;!1 :� � 'Yy «P. d , ' ; rJ RR Q K K ! 1d W d 41a:r•tgM , 'r WXLCH 8MINT frora the south Line of Iickory Street to the north line of I:ulberry Street. r 170 at Si.:e. `< AB nyj0j 5,0wner of the following described propertyt All ;th t,;oertain lot, tract, or ,parcel of land situat&d ,in tht West. 1 ri ;part ,of the`.City off', Denton, Texq,s, in Len ton. Co��nty Y'saca�e,. being a„park of ;,the 'E, ,?Rachalski , eurvey srid being ,the same lord°, q�. ,by R.-;Zdwardk 'to ti'f. 3s r. Broom and described as follows, tow�its' rs ' ✓ Beginning; on Hickory Street an S.B. line thereof at a p6int 45 feet iveot of -ra. A. iicldurraye west line ; Thence 'Blest wi ,;h the south line u ' said hickor j :;treet 105 feet to a stake; ?, Ilience south 150 feet to a stale; fence Nest 105 feet to a stake between this and A. Mclsurray 's tract; ' Irnenoe ii, with W, line of .aid tract 150 feet Lo the placa of bejinning, frontage 150 feet, amount ass:°eaed „463. 00. AB fW"tbTuiMs owner of th. folloving; described property � Al2 . that certain lot, or .parcel, of l4nd , si tu,ated ill the w3st .part. of the Oity,af Denton, being Lot No. 1, part ,of 'Ploek. lto,, 1 in , tha College Addition ',�o the t ity , of Denton, . .Denton County,; 1Q);4s,' ,a,q shoywa in,. the ' %, plot, of ,the, ;aame .r,hich •ie gn ' fils in the .Pffia3 of the . ounty ,L'iQrit of ,Denton _county,' ,Texaoj 'the .said lot. 4egiraingyat '.the; 3o,, X, Gorier of ;a i,ot :.on +'�,'est }Iiokory Street .sold by, .Jo.. 'R, ..�:pwarda, to ' . Y*B, lBrgwoj , #netloe E3 th2t Ofe0t �fo, a '•a,ke ; ; a �' ' T eat a .8, ,.14 felt. ` ti rVie place of beginning, �'ru.nt491(;t b4 �.et„,;- p /1�/� . 1vvY.fY.ka d St Grr i ,s� 4 '�/,VV• ✓`v ll'� »� li��y < <'♦ ' Iru y�y" � 1 Y I,Y "� r �Y rf , f IIt• f if .. F1 1 . r"9� 1 1 . 1.C'' 40 C JAR+ i� .. r, �,,� I' t . .,r. .x'17 C �'! �.: . (, y i � Gi' Lf. 'r'.. : )� .1 •(,T5 '"' 1'��'' ,f� °.. , 0 i',,'?y+r 7 -..�. ( .. ! i N1;;' 1 ..'.• x . '(', ` ,,,r t',, ". M R,r° ''',fl °i�' ;t" '�''e,Q S• r # �3 .N f..41 Joy it i 9:+1�4 � Y i Yn r F I 'f 1 ♦ -f ni ..f^i iRlr � yC�x 'I r9 K a .T 2 )t1 /; » »`,.. , $� y.i nr.1�i♦ r �.[ e !i jx h :' p , d;f»: r7 ° r .�.11I .. rR� r .�,� ♦ ,, '6r'"' „ �Y + ° ., ��� �' _ t F ' ,f,1♦`{�.a.ix"l? Sr M 1 r' 4s ' lilJ1. ' c ,f. q yy qq r to", 1 qV i ��'' , f.»! J.}'fir ! �'f� � �ihW .da' ,4 S " �„'X � ���,� � Y, . f.r ,. t . ,1 r� f 1 r "r ,11• � 1 ' � iPi fj�idV .t4i9fr 'r r>M' y1 'r,' Il' x :� . �♦ �� � r �r'iu51 ,� •tiS t ;. Y {°g w y S„Ix ''.�y i0 1 p r �''1 R�..'% 1 »Fi.i n ,.11t .N5 t, 1y: yt Pi♦ ti r�' rr �'1' �S Yi) f{y C-tirr` :� 1 f� 4 trfy, ,�� r y11 ����. u� 4 �.n7Yr i FS�f,?� 1� 1' gx' r �','' rYV awfl �:�.'�." 1� .F leaR +a7 !' y!' . '; Y1 ° q • ! 1 °• �/'P'r'1f.'. .� Y 145r'�l' iY" ,y 1 d r.�' jr�(, y':.,. 5�t � ,K.,1F r ' ' f,. '�M� ra�'��'+Yl' I� I�CYM1��j73� .�Nwb,�+�tF t°x : i��♦� ,.'.dll 1♦fl', ,�,(W 1 C'l ♦ i W �F� 1 � � � t ? , r : i vif �! AFd 4 �''r1 ,'•r f rw Y , r '� } i � 11 d �f Sao :k.i rA'+� '1 1, ' � " ° �1 .+ i .j. li. q t,Y • to ' IJ1',V ♦ x 7 n �q 4.,i r .° � � �1�M'. � � fl u r r • °.t 1� a! e,: t ~' - �/� .1 , r .':I c t: }t r•�1 a � 'e' ti l (3,E x.r V � +�,, t � "l�Mj' rts4thl s�:-1k �.f♦1.��iY ��,1 . �W'F { � ! er r..' � � � l 1. A • � . » , , �. 1 . 1 ItiSi� i ,R rdrl .,� E '� 4 � ° i 1S`'.1� � »'ii } ♦ t Lt P d»3, f't,IR,R .^�'�. r' ? 1�,CV '..X A l+ , R • ' �( vE . ' . L $1 s °, �« t f ` '1, i � I ��',�"1 ♦ �,j {�r�`�.�. .'�i ll � lr � Y� � l`. 1� 1. j.�r t .,F, r .Ji�}� �.h �4Y Vf�r ♦'�. .,.♦ ,t. ?"+�:i'�d'!�° t, a�'rt""`r?.1d^c S� ..�. F, �” ��" °j! ,A V r ,�� ,'I V-\ '.F'.� r7 '1,7�T»^i "Pr �. .••.,� '70" j t r tz.r;ce ox Ts"i:clap 0Y T + �sY nh'�"q4 ai °'$ ;firar• 1;.1,)7 r y.l , � ^' cT.7T� Ab�e � nprrfIT �Y• , h .)yj � p .:r � ��� �a �de� }[��a"�� ! � j ' T,�� S " ��`. l�i' ,,� � t�;4�d{,y hk'�»�� ''��'�,rr ��k ,��? �" ' • � y N .. -. ; nf ^- 6 , ,y .v.,-. •�'-i vi.,� "rat.. i'�+" ' �1' 'r '4,, 3T :X!,.-iERRY a'i'F>;PT from the vest line of .,elch :Street to az point 123 foot went of the said -greet Line of W&b :street, North Side. 3 1tl`YL10LL3, O%rner of the f olloO no desoribed roijerty : All that oertain ioc, or T'arael of land ,itiiaited in the West part oftthe , Uity of Denton; bung Lot ids, 1, part of Block i;o.' 1, in the try` Opllsge Addition - to the City of ht.r,ion, i;enton Gounty, ' Texas, as - shown - in ' the plot of the same which is on file in the 'of fiad, of tri's G6ut1t1► Q1erk 'of Denton County, Tei:as, the se.id tot l3eginnink; at the + . uorn,r of a lot oil ,lent ltiiskory Street .cold t i by J. ii. Edwairda to W. Bo :3rotivill k _henco i. 160 feat to a Thence '+feat 105 feet to stake ; Thence 160 foot to atal_e ; Thenoe ri, 105 Y cot to the place of be-intiing. i+'rontaC;e 105 feet, Amount Assesut.4 ;338, 10. M1�I 2. That the several some above mentioned asoeused against said !abutting property end their owners respectively are hereby, togeth- er k .with all costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attor- neyse fees if incurred, deolckrod to be ri lien upon the r6eppetive' yf ' jaroele of property against which +:he same ere assessed, and a per- scnaL liability or charge against the ovmere thereof, and that said liexi shall be a first and pc.rwaount lieu upon said property, super- ior' to , 411, other liens , elairau or titles except lawrful ad' valoikem -taxes,- 'Thal, the sunta so assessed ' uhall be sayable as follows, 't'o tits . ;n, five 'equal' inartallcaents, one-fifth upon the completion' and i aoceptanoe by the Oity of) !)enton of said i r,provomahts °on the 'fair,, 'tidular , et'reet or portion thereof named to be irkprovedf 'on'o fifth 'one 'year after• said' date] one -fit" ;.ii two yeure after said d ater 6'ne'; ,g ftlth ;'thrmb^ years` after, said date; and' oiie-fifth four years, efter,1 z�a 'd date; togat;ier with inte,�6ut from said date' tit Qua rate of eight per cent per annum, payable annually. In case default is , .ode t in the payment of any installment df prinoip�_l or interest when A1kke the pnti>re laebessrhehty a't tne' option of'. tho said J'agoe' Cohstju'ot,i6n" IONapariy, or abbignej shall dt ' once become due and 'payable ► Prdp6rty ownbrs shall ba,W the right. to' pay any` or all of said 'instalimeriTB bef rein tkirtt�rr;`by• pay5rent of� the ataoir'nt -of 'i,rinuipal'i''- togothbjr l 7 � �� i'Eh .'dbtstgd iriteres+, 'tbahb date° '0! . eid payrnenf.' gaiQ sae bo ] :,absbNped�, sHa►lip L �a. spAOittl` taxOI and eha.11' aleb be payablo' to' the bxk.Gbliebto3' of" tHO1City - ofDenton, -Who` shall d9poeiE :311 6ubh auraew pity Tresasitrb i of the' City df, Lo nt6n'i tb? be •kept ° and' held' � 6JAi 1,_T aun d far the 'hv1dera of the oertifidates, " tib' , • ., `� ' +." �! � Y. +,e-F. ' 0" i,,X 1. , T'.{,.n; :1 i x 3 ThAIt the oity 'oi':.ventbn'shall' not -beobm# itt arty tr�ilntr' "� liabt �'i'aSr> the � t yta�;nt` of, thb'' suins assbbbed! akahi tsV OUbh property . �' awrtere or' ti�eir- roperty. '1'he said oe Constrr c$ion Company shall �x r look ' loidlyf tb r e id ' property bwnbrs 'a � thAli•,' property` &kk the' mtlht3of ' saiti;;sUht btst; the saidl Oity - oe. Denton oehali ; exeroioe sil .its sir ^ ;' Qh rtot> lind'#ai thtutory. pbrkern3 rieoetitsary" or rorj`er to`" aid'? i r1" the `sip ' " ���'>. foroe>bent 61 '08I, 001,100tion of Bald °oertjfioiWti 6i' n"d -.that "ifl' blm w dofaaa%t bs °mAdk6krin , the paayyment of an of said auras oolleotion theme ,. o nt►al1 9 . an!'rroed,r 3thor try. thp; ify o Dihtdr au, rr'61�r r bosh �v,,, � o ! }}A,'� t� am�#nr�5dk t,1,0i/ ei dYttbYlfi i • !'3 ,► ' '1�rep !' +rpay. i�dl4}aalbfay�,t8id `{"ass^ t# ytp stg;d " r i #Y�i+t ' l�iir �.y6n14t� CjttbY! VaQl � �'.�.� `,� �e rr}l i ! ''d'� iUM(i if l'r #�� d�''I LIi �`' •'..!r, „ w . : ,: lr �k : 6h4 Cikkiaw1 C[ Wi �A i ., t r A „t'. � v awyc �T+h� t R �9,i "� � YT ,r � J'«. f X zs�',` fvI, r� i�R r �^ �R{ 1ar .f'A iJf•rSI F'^ h r ;,' he purpose bP a c�eryo'ing Eire, abYora3.'is s �Y� ;`�' $�bl ► said p�rdpet;tyr'owirerei �und ; the ti{ae and tArr)s of paydlita ;"i.. 'M' ,lfret.td' iAAhe"�1n' 6i66Mett' atAhd6jIjdtidft'jtnbi 6'6r gP'tt��e �,�'o �p it'lo�U&- 0411 be-ritilied by the dity of J 3ntoft Upbn thb cam- p etidn . `adbe tanoo' bf said Vbrk of improvement bWon the ptrti0s ' a:lllar Lte t '6�l+p i�tilSwfi! tirerboP rSsmed ,to°:bb 'improikfd ; tvhioh said '. `dert4f icatb shall be eiceoutsd by the lac,.yor and ati 'ttkted by the filth tars oo#��Orate seam a�d�'sh¢��.;k- ynb s ,to:, Or K#l^(�', e ! �' , t r '� ' � J �. :.. • T.0 q ) 3 i, 11, ll • 'ITir .({ '• fl, Q7. r Y 1T �r� �„rl��fr�ry ► 1�., "iT. t • Ctt^: {'{ Y,Gr . .1',,('7. i ��;;► Tr �'Cj .� ,w�i s�$. C,^'. ct,t;r t:f ?'t{ .'.a ��' '^r t,t; n r . c'R;%,U �,',;`z.;�c� � {i�N y7^ ( y ".`•r'tZ i'{. ,, "^l, f .l�ll7 f"7 r l� 1 1 r. I i Jague Construction Coznpz ny, or its w3sij;na , end cizwll declare the ernounts due acid tlzc ti,;le i,nd tPrr,:S of l,c,ynent taoreof, the rate of interest pE,,yvble thereon, and uhall contain the name of 'lie Drop- ' j' erty ocmer and the. de:joription of the property by lot snot blook number `r and front feet thereof, or such desoription as ziay otherwise tlentify the aa=e by reference to any other feet, and if said property 8hr.11 be owned by an a state, a descrij;tion thereof ati so oimed shall be , ? euf> ioiant No error or mistake in the description of any property or the 'nazoe of the owner thereof s}ia11 in any zrzenner invalidate a id � :, certificate or the aeseasz�ont lik`n against said � ropprty or the pe`s' >� "ddra1 ' liability against the rer,l' end true owner of s&id property►' ' '? "? Said certifieateF, shall further provide thr t in case default is *' made In the Payment of any irw -U-1llment of larinoijal or interest l•++ ' thereon when clue, at thFI optiiu of t.'.o sa W JaL,;oe Conotrue 4. ton Corn- tr'} pai�y or other holder thereof' , tite entirr; r,,,.our, t of utaici taoas; rsa3:aont cha{.11 at once beoome due and uayable anu, ohvIll be oollcctible , to - + getlier with reauonuble uttorney ' s feed and all poste of colluotion if incurred. Said certificates small fur.ier set forth and evidence the personal lieb lily of the property cL rier and the lien upon his premises, and shall provide if defe.•alt is made in tiie payment " thereof said certifioLtes r,ay be onfor. red either by sale of the prop a ' erty• by the Tax Abijerjdor and Collector of the City of Denton, or ib by suit in any ooart iiavin" Jurisdiction, M{ ;;aid certifiot%tes shall further state that the proceedings r #t vfith reference to znaking said i..iprovenientat have all been regularl y had in comialiance with the terras of Chapter 9, Title 28, Revieed vY Statutes of Texas, of 1926 and Chapter 110 Title 22, Revised ftatutes of Texas of 1911, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Dentoni" and that all proregatisiten to the fixing of thr lien and claim of personal 'l`iability evidenced by said certifioates have been perform- w ed, which reoite.ls shall be evidence' of the facets so stated , and »o further proof thereof 31rcI11 be required. ; ; . 'l;iat said oortificates small oleo provide than the amounts pay- able ' thereunder axy bra paid to the Aesesoor and Collector of 'fanee oi'` the City of Denton, who shall credit said jpaymentri upon said oer� ^ tificatom and shall' at once deposit the amount oo oollected rith:` the City ;Trdtturer of ` the City' of Denton, ; 'to be kept and -held by' hiA 'in �' a , pa.oital. fund; 'which I said payilent sh1,11 pe paid by said Tteasurei• � { tdi"A! a adaid JaigOe: Oonstruotion 06hpany, or other holder of said oerw a ifio&te8' oil pr thereof to him, duly credited by said `kopp !ti d orApiid Obileotot df ''reXes being the Tro surer' s warrant for rAAkii16 ' payment, and the '' id Jagoe donstruotion Company or other hold- ,. alr.;of skid ,dertiflesteo shall receipt in writing .to Said Treasurer 'for said pa yi A'ht,, 4nd "shall` deliver said oertif'i.oate to st,id Troasurer �'. when paid ` in All together with;all costs of oolle otion► `' laid Cert` i'ibatee ` shall further provide that the City, of Denton y oYiQil';eiCar toe ' its 'airai•ter powers irhon requested so to do by , the 'o2Q ^ofd°g idaoi;tiri,6Atea � to. eiid ,irz the oolleotiot' thd 'ebf, , but,�.th8 f , i,tiy, b#` 15Antdt� ' etit►11 be in, nb irrise"' liable . to , the hold9'rot said` oeriif loateE for the payme'n ,� of the sau>P, .�� qb tl3'i0�►t�A_r htiii' !^u'l.. dr ide.,:, 't {d,''E'ip tlaley i^;',R�AiOUi1E iN,.'F' fi{ A° dl e ' JS yip ��*)°;'ti, d��1j�1 ��,,F I��xy�9Af�•!y4 �}�7ti� x f'�,',d,l � ; � {�� 4`1,, p1 I.'• � F,, a��} 4 ay��wti 'r,.p( ��y ,}r"S�I�j,r, ��. ' r �1� "f a .'� ° e H. 1`t�� .� ��vf n .r ... i�yl�. I,R yy �y��''i�t'� v: y1`AJ r7, I � ! ti .5•t'V,�'y r i. Yt•� '�� P4''+ �Y '�yF Ixw3 .1 ' '�y3 ', ' `v�sf, �. S!L -�',i��' U� 4. }f. y� r ads r.r 7 tn • '};,7v 4 1 ^(1'�rt1Y r �1,wr � r�f,'}�) rr'?t� �:SS �i ;.�, �/�yr ° '� e r' i���' IIlI � x" �\ ri4 Y 11 w*R♦ I '{ .�•1 M�•i F� .r y fi " 4,Y'It'�,� r: rC �'�'n' �.,q y}•� � � C1 I'.. rJ' ry , ' ` "'�r�.lr lr�l M' v �� ��i •S Y.�S• / 3 r vrr" ft,t .l" fy. '� "�� w �� ,^r' � c 'R "6 {lyC 1 y,r Y �' .} J" 1 •rP Y: : � r �..�i�, ,r t A�'te) 1 f y... � 7\` r f 2K a �a i s. -s w IVA MA, v k� 1 � n'7 `d k Y' 1 F '�r � � a' . w r Yi't� � t��• .r . r Y �h �� 4 a a � w I ( `. � F � „ t r •t �. i�pr� ..Y�� , ! Wil,A prKxaNIP �y v,',. :,a. R'' t�•f, A W d. `1 t 4a r° .� 1. t�y ,.��5' �'y✓."J4 � JI y"'il'; .Y:, k. ''h vaR'S�} Vol ���l�'� ('J`-"n.t���r Y�1iS1��'�4t ;}t V"(. n 1r{,`t�..t 1yr w}t S.L�}iL + ��� 1 a ,1� �s 'r�l'•r�1�Y ^� �'v P1� °Sl �y�FtiY0. ��F y. 1. 1� � � T,�t��, ��a, ��t* # r t v. N, 1 x r .5M 1 0.7 r, T� f � i 4w ji`fir ! M4 a " }' S• �y r r �d 4 d,,��y � i iy J i t � ♦ �.' I 1 S r + ' �,.x t r"( Y � ,'>�,! " P y � t� 1 �w 1 •\y I e tI A° 2 INI' >w'N 1,yt y .Xa r i rl 1 f. r✓ � f 1, � � r I 1 i � t � .t r \ r I r`� rrr U ' )I6 r 1 1 fi S d 1 J t u r xt� r'r �`7 J T I. j r � Z' 1 � t� .!tr ti i +t ) ar J •ytr ✓ vr� S 1 (V r 'yyc , 111r r y 1 1 1kl/ Y ) (1 ,✓„r Al, w r ��+ t II, 1if!� ,+I�l 1 lk+ 1 1,K �t Ji v ye` � ✓ {r a yd.'z r "s ��+5 r 13 ) ,� v ��I�rJyw 7k El�r s �✓ r +y sad rYr �: n3r F: I . y � ( .' 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THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Dcntc.n, being duly sworn, says that he Is thQInanager of the Denton Rccord-Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year fit the County of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, find that the said notice was published in said paper as follows: 1 � First insertion ._ .. ... 2/ Si7`_ . . . . ...da or 19..2 �... y f tSecond insertion y. day of .... . ... ,.._ . ...... 19. 2`j.,.. 2 {./ Third insertion .... day 19. � _. W77�tti �out h'Ins:eftion ' ,. day of-. Subscribed tend sworn to before me, this .....,..day of .ri�'LEt 19-z/ f� \tVuncas my hand and official seal, _ �� � � . Notory Public, Ucnton County 9 a 1 ,u at+Y + �'7h v ♦ '� ,w.d{ V,�I � w 'txA'4,`�,'5� �1 r 4 �(� 1 }. 1 , + '{ �,.1 ''1 ' • �,� y 1 t'}r: •�k„ L f j ryl , yrai g+r " +� '+R' ` �� , i � }"Y , 'aif�•��7� i r�,I �+ .� �I. � 1 �'�Y v�..A � S l� � 1 + "1 �% �' r +,. 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S .11 �� Jill, 1 n{{aagy p GGI•• l■ . �ei L} G Ll �j C fY as Jill l 4 5p $pa � sa $� �rr grr� �� S P• � AA ,. �� � �uS�e'y[� ,� � a:,6 �� ya � ,. pp��� � �aR�� � �do � �g� Vol Dior"y Ilia H .4 ��� y d add . 4 , . Q "Ito y � � j9�@'y�,mg'�( �. �-�p ±{�i�;yg �$i Ape p {� ��eq � A�♦pa;.;� 44��' pq �Y ��� �d� ��a�` �� �a �; .�' �A'��M Up �gw 10 It °61111 " �� � WON., r � fill 1.4 old w ' Ae �g ` Rj : �11 5 g lit a ROM .11 lit Till I"HVe� , "� �gA �� � °x6 $ ° 7,m s P M 71! � s� od � Hill � � �:wig �• a pa X{Q a p$$� s s p van � f` . }( p ',.. R p Ng �! .9y i(rq�� {f^J]j {�}I Sy 3 K imp {e✓�. (P1 �fn�j!�• $ � � ry�1g�� .QjoJ g $Grc� a o..aypRy■7y Qpy C� J1 � 1 ( �NC�1 rff ��En9T+� 1 �. �1 V► _ _ — " � 9 � ��I �II � �(.� �N11�9 ,71 �7yro � BQQ�QIR .t8pN06n '�5 �� P�gp � � a � 6SBS �S6 Jµ 3pe � � 8a � r+r p 1^a A N !q ,, pgep� li „ g' j ��jjyy�sS,r $ gifa � ,Q i°� �H pe ) R► ,�� �R ,[fag' i;]Y F'a�I��eX 1' .. Q"QIkkf �' 1EME1 u �do� R�k�����8 ��� ��� �� �a"� � �;7� �",•�� � 'y� ���' r(7,A ..��� ��41 N' rp :3 N E {L Oro '• Y p S 7( 9P Q I�+' IY CbC JIM 1'�N ° �kk r y•?�fi{" y •j.^ ��7�° F f j rdFc` 1.. rpi ° GSiF. hak N C �i ^ ,y n p�rI' n e, bh$ .. rtl' . . l� �.1 tl p pp fi'•1 Ra� fNI°'1 ppo 0 �p r a� ggo• g I ffiH % xg ��ro��dSE.�i rH���N� gE�•'W "f°. r.. ryh�E"rA7�",NA7 i�a�i i'. rC.� �.A�.�1 � � � �tl°I ��5�, �'��x ii' ��� � GK$�'SY��� ro" "Woo r r oP.£ ae E ;m 1b r.°. i�.��4• �y& 16 N, rouo� ,.� E.& „Va7� aGu � NLVS 'oA .. tlss �tl P� y. � lu g � � 'DNS DI ” ■s %all rF u41n C� ^ n 'y ~ tax ^6,° $' rrc cro a g uk S i gi G" �}?'!��jy l+(`!f�� �I/$x�J{11-.D �■p i E p�6 (V! o$TyyrypJ ��/}� ip� '•. .� � � :•. '� fie` •.. 4 , e � '�1. :: C■■■Qe ,. � }� ' ' FM ��. i tic IV s ,�F �am .+Ptln1 T"w i.. . a yM� r e ► aH � 1 e _$6 � rp yA� 5 �`1 � n �� ��� TJ���i..i�b aC P���CP -.S'C^•' v �� .°..i Yti'C'.ta' ISO 1 lei Ld o . jl J TR!" 0, THU 01Ty �UYdi1W Of Hp llgi 0ITY QY JYAV�QV � Nx I1 k6 �11% 4909881TY Vol �A 4 0 .01 AY?cHvxp it �YY PD '11AH r Ay - Y 0� a r � , Qxv, W I iT�9101�YtOR A Zoo P1y ♦ OOt , gy; ;gip Y � v /"A 140 Yx� 4A a Q,I u � , ,J �►x� 0KA h pr ttvlx tt8 `��m trio � 8'1'1 iJ f►U;v TY A8 OV 91161 Jaw �'M �tA1iT�f:t ANI� Q XntA�CAU 4Y '♦X/ ti�ptXfX"1ihYxh1�t'1f'u�y( �t�Y1 XiyirpRy3Sy0�1f';HAQ, Tllnit� Qt17T14C}�:61i 'x 'MCVAfR�Y�fTt7 1VX 'f Yry V♦i4 10 i P�!-J� AAfl�i7 Ai'W MUMS 11 i�f.� !y'f'!(6 ANO `HS 4TAT 1N, T . 1 I oil WORT 01? 01TY 0011WHO •i; }lid IT ORDAINNI) BY 1114 QITY CO W41dJI0N UY IV, QXW QY Lx ONS That► Phereae, the UltV COMieeion of the dity of t s Denton hoo horetofore by revolution duly puuedd And epppro 04 ordered the 'improVement of the following atroutsb In tube g1ty ` ' ; ot' ,Uentgn► tb+wilt A8N �S � Fn'4 from the north line of Xaot HAokory Utr4ot to � eau of K4 bine 8treato 9a�oocient to be Otte an ahl411ho11 n Asr tlsi, Cunoret• on a Me ;tooh r'0*�tiCorae� 0944rltb .bay 01 •;P_ "ice *AqT n. the tout ling Vf Agh" Otfo 1 t , �: 6t�A�1 AVf4�. �ra ya At1M A�i� COnOre tY on k1 rive in111j rOMthlOraod 06" �� r' Q�lte,�!t►�ej ! , Q£,l}Ai1 TR"T from the south line of xoxinn*,v 8troat to ' A010 north lino of goat Hiol,us' &treaty javamant to bqq ane :.644 olooWf inoh4e Of A4j*Ultl�l Concrete On t► fiwb' 200h �r+�apAloroo4 .cotworete basal >, POMM1 AVxVVA from the na+ th line of " atre!f to th 10outo 14 o of 4rfgg Strap ywoo to bo one 0A4 00e0hU hAhA o ro ro•itfoY od AWLinoh 004040 �K !i �t T, tr+om, ! �ortth l4no of ioa �tipkoYtr 1�t�kglt ttt Q ►. a ' k� brl�ltrect tO ;pp4 ,b�h4 'atld� too t • at �`#nb �!° �r � o � �� doh p Aar r o ; ,rf V f •, tltf�1`` � ahp3 1tNOh 'Stjl and Qp tita�p,c t►c► ltt�i�+lt�► '', b 4i and indepet}tt obi. e ; q 0 n4 0 ' o wwtil' lgpraYoln tr +keb +Id 'a• ¢. r dlht.V to h. Id1tl1 i sle oht; Q the 0OnMt1r'u 0 ��,yy +1 n pt 19:, suuxt.,•'OX' dt$tr�ot xhi WIR,""S be OY40 <. pf 4*4 Unit or dt4t lot elapl�r ,b �►o ord ' 46,11,044 t 4 nenf uN►t Bert a lof, uo a 1. e t rtot afa r th tbo . be�!dtp n lm SPY! : K • ' 1� y * ;n ,,A► 6 '" �r ►r t� ti` as E` �i��t t lndAd,t Off�,, ? vt a +p �bo ,Itila" ,hsf r. 'tt4t1� � : o •ti#ber. l �l'r k f 4��' �>i '�'a p: �I�l L� �'�. r �$•i ldL.'f�! ,: `? .,•< j,",- _'.; •,: kt d t _• '. . J. ' � ' �, aa. ► pian the 1"Iro�a r t 'r � ,.,n1�1. .:1j'l+�•.r+•,+AI�.+S.*a'.�+'-!r-'�l^,��i'',¢?irri.-:-�`'V - ^�"r.^;•'.r.""'�!'t ,�':',�T',..r " ."?^':,".,'•'V 'T^,!I'. .r rt'l*s7 Y'I L"F,ar,*-A•a.::7 7)"p" ��' { IY ` A a � f `t r'"f • P 3'.r .r , i , ;) , . , s.. r b a r i• t 7 . ♦ �{1 � . a v.� y r. � .1Y t n l.p fl v ` I ♦ f , I r 1 } s „ 1 i' �Y * Y 1 1 , J � � i A 77 Tq WiFTRIW711, o'.0 411,A $%roots hovo been duly pro red cnd agprovod as requlrea e Ctw tor : end .t?#�din%noes oi' the City of xx nkon wtd W T � ' 8 WOO tl� +jA Mato of TWa l and r * as required by said 01142rter 0•dint►naae apt! , oj)% rUkji atter due advartisemOOt and Lids for . pxovq � s4i d iw t r3r�k eotf 4l ��d work dt IN*¢vemant Vas 14t t «tw o W d ode��fatmi oh' oompur►y to 1100V ta l� R +' i<n As�h al,�ia Conorettat on n five G inch oouoxete bt�ye, r Out yroridaitbyr�e►ictriq]a,,ioand ayor.itioa►tiu►tio�oand* tharnwitlta *1fxA Mj# & written contraot kao been entered into by' and between tha City of 1,entonp and Jey;oo Conatructiou COinynny for the aonstruotlerr of mlo,, lmprotorA• t,baj ttowo Theruforet zY �I(X CITY p,. WICtiiO3 OF 'Y'lik, CITY CY ri �rUara 1rus6 the rOyQ:'t or otat4mont Of the City .KI moor filed with the City ComrASOLOn/ deooribing the ebu�inQ prey+ or r,ttd iving the Hansa of yroporty wmere and nwabor Of r6 t Pee . and the cost of Improveaent charaoablo ai;ainst each A a Utttins property and its owner havind bAn duly oxetoinoop p hereby apprGVed. Thut the City Comutission does herby' t � otormin �e, O 5`40009. Otte total cost of turbo and � trb«thirds oY tho tbtal Co¢t of tW riRv,ainder of said iAVVOY4Amb + ag:sinet " 1'th`e' otrriere 'Ot the property aWtt1119 thoroont and a��ainst t#teir propesty� to aocoraanoe vith the provleione of w".apter l� - x�t ; ant iearsed �ts►tittea of Qt 14110 and tnwt►ter fit b 24i 1Aevit�ad stututos of 'foxxa M t the ouidtaaeeaowtor kt�d ' tltF inisr,tiah Of the City of AV r' sht}lt be ,aaAa aftc+r Lh» notion to miiais prol4triLy owners and AD. interested p0rA0n8,P and that hog ria3 ?.erain �entipneidy' add that !ha said Vortion of the ,.a�►id neat of i:Aprolraaaante ..' their to a **sensed aga sat such roi,erty owr.ars any Qlr property s y be in Socordonoe with trio ?runt Yoot Rule or P16110 inn ; e pyopor ,ion that the trontn9a or wo property of ea.nh otmer in 'dal��l particular unit or diutrio+. 'ootsrs to the Pror�tt o er .a the whole yr0 rt,y In 019,% vtiflular uniti or dietxiet prdtl �tfi4v #uah boaxingr iP ' auoh plan or spp4rt oteaent . o ba li8t Suet ano, equitable in particular it:standesr l' ' ty Cau lidiiou obti ll oo ayporti 9#i..al acid 004L as to cod s * att4�rt�►nt�rnl e4+x xit *600ae� , aik ouah oyetrty 0146k4 �' A0tt hav Fn Ari va�r • t ftg a thlF pA tlou ar un t:.or 010 j • riffs ;, 6��,un ,tip`. lice 1, oi►erty' and Ula btrtieti .A Qer �.ad Y 't'tbld Cft iryir�tfor�en'c� caul a 4 bttrtty,at:auea ijA, , Idd upbi tttorA b , his awont om et� u4d h ' 11TO ry" o retw bet'iior�sta'' eti etiok impk"tivaraen tth ch is Coe " A 61 o �' tl of Donti at W is,lpi•0 im p � ott , ono±fifth en4 . Yodt bt4z' Paid d+► 1 t , � d+1�o ,R�Ie fifth throe` yeaacs `t►ftor . � + � � ° 'a►'w ��thb ' you�a a t�tt .�a�d dotal to •bier .►ith , ` bf�x4p id sip. 4h o . � iofi� it Yereldt "peer e» ' .0.Cpl OptEttl of aalla6t toi iq "th ProposY'tst�n to yart AP *ooh $sod atnst wuoh dtrnai 8 � e 004 tep t0 be bt0ae a6 e , `(rfe etive p k 4 t'b dt ppll r titla o atft1d s the 0tid�tmO»i 4 roef d the rOtlwltAlfMff toruwd0 io u pe � rty ad the abY � y e0 to o o 1i1r0tr x1�i ' t„ r �, {{ 0 ',� , �!b• , �#'t� drab'' r �M4+► }to 1 '� arbY0sMt1tM Oelurw 7 � ri 1 y �rS''�i �\y y ' 6r ,�ia69,t 6��' r�wF G'4'i ;:Y t. .w , t 7.1 11—..r+ t •r,:•w!rrT 1 ,.%`Ty It-'T^T.T."1'o,"i". „ !" � r. ♦ ` ' , yY n " YY1}. f� pp , r q�, i L .� ; a �'N �• P��yR� Ism b'a aK ! .� r4? eG A' 1` .! r6a= v �^ iy , � f�y y� f`'1' .I�t { rR C�f � F��� � ,'� � • ri.+K� � 'ti:�4 !�� „�� �` �' r fA M r p. 6T, 4))V.J, tf �'�k , ' •,� t c ; yr ���''�,�,�����.`.Y4��� '#t��� �S�vY� �°�.Ar,�'�'��i�f� � ,fi( t;N ,�l�,Nri e�f� i � ri������;9� ` r �' i ,. ' F r ,� � r1�M`,'• . r tx`d.' �,t'�., �i � . A8 61MU ~' from the North tine 6'f' �etnfs' ltiaxoi�+ t3t,cae t to the trogth line of XoUnney StWtt y&yawn% '.e be one atld one•LA1f inol f>! NA4d. Cvnaacote rsn c� 4 shah reMinforced OuG» ore bleb;' t' y �, r td , tiwtilbl'k. tit t�k%4 �' �Oat�1► bbl 9 �r ,� lG N 00 ! lrOl�tkge" bo <` A>aaunt k>„reoeod k+ri o ner of the firth 23481 ft of 7tat 6s • Mitt the' Coui h so �� �'� t'�, itl.gQ�: 7J � 0 iginst. 'tarn ;�k�t, t'xonitege 24910 .1 , ' 111ftOttltt sg8 03e4 her "i ;;, • � ^ , a,r, 'urt(ti•rt�tad ��,/'•S � irltcroefb d�u M ; eon 3tortstrtdbr ,ownorl Ae i A tt� .'; fbet Ttorttt of the 0, >;. ox'nAt ` dx 11106k 71 ett t'urning� Nur0t i '�` f32 48" oft raid e.'c4enair wo,; t 1,140 i e to. ?�ouut t�txeatl boy trtyyori' ru7t1tA1 lir,eAl itt nq : xt' of ,�,et fi AXook ;''7s QI'xri' � doAitribod in YpXr 441 0q0� i�OCd 1' cordiil yxptttEe � �k�}>>�tr fob, QIiGr!P*od,. a �At1p•tt1t '?� ,�,,R; r 4►, I i 1ne inalo�f I►a Lot 51 21001 r`( Z C reC O � Op t ! .forth r aq �r tXa6 tn$ We t1 Qtrric►r 'of I,Ot dl ?torth nine iddiae of er„ �OL t 7 OrigWiLl, Town Plet, F:..�a►,too 50/ 788 ��atUy aAOo'Aegd $'263,0/ � .'• 0 >< �1 T , Owritr at the :ioutl� 1/2 c-t 1,aS :Sp �3uak 7 , r g 11 aim t, frontage �G. t) 1 ,1e b, er.:n'.Iht uo �owuod �130•o0r ` �f5' , .0 1 Gxitar of the )forth 8 0 �' "' ' 00 . g ' o,�,; 1 tit. ]�rzntsi;e 2b fea, 6� ea:aunt ae�,ag14 V13o. a4 r b , k er of the k'otztr. 21 teet Of LOt 2r rn oo�ur a rtal ',Oita Pluto Frontage 'l t8�tr AttOU.;s6 ���mAl"I-' lot te lttterto % e►n� �� Ct►xl.tars re atpAor omie r a . Orth 20 feat off lot P1 m ok 7 brlg nnl ow11 ; plot, fxonuige 29 Not, Wlouykt Ost�scsate�! 1fl0� �;ify ,. J.>�fo into�re t and Letts Jr Cnrltors x�,laire}� e ;;Q�1ttt ;3 yet Lot 1r :Monk =is OVt/0,111il 1Otm;1"AA1 tr 1AOWtO atl�iAUAtpd 3�SQ�(?Q. ''fi�rr . _ 1 ' ' �t11• iM� p� '`�`� ^ 1! -Wrp tl X 5 d�rl tote k ep,! 13 4"tooyk6� rriai»tl� Torfn ?*to k , of 6131 of °Aook ?, origin�:k Tor�tit i'1¢`, jl of 14t k 10 t 0$11101 TOVA Vlat, ft'icotst« 1 Waot�il� �►iA�oo�� ����tOal ` :;� �� py1 , d fir 9l ek �1 Ngib �� �o vo oM�. ac oft at; 'o ado ,rra , ` r' r ,r, V. 7",�l"�Si����":..T M "`.'?•! s fie.?F��9,�7t `r'!C:.;. r r, - i`��" ' +�°a. r° "�.,`.`7.�'i \� 'x`I v �.p�h w i � :WIC. 7SS ', ' a "^ : � . " � ° i lw pT nY 1 .r i. pr k r'-r ".°o rr+� ° �Y '� � Y�<V t`�Draa . .{ r ',u i��(.� " r� �1�� 4T.ra ;Y� �H •� lr �"� 3�� Y T/h }t �� i(. �'{'�.h�t��� 7yr<,•: h'e i ' �r �"' } fi;11�. ��fS.,tVy� i. �� ^�',��+�•�+,! y+ ,.' �+ r,, /�iy�l w�� {� i}l.'l� �. �' 1>�i� rp,t TaR .y /i.� �.al ? rr�, r ,1 � Y y� •r > e r '° �, 1 �� � �� �,���'(�a �,'�°M �� � ' �. ��� +�l � ' '� V�-rs, I,N`'� • ,,5 a,Y� ' � v y� I�++�Y a�l� M. Y Pry° a 60 nth 60 Meat of the 1-0'0t 83 fI 048441 X91M plats i'uantap 4Q ilat.I o 90 A.' of b i n PO tvt� b 6� �Cdt .N�xtl+ r ot the r x � �ooj;;. �s •. r, ' x ing '5'oxt, ra t+ xtandM S` fa®t Otaroan JAM1101 linos. Boina a 1l. rt; of Lot ' '0 231o4k 0p Oe To P• deRorlbad In VoJ4 1971& n . 0 go D10,�i Woad ri0apxtiiv� i w»taga a .tl7� +�u�aunG a,enpwpede ,, 7 �fr ,Ownar of a lot bosinnlug ljaG scot Ouuth of the 0 1) -cox la# and r"nn % L'QUU1 M171 wad oxtend• !ng •krt t' et b4t:veen pkr liel 11 W O. Lets x� ,;; and og .10# 0. 1't♦ P Usuck1bad in Vol$ ja �wrt 0� xot9, Lae 808 s { Lod t,e �C�Ie, b'x'onta�e 74.j7p Acou nt aeuee�+gad �a$ep0a, . Owner o! 1tvt of Lot is Blaok 10 0 ?, p, # inn nB ►�SOuth Of the Ve I* slornar o Pa60 1A, �nQr �n N%M 50 fop and , extgadina e ;.»t 94 rgat betie.en ' ypo} 1a1 t1aO� t�4agxitio f.n Ybi� 'Qei o6a r.1760 '::�tod Rocordc p�'ottt�gA A ;. fa8ttia�iun0 u�aesed �$ap,p lb 4 L h l I tr c. tlq tl► �t 121 � rite •AxPn / '.70,. j4 M i l fir °n i � 7 Yr'JY 7{.'yrt R��� �t. �±q t� •' + r �t ' 1j. � i r i , 7: , .,�v,'. � � � + �.4 f +a n ''L �, ' Y .° `e r.�.. I' ,l�'n Arb� � ,� , i�� A+ 3 _•, � s�ls ,�'� r� �'� �. { rr e •a .' I���• ♦'� r�Y � {r, � x'� Y N A r •q,pl J' H } P� w � �. � � . �.�.. r t r t. ,rlly #e l �� '}',�;� Ei r 1 • 1 �f$?,Yt.�A" + � y', r r�• Y 6 � r ° t t ° ♦! y. , , Y� ' �Y r' � 7- lnll llyd �ri}'Y ha�l�tr 4�'� 'M•ir Y�y,'r h�� �T�' � !r r i , r� � � +,r.' D ' � .., � a. I .>t'` . - '� Y. rjy,,,r•, '�.. � ..l;t v.fi� ;�' nt'�:a ��rx ;'f�r � } r : fr 0 1 y , 'i. 11111 1111111,11'111',IM! UP; WN r a �. r m 1,1� �( r51 v is �j ' i w s o t IF 1 1k;'�,i } t ♦. y q Y 44 ,Q cn�tlof' of all ofAoak 1G of txt0 Gr I'ginax o Kraetga s20 feat, �,ruaun AKeeowid #494.00, N ' c;tmer of 7.0 NO It and,. the :poet 1J2 o boo x �� to n ' 4(it l►r�ntao xeo' ft a00"Ai t t � (,wner of tho arat bQ ft ut Lot 5i, YV 00 n It J3�duk 78, �0 foot, Ariowit APmemont elSO,00•c,r.igiotil '.►'owu Pint• " t D�3 Owl t Grip ' 1,;,aYrt , uwnor of the tiouth o,,, fast o , oo 7 Zb, c1r11TIM Ro xotvxF Plat, ie'ron. Ugo 100 foot, Amoitlit Ree420400 4Ut}. 00 (11oliar tic the Vortb 30 left of Lot 1s i.1116 61c t# . u�-"i�fRsnk J 1+•.t) 'rnnth(;o ZiO foot, 1vno�at Aoo¢oatd ^0101 r of th6 woof `,t7 tbd't a�'eLot It X00 or g ng lasin 711at alh /tb119:•i?ra in V'olums 176, ; k . : e 4 ,46 need ltdeo dt►. Nrent +613 �i qqi \WNW ,, Amount`' ° } �4�,�• L'� ,1.��►� Pis 1�►��diiQed � 'i t d okoh WutMirrtQeQ ' 1htel�eolr 5M9t clot fha ltci�t u lkots of zot;i, ix tiobk,b ' Gr 4gir Towru x�,.Z, L'er�o r yrb tact, front o �iOb 1 a, ���� bC! •� F 1' ��'�`O'�'G�s��' :�! th• $A��i' �rf8 0!`�' tr �9r6i1tttge 's@$: toot$ , ' Amount ae,eoofood $130gg, poi { or of thtrwAot 1/A1at' Ibt 3N' Moak ,'d, 1'1pnt ge, to fset,, f4ri "t Speveaed j ' c . , 1 (�RiaX' pynr tJl� d t �� of LZ1t 3 B100 jr, •'� ' jw•l Y� :N♦r.. •yi�t 3Yp'hFlB►g4',rBtAet' a ' q,. • , 1� ° . j ! /F a '. i. '� ± }� I.f. r... X11. .N .f rrt Jai h �•�'? ' � !Q xb ��' r d' r A yyyy�� M+'pt tl f 'f4tm= illt ]1t�ah{o ; A�OU4 P40 A!►0Ai� b' Aortj^'; ..:,v 1 . , . �►8h '1 �7� N. apt A r h J { -'7 a. ✓�.- � v. I °t rr' � ur. i S =R? y It k" 1�1�''�l�' It, ' �a Yroau aD dot, Count Asg6f#$g Ox 1 IS 4'r f the st b t %/# of 14 t 8� ni 1� �nntiv��r '.At� '4.� ll�wtt0hfv�r 1w+ry �I �V }Y��4 °'1 Jri ,V�L}.. ,y y. 1 .'cwt U��F fv -, a .�� 4y , baba . ,j� c�ri Will Fm SU, "0111me 4 WOO!° Eby , rP+�y ,`i� � ,?, i� ,• �. , �t ,Y.��t �vY ,lr�+ty;y�' �1 � •t4 "� irottlPiu� a�i'w ',�� t , a 4., It S� �tbf'��� ' , �'` �,'ii,�.��`�� �1° '��� '��r` ('1�' ,�t► . ,l r`'� �Y�i '.��7t� k9�r,��� '�.t ' `y{� } �� r p:• r n �' f Fd}A; "ail+� �t,91 i`.w''k�»�y� + ;, AlI t'i�r r"+n • F°F,'R !•ttyr.•!►s +fl,tR,Tt•Tff'..r r+lx�r� av rii`� (- 'All Ale � �i� r j�1 t'b xi ''6 TO rt.t?1? �S rtl4til,�yDy 1 ` "�'i �blf � � M �4, �� " �rr .... V 3a/.1 i r to *400 j dXAMI ►MUT from the South Line of; 'UsKinney otreot to the North ling 61 ;"0 4t x1hoary 0taeet. vaabg9 to be ono and onevhalt° ihohaa '0f Arphaltfd t"e Oonore , on a five inch r&w1no I ~'y �L� ,� �g.•oed onszareto baoo� , f S r ' rR.. .+r. .S?.� . Coftner of Lot do dock 3, original toms plat) f rontnge 60 feet, rs cunt eAse:sned e260.00. ; ,+ ,, x �+-�• � Livnor of th.r +;mills 1/$ oC 2mt b, !hook as Orilliml Towim 1ArAt; frontage ab :-0t, toottnt mooe+eoad #, $13040,o F 'e Owner of the Yorth 1,/.3 of lat b 1310ok 3 Uri iw ne Toati N1at, frontalse 26 foot# tssount uaeoaae& owner of Ue i3outh 1/n of Lot 4p Slook' 3� Corigiw , �ni Pht, :'rontage 26 foot, twount *+eeeeod $130#000 find VM. its Orplwas Trttet9ee for 41tn, � ='atu9 irq t a the N,rt�i 1 of 7fot 4, Bleak .3 U i� txeirX tq ' E troMap 26 toot, amount uegooaed 4130#90 � Cnmer of Lot 3 ]Block 3 o '1g1wl Town Platt hC toot, amount aeepopel '00,' ,FJ n Olsi+aktt0 Crarrror Jw 'tsal , t� 4Ye tt�tyyooxd 0�'ns�rw Sr the Oouth 1/e Of Lot A Plook 'nii Cmlginal l;Tdwh , .4t, frontage $b tbet, amount a0r084104 ,01304000 F 1 , Lifetime owner and Vona h Oa►rlton# reo*d '} o��►►nner, a irorth 112 of Lot a, Block 30 OrigidAl,. Toett 'Y. r' Pleb frontage 20 Moot, ar4ount u>wnos sed 4130j00; f 0 0"er' of the FJuuth 1/8 of Loy, 10 Sloan 3 Crijo .t , " ', t o Plato ' 4roniago 26 Poet$ amount awed M OG4.'. Gwao ' at the Worth 1/2 of Lot 1, - Block 3 r' u or10 G. 0L oth Matt troMp 2G foot, tount eraee46 1`3 r•IM _�. p I. 0 4 ripp + ` 11 A �l#��Y FY t F� i � ' ,Q �� v em O`b ri � ► i rAob. &(I undtr d a ' r, 4a't ' �. f b 1Qa .4 G tgij todr f ! a, A, f „ p ato ajouKt Ad,106$od t0#900 Ok + "• �. , �� T s Nii d e►y.1 110)d *1� CILItn Towrn pla�x , .�'• � ' . �, lee�t � t a aDa�6 �P � ,r n 4 r Y V 41 xot $ and unr�°0x bt' 4t�b3r �r �r s p 0. 314th bordr� lronl,t►gb 't9m t�fq r i • of �Ii�d' �4 n��Qt iM, o .� o#o� ��� l�e��otA4 �.. ` e t I -14 . yA f&A 4 x i 01 j , +rtni,,.,a � 1, {r M }�•.� t1 y 1. 1 •rl+ ~ �4�+ I "v{5~i "'�±�< ��1,y:4 ` ?ti tl� Y � x1I ��`� A� '!r't •¢��cr1 1 ,M 11►Y�N-+ � '.y .ek F�.. "' , x e 4 ki 'l•� + + ti's All, N iZ a,4y, . +��5 t.Y '6 � .�1 fib^✓,ti �4 ' Nil W10 � ,� 4r JII 1 S;; L: li Sr +I X11,1' 1 r�lr ill��ti F �l�ie �•TPT�, 3xal.� �. �r Y� rP'7"�' 1F r., �'�'/ im A� •.r ° � .�a � q,.: 3. t ' B�k' . ��/V}, .+' , R i✓{� l�S' -b 7'. l r t .K...y•,j, � :�:k, +t� I'm-milli ,v 1 CA c' MOM rt tlu► jouth 140 feet of IA t aj ; t' tlok �r ri ir► TOIM Plats froij%Mq 140 gooti Amount a ?� aau @a�44 $7�8rU4r n MOlul rnu,rn1ex• at' the rorul 10 to oPy t .� }��w ' 1• • i 1il.x Y��t i {^�a �jy��yr d's Q9 0Obfo {V � «, '. PO ��1 � , Pi',t t�A Ali �l r w� n A11�. aw Z1,IIII` 4,• F �M a', Mfr da. 1,'• : ,��y,,i rs i�;f �k'lG.^�yw'i �. � i • }� + - yy 1 4 ' ' �'7 - '. � r+•jiff 1 i � 4�n� �yF. ^.tik q bl •4 �•.. ' '�. �- n w,�yr�• .{ 'it;A i - . �.in�,�� 4�r v 'r � '\� � ,. �! � "r! ' r_� .^��x: �. ` - r r �� C T � r y .- I d'. J�'a !'�''�, 11D.�, C���1. � ` ,' ti.,: ,: r• „ S; 1 u iP'j 4 , ..r<�'.' }.,� + � l :, 4 I V`' ` v'^5 ti? 2^ ,..L , , ,t rl'��n ° r _ :v .'d F?'. , „ •1 � ' , + ! 1'. .�, 1 ���� * � r�� + �! ��� r� f !Y !S .x,t , . ter' i'i ` ' .d , i. ,, • �� °:rr2.r'f�� •x�-5 �� .�i4 ra - , rrl .a . r � � — , r 'M' .� f "�W'4• 3�.N:.3 � A a�, r ' ��A� ti t'�1'"'�FlG� «�': y'" 1 ,y'. 4«,Y r�. �`; ! '. x.. r'.tiI �,N ,�i i� r�� Y'.'r. • ?1���� .i,�'.ty�.�. � � , ?�L°1 r �t,v x4�l� �x r . � . • ' . 'i d r- r}�yy+ ' JL q`-F-1 k �{� s' z a i i 1 ^ f °' 3 a'b I J,t Fe` a �R e � Six J,: .. t '�C° �[a �•i, AI W3�•�. Y Q��� J.'�„�'�'�kr�,{�y r kr'7 Y, 'i�t�IYL i l x 4'� r w S f, # A� '�K4 �' �+�� v. Y -a r R � �' ') ':.p� ��.t, r . -•P,a r +� .�# �x.��S.; '�.A ,, y, y '�•;� #fd�, �:r"'�1"i fw1!:� d�V'••F .R+? C✓ ,�"C C. � i '�i 0. ,°,� Y ' rPi � �i t':,S I�F�"r�:�y� 3 { }. � 'Y�. � , ^ d !r r �e�; i ;., l Yi .nri �•1' 5 • ;: it � y5, i F i - � '" � t�A�� � r� 8fi (:u2. +N '"V`. . ♦ .� � i {� Fi . r . t + t .� ♦f+ rp �i Z ^ F, / E r ¢ r #1 Rrt Rat}}.A�r i eSwd� sFY� 4ga4st t � '!{° + n !?FL A�1k Ltd} 1l' d�Y� ' �'r] 7i1r!, :k .�a ^ � t15 lwd�flW�x7u ' ro 15 y i.J'A "�ti ir 4 ' Olt � :�1 +:v }.� r}� �L;.x}� r4' �� � ry ilrr � � " ����0 -�' �.✓� n'� �1 r' Sf � �r,-� t' ..` :.. r �l •e A; It I Ile I 4, 1 Kri1�'�aAriF ' :y�.yAoST 1 f i Y t sparl y , i t M I � pp' � +�. i } 1� �,y}'{,a1�Jlr.� 1 �A c b � i�: . � ! • P . � r i +w> �:x f�l ) wr .(r.1 .b i, i), k y��1,1� .( �l 4 ::.1� • A I`f :� ,*wn..N:. .` " ," ,''�i �.y, .f^F)pryK j ' �r.Fiv Bala 41, 4 r,1 S 7'��p, r [04 '�.21. +1 Y 9d ` .: / y ' t R"Sl , }.'; ''�"'+ +i�SqV, �7 '.!*!�JR' yr'1?.rt't+' •rlay.!?.:rl'.x.+pt t*4r,lal3, .-:ri-4' 4usY�+.>n•-?,trl.;-,.r!aA•�».:M1.r.�;........,',.1...;.,, ! 1 Ir ,11 11 � �� ��•� 1.1, � P . a �o 7'�t14 � � fi f li °� F �j� ' F' M1i •1 '� � a �` ra;t [,rr43.�1. �� �j� ^� 1�� �,.! G�,. '�dfi .Fx� ,� i4� yl AL FT NO; n PONDER AVENUE FROM THE North Line of Oak Street to the south line ' %Of$ Ste', �QaAo ard�ono ihalf' Inch of asphatio opa47�etN e � o RR8 P Owner of the following described proportyp All thav er aln lot+ tract or parcel of land in the City and � 7 0ounty ct ' DentonsTexasib and being part of the H3Puahal41 eurv6*1 .+ Beginning on the tibrth aide of Oak Stop and at a point where it is t - intersected by east line of Ponder Avenue) Th"S East 78 feet to west side of a privit hedge and e-thwest fr ! ooraaorr or a lot owned Wi0.NArardej � Thence North along w•Oadwards most line 184 4/10 rest to 9"Ats .X �,V ' A1�b� Thenoe nest 78} feet to the southwest corner of tot No 6 of Mounts ro ;, AM tion to the 0ity of Denton out of said Puohelski survey) ` Thanod South along the saat 1ln�e of Ponder Ayonue 194 4710 1:160 'the place of beginning: Frontage 144 4/10 feet# Amount Assessed ,00 yea a g FROt1 South .ins Of Hiokar Street to the M4irr LJAO of Ord 11!' � !�l4t+�:�O�I.., • .wwl` )i ,6G /%► � 6 a 4.P/�It 1 ... e��a'Ir 40 4,7 & + . " 9 ( ' 9 Owner of the following described prodperb Mesbe r ^�y oertain loth tract or, parcel of land a Mv, ' paib the r ofent4n Texas Kv• Denton 0oati►t n dX4s� o' per4 of, the Nino id survey � be the sme lot sold' br rotor �Edwarda �� so IN"$iB�'o'MA'� � s vibed as to i tord�tI h �e dl ' 60 ot*o t, 834. lino lhoroof 6,b ;0 001At 4to tost fir; ili4it Ae a ' s,,xeilt 1 j ' cab Rost with CIO mouth lies of #aid Hickory Street 108 feet, t4 ,ry. ,� +eaio+► A"tnr feet to s at at� Y � East 108 foot to a stako letxoe�m this and A;1ta14"s ,rll re►p < h a g with W line of Said Mat lbofoet to he p1 so ot, beMagi 180 9eeto Amount arBosse 064001 N a dee0rib*4 P 0rta x � faX10h► < h & tag 9t ��'4.d ]wd. Itustod !� he xs� xt goo tt 1 y+frt 4 9100 r J1 tt�ll E► . �� gg 1t to th4 'its[ h Der»e n1�► oh Coo r shod p�Ot .O a sBuN soh !N 01 le 1A th'v 4!!`A a IS! 2 ii gdwri$�► O ��h1�C: io a 'a .partior odr *lot OA crest U1*0rY Sb�eeb so�.e #�► :, 0 1 s M ee piaoo of bedim►i"i Frdtltego 184'164tj bMeeoei . � ' aaplla , !r 8 �r wog 1 . e or xe1 st est to 01 Vow 308 lest Mo , a r d r o w 0h s9tret� e�..«.� i h' �� �A. 0.96, Nt/is •�weA ice. �H ''sN : f 4 I� .r► .iii ✓ ,�►.+��r/ 'd�O max.,, r � '.i• oftwif o 00Sawib pr e oN dq gq�l0. . l r� aa �iN N pa*t ql A ° b too 1* off` B1o4rk tht S Y++!, Mot j4 tM s ; r ...A; 4 y'A. .i 1 I I r 6�Te WtYt ' �AAs�a .R A�rl aA " Yi+ !} py� WfMrk f9 i pipg �j � i �� 11 w aj1116 ej� K Y aa' t r. Y 4 ` , 0604 0 'No id OWN � " � �Q �eM �too to a s� � err 0 !1 760 et tp st1►kOfl A6 eeb �i01he plege of be ' x , r 1 t ! l a 4 i a A/ ,{X2'1 - �MTI AO i..,, a ,# �tl i% k�itlk.``e.�l ' i '/ • 1� .! Y S .�Re ? r:. , z t 3 1 ,. wi tf .!(+� },r'��,aPi ; •i° 1 jk v t. 1" 1! S SAV r �K S K 13 i' ., ", .� .�, 3 4F P J. k p f r w f ., ,i �A i I,i�. .� �a' F Fi p, � n` H �'a 4�Yr . ;R •RJ ° , e�b i^� � l F ,a 5}y ^.' fi,^,}^. �,r f } I ♦ �Y`i }r a x,11 r A �_, 'Sj �� l Sri. ..Ii'f'Y�-1 •'�' hx°� R'r a�x"<'�F+r'ii 9! ",! f' �1� ': 1 .� Z : La 1^a"1*���. K4, Mkt' q t: / i. i ♦� ra rr� I �� 'Vt"..4' 31 . .G��� � ��t 71�. YH �Kti ..� �� .. 'J!R r�'� t ".M � � '.',r.r �� e#+�: I r r rC x , i s v J � } pre e�tont , �bwtore S4ei4 n` o 6i' ' qi F4tJ , ` r y ao provided by the proviaionn of Chapter 11 Y�it1o � , j 8ta utees of fiexao 0 1911 and Chaytar 9, tie gd, F•. eod Mtutes of Texas$ or iggti and the rehar0r a Ordinances of the city of L� Mtoa Mich said hearing ohall )aa had on the e►y d of .. / 19d7, At 3o a �alook S+Ftk; in the City Im . `� a �iqy of Penton ' exec r�ci which aatd hGAring shall bo continued Prom day to day &Ail from time ' to tirlo, as may bo naooaeary to Siva all said ,proportyuvners, thou agents or attorneys, and any interested poroon of parsons, Nil and fair hearing, and mid owrnors$ their agents or `} w attorneys, and intoaouted pporeon or persons nhuli have the x right to ap;bar and be heard in any manner concerning the said F improveLiento or .mid iAueeewwr,t, or trio bene><ito thoreof to tt;eit° said roperty, or to any other :rx�ttor or thing in oonttea+ s tiotr . thrrow th or to onnteat said aeseaenrent, and at Mich hearings k t1rl and Puir opportunity shall be extended to said h + ' property owners, their &Conte or a►ttornoys, and to all interest+ ed paroontr, to be hoard with reapoot to Ouch Improvements, That after the oorolusion of the hearing above mentioned such bust or auab in rAy be deterained by the City Coe lsaioh to be Mable b,:, said property oontre she,11 be as"weed against w thorn respsotively, and &gannet Choir rorpeotilre pxopertiee by ordina~noe ors; ord'insnoss in the manner presor,tbed by the prbviea !one of- tsha ter 11 Title 23# -rerinod a t#�tutba of 'r�BXab of aqlit Nnd pUr h Title a6 �toV18*4 Ctatutes of TOM of t : ter and oxdinaitoea of the Cif of p That t?:o City Sooretary or the dity or .Don ton i her*** , } tO give tOU100 to 6aid propoity ownurn, their tints or attorneys std te- rll interested ernona of sai,ct hear rrg, as pproscribed by the lrovielone of 0 upter 11, TWO 290 Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911, and ctrapter 9, Title 28 :Rsviaed S u.tutos of Tov. ,s of 198o, and the charter and or�dl a• s a9tees Of the city of :Denton, byy publishing said uotioo three tiMS in r rteerspspor of oneral circulation in +Chi Oltsr of ; pantone tho firat of eai plpblioationa to be rude at leaot ten dqs before the date $et foxy twid hearing, Said City V40rotsry Aso PALL a copy of said notice by regI$kdrod iottir to each said property owners, if .1rrwrn or tb.oir agent* or attorne p�ee yyr� ciioxa +auid 'lettpre to bd, g0pooLted in the post oftloe in fire ` 'l o t Of Z4130A befoxo %9 dratd' es�.ir.''or the hea i"go H0olVdi'a *s;d notice bqq xo istrod ipt�ter abe.0 be ouMlatiire onira 'a�gd notice y tuba " ion shot � tttily due abd �x�poir rtet�oe of cat heoxir it araxl id6 ' bo 0e0e00*11 tai► the V411diV of so d q#t as at h 4r ►ina to nWj a sporty 9wou abut�toing on, MAY air � 4, *etid atrreets fwd the � cot �� s� � v { itteo 4 w>ed cat a Y a` o o' a t `' s, �► >>, � ' '� yl otr o3tl�aeiopii in the 4 00 p►to ' p abu`t�t on any of sale otreetb . sh i 4 it i d d Bat 406,6004"t` but it 041% be the da lot e f�},�r' +bw40 ,or oir"16ro whores" rope . is lhbo rise ds+lorib, a ,., • p ild �`1� Nh a protssts d o4ri t a a► x» - , �r. i o T03' 1fa ! tare he*rims oar* o i r dd R air a >taibn of Ot�'atb r ih rr�id�iWt+e' wha�i >tdat� a►tty M�areASroerto>! thy optifiaq ptroe ' ,...1ued iii ♦oi,dwaoo thereat F j 41',t�ti* ardsrs qoe arhaYl YN erf#At +end be in Moro fro,n �A08XV AD AyMM$ this .�.c�.. dq o>r ✓ y cw--- too�'+� .^T °*` • '-B•Twyra+r�r*v Fen srN„�� r , u.. ,.,. aR ' - �'e-n > iN• y' q A, e. .r d t' ,. r Y•1'.Y- Y� LL V 5 yt1 ' f n C � + r` . .161 ��1pyy I Cn f lad / , . �f7���.�p' `5 + � + .. i �Yfl1[ a 'r. /r '���� + i tl jl 7gti•�,' r�i + r' w l �rr• Z � b r Y}' y {M... rr F. d 1 5 r i � .53�`j°�[`'' .,� . ��� r ,¢ " b",�N c..4.+a1.. .K.r+�y '. .� rtr, d, 1 r t' { n '1� = rr p k � � ���tt Irkir4�"�' >C �� • 5 •' yrs w � 1 r. r �•' k .4 { ! F b�C � 1 � �� 11 4 way • ¢� F ,f� Y•�,,f�$''r. � It k� s, �,.'�•�. ��' d' 6 �,jk4ht ` [* y.: r Cr r o+y "4 . r�k" J� 7[w�l 1 A 41 141, y'W .kk 010 4 TO THE HONOI CITY CULAISsiolT OF 121CO CITY OF D1311TON : The representatives of the Texas-Louisiana Power company appeared before your honorable body an& j in the dLisoussion of some matters then presented, to you , such represent6tites were lea to' 1,)I` lieve that you would, not only permit and, inasmuch as the books of the City of Denton are open for public inspection, would be pleased to allow such auditors and accountants to be seleote& by Texas- Louisiana Power Company to examine all the cityte books and records I I pertaining to the municipally owne& light an& water system Of said City) an&.$ in order that an audit could be made in a manner satin. fa6tory to suoh auUt6rG end acoountantsy it was then uncleVatOO& that ' all the booiso reoor&s and files pf said City pertaining to the pr6prrties above named would be available to them InAd'M'uoh as itIwas ' stated. several times on the 000aiion , above named that such books and records WGV0 open to pub I lio inspeO W�n'j an& ' that the privilege of such inspOOti on and examination has ' been heretofore granted to the representatives of the Taxas power and bight Company, we feel an& submit to you that th is r 0 0 U00 t ori jk6 courtesy of the game - privilege grantedL to the TMS. Power and Light Company is suoh that should be aotS& UPOA by Y61r h6nor. dahieda agile bo&.Vlf 'to�'Ithe 6 rid , that It MaY b0 i graiita& 61, i , Wist thor6foido respectfully an& ,06urteoualy re que a t that the, NYO-LOUislan-A dower company duoh, as R000uMants a 1 4 al b-'a a 0 0 Dr&8 d the privilege of an itirpeotion and ext liikhti6n of� suoh booka an& r000r&' of 1, 1, its Aijht in&'W;�t6r 1411t and 1p op6rties �Uned in Joe .1 1 r I YW 0 y6U* tO 1�8 r shall" I6AW tion ' th6rldwiih r inwent an ble 4ib 'Of Your disposition of 6ffi6jj&j'y'at .the e e6iliI POSBi 1i ' I this request; day Of zboambs.. J',v submitted. this 21th' Sen von ex�e� I iaa Po 06 VAfty ' we 110 z yr��*EaM..�'..,(f'i•'-� at r .:yY ilff ;..y .,.�-: ..yam"... .Y e fl cn7,+2tn�,�i' F r , t �d a JL r AxILI r F�f 1 Sa 1 Y 7 r f ` a n I t Y Y" 1(4 Y 5 { rAAF r'S Tlrr � " { r f�� i ti l f aI�L 1 t Yr� ra s r t r r a i r r Efi�r. r _.H r o � ti4 I t i �f� I b d } Y L + r n ' � ( Y n4 +� � � Ir r�. ° dry � � is � ew yr a.` :t 1 ' � r e >• � � a ^ a y �d y9�lt , � : + i tI t + ✓I ^ " � ( ' -" J" : ," r' 1 L'� r Wt c47 41 it - 1yy��1I pp{ Ir 1 i y Rf4 rt' M. t ^^"��Y i } [ a n a , . t � y t+ N a t " r � �1 �i r �.'�^ I v+• iV i r! " ' �+ r `;r;• titre V Cons tmac tdt on n Sewer llocielpta's Mardi, let , 09, Proceeds f rom 'Sal e of Ponds $12. 744. 18 ' Jun a 211 at 09 . Amount reolved from C . Is As ' 384 . 33 August, 6th, 09. ' Proceeds frost Sale or S pmer :,)rip, 3166666 All OR-it Sept , 17tho 09 , Proce-eda ft-um Sale of Sewor Scrip. 3600 0 ve, Ooto 9b 3 09, Proceeds from Sale of Sewer Scrip, 6360d'06s, 0 do I tober, 9th t .090 Credit , Pipe, C. I . As 467al9a Totill Raceiptso % I% i 1 "0 I L r—troA AR W" 4 01 VX� IM,W� I I I 1 1t NR wigv�' rk TO, �,! ad }, ;:r f. tr ! r [. ! r P ♦°jw. . ��+r31 '�SArRvF)r6r C ! y,S tt& X� d3" '!3 Lq.el } ,fx"•`� o- 1 �•. 1 r r ., t• s., 1 1rrN",� ,a.�.� {{��C i4M"). �y�l�}� r'°p fti t �' .,`{ ° t` S < r /1�'•,C �r�6r��j . +��",� 1t'11 � a...lY � I•k�r�'fe rq}..}C � M.h:'� �� LA •,ft`I li 2�V.)r � P �`` K� � { l ��}rX �'1 1 tt'e �•.`:J1 'k• 1 �} ` r t �.` i S. r 6 v b, a"! r s z t�:'.7 � {..• i `fY� T.R�f �i � It ' r,>�' �Aava '•y; tr � a �a(. r ��, ,.f ..:.5 fte ' F' c7 y rl )y ��,rY!'r► ^t 7G^, UI F' {4 { IL 2G Jr r`lwr> �i 1 1� l i i'lY: •.:.} !ii b'}'' M ��� , ` t eS t �, r i it C3 , , �` y;.r�'r •'� ,�r ° v a�.� .Se�1°'.lrir:�li:a'. 'r , r. e. •'ti«�'.;iJi:..+:<h.iw��.•R'tl'7 ..^1`:rurA.CyCy ,, Mar, 3rd, 09, To Engineering Neva , Add , Bonds. $ 22.80. Mar , 3rd, 09. To Exchange National Bank, (Note, Land, ) 603.35. Mars 3rd, 094 To Hargreaves Printing;, Co. ( Bonds , ) 85 . 90. ✓' liar, 3rfl , 09. To N. Werenskoild, ' { .Enginer } 8460000. 090 TO $C�i '. }3 ati3s , ( * 8o'nd Fxpenae, ) 5 .00. Mar, 3rd , , 09. To Mfg, Record ( Adv. Fonds ) 15 . 60. Mar, 4th, 09. To Garrison & Kirronont , Engineers , Book > 10800 Uar , ' 20th0 09. To C. N. Hayden, ( Cons , Engineers Salary? ) 12.00. ✓ Mart 27th, 09. To 0, F. Hayden s, is " r n to a nit is 20.00. Ap-rilt :Ird, 091 TO 06 F. Hayden, d e n n " n of 11 n 20000., ''• Ar,il, 14th; 09, C. Hayden, • l, F l,t 16tht 09.1. To Yaokson & titieliardt, ('ontrabtore , 28A� ' 78 "' } 1 r t y,{�ry�'I fSiy�. ..1r r.[,',' r.2�.�. r �. � Vr� A/i�w'9.'ty,y.l�7;'k`�.�li�ei. . y : 4��I.��S. •� '',#�''�,Za�i �'� i, r�t!!� ' �,f`�'a ' J,t'�a�Pi 5',���w. �f{'II''`, „1Yl�I' ilr. ly '.�il� ,.r +? 1. ,4 �h,•:N, r 4:a'. L fl 337 , , o U. S. Hayden, salary, 28.00. Aprii , 29th, ” To. }great Aatoe, Aaot , Fnginoorg 8alarjr, 60'00. ray ♦ 1 1 ' 1 Pael ." ��r r. y } ':' .,. April, 24th, " T6 C. ma Hayden, Salary, 0000 . . }� w#hi �'s:�ra t��, �t •P;r �c },r{;;= " , a�, i . ' :.. r t ' a I ! � 4 . . ,�.. ' ` APO i1 270, " To Record r& Chron1041 , 1000 sewer Ord , ) 19, ?b,' ✓ . kyl kayain, salary. -m�' po. Oil xA lay,f :6th, . " To Z. Wigge, Covering 9ewor pipeOaIt va} 9 .476. r To Y iY . i . Zb. pd• v�' r' �ayY3 8!h r, 0. l{a den si�lary flay, ] 5tht !' TO ItrneSt Was$ Asst, Xng$ neoreSalRry, 64.00. r Y Y.y qg.. a F • , e.r y , r v.� t +: wr tv+ ' A;m +7# �# d 1 # ••� f 4 L' 'k �i fltl,1�C��lf t.' , i41 i�f', , �y �r}^ n'M ' 4Ui��V e r 7 f 5� ,� t "i J �� t f f�w�Ca1��✓yyE�� a } 6.� nA(!d a my hw4A��� {u I J�t eat 6: } lV, �A , .14 a , aaf;", 6ftotors 31'i2 60 ,fir` �, } ��,' �', r �1� •t',p r i� � .,'. Ir � „ ;°� ' ' fF*1 �� .' .tr Mr" 'Mays 2ncY; 1" xo tY. � 1lgytiont StslAry, 2 ,(10',` t le �T. .�' � t f ... I' ) .,'d � n r' ,° •'YMt.�..•N o-..w 1.1:�r,er►i, # r W , . r F "Y 'tl y k C, YC kyC y ., 2����ci4`� 5•„� t�`t ��.tr Yh��,t�,�wrt A�ti`(`,!r �.. r L r sr W�'r s •%� �,� r ;. , ,�. W e. f qv;r f•,.v t�. ya. vivzft, �. r T `uitr ! '` � ?P �.Y. 1 j+ � , !�'A • �U •w,`t.:� i! r ' !.;� , j�' )�a�Ia![i � ., I .I, ,i ....f fU� Tay, 25th, 004 To W. T. Bailey, ( Recording Deeds ) 1 . 30. Nay, 22nd, 09 . To . A. C. Owsley, ( Legal Services) 22:00. Yay, 291 09 , To C. F. Hayden, Salary , 20.00. ° � .Tune , ath, " To C. F. Hayden, Salary, 20.00. N t 40;.0f`' June , 15th, " To c. F. Hay den S alary: �kol Rit yJi'y'.: :.pP ,F.ft.1 /! '. v • n Y .1i. . _ v Arne, 16th, " To TrueharOt & Jackscn, ("ontractors , 31?3 .77. *una, 19th, " To Ernest flatus, Asst) Engineers Salary, 50 ,006 h� oole ..Tune, 19th, " To C. F. Hayden, Salary, 12.00. I� ` June, 26t2t , " To C. V, Hayden, Salary, 201001 t l ,Tuly� 3rd , " To C► Re Hayden , Salary, ly To Oo. Hayden. Salary, 48.00, , " ' __ .Contractors , 1975.(10. 1901 To Truehardt F: Jackson ,7351 yp.0 ' 20th, .i TO, Srri,tist ;�Ba, os"j Assty XnAinoero+ F,Rlary, It Lthi " To 0d H. Hayden, Salary, 20► '� 20.60 dui t ry 'To V. F, ' Hayden, Salary. + c Aag , 6th1Y " To Cameron Septic Tank '01o . ♦ ( Patent }tight) 200.hb. A40 7th, ' " fio 0 rs , . Hayden, Salary, ,i 20,00. • ` Au , loth " To 0► P► Hayden, 40400. ✓� , �' r►�u�; 19�ri, " To Truehardt * `7Aekeot►, rontiradtOr�s, 3275.00, i ;� e, Tb f7.� N. HaydQh Salary] 'it Rio. v. x ,A,�ug� ; �lst � r , 4 mot A ti r { > ,►."R r t q 1{ {' , x k a her. .�t r , c e : 8 C l t ' , } * n ,„ Y„,� '0. '4k' n°•; . , � R 1 , > r .� ... . ' [ � .��13tN�' � ;r ; '6' ` 0 : i�ayden, Bahr$►. a��, r' � t` �' 4t}i " ' Tb �.�' �, Naydon, ,1��larv► � 2t�,06; ,�'� Ott 5. ► xd h�, r . T6 Harvy ithat#$ ( F�uehiinS goner iRairiae) 5.66: F�� , , �. ✓ R � /" nl rMM• HMM M..M. NMFM 9. 09g. 67 . `` 1{ f e n[Z(,�y r ♦ n1',w v .{i+a)*+.w+ ♦T♦�!q'•rIO'++^H7"'SrO fyrWjt wrytn .'.+.�♦'M'•�r"aY" + < M^'"" �. � aN y ;"°"4;'. {''^ y4 . k �,'.I.il'�i' '.� '8J 1 ,,,x C�` >a,,, }.� r y Z F"". p *� ,.•;.,J1 'K '.;Y e ,r'i v 'trry• � � ,,+� •' . it tip rl rur� r,4v"; ,.f r v ; Y �yr+'y,�`(� ` q�rd p}'� ,��" .�.yyrp�ll���`�'� t 1 F7 .dx 'I++^FY l ' �'ij`r�n'�' ' t�/ Jt k �jr� T 3'�� 'ir'� j�4`: 5 i�� „' fri#t F''97" r s - o � i, V ()'44��i Sept , 14th, 094To C. E. Hayden, Salary, 40 ...�- � .00 Sept, 17010 " To Truehardt & Jackson, Co;praetors , 2982, 701 r � . Sept , 2211(11 " To Ernest Rates, Asst , F.npineore Salary, 800006 IS Sept , 25th, " To J1 I•. Waldrip , ( Anchor Fyes? Septic T) 21001 r " T Sept, 29th , �0 Henry 3{enxy hies , Setiver }lain .2 Sept , 30th, " To 1a. 1Pof)re , ( Flushing Sewer nairns ) 1 . 50. ✓I gets 9th, !' To Tritehardt tc Jackson , Contractors, 5279. 951 +00010 Oot , 8th, " To C. P. Hayden, Salary, 80,001 ✓ Oot, 9th, " to Erneet Pates , Aset, Engineers Salary, 351001 Oot , 11th, it N. Worenskoild, Cons , Engineer, ?1.140. ✓� Oot ` n 11t1} � ,. ; , To , 'Wr•/, J. . -,Holland, ( Flushing Sewer Maine) 2 ,h0 •✓ OCL 15th 'l 2 T� vl.ardt ,te J okson ,$e Q dies 10 . 71 ns7i EOY 2dd `o cYti '11. Smith, a or at Septic Tank , M 0 v dv, 13th, " to br1 J. S. `Abbott , 136tcterioloival .x1 3�1 Of ✓� V I ova 1,3th, � " ;To Truehardt �& Jackson, : Pipe; ' Q. I r Al 467 '19. .�' i'•�tt ! L'.. r 1 � 1 •�G'"f rlf .5;. ' a ��i: . 1� '.:� �' ,, X1 ' 1 , I 1 " 41337. 99. . qAlyi�l�r ? � 'Fr r� 'a.S 1 'i : : ' .�t•I fdf..1Jsi1S1 }y, ' e - \ i, MA �yf 1Mc 7j�al���✓ tta.C. �(Y' � � � i, f��.5 c /'r•a •IJ1` � � "•_ .wt K`v S '4 , yr 1 k� e. (��: 'L. P r Yti ti j, y ` ,e i q f l y r t ♦ ¢ , v �". fart �l+ �r zi ✓ v l��G t.#zi � � 1 r• 1 i 4y +4ti.+.• y,•.ar� r w�.wv 1vo +r Ir� A \ It i5pJi1�•� { 4 it �,:, : + a ,:jt��r,N L'i?" �. .� a r . .: . � � �'*�r t"!';^'�i`!�"1'YP"N'!�PT�'?•iDY,»n rN ti L. T w i rtd i�fi^. 1 •Ii � r F i''� 1( tF ril,� i t Y'\ '1 i r w� •�'�' �,�`. 1�'r '�; "� � r ,• , � .,i..;;fir i,„ � .. . _ iSijp'� , UV, ' �G+�:�� 3 �Y, J�. a >. i'. . . x, . •}`�:. �x.b.�i..4*rNWIfe1+1�YfYii51�4FR� T. id i t Total Scrip Issue For hewer ConstrAction. 1 Total Iseue under Class A. Due January lst , 1910. 1 . 768 , 00, Total Isao.e Under Class R. Due January 1st , 1911 , 1 . 781 ,00,= Total Igsua Under Class C. Due January ?.et , 1912, 117683'606 +st�'v } � w `•=�1'dtttl^” 7[ss•a4 Uridot' " 1dbri"` '`T3 `Duc January lat 10134 2 , 5138.04`'�� \ � Total Issue Under Class R. Due January lot , 1914. 1 . 788 . 00. Total Issue Under Claus F. Due January 1st, 1911), 11780. 000 Total Issue Under Class(}. Due January lot , 19160 10724004 �•,..rr Nrwi,,,1. MMr.w 136300 Ogg ._ I Total Sewer Scrip Issue , $ri3.s00.�d,k ^ Total."I Aiaount' of Sewer Sorip Mlivered . `1;3,200, 00, 1 L � Total Amount. of Sewer Sorip undelivered, 100,G,011 Credit to Ysuue . 14, Class , A. L. Fulton, 14 , 00, +- #. 141. Class, g;' L. Fultoit, :14 .00, ;r.$'U. toff '14 V4.'� Igo,, g, Wa,xrarttl # 14, clam a , ' n L, F'ultoll 2440, � `w r i ��! ° � r1'. f y lf�♦ � , i.'J- r2 T1 J.��J , } j`,. • �', � � . y, � � ✓ r., .�r i' > ,fir V WarrAtt , # i4j glass; I: T.. i~ialten, 14'.000 i.►"� ` y ?. Warrant , #- 140 ,'014801 h, ?.. Fulton, 14000, M. -, \ �I1{L_,ratht , # 14 0lage L. }{ultari, 1tl , d0. jj !c SS Sr'Al < ^d, �.1.� • M f s �'f� d , >: r'�:9 ,i��•. °3.w �'i'�n .� y.d e x A'e �r9 ;yi �a� Y", �Y?•'. .� i^� .I :Y � I � �r �+, � .. 16 1•'{Y'• _ T , , _ �: ,A.�k�..it .,,w r• i:,ld � .- ,• � is tc Tr p� �.,-\,.r•r,enrrwa..�T'e^T r.+Co.+��.w.r Prr`rr 'qSa►, r t .- R�� ' ¢, �5-4 • , s } },il,�t t }� >w� k� .y .��'• +�v ��I�'. , r« nt � . k :�1'q, � � �� 1 �h' C, Y 1\ I r ^`i y)" t, �S 1. .VS'•i.:f:. . �r�. 1 Yf na��� �Y .+ t +'.liq ',iU f 'r'Y !(, �; .f.� ,l j'>• _✓ � fl IV714 ry .e 4 Total Receipts. Proceeds from Sal a of Aosids. $1 2. 740. 28. I� I Procaeda from C. T . A £x52. 62/ Procoeds frosa -Sale oi'• Baitdr , Scrip. 13111200,004 pp Ihli ,it11,,,1v Pldd.- .;"�iJ'Ji+.A1i ,h ..wi:xd('.i 'q �,k�'.' .' ?� '. V ;<.• 1.• a c ,.g.�..K 1�t!-fi 1 y r}p.� Total Disburwrxntss, Amotult rrom Pale No, 11 4,ount from Page 110, 20 :, Aiourit " from Page No, 31 y ` t 26.441; 79, Y y 'y,�,(, t j h i�,y�� t [ �r ,A�a t ♦ r i r� �. ^'A1�r�1' �aee S+;.41 w'd r �4't p. �4�'.01i, lfy4�Y t r iP7 a n•d�t1i �� pr i�' i� ` � ,r ; Ar� � .;& + �W� : ������ ya .1*•C�^ . 1.. .�t{'. , i. � t. .r iV1 r,i'f•, .r :';�t(\fityrS ' �•�'28A R7/� . �Q` ..J' 1�.1 �„✓• T';QtAA '� Diabixremente � i 2b,0410704 ✓t C rYNwr..,...wY YYNIw Nr.Y ' alspio9 Qn ; hand, ` } �f 14 o too'” � rQtniped, Sag, per Contragt . 562/00 , rf 1 �wJN � �YMiYM MMI Y'iYYYI. ; AAnu� Qn` gredit otal of :3ower ?�und, t` t fill !' 1 TiLOY 6e Gb. Dlabkbtai th in Sep tic �"�iiiik !fit r \ g ✓ i 13a h eor id MNV yww Mq N1.+.WNYw 1T Tay'a w { TiYn, i r { (t C + I� i t: 1' c ' t �'� } ! rt9 7 ✓ui�++l ��S°{ 4� r k,� b (y J y l! rh ti4 i _7 tir � n V jrj Y✓t,,�.fi rA�.�"F'4`i 1^l rot} ,.�F..a�`+.�., ri1%Vr ! _i 4',Sl n����, 1�.�1 f 41� .a 5 k_r _d 1n ''�✓-1. � �`r . Yx r N. r_,. nl(t,v ,. ro . tie 7 -e.,n x • , .... ,t .11,]c Y Y :,�,'' ���...,.� Z 'i 4Y�y+Fh* �'S`►w15yR�,.. �pw+.t fiTpr.P,r�agr.iln•.fr i -.w �.r, '�� .Y. �`}� I�^V 9t yp GI w. f � � , � '�( t 1' r �• 4 ° t 4� I� L . : 9 { e hR� Iv a*w t ,e "r w . I x.F z fir i t3 i J,, �N �^• �rt ��tti "�i � o ^ �' � . er, r� � ,1� t�M}"s , "t'. M t'� • '� 4 f i r P r t1 „ r7., � �1 1 ✓If 1} � 9 1 � h✓ � q S k� r } '• 41 ky., �1 ;M1� ,I� rp.L,�y �t�'�� �,1^�p��'j �fr� � I���' r �I �., y , . 1' � ,J�LII-y� �`✓1. �� ���ly� � ��t t r� 1,���h'Y��'� �',r4�����E �e � ,�ek +'�y 1 ,� ��, + $ „ a• r^ j j 9ewar Scrip Issues Claws A. Due, Jamiary, Lat , Warrant , 1 , Exchango National Bank , 0004004 r Warrant , ; 2, Denton County National Batik, 300,00, r • t j Warrant , # 30 A. F. Orahata, 300 ,me. Warrant , # '4 , First National Rank$ 300,00, E Warrant , # J , Denton Milling Co. 70, t?0. I 13"`� Y'1!l}�N�+ 1` Tli'+`�/f': S';4T ry,, . . � y\: • y/ T A0. 4 Y11O 1i Jl »8 C � `,W�6 6 .. r Warrant 70 W. 11. 1dcoli+rkan, '10,00 . .1✓ Warrant, # $ , Jarrell.- Evans. Co. 704000 � Warrant , # 90 J. It. Christal , 21 .000 . 1 Warrant , # 10, It, It. Evers , 42.(10, ,! Warrant, # 11 , C. F, Witherspoon, 910000 ✓ ' Warrant , 12 , F. 11. Craddock, 21 .Q0, ✓ , Warran+, �# 13, 0, 71. Curtis , l4.(?0; Warrant, # 140 T., Fulton, 14 . 00. `� X Warrant $ # 113 $ J. F, Raley, . 14000, I Waitit f, # 16k, bong - Turner do'. . 14 11Q, \ t + is Arr�j t $ # 17 , ))Onto}{'1�f Trust C�op, d 0, E a1 , $"�►. alley, 1460,Q, ! ,Warvpnt , } 19 , 'J, , Be Hohmi tz , 14600 +. W�rr�nt, # .20a Wilsdrl - Coo 14, 08, ,, 4:14, �i' s f � ' � Watt'ra11t , 21'$ I7, � . Cobbs 7 00- WaMiot # ge Magill & `3heparct, 140004 Warrant , # 23°, J, We ' Cook, 14. 0, 'V ti , Warrant� 24a, R, 0, Siaith 14,004 .' Warrant, 26, Top Lov`11 , l4 8 , Arz'a11ty '# 26� Ed r, Eatse, �}K rt 1 s ,r llr x.MM.,w M/1�r 7 y �.� 1 .�"M1 ti-, r7 li Y c'' a ,..i ,. . r+ r yr• ! Y 'J C9, ': r ,.� rr r�•i ,fir' � v( 1,� ��� `r .J4 VL " � r� v � 1 � . s��� � i i ,, ! � r: 17: 'aLS ,": E � a•n �,. + r .��,nfr��vti� �.' 1' t\yy 1ab �1S :'Y . ; ri l-kr• )' v n' .:i' r r ` F 5o y , ,' ' v,°a1 `. f4� � 'I 4", A ✓ .�ry +Ir'� h "„Ir1 4� J M^r1.,� ft Mb••s.Mr N'+' T•�P,�;��V �y..���} � � C � i,n 1 T't•.. P a'�r T���y,�. �j .�°� ��,� 1.�.1 lt�Wp � :it f.�ryryYM�I� {��w, 1y •1.t. . f. u,,i i a 5^ r +a'.' + t 4 �. �L'tr� A° . A f4�,i f! !w^,,..k Y1r. �� �r `#W n 1`' 4§� �i> °t + gyp,Y'S ''k;•r�' � t b i b k+"4 '� Y .S f It v Qa � ,i t �.1! w r d ! . h'il' 's M.r e • n �°e (,�'t '��, �' � f � ' k,, �'��• 'N �((.�1 iQ 1ynZ Y i� npY to ' i. n L ra r) 7 J 7 y !' �.Clf•: ,{lf 1 f?!j Sly ) iJ�., ,ii ,`F lV S� V ii.l 1 v,. i . . M P. F i V,. �f., ll!♦ !i h 1 4 p• Sewer Serip Issue , Class A, Duo January let , 19111 Warrant , # 1 , Exchange Hational Rank, $300. 00. J c Warrant , # 2, Donton County National Bank, 41000006 Warranty; # 31 A E: 0rahain, 0004000 Warrant , # 9 , First Natforal. Balnk$ 306. nU. Warrant, b Denton Milling 0, 760006 r { Warxant # 6, Alliancs lit lling Co. y6 n0, l•.y +. j�'+ 4K, .. yjr �+�ie '!+ f �i :A t1��. {f rYh` Av ar 11L �r�9f�'/ i . M 1 D. ldat+ Ll1T-t11 , 7�a�sl. �/ YVBrrcirtt , # ti, Jarrell= Evand , Co , 70,001 f (' Warrant , # 9 , J. Ri ChrIstal , 21 .00. Warrant ; # ]b, p: H. Bvera , 42.b0, ✓ %variAht , # Ill 0 x . Wttherepooni War�alt*; 012 F. }6. diaddoek, Warraii N: Cut,tie � ld►(10, WArru'rit� �� i4, i. FU-itbhj o � w ; i ►y�apxxayiy ]7iyi, Ld g Tu{rli} .li#r Coy w Y �bd,7. r4 f�clr�'E1tt 7r tafl, Ii 2'uflt d y i t N 1 J v t#y a� ,gi ","I; 6J i f" ,v'�, "'" .P:r`.�r�0. "t :`o.Ra 7t'�P3�t'�4+^YE �n"�n Et i� x t , .!l}..)•�!� a' tJ� . Val4rdht, # 19 , J. P7 Sci mft 'y co - , ` �1�rk'atlrt�; •�� �2 , �dafi�!'11 :� „�hapA�`d', ld•`0b "t� 1v� `rn ►`t°; 7 ', -J°. *. Gook; a' r�ntl, ��� l 0. `�mi't ! � 1 1 16 weli,f . lit 00, �� c r 14•.Fr Y.'MwMMti M-r IMM ' `i� 1 ,'YI." t`� !M �,trh %tiv n � i , 1 9 ,,V, , S E" t ti 1 4 1. J' 1 a✓y��" �,}�,]' J��4•' t i�!� ➢ y"91a5� iN ' 19. + 1 14 yat,, .(. b"' ',t� E1 � { do tit,Eu ) i+E�� t6pi ;+ 'Y f r Yt� t"t. e a r ! 1 !S 7 �y�.c .q. R. {,R�7Y�Ia•7`••6. d U •1 • Sewer L Sorip IeRuat Class C . Due January 1st , 1412 Warrant , # 11 Fxchhnge National Banks $300.00. / Vagrant , 2 , Donton County National 'Bank, 300,000 Warrant , S A. E, 03t&harn, 30000 '. Warrant # 41 Firet National Bank, 300.00' Warrant, #' 5j DoAton ' ?filling Co 7C1,00,� �� WelrXantr #` 6; ' A'11lAnce ?�iiling Co; 70,00; y/ ', Warrant, 81 Jarrell- Evans Co. 101004 i Warrant, 9 , , J. R. Christal , 21y00. ftrran't,° # 30, ?t, N. Evora , 42400: A IN Warrai1t', #; ll , C. ° F. Witherarjoon, 21,006" ✓° f'� �Nnrrant , #12�'. F. ?d.' ° Craddock', 21 00; ,f�; I: 1 Ar' nt', + # 13, 0, ?d, ' Curtie ; : 19 00,1y1' witxant; _ #' 14 L, Ful ton; I ' Ra"l6yi' Ill 00'0;'-'P 2 WArrali j`ongl -~ �7"urft6r 0e4' W rrar�t, �# 17 � ll6htori `artist'• Co. 1$ti064�4 1'.ta + R~ tl► 'p, �h�.+,M17�i+a %1'= 'yt` pb4J,, i�,iR �'�1°Ftlff ray �t li 'r';. >ioSa�.+•�ffl! +�`b�t} 4" ?<j1,�hF^e uY.+rfA.°rf{/m, tivArrsnt �� 19 J H: BoSirii ta', 14'.0): ka'it` f 6 14'jOb war�atitR ? 3 , �t� Wr 1j l g""�`ii'�.� to ��hopard, 1�4►60,- �%�, t�arr4fi'ti ° # ? . ," yr . ,. dnok 1`4 00 f s I�Ar` at; 0b' ' t�a rraitt'�+ ' 26E 1�0:q 'f ave9x f Lr i 06 5111 , r y y% c 1� i PT � iyti.ol r ♦r. w � T .{",.�'CC° PY 7:} 16 x w r T; I w .le Bpi 1}Y .A wtl.,~yF'A1 �,Y. , { ': " 1� �� "'�.r� � . 1L }' '} 1 i 3 r- I + e r.� s � y(',, Cdr 1 P•, } . r {,�h E V �i ra" � �.�il a R� � k �`q¢� .% 4 f i wimb r r , or i * sOue , Class P. Due �Jaituary let , 1913 . Warrant , 1 , Exchange National Bank, $300.00., V Warmit, 21 Denton County National Bank, 300.OU, , �yarrant , 3 , A. E. Graham, 300, 00t • +/ Warrant, d, rirst National Bank, 300000, r warHa»t, b , Dell1ton }dill info Co. 70400, },�arrnatj # 6, . Allianca Milling Co. '/Q• 00. . �i6.>' + ' " Fla► gFi nt��'q°'� !'�[Yr iR ° @°at' '-.ICI CS�l'u i'Y. .JI`;,t ,,> . 1.. r ;.;,,, -, ' /GO`Ii iWW` n. Warrw»t, # at Jarrell - Evunu co. , J0.00. +* Warrant, # 9, J. it. Christal , -Warrant , ,# •10, 3?. H. Evers, 42100, ,1/ , Warrant , �� 11 , C. ?`. Withorupoon, P1.00. .� l Warrailt , N` 12, T. ld. Cruddook, 11i 60. I J Warrant, # 13t 0. U, Curtia.; 14 �00.y'l� .11 Warrant , fi 14 , ,L. Fulton f' 14.00, Warrant 16, J. J'. }t41ev, 140'000 y/ I r Wari-ant , lgt, Ijg4i6 'Turner, 149'04; Wutrtxt#t 17, wanton innat Oo. 14,Ob� }� 14.00• >y� '�LkpItnt, Axr�tlt 22i !1&�1� 1 & 828 r � •(� •, a a, ra►oo, ; x i ,rr. tltt �� a , J. we 4pox, ia.00, , r arrar!t4, 4 �, Us Stroud, 404.Of , V�strr4nt, $61 W! Ms,; agtrovd, 4Q0�db, ;r r �F'1 i� rr t 26 i B. �nrrant; �"nm , Lovell � 24 .OQr � �+ i Bates l„ I� NtY'MMwY+M •w P+ 4 ,Y 1 'G• .QQ• f t�� tt �.y, '� �I r �v°Y� i,ri ,ry; { �d %A � {'' {r I 1 � 1 � r�' � ' r YI. , r t t r.. �r'tr 1 �r, r� A i � i t 'A' •. �z OJS � , ,r �( 1.l n , ��1 nY � r� 1�4'It �� r S{t l4� tyr 1[� fn f � ,L :r ° ♦t ` ��; t r� �1 ..kk ) j�l 1 a. t� ' 1 A r 1 + its. fi't 1»r*s-aaA '1° If +�s�"•' a��,t'�;•.�R9�t,���a.' ���! �^y1 ' '' ������1 Aa Ar 3rr".".i'ti,•`71"7'%.�T'4: Tr J ' �/ �1 ii{ 7�§����`S' � 1r,�� �'�" r � ' '� a �f7 r, �.iV ixl k��!'i 1 t� �� j�y�.' �, �Y .�.: +� ktt� �W ♦ i..•�y4 yy,n^. , t , qt, '� � I° 4 r t .1 lF+ t "RR iiiTii as �. k } Ir Jyy{ h FF�•va'Il 1 ; �,\}` }„ 1 lrf�l r?'I r. q! 1 NN E ti4 F �`ky �ry j Y it r i� i °M 4 RR J 1 4 Y 7d4'1 y���,yrj�j �i�Ii��. �. f V 1. A y.}vf:•r{r 1.• i. r�jj Tylg2`^'xr kk�q{ 1• 1{!' 1 Sji.'1 P AM la Sawor .Scrip ;naue , Chou E. Pu4 January lot, 1914 . Warrant , # 1 , Exchange Natir,,nal Bank, $+300.006 , kj Warrant , # 2, Denton Caiuity National Dank. 300,00, ' Wt}rra;nt, ,' 3 , Firat National Bank, 300. 00. Warrant , # 41 A. E. Graham, 300.00.' t Warrant , #, 5 , Denton. Milling Co. 700000 Allianne Ifilling Co, 70600, , ,✓ k �Y "/ w �� � t►�'IA7CV1g Kt y " P� y ""ri' 4` `: ` • i W{irrant, # 80 -Tarrall- Evans Co. Warrant , # 91 J. R. ellristal P1 . 00• !f, 'Arrayit, # 20, I2. I{. F.Vors , 42.00, Warranty # 11 , C. F. Witherspootl, 71.00,. Y�arrant, 12, F, Ib. Craddock, 21 .00. 1/ Warrant # l:i , 0. id, Curtis , 14.00,.' Warrant , ��, 141 L• Fu2 ton, , 1 14. 00. y� Warrant, # 150 J Raley, r. 14.00. Warrant , , , 16 , Long Turner, Co. 1 . ° ,���.° JrLC s�/./? � ./�� sir/{ 'klf'. _<A . tl • � . LLr . jarrantt �` I , Jfa n}�7hrUs t co, / P iOPij i� l'� �Mr rt ny l 'S';x r. •I T � r }E'."` 41a 5,' x f w 14 Ni, Y I,�j Y'�; `�,e � ;q•A�.°p� ,Jr��y. � }/ p ,r �( . yer�E !�� ��ri,i. { U , ����3°A`��1 n.'' '' :�`„a1�M1���'?`.��'� VS��'�f,��r /l' ��r `�;•6�iffrT'�'��a�t�A".;4�''1rh��r4.':. ��� �� Y �e��L°'�JJ *...4q�� WArr. an t z(3 J. � .r, , � �I gohmita , *arrant; ��, 20 J• Ayy. • ti+il6ofi - coo.l 14 •i �` ° •• I r' Fr i eJ . 4 11 r i t Warrrl t`', # 221 Idaltill tc Shepard , 14600• Warrant; # 0..3 ,E 0 W• Cock, 1 • 00. �/ I , i WarranE� # 4, > . C• Malth - r . . 1 ,, i . F / ?�Cil Tom LOVgli , 146 Q0 .: lakt41'it f 28, [� • ateg• h E $1 148 60 }cr nr � •. 5 r t r i n IC �1( rtP oti�M910 ��,.pF� p 1 t'y` ��+r .�'�Ir , � l• y � � - 'c ':3 f � �� x •Y' `I:�,�i,r. ll ,ly le4 •r�. 1 e � � 'f v Y P1 � � ;,'r"� 1 ��i � l� f K.i � � WP, � ys ���Y � C� � '}5 s 1 �` k b , a, �' W� Y '• x � 5. +�.k e.�,r ry A yiy 1r r1 RA �'„ i , N” vi 4Fi{tIT tlJP rtrY �,� YtiY :�. .� fi4'r �FP � RP� iY Al �. ` C 1'15�hrAV,X rt,���k� i ��Y y • . � ��-Y� 4�� _y � � �,� �,����'•2 , y 1} ��`Y p 1 S � 1 ,.j � �" � j Y AMI i� �� �.�> > r•, f I . tilt)1.''i. 'i'•'� _ i , !.i 77:, a> Senor Scrip Issue , Clang, F , Dac January lot, 1915 . Warrant 11 Excli:7nge Na:10nal Bank , $30000000 Warrant, # 2, Dentgn County National Ralik, 300400. 1► Warrant , # 30 First National Bank, 300.0011 Warrant, # 4, A. F. graham, 30Q.00.' �/ Warrant, # 51 Denton IMll ipg Co. X10;006 ;'/ !Narral]t �� 6 10. 41:`rtttt+ 7 W, 33. McClurkntt, 70. 009 warrant, # 8p Jarrell- Fvano Co . 70.001 Warrant, # 99 J. R. Christal , w210001 War ran t, r 10, R. 1i. Ewers , 42 .00, ✓ ` Warrant , # 110 C. F. Withorspoon, ?1 .000 x/ warrant ,t # 12, F. M, Craddook, Warrant , # 13, 0. 314 Curtia, 14.00, Warrant, # is , L. Fulto:l, 1 14.dD , pf Warrant, # 15 14' 60 F. Raley, 14.60; I'r I � Warrant ; 16 , zone - Turner Ca. ` ' Wai"attt°,'f317 Denton' Truot CO. 14:00. . a y 1011, ` ., � 'S� G<a)? ) rf Rll•,��� ��V¢,JJ.'S�V s�i 4l ���! anti +�rNn 1'e err . µ t i tYarra tit', 39, d. B Sphiai 1h.00,'1 ZTS �(7 wilsoh COO 14.061 oe�, "q. Warrant, #` 2fl�; R. R. Cobb, "1000. r ` Ylarran°t; # 72, 11ag111; Shopar4, YNarranty #f 289 J. W. Cook/, , 1 Oo 1t ' War wh , �. 00 Smith, �ry Warkatifi 260 Tom, Covell . 14 ,00 ol 4 �¢ '�,, War xointi��i' � 15t J3d 'F•O .Rateei , ( ' ) �• rr yMr••. YMJ rLM ••yN.�...1•. Y 1 , ,@51r�r jI �.TJA fat tI,4 �s" � L 1 a v f ` . 'FF•y ,r�+� il.r X6' Y�. r }r d 7 f 9 �,• i , ♦ J1. �,j Wa �r�• 1 i S t r , . , �� >r 7SR' 1° A rr�I -c '^ r �( c. r�"T ("�r .1�.'� .e1 T,�� i � , � �j • 7 r.1Ff + 'R* t,�t `17 'd41t',`rf r�,l`�,..r x..kYS�T. .R`^ �51�` frF 1•lw Grp dVi Vii i , r r ,r�'1} 1�� s �A,��1 J., �,} +`;.,•7�r v�� 7.,?.j�,�I ~arv���c y4�s i�7fr4 �•x t�t�•��J•:'(��.f} kr J�l�{I�/s*itlr�4 9�7 {w�1I�a y, ,1. �M yrJ�l�y� �,i t��.�� Y. ¢� j ta! p-r�.At+ ���f i��� ,4�� r r�°�1A�a� Ji'��L ����" ,.y' ���L���.,��'1,k1�''' �9� 1�` µ �"•rl rM��•� �l l� 1 #41' 1 . , � , d. ;t 7�' ,1"� 1,�}• • fir.. •rf �1�1''� r at tivar Sorip Ieeiio , claur� wivrorm"WE i� a:itxury la , Warrant , # ] , Exc,}:rttz�,o Bank l': X500.00. V Warrailts 4, Dei1ton Cautlt;,f Nationf+] }dank, 300.00. . E 300.00. Warrant , 3, First' Natiort+►1 Baak, � 200.00. }� Warrant , rti , A: Fr Graham, 6 Denton X10.00. N ` Warmarit , # , 0. 00. r Warr"aiA 4 .60 All�i'anq�c© Mill,iyng CCoo ` . to ei �,+�.f+5�'^''A�' �" 1��L�:YM1�7?'e#t•JII.Y3�rIF'7.����i.'._F��yih'"..'.'_''{,iK,��;k��4 � '( I�y,•J'f°l�t� �".j�4 F � tl�r�':'Y. r'�'i dA,t�p151n��ti�r���t` 'tf A. '3 War rant �� Jar vei1 ]iYRi1f3 Co . 80.00. Warratity #. ` o J. ; H, . Chriutal , ?,4.00 , 4A•00. t/ : � Warrant , it 10, It. H. Evers , 24.00.'' Warrant, # 12 , C. r . Witherspoon , 24:4 00 'Warranty ## 12 , F . V. Craddock, ;. 16,06 Warrant , # 13 , 0a pd. Curtis Warrant, 4 , L. Fulton, 1G .00. Warxattt ,r Warrant, . i6 160: ## ,10 , 'Long Turner do: ari lit , neht Tr�ie�t Co. on + r,, p11 f�h`i,ii 4 ls`-''i°r=�_�, ,Y�1'�I M n j�.Y L a'�`4 t�'yT�o"-1 C.�-i��Fs•a.,�°.*�4 W�,W+s ti ro r�a a a,p�I�}.•r c'i,�2.►rw'1l,�.ay^a4 d�.r ly 1 n I.tn C ttVll,a�,,,,,`' ##�I},h��..'':`i a a 1 o 22rM'2�t r' �+,�y;.�'r�.,FM�s ti'}.y�•�d li"a�•i�`,j ��gy7 I A L R rr i#r 1 Y ryy 3 �1 g y Mri�'�•i/41 66y 1, 4, 0 Wale tant 1 Wilson It Cobb '60 U6 U n iIt& Shepard,Warrai16.00(J�iVa.�!l r,r1 16 Wfant 25 , :Toro Uvoi1, 5 t 26 51*1 " . i( � r�fy Y�r} y (P. hs, '' i � r (� h 1 .tk� I � I , 5 t 1 ➢ � r i t yr !f • {� # 4' #: 1 'C` i78. #''I 5 �tM,;..4if �Jn9:.��# ��-�.tyl'i'�5,,. � �K ,+ ` J� if�s � � ,k", � � w�c , �] .y •��� , �c� �"�'' v"i�.q �� t kt;�k, �� si'. f , � � Y , ��. � J y' d ,Y� 1�' �r � ^ lei/ � � My�Y) p I at� �A rt�•.� )� S # � � ` �• ��aa rl r� �1 a�'� r' G � i & :. IiIJ r '2.'i' l�kr�#. , +• P�j ",. f � i•�� yr,+ � , � y 1, �i i ° Y r.. , .�� pa �• '. G'� ,� <• Y 1 d , � � ' art �'" �.�.�; 1 r, � ¢ � � � , � , 5 F i k , f P k r � j��}♦ �.,� i 1fV C. Aa Ne IA �._ � 545 .,L•,,y r fa !. +. ,I . l 1 � I < ♦� ea r 4 r t l y t 'w 1 , " � s �� �1'3 7 t w.7 ,}+�i fJ .r�,v7 � �2:' S � 't]J. d �', !J � ,.�'A� ;�i " 11r� � • i � �WY7 'r' '�, k �•Gd. e>'�' � .iY r j .. �'i(Y t Ir r1 r 1 i f 1 r A 4 1 r t ��� T�• n'YIN...51 �! �a i l� 1�+�'f 1t L ��? Otsl+ 4 { x�.�°,4 t, t P .Yi . .+.F pn.•� '� a ,w fe�� r,y b.:fC�r�.91� T ,r ,.V )a,, �`Tl�.:• yrp aor �hb1hCfLY gittl3 o�a•ea y iI M trrrc+ and sErtbeiaofit' Of the VOOOipt,u FAnd diDbUrstlontn of the Aew©r oult>; w4�t"; ,t k City 11 oorotary. � i:•AY • Y�+S o,i JAY t I 1 4 > �L J � ���111 W tai i °i t i i� �Y t I �'`' �' r a I r 1' } � 7 �i r ' ':•�d�. ,,�«tY ( f � � >, 1,rr t ,.� W t;•l 4 f i � ai , �� } � , 1 I 1 t 1 r '� a l � 1 ♦ v A �f b Y � � 9 >, r , !�M I ,� { t .. � { II � Y ¢ - 1 , Jr a vo I4 14: /' { A.i ; • i_ S �P Ix rte- ♦ hL _ ^. } 'rr •. rrr.A 1 < rya Jrr�r '�. }u ildliH fl 'CG r!:.�*<$at l4�}Cl.�4r':L r�dl'�. yn,7l7{G,f1t` � r 7 �! 1 10�+�5'Ya'�M'p'[.�,�.,+ix''i t�'s�'r;$`}�`�.�:u�l�k�`}b.51 �� � ,tG' ��. yqq��',`'cY �x� p • # �'. 'er ;��- G tip'" r e# G l ,7 ti. J tz r 1 t 'y.,w•'�s 1 r R A n 4 �)�n Vf r� d r 'X J' t ,. � r� /JY R V � e � 1k��; l v 'i r � �rq,',ti ✓, I i + fir s, 1 n l , V z , rtlG a .. o , G � 1 �. r �l I s 1 ' ,d�1, 3t I o t � e'�t T1 1 • 1 t 'r I y �° �9< r 1 1g n T , d! 5( F r•�1, r'[ P t 1 1y 1, ✓.i`,t 7t � :1 •"r{ r r r r { fo dqR! ! ' r ill 'oe s T' I P A �� of t !• � I i," jj y '•ff I 7 \ r4 1 J& . ! y, r �✓ 4f '9 a F of sf,.rtr- Iolo,o.l^,-h 14 Oki t t. 4w• s '�T ''tlr 3 } N< r 3 t t I n r o 7 a w,lI 4}ii t 1 P _i 1 +� dr . r r I b / 1, ,r..it r rpa W r r �•.• 1+ L 1 P 4 = d L G rl.' r.,.2. .I 1 ' 1. }:1 Ir YI I + y nV'L or +F J y r 1 .iM ! "P I 1 [ ! d ;v � P r. I r I K Yrr�l t r y it to R I It Z ` �, T 4 , Ao 1 4 ' P ') n I 1 1 • a .l ,. 1 r d; �+?�5 J� r , VP r (S!� , yty �r r'7 Flr'y, ^d!P Pyia11 I� Y11+h1r NY,Ti MAY* r o,? R l�.•i1 r 1 X1,..4 . > ,'.';d'��,r S ldi� k.r' `q�r P 1}pct ',.i,.1 S} u p1 tr.M1¢•. 2 r i�<',1 F , ,"•f p 1 !r' JWr,y: �} � s G.. K5 J +ol I 4 . o r !-'. h 4 '19'lJl. JYtiG)1,h :1 } ;1. 3. F" v ., .15 '� r • 1 - V 1., G ri n• .'��N', t,t ',I'• ri r G t �'.; ! 4':, 4". g f T 7 n fi" r 1 J t�'t y ,kAti S r: d r{ y ,ry J,t , ,rC � 3 3 '. t .1 W I `1 •. to i4� i �i� yj V, .iJ 4 _ ti t t a try t i . T 1 r P Y/` 1 ; �` J t Y - n 11 t • r Y Y 1 0 �vs�ril4�.�if"! I r7� r t I' ."Ar R � �:� 4 ✓ c:li 1M' , �;� 1 r�'{{k�� i t ' a' el _ , c ' ,, .. 1 ", ,rta 1,'.rd J l� � h fl�{M d:• r"t4 1 �' 1�r rrr: r} ; i 1 q'1', Y i 'f�1 1 f JI `u} ` } ,� r it rr rlr �� � 1 .4 1G ' rW r1�rr En �h ralrY Ef�J y1 4�k t or J 1 1 k i rrr r4�q.�1 I 3 1 1 y � y i r• t �{ Jf�r�� � b ,t.M1 , P�1 i e r���ll I G�1 u� 1. J. 1 ly ,,'4 t) �'��.: t• �� fir. 1 r;T•r!. •7 d l.!�.'.. fy.1555 b :.,7 h„ 41 n, . '�; COMMISSIONtpw H. V. HtNN[N. MAYOR B. W. MCKIN[i[. CNAI.MAM MARION BRALL[Y. CITY ATTORNIY n. K. SMOT etty of Mentol ` W. R. /MOOT W. S. MILL[R LEGAL. DEPARTMENT DENTON, TEXAS April 12, 1927 Mayor BJf.idcKelzie, Don ton, Texaco Dear Sir%. In compliance with your request as to whethery there can be established a Cemetery by an individual within the Corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas, I submit the following for your consideration. Article 921a of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, I926 Edition states that Its shall be unlaa:ul for any person, company, corporation or association to establish or use for burial purposes any grave yard or oemetery located lees than one mile from the incorporated lino of any city of not less than five thousand (5000) Inhabitants within the State of Texas . The Statute goes further and says that where cemeteries have heretofore been used and main- tamed within less than one mile from any incorporated city or town, and additional lands are required for cemetery purposes, ' ally person owning lands adjacent to said cemetery may lay, but and use or sell same to be used as an addition to such oemetery, and thb tise of this ,additi0nal land is not a violation of' the l&w4#,116" view of the above refered' to article it would not be iav►fvl 0, establish '6r lay out land' for cemetery ppuposes in the 41ty of DjJJ'thn, or within one mile of said City wn less the land wa's to iajbin �a cemetery already established within tkie City, by any person , ' oompa»y , corporation or association. Trusting that the above covers the question as submitted . to me by you, I am Very truly y re, a , Uity Attcrneys L 4 z iS.a�l` \'.. nr, q.n w -. �; .. ..:...M .7y .. ......'.1 .' ;e. /: LM fR F!+. m ♦ +dp' •1 t r 1 i e #,w N,4 �r ! •(•d " t, + r.a-', Mv� � F .cL �lhl�f frNi°L<�fL1r�R.R !�..�,A'AK'U1i Wd» (�lk'{�ir'.?} y.ljc.rr�M+�,+!t' �.frY ndl7rm. rrr«r''; r 5 f 31 • r 1 !;�,} ��*Q i�- ♦v •saga�..� --- �InraP V to ,••/( yy♦ y�� t�«_w-e��.—' !. k -l� I�' ���• F. - e tt Lt i""t� � eF1�li J t.u�� y .y ' ll.dktw•� . , ' �F • t iI '�"t�[1��1�ly�Y �� •"YYTg � rJ,3 ,}� Q •vY �+. f ,., � � aye �'Y'k ,•% , 1 1 � .l � 1�7 � ��a � +r i��'�a4(,d5 d�� ��,t!!�.,Ia,1?.r 1��' c,.. t{'ed���'��t FAy�•yY� yPA.,ff h�yr,�' ,l 4 1 + es '+,A r ; j T k�}�> <S ,9i' d1r1� 1 t.1h k. }%'5�O4�rf?y),I" +� r� t ��tt ♦� 'c ��t r4{R i� d tr�! "jq't"r_..{ I'G ��f rtl t �P��, ��^ �� ��° �'� r � wt E ��r�I a��^♦r�l D ��i ryL h •x .0 { v + tip a±�v " yw +4V);1 r 1 . k .''+ � is:. t.,: •.yh. It r:SSE.. fi+� � a..15�i+. ter►.. rq��. ...F. a l CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE 's° ' p �lt< �1lriSl�PrMtlDtt of the stun of... even au'1 S.D.I_z0.9......._...._........_......_....._....1b11ara, the New Amsterdam Casualty Company hereby continues in force Bond, H. 0. No__0116.91..__ .......Branch Office No... .S x_7.34?........ _..in the sum of Fifteen Hundred & No/100 VeR. Stead & B. L , Wilson, d/b/ ... _ _......_......:.. ...._.................. ..Dollars, on behalf of...Denton•-EleCtr.iz-shop............ ......... CY_.t_o. fCD en Q on ^1—far W . .. _ .. .... _..... _: :.. .. ._.�; r „ " �orthe extended term beginning onthe_._._..._..nth.,. ,.. ,...._,.day ofw..._._.._...._..usrCh.... .... 192i , slid octdiog oil the_.....W.._..bth,,.__.......,.......day of._ .... ._ _?larch _... ._....__.......... _. _._..�._.._ .._., 19 28, subject to all the coveunts and conditions of said bond. executed upon the express condition that the Company's liability under said Bond and th` 'and ail Continuations thereof shall not be cumulative and shall in uo event exceed the stun of..... ....... .. . . ..._ :... ssViftobn Hundred and No/100 ». .. _ �.. :..... (R.1.l.600. 00 _.._) Ilollare. �.. .. ...,..._�..__. .._._w......_....._. 'TAitugg the signatures of the President and e3rsteiniw actry� this .....2nd ... . day I`ebru'a>"y 18 27 ............. ...... ........ .. ...... . .._.... PraUeni. Attorney- act 1c#�tabox6cilecxetao7c• �4 �� t �.� �. �� ' i� � . � . ., � }� �'a.�_. ' .�r ,�� � �}� ',���� ✓�� ''� '� ,; , � 1. \1' � ' 1 {i�..� � I1�' � �I " v A� !Y � , ', Y� i . t ♦ l .y: �.. � ,�.* �. r � + � ' y ' ' 'N {' � I i r i � C I. �''I. ,F! .�� ,i �. � �' `� I,A ' y` � + �, � ' .i Y1 ,6 � �y4 �4' �1^� 1.^,� Y � ♦ - 1 t;':�� " k, � S '�. .�, ,�-:; .t f 41 " , fv •AK �, s + r A L r � �r� y�v . 1.�r..- { IT INVK'ATIINT ASt1TIE9 ', 011lAY {OUf q[Il ti 1ll�[ �Lt�O,' pis `i' EXAM OI' Y OF DENTON $ONDS , SUOn,ESmED FOR REFUNDING, DATE NAME ISSU, RATE MATURITY OPTIOiT A)JOUNT SINKING DATE DATE OUT'STDG FUNDS 4-1-15 , .Sohool House Imp. No 4 a bb 4-1-55 4-1-25 �64,000 .0Q $ 4, 480:21 ' 9-1 36 " -" No, 4 5ja 9-1-56 9-1-26 230000.00 61712: 14 . 4-1-1 St.& Siae'wai,s 5jo 4-1-55 4' 1-25 10,000 .00 2, 933, 12 . J04,000 .00 023, 12b 47 ,R , � pptal^ etnbtil� "ot VbW$'l.ttiese i06te0 Oji4, jt`dnd'ijig' i,ikirlg; `±lr` A' to bo a30U fq >rdt reme"rat tin= e , ?ek 0lildi Y* ;Ke 6 h6w 0Q#'lg irk) T*. CitVT3 Ilmav(nt :,tc {�e rafuii46 - ' po QOoA;00 a a • t f L. l ,•K' '' t i A' � , Ar. x (, t .,•,e.Nan .N .u.lws.�►.� by hw.id,�� u. bar wuiLn bun M.eiA L i.M� .M ara N l.N r•. :� 'vii 41. A," TTI T.— v 1"�' J.!Ilr a.wiw.:laeNA.•1�4.�. <" ' S '' �' , , eoMMIS� ON�^et '. 'y i'4; (•ANIC�• S Llatj� 1�Y,,O�Ma'I Y } (�'��'•:�+v k Wi fIILLtN. Cr ArNriN ,f th w:'k s�aYi}Y`gll Nrar"a41 V/ i, FO ` 11 0 4, iur ,F� r WOa9WAND" lauWiq r."t, nNCN, Nt•LY� Orn<�► •., �. TVfNam ". 7M YOVkO: M•atr•L, B. 11V. MCXEN21E, MAYOR CLAUD■ CASTLUiNNY DENTONo TEXAS a , Iril.. 000Syl yci 000 7.0, eoo . ecr .5 'r� . /�r a / - 0 y �--� /I -T9 �L�JO0 /O, 000 , 00 070. 80 -/- ig ,�f ►- ,�-�-sr /0, 000 / o 000 . 00 � t K z _ _.ol _ _ ..L'.J.i�.. ♦d,� ivy'— a,i>.?. tip. ,.v' N stir � r ^� x . .4 t',.. ti f fM r�4; r A.'�♦' J x 'rJifY' ,l.h y' wl � '. ! is r,f1 ♦ { �4 ^.. i tray �f `i �i'4en .J.,, ' .-_�i� j�` •,��n t� �'♦ ' s �'.'•, i 'R� t;� F ;�p'�s f�y�. � a , t3��r "T t`� �� �!'�rjj•�''I'�. ♦yS. it ( `,4it.ii Y¢ r \ � ?. ,r k ',f�1�1 a y � 4N A ' � k � �•,,.��tk r R•�t, • r . , w' �`a t Y-3sY : 7 , 1 .rA 't , �, .A i +� s,i �' �' fh9 1 Vhf + ♦. M•� v J� I' ' 1 1 i .H . • ++ , + iIn � uS !'SY !� Y vt it l'kb�t:. *4th; Z ' trfa t ;. t� n } .! _ •.s r fl r k {. �1 t ..i{, 45 a k "3 i [ T•n{ � .4 P . II •�i. y , 1 Thb drown-drummer InvOat. 0)r, x Oent le Yj a wit, inetruotions In. aompilanoe Y�fi 1'y am �nold,eing herewith 'thb Signature dertifidnths ; Nhiph ! ' trust you will' find pro$orly filled iri r Warring 'to, th;e bonds wa it oa ttw t *' ` theta ; were bn ink; regi gterdd by the;°�,Oom troller ;,a= k_ t}10Wew1 with' A COPY of thy' � tbrT�eyh�Onotal , ai6p*H. . t 3aa rt ♦ : pro�thl`arid a ,waiver, froaq� hb doe d`:p! duoatioh �atio3"danlE of Atietin 'who ,iiijl Ito the Amer'Ameridin n forweY'3 them ,tb ` ha,tFir' ot 'lf4,tigrial .o! ` N 'R) n♦ s ♦ T 1 i` s 1 y ♦ ~Y; � ' � � 'Y l.t.t Y r r�♦ 4 R ,�.. (wry♦�r "a�/rVSyy� �� /1 y�x: r��y� p iBta�1_ Q�� ,.Q�.MM . v tkh�� Qit +we; heYa :irt�,te,t�d`-Qh�m.,. 0 A . 4t<' ►"b� �JAr" r "a rb ri stibn_.6f 2 00=' grad t 4 r ,the dD ,r dbe for e 6 Dense ;1 n L .fix x r l X15 i ;tSrn � � e�, d; a7 ho thek aaili'tC¢ b abk� .;^r �K Aiihlc y �as '�b �. tad' n° o #�ft�i+� x �� „•' �� J ♦_ l ,� 4 r 4 ( p x 1 �JI,yl1r♦ y}}�'.�'-t . v r �I ,�,1 ♦G"2, 7..' j .i = r Fj♦y J.. Ai he !4 tilt^' �ir ; ,g tk Ii a xtn� �Fit'kO ax+V� Q 7rAY 'T fl1�e7t7'1• rt �'�1 url1� ' X' •`O - ..�V �, �. ` ^tr7ire?'i � ; tit�,piII"�y��'��yy�y` 'i��A..i�t� "j {{�``�������b� �j��t?�y��r4���� e�yP�tlxf.�� # ti g'L S V Sl � �t �F: --ney,j lX'! ti W~ bd!4�Y�.Y. •:J_A �Y'}I [' 'F'�R . •�'. ,' r` •.,. " f " ,' $.i �a�s dgv . 9rret{sriq thbd9lrifid , ' . ,� = �. x` oheok' drlil y expehee, �Tot�oherrvki d y;e t lea 4� x w _ , r r k f a • y' 1 +y .'a 'Yours Verys,V� Y4 "*•♦ i .? ,•F i`. t R<f 1p • i 1 ru_. v + • °`i'i It �i`7.\ 4M��ti � ��'x ! r\, Fs trL 1• t�l"4, i t Y� aq V.+' 7 �AA r ��'a� � � i r� aF s�','ti ' T hh1 ' ,�, ! Q �, ��' ♦.f � Ld F1� ,� � i•r*• kr � M� � \ t � VI��1 � YI a •�}� `4 'ii4.� �Y Y�.M•�i rf�,��'� I 1 •�' rV � +t1C��. `.�n'.� • , :. ' r d w r '''$e�y�,r�r�QBi rY' F• `t n „ 1 , i �Ya � 't(�5 �*F. R • 1 r v �, , 1 " Nk� ,'w !i a y r ,t Al` qr 1 i� ♦ .,.s � !w t Y�' a '`�i '1'�'�y�br'.1 4� a .4 « f� R' � �d F i r � a � r i'�,liYj .: C °a t' �x ' 44 � v • 'Fl,.s� R!� a ' ywY '{ �af.'• �, � t 4R���`4�`� i rfi x �r � r a �J •' ��• � �S 1•.. R'� ,y t' � ,�.� r•r"w :'♦ it' �a 3� , . d .��71�: t iili l} arha� 1♦" { tFJr '4�y #;.' r 4 ' s � � � 4 gib'Y r °Y 1� s rP^.,, r:. � T rt,4J 4 R. �n Zn•1:i �'ILL x r. <<s rS S d �+ t }' "� 9° Jf r t .rn ♦ 'i a` -ra�,} ��1 fi`'` r♦ r�''. ^C'0. #µ d.°.,. Y � \ytfJ �'• "� �,'f { � [.j �' t7,� �,.�♦ ��,4, , �t t JF �' ' y'3 w .t 4''° � i � t4 ♦H• n Pt1K r \ i {, � a k F L T' 1 TM �r,� L ♦ltt�c x ' iv .?. T 1• v &&Wig J 7 •7,� {� t�1 14 •i " s`� f s� i y ?' f !t _ �!�h s 1 3� ..,.,C fm , r. 4 ^,t �N�y. rfif9 ♦1, giA. 'y i�l .F f � 3. ♦ r ,.5� t. Y , ,' C ,. a d 1''a 4 �, t R 0 � - A H7E r�♦ i 'gd M i ,� . A ,A ♦ r' t h r. ♦.e�. Y k*' •, ,.♦, .'1 f*l Ri�4.n1 i fl�%1'it�'f t !' '� ' �.4 ! a • w,, t . ,� r' r i 1'� rt } 4 �' v Y •^ L t', ,� w q . fit n 5 � tto YSru. t • 'Y. bye � ! M1 � � ` { ` 1k Pruitt of two Ma `t t , •':, Cdr»uy'',; i a:" ,,+ i. H. T9RN R ''J.M.%DWARDS, CMnv CLr1tK February 6, 1927 Hon, J,WoErwin, City Secretary, Denton, Texas Dear Sir:- I have your letter of the 7th inst. ,' in reference to the City of Dentin Bonds ,, aggregating 0125,000.00• In repay, you are advised, that the bonds are now being registered in this Office but I cannot• deliver the bonds' to the Amerioan .National Bank, ' as requested by you. Your Mayyor is .'.the legal custodian of .tthe bonds, tf�erefore , I will have to have ; . instructions from him before tho delivery be mado. He can do this by telgram if he do;sires to do so , whiolrof course , ehould :r be do:ffirMed by' a letter. r Truiting . that you understand my position In the matter, : L am, r, r Yours very truly, a ' Y` S5 ;1 Jr'Yf wpm. . CWTROLLIRO . icy � ry, u* '.'11�'"'nor'!"1.$M"Y0. !1R'"ry'Ct+w`;s:x,•eHnSV;V.x,. . ,. .ir,,, . .. ,. ,. +iz ♦ 4 FY�S g`i r ,l7 , ''. ♦M ON t F e '�"f," ... �r }".:.• r J � .,r 1k' Y � .Ff' a "t✓ ri..d' rye, ry ,« < ( " �1 4�'rt a. O r py r M1 '�` !': a 4 J n r M! xY° ! v' S '. J` R` �rJ e` `'! r n 4 rryr. •Y; y lion statQ rj/ a V� 0r� y;� 1 r -6 It TOXAs' � l a _ r A'�NAaK prt =� r fi.l hg� r l thd ; 8th a tor. aOfcnalr10dg0mm t your''`l6t aT,isa,d to d N►; ISr>iia 0 t er ,q! And iri`<thib o;�nriootlbz��w -SO4 s a iis�► ! t'dn c wi�Eh our tai iA.' i �` �►d;'t�W� ; v0 b�i�k« i,Y Doatoryi ' tha t ! t y « Bank Of Dctilton try Quiver{those bo} Qe t ! ts0tt�' �x ,� :�• ' .11 TM , ° ��" . "Obaerd�ir '�I�"isnR x�r�': ' iriat�s d 0 $ � .f. l,,r 4', 'At% a r e N�oa t:+; dbliver ,A,Aarigati 21��lOriaX `� ;: � r •�:: «` } } 1 t I,N�"; ��0;���I i "♦• 4t 3� �t1 y '.i 1 } l� } P "a 4 . � ti yy� 'N4 .! v N r � } � ., a •'in t Sw1 .i1 � . , yti.✓1F (l,w y;]� �h' � •' ",1 @ N A.,r°T� i w k " , fic'' ` A c; v �n P•t' r { }Y kr "d" q 'k t OiN �NA� tfotl��`�oa°� ,a0t�eidsk �111+ QnAyVbibOAth Ot tha80`il�eubll� 4 � d our8tl �Qt,�i 5 irk` j tt!Y' 1 a� td iho-,4y8� "tt rz�gidq ` Vi n! k �P V �. f ` r �< R6 i = o _ i i5!'ii ivei� .e�dd a at �... e cb ti ° e, , �x6aieIfe�l or Au hl4`i9 .ao` t t yY •S " x 1°i.i.r �v YA �`!'.. S s ��P �'Y ,�,'�k ` ..� ..i , . w .. j t. ' �I��.f,, 4lrf a ��,:,, � :. "','.vvv�,,,R w� "ti .a r5h i�.. lf�l •r:,. , n:trir,.; '�1 ',.. !y1•�.±� a t" >, p rA �! 'i " « �tl'"i • t ? r, 0 w Q ° Qlti h w fr . the f tibrne a r.�,, " w„ ,r (A) � + � t b'y ''�, �i`L It X14♦ ,M +N IMR Q�.�; 4' + �' At600 'r ' a ��'� �r "�('$" r A. x r h R k 4 '4 V c 4r� jy, 1 ♦ , " Aa 1r A Y�'�`" Vn�'F e3 k'.z��' I -.'}"n�f ♦ t!.���'� '.i'j �^D, YRtf�if `RY j� � r r `,w•.. $ t. t � y r�rY I '� Sr Y /n r a}• J r'*� k p r 1 1 'x' M1 kt!N M ,ary'y�y5rrl,'�i�. s(�Itlr4`a, i {�d j CIAO qvy,�tix CIO �4 ♦<yA `" �A l R 3 4 e �.:� '�'t'. " k` �r f" i r pal" I 'a�nN ••'iii" I rt ,f x 1 11 Yi ,, 4t,R �"�. r�s{• ,� a y v a °r<' . '' Y Yy SI�f j4. NR"yCp°�1fN � t 1 f ',.. + z1* `° 'err . }.•,F � 1T`3, '!,j I e}.h.,,,„ Y'° ' �n� e �.��.�+/«•14'f�{"6Lr1v' ill r t �Vq'' Y h+� rtJ °i �w zr �r v rkl L!.at 1 q v}> . , J x f! � a y ',1 a r tt ! , e � «•t / ( C].1 .1 r g>,•w �'. t°la h } I. 0 4 e 1r , N * `; ti r ,r! .I w ., �, {•Yl 1 t y .r IL °r'P;rS'Yy r i 1 , " !^"',r, a Vr; �'iJ'.! ' °� y x i � �:'•��' �. `�� 1 I .�y, ti 1 �1` a< r 't a t: 1• FY �W y+ 1✓lFS1A I�l +, � ��'. «: a A � x �f r i3Y��r Yl� �A T� P6N X ,�.. }�u� r}i.: � ,/ ti'4`� !,f 1 r .4 j 4 `��f eIA.,p>�1i r �., b �i .4 r• � ! l5 ! 1 V 1 6! > ak➢°}a. H Y "f +ti 1• a 'F ! e r Z iq . 10. ' '' 1, 4 r 4�rr +..n � ¢4,.I ry� '�1y�. S 'Y I}^ �.`.Y.y. Yx { .,. FISIJY`r!' ''rkt�,;.+ra9Y '^•7 ,r TP+4�4 + I °Rr Ai lj YY�g�' S d�r R j 'L h(, �„S.e. ." 1� k dell" f^IY t .i tf � , re 1_S•i/ 1 f�, i 1 .A]Lj' :IY Yy'I^Y, ,'. a t FI' P k ' q� f tk? N rt v 41�'Yt x"r b 1 r u. l :�.:. '� 4 .. N °-IJ a �, '! r• � tt[�" sk S 1 ♦fw 1[ 9 } 1.14%11y7i5+�' ��e N S a Xc'��`\ IKgS �.'.3. � ;: ♦ ;� r. x �p t'. � L �'I�r� r I t . s f 'i tf Y Y± P / Ott y 1; t k �.. �'� `li t r1� l4l , � ti � ltM.. R t �'"� Y ���,,`� i.'•• rk 1 �.5 .rt t YICJ 5� �rr�'e ++`a " '. � x r _. « " f'rF" ' L wh � qty n�� tigj r: , bf r' � �'�l, ♦ [ qIt � � ,, tl ! f; Y y 1 '� ��. 4 f } r A.. X ��.- itl r� � � ,i v f• r o v.. ;� ,�y� ��` t �i .. i f ,�• n4: Y l ,I ,11P!,t?yj r Y.��. v r•^ < • i 7 l r 1 !^ L 4 J r c wr rd �l. 7 n0. f«# r 1 q..�v} �4� i r i'. �" r� .)j' ryll� .I,i, �3 kt 1 ,' 'r&,� ' Sad i{ r �il` I���r�r.rt ^y ..: r k^a•; � i � rl � � �.{ �s � � t ��l � n e-8 til 19 7 I ��t MEr� " t If a... yam► f "M'! F jr Y 1.`+ t , �/ � ,. ir. t"� ') f � r,r7.' 1 I q 4 `f-r 5 '.t q t. •R �+ 7. •« k �� fS ) Asl' ` " '� aF d".� 1 r, ,ter , fld tz , Spar f' },a:l} , 11 ♦y �� '. e -�S C �A�t 1 f , �� �. y. '� « r °r +��1 �.. " �" 1 i. r� Y � 1 � ,"�AY YS� I,•' '!� •`t,rr } " A �, r ` '1 1 b. •!• i it }�h5 1 � " ki sr � � � � 1 � . ��1 � �r.`l• (v�,r} I e�4�r ah�1v{ , � 1l z-)E t Vi � aP nM1 �' s y �y v l t { '}t y7•� r f �. f .�� '�4�.:� a.M1M� .,ly �t �} " k rl�� � r a; f « �1 ) r "r •i 1 i "9� �' i` i, r } � �i ^� t yr y' t}."- y !.. a b �i^� j t C: r �•ge�gw .�.� '� I 0.Y i yy r �r1 6t' 1. . .� s t r�.fa Fii� 4 0 1 lIr 'T' x ^� �•' � ��.t }4 r i��� fi its 11 +." � r / r + - Y7 t4a 'l,�♦ ,k„..� N Y �f,f #.. .'. t x rf�4 t ', � ��r��+ 1 � . � '� r" 1 • 1, !� � RZ '4 Y vN,TES$, ,gls S L x Vt6l%iy Z +�.' ,.s tilt J�e� Nrafs r P 1����'yyp,,♦ {{r��Er w A' : _ �I:a Y .. a- '.�. r /t P �6 Vf :YY rr •7 }.1 lA ND {�N� •BxQ�I v :3C . '� r / s ° x , � (w 7 :1A ii ATr } t ✓'�,a rl '1,{ R.,.. � t � Q11�'1 't xaa �'r L 1 w..i e1 i t .� `; f♦ t''y, t r f 1a ';• :It* t '. 8� yi.l.' '3 r Nr F J, ♦. W ,� . A i , •: �+/�•r t /��y�,•��q� 7`n �rj. Fly P Vim• A l 11 f 1 t (y]�./y�.y //C���1/gQ{��1 aKPl`�Y\ �}Y�,[Y�1 �1Ql� p;EO "for yo}7�urHrx�#�� I, ±Mq � Ly, ( r 5. •�/L'" ,vOl �YY Aw It .t �t('Y and.,Soli '��l ' to �d ih6luo}vO, BA dg j' Chi@ t3atdtio Bopdst' ter; neo i 1` ti ,a�q talent abbu , thC iLd �0aof De¢e�►b d. '. r r 1 � �'• t ,tr 3.w�w # , .,rk, , pw4; x°. A t •! 7� M � ►rb;ill leindiy dal i�+er the ,binds to=yA* � mi4e '{y + d gre' tly� Obiie�e 1 t tk r� :� r., ^xi r, f ty �,,(Jy q1� p}y k � f .c. " �..r � 1 '�5 �j ti�f 4,�j^�tt{L!�,„ It� •ry V G,`# raft ,� 1 t 1 . r { � . t C'^ 1 1 I 4A 6 f` r y� �. .: t 1p+�YtPr�S+� �v:,{q � �N'��; r#CA , s <t aar� + d,�a �. fir,• rd � �-'�,ye S " . � r 9 � a 1 r/ > , �. t '"• " v �xf , E'�..�yl,t ..,1 'y"{���', t rr',•t d •�1-.✓�i� f�i ��'i .l ; ka � J'• f hY � �1 -w< i r�,�y"'•4°+�la�ro 4:a1r.t `S�tW" .A a �' �L t'_� � � � 'i " [ ' "„i`�I'I�.W t` L':`�,rf1 art # ` `► SAS "A LA G, � i. f r ..i fJ ,.i�Y� � yi' L°T `�.• .• •'tvrl` - 2 'hr� � !< .It 1 ear. '�"�" 'it 3• � ,��t ,a M+ � �r ! 1� �4'," : � � " � r)" � I {S, �1 y r 1 ::If �r ..:_!r� aT y 'r,� ey: r ��, i.�11a' �;.'.. yy 5 ♦r♦e t . i � a i ". t, � d >- It s y �4j}r.,,: � � r ' r'�1 y � ,�nvf1 }I �� r w .": °"v1 • h -1 awl � tit` ry;lfi� ' t�ti.. 5 f d k�v l� � �, j::'• It oI n,3v{ It I j.:it} ,ti r Ll iro TiC Itt" ',eYro { , i.?f.� 'y y �.'.. > , s xa � i 1' t x"� r •, q rT'y 'a 44 t 14 r [ ,•i t r•z, v �' 1 t { '� � q �l^ � tll ' �� l�il tl � f t t4h `a � , ft� r ;.�" �f a y�iL to EY v: kl 1 N t t ,(• ;�r� " s i "` ♦ r ,fr If y ` t�tij'F �fR l A t � �i a # V rr yryr""rN ly; ,'1 1 J It t t. W._w ,. 1.'. A "1 +b, Y+ 7`"i,. Z�� r 5 r d + �e 7' r •{ C ill .` n .�. . r ^ '�k ''P.., t�* 9 q 1pJ l a Y s llri q „l ., t• ,fit'. f'r * rtr .r•y .�:�, e�i� .t3♦S ." r Y r�' �'.a�.. ,+'. �l r,° r �.,� •I �i i'!Uo i .'s l'a , i ,,� . '7 ♦ r�M l�t - A tr Or l { �f+ r tit . t ..� r �. 1�, • 0t •i,�' ' 4 " � ° �� . F�bxuary' 71ii1427a , r 'tkl"�l4ii S ♦ rY f.- r'i ` �':r ',�• �`° L' �� � '. v ' re �[ i ') •: + /. '' ":i ! Fw<i + Y �r ilf a l! }Y� y1 •4l a+, ae+, , � ,r • l t I . + N �.r tw,�yr. 4K '4i }ti•t r� Aon 8iits �e rr��l�' F ,:9 �' tA,,.i [3� a ♦kp r 1 -�A4kY Y 9t'rr �l'i ,Ii} tY{AI�� e Ate e .ryy{.o.� cll� h _ ra f 1 + • ? omp tro t le t j r je prli t� �AN, • � p l r P ` t yy 1 M �p ert�lbti M' lelQp /. '+ ` a re 1 ' a • ,��`� Dear Slr1 st F.J 'Under We of Febtuao - th. wa�4a� "tbe 3Attorney Gqnerai' iriaomplate one b -of tihA' Oity.' of bon ton in the ;aggregatb � iff �X$b�000 bawd SOO&1'L to `'100 i�nalyy,'tve of Oitt Hall, 146 86 1nobtelye o!:'HMdge ' Oonet:uctlons ,ith ; + � + '�• ,;, ,syt�zotio�d o't.lco: deliver , th6M to Y4i1' d4partraobt xheh 4�SO'il/" 'ed /� f`': ... Y •, i� ] r al N d 'J• '... Wt try r Y 1i4 bM ' � ' �� " Lttbr' �hesa .�►re �egiBtexe¢ ,�1�1r ap• `'` ��° k �� `° pp , .bb' ure ' ,w ! a� . + f•,r � • Boe►��� bt : atidt� lrid aXbo ' d4 �k fY,�i y'rqlb'�y'E�P�Y�^�%P.r 4 h`.,�!`F«�k#t e i,��,1W+,•Y lr�^td,',9 j.♦lJ.�u,ER,f'•l W`.'X:'�'.'`'!r�l y yI�R�•,a•kY?+`Y ir♦.�+t�i w`�1T♦.R,+��NH�„�Y`.an.'.�lq;h't#G.ti�yS�r i�e1i,s!s�•'S,'J."}'cy4 r'`,'��a'9 te a;e'l,k�r IJYlYr t v}''r`�.R r ai Y'V'a4a�{t R}4r�l{'h,+°t T(�'.t:1'i�;+p}$ya..x''•.;�Y-F��,��L�`r[1�e,b�o W,1"'v{i-t�.}'t�'�+4h,,f�'�i r ra,�r'a�•`'N`��I e�r fz6 z!.3j'^[rt�,4 a_f•.y rj,,!�`q��v 6`Y'�"yr„:'Vt+�'��}+�t y`r�•l,�?l�!rv�Kj,+trt►�.,7"'•�i y[[.>,.".f.��`,9f o�.'��+�r f T t42a.oS�A r'wj1 r�,ia�t,l�l�bi o-,J N trKFt v�}Rn�.aN R{r«y„h S y h{r,�.:!�t,e¢.r:«•�♦l�y.v�i�}.dtt�K['i M'.;�+.i�7.•4-�,k i iR(�r"1e c s'e'+Y'r.�a Y`%'i�p dt l i FA Y,z{A+y j'>'aR r.-r.+,,!J yl>7�.'��<,'4A'4Y��..�;�r.t�i':4�•,.-,,'��!t�a 1.r+�f h rr r't it s Y!s'F h+t�,�e���!r t yj'\wY A i t f 4 e�(t l m'R y if-<•,?�:a r r•'•.'+,`e`i!di Y a.-y R(.s Y i l i�r+1 1•!•.a+>r�\+r�<�a R",'s i r t��.y.r tl<".r'r'+"-i°'-_:.t J"!'wiFA::,^a„C�l+}rR y r"Fi�r 3Q1g�t 6''+Fbid�a�y[ r.ls i�t•:a r++ ay�4r�Vy i y'rs i.tr Ftt•"�F1[vY 1 IwrM/'•vIIt-�;i"�,�t":��-t'5'�'`'`,Y'h•r f rn P#t�t a,i°y re�E�erf;•V'e4 r h[i �biL♦S4.e�h'g tr��r i th9 e• ayn't a*�yi"1+r ne+i�Y a•w h r�r+.�s i�•g Y a�'4 t*t srar.�Wy1'�"•�+1n�.t.T s r.t•�`+sf T u k'E°,�{s}!a s r tNhg1 10 g s a1 r 4}SG'r s tad t tea 0 fo M paransa ls. 441 R h t 1J /r��+`�r`,`4�d T!i�r 1,M..1 r!v�r 7 r.t.1�+v C r^,_E��"t z iM,+.•,.,��/?:,�r:a.`+'''[d+y N Y�`r t'a m:r?M1 r I t y F��a�t i'�t+�e k�}k'.n`i�1t�"+l[�+'94�]IY r'+!A�.f I J�S•9'�r��r ti�rX�p.,s!�`��y'};1>p.7te�31 r,�.`,�7F''+ yl♦; y+� �\kl", D�r, SY VY� r It N'Y Yy 1 ., +, t a 4^ 0 r Yi ' +t x' ..r^ '. +. :../. 4 irC L�YN'LF ! .1 Ye •', ��air„5r Yi ,'wvr y.ye 4 6si .xk � �.`1anY f ..+1 i� + �k'r.4K ,.. 4� �Ye r 1.Y,. ,kD ',! r�" t t�l4r, k ' ,+..J -. JAY r ya,,u�" � � f �i.yb ITq �+ 9- ! '+ + h! 1 1t ,+Y4t f :- � ♦ � i r5Y f Yr +,31 ai,es4 ,*i � Y a G v �+ YY s �, vhf ..� ,� 1 :,� E' �, 1'y ti} + Y•' . A F �,t d a i.�;5 r ^r.. *,;, q ...•��a� Y.a i '� f e a S� i. f� S `ei�F i'>,,.f , . • _ s + r I . 7a J (r` ; t' Y° t r e r 1.+ d' .!' '}, .' Y ee'i r°�I� eie p ,k, � r y .at i i t a'tt, vA r ':a • �ry1, h :�. a,• k 4 as a �Y VS !; k i P,Pr.� i f t 'fy� T "Y�Y� �y�' i:k�r w 'z ide Y,,r e �J' { k rf N t L { , �.. .. ) � 13• t, e t �� i � h Ft R^% �r ,f i y,! . G ♦i�J r +� ��, a" al Y ' T' , 1 ^�-° � ,:� i cu r 1 �, S ! 4 yi x aal i ,p �. ra a, _ ♦? �1 •. L ��r aY w a �rcl �l 1 i ! ' 1. ) i 1�4�Y r,: i•� eye i 9q El X f -1 1 at, + {:[ j' 'q ( d 1 e r• r i !e Y N �,,r ♦ t, d ,t �$1,8 ��j. : 'f I� r r. .k' rl iE�'.•' g �� 11' ' }� "N Y, f r't _ a r f Y�`F 1 pgdr' * ! ! •rSr4 i arC " "4"h'�i 1',l T, .ti '., 1.'.11 RSV AVa. br x �' ,tr� sxf'L '` ._b Jjf L r •z at : K� "n .i a.yr� a '..� �r`r ..', .yu 1 rr,r ty..k Z5rI+t. [y ; 3 �� �✓ ' �"�.� s P ' r 4 t 9'�',a'I t�ti"� i �rpy ei w8�r�1811'�!�� � thy° �Zgi�� ! Y" k .. A n.' w1'� -t' A .,` hl !q � r t rj ., �y f� a4 J+�(1�' y) t R s�st3 1 r q4 y �q.q ^r, .ki � �•i.rr 1 ,;, y. t LIC ��'♦��r - qtr y 9a`T:.� i k .'��y�� L t � " ` ^ � ,� r >T �q �' a'ij r,-. 'C 4 � Rt� � •..'�6�},1 �. , ;n /��,, k, N . a{' L +• ' � Y y 1 ty IT +` "� : r *4'The ,F1,rbt Katto?1d lot tfx " .n v v r ,. .;^y Pq e e q+gq'.AY w r • " 7�'� h � rr ldg. , ,� . ; F• F°` �` YL ' t °q t �a .. �. O's ,i C s 'e :3 , '_.' :'z Je i•'. fir. S� 'C,�" hl' ' yam. 4pTZti�v.N� fi 1f y v rs p ♦ 1 , J� < Y 4 t t In oamplianoe ,with iij Ot3 ori8 fro t21oy1'ti' ,w , Srown-0rurnmer � vooenei o. I r Aso O1o81 hez�3� 1 wit Treasurer d r j to eai 04` `ours "' H . - ) r 111,; city Ha ll hQnde t�o: 1 tQ 14Qit}oue �re erid tcetx + A �ridge 'aongtr`�btioh H,o>lds tio,'wl to ,¢�iaclu",si r t�� and _ which Rho ld be deliv oredr to,'. th@Fa rpheri i'u� F. A cis r +'.* a� F pisyrtntii ie aihdo Por',the �ban4e! undo r ttn eiatad' in the'' redpip�t8 r N Ny l ttie eve At�rar ed'.trhaCbugh our do#b tort'; �r , t , r =tjQ huvA'r these" bot�de stint to yati dot ,(#f�opd ; w ` , ` I iietih r' Texae and" in the 8484 6,61,pP aSsy.`Iinot ia• 11 W. l ,r j �! 4z'own�Oruayr�x�r4 ��y:ti ,al� tiait$;troj , rI q da AC q.: a,w Lw s ���� fliS C r Fq. * t4 v t ' • ", . 'Sn - r ♦ v } r , •ti,_•«+ a' 'T't T,•.1 M r q'±e, `0 t .the f6 A Q 11t1tY14 bub�eo�Eatg; �r0 ;the i�e�t ott `gr fi s t2�s `wIIof ti a F t � ` iT. 1 ` �aCe` $he> A d ). Il' ter !Y�rF;a F} v ■ Y/'i5 S � {.,bIU �V' � y� , ` '� ���►1 FS A VVta�. t �� QQ,� ✓�i �w� '*' ¢ 4'. t4 (fit, y e r... y �R �7 r � t ♦ k M�r 5 a' '� ., '+ . 'E A L 4l CLti�g' .`nn�tir2tV �t k� � .y.r !r .'`."� .k'•f 'tv�n ,� �r T ,w}`�E' yt,li5�''* V sb.'Y .� �JPt 5 �';'-.f� '+'��A•?1 ! 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S�, �o �1;; d w t� K +�1 ftiwgpe 1.I,�t :sra� �{•�1 l f + I.. , i 1 r`'y Lr t �`, r r "• t r - .� J A , tb4 + io- , yr f l '4,•,�5 t � sI 4v ^1,. . ' e .k 'F v', Jyr r n L,If A UA f+ F S . J t « "� a .q f�+, � „f TY ,i� l s + tt T!` • tAw k"., s � v., A .F ! {,n j l i�It r �'` , � ;,� 1i r _±. y'/' '5 E "'��S,I t 1i.1� ,. s �N. v' Y,r'-'�i�� •� y s�f. L , ' � y ! t 1 vEt."l r� v"r Y ' i��. ;yam'"•' + x d ; r M `'a :Y' t1 c.i•,y t f .. :r (Ar Y A.`� +..\�Nw-.. 'h'Y. }Sti VfS�M9�w}l - iJ., �y{ ):r1: �t + y i x 'Twi 1 ,h AS C t RS'' VC IP'T r s '� ,. , s >• , s 0 1 1 1 t +J t 0.1 x y �. 1""-'4`UNI? fi51`Gh'F 'T1iai T a�a' tt6e days �iw<lified iiid actin " � r surii of DilppSu4e of T03aite tt4 of aa�h officer, I farther eertity that $I sQ�d of 6 �' Cit. 11a11 *4110 of i 1cl Cib► (I,ted Jatnu►t{y lot 192'1 same being number* Intl {1) `0 64 112adry4 of= 1' 000�dQ' each and issued for the purpose of building and eggippieg a City Nal have each been delivered to the purchasers thereof, namely' THE BEG,3t-CRLWR CCitfP)WO and that said bowls linve been paid for in full by said purchasers in accordance with the terms of sale, at a price of PAR AND ACCRUED IN'T9117ST s plus a ynmium of $182400 I DO FURTIIER CERTIFY, That the Interest coupons maturing July lot '192? and all snbsequettt coupons were attotebed : o said bonds at the timo of delivery; all coupons maturing prior to slid date, i(anv, having been detached and eanceted prior to the delivery of said bonds, . T +1 1 12V 'WITNESS WIIEMPOF, I b+�'veheredato set my ofrclal hand this of ; ti or" A D 192 7 , E Treaeater fM' I t ly jI J } J r i ST ti..ti ti Y ,� ,tFl , — " , R� y, lAt .�5. 4 •r ,}fit 1 Y. / , ".l'1r_r— + �;. !t 1W}F4"F', `.a } TREASURERS RECEIPT 1 �"HF, IUN1rF{ASJCNY 04 Do H.F,RFBY Cg'RTI�Y Thal tm tba duly qualtfled spa t�ctt; � ¢ is, T ` re+s;iuvtto tlto ° e! Dtatblsi, t ` y A Pont an State of ]POSAts end ae ` rtfy that 310000 oenc6 ofcer, Y t4rtbeee , Cil$ gal Bond's ,' fij Of Bald dated JAAWWy 16t 1927 same being numbers09te (1( to 10dA ll!au4Nd (110 purpose tralldtr* and ! T of i 61W'460 each and issued for the ur ose of B !1411 pping a Cit ' lkxI have e+wh been delivered to the purchasers thereof, namely, T111 D[RO-KwORUlfi M COMPAf ,, and that said bonds have been paid for in full by said purchasers 1naccordau,^ with the terms of sale, et st price of PAR AND,ACCRUnD INWR^3Tt plus a premiaa of $182440 7 DO FURTHER CERTIFY; That the interest coupons maturing J'nly !tit 1927 and all`iubeequenl coupons were attached to said bonds at the time of delivery, all coupon& maturii g priror to said date, if any, having been.detached and canceled prior to the delivery Of acid bonds. , y + IN WIT11'FM WHEA90l+'. I have hereu`nto,sit my official hand this day of .tzytrury A !' . i� 192 ;. } Y ti3 1 4] Treasnrer MMb ! • t y " i u. r 4mAP'iS TREASU RS RFCC a ` t,' M ; ,arUN`Ul��illskl)r"�10 w11tiD}3`GittT1F ' hit s 14m the duly qua� f9ed a»d acting ; M , '` hreeittret rot �E<�d t1 oP Ueq ?i ' of " ' � �eati0a State of :4eluni 4 , } ' ` iind k;,t'�tiya ;bf finer" �fdrther eeetify'th11 F1 b sQ00 of 5 ,� grlage 0riti to t10A BOld r `ot eidd City , 7 g Otyt 1' t0 4rdA yi, '` ILI dated Jerniary lot 192 same being numbers 4 of a 11000 each and issued for the purpose of coneiraoting bridrgeis frt of De>76400, `<'ex%180 have each been delivered to the purchasers thereof, namely TU BVIN-CRUMH CIGVANT s and that said bonds have been paid for in full by Paid purchasers in accordance with the terms of sale, at a price of pAR All,) AccitilaD INJam To plus a pranium of 4456e00 I DO FURTHER CERTIFY; That the interest coupons maturing Daly Lei 192 7 and all thbsequeat coupons were attached to said bonds at the time of delivery,all coupons maturing prier to said 'date. if any, having beed detacbed and canceled prior to the delivery of said bonds. IN lYI1'NAS5 WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set ay official hand this day of b 142 ' 7 S Sr , It �y`' 1 .♦ '� r ... ui'.J ,•. . .., s .r .. -,cn zt " E �, 'Treasurer SS^t t + r t t ��r�i ,E: � � �, wRc�l' }w rrtq kS � '•C ! 4! i � �� 4 } - 4v R 1 t i� f � �!-I t '9 " i A r)) k � r'. .Q'� t r i ,J , yr ✓, } '. , } �.1f; . i, sl��, "' i .' � t l n t '" " ti• � v r l�j t ., i . r 1 " , yu � (•� ; � . ,n i � r i E; r. 1 1 1 TO 119E49'.RECEIPT ' e p A s RSt 01, v ' ` ' ? rp ,• V ,�?+� GN ,i , " �Y Y That Y tin the duly naafi,fleJ aad'acting r ; �Cettsar€T b�11t0 'l�jr` pt Gaatat r Of ,` pkik?iA state of 'le7ttssf nd`ds �ic�'etGcet; I fa"r'ther ce'rtitr that i11,1� „000 of G bridje C6MtrM slob BOnAsr { dated J lst 192? same being numbers OW, #1 to i! rt►ttty-fins 1�6) of; l sue,, saeh and issued for the purpose of eottt/},tu0t1A}= brldotl f ta' 4stw 6f 4ntohs Taitko, have each been delivered to the purchasers thereof, comely TtiE 8T0711- HEJM11 COt PANYs and that said bonds have haeu paid for in full by sold purchasers In accordance with the terms of sale, at a price,of PXR tYt) ACCRMI) 1NTER.01Ts plus n prmilual of $456.00 I DU FURTAR CERTJFYt That the interest coupons maturing J41r lot 199 eadall subecqu ent coupons were attacbed to said bonds at the time of delivery, all coupons maturing prior to sold date, if any, havlit been detached and canceled prior to ►he delivery of said bonds. r 1 IN WITNESS WHEOE9b', 1 bare hereunto set my officlai hand this dar 0 y' �`' daMutAty Ai t) 192 i► g a r .f.� t , r•� }A + 1.1 4t w } 1 � ) yA It t r; nr, y y + 1 c r ��� �,,.f 1 � r }.v',t 1 r k.�} 1 r ,t, }` r s'„ f r 4Fey�r i., R . n al t r ) A. �n4. I''4' 'l• , 45} '"v *• i N 'S r4r 7 1���:'h F�', . t���'d^4�" 1..;, ' .a t�' z 1 '"r , F� , � V �Vdl?'t'" 9 F4'dr 4tV e� ^ ' .gyp §v.Y :•� '� t r, ' S ^ a t i , ; ,w ry 1� Cr: yi � v e d ,s 91 ss s 4 �'t K1�4J f r r °,w i t RL ww t k pg c y iS `+,Y 7 4• A 4r t} ` 44��ff ■11`.\I,a.��Tl. s v 'a �.n i �►wrM�w�M�w.111 5 r 11n 'v�'�eF f, 1 ` �r w �, 1 7 c rr ° ,; r ' ,, v V"• a � mil,: t 1`, 07�k��ti n a l,hl�l}rQ� lk. . ti 1 r i r 5 DA�.YiA�1}'1�11CAW January 24, - 1927 . 1 1 i • 1 Hon . B. IV, Mr,* Ke»ie , ?:ayor, Denton,�.�Oeras. Pear Sir: :'e hood yo%a herevAth thclr follo^riAg : 1. Otty of ncnton fJit ,� Ha7.1 fond . (bl:,rk ) :ios . 1/100 , au!rre Tat irT100, 000 .00. 2. City of D nton. Street & �3ri t,re yon3 s (bi rznk� l:as . 1/^5, ai isre p-ati�o -126, U00 .00 T ree oopie9 of St.Ajiature Identifioation Oerbifioate for each of the above issues of conks. 4. Two oopies of Treasurer' s Reoeipt oovering 9ayment :or each of the above issues of bonds. The Signatura Identifioation 0ertifioates should , be exeouted under seal Uf the oity by signatures of the Mayor and Secretary on the same day on whioh the bonds are sig:ed. Two oopies of this oertiftonte for eaoh issue should then be mailed to our o ffi oe to beoome a part of our reoord. The other oopies j1p,,• be retained by the Uity Secretary for the Oity file A. The bores, after having been signed, should be for— :. warded by registered mail to the offioe of the Attorney 06nev&I Austin, Tevas, with a request that he deliver same to the bftioe of the Comptroller for registration upon oompletion of his exami- nation of same . or 'hho Uompteollor should be given instruotions f, ositloxn of the cord`s so that they-will go forwar& to the N sP ;i b'ir t' tati0rk .1 ' arik in ;W16hi: h Kundas, where we are to"a,alce psypon't°-'for tioino - we suggest that you Urrange ' to '2iove theri,''ohip I'j qd to iJfohta throupn one of the loom banks in Austin, binge I" ,00h' sav4 about half the shit/j}4ng� oos t in 'ta is marul'6i and with i mho o iginal^ oop� of the Treasurer' s Reoeipts +s2 de eb, bzw�ardod o the , Arat N(Ltional Bank in' Wiohita, Karin . r i eoti, wi tin `a @quest that they &011 ears. to us ` uponJr eoei� aY "di' et' er ,:ar. the bonds , If we oan be of any further assistanoe in seourin'g 3 dolivery of the bones, kindly Peel Prue to 00rromand us . � I W •� 1� � 7 �� 3 ,'• 1 1 '. 7 r y �� r � �r f�f ' �f .Llli . f� " Yt S iil�lul , u4 f ✓ q�} t I 064 v I . r � O r %Nk OKI r' � � a a � � S Y' w r a� �' � r ,u� f M'4� � 'T , r�.. a�, s e�'` a •." 16dM%C '[R�MC`fj 'err ^ e. i ��.if �X ��� S > .t IgNY �J rr tLb1 NO) � 1 ,l r 1'.e desire to take this o portu4ity �6f. to "yoiz our appreoiatioin of having this 1itsiri6e rri ou k; ph,$d ' of ty, and we trust we may from time Eo ttme ba favored &ga `.' ` Vary truly yours, THE 'N-CRU ;r' COMPANY i GTH/a BY eno . 1.. S + y ^x , 77 E , «x r'. 7 7 r S Ids ; + a �R Y�k f �1.'�y'I rd g+�0 t w, C, ' ,� r'x l 7 rfw r� tr ,uv 41 y x1. hr A .P.in f 5 t d' TKr,I C d.k�# p�,i� -y� $ ;}" r raj. �4 1 {[ R ',15�� 1 i. p i r • i y « {�f,�vi « i � tH' rf C'� �d ' -,,� t Nr r ayM Z�. I i '« ti 17f ri ✓ -x�{ ko �`� i t 0, MAN BT���. tl� «rx 1 �' ' S « p+ ' 1�t c ;°� 7+ °" _ �KIV46Yi#'UILbiHOf IV iY M uc DAY.YiAE��'�/SXA19 1R 1 f' � January 24, 1927, Hon. Mayor and City Commission, Denton, Texas, Centlemu Upon referring to your finwioial statement, we note that your city has outstanding several issues of long term bonds, to the credit of whioh several thousand dollars of sinking funds have aeoumulated. It occurs to us that the city oan very decidedly benefit by refunding these issues into aerial bonds, thus enabling the city to immediately reduce its indebtedness by the amount of such ao- cumulated sinkir�S funds nind at the sam. timb arrange the remaining part of such debt in such nunner as to provide for its retirement by annual installments as th,3 taxes are oolleoted. Experience has demonstrated that it is materially to the advantage of a municipality to pay off its deboa as the funds are reoeSved, thus avoiding losses usually r,,isultirg in the difference trtween the coupon rate of interest and the dopository rates While it is true that you have the privilege of calling the bonds upon maturity of the option, yet is is well known that this optioh is not generally exevviead by municipalities over a long period of years, In the, case of serially maturing bonds, on the other nand, there is no loss in intorest due to possible delays In applying sinking funds -to debt retirement. rurthermore, there is neobssarily some hatard in ponneotion with the handling of sinking Hinds over a forty year -aeriod , Whereas, in the case of a serially maturing bond such Aazard ib entire- 2y 'eliminatld We would like to discuss this wattor with your Coicunission I & , the first opppoi tunity , and can assure you that we are thoroughly 6' uipped . t3 handle a traneaotion of this nature without expense to the ; We will very muoh approolate beinr, aAvised 'when it , *I'll be oonYerfi.�nt for your body to hear a proposal on this matters Very truly yours, -0 'fHL R COMPANY « ' 33'� � �' li�a B I !i. t 'l�6FMy r+' j:t '�4'� +. r +.•7`}� ' r , j ' >i,f � t4 t it aj 1 �P yla� hk��i:`� t � �,�. rd�t"�'. 5�'!h �t.t jP ♦ h �'�Y�;�t k Ivy r' C4 'it l�i�l..�53 i �l.i � 1^�" 4 � 41., y ��� .,.rt1Y�^ t+� I� a !�� ���T �, � i �1,i 'Jryy`; 5t .htr" ' L 'o7.W ,T`+'^� Stf. i A4 '1 re>�f y N• 'a,: tRi 'Y 76 .dry Y t.y i 0. 5d'fFF � ll $t"" `5 �f.,c. 4 ; f}it , yL AJ� � I �� s �}k"^J' �y 1� .e, ti,,l S ° c+ l+Y� p � 'k 11 ;�A yrC'�e ir'i IY ttY ��� � •wp}F� w'�'�I��.�.jl1t t ! A' F• R C4d �n o. J n ':1 5�3'{ a P,. ,+ w� /"� r ` rT t`` + '1v. 1, A �r r .'Y' v ✓^'`�� �( � �dl 4 ya i � YG �h� 1 i � �" t i 4 a. !9':{ , g X�� f� f it 1�i}(�� �{�,ix .y���i.�1.�4Y� �. � �'vd �}y�{k 'At � o"�'Hk.➢ � tti y yJ 'fti f� Y�3p 1 i _ ♦� 1 A hid 'at 1� ♦ . � hiYa YT i y { a v ��� f"° � �t ✓ � i< � C� �y �N S r' a I��1 r i 1 � v� a � i .• { >n ^� � r� +` 1 , /gyp v° � 7 1 I i715 Xr, J. We Erwin, Seorstary, Denton, Texas . Dcar Siru r Please furnish us by return mail the signature oi' yourself and the Y.ayor written on white aheets of paper so that sane can be used In lithographing the facsimile signatures on the coupons of tte CITY OF DINTON CITY RALL & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION BCIMS. Your prompt attention will bo greatly apxr eoi,+ted. We acknowledge receipt of the transcript of proceedings And charter, and are submitting the same to kissers . Chapman, Cutler & Parker and will twvise you if there are any other requiremauts other t',:en thq regular delivery pal'}e'e always regatred, which will be the approving opinion of the Att- orney General, waiver of the State Board of Education, signature non-litigation certificate and treausrerle receipt. We are enclosing herewith a resolution of sale, which we will thank you to place on the minutes as of the date )f the sale, and will thank /A� fou to execute al.l four copies, keeping one copy for y,)tr file aM returning ' y three copies to uat. Yours very truly, THTRB 8 t v Asa , , t-. Y^ 2 t f •.J"d rFrl '. F. ' , ♦.• R 1\k : 1Y 'r e i 1, f D �Y a� � � It�4 f � a•y� � n.f�4. ,t�' I RrlY ( 01 !1'1 p1 1fn1 1y� Y f, In � A,too Ir1 •1.1.11/[1,1 ,11y�i Y :e I^lyy��� , t fr K r M..1 •11 �n/+1d! Irgb Y h _ k7 d. f 0 r t A1ti t '� 'I r I=w01 • 1 fill 11 _ 111p 10 I / S f d4 M...XY� 1 11 tN 1� Y � 111 h ° fl •1'71 11 - s r 4' { f�- t • r �'A� �F"� 1111-a Ir .1 f11 .11.1,. 11d 1a'1r11� `;F , ,j v, Itim 111 f , a i • IMl' Il illf IIII r f r� 111141 II r f v `* ilr1 �' a I I N IIN1111III�11��111 L111 Idl ±lbl111.1 rl nlupp i .: )�1. ►f`` III I I 1 1 Pol 0 M 1 , fMAYI � q•r v Id '11 `L'L11r 11.. 1 , a ld f1 n11111f LFfV ff f .S.t � l r xq Il yfl n, I.IIt'yl il." 1 i . . I .,,11.1 I1 _ •+� W e � d�y �, i r 11 / •• l d l l f rd•f r d r �� I f 11 I I. I 1 , VAr J II f. y l3 '� • hto Grl��. �MIIIj� I•I I Il.11 LI ..I 1 "I.1.. 1 r I �� ( b1 p � .111.♦ �d rJOK�, .l II 4 I :.• ti 1 i if.1f� 1 � I� 1 :��If�• �"�4�.�.w.�-.—I�w� t•T....w nv-+.... � � ' .� y411' �'= if,= � ji I � ��Nt�F•. S �` r ,� - 1 �►r.� � 1 �i 1 g�i tti� ,: f � >r 11 . I r p x6 f A I f do o,$ 4 r 4 11 tl r 1 k. •I f k�, '>�tib Dx�b1f�{+p�.igaDibr 1JY 1 1 6 I -4A5 rVr 1', l .,.yyy���y,,�fr y��y ��rya��j ��1 �� fi ' ' ���• n1r^ 5 11 ii�1h�l�alj' /�Vd1�V � bdr Hire Y be, onalaein '09py of tranodr`i�t o! -tho D yy Hal and A�ExiM bridge b Ooretrua tidn Sebnd `ies�teu , hioh 1;'" r�aoh yon `arid that �+i��' find,'�III dbia le!tle � � . m., Imp f-. t + iw,r yY3 eeemb tha. ' Ql1yy brio d0Oy Il1AofE0E1tLl� 1 »� �t ;ttte tteaa tfin :oily ,�tgrhay�maD�d.,ttie �7 '.tb Auetfn a d ,the''o0 � 'iteelf wan not t�fjh p (y a ,kb y.1 i'� w + I k lar ��k� .iV t. _r y 1 SK k ♦ ; e�6 4 8 �. �1C`�fl}ertd0 +ly}8y10 } ^ ;' e a p tyljjrl YN..�C,.IMny M` :..,,?�� .^'ion •/ �n' ,0 ,f�*b�t �f�t f.kNp-0er �� �y�hy deg 5{ xt. ft •'>41' ,� `.� 0 1,1.. K 7 5 + " "a♦,k`9}1�do �wPIG' 'dy���. `Yi� yd��y 1` . )lye de tdhd 04�1�ifPdl'r ' fir lip f 'i a f v •! +'`; k' v4" `r :t1 \ * 1� '�•Y,\#1 �• ` .R, rli � ' R,`n I,�P rovbd, yy t�Lri•V yl� }Ad-f •1 b r Qo tabtlt' 6lt� ,.. , �.�� t drp i� �i�rl�d y �rt�ntfl r �, r+,err yy y �T Y Zia b talt .iihaA fit' fko FkfR wf.. `,JI , '.f , �,t a� u M'fP�Y Q 1• Q f���n • " 1 1 I f 1,� j t �. ° { , 'r f r � � '.f t y f!. '�iy,r �0R1, 'io f.,`, iai \.Y� �• y f � ,� �:f I ,,�, i �hld� ; �'�'T/,�A(��yA�4j'� 1'�� ��i' f�� ��uya + �{ yy p� . e .p of S v �(. 1 1 �p�{�' t ��Yj�� kl= �•4"! 1 '� `1►;1 �4 *a1 }�ta ;�ri ���l � it a �$� '.> � � ��' /�.t(�1Y �' �,�' 1.. 1 1,'ut9y f ; '.r ,,: t a �,Et�� !'• 1 ��. 0.6 p.1rd � ��'.'� TA f `1 • ^: . I 7 I �1 U ��QV ;:� 1 •,KI I 1 1 if 1 I �r �' 1 'r�' � 11 5 1 / +• 1 � 5 y ' � +v ., t".� � F.' y ' � f � f 1 1 , . f :1 e f Ly�� ��S�1 h�<Ci;Mllr ��r Ifl �F �• ♦ n��l Af Sft.Py iS 7 Ir1�11 rf . f , 1 1 v e Y � rt , • 1 If., ' �1tt ta n ..M➢ ��. 1d ( ..f D� t '�Yi � ��2 � V'i �1+1 '�'; 1, �yf 1. 1} I ' 1' 1 Yf ��� � � » + ki nP�i17 tynj t111 , r r i 6 �k�'�� ,' � ' 1 T 1 a a l b "r! 51 i k :. f ry - 't i r , tD !i i{rya �6�y� '�} a'4 1 A'4^ !�+„N KS ru 1 yyy„ K 4i a,ir. �y. xR\ d + f ` � �� l,l'�4 1 \ ((i �1 [j } F C� `1A✓1 °rTn l4f _ "<' s �.� rt�/ g3 Y y w ". + S J t f,>T� y till '. 4 •n c/'`� .� L "1 � .a. 4 lkh til�P iF! � F ! 1..rs � 's? fc � 1'. girl � t• gyp! t �Y � "�� °� �s►4tinc��� -1 1 1 r + 1 f� !r !t } �M1tf Vr fe41 3 �� '� SCR tf h���� ♦Pl �Ai^ (���������� � r + r. � ` t- - ' t� n111 e�SL rrDD January 3, 1927 City Clerk, Denton, Taxes. Dear Sirc We have a certified statement setting out the appraised value of your Electric Light Plant and Waterworks as about $336,000• In another statement, not itemized, the value of the city property in Denton is shown at $10216,000. Would you kindly supply us with a certified statement as to the appraised value of the various items of city property, to this infor motion will be of considerable importance in selling securities of your city. Return stamped envelope is enclosed for L your inconvenience. Very truly y urs, THK BROWN C MMER COMPANY HR LEA ever s n Anagee + , y T4 Q 8 dX r 4y t t/4t17i Xyk,�S ` s Iv;-, , 4 RV�. � ' .� !' IF7!.+Y't?0.h '. `t,;6 yyy� '1,y tf�}ti �ta d•.y •, , { e� R rt °i ,♦,'Y 5 S ~a y� �+a"'a'l �,^L l ^ ,i � r g }f .ti^^1.,- r • .' a e, r " �'M'3 }T"i y �� p 5 i I y e a � :'Y t1 � ,t � , A � ,i r a, 7y � �L�ny �aI l► a J sA aeM I.11 ¢ A Yry y x 4 .0'' • �rt0 irT k' .'i �. Sy 7�'( f r 4 vy , � e.►.9 rt �31� 1� a ✓�M�aA ,°. ' .� Srrn 1 ^ J! ���y��`t�t/►T„H� a �,Y!):�A� 'n� ��.1:YN �, ) irbll� ' x 9��a 1r $r- ,tr'•l rr ' t'h l.r f f i x; �1 �.'.� r r + • �^ V� ,� �� bar r y� Y, r f�Y A".. } j Y f ' n r 'C 4X'•�'N r4rr� N The Brown i0pkui�er� O t t l ti Gobi $ tero B.1dj4t W ohi till K(,si ► ♦ _° �,� =3 yi lY 1'. .i'v y � K�YV 4�, 'a '.:"�' , � •`1 6 ' �@ll t�@t0i)n�• �'. A r �.t:. C ,°. r rl i � , ,� :,�wq 3�' a''^ fi' 4'. td, your of the .; #ik4 �` in ` the l�pr�it ' 1! givtnRn below the figgred �irriv�Q at +rte tti# o! the city ,of veiiton .Progerty ae ' 1�nQ','l t ► °fig PA „- °' 7 Water wo*'-*, Plants 12191 iB0Is 30, � � t S V B j e'i A 06 / > } xiectrio '.Light Plant ► ` = k , , ti 1.19 IL 400 . �1 � z � ! 9euefr Plants + t? , Airef. IkFSar.tmorit ;�4up � 1 l01 2 660, ' n ., dendrel -Oty PrdPtsi`tyt lnohudt 0l.iy Helir ` 8gdttxe Dumping grni ticl,a f r a 0�' yA`r`�ir.•Xir,t�'4 •t rrtw ���q,'x�r r>. i3Z#,r y i, •'a^' i , "� .,[ '' pr.r�YRE 1 ► ' ,,` , A do (fi y , r, � k ui p`t 1) lldid q �'�. 4 VPa y{ n 1A �' - a?Jdy; {t'1Ff r•�xkin}y I:,> t4 ' xJ^y N► y+ yA j�•yri tM1l� of a "•'ri " y a ► t r,r 1 r 4t If r a _� .r 'rli�Ni, R7r�a t 1 �+PRAI�R OYgLYi r .r r ' +�i ' .41�k C'4+'tr r�i„ ai ♦ _ Sr Af ,t+'�'y N M L 9. rM1 1':`. tr r#t'r •j ♦ Sy4 1 y .� y "M .I , r, , :.. `1 4 '1 .,rF i '4�y •r. x lyp-yy �.s r,g3 � ql 'any .'� t'" 1�'r r J 1 \ s !! to frP,. 1 4 v _ r � 1 I � J q N a� •�:. IL y'.•f, i 7yC- r 3 4 iqr � t��I.r• �t" 4E;i1 Jr1 Sr ,tlrv. r{N J, Ls ty�r :ij } �` y1�K i.'yOQAlygyye�y�i rty �ja rp�'1(/J�jj^ f yrif'tTy. t •V�yTy��►yIt Yr,r• rTN 'I f "Ell Mwr� • # _. , M a , Y1 3'� ' ` `-1 1 '� a� s.:. , dt►���� iij +!,u9 , rSp „ ll �� r ph ` tboughE $bs Y�r¢vd of, vi�xye It yak' und( �f�e ; gyp ,� N , rry� ✓ r "rr� �'4i {�A Pi��rniM$ f4by;�,:Ehlir'.8 �f t r��r p r a 4 YJ a8,-., % p e r; �' �4 �1'' .4t(�� +w�y p' i°' •f(y�.'{�r, Sl¢'M C 2i`p ia N, o okJ nr lom V� ^I ;'I dT r let) t YU 40!' 1 4� r Y Isr }r}r✓, °w�F� g;",ll k N.:r 4 A L•'t W'�\tt�'ti �,r Y' A,,(.T. ,i f~ .2;rrr 1 T o 4r`'V yy{�rM}y�y�W r,a+{{�.�j,.aAt f..e�di N {Y�z dI w��I}.-ri•.�'QX ♦l v M1.r#-�'•r ' •aYlr ,IF, .M'�yf.i h f l' p' t— tl j t V P t p � ng 4th M Y1' r 1 , r. tt� iida ♦ #.`' �` VGt'I iµ:�;i.. F T•,;N s�:`•fir r i ir, ,_^}'A. r e u♦i A A,.a,} y1�',�. d r 4 i 1 r a r.1 V44£ 1w 4.'...,•, L,f M Iyj/1�{,f r,f/.(r �`f,n�!A`♦��.N prLV.'l'.uy t Y y�G}•a+S A a y`r v�W N�1�S�}j t 1 t^'�/`„ dP t 44K�,i'A 1 ]yJ►d r 1 3 r l�f y 5 iwii1'l�rr�a j,:4, � m4,,rk 00-i,r,i N9 sho r t y'" Y;; o d '„ ide�r .4Yti ���kr 9h �Y �`.� n r Il 1, k ” as 1 1 I,s. , t #�yf�1a ♦ L� . , r ^ 1", i�\ n r 4 'i y. '. y rerf �f� � r►'�w ,.e. �•`ra P M f{•`�O��,V��+�-�;,h /y 9•e ` er r �' �iNLe NK i�' 3' . � P i' 1.\i� s e,,17"«.. # ,,f Nflt= r� tr yi t. yI w1, y li�`? ,S� 5Je 0�•,,�A'{�f , }(. ,�` �i. Tb,� � '�• � ' �(:r�� '. !r �5j". � ,/,/y�� �/S�: F yr_ J.1�Lrr' i ir 3a`a•w., Iy�r ii'd® �ir1�Va 4. SA.'. A�,� , 1r ? U,7. '4 {, x A K }x t �.ti , C'a,, t tit, .'t«4 �.�•, ,S� '� y�';�1 yr4' '� 1 : �M#. �t1 ! ��. A * � i,. ' M , f N Te i �,• ,S w w �. i . � + 7 i Dr L.. ^• "" ' eMf 'Y ,r �" f M t /r r t ! / �y ! , f x � �' a � v' T k 4 i. �N , , f '4 �� tt fi •1�, F ° r" J►'S ,'A, 'WY,y t Ancti-e ttiry #. *� r }, Y Y- ,.t 4 "Y Pit v It r t a y s S[GNA't' �RE CEE1'IF�OA'i'E '- Aj a. 0 ti Q �af�•, jA 4 0 f�{....... ti 4 ' '..'.v:. 7, t b`4ae � . ` t ►9 ._ladicated by the official title`.ippoaite our panics, do hereby cent,I that we did bin the_ 0ffiiclaU sign $1d0a div full borida of �IidW Yt�o1i�_ denomir►gtionr Ya�Q j " S each, dated __. JeT1ri'uy 1t� ___._T._. 19_.2?, Interest._.tO_per centum per annum P y ' Jalu Ijkly lit said bonds being numbered and payable as folicws, viz, ___.-A I to 100 Induttya, valuring esrtally 193�te_1961 being at the date of such signatures and on this..._...,...--___ day the date the actual delivery of said bonds to the purchaser, the duly chosen, qualified and acting oli'icem indicated therein and authorized to execute the same. We further cerWy that NO LITIGATION of any nature is now PEN DiNQ or TIiREAT• $WED REMAINING or ENJOINING the issuance and deUvery of said bonds or the t Ievy and collectloi. of t•res to pay the principal and int:rest, nor in any Kanner questioning the proceedings aid authority under which the same is made, esfecially that there are"no proceedings disputing the Constitutionality of the Act authorizing the issuaftoe of said bonds, Of affecting'the validity of the bonds thereunder;that neither'the CORF ORAft EXISTENCE or BOUNDARIES nor the TITLE of the present OFFII•RRS to their respective-offices le �. being.contestell and that ao authority or proceedings for the issuance of said bonds have be�ioA itpeaied, revoked or rescinded. -,'hat the fac-simile signature of_ the moors Ci ty searotary 6114 0i to ' �iN6ttltN>r upon the coupons of said bonds and the corporate seal of the._ 4 , of Damon Afe><At __._ia correctly impressed on all of said bonds. Aon d delivered and sealed at...-", th Isdriy a ` '; BIGNA'"17RE OFFICIAL TITLF.8 1, d^i7�{. . '' `�lr. r ".y.W ' i.r� _ �t_� L_...^.. ..:.•'"�r�'r;•�riuy MM, t4r.o'.d b ,y'r 7 Of FYCIAL 9P'AL HURE 11 1EIEm'AY CERT FY'that the" 010 atures of the'oMoen,above tubscAW said the itdprhslon of'the eorporaU seal are true sAd gentLs. k (*ink sell ( 9 1g� ) ,}' ,, ' '� , �1yat�'� ,4". .5 �� yrr+.+.+ , � � :�i.?Y � 1 1 '_� i:, .tl } � o '' : 9r � i,, �,• ,R':tik+E � n-1 t �i' MSS + . .`,�,f r •. 7 , p i. y Y �P,� , t P � rl ,rN 1 RE CER1'II �I`I'L ! v. of ind{catM by the oflRcinl title opposIts our names, ' do hereby certlty that we did on the,...... _..__�.�.......�.da of._...�C s " oMela11y st4n $�QvQdQ. ...,_. bonds ` .o{-'�eMllrRr_�f�r#.,_.___........._....�...._:.�....�......, 'denomination dated..- -jojr W_f�+..........,.__..-..._._..._....._............, 14.-g*, interest-6---per ccntum per annum payable._... said boadi being numbered and payable as follows, _.____..��.._.:...10-10r'f-lnd�utr��...+r►t�ta.ta�-+.r+r�*'l l�-iV�:�-10-�94�—_.____.._._.. being at the date of such slgnktures and on this_.. day the data of the actual delivery ci said bonds to the purchaser, the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers indicated therein and authorized to execute the same. We further certify that NO LITIGATION of any nature is now PENDING or THX'EAT- HNED RESTRAINING or ENJOINING the issuance and delivery of said bonds or the levy and collection of taxes to pay the principal and interest, nor in any manner queett6ntig the'proceedings and authority tinder wb!:h the same is made, especio iiy that there are no ' proceedings disputing the Constitutionality of the Act authorising the issuance of sald bonds, be affecting the validity of the bonds thereunder;that neither the CORPORATE EXISTENCE or 190UNDARIES not the TITLE of the present OFFICERS to their respective oftices is being contested; and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said bonds have bier repealed, revoked or rescinded. 'Chat the fae-simile signature of !h w...TAle.s. C foot i� StA C! a upon the coupons of sold bonds and the corporate seal of the. G� at?d4til�1lbi .....,..... r 'is correctly iraprfrosed on all of said bonds. d delivered and seated of.. .. '? . .. . .., 19 eICINA'CUR>L OFFICIALTIT1.ES NAYM . � V a71 PIYitiA��IJC3 t�' ro ' Oi'!f lsu�arrU�x�t, ,'�J .,14r , � t . -_ r.w+rw+.,r+e.y.w.�wrr..r..w rr.0 r.W •- >. ' ai I Y�YAI.SEAL HaRE r ` i'2'IEIkSt�J'!i+`CER'iOY that the sigt.atures bf the offieer abdVd subsertbtd and the . I}hp'IHston O! tl 06morate seat ara frtte rind genutnE, ` { , rr llhfer `I OY'., R ' , �., � �! r�H ♦ ��,y�r.' • 1 irV i41 1 ' { I�{ },[' ., � .�.�.,1 A�a ' a 1 �J * ^ ,. pp,t'Ar l � �,'� 4Me reS( ro ,' I �M � .rYW rY ''1 Y1Y✓ ��Lrlr l 'i LSt•,�d. ^at..:.a.... Jr4 + r • .i.,�, �" 1.w. 7 Min2 � Jx ! r 1' b . ' �„ II y�tj' \ I Y .X11 1 ,f (� f^ t �. p .t I � , T .j L �rP r ! k,�!IpIN r :� 'a .J ; i It 1 A A :dr r . , X11 ��� A� a41 C. NA E'tB�G�E t '� 1 �►T �' q r 1 w#+ n ' ,`t ttb igtt eti; f Ocer# ..irtdlcated > the ofAcfnl t k oppobito our names, `do hereby Certify that we did on tha� :y. �=- - -day'of 4* 1p officially sign $.Jt�,0Q0 >!►&1j�IG►�1 CGIfJS!AtiCt I0 _^._bonds ' denomination j)9W� _.....,__.........._ 19.2?--, inters-st_.4.__per centum per annum payable_-.JJimrrr.1,l..__.____�_._......^.....^.__.._.__..and..._Jtil�C..li�---•^.- -_.�W.......... ,s,. said bonds being numbered and payable as follows, vis,: _ __ __. ___ --_-•-. being at the date of such signatures and on this .._^.^_^__-day the date of the actual delivery of said bonds to the purchaser, the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers indicated therein and authorised to execute the same. We further certify that NO LITIGATION of any nature to now PENDING orTHREAT• ENED RESTRAINING or ENJOINING the issunnce and delivery,of sold bonds or the levy end collection of taxes to pay the principal and interest, not in any manner questioning the proceedings and authority under which the same is made, especially that there are no proceedings disputinx' tb, Constitutionality of the Act authorising the issuance of said bonds, or affecting the validity of the bonds thereunder; that neither the CORPORATE HXISTZNCE or BOUNDARIES nor the TITLE of the present OFFICERS to their respective-offices Is being contested) and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said bonds have been repealed, revolted or rescinded. the That the facsimile signature of— 1hy►1f!L o Laasretet�_Krfd OftJE ---- upon the coupons of sold bonds and the corporate seal of the. 11� �QiIfKO>R--�--^w ---•r-.it correctly impressed on all of said bonds. Done and dell red and sealed at_. . Ila�en __thls_ .1day NATURE � OFFICIAL TITLES '^ Pill ley, 1o•ty :: e- > ,,, I , ,. - ,, t. OF01 JAL 89AL HERE 1t'Hallan t CAkTiint thit tie sigAiturbs of the eaters ebbvb subscribed and the (rdpreaioh df fhb to seal sire tluo acid ' enlrine. (Brost seal htre) �.. .. ='fi.n - d. ;a v Hated •t of 1 -9 . d (}ph 77� 1; r r � I' yi�l t / � �• r �J b�1' � 1 �i l.' +1r l{}j.t .. T, kr .r ` w♦ti 7,. fib r r + yA ✓,.� i i ;,1 fi, C1. t 1 R ;1 fl �f t '1 < � v ! � 11 7r + rf ��^✓' t i 1 ^^ �,� , '.i ,8 rti .. !,} '1 � • � i. r 1 F � W `rri syr Ire � I � 1 ,(r , 81G �116 �WWfC / TEsr ' ,•,. l 1 1 ,f 1 Y 1 4 1 �� t'�>�a�ft���l�lgt�°fib, ��`��erf��of���,1�'•-�-'�� 1 " Met;s:of_ . - � � '-,.indicated by the official title opposite our names, 'u�' idol hereby etttify that are did Qn officiallyyslgny tAI�►,e-0_w-aIM2 AMlIit!At}0�1� bofids , denomination $_4 eaC11, dated._ __.de11tf1►i'�...101_--..- _.._......_.__.._...., MCI-, Interest-4---pet eeutum per annum payable_.1A> _121___ said bonds being numbered and payable as follows, vi:,;_._•_. - _-_-_--- _• - --- - -- Sof. I to to curs.,40AIN_�o.��!..14��_oQ3it8'1___ being at the datr of such signatur;s and on this....---day of__the date of the actual delivery of said bonds to the purchaser, the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers indicated therein r,nd authorized to execute the same. We further certify that NO LITIGATION of any nature I, flow PENDING orTHREAT- ENED RESTRAINING or ENJOINING the issuance and delivery of said bonds or the levy and collection of taxes to pay the principal and interest, nor in any mannef questioning the proceedings and authority under which the same is made, especially that there are no proceedings disputing the Constitutionality of the Act authorizing the Issuance of said bonds, or affecting the validity of the bonds thereunder l that neither the CORPORATE EXISTENCE or >`oVNDARIES nor the TITLE of the present OFFICERS to their respective oftices Is being contestedi and that no authority or proceedings for the Issuance of said bonds have bees repealed, revoked or rescinded. iAe tbyllrs O� ftetetat7 rrtA 0101 0101 That the fac-simile signature of..._ _ city --- upon the coupons of sold bonds and the corporate seat of the.:01.*ATA. tHi& ._...W-- + :J } oL__.... ��s ltfi{i! -r is correctly impressed on all of said bonds. 1, MM4111 ` Done and dellyz9 d and reeled r + . SI �AJTUYIE OFFICIAL TITLES lt.Q bit - . ' C1tY tY11�4^tJ�efl _� , r �+irk...........�.r.,�:...-....-----`-'- • ;OFFICIAL OR AL MERE r " ' f Ii>�r"lly C*Alp1F1! that the stgrtat�ifee o! the offiebra above aubecrlt►ed and tfie k imptessiyon•'o! the 66t'06rafe {sal lie !sale and genuine. + AL Cad}!ef `� } (iganle Beat ties) `'_ , 4 . r y of . .i I9,... � t V. , Nil y e , h rk lr l':J •, ' '"' C " A-I ,) 1 ..-{r Yrl,n `'��` �� Ff Fe rss r X27 . t X14 ' `^♦ r; "=fit •}� " p '�Tr*,. p. r, .t . _JF- ,_ �.� .t�,i ly L:S rf''w� k✓ a .. t < . 1 .r' 4Y r� *( t ', a .i �/:�. fi♦ r I r i k f '1 d ". r ."1�y , �.�" Y 5 ,• ' l st �' "ly l°". "�, • tt �' +t , irk 17'1� He mm 19011 ;{ �r1 jXfIdb� ]foa�i"nn' ��t� d`�,V 1 i I t , o`� ,t✓�. i 1�5�µ },�L I !.,�'.,.} f, ,`.I 16, 10 k 4,k 5 Sirsr' I t � �� w,r. ,t I have for aoknowlodgement your' `lette'r,, tise 10th addressed to A:ay or stoKcnxie . and to reply;wi ll 1� t!c � ;;.;, say that all arrongemente and instruotio4s have boon I.P.Rde In oonnootian mith the shipment of , the bonds to ' the"First Hattorial Bank of �Viohita, Me.. Afteit you were here I ,l'ea`ned that the Amerioan Nntlon'sl of Austin rae ' tho •regulcir oorreupondtint of ' our Cit Dopoalt'o.y ; the H'iret •tfational of, Dontoh d " and, !n Additior} to our, requests the %First 'Nationa ,. a of Denton has advised ;them how to hatsdle ',the" .'e}i'ip• ; , �,•,; ►` 'ej mont and hove ordered " t�ho prooaede oreditod. ,t6Jthbir,:'' ' ''' ;° '° '► aoaount at `Austin, T . Yie' did h'ot `halve tin. understrrnAits�,, on the `oreditsj ' yrou nets` entitlod ' to ,and i adviae'Uth6�, ,that $�O`C had be ello'> od`"!ox the' bzporisb` of- riatingrid , . „`, p "' '74 sfi ;� 8t torneyp -Sees and' nd a� furtho ;oroAit "af $3,9$d '00 r f � � r0 for thb de'Wfia$ ohtok 'd a Qibite en t}a. �dlg� i► s ' ` i' w :;'f u+hde;� Aaktng 'a. tot 1 birgQi ; bf' D",` '�.•'" ' `� r < r f h-6 i w �� lw� l'' e a r Yfbgi" r r h hn' t ,� �r ',willbo �fsatl8lpoOry, i.r!rC .f� }'.!'wrY'}'1 i... d�aer►orihootiQn, with the ' ask ` ' " ' ♦" i bonds wi 11 s6*.3hA �1 nil' i t bassi*, L oit#eA ltiari' `s `til �� 4 $o01t"ao ` oHn briil toted + that we aaa° pass on 5 , y5.► fir. L �l1 , • �� Q r �1! JIB � ~ t��'� � ? " V 11 R ei h , % tha y. ��'�Xyi,$ h �'� a ��, w� ar"si �et'-'the `�i�Dosit3o'� -1���}�Pb, �td';�r� eeEha �omri' siQn.` 7 1 ' C, It.l'by." ✓� r : . � "f"� ✓'is ?. C,rl I.•' :: a= \ . r "k, `y, �i�," r! F,f4 ' h {�y ry �y ,L rt y.i x' L �> y r {P •' '" r 1 t' r,b Yy�✓} Y 'Yolk �4 } ,," f`, A,'Yr tA♦ fr ,ai4 "d:� k., r,.r �5 ,, s ": Sr rX �li Li �� � h 'ell ''\• ,1') Z ' l'! °"15 � �k , " , *' i ji 4 :' r r tl 4 � x', � 4+ a is ;i. <, 11 r♦ dY {Zt� +� 4�R1 ' j f t.� d,.14 f �l { r 'nf ( . ✓ , 'r V ^ / i t r '1 r YY „ a 1 r { ,� L. L L ''41T 1 „ {5 rt ��a 'd r; ! i ' 'sl D "' i•jr ♦� '+ a 114, n I 1' 1'• C h {i(� ah5\.• Y rkA jr ( l F .I C, +'. 4 �. ' P 4 ! �. ,.1 • /. ,, 'n' �4, �} �C , b'r �4t 7 R IY ' i r �' a „ f , �� ►� r 1 �♦ � � . f � . , t3)C ♦•+ � M � � ,y�}, �� ff�\\�y�y �y a } EY 10• Y� Y ✓t g ♦ u �.n !n l e�. '1 r � pp f .7 L �r1qu I l Y �d , e('F R ' •�� Y I v � t l t Y .�• a 1' ; ♦ rt r 1 r t } �{ a lh }° 1 7 .nr9, �T. j�y ', r , r�w� ✓ ��r,� S���,,. fta�1 �iA'�" tAl F P.,'• f +i' ; �L 1 . C' r ! 7. 1 ti: .{ '�.'"'L �' 2'Y � f ; L X7)1,1• r , pp ,1 i 1 W� �t 4 ' .�;• w •"+ , y y} A1., / y� i!`l 6 t** FMS !j lr+S� �r t Ni r��j��',h Ji � :ft sfr . 1 +���i ',k�!y,°�7'1�•71 �x ! r, i�1j��'J�T''t i � IaS'Sw �C`, �w #' 1 y' L, 47. �'�W{b y a,wi 111x11 pin. �S k f pti ` !1 P .n � 4 r. 5 4v�4� . I, ; ' 'v w M.°�{+�� ". 0.a f0• � a 1 t k 1 i i�i G {. !! < w w �'; {! p��,. � Iw S t S 1 vl J w 1 F tF 1 ' 'w � t r ,.! 'SFA 3..� p�rlllw.p+'.1'✓ w jy} w �w t. �n3 1' nr I ! a t ' I r 1 '1k' f l S % '�'� w y l frr'' ♦ k r r �'1 tit '� f� i a�. r k w t y 1 ( i r .1 tt ( u "j1bF"S� ( ! 1k k ' �°y M1�''�.:•`y�,2 ;�'3 1!, Ya1 1 � ; 1 �i'�` `�r��{ 1 , kjj 4*w.IIiy cq( i01 'h r �q J'y�d1t JF� � laF".i; (���� !', r �w L 1 D t 1 j � t Iftl A�� I'w" yS R9r�� iQ, liR�� k 4� Iw(Yy�'i�J iJw q �l ✓ �1 M"Y kkkrkkk". l�� p .� w t �.} C r ! J! s ' a aJ fa+ �1 t ' ! "( t L ) S�.' �aY i h w Se! v y 1 r t.1, a � ! y P+ r•j 1 n w'.a t ♦ ,t^. hrr, J. ',V. Erwin, City Secretary, Denton, Texts. Dear M+r. Erwin f Your letter of the 11th was r3ceived during the writer's absence from theCity and has Just come to my attentions Vo ncte that the bonds have been paid for at oxr "'ichita office, and we presume that by this time your City has been advised of credit covering delivery of the bonds. 1e will anticipate hearing from you within the near future with reference to the proposed refunding matter, and feel cartain that whon we can get together to consider this proposition more carefully you will readily see the advantage to the City of combining the several term bond issues into ore Holding issue , applying ouch sinking funds as you have on hand to the credit of the several issues , to the reduction of your debt and thvs eliminating so far as those issues are concerned at least the troublesome handl- ing of constantly increasing sums of money on which the City loses interest at the rate of at least 2"a per annual. With kindest personal regards to yourself and Mayor MoKenaie, I am, Youre very y, THE BRO*VXrVRr1ER 0 r r 0TH M BY l J I' .;�.r At �y ' l '����i'v ': t' x,' S• '�. tr( 'n I'4. rb :X11! "` ,.; .! '1r�.;,, + � ' ,Ftif•, ,�: r f• r♦ rrtit �' • + J rt 1 9Ia w ��� y � . �lt �r 11 : a�2�, 2 . • INVY�[3TTIl.NT LyXCiTItYTIEE3 ViQYIIT.A IL",mim as ItUary 7. 1927 r . ;r J. W. Erwin, City Secretary, Bontor, Texas. "ear Sirr This is to thank you for the prompt and explio4t manner In which you supplied us r•ith the information requested in our letter of January 3rd. Such service on the part of City Officials is very much appreciated indeed. Very tr O u y your THR BR CR COMPANY RRL-A f Y ;i i B dvart a ng anager a r i r i k"LAW f fi �rr ikq `7V 1;1 IN�T8"]WNT tl$CU MTIRA ttOAL CAPIK,rr1A6NY y . ` � � ,Fsbrusry 12, 1927. . Mr, J, W, groin, Oity Seoretory Denton, I-jxas. Dear Sires This will acknowledge reoeipt of yow-s of the 9th enolosing signature oertifioate oovnring the #1009000 Oity Hall and $25,000 Bridge nonstraotion Bonds-of your oity, and note the bonds will be forwarded to the First National in this oity, It will be satisfaotory to make settlement as outlined in your letter, when the bonds are reosived in Miohits. Yours very truly, ?H' B8O.".'r"W " YNYSSZSY1TT 00kpilNY ' BY Oeneral Oounselo Joust, 5 sStwflit +It,�� lYrial,t,�l!'� LIiB_� ilvvi�tarrt�alv�r �FatzYxti�cr�� 1509 MAIN STREET / (MIRlY BUILDINOI ��A[rLe1►8��7XA[� ti , 5 Yebruary 10� 19$7. J. Hons Be We McKenzie, Mayor, Denton, Texas. Dear Mrs NoKor.sis We have been advised by the Comptroller that the City }bill & Bridge Construotion Bonds of your City, aggregating 0126 ,000 have boon registered in that departments To presume that you have given the Comptroller instruetiono for .+hipping th., bonds to the First National Bank In Wichita , r' dsae , as requested in our letter to you dated January 24th which letter was written by the writer in your office at the time the bonds were delivered to you. If this has not been done , kindly write the Comptroller immediately` requesting him to deliver the bonds to the American National Bank in Austin , and also trite the Amorioan National instructing them to ship the bo,'de to the First National Bank In Wichita, Kansas. To. ,p prernr,e you have advised the First National in Wichita regs.eding disposition of the bonds when received by them• Referring further to our discussion when the wtiter.wae in your City, would like to inquire when it will be convenient for you to go into the matter of refunding approximately. $160,000 of your outstanding term bonds• We preovme the nigh 6f tax oolleotion to now nearly over with and believe that it would be advisable to go into the refunding matter as early as possible in order that the necessary arrangements relative to tax levies , pgblio&tlo' n of call notices on the optional bonds, etc, may be propetly handlod' in accordance with the requirement, The writer ` "✓ : will be glad' to come over any day, that is oonvenient for your/,iif, lira` Irwin and We Bralleys ` dntioipating the favor of a reply at your early oonrenioMs And with boat regards , we Are`, Yours very 1: IAk YOUR COMAITTU appointed to canvass the returns of an election ?geld in the City of Dentun, xexae, at the City Ball on the 5th day of April,A,Dei927, 1.0 elect two comwissioners For the full tern of two years site)%, beg leave to report that we have made a oarafui o.anvitae of said election and rind the rosulte as follovrni votes Yr.B►ldilier received l;ranois Craddock ' I That the find that and received the hil;host number of votes oast nt said election for City Convienionorn and should be declared elected to said offices for the full Lorm of two years cache OA1tA ere M+++++r , VJI.t 3Ag, at an election held in the: City of Denton,Toxae, at s; thi City Mali in said City, opt the' 4th day of April,A op,10270, for the purpose of electing two Comrissioners for the full tore or two years each, and Uhsereae it appears from the returns that " ., readived votos and rM t000lvod voter,,, and 14118 and , wore the two candidates '�.tio a sivod the highest nmber of votes at said election, IT momOVAD BY 'm OYTY ISO.*,44ael(m a TWI 01ft Cdr =70)( '1VA8, that the said said Md . at@ hereby duly doolared eisoted U tyCor aisrioriiris of the pity ' of botrtoa,Taxae for the full torn 6f' two yeire each dr libih , , thslr C�aocesP4xM are eaeeind Or qualifiedgpurotant Rte, the to$".q r of the said election ordinanoes Parsed this the 6th day or AP piyAa .xO27. r . r+A U&V VG+!w+*p 4p 1 1 4�•iRaliyPla►.1 v����W► 1 ' 1 1 .. FOR$AU Of aurora tOeros co. FORT W041e Firm 9030-1111kTURN OF SIECTION—Clare r (Arta. 731 00 1031,) Tex" Standard Form. R14 TURNS OF AN ELECTION Held on the....... . ..........day of....G � ..:...... ..... . .. .......... . F3n-t ........... _... ard__ of th4011 .......of....... ...................County of . .......................Texas, wnl for .UMBER OF VOTES POLLED AT THIS VOTIA'0 BOXI. __-- N k r 4Ll C IIDAT S R ECEIY D THE NUMBER 4F�yVOTES SET OPP ITE THEIR RESPECTIVE NAMES: . .. .. ... ..w ».....w_rscetre '.Ud._votes for.- « Mr.. .. ............ .. ....._........................................ .received__ ----.....__-..votee w_ Mr/ a.t,lnt:� f"/ [!..i:(L lw;�t'!'Q" '"••ti=rocelve �..-._votes Mr....... !..... . . .,...w.._..........Q.......�.. ..�........_._.................received.............../»._..votes for...... ___----..�_Y . Mr..1%J.t..._�.1... ....4� ! .........................received___�,1/{0......votes for _».!!..._.w_.......,....---------to _ Mr..._._..._.........__......................................_...........................received................_..wVotes forty...._-..._.__................. ......___.w_» ...._ _» Mr.........w........._w.w..w ..ww.........w...................._......_............received............._.....votes torw..._....www ......__ ....w._.._..._.----.....,.w._ w.„........w......................................._ ww..w.........w.......... Me.: w.........._...,..._w.........w.._».._......_......_.._._......w.__received.................—votes tarty.._............... » btr .w www w_... ..ww Y_..w.._w....w_.._.w_.w_..w..ww.w........w..recelved.....................votes for.......w..............w..............w.««w .._........._w. .....w_....www_w.... ......_recetved..._........ww..._votes for ....ww.. ...Y.. _._...._..w..w w ww y : .w w........ ..w.w...w........w..recetred... ww....—...votes New w»........w.ww.:....._w....._. w..._....»_recetred....w-- __w..»wrotee tar_».w...»_...w.___..........w_ww_._w.... -........«+ _..__recetved.....w.w.w_w... Votes Mr ...... .».w.....»..........................»..........__....»...._.._........—received.r...........w_..»rotes tor...,W___.._ .__..._........_....w .w.__ .. Mr..... _..........» .._....................._.. ............._ w_.__.»....w.racelred._Y............_....votes for...w................w.........................w_...w------ ..........._recetvad..__.._..._rotes forty w w _.....w..............»...w wYw..w...._roeetvedw.................votes . ................w ».w._wrectlted................._.».votes for.__W_...w.._.w_ww....... 4Mr.w .............. ...:ww.ww ............w.ww._.rotes for...... ......w............. www .........tecetted.A.................»votes for_...w.._»w_......... _.............. - Mr.w» w . w».».....»........w....w.ww_Y........w»w»referred............w...._rotes -- {fr..«www .............wreceliedY......w.w_w...rotes tor..w«.Ww._»..w _w..w...w.,...w.__»...w. recolreS...........w»w»wVotar torwww .ww w_ww......ww.ww.r. ._ - Atr««.w w Jotes forty ww for _ ww _»w»... w.. - " . ,:.�otls lee;..w._..«...« .....w..L......:Yw.w.Yww.«..:...a:_....�.._.._..w Ott. ...a«..:»........ww».w.«w.w.wY.w. �.Yw. ..,... _rleeirdd.....� ........w.Vet1s lo�..w...Y .«:...:,..ww«.... -�-..,. Atrw..:_.w.ww.w.w.�...:.:....:...ww......ww w ..««..w. ..�flcelred:...................Y.rOtJr tot«..w..w..«.w.....w.w«:.w ..Y_._Y.w.._.r. - r Adfw ..wY.';.Y....:.«........w..,..� ..«.....ww....w_i�aelved.....:......w.w.wrotas ha.w.. ..� w .w.....»..... ` _.Y raceiTid� .Y.«..... - r`X; rated for.. 1frw�.....«...«....�:..I......,«W.�«« ..,w««........wI.Y. . .«.w.r+►aehedY..Y..w..w fwi«:.....,..wYl.«..w.«.. Yw. .w.« ..I_......w...w..w..Y._...receked.r..w...�....,., , - - . ° pnS 3a or, omnatnj itire y , Mr...............................................................................................received........................votes for................,..... Mr.........................................•........•............•.............,............,......received.._...............,....voter for........._.......,...x......_»............................................. btr...............................................».............................................._ recelved...............,.......votes for........_.................. ........ »«.».,.......... r" MrY................................. .................... ...................................received....................«»votes for........._......................................... Wr«....... ......................... ................ ..................... ». received...•......... voter for .................... ..x........................ ...» Mr................................................._.. recewed........................votes for............»»......x... Mr............................................................... `._..,...,...,......... ....».received......................«votes for-......... _.... Mr............._.............r.........r.r_ .........................x»......... ........ r.reoeHed....r»..............»votes for...»....r_................. ..».....,..... Mr« x_....w....»......r Mr »«»-received....... ............voter . » x.r reeetred . ........ 1 r recelved: wvoter far., „. "" »x.. �. -.received., wvotes for Mr............................................... .................................................received_._.... ............nKee U r.......................................................................... .........................reeehed...«...............,.vote s for.. ._...,..x... ...............__.....»» MrW»............. .................._ ....... received.......................votes for............................ I1tr».............................................................. ..-ere lved..._.....,.,..........voles for...................._.......................... Mr«.....r.........................._....»...................»r......._........................received................... .votes for............................... »............x...«...... .»....»_.» Y, Mr« _...»_..x............x..........»r.........._.........»..................secefved»..«.. -.........._votes for......».. ............................ MF .....x....r.....»....._..r.r..w r.».»............x...........................recelved....«.....«..........Toter for................... x..x......«»x..««... ... .................«x.......x.........«.«....... ....................................x....received._».«.......xr..votes for_............ Mr................. w». .....x...r........................._.....................r. received.......................votes Mt: tot........«..........».....x........... »«.................. .«« .............rocelred...«..........,....... votesfor ...........................w...,...,..............,.._« Mr: «, I'................................ ...... ...recelved...................,,.-votes .xY.... « Y for......................... Mr.. ..... «.._.r..r...........4......... ............................. .......... ..r recelved........._..........«rotes forr..... .... . ......_...........................«r....w»...»......._....Iw Mr«...................... ....... ......_.....x...............................received......................»ro! for...... ,,.................................. »..........,.rw_..... .. Y 1Lt .N ....».».. .,.w ......1 .........,......w,»»L.... —received _....................votes for... .. Y.N.»_, x..wr rx....r.reeelred.. «.»r ,Wrotse Lor.w. x... , ........... .........received— ,.. -voter for« ~«,_L.... «. Y14 w.w A• A,el.urh 4..F..... xx.x..._ ..... ......_.._.. .«.... ...received..._«............ . rx...w...W«........,. ,• ...voles foe,..........«..,.,....«_......x...»..x...x.W..wW. ....«,.......... , »•,.»...x.._.__recelved_.............. ..voter fort «» Mr w 1 . ....... , 1...•.r»x w.,...r,...r.....,....« ......recelved..r........_......—votes for«..... ....w N.. .,.� .'.,...wY «N 4 1r1rY x.«................... ..............rreceivsd........................votes for r........................ w ........x..r..........«. «. MrY i+ ..,......«.,«.......«..................x........«...recelved.. ....................voter for»........,.I................ 1LLrY.Ii, a., .......» ... .....»................................. recei.ved_ » .... ..,..... «toter for«............. _................. »....«».w.Y.. .......xx. .. .«. .....................revolved ............... xtrW Is. «.4 ,..:...1..... .......1. .. ......Yw Yroth for.... in ,.Ax I.Yx w.ww ` ww NW � rl..Y�w. 11.xxwbJ t«NN�l.Y1NIW,,.MIb.»,gA, x x.ww«. . .N,w.reeelred. wr0{er fort: #� S 4r ..,««.. wYY»...w•w...xrw.Y.«..«xx,Y. ,xuw....w., • « 1trY .»..�iw. .i N W.reoelred .N«wW Voter I '1 . 1 r •, o � ,.W N�1 Y »YY I,M for , W.NY.0 , .mJw«w 1{4 xW`:w. h W 4 W 4.. Y»re6efredwY..W.N,..«,.» toss- tor.. c �. Y. 1......awx. Mr« «.r,r.Y y 4,.4Yw ,W wY. ,Y ..«..4. wreCehed._ Nw/0ter for.. 4 rw ..w 1 N r w rh ! YArw4u Nrl�r14.1» 1« w•, I 11 .r«.ul.l N W Nwreeived 4.«x .II..INro[er far .............. w 4 x uN r1 IINu.IY .OrY,,�.:..r \ W W.IN1 41/..,NINN.wYYl.w hl l,YM . WrWww y P{/�w ferY.Nw J P y •A w N Ix• 4 Ww«I4,.1,�. ..yw1.,,lY '� ' y 11 w. ,.wYlwL..., IYNr.w'I.rWw«:...L',.2...w NY Yxi,Y«. w.reeeired ' ,� �. •• I.. u4hw:,Y,rNI,rNTO r jj Mw1.NW.WN4w,,,,.,W.y.,.,,,YY4w hYw.wlN, Y 'r y YwY.11w.uY1M�w«rCVVl+eeMYY.r,Y«r.NNNrolo, •OrYN Y' I 1 M. uN Y.IN Y. rNYU,Yr `y�/,' ' �. ' NNNMMM.IN,�.NNY, hYN yw„wYµN♦♦ f�T •g �S�M,I. 34 4NY Y.W .Y.�w.W{.4 N� d � C•. �' t 1 1 Y� k •�•. '.� IN.1 ,•A«» M .... «..wwu«,w..rM1' ' f,Ili�N. ,..... . ».«:.».x.awr.w...:.:wrN.w7YwiY >...,4r.lx«N _ ..,rd�elred NTt 1< • ! v 1 Orh« ?. �:.4.:c air ...... .., «....... ..«..... . ................... ..........._.,...received .. ...... wvotYs lorN...... «..., ....._4_ h ; } Sir"............. .....«._..........................................,.......................recelvei..................,.....votes for.,................................................................................. i MrN........._........................................._.._......................................received........................votes for................................................................................... »N Mr.«...............................................................................................received........................votes for........................ ................«.......................................... i Mr............... ...... ......................_...........................................«.received...................."..votes for_............................................ .... ° Mr«N.... w............«.......»»»..._«...N._................................_.....received......................-votes for............................._...........».«»......«......... .....................................w NN. .....«.«.«w...........recetved.«.«....« ....... .votes for_............................ ...... . ...............w....N. Mf. •.,,.... ««.«...««.. ...........w.......w...r....«w«.......xeCelred.._« « N..»rotes for «« » ««... N. ..,.........N.. � ;+ Nr « wr « seealved.aA « «:votes for.w .... .. «.: w.N.«« .. »»»teoefYld.w ....i. .....—votes for.« .w .:t:N rY+.. Me.............. ................... ... ..........................................................received..._..._.............votes for.........................r..« .....N» . ««N ..w `t t Mr..........................................................,..................................«...reoelved... ...................votes f or................................................ .....................». MrN.............................. ..............received...._......... votes for......................... Mew._..................................................................................... ......reeolve4....«..................votes for........................................»...................... ...............«.. f Mr...............................................,...................................................received..................... votes for................................. ...............«» Mr".........................._........................................._........_..............received....«..................votes for......................................................................N.........». Mr........................... ................received.....................votes for.....................«.......«.................... Mr.................««.......................«..N.... ....................................... received_........._......_«votes for.........w.......................................««..........f.............. t Mr......N..«.»», ............................................................................received......................votes far..«.._...............«..».N«.................««..:.....w........ .«..Nw � Me. .«...........,................................««........"....................rsecelred....r...«_«_...«.rotes for......w..r.................................. «Y.«.N......... r ' ° lfr. ..«....."«....................................................................«received «... «., rotes for....... ..w............... .......... r..«N ..«. MrA«....... ««.wwN..«"..NN,.....................« ..«N...«...«...xecelved« N.....«wrotes for........ .......... N w NN forty................. ..N ..N ,w4YY_rrti4N «.««w.N.recetred.....................rotes for....................... N......w.............. MrY «..Y.w».««..w.........««.w_..N...._r..:...........Nteceived.....................votes for.....................w.......... ....................... «..........«....4 .............r.«. «.....«..»....w...N«N...N4..Nrecefved.«......._............votes for.—...................... Nww.4YNww.N4N cw f �drN ....Y ««......«w... .....N. ».«...»w.NreceSVCd...................votes for....................»«r..........«,Nr ... .. N.. NNw .... N_.w.Nr «.««..recel red«..Y................rotes for..«..»......N... ..N ......w.«» ..... r..iw..N. a 1l}. a,aw 4www ..Y .1.Y..N.....wN.«....reoetved.. .....»............voteslorww«..AN...,..w...A:,...........rY t MIA. .. wt N..«.w..___f0celredN..................-votes fm ...........«..»........................... . . .....wr»rY N .w.«..«.. .w«..«.«w...«......received... ..... ............rotes for.............« .....................:. .r..... «........w rr.»:«...w.. w..». .Nw....feeelrel...w..................vote/ f orN«.............«.,...........................«..N..«««. l MrA «.... «rr......NwN"... «... Y...««,received..4N. ..........votes f or..............w.......................» «..«...««..«.....N......w.elved..............N......votes for.......«......r...... .« 4 .Yw N.r .N , . . r 1irN.r.r A Y.N� N Nr««....N.NNN..«Nw......Nrecelred........«.............votei for.w..w.««NN4w.... N NN ..N«w«. .N...«.4N.w.4N..wN, y a z• i ft�rA wa r w»4 4NN.4Y N w N»Nw...N w......reoolred.. «.."a......""vote/ forty N r .w.« t r ...N..«.t...t.t::.::r..NrY:.YN,..4YY»4.4.,.Y.w.:,,...recetred...N....NN. wrote! tar.... roes «. `.4r Yw ..YNY..ww.wNwN ..Nroealred NAN NwYYNNtbier fir.4N YYYw w N »NNw.Y. w ..Y w..... .w r r ? W..0 Y.LI.A . «YYMwNN1.YMNY4w WNYNNr`�etrey.N.w..NYYMw..N�ote! tar,_. . wY4wN..Y. ......u N .« 1 �.4 1Y} N'iu.i.lL..wtNw.i.w M w w.wwNYw...4w.uNN.w.•NYYN.xe(�.lt{tld aYYYrrYYr.YwrOt!/ �OrYUwwNYYr.M4ww w4w.ww•.Y.wrww.N....JJY. w u yy.ee `' Yreeelrid.Y role/ for 1 ° �l} Ylr .Y1 tu«.N.Ar.Y. N.Y NNY..wN.w.wJr.�l YY4.YYNN4Y N.4.M.wYbYM YMN NN.IWNw.w.N1.NMw.w W.1 4u wy � '� d { i , .secetred....YNwY.YY«NYl�olel !or s,'1 Y«w.uw.rwwi.•.NwwWNw»wwu4wu.r.w YrA.wrwNr a �j.t M .A.«N. .wu"w.0 ...u.ia w ..Y .N.ww»N..Nw.w« .N4... .. ..Y. uu. uu 4.n..1.i�.N..A.«uu ..... ...w►u4N S✓'14'� fi 1 k THE STATE OF TEXAS, City Of __ ._.__ __—__. _._.�_._ We,the undersigned Judges and Clerks of the Eloctlon held by us at , to the............______. _ ».Wised of the.»._ ............._..... ..... ............_.............. of-..... .......... .............._.. _.........._...._........................, Texas, on the........, dal (City at Toss) .....___.........._................19__.. _., hereby certify that_......................_........................ ._ . ..:.._ who has paid his poll tax, was appointed Preeldlug Off leer of said Election by the voters present at said voting place, on said dad, because there was no regular Prcelding Oftleer in attendance at said Election. We further state that the Actlair Judges were appointed by the voters present Witness out hands, 0.' e » _ _» „„ _.Presidtes Officer. _....°.............».................°......».._._.._.__.. _..... _» .».Dodge. ....._..........................................._...........................................Judge. _..__._.... ............................_.°°....°_..................................Judge. ..............................4...............I......_....................°.................._Clerk. ..°............................ _............................. w°. .... ..._..._Clerk no %bore to bo used seen regularly appointed elmtloo oeleeea tall to set. i• THE STATE OF TEXAS, City Of - --- v --- - We, the undersigned Managers of the Election held by us at , __ _ ,°,_/�_/__�. ........ . . .............._........_.._»..of....01(1`.�`jL' _.... ___.... ._..........__»„ Texas, oa the.-... day �� awe) of. .. . .°...._........._......1rJ��.., hereby et:rtify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct return of the total umber of votes polled and the hnnm/bye of rotes polled for each candidate st said Election, Witness our hands, tbis.....,.aat/.( E daf of»... _.. _ »_..».._.A D. 19�G ,.Y»Lf x!��! ..presliltag Officer. All ...Judge. ..Judge. a ... �( (y� .Judge. ✓.1L/I....C_l,°.1..,G.°!. �...°..._........Clerk. t It. , x t: fit IS9St FOR SAL% NY iTArsa,alb*b*N corsANV Tau Suoded Yom IMP TANTI. . Sign Each and Every Certificate Before � MEN Sealing Envelope Y OF A Election HELD ON THE DAY Of =� 192 In Texas MANAGERS OF ELECTION SHALL BE SWORN � OATH OF OFFICHR8 OF ELECTION. i Art. fih?1. [ieloro opening the polls, the presldira edge of electlon shall in an audible voice take the following oath ' or afArmatioa,-41,49h,4221 shall be utter aid di's ct�Y$ and each of the other Judges and clerks shall repeat the same after blml .'101 IO1'Mall,awear (oriform) that I will tot In any �annor request or seek to persuade or Indute as toter to vote lot orbkgJfa�Mtytay pittlealar candidate of eandtdater, of for or amatnst an ppropwition to be voted odi tbatI will not ko oil Sdwkof Itl*111' ` tI sla etmited. (a d m�ndety riJhas voted,tbeteieetto�0 tai paft t6 as of base sni be eor dta• ot�t►° .bii of bosh. be eared en to leetiy Ia a o elarItp� er ma a wit agora N f am permitted a siie"t la voting Ali voted exec t t wad guard, am fee as i im ale the pdrlt� ' do help m1 Ood.M> .a../.�...r ..... ..... ../,V. .y ...!.Clerk. ........ r~ r.PxeNding Jadse. �rt � ..+P"�� r�..r ..Cktk a WAas'staot Judge. � .1 s 7 ' at adg*. �l Wu Hu4lnruJ�.GT•y MN.IUUrIruiNJ prrruMr4N.r .• u ..r..Clexk.� r!L r N rNJU u.Grp♦ uwrJ uu rAaeletant Jadatti ' ' o The above oath taken In manner above r Mulrod, th+.e... ldloY { ' a POLL LIST OF A ELECTION JJeldeit.. ... l...:'.:.:.. i ,i................ try..t. .:........... . .............................. . �. / ..................... of Texas, on tlre.... w' , r............ ........dsy of..., /�,� ' �� ......A. Ji. 192.i�1 .: .� r`:{ '.:..'.: Presidia Ofcer......... .. i. . l > and ...A. 46�.... . .. ..........and............, `4Q t- /d1 Gtl ��' judges, and and.................. ::.. . 1 G and :..: ...:.:............. and................_........................................1............ Clerks of said Election, were seve:aily sworn, as the law directs,previous to their entering upon the duties of their respective offices:. NUMBERS AND NAMES OF VOTERS No. NAMES No. NAMES �f t y, Q - s . x' Ji 29 CPO C S 33 h�Q.C�iyy i 6 _ l�Gc� 34 Al. � I' 7 r 35 8 Q/�jr� 36 t 9 �T/Lt:t� 37 38 AA _ 12 40 13 41 � 14 42 + 1S 43 ✓i�t�� 44 a i<DTJ 1 L.i� 17 45 _ 18 46 t 49 �. 111314 k. Al SS r..T a IJFI � . �.� - / it +: .. �� � ,, • .. 67 MIN MUIR 1 . a NUMBERS AND NAMES OF VOTERS No. NAMES I No. I NAMES --- No. 1. . 129 N l �' G 165 �� �� ' = 201 V .�_/ 130 166 131 167 132 G% �/�l.�J.C.�iY 168 � / C ti r�204' 133 G !vL(.QQ711 — 169 qz5x .20S ,134 170 1�/ 206 135 Gf� 171 1�I" �20r``Y ,136 , 172 ` 208 137 173 209 4r f 138 ` 174': . 210 r ,.i /,• v � 139 — — 175 n em dO 41 140 v 17G , — , 212 s . 141 _L _ _ 177 CD. �''/� 213 i 142 — 178 �. 214 143 179 ®®U,, 21S of ,fl, 144 , ,ems _ 180 lye-- 216 14S 181 �,Q / 217 6-,V1 , 146 182 .Cpi3 2i8 1• , ; ;' I 147 , a_ _183 J. _ 219 ` 148. :a —�� 184 220 !49 185 221 f 186 G .; 222 3 151 i (d _ 187 I�✓, �0' 223 i2 i GV� r 183 j'LC -K/ �... . 224 1 r 154 &, i 190 226 f . 191 227 , 156 . LJ 191 228 J; 193 f 229 !r �_ t` _U � !30 f, PJA ltk 194 1 1 231 .. . ' 161 '+ l/ �� _ 147_ � 293 �)• ���,, 169 4 200 X L t�i. �' 236 NUMBERS AND NAMES OF VOTERS No. NAMES No. r NAMES 201 t4j!!"( c 203 f ; r;� { �) � r' r ti 239. ,�1 204 / r i � i' Y t 240 ���i' _ : �, 4/?l 4.c� � -l3`p� 205 241 C< 4. < r�'GC•{ -� �� y T_ 206 241 . 243 r r f 208 } 244 209 ,. 245 210 246 211 Il z S a �•{'`'�t�`^"�4,;:�4'..:'`y,�y,,r'�;`'':2�;A2`.1 r"'�'Y'Sk_y r f Fd•a33�,v+°;`•'R r;�'3� '', . �, -'`._,2A 2 222y 222��3220!�7 1S 3!7 t'`: .'�.!/...'�j�,f.��V.{�'y.��.�r.�/'�1 I_1 �.�-�(�J•".t��.�Vl ,,•�.'V L+�4'i r{i['..l v/�i1.":(l.Y r>y1i._ . .._�'_2 26 5 40__7 212 243 213 249 214 ko ' 250 L"k.!t + 0 �:•/•�J J i 1 i•r I!i'(�.Z,L L�.%�f 1• _j4•.A�'L ( ' f 215 251 ce 16 252 ' 253 ', 216 254 219 255 !� V 220 r/4 256 221, 257 222, r 259 224 , ✓ 260 261 226 262 IL 263 228 264 23Z 268 A 269 1211-1;�57 �11'1 lol A 770 / 'c t7')_2.//•.' G — .�, J„ ' r f„ ' 236 /�t�• '�r •ti-• - 272 �r ' } H � 5 r NUMBIERS AND NAM9S OF VOTERS No. _ NAMES !�I No. NAMES N10 - 273 / ,' J . i I 309 I V! C.(iG 345 r1' 274 310 1 _ 346 ' r 215 j 31t 347 276 34'8 ,� 277 313 LV C.ti vyt.4 m ;F 278 . 314 - + $50 219 315 , ,r 3S�t ti fi 280 , 12.x, y e"At,( ' 316 t1 G4 352 ! l__/ 2�Lnl 317iL �i� 281 1/ �. -ctN ,' 353 282 /�� , '> -� 318J, �, } rL�y. 354 283 , , r;<J 319 284 320 356 285 =} y-L.c I, y 321 357 286 _ t'41 ��'1 .�,r E <� ,,.Z,� 322 cC,f V Z? y A 358 �� - (1 %,c2L .. 287 323 i59� f; _" 4 288Q � t l 324 ��l%r��i � ' � .�i v .s_ 360 / 289 n P`'P�t '�GC 4 325 �,'� 326 362 _ J 44f r-c.2je. 327 }` /� l ' �, �)c{i2 ..•,,, 363 . 292 328 364 ' 293 �f1 ��4E c�/.�' �—.329, 3, 29 _ � 365 194 310 rr 366 ", LOP �h� 311 V ��-� '' 367 . 496 332 = te Cam- 368 + ..�. _...... � � �a r 369 � 334 301 $37 Qy.,.,, 373 , '�. ` r 302 , 74 --:. 37S 940,r J&e • , � 6 r 305 w..�.7V6 / I / �..L„( ' ...�... ',�]�i '.�._..1.._ A42 1.� � f 1 y. ;.:..�.r.1' '}p �,�� 8 , •' 1�, 7V 11 k 30g _r NUMBERS AND NAMES OF 'VOTERS _ ! No. _ NAMES No. NAMES -- 345 381 '. 346 �'' �j ;{ "6'� . Cf,. , 382 387 348 r1 ,. 1. ' G!i <` 384 349 385 ! 366 as' Yns. 387 352 -<� 388 353 • li 389 �+ 354 � 390 _— 355 391 356 Z(i'-cc�+c✓ r�t/I2 392 .__157 ,( � / -�-----�-- �'"u t,.... � 393 y, 358 _ + 391 359. 395 360 396 AW �j 398 -- 363 399 400 36$ 'fj 401 366 � 402 s . 3 403 368., fA r 404 369 '0tQ�Yt� 443 ._. �^ 5 41:< -'� 401 _ e , �v 408 or w , 97i 1 , ,1 �. , M+ 374 '' U(�/`I l eet. ,r 410 _ 411 1R ' 316. 1 412 k Y- - - ^ 413 414 r , ?t I a — — r .r NUMBERS AND NAMES OF VOTERS No. NAMES No. NAMES ' No. 417 _ 453 + 418 454 r 490 419 455 491 420 _ 456 441 Ell 421 457 493 -1 :a 458 �,; , 422 ' . 423 _j 45q rim_ 4 424 ,F ' 460 496 , 425 ; 461 497 426 1 462 498 . 463 499 428 _ 464 S00 429 465 501 430 _ 466 _ 502 431 467 503 432 - 468 SO4 ` 433 469 n i 1'305 .434 • 470 435 471 507_ 472 S08 437 _ 473 ` 438 474 439 475 Sit 440 476 S12 ,r 441 477 , $13 4 42 478 w 514 r _ 443" 479 , 515. S: 480 516' 445 481 t ` ,- 483 518 s : ` 447 i 483 . 519 4 481. =-- ,`•''-^.-..;`a ,•; 449 485 40 486 27 487 488 NUMBERS AND NAMES OF VOTERS Nor NAMES k No. NAMES 70S L 727 _ 706 728 707 - 729 708 730 709 731 710, 731 711 733 E ` 712 ; 734 713 _735 y 714 736 71S 737 i 716 . 733 717 739 718 740 719 741 720 742 721 743 722 _ 744 y 923 745 9:4 746 723 . 747 726 748 THE STATE OF TEXAS .L� .... .... 1,.... (, •'•L w ............................... one of the Clerks of aniectlon holdon the.. ..a.. . .............. .............. y of . .... .. .. ..............., 192.L , at u. .. .. . ./.� !r +.. ... ..."i'....'..`.� .... ± u.;. ... .....Lr. ........................... .. ................1...{.....for. .. .. . .............. .. . .......... ........................i . ... ... ....Y.L.1.. .. ........... ...... ...... .... .......I........... L..0 . Y g NN...1.uL ......Y.. a.i.L.a... a .L.a.luu. ....INULYa ILL.nL..l.. .JL.0 w.. .L...L N. ..L..,.I.. . ..Y. • {.IL�.IN I..t.Y YS.NIL.N.1...W.YNILYW.IN.JIYIJhLII..a /..NN.W11l.LLL1....�JI♦L1a..N.WL1.L...1l..I..NLLI..L{..NIaaJ.Na.{YN.�L.JINII..L...l.N1lNL.WLlJW1..1 �.- do hereby certify that '1 kept the lilregoing P611 Ust at and for said E1ectlon and thlit the eatho Is cortot l ' � 1 •.� . � iNJJNbN.JJiJN.IMLA../WaHWMN N.I.NYLj. A Clint 6f mietlori. I P , E 130— , ►of SAW ft frurofo ioroof Co.htt rostty ` r _ Tm•Standard Intma 1 ` O +v RNEEVE CERTIFICATE r FOE SEALNGNL4 '1 S ,..Y ' � Y n a R l q�i• f n u-. y , ti �t"Y§f�''•t.� t�Mw 1 r 5 ,� `viii` +•'S'4i.Q i Ti ALLY I ST f OF A t 1 _ ELECTION x FIELD ON THE y 2' 1' OMF•V 1 Y,jj`` / R. exas s... FORK THE PURPOSE or .r. .r f V.- da 1 t j `' I S^.-.�""..'•�"�" --�.'•=.'9-�s�� __.__x--='.=. -.._. s:.±,.�-�-' - :._:.s:s.=r-..»..��rs3n._.W._�►eta': �I�f • ,y� � i vl.�, 2 TALLY LIST Tally .. thus in each Square. 10 20. 30 40 50' 60 70 84, 90 101i �1 Nave of Omot Naa+a of,Pmm if 46f etl Yatdia 5 �5 53S Si ..$.. ,.5f5 5i.�_ .5 � 5 1 poll I fit WWI .e.y"1 dw'}.r P'l+,t.?s..7 s.rM.y.r....R�_".+.'•w+�i.a t..d.4�.��';.R.'."''_'~�,I +�I,.�..'.�.i...a�.•+ef-.�l...rS t`�...omyI.dr....,..•.s—rS....-�:...'."..ar..�-'a t1 f.k�i.r 1.. ,ti:1 w 1;..p,.,...3{II i..�111,1..,_w w;_;"V.•,._:.V...I1.A.:./,-i.._a �:aw..._,�_..,^"",._../J.._�.!...�.._./K..,•�,.«.... •s.:u,.n.•l.�.._�_w...a.•_,+: n 6_...,..,w. _+'�r tµ.�.�♦iy 1�am r;(t I���/'f•.-y♦^j_.�._.y,•�(._-•�.+1y:,, M•.��_�....-y1.�.�{1+jI t��'� ..�•,...�.i 1`I i, f� ]++R I E ..0 YF..l�_n.r._A..a...✓._-. �...._...,.....w..r x-, w_{♦.`_.VM.J.'.1..._.�r.}`'�{it,°t�.n�.._.c.i.:1.a•'.-�w.�'•�..,..n v�.....J�'f a 1� .M __T_ .7. —»r. !1 ;ki'J�'•. f=�fIII iI� i•,_ ? , ..,1 f ... �. t � 1 t_� { y. 1 i i 9 1 J,w. ..,•v�..,r. h+ M.. .1 Wd.L. r.M« I..... . . . l Use two or three lines when necessary. 3 f Q � . r` ,- - - - �.• 40 150 160 170 180 190 ?00 �I0 To une TO 90 100 110 IZO 130 1 Sim 5 S ' 5 5 5 5 5 5. 5 5 5 5 , 5 TQ ..:. y , _ t i � t { .. f 1, _" «».. y. r r r J.. ., .� �.„. � � t,. � � e 1,.1,,,.^ � 6 1� ��- J�1— �� i •t-,+.tir I , r fy ,' �1j+• I r.ru.l.f^r ...Ir.�.r r w...(.r'.re ^•'T ....n ,,'.. .. »... i- -. !..... .. t A r _ ! I I { .. 6 i gg rdµ i P 1 r 1 , , a.� � t a .w , r •Lei,+«. .'w f� -j.. ,. ., _ .. � _. _ ..r„ ..v+.r. _ ` r. ..s +q.. _}.w.:.,...w:.. r r 7{ 1 w Yrf+FCW r.M � ....., ... .... .., _..._r,,. ._. .� ( _ .. ,. !..,. .r A..- . • r..,.4.1 , - m.'.r _.1_.Y} 1 I r� Syr w ! 1� . 1 �• { .7 1 r . ., a45a� 1t 'S r 1�' A I� . fr� �e b i _ . ti 4 b � It�yl{ ,', e4 S`*�i 1.'✓�4C 1 fl i�h� 4 �? � 1 r rejlr 1 " j�� ,GI�R S �. { 1 f� k^4 ��'F9.1� yKl �d�� � uw 1 y �•���1��� q, �� W. r �1y� rM� u`I� j} • �. i' i}ti A gVt1, p r`l. 1%y r A • y � , " !j'.Yy ;,A'4a° k�l� ', � sc f2 � f 1 � .�'�.�, ��i3 i4tk T.h n. ✓;� � �� ;yf�'..��. . .n �+� � +�,. I r. We the undersl ed Jud e$ a Clerks of an E ction eld.... . ...�� .... ... .... ... ...... .......... ........... ..... ........ ......... .... ...... . .................................... ...... . :... ........ .......:... on the... day of....Gd .....: : . .....i97; do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Tally Sheet of all the votes cast at said election, and shows all the votes cast for.... .. ........ ..:... 4. . ............ ... .................... .... .............. ......... ....... ................,..................................... . ....... ... ....: . ..... . .................... ..... .I.............................. .. ....... .. .. ... t ....... . ... . .. . A° '9.,�y¢f�.... i.. • .• .n.. ..... .G .........u..4... ... .. ...... . . ... .. . . ......... . .... . ...... .......... ......... ........ 4 ... ,� �• ...... . .......... .......... .. ... ............. ... ... ..... ..Manager. J .......,.Jud e. ` ... . ...J .....��...-�;-...:.Judge. ," IEQi • GG Y W Q`�� lfY .Y..�. 1 .. ... ... . ...... ,f. yZ. 1 t -'a ' . .Clerk• 7 H1] t BY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct Tally List kept by me 'at the'�ebove election and polling place, and that each of Ahe foregoing named perso!I� or objects . voted on rseeived"the number of votes set opposite his named as above set Forth, for the Of flee r objects voted on. d Dated this.; .., ........day of... y , Cter , who kept this �'all�► .ist. 4 R TI f. r 1 y M{lip♦fi d y 1 s .. 1 1 4 - 77 I , L1 We yoptr committee appointed to canvass the returns of an election held in the City of Denton, Texas , at tho City Hall, on the 19th day of Yay,A ,D. I927, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the• City of Denton , Texas, the proposition of amending Seotion one Article I7 of the Charter of the City of Denton, Texas, beg leave to report tha t we have made a careful canvass of the said election returns and find , the result as follows: YOH TkM AA,!k11DMENT OF SECTION ONIC IRTICLE SHMITZ" OF THE CHARTER OF TIU, CITY OF DF31 TON ,TEXAS 7f VOTES AGAINST THE AlaWDIASNT OF SECTION ONE ARTICLEaSEEVENTEEN OF THE OHARTER OF THE CITY OF D&ITON , TEXAS. ` 7 VOTES ...1� MGM PQ - - oomrrittee. N • \ r wo your committee appointed to canvass the returns of an e,{ q;" '4 .^�"xi . i �''. .,y. v• .:: j. VA�u.�# election held in the City of Denton, Texas, '.o the City' Nall on the ' I0th daybof Uay0A.D. I927, for the purpose of submitting to the `quaiif d electors of said City the proposition of whether or not certain land should be annexed to and be made a part of the 0ity of Denton,Texas, beg leave to report that we have mach a careful oahvaoe of the said election returns and find the' result as followst YOH THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY Lf q D YOT018 A6iA1NBT 1`RA' ANNEXATION OY T" PRCP9RTY �. D �" VO g , s Js . s , M s ^�� �- 4t� r�tN^,tirr*t.t'� raTm�♦ r,�.......�il•d5*M"�I(C3rx "/ J'J � .T yeAtga'y �r w,.o s, , r.u�i,°"M.A'�ri .'♦HV�q'$�e R7r Mry .k � P r 0{ 4 A •S� r I 4 y 1 r y 1 1V- 1 ,ARV r ♦. >$+$, , { 1 i r , � J . jj C v ki �J fir. . ! a '' ', q n � ' ' P t3 ♦., :. `.,� Z r .news _.wxxut�o,++t ♦ _ _ C} _ .its �. _ a♦ 1.'alk "i:.!c.r 1 a. c nn i WH3RBAB, it appears that Prar•ie Strekit in the City of Denton, ?fbhkhh Texas, that extends West from Avb uo Al to certain proper ty now owned and held by the North Texas State Teachers College is praotioaDly surrounded by property owned by the North Texao State Teachers College , and that the North Texas state Toaohere College having recently purchased certain property that abuts on -the north and south and west of this portion of said yr&rio Street that it is essential to the building program of the said' w` " TAaohero tl61).e96 to htkvs a certain portion of the said Prarie Street abandoned, theresore ME IT /tMOLVBD HY THOi CITY COMtISSICN OY THO CITY OF DANTLON , r., TEXAS; that Prafis Street in the Oity of Denton , Texas , ' begining ern the aas aide of the property now held and owned by the east North Teaxas State Teachers College and exhonding/jor a distance of onb hundred feat be here now and for ever abandoned by the Oit of Ddnton , Texae , foi•' street or other suoh purposes, as it has beef so weed in the ' gat. That this resoultion shall be in full f Oro e and effect from and after its piesage and" approval. y Passed thi's the 24th day of Mayo A.D61927. Ohs rm f the y, (0) 661 n , Den toll ,Texas y eoorotary. 1 1 t?+ N J} { 1 { r 1 a e r y # 1 ` r, .I r a pr 4 d Z. Ili• <`� '.. l � t dt l� ``lHERAS, at an election held in tho City of Denton, Texas, on the I9th day of Yay,A ,D. I927 , at the City Hall for the purpose of Azending Section One Article seventeen of the Charter of tho City of Denton, Texas, and also for the purpose of deter:aining whether or not castain property shall be added to and become a .-art of the City of Denton, Texas, it appears that from the returns of the said dleotion that the proposed amendment to the Charter of the said City was rejected and that the hereinafter - ° ~ described property was accepted as a part of the said City, that a total of7grotes were oast at aid election , TIMMORE M IT RESOLITED BY TH-S CITY 00 DAISSION OF THE CITY OF DRNTON , THXAS , that the votes cast at saiIi election for the amending of Seotion ono of Article seventeen were 2, hfl and the votes cast at said election against the amending of Seation one of Article evventeen of tho said Oharter were s"9� That the votes oast at said election for the annexation of the said , . property wera44?0, and the votes oast at said election against the annexation of Mid prr'perty wereZO $r the ref0ii the said amendment to the said Charter was rejected . ald said proposal is of no effect and forces That tho following described property ie hereby declared to be a part of and is a part of the City of Denton, Texas, for all purposes whatsoever, which said property A� is described as being all that certain tract or paroel of land situated in the County of Denton, Texas , and described as .MMININO at the N$ corner of a 20 aoreis tract of land out of WIL survey conveyed by BeVoWilson to belle Fulton in Yabruar.y, 1600 by deed hilt ! recorded in Volume 100 page 304 of the Deed hecorde of Denton County, Tmo Thence W , with tho 9, line of said W aore t treot 336od fd6tjTh#nos, Si 273j > *c'w a stake for oornsr;Thenoe A -- .• ,M 336x11 feet to a stake for oorner; Thsnoe fi. 2731 lset to the place of berjinisig in being the aame land conveyed to CadoWilkins by 0o0 botteh , .a' bachelor o' Auguet12?jA�D,1091 by deed recorded in Vol. lot ` Pago 16 of the Died heoorde of Denton County Texas, acid also being the same land conveyed by C, O,Wilkins nd Wifd R*A, Wiikind to Dailey 34uildr, on the 10th day of April A.D41023 it' Y ` andtirs t<y Deeddoarde,d in Y61 , 19d Page 194 of Deed keoorde of Aentorioo,tM yr,Tekali And If rom and after this date said 1And16 and ' 's�hAX1 be a part of the City of rienton', Tsxae , Passed thle tho 24th day of Y&y,A .D. i927s pia r n City Co=ilion. r.r Attests . —Z / ,,. . C y Secretary. ' I r'1 I k r 1 +, f�..t m v i ry r , I V v a^ J i.a I� i �;I k 1 I N 1, y 1' � �rw.�.r+nx+�K,` �1wi�•.\ti44.hllwl�rJVr�.iM.81,e,c+�.,ili�.ket a..�.4�wr „s«>+F�% �. „v'+..ti+ .,.�..H wp4M.�x1 ' �.' " �y� PR"' °'19�..,�`gi"�r"7� F`�.��J'�,�a"� r aT� r 1 , d ,Jr, AN ORDINANCE APPOL"TING A BOARD OF E�JUAI.IZATION FrH THu CITY ' OF DRITTON , TMAS, FOR THE YEAR I927;DEFINVG THAIR DUTIk,S;PIXING , TIM OF M@TY1XV; PROVIDING FOR THE CO2UPENSATION . HE IT ORDAni.,&D BY TH CITY C0MISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON , TVXAS. SEC I � That l> ''f } �I . ' ''�°r '�' . ;\ r�,A , 1� ,; � , I ti,... end be and are hereby appointed as a board of Equalization for the City of Denton , Texae, for the year 1927. SHC .2. That the sa-.d Board of Equalization shall receive the assessment roils and books from the City Secretary of the said City for examination, correction, equalizing, appraiseisent and approval and - shall see that every person in said City has rendered hisor her property,both real and personal and mixed at a fair and market i value of all improved lots and the value of all improvements and the value of all unimproved lots in said City and 'shall 'do and perform any' and all acts necessary and such duties it) the Mann ' y ex and by' the. means provided by laxa of the State' of Texas, governing said Board. The+, members of said Board shall 6onvene at the City W1 in said City on the day of A.D. I927 and thereaf ter At such times as such Board may provide , or as necessary for a full and` fair and complete discharge of their dutiose The ,members of the BoardoffEqual isation shall ;receive as ' compensation in full for their services rendered hereunder the sum df 2.00 per` day which shall be paid by the 01ty 8eorotaary ' acs refiuired by lara. ' het Ahid `ordinanod shall be its' full fords and effect from and after.= iti passage and' approval. the` i q 4 Y21 M chairman, y om es an, an ,!e t 81601 % AP06ved pie "AttO I 1 1 'f c ..51�w'L,�ewr i3,.;.�+L.J.q•^:#� rasr.�-. . ,' M►,e : .��, ! :'.t w r.'�,;,y�* �, ..y+;,,1,.'. .. ;� g,`P Y�yj 4•'. .��.1= �*krr. ,"3'i:.'�....i.Y�. }S a �. t1 ♦ 1 • F1 •� 1 ,; �� �/ . / l � . l , ; � ,, f ' �� ,t}��yo R , � � ��'� .� �,� ✓ �� � Y � 1 T 1i ..� � � r 1 <��� i '� i ' {. ,�G �.. {i: \ ... �ti�ulr.La.�+.�.y.rn��i+YwR✓+���tMnaVMVR}MV 1. �. ..'l i��' AN ,CRDINANCE DESIGNATION CERTAIN STOPS OF VEHICILES BZFORE TRIVING ON CERTAIN STREETS AND THE PUBLIC Sgt ARE; PROVIDIN G FOR A PENALTY FOR TH2, VIOLATION THEREOF .: BE IT ORDAINED BY TILS, CITY COUNIS3ION Oy TN_° CITY OF DENTON, T$XAS. , Ono X persons or parson driving a All/motor or other vehioilee going east on Nest Hickory Street just shall come to a complete stop/befo.:e proceeding upon the Public Squarei any person or persons driving a motor or other vehicile east on West Oak Street, south on north Elm Street, No rth north on South Elm Street,hHhhhh on south Locust Street, shall come to a complete step ji4st before prooef ling upon the Public Squa.e in the City of Denton ,Taxass Aney person or persons driving a motor or other vehicile south on Bolivar Street shall just come to a complete stop/before proceeding upon West Oak Street.'. Any parser or _persons driving a motor or other vehicile north a'} on Avenue A shall come to a complete stop just before prooeediri,g upon Woet Hio ory street, tiny person or persona driving a motor 4 Chestnut Street shall come' to a complete `or other ,vehioile^ou Bhbhxhhk stop just beforenooeading upon Avenue A. SLC .2 . Any .pergon or persons guilty of violating arty provision of this w4inance shall be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanor and 'i'o' ubjeot ' too, fine of not exceeding' one hundred dollars. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage; approval and publication as re quired by lair. r> Passed this, the 24 day , of May,A.Dli927 �'�ia`t'rman , 0 ty OCc?1 s9 l ^ ty $6o eteiry� A0jr6,hd 'A6 to forma.;. I�ttOrney r A:i c'23!)IIiA210:: )1MIC1tATION MATAIN STOYa OF V];HICYI.)M 110M IS rRI11I2F 0 ON CMLTAUI SnMTS AND TH& PtMLIC o49AIM: PROVIDI2t 0 Y OR A Y311nTX F033 T}i VIOLATIOR Tlt;WAOY Q ]3k3 IT OltDA1Nr)J1 by i}C: CITY C0k`}.IISSxOIt Orin THE: 0, i'F T)i;H'l�Oli, ` TAX A8 p H �,ve 1r,✓`•�au e..eJp,..��.-.y.. ww..ww ..r u,,... . .. ....; ,�'.i.*...,. , y. . .,.. .. .. w ;. r'.. . r. .Lo t.. ,. . ._ . . persons or person driving a All/motor or other vehioiles going east on wect hickory Street just shall. could to a complete atop/before proceeding upon the Public Square] any parson or pergono drivint; a rotor or oWser , veMoile east on +'net Oak street, aouVa on north O'lia Street, ldorth north on South J?.l t;treat,hhhWih on south Isoouot Street, shall come to a complete atop just befora procoadilsg upon the Public the City of Denton,Texaeo Aney person or persons driving a rotor or other vehioile south on V41ivor Street shall just come to a oomplete otop/bofore proceeding upon West %ak B"ati Any person or persona driving a motor or othav eehicile north ,, , on Avenue A s)sa.11 come to a oornptets stoy! just before "p%toaaedin j; upon �'�ea.t 3iiokoxy S `.rest, any person ox persons driving a MotA9' , Ciys$tnut Street shall come td a Cortp16tl, or other vehioile on [fhhhllhh1k stop just before proceeding upon Avenue A. A': Ariy person or, persona guilty, of viollitin ; aTV provision of th-4s ` orditma bo shall bo deomcsd guilty of A, Modendanok, and be scab sot too tine ._-�f not sxceading one hundren dolluroo SM is 3. 'that this ordinah,5o shall be in full force and effect from and .; : after its pausAgb,` spp�oV& ana pub%iawwvk as A- t l� 104 y Passed ` #his the `day of Vay,Aol). 14 w ) Xttbet; yy� z I'soz ,aryApp�ro es '#x ai ." ` t. f ko �� ��% ,1 °t°$ 3.Ety�'�"+�+ lyu�;.Kp£�$�wr,.e r.tk+8#'Ytis'f ", �.:•t t '^° • 1 ��' ? 'r�- ..�, s, �, a ° i S ,. 3I } 1 •" I d , Jk Itt le I ;�����, n. t f.v1 - � x r V., !1° d�'a�'� 11 .,e •, �� �. � 1, ,�. 1 API ORDINAACE FIXING THE; SALARIES OF THE OFFICIALS OF THd CITY OF' MN1TON , TEXAS,FOR Ti, FISCAL YEAR BAGINING JUNS I0I927, SEE IT ORDAINED BY TH& CITY COIDJISSION °)F THE CITY OF DENTOUITEXAS, SEC . I . That the salaries of the officers of the City of Denton, Texas, be and the same arehereby fixed respectfully as follows; .—The Uayor shall annually reoeive the sum of 30aoO° The City Secretary shall annually receive .2 41,P 10 The Superintendant of the Water & Light Dept shall annually reoeiv'274a The City Attorney sha11 annually reoeive PP/ The City Marshall shall annually receive The driver of Fire Engine No . I shai . annually receive i S oa The driver of Fire Engine No .T shall annually receive J ° O ✓ TheO lty Health Officer shall annually receive / zoo, The f3treet 0oimiesioner shall annually receive monthly ,the City of Denton Shall 3tYi}iiiti�[Hj�dcontribute to the ladies rest room the sumo zS'"-� .vV 'he w�C.c 7i A4 too That all salaries herein fixed shall be due and payable the first day of each month and shall be effective as herein set out on and • after the first day of June ,A,D.1927. That° All 'Salaries herein provided for shall be paid out of thl General fund except the. Street ComMiesioner which shall be `pail ' out of the Street & J(ridge 'Fund and the Superintenf.ant of the Water and Light iiet. ahiah shall' be paid' out' of the Water 1Nore Vuhd' of the City of Denton Texas by warrants drawn upon such funds ` digled by ' th4 City Seaotaiy and countersigned by the Mayor, That thfa ordinance shall be in full force and ' effsot Prom and aft!9r its ' aesagef Pusesd' thi* 'the"' 24 day of )by +' •- �'� 4 1 A OrAlrW00 ty"'i,066615 e in1 :,.j test y ity 8 a0retary AP ved ai to fOr%. ..,,,.�.. . , 01ty'A`ttroony 1. r+ r. � � ..y ��'li'r v,: 1t .,l.V'. . �4r� •R� r ' 1.':'` �? i A� r .�', '.i,i tl! f, All titI h I ' � AS 7 I1• a a f � 6 t r{ Y � . r A �. bra AN ORDINANCE A2.7,NDING AN ORDINA!,ICE; DESIGNATING THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALKS,' FIXING A PINALTY FOR THE VIOLATION. ER IT ORDAINED BY TH�A3 CITY CO"^.PAISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON , TEXAS. SECS. That an ordinance passed the 4th day of Ootober, A ,D. I923, " regulating the building tof sidewalks, the requirements of same, setting forth the plans and specifications of said sidewalks, and the enforeement of the building of sidewalks, is and shall be amended with reference to Seotion 3 of said ordinance, that said Section 3 of said Ordinance shall state and read in addition as it was passed on the 4th day of October,A.D. I9' 3 , which addition is as follasi width; Unless other wise specified or ordered by the City Erg ineer of the City of Denton, Texas, all oonoeeto sidewalks; construoted in the City, of Denton Texas, `shall not' be lase' than ';four (4 )" feet in width, and the propee�ty side - of tie sidewalk shall be one ( I) foot frond khe `property fine. . , •.. �3EC2. ' That. any person vio lot in g a :Provision of thie ' ordinonce shall ' be eubf ec t t0 a fine of any amount not exueoding one hundred 4 'z ($xoo.00) dollars . '` •SEC . 3. IV;" That this: ordinance is oumulatire of the above raentioned ordinano and ' fro M, and aft`er' dto passage and publication as required by law hail be -iri full force and effoot. Passed this the? —Aay ofq,� A . J k i C rman C 0=15610 ento , At te,st Lxas . x ty lid retary♦ �K ry pp forth: Approved as t o ,Gt,�e••., • V�1 r• , xc All,� i 1 2 i l a q'y 1 . . i » r dly,y raS 'y .� - r �N,. x f . •h, 'fir .j •v 1 ' _ 'ice r, » z , �f 9j:A1 ! tt�jye, " g n'r•r Y �',1., � ! Z,.;.�5" � :•h;t 1 •'�t 1 y p. ,�' � e� � �i''. �' k e 1 f t - 'V�»l'•i 3 a6�{.'s1a., y�u_t!..i`,..� c�'��MQ f n. IN THE MATTER OF THE I THE STATE OF TEXAS I � County of Denton. f ..�, Ltd ...... .. . ....... i being duly sworn, says that he is the . . manager of .e Re.ord-Chronicle, a newspaper of ��a �� ... ?, general circulation which has been continuously an�Jr'egularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published in I said paper asfoliows: { First insertion.....: ... . _ ..., .../!;�� .. . .... .. .. ........day ot ..,,..._,... / ............... .... 19. 7 0 Second Insertion... ..._ . ... ... .. ..... .. ... ...... .........._ day of.... . ....... Third inserhon...... ...... . ....... . . day of....... .. . .�./ 19.z. 3 7 I Fourth insertion..,......... ...... ...... day of .. ..� ... ._..... ... ... ..... ..... ... . . ...... 19............. L � . 7 i ssi�,pp Su6Scraaed and 'sworn to before me, this...... ......D.YIl, ...day of. ..��t� ^th-f r . ..19.27 Q ) 'j�j yV tncs�t my hand and official seal. £.L.�.l.._.; L' �n ,Notary 'ublic, Dentxas. i r {, t File No _ . HERE PASTE THE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION CUT FROM PAPER IN THE MATTER OF THE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHER TO k�f , 'rt " QL PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE. Filed the da _ _ .. y r�. . ..._ ! d 8 � pf . �d ....,_ 19 �i o si ,,v', q?gpo��-�ot 0 d2WsZY! ea ee wtt4 fve(erin tos,�; _.,.., ,. of ebfd "ar{inapt „} _ ... ..._ �4J�J�1 yy� P eetN ; .r r � By..... ........ . ...... ..... . Deputy t f y _ . b tai" ' t� >: e f tthl a ,' dot fro of pi 4.,ya 111 r � t t b', F AN ONDINA116A j WC+ DING AN ORDINAJOHI 13SIGNATWO TH:i -WlDPH OF �<<� OXISWALYZ; VXXINO API K.= FOR TH3 YIOLA'fION. SR 1 $$ IT 0111aAMD AY THI CITY COmAIO3ION 0Y TIP, MY OF Di," MIN , '±7iXA8: J That an ordinance priced the 4th day of Ootobor,A,D,1923, iegbiatd.ng the tuilding tot eideivalke, the roquivanonts of sane, settitg forth the plr)ms and spooifieations of said jidt)walka, and the onforeament of the building of sidewalks, is and shall be amended anti reforance to 800tion 3 of said ordinance, that bald 800tien 3 of said Ordinance shall state .and read- in addition a$ it was ,:6te00d on the 4th day of October,A.D•I923, which addition i I as follcrat width; Unless other wine speoif tod or ordere,l tY the City Hrginecr of the City of Dent^ Toxas, all oonoeete sidewalks constructed in the City of Denton,'rexae, ehstl not be ; Ykon four (4 ) feet in width, and the .property side t Of tho "eldowtilk ehall' be one ( I) Moot front the property litre. That SLY person rioXatin9 any provision of ,this ordinance ohall • L 1.v ' be eubjaot to A fine of OAY amount not exoeoding one tnundrdd ' F. 0100.00) dollars. *isa$rth s ordinance is oumulativo of the above, mentioned or' dinaho i v , k and , frorc and of t6 dte paeeage anA publioation ae squired' by . r� l#L* eiiaYi be in rut! rose artd .effdot. PAOead' this the day of A.D.I4270 -)Y At c ._r , .......".�, Cha j �reaata`».`"(1`1 ora� es Qn, tlt6n, Attest �........,... TeXta 4: eaetary. .0 Ap,p 0fad M ttl fnf� / 1� �t f • a & 7;'G- �'V, '; S l< µ �f" 1 �X. J Q •�' d 6 Y a b LAI �` . ,, � a'' 6 �. r y r'. w M' x _ �� �� 1 x .. _ .y a� yes tK',':• � � �.rt ,+t+. �'; « Y ,� H,. .j �t .t: � ..>s .. ,. -� ',.� � � y.t ��„r � �..ti�.1- ;i K+�+ .,.�,+ u4�. •i w, .. "r � aw.l� a 4?i l.Y� �j';, -wv ,{t::� ,4:a,r£:« .e��^ P:u�R`, �'-.w.;' �A�s�cj�. .'u�9YN r" a1. _^x2 '. � d. c. t 1 E� Y '. ' ' � `� � � � 1 ��� 1 �' b � � '� �• .��, � ..� �� � �, �� � � � ,: .; .. l� � ,,. ,' �`. ' i. .. _ . . . , > _ .. , t� '. ,. _ , . i 6 x i� P�9. < _.y. -' ' �. .. F 1 I �+ � � '. � 1. .. � i. � + �a y � � 1 ,4 � �. 4 � ��I i s 5 � � I a� r� .e x � as \ . W ,:, . !. ': ' , � i„ x ^k� � ,�; +', ' .. �., x , ;. . .. .. �. w � , a � ' � r .� � , "� � � 1 ' � i � is7� i�, eI .a� �. G� '� a �� � l � - -; � y c � r � 1, 4 " x i � � � �' .r . , . . , � � . � ' ;� � y .� � � a � �� � , ., • 1' �,^�. �,, 1 , t t, , ' � rF =}� � � w , i . i IN THE MATTER OF THE f THE STATE OF TFXAS County of Denton, �� f • ...?Y.. ���LC�CP�/ being duly sworn, says that he is the :dw-J...manager o the ftsvAow Record-Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation which has Seen continuously and regularly published fora eriod of not Ie� P g than one year in i j the County of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published in said paper as follows: 1 Parch 1 4 8 15 , 11 , 18, 22, 2b and ?9" 1927' j t j � p , Subscribai and sworn to before me, this. ..,.......?.gfi�i ....day of e�`' 19_2 `• + Witness my hand and official seal. n r° i Notary Public, Denton County, Texas. I File N" HERE PASTE THE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION CUT FROM PAPER IN IHE MATTER OF THE .• ,ot , o � r Thh ,� gAt to W f1 D N1fIlI mvr O l ei Ig y g rrTNSMDD A9 1 [O ER 6�jLL B b ry'pt+, CttJ FOk T LA 81�YR D AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHER TO w D>f V s { PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE, � �rNC��+ �lo� ter ll i t 7v' 11•. .�,f ... a�i'{ ,Qt�D 11 D, f4Y Tit cr dafp otr 4iis CITY or Filed tnc `IN• `TEkAas 1, hat An��decil eo he d aisy C L 19 Y L ��a at tp0 CIL Hf� h1a ,.Qtth�e( > Japyrj't �0y1 br�g'tb6, in'A rll,k� at ,welch ep1dl i t fhrt� be lectA ttVp dced Sa y be tp�hilt tcl'lit� 'unlet tfd'-tholi rr 9y Deputy, C�atlrfl 'help !o fQEbt Avt — tahl' F ex kay' r' :'or 1+4 1i di Jddhcoll Aie tl, he � 11a��pe If e hartby!e t d 1tDCs �t6i4'•r tq,'a tat 4 eth • tloi'UpO�i„4h�k��ctl�b4t�� d; Said 40 of Smmedlst'�i teturru that. t to be ledlon of�,It'd C ty its aCy' �' rd�8 ialtti!a1,s the s 4 olllttt ty, nd Of , Ago are' u und� app. o tad at T��u u �} to; Vo e r it t e 4 t r DM e^et is each I e �tpr or two Yeats or ua dad �W' •, ire effected p v`�tot' ass �i pFlgkd i oaty. W l rye ,gib asn j i d b 1 p to q t e*ear ,mss tru trlq in eta J1d!o ! '3 a mt th ♦ t uAAte?a lVd ye re qq ed ` d M1d 0 ► ;r ' J Y !Iti1E b 1AW.'o ' tit stt of�rrblcIs 6 f ate." fl,: _Y• } " , Y o . s �. ` 1 w c r .. d. "':^} ':d` e 7 , :s.. tiL���, r 5 ?," >~,. "' �y: t 'rt .� .N r, f f h ti 4 � r� !rt Y 4A,, i" ✓ 1��,� w rT• V"sy, All ORDMANOIC ORDiMIN 0 Ni 9LACTION )'OR TH4 I3dMkTION OV f TWO CO]WISSiIOIMS YOR TIM YUIJ, Tditi3 OB WO Y3iARC= 2' ,ALSH �YF" OF HOU1110 GAIL RMUTIOIii TIM (1Y iin14')INO �MCTION= „ PHOUNNO THAT iHd 'd`70 1MRWN3 IIWAIVING TIB HI"ST , NU1,? M OF MT�9 OAST AT SAID ai7.� ?IOM FOR T}Li 1'UI�Y, T�it?d 4• AS C010013,3101Th'RS SMIJ, IM }2 rARKO AMOTAD VrH SUCH 7i lil!'i3P'B',CTIV3, ' 2&1121 PROVIDING VOR TR4 PT.W4 AND }!A?(NJ R OF H0?o1)I 10 GAI''" ;{73C7IJ211 ArIOXHTIN0 141IMTI0H aTUNKS) {A�,i��rl}yT r01MAA�INN: i ,a�..c`rd �Z� �a`-,- C, Aid, pbreons residing within the corporate limits of said City who are qualified voters under the aenoral Laws df the State of Texas, shall be doomed qualified to vote at r u said election. The two persons receiving the hlgheet' number of ,vote( , grit. , 6 at raid election for the office of Commissioner• for the full , term of two years ehsil, upon the returns being oanvasaad be declared elected each fora full term of two years or untill thair successors are $looted and qualified, f A 1i 'twat the City Secretary be, and he is hereby ordered and authorized e id directed to prepare and have printed t)r l e , ballotte for said election and there shall be printed on the races of each ballot the words " Official Ballot" , and the offices of the Commissioners to be elected shall be plr ntbd. therd6n: . B el$ Copies of this ordinance signed by the Ohairiman' of the F bily Commission and attested by the Oity Secretary shall 5; be posted at the place of holding the said election and at two othejr publio plaotat and shall be published in t o �` Otlicial ttetspaper of said dity foie a period of thikO y , dairy P►xior :a the date of the said, •Xeotioa, and the enae shall r and oonsz$tute buff I' ho�ioe of s�►id ileot#on f SIM a s• �°pk�qq n t v:.ylh;: y'or' the Cason that there "ar`e Gniy a 'tiw deye more,_ that! thir 4�r; ' full d4ye. between thf date df the sleotift and this eat 1 I { is:newerazy that the rule' requiring ordinances to be ror4 �. on Woe �parate days bi► 'suspended and ' ii is herai* s e ersdea Alta same.,tr pis . . zed ors the Neend and tl tad reading is < Order that "SO hi#lt be published t6 r the time srld ianthe y ` sa<nad* as required by Ut $ad W'& to pubito nieeie .tYi all of Mhioh is hereby ordained• " 9.- . . ' t f , Fy. xT ,,E r Bu . 40 t , > r That this ovdinanoe eha4l be infuil foroi and offoot from and after its passage and publioation' as required K , by lax. t"�,� k, paeaed this 'else day 5 /ary,A.n. I927. C a t 0 t omtn � 4 600, Attolrtt- Lz, - oity� ,iaore sy. �. or ApproYed as to fm=. � S. C y Attorney,M e J}, r i4Kr� 1. I iMt,IN } dwkl. wit I sNl,pk+ ,wil�9.'l:rS F.^ �,b♦ }p,.M CF �A nn- t . , i i e RM I r f , 0 1 , `he w; y ��-4.r r r a•a.JG r..e1 x�T.nrr fiv.y ntl .�ri�rar.�!r'Mr+'•w�n w.aw�e.r ra; ' ',ter z � a t"•"*'�*^ w.►-4 f .,,,�.-t.. _a,+.e...:,.-�- ...�.. _r.r: ti q�.« l n r f r I r +�r„ .�rRr +yyyg��qy f. 1�.4.'II X n L Is I., v ) a � }.,A A r � 1 I � �5a 7/ r•r.il r x r ��� -� �e ) r t j ♦a � I�,'.. l t r f f 'r 11 a. I -. I �y, � r, •5 f t � r� Ae .�I _ 4 f Vh � k kr tu.� 4 'P l4 r a d `a Mrf • , f4 r tyfl F .�• r� Y� �, i � ! ts � C,y r `, x r x�, ,�j.�t� t S.�, 1� : . ➢ A ,r( a 1 1��.'.' I' r� n 1 i e t u+ k v F e•` r J x �Y.k?l' ] +5 � y t Y 7t j! ��� f'�-r;•P+f� AN ORDINANCE ORDERIN 0 AN ELECTION FOR THE SELECTION OF �.� TWO COWIISSIOITERS FOR TH3 FULL TERM OF TWO YEARS; PLACE +M OF HOLDING SAID RLBOTION= TIME OF HOLDING XLECTIO91 PROVIDING THAT 'IRE TWO PORSONS REOXIVING THE HI aMSIT NUIAMER OF VOTES CAST AT SAID ELECTION FOR THE FUIJ, TERM Z , AS COMMISSIONERS SIZAI& BE DECLARED SLEOTED FOR SUCH r� r� �a RESPECTIVE TERMS; .PROVIDING FOR THE PLACE AND MANNSR OF h HOLDING SA77) ELECTION; APPOINTING ELECTION JUDX8; rn;OLARXX0 AN X)9RG3N0Y. :3 - RL IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COIDAISSION OF THE CITY OF r " DEN TON ,TEXAS SW I. err That it be , and is hereby ordered that an election beheld ' in the City of Denton,Texas, at the City Hall in `the said p City of Denton , Texas, on the fifth ( 5�h) day of April, s ; ;;t�s A,DY927 , the same being the first Tuesday in April, at which said election there ehall be elected two City Commissioners for the full term of two years each, or untill T their respective successors are elcoted and qualified. : at said election shall be held in a000rdanco with the apneral taws of the State of Texas regulating such elebtionr, and in accordance with the Charter of the City of Nn' ton, Texas, and any other special rule ca law applying . r . ThatW,k,Mann, be, ` and he is hereby appointed presiding Judge of said e%aotion and John ToHakee and ' 006,2u6Ling• ham are hereby appointed assooiata fudges of said ex Rapid Judges are' hereby authorized #Ad' direote'd to yap"p 'int suo� clerks as shall be necessary tO hold laid •ieotio»." .. ! :3Y. ,°i- S:e r. .3 . a •, "` y-. !.y .'- :R d r-«k` :, f r t `,{,r y.� �, j � a Upon the election being held, said Officers immedf`iteij .s, `• 3 , iv ' � in Jl6 s .. . ? ."� y Jl:!1r, ' t., �.. 11 Q 2 '�J+• ..ti a.- �, tV make propern returns thereof to the ' dity Comelisgion 8t said ai,ty in aocordance with ie►w0 Y*' .m . lrk , 3 , a, ,� s 8E0 ,4d fto 1 7q,�',. "t ^^'34 � r} V r - .r ,. S 4 ALL VOrsons residing within the corporate limits of said City who are qualified voters under the General Laws of a 3s{ the state of Texas, shall be doomed qualtfied to vote at said elections r� u 390,5. The two T ,1 persons receiving the highest number of votes oket at said election for the offioe of Oomminsionere for the full , term of two years shall, upon the returns being canvassed be declared elected each fora full term of two years or untill their successors are elected and qualified, sE0.6. �;. That the City secretary be, and he is hereby ordered and rl8+q, !' authorized and direoted to prepare and have printed the Ta ballotts for said election and there shall be printed on the faoos of each ballot the words " Official Ballot" , and the offices of the Commissioners to be elected shall be printed thereon. t. Copies of this ordinance signed by the Chairman of t;e Oity Commission and attested by the City 3eorata shill ry 1 ' be posted at the place of holding the said election and at two other public plaoss, and shall be published in the Official newspaper of said City for a periid of thir$y day's prior to the date of the said election, and the jams _ ehallbn i,nd constitute sufficient notice of said eieotioni, for the reason that there are only a few days more than thirty full days bstwasn the date of the sleotian and this at it is neoeeeery that the rule requiring -`ordinances to be read or) three esparate days be suspended and ityi'A herabk suspended and same Is plaoed one the sebond and third raid 11ki order that stile nigst be published for the time aAd innthe vainer as required by law and such r putriio neotoe &A of which ii hereby Ordained, "e W �'�. � Sri, i{ !+ That this ordinanoe sha4l' be infull force and effect ,. from and after Its paeeaae and publication as required by law. Passed this the 22nd day of February,A.D,1027. A C Fk rftn of ty. onm, eeibn• Attest:- is i-c.e.. z...-,_., } Oity ' Seore ary. Approved as to form=. C1ty Attorney. , ks 4 s �1 s P i z 4 1tirU45.. � T , r• ! .F. n �. 1 7 1 "l � �iti• , u } - r{ 1 s - iI 1 1 l I1 rr��yy 1 1 � t • '1 1 1 l -1 ' N��� A y r lie rl Y l i • 1 aN ,.1 ' Zoo r'1 r �' {' ' t H d'r6 �� �� .a a• � � tit : 't' 1 1 ho'ltNjl�W ir* `M,a'Aiy.-'1' dd'�L ".111 K1 rFp11'JF" J}r'Ms,'�Al !" WF1lR+ '4�tl�RlR#z r'dfu.i]YS Y ? R1A7i e+fy4t / } W y� 1 � p t E1 .p _ ill '"4 1 F, � ! ft Vi "1 :"P n�"T 1 '�. Jp•'. ; .P L i i'AM1.1 ^ f,�.���y� tiA ,+ rn'1 ,, •KF 0 4 jr LI r r z • 1 z rlL� 1 •L r� v, � ' ur _ � � � � � L a ��, [• ! r1 r r � + 1 ''I /t t: 1 ,C�, •y� X141 l a s AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE tjUBMIgsj0N OF AN AMENDWT TO THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, TO THE QUALI- FIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY AT AN ELEOTICIA TO BE HELD ON THE 19th 1l�� LAY OF �Y A.�. 19 7, PROVIDING FOR 'rHE PLACE OF SAID ELFATION; MANNER OF HOLDING SAID ELHOTION; APPOINT?NG ELECTION JUDGES; MAILING A COPY OF SUGH PROPOSAL TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS; DECLARING AN EMERGENOY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COISH asroN OF THE CITY OF DENTONj TEXAS . 1. That an eleotion shall be held in the City of Denton , Texas, on the 19th day of May A.D. 19271 at '.vhioh said eleotion the following amendment to the Charter of the City of Denton, Texas, shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the said City; " An amendment to ens nd Seoti an 49 of Arti ole sr enteal of the Charter of the City ofy-Dent_ dq, �xas, and that 'sums shams .sad `as 'tollowst sootion 1 0Thh16,,%i ty of Denton , Tee " Shall have the 'tower and it Is hereby authorized annually to levy gnd d,)llsot an ad valorem tax not to exoesd Two Dollars and riorty ($2.40) Cents on the Ora hundred (l100.00) Dollars assessed va cation; provided that not more then One (*L603) Dlar thenlof may be used for the maintenance of the •free pub�ib johoole during eaoh ourrent yee¢' ; and provided tLirther `that 'j['ot rtioi�e nazi ueventy " ( .70/) oents th6re0! shall ever ` tb v,6ed t0 pey inters at a.�d oreete sinking fdnda oh bonded i'$debtedrieee�� i'�a't the polling :plebe eha11 be the di ty Hell in said dity r a�ad t}�d prs tid it+g fudge shall be a q e a Buokinghas o wi th IP.E 6 s j 4 1 1 r y ' Manh. and John f4: Baker as assobiatess ghat the aeeistarnts E r neoee•rarr in order to hold edid $Isotion SW be selected "a ¢pDointo& by the presidiiAg jud$6 b! eeid eieotiori, r ti E chat, t-ha said election shall be h6'Jl0 U& t+ the ptoVis iohe{ a 0 4,4 'ry,t'•��) r� jd if y e �" i a fy ° �t V �r%�'19�Y, .t . . of the Oonatitution and haws of the State o f Texae� and any speoial rule or law applying, at whioh said eleotian only qualified voters shall be entitled to vote at sail eleotione . 4. The Oity 8eoretary is hereby authorized and ordered to have printed ballots for said eleotione Said ballots shall have printed on that,., fooe and at the top thereof the words, "Offioisl Bal]ote" Said amendment shall be so earranged on the } said ballot so that a person voting at said eleotion shall be f able to vnte either for or against said amendmentq and the ; following worsts shall be printed below the emendmeat t 4 "For THE AMENIXENTO t. "AGAINST THE AWNnMT e " f: The Oity Seoretary is hereby authorized and 0!reoted to have printed and mail to every qualified voter in said Oityj is appears . froai'th0 T6ir dolieotor�s rolls for the year 'ending January p7,,sts 19271 a oopy of the proposed amendment prior to the date of the. eleotione ,a 66 'Cop bf this ordinanoe signed by the Ohairman of the ditaar 4ommioeiod of the Oity of Denton] Texas, and attested to by }. it b 'Olt; Aeoretary shall serve as proper notioe of said 7ieoti013 , , fihst'.the bity� Searsury shall oause a oopy Of this ordiranaa pooled it the deity Hall aril a'a two other publio plAOes within tax ;sk+ the Otty for Al lea,+t thirty lull days *r: orr to the date of s&U e]eotio � That maid ordinanoa a)*11 be Zublished in th'e (-ff6i".l said City foir thirty on0e eaoh *aoi for foulf' ' �+ w eks6 ,the date of the first pubiio' ti0# beii* not ese than thirty 4"s pri(V to #A date of the eLb iVio,ri6 4 it oe. 040h io thdre ' lxie d .a ahOft period of fib .ii4dro s; ` ± the +olstb t0 yXery�r,� taxao tai•',lhb year 1,4411 it t0` e6esefi► .. that s ioh ordinance be read on three separate de-j a be sub- &nded and that same be plaoed on its second and third rbading, in order t;aat said eleotion might be held at the earliest possible date, 8 . That ,this ordinance shall be in full foroe end effeot from aid alter -'its passage a:1 publioation as required bk lap. Passed and approved this the 14th day of April, A.D. 1927 . ' 4 r Ohairman of Otty Oommissionj Oity of Denton] Texas. ca . Oity Secretary. Approved ab to forms v�. Y1l �ro oily At `)rney . , , , r M 4 + , t , 5 rti t i .M . 1 ~ lim. r01 ray, w»arf�,a�s.,i r� 41 tj'F �i r pq� v L..'(, .11 rl ,v 1 , ' 3 t� si r a , i 4. a i 1 � a I: 'L 7>4,: 01',ASO the Board of Trustees of the Public Schools of the g , City <3f Denton ,Texas, has requokited the Olty Commission to M oubmit amendmendrrant to the Charter of the City of Denton, Texas, to be voted on by the qualified voters of the City of Denton ,Texas, AND WHOREASO 'Whe City C(,mnission of the said City deems tt expedient to submit the hereinaf"r amendmmt to the qualif led z . Voters of grid City, and notice in hereby given that the A 7, hereinafter set out amendrent shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said City of the a day of A.D, 1921, that notice of the intention to pass the or n oe s . ordering said olectim shall be published in the official newspaper for ton days the first date to be net lose than twen ty days prior to the paesage of the said election ordinance , which said ordinance it as follows ; AN ORDINAN02 PROVIDING FOR T y SUBLISSION ON AN ANBNDYINT TO M., CITY CHARTER OF THH,1 CITY OF 'PN TON s PUXAS , TO THE $UALI f VIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY AT AN ELECTION TO M HELD ON THE DAY OF A& A .D. I9270 PROVITW 0 FOR THM PI-ACE OF SAID MY40.CION 'APTN R OY HOLDING SAID B7,190TION; APPOINTINO MOTION JUDOSS; VAIL1N0 A COPYOF SUCH PROPOSAL TO THE gUALIFIMT) VOTEf IMOLARINO AN IMCH 00YO M IT ORDAINED BY M81 CITY CCINUISSION 01' THE 01TY OF MXTON, TEXAS That an election shall be held in the City of Donton ,Texas , on . they, day of ,D, 1927, at which said election the follcowing amendme to the Charter of the City of nentonIT6xis, shall be submitted tothe qualified voters of the said 0�ty3 , Ars amendment to aireAd ,section ono of Article seventeen ;ox �,• ohs Charter of the (AV of bah ton 0 TOX4 0 0 'qnd that same shall ; rol" as foilowe3, section .x. The C ity o! »on ton, Texee, shall �A#d, the, power, ano, it is, hereby authorised annually to levy fine oolluct an ad valorol' task fie hot to exceed T*o Dollars and Foriy . ( $2,4o) Cents on the One ' Hundred ($100,00) dollArb +he�lutti6, ir"OV 4 oiat not dare 'thangamal waftse �6!lbede�lt` nrio''{ x ;00) doi�,arl therdof may be used for the n mintenanoo of the free public schools during each - current year; and provided further that not more than seventy ( , ?OX) cents thereof shall ever be used to pay interest and 1"P create sinking funds on bonded indebtedness" . 'off That %e poring place shall 'be the City Hall in saitl. City,and ' the presiding Judge shall. be C .S, Buokinghem, with WsH ,Marin and John T .Baker as assooiates. That the aesistente necessary in order to hold said election shall be selected and appointed by tho presiding judge of said eleotion . 3. That the said election shall be held under the provisions of the Constitution omd Laws of the State QA Texas , and arir speoial rule or law applying, at wh$ oh said s1rot4on only V qualified voteres shall. be entitled to vote at said eleotion . 4 . The City Ssoretacy io hereby authorized and ordered to have printed ballots for said eleotion. Said ballots shall have printed on their fees and at the top thereof the words " Official Ballot" s Said amendment sh,�ll be. so arrmiged on the f said ballot so that a person voting at said slootion shall be able to-vote either for or against; Said amendment , and the following , norde shAil' bd printed belbW thg e.mbndtaentI "FOR TM —M&DWT" � "AGAINST- THS AMENnMM e " O , Ths' bity Secretary is hereby A4,thOrized and tleotod to Na? e printed• and mail` to every qu�lif`,ti vote ih said Oityl as ` -a ppe&ri 'frbit Ue ' '�a'x 0611eoto4r� 0} r lijIfor the year ending „ January 31et, . 1427 ,a copy of the;l? rapoeed wondmerit prior to the dote of use' eleotion , "- A (Sopy of `this nrdinande 6igned 'by the' 0haitma.n of the I�ity 'Comaission of the City of Uen*osi,Texar, 'and atYteetedo to by the City Seorutn.ry shall serve as proper notice oi' said eleotion mmz c r.., ,. r T '! "'., �.'K � � s•�3""i4 'Wr rr 1v�+ °il '�4 v P' µ 4 "T f ,✓, '�..,`�" a ,`rl ` L 1' � l by 'i rr t d � � �� � C�. ����!���� .l'� � y�f������1��� � � S�yyr • '111 '1 . 4 � �r�3r 9;E�dli�' � ♦ a z , Y rri E i I � u - r +e,,� .� 1; fa a "4, F ; �� 1t3b ��;r p'�j4'� rd' " ♦ i( ,°S r r� ��r .r ' {r That the City Secretary shall cause a copy of this ordinance posted at the City Hall and at two other public places within <`5 y y y prior to the date of the City for at least thirty full days J': said election . That said ordinance shall be published in tho p. V official newspaper of said City for thirty days, once each } � week for four weeks , the data of the first publication ' being not lose than thirty prior to the date of the elections That in as much as there oxiets a short period of time before the date for loving texas for the year 1927, it is neoes , y eary that such ordinance be read on three separate Motif days be suspended and that same be placed on its second and thirdd reading , in order that said election might be held PA the earliest possible date. fir.J ?; a That this ordiannace shall be in full force and effect from } ` and of ter its pas cage and publ{.nation as required by[ law, Passed and approved this the 22nd day of Marvh,4-aD, 19277. Chairman Clry Comm"'.991on + pity o Denton, TgXaob Atic�st = y City secretary. , a Approved as' to farm$, + City, A torney+ 1 r t '.ji , h J�. r' , r°. '�, l.T ' � ' r I gr wl A., tT,'it/ � f:y rs �L�fi,i •r. 7, R Ti rt ��;.. a.. ;tr .:q I aIJ a.,A,S�1"nxly+;.l�i -,�9Ga11 +iihR�+�u+.r±+i4si.uaM�ww�4t�'a.7.�1r,A2iiYr[+f.1,A1�M14 'uS�CRk4AV lNi'-0t�NM�.+aHMk!t7tW'-ARdrM��a s.rib+hrl�.wneax4+ay.,.y..,rt.,.,a y.�*..w i'^(, r� a yrn 1 � r � � • ,i �� �, � - ;off +H fVy 1 F 9 ± 'l a•r U'� 4 1� � { r f ! Y c 1 A 4 1 S �. y' '.� "� `,�' � � r `�"I �� , r I r rl r I ♦ . 1 sy! is A i� ��q � k t.Y �'9 '� � r} � � 1 M�A1S IN t S en l y e. Vt r +.to 1 Vf I i +r- ♦ 4 ,•:A h �"�7 A `ty,. � r 1 f R f�.. `' � '� . . R s. 1'..` '1 Y 4 r•r r s I o 1 > ',t c !r$ 1 r •( ( V ! l 5'.. I � t 1 �� :� 4 �1 �_ �� i f 4 .1 yi ! u d r a•. ` I .� t p rT+�' � 1 k �Il�l Tk s[a � � � ,. �A t �A� ahga t>��,'. if pl to f(J eft �Y � a- !� .ir t 4 ✓ t y ° '�7 f �, `�" ',.2 i 4 4 9 . 1154 j d . i ° P' !'1 t ' �+; r , V '< • y 't a 9° e i f.Vw��'1�.'9. :4yY,t.1 � i . 1 I f I IN THE NIAT-f ER OF THE I THE STATE OF TEXAS + !' County of Denton. being duly sworn, Bays that he is the, . . ...... _. ....... . . ...manager of th Denton Record-C hronicle, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and egularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Denton, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published In 1 Bald paper osfollows: First insertion. . .,.. 2,'fiul day or 19.2 Se and insertion .. day of -. Q/t.S`.Cn... .. 19 oti . Thirdinsertlon.......... �. . . .......,day of...... 14 +, Fourth insertion.._... ..... ...... day of . . _. .. 19 Four t` Subscribed and sworn to before me, f� Y this........... .. 1f1 .,.....day of .,L -�"�""-' f 19.R`I y Witness my hand and officlal seal. Notary Pu lic, Denton County, 'texas. -. File No HERE PASTE THI NOT ICE BY PUBLICATION CUI FROk! ,i'4 R IN THE MA I f LIN' cal I — i�Yoid�ld� ne� a, d tj �1Doh/,�oital,tRK ��;otiiri�P o��+ti,,►�, a�K yen,�e s , AFF'IDAVII CSI' I t ', I_L 11l.1. t O a,pb s w p� PUBLIC,A110N OF I11t ;A]• NC� f[CF'. t ohe1S be p ..jj' "{ Wewepslfltllgrla '!■i�txtlhe 6�da elmfet; 1/M t tn� a}e FilcLl the day ,;,1,'��•�y�;�' e e 19 V i • g BY Deputy. " tr O,I (• D[ f�X'' �Y P j. "TON, TiE2CAq." Is 0 t0 tl k to lot "t Fto l r lhGSiun ild e a�gqslt��`Lse t ubm�etea Ito t tt"�pfut •iy'e sti� �a swill r! dS 1bwe; ��`��•,d+ptyp o De Wp,,yam i tsb>~ly�'piblatltsri+�e . 1 •n k% Fy .P: ye' ll�oo', �thri 4� I 'itr, e !ne' ti. a b1.i<Wutb- + U �hLap r� wv h lace r � it ►fit voti!Qp }�Q pt!} W Id # r r' r a , t ' e a ri + AND W dlent (tane`ubCitl It t ae erein! fee a endM11 to tl1l K i bQ .Ya ff3 4or bid OIty, and, o I f eh to Ivan that t hr;eq{a fl) eat e I e ttt.'"ttJat d 'tO usligqad V n i9 play I Idt � b L [tl it 1 I I, or ioa ,c th1 or insi,te u1 d3 L p ahail La publ'rhed °liL Ib' is newspaper.ten dsys the llrot'date Ito, be iw1 1444 A01% tx ept�, eye p C Fil,,I ti, to the papa a 01 the •qi electlUII1 or AN.1% t ieA. $i t�} ftw�sae MAN gvg, 7_]taTt'' Q or Qd'�c`iTu oI". pNTO „ F .t gA�f{j� uk ON 1XV ,���{{{IC. 907 t e v I C UN .ESS,,_l�MI0N;OF4pVO1� N0 . eAEEC• REM JUDO$; MAT 1NG A 6 E 1rl•nr 2110E1,53011 H p�gp(1SA TO'. THE 1 ` � AD ENb: O�,r�'RING O}}N Y,Ilik qA) E BY THE CITY' '�COM OF IffE G'ITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, hat an olectioq sell be held In Ehi Cit/ rt Denton; I exas, on the 19 daY of A. D 1971, ``1 "Well cold flI Won ' e f6ilUln Irfilehdment to the Charte, of the CIR of Denton, xas rhall be submitted to the' will ed Voters of the paid City: "An hCetheht ttoo atnena gg��ctWn One Article atVrnEeen bf the Chnrter tht Cltpp o Degta 1, rexr,a, and r t•lams ahei1 read as follows: See- t10p The City of Denwp, Texas, YII ,�et•e the uvwer and It 14 here• bf authorlted tnnually to levy and 0o66llect an a valorem W. not to es e 6 TNo Da31�rrs a77ffdd [Sotly 1 91 p15is otl khs Glie Hundred 1110Id {leis snn sised v n Otte rogldi, tlft'not inbre titan One {I�UU) dal- 6r' thereof mj the �` Ybf Nubile �,}alqtehppuce ott10Is M1rink each aUrr.nt Sear, tUtd pry Ylded [u her that not tnorp e it, r t ' 1.; Y ehts th0reol r ul� lrrlt ne tatrp �a iht!lewt and Cyl�ottl hI nking, /uh a Qh bohded In- rtt Dbtttttr!!!llftltllflfl ebcd� y Ofka} {he gptling face shall be the f ti1,36 IKfa'n G`le{, ana llib vrs- !t1lnllff udg a 11 pe C� g B Ching• pk,rd1p*14hS,►VrYS,� E+ Mahn IL it John V. E l!ItttJ6rf a�y01' d 1�t 0end spf llkyhtF Faction. , ` Iit4l at he kid election obalt be f�1;peps�ItutSon�qaA p}ta4 o {�e t tale bf'Tetagj and on3 a 1tn1—tuT1Mt or llonMhlrpbp'1lfdlgd at 4 shallalbe cdtitlle tb 66 of lgld el etlon. The Cittr Sllctetary Is hereby auth- brl� aIr d 9rdRred to have printed billlotd' fat said tleOtloh. Bold Ml• fonts I Ili hh�aa�/toprthtKaddtdn theirmI C Y}iaile tLb �trL.1'reaa�>t th�ltar bji 1 dtlw tbalttye[t t rehle eo ivqg;e either f Q� afb t sold aMehd►nrnt, end lthr, yp1 t nteodyddMIrel agqha111 robes ptinted Wlosy t g ellA1Te t1:¢E �G x{stt�pe�>Blvp� T. ilfie byty rs IU4 "to hereby*�g eutod ID4tOi►t101f Si�tl2fl1 L�d6'R lf In i C t•,1`� 1L hI you OpI the kSF�YI•t �ro[� }b the 111 tC�tffy 1� �a!`errOt4UOgettr 1 t it lf nSC�cItntrr Ildd 9 l Ia}�'thitolt7 I A•��r We 64goki id tpo of 1�b!lrtl u1Y1t�s[a kel� ��tir�lttectue eSd tSb led t et1BtiE+tlr�} Pt[oe ttl't6� It a tlbsf, �t OF111 era 414411 a nee beA e � rl ttse dat�ee ee tqf fb1 ce th 1010 19gT,%hil o�drQl n Ah.�S, tlta►tt ` e p recd eartl '{ pnsaj IF-Mace, d �1 this rdt t� 'eliall bl' in � ISl ldke, ri and afore . � I�Cet .e it V Lti the 22nd lk f t1el } "btfitfitlddto Cttg bt to ��ts t,�'' J �t�ivicirl'nry. A►bro/ed ae td torTd�r bec D1ARtON ALLIY CEt A24 taryb•41 �� '" '!!,� i+.i �,+'h+lyJ;�S`J t ,,:. '' i ti.:. , �, ��':° Ar ;j+ ', A� � �r•, 1:' f��' ��J''t �1�+CY���,�„ ��' A „"aa �� '• p �''tt,� c; , �^ .�►� ���1'� 4 �rs .'t �"t � '"�� ,{�° ,���,�� �:1tiQQ``,�P)y�'�#"rYri�iA }�°}, �� 1 ,, rr;L,mea, the Mard of Trustees of the Public Schools of the City of aonton, Texas, has requested the City Corminsion to submit amendnendmant to the Charter of the City of Donton, Texas, to be voted on by '' ha qualifies] voters of the City • I of Donton,Texas, AND the City Cormission of tits said City dooms it expedient to submit the heroinat6er amendment to the qualified votor's of Said City, and notice ie horoby given that the herainaftor oat out amendment shn11 be submitted to the qualifiod votore of said City 09 the 147 day of � Atb, 19274 that notice of the intention to pasu tho ord.inon e ' ordering said oleotMn shall bn publinhad in the offidl, -1 x " newspaper for ton days tho first date to be not 1030 than Well " t n. ty days prior to tho passage of the said election ordlnmoe+ :r which said ordinance' is as followed AN O.HIMANOM PROVIDINO VOK TIN BURU18810N OV AN A)a3N TO IMI 011T CMAHTM (vii THN. CITY OY JUNTON ,TAXAS, TO TIM (%UALIf YI1il7 VOT&As OY BAIn CITY AT AN HLUOTION TO TOC H&LD ON THE PAY Vv "1 ')( 4 t•j,.- A*D, 10�7 ” kAOViM01'O1t TAA �LAOA Ok' ; BAIL iM40TIONjJW]0M ON HOMINU CAD) P. WTIMS APPOWT190 1=0TIOtt dUlOS81 UAILINU A COPYOW SUCH MOWS TO IM X;AXr1V1A1) VOTrrJtO= )MOLARINO AN 11 W*W3Y. 17 A1MA W) NY TAM-3. CITY COMMISSION OY THA 0171 OF )X01TON4 Y!ISXdtl.� That an election @hall be, held in the City of Dents oToxas, 61% . tho/,,e,/ day, of 4)hA- oD41027, at whioh said erection trig.' foll0ing amendment to the Charter of the City of nenton,Texar, rA tt •ha]x, be ejubmitted tothe quallfl4d voters of thb said Cityt +4M woip "ft d Obbti"bis Ong O! Article ,seventeen off, the oha'r�(wr>c ot. V�4,,04,W o n one exar, and that @shall I' Y , f G r'cntati,!`exAe,�eud 24 ; 'ullawe> potion t. Th city b Y� s AYo � the ., IWVef .404 'it is hereby authoilrrfd annually to levy l '?° e.><1d collect an ad :''falomm tax at not to exosed Toto nollare and )'nirty± ( 62040) dents 6% the Ono Hundred ( 0100400) dollari� µ , doid(t Yr lumliwij pri'vWlslg that 'rib"t ieor'd `thahg#1jMdW*kU 3 , 1 '' � AJIIOBBMES one` (Oil deidr 'lhereoiC bi +ued#d '>tc °' the aR M�J�'yzf �'�0, 1 y' a ..l w s � � �S1'' }�� 7 ` %��OA � .IS f , •Ir'�,'�� t 'i � � ��. i�,.�y i >r 4 . �' �Y� 1 v ti A'Y• �'�j 3 k G t mainentmoo of the free publio eehools during g each current yoarl and provided further that not more than seventy ( 004 cents Viereof shall ever be used to pay interest and oreate sinkirU funde on bonded indebtedness" . r ' That the polling ,,lace shall be the City Hall in said 01ty,and the proeidirg Judge shall bo 0 , B.33uoking)n0, with 1Y.14.?ix1in aild JoPm T. Aakor ae assooiteteo. That tho assietunts neoeasary in order to hold said elaotion shall be 801e0ted and apt>ointed ' by tho prosictinC jurigo of said elaotion. i That the paid alootion nhall he hold under tho pr6visiono of the Constitution end Laws of the State 00 Texas, and arW ±� speoial rule or law applying, at whioh said alootion only qualified votoree shall be entiti )d to voto at said olootions 4• The City Seoretary is hereby authorized and brds'i4' to harem printed ballots for said eleotion0 8atid L ballots ' ehali' hd1re P � PsntSd on their face and at tyre top thereof the worde' M Off Dial 1'ia110t"o .Said ' lunendr4nt uhall be eo Arranged on the ballot. ob that n pereon voting at said eleolion shall . bs' abYd to vote either for or against Said amendment, and ` tkq'-solowirlg words iha�l fie printed .b0lorr the. a nondmentl ¢ r. "FOR T10 AMWIAWl" "o ^ " eAd11He� THI� . AI[t+i?1Di4l�lS•M - s 5, �hd Oity gbereteiy is hereby authorised and tte.otoa to ha'Ye pirthtdd ' timl mall to ovory duLiifiod *oter in said OLOy- f �l appears from the 'fax Colleoter'p , rolis for the year, ending :&nUary 3Ydt, 1027ip oo of the ro t Proposed �ndostin prior t0 .3 tht dote of, 1he d,ledtion. th o! lhi ere np a ri wed by 0hrirmn a " the vity C60,49mion of She 'Oity opt D6gt6a, 26kar, and stts Ledo' to Ay .the 0AII serve as rroyor notice of said eleoti6hd 1 Ljn I.SJ r.,y � ,1i a•, i . That the pity 8eoretary shall oauso a dopy of this orlinanae posted at the City Ha11 and at two other pi.alio placos within iho City for at least thirty full days prior to the date of 6 said oleotion . That said ordinm oe shall be published in the offioial nowspaper of said City for thirty dvye, onoe oaoh nook feI faux weeks, the date of We first publioation � being not loge than thirty prior to the date of the elec-tionp . That in ns maoh as there uxists a short period or time before thu Gate for Living taxes for the year 1027, it is nooes 9 oary thnt huch ordimmoo ba road on three eeyurato daya bo auspendod and that same bo pleLood bn its second and thirdd readirk O in order t1vit said olootion might be hold at the oarliest Aasiblo datoo, ` That this ovdiannaoo sha11 be in full force and offset from 1 and after its pas Age and publication as required bit law. . preseR a>id approved this the 2ftd day of 1'aroh�A. I Ohairmali 101 v0 +6s 0n y omenton, 1'exae. y 840r6r1re—�-� Approved as to forms , 'h,� l ' tit v LIy• j 1 t •I r , . 4 , n f { •b+�' ' A.e.{�IM�r(4�(�/n� ?tike.e�►,Jp,�l1,�µ�k'J+'W'!r��e�d'M'61l'f'+,�tr:??(.6��'i,Eb'.e�., `�y,l, '"q�,�PAf u:.N}I��W�„r11.ai1�!►�W.MN�«.k_hY'. c k �ro v n'�ail� �d� Y4 4r.! * S j 1 ior t 1 Y 1 •t r ; i �l,n 1 of ". < «6 •• _ r r' .,e .'S t a r ( J741 Ju (i r ✓ 1 1, ' 1 lil� SRS; " � ,p{ IT?7���w��►( F�IM�.ddt e:.ta� ' °. rMI : ���ih;�n�'�S' y��� ::��1 t � ��1�{. �f 1!r'',�A'f-11►P1�� q�����1"f�FA"'F'�P aW���i(�aW e +� !, r. t1. ' Ya. �rlti 1n Ml ,t t i �rr it r.Y ';ti ' �R, 11ti .; r Y tr � I' {tr f ^ �e a !11 l97� f 47 ��' `{ " n1 +� rf. 41�I,Aa (5 �4 T•r A n 1� 17£ pp V t r {� Y ? la 1 ,l Yi i 1 ° Er . .1 ,j y r, A(Pi' lr 5 Y Ye r f "Ata Ydtl I r. . t ;!t ,.l r� '� •' S Y r Y 3 '^11 ° r 4 " v � x r � r d/ 4m a ' ti I r f W � .11 4 G r� y ,Vp^r t Ct<Fji,, 4h�asrZ J'}' rYF, rVd '�'^� ,y ` 1 `" + " a r` t a�', /11 H c TT ♦ _A f -.r 1 r 'Ell � 'R 7.' '�r 1 r " ��i�,�i�.r yt� ,t, *3 4 r I'1, F !,i � `�,' ''y r , tx y r �P,� i+a hf(' r N.�;F+°f-,,t• ` � ' r�`' t �'� , , }{a� tY -e;' r « a ',. a ' r w. a•F!" � ra , ,.a ° 9 rvri^74 �t 1 44� si , ^ .. �� , lE, p`i 'w� � Y*"Shy > •a 7 � i . 'r i � r r ^w = ^ u s dC 1_.+',fr"� 1:81 '�A,4" 4 5 { `�r �°; ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CM, ISSION OF THE CITY OF DIc�iT0i1, T&XAS, APPROVING} THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 114PROVEMENT OF FOR- F. `PIONS OF WEST SYCAEORE STREET IN THE CITY OF DMTON AND CftDMING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIAS FOR SAIDIMPHOVEME FT. r OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID S`f'RE73T. y^ 5t W *+ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO:,a, ISSF.ON OF THE CITY OP DE11TON: That, Whereao , the City Engineer has heretofore pay epared plans and speoifieations for tine improvement by raising, grading', excavating, and paving and the construction of curb and gutter, iA sewers and drains, and necessary work in connection therewith of the following streets , to-wits West Sycamore Strict from tho West line of South Locust Street to the East line of South Elm Street; "- West Sycamore Street from the West line of South Elm Street to the East lire of Welch Street ; 3' which said street shall be and constitute an entirely and wholly separate and independent anit or district of improvement• The " ^ construction of said improvements in each separate unit or district ' shall be wholly independent of the construction in any' : other unit or district. The assessments C%, be levied in' each unit or `'disttiCt r�l'r shall he v9de .according to the ol.'9t or the improvements in that i partioul4i+ unit or district,' and in accordance With the benefits aeoruinI to the property by reason of said improvements in that ° ptrtiduler ,unit or distrio , tirholly , ,,,nd entirely independent of the lost and of the benefita accruing by ;ehs6n of the improV8'm6nt6 in ,aiiy "r of the other units or ,distriets ; and, c WHEREAS, said plans and spedificitibn,6 have been presented x to the City .Commission for spproVal and adoptions ' and, , a MEREA , said plano and specifications have been osrefully bit tined snd considered by the City Commisaiony the bathe arc hereby Wi4 q� •oudp., and adopted as t'ne plans and specifications for said im r a M JT O AYNBD SY , 'IHE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS OITY OP' DlitiTONS T a'ti `the 4it`y gtlerbtary be and is hereby drdered to immodiatel advartibe' for 0esled bids for the cohetruotion of said impromients on' eaid{ porti,ors of said West Sycamore Street, in aboorAand_e• with said plane and dpepifioations, Whi.oh 'sai.d advertisement shall bo of geharal oixoulation published in the Oit 6 001 a newspap or 'ub fished tti'f,A"'�timee in the, Denton Reoord Chroni Renton '�exas the. in of wrhioh bertion shall be not 1660 than, five 66ys prior to tale day of= , , 192'x , upon which', s aid, ,date� "^ be , ePO ned ,by the OomrSisFwn, , in regular' 4seasioAt # , . BAiQ; bAf, eh�i bb filed With the 4ity ,Snci�etsz+y,° of thy' bonton 4L tote Uty� tlb�$1.6A `reserves the right .to,-,f+b�bct . That shag,"ordinanoo ek all' aka effect and be it4 fordo from and atter it's ptss.sgo . PASSED AND Alii'fiC+VM this ay. of IN Nk ..�. . f , GUY 580retary IL 'f the"0' X-1,*' . 4 r , r r , r • f , i 4 � • , .. .'JU M Y� .'Y...i Vr'• :1 �CurY nglYyY.y"°Y�:5::�K.i .1.'JNYA:iJn •MJY�ISeV' Mr'i�� y `.R1 '.r �'.;1 4n, ; r do r . e r TI � � 1 r is t •J; ?r I A f1 , i 114 , 4',� '�f� ..i ♦ f J'r' r� r t �l e Y ..... ... V fM 7�-C VAT 6 ORDINANCH Oi THN CITY COMMISSION OF 113H CITY 01 DENTON$ TEXAS APPROV- IN6 THE PLANS AND 82ECIFICATIONS FOR THE IVMOVE1ffiNT OF PORTIONS OF ASH STREET, PECAN STREET, WAR STRIUhTj PON = AVXiUR , WET ADD WEST XULMRY STMT IN TEX CITY OF DENTON AND WMING' THE :bITY SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR SAID' I9ktOV=NT OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 00 M. SSION OF TIM 0 1 TTY OF DENTO " , Th&tj , Wbereae , the ' Oily Xhgineer has heretofore' pr6ptired plane nd specifications for the improvement by raisingi grkdibg , ' eX6&vAting� Arid paying and the construction of curb and gutter, sewers and drains , and necessary work In connection therewith of the following streets , to-with ASH S7AMT from the north line of Bast Hickory Street . to the - SOUW1l11WOf1tOKih1iey attebtl PECAN JTRKST from the 'weat tine of Ash Street to the east line of Cedar Streetj , T rfroim the South line of MeXinney Strep* to tie "�iorth line of Weit, Pb he north line of Oak Street to the SOsouth ire t line bfMdrAW I WELOH STREET from the south lin e of 16 Hiokbty t i d A3 to the north line of Mulberry Street; 1 UIST MULBERRY STREET from the v6st line of Welch street oil-the the north line of Mulberry Street to a point feet test of said crest line of Welch, 8tre6ti I *hi6h laid striete .shill 640h be and ooflot it jjte in entirely and wholly i6iriWand i0dopendent "it oi'dieWdt of improvement, TM. Ono ,• r8jemGn 9 , in 86VT a dist1kidt, shall t i ' t t6 obit 'Of' AWN, fpy' '6thok utiji't , bf 0 be WhOW IMOG f 1'4 ,or be levie 66 oast' of the W06ments'," iq that r4ftiWAi h ' to t,1, and JhAj666fdat 'd W " th u> it or t benefits �dbruirtg'` a 0 1, Wd im toll 66hti ' in tmt pittioulail, tinit 'the thi . doit ii�d ' 6f the ottlielyInd4etident of "alit? Ktj b and -,i of thi improvements�L J.6' Any' 6f' the other or , Wolfitbiddt jib ty reason "Un t I N ' Ot , diit MO . d b U to bjjd� piiM, and apG61fiO4iidfid hays been d , qA6Pt,OAj land tie Sity pi6h for Opt an jq L VHMXAJI► said ' VWG "d iti t 6 2#0 tofto-AAltlloli Wkinod and; donoidited by tk6 t3v j%p�rov ad and AaOtdd ad the plane And- swif 06t Ono P to$ 0* TM 01,N; or JSNT vs , '&dim CITY CdWSS' d . ol a to illihe CADAUSt) BY T* t, the aty sdoraiirk bd is h6raby�,, di46ti if AW MUMMA l r • 1 t. C v r .t i , �4��11���_V� � I ��� i� i.JJ F.f lX�r'`a��� � / J �• S 1 � x} : y yt 1 f ,♦I t,�ry,' OrS �r` JJ .. t( / Ja 17; * ��)j t ��f'{�}e• yy�1 ? C� ,�J. ti .'ti,' JUG s' G% �+ f 1"'2iyy7J 'S�..S y1 a� +1� �{'• T '4 M Q 1 \ .TV • may, } - ,1}. " ♦ .. wy r .. q ♦,:. - �' �j �Y� , :.•Mi�.. � n y A r vertise for sealed bids for the construction of said Improvements i ' on said portions of said Ash Street , Pecan Street, Cedar Streets v Pobder Avenue , Welch Street and Feat Mulberry Street , in aceord! ' w ce ith said plans and specifications , which said advertiserdent shall be published two times in the Denton Record-Chroniole , a ,newsp'aper ' . of general circulation published in the City of Denton, 'Zeiss , the first of which insertion shall be n t lees than fiv deys pride to t e day of �:)ejr% 1927 upon Whioh said date �r skid bids shall be opened by the City U76iesion.iw regular session. Said bids shall be filed with the City Beoretary of the city of Denton, and the City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids . That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and r after its passage } PASMW AND APPROVgD this of 1 L day +, a.. _ 1927 or O .;._. sty Secretary rr 1 / . I�Y '� 1 T 1 1 ,1 r /vl�if / r i��c �yJ ll� / , f 1i r" YiJJ R • 1} ! 1 y / ism A, ��yg� '' .'A'•' #�� ° '1.;}�S,f�'74¢.(, {,C. $:+'l ".y 'i'rb:rlr• .tAl ` 'dttYT2de!'.b.�:.4 ImK42W+ 12a4�, 5 r i l` s ♦ � .!A F S r '"'�S Y1 (, `t . @ �r .Y-,'ay7 M�� Tk,r3 v�. aya � I _ r k 5 � ��77rr �• •r r � n 1 5 �a f ���, v r7 I � Ati 11 ,' � �� , •,r�. rt •i a I y I 1 �.1 '.VA It A t .'f � �� < y- �` i;� �1 _ ✓ ",'- � �a is �x� e 'r ° f 4 w �. �� � P I .t a � � ' het •�i 't '.5 '� Y v �}, �'. y � ''Rr f �.14i it�•it r S+1 i.. . . :r... � .« ��.. a�. ' .�. „h' i5 T, "t ; r�`r.� i t � ° r � f .1 '�. rt r^!. S .;awl YJ. Y r ti f tea' •y 'o- 1 I -.' 'y fad `r a �- 4°,4 4 'R nh H.4) � Y V,i I I , I I Py V RESOLUTIONS OF TH9 CITY COMMISSION OF TIM CITY OF DENTONo T=.8 ORDER. ING IMPROVEIMNTS OF PORTIONS OF ASH STR1,26Ts PECAN STMT, CEDAR 9TREET,! PONDER AVENVAt W.HLCH STREET , WEST 1XIIIERRY SIM,,MT IN THE CITY OF DENTON0. bqAS AND ORDERING SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED6 IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF DENTONt TkAnts Whereas the -fo I 10 streetq, itre I n urgent nee d of improvement by exoavatitfg*,,gr adibg 0�.11ng And paving the same', construotion ,conorete curb and• gutter,, ., sewers and drainep and necessary work in connection therewitlfl and, WIWOWo THE CITY COUMISSION OF THS CITY OF DENTON DEMO IT NEC.'. ESSARY TO IXPROVX SAID 3TREETS1 THEREFORE , It RESOLVED BY TAHE CITY OF DENTONs That the following streets be and are hereby ordered improved as above set cut, said improvements to include the type of pavement specified after each. AAR 13TPMT from the north line of Xqst Hiokory.Street tO, the solidi, lips of McKinney Street, pavement to be one anciL One whalf L,inohdi of. Asphaltla- Ooncre,te on, a five inch re-inforced concrete basel ' , AbAN STRXHT from the west line of Ash Street to the east!, line , of Cedii, Street, pavement to, be one and one-half inches of Asphaltt,C,,,' Cdnbre*ts on a five inch re-inforced conorete basbj AkDb 8TMiT from the • south lint of XcXinney Street to the, tf67rth line of, weet ' Hiokory Street$ pavement to - bb one and one4.61f Iii6hee Ot, "p44tq4- CqrOr0e, on , a five inch re-inforoed concrete b0ej EA from tht north line of Oak Street to the' oouth!line pavement to be one and one-half inches' ofAsphalted" 0'646ie'ti ob,' & five inoL ; re-infor.ced conorete . basel . JxLok STIT . from, the b�uth line of Woof. Hickory Street, La; the noe 'tji line e-of lberiy' Otre 6 PER" nt to, be one - and,. one-hilf inches OCAtphaltod. 06norete .on an , elghi , 'inch compacted gravel basel ! % WEST, XWEARY STJqMT fr9ii, the w treioh S*set 11 eot, line Of ,' 0 the north line Of' to h-point,. /,z-a vest � of theiiaid ) n feet i West', libi, dj�loh Streets. pavement to ' be , one And one-WfeinOhtik0f.� " A6' haltidAonoret6 on' an tight .'. inbh, oompacte.d gravel basli k unit or district i' i&ilAb and bonstitut6 an entirely and y be &r' a' t6, Mid Ind 6P h The WWI e ' debt unit or dint d imbi6Voient'i veid6ilti ' in each bslaro6ze unit , or `diottiot,,:,, 006trq6tlon of gAid impro f 1 11 yl It 4 of the 06nat 01 9 dir &jjjg6Medtj to be levied Inlgoh uni Tho I monti : il► that articular ular be ta" thi abst of the' impk0k , I Frith the', WI acotiali in oil' _W-Ao, � t Patio latAin t In' the i6pat) - b reason Of said 1pipr6vezaefiti ' dlitrjotj,'zTKOII ' ' thd entirely, jnd4t�'nd�bt 0 the 666t 'and Wtha, I reason the il int :, ih any of the 'other bebetiti 400flit -ij a "p r1J� .J i i..Ra('S.t, C 6 � f� ' 7J,4 .� t0 � WA A alll ;a� P� f�. Tot` 7 ' r,1f"~try�rn� � f ".tl3�3 " ''' �M- .i N �4', W :• � .{' 'it ' "fin Y F ' I . } D UFs°,� Y f� T �eY.t TOR Q" �y y ♦ , J��}}}III��� p. r That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to at once ,;- i.•repare plans and specifications for said work and fide the same with the City Commi is iont That the cost of said improvements shall be paid as followas F. (a) The City of Denton shall pay one- third of the cost of said' a improvements except curb which shall be wholly paid for by property $ owners . •i'i,e amount to be paid by the City of Denton shall be paid �' in cash upon completion of the work of improvement in the particular 4 unit or district. (b) After deducting the amount provided for in section A, property owners abutting on said streets shall pay the remain!ng cost of said' ' �p improvements which is the total cost of the curbing avd two-thirdF "r of the total cost of the remainder of said improvementk''. ^� The proportion of said cost payable by the . property owners snail be , paid in five equal installments , the first upon tbe .00mpletion" and j , acceptance of said improvements in the particular unit or di'etriot `n by the City of Denton , one-fifth one year after saia date , one fifth .�, two years after said date , one-fifth three years after said dates one ' fifth four years after said date , together with intereat at the rate of'. eight per cent per annum from said date of aeeeptanoe , ..tovided that said assessments may be p&id before maturity with acoiued. intokest ' to the date of payment , that said portion payable by said pro�6rty' owners shall be assessed against their abutting property and agsinst owners of the same , in accordance with the terms of Chappter il ,' Tit1A 22, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911 , and Chapter 9y Title 28, Revised Statutes of Texas of 19251 and the Charter and Ordinanj)es of the City of Denton , in accordance w1th what is dommonly kn3Wn? ae , , . the front foot rule or plan , as the fronta a of the property of each owner in each partioular unit or district is to the whole frontage of the property in that partioular unit or district, providing ' thAt should the application of this rule in the opinion -of the City 06m- mission be unjust or unequal in any parIvioular case , it SM11 be the ' duty- of the City Commission to apportion and a.sseso such cost in such ' manner and, proportion as it shall deem just and equitable , considering ' , the ,epeoial benefits in enhanced value to be received by such property . ' and the , owner thereof , so as to produce a substantial equality of benefito to and burdens imposed' upoa eaoh property and itb oWn'trIL, and providing that no assessment shall be made until after the rdtidi 'eind hearing to property owners provided by the terms of Ohapter li , title 221,, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911, and Ob ipter 9 , itie 280 teviged dtati ;t6i of Texas of 192,5's and the Charter and Ordinances of the ' City Of Denton and further providing that to assessment shall be made agdibat hny property or its• ownsr in excess of the benefits in enhancdd , valuefacoruing to such proparty owner by reason of said ' b*rovements@ PA88BD "D APPROVl M 0 this � �,, day o f ,.....�.Y.�e'.�t2�..�.� ` 14�7, lay or, Oity aedretary, /7 k C airmail 'of 06bitisdion 111!1111 Ilk 1111 r — r _ .+. _. s T. Yy✓J .rh r s , _ 3'+�.t i�',.,.'L'ti'hIC 3'l.P_ !L �d � "r r• .., S. '. a A rA� .:fir , � t�yq rr ., nY 1 � ,1 ��? i.. Y 1 ey Y • p f t. f 'i i•e- i�� r r. srrl� igr., r , t`� � t �!• , ^ -qtr J r ,/� , da .- } � ' ,: 1 �, J'. hyrl 1, �i � per �:�' ° i. .t�', A" i r i A �'r '� r � • c 'f t Sy �t ;', Y ! • i Y e + 't F r J't ' ,! e 4 � ° � t� !, f• [ •� Y �� I',,'7.�,r r¢4 [A i 441 Y S� 'j4 �� t�1-r ��, r � t, s„ r `,`! c � �.A r � � ` r a": r. ° l` � I'� -.�r �r , ' ; t •r' s" Vf�f r ' - 11 '� ir rf• r• F, f • c .7f I t �� � r';j jj! o r K + k Ir s r � h r` � ( 0!/y C l �,� , ,V„,•+ n "r: i; ir.,�,i.fb e '�`iti.�t `'��" rI N, ' . �{, ;j , f 'i+ ' i — '� f� ;.t":1 i �R' �',: .`,� J/7{ _ __TV 1 1 ♦ ♦ r , w , rw r a ^ Z 4 (j`+F? �ZS✓r 1.#.�l 'l +yqa i it.ri1 Tk 4, Y. ! }r � r we IRr i � + � �4M114 H�1 �y�'ij ! 1�^ t i0�a.���1 fa5�� . • .. .N ' ' 1 37Z-7 °�. J ' A STATES OY TAXAS s C OIJN 1'id bli llct4i TON •?s Fti+ ya KNOW AI.J, ,)de I BY TifiM YRX'WilI T83 m That thin agreen.ont suui oo traot entered into this than , dey of I"obrVsxx., . r by ot th@,,104` ...4 ....�.....,...,....,Y4?w�tY,�.,Mx. �..1.I),.. xQay. ,.., ._ . and b. .yasn _.,. a ftaioippl Corporation duly , incorporated under. the : la' s }"k State of Toxas, toverning oition and towns hewing a population of five thoasnnd or over, will aotLiS through B.11,UoKonaLea Y 3 Llayor therato dUIy (uathoriwod by the City U,,vmiaaiorl of tha 01ty of ).11'"tot"Tt"Xxa, rrliturz said City is and ohull be reforad to PAes. k as the party of the fir. at Dart, una X.ti .n,�vio, of I)anton County, r T'exas, Contruotor, who sill nn 1 ohsl1. bo raforocl to an party of a the s000nd part. `J th+) p(irty of the 0000nd part for rug,; in oorteidergtiorl of certain ynywints om agtaeraant horeinattor yet out to be paid by the party of the first part, contracts and aigrbas to oonatruot and build sixteen donorsta bridges according to k described in the plane and speoificatiions aovoring sued " bridges riich said ,plans and specifications era on file in 'chs Office of tho 4ity a'rfgineoir of the Oity of y)enton, Toxa►s, +qnd + a copy of said°plans and speoif•iaatione are attached reroto and made a part of this agrooraofi a and oontraot,` which "mid pinns and sl+AOifioations and proposal are the basin, of this contract and cram fire att4ohed ho rato. I , k That: the party of the saoond pas-t further agrees to pEyr all just claims for materials, uuyy]isa, tools and labor enteric into. 'thio work, and wil other iagal olaitxe tiled eaain+at hlim or a Y of hips 0Ub•o0ntra4t6rM in khe aalcryirig out b# the " �` :' prorxvion; of the %4VI is contracts and. that ho ulutil hold > them panty_ et the tdiret partfrss 'fro" all olsinw, dermal o sir lions that person or persons might have ufi+titig siiaio ,y' or, thdiraotly ,mi of aid fi�om the worst and labor and tatis4als E in the oarrrYUV out the provxeions of thlo aontraat, and he ` furttr�r Aerosol :hat hit bond shall bs held to Oasts all suih � Olei�olli 1 ,1 consideration of the foregoing the Wvtv Of the < . R tirSt crr4es art to p papa tm the Parkf or the asoertd part r y iP M•N � a ku,t f�[t; L Vo l ' riFli°A• not more often than oace every two nooks on estimates of said work furnished by the City kngdnoor of the City of Danton , 1bxae, and the party of the first part shell retain ; x not more than ton (IO,;) per cont of the estimate trhieh said ^.r ti ton par cent shAl be jxttd to the party of the g000nd part on ;r tho complation of the contract and a12 of said work is approved and accepted by the City XMinoer and Jte, Clty Conmiselon of the City of nenton,Toxas, at Yhioh tine the balanos +clod on 'dry th" oaid contract shall be 'to tho yarty of the second part. psi `eha t it in mtually +miler atetd and agreed -that the inottuctione to biddero, forte of ten3er, plans and aopeoifications, the within contraot, contraotorOn bond, the proponal, and the general anti detailed plumu and speoifications Eire and i' constitute tho basis of this contract between the partioo hereto. That it ie further agreed and understood by and between the partien heroto that work, heroin contracted for, nhaXi oe m:onou Wit,tin ton days from the data of the airing and 7tsoutioft of We contract, and that said work to be completed within one hundrod worllrc days frots the date of 'this eanUmotxo all aota of provid9n64 being exoludeda ; x . In tMitim" whereof the City of Aenton,Toxays aoting by and a through its+ thYor, 'AsWeYoXensris, aril attested to by Its pity 8eorbtary J.4l.Nrein, harounto set their heads and deal''Of t at. bald Cityy snd il,gsnavis the party of the ceoon4 part hartin sate his hand this the 23rd day of, Ysbruary, A.i+4I027. ' ILI r are 4r tueArVat pat ti At tl � , lVa CY0 f &wore 1 ' f a ,e sdeerl i r ! ^ b r wr 11 t #5 , f 1 I r , x o 1 t• rx r�,a.1.IM. IN"y§..Ciw..".v. 1�t T.; ! �� _..1 .�:� r r 'Mr V a: �f r (2 0 1 77711 y� to 'y1 ly T � 15 a Y 1 t r11 A a . \ y K\��`I'���� a �yr rr rSf er S� A��;ti ebr v .i V� «1 IFI,i _ r .� 't �� y, •.IS � �t� .'if°' ��':A N�11}M1 AS '� a �11 tJ� �. 4 ' ` It 1 i1 7+ Pt j' M 1 I c �.y�� It ��c`�;�p�'S'.!`�! a • 'tar 7' e'� �,� 1rC�S rn [Jry f S e ++ `r • I � y f i r�y1 H ���,) ry�. , y��✓ �a �^ •� (� a ��' t ` ks b � t '}`i� n 'f " i . i' � ^ 31�,� rzy,Y, payY._ �`�ll '? ' � (Y. �y , cot MTir . 0., D�rTOx a KNOW A1L oM BY THGM PRV`RNTS1• That this agreement and contract entered into this th4 .,� day ' of Febrga y, A,D. 1927, by and between the City of Denton, Tsxas, a kuniaipal Oorporation duly incorporated under the laces of the State of Texas, Gpverning cities and towns having a population Of fIV6 thousand or over, and acting through B.Ti.koKonaie , r Yayoe thereto duly authorized by the City Corrissiou of the City of Dentin , Texas, which said City is and shall be refer** to ekes. ,q. as the Marty of the first part, and IoN ,tlavis, of Denton County, Texan, Contractor, whosis atO shall be refored to as party of the eacona part. That the party of the second part for and in consideration of certain payments and af;reement hereinafter eat out to bet 1 pkid by the party of the first part, dontraots and agxees to construct and build sixteen concrete bridges according to and described in the plans and Specifications covering said bridges which snid plans and specifications are on file in the Office of the Oity engineer of the City of Denton,Texas, and a copy of said plane said ! +Aoifdoations ars attached horsto and maade a part of this agreement and contract, *which said plans and speolfidations And proposal are the basis of this contract and same are attached hereto "h 1hi st the party of the second part further agreso to pay all just claims for materials, supyliss, , tool$ and labor antering s' into this work, and i4l Other la$a olaias f ilpd` arainet him > . off' ► of h n s0ocontraotors iA the a' r Ylha aut a! the r,t prayisione of %he within oontraot, and the► ' re shalt" ri$ld ` ttse party of the first partfres' f roi all claims, damages or Miens „ . that any person or persons Might hai+e ` at1sirt diraWy or' indireotly out of And from the wo. 11 and labor and matorials in the oarryir*g out the provisions of this 46ntractj and hs fuirthsr, egress thot his bond sWl be held to aarsr mill such '.". that in oonsiderati,en of tho foregoing the tarty of tho wasa to pq to itho party of the second part OF 11 a i s hy,`„ fr�l ( T' ,I FT Y , not more often than once every twi) weeks on estimates of said work furnishers by the City Engineer of the City of Uenton.Texas, and the panty of the first part shall retain o�yAt, not more than tar& ( I09:) per cent of the estimate which said ti ten per cent shall be paid to the party of the second part on the c*mpletion of the contract and all of said Work is approvod and accepted by the City Sngineer and the Oity Commislaton F of the City of benton,Texas, at which tine the balance dike on r the said contract shall be yaiftto the party of the second part. '40 ' That it is mutually understood and agreed tha+j the i instfluetions to bidders, form of tender, plane and specifioati6ne, tho within contract, con traotor' 9 bond, the proposal , and the general and detailed plane and pspeoifications Eire and a constitute the basis of this contract between the parties hereto,, Th-tt it is further agreed and understood by and between thi '} parties hereto that work, herein contracted for, oha; coxQrenoe vithin tdn days from the date of the eying and ereoution Of + , this cnntraot, and that said work to be completed within ,, ' ono hundirod worlKirg days from the date of this contract# all note of providenas being exoluded. In testimony whereof the City Of nonton,Texas, aotinp by and through its Mayors A.W.110K6nsie, and ar±teatad to by its City Ceoretary,': A.ttrwin; hereunto set their hands and seal Of ee d Citys and vast vlo the party of the **Oond part heroin aAte his hand this the *Ord ,dty of Yobtruary,A.D. Y997* I arty Of the first 11 t+ v Attb, ;t� � '.r1..2�.. by .w.a.. < Oi� e ar or. IM de00n DaM �. 1 LOA M OEM A ) 1 O » tai, UNWHI 9 "'� + a��1 r ^.. �t ♦r �V" {r u,i i •JA ♦�IMr....; .e wM ♦.,r I t , . ei ,y i '.�� � �y t � t `� ! �d h! , y�{V"' �.�, y♦� Fk � ti� � y �.,, + td^�4t,7y7�+ CIS �;1F'�FS�Jv Wk,M1 ��.y'*l�yVi��lu„t�,�ti✓' 1 In r nr � ! 4 �f l�i�i `�'� Y�a " ..t y ♦ +' ' ! ,i � j i t rl ; � ;�'1 r a a y�f ' tr. a t � �': 3 Z f / A • `� e � q" .d P;LL 'h fr4 �..7.1 `k !R L p Q ISSACHUSIM BONDROPINSURACE(OtWMY, MOMLO/fIGE,B09TON MA36AGNUSETTS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR:,, 24TS: That we , Oharles No Davis , of Denton, Texas , as prinoipal and the 'Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Oompany, of Boston , Masxaohusetts , as Surety , are held and firmly bound unto B. W. MoKensie , Mayor of the Oity of Denton , Texas , anTbis successors in office , hereinafter called the Owner, in the sum of Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Two and 76/100 Dollars - (86,762. 761 for the payment wheroof the principal and the Surety bind themselves , their heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns , jointly and severally, , t firmly by these presentas 9H3REAS , the principal has by means of a written A reement dated yebruary 23rd, 1947 , entered into a contract w th the �}wner for the oonstiuotion of reinforced oonorete bridges and oulVerta in the Oity of Denton Texas ,' a copy of which Agreemdat is by reference made a part hereo fl NOW THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OY ^52s OBLIGATION is such, That f the prinoipal shall faithfully perform the oontraot Pon his pert , and satisfy P41 claims and demanded incurred for the same , and shall fully indemnify aril. save harmless the Owner from all cost and da�g age which he may su4fgx by reason of failure go to do gad ehall fu11yy reimburse and rtpay the Owner a'.1 outlay and expense which the Owner may 'inotir in making good ary such default, then this obli ation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in ull force and effeo � 8IGN3D AND SEATAHD this 28th day of February, 1927 s 1 , r,�d'. MAOSAOBVSICTT BONDING & INSt17t NOX 009yANY Ir JI �^ SO4 "' ,4 Al r r 1 t a , n !�` w1' ��A� al II {4l� • �; j. '• � � •�t �' •L tY, � �: � If,� I . !! 1 �{ , f:,� b , jl I 1 ° f.;9 t v� • . _ • Z� is ! • j �y�y 1 7 ,." u 1 .I• " j q y�oh � � r xx Y r "�• ( � r 7 r �� W H i� c y, ,• yyyy ; r I � r "J i� a 'I � i I �r,,,}� �"T M1/ 4 t : l �' .3 1 ♦i , ' I , :.,q f .l'S� � ,h �G r :' p.v II Yt } x',.�, 4 4 j ' f 1+ j , �: •jx f �,lr �"'. f} i.� , Y ' �+M���' 'l�„d'�►.�. i �+r:{La1�{.��i.±i N.�.4 .rJ1.U.'�-.2 r�,�.cya..°rrO h°..t r 3r 1i ..R'4$ � .N'Y�' �•�''w(} �' ,. , "� 81 '�' � � r"$..Y ,a✓��• ,I r :{ ,r •,r. SC i . J,, • r r d r1i� j ( Y f j 'ir 1 F art, . �2 Qi,' r. �.nt 's, , �. , a, , +�� . i..,, •r . l,:�r: V`� r1'J,�. '* $ r - �'..,. THE DROZV\'.CRUINEMER C 031P*ik.'A INVESTMENT SECURITIES KIRBY BUILDINO DALLAS, TEXAS March 31 , 1927 . Hon, Mayor and City Commission, Denton , Texas . Gentlemen : Is horeby propose to direct and operate for your city a Refunding proceedings , contemplating the liquidation by rede,-nption of a portion of certain now outsia.nding term bonds of your city, and, the conversion by rp;funding of the remainder of such outstanding term bonds into definite abrial' Mturing bonds, the bonds to be redeemed being such part of eaoh' of the issues as there are now on hand and available sinking funds appli- cable thereto ; said refunding proceedings to be on the fo?.lowing basis,: 1 , We agree to furnish the city, under direction of our attorney, the forma of ordinances and aertifioatee required for the legal authorii- zaticn of CITY 07 DXNTON REFUNDING BONDS, in the amo nt f $2500 0�0iy�- to be dated April 15th, 1927 , to mature serfally over_ eriod o"f,�'Ta years from date thereof; to bear interest at the rate o 5% per a num, payable semi-annually, blth interest and prinoipal payable at The National Bank of Commerce, New York , He Ye ; and to be in denominations of $11000 'esohs We further agree to furnish the lithographed bond forme neoeesary for the execution of said bonds , all at our expense . 2. We further agree to furnish the City at our expense the proper forms of eNOTIOE OF BONDS OAIMD* providing for the calling of the fol" 16,*Iri9 now outstdaning term bonds by the City, namely: I�9U DA D OPTIONAL DUS AUOUNT 9o2i0o1 Imps o . 9 13.1 :L 1900 1930 0 20000,600 School Imp . Noe 3 4-1-1916 1925 1955 49 ,000•,00 $ohool Imp. Noe 4 9-1-1916 1926 1956 140000*00, $Awor 06n6truotion 1-1-1909 1919 1949 ',;A0,000: 0 ' Sewer 0onstruotion Noea 4.1-1919 1929 1959 lot000e00 w 9tyeet & Sidewalk Imp. 4-1m1916 1925 1955 100000400 *tot works donate 4-1-1905 1916 1945 190000000 stir at Conete& Imps 4-1-1919 1929 1959 95,000 .00 Par & Park Imps 4-1-1921 1931 ' 1961 761000000 " Total w L r r r w r r w w ' w r w r r r V84,00040 and it is to be understood that the City will through its proper officers exeovte . auoh notioes of Bonds Called as promptly as is consistent with the r ,t6rme .and .proaisions udder whioh said bonds may be oalled by the oity:as I` fully; ified in the proceedings had by the ol,ty ih, authorising_ the iseuari '6 'Of he above bonds; it being Conditioned, howerrer�, thtst the Ci;Zir, rhail be , d hereby is , exp�resely granted the epAoifia 'right and privilege ' 4lloxAroi ing its power of oalling toe" failorving namod,, bond6 when and as it shall bebt - auit' the conveniono.6 o said city; namely'; (,) ,Street Oonetruotion and Improvement Bonde'; 'dated ` April 1,- 1910'; No a , ' 67s to 96 , inclusive , aggrogating ".$9 ,00c5,0.0 ParC. &, p�►rk Imp. boslde , dated July xp 1921; ' Nog; 66/75, iridlueivo, aggregating - dotal mount' ed ierved , N r r j r * kith ° ree aot'`td the' rema Piing boiidd of th6 "gtxeet ConO'truo lan and Impz'o'vA� menu bon A, ,dated April 1, , 1919 ark• lmovemont Sonde �, , � and the Park and P dAted� 1uiy 1, 10Vj`-,l h6�'61iy;-agtee t6 put forth-oui' bs6t 'efforts' totwafd, asAAlirig and, takir:g';up hams' gram' hept'oeei�t holdvrrs thereaf",to the'. etid y that _ aid` bAiSds fty be eXohinged fifer Refunding Bonds at thO ' saflidst pra6+ �. ;$ t as �i �abbnethd Above bonds have b-000 catiad for�, iidemption by the °;b"sty `� ' . ' r wo `agree' to : `frbvidt� >'undtl at the ddaignated fieoal�,aijenaioe in euffiietit ' amaulit to , pay tbe,'i'dii pt's idiytaX 'atrioui �s of said dailad boidis When the j bonds >3.O O+il Ad Are dalivored td u9 by said figoai Aganoleia, ,wa,. agree•• to tlr t .dd�tV6r 48 the ` ditY;4`6r `i�jhi� tidn so; 0*fiy 'bonds of ," each of, deid lei> �to4s as the;"dity_'aiay blY6 ; 6tl hand sihkiha' !'ando"Appl�oa�i`ib :ta thi Y4o� , dem�bioib*,bye aof{ �,�td to :deiivttt? Pro*tly to the dUte '06*droller the refaalr�ii# " o'ndii"o! aait6hf` daid `labuee. , ire ag,�ee ` t6 eoc+apt ; i` om•the - At te 06 iptt'dX ii" lh 6.t6hahgs for said b6nd1 eo to be ,dellverdi to him}'ay ui� '!or 6611atidn. A likd- ikount' of MY oi` Dentin Refunding 'grnde ae deslUd 1 e „ Tim BRo-mvN.0Zummi :It COPTPAA; IN VESTMENT SECURITIES KIRBY BUILDING _ DALLAS, TEXAS City of `Denton , t pago nc . 2+ fxxsx�maaamz in paragraph One (1) above ; that is, we are to receive $1A000 ,00 par value of Refunding Bonds for each $10000 +00 par value of tZa11ed bonds oanoelled - by the Comptroller . We agree to furnish the City with a copy of the approving opinion of the Attorney General covaring ' the above Refunding Bond Issue , as soon as such ceptifioatc of approval has been issued by , that, , . dep t" arb4 n ,,.,and ,wi.11 also furnish the city copies of all danoeliation' Ceir., tifidate,67iseued by the State" Comptrollor- Covering oanoellation of out standing bonds and registration of the refundings bands ii`Ilieu thereof . 4. It Is understood that the City, after having adopted the neoeaw eary ordinancespand having executed the required certifipates -furnished . by us as indioated in paragraph One ( 1), above , will deliver to us' a certified copy 'of all such prooeedings , so as to evidence the legality' of, said Refunding Bonds to the satisfaction of the Attorney oen.eral of Texas , on whose approving opinion we will accept delivery of said Refunding Bonds . Respectfully submitted, THh B -0K 1 R INUSTIUNT COMPANY r. -ATT86Ta BY The 'abovb �propoeai of The Brown-Oruitmer' Investment Company` a hereby �acoepted. by`-the City of Dentizig Texas , pursuant to authority Of a reeaici!# tion pueeod by the City Co=ieeion of ,said' -aity ' on mAroh 28th, said0ity' hereby pledges �tts full ocwopsraiicrl In oarrying into °effect t ^ • "'8eid propollal. . THg OITY OP IWNT ON, TNXAB "Jl A BY / l�1' : `�, atayor. Y. eore cry "PR dW d , I � 1sl r c'T i y o 16b ey ILI k7d r"1 , 1 IAI A�y n�. 11 r, Y rV I , r I r, ` , Ilk �yyk°� It 1 61YIAfIbN A HAS�►�y MA1�Y 1�'!1 IVIWl NIS top 400+eulkb�M*a aewmaE*tLA- tl Awf AMt I=k*Wd l m5iu4 It hum MI bATA iM wt 1Afr con Khe"a H two ftkft-ALL la"Amw 6U091 IMIE I1t WBJBCI 1i11ab11lut u+e loop e wl»efu�IdM 1., i . n n " I (��A +t . � r i• � '. .1' .,'9�s . a 1�yiy t s� ii y A11111.VIA i, THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON OITY OF DENPOP, On this the "_,/ day of Aprilo 1927 the City Commission of the 01ty of Denton, Texoe, met inpw . session, at the regular meeting plane thereof in the Oity Hall in acid pity, the follow inr members being prAsont and in attendances B. W, MoKENZIE9 bayrr W. S , MILLER, Commissioner and Chairmn, L. BAILb]Y, Commissioner CLAVDE OASZ'LERRY, Cosuaiselonvr W. Ho , AKEY, Ooamieeioner ORADDOOK, Commirdioner Oity Searetiry. The Ohai*%in, 'N► S. lallor, ' introduced an ordipanoe tttle4t AN ORDINANCE IROVIDINa FOR THE ISSWOB OF THE FOND$ OF' THE any OF DENTON$ Ti�JCAS, IN THE AMOUNT Op TWO HUbI?RED' F'IBTY THOUSAND ($26000040) DOLLAR.', BEAR- ING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FIVE PER Oik 1�NNtW' , ifATUR INO SERIALLY OVER A PZ RIOD OF F YBAN9, FROM THEIR DATE, FOR THE PURPOSE 0F' b-e.t.�J REF'UNpI N(f AND IN LIEU OF A LIKE A1OtM OF' THE BOA) OF SAID CITY ISSUED AND At1PHC RIYA,D FOR SCHOOL pARK� WATIERWORK5, AND STREET PURP0913S AND NOWSO MFRS, INO AND UMPAM PRISORIBINd F'ORM_OF' RVUNDINO BON�.9TAND� ; AND II+'I'BRN9T COUPONS THEREOMI PROVIDINfI FOR THE LEVY, W ASSESSI�`'"�+ AND OOLLWT20N OF AM IsU:�bR TAX ON THE DOLLAAS,YAWATI& Op ALL tWBtg rRotFRTY OT ti � • i F F V 1. t'ITHIN°4'H8 LI1tiT8 Oli' SAID OITY 'T0 PAY TAR PRINOYpAL , A a AND INTM19,4M OF SAID R&MINd BONDS, � Commissioner MOM that the oAlUnor be , on iy lira t4ad'ing, e�donde4 b C r y ommieeionor �Ukk i ed, by h lolloot3ryi rote , ,j '' ' ' . •. YRllBI Commidelor"s "+,^gailup� tliaudr Oartlobarryj * � , , '� �• r044641co 0hail�i� , s y� er noting Yea, + NAb91 ` tl�no i , { Tha Oity Attorney read .the ordirianae, Oomeiieeioner 1 � -' bI 4Y 1 11 ti i D i I I made a motion that, the rule of the City ommiseion providing ordinanoea being passed finally on the day tntroduoe4 be suspended for reasons set f4h in the emergonoy olausei o� t! e ordinances :' ,a motion was aeodndedrr z by Commissioner ` t,nd aarried by the following votes YEASt Comniasioners Le Dailey, Claude Castleberry, To Re Lakey and F, b1. Craddock , Chairman We 9, Miller voting yea. NAESt None, Commissioner moved that the ordinance be plaoeA on its second reading. Seconded bf Commissioner /d sand oarried';by the following voter YF,ASI Commissioners, L, Baileys Olaude dastleberry, Ali Re Lakey 11 ,`rind Bs Us Craddock. Ohairmen We 3. Miller voting yea.. �o}, the City Attorney ,read the oiifltanbe by oaptfon. Copimiaretons•:` a moved that the ordinance be placed on its third and last reading, and the motion was asoonded by Oommieaioner t and earried by 'tha following vote! YBASi Commiesioners Le Bailey$ Olaude Oastleberry, To Re ttakey ' aitd' �', 310 Oraddooks Chairman` We S, Miller voting yda, ungi None ` The Oity Attorney,read, the ordinanoe by optiene 1� Ooai�isafoner mooed that the ordinance td !trial ly % seed and' ieoord"eel b Commie t a' y e ions r and the aiotion tiM led by `foXlorin`g.;votoo ` YF6I O06miaeionere to Baileyt-,Olaude Castleberry, We Re Lakey a 7Y i mfir;t, and Vd lte " draddoolCi Ch�'IntA n If i, Ltilleb', 6tSiia' yAae t " �f t , '�' i � v '- .�'7' d'�►e, {fhaiirM�ai 8edlared the orditsanoe t`tiysYly peeled The Ord inan'oe is t11 6110 11 kt. 1 �' � 1 g :y 41 w ' �t.ln. -?1r ' i.i t 4 " i h 1 :..� L t r- ,f µ•rtes �,C . � .,, I t 1J "AN' 61MVANCE PROVIDING FOR 843E 1SSVANCN OF T1-Ts BONG$, Oy THE CITY O` DXNTMfi TM$# IN THE . AMOWT OF TWO'HUNCRED vikl Y THOUSAND Ift�►000,00Y DOILLARSi BEARINf3 fNT sT AT TFl Rb2a OF bIVB YER � s CEidT .(59b UTA'tlER}�ALL OVER A ` PERIOD 0 Ou, THSih ii1ft+ 46A-TH8 P�,tPG9 or;R iNDW A!?D tE� LIStf 'O�r A LIKE A110UNT '' J ; `` OY:''TiHE �bkjT d OF S 'AID CITY'HERIs`I�OkM IS6'tED` ,AND AU'HORIZIM FOR SCHOOL, ST-1 PARK, WAT&- VICRKS Kll STREET I'USPOSES AMD NOW OUTSTA MING ATD Lif?AIDI IRESCRIBIa'G FORM OF REFVNyIMG BO1dDS AND IRTSR33T COUPONS T:iERBON1 PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY, ASSE$3)inT AND 00LW)TION OF AN ANNUAL TAX ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL 2.D I1ITEREST OF SAID REFUNDING BOIIDS," WIEREAS, the City of Denton has here0otbre duly issued and ther(i it now outstanding and unpaid the bonds of said City, described with reference to their purpose, amount, bond numbere , denomination, interest rate , date and Gate of maturity, as follows INT DA PURPOSE ANDUNT BOND NUMBERS DENOX, RATS DATE DATE s School 1opq J2 $ 2,000/ .25,261 29, 30 06004 a% 10-1-90 16-1.30 r ±• f 'doh oA 'Imp, 3 49,0006 • 16 44, 65/730 75 10004 5X ,' 4.1' 15 4%1-lS5. Sohool Imp. 4 14 0000, 7/20 , inc . 19004 6 - 9.1-16 9.1-56 Sewer Construction 10,000. ' 6/25; Inc . 3000. 6% 1.1.09 1.1-44 Sewer 0onatr. J2 10 0000. 1/101 ino, 10006 6% 4+1+19 4-1-59 E Works Constr 19 000, 1 11 24050 1000, 6; 4.1'15 4-1-65 St . d/ Sid Imp , / , k'ater 1Vor , / , / � 1-06 4w1«46 - , street Costs t 1 Im,98,000. �6 C,1��'jrry ,°° 1000,' 6� 4-1-19 4=1-69 a park d1 Park Imps 78 000. 1/150, ino . 1 6004 5% 7-1-21 7-1.61 a Tol'AL/ . o$, 1:84$000. Al WHEREAS, it is provided in Article XX of the 0ity Charter of the city of %Mori, as adopted by said City on the 4th d* of April, 1914, pureuant . to adthority of an 6190tion held for that purposO on the 4th day ' of 'AP'rily 1914, thAt the CityOomnission shall halve the power at say times 'VM4 }' s out An A1§Otion; to ieeae bonds for the refunding, paying off and retiring of ;c out"et and 1n9 bonds egainet Bail oityj and w4S ftr,A9j t?ii holders of said bonds end obligations of the diii. pp $sv _F�d`ir i d , i` F. • " ff ;s [^ '" w'r'" ,�Fe ^ P, . 6r e'Y : k,116e1 1,4. J. }, t, r 'e!' Don't ob'haYO signified their Mlltpgneer, to surrerdOr eeme and ,to: wnipl f iii"fiev[ o! eae�e ed equil ee,o%int of, Aelunding ty �,. . , , 2onde raib di ar !ie re 1' ; , ` after pividedi'and ' Mi WIj the oily 06moni"1611 o! the City of Denton deemi1 it to the bee4 "thtereiit 'of;.eaid My" i to ,donvert, ++aid 6utetandit,g term bnnde into ; renal"ymi►turin� Is Borde, besting thi+ Name rate of interest, theireb., 1.r yr t eliminating the hazards and burdens of large accumulations of sinking t funds I said WHERUS, there is now on hand and available for the purpose J ,! o! retiring land piying' off said outstanding bonds, oinking funds in'aaah to the amount of 4340000,00, Bald cash being duly sho.n as oredits to the - accounts of the respective sinking funds of the above mentioned outstanding five per cent term bonds of said City, and beinEc legally applicable to no other purp: ee except the paying of interest and principal of the said res- pective bond issued and this City Commission deems it to the best interest. ` of the 0itythat said outstanding term bonds to the extent, and in the amount, of the cash so available be applied to the retirement and canoellation of said outstanding Londe as same are assembled and surrendered as provided . her einj . Mii TisYWORB, BE 'IT ORDAINED BY TITS 'OITY .0 if SSION OF THS �r, 4 ' is •�y " ` I st , > A 10 That the bonds of said City to be called 1101TY OY DENTON t s 1tV09bItiO BONDS , SE91M OF 1927", BE ISSUED UIDER AND BY VI US 0Y ARTIOZS ki Ol tig bI[ARTER OV THS SAID OITY, and the Constitution and 'Laws of the *' 8tste .of Texas, to the amount of Two tundred and Fifty °rnousund ($260,000,00) Dollaro,rfor the pttoose of refunding, cancelling, and in lieu of a like amount of obligations , of said pity outstanding as hereinbefore mentioned, 2°, Seid bonds shall be numbered cons adatire�ly from One (1) to Tro Hundrea"04 Play (260) , ino We'Ive, .shall be of the denomination of f \ Qtle TiO,wp id� (Ol jOOA) 1 ollars' each, cggregatirlf Two Hundred 'anrt 1'ifiy r S Thousand . (000100000) ,nollarsi shall' be dated April, 1Oth, 19V and shall it r blooms daA avid pba►able as follows( yt ` R 1 Y �!�,�is,4,� , ! 1 r,�.M °7S i.,;,, ^. r n ,'i �� f: ..s •° ' 4�^i .u. ,y � i� .'+'r \ I 1Y 51 `> I°I �0��,'r'��r� Y�.4ni.'ti°�rY BONA N 09R' S MOUNT }^'ATURITY DATES 1 6 April 160 1928 2 5,000 1, s and' 4 2,000 April 150 19,29 t; 0" ',tea, 6 2,000 April' 160 1930 April X60' 1$31 616•]0 - 2001 0 April `160 1932 " 11 to 13 , Incl. 3,000 April 16, 1939 14 to 16, incl, 3,000 April 160 1934 17 to 20► inol, 4,000 April 160 1935 2l to 248 ' inol. 40000 April 159 1936 25 to 28, incl. 40000 April 16, 1937 29 to 330 incl. 50000 April 16, 1938 34 to 38, inol, 50000 April 15, 1939 39 to 431 inal, 60000 April 150 1940 44 to 490 inol, 60000 April 161 1941 60. to 65, inal, 60000 April 16,- 1942 66 to 61, ino10 60000 April 160 1943 6£ to 68, inol, 79000 A1rit 160 1944 69 to 76, inol, 7,000 April 160 1945 76 to 02, , inol� 70000 April 16, 1846 , 8 $ p0, in10 80000 'Aprill150 1947 o p to' 90 inol"+ 80000 Aprill60',1948 p 106 Ytb,1 90000 A 11 April 16+ ;1949 16 °1950 Oil b7 "'too' 115 ' i�so`1, '�►000 �` ; i to 1241;iii010 9,000 ApriX 160` 1961 90000 April 150 „1JE t�„► 134 � 430in`o1� 10;000 April 15j' 1953 b .. & 1 t !0161: 11;00b A141 I' l6; 1§64 11 April 160 °iw ixSol � ' � 0000 166 to !x70 ipb1t�, 12,000 April 16� 1956 y 116 , !90' i '01 i 130000 April 150 19Gi' 1f 140000 April 160 1958 ► 205• tp2190 isiolt ` 16,000 ' April 160 1969 2, 1'c 61, 160000 April 16, 1960 April 160 19 01 t'a 88C0 •inolf 160040 1' r 6 rr. , I 1, YI t 1 i , t , J 4�� kac�f bl� ��� �`�' :� ✓ `� 1 wtx,; �r , ;�k 7�5r5 1�' Y «fi�., ;:, rt,, 1 ' I 3. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of fire per ' oerit (01 per annum, payable Ootobor 16, 1927, and semi-annually theroMter on April 16th and October 16th of each year. 4. The principal sad interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon peesentation and surrender r—w up of bond or propeon at National Bank , in the City of Neer York, New,York. be Each of said bonds shall be signed by the Vsyer, , counter- si.gnea by the City Secretary, and registered by the City Treasurer, and the corporate seal of the Oity of Denton shall be impressed upon each of them The fadslmiie pignsturos� of the layor and City Seoretary okay be lithogr'sphod ikon tie douponb Al ached''t6 said bords, said sho.II have the wise off,di` &e`'It they'hed been eigned b'y theme � a x17 •.r,., , . . , b . The form of said condo shall be substantially as follows; N0. 61',000.00 UNITED STATES OF AVEAICA STATE OF TKUS x COUNTY OF 'DEIQ'i'ON ? ' CITY OF rb:NTON Y 19UND00 B&D31, SERliEs OF 19270 THE CITY 09' DSNTOWi in the Oounty of Denton, State of Tex. 0 « ' a`musliaipai corporation, 'duly, incorpoftied order the lave oi' the State 'of Texas'; for ralloi received, to pay .to. the bearer he root dn, the 15th 4ey c[ Apr31, 19 , the sub of 0 A8 T HOUBAP D bODLAAS '1 01,000.00) in lawful monoyof, the thlit_ed StNti� �bf" Adirt4lCi'�N'tK: F { 1 thsr66d from date hersofV eat 'ths Jrijte or it" per oerit per. axmum, inlerebt i" payabls dhn the' fifteenth diN of .QAtobar� 19571' and thereafter eemi�annusliy� 11 IT on ill lfft4wnth day o! April an8 th� +l�ittfenth day o! October of each ytarj " prwblpai im !htons, eye a ppdrl pt000ntatiori Nid eurren4ir '6 bond of > . ,W, ! 1 j6 it bb*n At':!tbt ot! W or the eti6na3 entc �oi' lid the Oit'y 'of. 4 � i �i� f� fx' ; ,1. 1 •, t.. '.lid. �.� ��„`t: _ �t [�i�:. .� L-_.u... - — -- i4 I A I 1 i y T�1', � f l t 1 1♦ t�� NeM' York, St`atb;of Now' Yorks std the Oily of Denton is hereby held and `flrndy ! iui x. bo ►d, end' Its faith 'and `ored-it and ail real and personal property lit ,said ,bereb�i pledgld bar the prompt pgyeient ' o � h9 prinoi psi of thi6 bopo s And. 'the' iaterest thereon at maturity. 10 Till 30.+D is one of a aeries of Two Hun .*ed and Fifty (260): r bonds , nutabered from one (1) to Two Hundred and fifty (260 ) , inolusive, of the denomination of One Thousand (.j1,000.00) Dollars eaoh, aggregating Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($260,000.00) Dollars, issued for the purpose of refunding, cancelling, and in lieu of a like amount of the bonds of said city heretofore duly issued and now outstanding and unpaid , end is issued under and by virtue of the Constitution and Lava of the State of Texas, and the City OParter of the City of Denton, and pursuant to an ordinanoa duly ;Lased by the City Commission of ea id 0it me3ting of said Commission , , on the day of April, 1927, khich ordinance appears of record in Book j st pa gds at seq., of the Minutes of Said City` Cotlamisaion THE DATE of this bond, in conformity vith the ordinance above referred to, is April 16th, 1927• t AND T'p i9 HMH3Y OSft'1'IPM AND D301AM that , Irov'isioa has bean made; as required by law$ for ihe ,lcvy and collection of Uxes sufficient to J" pay the pri„.oipel end interest of this bond as it matured , and that all' act$, co editiods and things required to ,be done precedent to and in the issuance' of ys t� ire bond�heive be9n propbrly done, h4i& happene8 and been performed in'.'rogttlar ':'a6d dus .time, :`forns and ma n k' as required by the Oonstitiltion'and of the State o 'euas And. `the dity Charter of the City of Denton, curd that the total indebtedness of said City, including this bond and the entire series of thich it is one -does not exceed any Constitutional, statutory or Charter limitation] IN !dICNTS9 Wtt OS ttie City of nen,.o•l, lhr*V i1b jCiiy Commieston, .Los caused this bond to be siEnsd bj its )vyor, countersigned by the airy Beare tary, sAd registered by the City Troasurer, and the corporate seat o't'ild'd City to`b' impressed hereon as 6t the date last a',eve 'x'ritten, 0 sy V Denton, Tsui,, Oountersignedt _ , y r i 4 1 RBGIJ!'EREb! E r t 1 +7 Phe interest i ovpon's "atUchYed WA hl of• eiid b6nde shall �, • _,, , a iti 'atibe�antially the 'following forms N0. . ON THE 15th DAY OF 19 The City .1,reasurer of the City of Denton, Texas , will pay to bearer at the A National . in the City of New York, Now York, the sum of DOLLARS said stun being six months' interest due that day on City of Denton Refunding Bond, Series.of 19270 Noe , dated April 16th, 1;57, to which this coupon is attached ani is a part thereof. pity Secretary. or, 8. On the back of each of said bonds shall be printed the ' following eertIfioatet 6MICE OF' COMROLLEEt OF THE STATE ' OF THkAS I HEMAY CERTIFY- that there is on file and of. record in my office' a oertlfi Cal e,o4 the 'Attorney General of the State of Texaa, to the `a effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by-law, and that " h9 !`lads that it has been _isivAd in c6nformity withAhe Cotiatitut.ion arA laxq�' ;F of the`9#ate of Texas , asicl the Charter of the City of Ilenton; Texas, and that it ie a *a id and binding obligation upon said City �of ?lent On, Texas , and weld l' bond hat this day beed registered by me, r t t WITNESS M7 NAND A�D $SAL OY 0w tll4; eti Aueftin,� ks the asy' of Comptroller o o Aocoua s Of e. at t6 of 'texas. rr I{ V 94. BE IY FITbTHFA ,QRDA1XM that so pay the interest on said bonds as the'." shall a60rue and to oreate a sulking fluid sufficient ti to disohirse+;'tW priftoipa.1" thereof at ci turity, there shall be I dyledI for 44rou M, the gear 1927 a .tsz of and, it the mate o r, Oonts on the ''no Hundred (1100.00) Dollars assessed% valuation of all taxable property it 9 -id City, and said tax so levied shall be assessed and cols oted and appr'jpriated the purpose namedl and there shall be calculated each year whl.le eny of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid what rate of tax is necessary to provide current interest and the required mount of the principal for such year, and et tax at such rate shall be annually levied , assessed and colleoted during each of said years, e.nd said tax is here now ordered to be levied, asesseedp and oolleoted, and the taxes so collected shall be applied to said purpose and to no others That to provide for the p&yrar,. of the interest on said bonds which shall become due on October 15th, 1927, there is r here' now eppropriatei out of .the`'uneye on hand in the City Treasury, and ` available for that purpose, the sum ;f $60260.00, Ahioh Bum of money shall be set. aside and is hereby set aside for said purpose and the City Treasurer shall pay no warrants, bonds , interest coupons# or honor any draft of any character upon the same for any other purpose, That all moneys to collected by virtue of the above appropriations and tax levies, shall be placed in 'a separate fl aid by the 01ty .Treasure,r, such fund to be oalled "OITY GF DLtFTQR ilEItlNDiN6 BOND, SERIES OP '1827 ',FWIll, which fund shall be applied to the p�iigose nomad , and tono Other, lo; BE I12 Pula g8 ORDAINED that the Wor of said- city cc Denton be arie hole hereby authorized to take and have change of all nopoosar$- records pending investigation by the Attorney Generals and shell have control . N of said bonds during said"`t ime. After thd� record been l�pprovod, the k or n , sUthoriesQ' te`leave 'the bonds in the office of the Comptroller 'pending the exbheig6 for the' original bonds end pond ing.their registrations which may be I at one time or, in inetallmente. _ 2'A6SSD, this the Qty of April,` 19270 C AI atfA N ATT^ � f TY S ECRETARY OI Approved: YAY0 1ppr reds CITY AT 0. 1 i � l 14 _ t '• • c r r rP 4 1 x '� 9 rl Y .IT y� � � Y sd�LrX ' t ti � 1,J• � �4 r � . �•'� J r A ,� �� u �i L, r i �.� M � � 1 I � i r r ��i i��'`"lY1 i, �,.%'•, P r�.•�'( j�: r'h� i�lhY� �1�J. "� Y 7C�7 T. Xyy !•Y �' F 1 }1i C `4 't/ ° i '# t f J �rt " �. i^ ♦•v" a (aiPl . iri(l+ay ML � i :.�.3TL f. ...>.......L.. a� NOW O-ALIEL ....0 Y 0 Y D 1; 11 VU .alien HEAMY Ni TIMED THAT, on the ley day of Juno, 14899 tho Olty of Denton, Toxno, wi11 exoroioo its opt Lon tv rodoau the follcx ng Bonne, toftwitt 1. Oityy of vonton Toxao rintorworko Bonds datod A r1% 1 1906 numbore i to 2.10 inoluoivo, and to Ga, ino uoivo, agregoting �119,000.o0, boariug intoroot at trio rr,to of V, por wwwat and oing in donominotion of 0000.00 oaoh; Be Oity of Donton ,ciao Soh.>ol Houso Dondo, dated Boptombor 16th, logo numboro a. Oto i7, inoluoivo 21 to LO, inoluoiv8, and 29 to 86, in ludivoc a ;Rxogutin 09 Ob0.00, bearing intoroot at tho rate of por a �:un, and boU G deiwminati�,n of X3600.00 each; 8. 01h of Denton Toxa: Pohool Ronde Humbor sThroo, dated#per Al 16 1910, number �a to 4E, inoluoivo, to to 78, inoluaivo 48, c+ roaa►ting 4,004.00, boarine into rose at the rato ok alums, and boing iu denomination of 91000,00 oaohl 4• Oit of Don i'oaaao, Stroot and 8ldowalk o dated Ap*L1 1, y r ' - 10166 n�wberm i to 10 in luo�tvo, *Mregat xb,00Q.00 beaarli' t ee et .he rate �f 6A pox 8na=0 and b in danod tiolii i;x .00 It, 4f bentoft lase:, 8ohool uousa 1,uproveroent Bonds# 44th ' or 1, 1116, numbora 4 to 20, oluoivo agtsregat ? 146 •00 boarfa rotor of at the rate of 4 per snnai, o� 0 in d omi>aab oia,of 1000,00 pooh; 6• piny of nontu, foaao, Senor Oonstruotion ikndo, aumboy Tao dots& ' Air . A. 1419, n ere l to 10601usives " nBRxo ►ting 610,a00OQQ l ,q b" 14 La era of th4 ' rote o per annum, a boUW its deg z E ae►4Tan of 100.00 eaohl 9• ` 01ty of n04011 2M*00 School House 10 rsv000at Bondo, dated e am er 1, 1�1 npnbors 4 to go, alueLvo egfoogatU4 L1. 00000 be�►x g lntorast at tho rat of j4 per amen, ark being At denaitlou of 41040.00 anon. r y aaoovdanae w0h 'the Wolf IMiu0 the bq'nae and the boude tbWoolroo, . rthe aae+a nro hOrobp O4U*A 'for 11odo*tl6hp pad OU latoroat therOft A U -:r w Mle Ifaa `and,after �na�r 1p8�• 71t1� 4on4e OW be yr000ntod fog payout aS tho VatLood Dank of Oossoroe, NOW Xoirk,, -1r v+ ' >GA"!lf0 AV M+ntOn, raacne, lbii the ?,�„y day Of .ipsri.'l, A• • 14197. so A 110 k i rw r � `^?°' "a 'r d + '•b.ga, l IJ � 44A A4s,��'6. 'ti:- M:.yydwrrt a �wr/ %' ,° ••'M ' �`.YSi,•K{: • I t r� V Y� . 1.ep I . . • I. :5 r l I � r � � tr ., m 11u! .'• {� t l d r ,t 't . °., r f ♦ t r i r' It.h w Lr,,i d. I�r ��, •idh d 5 �� • , r d � :�: � I},.7 4a F� n c r dr ^j's ,3� �✓ ''V i5 / apt'.. �NI lo II `j f ril { rt ' { Doo p rp o + ; ; ; , J 'Ile a i oo w ! s , f �_. � . 1.,b °=fie }} ]_F' 000 Mj i 4 ' • I „ . s de Tr rO it ') { § -�-�.� f -'P--� l' ,.0 - 11 : � s � k € f. r' l f , 11 p ♦TT t f 1'.a o��{ '� � � ...' !r : +�. � , /��w �I� �,�7�} �4 ,' �i 1 11 i .� .[ �. i1..-.; f � '','1 ♦ �• � }1 j + . �y n [ f ' .. , _ t .1 -T- V7 a �.� fd lllttt 1 4 ' ..' ._ LJ,. .. ..! �- Jy I' .....� � 11•nY .» 1 _. 1Q _ . .� .... .""� I I YI,. , ! t t u .t } . .t. • .,f ; . t. .. �..,1 -. s_ � �_ f T " 1 4' t I . 1. »f f i?�� "I� • rf ' t ' I 1 � �� � i , { i �.! �� - t I 1 3t t , t ' I { ' 7 , i Q E ' i I � ' •� ! � � -�l � • I �V1I II,, t I l _ ' I i � ! th� A� �' a. ' tlyy 1! j 1 I `!• -}jt' �'� ! T_ 'T T- i:� ..y- »- i 'I _ •i " : w..' ^ -}+ ' ` ; 1 ^T. 1 , . ++ :: r.+.. #.,1,_..' ,111 ti- F€ '. .'�.J._.i :.i.. j :r � 1 4 • � _w__ r r 1 '1 l JA / l ! 1 {y ' }� ( � �� [ � �`..} * l 1 �-.. f.. h ,�• � �. -} i� .,j, t -1 ' �. .I r.l �n .�.,I. � �µ k - .it'7 • ' � + t ., .�.. _..�.. '_�.J_ - � j�.j.._ k>... t.y1l 1. ' _ 'r V ' �, c �- f/! - �.•{ , } I •t t F' The , I, R. L, West, Clerk of the District Court, in and o � 1vo V Vs. the County of Denton and the State of Texas, do he ° I certify that )< has paid costa in abo entittled and Numbered cause amounti to$� � k' f n under my hand and Seal of said Court in office at Denton, Tex t s the___ /� ` ._day of A, D, 11;�— e Clerk, District urt, Denton uI`y, Texa.4, A DAl ' POJ�nD WITH ' ' DDPOJIYBD W72A �C ,R, RST NATIONAI, BANK THE FIRST' AT AL BANK Ace, ~ ell For Aeo .�s� F'or Aeb to P _�:. ` Wntai►,T x1s, ._.�� . »..�.... .,_ .19 l Dbnton, re , PLEABI LIBY LAon OH 1S "B_ARATNLV MABJ LIST EAO OJ O 1JPAItAlJLY -_ ' x S . .DaDar� COQ N<)ttd 5 a 1 Bank,NOW Slletr� ` , Siiuer #old ' iarsogs Oat 01AAACA'rIt Dal CK6T UUPLIG.:TH bgr S IF ;' NO R EClr)'ril�� Rehuiri WA Boost for Entry NOT NE00ft LE—Retnm With Book � Entry =rig" AtIONAL BANK THE NATi B N Form Na.l-6.0-zt DoOL AUTO , HREMO!W, INSURANCE SOCIATION . "PAOTK17YtU' o CF . . ie ago r consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance 1 Association (hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure YAMW OAS co_ �t nstamQrt mrjxAS . _ agAinst all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the application, which is made a part Hereof, and in this policy, from noon, SUNS i6_ 142..6_, to noon of r'in U�ior- 1921_ FIRE (not to etceed) Nb F RR DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)_ NO THM DOLLARS G�0_ .LISItON (not to exceed) 2tO_ sQt YOt: ' DOLLARS < . � -1 .,. k y. , , •tip".. . With_ �� Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed 1.., , ,,. for one Person) TWO THOtrRAND PIM A HunmM ,. DOLLARS INJURY (not to exceed for r.YARILITY more than one 'person) TWO THOUSAND P3V- HIMMM DOLLARS :0110 ERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed) NO PROPERTY DIi1tAUB DOLLAR$ LOSS RAYAB DL.,roN. TZUS. Thla rider' attached proteota the Yellow Oab Oompom o! Denton , Texas ,under artiole 295 of the 6 ' di.nAnoe Ad in effaot :uiy 1, 10280 of the Oity of Denton, Texas, +s'hioh �i r ility under a surety bond .fee..-•�..w.a•rAri:i.r.S a%t?Jtf itI'df"IttjUredepereonfis .. BULL DOO AM ME INSURANOS ASS0 8 GODDARD AND > OMW 00WANY . . , . ,. J►ttorn i Fabt Sy ?Y to atta'6h t6"gild fond part of Policy No• 524865-4 i 192d�otiteidiged thr 1h ay i' /.ate i Form Na,41.11 r760 AUTO INSURANCE C IATI FtGTRi3T0U' O, w . ..... , C-7- ie dqo �N consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association (hereinafter tailed the Association) does agree to insure YELLOW—M COMPANY_ DEN ON - TRXA3, against all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the applicAtion, . which is made a part hereof, and in this policy, from noon, JUNE- in- .192-6—, to noon of ?' Tttxtt io 1927 FIRE (not to exceed) NO FI12R DOLLARS IAIEFT (not to exceed) NO THEFT DOLLARS. t 0>V1LI$>01Y (not to exceed) �i0_t; LI,7gY0N DOLLARS With Deductible Clause., PERSONAL (not to exceed INJURY for one person) TWO TflOTMAHD trrytz HUNDR10 DOLLARS LIABILITY (not to exceed for more than one person)-TWO THOUSAND FIVE H(iMPIM DOLLARS 'RbPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed) NO PROPNITY DAMAGH DOLLARS SOREDULE OF WARRANTIES ON AUTOMOBILE INSURED. The statements hereinafter are a copy of those made by the assured in his application and are tsar- ' ed N be true. This policy is issued, on expross condition of Idatd wiiantlea, and knowledge of iaeor- eas tberebf, except b' the Attot 'ij in Paet'tser'sonall�, 'ehatl in no wiab trotd such warranttes. . Tani NAIid Moroe No. SzktAL OR PACreaY No. Tyra or BODY No. CT6 it,P, i t Vt. tfonti Pltea PAID DAta or PtlacsAre p0.0L Nsru x CArxc[TF, yyyyy s cot seeond bond or new!__.............,. _r. Condition of esr_. __-_.r___..........,»....... . or mortgaged or encumbered or, does anjone else oaa an interest; if so to wbom and how much}---- ..►�. _ --......._r-r---_+.�__r-X.�i.L_Vl r'aAi]1117Ra.....-�... .......... r_-.........�• s •p lies car 10011 against theftt 4 at etora a :8ce .....:::......•- --:--- ........---�....c�.:L "` e , ':1 ;; >chet Qtly `or locel#iy is Or prtneipallr aaedt.r:..:....:.::...... u......:.:i.L rr.."..rr...rJ. • y"peraonel fnfouiy or 0eetl4 blia,eanaed �t any' ear d:tren by YOU f.......... ..... .:.... ...;... b r°an; compkky`soi Araled your iWAU"eafd.r.r..........r.a..........� rr..�. . ...... Tt re, in Whet eotopatyr and What Amount4 � .', -, µ' . • ., 0th►•t tanratlge aerNedf.,...+. �rra..........a:r..i.�rr I. FIRE OOVERAOE. Against direct load or damage to said automobile, caused by fire or lightning. The amount 'of liability under the terms of this policy shall not exceed the actual cash value of the property at the time any loss or damage occurs, and the loss or damage shall be ascertained or estimated accordingly, ' with proper deduction for depreciation, however caused, (:ind without compensaticn for the loss of,use of the property), and shall in no erent exceed what it would then cost to repair or replace the automobile or such parts thereof as may be damaged, with other or like kind and quality; and in all cases there shall be at least a monthly depreciation of one and one-half per cent of the cost price of the automobile herein stated, which shell be deducted from the original amount of insurance herein granted; and on second' hand cars insured the depreciation shall be on the basis of the original list price. Parts of automobiles detached or stored are not protected in case of loss. This coverage shall not include loss by firre resulting ' from the wilful act of any member of his family or any one in his employ. 2. THEFT COVERAGE, Against setual loss or damage to the automobile resulting from theft of said automobile) spare tires, extra equipment, or other accessories, are not covered; and shall not cover theft by the acquiescence in or connivance of the assured with any other person, or by conversion theft, or by any member of the assured's lawity, or any peraon in assured's employ. The Association shall be allowed sixty days from the date of notice to ibe Association to recover %aid stolen automobile, and in case @aid automobile is recov erc3 and returned to the assured no loss therefor shall be paid except for such actual injury and damage sustained by said car by reason of said theft other thnn its mere usage. In case said automobile is re- revered after the sixty days have expired, and payment lias been made therefor, then said automobile si,all be and become the property of the said Association. The liability under theft coverage shall be on The same basis ai the liability in the foregoing paragraph under the fire coverage, and computed on the same basis. 3, COLLISION COVERAGE, ( NO COLLISION 000RAGE) 4. PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY. Against ainst c tal floss by reason of legal liability to others for bodily injuries aceldentally sustained, g y time resulting.therefrom, onaeconnt of am accident due to` the ownership, lusintenance` o'r use of any automobile described in the polies, providing such accident oeiaire'during the policy period and within the limits of the United States of America and Cannds, subject to employers', liability exception D. PROPERTY DAMAGE. z' ,Against actual loss by reason of"his legal liability for damage to or destruction of any property (excluding, however property of .he assured or property in the custody of the assured or property which Is related oir;leased and tar which the assured is legally lresponsib) , or property carried in of upon any automobile of the assured) to account of any accident due to the ownership, maintenance or nbe' of the':insured'automobile provided the accident occurs during the period of insurance and wthin the limits of'thb' United States of America and Canada. ATTORNEY AND COURT COSTS: In convection with, but not in addition to actual loss as stated under coverages No.' 40 being "Personal Injury" and No. ti being "Property Damage," the Association does Wee with the assured aimed he.eln, In relation to said coverage, as followdt , Each h"aaured will be defended by an attorney, no mattef'' if the case is groundless, false or fraudulent, provided the damage or loss of the policyholder is covered under: the terms of this policy, and the payment of attorney and court costa against all claim for. 11ability.,up toah'e amount of this Association's liability. LffiATO140 ANOONDIT0 N8. t ' ? , Ally and all e0orag'e` under this pallay Is subject to the following conditions sad limitatlona, which aa.��r�e�}'conditions precedent to be performed by the assured named in this policy in the manner ys Lenin i : "liwti 6>ic>i i le ere> .t�i,eii►ent;abndlttou aad"provlsion, herein made, .w Groin the, limit ot, lie- r bfli'tr h rdtpectir,,ly fixed upon or coneeinirg`any speeifla eoverags, and Qts sh iri 'ev6" caib,""aY6nt and transactioa be the total ma><imum amount annined, and the masimum Iicait that taay be retortred thereunder. In no case, event or transaction can these respective limits or any of them be waived. 9. The assured shall immediately, uppoon the occarrencb of any loss by reason of the hazards Inane- ed or indemnified,- notify the &aid Association in writing, stating fully and completely all field and euti.stances in his possession, or reasonably obtainable concerning t e occurrence, complained of, and shall mako true and complete snaaer In writing to the said As�oeiatlou, touching and toveAng any inquiry d Association met make in relation thereto, and to provide said Association with full and coat lets roob of loss In manner and form as regtdred by the said Association, and shall transmit to the acid elstion.each and every written notice or document, sommons, complaint or,eourt,:iroeeeeding.,that mny be sertitd Upon tail assured In reletloa to any said claim,and to keep said Associatiou fully informed a& to each Aid ;e, a�1 step`taIt In relation, thereto. In ease ibe,n0det herein requlrtd Is not given to the AesmW a ' th1d Een days )foist the dote of the 06urrence, ppon which sold claim Is made all tight tb insurance ' bbr IndlimbIty thell nndtr shall by.reason thereof;'tefiatdl fo diid cease: 3, In all eoverage based upon the liability of assured to third persons, the assured shill not volnntari- ly assume or admit liability nor incur any cost or expenses in relation thereto, except upon the written request of said Association, and said assured shall give to said Associaton all friendly sasistanee in the settlement aid disposition of any and all such claims, and in case suit ahall be brought against said assured the said assured shall appear in court and assist in the trial thereof, and procure the testimony of any and all vritneases, and participate in :Aid trial in the same canner, and to the same apparent extent as It no liabili- ty hereunder had been provided. 4. No liability is assumed hereunder if said automobile is operated or left in charge, at the time the claim for any loss or damage arises, of any person under sixteen years of age, or same is being driven or opperated ty the assured or any other person while intoxicated, or by any person not having the, consent of the assured to use said automobile, or participating in any speed tonteat or race, or where said automobile Is in publie service by caveying )imenhera for compensation even though at the time of the scc: OHARAOTER OF ASSOCIATIO N. The polleykelders at the Bull Do` Autq,Fire Insurance Aasoeiation are individuals, "and eorpora- lion that have each executed an agreement (hereb� rmade a part 16ereof) which vests in Goddard and Roebdt Company, herein called Attorney or :.ttornay in Faot,power to issue this eontraet for them. MAXnam ,LIA837.ITY The total maximum liabiliity'of the Assured is hereby specifically limited to an addidonal 'amount not to exeeeu,is case of fire and I or theft coverage,the stun of ten dollars, ane in case of collision and i or lndem- nity coverage on care list price under `x1000 the sum of twenty-five dollars, cars, list price over POW a rum not to exceed fifty dollare. In no case, however, to exceed an amount equat to one annual premium deposit on same coverage 'it last previous year. All pall and future liability ceases after the policyholder has can- toed or lapsed his policy for one year. MEETINGS Olt: SUBSORIBERS. The annual meeting of the policyholders at this Association shall be held at the office of the Assoels- don, in Chicago, Ill., on the first Saturday in October of each year. Voting may be either in person or bf p-oxy. It is understood and agreed that receipt of notice of the annual meeting has been acknowledged by the policyholders and that no further notice is necessary. ALTERATIONS. No alteration in the terms of this policy shall be valid unless the same shall be aulhorlsad in writing by the undersigned Attorney in Fact or his successor. The term "Assured" as need in this policy shall be construed to mean subscriber, "Association" to mean Attorney in Fact or the Subscribers at the Association. In witness whereof the Subscribe,a at the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association have caused these prc-eenta to be aigaed by their Attorney in Fact, this ------Llth-----_ day of .--.JUM--------, 192A. BULL DOG AUTO FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Goddard and Roehm Company, Attorney in Fact. President Countersigned by _-_ 4�-. !� _�Kg!?��2 ------------- ry ? �y l `IQ � 1 t,•. 1 q,��t�x4 t )" 1 . n All . r. t 17 INSURANCE /- SSOCIAT14N "�, d c- N icago consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire InsurauC4 Association ;hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure YBLLONY OAB Go :,_DTLTUI3TTIDCAg. against all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions, and warranties stated in both the application, which is made a part hereof, and in- this policy, from noon, MR-10; _192_e_9 to noon of ME 16- . 192_L' TIRE (not to exceed) NO FIRE DOLLARS THEFT,(not to exceed)--NO TH . _ _ DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed)_X040LL1D10N__ DOLLARS With Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed INJURY for one person)_... TWO-THOUSAND.PM wtNffin 11 DOLLARS I,IAIIILITY (not to exceed for more than one person) TWO THOUSAND PTV g HUN98'0—OOLLA11$ PROPERTY DAMAGL (not to exceed) No MOFMTY D AusaH DOLLARS LOSS PAYABLH OITY OP DMTONI PWas This rider atteahed Prot ots the Yellow Oab Oompany of Denton , Telxas, under artiole 298 of the ordinance as in affect July 1, 1928+ of the dity of Denton, Texas, Whioh refers to, and definos, the liability under a surety bond for the benotit of injured personae rAriPY qxl !Y 4•f 4Y aAA,'d'. , :ed5l`.Yt . . BULL D00 AUTO F THH 1NSVW()g ASSO. OODDAND AND ROM OO)VANY BY ^ � res den To , itteats to and form pert of' poliay No. 624662.4 Oounter$igned this 10th day Of June, Ao D, 1098+ Farm Na (-6•r•!1 7/ o oAUTO , FinE" Iii uR N e I sSOCIATION 0c , A d. o TN consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association (hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure YBLLQL t7AB__Q0__v_s DENTON _ TEXAS, against all direct loss or damage, in the amount And as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the application, which is made a part hereof, and in this policy, from noon, JUNE lo,-192-a-, to noon of J1M9 i A � 192.x. FIRE not to exceed NO li IRB DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed) NO THEFT DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed).NO COLLISION DOLLARS With— — - —ono Deductible Clause (not to exceed PERSONAL for one person) TWO THaI'_lmin lrNE tit DOLLARS INJURY (not to exceed for LIABILITY more than one person) TWO THOUSAND FIVE HOI)R D DOLLARS so *XROPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed)_.__ Nn PROP MW DAM OR DOLLARS SCHEDULE OF WARRANTIES ON AUTOMOBILE INBURh1D. The statements hereinafter are a copy of those made by tie assured In his application and are war. nted to be trae. This polity is Issaed on express eonditlon of said warrantless and knowledge of incor• etness thereof, 'ercept by the Attorney in Fact personally, shall In no wise void such warranties. .f<! ; 110ADi NA'�v Me'foa No.` . ` SWAL Oa FACTOIT NO. Tip's 01 8e0T No.CYL HIP. ' It ar CAPsrltr, Iia If o1) L Plies PAio ` Wis by FdscaASe Paoli W0ok"'' ai car second bend or ne1Ti...:. .............c condition of esr..:_.._....._..r....',:....._..: enr mottpaged,or enearabered or does anyone alas own an Interests It so to ahem and how mnehL._. SITX 4h . I�tfQX�rm, .rr.rirrrr.r..�rr.rr..rrb .rrrrr.r.r.Lr._rrrr.rrrr.r.rr.trir.r.i . .. 'sisal SWAP pleoe ........err.. lIafi car loeil against W-oft1 ro�.i.j.r......r...... n .tvhit illy,Or 1,64 lity Is.or principally .....urf.......... „� ' t LYpbtynnal InitirY oe del4b'beeri`eemaa by es;f` di drivia by you tr.rr...rrrr.r.r.oi...arr.rrrr.r ' er aid► e�Ma�eta' 'crier MOW Y 'ur tnrnranto1 r1. r...........a..r.r..rrrr. r Olt haM lnrnraar brrtledf.�..: iii ee, IA' Whit 64>VUY J&d 1lhst eMoat1rrri.Woods Y►rrY0dgio.ri• 1. FIRE COVERAGE, Against direct loss or damage to said automobile caused by fire or lightning. . TV, amount of liability under the terms of this policy shall not erceedt the actual cash value of the,prope;fyy at the time Any loss or damage occurs, and the lops or damage shall be ascertained or estimated accordingl,'; with' proper deduction for depreciation, however caused, (und without compensation for the loss of use of the property), and shall in no event exceed what it would thou cast to repair or replace the automobile, or such parts thereof as may be damaged, with other of like kind and quality; and in all cases there shall ho at least a monthly dcprceiatiou of one and one-half per cent of the cost price of the automobile herein stated, which shall be deducted from the original onaount of Insurance herein' grantedl and ' on second hand cars insured the depreclatiou shall be at the basis of the original list price., Parts of automobiles detached or stored are not protected in case of loss. This coverage shell not include loss by fire resulting from the wilful act of any member of his family or any ene in, his employ. 2, THEFT COVERAGE. Against actual loss or damage to the automobile resorting from theft of said automobile; spare` tires, extra equipment, or other accessories, are not covered; and shall vot cover theft by the acquiescence in or conrivanee of the assured with any other person, oe by conversion theft, or by any member of The sssured's family, or any perann in assured', employ. 7h Association shall be allowed sixty days from the dato of notico to the Association to recover said stolen automobile, and is case said automobile is recov. ered and returned to the assured no loss therefor shall be paid except for such actual Injury and damage sustained b;r said car by reason of said theft other them its mere wmge. In ease said sutomoblle is re- covered after the sixty days have expired, and payment liar been made the?efor, then said automobile shall be and become the property of the said Association. The liability under theft coverage shall be on the same basis as the liability in the foregoing paragraph under the fire coverage, and computed on the same basis, 3. COLLISION COVERAGE, (NO COLLIS :ON COV ERA(L ) 4. PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY, Against actual loss by reason of legal liability to others for bodily injuries accidentally sustained, including 'death at, soy thne' resulting therefromi,on account of any accident due to thb otrnershlp malnte'nan4 or use of any automobile described In the polley, providing such accident occtiire daring thi' policy period And within the limits of the United States of America and Canada, subject to employers {lability exception. a. PROPERTY DAMAGE. AgaintVLIctuod lose by reason of his legal liability for damage to or destruction of any property "(excluding, bowever, property of the assured or property in the custody of the assured or. property which Is routed or, cased and for which the assured Is legally responsible or p�openy carried in or upon any automobile'of the assured) on account of any accident due to the ownership, maintenance or use of 'he'Insured Automobile prov.ded the accident occurs during the period of Insurance sad µthin the limits of the United states of America and Canada. TTORNZY AND COURT COSTS. In conneotion 'with but not Ih ade..ition, to actual loss as stated under coveiagtt No 4, being "Personal Injury" had Ro. 5 being "etoperty Damage," d.e Association does a ree troth thle' assure named herein, In relition to said covers;;e, as followst bath assured will be defended by an attorney, iio matter if the cue is groundless, false or traudttlento provided the damage or loss of the polleyholder U t>overed under the terms of this policy, and the payment of attorney and court costa against ell elalms for liability up to 04 amount of this Assoclatiou'a liability. CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS. ; ,.' Any."add al"e'v 1ge'Iunder th policy fa ;abject to the following conditions and limitations, which '4010 conditions preeedeak to be performed +oy the lsaueed named In this policy In the manner s her& k y trhal rl�ti'ItliEd r�at<y;atlilsFnehl, bondiyye6'adb afotrtrloel LaEstd" mtids ,iih'6tr!$!l>ye treat! b! 1iiW:. lty k!. My Is respectively,f xed neon or eoneeraittg dtlji s)►eeilYo eo,tersgo, and limits ;hslll in every case, Trent ; and traaeebtidn be this total mii1mum'amoutit aesumed, 'snd thb toWtiuni limit that may be rmooret'ed ' thereunder, Iii no alai, et6t4f transaction e" these respeetlrs limits or any of them be waived. 2. The assuria ;hill Imonedistely; aepon the o,!eurrenee of any loss by rsason'of the hazards lnrmr.' t ed blr ibdentniRed, 'kalify 'the" said Assoelatton In writing, static fmlty"and dompletely All fasts And clr- etsms ads id'his possession, or reasonably obWnabie'eoncernteg the oeourrenes eomplaised of,' end ;halt , mekb rue 'atsd complete azoer in tutting to the aafd Association, tou,�piiig And eoverlag der ingtilr'y mid`Au'oetatlon tday snake In relAtiott theret6,ind to ofovlde said AreoeiWon with tell and edhApm4- ptwoft 'of, Im in mabber.and forda to regttlroir V the said Association, end shall tranamk to the said Aseb� elation each "►nd er(r>r written nt}kiee dr docttment summons, otit Iaink 6r a art,�tbeeeediag that may be served upon shad asidred in''reltitioti to tiny said elalm,And to keep,sad Asaocia ion fully Informed ills to each wild 'ewbrry ep taken In,re!106 thereto.. 1'n ease the notlee herein regntre� 6 not given to the Aaoda• , (fib 1ii•Itbl "Wi diyi frotc th AAW St the 606M:114 upon µbleb taid shim Is made all ,fight to Itucl!antla of indemnity thetemiider ;bell by..reWn thereof; (altintnate sad ebase., A11 lord's oi damaged to "s tintomobile:mast Srst' be siableet WOO inspeelion`4f the Att,tticlatlon, t!1P euthodad representative before r 'pllm to be mAet eiad Al. i,i>i W tatM be let to A'garsre`designaI A by ti,d AsioclatIA 'ar tlae!! itl. t�orlted repraentati a 4bil tire. .411alty ,when eotapleted iabject to fhb J&roval qf the Asaootatton, ot�,th/if itithorlsed.f0teii0 4ilet`othdAU proteetl&ha hides tba tiMi"61 the llow to forfelta 8. In all coverage based upon the liability of assured to third persons, the assured shall not voluntari- ly assume or admit liability nor incur any cost or expenses in relation thereto, except upon the written request of said Association, and said assured shall give to said Associaton all friendly assistance in the settlement and disposition of any and all such claims, and In case suit shall be brought against said assured the said assured shall appear in court and assist in the trial thereof, and procure the testimony of any aul all witnesses, and participate in said trial in the same manner, and to the san!a apparent extent as if no liabili- ty hereunder had been provided. 4. No liability is assumed hereunder it said automobile is operated or left In charge, at the time the claim for any loan or damage arises, of any person under sixteen years of age, or same is being driven or operated by the assured or any other person while intoxicated, or by any person not having the consent of the assured to use said automobile, or participating in any speed contest or race, or where said automobile Is In public service bj carrying passengers for compensation even though at the time of the accident tkey Were tot carrying passengers for hire, or has been rented or leased to other persons, and no liability ht-:`*order shall in any case extend to and include lose from damage or Injury to any person or persona who ►": W cupants of, or riding upon any part of said automobile. It is expressly agreed that no intoxiestina liquors shall be transported in said automobile and upon the violation of this agreement till polley @hall for all purposes be considered from thence Ipso facto null and Told. Coverage hereunder 6W not extend to or include amy HabMty of an;► kind or character arising out of injury to the driver or any one eutsong raid drl•er or working In and L or about said car, Including the loading and I or the to. loading thereof, whether much liability srises un er Federal or State Workmen's Compensation Act or the common law or otherwise. And in no @sae can there be an abandonment to the Association of any damp. aged car, S. In cue assured shall make any false or fraudulent statements or representations in the application for insurance herein provided, or shall make any false or fraudulent statements or representations in relation to any claim arising hereunder, or shall encourage others to make such statements, or shall acquiesce in such false and fraudulent statements made by othem, then all insurance and indemnity hereunder shall by_ reason thereof become absolutely void and no ii .wity shall accrue hereunder and assuredle rights to insur. ance or indemnity under all claims be forfeited and annulled. 6. In case the assured sells, transfers or disposes of his said automobile all liability hereunder shall thereby immediately cease; provided, however, if the assured acquires a new or Aitferent automobile, and de• sires to have ilia same substituted for coverage, he may make written application therefor, to the Association, which said application shall contain the description of the new automobile, and if the application Is me. cepted by the Association, he will be issued a eertificate for coverage on new automobile effective only from the date of the issuance of sneh certificate. This entire policy, unless otherwise provided by agree• meat endorsed hereon or added thereto, shall be void it the subject of insurance be enenmbered by a chattel mortgage; or if with the knowledge of the insured foreclosure proceedings be commenced or nation given of sale of any property covered by this policy by virtue of any chattel mortgage; or if say thangI takes plate in the interest, title, or possession of the subject of insurance whether by legal proem or y voluntary act of the Insured, or otherwise; and upon the death of the subscriber. 7. It, at the time of the .loss or damage, there be any other insurance, direct or indirect, on the property covered hereby or any part thereof or interest therein, then in that event this contract shall be wholly null and void whether such other insurance be valid and collectible or not, unless otherwise pro. Tided by endorsement bereon, signed by the Association. S. In case the Assured and this Association shall tall to agree as to the amount of loss or dam- age, each shall, an the written demand of either, select a competent and disinterested appraiser. The appraisers she]! first select a competent and disinterested umpire; and failing for fifteen (15) days to agree upon sues umpire then, on request of the Assured or this Association, such umpire shall he selected by a jiidge of a court of record in the County and Stato in which the property insured was located at time of loss. The appraisers shall then appraise the loss and damage stating separately sound ,value and Ion or damage to each item; and failing to agree, shall submit their differences only, to the umpire. An award in writing, to itemized of any two when flied with this Association shall determine the amount of aound value and loss or damage. Each appraiser shall be paid by the party selecting him and the ex- penses of appraisal and umpire shall be paid by the parties equally. 9. The schedule of warranties In the application can in no event be waived, and assured in ac- eepting this policy guarantees that the statements arc correct in the epplication and pokey and agrees it they are not ns stated that there shall be no recovery and this policy s null and voidf this policy being Issued with insurance allowance on the basis that the car when insured is as represented in the warranties In the application. OANCELI•!lTION OF POL10Y, This policy shall be cancelled at any timb at the request of the Assured, in which ease the Associa• t on shrli, upon demand and anrrender of this policy refund the excess of paid premium above the cus. tcmary short rate premium for the expired term. This policy may be cancelled at any time by the Also. potion by giving the.. Assured a five (b) days' written notice of cancellation with or without tender of the excess of paid premiums above the pro rata premium for the expired term, which excess If not tendered sball be refunded on demand. Notice of cancellation shall state that excess premium (if not tendered) will ba tefundcd on demand. Notice of cancellation mailed to the address of the Assured stated in the tjllcy shalt be a gumelont, notice. Where premium payments are mot made for one yesr the insurance will fepso and policy be autobntionliy cancelled and mottle null and void unless the additional payment is made by noon on date some is due. Notice sent I;v mail to address of assured as stated in the policy shall be deemeA .uMel.,nt notice of demand for payment. Assured may upon payment of premium deposit and the fulfillment of all obligations causing such suxpension, and the acceptance of same In writing by the Attorney in Feet of the Association, bi reia. slated at the data of acceptance of such deposit premium. or other proceeding it l TrgI tllth� 8 shall 00Voo any {event be begun or maintained for the TZo raft the highest court of original juris- recovery of any claim upon under or by g diction, where the cause oft action scerues, and the eauae shall be against the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insuraneo 1knotatloia and service of process aball be had only upoh the Attorney In Peet of said Association, or the Insurance > apperintendetat or eorr�pqudina ofiieiai of any state where the Association to licensed to open. stn, Ida the tnstitutlon of such suit or alp" of aetlOn in the Meaner 'bor� speelded, end, the ,;service of pfoetsi as sldve specified shall be bindlrtg and of fun torte. and 41tet npott Bull Dog Ahlo Fire Ittsaraii6s Am6elatlon. Such proaeealbe meet be eotnireneed,Mthln one yeir after loss or dap.ste eutffered. OHARAOTER OF AssoorATION, the policyholders at the Pull Dog Ant* Fire Insurance Association are indiridl firms and corpora- ttow that hate each executed an agreement (hereb msdo a port hzreof) which vest;in oddard and Roehta Company, herein called Attorney or Attorney in wsct,'pctrer to issue thin eodtrsct for' thein. , MAXVIUK�LIA$ILITY', The total maximum liability of the Assured is hereby speeiflWly limited to an addi ticna!amount not to exceed,in case of fire and 1'oz theft coverage,the sum of ten dollars, and in case of eollisioa and or Indem- ulty coverage on can list price under $1600 the sum o! twenty-five dollars, cars, list pries ()Ter b1000 a sun not to exceed fifty dollars, In no case, however, to exceed an amount equal to one an premium deposit on oame'coverage for last preylous year. All past and future liability ceases after the po11,cyh')1 er base I an- celed or lapsed his policy for one yesr, ME8TINGS OF SUBSORIB$RS, The annual meeting of the policyholders at this Association shall be held at the otges of the Assocla- tioai ,tn Chicago, Ill., on the first Saturdsy In October of each year, Voting may be either in person or by proxy, `It,is understood and agreed that receipt of notice of the annual meeting has been acknowledged by the policyholders and that no fruther notice is necessary. ALTERATIONS. No alteration in the terms of this policy shall be valid unless the same shall be authorized in writing by the undersigned Attorney in Fact or + '.+ successor. The term "Assured" as used in this policy shall be construed to mean subscriber, "Association" to mean Attorney in Fact or the Subscribers at the Association. In witness whereof the Subscribers at the Bull Dog Auto fire Insurance Associalion have canoed these presents to be signed by their Attorney in 1aet, this -------loth---- day of AIMFL----------, 1926 -1 BULL DOG AUTO FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Goddard and Boehm Company, Attorney in Fact. CPS K -- President Countersigted by -- °5 °�.-`-=�--7------------- 0�g0, t �p.r� I 9aM1 'e ti� lsli �•�r 04 '!e r � ! a a, 1 fi ti' � - . ASV i . ! .a i..::rN � a I�p "R'"� : 44 AM "ai,4A''�tRTf1�.e tfar+t'Isfb 'YF ;51'.a': •p ' t �'•,.}1, �.ti'[re-nur 'c 4 -wR. W " n .n. . a - 1'. � a ♦i� 5 � r ry i'.' f r A tbrio Na 4441-19 Do ATUO �y r 10" t INSURANCE SOCIAMO o :ieo rcousideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association (hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure YldLLOW OAB OObtPANY4—DW OKO THKAg. against all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the o.pplication, which is made a part hereof, and in this policy, , from I noon, JUNS 10a 1926-, to noon of `'' ZVNS--109 =--.192- FIRE (not to exceed)_ NO XTRIt DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)---NO_T DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed) NQ 6034=6 — bOIMAR5 With- ,� + Deductible Clause MRSONAL (not to exceed TWO THOUSAND FIV8 HUNDRSfl DOLLARS INJURY for one person) ' LIABILITY (not to exceed for , more' thart one person) TWO THOUSAIND FIVE H1A11MRD DOLLARS lPROPERTY DAMAGYE (not to exceed) NO Pnop tTY DWON DOLLARS Or W, TRANSFER TO NEW CAR 6j6i 4oit"my, 'Attor In i'aet for she Aalt Do` Auto Fire insurance Aakociation, hereby con. genie that tn:urayce ot..Y$LLlS4d►._�dA$.IIOs. .................uf.... . .:....................shalt be transfered from Lis antomobite Prerioustr Insured undet Polio No........... to ate "new" av nwbite described below, and tnenrance en game sterls from the date named berets. ._Motor No.......�YlQ................... Name.--4i.&. ...._....�....... lkrfal Nu._.......00"......................Ty" of Body...WAR................. ..... No. of C1 Ilhden.......0......................Yeir Model.,. .1bga...................... . COVIRAGtt{ ZrIRt{1,,00t to exceed ............li4.F'T, .................... .............-...................... DOLLUS i!Eirjlr. not to exceed .. . ...lm.T.nn. ......................._................................... DOLLARS f cPl ustON, not to exoeed -. .R0..110i,Li.SYODi..---•- •-•................. DOLLARS E ................. With ....... ........................ .......... .................................... Dollar Dedocilbla. P#SONAL IWAY, one retrat. .............Tit[Q- ' QIiBW�.. Y�#..KtM1} S?..{ �dQAM)OLt.AAt9 More than ode Pereoa..................... 3'1q4.-21d41i9�Lt11I.$2Y1�.1I1�11�AD..(.�'�1504iCD)ioLLASts "r 111OPIMT1 DAMAGB, not to exceed �jQp$}� -""-'�d-'p DOLt.AlsB "Aferred from.... .......... .. . . No. 5 ���..._. ..•....... ............. , ttcd fdtfrt 04" of polt0> xAR.4MA44 . Bull Dopt•Auto Fire 'aetarsvice ;lasoclntin,►. CminterRivved f 1,k 2Ath,,,,n_-_ - (]i ddu ' o is ado �N consideration of a premium daposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association (hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure - yxLLOW OAB Q91LPAX(t_�T4N - mkRKAS . -- against all direct lose or damage, in the amount aad as hereinafter provided$ and eul>ject to the . stiptilations, : provisions and warranties stated in both tits application, 'whicli ie made a pert hereof, and in `this pollej•, from noon, im lot —1928—, to noon of`MN140 1o2 FIRE (not to exceed) xn F rN>x DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)..----X0–,THWT r DOLLARS fi0 (�nt.r.T4ioN IIbLI.A1t5' s` CQLLISrON ,(not tQ exceed) a With— P. Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed TWO THOUSAND FNti HUNDRED DOLLARS for one person) INJURY (not to exceed for. LIABILITY more than one person) TWO TH0113>,ND FiV g HUNDRED DOLLARS PROPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed) NO PROPERTY DAMAOB DOLLARS e TRANSFER TO NEW CAR a��usw,.n r*a4re*a«4i11— A,�,EOQ ttoeLm,,GOmpapy, Attorney in Fact for the Hull Dos Auto Fire Insurance Association, hareby con- --------------ut------ ................ ............J.........._._.._...._$hall be transfered from Lis automobile previously insured under Polley No.......... to his new automobile described below, and insnranes on Name starts from the date named herein. Trade Name-----k=7�-------------------_.Motor No._.....Silt}........................ Serial Nu...-- .--QOU----------------------Type of Body.-MAX... ........... __ No. of Oylfadere.......6......................Year Model._....W28........................ COVERAGES s ice,'not to exceed . . --._K0 _1?=. DOLLARS i THii,i'T, not to exceed. HO.AHM�---------------------------I-.........°----............ DOLLARS 1 +OLtt$ION, not to es-ieed .... .H4-IIQLT.LSIODL------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS With Dollar Deductible. > MAONAL INJURY,-one person .............TWO..THOIISAND.FIYB_.HlI'�tI?FtAI?..( '?�54QA.0noLLARs li More than one Person......... ........TYi(4-THO]iS�lll. .rSYF�_HU]>jJ}]3E1�..(�2Fz0ii�4!)}IGLt.Alts PROPFIitiv DAMA011, not to exceed .en/.�x.t....................... DOLLARS �J TraWfer»p.rrom .- AU ll ...........................'t.auto. Motor No. _Y?L![�Y�. tlach,rto and &ir t4 t'o! 1polit:,v bull b A ._................... opt siociation. - nto hire Siwirrarice OolinUresmid thin t.Zl .._...... aodderd and Roehlit Company,• z + - --- Aftarngt fit Fact, ILI day of .. 192 _. e►.k..lL F ' 4 L BY± .� ... - Prwdeut, n, Form NO 8-4114 (1.21•11) FACikI is U C-1 1.G d0 TN consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance J Association (Hereinafter callud the Association) does agree to insure YI�i,IAY! OAB COMPANX, Dffi4TON T K&&a agaInst all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter prof ided, and F r subject to the stipulations . provisions and warranties stated in bosh the application, ivh1ch is made a part hereof, and in this policy, from noon, Ji12iB .---1926—, to noon of`_1UIt8-10 7192-7— FIRE (not to exceed) NO F-110 DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)____._DtO-T nW' DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed) NO COLLISION DOLLARS R'itl1 _,__-_AiE*-.-Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed for one person) TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED i?pI,LAR5 INJURY (not to exceed for . 'LIABILITY more than one person) T p 2HO.JSAND FIVE AMRED—DOLLARS .PROPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed) 140 PROPERTY DAMAOB DOLLARS LASS PAXABLS CITY OF DENTON , TMS. I This rider attsohed proteots the Yellow Oab Oompany Denton, TExas, under artiole 295 of the ordinanoo as effeot July 10 1926, of the Oity of Denton , Texss , which tars to, end defines the liability under a surety bond ri the benefit of injured persons. BULL ObDARD AND H SO . milt COMPANY Attorney in cot BY V President attach to and form part of Polioy No, 524653-4 D, 1 tttersigned this 10th day or June, A . 4126. f , 4 I "i'AtTKT7 rON' •'�TTai/� '!— i or- iC a 0 o IN consideration of a preinium deposit the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association {hereinafter called the Association) does agree to insure YELLOW 0&A W9ANYa DhXTON t T]31CA3 . „ against all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the aFslication, which is made a part hereof, and in this policy, from noon, JUNE lot— _1926✓, to noon of �—Io ' 192.7— FIRE (not to exceed)_ NO se.1eR DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed). N0_THEFT —�_ __— DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed) NOSe41LISX0N DOLLARS r'c 'Alitli Clause .PERSONAL (not to exceed INJURY for one person) TWO THOUSAND FIVX HUNDRED DOLLARS (not to exceed for . LIABILITY more than one person)_M—TH D FIVE KU DRitn DOLLARS PROPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed). NO FROPERTY DAMAGE DOLLARS SOHEDULE OF WARRANTIES ON AUTOMOBILE INSURED. The statements hereinafter are a copy of those made by the assured in his application and ar¢ tiNar- to be true. This policy is issued on express -ondition of said warranties, and knowledge of ineor• s thereof, except by the Attorney in Fact personally, shall ir. no wise void such warranties. T&ADR NAMR MOTOR No. SERIAL OR FACTORY No. TYPO or BOGY NO, CYL H.P. t I - , CAPAC11T 1 YR. MODEL fil PRICE PAID `III DATE 01 PURCHASE PROM WHOP ar second hand or new;-------------- ----- Condition of car------------------------------- mortgaged or encumbered or does anyone else own an Interest; If so to whom and bow mucht.... ---- - - -- --- .--O-M-017MMOM...................... -------- storage place -------------------------- lies ear Welt against theftl .................... 1 , ity is car principally asedl----------------------------------------.--------- at city or localeraonallnl'ury or death been caused by any car driven by youl....................... ycompany ever refused your lns uraneel-------------------------------------------......... - { er intaratee carriedf-:----It ao, In what eompeay and what amount I......_- .---...... 77777*7777777- r 1. FIRE COVERAGE. Against direct loss or damage to said automobile, caused by fire or lightning. The amount of liability under the terms of this policy shall not exceed the actual cash value of the property at the time aidy;loss or damage occurs, and the loss or damage shall bo ascertained or estimated accordingly, with proper deduction for depreciation, however caused, (and without compensation for the doss of use of.the. property), and shall in no event exceed what it would then cost to repair or replace the automobile, or such parts thereof as may be damaged, with other of like kind and quality; and in all cases there shall be at least a monthly dcpreelatiru of one and one-half per cent of the cost price of the automobile herein stated, which shall be deducted from the original amount of insurance herein granted; and on second Bond cars insured the depreciation shall be on the basis of the original list price. Parts of autontobiles detached or stored are nct protected in case of loss. This coverage shall not include loss by fire resulting from the wilful act of any member of his family or any one in his employ. 2. THEFT COVERAGE. Against netual ' -z or damage to the automobile resulting from theft of said automobile; spare tires, extra equipment, or other accessories, are not covered, and shall not cover theft by the acquiescenee in or connivance of the assured with any other person, or by conversion theft, or by any member of the essured's family, or any pera^n in assured's employ. The Association shall be allotted sixty days from the. date of notice to the Asseeistion to recover said stolen automobile, and in case said automobile is recov Bred and returned to the assured no loss therefor shall be paid except for such actual injury and damage sustained by said car by reason of said theft other than its mere usage. In case said automobile is re. covered after the sixty days have expired, and payment has been made therefor, ;ben said automobile shall be and become the property of the said Associatio.�. The liability under theft coverage shall be on the some basis as the liability in the foregoing paragraph under the tare coverage, and computed on the some basis. 3. COLLISION COVERAGE. (NO COLLISION COVERAGE) 4. PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY, Against actual loss by reason of legal liability to others for bodily injuries accidentally sustained, tneluding,death at an)- time resulting therefrom, on account of ady accident due to the, Mirnerebip, maintenance or »ss of any.automobile dcsoribed in the polies, providing such accident oeeuri during the poHey period, and within the limits of the United States of America and Canada, subject to &.A;Ioyers' liability exception. 8. ' PROPERTY DAMAGE. Against actual lost; by reason of his legal liability for damage to or destruction ,of any property (exelnding, however, pmp�rty of the assured or property in the eustod) of the assured or property which is renttd.or (eased and for which the assured id legally reapon able or property carried to or upon any autos' Wle of the assured) on account of any accident due to the ownership, maintenance or.age of the°lniurW automobile provided the accident occurs during the period of insurance and wthin the limits of the United States oil America and Canada. ATTORNEY AND 000RT COSTS. In connection with but not in addition, to actual loss as stated under coverages No. 4, beingg ''Personal Injury'' tad lYto. 6 being "Property Damage," the Association does a ee ;Pith the` assured named herein, in relation to said coverage, as followst Each assured will be defended by an attorney, no'Inettbr If the ease is groundless,•false or fraudulent, provided the damage or loss of the tlolloyli der 4 hovered under the terms of this policy, and the payment of attorney and court costa against all :laim>t for alsbility up to the aitonnt of this Asso,,Istion's liability, 'CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIOHN. Ahy and all eoversge under this policy .m subject to the following conditions and limitations, whiob are Conditions precedent to be performed by the assured named in this policy in the manual as 114r Ai M;' W MM,gd,M� 6 ' itat4m so_editlon aed provision herein made, akeretn .,the limit of Us- " 1 a �>l '�`i9C1, 11kd av/tly� t�, ter In no ease +stout of tra s; on sill th" limits f tart be be, kkovered b l ty if retpe lively Bic, upon oi' eo"tie n ' si�'spisclfle cbt�erdg`a, and limit shsll lu' ei'd"' of &Tint and ttak!:ltl n be,the total mikimum sm'ount aetntr sd and the itta:imndu ilia;t that may e thereunder. ate respective or any o th red, 2. The assured shall immediately, upon the o,eurrnlce of any lose by reilaon of the his" incur- ed of inddtliatlldd, notif the said "Absoelation in writing, stating tally and completely ell faets said elr4 eptlutancetl,In liiis possession, of reasonably obtainable eoneerning the ocenrreaee ;eemplaU d of,'and @hall easiest tray "a complete a w er In ,*rating tb 'the said Assoelstiau, tovehlof and larerl 'jr ilia ingalr)1 Aid-'A,uoaiatlbn May mike In relation thereto aid io;provide said "oeletion with tall slid eotypplets proofs of lou In mann-it and firm ea regatQ by thi raid &Welatfob, and %ball transmit to the;Wd Asiti� � elation eseh ales every wrltteti'notice or dochtndnt, tldmfnons, eotn lint or rotirrt 'pt'oeeeediag that miy ba served aeon sari asrared Id relftioh to any said elaim,add to ke"ep'sald Assoeiatloti fully Idformed ire to each sod eve tte� takin In relation thereto. In title the netlee bereln tegalrbd is not mires [o,th'i Asaoel&- 4lon' vlthhd ten days'from tbf`date of the oeettrrenee, neon which sald'elattn Istrade All rlght tb inittifuea or lediftity theteaddei 'saall by readcn thiredf, tbt�ettaltte slid seats:" All losafee 'or damages ' to' laid anloteobll!?must fint 'be tlabjeet to the Inspecllon of the Asaoolation, or atlth'a'tiied fepriaSatativd, afore re "elf% e n be taidi' 'slid foldd repairs malt be. let • es{ steel by' the Aseoclatioit o* th r ,its• �o fed.1'epreeentafi'te Whd the repalrf ;then toltip etdd snb�eet the ajiproval of the Afru;eiatlon, 6 thelr iilhrlsad Yijiterilatativei' otherwise` proteetlon'isndee th6 termY'nf the polfdy to fotfeitdd. j' S. In all coverage bas-,:d upon the liability of ai:ure•1 to third perscas, the assured $ball not voluntary ly am,ame or admit liability nor incur any cost or expenses in relation thereto, except upon the written request of said Association, and Bald assured shall give to said Associaton all friendly assistance in the settlement sad disposition of any and all anch clelms, and in case suit tihall be brought against said secured,the acid a;aured shall appear in court and assist in the trial thereof, And procure the testimony of any and all wittimes, ar.d participate in said trial in the same mwner, and to ilia same apparent extent as if no liabili- ty hereunder had been provided. 4. No liability is assumed hereunder if said automobile is operated or left iu charge, at the time the chin for any loss or damage arises, of any person under sixteen years of age, or same Is being driven or operated by the assured or any other person while intoxicated, or by any person not having the consent of the a�eured to use said automobile, or participating in any speed couteat or race, or where said automobile Is in public service by carrying passengers for compercution even though at the tf:as of the accident they were not carrying passengers for hire, or has been rented or leased to ot,:or gemous, and no liability hereunder shall in any case extend to and include loss from damage or mini;' to any pollon or persona who are W eupanta of, or t•lding upon any pert of said automobile. It is vipressly agreed that so Intoxicating liqm shall be transported In a<a.id automobile and upon tho violation of this agreement QU po uno ey shall for all purposes he eonaldaod from thence Ipso facto null and void, Coverage hereunder mall not extend to a ` Include any liability, of any kind or eharscter arising out of injury to the drives or ans cue aeatsting slats driver o: worMng in and e or abort said ca•e, Including the loading and I or the un. tossing thereor, whether ounh liability kriew tinder Federal or State Workmen's Compensation Act or the common law or otherwise. And In no ease can there be an ayandonment to the Amoolation of any darn• ap!.a, ue:. 6. In case assured &hall make any false or fraudulent statements or representations In the application for Insurance herein provided, or shall make spy false or fraudulent statements or representatlons in relation to any claim &rising hereunder, or shall oucourage others to make such statements, or shall acquiesce in much false and fraudulent statements made by others, then all insurance and indemnity hereunder shall by reason thereof become absolutely void and no liability shall accrue hereunder and assured'$ right; to insur. anee or Indemnity under all claims be forfeited and annulled. S. In case the assured sells, trvmf ere or disposes of his said automobile all liability hereunder shall thereby Immedintely ceases provided, however, if the assured acquires a new or different automobile, and do- fires to have the same substituted for coverage,he may make written application therefor, to the Assooiation, which said application shall contai" the description of the new antomobile, and if the application is as copied by thb Association, he will be issued a cerdfleste for coverage on new automobilo effective only from the date of the Issuance of such certificate. This entire policy, unless otherwise provided by agree• meat endorsed hereon or added thereto, shall be void if the subject of insurance be enenmbered by it chattel mortga, e= or if with the knowledge of the insured foreclosure proceedings be commenced or notice given of sale o any propertyy covered by t policy by virtue of any chattel mortgages or if My aaang� takes place in the interest, #itle, or poaaeralon of the subject of insurance whether by legal process or by voluntary act of the insured, or otherwise t end upon the death of the subsariber, 7. If, at the time of the lose or damage, there be any other insurance, direct or fndireet, on the c property covered hereby or any part thereof or interest therein, then In ths.t event this contract shin be wholly null and void whether such other insurance be valid and collectible or not, unless otherwise pro- vided by endorsement hereon, signed by the Association. 8, In case the Assured and this Association shall fail to agree as to the amount of loos,or dam. age, each shall, on the written demand of either, select a competent and disinterested appraiser. The appraisers shall first select a competent and disinterested aspires and failing for fifteen (16) days to agree upon such umpire then, on request of the Assured or this Association, such umpire shall he selected by a fudge of a court of record in the County and State in which the property insured was located at time of loss. The appraisers shall then appraise the loss and damage stating separately sound value and loss or damage to each�Iteml and failing to agree, ebali submit t#eir differences only, to the umpire. An award in writing, to itemited, of any two when M.d with this Amoclation shall determine the amount of sound value and loss or damage, Each appraiser $}.all be paid by the party selecting him and the ex- rcnses of apprnisal and umpire shall be paid by tta parties equally, 9. The schedule of warrenties In the apr;icatlon can In no event be waived, and assured In ac. carting this policy guaran#ees that the statements are correct in the application tad podley and agrees if Moy fire not as stated that there shall be no recovery and this policy Is null and void this policy being lsincd with Insttranco allowance on the basis that the car when insured is as represents( In the warranties In the application. OANOELLATION OF POLIOY. 'Chid policy shall be cancelled at any time at the requep', of the Assured, In which case the Assocls. Con shall, upon demand end surrender of this polfoy refund the excess of paid premium above the cum. tojnAry 'short rate premium for the expired term. This policy may he cancelled at any time by the Asso. ' v tloh y giving the, Assured a Ave (5) days' written notice of eancelinlfon with or without tender of the b excess of paid premiums above the pro rata premium for the expired term, which excess if not tendered ' i Rhell be refunded on demand. Notice of cancellation sbAll state that excess premium (if not tendered) All be refunded on demand. Notice of cancellation mailed to the address of the Assured stated In the tl`olicy shall lie a soMelont, notice. Sphere premium payments are not made for one year the Insurance will lepso and polity be autotnntieally cancelled and made null and void unless the additional payment is mado ' by noon on date aside Is due. ` Notice sent by mail to address of assured as stated In the pollee shall be dceme-i suAielenl notice of demand for payment. Assured may upon payment of premium deposit and the fulll*nent of all obli gations causing such Incas elan and the acceptarce of same in writing by the Atloraty in Fact or the Association, be rela. stated t►t the date of acceptance of such deposit premi,.tm. METHOD OF 1REOOVZRV. X10 shit or other proceeding at law or In equity shall is &ey event be r begun or maintained for the ee te aa etb ey te se sl o it te gnu o utFra<neAlitie where of e on crnes and h this contract tagans the ufina AesoJe+.loft and service of process $hxlf be had onl1r upon"the Attorney in Fact of said Association or the Insurance Janpperintendent or co:resooedinst o>91eia1 of say state where the Association Is licensed to open. ' id, end the tasiltudon of such suit or cavae of a�if n In the,mannei� above a eeffied, and the service of � I t ti pzocea>< ae Above specified shall be.bfnding and of Call force. and effect upon Ptill Dog Auto Mrtf Inmitan6i f Atuoctation. Such proeeedtng taunt be eommebeed,within one year after loam of damage #hffe*ed. l 7 17 -r*.�.eea� ........................... form Batt off Poll, bo st Auto fire Inurace Association. er: : Cotit�torRienrd this AA y 7 ' - Ja Udaard au3 ttOl'tli.l rt 1-f'�i . ,.--.r CL'n'_` '.,^,";�^C:iLt s,T,gi' •,dY�� M.� OHARAOTER OF ASSOOIATIO N. The polloyholdera, at the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Anoctation are individuati4 firma Bind corpora- tions that have sae rl=ecrtw to agreement (he�eb� ymade a part hareof) which verte in Goddard and Both" Company, herein deed Attbrtiey or adoruey in Fact, power to issue this contract for then;, MAXIMUM =BIIJTY: The total maximum !}ability of the Assured is hereb;I specifically limited to an additional amount not to exceed, In case of fire snd I or theft coverage,the sum of ti n dollars, and is case of collision and J or indem- nity coverage on gars 114, price Hader $1000 the sum ol ttfenty-£ve dollars, cars, list price ov's' 11000 a snip not to exo9d fifty dollars!" n� case, however, to exceed an amount equal to one annual premium deposit on same coverage for last previous year. All past and future liability ceases after the policyholder bas can- celed Or lapsed hte Polley tor, one year, MEETINGS OF SUBSORIHER8. The annual meeting of the policyholders at this Association shall be held at the office of the Aawela lion, iq Chicago, 111,0 on the £rat Saturday in October of each year. Voting may, be either to parson or bf pproxy. It is understood and agreed that receipt of notice of the annual meeting bees been'aetrnowledged by j be policyholders and that no farther notice to necessary. ALTERATIONS. No alteration in the terms of this trolley shall be valid unless the same shall be autboAted to writing by the undersigned Attorney is Fact or his sueo.esaor. The term "Assured" ss used in this policy shall be eonstrned to mean subscriber, "Association" to mean Attorney in Fact or the Subscribers at the Association. In witness whereof the Subscribers at the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Awetatlon have ceased theme presents to be signed by their Attorney in Fact, this --------10th--- day of ._Jm......... 192.8. BULL DGG AUTO FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, � floddard ar,3 Roehn, Company, Attorney in Fact. President Countersigned by ................ _ .a .-s ._..a«..y.ryr.. .....�_.._..,. .y».«....-. n -:-..... .... .... ..•s r r.. wi4I PY }r� a �S15 ' yH '► • #6 d rr lwi- {' , _ `ray •� r '�3 C� ,� � +V��t7 r� ?' .�i. •�;! ! j'�,�. �; ��''T'�>f..•�'��� 'x 7 U''. t�.i 't�`' ri tl,l�.M�',}�'Y CY" 1' 'Nya.�. . '� , , . i, n r 1 I G tR 1j i I�' ,1 r it , i ..! I •�" J,:Y, �i ►yt etfu it•. 1 . 1, Olt 1 t A t) t ` 1 1 p ` 8 1 1 r✓, JJJ� � 1• �� t �ti L .y1 ' - r 1 r ! �. ,�,� • ' i,�1 S�i,'9 "� 6 ` r, i ` ifs. . r � iS Y fiYF � . �asearrrrs►. ,� w : t . . i.'+ .'•X.0. rorm Na c? Q AUTO Fi ncm INSURANCE SO CIATION nottrnrar O C .I cI O TN consideration of a premium deposit the Dull Dog Auto Fire Insurance J, Association (hereinafter called the Association) does agree to lien ure YELLOW OAB 00* DENTONp TNCA8 . againat all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and subject to the stipulations, provisions and warranties stated in both the application, which is made a part hereof, and in this policy, from noon, JUNE ' L0. 192 , to noon of t JITHS I 192 : FIRE (not to exceed)_ NO FINE DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)__ NQTH WT DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed)_H0_ff0LLI820N_._ .DOLLARS Wi Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed INJURY for one person)__ TWO THOUSAND Frig HUNDRED_ DOLLARS LIADILITY (not to exceed for more than one personIM TH MAND ME-HUN Dit1M DOLLARS _._ . . ... . ,., d)-- NO FROPF� MQE DOLLARS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Blot to exceed) LAS PAYABLE OITY OF pATON TEAS. This rider atteahed proteatc the Yellow Oab Oompany Of Denton , Texas, under article 295 of the ordinnnae as in effebt July It 1928, of the Oity of Denton, Texas, "h refers to, and dtfineeo the liability under a surety bon •fOr the benefit of inJured persons. BULL DOG AUTO FIRE INSURANOE A6806 00DDARD AND ROEH1t 0OMPANY r Attorney In Faot resident to ettaoh to anll form part: of policy NO. 824884-4 Oouhtersigne/ilthis 10th day of hne, `A. U. 1028, p ' Form No. 444.24 Do. AUTO � � r i nr-. INSURANCE /a►s5 CIATION n - LiC dqo r �N consideration of a premium deposit the Bull Dog Auto .Fire Insurance Association (hercluafter called the Association) does agree to insure YELLOW OAe 0060 D13NTONgTEUS . _ against all direct loss or damage, in the amount and as hereinafter provided, and Aubject to the stipulations, provisions And warranties stated in both the application, which is Lunde a part hereof, and iii this policy, from noon, Owj 10e 192_6..0 to noon of JyME 10t 1927...: FIRE (not to exceed) NO PXHO DOLLARS THEFT (not to exceed)_.— NO THIWT � .._-DOLLARS COLLISION (not to exceed)_ NRODLLISION —.DOLLARS 11'ith e _ Deductible Clause PERSONAL (not to exceed ' INJURY ; for one person) ___. TWO THOUSAND b'IYg-HUNDRED DOLLARS LIABILITY (not to exceed for more than one personPWD_MOM PIYR HiM=___.bOLLARS _PAOPERTY DAMAGE (not to exceed)--- OPMTY timAGN DOLLARS y' SOHEDULE OF WARRANTIES ON AUTOMOBILE INSURED, The'statements hereinafter are a copy of those made by the assured In big application and are %tat. ted to be true. This polieF is lauded on express condition of said srerrantles, and lrnowledga of ineor. tness thereof, except by the Attorney In , rct personalty, shall in no wise void such watrawles. TRACi NAN! ; Atoios No. 4101AL or PACT01V No. r TY►s or bobs N0.Crr. 11.P. 7 Ok C"�1ACIfY Y1. 11i'2 iL pMftL pAiA bait Oe PtlatttAlf J p1104 80N = ear aeeo'6d baud or r,eut..'rri`.....r►r.a•rur'', (condition of eaP..r..:rr.r..r..rr...r:'rruirYlr sae mortga��d_or encumbered dr dose anyone elae�;;Irn an lnterestt If so to whoni and hots much I.... urrrri.rr►.rr.►.r.r.r.urrrrrr•rN rrr(.,..r.ru.r r.r•r...►rrrr►rrrr. r[. 1 Ilan eaE loeL against theltt q , r. 01 atora�'E lace r..irrrr irr.wrr. [wrJl irrr •rrrr r.rlr•�rrrr••d�♦ 9a �T rtr. tt � + k aro � r4 A°b .'� ` what sit ow lotaftt is ear wringlppa ¢1,'fiir?f1 t'4�`,' j .k. i f^,t,l�A,i.! n ` y 4p��e r►f'a dk�a{�f a�). , dr/dh bA n I e�} rrrar t..rrrtrri,EF ' by r.i Yw r�arrr+rrG.r i.Yr�.ri irrlL�r L'rir dr,afr�£i;.r yottf.rrrrfrr.r•.�[rr...r�r awr/.rr Ar t � ���t1� . i �:� tl ��� 'eompa�y` Bret ��llilQ yob 1uiY�ed�Lrrr+rr•r1'r.rrr r.rr.,rr/.r.r..ur[r'•rr.N rr rr r.Nr.rr r4�Yr, . �+� � ..) ri' i ,T tin,':{,t r ,/. i1 1 "f"f.�. ryy. � /,,, ♦. I(y;�, �.r.1 ..,.xa,,aa.11' ,. j( � r h+ '�,�:�d f,S bihbf isiettrauee"tlrrled lryAic.l� �� 11t�.lrbat e�ap�y ilyd FuOi'QQlbttntl_[.r+Y��•rirrr�ii.r�rrrwlir A 1 !g. L FIRE 0OVER10E, Against direet lss or damage to said automobile caused by fire or lightning. The amount of liability under the terns of this policy shall wet exceed the actual cash value of the properl y.at the time any lose or damage occurs, and the loss or damage abet; be ascertained or estimated accordingly, with proper deduction for depreciation, however sauced, (,Ind without compensation for the lose of use of the property), and shall in no event exceed what it would then coat to repair or replace the automobile or such parts thereof at me:, be damaged, with other of like kind and qual£t,y t and In all eases there shall be at least a monthly depreciation of one and one-half per cant of the cost price of the Automobile herein stalest, which sllull be deducted from the original amount of insurance herein granted; and on second hand cr,rs insured the depreciation shall be on the basis of the original list price, farts of automobiles detached or stored are not protected in case of loss. This coverage shall not include loss by tare resulting from the wilful net of any member of his fatally or any one in his employ, 2. THEFT COVERAGE, Against aetnal loss or damage to the automobile resulting from theft of said automobile; spare tires, extra equipment, or other accessories, are not covered and shall rot cover theft by the acquiescence In c,r connivance of the assured with any other person, or Ly conversion theft, or by any member of the assured's luruily, or any person in assured's employ. The Association shell be allowed sixty days from the date of notice to the Association to recover said stolen automobile, and in case said automobile Is recov- ered and returned to the assured no loss therefor shall be paid except for such actual Injury and damage sustained by said car by reason of said theft other then its mere usage, In case said automobile is re• covered after the sixty days have expired, and payment has been made therefor, then said automobile i shall be and become the property of the said Association. The liability under theft coverage shall be on' the some bails as the liability in the foregoing paragraph under the Are coverage, and computed or, the same basis. 3. COLLISION COVERAGE. ( NO COLLIE IM COVENME) 4. PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY, Against actual lots by reason of legal liability to others for bodily injuries accidentally sustained, i including death At any time resulting therefrom, on account of any accident due to the ownership, tne.,'ntonance or use of any automobile described in the policy, prodding such accident occurs during the ppolicy period and within the limits of the United Slates of America and Canada, subject to employers' IlAM ity exception.' 5. PROPERTY DAMAGE, Against actual loss by reason of his legal liability for damage to or destruction• of any properly (excluding, however, property of the assured or property In the custody of the assured or property 1 which is rented .or, eased and for which the Assured Is lea res oneibl i legally p e or property earned in or upon any autoittobile of the assured) on account of any accident due to the ownership, malntenanee or a44e of the'Inmurod entomoblle provided the accident occurs during the period of insuranca'end within the &ta of the UnAed Stelae of Amerlea trod Canada. ATTORNEY AND COURT COSTA, t In connecti-An with but not In addition to actual loss no stated under coverages go. 4j beta g r'Pereontll Injury", "a go. 6 being "Property Damage," the Association does i eegwith' the assured n,tm�d herela In relation to raid coverage as follows: Each assured will be defended by an attorney, no matter If the ease'is 'groundless', false or fraudulent, provided the damage or lone of the policyholder le'eovered under the terms of this policy, and the payment of attorney and court costs eaainst all elaimt f6t liability up to the amount of this Association's liability. o 6014 DITIGNS AND LIMITATIONS. any and all coverage under this policy Is subject to the following conditions and litaltatfons, which are cejaldons precedent to be performed by the assured named in this policy In the mann# w herein rtatee f " I. That each and every statement; coalition and provision hereto made, wherein the linalt of Ila- bility is respectively fixed upon or concerning -gay speei90 eavtrroge, and limits rhell in eraq rage, event and trsnrtotion be the total mWmum &mount assumed, and the maximum limit that may be recovered thereunder,' In no cane, event or transaetion tan theme respective limits or any of them be Waived. lf.. Ilia Assured shall Immediately, ttppbbu the oreurrenee of any lone by reason of the hit" friar. 0 lnddiaW46J, motifs� the ;aid Agsocltitlon In writing, staling fully and eompletely all fgeti aad alt. �1sta,utet its`hls pMesaloff, or reasonably obtainable concerning the occurrence• eomplalned of, toad &hall ; #e trdb 'ab'd Feotnpiete Answer In V'rittng to the sold Amoelatitia, todebldi, and eoVerlik Of`faq$ltyr ',liar sitori iritiy, tnske In reliddn thereto, and tb provide raid Aeebeiation '*It% full' atr3, "&Antplet&' Oka off In manner and form as reghlred by"the "said Associstion, and shall trsaemlt to the said Agob.. oiatio E�ee4 ad�'erlryiwrI000 notlee or document, trdttifnens, somapla£nt or`oQstet" f6tteedlag tblt 'atly b1 " tj apda" ag/ljred In i+elobiod"to day sald'etaim,add to keep told Assort'{ion i�alli. 1hurned'a—to each tl�8d„`bbtjJ, a �sken In re M4.h thereto, Id 'elte the douse herein rooldd`li tat, rah 0;thi'Anocit�,. ties Gfthfa Ea hayr,I"Ma b o data°of the aisterenie,'npen which raid el�im 101fd'!►d!' UN, Widit""di' tedeardity theta utlidei ahttll b' ,rceeeod thereof, tet'mltfete add eeagdi A11 lower ''6r;ds J61 id' tlafd 4 tatopnobile Mit �bt1b tibblec! to" the Inspection°of the Assgelallogda l�r suthodged t'epretea�tative befor/d is �, 1 4rtgiMed Np �ntet�l4 d the ep►lp en tdatpteted rub et,to the s¢�i4y o the �661 tlal.L or theft;jet 4 li lanthoried re reels ts4it'e " otherwise refer!e;s laplet4d t t ct o! ihd b e Assoelatl6 er lielr atw r C, e' .i ,1„ r�;,.. it jwti,,will •W.�itBS<i,�.,.an - IA .xi :ip' !•. + .ar , Y ra'a�."aFAwt',.- S. In all coverage based upon the liability of assured to third persons, the assured shall not voluntari• ly assume or admix' liability nor incur any coat or expenses in relation thereto, except upon the written request of Bald Association, and said assured shall give to said Assoclaton all friendly assistance in the settlement and disposition of ,ny and all such claims, sad In case suit shall be bro right against said assured the said assured shall appear in court and assist in the trial thereof, and procure the testimony of any AA all witnesses, and participate in vsid trial in the same manner, and to the same apparent extent as if no Rabill. ty hereunder had been provided. 4. No liability is assumed hereunder if said automobile is operated or left In charge, at the time the claim for any loss or damage arises, of any person under sixteen ycare of age, or same is being driven or operated by tl:e assured or any other person while intoxicated, or by any person not having the consent of the assured to use said automobile, or participating in any speed contest or race, or where said automobile Is In public s^rvice by carrying passengers for compensation even though at the time of the accident they were not carrying passengers for litre, or has been rented or leased, to other persons, and no liability hereunder shall in any case extend tss and include loss from damage or injury to any person or persons who are oe; cupants of, or riding upon any part of sidd automobile. It !a expressly sgreect that no, intoxicating liquors shall be transported In said automobile and upon the violation of this agreement this policy %haU for all purposes be considered from thence ipso facto null and void. Coverage hereunder shill not extend to or Include any liability of any kind or character arising out of Injury to the driver or say ens assisting said dAver or working in and or about said car, including the loading and or the un. loading thereof, whether such liability arias user Federal or State Workmen's Compmation`Act or the common law or otherwise. And in no ease can there be an abandonment to the Assn tlatfon of tray data aged car. S. In case assured shall make any false or fraudulent statements or representations In the application for insurance herein provided, or shall make any false or fraudulent statements or representations in relation to any claim arlming hereunder, or shall encourage others to make such statements, or shall acquiesce in such false and fraudulent statements made by others, then all insurance and indemnity hereunder shall by reason thereof become absolutely void and no liability shall accrue hereunder and assnred's tights to incur- once or Indemnity under all claims be forfeited and annulled. 6. In cane the assured sells transfers or disposes of his said automobile all liability hereunder shelf thereby immediately cease; provided, however, if the assured acquires a new or different automobile, and de• sires to have the same substituted for coverage,he may make written application therefor, to the Association; which said application shall contain the description of the new automobile, and if the application is so, cepted by the A:soclstlon, he will be issued a certificate for coverage on new automobile effective one from the date of the Issuance of such certificate, Thle entire policy, unless otherwise provided by agree• meat endorsed hereon or added thereto, shall be void if the subject of Insurance be enonmberod by a chattel mortgaggel or it with the knowledge of the insured foreclosure proceedings be commengpd or notles given of sale o any prof erty covered by this policy by virtue of any chattel mortgagee at if any thange takes place in the intere+,t, title, or possession of the subject of insurance whether by loge! proeaa or by voluntary act of the insured, or otherwlsee and upon the death of the subscriber, 7. If, at the Vine of the lose or damage, there bo arty other insurance, direct or Indirect, on the property covered hereby or say part thecae: Ir interest therein, then In that event this contract o W be wholly null and void whether such other Insuri nee be valid and collectible or not, unless otherwise pro• Tided by endorsement hereon, signed by tb i o sorlation. F. In ease the Assured end this Association shall fait to agree as to the amount of logs or dam. age, each shall on the written demand of either, select a competent and disinterested appraiser. The appraisers shall first select a competent and disinterested umpire; and failing for fifteen (18) days to agree upon such umpire then, on request of the Assured or this Association, such umpire shall he selected by a judge of a court of record In the Cminty and State In which the properly Insured was located at time of loss. The appraisers shall then appraise the loss and damage stating separately sonar. value and loss or damage to each item; and failing to agree, shall submit their differences only, to the umpire. An mrard In writing, to itemized, of any two when filed with this Association shall determine the amount of sound value and loss or damage. Each appraiser gha11 be paid by the party selecting him and the eft• tenses of appraisal and umpire shall be paid by the parties equally. 9. The schedule of warranties in the application can in no event be traived, and assured In me• capting this policy guarantees that the Btatenunta are correct In the application and polio and and d rees'lf tbry are not at stated that there shall be no recovery and this policy is null and vold` this policy being Issued with insurance allowance on the basip that the car when insured to as represented in the warranties In file 'application. 0ANOE:,LATION OF POLrOY, This poliey shall be cancelled at any time at the request of the Assured, in which case the Assocla• t;ou shall, upon demand end surrender of this polloy refund the excess of aid premium above the cus• tomdry short rate premium for the expired term, This policy may he cancelled at any time by the Asso- f-hilon by giving the Assured it five (6) dval written notice of cancellation with or without tender of the excess of paid premiums above the pro rala premium for the expired term, which excess it not tendered shell be eetunded nn demand. Notice of cancellation shall state that excess premium (if not tendered) W11 be refunded on demand. Notice of cancellation mailed to the address of the Assured stated in the is licy shall be a suflcicnt notice. Where premium psyments are not made for one year the insurance will lnpso and poliey be automatically cancelled end made null and void unless the additional payment Is made by noon on date same Is due. Notice sent by mail to address of assured as stated In the policy shall be deerneel sufilelent notice of demand for payment. Assured may upon payment of premium deposit and the fulfillment of all obliggatlone causing such tltspensiou and the acceptance of ;tame In writing by the Attorney in Fact of the Association, be rein. %toted at the date of acceptance of such deposit premium. METHOD OI' RX0O i►E3a;Y. No cult or other proceeding at law" or in equity shall in any event be begun or maintained for the racorery of dny Claim upon under or by Artut'of this emitract only in the highest court of original jaris dletion, where the cause o? action aeeruee, and the taus shall be against the Hall Do Auto tire Insurance AssoeSatlOn and serNee of process shall be had ealy bon the Attorney In pact of told A"oelation or the In e!e hupperintendent or eor:eepondina official of any state where the Meoelatfoh It licensed 6 open ate, and the filatitution of much snit or aquae of action in the manner above speeifed, Md the s rvlee of, ptoeess as above tpecided %ball be binding and of full force and effect upon Ball Dog Auto Tire Idowanod � Atgoelation. Such proceedleg meet be aommenaed Within one year after load cr damage tuffered. • I, k ORARAOTER OF ASSOOIATIO N, The policyholders at the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association are Individuals, firma and eorpora- tions that have each executed an agreement (hereb mdde a part hareot') which vests in Goddard and Roehm Company, herein called Attorney or Attorney in Fact, powty to Was tEs contract for them. MAXIMUM LIABILITY The total maxlmum liability of the Assured is hereby specifically limited to an additional amo!int not to exceed, in case of fire and I or theft coverage, the sum of ten dollars, and is case of collision and ( or indem- nity coverage on cars list price under 81000 the sum o! twenty-five dollars, ears, list price over 41000 a sum not to exceed fifty dollars. In no ease, however, to exceed an amount equal to one annual premium deposit on same coverage for last pprevicus year. All past and future liability ceaa^,a after the policyholder has can- celed or lapsed his policy for one Fear, MEETINGS OF SUBSORIBERS. The annual meeting of the polleyholders at this Association shall be held at the office of the Associs tlon, in Chicago, Ill., on the first Saturday In October of each year. Voting may be elther in person or b) proxy. It is understood and agreed that recelpt of notice of the annual meeting has been acknowledged by the policyholders and that no farther notice is necessary. ALTERATIOIiS. No alteration In the terms of this policy shall be valid unless the same shall be authorized in writing by the undersigned Attorney in Fact or his successor. The term "Assured" as used in this policy shall be construed to mean subscriber, "Association" to mean Attorney in Fact or the Subscribers at the Association. In witness whereof the Subscribers at the Bull Dog Auto Fire Insurance Association bays caused these presents to be signed by their Attorney in Fact. this ------lA.th------ day of ---.,TUNS......... 192-A. BULL DOG AUTO FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Goddard and Boehm Company, Attorney in Fact. ' President Counlereigaed by _1,k.9l�ils.. 1__�1 _____...._...._. W C14 mod, E c d r 94 r I 1 .µ.,(it ya S'Mira ..i• � � 1 . ,,.. >•EPF'}''Ai � 1 b y�l'{'e ."9 � �, ,p1.�3'y� JI`� ,�r P+r Y.SLY hr iN"T-^"�• t y!r ud. 9.r v 9 r M1 I, S ii �`p 4JkfKrq 'tr � �"a�r��j�;t tape 1. .n eh,..�,�y'✓j.' ,��� if{� � F..tj f�� �ktt 1• ( ,. L q r:lir !'lF�y ht1 � ,j1� .' k 4' 1 � h1" 4, 41 '�!I��� + Sr 'C +�et � 1 iY n•'f ;k1� ,�14� ..� ,} � U S ^ S �{ n� ;il; 1 Eli STATE OF TEXAS ' COUNTY OF DENTON ' KNOW ALL IMN BY THF48E PRESENTS: That we , TX2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF MTON ,TEXAS, a$ prinoipal, and 86 P* BohW90 a., and, L. H, Bob,reer ,and W#Ir. WOO�DWA . tt fi as suretie$, all of the County of Denton, Texas,are each heid and firmly bound unto the City of Dentotr, Texas, in the sum ?t of S IOO9000$he payment whereof well and truly to be paid k ; to the City of Denton, Texas, said County and Stats, we , and each of us jointly and several?y bind ourselves, our hairs, Xly+Y exacufors and administrators firmly by these presents. The oondAA � ' tions of the above obligation are much that if the above named principal , the said FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENTON , TEXAS,whi6h y+ has been designated as City Depository of the City of Denton, 4t .� Teofaa, as aforesaid , shall faithfully perform all the duties and ( bligations devolving by law or ordinance upon said ' depository, shall pay upAn the presentation all cheeks drawn' upon said depository 'by the City Treasurer of the City of Denton, Tax" whenever any funds shall be in said depository applioable to the payment of said oheok, and that all fends of the City of Donton, Texas shall be faithfully ropt by said depository, and with the interest thereon accounts& for a000rdiug to law; and that for breach of said bond the said 0ity of Denton,Texas, may maintain an action in ito name = and that said depository shall in every resysot 0641y with all duties and obligations devoly ing by •Law, and ordinkhdes of the City of, Denton, Texas, and shall perform each grid 'ail of the donditiont► oentained Inn and Aiilek&40 ail duties imybsed by said law and ordinanoes, then this obligation et force and e rr c to beco=me t►t)id, atherwisa to remain in full for Atiy suit on this boAd ehall be in the name of the 0 1 t4 of rienton, exae and shall not be' vold On the fifet reooirery bytt may be suti`d on untiXi the full sum therein shall have been rs66vertC ' S r ' r �lf f,r r y'Rem,y r t i 1• r , ! F , rA�! �,� 't W i yr. 1 In witness whereof, the above named yrinoipal, acting herein by its President and under the corporate seal do ,a' P does r hereunto subsoribe its name and the said sureties doe also subscribe their names this the / UY of Jyecsmbsr,A.D. I92S ,' -TIM gLIAN I.r by ��. as on ! r su a V,. .... �. su//}}MM e y. I-//55'� urety, r ' r y n F ' " a , r r F ' t r 1 4 ♦ l ♦ Pty I I S .15 r 4 7 INS N Al r i , S 4 �.• hl +s , a t Y .t t t y " ♦, « � � t r � r i '! 4 �♦ t a iii ^ de i 4 ,.. 4 � �y t 1� , t iv It y'h '4.• 't .r +� t v ,.r y h y 1r f J h^v 'W,a1•,..2� �{n (�`Q ti1n'�l�° �J'� t��„y'F, �/ .� 'd !&f+' Tfh4M'�4•f�:�f �f s� ( }�t1�4 y TI }N d,� rr. '� ,.�,r rA'I*Oi k �e P.� 1 C;^ ffti � r •Y ,� , � i�a '(4iyi �, w r� •� r w t y}{ � r �i ' ���' p � ��!C 1 i 1 tf i t r ' 1d �fl`�l �' i t '� ' i 1• ' f rl � ytte._. � °b�y1� r: i {�s+�„ •��1��N.� 'H{t`. 1 "'1'.' F f .� r l� { y ! '�i ? , d t.:-. 4 �trr �i�\pd 1 ;1F �` 4'}. L " tai 4 .Y41• 'o rr f a,lt.. r c4 } . PIP r i _ a 1 �t 9v � •Qn i e� X45 1 fS4 1�4d � t' !r 1 1 •'�� �, -�, � rit 1�, �,� Vr�4r�At R'' 4 „ y r q r r4A1 �� IR k.'l��r r�,19�; f •'• y `, ' �� �F w ytr fir . 7 a•��.i� ! � q f 1� � � 9 r y 1 ': t y ..wi 1•� 4 ' � � J �rlt E}rt r) i 5 �k �q 1(e r� 4o4 . � t I�4 Xy� 1h1'. ' f It, t1 �; wee 1 A'M . A .'7,, k r !.r„+ _ .axis L�'.r- r fl _� • r �r, .� �fi'.�1'$„ }a ����y na�. ,.. /ip :S+l'•� . , r. . .:: �'. r rl�r,., T �� , t �� .1-�„ °f"•C,a�.,f 'C ji tC✓F'Y.r r�LT f�.fi�} s/ C�G�' ,fir. ! �" �;✓i.Z ,.�r!.!,( {://� i, � !...{ !d. »:"f l{ P � "r r �'.'2 .! +�. •! r��;1 ��.r i'�,.-{ y��."k`��� h"' ell w 1 �,1� / 1/��`/ / !✓ + rP . , �J �. �` � rY �i �' .A . - �•,�, +?y�ir • .�� .' r� �..r4�rA,,^�,.t 'r ' ! f A' r�f .�,t, � ,�.. a'"•'{.,.�. yn �` R':� r, l A, d . • � . . 4..'YY''/ Lw;,{;.�� 1 r )r.r. +'",L4 � �'!,. �� �{ �'�Y�fu^f,.�, � , � n n l f �' A ,.+/�'•��.�. .,4�.A {+w,{.•'Z.S 1;�+`�� i�'SIL/�r�' �/•� `� �rl.g. I� �4 ,,.�I',.�.-V�-•.'q�'� r',n*}/ Vol ko AI op • r .w.+r..+.r-,.w...- ' ✓"/rl M�Ni Id��Y'L./i""y""Q 2; '�T^+E. L'A'�""" aV'.!- °�I/�1 ".s'�Yr J,� Y y� �a III M .J'•r•"r� V A5 + aw JIG/r / „�`4`".` r r r 11 Are I.. 04 I%I/� �Gf �y/I7/ `h,Y -R.rr.0�Ce^!• � r'1M'VT'R� ' ••' �+' r i r a. V /b,J „✓";(r'{..'�.J�,,.'1 {/�'�''�f � 4 ,.� t '�, r”` ..'a" r. « n� •.7�, rr+ ��,' +:�`f� �,�N�1./� 'd.4 � ,.� Jlr jp Ot .. • +.� � 'r r.{•}'t ^ A. 4" AF /11 14"'0 ..}/�� - �• o 41 r 4± .r f ''� ..,;t,.t. • 1 ��''rr"r.��.r-{, •_',s,�'',r'-�.�,�r•g..a„,A.."'f r��it��;.� AA ,..� ”, IY 1 }' �I' Sri�r '_, �� �✓t '' r A.I* 1� 1i���' � 4 � 'I r J�} � � �� � M •/ +�.. �"+rJ"� I I I r to ��Sl1 - �+4Y�iA�'��' t• �t� x J. W. ICRVnX. S ay.•Trem 00MMISSION6RS T. U. DAMS, Attame7 w IL MILLtR. OWtrman W. X. RARPm UgLneer W. 0. OOLLILR V. IL FltrsR, Heath oweer W. R LAEtT W. I. XN1r1H'f, M,What TUB of Bentirn YWCT OASTLCBU TUB j`i j` sxAxo:s U. cRAnrocu H. W. MCKINZIE. Maws DENTON, TEXAS To the Mon , City Coy-ninsion , D irton, 'ToXan . G*ntic.r+.on: -•- I horoby a> )7oir-t and nek your confirmation of slarao, the followin ar3 a p^rr.arent City Plan Cornionion. iiui£3•Jil . L. A. 1 cUor.ald.W^l.ovelnc.o. .�. FOUtS, � tea, rrfs Chao . Sroot. l', Gn.rrieonn and Yrs . C . Adkinson. Roopgotfully , ( Yayor of Donton, Texas , f H. R. WILSON LAWYER DENTON, MA8 1a-7-1�a7 . State of Texas County of Denton X It is hereoy agreed by and between the undersigned that D. N. Beard is rightfully in posses- eion of a mule about 15 yre. old, about 151 hands high gray color And that for the payment of $2, 00 feed bill said agrees to care for said mule while in his possession and may use use him for reasonable work until his possession is demanded by the owner or by said D,N.Berxd. all S0 t, 17 Denton, Texas. December 28 , 1927* TO THE RMORABLE )LAYOR AM CITY COUISSION OF THE CITY OF DMIDNI We the undersigned, resident OitiZens of Denton Texas oining property on Johnston street respectfully represent that 4 Johnson street is a comparatively thickly settled streetj and it is improtant for the health and welfare of the persons risiding along said street and in other parts Of the City of Denton for the sewerage to be extended along said street, aid we respectfully petition your Honorable Commissior., to extend the sewerage line along said street so It will be available to d I residents as far south as the intersection or smith street with said JOhnSO31 Streeto end WO Who have improvements on our lots agree to install sewerage 0onnectiong within a reasonable time, and we who own vacant lots agree to install sewerage when we Improve our lots* O-A 11 j w , 1 r �..P✓tr li.1 rJ, ♦a .:w t ! V1 >t r � ♦ ��y.,,y, K f r v l i y y y f � .� � �° a> 1� R�tll . 1 tV, 1 \. � , L'i M,1.1 Jy'�yy :MH uM],l. y6. 1 ,4A�'•�4,a"�`.�" f.'Lv" � LR � ✓ .:i per./ j I t A � I ^NR4 ! a , a � 1 + r L V ; Yt 5 I 1 1 }yY, t t•' � � , iol oI Sri , �1 >, " , - •r Px , �� ' > , r 5,r. 1 ,: r J' f 4;C y 7tyj'� "J. � rFP •�` x} ,r"°�'A:.S h�. 1 J1' v ! 1� � •� N' ry�V � afJ' � .r 1. tFY x'M iT^i +,wJ i. t"M1 y. F f O)tDINANOR OF THE CITY OF D1WTON, TEXAS, DETERMINING THP NECESSITY FOR LEVYING ON ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNERS THEREOF ON OAKLAND AVENUE IN THE CITY OF DENTON, FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STREETS, AND FIXING A TIME FOR A HEARING OF THE OWNERS OR AGENTS OF SAS OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY OR ANY PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID IMPROVEMENT, AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 11 TITLE 22, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS OF 1911, AND CHAPTER 9, TITLE 28, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS of 1928, AND THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DENTON, AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID SEARING AND EXAMING AND APPROVING THE STATEMENT OR REPORT OF THE OITY ENGINEER. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTONt Thtt, vhereras, the City Commission of the City of Denton has heretofore by re0olution duly passed and approved' ordered the improvement of the following streets in the City of Denton,to-wits OAKLAND AVENUE, from the south property line of Hann Avenue to the north property 1!sse of Congress Avenuo; OAKLAND AVENUE, from the north property line of Congress Avenue to the north lido of the oonorete bridge just north of MoXinney Street; OAKLAND AVENUE, from the north sidd of oonorete bridge just north of MoHinney Street to the north property line of YoKinney Street. WhioL said etreets shall each be and oonatitute an entirely end whole separate and independent unit of improvements The oonstruotion of said Improvementa in eaoh separate unit or distriot shall be wholly Inds pendent of the oonstruobion in any o�.ner unit or distriot. The assessments to .be levied in eaoh unit or distriot shall be made a000rding to the do et Of the improvements inthat partioular unit or distriot and in a000rdenoe with the benefits aooruing to the property by reason of said improvements in that particular unit or di.atriot, wholly and entirely independent of the poet and of the benefits a000uing by reason of the improvenents in any the other units or diatriots; and, MREAS, plans and spsaifioatione for the improvement of said strcbtd hada, been duly prepared, and approved as required by the Charter and tlrdinattoes of the City of Denton and the Statutes of the State of 1'exab,l .and,. MnRA9, an required by said Charter Ordinanoes and Statutes alter dua advertisement rind bids for said work of improvement m ade, e d M6rk of'- improvement was let to Jagoe Oonstruotion OOmpany to improve with Ore AIVA onerhal! ( ' 1 1/P" ) inoh Aephaltio Conorete, and bn A five (6) In6h oonorete base ourb and gutters, and neoesearrpp Work in oonneotion therew3thj as prodded by said plans and spsoifiaiS 101%6j and, VH8RWO a written acdtraot has been entered into by and between the City' Of Denton and 9agoe CCoastruotion Company tot the oonstruotiob of said imeprovements I Now, rsorelore, Y 82 ST ORDAINED fY T11 MY O MISSION Ole TER CITY 010 DINTOXi rai.i the: report or 'ststelbnt ,0! the, dity, 8ngins60 fil#d vith the tl3t�► Com aisbion� des'Abing the abuttiQ property ail gir►ing the nambe`-of ` property o*Aers and number of front .feet and the coat of improvement i ohargeabl9 againat each abutting property and its owner, ffi ving been duly examined , is hereby approved. Th}t the Oity Oommiasion does hereby determine to assess the total cost of curbs and two-thirds of the total cost of the remainder of said improvements against the owners of the property abutting thereon, and against their property in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11, Title 229 Revised Statutes of Texas of 19110 and Chapter 9, Title 26, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1926, and the Charter and Ordinanoea of the City of Denton. That the said assessment shall be made after the notice to such property owners and all interested persona, and the hearing herein mentioned, and that the said portion of the said cost of improvements to be assessed against a wh property owners and their property shall be in accordance with the Front Hoot Rule or Plan, in the proportion that the frontage of the property of each owner in each particular unit or district bears ti the frontage of the whole property in that pa rtioul ar unit or district; provided, that after auoh hearing, if such plan or apportionment be found to be not just vad equitable in particular instances the City Commission shall so apportion all said cost as to produce a substaqtial equality between all such property owners abutting on the particular unit or districts having in view the enhanced Volvo of that property and the benefits derived from such improvement, and the burdens imposed uponthem by such assessment and that in no event shall any assessment be made against the owner or his property in excess of the enhanced valuo of such property by reason of such improvexhnt . That the proportionate coat of suoh, improvement which is contemplated to be assessed against such owners and their proportion omp shall and completion and acceptance byt p heCity lofo n Dento of �the e e s improvement in the particular unit or district ; one-fifth one year after said deter one-fifth two years after laid date; one-fifth three years after said dote; one-fifth four years after said date; together with interest from said date at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and reasonable stto may+a fees and all costs of collection in case of default . That the total proportionate part of such cost which is contemplated to be assessed against such owners and their respective properties and ' the names of the owners of property abutting upon said streets aforesaid, properties to be improved$ and the description of that property and the several amounts proposedto' be assessed against theca respectively for paving andfor curb and gguuttaro and the grand total thereof which said stun does not and shall not in 'any event exceed two-thirds of the total cost of said improvements except ourbs, is as follows$ r, OAKLAND AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LINE OF HANN AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF ''ONORESS AVEMUE: Section A. EAST SIDE A. M, Buckner , Owner of till that certain tract or parses of land, a par o =e B. B. B. & Co. , survoy, Abstract No . 185, situated in the C.i.ty and County of Denton, and more particular described as follows : beginning at a point 25 feet east and 115 feet north of rock in the center of Oakland Avenue which rock is at the south- west oornor of lot no.6 of the subdivision of said railroad com- pany survey : thence east 133 feet for forner ; thence north 52J feet for corner; thence west 133 feet for corner; thence south 52J feet to place of beginning. Frontage 31 feet . Amount Assessed $97 .65. R. A. Fitzgerald, Owner of lot beginning at the center of Oakland r5onue the sou wost corner of subdivision No . 6 of original Be Be Be & R. R. Co survey: thence east 168 feet, thence north 115 feet, thenco west 158 feet, thence south 115 feet to the place of begin- ning, excepting and reserving from this conveyance that portion of the above described land now occupied or used for street and side- walks . Frontage 76 feet , amount assessed $239.40. WEST SIDE Wm. R. Hicks Owner of lot beginning at the northost corner of Block oos2 o the john A. Hann addition to the City of Denton, thence west with the north boundary line of said blook 67* feet for corner# thence south 143 foot to the south boundary line of lot no. 2 in the south boundary line of said Mock no. 2, thence east 57* foot to the south east corner of said lot no. 2 and the southeast oornnr of said block no.2 : thence north 143 foot to the place of beginning. Frontage 143 feet, amount assessed ` 450.45 . i SOA ion B• Uot Side. Park'" Board Olt of owners of the land lying south of Withers street an a roan an Avenue and 5011 Avenue and running 'from ;he south line of WILhero Street 605 feet, to north line of Congress Ai ' :7ronba6e 605 feat . Amount Assessed $2,+120900. West Sides Adelle Kilgore, owner and L. R . Wocdson, guardian, Ownors of lot known as being part of the original subdivision NB. 20 of the sub- division of a 640 acre surveys patinted to John R . Henry, assignee of the B. 5. B. & R . R. Cc by virtue of land Script No. 111, Abstract No . 185, beginning 20 foot west- of the no e. cornor of said sub- division No. 20, a corner or, the west line of Oakland Avenue, thence west 158 feet for corner , thence south 60 feet for corner, thence oast 158 feet to the west lino of Oakland Avenue, thence north 60 feet to the place of beginning. Frontage GO feet. Amount Assessed $240 .00. Miss McQueen Weir, Owner tract of land out of the B. B. B. & R. R. !Co. survey, s— subdivision No. 20, Abstract No. 185 , First Traot . Part of bubdivision: beginning at a point in the center of Oakland Avenue, 150 feet south of the said subdivision No. 20, ` thence west 178 feet; thence south 118J feet to the center of Pecan crook; thence in a south east direction with the center of said croak to the center of Oakland Avem°'j; thenco north 147 feet to the plane of beginnings reserving however a 20 foot strip off of the east end of said lot for the west half of Oakland Avenue . Second Tract : Beginning at a point in the center of Oakland Avenue 60 foot south of the no e . corner of subdivision No . 20 and the s .o6 corner of a lot sold by R . 11uner to J. K. McKelvey; thence west 178 feet to the so ws corner of said McKelvey lot ; thence south 90 feet for corner; thence east 178 feet to the center of Oakland Avenue; thonoe north 90 feet to the place of beginning, reserving however a strip 20 feet wide off of the oast and of said lot for the west half of Oakland Avenue. Frontage 219 feet. Amount Assessed $676.00 George 1i.Hopk'ns, Owner of a lot , being a part of the B. B. B. I, Ham: 0o survey, Script No. 111, Abstract No. 185 and a part of the Huber Addition to tine City of Denton; bogimiing at a point in the west line of Oakland Avenue in the center of. Peoan Creek, said point also being ## the southeast corner of a lot in said Huber Addition, conveyed to A. E. Brewer by A. G. Loo, at ux; thence south with the gent line of Oakland Avenue 54 feet; thence west 155 feet to the northwest corner of a lot conveyed by A. 0, Loo, at ux, to Luther Wordt thence north about 66 foot to the center of Peoan Creek; thence in a southeasterly direction with the ineanderings of Peoan Or,00k about 160 feet to the place of beginning. , v6i%tago 53 feet . Amount Assessed $132600 Denton Conbtruotion Oo_mpany composod of W, A , Lakoyy and JohNsAlexander, owners or o s AnQ 69 in Block 4, Huber► e Addition to the City of Denton and described as followal Beginning in the center of Ok land Avenuo on the north boundary line of a lot formerly owned by Harrison Weloh and now owned by W, G. Kimbrough, which bol4inning point is 200 foot north of the property line of Congress Ver.uo ; i thenob west 176 feet for a corner which oornor is 158 foot oast of the east property line of Oa.4rier Street as now laid out and sure v6yed by the Oity Engineers of Denton, Texas ; ` thence north 100 feet for cornor) thenoe_ east 176 feet to the center of Oakland Aven%io; thenco south 106 foot with the center of Cakland` Avenue to the plaaa of beginningj reserving, homavor that part o? the 1ot ' whieh constitutes A port of Oakland Avenue. d $400 00, prontAgo 100 feet . Amount Assesse i 1� O . Kimbrough, 1iwner of a lot beginning at a point on the west �r ne r�-an33 Avenue $ the same being the northeast corner, of it Act ' conVayed by Harristn Welch to Sid Woods, by deed recorded in VAl a 30, page 4380 of' the Deod Reoords of Denton County Texase um r&6noe north with the west line of Oakland Avenue 150 feej to the k ' ;nort'n east corner of a lot conveyed by D.' J, Eddloruan *.o �Y. P. Withers by deed recorded in Vol. K, page 483 of the DeE=i' Records ' of Denton County; thence west 150 feet to the north wrest corner of a lot oonveyod by D. J . Eddieman to George w , Sinith by deed recorded in Volume h, page 32, of the Decd Recorus of Denton County; thence south 200 feet to the southwost corner of said Smith lot on the North Line of Congress Avenue ; thenco east with the north line of said ConresF Avenue 35 feet to the southwest corner of said Woods lot; thence north 50 feet to the northwest corner of said 'Moods Lot; thence east 115 feet to the place of beginning. Frontege 150 feet . Amount Assessed $600 .000 John Alexander and , R . Lake,, each an undivided one half interest in a o eg nn ng a-E— point on the north sido of Congress Avenue 2@6 feet east of the east line of Carr3.er Street ; thence east along the north line of Congress Avenue 115 foot to the west line of Oak- land Avenuo; thence north witli the west line of Oakland Avenue, 60 feet for corner; thence west parallel with the north line of Congress Avenue 115 feet to a point due north of the place of beginning; thence south 50 feet to the place of beginning. !frontage 50 feet. Amount Assessed $200 .00 OAKLAND AVENUE FRO)T THE NORTH LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE CONCRETE BRIDGE JUST NORTJ OF MOKINNEY STREhT . East Side gjty-af Denton, vvner of the tract of land lying south of Withers gee an "GeRoen Bell Avenue and Oakland Avenue and fronting c . 660 feet on Oakland Avenue from the north line of Congress AvenuF to the north line of the bridge just north of McKinney Street . a ky Frontage 639 feet. Amow;t Assessed $2,716.75. y ' West Side,, 1 "bits or Deritori, Owner of the tract of land fronting on the west jis"i'cle or a and Avenue and ######## fronting 600 feet on said mkl6 d AVanue from the south line of Congress Avenue to the north line of the bridge just north of McKinney Street . # oht , ag a 600 feet. Amount 'Assessed$2, 550.00 + it OAKLAND ,AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LItiE OF THE CO21CPT+,TE BRIDGE, JUST XORTH OF M4IKINM STREW TO TUE, NORTH LINE OF YAKINNEY STREET$ Best side X155 Fteiriett Hatti ton Owner of lots 9, and 7 in. O . We Oeer ' s Addition ' ..w To—thee city or enton and describdd as follows: Beginning at the S . Yi. Cornor of lot 7 ; thence east 120 feet to the s . a . corner of same; thence north 100 feet to the n. e . corner of lot No. 9; thence west 120 feet ; thence south 100 feet to the place of be- ginning. Frontage 75 feet . Amount of Assessment $321,25 Ai. Dvorak Owner of a lot , being a part of Geor !'s Addition io the y or enton and beginning at the southwest corner of lot number one , in said addition; thence north with the west boundary line of lots one, three and five, 150 foot to the northwest corner of said lot number five; thence east 100 feet for corner; thence south a- cross lots five , three and one , 150 feet to the south line of lot nuwber one ; thence west 100 feet to the place of beginning. Frontage 145 feet . Amount of Assessment $601 .75 West Side Fred Bannort Owner of all of the following tract of land, excep- ting a`""�s strip off of the south part , 50 feet front by 125 feet deep` sold to Yroo Katie Stevens . Said tract of land being a part of lot 16 of the subdivision of the Be B . B. 8: R . R, uo suYvay, Ab stract No. 185 and being a part of the land conveyed by Jefferson Fulton and wife to Robert Stevens , by deed shown of record in Vol. 44, page 318, deed records of Denton County. Beginning at the north- west corner of said Fulton Lot at t?:e intersection of the south prong of Pecan Crook with the cast line of said lot no. 18; thence south with the said east line to the north east corner of lot con- veyod to Green Vniite shown of record at volume 600 page 1220 deed records of Denton County; thence west 125 feet to the west bound- ery line of the lot conveyed by Fulton as aforesaid, same being the northwest corner of the Green White Lines thence north to the center of the south prong of Pecan Crook; thence down said creek with its meandorings to the place of beginnir43, Frontage 90 feet . Amount of Assessment $373.50 Mrs, Katie Stevens claimant owner and Fred Bannerts record owner, " owners of e sceJER 50 rest of e lot conveyed to 5r6 anner by fit,! 3. Stevens and wifo Lillie Stevens , deed being Chown of rieoord on page 19 of 4ol,une 191, deed records of Denton County. Lot fronting 50 feet on Oakland Avenue and being 125 feet deept Frontage 60 feet . Amount of Assessment $207 ,50 g, J. Swindells Owner of that tract or parcel of land situated 0n' 0&kC1AnQ Venus, out of the Be Be Be & He Re Co. survey, pat- onted to. J'+ He Henry, assignee of said oompany, Script No. Ill, " �', anal deaoribed as follows ; Beginning on the west aide of Oakland ;f • Ave"nue at the northeast oorner of the lot out of said curve sold by Louis Koppbhhagan and wife to to W%6 Ganzer, at al , �ruatee ` of the Gapm&ti Mehhodist Episcopal Ohnroh by deed dated March 210 f 1867 recorded in volume 34 , page 125 of the deed records of Denton County; thence west with its north boundary line 125 feet for oorner; thence north 76 feet for corner; thence east 126 feet for corner, ron the west line of Oakland Avenue ; thence south 76 feet to the place of beginning• Frontage 76 fort , Amount of Assessment 4316►40 • i TrUate9s : of the (}erman Mothodist ise al Church O,wnere of the p e Qr, a as o ows • - beginning e a sau essit corer of plot r ' ' 1. 8 iti -tYae;°'sub8iv�sion oP ,tYte ^644 e�ort suk'vep to ,John r g1i!?y � assignee; of. the B.H�B.de R.tt. Co, Sorip No. . 111; theries i, h 'the south title 126-16 t ; ; thence' hortli 110:`foet; thezice tax,, , � w, �aeti25; e� thence eouth'� 110 feet to the, plabo^ of, beginning,; i is .srt ; Frd �eige 'Ll feet . Amount. of Assessment $4:56:50 ti i i y e a Y A That a hearing shall be given to said owners, their agent,$. and attorneys, and any person or persons interested in said improvements, Word the City Commission of the City of Denton, as provided by the and° ChaOtero9 Titler28, Revised2Statutes Revised ofStatutes TOX83, off1926 Texas and het Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton,which� said hearing shall be had on Via x day of j N* (t ` ,19 "� ('s at y1'<,�o'clock PON* in the CTty-Hall in t e y o Fenton, eras, a w said hearing shall be continued from day to day and from time to tine, as may be necessary to give all said property owners, their agents or attorneysg and any interestedperon or persona, a full and fair hearing,and said owners, their agents or attorneys, and interested person or persons shall have the right to appear and be heard in any manner concerning the said improvements or said assessment, or the benefits thereof to their said property, or to any other matter or thing in oonnectton therewith, or to contest said assessment , and at such hearings a full and fair opportunity shall be extended to said property owners their agents or attorneys, acid to all interested persons, to be heard with respeot to auoh improvements. That after the oonalusion of the hearing above mentioned auoh sum or sums as may be determined by the City Commission to be payable by said property owners shall be assessed against them respeotively, sad against their respeotive properties by ordinam a or ordinanoes, in the manner presoribed by the provisions Of Chapter 11 Title 22� Revised Statutes of Texas , of 1911, and Chapter 9, title �L8 Revised Statutes of Texas, of 1926 , and the Charter and Ordinances 01 the City of Denton. That the City Secretary of the Oity of Denton, is hereby directed to gi*+e notice to said property owners, their agents or attorneys, and to all interested persons of said hearing, as proscribed by the provisions of Chapter 110 Title 22, Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911, aad Chapter 9, Title 28, Revised Statutes of Texas of 19260 and the oharter and ordinances of the City of Denton, by publishing send notioe ' three times in a newspaper of general oiroulation in the City of Denton, the first of said publiostions to be made all; least ten days before the date set for said hearing. Said City seoretary may also mail a oopy of said notice by registered letter to esah'of said property owners, if known, or their aggents or attorneys if known, said letters to be deposited in the post offide in the City of Denton, before the date set for the hearing• How- ever, said notioe by registered Letter shell be oumulative only, and notias by publioation shall be full, due and proper notice of said hearing. It shall not be necessary to the validity of said notice of hearing to name any property owner abutting on any of said streets, and the faot that any mush property owner or owners are aorreatly named or not named at all shall in no wise affeot the validity of the assessment against said property, nor the personal liability against the real and true owner W owners of said property. No errors or omissions in the det,oription of the properties abutting on any of said streets shall in ar�ywiee invalidate said assessment , but it shall be the duly of auoh property owner or Owners wrhose property is oorreatiy desoribed to furnish a proper desw aription of the hearing or hearings provided fore Na error or omission of any oharaoter in the proaeedings shall invalidate any assessment or any bertifioatie issued in evidence thereof. That this ordinance shall take affeat and be in fords from and ,after its passages PASSED AND APPROVED, this �, .,day Of, / :..---e, mayor y °r ary ��rtaari o�'h'�e"'�omm'i"ee'ron. - 1 &% C"' S.fl�:+_>�Si. f:�t M+ti�';+af,°,4+.3r61i+ ail; '=. 'A^.'ia!1`F.kfiC �1� w!G�tSF1/`aa '•-',[1i'e' '}'�F.��v,r s •� r t z 4;. 4 i « , r s • IS27 ., 1 1 I ; Phone Lamar 152 Contract No.._ r t , •� I VEIHL-CRAWFORD HARDWARE CO. RUILDMIS HARDWARR A SPECIALTY I.L 1..127 S Fort Worth, Texas,?�IS_.28,. 192 1 LUNICIPI '•L LUIL'':�IN_.; - - --------- - � �:''erf�y�T`�n�,. r Owner------__------___. -..__ 1 rt•� � � 1 1 Architect _ ___-..__ ._-- --- -._------..___.._ . _ Builder_______ Building_ _________ Location ..__ .__.___ . _ ___, _.____ Bill to 1 MI.! # 1, 2 Ixc t Doors ; 4* Pr, Butts 2411,4- 4 x4f 3 Set Ii&S Bxi L astl 67 Irrlr 3 Yale CloserL #?4 Ill 3 Pro Mutts 29V4- 3x3 v' ; 3 Trans L1f tors b/ 6M C lass 4. V ; ITkX • 1 3 Pro, Doors to Xire Truok booms , 3 eotu ]t&W #1335 Sire Stcution Hdx, W6 I IT, M 133 l 'Pro Ent, Doors to Supply Loom ( U) 2-dxulj Itnd Trl!n, ; 3 Pro Butts �4104e4X4 A-1 i 11 Pr. Butts 291+144x3 0o j0,. Set Looks DT0200 UK �/`� 1 1 Trans Llf tars 6/10x4 allies 40 I', u14, ' 1 , 1 1 Sgt, Door Supply Room to Boiler Roots (3' 2-4x7x1 Ho To � r 1 ngl, Door Supply Boom to Stores ( 3' 2.6x7x1 No 1', 3 Sgt, Door Supply Room to Truck Room r, 2•t3x7x1 w To 1 ,gg1, noon Supp1Y Roots to Dormitory �b :-(�x7x2} h T, ii ^, b Pr' . Butte 24 M*4x4 ✓ ; `,, f Pr, Butte 29114 3x310Il J/ 8e o Looks DT20 /R/J_■+I IL y $ on y Trans Li tefs b 8lnos 4. Ilia . .,.� , ox4 Dobrt+ !`rQ,tl Do to t�� R•3X7X " t ' , a Pro ' to A43A4` 4x4 4-1 �. set 66 i ! YTS 1 Co ,^ bypi:yyl' to 3'0 14tc �F) * 4. t .k 1 ., i. l •' �» ✓''y' � ,; • r; •,.241�1 Q4x4 `:�,,,,r' ,, `. ,$. ,,; ^°' •;r• / `'"y, ' t ` 1p ♦ � ,' T • i � y fly:. . ; '. f � 'T 1 I v .r� 1 4 ,v W 'Y. 1 Sheet No.__!!_2_____ Contract No.__.___ Munioipiol 1'uilding, Denton, Texus. I Tal # 7. 10 Steel Lookor:;. � c 2 bteel 6tnll Doors No Hardw.;ro figured. a I TO,} # 8. 8D11bueh ' 8 Bash Looks 802 ; 16 Bar lifts 2602 � { ITLU # go 1 I egl• Door (KI in Toilets It '�- 1 Pr. Butte 241N 4x4 I Sot 10oks DT8200 NZIO HK f, I I I � r 1 I FIRST FIAOk._ i s ITEM # 100, 1 Pr. Main into Doors ( A) 2«6x7-6x2# 16 BE ' 3 Pr. Butte 241114-5x5 � 2 Ylush Bolts Y63 - 12/18 - ]3Y22 I 2 Bey. Puuh &►rs t0 salt for oyl irr" r ; 2 Push Pl=ates oT1730-4x20 I/ out l a 1 Dead Lack Yale 3041 VK Zyv ogers 174 HOA OB B#pokets 264 4 Kt919 Plates 26xl6x16gu bY22 4 r. ITW # Iola x ;a I, Hot 6 6 Auditorium to tib4 3xlixf ,. 6 Pr -%tts 241M»4x4 'plubt mite Y8 . 12//16 Oot' Lcok4 OT'79 0 y was , ' ITEM 0 1000 y A 11'r boorb (b lobby to Public Bpaoe P Wxlf and Txen. ' 1 . .d. pier $utt 004 to + r`. PUB •1g 8 M24000" r Tall s OAS , -r 4. , fr . r i Sheet No.. Contract Nu._ Munioipi:+ l LuildinC, uenotn, Texas . ITW # 103. 1 poor Corr to Tax Cotleotor 2 Door Corr to AntA Room 1 Door Corr to Mayor Offioe ' 1 Ivor Corr to Chviibe. of Commeroe 1 Door Corr to 'later ,Lnd L,i!�ht 1 Door Corr to Vault Room 10J Pr. Butte 2414-4x4 7 Pr. Butte 291/'A-3x3 I Set Loo ke O 9004�bY22 UK r 7 Tr,mo Lifters 6., 16x4 Class 4 +' y ITL1l 11 1C44 1 Door Corr to Yens Toilet 1 Door 04*r to Publio Toilet l .Door Corr Co Ladies Toilet 4* Pr. Butte 241)4-4x4 +� 3 Set Looks OT7900 - BY22 UK W,loxaU lo-*� 3 Pr. Butte 297A44x3 ✓ 3 Lif tore 6/16x4 Clads 4 IT'}.M # 1060 2 Doors Toilots to W 0 (0) 2-6x7xlf nnd T'ran. b Pr. Butts 241H 4x4 2 Pr. Butte 29IN 3x6 2 Got -Looks dig= 8414 1[K 2 Tran. Lit tore 6/16x4 olase 4. L. t I TAPS # 1060 8 Comunioation Doors 9 Pr. Butte 241,4-4x4 6 Get Looks OT15240 2 '22 vo*_� ITEM # 1071 4 Doors PesnHge to StugO 2 ]Mors from Dressing oom 9 Pr. Pate '24lt4&4x4 ✓ 6 Set Looks OT8200 UK BY22 k***' ` ITF3d # 1084 .., 9 door !{inSes �omor3 ., 8 Ptieh ,Plates 0 730 3 x1b ✓' O"A .k (/ I TLIK # 109 31D It SAsh 31 Sash• Looks 803 i•w 62 81%eh L'fU 2602 toe y I Sheet No.___4._ .__.__ Contract Uunicipi,.l iuildin,;, Lenton. Texas. MM # 200 SIsO m I'mop., I P,, Exit Doors Baloony to Corridor and Tran, i a 3 Pr. Buttu 241x•4-4x4 y 3 Anti P .nio Hd,°, 341,1' G. i ITO' #. 201. , .,. 11 Doors Oorr to Nooma �4 161' Pr. Butte ti41A4-4x4 4-- 11 Set locks (1111900 DY22 MK W' � 11 Pr. - Butte 21:WA-3x.3 11 Tran. Liftcre 5/16x4 Class 4, 1,ro '" I i I711, � I 6 Doors between Offieco. I 0 Pr. Butte 9A1A4 4x4 ✓ C-� 6 Get Lookb OT15240 01122 ►� . 1 ' \ i �' ✓f f l' / 6 pr. Butte 20VA-3x3 +V I 6 Tian. Liftern G/1Gx4 Cities 4. 1r { MR 203. 31 D If t;avh 31 buth Looks 802 62 Bir Lifts R602 J I'T4U 19.040 I No Hardware for yoreen Doors No itardwure for Prison No Hardware for Itot;:l St- 13s ITI-A 206. 6 Ugster Keye for Oy1. Look 6 uuu to Kayo f of bit Key Looks e I Zt a' L 1 . Y yµ; .�d a .; f i J. F. JOHNSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR l' P.O. box 470 . AUSTIN. TEXAS e r � 00 8s W. Van yke & Oo. , Arch 4024 Heyn do Buildings Bort Worth, "ass 0 ., ' [- W.VAN BLTK, W. L BAADKNAW K96101MC,PMOM,L.0711 E. W. VAN SLYKE & CO. ARCHITECTS 402-402 N[YNOLOB BUILDING 0►rIcc PNON, LANAN 0046 FORT WORT!1.TEXAS June 28 1927 . City of Denton, B. W. 14c Kenzie ,toiayor, Gentlemen; In rej Proposal Patna Casualty snd Surety Co .Monroe Contract . After considering this proposnl- -R copy. of which you ro doubt reeeived ,we think these proposed new contracts should be entered into with due care if at allsr"he folloviing points should be mede clear and arreed upon. 1. That the new contracts shall be considered continuous of the W. T.1Ronros contract and shall not abrogate any of the Owner' s rights under same , 2 , That the combined cost of completing the Heating and Flumbin to be assumed by the owner, shrll not exceed the slim of 66951 ,62--that being the amount remaining unpaid under the Monroe contract for both heating and plumbing, 3 . A clear statement by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. that they will assume and pay 911 legal claims for labor and materials used in the said work under the Monroe con- tract above the sum of �eB951452: which otho muse might be- Come K claim or lien against the owner-.City of Denton,- may not to necessary ,being already bound, tdevertheless we believe they should give this assurance if we are to go into now contracts , New contracts should not exceed the 4 , above named sum in total . STATEMENT. W ,T,Monroe contract for Plumbin and Heating- ------- --- -08776, Payment on same by the city of Een,con , ----- --- --- 2823 .48 Balance remaining unpaid on said contract- ----- ---- - -- Payment against Hosting----- -- -- - --01349sl6 Payment against Plumbing--- ----- - 1140 ,01 11 for labor--not. separated- ----- .- 334 ,,31 ' Total pay,nent---------- - ----- --- - --092+3 ,49 � Th. labor item will have to be separated for its to be able to make out new contracts properly , Until new contracts satisfactory to you are entered into0we see no tray to do but keep the work going the wa you are doing,so that no serious delay may occur, Yours Very lim,11y , W,Von Slyke 006 L W.VAN BLTK! W. L.BKAOKNAW ■KKIOKMCK L•MOMK L.1711 E. W. VAN SLYKE & CO. ARCHITECTS 407.407 RCVNOLDB BUILDING OIIIOL PHON4 LAMAR 0045 FORT WORTH, TEXAS %Nne 208 1927 . City or Denton o.A.Yo Kensie,AeyON Contlamenl in rot Iwo eai 1,etna Casualty and thirsty Coamoonroe Contract• titter ooneldering this propoeitl+-A Oopy or 010h you no doubt reoeivedswe think these proposed new oontracts should be entered into with due ogre lr at a11*The following points should be made *leer and agreed upon, 1s That the new oontraoto shall be considemd continuous of .10 e.TIMOnroe ooatraot and shall not abrogate air or the Owner a rights under same. Be That the combined ooet of oarpleting the Keating and piulab to be asstmd by the owner,ahall ngt exoead the am orr1e98109--that beingg the aunt reaming unpaid under the Monroe oontraot !or both heating and pluminge a; A clear "tatement by the Aetna oasualt Eand Surety Rot that the; will $saume and all iega ;4lslft for labor and �natetr als used in the ea d work un r the Monroe oon• troot at>4 We the aunt or #8961ee8t which itherwiee sight boo come a cllaim or lien against the owner- 01ty or Denton.• may not be ns04ssary,b#1n6 already bw"o tt "yUgleas we believe they ghould give this assuranos ,ll ere are to Into new 4ontractse stew oontroote abou not exceed above ro"d am in total* 4+ I Heat120onr0s 4%troat ror t+lumbl 1 and hS�--•�••«..... 8i 4�0nt on oaf* by the 4ity or nt6fl,ftmolom0406000w00r.. 861anse rrwalaing unpaid on said contrast-••--- -w--- rayaat spinit B .4P918 17PaInt aalnit pbinna*00,0-n_-• 0601 0 or labOr■•AOt eenarated•-•----. Total para►ent'M�4.A41rKK 4rN._.-•..-KI_ Uw lab item will have to be separated 'Ror ue t6 be able to costa out no amtrao? proMriyi tAA4l1 new con wo a sat e!'aro to rdd err entered lntog" ese n warn to do �t taep th# work going the waq you are doina,se trial no se ode Walr MY 000ar. �. Yours Very R}ir, Rwan ylyke ds Off • STAY r-l- TEr;MG COTWITY 0' 111:11T021 on this t1af3 horeinal' tor stated data api,oared V.)LBromlow of Denton Lounty. Taxaso and a;ttat9n upa.a laiq onth that tiac 1'roiaht Tranefer Company Gf Denton Texas, which he in the tea►a ger, dQd haul oua oorry u boiler from tho rail road track 'o the ne;v ).uanioipal BUilding in the City of Ttenton, Tsxne, for the )'onroa Plurioir>g Company, at a contracted price of 6 28.00. Tito saala 144 .1+ .Prownlow further states that no patrt of the above aarount has bfseu paid and no orodit nlioved and that aaftme is punt clue and un;xaid at tfaia date. That the agroanorit to )caul thu paid 'amilor to the I'uliioipal Auildin Z wan usItIc by the 9,31d '8 ,la.Ilror glow and w. T .l.onroe. That Viie etrater.ont LA bsit4; haadi no a statanesit of the indobtodnuan of t1w liniirnn 11.1urbita;; Compaar►y► to ':t ,): . I-Vo•rralow oroatud by virtito of Monren' a eontr,iot with the City of Dentono Texas, for the installation of p1m bing Li said )'utliciP a.l Puitdinfl, an-I no a demoin(t Xo.v tha said nnnowit of the amount of the indobtalne;iso witnoss rV hrmi thus t)vj 7 of UdptomboroAollel 9s r G GTAT9 OF 1704XAD } COUNTY car ns;r'.mx Subsoribud and sworn to before me ' thie thst4day of Bap t. 19270 n� Notary Public foTr Denton ounty, ON r; r• 1 rrr f a jo CITY OF DENTON Office of Tax Collector Denton, Texas,_.__.........._.........................._....192......... ...._...... ................................._.....................................,....................... _......... Our records show delinquent City taxes against the property now owned by you as follows: Lot........ ..........................: Block...............,__..............; ....._..... . ........ ............ ................... ......................... Year In Name of Taxes .................I.._ ...._...........__................................... -........._ ..........I.......... ..._.,,... $ ........ _.......... .......,._......._......_.....I...................._. _.......... ........-1.1._...._..............._ $........ ............ ................. _..._..........._...._...._.._......_................_...........................r.......... $_............... ............ .............. w, ........_....,..,... .,_................._......._......._ $.......... ...................... Taxes delinquent on Personal Property in your name for following years: ___.. _ . .. 'Taxes $.. ....._._..__ ._._ _w,_... ..._.. Tnxea $.............__.......... Taxes $. _..._�.�....... The amount above shows taxes only; to determine full amount neces. vary to redeem same , add 10% for penalty and 0% interest per annum from Feburary 1, of year following the year detlat�tent to date of payment. (Example: If taxes delinquent for year 1912 amounting to $100.00 were paid July let, 1928: Taxes would be 100.00 Penalty--3096 10.00 Interest--6% on $100,00 from Feb. 1, 1918 to July 1, 1923-10 1-2 years 68.00 Total $178.00 There delinquent taxes constitute a cloud on your title, and should be settled promptly to remove the cloud and atop the interest. Yours very truly, GEO. N. RUCKER, Collector of Taxes, City of Denton, le r CY"Y l v-,I✓ Al. -P-tv Q-o i r , f 1 1 �� _ �J4 .-f'. !! .J ! + l.I. ; ',f -.r , , ! r ! ! ! !J. J;� J`� '�V-•V• C.J�.� J��.3�_ t xIA... �t � p 1 1 t � it r ,� •� r ___: __' J_ I.1. ._ G-LL r.C!(, _.. f'; � •'�Q E1. 1 .P �. -L'L.�1..�C... 4 Graf '� �} »�_4tIt .o- 1 �a �.�.32:.�:. _ _.�-c�v_-•a.� c..� v--�;,���..�..�,�e._.�---C��. - -,mac.. ,. I � .� 1 _ .. ,I y+I Lr .r�•' �. .I% t _ , —'yes.(_�t.A.1t.�,,,._._...: Yw. .I ,IL] I�.r•�„: �;.l�L(�,I'�.,.1i.Jlli+��' �':S�-�....._,. ... _3R'_.�:...._._-___._._ 1� A Ill 1 ' . .. -�"-"V r 1/ .✓`J 1 t, A / d ri •. . . .. r t 1 �+ , J �, r �-.,\ 1 E'.. . i �._Y. ( •.�L. V F 1. C_.; l y 1 1 ,l._Y `�.. . tA MAL r J � 1 i y 1 f R '� ► C � �. �� } t�} � } ; ', .1 �I , ,1 .• t _�4t mot, t� .l ,� l { . i f lW it .{mot 1k or X 1, r n � 1 h. l>. i't. }'( .. � ' t l (• ' ! ' ' i .,� ( v . l_.�� f`C .t 1 t IO '., \ _ r.1. j I I.Q.. ` F,1.� �� V S f. �' , I l f� �'1 4. `...i / j, •d �'I ri . _\ « nn t i A { 1 doti !Y�ri�+?. .{ {JU k.<. Jam. . III .. ,._. LAI UG- - - - __V-�.e�-....._. _. _ _ G��I.IL.._�J.�..Q,___,. t1�.�1._ CL-+6�-1X.- n .4�_�.�f=-�•t.U�.�,'1.,,,i _,_•____ 1 • w5 • .•r _-.awl n ` _ t ` AVAC nTX n—. -All cj. r _ i�•y 1J�1,1.,�� �-k' : r �I ' �_..- . ;-` + + �. l " ��.� .. , t . 1 11 1 7 e 1 ._ t...t. �. ! ...�.. • i �{�-!•-.U•)>_yP �. .+..�Q ' �_i lrl_ . 1 ,n, r �� r 1.� �1 '.J��'`_r. - }- �,f 1../--___-•-- _ V ol `.AP ' W a__..s_'_ "..wY✓'[-�.X.�_ 41..._f.M. ��._�._1 " _.lt.: _.r .1 '1.<.1e __- ' .., Q ( r 1 4,1 LqAN � t n I� j t� fl U '�' � ,�S.,U�a 1',11.... ° ..� '.'..,r'.� �:�_ ''` (?s �. :� ! , i''� � , ' �S f � •L�J. �j...: ��J,},_ ;_.{f ' -fi.._.�___ _ 00 r r. 04, of /� �1`� � '' �L• � ;.,�...t� t 1.1 � r ) t � L �< � +..F)-1. �.J � Q_..Il. � 1, `' �-r. _ _____ __ _ � %LAC 4ed A . E-- - �1 tA r w r 1.��.�..•1t. f /_�.4 1..►:��,•? t.•�;R. .�• ,, . .. �.���..Sl fr.<�,. �y?"�.,,��_ w�� .. . �t4� .. J�Q� _ r / C 4� t3 RS2� . axe -PA 1 � • 11 1 , I e LL1-'C�_.__ � __,. ��r.�J,�I . . . � A..�t•,�-�,..-L�.,�.+.� ��Iti f�1J� U-1tR �U--!- `-�.��C.A_,,_._.___..... i Ei ....raw win. �_._.._.._�_._._•._r.-._-..,_._._...�___.._.. .... _ _� ...,.._, ...-.__.___..__ --_.._•__-�, _._.._, __._,....-,.-.._..._.__._...-_..__-_.......�._._.�... ti Flr�YiM .rw+__.�w_.._�_.-.-_-__...—r_r.+.._.._.r••w-..�.__.�_r.__--r_._._.,.--_.-a.pr�._ ..,_�...�.--_�_..._.-,_.. _._«r....... -.».._r... ..,....-. t ITV .�«r./a�..-.+-.4�.4a�:+.w.... - ..._...._. .,...ter...-...... __.r+.........�--_.._.__-__._. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE DENTON, TEXAS Monthly Estimate No.01W��nUfst►YbNxy. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .... ..Contractors, for Period Ending...... .Jjt?.y•30.x••1r 1Q7( • ... for Work Done on.t;A f10 C4 LO• b>r&d,,0•or;- NaKinmey•4$+ In the City of. . .. ...Dar*tol) .. .. ...... .. .. .. ...... .... ITEMS UNiT TOTAL WORK DONE TOTAL WORK D04I TOTAL WORK DONS THIS ESTIMATE PREVIOUS ESTIWATA 04 CONTKAT C04TRACT PRICK AMOUNT Olney "A " t:onorotor� 1; . Y 9P PO 00 JS3eeo UOLD ?W 021 Curb ?. (lutto.r T..:; 0040 OU ti0eu 400 34M liciorralkel a" Gb .0 r}0 6610 7Q 43.84 r,xcavation (7eY fltleU UU 68aU 2e00 IM00 r Total amount Work done to date.. .. .. ..... .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .... .. ...... .. . . .. .. .. .... Amount retained (10 per cent). .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. . . ...... .. .. ...... .. .. $• Ou Difference ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .... .... ...... ... . ..... .. ....... .... .. .. $ Adranecd for Unumd Materieb on the Job: 'TIM � UNIT k mat Materiels on Heal This Estim.te BATE AMOUNT TOTAL 11Sn1-FrR—fflff /'lboW Advance on Material ...... .. .... .... .. ........ ............ ...... ............... .. ...... 7btal..{.Y.il. .. ............ .. .... .......... .. .. .. ...... ...... . ..... .... ...... .... .... ...... ; Lug previous 1'symonts...... ... ...... .. . . .. ,. .. ...... .. AtdountNeon 0ontrac.t .... .... .. ...... .... .... .. ...... .... .. ...... ...... .. .. .. .. ...., ... .. $ total Amount for Contingencies.. .. ...... .. .. ...... .. .... . ... .. .. ...... .........$_ .: tAgs Previous payments for Cnntingencles .. .. ...... .. .. .... ....$ Amotltlt Due Contractor on this Estimate for Contingencies.......... .. ...... . .... .... .. ...... ist&I Atnoabt Due Contractor on this Estimate.. .. ...... . _ _ 1i9b�l�3 CorreoE ...... .. .. City Engineer. .Approved for Psymeq... ... ..� t . NI 01U)I lANCK PROHIHIT00 TM, WIC OF "KX'10I5" FOUNTAIN: PROHIB �) 4 T TIN O ME 01' XAM; Rt 9THICTINC US9 O1' WADIN0 POOLI RISSTRICT190 r. . Ut% OF JSAY OhOUND H AIDI:NHIT; PRO11I13ITI110 PICKIMI Oil DiarritoXlM I'L0 3RS )"s'C . IN CI 'Y PARK; PROVIDING FOR PATALTY, M IT ORDILPTE I BY TH); CITY 1001;'ISSION OF M, OITI' CV 7L3,t11`011ITAXAS: 9]3C . I. i It .eha.11 hereafter be unlawful for easy perern to wair,es svLmo fish, throw trash or rubbish in or upon "hat is known au the Kiwanis Fountain located in the 01ty park of the City of DentonoToxa's . a It shall heroafter bo unlawful for any perc3on or persons to ewism, . wade► operate a motor boat, canoe or row boat, or rant In or I4on the lake that Is located iwa tba 01ty Park of that City. of Denton, Texas, or tltrowt trash or rubbish in r;tid Lake. am .30 over the age of twe.1Ye years► At shall be unlawful for arW person or pereor,e,/to wide or swim in what is known ad the -•radLng Joel in tbo City Dark oit tho Clity of Den ten,Texas. en*4, i It shall be unlawful for any person or persbns over the age of or - twelve years to use , occupy, play with W of the play ground squiluent that is now located on or at the City Park of the. City of Denton►Texas, or that spay ba placed at the City Park. That it is understood that this provision of this ordinanced shat l not apply to any person or persona who has at tho tire of the use of said playground equimant a ohild or children in his 6k her Anse under the age or trsl•na years;, Mgt it shah be unlawhil for any person or persons to pick, volest►lnjure or in any was destroy argr !lovers or shtvbe that shit now or may hereaftor '�a plotted on or at the biV Park of the Oity of Denton , Texas. Boost ^; 'flat if aro► seotiolz of this ordinance .should be deolared inxalid or urlco>aatitutin"t +.-hm VbW AlWaidne 40 amid ordinance } are not to be affected in Rtsy #&)r$ ,l 1 sac 170 r., That any person found guilty of violating ity provision of this ordinance shall be deoned guilt; of a misdemeanor, and be fined any affau_nt not exceeding one hundred ($10040 ) dollars. 820 .61 That this ordinance shall be In full force -ind efisot from and after its passage and publication no requixed by law. Pansed this tho _�1_ day of r 1 14274 Chai man 0 Tv omm ss onn s Attost .� I.. --. eeoret.gry. ApproYsd an to form vj? z✓ . �. ;, -,4 [ 1�- r. 1 Cffsy'�titierney. I - ry� i 'I I 4{ r All ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THS UBE OF "KIWANIS" FOUNTAIN; PROM TTING USE OF LAKE; RESTRICTING USE OF WADING POOL; RESTRIO TING USE OF PLAY GROUND SZUIPMT; PROHIBITING PICKING OR DESTKOYING FLOVMRS ETO . IN CITY PARK; PROVIDING FOR PIMALTY. 23 IT ORDAINSI, BY THE CITY COMSSION OF THE CITY OF DSNTON ,TAXAGi 8EC . I . It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to wads , swim, fish, throw trash or rubbish in or upon what is known as the Kiwanis Fountain located in the City Park of the City of Denton, Texas. 8$0 . 2. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons to swim, wade, operate a motor boat, canoe or row boat, or raft in or upon the lake that is located in the City Park o: the O ity of Denton, Texasl or throw trash or rubbish in said Lake. 8EO.34 over the age of twelve ears It shall be unlawful for cry person or personsito wade or swim ` in what is known ag the wading; pool in the City Park at the City of Denton , Texas. 8$0 .4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons over the age of or twelve years to uee , occupy, play with any of the play ground equipment that is now located on or at the Oity Park of the Oity of Denton,Texas, or that may be placed at the City Park. That it is understooA- that this provision of this ordinanoed shall not apply to any person or persons who has at the time of the use of said playground equipment a child or ohil4ren in his or her arms uneer the age of twelve years. That i.t shall be unlawful for any person or persons to pick, m,)Iest, injure or in any way destroy any flowers o? shru.s that are nos or may hereafter be planted on or at the City Dark of the Oity of Denton, Texas Sg0 .8. TM t if any section of this ordinanas should be declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other sections of sad ordinance are not to be affected in any ways ! '`' t'� ,t'�' ; �� Y,' ;' 'i. • i ' � ; .-� 1' 'ti,l� ,.'3 ��t1 .'.1i it i' �� �1'. � ,� ��� , • {� Sut' a,y�71'3'a2 z7,�•S,e , ' .0}d ', �Y,f, ��l ?` T G' `rili;: fly! a;,r'.17t.. . � 1 s i That any person found guilty of violating ary provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined any amount not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars. 830 .8. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed this the kolaay of I927: Cnairman y omm anion. Attest city Secretary. Approved as to form 7,py1ttorneye s • 1 r 1^ � I I I 0 f{i?i'I i.CA r1'j J%3 }:G t, i' . ,. ,' � �.. : ;a.��« .,-�...±^+.• a OAL v;r�aa i.. �. . . l i a �1 . 4 0fa v,:vi0a cy"JI pq 7u I,rr7y to .c�; flIkI 91, 70a t,7,0;�,r� 1API i7s.Orwp trot wt7or,9Xa�: oue pryu'ltokT OZIYY Jit11QR OIIVIY . '9 g2fli"6c, Cfltj }''}S. 01. p0 T,TVGra xgC' s�ua .br1 .RJlJ' O01,r f:r s j fi?t pt 1.T«j 3;jf:' f l.c,t r, 7.11 of }fxt LAG a L WOLUTION OF THE CITY COlaII38ION 02 THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FINALLY ACCEPTING "AAU, IMPROVE21ENT Oil ASH STR1::1 IN THE CITY OF DENTIN, AND ORD'I?11ING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIWRY TO JAGOE CONSTRUCT- ION COMPANY OF CERTIFICATES OF 3FECIAL ASSES;.D0T AGAINS^1 THE ABUTTING PROPE3TY AND 01WITERS BE IT P_�SOL VHD BY THE CITY C0149I8SION OF THE CITY OF DENTONS That, Whereas , on the 6th day of April, 1927, a written contract was entered into by and between the City of Denton, and Jagoe Construction Company to improve Ash Street from the north line of East Hickory Street to the South line of McKinney Streetj and, WHEREAS, on the 6th day of July , 19279 a final assessment ordinance was passed levying an assessment against abutting prop- erty and the owners thereof to cover their pro-rata of the cost of said improvement on said portion of said etreatj and, WHEREAS, said work of improvement has been fully completed by Jagoe Oonatruction Company in striot compliance with the terms and condf !. ' one of said ountractj Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO)WISSION OF THE CITY OF D10TONs le That the improvement on Ash Street from the north line of East Hickory Street to the South line of McKinney Street has been fully and finally completed by Jagoe Conatruction Company in full compliance with the terma and stipulations of the con- traot between the City of Denton and said Jagoe Construction Com- pany, and, that said improvements be and are hereby fully and finally accepted by the City of Denton us in full compliance with said contract, 2. That the final estimate due by the Oily of Denton to Jagoe Construction Company for the improvement of said street including the amount held back by the City of Denton, be and is hereby ordered paid to Jagoe Construction Company. 3. That certificates of special assessment evidencing the liability of all property owners abutting on said portion of said street in the foria required by said contract and said fin- al assessment ordinance be and are hereby ordered issued , axe- outed by the Mayor of the City of Denton, attested by the City Olerk of the City of Denton, and delivered to Jagoe Construction Company. 4. That this resolution shall take offset Gnd be in force from e.nd after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED, We day of J�Z " _y « - f 19270 ' Mayer. Attests •�►� City lark. L5 E t o 'GOC"N �tHQH N�otn .2 a yo.2 A H 1Qf F •r "4 5 I , o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COIJM18SION OF 7110 CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FINALLY ACCEPTING THE IIPROV`E' k ;NT ON CEDAR STREET IN THE CITY OF D;+;NTON, AND OIZDI:R THE ISSUANCO AND DELIVERY TO JAGOE C0N- STRUCTION COMPANY OF CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEW AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND O HERS THEREOF. 'a IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH'E CITY OF DENTONs That, Whersaa, on the 6th day of April, 19271 a written contract was entered into by and between the City of Denton and Jagoe Construction Company to improve Cedar Street from the South line of McKinney Street to the north line of Weot Hickory Street, and, WHERZAS, on the 6th day of July, 1927, a final assessment ordinance was passed levying an assessment against abutting prop- erty and the owners thereof to cover their pro-rata of the cost of said improvement on said portion of said street; und, WMREAS, said work o:.' improvement has been fully completed by Jagoe Construction Cojapany in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of said ocntraot ; Now, Therefore, HE I . 38DLVXD BY THE CITY COII1II8SION OF THE CITY OF DENTONs 1. That the improvement on Cedar Street from the south line of McKinney Street to the north line of West Hickory Street has been fully and finally nompla ted by Jagoe Construction Company in full compliance w;th the terms and stipulations of the con- tract between the City of Denton and said Jagoe Construction Company, and that said improvements be and are hereby fully and finally accepted by the City of Denton as in full compliance with said contract, 2. That the final estimate due by the City of Denton to Jagoe Construction Company for the improvement of said street in- oluding the a+nount held back by the City of Denton, be and is hereby ordered paid to Jagoe Construotion Company, 3. TOat all certificates of special assessment evidencing the liability of all property owners abutting on said portion of said street in the form required by -aid contract and said final assessment ordinance be and are hereby ordered issued, executed by the Mayor of the City of Denton, attested by the City Clerk of the City of Denton, and delivered to Jagoe Construction Company. 46 That this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROWD, this day of 1927. "Attobt: r 1 1 ,..,...✓ - ! o ._...r ' city Clerk. Y '. C ��N �� o o ��� M � n�� oczo � � � �' � ` � h°s �� � N � �� � � ���� �� � � , � :� ;. ; � , � ��� h 1 p' �� �. 6.{� �� .+ ♦!� ., F ' j r }�.:. � + l(j f. � � � � - ! . � i I '. .. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FINALLY ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEIMT ON PECAN STREET IN THE CITY OF DENTON, AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY TO JAGOE CONSTRUCT- ION COMPANY OF CERTI b ECATES OF SPECIAL A;iSESSIJENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND OWNERS THEREOF, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMAIOSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: That, 'Miereas, on the 6th day of April, 1927, a written contract was entered into by and batween the City of Denton and Jagoe Con- struction Compatny to improve Pecan Street from the West Line of Ash Street to the east line of Cedar Street ; and, WHEIHEAS, on the 6th day of July, 1927, a final asuesement ordinance was passed levying; an uesesenrnt against abutting prop- erty and the owner;: thereof to cover their pro-rata of the cost of said improvement on said protion of said street; and, WHEREAS, said work of improvement has been fully completed by Jagoe Construction Company in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of said contract; Novi, 'Therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY TH;, CITY C011M10SION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: 1. That the improvement on Pecan Street from the West line of Ash Street to the East line of Cedar Street has been fully and finally completed by Jagoe Construction Company in full compli- ance with the terms and stipulations of the contract between the City of Denton and said Jagoe Construction Company, and that said improvements be and are hereby fully and finally accepted by the City of Denton as in full compliance with said contract. 2. That the final estimate due by the City of Denton to Jagoe Construction Company for the improvement of said street including the amount hbid back by the City of Denton, be and is hereby order paid to Jagoe Construction Company. 3. That certificates of upeoial asseuument evidencing the liability of all property owners abutting on said portion of said street and in the form required by said contract and said final aseesment ordinance be and are hereby ordered issued, exe- cuted by the Mayor of the City of Denton, attested by the City Clerk of the City of Denton, and delivered to Jagoe Construction Company. 4. That this resolution shall take effeot and be in force from and after Is passage. PAS AND APPROVED, thi.a day of �.. `��, 19270 Attes i /Ll�—�► or. city 0OW r 1 II i I � . � to ����� �� f�N a r � � � �, , ' �� �� � 1 ��� �� ��� ��� � . � � , .,.; . o� � �. 3 1 � ICI .4°:J � �. � �`,, �r1 ��N ; J .. � r �' . A i' � � � ,. I 1: - � �1 A. �1 � .:t ;:f _ ' � ' �, .: i ' .i 11:� s 7 r .' RESOLUTIO:Y OF THE CITY C0101ISSION OF THE CITY OF DLNTON, TEXAS , FINALLY ACCEPTING THE I]APROV-?ILNT ON PONDER AVENUE IN THE CITY GE DENTON, AND ORDERING TIM ISSt'ANCE AND DP.LIVLRY TO JAGOE CO`TSTRUCTION CO20=7 OF CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AIM 0W1i7,RS TH1,MOF. BE IT RESOLVED BY 1EE CITY COldh{ISSION OF THEE CITY OF DENTONt That, Wherea�j, on the 6th day of April, 1927, a written contract was entered into by and between the City of Denton and Jagoe Construction Company to improve Ponder Avenue from the north line )f Oak Street to the south line of Gregg Street; and, UNEREAS, on the 5th day of July, 1927, a final assessment ordinance was passed levying an assessment against abutting property and the owners thereof to cover their ITo-rata of the cost of said improvement on said portion of said street; and, W119REAS, said work of iruprvgc:rert has been fully completed by Jagoe Construction Company in etriot compliance with the terms and oonditions of said contractl Now, %'herefore, BE IT HE,i0LV10 BY THE CITY 00=ISSION OF THL CITY OF DENTONt 1 . That the improvement on Ponder Avenue from the north line of Oak Street to the south line of Gregg Street has been fully and finally completed by Jagoe Construction Company in full compliance with the terms and stipulations of the contact between the City of Denton and said Jagoe Oonstruotion Company, and, that said improvements be and are hereby ftU ly and finally accepted by the City of Denton as in full compliance with said contract. 2, That the final estimate due by the City of Denton to Jagoe ConstructionmCompany for the improvement of said street inoludinE the amount held back by the City of Denton, be and is hereby ordered paid to Jagoe Oonstruotion Company, 3. That certificates of special assessment evidencing the liability of all property owners abutting on said portion of said street in the form required by said contract and said final assessment ordinance be and are hereby ordered issued, executed by the Mayor of the City of Denton, attested by the City Clerk of the 01.ty of Denton, and delivered to Jagoe Construction Company, 4. That this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its patisage, PASMW AND APPROW-1), this A day of "r 1927, Attests ✓ .< ! ;^� ,�,.r a `ore city- Olerk, i to W y .. Qyy , C'a 4� Ny O o` THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 1 COUITY OF DENTON ) 1 CITY OF DENTON On thia the _4 day of M%y, 19270 the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas , met in an adjourned regular session$ at the regular meeting plr,ce thereof in the City Hall, in said city, the following members being present and in attendancet Be We MoKENZIE MAYOR We Se MILLER X�-o A4-4- COMMISSIONER AND CHAIRMAN L. BAILEY COMMISSIONER CLAUDE CASTLEBERRY COMKISSIONER W. Re LAKSY COMldISSIONER F. Me CRADDOCK COMMISSIONER J. We ERWrl CITY SDORETARY a �u •.>d�� s G✓ the Chairman, Wo�-G LE rev$ introduced an ordinanoe entitledo AN ORDINANOE AMEN'DM AN ORDINANCE PROVIDINO FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, IN THE AMDUNT OF TWO MM 31M FIFTY THOUSAND {#2601000$00) DOLLARS, BEARING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT (6%) PER ANNUM, MATURINO SERIALLY OVER A PERIOD OF THIRTY YOUR YEARS FROM THEIR 'JATB, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING AND IN LIEU OF A LIKE AMO1'NT OF THE BONDS OF SAID CITY HERETOFORE ISSUED AND AUTHORIZED FOR SCHOOL, SEWERS, PARK, WATMORKS AND STRUT PURPOSES ,AND NOW OUTST)WDING AND UNPAID$ PRESCRIBING FORM Of iih'FUNDING BONDS AND INTEREST COUPONS THEAEONI PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY, A6SESS*M AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS YALVA- TION OF ALL TAXABLE` PROPSHTY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL'AND INTERM 01 SAID REYUNDIN'G BONDS. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Ordinar:.e be placed on its first reading, eecondea by Commissioner Craddock, and carried by the following role$ y Y869t Conniesionere Le Asileyl Claude Castleberry$ V@R, Laker,. A JA Ch4irmark voting 0ye46"1 4 Wail: Robe+ °��_ barired� 5 iy i�itr: btto�n� reed thi brdit"006 Commissioner Ukty i r , F 4• 1 'y „� made a motion that the rule of the City Correa ssion providing ordinances being passed finally on the day introduced be suspended for reasons met forth in the emergency clause of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and carried by the following voter YUSt Commissioners L. Bailey Claude Castleberry, N.R. Lakey Chairman voting "yea"e NAYSt gone. Commissioner Lakey moved that the Ordinance be placed on its second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Bailey, and carried by the following; votet YLU t Comsi3sionere L. Bailey, Claude Castleberry, We Re Lakey T-1 2V tn. d f• 'o- s<+�d-ist� ask. Chairman We r, voting "yea% NAYSt Nonse The City Attorney read the Ordinance by captions Commissioner Lakey moved that the Ordinance be placed on its third and last reading, and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey, and carried by the following Total YRi.St Commissioners L. Bailey, Claude Castleberry, Ne R, Lakey V--w PiedJref , Chairman fir, voting "yea"e NAYBt Noneo The City Attorney read the ordinance by oaptione Commissioner Lakey moved that the Ordinance be finally passed a.Ad, seconded by Comtmissiow Bailey, and the option prevailed by the following votes$ + YMs Commissioners Ls Bailey, Claude Castleberry, Ne Re Lakey a: Cht►lrman �r Totit� «yes"•" NAYS1 None The Chairman deolared the Ordinance finally passed, The OrdinMoe is as follonsi "AN ORDINANCE AMINO AN 08DIW32 PBO M,tNO 72 TU ISSUANCE OP C.1 01M: OP Ta CiTY 01 DIMS, Mai'i' IN "M AJWOL P 01 to RU1fbM Piny 'pii0t1SA11D (0960,0004001 DbLLAABA LIMP I11T1CUW AT 'Pt1> R!" ut I'tl`ll PXR 01011' W) ?b 1N11Ult, bIAT M110 SERIALLY 01'TCB.i' PBAIOD or Ig BTY yOl1B 'tIM �801t kt10rIR nL't8 P08 Tgll Pt1ftP 01 MM 114 AND LIW 0104°tin A#tQtM 01 11b Done of Si .oI MIMOabitl I9aw .1b Aff1HolllJm r0A SOMOL, + °y , � �° a#�� tAi►�� Ni0>�Oit10b A1!'`r 8TA»'.Pt�tPOa1�, Ot VV0A ! !!8C$i r'al Fo1l1t 0f no, B611 I 0"kan r�o 91 1 041 .'pesa°1 Aire C 1QaMse IO>i o� AN Am �l1Y O > i oil,xtnrDS>m tb YAWA TION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO PAT THE PRINCIPAL AND INTERM OF SAID REFUNDING BONDS." V.H MW I HERETOFORE, towit, an Ordinance was passed arthorising the issuance of bonds of the City of Denton, Texas, in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($2506000.00) Dollars , bearing interest at the rate of Five per cent (5%) per annum, maturing serially over a period of thirty four years from their date, :or the purpose of refunding, and in lieu of a like amount of the bonds of the said city# and, providing for the levying of a taxi which Ordinanceis of record in Book 8, page 1921 of the Minutes of the City CoRmiesion of Denton, Texas, Ands WHMBAS, it has been discovered that an error was mad. in Section Nine (91 thereof, in making and levying of taxes for the year 1927, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORD)LINED, that said Ordinance shall be and the same is hereby amonded so thot Section !Pine thereof shall here- after read as follows , towitt 1 9• BE IT FURTHER ORDERED. that to pay the interest on said Londe as the same shall aeorue "0 to create a sinking fsnd 'suffiotent to discharge the principal thereof at maturity, there ehsll be and to row levied for the year 19270 a tax of and at a rate of twenty three &into (901 on the One Hundred Dollars, assessed valuation of all taxable pro;)erty in said City, and said tax so levied shall be assessed and oolw leetea and appropriated to the purpose named# and there shall be oaloulated each year while any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid what rate of tax is necessity 'to provide.currant interest and the required amount Of th6 principal for such year, and a Ux at such rate shall be annually le.ri68i assessed and collected during each of said years, and said tax is herd now ordered to be levi6d, assessed, and oolleoted, and the taxes $0 collected shall be appi:ed to said purpose and to no other# 'Phan to provide for the payment of the interest on said bonds which shall become due on Ootober 16th IP97I there is here now appropriated out of the money$ on hand in the city 'freasuqt and available for that purpose, the eam of $61260#001 which cum of' money shall bo set aside &Ad is hereby sot 'slide for said purpose and the t w ! ' tYy � : �4.P " 1•y^' ' . r '„ 0.S ,�. [ ( ( y. . ` ,�.;� ` ., , ��.^�q7�Q�F�'� '�. TuR_•T'S',� ? :'' . ' ,�,�+'(yi i{��1•'a 5nl.7x . ya.'.ef d.j � R �' � Z ' City Treasurer stall peyr no warrants , bonds , interest coupons , or honor Ayr draft of any character upon the sttime for any other purpose, That all moneys so collected by vir►l,^ of the above approoriatione and tax levies , ' shall be placed in a cepnrato fund by the Cuty Treasurer, sk h fund to be called "CITY OF DENTON TIEWNDISO BOND, SIDtIEB Of 1927 ➢VWj which ftn,2d shall be applied to the purpose nano&, and I,,,n no others PASSED, this , the day of shy, 1927, 0c /' rman ATT i Cr city 30cretary APP80YIDf or CIRT 1 PICATE STATI Of "= 1 OITY Of DMON i, J► We M11, HBItsBY OnTirf that the above and foregoing to a true and correct copy of the Ordimnee PAIIIA 040169 of the Oity a#mIeeion of Denton, foxae, on this the day of Nat►, 190 trio Sam• appears of record On the ltiMUI o e !ty Commislienh tb look ,Par , 'a of City lttnutpei 6IVXt under eW land and •sal of the City of Denton, d'Ms, this the ,, L 02."Y of 14iy, 29 4 (out) y t :v AN ORnIITANCL REPEALING AN ORDINANCk:RDGVLATI110 CERTAIN TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN TM' CITY 01' DENTON . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON ,TUAS, That an ordinance passed by the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, and of record in Book S Page 381 of the minute books of the City Commission of the City of Denton , Texae, restricting the parkin g of any vehioile in East Hickory Street within fifty feet of the Texas & Pacific Paseanger Depot, be and the same is hereby repealed and is declared of no force and effect in so far as the herein refered to section of said ordinanoo, and that from and after this date the said hahthahakah section or provision of said ordinance shall be null and of no effect. Pa;esed this the 27thbday of September I927• Chairman My Uommlesl3n# Atteiadas y Secretary.Appr to form City Attorney. i e a. ���i . , ; � � � � 0 �o � � . �s o s� � � � � � � . � � �' � � ' 'i. .� f 6� 9 `, Y }. L .:iii 1 r � �,. /_ i � \t l Y•., �e '. yl Y i f � �'' f � ' .i r .: . , . . , S�,, �,� ,�. �• ' �•ry .. � �.� A-103—WARRANTY DEED—Wit's Vador'e Lien—S!n¢14 Mai and Wife's Separate AAno Rled¢menla MARTIN Statboery Co., Dallis The State of Texas, Know All Bien by These Presents: COUNTY OFA..B..1.1..4... THAT we , J .L.Haggard and wife Sell Haggard of the County of Denton State of Texae for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other consideration hereinafter ward stated DOLLARS to us paid, and secured to be paid, by THE CITY 01' ]tENTON , VXAS , A WMICIPAL CUPORATION as fo![olcs: cash and that the hereinafter described tract of land shall be used for street purposes to all intents and purposes for a public street and thoroughfare a { IN `r e have (hinted, gold end Conveyed, and by these presents dobrint, SeU and Convey w1!o,66 Wd . t; CITY OF DEN TON r TEXAS, A tCtf2t 101YAL CORPOW&T 10N , a 1 i a. of!hi County of 1}etiton ,, ` Mete o!' takes ,x11 tfiyt certbts� : ; radtrbr pdrbei of land e� tsu�fea ' snd beins r,ar�ted 'in the County,af .Nrlt¢t� 8ta�e big rTaItao, .And 0itY - jf ,Dent0hjT6X,f9j ,' ; Idrend��ore per�i uf.Arxy ,deearib�Q Vie; fo iewes >ahhhfahhhri>rhgh an extension of Crawford Street north from the north line of Paisley Street to Texas Street. That the, said extension of Crawford Street to be the same width as that part of Crawford Street which extends up to Paisley Street at the present time , which is some 40 feet wide , and the extension that I am herein grantirgr is to be the same width ( approximately 40 feet) , That the extension is to be In a direct line but only extending the present Crawford Street over and across the land now owned by me , which is designated as being a 27 sore traot A' ormerly owned by W,A. Paisley,John Paisley, Della Pearl Paisley, Xartha Ella Paisley, and Lou Anna Paisley out of the BBB & C hy. survey Script No . III That the 40 foot strip herein granted is to be for street purpose to all intents and purposes for a public street and thoroughfare . I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise be',,nging auto the said City of Dkr ton, Texas, a Ijuni !ipal Corporation , its successors A ftand assigns forever; and we do hereby bind ourselves and our heirs, executors and admintstrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said preao- tses unto the said City of Denton, Toxas, a Municipal Corporation, iita successors and hhbhbh tid assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the above de. scrlbed property, premises and improvements, until the above described note and all interest theredn are fully paid according to face and tenor, effect and reading, when this deed shall become abad-ate. WITNESS Our hand 6 at Denton, Texas, this / 6~ 6"o day of January A, b.i9 o Witnesses at Request I !Grantor: ) !' .....Ilw......,u«....1..Y.M.......w......r..«..N............ ..w..w . ..{.�i...(..'•• .t ....+....w.....wwa...r.w+ ....n........w.. ............... THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF____Deaton_,._........------ BEFORE a-1019.17 V.01119-- ....... .......................................... ..... ....... ... .......... ................... ...in and for ............................................. ......................._.-110 iito n.............................County, Texas, on this day personally appeared ................. ....J.L .haggard................ .__......................... - - ............... ......... ...............I....................... ........................................................................__'....__'___ I known to me to be the persoii........whose name...........kq.... subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that__.he-------sxecuted the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex. pressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, _day q jaaA A, D Notary Publio, for Do nton ..County.,Texas,......... THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of....Denton --- --- J BEFORE -------------------------------- -----in and for --County, Texas, o-i this day personally appeared wirr. of g�,jit d -------------- --- , _J..1L.Ha, r known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said -------------- S.E t.----Haggard ---------- acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she land willingly signed the ,a.mp for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retrw:t it. GIVEN UNDER M HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, JP id _._day .-JAns, ---.—A. . 192 (L. L Co ty .T Notary Publit for-.Den ton__C_ounty_j,_T THE STATE OF TEXASP BEFOREME. .................................................................... County I ...........................................in and for....... .. ............ ........................................................... ...................County, Texas, on this dny personally appeared ...........................I...........I——........... ...........I................................... ........... ....................................I.............and................................. .................................................................."his wife, both known to me to be the persons whop., names are subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the inme for the purposes and consideration theicIn t-ipressed, and tho said........................................... ...................wife of the %aid...................... ...........................................................................- ......I............................................liaving beat examined by me privity and apnrt frLM her husband and havh,- the same fullyexplained to her, she, tbo said.._........................................................................................ ................................................ acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she W willingly signed the same for the purposes and tonsidoratlon therein expresoci, and that cie did not wish to retract it LIVEN UNIAR bjy HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE This..._.......................day of......................................A. D. 102, JL. S.) ...................I..........................—............................. ......................................................................................... THE STATE OF TEXAE, ...... .... ........... County of .......... ... . . ..... ---------) .. Clerk of the Count� Court If said Cuuntyo do hereby certify that the foregoing Instrument of writing jai __ ' A D, 192'1..-with its Ccrtiffento of At0intication, was filed for ed on the.16.-..-6'Ay00f._. ---- ----------- IV_3..at__LJDL__o'clock record In my office on the day o 111A&V a duly qcorded this .1-1 --day of. ........... .... ..... o'clock-.&N. nd __Records of said ou n t Y',71 olume l)-.... , on ess my hand and real of the County Court of said County, at office In-....J-0 JA�:& Ivitn A the day and year last above written. A.&A-_ Clerk County Court,-. County.j Texas ........... ... (LI 13y......................................... ................Deputy L4, o o �� �" "' I I � •1 ,� 9 � I � E j j � ' �j� ` � I11 �r y �I ' ol 0 j y,� y ! :' t o .. E UL S r , 1 1i ppp ^� `d,✓d �C�ZRi�t� ,� t V , 1 e Ii 4 Anthnnl open typo meal %-Ith eushlon and Lark red for Med•I AA Tracts Codes N'UKIY ,? t ya �J IN THE MATTER OF THE THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Denton. 4 being duly sworn,says that he is toe 414a ..manager of the tom+ Record-Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation which S,.t3 ban continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year In the County f Denton, "texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was o"blished irs tY ,^.,+i, , sWa.� (t � said paper as folloivd: , P / day o! First Insertion... .... .... _ +� %Fr .y r ._.. .. _. .. 14 V. Second Insertion. .. + ..... __ . _ . day ofd% � f Third Insertion . ... .. .. .. _,. _ . .. . _ . . day of. . .. .. _ . . 19.2 _ Fourth Insertion... .......... day of . ., __ l9 ......... Subscrilxd and two to before me, this._.. ... - .. . ... day of__.. D..��p.. .. . ..... . 19.2, Witness my hand and official seed. <e:{ ....' �'•.. . ' ...�..>:� �...,..................... Notary Public# Denton County, Texas. f i I UU File No PROtt 1T1 {pe tJ8$ J Y } 1 e ZAg RESTR C »bra se Y - Rte8T6F ,vt¢ PER IN THE MATTER OF THE ,� ecin}ib<P O _. . . .. . _ t3Eo terpFzolbRl�tTtllci �, lift.i 7At' �n CI Y O fxrb 2t`C Rn"b i% b riviee,wim tisb hPoM� YON l te, he gam' `` Lh to or u a s�dat ww Xtpit �,mats cnted In th City Par1c pf the dt AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHER TO it shad �� !of Denton. gip 1 h tNttlQ•qbe rr It! boat or an eNo, o� Pe da f ' W�, W PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE, rto a moeorr,n at anoe..ot, MAI o�w 1W 11% Y`Plfrk bI -0 of Dcntda, f q! of throw b In a Filed the .. ... . ..dayj ii;il be�tsniew i' ' r' "r?: �. ,yoioee;ch � eb W do a 4q ft4 ... .. ... ._ ... .. 19 w 'to e. o Mk 4 C ' toy _ to 'a e y a ae t By._ -_ Deputy. ��_�,iliehlt,�brt"ha i u1 0 �sAsi' litrke➢,°a,°o}*; oMlidi� w 5d�;G'rnsih'n of e a kwe p n, exbae,tt. / for!!u( raon or c �er13 ' tldt� Ins, x .t eft l oab�ts� y t ol,e \Cl ot6ee as,y :j� tee ifb��#ei`, nat h� to b{tter i1l;usyeaka fgbt, ls6r �t� �ad,1 qy f o yCJ 1 ' 1 ' . r ' �; r � ' �� Torm 9019 9600-E•fi � K . ......_ ��_;_ ...... Term, f 2 / 192 ..._._.._---.—__....._ In consideration of the sum of__.__l:ter._..__._ _ c ri..------._ Dollars, to me in hand paid, permission is hereby granted 1_C521 a private Y corporat[on of Texas, to locate, establish and maintain, on lands owned by me, and described as follows:_."_% One Ouy attached to And extending West from Pole 2/21 at survey station 96 plug, PB1 said.(iuy•-Daing..looa ted •b9 fast •South-20--degrease.-02-Uisnxtaa-West•o!- tra,ffoSUt14----- Northeast corner on West line of highway,and located on land of mrs.H,Stiff in the such anchorages and guys as are necessary to safeguard the construction and operation of an Electric Transmission Line, where it passes adjacent to, or across my above described land in its course between .. .....Denton_8ubstation_.._, Texas, and_Some_9r1c's_Qom4a w.plant_.....-..., 7M, Said guys or anchor. ages being attached as a permanent part of what is designated by said TVUV MOr_&-light_Os2apatt —. + as Pole on its located and constructed line between above described 1, points. The casement hereby granted shall be a covenant running wit said land. Signed:k2:1.110 _................__. ....._..._._.._.... ...... 1vit:,essed: A V 8 _ Z N THE STATE OF TEXAS, c' � BEFORE ME,.....t`...`'.......C...N__.,,{, ..._..„_..... w.ww«.w....wwLw««.w... _.Coon,y, a Notory Pyblic In and for_ `t .`.:.':—.Cauntr, Texas, on this day personally appe,red JA4.4 .- �EG known to me to be the person., "hone name b. .46e.. rlgned' to the foregoing conveyance, and ack- 6owledged to 4 .......eaeeuted the same for the purpose and ll consideration herein i��eeiSed" GIVE!'. `UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, T'hisr.ti9..... �otlty pul, (/ —7—...... d blkj Cettae i",1a."rpw«��..�++lYwxio+aurwww...r..a......r.wr..r.a_«..rat. w,....e...,w.«...«... ..v._,a ...... ... .... .._ . .. ..,..:,.._. ... ... . . ., ... , . .w��rwrl+:r..w...w .. •...,..�..;.Tmn.n;� c,',.t,wr.,s;.....,-.s. p.s ......,. . ..r •..' .... a .r ..•`:`.S7 �'!+"fi'��r . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD eii i�o�f Alan i 1 y y I,JACK CNRIS'fAl., C'ler4of the Count Cnurt in and lot ssld county, do ,..w..,.....w.. ............ ' hereby wisi :hat the foregoing Instrument of erlting, wish Its certiArste...,.of authentlra+ion %so Aled for re- person "b61111 tlarne to t tors the,, ...day of d t. A. D. 192 ..7 , at .,�.,..,.., a'Clork .. 1, . . M. and duly land lirtng the some recorded the y 13gi1 io k A .. . .kf,, In veyince to be her ecl 23, d. o+ ,_... A Gt A. U.U, Iv3?. at .10 a4>� Vo ume" of the..,. Records X16,. Qa e. �2�..... De9ti. ° and eh l she fid flat of Denton County, Taus. ilgM ss my hand and goal of otyica at Denton, Teau, the day and year lau abort nrhtea, fty ,.. Deputy, ('lerk�ol the C�ounyB'�n�un,, Denton Co., 'FeKas ' �,..,.,.. ,_..,.,.,.- �.V......_.�.r.,,... ...-.,..,.,__ _ .. ,__ _",._.r_ .....,....,.,..........,,.»,......,.+......R.�,�,�,.vw�........,,.Caunly, 'Y'etiti o 0 6 r c fl "r t r t 0 A. ITH�E�STATE OF TEXAS, 11 � ■ Notoy Pyblk In and for_,w.w CounIf, Texas, on this day personalty appeared191-4� ' w „„„......known to me to be the persona whose name 6._.Qie._ signed' to the foregoing conveyance, and ack. rawiedged to me, IAat .. .....w„execuud the some for the purpose and eunsideration herein iipS 'sed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SE AL OF OFFIC E, ThIe..l..„..p 1 �d/a _ A. D. 97.2 U Public, ...w. ;.County, Tens. THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 } BEFORE M4... w,.w .......ww..w..w.............. J wwww.w�w,. www..ww.............w.w.w.Ca son ty. L Notary Public In and forr.www„ w...... _ ....w. .,_County, Tau, on this day pe-r +sally ' Hwwwwuu.wwwl.w ....w.w„relfa of aril ...w.w.Www..w w..w, .....w. ... . w....» .ww.....wwww„...lnown to me to be she person whose name is tubacrlbed to the foregoing conveyance, and having been by me exao'aed privily and sport from her husband, and Airing the Isms fully espialned to her, she, the sold.„,............... ......w....w....„..„....................w w.....w..,acknow}edged such eonvoya.tee to be her set tied deed, and dr:,ared that she had w411ng1y signed the :arse for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she Iid not ' + rrlah to tetrad It P OVEN UNDER MY ►BAND AND SEAI, Or OFFICE, This. .....................day of...w....... . www..wwww A D. ............ w.wwwww..ww .Nottrf Public, wCourtly, Trait.